Endstation F?r Schweinchen free porn video

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"Endstation f?r "Schweinchen"

(C) 2014 by Masostud

Vorgeschichte: Der homophile Tom  begibt sich ?sehenden Auges? aus purer Geilheit in die F?nge eines sehr dominanten Mannes, der sich Mike nennt. Als es zu sp?t ist, muss er feststellen, dass er in die H?nde eines skrupellos sadistischen Menschenh?ndlers geraten ist, der seine ?Handelsware? nach den W?nschen des k?nftigen K?ufers zurichtet. Dabei wird er von seinem ebenfalls versklavten Luke als willigen und total h?rigen Luke unterst?tzt.

Im Verlauf seiner Dressur als k?nftiger ?Hund? macht Tom die Bekanntschaft mit einem anderen Mann, der als Sklave von Mike als Schwein zugerichtet und umgewandelt wird. Mike nennt dieses ?Objekt? nur ?Schweinchen?, es tr?gt einen Ring durch die Nase und einen schweren Ring um den Hodensack; So muss es sein Dasein in einem echten Schweinekoben fristen.

Nachdem Tom dann als ?Hund? an seinen neuen Besitzer ausgeliefert worden war, wird ?Schweinchen? noch weiter abgerichtet, um den W?nschen seines K?ufers in Arabien zu entsprechen.

Und dies ist ?Schweinchens? Geschichte und Werdegang:


       Was geschah mit "Schweinchen"? Ja, diesen versklavten Mann traf ein noch schlimmeres Los als den "Hund".

Sklavenhalter Mike hakte eine F?hrungskette in den schweren Hodensackring des Sklaven ein und pr?gelte den dicken und zwangsgem?steten Mann auf allen Vieren in den gefliesten Operationsraum.

Dort wurde er auf den Operationstisch geschnallt und wirksam geknebelt.

"Wir werden dir jetzt Schweinepfoten aus deinen H?nden machen und auch dein Maul ?hnlicher dem eines Schweins machen. Narkose gibt's hier nicht, bei?e halt die Z?hne zusammen, solange du noch welche hast." Verk?ndete Mike seinem Opfer.

"Luke, du wirst mit der Gartenschere die Finger an den Fingerkn?cheln abtrennen, w?hrend ich gleich danach die Wunden mit der restlichen Haut vern?he. Mache die Schere vor jedem Abtrennen eines Fingers richtig hei?, dann blutet es weniger!"

"Jawohl, Sir, danke Sir!" sagte Luke und erhitzte die Schere.

Bei vollen Bewusstsein musste es das wehrlose und geknebelte "Schweinchen" ertragen, wie ihm nacheinander alle 10 Finger seiner beiden H?nde abgetrennt und die Wunden von Mike vern?ht wurden.

Nachdem die operierten H?nde steril und dick mit Mullverb?nden versorgt waren, wurde das vor Schmerzen schon fast bewusstlose "Schwein" vom Bauch auf den R?cken herumgedreht und insbesondere sein haarloser Sch?del sicher und stramm auf dem Tisch fixiert. Dann wurde den Knebel entfernt.

Luke zog das Maul des Sklaven am Nasenstegring r?cksichtslos weit auf, damit sein Master Mike mit einer kr?ftigen Brechzange alle Schneide- samt Eckz?hne aus dem Maul herausrei?en konnte. F?r das r?chelnde "Schwein" eine uns?gliche Tortur! Nur die Mahl- bzw. Backenz?hne wurden belassen.

"So, das w?re geschafft, jetzt nur noch die Stimmb?nder, Luke, dann sind alle Vorbedingungen bis auf die Mast f?r die Verkaufs?bernahme an seinen neuen Besitzer erf?llt! Rei?e das Maul, so weit es geht,  auf, Luke!"

"Yes. Sir, danke Sir" intonierte Luke monoton und riss dem armen Sklaven fast den Nasenring aus der Nasenscheidewand, so brutal zog er daran.

