Kathy’s Dilemma free porn video

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Mrs. Kathleen Mary Thomson (Kathy to all who knew her), a trim 39 years young, mother of two girls and a manager at a financial services firm, leaned against the door jamb of the office tea room holding her thermos mug in her right hand whilst using the other to tuck her long, lustrous, flaming red hair back behind her left ear. She could not help but smile at the furtive conversation between the three office juniors, all of them young women, as they casually discussed the merits of the firm’s recent hire whilst huddled around the coffee machine.

Kathy could only shake her head in amused disbelief as each of them, Alice, Claire and Wendy, mused as to the new salesman’s sexual prowess, marital status and even who would be the first to fuck him. Not once, since she had entered the room, had any of them wondered if he was going to be an asset to the firm or what his sales record was. No, those thoughts had been left for her, as Team Leader and Manager, to ponder.

Kathy had worked hard to attain her position within the firm. It had not been easy, what with the career breaks she had had to take to have and then take care of her daughters, she had always made that extra effort to prove her worth, ever conscious that her striking good looks were just as much a liability as they were an asset. In the male dominated world where conversations invariably began with her male counter-parts eyes travelling up the length of her long slender legs, pausing over her ample 36D breasts before finally realizing she had a set of eyes, she had done well to resist the inferred pressure to provide sexual favours to win promotion or accounts. Nevertheless, the usual male inspired rumours regarding her sexual orientation or profligacy to get ahead abounded. None of them true. Indeed, Kathy was proud of her life. Married 16 years, two beautiful daughters, a lovely home, an adoring husband and one cat. Kathy was exactly where she wanted to be in life.

Daniel Knight had been hired by Kathy’s boss, Bryan Osbourne (nicknamed Bo or B.O. for more than obvious reasons) without her input. Bryan’s excuse was that it was a coup to snatch this guy’s services once he became available and he had had to act fast. “So,” she thought to herself, “if he is so shit hot, how come I had never heard of him before now?”

Kathy had immediately put out her feelers and called in some favours to check out Daniel and, disappointingly, everything she found out was exactly as she had been told. In fact, at least two of Daniel’s former employers requested that she inform Daniel that they would be more than willing to re-hire him now if he wanted. Kathy began to wonder if there was some other unknown agenda at play here that she was not privy to. Or was she just getting paranoid along with her increasingly common thoughts that she was ‘getting old’?

As if on cue, breaking Kathy out of her reverie, Daniel strolled into the tea room.

Kathy chided herself as she stood up, straighter than usual, at his arrival. She glanced over toward the girls and emitted a soft, attention seeking cough which immediately caused the girls to break from their huddle and see Daniel. Wendy blushed a deep purple as all three scurried from the room, cups in hand and causing Daniel to step back a little.

Still smiling at the change in the circumstances, Kathy turned towards Daniel and found him staring right back at her, deep into her eyes. Without being over-powering, his 44 year old, broad shouldered, 6 foot tall frame filled her vision as his lively blue-grey eyes echoed the slight smile on his lips. She found herself returning his smile.

Then, as calm as you like, he disarmingly said, ”Wow, I never realized what pretty emerald green eyes you have.” Then he continued past Kathy and moved to make himself a cup of tea.

Kathy later swore she could literally hear her jaw fall to the floor. Flabbergasted, she didn’t know what to say. It had been totally unexpected and she was unprepared. Not knowing how to best handle the situation, she turned on her heel and made her way to her office all the while trying to rationalize what had just happened. Had the new guy just made a pass at her?


Later that evening, as she researched which type of family car to buy in the New Year she found herself reflecting on the incident in the tea room at work. Turning to look at her husband, Mark, who was relaxing in front of the television, she replayed the ‘incident’ with Daniel over and over in her head. Should she speak to Daniel about it? Was it improper? Were her eyes still pretty?

Almost absently she said,“Mark, do you think I have pretty eyes?”

Without taking his eyes from the television screen, Mark replied, “Of course you do, Hon.”

Unimpressed by her husband’s response or reaction she went back to her research.


Over the course of the next few weeks Kathy made a point of observing Daniel’s behaviour whenever he was in the office. She noted that he mixed well, already seemed to have been accepted by the team and was quickly gaining a reputation as someone who knew what he was doing and for submitting first rate work. Despite the ribbing from his male colleagues, Daniel maintained a rather antiquated adherence to old fashioned social graces and etiquette that Kathy, despite herself, found attractive. It amazed Kathy that the simple acts of Daniel holding a door open or rising from his seat at her approach could have such a profound effect on this modern, career minded woman of the 21st century.

It was also patently obvious that Daniel was an outrageous flirt and made no attempt to conceal his admiration for the ladies in the office who made that extra effort to be attractive. It surprised Kathy that these latter observations were beginning to stir feelings of jealousy within her whenever Daniel’s attentions seemed focused on any female other than herself. Kathy even began to envy the other women in the office who were unencumbered with her rank and responsibilities. Part of her, the covetous side, even considered taking Daniel aside to ‘informally’ reprimand him for his not very ‘politically correct’ approach to the women in the office, however, that would be hard to justify in the absence of any complaints.

On the plus side, Daniel was proving to be a reliable pillar of support within the hierarchal structure at the office, and, aside from deflecting trivial queries from her Team Members, had, on more than one occasion, voiced his support for initiatives she had sponsored in staff meetings. These were attributes that had already made her consider Daniel as her likely ‘right hand man’ and successor should she ever get the chance to move up the corporate ladder and replace her own boss, Bo.


It was almost inevitable that Kathy eventually found herself again walking into the tea room one day to find Alice, Claire and Wendy huddled, once more, around the coffee machine giggling conspiratorially. It took mere seconds for Kathy to determine the topic of their conversation, however, rather than leave them to their own devices, she decided some management intervention was called for.

Kathy boldly interjected, “Girls, do you really think it’s appropriate for you to be discussing a co-worker, who, by the way, is probably old enough to be your father, in this manner?”

All three girls spun around to look at Kathy. Alice looked simply stunned, Wendy, the more reserved, shy one, turned a deep shade of purple, and Claire simply burst out laughing as she sputtered the words, “Cor, now I can add incest my fantasy. Thanks Mrs Thomson.”

