Meri Teacher Mom
- 2 years ago
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Annie worked hard for her family….she seemed to never stop, and at the end of most days, she was whacked out and always enjoyed flopping into bed with nothing more on her mind than a good night’s sleep. She was only 39, with 3 children, but every day seemed to be filled with either her work job or running about after her children, especially her eldest son who appeared to take part in every college activity that was on offer.
Luckily, Annie’s husband was a long distance truck driver, often away for 2 or 3 weeks at a time, so Annie didn’t have to worry about him too often, although she always looked forward to him coming home, so that she could enjoy, if only briefly, some wonderful love making that had been pent up for both of them for some time.
Otherwise, Annie was a taxi, she was a cook, she was a clothes washer, and she was chief adviser to all her teenage children’s problems and needs. Whooooooo! Life seemed so hectic and there never seemed any time for a life of her own, with her friends, or even for a quick look down the shops for some retail therapy.
The only good thing about this lifestyle, Annie thought, was that all this rushing about kept her figure in great shape. She didn’t seem to have to work at her body, but tried to eat the right foods and get some exercise whenever the opportunity occurred, but, by God, what a superb figure she had.
She stood only just over 5′, but she had magnificent breasts, about 36DD, accentuated by a slim waist and a hard curvy ass, and her shoulder length blonde hair ensured that she attracted attention wherever she went. She didn’t try to be sexy, it just happened naturally, and she always noticed men checking her out, watching her figure sway as she went to work or dropped her son off at one of his activities.
The attention was nice, but Annie had never wandered once in her married life. She loved her husband, and looked forward to him coming home from each trip, but she just didn’t have time for anything else, least of all coming on to other guys…no way!
Her eldest son, Junior (he was christened Denis, but everyone called him Junior, now) had just turned 19 and was certainly a handsome young man. He was in all the sports teams at college, and was bright and engaging, over 6’tall and muscular with a shock of fair hair, popular with the girls, and he was now a source of immense pride to his parents. If the two girls grew up like Junior, then Annie and her husband would have cause to be really proud.
It was while Annie was watching Junior at one of his baseball matches one Sunday afternoon that she realised quite suddenly what a handsome and attractive young man he had become. There was always a big crowd for the games at the diamond, and Annie watched from the stands as her son played in the hot afternoon sun. My God, she thought, he’s suddenly a man, no longer a boy, and as she drove Junior home after the game, she gently teased her son about him being the man of the family each time his father was away working.
‘You know, young Junior, you’ve certainly turned into an adult now, haven’t you? I could see all the girls watching you run around the diamond…..I’ll have to keep my eye on you now, won’t I?’ Annie laughed. ‘You’ll soon be telling me what to do, just like your father does.’
Junior blushed and smiled back at his mother, and for the first time ever, Annie thought she caught her son glancing at her stunning breasts and then down at her thighs in the short skirt she wore. Junior quickly moved his eyes away but it had sent a shock wave down Annie’s spine and there was silence for a few seconds. Did he now see her as a woman….she certainly saw him as a man, but she quickly put the thoughts to the back of her mind as she continued the drive back to their home just on the outskirts of Atlanta.
Back home, Junior’s two sisters were still not home, so he went out into the yard to sunbathe in the late afternoon sun. Annie got some coke and ice in glasses and joined him, and she had changed into one of her smart bikinis. It was the most natural thing to do, but as she handed the coke to Junior, she realised straight away that her 19 year old son would have to converse and sunbathe with her while she was wearing this black garment that left little to the imagination.
It was halter neck, with scooped cups only just holding her fabulous breasts in place. The material pushed her breasts up and together, and her bronze flesh was so sexily on view. The bottom wasn’t a thong, but it was cut so high on her thighs, almost to her hips, that her wonderful legs were on show in all their glory, and her superb bottom was clearly outlined in the clingy material. It was all Junior could do to keep from blatantly ogling his mother as she moved around the yard.
It had been a year or two since Junior had realised what a superb figure his mother had, but she was his mother and most of the time she was dressed only in normal household clothes, jogging pants and baggy sweaters, but every so often she wore something that revealed her wonderful figure and made Junior just take a second look that lingered just that little bit longer.
Today was one of those days!
He was only in his trunks, and when Annie came and sat in her lounger only a couple of feet from his own, Junior gulped and made a point of keeping his eyes on the pool just a few yards away. His mom had big sunglasses on, so Junior didn’t know whether she was looking at him or not, so he tried very hard not to ogle her body, although the temptation was immense.
He couldn’t handle his mother’s fabulous figure in that stunning bikini, so he jumped in the small pool and tried a few lengths, just to take his mind off the flesh sitting next to him, but each time he swam back towards the patio, he couldn’t help looking at his mom on the lounger. She was on her back, with her head facing up, as though asleep, so Junior swam lazily through the water, watching her legs and the gap between them where the black bikini was tight against her vagina. He also watched the mounds of wonderful flesh encased in the bikini top, trying to spill out as his mother breathed in and out.
Even in the water, Junior could feel his cock stirring at the stunning sight, and wondered what he could do in order to get out of the pool in a decent state. So he thought of his father briefly, and how he loved going fishing and to the games with his father. His cock seemed to calm down so Junior got out of the pool quickly, and shook droplets of water over his mom when he reached his seat.
Annie shot up with a start, shaken out of her slumber by the cold water.
‘Junior, Junior, you little………….,’ she yelled. ‘I’ll kill……..,’ and she struggled to get up from her lounger to chase her son. They ran round the pool, Annie chasing her son, and him laughing at her efforts. He watched her tits moving like melons as she ran, and eventually, Junior let his mother catch him. They gently grappled by the pool’s edge, hand to hand, Junior obviously being so much stronger than his mom, but he would never hurt her in a million years.
Annie tried to push her son in the water, and as they overbalanced, Junior held his mother’s wrists and they both fell in together, a huge splash of water washing over the sides. The pretend fighting went on in the water, but Junior was concentrating more on the wonderful body in just the tiny bikini that was so close to him!
As they fought, his hand went onto her tight ass, he had an arm round her waist, and his mom was trying to dunk his head underwater. He picked her up in the water, his hand still on her bikini bottoms, feeling the wonderful hardness of his mom’s ass, while his other hand went round her back to lift her up, his fingers coming to rest under her armpit and on the bikini top right over Annie’s firm breast.
It all appeared totally accidental, and neither Annie nor her son said anything, but the moment was electrifying. As Annie protested meekly at being soaked in the water, and Junior kept pretending to throw her, he still held her breast firmly as his arm held her aloft, and he still kept her up by holding the shapely ass in his other hand. In return, Annie kept her balance by putting both hands around Junior’s neck and there the two stayed, just standing in the pool, trying to ignore the moment, but finding it almost impossible.
‘My, young Junior,’ Annie broke the ice. ‘You’re a strong young man, now, aren’t you, holding your Mom so firmly in your arms.’ She didn’t remonstrate that his hand was over her breast, nor that she could feel his fingers tightly over her bottom and, in fact, she was quite enjoying the moment. It made her feel tingly, it brought a guilty thrill to her body that had never been there before. Her son was touching her, albeit over her bikini, and Annie didn’t really want the moment to end.
Junior, for his part, was enjoying feeling his Mom’s body, and he could see directly down the bikini top to admire the stunning tits that were only just being held by the black material. He thought he saw the mound of a hard nipple pushing the top out, but looked away quickly, as though it would burn his fingers. He was also getting excited by having the mounds of flesh of her bottom in his grasp, but he didn’t really know what to say next. He could feel his cock begin to throb again in his trunks, but he would never dream….or would he…..of taking liberties with his Mom, and he just smiled and tried to be complimentary.
‘And you’re so beautiful, Mom, and it’s easy to hold you here. You don’t have an ounce of fat on you, do you?’
‘Wow, son, you are a flattering young man…I bet you say that to all the girls,’ and Annie just reached up and pecked her son on the cheek, while he took the opportunity to have an even better look down the front of his mother’s bikini top. His cock grew a little more!
Suddenly, the atmosphere and the moment were broken by Junior’s two younger sisters charging through the house and coming out into the yard.
‘Hi you guys,’ one of them shouted, and Junior threw his Mom out of his arms and straight into the water. Whatever was happening in the pool was gone with the arrival of the girls, and Junior’s hard cock soon wilted in the water and he was able to clamber from the pool to join them all lazing in the loungers in the yard.
Annie got some food and more drinks which they all had at the side of the pool, there was some more swimming, but Junior still enjoyed the sight of his Mom moving about, glancing as often as he could at her shape, the breasts, the flat stomach, the legs, the awesome ass. He didn’t want the scene to end and, suddenly, he had an idea.
He went to his room and retrieved the digital camera that his parents had bought him for Christmas. He had taken loads of photos with it since the winter, and knew just how to work it properly.
‘Hey, I’m going to take some pictures, just to remember this hot afternoon in the yard.’ Girls being girls, his sisters tried to hide their eyes, or turned the other way as Junior snapped away at anything and everything. He took pictures of the pool, he took his sisters playing in the pool with their Mom, he took the back of the house, but most of all, he was going to take pictures of his Mom!
He clicked away, without trying to appear too obvious, but he got Annie bending over, he got her in the pool, he focussed and got her head and shoulders, with the fabulous breasts in close up, and then he threw caution to the wind.
‘Mom, will you sit still for a few minutes, and let me take some pictures of you……you’re never still Mom, so just stay there.’ Annie just smiled and sat back in her lounger.
Luckily, Junior’s two sisters were in the pool as he took the first picture of his Mom. She was laid on the lounger as Junior went ‘click.’ One knee was drawn up and Junior ‘clicked’ again.
‘Will you sit up, Mom, and just look at the camera.’ Annie smiled again and sat up, her knees bent and her hands round her knees. ‘Click’ and the camera caught those wonderful breasts again as Annie leaned forward. A couple more like this and Junior asked again.
‘Would you stand up now, Mom, please.’
‘Oh Junior, haven’t you got enough of me, now,’ Annie teased. Junior didn’t want to push his luck, but Mom stood up and her son ‘clicked’ almost non stop for the next minute or so. He took her whole body in a few frames, he panned in and got her top again, he got Mom to turn round and subtly ‘clicked’ away at her legs and bottom, in fact he took any part of her that he could focus on.
Annie felt excited again at her son taking pictures of her, as she well knew that was the only reason he had brought his camera to the yard, but her daughters splashed out of the pool to join them, and it was time to act properly once more. But for Annie, she knew the effect she was having on her son…….and it brought a nice tingly feeling into her tummy! Junior took his camera back to his room and they all had another drink in the yard.
Later in the evening, after the evening meal, Junior made an excuse and went to his room to post the pictures to his computer. He had no qualms about what he would do. Any picture that did not have his Mom in it, he just deleted, and he was left with about 30 digital pictures of his Mom in that fabulous black bikini. As he studied them in detail, Junior felt the stirrings in his shorts once more.
