Endstation F?r Schweinchen free porn video

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"Endstation f?r "Schweinchen"

(C) 2014 by Masostud

Vorgeschichte: Der homophile Tom  begibt sich ?sehenden Auges? aus purer Geilheit in die F?nge eines sehr dominanten Mannes, der sich Mike nennt. Als es zu sp?t ist, muss er feststellen, dass er in die H?nde eines skrupellos sadistischen Menschenh?ndlers geraten ist, der seine ?Handelsware? nach den W?nschen des k?nftigen K?ufers zurichtet. Dabei wird er von seinem ebenfalls versklavten Luke als willigen und total h?rigen Luke unterst?tzt.

Im Verlauf seiner Dressur als k?nftiger ?Hund? macht Tom die Bekanntschaft mit einem anderen Mann, der als Sklave von Mike als Schwein zugerichtet und umgewandelt wird. Mike nennt dieses ?Objekt? nur ?Schweinchen?, es tr?gt einen Ring durch die Nase und einen schweren Ring um den Hodensack; So muss es sein Dasein in einem echten Schweinekoben fristen.

Nachdem Tom dann als ?Hund? an seinen neuen Besitzer ausgeliefert worden war, wird ?Schweinchen? noch weiter abgerichtet, um den W?nschen seines K?ufers in Arabien zu entsprechen.

Und dies ist ?Schweinchens? Geschichte und Werdegang:


       Was geschah mit "Schweinchen"? Ja, diesen versklavten Mann traf ein noch schlimmeres Los als den "Hund".

Sklavenhalter Mike hakte eine F?hrungskette in den schweren Hodensackring des Sklaven ein und pr?gelte den dicken und zwangsgem?steten Mann auf allen Vieren in den gefliesten Operationsraum.

Dort wurde er auf den Operationstisch geschnallt und wirksam geknebelt.

"Wir werden dir jetzt Schweinepfoten aus deinen H?nden machen und auch dein Maul ?hnlicher dem eines Schweins machen. Narkose gibt's hier nicht, bei?e halt die Z?hne zusammen, solange du noch welche hast." Verk?ndete Mike seinem Opfer.

"Luke, du wirst mit der Gartenschere die Finger an den Fingerkn?cheln abtrennen, w?hrend ich gleich danach die Wunden mit der restlichen Haut vern?he. Mache die Schere vor jedem Abtrennen eines Fingers richtig hei?, dann blutet es weniger!"

"Jawohl, Sir, danke Sir!" sagte Luke und erhitzte die Schere.

Bei vollen Bewusstsein musste es das wehrlose und geknebelte "Schweinchen" ertragen, wie ihm nacheinander alle 10 Finger seiner beiden H?nde abgetrennt und die Wunden von Mike vern?ht wurden.

Nachdem die operierten H?nde steril und dick mit Mullverb?nden versorgt waren, wurde das vor Schmerzen schon fast bewusstlose "Schwein" vom Bauch auf den R?cken herumgedreht und insbesondere sein haarloser Sch?del sicher und stramm auf dem Tisch fixiert. Dann wurde den Knebel entfernt.

Luke zog das Maul des Sklaven am Nasenstegring r?cksichtslos weit auf, damit sein Master Mike mit einer kr?ftigen Brechzange alle Schneide- samt Eckz?hne aus dem Maul herausrei?en konnte. F?r das r?chelnde "Schwein" eine uns?gliche Tortur! Nur die Mahl- bzw. Backenz?hne wurden belassen.

"So, das w?re geschafft, jetzt nur noch die Stimmb?nder, Luke, dann sind alle Vorbedingungen bis auf die Mast f?r die Verkaufs?bernahme an seinen neuen Besitzer erf?llt! Rei?e das Maul, so weit es geht,  auf, Luke!"

"Yes. Sir, danke Sir" intonierte Luke monoton und riss dem armen Sklaven fast den Nasenring aus der Nasenscheidewand, so brutal zog er daran.

