Franz free porn video

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The year was 1901; the final year of my music studies at the conservatory.

Franz was about ten years older than me and occasionally visited our class to lecture or give instruction as he was too young to acquire the position of a professor at the time, though he was on good terms with all of the teachers and many of the students. A respected young conductor, he was a mentor of sorts to me, having already achieved the status I could only dream of someday nearing.

I rather looked up to him but he had always treated me as an equal, despite the differences in our age and social standing. Somehow his status was never an issue between us, or at least he never gave me cause to feel that it was, and I was immensely proud of the fact that I had earned his respect at such a young age.

He had seen potential in me and it was as though he had already given me credit in advance for the greatness he was certain I would inevitably achieve. We’d always got on quite well as colleagues, and over time we’d developed something akin to a professional friendship.

He was a handsome, accomplished man of about 30 and was married to an attractive woman from Salzburg who was a couple of years his senior. I’d met and spoken to her on numerous occasions when I’d had the honour of being invited to dine with them at their beautiful home in one of the nicer parts of the city.

In comparison, the scruffy 25m ² behind the Westbahnhof I returned to every evening was a constant reminder to me of my lowly position in society, at least for the time being.

I would never have dreamt of inviting any of my peers back to my modest dwelling, let alone the great conductor himself. But as chance would have it, one evening after attending a spectacularly performed Handel concert, he invited himself. It was not the only surprise fate had in store for me that night.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Our first stop after the performance was a local Kaffeehaus where we had a satisfying go, as usual, at picking apart each detail concerning the orchestra, good-naturedly finding fault where we could. He’d already ordered his second cup of melange and I was still working on my first. The man loved his caffeine and was a regular at half of the cafes around the city.

After having finished our coffee, we moved out into the unusually warm October evening, chatting all the while—him doing most of the talking and myself agreeing or contributing when appropriate. Despite our being jovial with one another, you should probably be aware, as I was, that the fact that he was older and more accomplished than me played something of a power role in our relationship. Although we were friends in our private time, to me he was always my teacher in the first line.

We’d not agreed on a set destination, opting instead to amble aimlessly along the streets and through the parks of Vienna. It was only when I heard him say “You live around here, isn’t that right, Gustav?” that I realised we’d happened upon the vicinity of my street.

I’d been so engrossed in our discussion I hadn’t paid attention to where we were going. Somewhat ashamed, I nodded.

Without a hint of sarcasm or judgement Franz exclaimed, “Well then, you shall have to give me the grand tour!” and began walking toward my flat. Hesitantly I followed suit, silently cursing myself all the while for having let us end up here.

Somewhat reluctantly I welcomed him into my little home, apologizing for the state of my cramped quarters. He quipped about his own humble beginnings and said something about great men having to start somewhere. This pleasantly surprised me and put me at ease.

I rummaged through my tiny pantry, coming across an expensive bottle of schnapps I’d been given by a fellow student from a wealthier background on my last birthday but had never opened, so I could at least offer him something. There was not a morsel of food in the flat.

He seemed to pay no mind to my underwhelming abode and while I poured our drinks our discussion instantly picked up where it had left off.

We drank to our friendship, to what he termed my “brilliant future” and nearly everything else he could come up with to toast. The clear liquid burned my throat and warmed my belly. I was soon feeling relaxed and content, and finding it much easier to chat animatedly with Franz.

We carried on conversing well into the evening, pleasantly passing the hours. With a few drinks inside us, the barriers between us gave way to a comfortable frankness usually shared between good friends of considerable years.

The sun had long since set and evening had fallen. Franz was on the subject of the fairer sex by the time I’d got up to light the lamp. Its glow bathed the room in the dimmest of light, but it was rather cosy. We’d got through about half of the liquor by now, the subject matter of our conversation growing progressively raunchier the more we drank.

His inhibitions dulled, he meandered onto the topic of sex. And although an unorthodox area for our discussions thus far, it was not at all unwelcome or unpleasant. Soon he was boastfully regaling me with tales of his conquests during his years at the conservatory, some in subtle terms, others in surprisingly forthright detail. This adds a whole new dimension to the man, I thought as I listened to his portrayals of an oversexed youth so similar to myself, and I could effortlessly picture the scenarios he laid out for me.

