USA Mein Group Chudai( Part 1) free porn video

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Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at

So here is todays story,,,,,,,,,,,,

The reader will recall that on my return from England (for more arousing time read ‘Rama, the adulteress), I had given up my nine to five job and set up shop of my own. After 18 months of hard work I could afford to relax. So I decided to take a short holiday. Early next morning, packing a small bag, I set out in my car to drive down a holiday resort about 200 miles away.

On arrival I went to the best hotel in town ‘The Vacation Inn’. There was no one behind the reception counter. I waited. Just then a young lady with two small children, a girl of 8 and a boy of about 6 in tow, came and stood next to me.

The reception clerk appeared, ‘Good morning welcome to The Vacation Inn sir. Can I help you?

‘A double room please. Sahebji is my name.’ I replied. I like sleeping on a large bed and God willing I might have company.

The lady said, ‘Also one room for me and the children’.

The clerk said, ‘Just a moment please’ and disappeared again into the back room.

While waiting I turned to look at the lady. She was down on her haunches with her back towards me tying the laces of the young lad with her. Her sari was tightly wrapped round her butt underlining every sexy curve of her tight backside. This scene gave me an instant hard on. My immediate reaction was to see more of her, squeeze her tight ass and to fuck her if possible.

As I was fantasizing about how it would feel to hold her in my arms, the reception clerk reappeared jingling two keys in his hand. ‘Will rooms 717 and 719 be all right sir? He asked pushing a registration form towards me, ‘just write your name on the top and sign it sir. I will fill out the rest. Breakfast is at present being served in the dining room’ then looking at his watch he added, ‘they close at ten sharp that is in forty-five minutes. If you hurry you can still make it. Breakfast and all meals are included in the room tariff’.

Taking one key from him the lady asked, ‘Don’t I require to register also?’

‘No ma’am one registration is all we need’, he replied politely.

The lady shrugged, ‘Suit yourself’ and walked towards the lift.

The reception clerk instructed a bellboy to show us to our rooms then turning to us he said, ‘Enjoy your stay at The Vacation Inn’.

In the lift I looked at the lady more carefully. She was very pretty. She was about 26/27 years old, 5′ 6″ tall, slim with a near perfect figure. Her boobs, like her ass were hard and very well shaped. Her hair were done up in the latest style. A pearl string adorned her swan like neck enhancing her beauty. From her expensive clothes it was evident that she was from a well to do family. I assumed that she was married, because the girl and the boy with her were apparently her children, though I could not see any sindoor (vermilion powder) in her hair.

One can’t start too early I thought, ‘It seems we are going to be neighbors. We might as well get acquainted. My name is Saheb Sahebji and you are? I said with my most charming smile (I think). The beauty looked me in the eye but did not reply and did not even spare a glance towards my outstretched hand.

As we neared our rooms she said to the bellboy, ‘This, this and this piece in room 719 please’ and walked ahead towards her room pulling the children behind her. When the bellboy unloaded the luggage I noticed that by mistake he had unloaded two of her suitcases in my room. I did not point out his error, as it would give me another opportunity to talk to my pretty neighbor. Pleased with his mistake I tipped him handsomely and shooed him off.

Few minutes later I peeped out into the corridor. My pretty neighbor was anxiously pacing up and down. ‘Is something amiss?’ I asked.

For a moment I thought she is not going to reply but she said, ‘I am waiting for my luggage. God knows what the bellboy has done with it?’

‘How can your luggage be missing? I distinctly recall that he brought all our bags together’ I said.

‘That is exactly what I thought’ she replied getting more annoyed.

‘Hey, maybe he left your bags in my room’ I said and opened the door, ‘come in and have a look’

She hesitated but the young fellow ran in. ‘Mommy they are here’ he shouted from within.

Purposefully she strode in, ‘Yes he is right. These two are mine. How stupid these people are? I even told him which suitcases go in my room’ she complained.

‘It is not his fault’ I said, ‘he must have thought we were a family and when you told him about your cases he must have got mixed up’.

‘A family? How could he think that? I can’t understand, why good hotels of this standard employ such nerds’ she decreed.

‘Why single him out, even the reception clerk thought we were married. That is why he has given us two rooms with a connecting door, so that we can keep tabs on our children even at night’ I explained with a smile.

She blushed, ‘He is a bigger nerd. Now I understand why he said that one registration is all he required’.

‘Don’t be so hasty in judging him. He saw two young people with two small children standing before him. He assumed we were a married. Such things happen’ I said.

‘He has no business of assuming things’ she said trying to pick up her suitcases, ‘I must return to my room now’.

‘Please let me help’ I offered.

‘No thank you. I can manage’ she said giving her bags all she had but could not even budge them.

‘Please allow me you lead the way. I will bring them’ I said.

When in her room I again said, ‘Don’t you think we should introduce ourselves? I am Saheb Sahebji and you?

For a brief moment I thought she is going to ignore my gesture again but reluctantly she said, ‘My name is Razia Khan. This is my daughter Shabnam and this little rascal is Rashid’.

‘Pleased to meet you Razia. Hello Miss Shabnam’ then stretching out my hand, ‘and how are you doing today Mr. Rashid?’ Razia nodded her acknowledgment, Shabnam blushed prettily and Rashid pulled himself to his full height said, ‘Thank you sir very well’.

Introductions over I walked towards the door. Halfway down the room I said, ‘Bye, see you at breakfast’

Razia did not reply but I heard Rashid say as I pulled the door shut, ‘Mommy did you hear what he said? He called me Mr. Rashid. I like uncle Sahebji’ then turning to his sister he added, ‘What about you appa (elder sister)?’. Shabnam did not reply to his question but Razia did, ‘Shut up you little rascal. Go and wash your face and brush your teeth’.