Bequem konnte Mike mit einem gebogenen Skalpell in den blutigen Rachen hineinfahren und die Stimmb?nder durchschneiden. Jetzt kam nur noch ein R?cheln aus dem Hals bzw. aus dem Mund, nachdem Luke den Nasenring losgelassen hatte. Fast klang es wie das Grunzen eines schmerzgepeinigten Schweins.

"Luke, hast du gut gemacht! Darfst sp?ter, wenn du willst, das Schwein in die Arschfotze ficken. Jetzt nimm ihm den Arschpflock heraus. Knebel braucht er keinen mehr. Dann treib' das Vieh in seinen Schweinekoben Nr. 4, den ich schon f?r es hergerichtet habe. Wenn er Sperenzien macht, zieh' ihm ohne Mitleid den Rohrstock ?ber!"

"Yes, Sir, danke Sir!" best?tigte Sklave Luke den Befehl seines Masters und trieb das frisch operierte und ersch?pfte "Schweinchen" an der Hodenkette haltend mit saftigen Stockhieben vor sich her in Richtung zu den Viehst?llen. Das schmerzhafte Gegrunze st?rte ihn mitnichten!

Am Schweinekoben Nr. 4 wartete bereits Master Mike. Koben

Nr. 1 war von einer hochtr?chtigen und sehr fetten Mastsau belegt,  Nr. 2 beherbergte einen fast 18-j?hrigen Negersklaven, den sich eine blonde Frau eines Oligarchen aus Wei?russland bestellt hatte, und Nr. 3 war von einem auf wahnsinnige 160 kg gem?steten "Eber", ein 26-j?hriger, braunh?utiger Portugiese, den sich eine reiche H?uptlingsfrau aus Simbabwe, dem ehemal. Mozambique, f?r 50.ooo US-$ bestellt und gekauft hatte. Sie wollte das "Tier" zur Sklavenzucht verwenden.

Koben Nr 4 war mit S?gesp?nen frisch eingestreut. Luke trieb das nackte St?ck Vieh ohne langes Fackeln brutal in den engen Koben; der hatte die Ma?e 1.20 m L?nge, 90 cm Breite, und war in 1.30 m H?he durch ein Stacheldrahtgeflecht begrenzt.

Somit konnte sich das "Schwein" nicht stehend aufrichten, sondern musste am Boden knien bleiben.

Daf?r sorgte auch die Ankettung hinten mit einer im Bodenring eingelassene Kette von 50 cm L?nge zum Hodensackring und vorn mit einer nur 30 cm langen Kette, die den Nasenring mit einer ?se am Grund des steinernen Fresstrogs verband, der direkt unter dem Kopf des "Schweins" stand.

Durch diese Art der Ankettung war die Beweglichkeit des Mastschweins auf ein Minimum begrenzt, was beabsichtigt war, damit das Tier recht schnell an Gewicht zulegte, wie es der K?ufer w?nschte. Bewegte sich das "Schwein" einen halben Schritt nach vorn zum Trog, riss die Hodenkette das "Tier" am Sack derb zur?ck, wich es einen halben Schritt zur?ck, zog die Nasenringkette empfindlich am Nasensteg.

So blieb dem zum Schwein degradierten Mann nichts anderes ?brig, als auf H?nden und Knien im Koben knien zu bleiben und den ganzen Tag nur in seinen steinernen Fresstrog zu starren. Der wurde von Mike oder von Luke f?nfmal am Tag mit einem breiartigen, graugr?nlichen Schweinefutter gef?llt. Die Ketten an Nase und Hoden waren genau so lang bemessen, dass sich das Schwein des Nachts wenigstens auf die Seite niederlegen konnte. Zum Ausstrecken der Beine aber was der Koben zu kurz!

Nun kroch Luke nackt mit steifem Schwanz in den Koben und machte von seinem "Recht" Gebrauch, den neuen Bewohner von Koben Nr. 4 anal zu vergewaltigen. Ohne Gleitmittel drang er in den festgeketteten Unterleib des "Schweinchens" ein, ohne sich an dessen Schmerzgegrunze zu st?ren. Als Luke abgespritzt hatte, zog er seinen "L?mmel" aus dem Enddarm heraus, reinigte ihn und ging wieder seinen Aufgaben im Stall nach.