Whereupon the other two began laughing, much to Kathy’s puzzlement and annoyance.

Realising that there was a generational gap between her and the girls that she could never hope to bridge, she quickly composed herself and said, “No, seriously. What do you girls see in Daniel? He’s married. I would have thought he was too old for any of you and you’d hardly call him good looking. Would you?”

Unsurprisingly, it was Claire who spoke first. “Come on Mrs. Thomson, he’s not that old. And trust me, after the ‘wham bam’ attitude of the younger blokes, an older fella makes a pleasant change. I reckon he’d make a great lover, eh girls?”

“And he IS handsome,” piped in Wendy. “He may not be to your liking Mrs. Thomson, but he’s just, you know, sexy. I can’t really put my finger on it, but, oh…you know.”

“Yeah, well said Wendy. NOT!” retorted Claire. “Just talking to him makes me feel good and he has a way of turning me on that no bloke I’ve known has been able to do with words alone. He’s not bad looking. At least he’s got a full head of hair, smells nice and isn’t carrying around a pot belly like a lot of blokes his age.”

“Anyway,” continued Claire, smiling impishly at her colleagues, “just because a blokes married doesn’t mean he can’t sample the menu, does it?”

Kathy was about to lecture Claire on her attitude when Alice suddenly interjected, “What have you got against Daniel anyway, Mrs. Thomson?” Which completely knocked the wind out of Kathy’s sails.

Unable to think of a suitable response, Kathy replied, “What makes you think he’d be interested in any of you?”

“That’s what we were discussing. We figure we’ll each make a play for him at the Christmas party and see which one he picks,” was Claire’s response.

“What? You can’t be serious?”

“Come on, Christmas parties are meant for a little fun. Some tension release. You should try it. I’m sure Daniel likes older women too,” said Claire as all three, giggling, left an incredulous Kathy alone in the tea room to ponder over the phrase ‘older women’.

Moments later Daniel walked in and proffered a nonchalant, “Hi Kathy. How’s it going?” Not getting a response from Kathy who was now bent over her mug making her coffee, he followed up with, “Kathy, is everything okay?”

“Erm…yes…I just need to catch myself after what those girls just said.”

“Which was?”

As she finished making her coffee Kathy replied, “Oh, apparently they have all sorts of plans to seduce you at the Christmas party.”

Still a little shaken Kathy turned, too quickly, and found herself almost bumping into Daniel who placed a steadying hand on her left shoulder. Staring deeply into her eyes Daniel responded, “Frankly, if I am to be seduced then I know exactly who I’d like to be seduced by.” He smiled, allowed his hand to drop from her shoulder and run down the entire length of her arm, and then stepped aside so as to pass her and move to make his cup of tea.

Kathy was speechless and found herself unable to move for what seemed like an eternity. She could not understand why her heart was pounding in her chest, why her whole arm, where he had touched her, tingled, nor why she felt so flushed. She waited, to see if he would say anything more, but not another word was uttered by either of them. Finally, Daniel finished making his tea, looked briefly at the still shaken Kathy, nodded, and left her standing there.

When she did regain her composure she chided herself, as she seemed to do a lot lately and walked back to her office wondering, “What is the matter with me?”


Kathy spent that night analyzing her deepening concerns regarding the comments she had allowed Daniel to get away with. Daniel had proven to be a good hire, had become a real asset to the firm and he was really well liked…especially, she conceded, by herself.

Even though Daniel was a member of her staff he carried an air of authority, born from his time in the Services she supposed, and she admired that. Daniel always seemed genuinely respectful and supportive of her position. She admitted to herself that she was flattered by his comments, which could be taken either way, but she was sure there was a sexual undertone. What was it about him that made her feel so….so…anxious?

As she readied herself for bed that evening she stood in front of her full length mirror and wondered if Daniel actually fancied her. Was she as attractive as those young girls at the office? Other than two simple comments, Daniel had never openly displayed any interest in her as a woman, only as his manager. Then it hit her. “His eyes!” Daniel only ever looked into her eyes, he never came across as lecherous, there was only ever… what? Desire? Respect? Adoration? His eyes made her feel desirable again, sexy, wanted.

She reminded herself she was happily married and turned to stare at her husband who was reading his book as part of his nightly winding down routine before going to sleep.

“Mark, do you still think I’m sexy?”

Mark raised an eyebrow and looked toward the naked form of his beautiful wife wondering “Where the hell is this going?” and hoping it might lead to some ‘unscheduled’ sex. He smiled and said, “Of course I do. You’re a beautiful woman. Now come to bed and I’ll show you how sexy you are.”

Inwardly relieved, Kathy went to her husband and they embraced and kissed. Not the passionate kisses of youth, but the gentle knowing kisses of familiarity, security, and, importantly, love. Mark, grateful for this unexpected passion, felt his manhood swell and said,”Do you want to be on top?”

“No,” replied a now panting Kathy. “I want you to be on top.”

Mark rolled her over on to her back eager to fondle her breasts and suck on her nipples to arouse them and seemingly restore their former youthful, natural firmness.

Kathy’s arms embraced her man, enjoying the feelings spreading from her quickly aroused breast, down through the pit of her stomach and radiating out and into her sex. She began to feel the heat building within her pussy and the juices begin to flow as her life-partner, her husband and lover’s attention began to excite her.

She gratefully spread her legs as she felt Mark position himself between them and welcomed the feel of his now fully erect cock as it spread her pussy lips to accommodate his familiar girth. She was not fully lubricated yet, nevertheless, she enjoyed the feel of Mark’s cock forcing its way in and quickly settling into a steady, deep rhythm of pounding into her hole. Her pussy quickly adjusted and lubricated so that soon she was enjoying the feeling of being filled, of being fucked.

Mark reluctantly stopped feasting on Kathy’s breasts and adjusted his position, arms either side of his gorgeous wife, to adopt his favoured missionary position. He adored looking at his wife as he pounded away at her and wondered, as she lay beneath him, often with her eyes closed as she was tonight, what thoughts ran through her head. She was always so in control, so organized that he thoroughly enjoyed when he made her ‘lose control’ during sex. He drank in the vision of his beautiful wife, her thick red hair spread out like a crown on the pillow and increased the tempo of his pounding of her cunt.