While I shaved and showered just the thought of her made me shiver, ‘Burr is she cold’ and after further thought came to the conclusion that the only way to thaw this iceberg was through her children. I must pay special attention to them and make them like me’. Actually this should not be very difficult, as I enjoyed the company of children and usually they seemed to like me

The dining room was full. I stood looking for an empty table when suddenly a young thing in the uniform of a waitress appeared from nowhere, ‘Sir would you like some breakfast?’

I nodded, ‘Yes please’.

‘Please follow me’ she said and led the way, ‘A table for…..?’

‘Four please’ I said and prayed under my breath ‘I hope’.

She led me to a table at the far end of the room overlooking the garden. ‘Here you are sir’ she said swiftly removing the reserved sign from the table.

‘What would you like sir’ she asked handing me a menu.

Without consulting the menu I asked, ‘Do you have any fresh fruit juice?’

‘Yes sir we have fresh grape juice, grapefruit juice, orange juice and choice of fresh fruit. If you prefer juice then I recommend the fresh orange juice. Try it, it is very good’ she recommended.

‘Okay bring me a large glass of fresh orange juice followed by two fried eggs sunny side up, toast etc. and a pot of strong hot tea’.

‘Yes sir would you like me to serve your order now or would you like to wait for the others?’ she asked.

‘Bring the juice now and hold the rest’ I replied.

‘Thank you sir’ she said and disappeared.

Two minutes later she brought the juice. ‘Here you are sir. I am sure you will enjoy it’ she said with a smile.

‘I am sure I will Shanti’ I said reading the nametag pinned on her ample breast.

‘Thank you sir. Should you require anything else then just call me’ she said and moved away to a respectable distance from the table.

Shanti was around 22 years old, slim, not too tall but with nice features and real big tits. She had a dazzling smile. Several times I noticed her staring at me intently and for no apparent reason she would blush and then smile shyly to herself.

As I drank the juice and admired this girl, I saw Razia enter with her two kids. I raised my hand to draw her attention. She saw my signal and chose to ignore it but Rashid did not.

‘Come mommy, there is uncle Sahebji’ he shouted and ran towards me. Reluctantly Razia followed dragging Shabnam behind her.

‘Please join me’ I requested getting up.

She looked around helplessly and with a shrug said, ‘Might as well’.

Rashid was already seated on my right. Shabnam sat on my left and Razia took the chair opposite me. After she had settled down Shanti appeared, ‘Good morning madam. What would you like for breakfast?’ she said handing her a menu.

Razia studied the fare for some minutes, ‘The children will have a bowl of porridge, two fried eggs with toast, butter, marmalade and a large glass of hot milk each. I will have some toast and tea please’.

‘Try the fresh orange juice it is very good’ I said.

‘That’s all’ she said to Shanti turning a deaf ear to my recommendation.

‘Oh mommy I don’t want porridge’ Rashid pleaded.

‘Quiet young man you know you have to eat your porridge’ she said sternly.

‘But mommy you know I don’t like porridge, I want juice’ he persisted.

‘Maybe later after you have finished your breakfast’ she said.

Breakfast was a silent affair. Several times I tried to start a conversation but was unceremoniously snubbed.

Rashid was making heavy weather with his porridge. Razia tried coaxing, threatening and bribing him but without making any headway. At last she threw up her arms in despair, ‘What am I to do with this stubborn boy? He is as obstinate as his father. I give up, do what you like but remember this is the last time I bring you with me on a holiday’.

‘May I try that is if you permit?’ I asked.

She stared at me for few seconds and shrugged her shoulders, ‘Be my guest. It can’t do any harm can it?’

I whispered few words in his ear. Rashid nodded vigorously. ‘Son then be a good boy and eat your porridge’ I said aloud.

‘Yes sir’ Rashid replied and dug into the porridge.

In no time he went through the whole bowl. With admiration in her eyes Razia said, ‘My, my I had heard of miracles happening but I am seeing one for the first time. Even his father could not make him eat his porridge with such speed. Sahebji what did you say to him?’

‘Shall I tell her?’ I asked Rashid. He shook his head and with his mouth full of egg and toast mumbled, ‘No it is our secret’.

‘Sorry Razia, it is our secret’ I said with a laugh.

The ice was now broken.

While we finished our breakfast, from the corner of my eye I could see Shanti hovering around the table. If I had not set my sights on Razia then I would surely have tried to bed Shanti. ‘Maybe who knows I might still get an opportunity later’ I thought.

After breakfast we strolled into the garden. It was a beautiful day. The winter sun was mild. It was very pleasant to sit out. We sat together overlooking an artificial lake. During our conversation, I told her that I was single and a free lance commercial artist and asked, ‘How come you are taking a holiday without your husband?’

‘I am not married’ she said. ‘What you are not married but these children….’ surprised I blurted. Realizing how she had sounded she blushed. ‘No, no nothing like that. I was married but now I am divorced. Thank God’.

‘Was it that bad?’ I asked.

‘Worse. After a long intense legal battle, I was able to secure my divorce last month. I decided that I deserved a holiday to recover from that ordeal and here we are’ she said with nervous laugh.

Then she looked at her watch, ‘Come children time for your studies’.

‘Studies? On a holiday?’ I asked raising an eyebrow.

‘The schools are not closed and the children will be missing classes. We agreed that we would study for two hours daily. Didn’t we children?’ both Shabnam and Rashid nodded and followed her inside.

‘See you at lunch’ I shouted after her and waited with bated breath for her reply. She turned her head and smiled then nodded. I congratulated myself at the little progress I had made in my project of ‘Fucking of Razia’.

Before I could say Jack Robinson Shanti was there, ‘Sir would you care for an aperitif before lunch?’ Apparently she had been watching us.

‘Yes a bottle of cold beer please’ I ordered.