Kaum war der Trog mit einem 5-Liter Eimer voll Schweinefutter vollgesch?ttet, streckte der resignierte Sklave seinen kahlgeschorenen, bei?zahnlosen Mund in den Trog. Allein schon der Geruch war widerlich, der Geschmack salzlos-fade und fettig-ranzig. Das "Schweinchen schl?rfte drei - vier Schluck in seinen noch wunden Rachen, dann wurde ihm ?bel, und es stellte das Fressen.

Doch da hatte es "die Rechnung ohne den M?ster Mike" gemacht! Denn als Mike die Hinterseite des Kobens Nr. 4 betrat und den noch gut gef?llten Trog sah, wurde er zornig und rief nach Luke:

"Die Sau will ihr teures Futter nicht fressen, Luke. Nimm die Reitgerte und schlage dem faulen Dreckschwein satte Hiebe genau in die Analkerbe - m?glichst direkt auf die Arschfotze - so lange hinein, bis der Trog leergefressen ist!"

"Jawohl Sir. Sofort, Sir!" Antworte Sklave Luke und ging die Reitgerte holen.

Und zum "Schwein" gewandt sagte Mike: "Du hast gef?lligst deinen Trog komplett leer zu fressen! Dein K?ufer w?nscht, dass du dir mindestens 150 kg Gewicht anfrisst! Du brauchst Reserven, denn bei ihm wirst du dich haupts?chlich von den k?rperlichen Ausscheidungen von ihm und seinen Frauen ern?hren m?ssen! Ginge es nach mir, w?rde ich dir deine fetten Hoden abschneiden, damit du schneller an Gewichts zulegst. Aber das will dein k?nftiger Besitzer nicht. Also bleiben sie dran, und du hast zu fressen, bis das gew?nschte Gewicht erreicht ist!"

Mittlerweile war Luke wiedergekommen, kroch von hinten in den niedrigen Koben und drosch dem wehrlosen "Viehst?ck" die Gerte ohne Mitleid in die Kerbe. Vor Schmerz schob das "Mastschwein" sein Gesicht in den gr?sslichen Brei und beeilte sich, den ?blen Fra? m?glichst schnell in seinen sich aufbl?henden Bauch hinein zu schl?rfen.

Seit dieser Abreibung fra? das "Schwein" seinen Trog f?nfmal am Tag komplett leer. Schnell wurde es rund und fett, auch infolge seiner Bewegungsarmut. Nach einer Woche konnten die Verb?nde an den H?nden entfernt werde. Jetzt hatte das arme "Tier" tats?chlich nur Pfoten stat H?nde mit Fingern. F?r "Schweinchen begann eine qu?lend lange Zeit der Mast, nur fressen, schei?en, schlafen fressen und Langeweile ohne Abwechslung und mentaler Besch?ftigung. Wie ein geistloses Tier, das es nach dem Willen seines K?ufers werden sollte.

Nach sechs Wochen tauchte der vorgemerkte K?ufer des "Schweins", ein arabischer ?lmagnat, bei Mike im Stall auf und begutachtete sein bestelltes Kaufobjekt. Mike kettete ihn ab und schleifte ihn am Hodenring auf die Viehwaage. Der Araber war beeindruckt: 152 kg.

"Ist sein Maul ohne Frontz?hne, damit die Maulspreize gut anwendbar ist?" fragte der K?ufer.

"Selbstverst?ndlich, Eminenz, und seine Stimmb?nder sind auch gekappt!" Erkl?rte Mike nicht ohne Stolz.

"Sehr gut, und sch?n dicke Hoden in einem tief h?ngenden, schweren  Sack hat er auch ..." lobte der ?lmagnat und griff dem "Schwein" ungeniert an den schwer baumelnden Hodensack und walkte die Eier pr?fend durch. "Und wie lange und wie ausdauernd kann das Mastschwein lecken?" wollte der K?ufer noch erfahren.

"Je nach dem, wie gut Ihre Peitsche durchzieht, Eminenz, dann wird das Schweinchen stundenlang alles durchlecken, was ihm vor sein zahnloses Maul gehalten wird!" Lachte Mike frohgelaunt.