He then probed me about my own adventures, asking me whether the girls at the conservatory were as sex mad as he’d known them to be during his own studies. I blushed slightly at the bluntness of his question. It instantly summoned back images of my own hours with those very girls and I felt a stirring in my stomach. I muttered a hushed reply that I did not know.

“Ah, you are a dark horse, Gustav!” he replied with a broad smile. I was struck by an intense look of tenderness in his eyes I’d never seen before. Not knowing what to say, I simply smiled back and had another drink, which he did as well.

It all happened so suddenly I barely had time to react.

His drink still in his right hand, his free left hand fell to his crotch and he began rubbing himself as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

It was only then that I became aware of his aroused state, of the clear outline of his erection straining against the material of his trousers. I felt a sort of subdued awe at his shamelessness regarding his arousal, and I felt my own body swiftly responding in turn.

It was unreal. My cock automatically stiffened in response to the anticipation of sex.

Fuelled by a mix of curiosity, lust and intoxication, Franz grew bolder.

“Come here.”

He said it softly, but the tone of his voice rather urged more than asked me to comply.

I was confused and flustered, my pulse quickening. I couldn’t believe this was really happening. It was more like a strange dream in which the dreamer knows he is dreaming. Feeling hot and uncomfortable I obediently moved closer to him, averting his gaze.

There was a moment of silence. Franz nipped at his drink and set it down on the table. Then, taking mine from my hands, he set it down next to his. Our eyes met briefly.

“Give me your hand,” he said, lowering his gaze to indicate where he meant (as though it were necessary).

His voice was quite calm. Not believing I had understood him correctly, my puzzled expression must have betrayed my bewilderment.

“Christ, Gustav, don’t be so uptight,” he countered, slightly impatient.

He sounded a bit tipsy but was still his lucid self.

His eyes fell on mine, a slight grin adorning his face as he slowly undid his trousers, freeing up his rigid erection.

“Here. Touch me,” he repeated.

Hesitantly I reached out my hand and brought it to his proud erection. It was incredibly hard. And hot. It responded immediately to my touch. It was the first time I had touched another man’s cock. Strange sensation though it was, it was not at all repulsive to me.

I heard his breath escape his throat in a quiet moan of pleasure. Though my focus was fixed on what I was holding in my hand, I could feel his eyes upon me.

My mind was spinning slightly now from the alcohol and the rush of blood forced to my head from my racing heart. Some distant but present part of me found this undeniably arousing and I was struggling to come to terms with that.

His hand closed around mine and began slowly moving it up and down the length of his shaft. I silently consented and he left me to it.

I carefully began pleasuring him as I would myself, my fingers wrapped tightly around his foreskin, moving my hand steadily up and down and hoping he was finding it pleasurable.

Franz breathed deeply and sat back, seemingly enjoying it.

This is a lot more difficult than it looks, I recall thinking to myself. I’d instructed girls in the proper ways of manual pleasure on several occasions, guided their movements in such a way as to insure the utmost gratification for myself. Finding myself now in a position where I had to give pleasure to another man was, however, a different matter altogether. As uncomfortable as my position was, Franz was my mentor and I wanted to please him.

After some time he stopped me and told me to have another drink. He pressed the glass into my hand and took over where I had left off, steadily stroking himself. Feeling somewhat affronted, I emptied the contents of my glass in one go, praying the liquid courage would hit me soon.

Franz finished off his drink as well and poured himself and me a new one before settling back into the corner of the sofa. His hand was resting between his legs again, idly running his fingertips along the length of his cock, all the while looking at me but not saying a word. His erection had subsided a bit and so had mine. For a second I wondered if he had noticed my arousal, then decided I didn’t really care if he had.

“You ever had a girl play with you, Gustav?” Franz asked, a little smile gracing his handsome face.

The sexual tension returned again in a heartbeat, only this time I didn’t feel as uncomfortable. In fact I found it rather pleasant. Arousing even.

The last shot of schnapps had gone straight to my head and was doing its work brilliantly. I merely smiled and lowered my gaze in reply.

“I’ll bet you have,” he purred, his eyes studying me… analysing me.