When she left I thought, ‘Isski harkaton se lagta hai yeh lardki chudwana chahati hai. Agar Razia ko chodene ka kaam nahin bana tau isse hee ko chod kar chutti ka mazaa loonga. Iss ko bhi phasa kar rakhna theek hoga (From her behavior it seems this girl wants to be screwed. If I don’t succeed with Razia then I will fuck her and make my holiday more enjoyable. Best would be to keep her in good humor also)’.

Soon Shanti was back, ‘Here you are sir. I have brought some nuts to go with it?’ she said placing the bottle of beer and a large bowl of monkey nuts on the table.

‘Thank you, very kind of you. Shanti. Do you know that you are very pretty?’ I said. She turned beet root red. ‘Thank you sir. Should you require anything, just anything I am always at your service’ she said giving me a dazzling smile.

At lunch when Razia came in with the children I was already seated at the table waiting for them. I pushed the sign reading ‘Reserved for Mr. and Mrs. Sahebji and family’ towards her, ‘See what did I tell you even the dining room staff thinks we are husband and wife’.

‘My God is everyone employed in this hotel stupid? She said getting irritated and muttered to herself, ‘I think I will have to do something about it’.

My move to make her think about her marriage and chudai (fucking) had boomeranged. This was a big set back to my plan. ‘What if the hotel allots her a separate table? I will not have such easy access to her company’ I thought and tried to retrieve the situation. ‘Let them think what they want to as long as we know what the reality is’. Razia did not respond.

Razia again had difficulty with Rashid. This time it was the greens. Rashid did not like them and wouldn’t eat them. Razia looked beseechingly at me, ‘Sahebji please try drilling some sense into his head and make him eat the green vegetables’.

‘Rashid remember what I told you in the morning?’ He nodded.

‘Then be a good boy and eat your greens’ I said. Reluctantly Rashid started to eat them.

‘God Sahebji you are a marvel’ Razia said admiringly.

After lunch I saw Razia talking to the reception. I thought that instead of my intention of fucking Razia I had screwed the ‘Project fucking of Razia’ and maybe it was time to launch ‘Operation Shanti’. When she came back hoping for a miracle I asked, ‘So you told them that we were not married and asked for a separate table?’

Blushing she said, ‘No I did not tell them that. I had wanted to but changed my mind. The children eat so much better with you around’. I made a mental note to buy Rashid some chocolates.

Till after lunch the next day nothing of importance happened except that Shanti’s behavior had become more suggestive. While serving Shanti bent low in a manner that I had a clear view of her huge boobs.

After lunch I saw Razia talking to the reception again. This time the conversation did not look as amicable as it was yesterday. She looked angry and was waving her hands around, as the clerk patiently explained to her whatever it was.

Suddenly she turned and came towards us, the children and me. ‘God this hotel is really the pits’ she said angrily.

‘Now what has happened?’ I asked.

‘Yesterday I asked them if they had a crŠche. They said yes they had one and it is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. but today when I wanted to leave the children there, they tell me that it is closed today because the lady who runs it has reported sick. I don’t know what to do now?’ she said getting more annoyed.

‘Why do you need to leave the children in the crŠche?’ I inquired.

‘In half an hour I have an appointment with a famous hairdresser in town. I took the appointment yesterday thinking I could leave the children at the crŠche. After a lot of persuasion he gave me this appointment at short notice as a big favor to me. If I cancel it, then he will not be able to take me for another two weeks and by then I won’t be here. God what a mess’ she said in desperation.

‘Your hair look great to me’ I said but seeing the ‘you men’ look in her eyes hastily added, ‘why don’t you visit the one in the hotel normally they are also top class?’

‘My friend was here last month she told me that they were no good. She said the one in town is a little expensive but the best. Now I will have to miss my appointment. Thanks to this stupid hotel’ she said dejectedly.

‘I tell you what Razia. You go ahead and keep your appointment and I will look after the children. What do you say guys?’ Shabnam remained silent and looked at Razia but Rashid shouted excitedly, ‘Yes mommy please’.

‘Really Sahebji you will do this for me?’ she inquired.

‘Of course I will do anything but in this case for a small reward later’ I said with a smile.

She stared at me. I could hear her mind ticking. Then she came to a decision, ‘Okay agreed. You will get your small reward when I return’ stressing the word small.

Everything settled she hurried to keep her appointment and I took the children out into the garden. All afternoon I played with them whatever they wanted. Later some other children came and the children joined them. I relaxed on a bench but kept an eye on them.

At about six Razia returned. After exchanging a few words with the kids she walked up to me, ‘How do I look?’ she asked.

‘Razia you always looked beautiful to me but now you look stunning’ I said with a smile.

She blushed prettily, ‘Thank you sir. It was made possible by you. I am grateful to you for keeping an eye on my brood’.

‘Lady just thanks are not enough. You promised me a reward, remember? I said grinning devilishly.

‘Yes I did promise you a reward but a small one remember. What would you like?’ she said again stressing the word small.

‘Not much, just a kiss’ I said.

‘Now? Here in front of everyone?’ she asked surprised.

‘Not here but there’ I said pointing to some tall bushes ten yards away, ‘no one will see us. It is also getting dark and the bushes will give us ample protection from prying eyes’.

‘Okay let us get it over’ she said and strode towards the bushes.

Once behind the bushes I took her in my arms and she raised her face. I placed my lips on her lips. Then pulling her to me I started to kiss her passionately. At first she struggled to free herself from my grip then her body melted against mine. Her mouth opened and our tongues fought the battle of the tongues. With one arm I held her tightly against my body and with the other hand I pressed her bottoms to my crotch rubbing my hard on against her choot (cunt). After several minutes when we came up for air we were gasping for air.