Bequem konnte Mike mit einem gebogenen Skalpell in den blutigen Rachen hineinfahren und die Stimmb?nder durchschneiden. Jetzt kam nur noch ein R?cheln aus dem Hals bzw. aus dem Mund, nachdem Luke den Nasenring losgelassen hatte. Fast klang es wie das Grunzen eines schmerzgepeinigten Schweins.

"Luke, hast du gut gemacht! Darfst sp?ter, wenn du willst, das Schwein in die Arschfotze ficken. Jetzt nimm ihm den Arschpflock heraus. Knebel braucht er keinen mehr. Dann treib' das Vieh in seinen Schweinekoben Nr. 4, den ich schon f?r es hergerichtet habe. Wenn er Sperenzien macht, zieh' ihm ohne Mitleid den Rohrstock ?ber!"

"Yes, Sir, danke Sir!" best?tigte Sklave Luke den Befehl seines Masters und trieb das frisch operierte und ersch?pfte "Schweinchen" an der Hodenkette haltend mit saftigen Stockhieben vor sich her in Richtung zu den Viehst?llen. Das schmerzhafte Gegrunze st?rte ihn mitnichten!

Am Schweinekoben Nr. 4 wartete bereits Master Mike. Koben

Nr. 1 war von einer hochtr?chtigen und sehr fetten Mastsau belegt,  Nr. 2 beherbergte einen fast 18-j?hrigen Negersklaven, den sich eine blonde Frau eines Oligarchen aus Wei?russland bestellt hatte, und Nr. 3 war von einem auf wahnsinnige 160 kg gem?steten "Eber", ein 26-j?hriger, braunh?utiger Portugiese, den sich eine reiche H?uptlingsfrau aus Simbabwe, dem ehemal. Mozambique, f?r 50.ooo US-$ bestellt und gekauft hatte. Sie wollte das "Tier" zur Sklavenzucht verwenden.

Koben Nr 4 war mit S?gesp?nen frisch eingestreut. Luke trieb das nackte St?ck Vieh ohne langes Fackeln brutal in den engen Koben; der hatte die Ma?e 1.20 m L?nge, 90 cm Breite, und war in 1.30 m H?he durch ein Stacheldrahtgeflecht begrenzt.

Somit konnte sich das "Schwein" nicht stehend aufrichten, sondern musste am Boden knien bleiben.

Daf?r sorgte auch die Ankettung hinten mit einer im Bodenring eingelassene Kette von 50 cm L?nge zum Hodensackring und vorn mit einer nur 30 cm langen Kette, die den Nasenring mit einer ?se am Grund des steinernen Fresstrogs verband, der direkt unter dem Kopf des "Schweins" stand.

Durch diese Art der Ankettung war die Beweglichkeit des Mastschweins auf ein Minimum begrenzt, was beabsichtigt war, damit das Tier recht schnell an Gewicht zulegte, wie es der K?ufer w?nschte. Bewegte sich das "Schwein" einen halben Schritt nach vorn zum Trog, riss die Hodenkette das "Tier" am Sack derb zur?ck, wich es einen halben Schritt zur?ck, zog die Nasenringkette empfindlich am Nasensteg.

So blieb dem zum Schwein degradierten Mann nichts anderes ?brig, als auf H?nden und Knien im Koben knien zu bleiben und den ganzen Tag nur in seinen steinernen Fresstrog zu starren. Der wurde von Mike oder von Luke f?nfmal am Tag mit einem breiartigen, graugr?nlichen Schweinefutter gef?llt. Die Ketten an Nase und Hoden waren genau so lang bemessen, dass sich das Schwein des Nachts wenigstens auf die Seite niederlegen konnte. Zum Ausstrecken der Beine aber was der Koben zu kurz!

Nun kroch Luke nackt mit steifem Schwanz in den Koben und machte von seinem "Recht" Gebrauch, den neuen Bewohner von Koben Nr. 4 anal zu vergewaltigen. Ohne Gleitmittel drang er in den festgeketteten Unterleib des "Schweinchens" ein, ohne sich an dessen Schmerzgegrunze zu st?ren. Als Luke abgespritzt hatte, zog er seinen "L?mmel" aus dem Enddarm heraus, reinigte ihn und ging wieder seinen Aufgaben im Stall nach.