"Die Reise nach Katar wird gute 7 Stunden dauern", erkl?rte der K?ufer des Schweinesklaven, "ist er getr?nkt und sein Hinterausgang zuverl?ssig gepflockt worden, Mister Mike? Ich w?nsche nicht, dass der Frachtraum meines Jets verschmutzt wird!"

"Nein Eminenz, weder getr?nkt noch gepflockt," antwortete Mike etwas verlegen.

"Gut, dann werde ich ihn tr?nken und Sie, Mister Mike, pflocken ihn bitte mit einem 3 inch Pflock, das ist sicherer!"

"Hast du geh?rt, Luke, hole einen Stopfpflock der Gr??e 8 her." befahl Mike seinem Sklavenhelfer.

"Yes Sir, sofort, Sir!" sagte Luke dienstbeflissen.

W?hrend Luke davoneilte, schob der Araber seinen schneewei?en Kaftan im Schritt zur Seite und zog ohne Scham und Hemmung vor Mike sein Genitale hervor. Er hatte einen enormen Sack und einen kurzen, aber unglaublich dicken, beschnittenen Penis.

"Sir, w?rden Sie bitte das Maul des Schweins gut offen halten?" bat der Mann im Kaftan. Mike griff die Nasenringkette des knienden Sklaven, zog sie derb nach oben und zwang somit das Schwein, seinen Mund weit zu ?ffnen. Ohne Z?gern schob der Araber seinen dicken Penis in das zahnlose Maul und pisste ungeniert drauflos. Dem Sklaven blieb nichts anderes ?brig, als die hei?e, saure Pisse schnellstens hinunterzuschlucken.

Gerade als der Araber sich fertig ausgepisst und seinen Penis wieder unter dem Kaftan verstaut hatte, kam Luke mit einem 8 cm dicken, konischen Stopfpflock aus Hartgummi dahergeeilt.

"Luke, klemme den Leib des Mastschweins zwischen deinen Beinen ein und ziehe ihm die Arschbacken weit auseinander, damit ich den Arsch pflocken kann!"

Luke musste seine Beine weit auseinander stellen, um den dick aufgem?steten Leib des "Schweinchens" fest zwischen seinen Oberschenkeln einzuklemmen. Dann beugte sich Luke vor und riss die prall-fetten Backen energisch auseinander, so dass der Analring sichtbar wurde, in welchen Master Mike den leicht eingefetteten Pflock hineinrammen konnte.

Der Pflock war an seiner Spitze 8 cm dick und verj?ngte sich nach unten auf 7 cm bis zu einer kreisrunden Grundplatte mit einer ?se, von der ein d?nnes, 10 cm langes Kettchen herabhing. Nachdem der Bolzen unter dem gequ?lten St?hnen und ?chzen des Sklaven voll eingetrieben war, verband Mike das Kettchen des Pflocks mit dem Stahlring um den Hodensack, so dass der Pflock nicht unbemerkt herausgedr?ckt werden konnte. Das St?hnen und Knurren des stummen Schweins beeindruckten keinen der M?nner. Dann lie? Luke die Arschbacken wieder los und gab den eingeklemmten Festwanst frei.

"Ich bin mit der Zurichtung meines Schweins sehr zufrieden, Mister Mike", best?tigte der arabische K?ufer,  und 80.ooo Dollar wechselten den Besitzer.

Das fett gem?stete "Schweinchen" wurde an seinem Nasenring in den wartenden Viehtransporter gezerrt. Weil es dem Araber zu langsam ging, denn das Mastschwein konnte mit seinen 152 kg nicht mehr flink genug auf seinen schon wundgescheuerten Kniegelenken krabbeln, half Mike mit saftigen Stockhieben auf den "Ballonarsch" des Sklaven unbarmherzig nach, die Rampe hoch in den Transportanh?nger. Stimmlos konnte es nicht einmal seine Schmerzen artikulieren!