She made no effort to withdraw herself from my arms. I again kissed her but this time tenderly. She sighed audibly. With my free hand I squeezed her beautiful boobs. As soon as she felt my hand on her tits she pushed me away from her and looked accusingly at me, ‘Aapne meri chuchi kyon dabayi isski tau koyi baat nahin huyi thi? (Why did you press my tits this was not part of the bargain?)’

Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at

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Dear all, I am regular reader of iss, and lots of stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in usa, specially in california, who want to have sex with me can mail me at or call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time SO HERE THE STORY STARTS, I FUCKED A GIRL RIYA, BUT FOR 15 DAYS SHE DISAPPEARED, To doston yeh hai aage ki kahani.. Us din jaane ke bad 15 days tak riya ka ki phone...

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Train Mein Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi dosto main aap sab ka chahita karan ek bar fir hazir hoon ek nayi story lekar. Jinko mere bare mein nahi pata unko bata doon ki mein jammu ka rehne wala hun with 5 10 ht and strong built and very attractive looks mere lund 6.5 lamba aur 2.5 mota hai aur kisi bhi female ki tassali ke liye kafi hai agar koi bhi ladki bhabhi ya aunty mujhse sex karne mein interested hai to do mail me at Baat pichle mahine ki hai jab mujhe achanak delhi jana pad gaya maine apne frnd ko ek delhi ki ticket...

4 years ago
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DSC Client Se Mulakaat Chudai Mein Badli

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

1 year ago
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IIT Mumbai Mein Chudai Jari

I am Daksh Kashyap, a student of IIT in Mumbai. Please read before reading this because this one is a continuation. Pichli kahani mein maine bataya ki kis tarah maine college ke first year mein Aasima aur Sakshi ki chudai ki. Sakshi se breakup ke bad maine Aasima se fir contact kiya par uski bhi B.Sc. complete ho chuki thi aur woh ghar chali gayi thi. Ab second year mein fir se main single reh gaya tha. Lekin mujhe sex ki adat ho gayi thi toh maine socha ki is bar college mein hi kisi bandi ko...

4 years ago
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Parivar Mein Sabko Khush Kiya 8211 Part 3 Chachi Ki Chudai

Hey guys! Here I am, back with the 3rd part of my story series ‘Parivar Mein Sabko Khush Kiya’. I got a great response for the previous 2 parts. I hope you enjoy the this part too about chachi ki chudai. So without wasting much time lets get started. So as I have written in the first 2 parts how it all started with my bua Preeti. Now in this part I will tell you how the second lady comes in the story, my hot milf chachi Swati. It is about one night. Preeti had to do some work so we were not...

4 years ago
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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela 8211 Part 23 Bus Mein Chudai

Hello dosto, asha hai aap log thik honge. Main, aapka dost Kartik ek baar fir meri Mallu mummy Leela ki ek aur chudai ki kahani leke aaya hu. Jin bhi logo ne meri stories ko like kiya aur mujhe emails, aur hangout par videos aur messages bheje, un logo ka bohut shukriya. Aap to jaante hi meri Mallu mummy Leela ek south Indian maal hai. Unke figure ko dekhke kisika bhi lund khada ho jaata hai. Meri mummy ke boobs is umar bhi kadak hai aur unke blouse ko phaad ke bahar aane ke liye hamesha ready...

4 years ago
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Meri Pehli Chudai Woh Bhi Saal Mein

Sabhi ko mera pranam mein ek ladka meri umar 18 saal ki hai mein apni kahani apke samne bayan karne jaa rahi hu mein pehle apna parichay karati hu mein ek ache bade ghar ki ladki (lady boy) hu, real life mein, mein ek ladka hu par bacpan se hi muje lagta tha ki mein ladki jaise hu. Muje bacpan se hi ladkiyon ke kapde pehne ki aadat thi, waise meri kad kati bhi koi sundar ladki se kam nahi hai. Mere boobs bhi 33 size ke hai, meri kamar 26 aur meri gand takriban 35 ki ho juki hai ab. Mere...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 5

Subah Asha uthkar jaane ko taiyar hui. Mohsin bhi uth gaya aur taxi stand chhodne ke liye taiyar ho gaya. Mohsin, “Ab kya karogi?” Asha, “Agar woh theek se mile gentleman ki tarah request ki, to main unhein photo delete karne ko kahungi. Aur kya pata tumhare future ke khatir unki request maan bhi lun. Unhone agar jyada blackmail karne ki koshish ki to fir unhein theek se bataungi.” Mohsin, “Ab aage main kya karu?” Asha ne Mohsin ke lips par intimate kiss kiya aur uski ankhon mein dekh kar...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 5

Subah Asha uthkar jaane ko taiyar hui. Mohsin bhi uth gaya aur taxi stand chhodne ke liye taiyar ho gaya. Mohsin, “Ab kya karogi?” Asha, “Agar woh theek se mile gentleman ki tarah request ki, to main unhein photo delete karne ko kahungi. Aur kya pata tumhare future ke khatir unki request maan bhi lun. Unhone agar jyada blackmail karne ki koshish ki to fir unhein theek se bataungi.” Mohsin, “Ab aage main kya karu?” Asha ne Mohsin ke lips par intimate kiss kiya aur uski ankhon mein dekh kar...