Not wanting to be embarrassed by nosy visitors, he saved the pictures, knowing that he could look at them later, when he came to bed. Wow, he thought…… Mom looks so hot, and I’m going to enjoy looking at these pictures for ever!!!
Later, after they had all gone to bed, Junior opened his computer and brought up the pictures again. He was able to study them in peace and quiet, not having to worry about being disturbed. He played with the pictures, zoomed in, zoomed out, inverted, cropped, and just admired that fabulous body that was his Mom. The bikini looked as though it had been painted onto her body, it was so figure hugging and tight, especially when it was wet, and he could feel his cock growing in his shorts once more.
He was torn between love and respect for his wonderful Mom, but the sexual appeal of her stunning shape was gradually getting to Junior. Although he caressed his cock as he admired the breasts, the legs and that shapely ass, he just couldn’t bring himself to jack off completely, thinking somehow that that would just be an insult to his loving Mom……………but, by God, it was a difficult decision!
It wasn’t helped by the fact that he knew his father was returning for a few days tomorrow. What would he say, how would he treat Junior if he thought his grown up son was jacking off to pictures of his own mother? Never mind! Junior closed down the pictures, knowing that he would be able to look at them any time he wanted, and he went to sleep with a smile on his face.
The next few days, father was at home, and it was great. Junior spent each day at college but in the evenings, he tried to pack in as much activity as he could with his dad. They went fishing in the warm evening sun, the family all dined together round the pool, his sisters romped with their father and it was just one big happy family.
Junior didn’t even think about his Mom in a sexual way, it just wasn’t right at that time, especially when she was doing the housework in her baggy shorts and sweat shirt. However, he did notice that on one evening, she was wearing some short shorts and a hot T shirt, and then she went out for the evening with his Dad. He knew what they would probably be doing when they returned, so Junior went off for the evening with some friends and the wicked thoughts never crossed his mind again, and he flopped into bed and was asleep before taboo visions of his Mom could take over.
And then Dad went away again on Friday morning.
‘Take care, Junior,’ he had said. ‘You’re the man of the house, now, so look after your Mom and sisters. See you soon!’
He had said, ‘You’re the man of the house, now!’ The same words his Mom had used. Had Mom been talking about him to Dad? If she had, what had she told him? Junior tried to put the thoughts to the back of his mind. The next few days would reveal his Mom’s attitude.
On Saturday morning, Junior went to the gym for a workout, and then he had a swim in the pool. His Mom was downtown at the mall when he got back, and his sisters were playing in the yard. Mom returned and they all had lunch in the sun. Mom still had on her baggy shorts and a sweat shirt, and then she asked Junior.
‘Your sisters are having a sleepover tonight at Jodie’s. So what are you and I going to do, big boy?’ and Annie laughed jokingly at her son. Junior suddenly thought about being alone with Mom for the whole evening, and his mind was working overtime at the possibilities! Perhaps absolutely nothing would happen…after all, he’d only taken a few slightly risqué pictures of her, hadn’t he, completely innocent, and his Dad had been here for 4 days……but he became more and more excited at just being alone with his Mom.
Could he persuade her to wear something sexy for the evening? Could he persuade her to pose for his camera again? The butterflies started, and Junior was in turmoil for a few hours. At about 6.30, Mom took the sisters to the other side of town to Jodie’s and he was waiting in the yard when she returned.
‘Gee, Junior. I’m whacked tonight. Did you have anything in mind for the evening? Do you want some food?’ He quickly thought.
‘What about visiting Pizza House, Mom. You know you like pizza, and it’ll save you cooking? I’ll drive and you can have a drink if you want.’ Annie smiled a wonderful grin at her son.
‘Wow, that’s kind of you, honey. It’s ages since I visited a Pizza House. Shall we go now?’
‘Only on one condition, Mom….you’re not going like that, are you? The baggy shorts?’ There was a pregnant pause as they both looked at one another and grinned, both working out what the other was thinking. Annie knew what her son was getting at, and wanted to just embarrass him a little, and see Junior fluster.
‘Oh, and what do you think I should wear then, big boy, to go out with my hunky young man on a date?’ She was right, Junior blushed a little as he knew his Mom was teasing him, but he wasn’t going to waste this offer, no matter how much courage it took.
‘Well, Mom. Can we say you’re my date, and can you wear something that’s…….well, you know, Mom! You know you look hot when you want to, and…..and……..!’
‘You want your mother to wear something hot to go on a date with her son, do you? Well, I don’t know about that…I might embarrass you, Junior….you might think I’m too old to wear something ‘hot’ to a Pizza House, and….’ He interrupted her.
‘Mom, you’re not 40 yet, and I think you’re as sexy and as beautiful as any woman I know. You’re never too old, you’re just teasing me now! Pleeeeease Mom. I’ve seen you in that hot bikini, so why not just get something nice out of your wardrobe, and I’m sure you’ll look fabulous!’ Annie grinned again and ruffled her son’s blonde hair.
‘Well, I’ll go and have a shower and see if I can think of something suitable.’
Junior fidgeted waiting for his mother. He was only in jeans and a Tshirt, but he looked reasonably smart and butterflies ran round his stomach as he could hear his Mom in her bedroom. After a few minutes more, Junior could hear Mom coming along the hallway. He tried not to let his eyes pop out as he turned to greet her. Only his ‘adam’s apple’ moved in his throat!
Annie looked fabulous! Her blonde hair was brushed seductively behind her ears, she had added mascara and some light lip stick, and her outfit…..well, Junior thought she looked a million dollars. She wore a tight, black, denim skirt and some black high heels, and the skirt ended three or four inches above her knees. Her bronze legs looked superb and the way she moved in the heels was getting Junior’s cock twitching already.
Annie had also put on a thin, white blouse and a white bra that could almost be seen through the blouse. The bra was lacy and half cut, and she had left two buttons undone to show just a hint of the magnificent cleavage that lay beyond! Her eyes were smiling, as well as her mouth, as she looked at her son for approval.
‘Well, young man! Do you approve of your Mama now? Have I made an effort for my date?’ Junior tried to stay calm, tried not to show his excitement at seeing his Mom look so fabulous. He tried not to look her up and down like a kid with a lollipop, as he knew he would be able to enjoy the view all evening.
They were soon out of the house, with Junior driving and his Mom sitting by his side. He was conscious of the sexy legs by his side as he drove, especially when Annie shuffled them about to stay comfortable. Was she doing it on purpose? Could she see him sweating a little? They conversed a little, and then Junior had to say something!
‘You look really wow Mom. Thanks for looking the way you do……I’m proud to bring my Mom on a date, so why don’t you relax and enjoy yourself for once?’
‘Do you think I should relax then, son? I mean, I’m looking after my big boy aren’t I, and I should really be setting an example,’ she grinned.
‘No you shouldn’t, mom! You never seem to relax at all….always rushing about, working or cooking or washing. You only ever go out with Dad once in a while, so tonight I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. You look like a million dollars…in fact, I think you look fabulous, so please just act like a lady going out for the evening to have a good time!’ Annie smiled at her son.
‘OK, big boy, now take me to the Pizza House and treat your Mom to a good time,’ and she slid her hand onto Junior’s thigh as he was driving, sliding it gently from his knee up and back a few inches towards his crotch, but always stopping well short of his groin! It only lasted a few seconds, and was probably completely innocent, but it was good enough for Junior, and his cock started to stir in his jeans. This, coupled with the gorgeous legs right next to him, was getting him hard and hot under the collar!
As if to reply, and with some bravery, his hand reached over and gently caressed his Mom’s thigh, just where the hem of the skirt finished on her shapely thigh.
‘OK Mom. This is your evening to relax, so just make sure you do!’ He moved the skirt just an inch or two up her legs as he drove, and there was a deathly silence. Junior’s cock stirred a little more, and Annie felt a shiver run round her body, but then sense took over and he took his hand away, and within two minutes, the car was purring into the Pizza House car park.
There were quite a few people in the eatery as they walked in. There were families, there were young couples, there were teenagers laughing and joking, and the place was alive with people talking, laughing and eating. Junior and his Mom were shown to a table by the window, and immediately Junior ordered a margarita for his Mom, and a coke for himself.
‘Wo, wo, there Junior. Who said I wanted a margarita?’
‘I know you like the drink, Mom, and I said you were going to have a good evening. So that’s why I’ve ordered you a margarita. Now, no more arguing!’ Annie just grinned again. They were sitting opposite one another, and Junior had no option but to admire the wonderful breasts facing him from only a matter of inches. Not that he was complaining at all. The soft, white blouse showed off the outline of the lacy bra, but it was Mom’s wonderful tanned breasts that were holding his attention.
As the drinks were brought by the waiter, and he took the pizza order, Junior couldn’t help but glance whenever he could at the gap between the superb mounds of flesh. Whether Annie saw him, she wasn’t saying, but she didn’t do anything to admonish her son, and gulped a large swig of margarita and almost licked her lips with the pleasure.
‘I’d only better have one of these, Junior…they are delicious, really thirst quenching on this warm night…….but they tend to make me woozy if I have too many. Perhaps I’ll stick to coke, like you!’ and she gave Junior one of her, ‘I’m your mother’ looks across the table. Junior just grinned and before too long the food arrived and looked really appetising. As the waiter was just leaving, Junior spoke again.
‘Could we have another coke and margarita, please?’ and the waiter went away.
‘My God, son, we’ve only been here for 10 minutes, and you’re ordering another drink for me…what are you trying to do?’ grinned Annie.
‘To make you relax, Mom!’
‘I am relaxed…don’t I look relaxed? I’ve got dressed up for you, young man, and I’m enjoying myself, so don’t try and get your Mom drunk. I want to remember the evening, out on a date with my son!’ she smiled again.
‘Yeah, you are dressed up Mom…you look fantastic, and do you think that……ummm!’
‘What, Junior…. ‘and do you think what?’ Go on, say what you mean!’
‘I don’t know, Mom. Perhaps not now…I feel a bit embarrassed! Let’s enjoy the food.’
A few minutes into the food, Junior visited the cloakroom and then rejoined his Mom.
‘I saw all the girls follow you across the room, son,’ Annie teased him. ‘I bet they were admiring that young, hard bottom of yours…don’t you think?’ Junior was excitedly surprised at how his Mom was describing him all of a sudden, and was glad this game was starting.
‘Well, you do it, then, Mom. You go to the cloakroom, and I can watch all the guys checking you out. Go on!’ Annie looked embarrassed herself now, but took a swig of her margarita again, and then walked to the ladies. Junior could see others watching his Mom, but he was more intent on watching her himself. The swaying ass, the short skirt, the superb legs….she was some hot woman, and Junior just sat glued to the image as his Mom moved towards the cloakroom. Soon, Annie returned, but not before Junior had ordered yet another round of coke and margarita!