Kaum war der Trog mit einem 5-Liter Eimer voll Schweinefutter vollgesch?ttet, streckte der resignierte Sklave seinen kahlgeschorenen, bei?zahnlosen Mund in den Trog. Allein schon der Geruch war widerlich, der Geschmack salzlos-fade und fettig-ranzig. Das "Schweinchen schl?rfte drei - vier Schluck in seinen noch wunden Rachen, dann wurde ihm ?bel, und es stellte das Fressen.

Doch da hatte es "die Rechnung ohne den M?ster Mike" gemacht! Denn als Mike die Hinterseite des Kobens Nr. 4 betrat und den noch gut gef?llten Trog sah, wurde er zornig und rief nach Luke:

"Die Sau will ihr teures Futter nicht fressen, Luke. Nimm die Reitgerte und schlage dem faulen Dreckschwein satte Hiebe genau in die Analkerbe - m?glichst direkt auf die Arschfotze - so lange hinein, bis der Trog leergefressen ist!"

"Jawohl Sir. Sofort, Sir!" Antworte Sklave Luke und ging die Reitgerte holen.

Und zum "Schwein" gewandt sagte Mike: "Du hast gef?lligst deinen Trog komplett leer zu fressen! Dein K?ufer w?nscht, dass du dir mindestens 150 kg Gewicht anfrisst! Du brauchst Reserven, denn bei ihm wirst du dich haupts?chlich von den k?rperlichen Ausscheidungen von ihm und seinen Frauen ern?hren m?ssen! Ginge es nach mir, w?rde ich dir deine fetten Hoden abschneiden, damit du schneller an Gewichts zulegst. Aber das will dein k?nftiger Besitzer nicht. Also bleiben sie dran, und du hast zu fressen, bis das gew?nschte Gewicht erreicht ist!"

Mittlerweile war Luke wiedergekommen, kroch von hinten in den niedrigen Koben und drosch dem wehrlosen "Viehst?ck" die Gerte ohne Mitleid in die Kerbe. Vor Schmerz schob das "Mastschwein" sein Gesicht in den gr?sslichen Brei und beeilte sich, den ?blen Fra? m?glichst schnell in seinen sich aufbl?henden Bauch hinein zu schl?rfen.

Seit dieser Abreibung fra? das "Schwein" seinen Trog f?nfmal am Tag komplett leer. Schnell wurde es rund und fett, auch infolge seiner Bewegungsarmut. Nach einer Woche konnten die Verb?nde an den H?nden entfernt werde. Jetzt hatte das arme "Tier" tats?chlich nur Pfoten stat H?nde mit Fingern. F?r "Schweinchen begann eine qu?lend lange Zeit der Mast, nur fressen, schei?en, schlafen fressen und Langeweile ohne Abwechslung und mentaler Besch?ftigung. Wie ein geistloses Tier, das es nach dem Willen seines K?ufers werden sollte.

Nach sechs Wochen tauchte der vorgemerkte K?ufer des "Schweins", ein arabischer ?lmagnat, bei Mike im Stall auf und begutachtete sein bestelltes Kaufobjekt. Mike kettete ihn ab und schleifte ihn am Hodenring auf die Viehwaage. Der Araber war beeindruckt: 152 kg.

"Ist sein Maul ohne Frontz?hne, damit die Maulspreize gut anwendbar ist?" fragte der K?ufer.

"Selbstverst?ndlich, Eminenz, und seine Stimmb?nder sind auch gekappt!" Erkl?rte Mike nicht ohne Stolz.

"Sehr gut, und sch?n dicke Hoden in einem tief h?ngenden, schweren  Sack hat er auch ..." lobte der ?lmagnat und griff dem "Schwein" ungeniert an den schwer baumelnden Hodensack und walkte die Eier pr?fend durch. "Und wie lange und wie ausdauernd kann das Mastschwein lecken?" wollte der K?ufer noch erfahren.