1 year ago
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Delhi Mein Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudai

Hi Dosto Mera naam deep age30 aur mein delhi k lajpat nagar ka rahne wala hu. Humara household iteams ka kaam hai. Story shuru karne se pahle mein ye batana chahta hu ki yeek sachi kahani hai jo meri aur mere sage mama ki beti k beech ki hai Uska naam Sonam hai aur vo 28 saal ki hai .uski shaadi ko bhi 6 saal ho gaye hai aur ab uske 2 bete bhi hai. Sonam aur main bachpan se hi ek dusre k bohot aache dost the. Hum ek dusre se saari baatein share karte the. Sonam ko humare ghar k sabhi log bohot...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Mein Asha Ki Yaadgaar Chudai 8211 Part 2

First part mein aapne padha ki kaise Asha aur main Chandigarh gaye. Fir dinner ke waqt kaise use do Nigerians ne apne saath night out ke liye chalne ko taiyar kiya. Aage ka part Asha ne mujhe baad mein bataya. Woh Asha ko lekar sector 22 ke kisi hotel mein gaye. Unhone wahan ke reception par kisi ko bulane ko kaha. Thodi der mein woh wahan pahuncha. Woh ek doosre ko jaante the. Us aadmi ne Asha ko upar se neeche tak dekha aur keys lekar room par le gaya. Room theek tha, bohut bada nahi, par...

3 years ago
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sasu ji ki chudai udaipur mein

Hi,mein Ajay apni doosri kahani aap ke liye laya kahani meri sasuji nirmala ki hai.meri saas ko haath mein problem hone ki wajah se mere sasurji ne udaipur saasuji ko check-up ke liye mere saath bheja.Hum dono bus mein ek hi seat par baithe the subah 6 baje the aur sardiyon ke din the.mein sasuji ko mummy ji bolta hoon.mummyji aur meine shawl dal rakhi thi.mein bus mein sone ki koshish kar raha tha lekin subah ka samay hone ki wajah se mujhe nind nahi aa rahi thi aur mera lund achanak...

2 years ago
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IIT Placement Preparation Mein Chudai

Hi, this is Daksh Kashyap again, graduated from IIT Mumbai. Please read my previous stories because this is continuation of my life at IIT.  Chaliye, kahani ko aage badhate hai. Ab main 4th year mein tha. Internship mein Anamika aur Himani ki khub chudai ki thi jiske karan padhai lagbhag chhut gaya tha. Par placement December mein hone wala tha to uski preparation bhi jaruri thi. Us din ke bad se Bidisha ko bhi maine block kar diya tha. College aane pe sex ki need hui to maine use unblock kiya....

4 years ago
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Diu Mein Chudai

Hi, This is Daksh Kashyap, a student of IIT Mumbai. My age is 21 and height is 5’7″. Pichle story mein maine bataya tha ki kis tarah maine internship mein Himani ki chudai ki. Usme maine Anamika ko bhi introduce kiya tha. Anamika IIT Delhi se thi. Par originally Kolkata se thi. Height short thi par uske boobs aur gaand kafi bade the. Figure 34-30-36 to hoga hi. Uska boyfriend tha college mein esiliye maine try nahi kiya use chodne ki. Internship ke start se hi Mujhe Himani mil gayi thi jise...

1 year ago
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Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at Alternatively, call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time SO HERE IS THE STORY, WHICH IS NARRATED BY MY EX-WIFE, I AM NOW DIVORCED NOW, AND LOOKING TO MARRY AGAIN, SO HERE U GOES………. One of our clients came down...

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Pune Ki Hotel Mein Jabardast Chudai

Hi friends mera naam Rahul he aur mein Bangalore mein rahta hun. Ye kahani 2 mahine purani he jab mein office ke kaam se Pune gaya hua tha. Wahan mera ek friend apne wife ke sath rahta he to mene uuse contact kiya. Hum log airport par hi mile aur fir mein mere hotel chala gaya. Ye kahani uusi hotel ki hi he, hotel naam gupt rakhna pasand karunga kyun ki ladki wahin par receptionist he. Mein hotel mein check in kiya reception mein ek mast ladki khadi thi height karif 5.7 hogi 34 D 26 32 ka...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai Unhi K Ghar Beauty Parlor Mein

Hi friends mera naam farid khan hai or mein mumbai se hun mera email id hai or comment kare k meri story kaisi lagi or mumbai ki sabhi ladki ya bhabi ko chudwana ho toh mujhe mail karein mein wada karta hun sab private rahega toh mein aapka tym waste naa karte hue bata dun k yeh meri chachi ki story hai pehle mere baare mein batata hun height 5.8 hai gora brown hair brown eyes lund ka size 8.3 inch lamba or 3 inch mota hai or meri chachi ka naam amreen hai unki height 5 ft hai rang gora grey...

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Jiju Ne Ki Mast Chudai 8211 Part 4 Didi Ke Room Mein Chudayi

Hello friends main Rajni, meri story ka agla part lekar hajir hu. Meri didi pregnant thi toh main uske paas gayi thi uski dekh bhal karne. Ab Didi hospital mein this kyunki unki delivery ho chuki thi. Ghar wapas ane wali haiMagar yeh ab pata chala ki didi ek din pahle hi ane wali hai, munne ko lekar. Aaj to maza karna tha ye sab kya ho gaya lekin kya kar sakte the. To jiju aunty aur didi aa gaye the ghar pe munne ko lekar. Jiju ka mood bhi off tha. Kyuki woh bhi aaj raat meri jam kar chudai...

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Gaon Mein Ammi Ki Mast Chudai

Sare log ghr ke angan mein jama the. Shaadi ki taiyari ho rahi thi aur aaj mehndi ka program tha. Sari aurtein aur kuch mard jo management ke liye aae the taiyar hoke angan mein sab se hasi mazaak kar rahe the. Yahan itne log jama the ke kaun kahan gai kisi ko uski khabar nhi thi. Gaon mein ab bhi 90s ke jaise pointed bra ka fashion chalta tha, jisko bullet bra byi kehte the. Sari aurtein bullet bra hi pehni hi. Iski wajah se unke bable pehle se bade aue bhare hue nazar aa rahe the. Inhi aurton...