“And? How was it?” he coaxed, genially. “Did you like it?”

I could feel his eyes on me, challenging me to meet his gaze.

Summoning up my strength, I met his glance and held it.

I felt a sudden lurch of desire as I realised how attractive Franz was. It was not entirely dissimilar to the feeling of falling for a girl, I remember thinking with amazement.

“The best is when a really beautiful girl takes you with her mouth,” Franz continued as if talking to himself, lost in his own thoughts. His eyes held mine firmly, as if he were trying to see through to my soul, before dropping down to my lips. He’d resumed absent-mindedly running his fingertips up and down the length of his cock, which was now fully engorged and an angry shade of purple.

His words were audibly breathy now.

“Have you ever had a girl suck your cock, Gustav?” His eyes travelled over my face and up and down my body. My heart was pounding. I was hard and wet now, and dying for release. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was.

Swept up by the lust in his voice and his words I nodded yes.

Franz responded with another little smile and tightened his grip around his rigid cock, clearly enjoying the mental picture of a pretty young student going down on me.

“I knew it,” he replied with a grin. “A handsome boy like you, the girls must be throwing themselves at your feet.”

Both flattered and embarrassed, I turned my eyes from his once more.

“Beauty is not a sin, my boy,” Franz said, reaching out and stroking my face.

His eyes lingered on mine for a moment as though trying to communicate something that could not be put into words. Then he picked up his glass and drank eagerly. Wishing to numb my senses and to relieve myself of the burden of rational thought, I did the same.

Replacing his empty glass on the table, Franz commented that he was beginning to feel the drink and settled back again, closing his eyes briefly. Setting my now empty glass down, I rubbed my swollen, aching cock through my trousers. It was so hard it hurt to touch it, so I stopped.

I looked over at Franz, who was still standing proud and had resumed staring at me intently. Without a word he called me to him again and I obeyed. He grabbed me firmly and put his mouth so close to my ear I could feel his lips forming the words. Smell the alcohol on his hot breath. I felt my body tense up.

“Stop. Don’t fight it.”

Before I could fully understand what he meant he had turned me over, roughly and with an urgency which communicated to me that his intentions were not to be questioned. I was too numb and excited to feel scared, though my pulse raced at the thought of what he had in mind for me. He was pulling my clothes off of me and I could feel the familiar sensations of wild, unbridled arousal rising within me.

A gentle cry escaped my throat as he pushed me against the arm of the sofa. I remember clinging to it, feeling my heart fluttering wildly like a caged bird in my chest as I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. He pinned me down with his body so I couldn’t move. I didn’t know if I wanted or was ready for this, but I didn’t attempt to fight it, and instead quickly braced myself for my fate.

Fumbling amateur that he was, he clearly had no clue as to what he was doing and was acting impulsively on pure lust. Consequently, what stands out most clearly in my memories of the experience was the sheer and utter pain of it. His rigid member wet with only his saliva, he pressed it to my anus. I jerked as the discomfort hit me, inadvertently backing toward him as he drove the head of his cock past my ring. It was excruciating.

Before I could recover from the initial pain he had thrust himself deep into me, penetrating me roughly, taking my breath away. The pain was blinding. I felt as though my insides were being ripped from my body. A second, opposing sensation immediately overcame me and I became very aware of my own nagging erection, pressed uncomfortably against my stomach.

I was intoxicated by the alcohol. Overwhelmed by the acute agony and the shock of being fucked by another man, the reality hit me. He was a role model to me. He was a married man, for Christ’s sake! No, this couldn’t be happening.

I weakly struggled to pull my thoughts together as, somewhere far away, I was aware of his weight on me; of my wrists being pinned down by his hands; of him now moving in and out of me steadily in long strokes, boldly having his way with me.

All my other senses were dulled, taking a backseat to the physical pain I was struggling to disconnect from. From somewhere far away I could hear the sound of laboured breathing and after a few moments I realised that at least half of it was my own.

Passively I laid there where Franz had thrown me. The pain was gradually fading into a dull throbbing ache as my body adapted to the onslaught and I willed myself to surrender to the pleasure of what I was experiencing.

