To Be Or Not To Be free porn video

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TO BE OR NOT TO BE by Spanky de Bautumn This is a story about how taking a play to New York City changed people's lives. A transgender coming of age story. I was born Harold Stanley Dayes, not a great name for a kid growing up. I know my parents loved me, but Harold was my mom's dad and Stanley was my father's pop and thus I was stuck. The best of a bad situation, I went by Stan. That is until I started 4th grade. I wasn't looking forward to the 4th grade because the teacher was "Old Lady Johnson" who wasn't very popular with the students. So when I stepped into the schoolroom, I was surprised to see a very good looking young lady sitting behind the desk. I took a seat in the first row so that I had a better view of our new teacher. She introduced herself as Ms. Wilson and said Mrs. Johnson had had a stroke and would not be back and she would be our teacher for the year. Most of the students cheered, embarrassing her. To me she looked like my favorite "Charlie's Angel," Jacqueline Smith. Long black hair, pretty light blue eyes, and a voice that angels would envy. Yes, I had a big crush on Ms. Wilson, so much so that I would come in early and help her get ready and stay late to help clean up. Everybody knew I had a crush on her and teased me constantly. But I didn't care, love will find a way. In the middle of the second week, I showed up early as usual. The clouds were dark and it looked like it would start raining any minute. I opened the door and Ms. Wilson looked up. "Hi," I said with a big smile, happy to see her. "Well, good morning, Stan," she replied and returned my smile. I was about to ask her what I could help with, when she stood up and said, " You know Stan, you come in every day with a smile on your face and a good attitude, it's nice. It gives me a feeling that I'm doing my job. But today, it looks like it's going to pour and you come in and just brighten up my day. You're like a ray of sunshine. Wait, that's it. Tell me, do you like your name, Stan?" I shook my head. "Not really." "Would you mind if I called you Sunny?" I said to myself, Sunny, Sunny Dayes, and giggled. "Yes Mam. I would like that a lot." Needless to say that by the next day everybody had heard about it and that's how I became Sunny Dayes. Even my parents started calling me Sunny, except for when I was in trouble. I will never forget Ms. Wilson and have often had wet dreams about what might have been, but nothing happened. I was only ten years old for God's sake. Anyway, it went something like that. Fast forward fifteen years. I am out of college with a degree in electronics. I started my own business and worked as an independent contractor. I wasn't getting rich, but I was comfortable and had more freedom than in a nine to five job. During my high school and college days, I experimented a lot in the world of sex. I was pretty much open to anything as long as it wasn't too painful or involve bodily functions that toilets are for. I am not a large man, 5'5", 130#, but I was a pretty good athlete playing baseball and swimming on the school teams in high school. I still do regular workouts, not to build muscle but to keep my clothes from shrinking. My freshman year in college, I met two transgender girls, Barbie and Brandy, who lived in the same apartment complex. They were gorgeous and I had no idea they were really boys at first. When they told me, I didn't believe them. When they showed me, I was amazed, totally blown away. I had heard about shemales, but this was not what I imagined. They had so much fun becoming female that when they offered to dress me up, I jumped at the chance. It took them almost an hour for the transformation. When it was over, they stepped back and congratulated each other for doing a fabulous job. They lead me over to a full-length mirror and like so many others couldn't believe that it was my reflection. I fell in love, not only with the girl in the mirror but with the whole transformation process. For the next few months, I partied with the girls so much (that's a story for another time) that I almost dropped out of school and might have, but for the fact that the girls decided to move to New Orleans. We had had so much fun together that they invited me to go along. Even though I loved what we were doing, it was all so new and different and I couldn't be sure I would feel the same way in six months. So I decided to stay in school for the time being. But with the clothes they left me, I still dressed when I got the chance. In my 2nd year, I met Mel, Melanie Gibson. She was a real sweetheart, cute as a button, with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, and a bubbly personality. She was in my Astronomy class that was held in a large lecture hall for the purpose of showing movies and slide shows of the cosmos. I noticed her the first day and watched with much humor as she shot down guy after guy that tried to put the move on her. She must have noticed me too because on the occasion we would pass in the hallway, she would give me the nod. One day, halfway through the semester, the prof had a movie scheduled. I noticed that Mel's usual seat was empty and even though I had never spoken to her, I missed her. Disappointed, I sat back as the movie started. Ten minutes into the movie, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned and did a double take. It was Mel. She whispered that she came in late and wondered if she had missed anything. I shrugged my shoulders and gave her a stupid look. "Can we talk after class and you can tell me what I missed?" she whispered. I shook my head, yes, not knowing what to say. That was the beginning of a friendship that lasts until this day and if it wasn't for Mel the rest of this story would have never happened. *** Mel majored in Theater Arts and after college, she joined a local acting troupe. They put on three plays a year in all genres. I attended all the shows and would often go to the rehearsals with her and help where I could. Two years ago the stage manager decided to move on to another project and the troupe asked me to take his place. I leaped at the chance, I really loved all the aspects of the theater. My electronics background came in handy and I took to the job like a fish to water. When our last play closed Luke Sutherland, our fearless leader, told us our next project was going to be special. He couldn't tell us at the time but he would be in touch soon with the details. Naturally, news like that caused a lot of excitement and we all stayed that way, wildly guessing what Luke's announcement would reveal. A month went by before we got the call about the meeting at the theater at 7:00PM. The following night, I pulled into the lot and joined the small crowd starting to gather. As I approached the group, you could feel the excitement and the buzz of seven or eight people all trying to talk at the same time. Luke and his wife, Charlene, arrived right at seven and we all followed him into the theater. Luke took the stage and we all took seats. Luke had a sly smile on his face. What could it be, we all wondered. Mel and Shari got there a little late and hurriedly grabbed the seats next to me. "What did we miss?" Mel asked. "Nothing, he just got here himself," I told her. "Can I have everybody's attention," Luke said in a loud voice that quieted the human drone from the audience. "I have good news and bad news." He started "First the bad news, we wouldn't be able to use this theater for the next three months because the city has finally agreed to do some remodeling on the old place. A load groan rose up from the audience. "I know, I know." He waved his hand to get their attention again. "But the good news is that we are still going to put on a show, we are just going to do it in New York City." He waited for a reaction that didn't come until his words had sunk in. Did I hear him right? I turned to Mel. "Did he say New York City?" She was literally shaking with excitement. "Yes, yes he did." And she was on her feet joining all the others as their shouts of excitement and approval filled the theater. "Okay, okay, settle down now. Come on, take your seats, there will be plenty of time to celebrate later," Luke shouted over their revealing. Everybody returned to their seats and Luke followed with, "We have a lot of work ahead of us, so I want to get started Monday night. Monday night at seven, everybody needs to be here, no excuses. If we're going to do this thing, we are going to do it right. Can I get an amen." "AMEN," came the response from the crowd. "All right then, now get out of here and be safe, don't celebrate too much. We need everybody for this one. That's it. See you Monday." *** We were all wound up over the news so Shari, Mel, and I decided to go to Mel's and celebrate. When we first met, Mel had a boyfriend back home, which I respected and just enjoyed her friendship. As such we became very close, probably closer than if we had a romantic situation. One usually doesn't want their significant other to know all their secrets. But you will tell your best friend because you have to tell somebody. That's how it was with the two of us. She knew all about my dressing fetish and desire to be a sexy debutante and I knew all about her bisexual experiences. We made a good pair. I stopped to get some alcohol and when I got there, the girls were in the bedroom. I could hear them giggling and wondered what they were up to. I called for their orders and mixed the drinks. As I was carrying them to the living room, the girls came out of the bedroom. I nearly tripped and dropped the drinks when I saw them. They had slipped into something more comfortable. Shari was wearing a short white silk robe, loosely tied at the waist, so that her sheer purple bra peeked out from underneath, revealing a perky nipple trying to escape. When she flopped down on the sofa, one could see that her panties matched her bra. The white robe really set off her jet black Gothic style haircut. She had joined the troupe last year but I had never seen her like this before. Being a backstage manager, I've seen these girls in all stages of dress, so they were perfectly comfortable dressing like this in front of me and I pretended it had no effect. Mel was the negative side of this picture. Her cover-up was as dark as the night and she let it hang to her sides. Her fair skin almost glowed from the contrast. She was not wearing a bra only a black thong underneath her robe. She sat down next to Shari and shot me a look. "What?" she said. "Nothing," I replied, "it's just that I almost dropped the drinks when you two came out of the bedroom like that." The girls laughed. "We looked that good?" Shari asked. Ever the smart ass, I replied, "No, that bad." Mel threw one of the throw pillows at me. Is that why they call them throw pillows? She missed and I sat down on the other side of Mel. We talked about New York and our hopes for the future. When I got up to refresh the drinks, Mel pulled out her bong and something to put in it. For the next hour we drank, smoked, searched for the meaning of life, and as usual, the talk eventually turned to sex. I was the only one who knew that Mel and Shari had a thing on the side. However, Shari was not aware of my secret. That is until Mel let it slip out. It was nothing I was ashamed of, but I still felt a bit embarrassed. "Oh, yeah, Shari, Sunny makes a really cute girl. He, or should I say she, fooled me the first time I saw her," Mel laughed and pinched my cheek. She was starting to sound like she had reached her Sea Breeze limit. Shari was fascinated and kept asking questions that I couldn't answer because of my overall inexperience. After about five minutes of my babble, Mel stands up and says, "Fuck this, Sunny," she grabs my hand and says. "You can't tell her, you've got to show her," she pulls me up and leads me to her bedroom. I try to protest that all my stuff is at home but she says. "That's bull shit, you know your way around my closet as well as I do." I couldn't argue with that, so I submitted without any more protests. Shari was enjoying the little drama Mel and I were playing out. "Come on, Sunny, I want to see what kind of a girl you make. I'll bet you're a real cutie," she said giggling. "You'll see," Mel told her. She leads me to her vanity and sat me down. I started to pick up the foundation and she slapped my hand. "You take forever with your make up, let me do it tonight." "That would be great. I usually do it at the beginning of the night, before I start feeling like this." "You also use way too much, watch what I do." She was right, of course. Barbie and Brandy had shown me how they used it and in hindsight, it was pretty heavy handed. It took her five minutes what it takes me half an hour to do. She used a lot less makeup than I usually do, but when I looked in the mirror, I was amazed. I had always thought that being a man, I needed more than the average woman. Boy, was I wrong? I looked more like a woman and less like a drag queen. Less is more, sometimes. Next, she teased my hair to give it more body and shaped it to frame my face, then held it in place with a cloud of hair spray. She took a step back and surveyed her work. Satisfied, she went to her dresser and pulled out a red chemise and panties which she handed to me and said, "Try these on, they should fit," I turned to go and change in the bathroom, when she said, "Wait," Going to her closet she took a pair of black mules with three-inch heels, "and these." I disappeared to the bathroom and quickly changed. The nylon material had its usual effect and my cock jumped to attention. I tried to tuck it between my thighs but it was no use. The girls were calling for me to hurry up, they wanted to see the new Sunny. I slowly opened the door and slid out into the hallway. They were waiting just outside the door like vultures. "I told you," Mel said turning to Shari. "Isn't she hot?" "You're right, he's a doll." That little exchange lifted my confidence and I exaggerated the swing of my hips as I stepped into the living room. I'm not sure which one, but one of the girls gave a wolf whistle and the other said, "Oh, shake it, baby." I sat down in the mild of the sofa and crossed my legs in my most feminine way. Turning to the girls, who were still standing in the hall, I said, "Well?" They came over and sat on either side of me. The chemise was long enough to cover my excitement. We all reached for our drinks and sat there waiting for someone to take the initiative. Shari was the spark. She reached over and pulled up the chemise. "Let's see what you're hiding in your panties, sweetie." On seeing my hard-on trying to escape its nylon prison, she let out a small ooh and said, "Nice package, Sunny." Her hand snaked its way into my panties and found its target. She started tickling the shaft with her long red fingernails and it made me squirm. Mel was watching with much interest and I noticed she had one hand in her panties and with the other one started to play with my hardening nipples. When I turned to face her, Shari put her hand under my chin and turned me back to her and planted her soft lips on mine. I opened my mouth and she proceeded to explore it with her tongue. The excitement of the night, the booze, and the pot had me spinning and the way Shari was taking care of my hard-on, I felt like I was going to explode. I didn't want this to end so soon so I pulled away from Shari and took her hand off my cock. "I have to slow down for a minute, this is all happening so fast. How about fresh drinks?" I inquired. As I rose from the sofa and headed to the kitchen, the girls slapped and pinched my butt. They were having fun at my expense, but that was alright with me. I secretly enjoy the attention. I looked back to see Mel pulling out her bong again. *** "Anybody care for some pizza rolls?" I called out from the kitchen. I thought I heard a yes, so I popped some into the microwave, then fixed the drinks. I pulled the snacks out of the microwave, put them on a plate, then on a serving tray with the drinks, and carried it back to the living room. The girls had shed their robes, Mel was laid back at the corner of the sofa, and Shari was on her knees bathing Mel's clit with her tongue. By the sound of it, Shari was doing a bang-up job because Mel was moaning loudly and had both her hands on Shari's head. It looked like she was trying to pull it into her womb. "That's it, baby. Just like that. Oh yeah, right there. Oh my God, you're going to make me cum. Ahhggg. Oh, oh, ahh." Mel's body jerked from her orgasm. I watched as her eyes rolled back into view. She repeated "Oh my God" about a dozen times as she held Shari's head firmly against her cunt. Shari didn't seem to mind and just kept lapping up Mel's juices. Finally, Mel released her grip and Shari's head popped up, her cheeks shiny from Mel's release, she licked her lips and said to Mel. "You want to taste your own juices?" Mel shook her head, yes and Shari proceeded to French kiss her for what seemed like a long time. I sat in the easy chair enjoying the show these lovely ladies were putting on. Was it just for me, I wondered. Even if it wasn't, it sure did have its effect. My cock was in need of some attention and I was happy to lend a hand (pun intended). I stroked my cock while the girls changed places and now Shari was the one doing the moaning. I couldn't stand it and crawled over to join Mel between Shari's legs. I reached over and started playing with Mel's nipples. She let out a light sigh when I softly pinched the ruby bud. Mel's tongue was snaking in and out of Shari's pussy and she wasn't about to give up her seat at the table I got the hint, stood up, pulled my throbbing cock out of its nylon prison and aimed it at Shari's open mouth. She opened her eyes and seeing my condition grabbed my hard-on and attempted to swallow it whole. She gagged and pulled her head back, a long steam of spit hung between the head of my cock and Shari's lips, not a big thing, but it was so erotic at that moment. I placed one hand on the back of her head and slowly started to fuck that beautiful face. I looked down to see Mel banging herself with one hand and two fingers of her other hand in Shari's ass. Shari was an excellent cock sucker, bringing me to the edge, then backing off and working my balls before getting back to basics. I started twisting the nipples on Shari's 36C heaving breasts. It was just the sensation she needed to reach her peak. She grabbed my cock with one hand and held it in her mouth while her body shook from her climax. When she came back to earth, she really started to pump my cock back and forth, still in her mouth. I heard a whimper and looked down to see Mel bring herself to another orgasm. Then she pulled her fingers out from her slit and started to lick them clean. She licked her fingers like they were small cocks and looked into my eyes with a lustful, sinister look. It was too much and my cock twitched as it spit sperm into Shari's hungry mouth. She held her head still until my eruptions stopped, then pulled off, opened her mouth, and showed me the puddle of cum resting on her tongue. She reached down and pulled Mel up to her face and kissed her hard, with passion. It was so erotic watching the girls snowball my spunk back and forth. I fell back into the easy chair and watched them finish up their little game. Satisfied and empty from all that went on this night, we sat there spent. I finally broke the silence. "Wow, that was something I can check off my bucket list. You girls really put on a good show," Both girls agreed and I'm sure that if this was any other night there would be a round two coming up. But not tonight. We decided it was too late and we were too loaded to drive home. So, Shari and I, at Mel's insistence, decided to spend the night. We all climbed into Mel's king, huddled up together, with Mel in the middle and drifted off to sleep. I was nudged awake sometime during the night by Mel and Shari getting frisky again. I just smiled to myself, rolled over and went back to sleep. The rest of the time was uneventful as everybody was busy preparing for our Off-Broadway debut. *** Being a small troupe, we unseen members had to wear many hats. Unfortunately, there was just the two of us, Joe Donnally and myself. Joe was a veteran, he had been in the industry over 20 years and knew all there was to know about lighting and sound. So basically, he was the guy in the booth pushing the buttons and I was the guy trying to keep things organized backstage. My background in electronics came in handy at times and Joe taught me a lot when time permitted. Of all the positions required, mine was the least important. But I didn't care, I was happy to be part of the experience. Joe, myself, and two carpenters that built our sets for us left a week early to get everything ready for when the rest of the troupe arrived. The set consisted of two basic scenes that could easily be changed from a living room to a restaurant/club without too much effort. Most of it depended on the lighting effects and that was Joe's specialty. There wasn't a whole lot for me to do the first couple of days while Joe and the carpenters worked out the design and how to do it. So I took the time to do some prop shopping. This was one of my favorite parts of the job. I was born to shop. Joe and I were rooming together and I hoped that my desire to dress sometimes would not be a problem. On the first day, he was up and gone early. On his way out the door, he asked my plans and I told him that I'd be looking for some props. He said he wouldn't be back until after 6:00PM because he wanted to visit some of his local friends when he was done at the theater. When I heard that my mind started racing with my crossdressing desires since it looked like I would have the day to myself. I showered and made sure I was smoothly shaven in those special places. As I was blow drying my hair, I realized that I was glad I let my hair glow out because it is so much easier than relying on a wig all the time. The sun's light streamed in through the windows, it looked like a nice day ahead. Summer hadn't left yet and Autumn was late in coming which meant the weather was just about right to do some sightseeing with my shopping. I slipped into a pair of black panties with a matching bra, filled out with my silicone breast pads, and a pair of dark opaque pantyhose. I love to show off my legs with a dress or skirt, but being my first time in the Big Apple I figured I'd be somewhat conservative. I choose a pair of black leggings under a long sleeve gray woolen dress and a pair of clunky black army boots. Checking myself in the mirror, I really liked how my blonde hair was set off by the dark colors I was wearing. I accessorized with a pair of silver and black earrings, a couple of silver rings, and my silver watch with the pink face. I defined my eyes with black liner and mascara, blushed my cheeks lightly in pink, and