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Hanumangarh K Pool Mein Geete Aur Meeta Ki Zabardast Chudai 8211 Part 7

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.main iti krta hun.ek young lady geeta jo bahut hot thi uske saath sex ki ye satvin kahani kahani mein uski judwan sister meeta aur Geeta ko pool mein chudai ki kahani hai… subah jab aankh khuli to him teeno nange hi soye pade the.unko jgaya.wo dono jaag gai…geeta chaye bnane lagi…maine meeta ko pakad kr bed pr kheench liya..uske gaal pr kiss kr diya.. Meeta-darling….fresh hoker aati hu…fir sare din chodna..ok Usne ek kiss mere gaal pr ki aur...

1 year ago
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Friend Ki Chudai Uske Ger Mein

Hi mera naam kamal hai mein yamunanagar haryana ka rhne wala hu meri age 21 saal hai ye kahani meri or meri friend ki hai uska naam riya hai riya bhut hi sunder hai riya chandigarh mein rhti hai uska fig hai 30 28 32 vo 20 saal ki hai Baat tab ki hai jab mein chandigarh mein d.A.V collage sec 12 mein study kerta tha tab vo meri class mein padti thi hum ache friend ban gye the pura pura din sath mein rhte the meinr kabi uske baare mein galt nahi socha tha ek din usne mujh se kaha k kamal mujse...

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IIT Preparation Kota Mein Amisha Ki Chudai

Hii, this is Daksh Kashyap, graduated from IIT Bombay. Please read my last story jisme maine bataya ki kaise maine mere papa ki friend ki beti Prachi ki chut aur gand mari. Ye kahani bhi Kota mein mere IIT preparation ki hi hai. Jab main Kota gaya tha to mera admission Allen ke 7th batch mein hua tha. Usi batch mein ek ladki thi-Amisha, jo bahut hi sunder thi. Waise to suit-salwar dress tha Allen ka, par usme bhi woh khatarnak bomb lagti thi. Uski height 5’6″ tha aur zero figure size. Meri...

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Train Mein Mili Virgin Ki Chudai

Hi, This is Daksh Kashyap, graduated from IIT Mumbai. Second year ka first semester khatam ho gaya tha. Uske bad winter vacation thi ek month ki. Main Anvesha ke sath hi ghar jaa raha tha. Din mein 11 baje ke aaspas ki train thi. Humlog hamesha 1st AC mein jate the. Usme couple wala compartment mil jata tha aur koi disturb nahi karta tha. Karib 4 baje the, Bhusawal station aaya tha. Humdono aram se movie dekh rahe the. Ek ladki aayi aur woh boli-“Kya main ander baith sakti hu? Mere compartment...

2 years ago
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Bus Mein Stranger Ki Jamkar Chudai

Hello guys and girls. Agaya main vapis nayi story leke. Hai toh yehh meri one of the favorite fantasy jaha pe main ek stranger ko bus mein chodata ho aur fir usse apni rakhel bana leta ho lifetime ka liya. Toh bina waqt gawaye chalu karta ho main. Main bus se Ahmedabad to Surat jaa raha tha. Ac bus thi yeh aur karib raat ke 9 baj rahe the. Jaise hi bus nikalne wali thi tab heroine ki entry hoti hai uska naam hai Shreya. Figure (36-30-36) bad mein usne bataya tha. Woh meri seat ke pass ake saman...

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Lockdown Mein Maa Bete Ki Chudai 8211 Part 3

Hi guys, ye mere mom ke sath sex karne ki kahani ka agla part hai. Pichle part mein apne padha ki kaise lockdown ke karan maine apni hi ma ko choda. Ab iss part mein aap mere mom ke saath kiye kuch special sex ke bare mein jaanege. Kahani shuru karne se pahle main aapse kehna chahunga ki agar aapko mere mom ke jawani ki sex ki baato ke bare mein jaana hai to mujhe pe email kare. Iss part mein maa bete ki chudai ke kuch special raato ke bare main likha hoga. Incident 1. Humare apartment mein...

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Family Mein Chudai Ke Maze 8211 Part 1 Baap Beti Sex Kahani

Ye story ek story reader ki hai. Jisne story padh kar kuchh karne ki sochi. Story mein kya kuch hua ye sab to story padh kar hi pata chalega. Family mein aaj kal kya kya ho sakta hai aap padh sakte hai is baap beti sex kahani mein. Mere paas ek girl Chanchal ka email aaya. Usne story ko bohut like kiya tha. Maine usko thanks bol diya. Fir thodi hi der mein uska reply aaya. Usne puchha ki ye sab real mein hota hai kya. Maine bola hota hai. Thodi hi der mein uska reply aa gaya. Usne meri age aur...

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Meri Hotel Mein Chudai Hui

Kya hal hai ap sabke? Mera nam Samira hai aur main 24 sal ki khubsurat ladki hu. Main hamesha fun loving aur out going rahi hu. Mere 10-11 boyfriends bhi reh chuke hai jinse main khub chud bhi chuki hu. Aur is kahani mein hotel mein chudai hui meri. Chudna mera passion hai aur main bina chude reh nahi sakti. Har sal main 2-3 boyfriend banati hu. Kuch time pass kuch serious. Par kya karu koi relationship mera 4-5 mahine se zyada nahi chalta. Problem unme nahi mujhme hai. Mujhe new new lund lene...

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Behen Ki Mast Chudai Akele Mein 8211 Part II

Hi friends my name is Ankit and I m regular reader of ISS and I like stories of sister and I fascinate about it. This is my first story so if any things goes wrong or you don’t like it pls let me know. Ok m starting my story in Hindi. Pehale main apne bare mein bata dun meri height 5’11” hai aur meri achi body hai dikhne mein b theek hun meri umar 23saal hai aur mera lund 6.4inch ka hai aur 2.5 inch mota hai. Ye meri aur mere mama ki beti aur meri behen GARGI ki kahani hai Wo bahut mast maal...