‘Well, I told you, Mom. All the guys were checking you out, watching your body shimmy across the floor, your hot legs in that short skirt, and that ass sway provocatively!’ Annie shivered at her son’s lecherous words, but then the waiter brought the drinks again. Annie’s eyes opened wide in amazement, looking from the glass to her son and back to the glass.
‘Junior, now Junior, what did I say? I never have more than two of these, even with your father, and this is the third already….you’re incorrigible!………but they are nice,’ she grinned at her son, taking another swig of her drink.
‘Do you think my legs still look good then? Not losing their shape then?’
‘Jesus, Mom. You are hot, really hot, and I am getting a ……..well, you make me feel really excited when I see you walking like that, because you really have a shapely body.’ Annie blushed but allowed her son to continue.
‘Those pictures I took of you in the yard. They are awesome…you look stunning in that bikini….why don’t you have a look at them, and then you’ll see what I mean. And perhaps I can…….,’ and again Junior tailed off in what he was about to say. He changed the subject because his cock was getting hard again. ‘How about some ice-cream, Mom?’
‘Only if you don’t order any more drinks, you rascal! I feel tipsy already,’ grinned Annie.
Two huge ‘Knickerbocker Glories’ arrived and Annie and her son started to tuck in to the ice cream. Junior was getting so turned on by the way his Mom was letting the ice cream slide onto her tongue that he plucked up the courage and put some on his spoon, and then pointed it at his Mother’s mouth. She leaned forward, giving another wonderful view of her cleavage, and licked the ice cream off the spoon. Junior could feel his cock growing even more in his jeans. So he did it again.
He put more ice cream on his spoon and offered it to Annie. Only this time, he teased her, and as she leaned forward with her seductive tongue ready, he eased the spoon back a little, so that she would have to reach over further, still with her sexy tongue trying to lick at the cream. Junior was playing a game, and his Mom was joining in. It was innocent but totally erotic, and in the end, Annie had to get up, lean over and really stick out her tongue to make the connection. The ice cream sliding into her mouth was one of the most erotic things Junior had seen! And just for good measure, as she leaned forward, Annie’s breasts were easing out of her blouse so beautifully, pointing at Junior as he held the spoon, and it was a wonderful sight.
Just for a fleeting moment, Junior imagined that seductive tongue darting out to lick at his cock which was so hard and rampant now, that he really had a job to control himself under the table cloth. He tried to blot the picture from his mind, but the visions of his mother’s body were getting the better of him!
There was no doubt that Annie knew the display she was giving her son, and it brought a little dampness to her vagina. She tried to ignore it, but was she feeling a little excited, not only from the drinks, and from the way she was dressed, but from the way that her son was playing up to her, and making her feel like a desired woman. My God, my son desiring me!! No, no, she thought, but the dampness was still there in her panties!
Now that she had almost finished her third margarita, Annie was feeling soft, feminine and relaxed, not drunk, but she had enjoyed the playing and teasing with the ice cream with her son. She knew he had taken the opportunity to admire her breasts in the flimsy, white blouse, and a warm feeling washed over her, thinking that her own son was looking at her as an attractive woman.
She would never do anything to encourage him, but she enjoyed being with him, and she was beginning to realise with mixed feelings that Junior got thrills from looking at her and admiring her feminine curves. He was a young man with hormones that were rampant at his age and, with his looks, he could probably have any girl in the room, so Annie wasn’t going to appear as an old fuddy-duddy to her son. In fact, she was thrilled that he thought she was ‘hot’ and thought she had a ‘shapely body’…….God, most young college boys thought their Moms were ancient, but Annie was glad she had got dressed up, and she was now loving the attention from Junior.
Even knowing he was looking at her ample chest as she licked the ice cream brought a tingling feeling to Annie’s loins again…….God, was my own son causing this? The drinks had made her relax, and she really was now into having this game with Junior.
‘What were you going to say, Junior? You know, you were going to ask me something just now, weren’t you?’ He thought she would have forgotten, but her cheeky grin told him that she hadn’t….and she was enjoying the game of cat and mouse, wondering where it might lead to.
‘Oh, it doesn’t matter, Mom. I was just telling you how hot you looked, and……’
‘Come on, son. Tell your Mom. You were going to ask me something…don’t be embarrassed, go on.’ She felt her thighs squeeze together, and the wetness in her panties couldn’t be avoided.
‘Well, Mom…it’s been such a great evening, and I can see you’re relaxed now….well….ummmm,……well, you know the bikini pictures I took the other day. Do you think that…..with my sisters away for the night…….do you think……’
‘Keep your voice down Junior,’ Annie whispered. ‘I know what you’re going to say…and we don’t want everybody to hear it, do we? You really want to do that, do you? You want to take……you know…..with your digital…?’ She tried to speak as quietly as possible without actually saying the words, but Junior knew that she knew! ‘What now? When we get home?’
‘Umm, oh God, yes Mom. Please! You look so good, and it would only be a few pictures looking good in that hot outfit.’ Sensing a victory, Junior was now even more excited. ‘Come on, Mom. Let’s go now.’
‘Hold on there, young man. I haven’t even said Yes yet, have I,’ and Annie took her last swig of margarita and emptied her glass. The kick from the drink gave her thrilling courage again, and she still wished to keep her son hanging on, playing the game, even though the idea felt quite tingly in her body once more. He had pictured her in the skimpy bikini, so what harm is a short skirt and sexy blouse going to do. If it thrills her son, and brings her a bit of fun, it would be a nice way to end the evening.
‘I’ll think about it in the car going home. Now, will you let me take your arm going to the car?’ and a warm smile came over Annie’s face as she slipped her arm into her son’s.
They walked to the car, Annie’s arm holding on to her muscular son. She wasn’t drunk, but she was definitely relaxed and happy from having a few margaritas, and her son trying to tease her endlessly. For his part, Junior was now feeling really excited, and his cock was hard against the zipper of his trousers, as there was a chance that Mom was going to pose for him again. He had been admiring her sexy body all evening, she was beginning to melt a bit, and she seemed to be playing the game as much as he was. As if to reinforce his feelings, he put his big arm round Annie’s shoulders as they walked to the car, and clasped her body to him.
Looking down, he was able to admire those fantastic breasts again as his Mom’s blouse was open down to the wonderful swell as they walked. He saw them momentarily rise and fall as she breathed, and Junior just held his breath and hoped that when they got home, Mom would still be willing to let him picture her. Keep being nice to her, he told himself!
With only a few more steps to the car, Junior just let his hand drift round her waist to hold her tight to him, but his hand also moved just under her firm breast in the thin blouse. He held it there as they walked and could just feel the underside of her wonderful mound of flesh in the bra, and just ran a finger along the material of the lacy bra, as though bravery was making him test the water.
Annie said nothing, but didn’t knock the hand away, and then they were at the car door, and Junior bent to open the door for his Mom. As he did so, his hand gently moved down from the breast to travel over her waist and across her bottom. It was over in a moment as Annie moved into her seat, but the flash of thighs as she crouched into the car was another moment when neither spoke but both realised the taboo electricity being generated.
Finally, as they drove, Junior plucked up courage again.
‘OK, then, Mom. You’ll let me take just a few pictures of you when we get home?’
‘Did I say yes? I said I’d think about it, didn’t I? Anyway, are you sure you want pictures of your Mom after a night out, and more margaritas than she wanted? You might be disappointed when you see them on the computer.’
‘Oh Mom….Mom! You know that’s not true. You know you’ve got the greatest body in town, and it……it would really make my night end beautifully if I could finish it with just some photos of you looking great. Come on, Mom…..just a few, pleeeeease!’ He was like a dog with a bone, and Annie knew it, but she still wanted to play the game with her son. The way she was feeling, after a few drinks, gave her another buzz, and the idea of perhaps posing for her son brought more thrills to Annie, knowing that she could dictate to Junior what actually would happen…or could she?
‘Well, perhaps so, young man…but only a few, and nothing naughty, you know……I’m still your mother, aren’t I, even though you are 19 and a handsome young man!’ and she squeezed his leg again, giving him a sultry look, as he drove the car up in front of the garage at home. Junior’s cock was now rigid almost permanently as the couple went into the house, and he guessed his Mom was almost as keen as he was.
Junior got two iced cokes and then got his digital camera and brought it into the lounge, but still had to wait while his mother was upstairs. Eventually, she returned and he could see that she had put on some fresh make-up, her eyes were sharper and she had added some more mascara.
‘Thanks for the drink, handsome….I hope this is just coke, and nothing else……I’m feeling flushed enough as it is, you know, from all those margaritas you forced on me,’ she laughed again. She moved slowly over to her son and ran a finger down his chest, and the electricity became red hot. She looked into Junior’s eyes, and he could see such a sexy face just smouldering, and he had a job to stop grabbing his cock through his jeans.
‘Now, where do you want me?’ Annie asked, and the question just lingered in the air until they both partly grabbed their senses again.
Although the lights were quite low, Junior knew that the automatic flash would pick out his Mom’s profile, so he told her just to sit on the huge sofa and relax. He started to snap away as his Mom sipped the coke, and then he asked her to move around while still sitting on the sofa. She was sitting with her feet on the carpet, knees together, trying to be totally innocent, but then she crossed her legs, and the little skirt slid up her thighs, revealing those superb legs.
‘You look great, Mom, really nice in that outfit.’
‘Just nice, Junior? Just nice? Don’t I look sexy, like you wanted me to? What about my legs… like my legs, don’t you?’ Annie teased. She didn’t attempt to hide the expanse of thigh on view, and knew that she was pushing her son further and further in this little game.
‘Wow. You know I think you look hot and sexy, Mom, don’t you? And I love your legs, Mom. Will you….will you pull your skirt up a little more, Mom… I can see all your lovely legs.’
‘Ummm…you know I shouldn’t, don’t you…..just one picture then, you devil’ but she was getting wetter and wetter, more daring than ever, and the butterflies were building in her stomach until she was almost losing sight of the fact that she was the mother of this masculine figure with the camera.
Annie held the hem of the black skirt and pulled it slowly right up her legs until her little pink thong came into view. What was she doing, she thought. But she felt exhilarated, alive and sexy, and showing off her legs and thong made her even more excited and risqué.
Annie couldn’t help see the bulge that had been in Junior’s jeans since they left the Pizza House, so she held her skirt right at the top of her thighs, gave in to her frustrated feelings, and let her son take snap after snap. Her pussy was buzzing now, and a whole new dimension was criss-crossing her brain.
‘That’s great, Mom… really look great…just hold it there Mom,’ and he crouched down and she knew he was taking shots of the little thong.
‘Junior, does this…….does this turn you on, taking pictures of your Mom’s panties?’ Would he be embarrassed by her statement or would he be just as thrilled at his Mom’s actions and words as she was? There was really only one answer, and his cock was controlling Junior’s mind now!
‘Oh God, Mom. You know it does. You are so hot…..I just……’
‘Does it……does it do things for you, Junior, seeing…..seeing your Mom like this?’ Junior now pushed the limits as his Mom seemed to be enjoying the tease and the atmosphere….and was speaking to him like never before.