"Je nach dem, wie gut Ihre Peitsche durchzieht, Eminenz, dann wird das Schweinchen stundenlang alles durchlecken, was ihm vor sein zahnloses Maul gehalten wird!" Lachte Mike frohgelaunt.

"Die Reise nach Katar wird gute 7 Stunden dauern", erkl?rte der K?ufer des Schweinesklaven, "ist er getr?nkt und sein Hinterausgang zuverl?ssig gepflockt worden, Mister Mike? Ich w?nsche nicht, dass der Frachtraum meines Jets verschmutzt wird!"

"Nein Eminenz, weder getr?nkt noch gepflockt," antwortete Mike etwas verlegen.

"Gut, dann werde ich ihn tr?nken und Sie, Mister Mike, pflocken ihn bitte mit einem 3 inch Pflock, das ist sicherer!"

"Hast du geh?rt, Luke, hole einen Stopfpflock der Gr??e 8 her." befahl Mike seinem Sklavenhelfer.

"Yes Sir, sofort, Sir!" sagte Luke dienstbeflissen.

W?hrend Luke davoneilte, schob der Araber seinen schneewei?en Kaftan im Schritt zur Seite und zog ohne Scham und Hemmung vor Mike sein Genitale hervor. Er hatte einen enormen Sack und einen kurzen, aber unglaublich dicken, beschnittenen Penis.

"Sir, w?rden Sie bitte das Maul des Schweins gut offen halten?" bat der Mann im Kaftan. Mike griff die Nasenringkette des knienden Sklaven, zog sie derb nach oben und zwang somit das Schwein, seinen Mund weit zu ?ffnen. Ohne Z?gern schob der Araber seinen dicken Penis in das zahnlose Maul und pisste ungeniert drauflos. Dem Sklaven blieb nichts anderes ?brig, als die hei?e, saure Pisse schnellstens hinunterzuschlucken.

Gerade als der Araber sich fertig ausgepisst und seinen Penis wieder unter dem Kaftan verstaut hatte, kam Luke mit einem 8 cm dicken, konischen Stopfpflock aus Hartgummi dahergeeilt.

"Luke, klemme den Leib des Mastschweins zwischen deinen Beinen ein und ziehe ihm die Arschbacken weit auseinander, damit ich den Arsch pflocken kann!"

Luke musste seine Beine weit auseinander stellen, um den dick aufgem?steten Leib des "Schweinchens" fest zwischen seinen Oberschenkeln einzuklemmen. Dann beugte sich Luke vor und riss die prall-fetten Backen energisch auseinander, so dass der Analring sichtbar wurde, in welchen Master Mike den leicht eingefetteten Pflock hineinrammen konnte.

Der Pflock war an seiner Spitze 8 cm dick und verj?ngte sich nach unten auf 7 cm bis zu einer kreisrunden Grundplatte mit einer ?se, von der ein d?nnes, 10 cm langes Kettchen herabhing. Nachdem der Bolzen unter dem gequ?lten St?hnen und ?chzen des Sklaven voll eingetrieben war, verband Mike das Kettchen des Pflocks mit dem Stahlring um den Hodensack, so dass der Pflock nicht unbemerkt herausgedr?ckt werden konnte. Das St?hnen und Knurren des stummen Schweins beeindruckten keinen der M?nner. Dann lie? Luke die Arschbacken wieder los und gab den eingeklemmten Festwanst frei.

"Ich bin mit der Zurichtung meines Schweins sehr zufrieden, Mister Mike", best?tigte der arabische K?ufer,  und 80.ooo Dollar wechselten den Besitzer.

Das fett gem?stete "Schweinchen" wurde an seinem Nasenring in den wartenden Viehtransporter gezerrt. Weil es dem Araber zu langsam ging, denn das Mastschwein konnte mit seinen 152 kg nicht mehr flink genug auf seinen schon wundgescheuerten Kniegelenken krabbeln, half Mike mit saftigen Stockhieben auf den "Ballonarsch" des Sklaven unbarmherzig nach, die Rampe hoch in den Transportanh?nger. Stimmlos konnte es nicht einmal seine Schmerzen artikulieren!