added a crimson stain to my lips. Then fluffed up my hair, sprayed on some Perry Ellis 360, grabbed my purse, checked out my look, and said aloud. "Let's do it." I had a list of possible places, a couple were fairly close and it was a nice day, so I thought I would walk. The first thing that hit me was the pace. It seemed everybody was late for something and didn't have a moment to spare. Well, almost everybody. The ones that were not on the move, just sort of hanging around, are the ones to avoid. The theater was in Hell's Kitchen, half a block off of 8th Avenue and 34th Street. We were staying in a hotel a block and half further down 34th. It was a two block walk to 8th Avenue where all the action is. There wasn't much a crowd on 34th, so I practiced my strut in preparation. But I wasn't prepared for the mass of people flowing up and down both sides of the street. I joined the flow and about two blocks down the street, it hit me. Just like the first time you step into a club and feel that bass go boom, boom, boom inside your body. I thought of a line in Bruce Springsteen's song. "It's So Hard To Be A Saint In The City." "When you walk down the street, you can feel it's heartbeat." That was it, that is what I was feeling, and it felt good. I just knew this was going to be a wonderful experience or else I was still high from the pot I had smoked earlier and I imagined the whole thing. Either way, I had a good feeling. *** As the day progressed that feeling got better and better. Throughout the day, I had gentlemen opening doors for me, acknowledging the fact that I was looking very ladylike. There was a couple of times when I swear the guy was trying to pick me up. I'll admit I was flirtatious but isn't that how girls act when they meet a cute guy? I told them I was just visiting and aunt and uncle were picking me up any minute now. With all the attention I was getting, I was lucky to find some suitable props for the play. On my way back to the room, I peeked in the theater to see how the boys were doing. They didn't see me because they were busy building a wall. It looked like they would be there for a while, so I didn't have to be in such a rush to get back. I stopped at the deli on the corner and got a corned beef on rye, some potato salad, and a bottle of white wine. My shopping had netted five bags worth of goodies, adding the bag from the deli made my load clumsy to carry. As I approached the hotel entrance, I noticed a tall, young Latin boy in a bellhop uniform. He opened the heavy metal and glass front door for me and asked if he could help me with the bags. I said, "Please and thank you." He took all the bags except for the deli bag, which he said I should carry so it doesn't look like he is doing all the work and smiled. "Oh, he's a cutie," I told myself as my mind started developing nasty thoughts. "First time in New York?" he asked. "Yes, yes it is," I said. "Are you just sightseeing or here for business?" "I am here with an acting troupe, we're putting on a play starting next week." "Really, what part do you play?" "I'm not an actor, I'm the stage manager," I said trying to sound important. "Is it a difficult job?" "It has its moments," I replied. By now we had reached my door. I opened it, he followed me in, and laid the bags on the bed. I reached into my purse for a tip and he held up his hand. "No need for that. I would do it for any lady, free of charge. It's the right thing to do. If you want to reward me, tell me your name." I blushed so hard, I could feel my cheeks burn. "Sunny," I managed to get out. "Like a sunny day?" he asked. "Yes." "It fits you, your smile lights up the room." I blushed again, was he flirting with me? "What's yours," I questioned. "Antonio Hector Gonzalez, but you can call me Antonio," he said grinning proudly. I laughed. "Okay Antonio it is. Do you work every day?" "Monday, Wednesday, and Friday days until five, and five to midnight Saturday and Sunday. I go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays." "Sounds like you are a busy man. Do you ever find time for fun?" "Not as often as I would like, but that's the price you have to pay." "I know. You said you get off at five, any plans after? My roommate won't be back for a while. Can I buy you a drink for carrying my bags?" "Well, we are not supposed to mingle with the guests. What did you have in mind?" "I don't want to get you in trouble," I said. "Don't worry about it. There's a bar on the corner across the street called "The Breeze," How about I meet you there at 5:15?" "Really," I said somewhat surprised that he accepted so easily. "Really," he smiled. "I better get back to work. I'll see you later." He turned for the door, opened it, and I was saying to myself, please look back, please look back. He hesitated, then turned, looked back at me and smiled. As soon as the door closed, I threw myself on the bed and screamed into the pillow. What am I doing? I'm playing with fire. This could all go south. Is it worth it? The excitement I was feeling at that moment mixed with the butterflies in my stomach said, hell yes it's worth it. I would just have to play it cool and not let anybody, like Joe, find out. I would be lying if I said I wasn't so excited that I didn't masturbate, because I did. But at 5:15 exactly, I was sitting in a booth in the back of the bar where the lights were low. I had touched up my makeup with some eye shadow and smudged the liner for a more sultry night look. When Antonio walked in and I saw his smile, I knew it was the right thing to do. We each had two drinks and laughed at each other's stories for the better part of an hour. I looked at my watch and saw it was after six and said that I had better go. Outside, he said he enjoyed my company and hoped we could do it again sometime. I said I wouldn't mind that at all, maybe when he had more time. He said you're going to be here a month, I'm sure we could find the time. He reached to shake my hand and I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips, turned, and walked away. Antonio stood there for a second, stunned by what just happened. He gave off a slow soft whistle that sounded like the breeze. I was on cloud nine, my first day in New York and I had dared to venture among the public. I had drinks with a hot Latin man who was interested in seeing me again. This adventure was turning out better than I ever expected and the future was looking bright. I couldn't wait until Mel arrived and I could tell her all about it. Tuesday morning I did some more shopping and showed up at the theater after lunch to assist the carpenters and Joe. On Wednesday I saw Antonio in the lobby. I was in DRAB and tried to stay out of his sight. I was pretty sure he didn't see me and if he did, would he even know it was me? I didn't really have time to dwell on it. The rest of the week was uneventful. *** The rest of the troupe arrived Saturday afternoon and headed straight for the theater to check out our progress. The carpenters had finished but stayed one more day in case there would be any changes required. Everyone appeared to be impressed with the sets, the carpenters had done a fantastic job and when the stage was lit up with Joe's lighting arrangement, everyone stood silent for a moment taking in the splendor of the moment. I wanted to share my week's activities with Mel, but the cast had other priorities. Luke had made arrangements with a service that housed visiting actors in apartments and townhouses of other actors who were performing out of town. No sooner had they checked out the sets, they were off to their designated housing assignments. Mel, Shari, and Robin Singer got an apartment near Central Park and the others were spread out all over town. I was kind of bummed out about not getting to talk to Mel, but we were here for a month and there would be plenty of time later. *** Joe left with the Sutherland's saying he was going to stay out on Long Island at the place they were renting for the night. When he told me this, I forgot all about talking to Mel and another idea started forming in my mind. I got back to the hotel about eight, I saw Antonio helping some new arrivals with their luggage and waited for him to take the elevator up so as not to see me. With Joe out for the night, I figured I had plenty of time to do my thing. I cleaned myself out, in case my plan was a success, showered, shaved, and thought about what to wear. During some free time at the theater last week, I discovered a room upstairs where they had stored all the props and things left by previous troupes when their runs finished. I was overjoyed when I found two chests full of women's clothes. There was quite a variety of things representing different places and periods of time. Every free moment would find me searching through the chests. I borrowed a few items I liked and hoped I would find the time to wear them. My favorite item was a pink waist nipper with attached garters, it might have been used in a western bar scene. I pulled it on and it fit perfect. I attached some black stockings, that I had picked up after I discovered the corset. The way it made my waist shrink to the point that it looked like I had an hourglass figure just sent me through the roof. It was an amazing piece of clothing. I didn't have a pink bra, so I used my go-to black seamless sheer bra and pads, over which I slipped into a solid emerald green long sleeve turtleneck dress. Stepping into some chunky sandals with 4" heels, that I also liberated from the chests, I was thinking, I hope Antonio doesn't have any plans tonight. For my makeup, I did the same thing I did the other night, don't change what works. I dressed my ears with a pair of new long gold earrings that hung down to my shoulders, I bought while prop hunting. I decided to forgo a necklace and bracelet tonight, teased and sprayed my hair, put on my rings and some perfume. Checked my look in the mirror for approval and liked what I saw. The clock radio said it was 11:14 and Antonio gets off at midnight, time to smoke a joint. I pulled a chair over to the window and watched the hustle and bustle of the city below. I lit the joint and inhaled the smoke that would put me in a different reality for a couple of hours. I smoked half and was starting to feel the effects. So, I set it in the ashtray, grabbed a black suit coat and my purse and stepped out the door to a night of possibilities. Antonio saw me as I stepped out of the elevator and smiled. I gave him a little wave and he winked back. As if not in any hurry I moved in his direction. He didn't seem too busy so I asked him. "Busy tonight?" "Earlier I was, but it's kind of dead now, I think we're all booked up," he then stepped back and gave me the once over. "You're looking pretty hot tonight, big plans?" "Not really, I was hoping that we could have another drink when you get off." "Well sure, I'd like that. I get off in twenty minutes." "I remember. Same place?" "Sure." I smiled my sweetest smile and said, "Okay, I'll head on over." "See you there. Now I've got to pretend I'm busy," he gestured to his boss that had just returned to the front desk. I shook my head that I understood and said louder than usual. "Well thank you very much, you've been a big help," I headed for the door and passing by the front desk, I said, "Hang on to that guy, he really knows his stuff," and kept walking. As I crossed the street somebody honked their horn. Being this is New York, I wasn't sure it was for me, but I'll take it anyway. There was a group of people in the back where we had sat before, so I took a seat at the bar and ordered a Harvey Wallbanger. I was still high from the pot and watched the group in the back with some interest while I sipped my drink. I gathered that it was one of the guys birthday because he was opening presents that were mostly gag gifts. They were loud and having a good time. I sipped on the straw sticking out of my glass, thinking that Antonio would be here in ten minutes gave me a shiver of excitement. I told myself that I would tell Antonio my secret and let the chips fall where they may. I was really hoping that he was the understanding man he appeared to be. Again I got that nervous shiver. I needed some more courage and ordered another drink. While I was waiting for the drink, one of the guys from the party strolled up to me and introduced himself. I said, "Hi, I'm Sunny." He took this as an invitation and sat down on the stole next to me. "You've probably heard this before, but what's a nice girl like you doing in a bar all alone on a Saturday night?" "Waiting for someone," I responded. "Your boyfriend?" "Just a friend, he works nearby and gets off at midnight, so he should be here anytime," I said. "That's too bad," he remarked. "Why?" "I was hoping you were alone and we could get to know each other." "Sorry," I said, "But my dance card is full this evening." "Just my luck. Well, if he doesn't show, I will be here for a while longer and..." I waved him off with thanks, but no thanks. He wasn't bad looking, but Antonio was my target for the night. I was starting to fill the effects of the alcohol when Antonio walked in. His smile brought me back from my reverie. He got a drink and lead me over to a booth away from the party. "Did I tell you how good you look tonight, Sunny?" "Yes you did, but feel free to tell me anytime at all. A girl can never get enough compliments," I said and we both laughed. We made some small talk about his job and how the play was going. I was on my third drink and getting nervous about telling Antonio my secret. Things seemed to be going well and I didn't want to mess it up. But, if this was going to go any farther I had to be honest. "Antonio," I said seriously. "Yes?" "I have been having a good time with you and I don't want to mess that up. But, there is something I have to tell you." "What's that?" he asked. "Well, I am not what I appear to be." Antonio smiled and shocked me almost into sobriety when he said, "You mean that you're not really a girl?" I almost fainted, he knows, how, what, a thousand thoughts flew in and out of my mind. I tried to speak but only stammered. "How...What...?" I couldn't form any words. He could tell I was shocked by my stuttering reaction. So he continued. "The other day, I saw you from the back and knew it was you. But you were dressed and looked like a boy. I thought I had made a mistake, but when you turned to the side, I knew it was you." "You knew and you still agreed to go out with me tonight, why?" "Why?" He looked into my eyes which were watering, I felt like I could start crying any second. "Why," he repeated. "Because when I look at you I don't see a boy. I see you for who you truly are and that is a beautiful girl. Just because you were born in the wrong body, doesn't change who you are." By now tears were running down my cheeks, ruining my makeup. But they were tears of joy, not from rejection. He reached out and took my hand. "Sunny," he said, "you have nothing to worry about when it comes to me. In my country, Puerto Rico, we are more accepting of people with gender issues. I've known 4 or 5 girls like you. Even dated one for a while." His revelation hit me like a punch in the face. I sat there still sniveling from my momentary crying fit. Antonio got up from his side of the booth and sat on my side. He put his arm around me and told me everything was going to be okay. I laid my head on his shoulder and whispered. "Thank you," soaking in the tenderness of the moment. For the next half an hour, I listened to Antonio's stories about growing up in Puerto Rico and his tranny girlfriends. I hate to admit it, but I felt little pangs of jealousy when he talked admiringly about the girls. Although, overall I was floating on cloud nine. Our legs were pressed together under the table and it got quiet for a moment. Antonio put his hand over mine, leaned in, and said, "You want to get out of this place." I looked up into his eyes and asked, "What do you have in mind?" He said, "My place is in Queens, it's an hour away at this time of night, what about your room?" "Won't you get in trouble?" "Only if I get caught. What about your roommate?" "He said he was going to Long Island and wouldn't be back tonight." "That's convenient." "Yeap," I smiled. "Then let's do it." The way he said it, like a double entendre, made me giggle and blush. "What?" he asked. The effects of the drinks and the excitement of the moment made everything seem funny. "It's nothing," I answered. I had to hold on to Antonio tightly, partly because I wanted to but mostly to keep from stumbling like the drunk I was. The warmth of his body felt good in the chilly autumn night. But the cool air helped me to gather myself so that by the time we got to the hotel I was able to walk a fairly straight beeline to the elevator. *** My hand was shaking with anticipation as I put the key in the door, but I got it open. I had just set my purse on the bed and taken off my coat when I heard a light tapping on the door. Being in this life style, I have learned to expect disappointments in these situations and even though I knew he was coming, somewhere inside I had a feeling he might not show. If that makes any sense? But tonight wasn't going to be one of those nights and the fact that he had experience with trannys before meant there wouldn't be that awkwardness in the beginning. I said, "Just a sec," and sprayed some perfume around my neck and almost floated to the door. I was feeling good and thought I'd have some fun. I opened the door the few inches the chain would allow, peaked out, and said, "Yes, can I help you?" Antonio caught on and asked, "Are you the madam of the house?" I took the chain off, opened the door, gave him a firm look, and said, "First of all this ain't no house and second I ain't no madam, young man." "Well, who the hell are you then?" I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the room. "I'm just a slut," I said, "and you're in trouble," When I yanked him into the room, he spun around and landed on the bed. He was laughing so hard he could barely get out. "Ooh, I'm scared." "You better be," I said, taking three quick steps and landed on his lap. The drinks had loosened me up to the point that I gave him a big old tongue twisting passionate kiss that lasted forever. Antonio was an excellent kisser, tender, slow, and letting me do most of the tongue work. Then I ran my tongue in a circle on his neck and blew on it softly with my warm breath, causing Antonio to sigh. "Yes," I moved up to his ear where I whispered a few naughty suggestions of things he could do to me while tracing the pattern of his ear lobe with my tongue before biting it softly. My efforts were being rewarded because I could feel his cock hardening against my butt cheeks. "This is going to happen," I assured myself with much pleasure. "Let's take it up a notch." I broke the embrace and looked him in the eyes, but before I could say anything, he grabbed my head with both hands and kissed me, hard and desperate. Then let go of my head and squeezed me tight. "I want you, Sunny. You're all I've thought about since that day in the elevator. When I saw you tonight, it was all I could do to keep from throwing you on the floor and taking you right there in the lobby," he said. "You silver-tongued devil, that sounds like your little head talking," I said standing up. "No really...." He started to say something, but I cut him off with my hand over his mouth. "Let's not get carried away, we've got all night. How about a drink?" I didn't want the night to end early. He nodded that he understood and said, "Sure, what you got?" "Not much, vodka and OJ or cran-apple." "Cran-apple." "Okay, you just relax, you're the one that worked all day." "Yeah, you're right." "Why don't you put on some music or we could watch a movie." "A movie? I didn't come for no movie." "No, well, what did you come for?" I teased, playing dumb. "Get that cute little ass over here and I'll show you." He reached over and turned on the clock radio, it was an easy listening channel, perfect. "Shit, we're out of ice. Before you get too comfy, can you go get some?" "No problem, be right back." He grabbed the bucket and the key and was out the door. I took the time to slip out of my dress and put on my short black silk robe from Frederick's and black mules, then touched up my lipstick. I had just laid down the lipstick when he came back in the room. He did a double take when he saw me standing there with the robe opened, exposing my black bra, pink corset, and black stockings peeking out just below the bottom of the robe. It's a sexy look, one of my favorites. And apparently one of Antonio's too because he gave me a wolf whistle that broke out into a smile. "Now that's what I'm talking about," he said, handing me the bucket of ice. I took the bucket and turned so he couldn't see me blush. He stepped up behind me and put his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. His lips on the back of my neck sent a shiver through my body. It was yummy and I was becoming putty in his hands. He released me and returned to the bed. I picked up the drinks and followed. We sat there for a minute sipping our drinks. An oldie but a goody came on the radio and our bodies pressed together as we swayed with the music. I was really feeling good, but if this was going to happen, I wanted to feel great. So, I turned to Antonio, he looked at me and I almost got lost in his dark brown eyes. Catching myself, I said, "Antonio...." "Uh-uh," he replied. "Do you smoke?" "Cigarettes?" "No, weed." "Of course." "You want to smoke some?" "Ahh, yeah." "Me too." I got a joint out of my suitcase and handed it to him with a lighter. He lit it, took a big hit, and handed it back to me. We each had a few hits between drinks and let the music carry us away. The drinks caught up to me and I suddenly had to pee. I stood up to go to the bathroom and Antonio jumped up. "What's wrong?" he said looking around. A little paranoid from the weed. "Nothing, I just have to pee." "Oh wow, that's good weed," he said, laying back down on the bed. He reached out and took my hand. "Wait, I've got to pee." "But, you look so good in your lingerie, you're getting me so hot." "Make your self more comfortable, get out of those restrictive clothes." I smiled and went off to pee. As I was closing the bathroom door, I looked back to see him removing his shirt. Underneath he was wearing a white wife beater that fit tight against his body. "Hmm, the boy is in good shape," I said to myself. I did my business and when I returned he was on the bed, propped up against the backboard, wearing the undershirt and boxers. He had also turned off the overhead light and now the room was lit only by the desk lamp in the corner. Definitely more romantic. He was smiling as I moved to the bed. I did a little striptease and took off the robe to the beat of the bluesy jazz song on the radio. The song changed to a ballad and I took Antonio's hand and said, "Dance with me." He is about 6' 2" and I