‘Jesus, Mom. You know it does…you know it gets me all hot and….and…well…..I get randy Mom at seeing your sexy body….is that wrong, Mom? I don’t need to see young girls, Mom, when I can look at you whenever I want! You have the most amazing, sexy body, Mom. Will you undo some of the buttons on your blouse, Mom….and leave…leave your skirt like that, you know, right up your legs.’ He blushed at his request, but he knew that his Mom wanted him to ask….he could tell.
‘Junior, you mustn’t let anyone else see these pictures…not even your sisters. OK, you promise? You’re twisting my arm, aren’t you, so this is just a one-off, Junior!’ She tried to be firm, but it was a half hearted statement, and Junior was beside himself with the thrill.
‘I promise, Mom. No-one will see any of them,’ and he watched closely as Annie slipped another couple of buttons open on her blouse. ‘Oh, Mom. All of them, pleeeease,’ and he was begging again. ‘Your tummy is tight and flat, so perfect, so you’ve no need to be shy about it, have you?’
It had been quite a few years since anyone had told her exactly what to do, and Annie was alive to her submissive nature. She knew she could have stopped all of this ages ago, but the margaritas, her relaxed state, and the taboo excitement of allowing her handsome son to enjoy watching her body, had overtaken her orderly thoughts and reactions. And he had said that she made him ‘randy!’ God, those words from her own son had given Annie an extra tingle between her legs, and she was getting more wet by the second and her thong was dripping!
Besides, the thickness of the bulge in Junior’s jeans, as he clicked away with the camera, was carrying Annie along on a crest of lustful thoughts and itches in her wet cunt, and it didn’t really seem as though he was ‘twisting her arm’ anymore.
She smiled as she undid all the buttons on the blouse and she didn’t react when Junior leant forward to move the blouse apart to reveal the shapely breasts bulging over the flimsy bra. He clicked away, zooming in on the hard flesh of Annie’s tits. Without speaking, Annie slipped the blouse from her shoulders, and then stood up, still holding the skirt right up to her waist.
‘How about some standing up then, Junior? Do you like this pose?’
‘Fantastic Mom…..gee, you look so hot and sexy. How about just leaning against the table?’ There was a big wooden table in the middle of the room, and Annie just moved and leant her ass against the side. Junior clicked away and asked his Mom to turn and face the table. As she turned, he suddenly saw the pink thong disappearing between the crack in her ass…the first time he had ever seen his mother’s naked ass, and he took the opportunity to grasp his cock while his Mom’s head was briefly turned away.
She was doing everything he asked and he was getting more rampant and excited by the minute. God, he just wanted to touch that body, to feel the skin and the shape of the sexy contours. How could he do it, how could he get near her? Would she just keep obeying him? He just had to go for broke because his cock was killing him in his jeans!
He crouched behind her and took more pictures of his Mom’s delectable ass, and she still held the skirt at her waist.
‘Mom, the pictures are great, but…..but the skirt is spoiling the line of your shape. Will you undo it and let it go to the floor…it’ll make the pictures even more hot and sexy!’
‘Junior…what are you doing? You want your Mom in just her underwear?’Annie smiled, facing away from her son. ‘God, are you trying to undress your Mom completely, you naughty young man,’ but she was moving the zipper on the skirt and then she let it fall to the floor. Junior quickly picked it up and threw the skirt onto a chair.
She looked fantastic, her whole shape on view to Junior. He took in the curves, the wonderful ass, the shapely legs in the high heels, her blonde hair swept down to her shoulders, and her firm back with the bra straps going right across. She had her back to him, her hands were on the table and Junior could just admire for as long as he wished. His Mom had a fabulous body and all his fantasies about her were coming true. She was letting him see her…..and they were both enjoying the danger and electric atmosphere.
Was it the time to try and take advantage, to get near to his Mom, perhaps to touch the forbidden skin, to just caress? His cock told him to do it as he rubbed it again in his jeans. His cock said the worst that could happen is Mom says… ‘that’s enough, Junior.’ But at least just try to touch Mom, if only for a few seconds.
He crouched again and clicked the camera again and again. He was only a few inches from her bottom, trying to see the pink thong between her ass cheeks again. He slid a hand out gently and touched the inside of Annie’s thigh, applying just a little pressure. At the same time, he mumbled quietly, as if a little afraid, not knowing what the response would be.
‘Just move them apart, please, Mom….you look soooooo sexy!’ It was like a bolt of thunder going through her body as Annie shivered and felt the strong touch on her leg. She felt she ought to say something, although she didn’t want to. Annie made a token protest.
‘Oh Junior…this…..this shouldn’t be happening. Your father is the only man who has touched me there and asked me to open my legs and…..oh God, Junior, it’s not…….,’ but she stopped the words and there was a hush filling the air. Junior still applied a slight pressure to the inside of her thigh, and Annie slowly, automatically, just shuffled her feet apart and knew that Junior would be able to see right between her legs where the thong was getting wetter and wetter. She sighed gently for the first time.
‘Ummm, that’s so nice, son. Your hand is so firm but gentle. Is the pose good, Junior? Do you like that?’ Not a hint of anger in her voice, nor any attempt to change her position. Junior just kept stroking her inner thigh and mumbled,
‘It’s wonderful, Mom…….you look so relaxed, so hot….just stay like that, and put your hands on the table…..God, Mom, you’re so beautiful!’ He was slowly winning the war of words and nerves, and his hand just caressed the inside of his mother’s thigh at the top of her leg. Nothing was said but, by now, Annie had rested her arms on the table and leant her head down on her arms.
Junior watched her bottom, mesmerized, now that her feet were apart. He clicked away with the camera, taking full shots of her body, and then just pictures of her bottom and legs, and even a close up of the cheeks of her ass with the pink material just visible between her cheeks. He managed a few strokes of his cock as his mother leant on the table, and he just knew that he wasn’t going to be able to control himself. Mom was fantastic, he had stroked her thigh, been only a few inches from her wet cunt, and she wasn’t objecting to anything. He wondered just what Mom was feeling.
He stood up and put the camera on the table. Then he used both his hands to hold his mother’s waist as she leaned on the table in just her bra and minute thong. He caressed her gently, admiring her wonderful body, and ran his hands up her back, across the bra strap to her shoulders. He began to rub her shoulders delicately, and his own body was awfully near her bottom. Another inch or so forward and his jeans would be rubbing against that stunning ass, where her legs were open with the wet thong peeking out.
Silence still filled the air, but it was a heavy, electric silence that neither of them wanted to break, both afraid of spoiling the tension and what might be happening. This was totally against their moral thoughts, totally taboo, but sexual lust had reared its ugly head, and Annie and her son were both carried along, not having the will power to stop whatever it might be leading to! Certainly Annie was enjoying and longing for these physical touches, and certainly Junior couldn’t believe the freedom he was having with his mother!
He continued to caress his Mom’s shoulders, but gently and slowly he moved his hands down to the middle of her back, where the bra strap was. He toyed with the strap and, at the same time, he moved that inch or two forward and his jeans were against his Mom’s ass, between her open legs. The thick, long bulge at the front of his jeans was becoming lodged right against the sopping thong and between the firm cheeks of Annie’s ass. She couldn’t help but feel her son against her body now, and all the time his fingers just toyed with her bra strap as he massaged her back.
‘Junior, Junior,’ she tried to protest weakly. ‘Perhaps I’ve had too much to drink….perhaps I’m too tired to think straight…….please, I don’t want you to go any further……I don’t………oh Junior!’ But she didn’t raise her head, and she didn’t close her legs. In fact, Annie didn’t move!
‘Relax, Mom, relax,’ soothed her son. ‘I wouldn’t ever hurt you, you know that,’ and his cock in his jeans still rested against his Mother’s cunt, gently moving against her as his hands played on her back. As he spoke, he deftly undid the bra catch, and then slid the straps onto her arms. Still Annie didn’t move.
Her mind was twirling and in a haze. She had worn some hot clothes for him for their ‘date.’ She had let her son order more than enough margaritas for her at the Pizza House. She had known he had been watching her breasts as they ate, and she had even gone to the cloakroom so that he could watch her body swaying across the floor. My God, what was she doing? Her own son had been slowly seducing her but it didn’t seem that way at all. The physical chemistry had been building and building without Annie realising just how far it was taking her. She thought she could control the situation at any point….but she couldn’t!
Then, on the return to the house, she had quite gladly posed for his pictures, letting him guide her as he persuaded her to reveal more and more of her body. She was enjoying it but knew it was wrong, and now the situation was at critical point. Annie knew this, but was caught between wonderful feelings in her body and in her loins, enjoying the soft but erotic touches of her son, and being shamed and embarrassed by the way she had let things develop.
She was now just in her bra and panties and high heels, bent over the big table, with her son caressing her skin, undoing her bra, and now right against her naked bottom with his hard cock in his jeans pushing against her throbbing cunt. Annie bit her bottom lip, and wondered if she should get angry, call a complete halt, and disappear off to her bed. She couldn’t…or wouldn’t……and she knew it, and just looked at the table as she felt those big, gentle hands on her back.
Junior had forgotten about taking pictures. He was touching the real thing now, feeling that wonderful body, stroking his Mom’s back and letting his cock nudge against her bottom. He was like an iron rod in his jeans, he didn’t need to stroke it as the thrills he was getting were enough to keep him rock solid.
One of his hands ran gently down to his Mom’s naked ass and he just held the flesh and stroked all around. Jeeez! He was stroking his Mom’s ass, caressing it, holding it, squeezing it and he could hear her sighing. There was no turning back for Junior who had thought of this moment for months. Dare he? Dare he?
Gently, and ever so slowly, his hand moved between her cheeks to touch the thong covering her soaking cunt. His Mom took in a sharp breath but Junior held his nerve and kept his fingers on the thong.
‘It’s OK, Mom. It’s OK!’ Another sigh but no words from Mom! He stroked her blonde hair on her head, but his other hand was caressing her thong, feeling her wet cunt underneath, feeling her lips open slightly as he explored his Mom’s open legs. Suddenly Annie turned sharply to him, and her hand went straight to the front of his jeans, right onto the thick bulge which now seemed to be as long as the zipper.
‘Son, oh my God, son, what have you done to me? We shouldn’t be doing…….oh God! This is so wicked, Junior, but you’ve got me so……..oh God, I want to feel you…I want to feel your………,’ but her words died away as she undid the zipper on Junior’s jeans. As she played with his clothes, Junior slipped her unclipped bra from her shoulders and now his Mom was completely naked except for her little, pink thong.
As he marvelled at her stunning chest, his hand went up and held her breast, playing with the nipple and cupping the mound of beautiful flesh. At the same time, Annie slipped his mammoth cock from the jeans and just held it in her fingers, like a valuable treasure. She thrust her head against his chest, as though in complete shame, but she gently rubbed Junior’s cock up and down and felt his hands go down her back, playing with her body on her back and on her bottom.