Von dort ging's zu einem kleinen Flughafen, wo der kleine Privatjet des ?lmagnaten stand. Der Lebensweg von "Schweinchen" endete in Katar. Dort erlebte es die "H?lle auf Erden" und sehnte sich schon bald nach dem Maststall von Mike zur?ck. Nat?rlich wurde seine Sehnsucht nicht erf?llt. Es wurde nie mehr in Europa gesehen ?

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My day was fairly normal for me, I went to work and completed three small moving jobs, in between I stopped by Dr. Cole's but only gave her one load for her to make some more lip balm with; I did let her suck what seed remained in my penis afterwards, then I went home and the kids and I had the chili I had made that morning and was in the computer room playing Madden with Chad when Ann arrived home. When Chad quit sports, Ann complained that he and I never did anything together, which was a...

1 year ago
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At a Loose End in Austria

It was Sunday 2nd July 2017, I was alone in a foreign town that I wasn’t familiar with. I had been drinking during the day and found myself at a loose end by 8pm as it was beginning to get dark. I was lay in my hotel room and the tv channels were not English and I was becoming restless. I started to watch pornography videos on my iphone and in no time found myself totally naked masturbating vigorously on the bed. I made myself cum at least twice, but still I was not satisfied.I tried to find an...

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A BBC fantasy gone awry

My husband and I are in our late thirties. I’m Hispanic, petite and stand 5’2′. My husband, Donnie, is black and has an athletic, stocky build. He stands a little over 6’0′. We both try to keep ourselves physically fit. We have been in an open relationship for a few years now. We’d been married for over ten years before we decided to live out our sexual fantasies. My fantasy was to be with a young, fine white boy who could put it down in bed. Donnie’s fantasy was to watch me have sex with...

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First Meeting Part 2

It was clear to me that Richard was enjoying the attention I was giving his nipples from the low purring sound he was making. This increased as my hand found his balls and began gently stroking them, then I placed my hand on his now rapidly hardening cock and began to slowly wank him. "Suck it, slut" he said. With that order I slowly kissed my way down his large belly, my tongue playing with the black hairs which quite densely covered it.Soon, I found myself confronted by his large cock, the...

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The Blizzard The Beginning

For the past thirty years since New Orleans was sent under water by a massive hurricane, scientists have argued disasters such as that were the effects of global warming. I really don't know if that is true, but for some reason the weather has been really weird for quite a while, and now these so called experts are somewhat agreeing with each other. Christmas day the temperature hit an all time high in Chicago when it topped out at a balmy 78 degrees and today I am freezing my ass off...

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The First Try To Make It Possible

I am Ajith, the one who is going to narrate you the story… I am from southern part of India. South Indian colour, and love to have a lot of love making a session with ladies above 35, why because those ladies will have a long and hungry sexual desires which I love the most…   She is my relative, my aunt and we live 180 km away from Chennai… I reside near her home and I used to go there whenever I have worked! I always had an urge when I see her, an urge of making love to her, make her stay in...

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Mom daughter Sue Colette

I had been seeing Sue for a couple of months, a lovely woman in her early 40's. Good looking & great body for her age, but it was her amazing sex drive that really excited me. She just loved sex, indoors, outdoors, public places, didn't mind what time of day, she lived for sex.Sue had a daughter, Colette, I was meeting her for the first time, she was 19 & home from uni for the weekend. I went round to Sue's house early evening, as Colette was going out with friends. I sat on the...

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TeensLoveAnal Aaliyah Hadid Teenage Anal In Her Hijab

Remember how in the 80s the bad guys in movies were always Russian? Nowadays, we have a different stereotypical enemy, and in this video, Aaliyah Hadid is our suspect. All she has to do is wear a hijab and do some lipstick in our studs window to get the heat. But when this so called American hero pulls out his badge and lets Aaliyah know that her husband is wanted by the FBI, she finds a way to make peace. She shows him inside the house, and has her modesty tested. She gets drilled anally while...