Kathy allowed the pleasurable sensation of Mark’s cock to push her into her favourite, private fantasy. A fantasy world where her lover never asked permission to fuck her, where her lover was an insatiable beast or, at times, beasts, and, most importantly, where she never had to make a decision. It was as she immersed herself in her latest fantasy that the image of Daniel’s eyes popped into her mind and, in a mix of horror and sexual fantasy she cried out, “Oh my God!” Then, as if on cue, Kathy felt the swell of Mark’s cock inside her and knew that her pleasure was about to end all too soon. Eyes still closed, as she felt Mark’s cum begin to coat her insides, she was fueled by a sudden surge of guilt at the image in her mind whilst Mark was still grunting and pumping his cum deep inside her. She came, emitting a barely audible “Oh, yesss.”

As their passion quickly subsided, Mark rolled over onto his back, a satisfied smirk on his face as Kathy got up to go and clean herself. In the bathroom she looked critically at herself, thinking, “A comfortable, quiet orgasm, just what I needed. Sure the sex was routine, but what do you expect after sixteen plus years?”

She tried to put the image of Daniel’s eyes looking at her out of her mind as she returned to the matrimonial bed. “He’s not even my type. Why him? Why doesn’t he call me Mrs. Thomson like everyone else?” All these thoughts and more swam through her mind as she tried to go to sleep, but, oh the dreams that came to her that night. Lurid, erotic, adulterous dreams.


A tired, but determined Kathy arrived at the office the next morning in her favourite ‘power suit’, a navy blue, single breasted, single-button deep-V jacket with matching pencil skirt. She strutted, head high, toward her office carefully checking that those of her staff who were present clearly saw her and noted that today was a day that Mrs. Kathleen Thomson was not to be trifled with. Today was also the day she was to conduct Daniel’s 6-month assessment.

It was not until just after 10 a.m. that she summoned Daniel to her office. She opted for a more convivial approach rather than a confrontation across her desk method, so sat beside him, to his left, on the sofa in her office. She deliberately and slowly crossed her legs, right over left, as she turned to face him knowing the hem of her skirt would ride up revealing more of her slender legs. She was testing him, wanting to know if he would still maintain eye contact. He did.

Not sure if she should be happy that he exceeded her expectations, she began, “Daniel, it’s been six months since you were hired and we need to conduct your final assessment that will determine your bonus levels.” Then the briefest pause and the initiative was lost…..forever.

“Pardon me, Kathy. You have some paper stuck to the sole of your shoe.”

Before she could utter an intelligible response, Daniel leaned towards her, slipped his left hand under the heel of her right foot, caressing her slender ankle as he gently lifted and pulled her leg toward him to remove a piece of paper that had attached itself to the sole of her right shoe. Just as deftly, he then guided her leg back to its original position, settled back into the sofa and looked back up at Kathy as though what had just happened was perfectly normal.

“D..d..d..Daniel! You can’t do that!” stuttered Kathy.

“Do what? Help a friend? Oh, and by the way, you look fabulous today. Big meeting?”

“I do? N...n…no! Stop it! I’m your Manager.” Kathy stood up and backed away from the sofa.

“I don’t understand Kathy, is there something wrong?” responded Daniel as he too rose from the sofa, stepped towards Kathy and placed a tentative hand behind her left elbow. She didn’t draw away from his touch, instead looking up at him with a confused look in her eyes. Sensing a pivotal moment, Daniel stepped into her personal space, drawing himself close enough to be able to brush her left ear-lobe with his lips. He whispered, “It’s okay. Relax, it’ll be fine..”

“But I’m your manager,” was all Kathy could think of to say. She placed both hands on his chest and looked, plaintively, into his face. She was aware that her body was betraying her, her heart was attempting to explode from within her chest, the roar of her own blood racing by her ears seemed to drown out all sound except those of the raspy shallow breaths escaping her drying lips. Her stomach seemed to be tying itself in knots, sending shivers down and through her sex. “Oh my god!” she thought, “Am I getting turned on?”

His presence, over-powering yet protective, enveloped her. She felt first one arm then the other encircle her slim waist, felt him pull her in to his groin and felt his growing manhood against her. She found her head tilting slightly to the right, her lips parting slightly as she still stared into his eyes. She could feel the heat from his lips on her own lips, almost touching. Then she simply said, “No, not here. Please.”

Gently, Daniel dis-entangled himself from Kathy and took a step back and smiled at her. Quietly, matter-of-factly, he said, “We should conduct this meeting somewhere more private. Let me take care of it. Oh, and Kathy, you have great legs. You really should show them off all the time.” With that he turned away and strolled out of her office closing the door behind him.

Kathy almost fainted.


Daniel had sailed through the initial three month probation to secure his tenure and was now looking forward to the six month assessment the firm had agreed would be the benchmark for determining his bonus rates for the coming New Year. He smiled inwardly at the prospect of having this meeting with Kathy away from the office and have lunch at the same time at a restaurant of his choosing. On the day of the meeting, which was only two days after their heated embrace in her office, and to make sure she did not try to reschedule, Daniel had stayed away from the office merely leaving her a message that he would meet Kathy as arranged.

So it was that Kathy showed up at the Sutton Park Hotel restaurant more than a little nervous and scanned the restaurant, noting the typically festive decorations for the time of year. Not seeing Daniel anywhere, and not wanting to be sat at a table alone, she ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio and waited at the bar. She found herself casting a critical eye at her reflection in the mirrored shelving behind the bar. With hindsight she later wondered why she had dressed in her favourite black, cashmere silk, wrap-around dress that fastened up with a sash that tied up on her left hip. Although the dress ended just above her knees, the way it wrapped gave it a daring slit up the front that afforded a delicious view of her thighs when she crossed her shapely legs. She had completed her ensemble with a pair of black patent, 4 inch stiletto heels, and accented the outfit by wearing her favourite emeralds and diamond jewelry to really complement her eyes.