Then his hand moved to the front, between her legs, and Junior was inside her thong. He felt her cunt lips, he felt their wetness, and he slipped a couple of fingers inside her.
‘Ummmm, God, ahhhhh, Junior………..Junior……….you feel so…….so hard and so masculine. You have a wonderful, beautiful cock,’ and Junior was having a terrible job keeping himself in check! They had cast all inhibitions and shame aside now, forgotten about tomorrow and were just living for today!
‘It’s been like that ever since we went to the Pizza House, Mom……you make me feel like that….and I’m going to have an accident if you keep doing that……I’ve wanted to spurt for ages!’ he grinned, and his fingers pushed deeper inside his Mom’s soft cunt. Annie sighed and moaned again.
‘Ahhhhhhh, oh God. You poor boy…… really want to cum for Mama?’ and she went down onto her knees, never letting go of the hard shaft wrapped in her hand.
‘I want to fuck you, Mom!’ Annie’s juices increased as she heard those words from her own son. She couldn’t contemplate it, but she couldn’t do without the fulfilment that was now hers for the asking. She couldn’t let go of Junior’s cock, throbbing in her fingers and only inches from her face, and she knew she couldn’t resist any longer.
Her blonde hair fell over her forehead as she leaned forward and licked the bulbous head on the rock-like cock, and Junior closed his eyes and just caressed his Mom’s head. God, all the sexy photographs in the world couldn’t replace what was happening now. He felt her lips slide around his cock and then Annie was taking it into her mouth.
She was so gentle, so slow, so perfect! Junior watched her body as she knelt before him and wondered how he had resisted her for so long. Her thighs looked perfect, her breasts bobbed gently as her mouth sucked and played with his cock, her eyes looked up at him just like they had done for 19 years, and his body was now about to show its gratitude!
‘Mom….Mom…I’m going to…..I can’t hold any longer….!’
‘It’s OK, baby, it’s OK,’ whispered Annie between sucking her son so beautifully. ‘Do it for Mama. Do it now, baby!’ And he did.
His cock had been building up since he saw his Mom in her outfit before they went to the Pizza House. It had got steadily worse and more uncomfortable, and more and more sap had been stored for this moment. Now Junior just released himself and his Mom just kept her mouth round his cock. She didn’t flinch or budge as her son’s torrent of cum spurted into her mouth. She swallowed, she sucked, she held him tightly, and she was determined not to let Junior from her mouth.
As each spurt hit the roof of her mouth, Annie took it and swallowed as best she could. A few drops slid from the corners of her mouth, but she just wanted to get as much of Junior’s spunk into her body as she could. It slowly and finally came to an end, but Junior’s cock didn’t subside, and still Annie held him in her mouth. He was 19 and virile and strong and, as Annie continued to suck her son, it had the effect of keeping him hard and rigid, even as Annie was licking her lips and taking a few deep breaths.
As he carried on stroking her blonde hair beneath him, he told her again.
‘I still want to fuck you, Mom! I won’t have to rush now, and I just want to enjoy you, Mom!’ and he tugged her gently upwards so she was standing toe to toe with him, her breasts against his shirt.
His hands were all over her, taking in the fantastic curves, and Annie was undoing his shirt and letting it slip from his shoulders, but she still tried to convince herself with a token protest.
‘No, no, Junior….it’s gone far enough and……..’ but again she couldn’t continue as he slipped her hand over his cock once more and then pushed his fingers between her willing legs. Her groans and sighs told Junior that she was still a willing participant. He gently pulled her to the middle of the floor and grabbed a big cushion to put on the carpet. He looked into her frightened but exhilarated eyes as he pushed her body down onto the thick carpet, and lay her head on the pillow.
‘God, Junior…, no…….!’ but she wasn’t protesting very fiercely. ‘Tomorrow morning, when you get up, tonight didn’t happen at all, Junior….you understand? It didn’t happen at all!’ Her son just grinned as he slipped off the rest of his clothes and knelt down with Annie. He began to caress her body, starting with her feet and legs, and then his mouth went down to lick and kiss the skin he had lusted over for so long.
‘Ummmm, oh, it’s……it’s, it’s so…….ummmm, Junior,’ and his lips were on her thighs and his hands were on her tummy, and then they were on her breasts and face, and then they tickled the insides of her thighs, and then he suckled on her nipples, and……and…….’
Annie was becoming hysterical at the tender lovemaking, almost having an orgasm without being touched in her vagina…..and then Junior pulled aside her thong and licked her bare pussy, right across her hard clit.
‘Yeeeeeeeeoww……ahhhhhhhh, oh my God!’ and her hands came straight down to hold her son’s head into her cunt. He had licked the most fatal spot and now Annie just gave up any form of pretence and wanted her son to satisfy her in the worst possible way.
‘Oh, lick me, Junior. Lick me…..lick me, hard, ummmmmmmmm!’
‘I want to fuck you, Mom, I do really want…..!’ and he slipped her thong from her legs.
‘Yes, yes, ummmmm………, fuck me, baby, but just lick me for a little more, pleeeease, ummmm!’ She held his head into her cunt and his tongue slid inside her body and licked for all his might. Then he slid over her clit again, up and back, up and back, and Annie was breathing heavily with lust and the effects of her son’s tongue. He held her thighs apart as he tongued the glorious body, and his Mom had a job to keep still.
She bucked, she moaned, she sighed, she pulled Junior’s hair…..and then she orgasmed…..a screaming, arching, lustful orgasm that went all round her body, touching every nerve that she had.
Smiling, and satisfied with his work, Junior moved up the naked body of his Mom, between her legs, licking and sucking on her hard nipples as he went. They both knew that this was the moment when it would happen…..handsome, muscular son would fuck shapely, lusful, willing mother on the carpet…….and they both wanted it so badly!
Junior’s cock hovered over his Mom’s open legs, just touching her cunt, just teasing and prolonging the moment, and then Annie held him and guided him in. It was like nectar, a honey pot of taboo lust. He pushed straight in, to the depths of the welcoming cunt, and Annie’s legs went straight around his strong back. The rhythm was almost immediate, as Junior held her gently round her soft hair, but hammered his cock into her waiting body.
They moved in unison, up and down, up and down, Junior trying to fuck her deeper with each thrust. He felt her high heels on his back, crossed and holding on like a bucking bronco, but it was the greatest feeling that he had ever had. Mom knew how to move, she knew how to accommodate him, and the whole of her body was at his mercy. Their tongues joined in their mouths as they fought with lust as their bodies thrashed against one another, and then it all became too much for Annie.
‘Christ, Junior…yeh, yeh…………….oh harder, son, harder……fuck your Mama harder…..ahhhh…….this is out of this world…….ohhhhh, harderrrrrr!’
She moaned and whaled in ecstasy and Junior just kept lunging into his Mom’s body, hitting her as hard as possible, pushing her into the deep pile of the carpet, before withdrawing and then pushing in deep again.
‘Is that good, baby, is that…..ummmmm………is that…good, fucking your mama. Is that how you……….oh my God…….is that how you wanted it, baby?’ Junior continued to lunge into wonderful frame of his mother, getting a little quicker now.
‘Oh, Mom, it’s the best feeling ever……you’re so hot and sexy and……it’s coming again for me, Mom! You know, it’s…..!’
‘Yes, baby, yes! In your Mom. Do it in your Mom, ohhhhhh!’ and then there was silence, apart from the crashing of their bodies together, as they could both feel the onrushing jangling of their nerves and the culmination of their efforts.
Suddenly, Junior felt his mother’s juices weep all over his cock as he still fucked her, and almost at the same time, his own ejaculation started to spurt from his body. He felt it hit the depths of his Mom’s cunt, and he just kept cummmming! His cock and her cunt were awash with juices and they clung like limpets to one another, his cock steadily slowing down but still making entry after entry into the forbidden honey pot.
‘Ohhhhhh, oh no, that was…..that was sooooo good, Junior, baby.’ Their bodies slowed down, the heaving and sighing stopped, until they were just locked together on the carpet, caressing one another, feeling each other’s skin, but not knowing what to say.
‘You sure know how to fuck a lady, Junior,’ smiled Annie.
‘And you’re sure one hell of a lady to fuck, Moma,’ he smiled back.
‘But tonight never happened, Junior,’ Annie said, remembering the circumstances like a bolt through her heart. ‘When we wake up tomorrow, tonight has just been a figment of our imagination. OK? Now, look at the time. I need my sleep, lover boy, so it’s bed time!’ and she went to get up from the floor.
‘Bed time, Mom? Is that your bed or mine?’ he teased.
‘That’s my bed and your bed, son…..separately,’ but when he grabbed her wrist and began guiding her to the door, did Annie have any option….did she want any option???
Only time would tell!!!
EK BAAR ANDHERE ME Ye baat March mahine ke aakhiri saptah ki hai. Maine aur mere chudakkad pati ne ye nischay kiya ki us raat ko ham apna manpasand chudai ka khel andhere kamre me, bina ek dusre ko dekhe huye khelenge. Ab tak unhone jab bhi mujhe choda tha ya jab bhi maine chudwaya tha, hamesha ya to raat ko poori roshni me ya din ki roshni me. Chudai karte samay roshni aur ek dusre ko dekhna ham dono ko hi bahut pasand hai. Ham dono hi andhere me chodne aur chudwane ka naya anubhav karna...
Hello dosto, mai sanjana fir se hazir hoon aur ek sachhi ghatna ke sath. Ek baat pahle hi saaf kar dena chati hoon ki jo dost (ladke) meri story padke mere se sex karne ki request ki hai to unko bata dena chati hoon ki mai kisi aur ke sath sex nehi karungi. Aur meri ladki dost, jo meri story padke unke mail id liye to sayad apse unka mulakt ke sath sab kuch ho gayi hogi aur meri jaisi hi satisfaction mili hogi. Pichli bar meri story bengali me thi. Bahot sare non-bengali dost ( khas karke...
Meri choot ki aag mere bhai ne bujhayi Meri choot ki aag mere bhai ne bujhayi mera naam kiran hai me 35 saal ki saadi suda mahila hoon,me madhy pradesh ke ek chhote seshahar ki rahne waali hoon ,mere priwaar me, me ,mere pati 42saal,mera beta 12 saal aur beti 15 ki hai,mere pati job karte hai, unhen 8 saal se dame ki bimaari hai es karan thoda sa bhi saririk kaam karne seunki saanse ukhadne lagti hai ese karan pichle 8 saalo se me sex ka sukh nahi le paayi aab to sex kiikchayen bhi mar si gyi...