Von dort ging's zu einem kleinen Flughafen, wo der kleine Privatjet des ?lmagnaten stand. Der Lebensweg von "Schweinchen" endete in Katar. Dort erlebte es die "H?lle auf Erden" und sehnte sich schon bald nach dem Maststall von Mike zur?ck. Nat?rlich wurde seine Sehnsucht nicht erf?llt. Es wurde nie mehr in Europa gesehen ?

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Sharing Cock with my Girlfriend- (True Story)-Please CommentWhen I was about 11 years old an older boy from the neighborhood and I used to spend lots of time talking about girls, pussy, fucking and looking a Club or Hustler Magazine . He was about 15 and heavy so he took a lot of ribbing but we became close. We would pull out our cocks wghenever we were alone and look at the girls posing and talk about what we'd like to do to them. I loved hearing his fantasies and loved watching him stroke his...

3 years ago
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17th BirthdayChapter 13

At the end of the week, we had Prom. I'd bought a nice suit that I could use for work instead of renting a tux. Dan wore a tux to make Christy happy. We went from one house to another, so all the parents could take pictures. Earlier in the day, Dan had followed me, so I could drop off my truck at the Park Plaza hotel. The limo picked us up, and we went to dinner at Enzo's on the lake before going down to the dance. It was great with all the girls getting along, and enjoying the group. Dan...

1 year ago
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Kayla loves Abbie

Well me and abbie have been best friends for years and we stay at each others houses all the time but then this one weekend we planned that we would say to your mums and dads that we were staying at our friends house and actually go to a hotel and stay there for a night.Its came to the friday after school we went back to my house and got changed , I for a while has noticed that i had some sexual feelings for Abbie. She was perfect, her body was perfect ,her hair ,her eyes,her breast,her bum,...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 4 A Weekend Away

The rest of the week was rather mundane after Monday. Kayla needed to spend some time working at the restaurant, so I made sure to pay her some attention in the mornings. Emily was quitting her job as a receptionist and this was her last week of work after giving her two week notice the day after she met me. And Angela was spending a lot of time in the library catching up on her studies. Finals were just a few weeks away and then she would need to start studying for the North Carolina...

3 years ago
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Ti Tis First Time

I did not write this story this is a real first time story My first lesbian experience was just last night. I had my friend Shannon over and we were sitting on my bed talkin, we were waiting for my boyfriend to come over. Shannon asked me if I had ever kissed a girl. I told her I had kissed a girl on a dare before. She asked if I liked it and I wasn’t going to lie I told her I did like it. She leaned over and she kissed me. I was kind of surprised but I didn’t mind. Then she asked me if I...

2 years ago
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Argonaut in an Age of Discovery

Argonaut in an Age of DiscoveryChapter 1: Gathering CloudsThe Argo, there it was in its berth in the marina in Baltimore Harbor, a sailing yacht, pale blue-grey, a humble vessel with a presumptuous name.  Compared to the nearby gleaming white yachts, it looked old, dingy, and perhaps small for accommodating six people.Carrying my heavy bag down the dock, I saw April on the deck, at the same time as she saw me.  She called out, and I waved.  April was the friend who had invited me on this trip. ...

3 years ago
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Me My Maid And Her Daughter

I’m a resident of Bangalore, I’m 6 inches tall and my tool is 12 cms, woman and girls interested in and around Bangalore can mail me to (privacy guaranteed). Now coming to the story,3 years ago my maid who works in my home was adjusting her saree once thinking that no one was there, but through a mirror, I could see her milky huge boobs and her hot navel(34-30-36)so she was a sexy blonde. This was the first time I was feeling something different inside myself and my penis became rockhard. But...

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A few days at uncle Mikes

My dad took me to visit my uncle while my mom was at the hospital having my sister. I didn't want to be there, hoping I could stay at my house. I didn't know much about uncle Mike, other than he was my dad's brother. Mom and dad didn't talk about him too much. Mike met us at the door, and he told me to put my things anywhere. Dad said he should be back in a couple of days. Mike said, no problem. I'll treat him as if he was my own. Dad gave Mike that dad look, then left. Mike said, I was going...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Nine Cafe au Lay

Sonja called me at work. She wanted to go out for lunch. “What should I wear?” I asked her. I was already getting hard thinking about driving around the city naked and maybe skinny-dipping in a public fountain. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter,” replied Sonja. I was more than disappointed. “We’re just going for sandwiches, you know. A quick bite then back to work.” Sonja sounded quite matter-of-fact. Well, she was fun to be with, and I did have to eat. Sure, sandwiches. I picked her up...