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Cataract Reaction 5

Cataract Reaction By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Five Into the limo he went with Johnny and the second after the door was shut, he realized Johnny had sat next to him as their legs touched. He waited a few seconds, wondering if he should slide down or jump across so they could talk, but before he could even move an inch, Johnny took his hand. They were in a limo certainly big enough for a few more couples, yet he knew none would be joining them and before they made...

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Lovely MILF for my taking

So, it was my senior year of football and I was excited to start. Not just for playing, but the football moms. Holy shit. Where I’m from there are some very attractive moms whose sons play on the team, and the majority of them are either divorced. Now, me being 18 and them being around 40 was a little out of the question for a relationship, but fucking was no problem in mine and their eyes. So, there was this one mom who was the queen of them all. Her name was Heather. She was the...

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Spicy Sex Chat With The Hot Boudi Ropalee

Hello friends. I am Pritam Sarkar. I am from West Bengal. Well, I am not married yet and I am 23 years old. I just finished my course and started to work in a private bank as a marketing executive. I have very good charming words and due to this, I have always achieved my target. Not in just the banking sector. I would reach heights in the fields like sports, education etc. But I am a bit weak when it comes to girls. I would feel a bit shy at first. But now, as I have to talk to female clients,...

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Tommy Part 25

"Tommy"By GentilePart 25---------She straightened and steadied Tommy until he'd had a chance to right himself. Then he helped her dress himself. This was done in near silence. There was no gab. Slowly they rebuilt the man, made him whole again.She sounded like Shirley Temple: "Yes, all done, ready to report for duty, Sergeant." She saluted him as she would do me on occasion when I'd leave for the base. She pushed the door closed---the latch catching solidly. Arm-in-arm they proceeded back...

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Bimbo Barn Bitch

Dany screamed and grunted. The stretching pain of the sudden, colossal insertion was brutal, but was countered by the exquisite sensation of thick, bulging cock gliding against his super sensitive prostate. He lay face down in the grass, his body pressed into the soft earth by the giant, horse-dicked Futa above. She'd mounted him hastily and thrust into his starfish with urgent need and surging vigor. Calling it a horse cock was no exaggeration. Leslie's tool was massive. The dark-skinned...

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The Half LilinChapter 6

She closed her eyes in bliss as she felt him spurt deep within her. With each spurt, her purrs got louder until it turned into growls. She turned her head down and moved her lips closer to his. Closer and closer she got, breathing in his scent, smelling the sweet aroma of the delicacy she'll be devouring. She oh so loved a well-cooked meal. Then their lips connect. She began to nudge his lips open with her tongue. He relented easily. As she cradled his head and fastened her lips on his,...

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Small Improvements

Small Improvements It started gradually, so discreet at first, that I hardly noticed anything was changing. Just a simple comment on the state of my dry skin. "You know, you really ought to moisturise Jon. That skin around your forehead and nose is getting so dry. It really turns me off. I mean, if you leave it like that, in a few years you'll be like a prune." Judith was a new girl friend - we'd only been going out a few months, but I wanted to stay on her good side. After all,...

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While Hubbys Away Part 2

My sister-in-law Georgette was moving back to the midwest after getting married and living in Jersey for 3 years. I would get a call or text from time to time telling me she missed our fuck sessions and that no one has made her feel the way I do, Occasionally she would complain about her love life and say that her husband Roy never lasted longer than 7 minutes and was pretty boring, (meaning he only fucked her missionary style). Out of the blue I received a call from Georgette saying she needed...

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Adams Apple Ch 04

“She’s not here, is she?”  Ron asked as soon as Christine opened the door.“No, she’s not,” Christine answered her brother.  “She’s not far away, though.  I just wanted to talk to you first.”Ron sighed, “Okay, let’s get this over with.  God, I need a drink.”“What do you want?”“Beer, whisky, moonshine – anything will work right now,” Ron replied while massaging his temples with his fingers and thumb.  He then smoothed back his dark brown hair and sighed again.“Go sit down on the couch.  I’ll be...