December 25, 2009 Main sham ko apne bistar par baithi apne pati ka intzaar kar rahi thi jo ki bazar gaye the. Mine hi un ko sab ke liye Christmas ke tohfe kharidne ke liye bazar bheja tha. Agle din hum ko hamare honey moon ke liye Europe jaana tha. Mere sasural me ye mera pahla Christmas tha, aur mere saas sasur dono hi mere liye Christmas ki tayyari kar rahe the. Mere sasural me sab log mere vyavhaar se aur sab ko izzat dene ki wajah se bahut khush the. Maine pahle hi likha hai ki mere saas...
Ham ne, maine aur mere pati ne apni chhuttiyan Shimla me manane ka nishay kiya. Mere pati ne wahan Shimla me hamare rahne ke liye ek bangla kiraye par le liya tha. Ham dono baahut hi khush the aur Shimla ke thande aur khoobsurat mausam me, sath sath samay bitane aur mazedaar chudai karne ke liye betaab the. Ham pahle bhi wahan jaa chuke the , par us waqt ham ek hotel me ruke the. Is baar jyada maze ke liye, jyada ekaant ke liye aur jyada chudai ke liye hamne bangla book kiya tha. Ham wahan...
Taarikh – 18 December 2009 ye meri jindgi ka bahut mahatvapurn din tha. Marriage court me hamari arzi dene ke baad, court ke aadesh ke anusaar main, mera premi Ramesh, mere aur Ramesh ke mata pita, mere chacha, kuch nazdeeki rishredaar aur dost court me haazir the. Aaj meri kanooni shadi hone wali thi apne premi Ramesh ke sath. Mere mata pita aur Ramesh ke mata pita ne gavahi ke hastakshar kiye aur maine aur Ramesh ne ek doosre ko shadi ki anguthi pahnai, mala pahnai aur ab ham kanooni roop...
Mera naam gouatam sharma hai age 25, hai or main barelly se hoon. Dikhne me almost hansome hun mera email Meri family me mummy papa main goutam 25 or meri choti behan nidhi age 23 or 15 sal ka chota bhai hai chintu hai.. Yeh kahani meri aur meri khud ki sagi behan nidhi ki hai.Yeh baat main kabhi kiso ko nahi batata lekin jub maine indiasexstory per sabki apni behan k sath hui sex life story padi toh mera bhi mann hua ki aap logo apni haali ki hui apni behan k sath wali sex life share...
Ye us samay ki baat hai jab main apne pati ke sath Goa, apne sasuraal gai thi kuch dino ke liye. Mere pati to char din wahan mere sath rahne ke baad wapas Delhi jaane wale the par mera wahan kuch aur dino tak rukne ka iraada tha. Wo barsaat ka mausam tha aur ye kahani bhi usi barsaat ke mausam ki ek toofani raat ki hai jab bahar barsaati toofan tha aur andar chudai ka toofan tha. Maine apna raat ka khana jaldi hi apne saas sasur ke sath khaa liya tha. Mere pati apne doston ke sath bahar gaye...
Main Angelina se Goa me mili to wo mujhe bahut khush lagi. Usme muje bataya ki uska pati chudai me bahut hoshiyaar hai aur kafi mazboot bhi hai. Wo use kareeb kareeb roz hi chodta hai aur chudai ka poora maza deta hai. Usne mujhe bataya ki kaise uska pati usko alag alag tareekon se, kafi der tak chodta hai. Main ye jaan kar bahut khush hui ki meri sab se pyari, sab se achhi saheli bhi meri tarah chudai ka poora maza le rahi hai aur apne pati se chudai me poori tarah santusht hai. Main ek aam...
Pyare Doston, Main, aap ki Julee, hazir hun apna ek aur hangama aur chudai ka karnaama – CHUT CHUDAI CAR ME. Jo tareef mujhe mili hai aur jitne mail mujhe roz milte hain, us se main bahut khush hun ki itne logon ne meri chudai ko, mere likhne ko pasand kiya hai. Maine aisa nahi socha tha ki main itni famous ho jaaoini ki kuch log mujh se jalne lag jaayenge. Jalne wale jalte rahe, main parwah nahi karti. Mera maan na hai ki pyar aur chudai sab samajik bandhan se upar hai aur jab pyar karne...
Main Mohan fm hayrana se kafi mahino ke baad es site pe apni ek new kahani lekar aaya kahani aaj se thik 8 saal pahle ki hai aasha karta hun ki pahle ke tarah es baar bi mujhe aap aapna aecha response doge. Story padne se pahle land wale apna land hath main nikal le aor chut wali apni chut main ungli karma suru kar de because kahani bahut interested hai vaise to aap ko peta hi hai mere hathiyar aor power ke bare main phir kuch new reader ke liye beta deta hun mera land 9.5 inch longa and...
Mey is qabil to nahi key apna taruf aap ko kerwaon laikin meri kahani key liye zarori hey is liye majbori hyemera naam Shukwinder hey..mey UAE mey kaafi arsey sey rehaish pazeer honaaya to kaam key liye tha yeh mulk kuch aisa bhaya key wapsi ka khayal hi nahi aayaab scohta ho kash apney mulk wapis hi challa jata to kitna acha hotaaaj yeh shermnaak kahani meri to na hoti ..mey is ka aik kirdaar to na hotaapney zameer ki naqabil-e-berdhast takleef to jheltakhair merey saath jo kuch mey...
Koi khas mauka ya koi khas baat nahi thi par mere pati mere liye kuch sexy dress kharidna chahte the. Sham ko, unke oggice se wapas aane ke baad ham nazdeek ke shopping mall me gaye jo hamare ghar se kuch hi duri par tha. Mall nazdeek hone ki wajah se ham dono paidal hi jaa rahe the. Unhone bade pyar se mera hath pakad rakha tha aur ham chalte huye shopping mall me pahunch gaye. Main khus thi ki w mujhe sexy dress ka tohfa dena chahte the. Un ko pata tha ki mujhe sexy dress pahan na bahut...
Hi everybody mey ISS ki bari fan hoon iski pahele bhi mey iss pe ek khani likha. ajj ki kahani meri sadi ki pahele ek ghotna pe hey. agar app logo ko meri story pasand aya to muje jarur mail korna iss id pe. Mey ek middle class family se hoon. Mey 25 saal ki sadisuda aurat hoon. Dekhne mey mey kafi sundoor hoon iss liye choti umor sei mardo ka najor meri upor aa jata tha. Meri fig 34c/28/32 hey rong bhi ghora hey. Mey kisi bhi dress pe kafi sexy najor ati hoon khas kor ke short skirt tops &...
Mere pyare doston………. Main bahut khusi mehsoos kar rahi hun ki aap logon ne bahut achhe achhe aur pyare pyare sexy comments diye hai meri chudai ki dastaan padh kar. Jyadatar pathakon ko meri chudai ki dastaan bahut hi pasan aayi aur unhone bahut kuch naya sikha hai, ye unki mail se pata chalta hai. Kuch log mere chacha se chudwane ko galat samjhte hai. Mujhe baar baar ye safai dene ki jaroorat mehsoos nahi hoti ki maine jo kiya, wo thik tha us samay, warna pata nahi mera kya hota aur main kis...
Pyare Doston, Main aap ki Julee, pesh karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan, aur batati hun aap ko apni ek bahut hi khash chudai ke baare me, maine khule aasmaan ke neeche, dariya kinaare apne pati se chudwaya par bina kisi ki nazar me aaye. Padhiye aur aap bhi maza lijiye meri shandaar chudai ka. Main ek baar phir se Goa me thi apne pati ke sath. Is baar ham apna Christmas aur Naya saal apne maata pita aur apne saas sasur ke sath manane aaye the. Main apne Goa me aane ke baad pahle do din apne...
Ham ko, mujhe aur mere pati ko, unke ek dost ne raat ke khane par bulaya tha. Wo friday ka din tha. Mere pati ke dost ka ghar Gurgaon me tha jo ki hamare ghar se thoda door tha kyon ki hamara ghar to Delhi me hai. Ham wahan sham ko pahunche aur ham ne unke dost aur unki wife ke sath bahut achha samay bitaya. Raat ka khana bahut achha tha. Khane ke pahle ham ne unke drawing room me baith kar drinks bhi kiya tha. Pahle drinks aur uske baad me khana, in sab me kafi raat ho gai thi. Un ke dost ne...
Yeh kahani meri saheli ki hai .. Mera Naam Nargis hai .. Mai ek muslim parivar ki beti hoon mere ghar mai meri ek chhoti bahen hai aur ammi hai .. mere abbu ka entekal kuchh salon pahele ho gaya tha.. unke jane ke baad meri ammi ke bhaiyon ne bhi humpe se hanth kinch liya ab sare pariwar ki zimmedari mere upper aa gai thi .. Mai karti bhi kya padai khatam karke ek achhi se naukri karna chahti thi.. mai dusri ladkiyon ki tarah kabhi apni life ji hi nahi paai har kadam pe samjhauta hi karti rahi...
Hi Friends this is Shweta from Delhi. Well My previous sex experinces has been narrated by the Abshiek but due to the some problems he cann’t carry on with his stories and my own sex experience. So now I am here to tell your experiences. Well My name is Shweta from New Delhi, working as a housewife and mother of the 3 kids. I am 32 years old and my sex life it was not so good before the Abshiek came into my sex life and fuck me hard. About myself fair in complex, nice and soft breast( or you...
Pyare padhne walon, Main aap ki chaheti sexy Julee, pesh karti hun apna ek aur chudai ka kaarnama. Ye bhaag mujhe pahle likhna tha kyon ki iske baad ki dastaan main likh chuki hun. khair koi baat nahin, main jaanti hun ki jab bhi likhungi, aap logon ko pasand aayega. kabhi kabhi to mujhe hansi aati hai ye soch kar ki meri to chudai hoti hai aur aap log meri chudai ka maza leten hain. main kabhi bhi sach likhne se peeche nahi hati hun bhale hi wo sach kitna hi kadwa ho. main jaanti hun ki...
Hi, Sabhi ISS Readrs ko ek bar phir se mera aur meri phooli hui choot ka salaam. Jaisa ki aap sabhi jaante hai ki mai Bihar ke chhapra district ki rahne wali hun. Meri pehli kahani ‘Meri Kahani-1’ ka aap logo ne bahut achhaa response diya aur bahut se logo ne mujhe mail karke apne sujhav bhi diye aur presentation ki taarif bhi ki. Mai un sabhi logo ko IIS ke jariye unki mails aur pyar ke liye thanks kehti hu. Dusra bhag likhne me deri ki wajah se mai aap logo se maafi chahti hu. Sabhi ladkiyon...
Pyare doston, Main, aap ki juicy Julee pesh karti hun phir se apni chudai ka e ek aur khel jo maine khela tha kareeb 12/13 saal pahle jab main college me padhti thi aur maine apne premi Ramesh ( Ab mera husband ) ko apne ghar bulaya tha chudwane ke liye. Hum dono ne chudai ki aur itni shaandar, itni chakachak chudai ki jo aaj bhi mujhe achhi tarah yaad hai. Aap ko to pata hai ki jab main 18 saal ki thi, tab se chudwa rahi hun. Tab se lekar ab tak maine kareeb kareeb roz hi chudwaya hai. Aap...