She began to fret that maybe she had over done her outfit and to wonder if it would have been more prudent to sit at a table rather than on a bar stool to wait for Daniel. Not wanting to be hidden behind the immense, decorated Christmas tree near the entrance, she had chosen the bar stool closest to the entrance to have a clear view of the door to see him as soon as he arrived. It was only when he did arrive that she realized how inappropriate things must have seemed.

As Daniel walked into the restaurant, on time, he was immediately attracted to the pair of long slender, nylon-clad legs dangling from the bar stool directly in front of him. The dress had ridden up beyond mid-thigh, indicating she was wearing panty-hose, and seemed to accentuate every perfect curve of her legs, from the well shaped calfs to her well proportioned firm thighs. Already aroused at such a sight it took less than a second to recognize the loose, long, flowing red hair for him to realize it was his boss, Kathy.

When Kathy spun around on her stool she was taken aback by the barely disguised look of lust on Daniel’s face as he approached her. It was not until she glanced down and realized that her dress had ridden up and, with the front slit fully spread, she was now giving him a full on view of her crotch that she snapped her knees together and hopped off the stool, her face now almost as red as her beautiful hair. She reached out for a welcoming handshake and said, “Oh, Daniel… Hi….., I was worried you might be late.”

“I would never dream of disappointing you, Kathy,” came Daniel’s wolfish response. “Another drink? I know I need one.”

“No, …erm….I’m fine, but you go ahead.”

The lunch went fine and Daniel was more than pleased with the assessment he received and the terms of his bonus structure. Kathy was able to relax in the more familiar businesslike tone of the conversation and found herself emboldened by how well the meeting had gone. Therefore it seemed perfectly natural, as they sipped their post meal coffees, for her to bring up the topic of their last meeting in her in the office.

Daniel patiently listened to Kathy as she tried to rationalize what had happened and he did not, for one second, take his eyes off the red headed beauty before him. Once she had finished he saw how flushed she had become, and merely signaled for the bill as he drained his coffee cup, not saying a word.

Kathy settled the bill on the corporate credit card. Daniel then rose up from the table, moved over toward Kathy, extended his hand toward her and merely said, “Come.”

Inexplicably, Kathy found herself giving her hand to Daniel, rising up from the table and, hand-in-hand, allowing herself to be gently led from the restaurant. Like a pair of lovers they walking across the hotel lobby, up a single, curved flight of stairs to the doorway of room 110. Neither of them spoke a word. It was only as Daniel opened the door that Kathy finally reacted by pulling against the grip Daniel had on her whilst frantically looking up and down the hotel corridor.

Daniel turned to stare directly into Kathy’s eyes and pulled her into him. She felt herself drawn in the half step that separated them and placed her right hand on his chest in a barely credible effort to keep distance between them. She felt her heart pounding again, her breath short, but worst of all, she felt her sex tingling and beginning to moisten at where all this was leading. She heard herself utter a single plaintive word, its intent lost in the moment, “Please.”

It seemed to Daniel that he had been in this position a million times before, but this time it was special. Not only was Kathy patently the sexiest female boss he had ever met, but she was also lost in her own battle with what she considered her own fading sexuality. He heard her single worded plea and decided that she was not asking him to stop, but to continue, which he did.

He kissed her neck, then her left ear lobe before moving to brush up against her parting lips. He heard her panting, felt her right hand move up his chest and around the back of his neck and knew she was his.

Their passion for each other quickly grew and they stumbled through the threshold of the hotel room, barely remembering to slam the door shut, and, still kissing fell part way onto the bed. Kathy was incredibly aroused by the lustful attentions of Daniel’s hands. It had been so long since anyone had wanted her this badly and she reveled in the glory of it. Only when she felt Daniel’s hand powerfully wrenching away the material of her pantyhose from her crotch did she pause for thought.

“Daniel, no, please. I’m married,” she panted as she lay on the bed, dress hitched up around her slender waist and legs spreading as she watched Daniel undo his pants and reveal his throbbing manhood. She simply lay there, arms by her sides as she saw what she imagined was the largest cock she had seen in more than 16 years. Her chest visibly heaving as Daniel, an image of lust, took his cock in his right hand and slowly pulled back on his shaft to seemingly make the head of his cock grow larger and allow a drop of pre-cum to slowly emerge from the eye of the beast. Kathy gasped, “Oh my god”, as she felt her pussy responding to the situation.

In truth, Daniel’s cock was fairly average, but he was certainly very excited and very hard under the circumstances. He reached down towards Kathy and pulled her rather staid panties aside to reveal a rather bushy, but undeniably wet cunt whose lips were patently swollen with arousal. Looking directly into her eyes as he brought the head of his cock up to the raging heat of her cunt lips, he said, “You’re a very naughty girl, Kathy, but Santa forgives you and has sent me to give you your early Christmas present.”

Kathy’s background, the circumstances and her previously unquestionable loyalty to her marriage were all too much for her to handle as she felt Daniel’s cock gently, but firmly begin to part her pussy lips. The heat of her passion inflamed her entire lower body and she felt her hips rising to meet this foreign invader of her sex, pushing its way in, feeling so good as it began to stretch her. Daniel was barely half way in on his first stroke when Kathy came in a crashing orgasm that had her riding the wave of all her pent up fantasies, the guilt of her infidelity and her need to feel that she was still desirable. She rammed her hips up into the air, impaling herself even as Daniel descended into her, calling out to her creator and having the best orgasm she could remember having in such a long time.

Her passion seemed to go on forever and it was all Daniel could do to hold her in place as she rode her wave of pleasure, thrusting up and grunting with animalistic passion. As her orgasm subsided Daniel could only look incredulously down at his red headed conquest, watching her chest heaving after her exertions and seeing the beads of sweat appearing on her temples and across her top lip.

“Oh my god,” panted Kathy, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t worry, it just proves how much of a woman you are,” replied Daniel and he pulled his still hard cock from her sopping wet cunt. “I’ve not finished with you yet anyway,” he continued.