My entire body felt numb and warm. The heat produced by my pounding heart and remorseless arousal was so intense, I was now lightly perspiring and I was certain that Franz was as well, despite the coolness of the room.

His thrusts were relentless and showed no signs of letting up. Perhaps it was the drink, or maybe the man was just blessed with inhuman endurance. All I know is that it felt like he’d been fucking me for hours. I had no concept of how long it had really been.

There was no tenderness in the act. No affection. Just sex for its own sake.

The friction of his movements as he pounded into me was fast pulling me closer and closer to the edge. A newfound energy surged through my body and every nerve in me was switched on. I began to moan lightly, only partially aware that I was doing so. I was powerless to do anything but react. Soon I felt my temperature rise further and my muscles tighten as wave after wave of pleasure seized me and an unusually vocal orgasm was wrenched from my body. I’d never felt so uninhibited or come so hard before in my life.

This served to intensify Franz’s passion, and the rhythm of his thrusts increased, his strokes becoming noticeably harder and faster. He was getting closer. He didn’t try to contain his cries as he came inside me. I couldn’t feel anything at that point but I knew he had finished.

His cock still buried deep inside me, he collapsed on top of me and waited for his breathing to return to normal. That was the last thing I remembered.

Physically and mentally exhausted, the room faded to black.

The next morning I awoke curled up in the armchair with a quilt around me. I was naked, my head was pounding and it was cold. I wrapped the blanket more tightly around myself as Franz appeared from the kitchen with a glass of water. He gave me a warm little smile and told me to drink.

“I went to the bakery,” he added. “There’s fresh bread in there if you’re hungry.”

It was as though nothing had happened. For a moment I half-wondered whether last night had all just been a strange dream, but the aching all over my abused body quickly put that theory to rest.

After we’d had breakfast and Franz left, I washed and dressed. I desperately needed affection after what I’d been through. The young woman whose arms I slept in that evening was speechless at the sudden change in me. No sex for once. We just kissed and held each other.

Franz and I never spoke about what happened that night. It was neither shame nor denial. It was just something that had happened and that we silently agreed not to make a big deal about.

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You wake up slowly, and look at your phone. Today is the first day of winter break, and your parents will be spending the break on a cruise, while you were left home with your little sister, Megan. As you get out of bed, you think about your situation, and how to make the best of it. Each option keeps returning to Megan in one way or another. You put these thoughts aside, however, and head into the bathroom, relieving yourself before you step into the shower. You find your mind continually...

2 years ago
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All I Want for ChristmasChapter 3 is My Moms Sweet Love

I still can't believe what happened to me. December 25th 1999 is a day I will never forget. That is the day my mother raped me for the first time. (Merry fucking Christmas you bitch!) I mean it was just cruel and sick and nasty. There is no excuse, no rational explanation for her behavior. It wasn't just that she raped me, it was how she did it, the utterly despicable way she went about it. I guess I'm getting ahead of myself a little. To understand you have to go back a year to the events...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Kadence Marie Oral Cock Surfing

Kadence accidentally dented her stepbros surfboard. She either had to pay for it or get on her knees and suck his fucking dick! She chose the latter of course and got to gargling. Kadence pleased stepbros cock with a wave of licks and sucks. He was so grateful that he blew his load all over her top. He also revealed that the surfboard wasn’t actually his, it was their dads. Kadence was not too happy that she just got roped into a bj, but at least now she has a cock to suck whenever she feels...

3 years ago
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How It All Began Ch14

To describe Jack's predicament as an uneasy situation was understating the tension in the office on Jack's return from Rome. Since his return a few days ago, Jack was on edge expecting repercussions from his forceful renegotiation with Nancy. Monday had been and gone, it was a dreadful day, the revised contracts had arrived with the improved terms and Tanya was delighted. His delight was an act but he was now a 'star negotiator' and Tanya wanted to use his 'skills' to build better...

Straight Sex
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Altered Fates Playing Dress Up

CAUTION: This story has what might be labeled Incest as a small girl is transformed into her Mother and has sex with her Father. If this subject matter is revolting to you please read no further. The TG part in this story is fairly small, but I thought some of you would enjoy it anyway. Warning, this story contains adult material, and if you are under 18, or offended by such material, please read no further. Altered Fates: Playing Dress up By Morpheus...