am only 5' 5" without heels, so my head rested against his chest as he took me in his arms. He pulled me close and I could feel his semi-hard cock pressing against my stomach. I had never slow danced with a man before and I was waiting for him to lead. But we just sort of swayed back and forth to the music, exploring each other's back and butt with our hands. His cock was getting harder and pushing me away from him. I didn't want to push back to hard for fear of hurting him. But after a minute, I pushed him back on the bed and threw myself on top of him. I was so ready for the fun to begin. I pulled up his undershirt and started sucking and nibbling on his nipples, not playing favorites. Antonio was starting to moan and grabbed me under the arms and pulled me up to his face and said, "You make one sexy girl." He could not have given me a greater compliment. So, I grinned like an evil elf and said, "You ain't seen nothing yet." We started making out like a couple of teenagers at a drive-in movie. Hands, lips, and tongues were in constant motion until I slid down and pulled off his boxers. Out sprung a beautiful, mocha colored, 7" cock. Not the longest I have seen, but as thick as any of them. A drop of precum was dripping from the tip. I captured it with my finger and licked it off while Antonio watched in amusement. "Hmm, sweet," I said, looking into his dark eyes. He didn't say a word, just put his hand on the back of my head and guided it to a face to face situation with his alter ego. I didn't need any further urging and kissed the head, French kissing the tip to get some more yummy precum. Antonio's body jerked and he let out a pleasurable gasp when my tongue split the tip. I started licking around the head and worked my way down the shaft to his heavy ball sack. Taking each one in my mouth, I gently teased them with my tongue. While attending to his balls, I continued to stroke his shaft. I could barely get my hand around the thickness which gave me cause to think about penetration and pain. My concern didn't last as I was being swept away in a wave of erotic sensations. I was laying perpendicular to Antonio on the bed and he smacked me on the butt a couple of times while encouraging me to keep doing what I was doing. He would spank my cheek and then rub it. The anticipation of the strike would build up inside as I waited for it. Then it wouldn't happen and I would let down my guard for a second to focus on what I was doing. Then whack, when I wasn't expecting it, it really built up the sexual tension. I finally worked my way back up to his cock and replaced my hand with my mouth. I could get it in my mouth, but not very far down my throat. So, I worked up a lot of saliva to cover his cock and used my hand for what my throat could not handle. I worked him up to a nice rhythm between hand and mouth. He started to tense up and I pulled off, not wanting him to cum yet. "I'm glad you stopped, another second and I was going to cum." "I thought so, that's why I stopped." He laughed, said, "Come here," and pulled me up to kiss me hard on the mouth. By now our tongues were in sync when we kissed. He was a good kisser, he didn't try to stick his tongue as far down my throat as his cock had been like some guys. He used it just enough to dance and play hide and seek with mine. I pulled away and kissed his eyes, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and the nape of his neck. Then he pulled away and said, "It's my turn," he rolled me over on to my back. He was on his hands and knees. I was still wearing my lingerie. He looked me over and just said, "Damn." I giggled and pulled my bra down and started playing with my nipples. I don't have much in the boobage department, but pulling my slightly padded bra under my titties pushed them up and out giving me a visible cleavage. Although it didn't seem to matter to Antonio at this point. He took one button between his lips and sucked on it. My nipple was so hard that it felt like my skin was stretching. Now he had me moaning. We worked ourselves up to a frenzy, our sweaty bodies sliding against each other. We were both breathing heavy and I whispered in his ear. "Let me catch my breath." "Yeah, me too," he replied. We laid there in the dim light, I was curled up next to him with my head resting on his chest admiring my Latin lovers body. He looked down at me and smiled. "You are a wild one, all right." I felt a little glow of pride in the work I was doing. I scooted up to his face, gave him a quick peck on the lips, and whispered in his ear. "Do you want to fuck your little sissy?" Antonio shook his head back and forth and he wasn't smiling. "What?" I blurted out, disappointment starting to creep into my thoughts. Antonio burst out laughing. "Just kidding, babe. There is no way you are getting rid of me that easy." "You butt head," I said and tried to hit him with a pillow. He saw it coming and grabbed the pillow out of my hands and hit me with it. I tried to avoid it and was off balanced when it hit me on the shoulder and knocked me over on to my back. He quickly pounced on top of me, pinning me to the bed. He held both of my wrists in one hand without any effort. I acted like I was struggling to get free but just laughed, knowing there was no way. I stuck out my tongue at him and did the pouting thing where you stick out your lower lip. This only made him laugh harder. His laughter faded as did my struggling and he slowly inched his head closer and closer to mine, looking deep into my eyes the entire time. The sleep mode had turned off the radio and in the dim light, it seemed like it took him five minutes until his lips brushed mine. It was very romantic. After a few soft kisses, he whispered. "I want to fuck you so bad, my balls are turning blue." It took a second for his little joke to sink in. He was leaning forward with his weight resting on his arms. When I got the joke, I reached across and grabbed his left wrist and pulled it toward me. This caused him to roll to the center of the bed on his back. "Blue balls," I said, "I've got to see this." I jumped on top of him and we lay there laughing. Then it got quiet again. "I'm going to get ready for that monster," I said, giving his semi-hard cock a little squeeze. "Hurry back." "You can count on that. Why don't you freshen up the drinks and light the rest of that joint?" I told him, grabbing my overnight bag and disappearing into the bathroom. Inside I removed my wet panties, then took my butt plug and a bottle of lube out of the bag. I lubed up two fingers, inserted one in my rosebud opening, moved it in and out a few times, then did the same with both fingers. My bud started to loosen up to accept my probing fingers. A minute later I was lowering myself on to the lubed butt plug sitting on the toilet seat. With a little effort, I got it in, took a second until everything relaxed and started to feel good. Antonio was completely naked and laying on the bed, ready, I could tell. I followed suit but kept the corset and stockings on, a look that always excited me. I crawled up to him and he handed me the joint. First I kissed him, then took a hit, and held it up to Antonio's lips while he took one too. On my next toke, I inhaled the smoke and moved close to Antonio's face, kissed him and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. The kiss lasted until he had to exhale. "I'm buzzed," he said with a laugh. "Good," I said, "now I can take advantage of you." "Be gentle," he said and sounded so pathetic that we both broke out laughing. "How about a little porn?" "That's right, we have that here, I have never watched it. What channel is it on?" "I'll do it, Daddy," I teased. "Daddy? I like it," he joked. I got up went to the TV, picked up the remote, and accidentally dropped it on purpose. My back was facing him and I knew he was watching me, so I bent over at the waist to pick it up. This gave him a clear view of the jeweled end of the butt plug nestled in my bussy (boy pussy). "Wow," he said, "is that what I think it is?" "You like it?" I asked turning to him. "Oh yeah, I like. But I'm also jealous." I gave him a puzzled look. "I want to be all up in there too." "Oh, poor baby," I mused. "Patience is a virtue." "I have never claimed to be virtuous." "Let's hope not," I responded as the TV came on showing a blonde was big tits getting double penetrated by two well endowed black men. "This looks good," I said, returning to the bed. Antonio grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him. He was a laid back guy with a good sense of humor and easy to get along with. I felt like we had been friends for a lot longer than the maybe five hours we have known each other. I told him that I was having the best time and that he had missed his calling because he was a good ambassador for the city. "All I've shown you is the inside of a dive bar. I haven't even given you a tour of the hotel yet." "You have those?" "On special occasions." "For instance?" "When I feel like it." "So if I wanted a tour, what do I have to do, sign up at the front desk? Is it free?" "Actually, I'm in charge of the tours. So you have to show me how much you want to see the boiler, the kitchen, and the maids quarters." "This is starting to sound like a way for you to get girls alone in the dark places of this building." "Really? Do I look like a pervert?" "Looks can be deceiving." "You want a tour or not?" "Easy big guy, I'm just playing. Of course, I'll take your tour and follow you into all those dark places where a girl can become confused and compromised." He laughed, I laughed, we turned our attention to the TV where the big blonde was taking both big black cocks in her ass and screaming like she was delivering a baby. I kissed him and said, "I'll take the tour anytime you want." We settled back on the bed, propped up against the backboard. My hand was fondling his hard cock and the porn held our attention for about two minutes before we again played tonsil hockey. I was feeling all warm inside, comfortable, a glow from the pleasure I was experiencing. I still had my hand on his cock which was hard and throbbing, I broke the kiss and told him I was ready for him to replace my butt plug with his beautiful cock. That's what I said, beautiful cock. I rolled over and stuck my butt in the air. "You'll have to remove my butt plug first," I said, wiggling my ass in his face. "I've never done this before," he said. "Any tips or advice? I don't want to hurt you." "Just don't do it like a band-aid. Don't do it fast, go slow, please. You have to pull hard at first, but once it gets started, it pops right out." "OK," he said with a little concern in his voice. He grabbed the jeweled end and pulled, it resisted. He pulled a little harder and the imprisoned toy started to slide out. He thought it was coming and eased his grip, the vacuum was stronger, and it sucked it back in like someone was pulling from the other side. I had to laugh. Third time is a charm, I told myself. Sure enough. "POP," came the sound as it escaped the hole it was in. I looked back at Antonio, he was holding the plug, and staring at it. "I never want to do that again," he said and dropped the butt plug to the floor. It was funny, I had to laugh, which made him laugh and he flopped down next to me. "Roll over," I told him, taking charge. He did and I straddled him. The fun and games were over, appetizers have been served, it was time for the main course, time to get down to business. So, I reached between my legs, found his hard cock and guided it to its destination. I slowly eased myself down on his shaft. Antonio, being experienced, just laid there and let me do the deed. When I finally reached the bottom, I sat there for a minute while my sphincter relaxed and accepted this intruder. I leaned forward and gave Antonio a big thanks for being gentle kiss, sat back up, and slowly started to ride my Latin love toy. When I got to the point that it felt good to take the entire length, I started to quicken the pace and was soon slapping my butt cheeks against his thighs. Antonio caught up to the rhythm and we rocked that bed like we were on a runaway pony until I felt his cock twitch and pump his load of creme deep in my bowels. I had worked up so much precum that my hand easily slide up and down on my cock and I short my load all over Antonio's stomach. I collapsed on top of him and stayed that way until his cock got soft and slide out followed by a glob of goo. I rolled off of him, spent, and closed my eyes. This had been a hell of a night and I was starting to run out of steam. I turned to face Antonio, opened my eyes, and saw he was watching me and smiling. "What?" I asked softly. "Nothing, just enjoying the afterglow." I don't know why, but I could feel my cheeks blush. "That was really good," I said, "I have never been fucked like that before." "That's what they all say," he laughed. As did I at the irony of him saying it instead of me. He got up to pee and I looked at the clock. It was after four, Joe wouldn't be back before nine, so as to not take any chances, I left a wake-up call for seven. I used the bathroom after Antonio and crawled back into bed, into his arms, and I told him about how special tonight had been for me. The porn movie was over and now showing an old Dean Martin, Matt Helm movie, which was entertaining but put us both to sleep in no time. *** The call came at exactly seven. I had woke up about five minutes before and was watching Antonio sleep. All of the other times I have had sex with a man were one night stands with someone I never saw again. Consequently, I never had any real feelings about any of them one way or the other. This was different, I liked Antonio, I liked him a lot. This is the first time I ever felt or thought about a man this way and it was kind of scary. But, I liked it. I imagined this is how teenage girls feel about their first boyfriends and I liked it. Waking up with a hot guy in my bed is something I could get used to. Antonio mumbled something and turned over, still sleeping. I slipped out of bed still wearing my corset and stockings, which had a few runs. I pulled on the dress from last night and stepped into my mules. Closing the door quietly, I went down to lobby to get some coffee and rolls. I figured this early on a Sunday it would probably be empty. I stuck my head in, looked around, and saw two men at a table and an attendant. No problem. I grabbed a couple of sweet rolls and two large coffees. With a coffee in each hand, I tried to balance the rolls on top. When I turned to leave, one of the rolls slipped and fell to the floor. I placed the coffees on a table and bent down to pick up the roll, exposing my white thighs above the tops of my dark stockings and attacked pink garters. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the men lean over to get a better view of my legs. As I was squatting there, I looked up at the men and just smiled. It caught them off guard and they looked embarrassed that I had caught them peeking as they quickly returned their attention to the waffles they were having. I went over and got a carrier, put all the stuff in, and using my best wiggle, walked past their table, smiled again and said, "Gentlemen," As I turned to the elevators, I looked back and saw that the men had turned in their seats and were watching me walk away. Which is kind of flattering, if you ask me? Back in the room, Antonio was still sleeping. I took off my dress and crawled in under the covers. I got a crazy idea and looked to see if he was sporting morning wood. Sure enough, my mocha monster was wide awake even if it's master wasn't. I got my camera, carefully pulled the covers down, and took a couple of selfies with Antonio's hard cock. He woke up during the process and got a big laugh out of my antics. "You're crazy," he said. "And you're hard," I replied, "you can't do anything about me being crazy, but I can do something about you being hard." "I'll bet you can't," he was goading me. For being this early in the morning, he was pretty sharp. I know what he wanted and he knew what I wanted. So I took the bet and stuck as much of his stiff cock into my mouth as I could. All of the previous night's activities came flashing back, raising my desire to suck this glorious cock, that made me feel so feminine until I felt it coat the inside of my mouth with its sweet reward. And that's just what I did. When he had finished his release, he surprised me by pulling my face up to his and kissing me. His tongue quickly invading my mouth, tasting his own cum. I thought that was very erotic and my own monster was begging for its own release. But it was after eight and I didn't want to take any chances on Joe walking in on us. So after some more making out, I told Antonio it was time for him to go. He left after we ate our breakfast. It was 8:30. I quickly picked up any evidence of my wild night and locked all the girly stuff in my suitcase. The warm water of the shower felt good and I just stood there for a while letting it flow over my body. I couldn't help but remember all the new feelings that Antonio brought out of me. About how good it felt when we fucked like newlyweds and how safe he made me feel when he held me in his arms and the way he treated me, not as something weird to use as he pleased, but as a real girl. I soon found myself soaping up my stiffening member and jerking it while fucking my ass with the middle finger of my other hand. It didn't take long for me to close my eyes, think of Antonio, and shoot my load into my waiting hand, from which I licked it all off. I was beginning to like the taste of cum. I laid down on the bed and turned on the news. They said it was going to be a day just like yesterday. That's the last thing I remember until Joe came in around 10:30 and woke me up. He said we were having a meeting in the theater at noon, took a shower, changed his clothes, and left again. I drug myself out of bed a little after eleven, put on my bra, undies, and pantyhose under baggy jeans and a sweatshirt. Down in the lobby, I had another cup of coffee and skimmed the morning paper. At a quarter to twelve, I stepped onto the sidewalk and headed for the theater. We spent most of the afternoon setting up dressing rooms, showing everyone how the set changes would work, and started the blocking (blocking is figuring out where you will stand and move in relationship to the other actors during a scene). It turned out to be a shorter day than I expected. Everybody was worn out from the travel and getting settled in, so Luke called it just after six. This meant that the next three days would be demanding if we were to be ready to open Thursday night. I was also dragging but for a different reason, so I was glad he let us go early. Besides, it will give me a chance to catch up with Mel. *** I hopped into a cab with Mel, Shari, and Robin and headed uptown where they were staying. It was really a nice townhouse, a block from Central Park. It was obvious that the owners had money, the place reeked with opulence, and each girl had her own room. The girls made sandwiches and we drank some wine while we caught up. I didn't want to say anything in front of Robin, so I was glad when she retired to her bedroom to study her script. Mel and Shari knew that something was up because I kept dropping hints all day, but kept them hanging. So when Robin left the room, they both turned to me and Mel said, "Okay, you little shit, what's going on?" Shari added, "Yeah, you've been acting funny all day." I proceeded to tell them about shopping in drag and all the details regarding Antonio. They were shocked and amazed that I had been so brazen, but happy and proud that I had taken such big steps. We all knew this coming week was going to be hectic at best and made plans to get together on our off days next week. They also had some plans of their own that they would not elaborate on. I think they were just getting back at me. I got back to the hotel at about ten. I didn't see Antonio, which was okay because I was beat. I opened the door and Joe was laying on his bed watching TV. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep immediately fully dressed. *** As I predicted, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we put in twelve hours a day getting ready for Thursday. Once I have my routine in place, I really don't have much to do until the actual show, so I work as a stand-in when needed and run lines with the actors between scenes. By the time we open, I usually know all the parts to some extent. The play we were doing was called "Don't Worry, It's Just My Dad." It was about a widowed man and his sometimes humorous trials and tribulations of raising three teenage daughters. Luke and his wife wrote it and Luke did the directing. His brother, Mark, was playing the father. He played most of the male leads, he was one of the money men after all. He was in his mid 30's, fairly good looking, dark blonde hair, blue eyes, dressed well and drove a Benz. The two brothers inherited a small fortune from their father who was quite a wiz in the stock market. The boys didn't seem to have that knack but we're doing very well in the real estate game. This gave them the time, the money, and the opportunity to pursue their real dream, the theater. Mel, Shari, and Robin were playing the daughters. The other main role was played by Monica Graham, who was the father's love interest. The rest of the troupe were friends and neighbors, some playing two parts. I got along with everybody, did my job, tried to stay out of the spotlight, showed up on time, and went that extra mile when I had to. I've made a few mistakes, took responsibility, got bitched at sometimes, and took my lumps, deserved or not. In the long run, I think they all liked me and I liked them. We were a good group that got along well without much drama. Mark didn't come in on Saturday with everyone else. He arrived Sunday morning and since the carpenters left that morning, he took the room they were using down the hall. I think they had it worked out that way. As busy as I was, I managed to find the time Wednesday morning to take Antonio up on his tour offer. It was just as I suspected, a chance to get some young lady alone and in the dark depths of the building. That is where I found myself unbuckling his pants and making love to his cock while he kept a lookout for any staff roaming around. He came in my mouth and I shared his cum with him until we heard someone coming down the stairs and took off in the other direction, not looking back until we were well out of sight. Public sex can be very exciting, the chance of getting discovered adds a lot of sexual tension to what is happening. We had a final run through Thursday after lunch and it went perfect. So did the opening and we were well received, even got a review. It wasn't glowing, but it wasn't that bad either. Friday we had two more critics in the audience and everybody stepped up their game and it was a much tighter performance. This showed up in the more positive reviews, which pumped everyone up and Saturday was as good as Friday. The troupe was really psyched because we were doing a play in New York City and we were not that bad. We all left Saturday night on a high and looked forward to the rest of the run with great anticipation. *** Then came Sunday and our bubble burst. First, early Sunday morning Joe got a call that his wife had been in a car accident. She broke her nose, ruptured her spleen, and had to spend some time in the hospital. Joe was devastated, he would have to leave as soon as possible to take care of his two kids and his wife when she got out. He made a reservation to fly home after the matinee. Then he called his contacts to see if he could get somebody to work the board for the rest of the run. With all the theaters in New York, he didn't have a problem finding someone. They arranged to meet before the matinee and Joe would show him the ropes. Problem solved. But it was just the beginning. After the show, Robin tripped, fell down the stairs, and broke her hip. Everybody was running around, trying to help, and only getting in the way. Out of the blue and I suppose trying to ease the situation Mark said, "All right, who told her to break a leg before the show?" Like gallows humor, it didn't get many chuckles, in fact, there was an audible groan. Embarrassed, Mark tried to duck backstage. As he passed me I said, "I thought it was funny." He smiled, punched me lightly in the shoulder, and said, "Thanks, Sunny." After the ambulance left with Robin, Luke had us gather in the theater for a pow wow. What were we going to do? Robin wasn't the main sister but she couldn't be written out because she was essential to the story. Everybody put in their two cents for nearly an hour. The best we could come up with was Luke would make some calls. We were just about to break up when Mel stands up and says. "If we get someone new, they have to start from scratch, that's one. Also, there is chemistry involved. We all know were a close-knit group and bringing in someone new, especially a New Yorker, she might not fit in or treat us like a bunch of yokels." "Do you have a better idea?" Luke asked her. Mel paused for a second and then says. "I just got this crazy idea and I thought I'd just throw it out there." We all looked at each other, where was she going with this? "Let's hear it," Luke said. She gets this weird smile on her face and says, "There is one person here who we are forgetting about. Someone who probably knows this play as well as anyone. Someone who runs lines with all of us, and I think can do the part." The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Shari got it too. She stood up and said, "Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Mel got a big smile on her face and shook her head, yes and they both looked at me. I tried to melt into my seat and disappear. Because the girls looked at me, everybody turned to look at me. "Shit," I said to myself. Luke was standing there with a confused look. "Are you suggesting that we use Sunny to play Robin's part, really?" There were some chuckles, but Mel continued, "Yes, Luke, that's what I am suggesting and I think he can do it." "And what makes you think so?" "I don't want to embarrass him too much, but I have seen him as a girl and it was quite convincing." Luke looked at me, then back at her, confused. Mel gave him a funny look, raised her arms up like what's the problem, and said, "Halloween." Luke shook his head and raised his arm to say okay, I get it. A hush fell over the crowd and I stood up to protest but Mel held up her hand telling me she was in charge here, don't make me look bad. "What does Sunny have to say about it?" Luke asked. "Shouldn't we ask him?" he turns to me and says. "Well Sunny, how do you feel about this?" I was feeling so small being the topic of this discussion, feeling they were all undressing me with their eyes. I swallowed hard, I wasn't sure of anything. The thought was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. I managed to say. "I don't know, Luke. I've never been on stage before." Mel cut me off before I could talk my way out of it. She said, "We can talk about it all night but the only way I can convince you is to show you. So give me thirty minutes to get him in costume and then you can make a decision. What have we got to lose?" Luke turns to the group and says. "Anybody got any other ideas? No? Okay, Mel, you got thirty minutes." Everybody left scratching their heads about what was happening. Shari stayed behind to help out. I got right into Mel's face. "What the hell, Mel. Why did you do that? Are trying to humiliate me, make me the fool?" "Take it easy, Sunny. This could be a golden opportunity if you can pull it off. Think about the story. It will be in all the trades. Don't be such a drama queen." "How do you know that's what I want? Why didn't you ask me before you put me on the spot?" "Because you would have tried to talk me out of it. I know a little about this theater business and something like this could be just the thing to make this play a hit." "Yeah, but..." "No buts, trust me, it could be the best thing that ever happened to you. Only you will never know unless you try. If it turns out bad you'll be no worse off, everybody will commend you for taking one for the team. But if you pull it off, Sunny, this could be the start of something big and I want to be your agent." That broke the tension and got a laugh out of me. Deep down I was excited about the whole thing, but I also realized the chance I would be taking. Shari piped in. "Come on, Sunny. I've seen you as a girl and I couldn't believe it. On stage with the make-up, the lighting, and the audience at a distance, no one would be able to tell." "You really think so?" I asked. "She's right, Sunny, and remember if this doesn't work, all the work we have done for the last couple of months will have been for nothing. So, remember, it's not just about you," Mel chimed in. She had a point, I hadn't thought about how it would affect the others, so I gave in. "Okay, what the hell, the show must go on, right." "All right," They both said, each grabbing an arm and leading me to the dressing room. *** I could hear the buzz but not see the audience as I stood on the stage with the curtains drawn. Suddenly, I heard Luke shout. "Okay Mel, we're all here, let's see what you got." Shari and Mel had done my make-up with such care that when I put on the auburn wig and Robin's costume, you would have to look closely to determine who was who. Mel walked on to the stage and asked, "Are you ready?" "Yes," came the response from the group and she signaled Shari to open the curtain and hit the spotlight. I was standing center stage and when the spotlight hit me there was an audible hush that fell over the group. Everyone just sat there staring at me, not saying a word. I started to feel really embarrassed and was about to run off the stage, when Mark said, "My God, he's beautiful." Like a dam burst, everyone came running up to me saying they couldn't believe it, or what a pretty girl I was, and other accolades. Not being one who seeks the spotlight it was all too much. I'm not saying that I wasn't enjoying the attention, but it was not something I was accustom to. As the group around me thinned out, Luke approached and looked me over. This was it. It was now or never. I tried my best to smile. He shook his head, sort of gave a half chuckle, and said, "Well, you do clean up," he paused and looked me in the eye. "If you think you can do it, I'm willing to give you a chance." I looked over at Mel and Shari, they were all smiles and giving me a thumbs up. I had gone this far, opened up my secret life for all the world to see and was almost shaking from the anxiety I was feeling. "Well, Sunny, what do you think?" Luke asked again. "I'll do it. But it's your call in the end," I replied. "How familiar are you with the part?" "I've run lines with Robin and know what her role is." "Good. Here's what I want you to do. Learn your part for the first two scenes. That shouldn't be too much to learn by tomorrow and we'll meet at noon and see how you do. I'm not saying you got the part, but show me something tomorrow and you have a good shot, okay?" "Okay," I said. Luke turned and addressed the group. "That's it for today. Tomorrow, noon, right here, no excuses, everyone needs to understand that we are on life support at the moment and still have more work to do. We should all thank Mel and Sunny and Shari for thinking outside the box, I hope it works. I think we'll have a better idea of where we stand tomorrow. Now get out of here and I'll see you all tomorrow. Except for you three, I want to talk to you guys for just a minute." *** Everybody left except for the brothers, Luke's wife, Mel, Shari, and myself. Luke was giving me some tips on making my voice softer. Mark couldn't leave me alone, he seemed to be constantly touching me for some reason. If I wasn't concentrating on the pointers Luke was giving me, I might have been annoyed. His actions didn't escape Mel and Shari's observations. After the Sutherland's left, Mel and Shari were all over me about Mark. I asked them what they were talking about, I was too busy with Luke to notice anything unusual. "Oh girl, you better watch out for that Mark, he's got it bad for you," Shari teased. "You're crazy," I told her. "Nope, ask Mel. Hey Mel, you think Mark's got the hots for Sunny?" "Does a fat chick like cake?" she answered. "See, you better watch your ass, sweetie." "I'm getting out of these clothes," I said and headed off to the dressing room with the girls following. I started to remove the make-up when Mel asked, "Why don't you come home with us tonight, Robin won't be there?" "Not tonight, okay. So much has happened today. Everything is happening so fast. I got a lot to think about. You know what I mean?" "Yeah, I guess I do. This has been a strange day. I hope you aren't upset with me for getting you involved like this. I didn't do it to hurt you. It just seemed like a good idea at the time," Mel said, sitting down next to me. I threw my arms around her and said, "You're my best friend, I know you would never do anything to hurt me. I'm just kind of scared about the whole thing and at the same time excited. I hope I can do it. I don't want to let anybody down." "I believe in you Sunny, you have always been able to do whatever you put your mind to. That's one of the things I like and really envy about you." "Thanks, Mel. I'll do my best. Have I ever let you down before?" I assured her and myself too. "Well, there was that one time..." "Hey, you said you'd never talk about that again." Shari heard that and said, "What, what are you two hiding?" "It's a joke," Mel explained. "And with that, I am out of here," I said heading for the exit. "I'll see you tomorrow." "Get a good nights sleep," Mel said. "And leave that bellhop alone?" Shari added. "Yeah, yeah, okay." And I was gone. *** Walking back to the hotel, I was lost in thought. I was excited but at the same time scared to death, confused and clear of mind, thinking it could work out fine but knowing it could all blow up in my face. I walked right past the hotel and got to the next corner before I realized it. I didn't see Antonio. It was around eight, and he was probably on his lunch break. I really didn't feel like seeing him tonight, I had too much on my mind. Back in the room, I fired up a joint. As I watched the smoke float around the room, there was a knock on the door. I knew it had to be Antonio. I opened the door, but it wasn't Antonio, it was Mark. "Hi, Sunny, how you doing?" he asked. "Kind of got a lot on my mind." "I'll bet. Do you mind if I come in?" "Oh yeah, sorry. I'm not all here at the moment." "That's what I wanted to talk to you about," he said walking into the room. He sat in the chair by the window. He was dressed in a gray sports coat and slacks with a black polo shirt underneath, argyle socks and expensive loafers. I flopped down on the bed. "Smells good in here, got any left?" he asked with a smile on his face. I pulled what was left of the joint out of the ashtray and handed it to him with the lighter. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked him. "What do you have?" "Soda, root beer, vodka, OJ and, ah, water." "What are you having?" "I think I need a screwdriver." "Me too." I mixed the drinks while Mark sucked on the roach. I started thinking about what Mel and Shari had said about Mark. He showed up out of the blue and had never given me this much attention in the past two years. Of course, he could be just worried about the play and wants to make sure I'm alright with it and that I can, in fact, pull it off. I decided to hear him out before I'd worry one way or the other. I handed him the drink, he blew out the smoke, then put his plastic glass up to toast. I tapped his glass with mine. "Here's to success," he said. "Success," I repeated and sipped my drink. Mark handed me the joint and I took a hit. He was watching me intently like he was trying to see through me. I pretended not to notice but it was starting to feel creepy. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "Well, how do you feel about this whole thing? It's a bit out of the ordinary. If you know what I mean?" "That's for sure," I answered. "How do you feel about dressing up and playing a girl?" I realized that this is one of the questions that I would have to be addressing in the weeks ahead. "It's not the first time. It's happened all through history and there is quite a lot of it in today's theater," was my answer. "You're right, it's just nothing I've ever experienced and this afternoon when the curtains opened and the spotlight hit you, you, you looked so beautiful and demure, well, I don't know any other way to say it, but my heart went out to you and I have no idea what to do. I'm not gay, I don't think, but now I don't know. After seeing you today and sitting here looking at you dressed like that, I don't see a boy anymore, I see a girl." Maybe the girls were right, I told myself, let's see where this goes. He continued. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to hit on you. I don't know what your sexuality is, shit I really don't know much about you at all. I don't know what I'm saying, this all sounds crazy to me. I can only imagine what you are thinking. Get this old faggot out of my room or something like that." He was starting to ramble, so I raised my hand to stop him. He took a deep breath like he was relieved to have finally let it out. "Listen, Mark, I can tell you're feeling something new and it's confusing. It's not like anything you've ever felt. And I can tell you are trying to be as honest as you can and trying to understand what's going on." "That's why I'm here." "I know, but the truth is this afternoon is not the first time I've worn a dress." "Really, do you wear them often?" "Not often enough, if you want to know the truth." "So, do you want to be a girl?" How do you answer a question like that? The bottom line is that I am just as confused as Mark seems to be. "I'm 25 and I've been crossdressing since I was a freshman in college. I've been doing it a lot more lately, but hey, I don't know what I want. I'm just as confused as you are." I was surprising myself being this open with someone I didn't know that well. "Well, I can tell you one thing, you sure do look good as one. If I didn't know it was you, I would have bet my car this afternoon that you were a real girl." "Are you flirting with me, Mark?" This embarrassed him. His cheeks turned rosy and he looked away real quick, pretending to look for the roach. "Ha ha," I laughed. "I'm just teasing you. Come on, don't be embarrassed. This afternoon I got up in front of the group and let them see me as a girl. That's embarrassing." "Even when you do it all the time?" "I didn't say all the time." "You know what I mean." "I guess, but it's always been in private where I had some control. Never in public like this." "Did Mel and Shari know? They must have or else they wouldn't have said anything." "Yeah, I've dressed up with them a couple of times." "Is there anything going on between those two, people are talking." "They're just good friends. It's not like they are a couple or anything. They just get kind of crazy when they get together." "How crazy is the question." "Get your mind out of the gutter. What and if they do anything behind closed doors, is none of your business." "You're right. Changing the subject, are you worried about stage fright?" "The way I am starting to look at it is that every time I wear a dress, I am acting like someone else by pretending to be a girl. I'm hoping that will give me an edge." "Interesting. Have you had a chance to dress since you've been here?" "Honestly, yes, a couple of times." "What did you do?" "I went out shopping, shopping for props and other things." "Get out." "No, it's true." "Nobody could tell you were a boy?" "I'm not sure, maybe, but gentlemen were opening doors for me and a couple of guys actually hit on me," I had to laugh. "Wow, how did that make you feel?" "Good, no great." "Man, I would like to see you in something sexier than that baggy costume for the play. Do you mind if I have another drink?" "Go ahead, I'll take one too." Mark started mixing the drinks. "I'll bet you're a real knockout," he said over his shoulder. "What about Joe?" he asked. "You guys were roommates in this room, did he know?" "I don't think so. I keep things under lock and key and very careful not to leave any clues." "Now that he is gone home, you won't have to be so secretive." I had forgotten all about Joe. But he was right and it made me smile. I was thinking this opened up a lot of possibilities. "Hm, I hadn't even thought of that," I said. Mark looked at his watch and said, "I haven't had any dinner and it's after nine. Are you hungry?" Was he making his move? "I could eat something." "I'm just going to throw this out there, no obligation on your part, it's all up to you, but would you consider getting dressed and doing me the honor of having dinner with me?" Oh yeah, there it is. I had a feeling that's where he was going. He is kind of handsome, he reminded me of a young Don Johnson. I had never noticed how expressive his eyes were before, they were kind of hypnotizing. He seemed to be very inquisitive but somewhat naive in the ways of the world. Growing up rich with an overprotective mother was my guess. I finished my drink and got up to put the glass in the sink. Mark just stood there, silently waiting for my answer. He's the type of guy who doesn't hear the word no very often, so I kind of enjoyed making him squirm. "I don't know," I said, turning around to face him. "I really should be studying for tomorrow." All his puffery went out and he slumped back into the chair. He looked so dejected I couldn't help but feel sorry for the man. After all, he has just discovered that he is sexually attracted to another man dressed as a woman. Maybe I should give him a break. I opened up the mini-frig, peeked in, and shook my head. "Well, maybe you're in luck. There's nothing to eat in here and I don't feel like dining from those vending machines again. So, I'll take you up on your offer." His face brightened and he jumped up from the chair. "All right. You won't be sorry, Sunny. I promise." "Okay, then you go away and give me 30 minutes. Then call me, I should be ready." "I'm really hungry, can you be ready sooner?" "Do you want me to look my best?" "I do." "Thirty minutes and call," I said, pushing him toward the door. *** Exactly thirty minutes later he calls, I told him I was ready and come on over. I had only brought a few clothes, so I wore the same green dress that I wore on my date with Antonio. Since he was just down the hall, in the room where the carpenters stayed, he was at my door in a flash. I put on my black dress jacket, sprayed on some perfume, and grabbed my purse just as he knocked. I opened the door and Marks eyes got big. "Did you know that I was just down the hall?" "You took the carpenters room." "Two doors down, in case you get lonely." "I'll keep that in mind," I said. He started to walk into the room. "I thought you were hungry?" "I am, but I could use a little more pot if you got it. I'm supposed to score some tomorrow and I'll pay you back. One thing about this city, it's easier to let someone else drive. That way you can get toasted and not worry about it." He made a good case, so I put down my purse, took off my jacket, and pulled out a joint. *** Mark said something funny and we were both laughing as we stepped out of the elevator in the lobby. I saw Antonio at the front desk, he was looking the other way, talking to somebody. I stepped to the side of Mark that would hide me from his vision but I'm sure he saw me before we got out of the building. There was a chill in the air, that's when I realized I forgot to put my jacket back on after getting stoned. I crossed my arms and shivered while we waited for a cab. Mark must have noticed because he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. It wasn't awkward, he was a smooth operator. I liked the feeling of warmth his body was radiating and he was a lot stronger than I thought he'd be. He opened the door and I got in, he got in and put his arm around me again. I didn't dislike Mark, I had never really thought about him, and of course, never had an inkling I'd be dating him. He always seemed to be in a different league than the rest of us. Not in a stuck up way but like he was a senior and we were all freshmen. Like he's seen it all and nothing fazes him. Now, I think I'm going to re-examine what makes Mark tick. He took me to an upscale Italian restaurant that was small, dark, and crowded. It had to be one of the local hot spots because I saw a couple of people I recognized from the movies and a female country and western star. Mark was the perfect gentleman, opening doors, pulling out my chair, he enjoyed showing me off and spoiling me. To tell the truth, I enjoyed it too. We had a light meal and made small talk. Because of the crowd, they rushed us out after half an hour. I was seeing Mark in a new light. He was charming, witty, funny, and told great stories about the things he has done like big wave surfing in Hawaii and sailing his boat throughout the Caribbean and the places he's traveled like Africa. I was having such a good time, when he asked if I wanted to take a Hansom Cab ride around Central Park, I forgot all about the audition I had the next day and said I'd love to. Sitting in the open carriage, I was really cold. Mark took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders and he moved up another notch on my chart. He reached over and put his hand inside the jacket. I thought he was getting fresh and pulled away from him. He said he just wanted to get something out of the pocket and pulled out a little brown vial with something powdery inside. He twisted off the cap, stuck it up to his nose and