Daniel flipped Kathy over on to her front and pulled her down the bed so that she was face down on the mattress whilst her legs reached for the floor. Admiring her from this angle he positioned himself between her spread legs and drove his cock deep, back into her needy cunt and proceeded to slowly, deeply, fuck her, almost doggy-style, whilst enjoying her muffled grunts of pleasure at being so roughly taken from behind. With each hand he grabbed and kneaded a cheek of her ass, pushing aside the shredded panty-hose, and eyeing up her dry, virginal, puckered ass ring. Simply the thought that he would soon get to fuck her ass as well spurred his pace up making him drive as deep as her could, feeling the solid bump of Kathy’s cervix on the end of his cock as he rammed into her. His unbridled lust and coming orgasm soon had him uttering profanities and calling Kathy his “slut” and “whore”.

Briefly, after her first orgasm, Kathy had felt the wave of guilt almost swamp her, but then she found her wanton lust rekindled when Daniel unceremoniously flipped her over and stretched her cunt with that glorious cock again. She felt naughty, depraved, even dirty at wanting to be used so, but it felt so good that even when Daniel started calling her names she did not mind as that familiar tingle had returned and soon she would bask in the glow of another orgasm. In her almost dream-like state she began calling out to her new lover, “Oh yes, Daniel, fuck me. Please don’t stop. Oh my god yes, fuck me.”

Both were now in sync. Daniel ramming into his lusty boss even as she pushed back into her star employee. This time there was unison in their actions. He felt the grip of her cunt tighten on his shaft even as she felt his cock swell within her and then, unexpectedly, Kathy felt the unfamiliar pressure of something pressing against her sphincter. She felt the slow, firm pressure of Daniel’s saliva coated thumb forcing its way into her virginal ass and she wanted to cry out to beg him to stop – but she didn’t.

The steady, rhythmic pump of Daniel’s shaft in her cunt was something she never wanted to end. His imminent defilement of her ass fed her fantasy of being taken, and of being used solely for the sake of pleasure. She could hear her voice calling out to Daniel, begging him, “don’t stop, please don’t stop,” but she could not recall actually saying the words. What little pain she had felt at the invasion of her ass was lost in a mounting wave of pleasure as Daniel worked his thumb and cock in a synchronized alternating invasion of her holes. Kathy felt depraved, dirty and more alive than she could ever remember feeling.

Her grunts of pleasure became more guttural as she felt the pace of her fucking increase with Daniel slamming his shaft deeper and faster into her cunt. She reached back with one hand for reasons unbeknownst to her, calling to Daniel to fuck her harder and then they came together in orgasmic bliss with Kathy gripping the bed covers and almost tearing them apart as Daniel firmly gripped Kathy’s hips pulling her even deeper down onto his shaft as his cum began to shoot and coat her insides, painting her womb with his thick creamy sperm. Grunting aloud, expressing their satisfaction they collapsed on the end of the bed, breathless.

Still panting, knelt over the end of the bed, Daniel reached over and placed an arm around Kathy and, looking into her satiated green eyes, said, “Merry Christmas Kathy, I hope next year’s assessment will be as good.”

She raised her eyebrows and retorted, “Only if you’re a good boy.”

“Well, at least I know what to get you for Christmas. Stockings. I hate pantyhose,” he replied mischievously. Daniel then left, leaving Kathy to compose herself, alone, and think where to buy another pair of pantyhose before returning to the office.

Kathy got up, looked aghast at herself in the mirror and decided that, although she had just had the best Christmas present she could have ever given herself, she had some thinking to do.

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“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.” I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of...

2 years ago
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Totally Unacceptable

Dedication: This story is just a bit of fun and is respectfully dedicated to all the tireless story checkers on Lush, whose hard work makes this site possible and who have to put with rubbish like this every day. Also, thanks must go to Fugly, whose story "Bag of Lush All Sorts" was the inspiration for this piece.I was in only my second month at Global Biofuels and still finding my way around the organisation. As the head of procurement in a modern, forward-thinking, ethical company, I had to...

4 years ago
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Cocksucking Teens

Gav slipped off his leather jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. It was Monday again and he needed to get to grips with the project that he was overseeing. He was head of IT Infrastructure at a busy lingerie firm. Lucy’s Underwear Show House had a turnover of £120 million and was one of the fastest growing businesses in the sector. In spite of the recession the company had made inroads into the ‘bedroom’ market capitalizing on the gap left by a recently dissolved name. Gav was a...

4 years ago
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Earning her tuition

I was only nineteen and my world was over! One little clerical error and I was no longer eligible for the student loan I needed to get me through my next semester. I didn’t even have family that could help me. My mother was a waitress living paycheck to paycheck, and my father died when I was six. I had been in a daze of disbelief when I left the college’s office, where Mrs. Banks had broken the bad news. I had known the moment I walked in and saw that she was smiling at me with a look of...

3 years ago
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Just Babysitting

Everyone says that your high school years are the best years of your life. For me, that’s only half true. High school sucked on so many levels. People either loved you, or they hated you, usually for the most pathetic reasons that most often came from a spark of jealousy, therefore causing rumours to spread. There was the fear of busting your ass; only to walk away with a mark that would honestly get you nowhere in life, and finally, teacher’s found any excuse to be on your ass. For me, this...

3 years ago
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Zone Defense

Zone Defense, written as Gavin E. BlackChapter OneNathan Kent wasn't thrilled with the idea of completing his final year of college at a completely different institution from where he'd started, but the opportunity to join one of the top varsity football teams had been too much of a temptation to pass up.   The truth of the matter, Nathan was glad to have an excuse to move away. His last relationship had ended badly, and the thought of having to play a defensive position in conjunction with his...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Escort and the

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

2 years ago
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The Blindfold Game

“Have you ever had any… kinky fantasies?” I asked my boyfriend one day. We were lying in bed together one Sunday morning, still breathing hard from our last orgasms. The rain was coming down outside, and it was a perfect day to spend wrestling in the sheets, and enjoying the inherent laziness of the day.  Marc, my boyfriend of the past three years, rose up on one elbow. “Well, that depends. What do you mean by kinky?” I grinned and rolled over to face him. “You know… something you’ve always...

2 years ago
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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

1 year ago
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her; she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds drift...