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Khel Khel Mein Chudai Part 8211 2

Hi friends! Main Avinash firse aapke rubaroo hoon.Ye meri pehli story hai jo main ISS par lekar aaya hoon. Ummed hai aapko jarur pasand aayegi. Abhi tak aapne padha ki kaise main carrom khel se aage badhkar pyar ke khel ke liye Barkha ko seduce kar raha tha. Ab aage padhen. Me: 35 ya 36 shayad! She: Great! 36 size hain inke. Baki? Me: Waist aapki 30 ki hogi shayad! She: No it’s 32. Me: Aage to main dekh nahi paaya.Thik se. She: Oh. Lijiye ji, main khadi ho jaati hoon dekh lijiye. Aur woh...

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Chachi Ki Khel Khel Mein Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends To story suru krne se pehle main aapko apne aur apni chachi ke baare mein bata du. Mera naam karan hai aur main 20 saal ka hu. Main btech ka student hu chandigarh mein or mein vha hostel mein hi rehta hu. Meri body athletic hai aur main dekhne mein bhi kafi smart hu. Mere lund ka size 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai jo kis I bhi ladki ya aurat ko satisfy karne ke liye kaafi hai. Ab main aap ko apni chachi nisha ke baare mein batata hoon jo dekhne mein...

4 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 4

Asha aur Mohsin sab ab Mohsin ke cousins ke room mein party ke liye bilkul ready ho gaye. Asha, “Dress bhi aa gayi.” Dress wahin attached room mein rakh di. Asha, “itni saari beer kiske liye.” Mohsin, “Maine socha kya pata bhai logon ka mood bhi ban jaye.” Asha, “theek kiya, chalo hum dono ki to khol do.” Fir dinner karte karte Asha aur Mohsin beer peene lage. Thodi der mein khaana khaate hue Asha ne 1 beer khatam kar di. Par Asha abhi normal thi. Mohsin ek aur le aaya. Asha ne thodi aur li,...

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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 4

Asha aur Mohsin sab ab Mohsin ke cousins ke room mein party ke liye bilkul ready ho gaye. Asha, “Dress bhi aa gayi.” Dress wahin attached room mein rakh di. Asha, “itni saari beer kiske liye.” Mohsin, “Maine socha kya pata bhai logon ka mood bhi ban jaye.” Asha, “theek kiya, chalo hum dono ki to khol do.” Fir dinner karte karte Asha aur Mohsin beer peene lage. Thodi der mein khaana khaate hue Asha ne 1 beer khatam kar di. Par Asha abhi normal thi. Mohsin ek aur le aaya. Asha ne thodi aur li,...

3 years ago
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Saas ki chudai uske ghar mein

Hi friends, girls & sexy bhabhi’s mai aap ko sab se pehle main aapna parechay karta hoon, I am Roshan (name change) from Mumbai meri umar 32 saal ki hai, I am Married aur meri ek bacchi, aur mere saath jo hua hai who sab sach hai. Yeh kahani meri hai maine shaadi mere mummy ke sister ki ladki ke beti se ki thi main rishte mey uska mamu tha, aur meri Saas ka husband who mere door ke reshtey mein mamu lagta tha phir bhi humlogo ki shaadi ho gayi. Aur meri shaadi ko 1 saal ho gaya tha aur meri...

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Desi Didi Ki Gaav Mein Ki Chudai

Hi friends!!!!Pesh hai meri ek aur sex story to please apne reviews zarrur de aur galti hoye to maaf kar deein and unsatisfied girls and aunties are free to mail me full satisfaction will be provided and privacy will be kept always for you to chalo ye baatein baad ki main aapko meri desi sex story sunata hu Main gandhidham ka rehne wala hu kuch time phele muje pata chala ki hamare mundra ke gaav me mere cousin ki shaadi hai to main mera bhai aur meri maami shaadi se 4 din phele hi chale gaye...

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Sasural Mein Kaamwali Ki Chudai

Hii mera name yash hai aur main ludhiana se hoon aur meri height 5’8″ hai average body hai.. I love to fuck girls ladies bhabhi anybody. Meri shaadi ko abhi 1 month hi hua tha aur main apni wife ke sath apne sasural gaya hua tha aur wehan par 2-3 days rukna tha. Wehan meri saasu maa mere sasur ji aur unki maid meena rehte hai par unhone ek sexy beautiful lerki meena ko ghar par kaam ke liye permanent rakha hua tha. Main toh usko dekh kar apni wife ko bhi bhool gaya aur usko inn 3 days mein hi...

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Train Mein Anjan Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai

Hi friends, mera name Vicky (name change) hai.or me Mumbai me rahta hun and I like to satisfied Bhabhi,aunty,girls .if any bahbhi,aunty interested please mail me Now coming to the story Ye story 6 months pahle ki hai, ek bar me apne friend ki shadi mekhamgaon gya tha.waha pe shadi hone ke bad me or mera ek friend usi night chale aye. Hamne reservation ki thi rat ke 10 baje ki traint hi. Train on time ayi jub hum apne bogi me gaye to waha hamari seat par ek bhabi thi umar 32 ke aas pass or...

4 years ago
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Majburi Ki Chudai Majburi Mein Bana Gigolo

Hello friends aap sabhi ka itna pyaar aur response mila meri pehli story ko jiski mujeh itni umeed nahi thi ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni passand aaygi… Lets start the story now… Main sagar friends 22 yr young handsome boy. Pichli story mein maine apko bataya tha ki kis tarha se susma madam aur mere beach mein sex hua aur susma lady police officer jinhone mere sath us din jabardasti sex kiya tha. Kuch din to tik thak guzre the uske baad fir ek din mujeh ek unknown number se call aai mai...