inhaled. He offered it to me. Not knowing what it was, I shied away from him. "It's Peruvian flake," he said. I shrugged my shoulders. "Cocaine," he whispered. "Oh," I said, taking the vial and copying Mark. Maybe this Mark guy ain't so bad, I told myself. By the time we got back to the hotel, we were having a great time. Mark had me laughing so hard I was getting pains in my side and tears in my eyes. It was after midnight and Mark walked me to my door. We agreed that we had a good time and I thanked him with a soft kiss on the lips that turned into a body grinding up against the door experience. Before we got carried away, I pushed him off. He moaned like I had kicked him in the balls. "We can't, not tonight. I've got too much on the line and not a lot of time. You of all people should know what I mean," I said to him. "I know, it's just that the more I get to know you, the more I like you. You're different than other girls." "Gee, really?" "I didn't mean it that way. Oh, you know what I mean. This is all so damn confusing. You're like... and, and, I'm like... and, oh, I just don't know what the fuck is happening to me." Out in the public, rubbing shoulders with the up and ups, Mark was right at home. He was in control, so sure of himself. Now in private, here with me, he let down his guard and was showing me that he was just as confused about life as everybody else. "It's okay, Mark. Look, I met someone tonight that I never knew before and I liked him. He was charming, he made me laugh, he showed me a side of himself that I didn't know existed. Don't get down on yourself, sweetie, you're a great guy and I hope to get to know you better in the time we have left here. Okay?" We hugged and agreed to do it again soon. I undressed and got into bed thinking he's not a bad guy. When I wondered what he looked like naked, I realized how much I was thinking and acting like a woman. Six months ago thoughts like this would have freaked me out. Now they seemed so natural, like second nature. Mark was different from Antonio. I liked Antonio, but I really had fun with Mark tonight. What a trip this trip was getting to be. I came looking to do something different and this was certainly different. I couldn't imagine what would happen next. I was thinking this is what sissy heaven would be like and fell asleep thinking about my two guys. *** On Monday, I met Mel and Shari at the theater at ten to run lines. I was confident that I knew my part for the first act. My concern was with my voice. It wasn't masculine or feminine, it was somewhere in the middle. I was alright in normal conversations, but on stage where one has to project their voice, I tended to sound more masculine. After much thought, I came up with an idea. When I would practice I started singing my part loud, in a higher register, and slow down to an everyday speech pattern as I learned the part but keeping the same volume. It sounds weird but it seemed to work, plus I sounded more melodic when I did it in rehearsal. When he wasn't on stage, Mark was hovering over me like a mother hen. After rehearsal, Luke said that I had exceeded his expectations. I wasn't there yet, but he was much more optimistic than he was twenty-four hours ago. He also apologized for his brother. He said Mark was somewhat smitten with my new persona and if it made me uncomfortable he would talk to him. I told him it wasn't a problem and that I thought it was kind of cute. Mel and Shari stayed afterward and worked with me on doing the make-up. They gave me some tips on stage presence that helped with the stage fright. When I got back to the hotel it was nearly five. Antonio was chatting with the clerk at the front desk. As I stepped inside, he turned and smiled. I smiled back and waved as I do, but feeling a little weird dressed as a dude and giving off sissy vibes. Antonio pointed at me and gave me a thumbs up. What does that mean, if anything? It seems I'm thinking more and more like a girl. I walked up to him and said, "I need to talk to you about something." "Okay, I get off in a few minutes, same place?" "Yeah, but give me some time to change, okay?" "No prob, babe." He called me babe. There I go again thinking as a different gender. *** I changed into the outfit I wore on the day I met Antonio and smoked the half of the joint that makes me feel more like myself. Grabbing my purse, I hurried down to 'The Breeze'. Antonio was sitting at one of the booths in the back. Once my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I saw him waving at me. I told the bartender want I wanted and sat down opposite him. Then he got up and moved to my side, which I thought was sweet. He put his arm around me and said, "Hi." It felt good sitting here with Antonio. So much had happened since the last time I saw him and I couldn't wait to tell him. "Hi," I replied. But before I could say anything he said, "So what's going on, Sunny? Does this have anything to do with that old dude I saw you leaving with last night?" I guess he did see me. "Yes and no," I cringed. "What do you mean, yes and no?" I proceeded to tell him everything that happened the day before. He sat there quietly listening, mouth agape in wonder. "Are you just making this up as an excuse for going out with this guy?" he didn't believe me. "I swear to you Antonio, it's the truth. If you don't believe me come to the show Thursday night." "I'll just have to do that. See my little sissy girl on the boards, as they say in the business." Calling me his little sissy girl made me blush. "I'll leave your name at the box office." "Free ticket?" "It's the least I can do." "Okay, then what's the deal with the old dude?" "Well, he is one of the guys that finances our little group. His name is Mark and after seeing me dressed yesterday, it seems he has developed a slight crush on me or her and he's not that old." Antonio laughed out loud. "Rich boy fantasies, should I be jealous?" "No, I just have to humor him. It will probably only last until he meets someone better looking or the new wears off." "Impossible, sweetheart, once you've been bitten by the Sunny bug, you're hooked and I'm speaking from experience." My turn to laugh. "You are so funny." "I know, that's what you like about me, isn't it?" He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "You do have a good sense of humor, but it might have something to do with this too." As I said it, I reached under the table and placed my hand on the bulge in his pants. He jumped when I squeezed it and I had to laugh at his reaction. Then as we sat there in the dim light he reached under the table and casually slid his hand under my dress and started rubbing me through the leggings. I looked up at him with a look that said what are you doing? He looked down at me and said, "You started it." It was early for the bar crowd, so the place was almost empty. There was a couple of barflies sitting on the stools and another couple trying to be inconspicuous. We guessed they were having an extramarital affair. *** I couldn't believe that Antonio was so casual as he pumped my stiffy up and down. He stopped once to spit in hand, then returned to what he was doing, which was turning me on. My breathing increased and I moaned a few times. I thought for sure the bartender would bust us. He started to come over once, but Antonio waved him off with his free hand. I was so turned on by this public display of affection, or should I say a public display of erection, that it didn't take long before I was squirting my creamy white load into his waiting hand. When my ejaculations ceased, he pulled his hand up showing me a small pool of cum. He offered it to me and I looked to see if anyone was looking. Seeing that no one was, I licked his hand clean. While I was doing this he guided my hand to his rock solid cock straining for release. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what he wanted. So, I returned the favor. I couldn't stop giggling about what was happening, until Antonio gave me a stern look that said, "Shut up, bitch, don't make a scene," I gathered myself and concentrated on what I was doing. When I started to be more serious, I got more into what we were doing and started whispering naughty thoughts between nibbles on his ear. It wasn't long before he laid his head back, close his eyes, and softly said, "I'm going to cum," I felt the jets of cum that shot into my palm as I tried to catch as much as I could. Then I pulled my hand out and licked it clean too. I was really beginning to like the taste of cum. He watched me with a smile on his face and said, "You really are a nasty girl, aren't you?" "You say that like it's a bad thing," I replied as I finished cleaning off my hand. He did a double take at that, and said, "No, it's a good thing, believe me." Then added, "You got any plans tonight?" "I really have to study, I've only got a couple of days before my debut." "You're breaking my heart, but I understand." He sounded dejected. "I'll make it up to you, promise." "When?" "We'll have to play that by ear. But, I'll see you Thursday night?" "I wouldn't miss it for the world." A couple of minutes later we finished our drinks and walked out into the twilight. We said our goodbyes and shared a sweet tender kiss before I turned to walk back to the hotel. I figured he was watching me so I gave him a view of my best strut. "That's what I'm talking about," he yelled after me, "and stay away from that old dude." I had to laugh. My talk with Antonio was just what I needed. For that hour I was able to put the play and its consequences behind me and just have some fun. *** Tuesday's rehearsal was a lot like Monday's only I wasn't happy with the job I did. Everybody was really positive and encouraging but something was missing. Mel asked if I would like to come over afterward. She said maybe talking things over, just us girls might help. I was ready to try anything, my confidence was starting to wobble and I was wondering if reality was setting in and this was a mistake. One of the things I admired about Mel was her determination. She was not one to give in easily, she would fight you tooth and nail if the cause was right. She believed this was the right cause. When we got to their place, we started talking about what was wrong and what was right in what I was doing. We came up with a lot of things that, on second thought, were either not possible or not applicable. We were about to take a break and get something to eat, when Mel said, "I think it's hard for you to see some of these things we're talking about because you grew up with a brother and not a sister. So, you have nothing to relate to when it comes to growing up as a girl." Shari and I looked at each other, we didn't get it. "Look, boys and girls are raised differently," we agreed. "Boys are raised to be rough and tumble, whereas girls are raised to be demure and sweet, don't you get it?" Again, Shari and I looked dumbfounded. "Idiots, I'm surrounded by idiots." She was now walking around the room, looking at us, and shaking her head. "Here's what we are going to do. First, we're going to get something to eat." We all laughed. "Then after we eat until the play opens Thursday, we are going to be the sisters in the play, all the time." Then she puts out both arms like presenting something. "Ta-da." We all agreed, what did we have to lose, it might work. *** Having the three of us living together like this gave us plenty of time to work out the little details that would add more reality to our roles, especially mine. By Thursday morning we had our parts down tight. We were able to deliver the setups and the punch lines with a natural nonchalance, so that the timing sounded real, not forced or as read. Luke was impressed with our innovation and complimented us on our efforts. Thursday morning found us too excited to sleep late. We were all awake before seven and Shari and I crawled into bed with Mel. We were talking about everything when, as always with these two, the subject of sex came up. Mel turned to me and said, "Well, Sunny, you have two guys mooning over you, pick one so us other girls might have a chance." "I don't think so, I'm enjoying all this attention too much." "But we're your sisters and sisters share," added Shari. "And?" I asked her. "And, why don't you bring that cute bellhop, what's his name, over some time," she responded. "Antonio," I said. "Yeah, Antonio, he's kind of hot," says Mel. "I'll see what I can do, but no promises," I said and left to make some coffee. *** I had butterflies from the time we arrived at the theater until show time. I even threw up a few times. But I was determined to be the best girl on stage tonight. The news of our situation had got out word of mouth to those who followed the theater business. This piqued interest in our production and we were surprised to see that the show was sold out. When I was doing my make-up, Mel said, "They're all here to see you." It only added to my anxiety. As it came time for my entrance, I was feeling pretty good. Stepping on stage, the lights were so much brighter than I expected, distracting me, and I tripped over something. "Shit," I said to myself and suddenly forgot my line. I heard the audience get silent and looked at Mel like a deer in the headlights. Being the pro that she was, she ad-libbed something about me failing my dance class which got a laugh from the audience and gave me time to gather myself. After that everything went as scripted. We even got called back for two curtain calls. *** With all that went on, nobody thought about the meet and greet afterward at which I was the bartender. I realized it a soon as I walked into the room, so I went behind the bar, business as usual. Antonio was the first person to walk up. He winked and told me it was hard to believe that was my first time on stage and that where he was sitting you couldn't tell any difference between me and the other sisters. That's what I needed to hear. By then a crowd had gathered and I started taking orders. Mark came in a bit later with some friends. When he saw me working the bar, he kind of made a thing out of it saying I should be on the floor with the other actors. With nobody else, I appealed to Antonio, and gentleman that he is, he agreed to take my place. With Mark leading the way, he introduced me to his friends and other people, that I won't remember. I was still in costume but started to feel somewhat self-conscience from the looks I was getting. I was sure that they all knew the story and were here to see the freak. But surprisingly, it turned out to be just the opposite. I got the impression that most of the people thought that I was living as a woman full time and talked about how courageous I was. I ate it up and let them think what they will. As the crowd faded, I wondered over to the bar, where Mel and Shari appeared to be locked in a deep discussion with Antonio. When I was only a few feet away, they stopped talking and looked at me. "Talking about me?" I asked. A slight pause, just a tick too long. "Yeah, in fact, we were just asking Antonio how he liked your performance," Mel said and then did a quick smile that looked more like a grimace. Before I could find out what they were up to Mark walked over. He thanked Antonio for helping out and handed him $50.00. Mel and Shari took the opportunity to head back to the dressing room to change, leaving me alone with the two men. I was sure Mark had noticed there was some chemistry between Antonio and me and Antonio knew about Mark, so there was a bit of verbal gymnastics between the two. It got a little awkward one time, but I quickly changed the subject. None the less, I felt like a princess with two knights jousting for my attention. After a few minutes of this exercise, Mark says to me. "Luke and Charlene want you to have dinner with us tonight." That threw me for a loop. "Gee, I don't know, I, ah..." and looked at Antonio. He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. "Okay, I guess so. When?" "When can you be ready?" "An hour?" "Sure, I'll let them know. Should I come and get you?" "I'll come and get you when I'm ready." "Alright, see you then." As he turned to leave he smiled at Antonio as if he had just bested him. When he was out of earshot, Antonio said, "Even if he did give me $50.00, I don't like that guy." "He's not that bad, just used to getting his way." Was I defending him now? "I guess, do you want me to walk you back to the hotel?" "No, you go on home. Tomorrow's Friday, you'll be there, right?" "All day long." "Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow." He headed for the exit and I headed for the dressing room. He turned and said over his shoulder, "I'm telling you, I don't trust that old dude." *** The only other dress that I brought was one that I hoped I would get a chance to wear but didn't think I would. It was a black cocktail dress with silver highlights. It had a halter top a with a padded bra that helped a lot. I liked the way it showed off my slim but firm shoulders and back. I was really liking the pink corset and slipped it on and attached a pair of smokey black stockings underneath. Stepping into my black mules, the mirror reflected it's approval. I was sorry that Joe had to be called away because of the accident but thankful he was gone so I didn't have to worry about hiding everything all the time. Grabbing my jacket and my purse, I was out my door and knocking on Mark's a few minutes early. Mark answered he looked like a man with money. He was wearing a custom made, dark blue suit, baby blue button down, a dark blue tie with red and light blue designs, and black wing tips that you could see your reflection in. With his dark blonde hair and actor good looks, he did make a dashing figure of a man. When he saw me, I could see his eyebrows raise about two inches. "Whoa." And smiled like a kid on Christmas. "You look amazing." He just stood there with the door open looking me over. "Are you going to invite me in or do we have to leave right away?" I asked. "Oh, I'm sorry, yeah, sure, come on in. We got a few minutes." This had been a long day and I was starting to come down from the adrenaline that kept me going all day. "How about a drink?" he asked. "You know what would really help?" "What's that?" "I am starting to run out of gas, it's been such a long stressful day,..." "I get it, you want some blow." "If you still have some, that would be great because I don't know how long I can make it tonight." He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out that familiar vial, and handed it to me. I inhaled a couple of hits and immediately felt the rush cocaine gives you. My whole attitude changed. I suddenly wanted to talk about the play and find out what Mark thought, what Luke thought, how about Charlene. He said you can ask them yourself. Oh, that's right we were going to dinner with them. Where are we going? My mind was running on overdrive. "Slow down, Sunny," he said, getting up and sitting next to me on the bed. "Here smoke some of this." He handed me a pipe. "I picked up that pot I told you about. It's pretty good. You might want to come down just a bit, you are talking a mile a minute." I took a couple of hits on the pipe and gave it back to Mark. We passed it back and forth a few times before he said we better get going. I was pretty stoned from the weed because I was tired from the day but ready to go from the coke. We hopped in the cab and Mark told the driver where we were going. I asked him, "What's this dinner all about?" "To celebrate your successful debut," Marks said, "and I've been telling them all about you and they want to get to know you better. Plus I think Luke wants to thank you for saving the play." "Saving the play? I don't think so. It's only been one night." "You know what I mean." "Are you sure it's me they want to know better or is it the freak in drag?" I was still tripping and didn't mean it. "Come on, Sunny, you know Luke better than that. He's not a prude and Charlene's cool. They're just interested. It's all new for them too like it is for me." "Yeah, you're right, I'm just kind of tired and nervous. It's new for me too." *** My worries about the dinner were all for naught. It turned out to be quite enjoyable. It was a swanky restaurant, everyone was dressed to the nines. I was thankful I had brought this dress or I would have really felt out of place. I was assured that I looked good when I saw a few heads turn out of the corner of my eye when we were lead to our table. Luke reaffirmed Mark's opinion that I had saved the play. I thanked him but I refused to take the credit, saying it was a group effort and that I couldn't have done it without their help. While the boys talked shop, Charlene and I had a pleasant conversation that ranged from fashion to astronomy to ancient cultures. Charlene, it turns out, was one smart cookie. It's kind of strange how you can work with people on a regular basis and never really get to know them. I guess it's because in our group dynamic our focus is on the play and therefore, our interactions don't go much beyond those borders. We were having such a good time, we barely noticed that it was after midnight. Time flies as they say. We said our goodbyes, Luke and Charlene hugged and kissed me on the cheek, telling me not to worry, I was going to be great. Mark waved down a taxi, when we got in he put his arm around me and I leaned into him and closed my eyes. The next thing I felt was Mark nudging me awake in front of the hotel. "Sunny," he said, "we're here." He walked me to my door, took me in his arms, and kissed me with a lot of passion. I knew where this would lead and I begged off, telling him that I was so tired that I wouldn't be good company. He sadly said that he understood and once again complimented me on my performance. He kissed me once more and left for his room. I closed the door and flopped down on the bed. "What was happening?" I asked myself. Less than two weeks ago I came to New York City to do a play with my friends. A real Andy Hardy moment. I'm this somewhat shy, closeted crossdresser that only a few people knew about. Now I am appearing in a play as a teenage girl. I have two guys asking me out because they like the way I look in a dress. These two weeks have been like a whirlwind. I've lived more in these last two weeks than in the last two years of my life and I had three weeks to go. Could this get any weirder? Could this get any wilder? I said out loud, "I sure fucking hope so." *** I slept late Friday, took a shower and, shaved my body. I still had last night on my mind. I'm thinking it will be a day that I will remember forever. Not only was I jacked about the play, but I was also starting to think of Mark in a different way. I was drying off when I remembered that Mel and Shari had let me borrow a couple of tops and a pair of leggings I could wear with both. I was becoming more comfortable and confident as a girl and made a decision. I would lock up all my male clothes and only dress in women's clothes for