2 years ago
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Everyone Fucked Except Me

For quite sometime now I have an urge for women elder to me or the married ones, though I like girls of all age groups. So I thought if i’m not getting chance outside I shud try inside family. But I fell for my cousin. I made a plan and told my mother to call Pinky mausi to indore as she will get a change. Besides everyone knows that mausaji treats her like a randi.  She comes to indore.  One day my mother went for a kitty party so it was the time. I relaxed on bed and called mausi to sit, she...

4 years ago
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TommyChapter 3

Tommy’s turn: “You could already call what we’re doing ‘dating’,” Mimi said. “I know, but naming a thing carries some effect. I mean, one, we’re just a couple of friends going out to eat or to hang out. Dating, though, that means something different. More of a connection.” “And you’re saying that you’re okay with that? With me?” “Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?” “Thomas,” she said sternly, “you’re a nice guy. I’m...” “Mimi, let’s not go there. I know. You’ve told me. You know what? As long as...

4 years ago
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So now Im an intergalactic dictator

My whole body aches. My hands have been numb for weeks now, and I can barely feel my feet. The hard floor presses into my back, reminding me of just how malnourished I have become. My gaze passes over the room, listlessly taking in the bare walls, peeling paint, and cracked door. "Damn, this place really is a shit hole." A self deprecating laugh slips past my lips, before devolving into a hacking coughing fit. My whole body heaves with each cough, and when the fit fades, my blood is pounding in...

5 years ago
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Banglore Adventure With A Milf

This is dedicated to a guy who wanted his wife to have sex with a stranger. I got an email regarding a fantasy by a guy who wanted to read about his wife getting fucked, not watch or listen but read and imagine. Looking at this curious mail, I responded with surprise. Our email went to hangouts, and we chatted for a while. The only condition was that he didn’t want to know who I was, but he wanted his wife to be safe. This was a problem for both of us. He then figured out that his wife could...

4 years ago
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I Forgot to Call

I suddenly decided to go home for the weekend, but forgot to call ahead and warn Mom I was coming. (This is a much shorter version of a story I’ve posted under another pen-name; it doesn’t contain any of the suspense and angst. A nice easy read.) Even with the usual Friday night plus the extra Spring Break traffic on the I-90, I’d made pretty good time from Boston, and it wasn’t yet seven o’clock. Man, I could really use a hug from Mom, a glass of Dad’s beer, and one of Mom’s home-cooked...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 59

Halfway across the Rockies, Heather Sanford gave up on the idea of going to Walden Pond. Any way she could cut it, it was another three thousand miles to drive, and she realized she'd be spending all her time behind the wheel of the little red Omni she'd bought. It was only two years old, seemed to be in pretty good shape, and didn't have a lot of miles on it. It seemed like a lot solider a car than her Honda, and the gas mileage would have to be almost as good. She'd thought of buying a...

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Becoming Alexa

Hello! My name is Dave Smith, and I'm a 48-year-old father of two boys, Tim and Peter. After the divorce from my wife Rebecca we were living together, my high-paying job allowing all of us to live in a comfy flat in the rural suburbs of the city. Peter was 18 and going to high school still. Tim was 22 and studying at the local university. Also he was madly in love with a girl called Alexa. Alexa was a slim, short 21-year-old blonde. She had no breasts to speak of, but boy, what an...

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Its A Family Affair

As Wendi and Amanda rode off with Debbi and Michelle, Kim took her newfound lover, Kylie, by the hand and walked toward her car. The night had been a wonder of lustful abandon. She had experienced sensations that she had only dreamed about in her darkest fantasies. She had seen her two 16-year-old daughters used as sex toys by her best girlfriend, and her transgendered son, Michelle. Her own 17 -year-old son, Kyle, was now her incestuous lover, Kylie. The two of them had shared their bodies...