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Shimla Mein Biwi Ki Chudai

Meri biwi sanjana 25 saal ki bahut khubsurat hasina hai.Uski body to mat puchiye bilkul apsara ki tarah tarasha badan, cup size ki chuchiyan,rasbhare honth,mast kulhe,gora badan,kajrari aankhein,surahidaar gardan,bal khati kamar.Jo dekhta aah bhar deta is mast hasina ko dekh kar.Wo ek class one officer ki beti thi. Farratedaar english bolti thi.Bolne chalne mein kaafi smart thi par bholi bhali thi. Hamari shadi 2 saal pahle hui thi.Meri jindagi khushiyuon se bhar gayi thi shaadi ke baad.Sex...

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Barsaat mein karuna Chudai

Bhai Ne Baarish Mein Karuna ko CHODA By Karuna : Hi i am karuna , Main aapko ko pehle hi bataa chuki hoon ki meri CHOOT sabse pehle mere bhai Deepak ne maari thi. Mere bhai ne hi meri CHOOT ki seal todi thi. Ab main aapko meri pehli CHUDAI ke agle din mere bhai Deepak ne mujhe baarish mein kaise CHODA bataane ja rahi hoon. Agle din mai college jaane ke liye taiyar ho kar ghar se nikal chuki thi. mera rang bahut saaf aur gora hai isliye mere badan par kaala rang janchta hai. Isliye maine kaale...

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Aus meinem Kuumlchenfenster sah ich wie mein eigener

Hallo, mein Name ist Monika, ich Lebe mit meinem heute zwanzigjährigen Sohn Sven in einem kleinen Haus in Düsseldorf. Mit ihm fing alles an, als er Sechzehnjahre alt gewesen war.Ich bin heute Vierundvierzigjahre alt und seit Siebzehnjahren eine alleinerziehende Mutter.Mein Sohn Sven hang schon immer sehr viel mit seinem Freund Benny rum, an Mädchen dachte er fast nie.Das mein Sohn mal Schwul sein könnte, daran hätte ich nie gedacht.Doch vor vier Jahren, sah ich wie mein eigener Sohn den langen...

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goa mein chudai

Hi mera naam RAJ hai aur mein 23 age ka hoon.. my e mail id Tho ill start ma story in hindi mein meri college vacations per goa gaya tha mere doston ke saath jaathe hi humney ek hotel me room book kiya aur fresh hokar bahar nikle tho samne ka naazara kuch aur tha wha par pool mein kuch girls khel rahi thi bikini pehne huve unme se ek inti khoob surut thi ki kya bataunuske boobs jaise naazar hi nahi hatati sayad uska figure hoga 36-28-36 mujhe who koi model jaise laglari thi humne unhe kahi der...

4 years ago
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Train Mein Meri Chudai

Hi friends this is anu,,mein kafi din baad is site pe koi ghatna likne ja rahi hu.ek mnc mein kaam milne ke wajese mein nhi likh payi iske liye sorry..umid hai ap sab ko yeh ghatna pasand ayegi.yaad dilane ke liye mein anupama hu,meri umar 34 hai,58kgs.5.3, gori hu,meri baal just strap ke niche tak ate hai,black eyes, figure 36b-30-36 ki hai,mein regularly wax bhi karti hu..yeh ghatna train mein huyi thi aj se ek week pehle. mein Mumbai gayi thi office kaam se .aur mujhe fortunately contract...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Asha bhi baki din hotel room mein hi rahi. Asha ne Mohsin se bolkar apne liye 5:30 pm ka parlour book karaya. Sham 6:30 tak parlour se aane ke baad Asha ne backless golden blouse aur net ki saree pehni. Blouse padded hone ke sath hi bohut chota aur tight fitted tha, halka cleavage bhi dikh raha tha. Poori back mein kewal do thread the, jisse uski poori back visible thi aur saree bhi bohut low thi. Usne choodiyan, mangalsutra, sindoor, ear ring, bindi sab pehen rakhi thi. Taiyaar hote hote hi...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Asha bhi baki din hotel room mein hi rahi. Asha ne Mohsin se bolkar apne liye 5:30 pm ka parlour book karaya. Sham 6:30 tak parlour se aane ke baad Asha ne backless golden blouse aur net ki saree pehni. Blouse padded hone ke sath hi bohut chota aur tight fitted tha, halka cleavage bhi dikh raha tha. Poori back mein kewal do thread the, jisse uski poori back visible thi aur saree bhi bohut low thi. Usne choodiyan, mangalsutra, sindoor, ear ring, bindi sab pehen rakhi thi. Taiyaar hote hote hi...

2 years ago
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Akriti Ke Sath Woh Haseen Raatein 8211 Pt 2 Raat Mein Chudai

Ab jab bhi ads aati to Akriti Discovery channel switch kar deti thi. Phir woh mujhe remote deke chali gayi. Mujhe laga ki main raat ko aage badh sakta hoon. Us raat maine jaan bhujkar uske paas jaake bistar lagaya. Aur raat ka wait karne laga. Raat kariban 2 baje maine apna haath uske kambal mein dala. Aur uske garam hathon pe hath rakhke sahlane laga. Uske baad dheere dheere uske kamar par hath pherne ke baad uske t-shirt mein hath daala. Aur uske tight tight chote chuchiyon ko pakad ke...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Mein Asha Ki Yaadgaar Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mujhe kuch important kaam se achanak Saturday ko Chandigarh jana tha. Maine apni wife Asha ko apne sath chalne ko poocha. Pehle to usne mana kiya. Par kisi friend ne usse bataya ki sector 16-17 mein shopping ke kafi option hai. To woh jane ko kafi excited ho gayi. Usne apne director Rajveer Sir ko chutti ke liye phone kiya, to usne use mana kar diya. Asha ne bola, “Woh bol raha hai ki is Sunday ko mujhe overtime karna hai. Uske friend ke yahan party hai, aur bola, is party mein overtime ke sath...

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