the rest of the trip. With that in mind, I decided to do some shopping for myself today. It was going to be in the '70s, so I wore a red tunic sweater and black leggings I got from Shari with a pair of black low heeled sandals I liberated from the trunk at the theater. I didn't see Antonio in the lobby when I left. I didn't really want to see him at the moment, I was pretty sure Mark caught me off guard when I was tired and I said I would go out with him again tonight. Antonio is great and a lot of fun to be with but Mark was starting to grow on me. When I stopped to get a sandwich I saw an advertisement for an Andy Warhol Exposition at the MOMA and decided to go see it. I needed some time to slow this train down before I ran it off the tracks and a casual stroll through an art museum sounded like just the thing. I spent a couple of hours admiring the works of the masters, they always impressed me. I've heard people say we all have that ability inside us, it's just a matter of nature and nurture. I don't buy it. Those are the people who have tried and can't, kind of like critics. I bought some panties, a sweater, matching skirt, some pantyhose, a pair of knee high stockings, and a pair of Mary Jane's with a half inch heel, sort of a schoolgirl look. Being close to Central Park, I walked over to Mel and Shari's place. They were excited about the night before, too excited. I finally got them to admit they had just got back from my hotel, where they went on the pretense of seeing me, but really to see Antonio. "Did you see him?" I asked somewhat put out. "Oh, come on, Sunny don't be like that. If you were all that serious about him you wouldn't be going out with Mark. Right?" Mel said. "But he's my first," I pleaded. "Bull shit," Mel shot back. "I was there for your first or did you forget?" "No, he's my first boyfriend. He's been so good for me, he's the one that has given me the courage to do this, he brought this all out of me. Before you guys got here it was like we were teenagers going study, flirting, sneaking around to be together, and the sex has been fantastic. I don't want it to end. I've only had a couple of relationships with girls, none lasted very long, and that was years ago. But, I have never felt the way Antonio makes me feel. He inspires me to be the best girl I can be, cause that's what I was destined to be. That's what he told me." "Oh, sweetie, I had no idea that's how you felt. A girl's first boyfriend is a special thing. I'm sorry. We didn't realize it was like that and we weren't trying to hurt you or go behind your back or anything. We thought it was all just a party. The way you were acting, you know, you were doing it with two guys and we just wanted to get into the game and have some fun too," Mel had sat down on the footstool while she was talking, she was bent over resting on her forearms, looking at the floor. When she finished, she sat up, looked me in the eye, and said, "I'm sorry, I think the truth is that we were jealous." My eyes had started to water, but hearing that I had to laugh. "Jealous, come on." "No, I think she's right, Sunny," Shari, who was sitting on a stool at the bar, said. "In what world would you two ever be jealous of me?" Mel, always the practical one, answers, "Well, for one thing, I'll never know what it really feels like to fuck a girl." I smiled. "Okay, I'll give you that one, but look at you two, you're beautiful, you're hot. I could never compete with that." Mel stood up and started to pace, Shari gave me that look and got up to refresh her drink like she knew what was coming. Uh oh, I took a big gulp and wondered what I did. "First of all, young lady, this is not a competition, get that out of your mind. That's the man in you thinking. All three of us are beautiful, okay. When the three of us are together the only way someone can tell us apart is to look under the dress. I was telling Shari that I've wondered for a long time if and when you were ever going to discover who you really are. I've kind of had a feeling when we met, but I never wanted to push you into something like that. It had to be your choice. I'll admit that I encourage you at times, but I only encouraged your ideas, I never brought it up," she paused and looked at me. I had tears running down my cheeks, I tried to say something, but nothing came out. Shari was back on the stool and smiling. Mel pulled me out of the chair and hugged me, I was still having trouble forming words. She sat me back down and got me a tissue. Then she went on. "Sunny, you know you're my best friend, right?" I shook my head, yes. "Do you know why?" I wiped my nose and shrugged. "Because I'm cool?" We all laughed. "That goes without saying." She paused. "We've been friends, what, about five years?" "Uh uh." "And during that time I've dated a few guys, but you are the only one still in my life, do you know why?" "I always figured it was because you liked girls." "Yeah, that has something to do with it and maybe that's why I've set my standards higher than most. But you have always been there for me, you've never tried to bull shit me or impress me with bull shit. You're just you. That's what I love about you. And I've felt that there's been a girl inside you dying to get out ever since I got to know you. Now, here you are, look at you, you're finally letting her out and having the time of your life. Your damn right I'm jealous. But, I'm happy for you too and I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you. You're my best friend and I love you." I can't even begin to explain how I was feeling. I couldn't stop the tears. "Oh, Mel, I love you too." We hugged and kissed. Shari was now crying too and joined in the embrace. "Count me in on this too," she said. We basked in our friendship bubble for a minute, then Mel said, "Alright, enough of this. We good now?" she asked me. "Except for one thing," I said, "I'm not doing two guys. I haven't slept with Mark." "Yet. You haven't slept with Mark yet. It's only a matter of time, right?" "Probably." "I'll take that as a yes," she said smiling. "So, we good?" "Yeah, we're good." "Okay, it's time to get ready for tonight." On the way to the theater, we discussed what to do about Antonio. We came up with a plan to have the four of us get together Monday after he got off work. *** We got to the theater a little after four. We were plenty early so I walked over to the hotel to talk to Antonio. I told him about Monday and he was surprised but excited. He had to attend his sister's piano recital tonight which was cool because I didn't have to make an excuse about my date with Mark after the show. It was another sellout and we were even better than the night before. I changed into my new outfit and got kidded about looking like a schoolgirl. But Mark didn't kid, he was mesmerized. He took me to a jazz club in the village. We got there late and had to sit at a table in the back. It was dark, the only light coming from the spotlight that bathed the stage. We got our drinks and sat back to enjoy the show. We were sitting in chairs and Mark slid himself next to me. Getting lost in the music, without even thinking about it, I put my hand on his thigh under the table. Mark played it cool, then put his hand on my thigh at the edge of my skirt and started to softly scratch my leg. The feeling of fingers against the sheer nylon of my pantyhose sent shivers up my spine. Instinctively, I started to do the same to him. Mark scooted up in his seat so that my hand was a short distance from the bulge in his pants. "What the hell," I thought, "this was going to happen eventually," I slowly inched my hand to his zipper. He stiffened, looked around, and casually undid his belt. I reached inside and released his cock and started playing with it. I looked over at Mark and he was looking at me, smiling. His cock grew in my hand and I was not disappointed. He had his hand up my skirt and was rubbing my pantyhose encased clit. Since I was going to be living as a woman, I was going to refer to my cock as my clit from now on. Before either of us came to a satisfying climax, the band finished its last song and the lights came up. We were both more interested in what was going on under the table that we were not prepared when it happened and had to sit there and calmly get ourselves together before we could stand up to leave. When we got to the sidewalk outside, we both burst out laughing at what just happened. I took his arm and pressed up against him. I could tell this pleased him and we strolled down the street. We stopped for a slice of pizza and a beer before grabbing a cab back to the hotel. On the way back, Mark kept me laughing, retelling the story of what happened in the club. He walked me to my door and kissed me. I was thinking he probably thinks I'm going to send him away frustrated again. So, he looked surprised when I suggested we go to his room. That put a bounce to his step and he ushered me in. I took a seat on the bed. Was I being too obvious? He was getting to know me pretty good and offered me a joint first thing. I fired it up and he got us something to drink. Unlike my room, he had a good variety to choose from. He had some 150 proof rum, so I had a rum and coke. Mark turned on the radio, lowered the lights, and sat down next to me on the bed. We started talking about the play and how it was turning out better than anyone could have thought. We joked about this and that. In a quiet moment, he leaned over and kissed me. I opened my mouth and let his tongue in. One good sign that a man is a good lover is by his kiss. If it's all tongue stuck halfway down your throat, chances are he is a big loaf in the sack, not worried about your needs at all. If it's no or little tongue, he is probably too timid to raise your temperature past simmering. But a man who knows what he is doing knows that a tongue is just as much of a sexual instrument as any other body part and should be used as such. Not too much, not too little, somewhere in the middle is, as Goldilocks would say, "Just right." We were both in a stage of half dressed, when Mark says, "You know what will make this even better?" "Let me think, Peruvian flake?" "You're a mind reader too." "What else could it be?" "I could have a third person hiding in the bathroom or a suitcase full of sex toys for your pleasure." "Really?" I piped up. "No, you're right." And tossed me his little vial. We each took a couple of hits and started rushing so hard that we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. For being his first time with another man Mark didn't seem to have any problems with me and what I had between my legs. In fact, he was the first one to make a move when he pulled down my pantyhose and started to suck on my clit. When he did that I removed the rest of my clothes and laid back enjoying the servicing I was getting. Mark was really getting into it, slobbering all over my clit, and making loud slurping sounds. I twisted around, got into the sixty-nine position, and pulled his cock into my hungry mouth. Mark had a nice cock, it was a good seven inches, but not as thick as Antonio's. Really at this point in my life, size wasn't my main concern. I was more into the romance of the affair, I could be satisfied just cuddling with the right person. After going sixty-nine for what seemed like fifteen minutes, Mark got up and removed the rest of his clothes. He looked pretty fine naked, for an old dude as Antonio called him. I got on all fours and waited for him to proceed. But he shook his head and said, "No, turn over, I want to watch your face when we do this." I don't know why, but for some reason, I took this as a compliment and did as he asked. "I've had experience doing girls in the ass, so don't worry, I know it's painful in the beginning, I'll be gentle." I just nodded and put my arms around his neck and kissed him as climbed on top of me. He placed a pillow under my butt to raise it up and put my legs on his shoulders. I felt the tip start to enter my bussy and pushed like I was going to poop. This helps open up the sphincter allowing easier access. It still hurts some, it always does. But once Mark was totally inside me and I got to the point where the pain was becoming pleasure he started to rock back and forth in a slow and study motion. We fucked like that for what seemed like a long time, staring into each other's eyes, and moaning about how good it felt. My clit was begging for attention and I started to stroke it in rhythm with the fucking I was receiving. I was lost in pleasure and shot my load all over my stomach. Seeing this Mark tensed up and I felt his cock twitch as he shot his inside me. He collapsed on top of me and we laid there entangled until he became flaccid and slipped out from between my cheeks followed by his creamy load. "That was amazing," he said. "Yeah, that was alright," I answered back. "Just alright?" He sounded dejected. "I didn't mean it that way, I meant it was all right," raising my voice on the ending words and smiling. "Okay, I guess. But I stand by amazing." "You're so sweet," I said and gave him a peck on the lips. "You know you really knocked me out in that schoolgirl outfit tonight." "Thanks, I just bought that today. I don't have many clothes and only brought a few things. Who knew this would happen? Oh, Mel and Shari lent me a few things too." "We can't have our newest star going around in second-hand clothes. I am going to take you shopping and get you a whole new wardrobe." *** I woke up next to Mark, he looked so peaceful sleeping. Was I dreaming? Did I fall asleep and dream that Mark said he was going to take me shopping? I wasn't sure. I started to get out of bed. Mark reached out and put his hand on my shoulder. "Where are you going?" "I have to pee." "Hurry back." I said okay and went to the bathroom. What should I do? Ask him" Or wait until he says something? I decided to wait. I didn't want to sound like a gold-digger, things were going too good. I returned to the room and Mark took my place. I was getting dressed when he came out. "What do you have planned today?" he asked. "I'm supposed to meet Mel and Shari for brunch and go see the 9-11 Memorial." "Oh, that's too bad, I was hoping we could go shopping today." It wasn't a dream. "I thought I dreamed you said that last night." "No, I was serious." "You don't have to do this, you know." "I want to do it, it's up to you. You just have to say when." "I don't know what to say, Mark." "Just say you'll let me do this for you." "Most people would probably jump at an opportunity like this, but I don't want to feel like I owe you something in return." "No strings attached, I swear." "I like you a lot, Mark. You don't have to try and buy my friendship." "That's not what I'm trying to do." "Can I think about it and let you know this evening." "By all means." "Okay, I've got to go. I'll see you tonight." We hugged and I thanked him for last night, we kissed and I started to leave. "Just a sec. Here take some of this," he handed me a small baggie full of pot. "Thanks," I said and kissed him again. *** Mel and Shari had mixed feelings about Mark's offer. Shari said go for it, Mel said be careful what you wish for. Mark had made plans to go out with friends after the show. He asked me to go along, but I told him I need a night off. Besides, I missed Antonio and wanted to see him. I avoided the subject of shopping and it didn't come up. But, I didn't see Antonio when I entered the hotel. Rather than stand around in the lobby and look obvious, I went into the bar and ordered a drink. About ten minutes later I saw him returning to the front desk. He was leaning on the desk facing the front door and saw me as soon as I exited the bar. I waved, he smiled, and I gave him the come hither sign with my head. He looked around to see if the coast was clear and came hither. "Hi," I said, happy to see him. "Hi, back," he said. "No date with the old guy tonight," he teased. "No, but I could have," I teased back. We both laughed. "Do you have any plans after work?" I asked. His smile got a little brighter. "Nope, you want to meet at the bar?" "Why don't we cut out the middle man and you just come straight to my room?" "Now, why didn't I think of that?" "Here, take this." I handed him the extra key that Joe had left. "Wow, does this mean we're going steady?" Which you have to admit was kind of funny. "I don't have anything to drink." "That's okay, I can get Scotty to spot me a bottle till payday. What do you want?" "You pick, anything but whiskey." "Sure, I'll see you in a little while." "Okay, just come on in," I said and pushed the up button. Back in my room, I changed into my baby doll nightie and stretched out on the bed. It was nice having the room to myself and being able to do this without any worry. I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember was Antonio kissing me like Prince Charming awakening Sleeping Beauty. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back. From there I think you can imagine how the rest of the night went. *** After Sunday's matinee, Luke and Mark went to New Jersey about some real estate venture. I took the opportunity to go to bed early and catch up on the sleep I was missing. It also gave me time to do some soul searching about what was happening, my sexuality, and the future. Mel's talk about letting the girl inside of me out was really having an effect. I seemed to be more and more at ease and more and more feminine every day and I liked it. That used to scare me but the monster in the closet was losing its power and control. I was sure that I had seen the last of Sunny the man. I found being on stage was just as exciting as being with Mark and Antonio. That nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach before you go on because it's live and you never know what can go wrong seems like a bad thing. For some reason, it's a feeling I enjoy, especially when it all goes right. But, it keeps you on your toes so that if and when something goes astray, you're ready. It's like a drug. I guess it's an adrenaline rush. Mistakes don't happen a lot, but when it does you have to be ready. I also liked pretending to be someone else, it's like every day was Halloween and Halloween is my favorite holiday. I was liking what I was doing and thought it might be something I would pursue. I was head over heels about Antonio but knew that the reality was that when our run is over, I'd go back home and probably never see him again. He will always have a place in my heart because he has done so much to get me to where I am and I feel it's just the beginning. He is my first boyfriend after all and I'm sure I will miss him. But I'm not leaving for a couple of weeks and I know we will have some more adventures. Mark was another story. I still wasn't sure if this was all just something new that the rich boy was having fun with until he got bored or if he was for real. I would be lying if I said that his ability to take me nice places and give me nice things was not a factor. Or that the almost childlike way he is when not in public is not enduring. Or that he's not smooth and suave in public and it doesn't make me feel prideful when I'm on his arm. Or that he's not a sweet and gentle lover. Oh my god, was I falling for Mark? I guess there could be worse things. *** I woke up Monday feeling better about life. Why fight it, it seemed everybody thought and treated me like a girl, so why fight it? This weekend had been incredible, no, unbelievable. Laying there in bed, recalling everything that happened gave me a warm glow inside. It's hard to explain how that made me feel, but I liked it. Today was the day Antonio, Mel, Shari, and I was getting together for who knows what. With those two I could only imagine. Mark called and asked what I was doing. I lied and said I was going with Mel and Shari to see the Statue of Liberty and then having dinner with some of the other cast members that wanted to get to know the new me better. I thought he would try to invite himself if not for the fact that he realized he wouldn't be able to monopolize my attention. I don't mean it to sound like I'm all that, but I was getting to know how Mark thinks and I'm pretty sure that's what he thought. He asked when we were going shopping. I pushed him off again and said we'd talk about it tomorrow. I did feel bad about lying to him. I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't think he would understand the truth. I told Antonio he could change and get ready at my place when he got off. He had the key, so just let himself in. He was very respectful of my privacy and said he would only use the key when I said to, which only made me like him more. He got off at five so I jumped into the shower at four thirty. I had just got the water right and hopped in when suddenly the shower curtain was ripped open, frightening the bejesus out of me. It was Antonio. "Jesus Christ, you scared me half to death." He knew it of course and was laughing at my reaction. "I got off early and thought I'd surprise you, looks like I did," he started to take off his clothes. "Mind if I join you?" My heart was still pounding. "I had visions of 'Psycho'." He hopped into the tub behind me, put his arms around me, and said, "Not to worry, Daddy's here now," and kissed the top of my head. The way he said it made me go weak in the knees. I am a girl, I thought. No doubt about it. "Don't, stop it," I cried but couldn't stop from laughing along with Antonio when he squirted me with the shower head. Then we got serious. I could feel his cock rubbing against my back when he washed my hair. When we changed places and I was washing his back, I did the reach around and started to soap his cock, up and down. It wasn't long before I was squatting in front of him and changed my hand to my mouth. Now that I had no pretense of who I was it felt so natural to be right where I was at that moment. It wasn't long before I felt him tense up and squirt his creamy load down my throat. Yummy, I was really starting to like that stuff. *** I put on my new schoolgirl outfit, wanting to see Antonio's reaction. But when he stepped out of the bathroom it was my turn to whistle. He was wearing khakis, a navy blue sweater with a collar and three buttons, and a shiny pair of brown loafers. He had slicked his wet hair back and looked better than I had ever seen him. When he splashed on his cologne I nearly swooned. I finished drying my hair, while he slipped out to wait for me on the corner. I called the girls and told them we were on the way, grabbed my purse and was out the door wondering what they had planned for us. As I was walking up the street to where he was waiting, he finally noticed my outfit. He said, "Good morning little school girl. Want some candy?" I punched him and said, "You know I do and what do you want?" He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "To get you naked." I felt my cheeks turn red, you would think I would be getting used to hearing sexy suggestions by now. We hopped in the