2 years ago
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Give Me Your Love

It had been a long, hard week, all I wanted was to relax and unwind and I was looking forward to spending the weekend with my wife, Greta, and my nineteen year old daughter Amanda. I was feeling every one of my forty-one years as I walked in the door just after seven that Friday evening, calling out to Greta I hung up my coat and sighed, it took me a moment to realise that there had been no reply. Puzzled I headed for the kitchen only to find it deserted, a quick check of the house told me that...

4 years ago
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Linda and Me

She was lost in a universe of her own making. Gasping and crying out with each shuddering orgasm. I was getting close, but I didn’t want to give it up yet, so I slowed even more. Linda gasped and shuddered as I rolled my hips, gently fucking my stiff prick into her, sinking deep between her softly yielding pussy lips. She was so slick and wet that I could almost have slipped into her, hips and all. Her hot, buttery insides gripped my shafting cock as she came. I leaned forward to kiss her silky...

3 years ago
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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 11 Going Home

For over a week Natalie lay in the bed without moving, she opened her eye's several times, but never said a word. She heard what people said but rarely listened, felt them changing her nightdress, bathing her, but she didn't care. They came and went regularly checking on her, she knew almost daily Marti'en sat and read the book, she could hear the pages turning, the book didn't sing for her, it didn't talk to her but it did allow her to read it, Natalie was glad, perhaps Marti'en could...

2 years ago
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At Any Cost Ch 03

Her new husband seemed to be unsociable the morning of their wedding. They invited the priest to dine with them and naturally, he accepted. But Derek barely said a word to the him, so it was up to Vivian to make the elderly man be at ease. Sykes, quite happy to see his employer married served them with a flourish that was unlike his gruff exterior — and made several mistakes. One served from the left and gathered from the right. The two footmen, Ham and Pete were nearby to offer assistance. ...

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Todd even surprised himself, but yes he had just asked Claire, “Please will you spank me.” Claire and Todd live just a few houses apart in the Suburb, Claire in a house in a quiet road and Todd in a house in a Close opposite, just about 50 yards apart. They had been friends since he was ten and she was twelve, and when older were never boyfriend and girlfriend in that sense but a boy and girl who were firm friends. Todd had several male friends but no other girls as friend’s and was reserved...

2 years ago
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One Night Stand0

All this time, I was saving myself for that special someone. I finally realized that someone may never come, so I was going to fuck someone tonight. Last weekend at the mall, I bought the sexiest red, low-cut, strapless dress you have ever seen. Today was Friday. It was the last Friday night before New Year's Eve. Perhaps the hottest night of the year, and I was going to go out with a bang. Right after work, I went straight home and put on that dress. It said, "take me now," to...

4 years ago
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My First Sex

Dear friends , I would like to share with u my first Sex experience.I am not sure how horny or erotic this makes u after reading .this is real so I haven’t added any masala. Moreover, I am better with mouth than with hands. I am at present 23 and still running. I lost my virginity 3 yrs back, when I went to college. There I met this girl Asha, she was not that much type of a beauty queen but when compared to other girls in my class she is indeed. Also i am oly fond of plump girls but she was...

4 years ago
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Vince and Abbys First Threesome That Morning

Abby woke with her head next to his, an arm over his chest, and a leg between his legs. Vince was still sleeping and a slight smell of sex lingered in the bed.What a birthday you gave me last night, she thought. One month short of a year as a couple, Abby had learned that Vince was a wonderful, caring, and surprising man. What you’ve learned and we’ve experienced in that time, she mused, makes me so proud… and yet I’m still apprehensive about tonight.Abby slowly shook her head as she watched...