Pyare Doston, Jindgi me sirf chudai ke baare me likhna ek kathin kaam hai aur khas kar ke ek ladki ke liye. Jaisa ki maine aap ko bataya hai, maine alag alag prakaar se chudai karwaai hai aur wo aap ko batatne me kabhi bhi peeche nahi rahi hun. Mere raaste me kai rukawaten aayi, kuch log mujhe pasand nahi karte, shayad wo mere unke sath chudwane ko naa kahne ki wajah se mujhe pasand nahi karte. Maine pahle hi kaha hai ki apni chudai ke baare me likhne ka ye matlab nahi hai ki koi bhi mujhe...
Bahut se log aise hai jo samajhten hain maine apni chudai ke baare me likha hai to koi bhi mujhko chod sakta hai. Bahut se ladke aise hai jo kisi bhi keemat par mujhe chodna chahten hain. Un sabhi ko main yahan batadun ki maine meri apni chudai ki kahani likhi hai aur unhone padhi hai to iska ye matlab nahi hai koi bhi mujhe chod sakta hai ya main kisi se bhi chudwa lungi. Khair, meri jindgi ki kahani hi aisi hai ki har koi garam ho jaata hai. Main un sab se kahna chahti hun ki sapna dekhne me...
MERI CHUDAI KI DASTAAN PART – 16 BAHAR GAI CHUDWANE ( Hindi virson of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – OUTDOOR SEX ) Main apni chudai ki jindgi bahut hi khoobsurat dhang se, jis tarah main chahti hun, usi tarah jee rahi hun. Jindgi me chudai ke siway bahut se kaam hai, bahut si jimmedariyan hai, par main khush hun aur mujhe garv hai ki main har kaam aur har jimmedari nibhate huye bhi hamesha apne pati se apni chudai ka bharpoor anand liya hai aur le bhi rahi hun. Is baat ka bahut sara sharey mere...
Apko padhke such nahi lagega. Lekin mai tha hi aisa. isme meri koi galti nahi hai. Mai apko wo kahani batata hu. Mai mere mata pitaka akela ladka tha. Muje malum nahi kyo mere pitajine aur ek bachcha paida nahi kiya. Waise mera Maa to bahut sunder aur jawan dikhati thi. Maa aur pita dono kam per jate the. Maa teacher thi aur pitaji sarkari office me kam karte the. Hamara ghar ek gaon me tha isleye maa aur pita dono shahar me kam ke liye jate the. Ghar me mai akela aur meri grandmaa thi. Jabse...
Mera naam Manisha hai. Main Pune ki rahne wali hoon. Mera rang gora, badan slim, baal ek dam kaale aur bahut lambe aur aankhe bhoori hain. Meri shadi 6 mahine pahle 18 saal ki umar mein Dipak ke sath huyi hai. Dipak bhi 20 saal ka hai. Dipak ek dam dubla patla aur bahut hi kamzor hai. Dipak ka ek Friend Hi Rahul jo unse umar mein 5 saal Bada hai. Wo ek dam hattha kattha hai aur uska badan ek dam gatheela hai. Wo dikhane mein handsome hai.Rhul hamara famili friend hai wo hamare samne hai rah ta...
Aank 31 wa dusra part jo aapnae pahalae pada tha. Shanivaar ki subeh thi, hum donno, main aur mera pati nae yae nischay kiya kae hum gharmain hi apni judai ki game chalu rakhangae jitna chahae utna ek dusrae ko mazaa dengae dusri din ki subeh tak. Shanivaar ki subeh hum dono nangae ghar main ghum rahe thae, hum nae nashta bhi nangae hokar hi kiya, nashtae kae waqt hum ek dusrae kae jhul rahe aango kae sath khel rahe thae jaisae hi nashta khtam hua mera pati nae mujhae apni baho main uthaya aur...
Pyare Doston Main, aap ki Julee, phir se aap ke beech hun aur pesh karti hun apni Chudai ki Dastaan ka agla bhaag, Do Chut Rani, Ek Lund Raja. Padhiye aur maza lijiye is samuhik sambhog ka. Yahan par main aap sabhi padhne walon ka dhanywaad karna chahti hun jinhone Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan ko pasand kiya aur apne comments mujhe mail kiye. Padhne walon ke beech itna prasiddh hona mere liye bahut garv ki baat hai. Ye bhi sach hai ki popular hone ke baad jalne walon ki taadaat bhi badh jaati hai....
Hi I am Rohit Kumar. Main apko ek ghatna batane ja raha hoon. Ye ghatna mere sath hui hai. Ek admi ne, jiska naam Abdul hai, usne meri biwi ko choda mere samne. Aur woh abhi bhi meri biwi ko chodta hai. Main story par aata hoon. Main aur meri biwi ek acchi sex life jee rahe the. Achanak ye ghatna hui. Main apko apni biwi ke baare main bata du. Meri biwi kaa naam Seema hai. Meri biwi ki umar 39 years hai. Meri biwi ek dam typical Indian house wife hai.Uski ass 44″ ke hai aur boobs 40 size ke...
Hi, Mera naam Rani hai. Sabhi ISS Readrs ko mera aur meri phooli hui choot ka salaam. Mai Bihar ke chhapra district ki rahne wali hun. Mai ISS ki kahaniya pichhle teen saal se pad rahi hu aur in kahaniyo ko pad kar maja le rahi hun. Yeh meri pehli kahani hai kisi bhi site par aur ye kahani sachhi ghatna par adharit hai par ise chatpata, sexy aur land/choot ka ras girane ke liye isme maine thodi si milawat ki hai but mool ghatana bilkul satya hai. Sabhi ladkiyon aur aurton se mera anurodh hai ki...
Pyare Doston Main, aap ki Julee, pesh karti hun apne jeevan ke pahle Samuhik Sambhog ki dastaan, apne premi aur us ki premika ke sath chudai ka pahla anubhav. Main jaanti hun ki bahut si ladkiyan hogi jinhone meri tarah chudai karwai hai par wo shayad apne anubhav gupt rakhna chahti hai, kisi ko baantna nahi chahti. Par mera maan na alag hai, main apne chudai ke anubhav sab ke saath share karne me vishwaas karti hun taki padhne wale us ka lutf uthayen aur kuch sikh sakten hai to sikhe. Agar...
hi frndz,, meri kahani meri self Reshmi, 23 years ,hight 168cm,34-26-36 my size, rang gori, bal kahani me apko batane ja rahi hu, yeh meri apbiti hei, meri sadi ho chuki hei, avi koi bachche nehi hei. yeh oos din ki baat hei jab me peheli baar sadi k baad sasural ai thi. ekchuli sasural to naam ki thi, unke ghar par onke alawa aur koi nehi the... mujhse unhone court may sadi kiye the, sadi karke unhone mujhe sidhe apne ghar lekar aye. raat k uswaqt 7.30 ho chuki thi. unhone...
Hi friends meri naam hai Dipika aur mein bhubeneswar me rehti hu aur meri height 5’4 hai aur meri Age 24 Figure hai 34-Doodh-30-kamar 36-Gand aur mujhe young boy zyada like hai Mai is ski 5 saal se reader hoon tooh mai soch li kyun mai b meri ek story share karungi aur ye story meri aur meri bhatija ki hai, mein unke bhare me batata hu unki age 22 hai aur height 5’10 hai wo bohot smart v hai meri mail id hai Meri family mai aur meri husband ki bade bhai unki patni aur unke ek betarehte hain...
Hello friend’s mera naam Vicky hai.aaj mai aap logo ko aisi story batane jaa raha hu jise padh kar aap log ko ye pata chalega ki kaise ek bete ki galtiyo se uski mummy kisi aur se chud gayi. Agar aaplogo ko meri story pasand aaye toh mujhe mail kijiyega mera mail id hai Mere ghar me mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi hai meri didi kam nam priya hai aur vo Bangalore ke ek engineering college mai padhti hai pahle mai aapko apni mummy ke bare mai bata du meri mummy ka nam varsha singh hai vo...
Main apni jindgi me chudai ke maze me poora vishwas rakhti hun aur ek achchi chudai ke liye tayyar rahti hun. Bahut se padhne wale sochten hai ki main bahut chudakkad hun aur koi bhi mujhe chod sakta hai. Mostly readers mujhko chodna chahte hai, ye unki mail se pata chalta hai. Haan………. main bahut sexy hun, par sab ko pata hona chahiye ki main apne chacha aur apne premi se chudwa kar poori tarah santust hun. Jab bhi mera chudai ka man hota hai, chacha aur premi tayyar hai, aur jab unke lund...
Pyare Doston Main aap sab ki sexy Julee, pesh karti hun apni chudai ka ek aur kaarnama, Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan ka part No. 27, Ek Lund Ka Raja Aur Do chut Ki Rani. Jaisa ki aap samajh gaye hi honge ki ye part samuhik sambhog ke baare me hai. Ye ek lambi kahani hai isliye maine isko do bhaagon me likha hai kyon ki main nahi chahti hun ki koi bhi baat likhne se rah jaaye. Padhne ke baad aap ko pata chalega ki ye koi sadharan samuhik sambhog ki dastaan nahi hai. Jaisa ki maine apni pahle ki...
Is story mein ek buddha watchmanjo hamare ghar ke samne jo baithta hai, meri biwi ko apna pyaar jatata hai aur biwi us pyaar ka inaam deti hai…. Jaise aapko pata hai hum dono bahut kinky hain aur hame try karna pasand hai sex mein…..Yeh ek fantasy hai hamari jo hum shaayad kabhi sach ker dein….. Hamare ghar ke samne he colony ka gate tha jis per ek buddha watchman tha….Woh raat ko aata tha…Kareeb 60 ka hoga aur bahut helpful tha….Hame us per pura bharosa tha….Ek baar mera plan ban gaya bahaar...
Hi mera naam Sama hai aur ye meri doosri story hai aap k samnay.hamare ghar me hum teen log rehte hai. mere dad, meri mom, aur mai.jaisa k main nay aap ko apni pehli kahani mien bataya k hum Lahore k bohat populated area Rang Mehal mien rehtay ne apne aap ko ghar ke kaamo me uljha liya tha.papa business mien masroof rehtay.meray liye kisi k pass time he nahi tha siwaye mery tuition students k.main bohat khubsurat larki hoon mera figure 36,27, 38 yani bohat sexy hai.gora badan,lachakti...
Mai apne chudai ki dastan suna rahi hu mai apne boy friend jisese mai chudi thi usaka name badal kar story mai rakesh likugi. agar kai larki sex ka maja lene chhati ho ya sexy baatai karna chati ho to mere boy friend ko mail kare uska mai id hai Rajni Didi kitni badal gayi in dino. Mujhe to yakeen hi nahi ho paa raha tha ki shaadi ke teen saal baad Didi ko itne modern outfit me dekhungi. Kahan hum dono bahne Chhatisgarh ke Durg me rahne waali seedhi saadi ladkiyan kahan aaj western outfit me...