cab and Antonio asked, "So what's this get together all about?" "I have no idea, they wouldn't tell me what they were planning, so be prepared for anything." "This could be interesting." "That might be an understatement." *** We got to Mel and Shari's and noticed the door was ajar, so Antonio pushed it open with his foot. The room was only lit by candles placed about. I looked at Antonio and he looked at me. "See, I told you," I said, he smiled and stepped in. I followed him and closed the door. A spotlight came on revealing Mel in a black leather outfit, with a riding crop in one hand and in the other, a long cigarette holder with a joint in it. She was sitting on a tall stool, leaning against the bar. Shari, crouching at her side, was dressed like a sexy cat complete with collar and chain that rested in Mel's lap. "Welcome my pretties and what do we have here, a little schoolgirl?" Mel asked sounding like a wicked witch. Then turned to Shari. "What do we think about schoolgirls, Kitty?" Shari raised her paw and made a scratching motion. "No, no bad Kitty," and smacked her on the butt with the riding crop. So Shari rubbed up against her boots and Mel said, "That's right, Kitty, be nice." Antonio and I were trying to keep from laughing without much success. Mel cracked the crop down on the bar and we got the hint. She was in charge. "And who is this fine young man with her? He looks kind of like that bellhop, what's his name? Oh, yeah, Antonio, do you mind if I call you Tony, Antonio?" "My mother calls me Tony," he said. He never told me that, but I never asked him either. I wonder which he prefers? I'll have to find out. "Okay, Tony, did your mom ever tell you to strip?" "Not that I can remember." "Well, that's what I'm telling you, both of you, strip down to your undies," When we didn't start right away, she said, "Now!," and cracked the crop on the bar again. Because she was a good actress, Mel was really good at role-playing. I've seen her do the dominatrix before and she could be mean and say things trying to humiliate you, but it was just an act. I knew this, I hoped Antonio was ready for whatever she had in mind. I glanced his way and he looked like he was in awe of what was happening. We were now standing before them in our undies, Antonio in his trim boxers and me in my bra and panties. "Now what shall we have them do?" she asked Shari, who just rubbed against her boots again. "You're right," Mel says, putting words in her mouth. "Let's see how this sissy and her boyfriend do the nasty," she said. I looked at Antonio and he was smiling, starting to get into the scene. Mel slapped the bar again. "Let's get busy, now." We both didn't know what to do. "Come on, sissy. Pull his cock out and start sucking on it," she ordered. I did as I was told. Embarrassed for Antonio, I tried to let him know it was okay, this was only a game. But, Antonio, was into it and grabbed my head and pushed his cock into my mouth. I sucked it for all I was worth. If Antonio was going to play the game, so was I. Shari had crawled over and was running her long fingernails up and down Antonio's back. Every time she would pull down it made Antonio arch his back, forcing his cock deeper down my throat. Because he was so thick, it made me gag and spit up mouthfuls of phlegm. Then she crawled over to me and started playing with my clit. Mel was rubbing herself through the leather pants she was wearing. When the scene started to get to the point that it would take off on a life of its own. Mel said loudly, "Okay, that's enough of that. Now Tony, show us how you would thank your little schoolgirl." Antonio didn't miss a beat He picked me up, carried me to the sofa, set me down, and pulled my panties off. He took my clit in his hand, looked back at Mel with a smile, and began to lather it in kisses before he took it in his mouth. Shari followed us, crawling on all fours, still in character. When she got behind Antonio, she reached under him and started playing with his balls. It got to be too much for Antonio. He pulled me off the sofa, lifted my legs over his shoulders and started to penetrate me. "Whack," cracked the crop. "Stop," and she whacked the bar again. "I didn't give you permission to fuck her, did I?" Antonio was breathing hard. "No." "No what," she called out. "No, mistress," Antonio submitted. "That's better. Now, Tony, if you're so horny that you have to fuck something right now. I give you permission to fuck the cat. Is that okay with you, Kitty?" For the first time since we got there, Shari said something. "Meow." "I'll take that as a yes. She's all yours, Tony." He looked at me with a what should I do look. I shook my head. "It's okay," I whispered. I crawled out from under him and Mel said, "Come here, sissy." As I walked over to her, I looked back to see Shari grab Antonio's cock and stick it in her mouth. She said, "Get on your knees." I did as I was told. she stood up and started walking around me. She played with my hair and told me how pretty I was. She used her crop to tickle my nipples and my clit. She lit the joint that was in the cigarette holder and blew the smoke in my face. She smacked me on the butt a couple of times with her crop. She sat back on the stool and told me to take her boots off. I did. Then she stood up again and told me to undo her pants without using my hands. It took some effort but I managed. She sat back down and pulled them off. I could hear Shari moaning behind me and when I started to turn and see what was happening, Mel said, "No, no, you look straight ahead." That kind of pissed me off for a minute, I really wanted to see Antonio fucking another girl. Oops, there I go again. I mean fucking someone else. She reached out and took my head in both hands. She looked me in the eyes and said, "You are beautiful," and kissed me. Then she guided my head to the wet spot between her legs. Licking Mel's lips and tonguing her clit combined with the sounds of Shari and Antonio fucking in the background was really turning me on. I reached down to play with myself and Mel tapped me on the shoulder with her crop and said, "Uh uh, none of that." Damn, I hate this game everybody is getting off but me. It can only get better I told myself. Mel grabbed the back of my head and pressed her hips into me when she came. I continued to do what I was doing until she stopped me. I heard Shari say "Oh my God," in a low groan that almost sounded spooky. Which was soon followed by Antonio's "Oh yeah, baby," And I started to giggle. "What's so funny?" Mel asked. "Nothing," I said, "everything is honky dory." She laughed. "You're strange, it's a good thing you're cute." Which made me laugh. The room got quiet for a minute. Mel bent over and whispered in my ear. "I have a surprise for you." "What are you up to?" I asked, knowing with her, it could be anything. Just take a look around the room. "Oh, how do I explain it, ever since I was sure I knew who you really were, there is one thing that I wanted to do, but I told myself I wasn't going to do it until the time came when you finally realized who you really are and I think that time has come." I looked over at Antonio and Shari sitting on the sofa, Shari was whispering in his ear, letting him in on the secret, and he got a big smile on his face. "I give up," I said, "what is it?" She reached behind the bar and pulled out a harness contraption with a black 8" dildo attached. She held it out like it was a trophy and looked at me. "Ta-da," she said and everybody laughed. Then she took my hand and lead me to her bedroom. In every other sexual experience I've had with Mel there was always at least one other person involved. This was a first. In fact, this could be my most important sexual encounter so far. We couldn't let the fact that we loved each other get in the way of the sex and visa versa. I know from experience that one way to end a friendship is to get sex involved. But I was pretty sure that Mel and I knew each other well enough not to fall in love that way. So much had happened over the last two weeks and Mel and I really hadn't had much alone time, so we spent much of the next hour just talking. When Mel finally got her wish, to fuck me as a man would, it was beautiful. That is until Antonio and Shari popped in with some drinks and pot. From then on the rest of the night was a blur. There were hands and lips, and cocks, and cunts, I think I remember a foot job, and maybe a tattoo. No, that's right, it wasn't a tattoo, it just looked like one. You had to be there. *** Antonio had school, so he was up and out early on Tuesday. Mel was in the shower and I was laying in bed, my mind wandering and not really thinking about anything. Shari entered the room carrying a tray with coffee and rolls. She set the tray down and poured us both a cup. "So want do you think about Antonio?" I asked her. "You were right, he's a real hunk. I'd do him again, anytime." "You guys seemed to hit it off pretty good." "He's a great guy, funny. but I'm not going to get in the way." "Don't worry, I'm not naive. I know that realistically there is no future for me and him. Once this is over we'll both go our separate ways and that will be that. So, sure, I'll always have feelings for him. But, when you two were doing it last night, I didn't get jealous, like I thought I would. I got happy to see two of my dear friends enjoying each others company. So, if you want to see him again and he wants to see you, that's cool. You don't have to hide it." "Wow, how did you get so cool?" "Learned it from my friends." We were hugging each other when Mel walked out of the bathroom. She stopped and stared, then asked, "Didn't you two get enough last night?" Shari and I broke the hug, looked at each other, and laughed. *** Back in my room, I showered, redid my make-up, and put on black leggings and the red long sleeve tunic top, Shari had lent me, and black sandals. I knocked on Mark's door at eleven o'clock. He was excited about going shopping and so was I, but I tried not to show it. Waiting for a cab, Mark asked me wanted I wanted most. I thought for a moment and said, "Shoes, a pair of comfortable heels that I can wear all day, that I can always go to when needed." "Okay," he said and when we got in the cab, he told the driver. "Jimmy Choo's." When we walked in the door, I had to pinch myself. I know I had said it before, but now I knew what sissy heaven would be like. The third pair I tried on were black pumps, open-toed, with 4" heels. As I slipped my foot into the right shoe, I knew this was the pair for me. Mark said, "Don't even look at the price tag, get what you want." I had to wear them, they put a bounce in my step, I was in love, I had never felt this way about a pair of shoes before. The rest of the day was like a dream come true. Mark was spoiling me and I let him. After we had a late lunch, he took me to Victoria's Secret. As I was coming out of the dressing room, I saw one of the salesgirls flirting with Mark. It gave me little pangs of jealousy. This confused me because the night before I didn't feel jealous when Antonio and Shari were having sex right in front of me. Well, really right behind my back. Then, when he saw me, Mark immediately ended his conversation with her and come over to me. The girl gave me a hard look. I just smugly smiled at her and it gave me a guilty pleasure. My feelings for Mark were becoming more complicated. *** We got back to the hotel at six thirty. I felt like a princess walking through the lobby caring bags with the names of famous fashion designers on them. Mark was in a hurry to get back to the room so I could try on my new clothes for him. He opened the door to his room, I threw to bags I was carrying on one bed and collapsed on the other one. "Wow, what a day this has been," I said. "Did you have fun?" he asked. "You're spoiling me, how could it not be fun?" As I said it, I lifted both legs in the air and wiggled my feet and the new shoes I was wearing. "Believe it or not, but it was fun for me too." He walked over and pulled a joint out of the nightstand. "You want to smoke this before you get started?" "Yes, please. But how about if I put on one of my new outfits, we go out and eat, then come back and I'll put on a fashion show for you?" "Including the lingerie?" "Of course," I said. "It's a deal," he said. *** I decide on the black lace cocktail dress with a nude lining that gave the impression that I had nothing on underneath. The skirt flared on to just above the knees, showing off my legs and, of course, my new pumps. When I looked in the mirror, I said to myself. "It's true, clothes do make the woman." Mark was eager to show me off and took me to a really nice steak house, where we took our time, enjoying our meal, and each others company. We got back to the room about nine and smoked another joint. He pulled out his little brown vial and we did some coke. The effects were just what I needed to get me excited about putting on a fashion show for Mark. I saved the best for last and when I came out of the bathroom in a light pink baby doll, Mark couldn't stand it any longer and pulled me down on the bed where he was laying. I looked him in the eye and realized he had the prettiest blue eyes. He leaned in to kiss me and I opened my mouth to welcome his tongue. As the kiss continued he climbed on top of me. His soft, slow, romantic kisses and the drugs carried me away to one of those places I haven't been to many times in my short life. I felt like Jasmine being carried away on a magic carpet as Mark carefully undressed me. He then paid special attention to my suddenly perky nipples. I just laid there, totally immersed in the treatment I was receiving. I was afraid that any movement on my part would break the magic of the moment. Mark took his time bathing my body in wet kisses. He worked his way up to my lips and softly bit my lower lip, then stuck his tongue in my mouth and I sucked on it like it was a small cock. This got him really excited. I was finding a new respect for Mark. Antonio was all raging hormones, Mark was experienced and it showed. To put it in a nutshell, Antonio would smack your ass without any warning, whereas Mark would ask you before he did it. My opinion was a smack on the butt is welcome either way. It got to a point where I couldn't stand just lying there and letting Mark do all the work. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him as tight as I could. Feeling the bulge in his pants rubbing against the one in my panties, I started to dry hump him slowly. I could tell he liked it. "Sunny," he said. I opened my eye and looked at him. "Since that first day, in the theater, I've had to re-examine my whole life, seems like everything I believed is wrong." "I think I know how you feel," I told him. "Yeah, I imagine you do," he paused. "and to tell you the truth, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm falling for you, in a big way, and it feels right and yet, it feels wrong at the same time. I don' know how you feel, but, and it scares me to say this, but, I think I'm falling in love." Kaboom! Talk about dropping the bomb. Holy shit, was he serious? Just when I thought I was starting to get things straightened out. But what did I expect he has been acting like a lovesick puppy and I have to admit, the more I was around him, the more he was growing on me. And there was that incident at Victoria's Secret. "Oh, Mark, I like you a lot and not just because you took me shopping today or all the other nice things you've done for me. We have a good, no, great time together no matter what we do. For now, I can only say that I love you as a friend. But, if you're serious about this, I'm willing to take a chance and see where it leads. But, no promises." "None asked," he said with a big smile. "But there's one I'll make. You won't be sorry," and returned to kissing. All this love talk got me thinking, which distracted me from the action. "Mark," I said slow and sexy. "Uh uh," he said nuzzling my neck. "All this love talk has got me distracted. Do you have that magic vial anywhere close?" "No problem, my love," he says and gets up to get it. My love, oh, I hope it's not going to be like that all the time, I said to myself, there's a limit to sweetness. *** The effects of cocaine changed my attitude, I was ready to be taken. Mark climbed on the bed took my hand and said, "I really, really like being with you." "Shut up and kiss me," was my answer. We kissed with the passion of a 747 taking off. Up, up, and away all my doubts about Mark went. I broke the embrace and pulled down his boxers. I took his manhood in hand and devoured it like a hungry wolf. I worked his cock as deep in my throat as it would go and held it there until I felt like I would pass out from lack of oxygen. Then pulled I it out with several streams of saliva stretching from his slick stick to my lips. Mark's head was rocking back and forth as I sucked and he made little yelping noises mixed with. "That's good, baby" and finally. "Your mouth is so warm, I think I'm going to cum," And cum he did as I held his jerking cock so I could catch and swallow it all. I held his cock in my mouth until it started to go soft and proceeded to lick it clean while looking into Mark's blue eyes. "That was so good," he said, "I've never had better." "I'll bet you say that to all the sissy's," I teased him. "But, you're my first." "That's what they all say," I said crawling up his body and laying my head on his chest. He didn't get it and I said I'd explain it later. "Mark," I said, "were you really serious, before? It's not just something new and you're all wrapped up about being in New York, with the magic in the air, and you're all caught up in the excitement?" "I swear to you, Sunny, I'm serious. I'm not playing. All I'm asking for is a chance." He was saying all the right things. We lay there in bed, cuddling and talking about what the future would be like. Mark tasted a man's cum for the first time and didn't get sick. After which I turned him on his back, straddled him, and eased myself onto his rock hard cock. I'm not sure if it was the cocaine or Mark finally letting himself go, but he fucked me longer than anybody ever had. We did it, cowboy, reverse cowboy, doggie style, missionary, side by side, me on the floor with my legs in the air and him ramming me like a jackhammer. He made me climax without even touching myself. Another first and almost a religious experience. When he finally blasted his load it to me and collapsed on top of me, out of breath, I felt like I had been ridden hard and put away wet. We feel asleep in each other's arms and woke up to a brand new day. *** Mark called room service and ordered breakfast. While we were eating, he asked if I had any plans for the day. I told him. "Not really, why?" "I have one more surprise." I asked what he was up to. He said, "While you were shopping yesterday I called a beauty salon and made an appointment for you." "You're kidding." I knew he wasn't. "Nope, so hurry up and get ready, you've got an eleven o'clock appointment." I looked at him and he was beaming. What could I say? "Okay." But, the more I thought about it the more excited I got. I wore one of my new outfits, it was a form-fitting jumpsuit that looked expensive and fit like a glove. With my pink corset and silicone pads and new pumps, I posed in front of the mirror. Adding my new stylish hair cut and color, long burgundy fake nails, and I hate to say it, but even I was impressed with what money can do. I asked if we could go to Mel and Shari's to show them how I looked. I was so high on how I looked and how I felt that I didn't even need any of the coke Mark offered me on the way over, but I took it anyway. As we got out of the cab, Mark had one more surprise and pulled a beautiful silver necklace out of his pocket. He said, "You look fantastic, but there's one thing missing," and held the necklace out and motioned me to turn around. He clipped it on, turned me around, and said, "Yeap, that's it. You're going to knock them out." He kissed me on the cheek and offered me his arm. I was flabbergasted, dumbfounded, but happy as can be. I had to see how the necklace looked, so I checked my reflection in a car window. "Oh my," I gasped. It looked unbelievable and expensive. Mark rang the bell and Shari yelled to come in. Mark opened the door and stepped aside to let me in. I got about three steps inside, Shari just stood there with her mouth open. Then Mel came into the room, and said, "Is that Sun... Sunny?" I smiled ear to ear and just shook my head yes. The rest of the run went pretty much as you would expect. Luke was happy and we all considered the run a success in more ways than one. The only other major factor was me getting Mark to admit he had bisexual feelings and getting him to join Mel, Shari, Antonio, and me for some sizzling escapades. When it was over we said our goodbyes to New York City and our new friend Antonio and sadly returned home. But, it will be a trip that we would remember forever as we all had a fabulous time and experienced things that would change lives forever. AFTERWORD by MELANIE GIBSON "Six months have passed since our New York trip and Sunny asked me to catch everybody up. Sunny and Mark are happy and living together, who didn't see that coming, right? She has been promoted to one of the character actors full time. She's taking acting classes and doing well. She also started taking hormones and is starting to fill out nicely. The reason she asked me to do this because she and Mark are sailing somewhere in the Caribbean, last I heard they were in St. Thomas, lucky bitch. Shari moved in with me, Sunny's coming out inspired us to be more open about our relationship too. Let's see, oh, our troupe is going strong and we've moved into the newly remodeled theater. It looks great and we have an opening coming up in six weeks. And last but not least, our favorite bellhop is planning on a visit after he graduates this summer. So, the future looks bright and hmm, that's about it for now. Just remember, you're beautiful and stay cool. Until next time." AUTHOR'S NOTE In 2011 I was the stage manager for an acting troupe that took a play to New York City. There really is a Mel character that knows my secrets and is my dear friend who got me involved with the troupe. Barbie and Brandy were real people, but no longer with us, who I met at "The Queen Mary Bar" on Ventura Blvd. in 1998. The theater was located in Hell's Kitchen on 34th Street near 8th Ave. I did take clothes to dress up in and did find a trunk full of clothes, including the pink corset. I did go shopping and sightseeing in drag a lot. The sound guy who was rooming with me did have to leave after the first week because his wife was in an accident. And there was a bellhop from Puerto Rico that chased me around until I caught him. But, I spent more of my time on Long Island than I did in the City. It was a lot of fun but not nearly the life-changing experience that the story tells. I hope you enjoyed it.