2 years ago
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“You okay?"Startled and embarrassed, Tina leapt from her chair as she slammed her laptop closed. Spinning around, her over-sized, red Jackson High Jaguars tee shirt fell into place from her waist area to just below her sex, but not before Chris glimpsed her lack of any pubes.“What the fuck are you doin’ in here!? Get out! Get the fuck out you little perv!”Standing there in just his white Jockey’s, he had caught enough sight of the porn on her laptop screen before she slammed it and noticed her...

4 years ago
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Helping Hand

Scott sat staring out the passenger window of his dad’s old beat up Ford truck. It had been five years since he had last seen his dad, so the long ride from the airport to the farm was silent. He was only there now because his mother told him that his father needed the help and it was the proper thing to do. He had been twelve when his father remarried and Scott had not seen him since a few months before that. Once the marriage went through, his Mom had kept him from seeing his father. But...

2 years ago
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Making Mindy Mine

"I'm telling you Hank, that girl is a slut! She runs around like a wild animal, staying out all hours of the night, and always with different men! Older men, Hank! I swear, I think some of them are even giving her money! She's completely out of control! I just can't take it anymore!" The screeching sound of Gloria's voice was like a hot wire on my nerves, and instantly brought back unwanted memories of our past marriage. Feeling the instinctive urge to yell back rise in my throat, I pulled the...

1 year ago
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The Seduction Of A Student

She watched her professor speak during the period. Things that were better left unsaid were beginning to crowd her mind. It was as if she couldn’t help herself. Every time she sat in her chair for class, her eyes focused straight on him, and didn’t leave him until the hour ended. He was a man of strength and intelligence. His shrewd blue eyes didn’t miss anything, and she was almost positive he had already noticed her admiring glances. His body didn’t help matters. She knew he had been in the...

2 years ago
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Office Seduction

“I just don't see how you can't bring your work with you, Greg. We haven't seen my parents in a long time and now you 're suddenly too swamped at work to come,” her nagging voice echos from the bathroom as she does her hair. Lying in bed still, drinking my coffee and trying to read the newspaper, I let her whine. She has known about this project at work for some time now, knowing how busy it has been keeping me. It isn't a sudden thing. I've pointed this out to her more than once, but she...

3 years ago
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My Sisters Dirty Little S

Justin was twenty-eight when he returned to the States. After two tours with the Marines, he found adjusting to civilian life to be more difficult than he expected. Unable to find a decent, full-time job, he managed to line up some auto repair work on the side. It wasn’t much, but those old jobs did keep his bills paid. With no other option, he moved back into his parent’s home with his younger sister, Reese.He didn't really mind. Being too broke to have a girlfriend meant he wasn't ready for a...

4 years ago
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Standing in for the Bride

Sterling smacked my ass, spun me around and pushed me against the wall. “I'm going to fuck you standing up,” he said. “Right here and now.” “You're getting married to my sister,” I said. “So I'm going to have to say no.” “I'm going to fuck you,” he said. “Sooner or later.” His lips moved toward mine and I found myself puckering up to meet them. He tasted of whiskey and apples with an overlay of cinnamon. I think the cinnamon came from the gum he was chewing. I moved my face away from his. “Do...

4 years ago
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Nights To Remember

I escaped my fucked-up life into late-night erotic fantasies for years as waves crashed onto the sand beneath my balcony. I frequented my favorite site and started writing stories after becoming enamored with an author. Her stories had dirty, rough stuff I loved but also sensual and tender in a way I tried to emulate but couldn't master. I fantasized she spent hours getting aroused reading my words as I did hers. When she joined a new site, I quickly followed, seizing an opportunity to become...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Kyli

“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...

Group Sex
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Bad Habits Need Hard Measur

For the first few weeks working at Joelle’s, my feet never really touched the floor. This was everything I had dreamed of, and more. In case you don’t know about her - though I’d be curious if you didn’t - Joelle’s the woman who turned makeup into a true art. Where others only “applied” lipstick, rouge and eye shadow, she painted with an artist’s skill and turned the plainest women into goddesses, into true artwork. Nobody knew her surname, and nobody needed to. All the big stars flocked to her...

3 years ago
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Fade to Black

Aidan Black stared at the online text that flashed up onto the screen. ‘I luv ur stories!’ He yawned, and took another sip of his Jack Daniels. He quickly typed a reply and then leaned back in his chair. ‘What do you like about them?’ He smiled at the long pause. All these fans are the same, he thought to himself. Innocent young girls that dream of being treated like dirty sluts and too afraid to tell their college boyfriends that doggy-style after a long alcohol-fused pub crawl just wasn’t...

4 years ago
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10 Items Or Less

Robyn thought about sex a lot. She craved sex. Robyn wanted to feel a man’s strong masculine hands all over her naked body, to hear him whisper dirty words in her ear and make her pussy sopping wet.She imagined his hands pulling her hair back and his tongue in her ear as his thick hard cock penetrated her wet cunt. She wanted to feel his bulging biceps caress her sides and the feel of his sweat mixing with hers on their warm wet bodies.Just then Robyn looked up and saw bright red brake lights...

2 years ago
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My Last Morning With Me

Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore.Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...

2 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 31) Prelude to the Party: After finding out about Mary Beth’s kinky tryst at the lesbian club and also allowing myself to participate in Jennifer’s twisted drug-fueled gang bang, I found myself in a very strange mood. In fact it was like being apathetic, ashamed, strangely aroused and creeped out all at once. Despite all the bizarre events of the past weekend, I thought I’d try to maintain my relationship with Mary Beth. I figured my participation in Jennifer’s twisted orgy and Mary...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Focused On Sex

Milena's story My name is Milena and I work in a well-known chain of Opticians on the high street. When the manageress of our store suggested that we have a ‘wear what you want day’ I was excited. I’ve always been one for fancy dress. Then she added one or two caveats. We must be decent and not wear anything that brings the business into disrepute. Knowing me, that was a tall ask, but hey ho! She said it would be good for morale and create a talking point among customers and attract passing...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Crystal blue eyes. The type that on another girl could look dramatic or vulnerable. Even soul piercing. But squinted by a smile too small for her boxy face and caked with a thick rim of black makeup, she appeared exactly how she really was: trying too hard. “Just this once.” Giggling, Blake’s blonde girlfriend rounded the desk countertop. Craned her neck to look up at him as she pulled the white drawstring of his swim shorts. So predictable. But Blake felt his dick warm and thicken. He...