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The German Sub

The German Sub. By Miss Irene Clearmont Synopsis: Georg, a sailor on U143, is swept overboard and falls into the clutches of a woman who takes what she needs from her captive. An Adult historical tale of Female Domination. Chapters The Death Of U143. The Survival Of Georg. Night Games. Daytime Games. A Glass Of Cream Sherry. Time Passes. Asking For A Date. Unconditional Surrender. The End and Notes Copyright © 2012 (June) Miss Irene Clearmont. The...

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Andrews Temptation

Her high heels made a loud clicking noise as she ran up the steps to the front door, kicking off her shoes she sighed in relief as she felt a blast of cool air from the air conditioner climb up her smooth long legs, raising her skirt a bit. Giggling she began to make her way to the bathroom, wanting to take a nice cold shower before she left for the night. “What are you laughing at?” She heard as she entered the living room. That voice, she hated that voice, it could only be one person… Andrew....

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Daughter seduces father

small gap around one side where the bathroom door doesn't fit tightly. One night when I was about 12; I was sitting on my bed doing homework when I saw daddy go into the bathroom with a magazine in his hand. At first; I didn't think anything of it...he did that a lot. "Going to the Library", he would say. But this time I noticed that he was carrying a Playboy magazine! And; even at 12 years old, I knew what Playboy was. But I (at that time) didn't know what kind of fascination...

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Keep It in the Family

My fiancée sat straight up in shock, her boy-toy fumbling to cover himself with the sheets. All I could do was repeat myself as I stared at them, unable to form any other words. “Are you fucking kidding me?” “Brandon, baby, it’s not what it looks like, I promise -” “I’m not your fucking baby.” “No - please -” Jamie had tears in her eyes that I was sure were fake. She stood up, bringing the blanket with her. I would have laughed at the other man hastily covering his junk with a random pillow...

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Slutty Sister And Cute Girlfriend 8211 My Cum Unloaders

Hey guys, I am back. It’s Madassess here again with a new story. This story takes place in my college. My college is situated in the middle of the city. Back there at my home, I was fucking my sister. I went to my college in some years. There I fell in love with girl from a different state. It was really weird, you know, trying to love some other girl even when you know that there is your sister always waiting for your cum. This college girl was a very reserved type. She didn’t mingle with...

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girl friends mum 3

    After being at her home for a few days sex was on the cards a great deal, not that tom minded, as he loved sliding into her pussy, but when she climaxed her whole body seamed to tremble. At times tom wanted to give up, and take a rest but sue had other ideas, and with her mouth brought him back to hardness. That was one thing he love her doing, sucking his big cock even if she did gag with the first few inches, but eventually got used to it and took more inside. However, one morning...

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An Incest Birthday Chapter 19 Part 1

Ashley. The 5’4” redheaded, hazel eyed, wicked witch of the west was the person we blindly agreed to hang out with for the next few weeks. Fuck my life. Of all the people that could have come through the door, why did it have to be her? How bad is my luck? I know the saying goes you have to take the good with the bad, but this is worse than bad, this is beyond bad, this is Ashley, here, in our house, and there’s nothing we can do about it. “Oh you’ve already met each other?” Ashley’s father...

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Honeymoon Helper

Leann and Jason Moore were looking out the window of the jet as it circled to land in Jamaica. They were to spend the next three weeks aboard a diving boat exploring the wrecks and reefs around the islands. Her father gave the trip to them as a wedding present. They both were looking forward to the trip. Both like to dive and they would take this time to really get to know each other. They had been married the day before and spent their wedding night at the Airport hotel in Atlanta. An early...

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Mile high triple blow job and fuck

Theresa and Sheryl hadn’t had a weekend off in weeks. Their busy schedule, recording their latest albums had taken priority. That was out of the way though and now they could spend some girl time together. Their widely publicised lesbian affair had caused one of the biggest nights in Twitter history but had done their album sales no harm. Now the girls were waiting in the first class lounge at Shagwick airport. They were both in dark glasses hoping to avoid any would-be celebrity spotters. As...