Rajkumar ji ka ling unke ghane balon ke beech khada hua jhatke kha raha tha. Maine use ek baar apni mutthi me lekar uske upar ki chamdi ko upar neeche kiya aur fir chhod diya. Meri is harkat se unke ling ke upar ek boond Precum chamakne laga. Rajkumarji ne apne sookhte huye honthon par apni jeebh fira kar mujhe skirt utarne ke liye ishara kiya. Maine Skirt ke elastic me apni ungliyan daal kar unki taraf dekhi. Unki ankhen meri skirt se chipki hui thi. Wo utawle huye ja rahe the. Maine unhe...
hello dosto main Huma apni ek nai kahani le kar hazir hoon jiss ke andar ek baap apni bebas beti ki mast chudayi karta hai. Umeed hai aap issko pasand karenge. mera email id hai Mera naam Yogi hai. Main dikhne mein koi 28-30 saal ka lagta hoon kion ki main bahut varjish karta hoon aur fit hoon. Meri umar 39 saal ki hai aur meri patni Sushma ki maut 15 saal pehle ho gayi thee. Main Nai Delhi mein ek dukandar tha aur ba main mein Gurgaon mein kheti badi karta hoon. Meri ek beti hai Suman jisski...
MERI BETI KANCHAN I am Huma, with another hot story. It is incest story of my uncle who had been living a life of abstinence after the death of his wife. Hope you will like this stories in which I have changed names to maintain secrecy about the characters. Mera naam Satish Chander hai aur main Sonipat, Haryana ka rehne wala hoon. Meri umar 52 saal ki hai aur main school mein Hindi padhata hoon. Meri biwi Surbhi ka intkaal aaj se 10 saal pehle ho gaya tha aur tab se main apni beti Kanchan ke...
IncestHello dosto. Aasha hai aap logo ko pichla part pasand aaya hoga. Javed aur meri Mallu mummy Leela. Dono ek dusre ko seduce karne ka try karte hai. Ab aage: Mummy bhi ab puri garam ho gayi thi aur unhone kuch nahi bola. Fir Javed bola, “Aar aur tight karenge to aapki chuchiyan dab jayegi.” Mummy: Lekin mujhe to apni chuchiyan utha ke rakhni hai. Javed ne mummy ki aankho mein dekha aur bola, “Aapko chuchiyan uthane ki kya jarurat hai. Aap ki to chuchiyan ek dam kadak hai.” Mummy Javed ko dekhti...
Kahani meri aur mere college ki ek professor ki hai.Unki age karib 45 yrs hogi dekh ne main thode handsome hai.Aap ko mere bare main bata deti hoon.My name ki tina aur meri umar 22 yrs hai aur figure 34:28:34 hai aur main kafi sexy hoon. Ab kahani pe ati hoon.Mere professor ka naam aditya tha woh mujhe kafi pasand karte the par main unke is chahat ko kabhi feel nahin ki thi.Par kabhi kabhi mehsus hoti thi par samajh nahin pati thi.Kuch din baad mere kuch friends ne is bare main bataya toh main...
( Hindi version of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – ANOTHER FACE OF SEX ) Main apne pati ke paas delhi aa gai thi Goa me 15 din rahne ke baad. Goa me rahte huye maine Anju ke sath lesbian sex ka khel khela tha. Mere bahut se chahne walon ne apni mail me likha hai ki chudai me asantusht aurat ko chod kar santusht karna ek samaj seva hai. Main to hamesha hi chudai aur chudai ko pyar karne walon ko pyar karti hun. Main aur mere pati abhi abhi South Africa me football ka world cup dekh kar lauten hain....
Hello dosto, asha hai aapko pochla part pasand aaya hoga aur aap logo ne jamke lund hilaye honge. Meri Mallu mummy Leela ko imagine karke muth maari hogi. To ab story pe aate hai: Main – Thik hai sir. Lekin ek shart hai. Rathore sir – Kya beta? Main – Aap jab mummy ko chodoge, to mere saamne chodna padega. Rathore sir to aur khush ho gaye. Rathore sir – Bilkul beta. Main – Thik hai. Aap yahi ruko. Main aata hu. Fir main mummy ke room mein chala gaya. Mummy bed pe ekdum nangi...
IncestHello dosto, asha hai aapko pochla part pasand aaya hoga aur aap logo ne jamke lund hilaye honge. Meri Mallu mummy Leela ko imagine karke muth maari hogi. To ab story pe aate hai: Main – Thik hai sir. Lekin ek shart hai. Rathore sir – Kya beta? Main – Aap jab mummy ko chodoge, to mere saamne chodna padega. Rathore sir to aur khush ho gaye. Rathore sir – Bilkul beta. Main – Thik hai. Aap yahi ruko. Main aata hu. Fir main mummy ke room mein chala gaya. Mummy bed pe ekdum nangi...
IncestMera nam ritu hai age 27 hai. Mai ak function mai nasik gai thi, function wale din mai nai lahnga or choli pahni thi. Mai nai lahnga apni toondi ki niche bandha tha. Meri choli bhut tight thi or dono boobs ak kabotaro ki tarah aazad hone ko tyar the (my size 36-32-34) . Aaj subah hi mai nay kajal say kaha ki aaj meri choot bht tadap rahi is k ched mai koi mota sa dunda dal do. Kajal nai pucha ki teri choot ak dam say burger ki taarah phool rahi hai, mai nai kaha man kar raha hai ki meri choot...
Hello dosto Mera naam Ajay hai, meri shadi 3 saal pahley hui thi. Meri biwi bahut sundar hai jiska naam Neelam hai. Uski figure 34 28 34 hai. Mer sabhi dost mujhey bahut lucky mantey hain ki mujhey itni sundar biwi mil gayi. Lekin meri ek samsya hai. Asal main mera lund kwal 4 inch ka hai aur bahut patla hai. Isliye main shuruaat main shadi nahi karna chahta tha. Meri maa ne bahut sare rishtey dihaye lekin apni kamjori ke karan maine saare rishtey thukra diye. Lekin jab mainey Neelam ki photo...
Mere pyare doston, Jaisa ki maine apni pichhli dastaan me waada kiya tha, main aap ki Julee phir se haazir hun apni chudai ki dastaan ka agla bhaag le kar. Hamesha ki tarah is baar bhi aap ko pata chalega ki maine apni jindgi me chudai ka koi bhi mauka nahi chhoda hai aur meri aaj ki dastaan is ka taaja udaharan hai. To, bina aap sab ka jyada waqt liye, main shuru karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan ki kaise maine Neeta ko apna lesbian partner banaya. Sham ka waqt tha aur main apne ghar me akeli...
Main apni normal life enjoy kar rahi thi aur saath hi saath apni secret chudai ki life bhi enjoy kar rahi thi apne chacha ke sath. Meri chudai chacha ke sath bina kisi ko pata chale aaram se chal rahi thi. Abhi bhi, jab bhi mauka milta hai, main apne maa – baap ko chudai karte huye jaroor dekhti thi aur chudai mere jeevan ka ek jaroori hissa ban gayi thi. Maine apne chacha se chudai ke baare me bahut kuch ya yun kahiye ki sab kuch jaan liya tha aur main apne aap ko ab chudai ki expert samajhti...
MERI SEXY JAMADAARNI PRAKASHI Friends her I am again with my new story about my favorite jamadaarni Prakashi. Meri pehli story “ ANAL SEDUCTION OF SONI AUNTY’ shayad aap logon ko pasand aayi hogi. Mera mann to sirf mature desi aunty, moms aur grannies ko chodne mei lagta hai. Meri jamadaarni Prakashi ki umar 46-47 saal thi aur uske mamme 2.5 kgs each the aur moti se chauree se chutad the jin par maine na jaane kiyni baar apna maal bahaya tha. Ek baar mai gahr par akela tha mere parents etc....
Yahan main ek baar phir se dhanyad dena chahti hun apne ek bahut hi pyare reader ka jinhone meri original MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ko aap ki maang par, aap ke maze ke liye hindi me likhne ki mehnat kar rahen hai. Aap logogon ko bhi MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ka hindi virsion khoob khoob pasand aa raha hai jis ka saboot hai mujhe milne wali unginat mail jinka uttar main hamesha dene ki koshis karti hun. To……. pesh hai mera agla chudai ka karnaama…………… Meri umar us samay 18 saal ki thi aur main...
Hello ISS readers aur khas taur se meri kahaniyon ke readers ko mera Aadaab. Main aap logo ki tahe dil se shukraguzaar hoon ki aap logo ne meri stories ko itna achchha response diya hai. Mujhe itne jyada mails aate hain ki main bata nahi sakti. Main koshish karti hoon ki sabko jawab doon. Agar kabhi kisi ko jawab likhne mein mujhse kuchh deri ho jaaye to please mujhse khafa mat hoyiyega. Main koshish karti hoon ki delay na ho. Aap logo ne meri kahani ke 2 part padhe hain jismein maine apne...
Hi indian sex stories dot net stories Me resmi ek middle class family se hu.Meri mummy k death k bad papa ne ek bahut hi gori aur jawan aurat se saadi kar liya.Es saadi se sare ristedar aur colony wale hum se naraz aur dur rehne lage.Mera bhai dev bhi ghar se dur job k liye padae karne jane laga.Bhai bola ki jab job mil jayega to tumse bhi yaha se le jaunga.Nae mummy bahut achchi thi woh bhi bhai ko rokne ki koshish ki lekin bhai use bhi randi bhosri gali de k gusse se ghar se chala gya.Es...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Me resmi ek bar fir apne choot se ek kahani nikal k aapko sunane ja rhi hu.Meri muslim family me saat log h mummy papa do bhai soyeb aur sakil aur hum tin behne resmi farah aur soni.Hum sare bhai behen jawan the aur ek dusre se sirf do ya tin saal chhote bare the.Papa dubai me job karte the.Bari family hone k karan me sakil k saath soti thi.Soyeb aur farah ek saath.Mummy aur soni ek saath.Es tarah bhai beheno me kafi pyar tha,aur mummy bhi humse khus rehti...
Hi dosto.Kaise hai aap log.Asha karta hu sabhi maje me honge. Ab story aage badhate hai. To aap log jaante hai ki meri mallu mummy leela ab chudasi ho chuki this.Aur use ab kisi bade lode ki jarurat thi apni chut ki pyaas bhujane ke liye. Ab jaise hi suresh ne apna lund meri mummy ki nangi gaand se sataya , meri mummy ke muh se ek kamuk siskari nikali.Aaahhhhhhh.Ohhhhhhh.Issssss. Ab suresh ne apne haath aage bada ke meri mummy ke boobs pakad liye aur dheere dheere wo mummy ke boobs masalne...