Love Stories
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIX The Lion and the Unicorn

Alice awoke suddenly, shivering, the air quite chilly on her naked flesh, which was rather strange, or so she thought, seeing as she’d been immersed in hot water, or so she had thought.“I must have been dreaming again,” she murmured as she shook her head. “Or perhaps this is the dream…”Other images seeped into her mind, however, making her re-consider whether it had been a dream or a nightmare. She was having a bath. It was quite pleasant, only she’d been shackled in the tub so she couldn’t...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 01

I first met Summer when I was in my junior year of high school. We ended up meeting again later in life, but when I mentioned the time that we met and the day that we’d spent together all those years ago, she had no memory of it at all. I, on the other hand, had a good reason to remember meeting her back in the day. It was the first time I ever saw a girl’s pussy.We went to different high schools – she went to a Catholic school that was down the street from the school that I went to – but we...

2 years ago
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Sex Pleasure With Sangam

Hi! All my name is Shikhar, I’m from Lucknow(utter pradesh). I am regular user of ISS, most of the time I am reading these stories in the night, mostly daily basis, Now in Hindi! Mai jab bhi stories padta huin uske baad sadka marne par majboor ho jata huin, kabhi kabhi to din me 5-6 time marna padta hai, ye sayad mere sex ki chahat ki wajah se ho sakta hai. well apne bare me to batana bhul hi gaya, mai 24 saal ka seedha sadha ladka huin, meri hight 5″4 hai, sex se lagao bahut hi jyada hai. Well...

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Cockatoo Part 1

Cockatoo Nikkie Silk It’s a cliché, isn’t it? Man comes home early and finds his wife in bed with someone else. Only slightly less of a cliché in my case, as the ‘someone else’ was my wife’s closest girlfriend – closest in every sense of the word. It was a quick divorce, no k**s, only a rented flat, so the only squabbles were about books and cds. In the end I told her to keep the lot. I wanted to make it a clean break. I managed to fit all I owned into the boot of my small car. I was 28...

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Scoreland Amber Alena Popping for Amber Alena

Wearing a low-cut white dress that shows off plenty of major cleavage, Amber Alena sits on the edge of the bed for a couple of minutes of chat with Nicky Rebel. He has the honor of getting his cock worked over by the slim, hot knockout. When he asks Amber what she likes to do with her massive tits when she has sex, she tells him in her baby doll voice she’s rather show than tell starting with nipple-sucking and tit-fucking and ending with her boobs glazed with semen. “My nipples are...

3 years ago
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Realizing Her Need

Violet waited for her husband Bruce to open the hotel door. He was slow, as usual, in bringing up the luggage. Panting, he arrived at the door."So sorry hun," he puffed."Just hurry, I need to pee!" Violet exclaimed.As soon as they entered she raced to the bathroom. Without closing the door, or even waiting for Bruce to close the room door, she hiked up her short dress and sat on the toilet. Bruce could hear her pee hitting the water. A secret turn on for him.Bruce noted the two beds in the room...

4 years ago
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Toris Secret

Tori is an absolutely stunning 18 year old young woman.   I’ve watched her grow up and mature as my next door neighbor.   She is nicely tanned with short black hair and piercing, almond shaped eyes.   She puts me somewhat in mind of a Caucasian Halle Berry .   I’ve always been taken with her natural beauty but now she is just plain gorgeous.   She’s not a big girl…..about 5’3” tall with a body that would make any man’s blood boil.   Tori is totally fit.   She stays in shape by playing field...

2 years ago
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Aunts Daughter Becomes My Sugar Baby

Yamini is my neighbor’s daughter from India. Last year she moved to Paris for her masters. Our neighbors back home are not rich, but their daughters always wanted to study abroad. Especially after looking at my success, whenever I used to bring chocolates for them, from different countries in Europe. That was about 15 years ago, now ‘free’ education in France is not really free. The initial expense to do an MBA is about 2 lacs INR. Then the monthly cost of living is nothing less than 30k...

4 years ago
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Evening Fuck Walk

Its a nice afternoon and we decide to go for a walk… its barely beginning to get dark and there is a nice cool breeze blowing… were holding hands and youre rubbing the side of my finger with your thumb… even your slightest touch makes me crazy… makes me begin to want you more than i always do… off to the right of us is a small wooded area… only a few feet from the sidewalk… i begin to pull you that direction slowly and your first look is confusion until you catch the look on my face… really you...

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