Group Sex
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Sylvias Mother Ch 27

Jason put the game away, then he and Karen walked upstairs holding hands. They went directly to the spare bedroom and, when they got there, they immediately moved into each other’s arms and shared a deep, passionate kiss. While they were kissing, Jason began unbuttoning the buttons down the front of Karen’s dress. When it was opened all the way, he slid it down over her shoulders and tossed it aside. Karen helped him out of his jeans and T-shirt, and then they were in the bed, lying naked in...

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Jack and Jamie

As a little girl, I can imagine Mother would have just opened the package of panties and placed them in the girl's underwear drawer. That didn't happen with me. As a matter of fact, Mother took out the package from the Wal-mart bag with Tammie standing next to her and handed it to me. "From now on, I'll expect you to wear your own things and not borrow intimates from Tammie or I," Mother announced quite loudly. I turned bright red but refused to take the package. "Mother," I exclaimed,...

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Gym Master Is My Master

I am a normal straight guy or that is how I thought until this happened. I am a fair fatty guy with obesity working in a life science company earning a good pay cheque and I was then posted in a hilly forest area in Kerala where it rains for 6 – 8 months. And this is Ajay aged 28 years. I was staying alone researching on rare herbs in the adjoining forests of Kerala and was posted in a hilly town. It was a small town with fresh vegetation, basic amenities and cultured people who were really...

Gay Male
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 46 Glenn Miller Phil Collins and a Patch of Ice

"Right here. Pookie, you need to swing your leg right here, on that beat." "Right." Their blades cut into the ice, as they tried a move. "That right?" "Yeah, but my turn was too slow. I came out of it a half-beat behind." "'sokay, Snugglebear, let's try it again." It was the middle of August. Sophia and Warren were trying to nail down their new free dance, before they pulled their old junior-length free from last year out of mothballs for the Junior Grand Prix. It had been...

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Star Crossed

A story that somehow got lost on my hard drive. Found it, tweaked it, and here it is. Dave looked up from his desk in the small office when he heard the door open. It was the Captain of ‘The Grand Old Lady’, his ship. He started to rise but the Captain waved him back into his seat, sitting down opposite him, a familiar thoughtful look on her face. ‘What strange and wonderful odd job have you got for me this time ma’am?’ He asked with a smile, the Boss often came to him with a job out of the...

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Mumbai With Naveen 8211 Part II

It was 9:00 pm already and I was late to go my place since I was staying in Mumbai with my relatives, he insisted that I stay back. But I really couldn’t so we freshen up and took bath together to clean ourselves and he dropped me at the station from where I boarded a train to my place. When I came back I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened and at first I felt guilty and wrong to cheat behind my boyfriend and Naveen too cheated on his girlfriend with me. I couldn’t believe what just...

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TangentChapter 24 Lions

Ensign Legios of the Sixth Mounted Rifles tried not to rubberneck like a country bumpkin seeing his first town market as he stood waiting in Captain-General Harmakros' field headquarters. The headquarters was in the common room of an inn commandeered for the purpose. Legios had seen better inns in his day. But it wasn't the building that riveted his attention, it was the man sitting at a trestle table, listening to a logistos report. The Captain-General was waving a roasted leg of some...

1 year ago
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Those Weekend GetawaysChapter 6

We got up and checked out the next morning. Lisa was sore but not nearly as much as I would have thought. She walked a little bit bull legged, but nothing too bad. Apparently she wasn't broken after all. We just hung out at the house the rest of the day. It was business as usual. Lisa didn't even bring up the night before, except to thank me for a nice getaway. There was no mention of giant black cocks or anything else. I am not sure what I expected but it seemed like it truly was no big...

2 years ago
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Coming Home

The sun was just coming over the waters of Casco Bay, the light filling the sky with its glowing blaze, as Amelia Thermopolis entered the city limits. She'd been driving all night, but in just a few more minutes she would reach her destination and a welcome rest. The midnight escape from New York City to Portland, Maine was as emotionally taxing as it was physically. Her parents on Long Island or her grandfather in Soho, they would all have welcomed her into their homes in the dead of...

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