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First step in the world of sex

Hi,I am Amrit.I was 13 or 14 years old that time.Attending a marriage ceremony of one of my in laws(sisters devar).I did not know any thing about sex at that time exactly,but had a fascination about female body.In the crowded home,every room was occupied.I was sleepy by 11pm.My sister found me a room in the corner of their 2nd floor.A small room,with a single bed.A table and a chair with quite a few books on the table.Obviously whoever it was,a student used to live in that room.My sister...

3 years ago
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Officer Aunty Ne Chudwaya

Kaisi ho meri pyasi aur pyari namkeen chutwaliyo mai yogu fir se hajir hu apni nyi story leke,mai yogu abhi belgaum mai padhayi kar raha hu age 23 dikhane mai sexy handsome hu ache ghar se belong karta hu agr koi ladies bhabhi,aunty ya koi high profile ladies muzse real mai sex karna chahti ho to muze mail kro mere email id hai mai aapki puri pyas buza dunga.Ye stori mere aur ek high profile bhabhi ki hai mai kisi kam se cominissioner office gya tha vaha mai bahar baithkar intazaar kr rha tha...

3 years ago
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Sania MirzaA day with balls

After another 10 minutes of waiting, Mahesh left and only Leander and the coach were there. “What the fuck! Why can’t Sania come for practice on time?”,said Bal. “Really she’s too much! I’ve been slogging for 2 hours and the bitch hasn’t even turned up.” “She thinks no end of herself. Just because she’s a top 50 player, my foot.” “I think it’s time you reminded her as to who gave her that break.” “I’ve tried to, but she always shows me that pretty face and well I can’t do much...

2 years ago
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Just A Girl

"Just A Girl" by Katie Risita My name is Frank. OK, it WAS Frank, until recently, when things...changed. Now, more often than not, I answer to Katie. I know, I know. Yes, I am a guy, technically, but, explain, it's gonna take a story, a loooong story...but not a boring one, I promise! I am a 33-year-old white male from Long Island, New York. I have always been overweight, unattractive, short, and very insecure, especially about my looks and desirability to the...

4 years ago
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Guard Don Of EdenChapter 2

Don caught Autumn right away as soon as he walked through the door. She once again had her hair in a ponytail. Her clothes were not as revealing as the last two times he had seen her. She wore a black leotard, tight against her body, hiding her beautiful legs. Obviously dressed for the class, she thought Don would eventually choose. She would have to change. "Hey again," Autumn greeted. "I hope I didn't keep you long," Don asked. "No," Autumn replied, "I just sat down three minutes...

3 years ago
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The Lesson0

Justice had been working all day and wanted to get home to his girlfriend, hoping she was naked on the couch, waiting for him. Much to his disappointment, she was not there when he arrived home. His brain started to kick into over drive. He had been working very hard to over come the jealousy that always jumped into the forefront of his mind. A few beers into it did not help his thoughts. Of who she could be with and what she was doing. Hoping the phone would ring but silence still remained....

3 years ago
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The Slave Princess Part 2

Morose and unkind, Unfeeling, unheeding, blind, The winds laugh and moan, Unknowing, unknown.– The Canticle of Menkeret ***************************** Night. I am alone in my cell in the house of Heshuzius. I am one of his possessions, a thing to be used, like a ladle. Or so he thinks. But I am no ladle, I am a sword, I am a rod of iron. Heshuzius does not know me, nor do any of these Darrakhai. I am a thing as foreign to them as snow is to the howling desert. I am alone yet I am never...

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