2 years ago
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The Blue Room

“I thought we’d shake things up a little.” Megan watched her boyfriend produce the unassuming white letter-length envelope and lay it on the black laminate bar, nudging it her way. She watched his face for a telltale sign but his only response was to grin back at her and wink. “What is this?” she asked coyly, a slow smile spreading across her face. It had been five years to the date since they’d first met and while she’d been hoping for a small blue box from Tiffany’s with the clear-cut...

3 years ago
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The power she had over me was immediate and irresistible. I tried to avert my attention, but she sparkled in the August sunlight. My wife and I were greeting our new neighbors shortly after the moving van pulled away on Friday. They were from Connecticut, an attractive couple with a high-school daughter that was a heavenly vision.It was the coquettish way she delighted in the effect she had on me that let me know she was trouble. At least I should have known.The fact that the others didn’t seem...

4 years ago
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More Than Words

Sarah was nervously fidgeting in her seat, her warm brown eyes constantly shifting back and forth between Mr. Wilson and the empty notebook on her desk. Sarah was a lovely combination of pretty and adorable. Her petite frame stood at 5’3 when on her tippy-toes. Her lovely pale-skinned face was adorned with freckles. And her long hair was a beautiful yet unusual shade of auburn. “Your mom said that you need help studying for your college entrance exams; is that right?” Mr. Wilson questioned. ...

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I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd - watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn't concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn't concern me that the new car I was...

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Letter of Recomendation

“You sure you don’t mind writing the letter?” “Not at all. I’m glad to help out Wendy.” I replied to Laura. We work at the same company in different departments. Our paths cross in the hallways, break room and the other usual places. We got to the same happy hours and other events. She’s really terrific looking for a woman ten years older than me. I’ve tried to initiate a little off-work fun, but it’s been a no-go. She won’t date anyone from the same company, even though we...

4 years ago
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Losing It

Mike,  Enough endless talking.  You once said that it is not bragging if one can back up one’s words with action, and now it has come time to back up your words, mon petit.   Please see attached; everything has been arranged.  Yours, Jen. No further explanation.A ‘click,’ a mental turn as my brain processed those three short sentences, and time quite changed, my vision dimming as I read the attachment.  It read as follows:Dear Mr. Stone,Thank you for choosing Alaska Airlines. Please make note...

3 years ago
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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Laney Scoops the City

Laney Travers walked down the ill-lit corridor and paused outside the doorway to her virtue's doom. Apartment twenty-nine again. Heaven help this well-raised girl. Well, maybe not Heaven ... Mike's voice sounded in her head: “News – real news – is what someone doesn’t want you to know, Laney sweetheart. The rest is fuckin’ propaganda. Keep searchin’ for truth among the bullshit. Rigour, determination, guts – that’s the only kinda newspaperman to be. Or newspaperwoman. Remember that.” He’d...

1 year ago
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The Devils Harem The Curs

‘To pluck a beautiful flower from the desert is an unpardonable sin.’ – Man Of Mountain, Shoshone Medicine Man My best friend Karla, lived with her dad, Hank, in a trailer until she was eighteen. Then she fixed up an empty trailer, one of those old chrome things with the rounded corners, and moved into it by herself. She used to get spooked in that trailer all by herself. She would call me on the phone and say, “Jan, come over and spend the night. You know I’ve got NetFlix; we’ll rent something...

3 years ago
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Touching Myself

I love sex. I suppose that doesn't make me unusual. Most women do. My urge to share my desires online isn't so common. Maybe I love the attention, and maybe by sharing, part of me hopes others will share their own desires with me.Such things are never easy to speak of. Maybe it's easier for guys, but I don't know if that's true. I do know some girls find it very difficult to talk about their intimate secrets. I think that's a shame. How can we hope to achieve a satisfying sex life if we are too...

3 years ago
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Executive Toy

I sighed, hit “send” on my email, and wondered if it was time for another trip across the road to Costa. The office was supposed to be air-conditioned, but it didn’t seem to be working today, just when it was most needed. It’s not that I was complaining about the hot weather, it’s just that I’d much rather be out sun-bathing than stuck at my computer all day.Suddenly I heard a voice behind me.“I don’t suppose you’ve got any Ibuprofen, Annie. This heat’s given me a splitting headache, and I must...

Office Sex
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The Little Black C

My boyfriend and I were cuddled together in my bed enjoying the post coital bliss that followed a nice, but not spectacular fuck. I was gently fondling his rapidly deflating penis as he softly massaged my labia - both slippery with various sexual fluids. Devin broke the moment asking, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this?” “Sssh,” I sighed, “Let's just enjoy this.” “Seriously,” he said, “One to ten, with a ten being mind blowing.” “Devin, let it be,” I protested, “Just be quiet.”...

Group Sex
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My Husbands Best Friend

On a warm, quiet night, Lauren lay in bed listening, through her open bedroom window, to the deep moans of an unknown woman that was repeatedly brought near climax, only to be edged back from her orgasmic bliss. Lauren’s husband, dead to the world in a deep sleep, lay next to her, oblivious of the other woman but thirty feet outside their window, being ravaged by Jason, who had been their best man just three years ago.Lauren’s fingers were massaging her rock hard nipples as she imagined Jason’s...

2 years ago
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In Praise Of Older Women

Jack’s Story Despite all my reservations, I had agreed to house sit my parent’s place for a month this summer while they were on vacation in Europe. My parents lived in the suburbs and were far from my usual stomping grounds. Literally there was nothing, but nothing, around unless your amusement was the local shopping mall.“Jack,” my father had said, “your mother and I would feel so much more comfortable if you were here. There has been this wave of robberies in this area occurring when people...

1 year ago
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Shall I Serve You Myself

It was just another normal day in the cheese aisle when I first noticed her. Customers came and went as normal buying all manner of chilled foods. The queue at the deli ebbed and flowed as people clamoured for cheese, cold meats and fresh pizzas. It was my job to manage the staff and ensure all the shelves were fully stocked. In hindsight I didn't pay too much attention the first time, but after four days of seeing her visit my aisles I knew every curve of her body! On day one she bought milk...

3 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is C

As the door closed behind me I looked at my watch. One a.m. I should be home in less than half an hour. It smelled refreshing and invigorating outside. As I walked to my car the last few drops of his semen ran down my leg. My bra and panties were in my purse. I was dressed in my normal work attire, not having showered after. I was sure I was ripe with the fresh sent of rigorous sex. When I arrived home intended to drop my clothes, get into bed, odorous as I was, and shower in the morning.I...

3 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 30) My infatuation with Mary Beth grew during January of 2008. She was damned sexy and really good looking, plus she had one of planet Earth’s best camel toes. Another great thing about Mary Beth was that she was almost as daring and insatiable as Jennifer. However, as February came along, a few problems did arise. Mary Beth was becoming more and more possessive and controlling, and she would get really pissed off about me going over to Brittany and Jennifer’s apartment to study. ...

College Sex
2 years ago
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The Ride Home

Late night. Lights glisten on the surface of the road where it rained not long before. I’m about to put my foot down on leaving the village when I catch sight of her. I bring the car to a halt, watching in the mirror as the rear lights redden the black nylon on her legs. Her skirt is short, jacket only waist-length. High heels. Something’s odd about this. You don’t really see hitch-hikers anymore, certainly not ones that look like her. I press the button, letting the window slide down. She...

2 years ago
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Fucking The Wrong

Angela’s no Angel, that’s for sure. The girl’s got a great pair of tits and she’s definitely not shy about showing them off - which is a bit of a problem given that she’s my girlfriend’s younger sister. I’d been going out with Tina for a few weeks when she decided it was time for me to meet her parents but it was Angela who made a real impression on me. “Do you like my T-Shirt?” she asked, unzipping her sports jacket to reveal a thin white top which was stretched obscenely-tight across the...

3 years ago
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Wife Confessions

My husband was a very dominant man when we first met. It was a trait I appriciatd in a man and one of the things about him I liked the most. He stayed like that for the two years we dated and through the first year of our marriage. That was until he came to me and told me he was sexually unhappy. I was shocked and confused, trying to think and figure out how he could possibly feel this way. He confessed to me that he was having submissive fantasies and that the thought of being dominated by a...

2 years ago
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Phone Sex

Lying on my bed, with my phone pressed against my ear, I listen to you plea with me. “Baby, please, I need you,” I hear you insist on telling me. I hear the want in your voice, making me tremble with need. My fingers roam over my semi-naked body, caressing myself how I would like you to caress me. All I have on are your favourite pair of pink panties. The ones you love so much on me. They fit my perfect ass, as you always love to tell me. “I need you too, baby,” I whisper lightly. “Tell me...

3 years ago
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Pulling down her p

Lisa was waiting in the early afternoon sunshine. Her body still covered with a little perspiration, initially from her soccer training and then her hot shower. It was quite warm for the early autumn and she had changed back into her regular clothes – beige woollen skirt and grey cardigan. She had her pink bra on underneath and matching panties, which were her boyfriend’s favourites. They had been together a couple of months and he had expressed a liking for them, on more than one occasion. She...

2 years ago
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The Escort and the

I can still remember the empty echo of my stiletto heels, clicking against the marble floors as I rushed out of the Hazelton Hotel. I felt filthy. I didn’t dare look at the impeccably groomed doorman as he nodded to me while I hurried past him. “Have a good evening Miss,” he said in his well-mannered way. He was oblivious to the debased scene I had just left in Room 2412 as I had successfully turned my first trick as a high-class escort. Yet, why didn’t I feel “high class” at all in that...

2 years ago
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Girls Like That

She was so tight she made my loins ache. I wanted inside of her. The slutty little thing wore a shiny lick of a dress that reminded me of the black paint on my favorite ride. Now I wanted to ride her ass just like I ride my bikes, with a lot of speed. No brakes would be needed for that piece of tail; she wasn’t after safety. I could tell by the way all five-foot-nothing of her prowled the bar floor in those spiked stilettos. There was nothing passive or tentative about her. She had game, but...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Love in the Lake

I finally booked the rustic little cabin in the Gunflint wilderness in northern Minnesota. It had been seven years since I had taken a vacation, and I was looking forward to the peace and quiet of complete isolation. The only sounds I wanted to hear for the next week were the cries of the loons and the distant howls of the wolves that inhabited this piece of heaven. I packed a couple of knapsacks and loaded up my car. I headed north up I-35 out of Minneapolis to one of the last little pieces of...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Party Naked The Grand Fina

(episode 32) A sinking depression had hit me as the spring semester of my senior year came to a close. Actually, I think it was more of feeling of being very nostalgic, but I thought I was depressed. Fraternity parties, socials with sororities, football tailgate parties at our rental house, weekends clubbing downtown as a group, fraternity intramural sports, initiating pledges, riding my motorcycle up the stairs of the frat house during parties, wearing panties on our heads, funneling beer,...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Greyhound Girl

With the familiar hiss of air brakes releasing and a blast of diesel smoke, the bus pulled out of Des Moines, heading west again on Interstate-80 ultimately bound for Denver. I’d boarded late that morning in Chicago, and now, as evening approached, we were once again rolling westward… at least until the next small town with a Greyhound Bus stop required another detour. As strange as it might sound, I love riding the bus – or, more accurately I suppose, I despise flying; the cramped conditions,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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NonFiction Train

I should be ashamed. But I’m not. It’s been six months since it happened; and up until now, I’ve kept my mouth shut. Now, I’ve chosen to be bold. Why? Well, it’s my resolution for 2015: to hell with what people think. I resolved to chase my worries with an imaginary lick of salt and a virtual shot of Patron, throwing all inhibitions over my shoulder. (Yes, I’m still trying to convince myself; it’s a work in progress.) By the way, this is a true story – hence the declarations. Some may condemn...


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