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Rough Cut Ch 05

Years ago, Kreimer’s Bier Haus on Reading Avenue at the edge of the German District had had a certain elegance. But when Frau Kreimer succumbed to pneumonia, old man Kreimer gave up the façade of respectability. The once jazzed up bar smelled of old carpet and furniture oil. Cigar smoke clung to the ceiling like dirty gilt. The sagging springs on the bar stools embodied the drab anonymity of a thousand shabby lives. With each passing year, Kreimer’s lost a little more class and a little more...

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--- Hormones (Mf, 1st, cheat, cons, inc, oral, impreg, reluc, f-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- I'm blue, I will bleed, I will die I'm in need of a guy. - Misheard lyrics for "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" by Eiffel 65 --- Alie's mother rapped on the bathroom door. "Alison? You okay, honey?" Alie was not okay. She was lying in the fetal position in the bathtub, shaking from the pain of her monthly visit from "Aunt Flo". She was naked from the waist down, her...

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We Loved Each Other Just For 3 Days

Hello friends , I am Karan Mathur, I am from kota rajasthan. I am 27 years old . A guy who is able to satisfied any women with his tool . But I do not like to make relationships with anyone. Just enjoy and forget. So any girl , bhabhi and aunty nearby wants to enjoy mail me at Ab jara kahani pe aate hai. Bat aaj se 3 saal pahle ki hai jab main apne kisi relative ki shadi me banglore gaya tha. Mom dad nahi ja paye to unhone baki relatives ke sath mujhe jane ko kaha. December ka time tha , hum...

2 years ago
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Unjan Anti Ko Choda In Pune

Hi ISS lovers, mera nam Amit he me pune me reheta hu. I am 23 years old. This is my first story. Reply me on So come back to story..Me pune me 1 it company me job karta hu.Ye 1 sal peheleki bata he jub me buss se travel karta tha. Me roj 8 bajeki buss se office jata tha aur buss me mere sath 1 aunti roj aati thi, bad me meri unse janpehechan ho gyi. Unka nam rita tha unki umar karib 35 sal hogi..Magar wo dikhaneme bahota khubsurt thi. Unka figure bhi bahot aacha tha, bade boobs 36 ke jo muze...

4 years ago
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 13

Gordon Mannheim was never an average boy. However, in many ways, especially emotionally, he was like an average boy of his age. He was never truly innocent in the full dictionary meaning of the word, it wasn’t possible in his environment. But in many ways he could have been accurately described as an innocent boy at the start of 2002. Yes, an unusual boy who was legally an adult; one who had already faced and bettered many dangers; one who owns and runs a very successful business. However,...

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Brothers Ball BestChapter 7

Brad Shuman's secretary phoned Shari at her desk and asked her to come to his office. Shari couldn't help going all warm and wet between her thighs as she rode the elevator up to the top floor, where the executive suites were located. She remembered when he had nearly fucked her in the elevator, and then had taken her to the executive washroom and really screwed her hard. The memory made her quiver. After all the heated fucking she had been through since then, she wondered why remembering...

3 years ago
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Increasing Desire Chapter 4 Continuing Education

Separate Rooms“Did everything go well after our last session,” Ivan inquired with true concern as we walked in for our next lesson. I instantly understood what he was asking.“Oh Yes. We had a great time when we got home. Didn’t we, Richard?” I responded. My husband nodded in concurrence as he paid Ivan for today’s lesson. But when my husband cast his eyes toward Kim, I signaled Ivan that I wanted to talk with him alone.“Great,” Ivan said. “This week we will start with the two of you in separate...

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January 6th

It was the twelfth day of Christmas... The Great Detective sat back in his wing back chair. He reached out with the poker and prodded at the remnants of the fire in the grate. A stream of sparks sputtered from the last of the logs and spiralled away up the chimney and out into the night. He turned to the assembled audience who were stood waiting on his every word. The Inspector was there too, looking on with the same bored expression that always accompanied these affairs. He was tired of...

1 year ago
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Altered Fates Freefalling

Freefalling By Elliot Reid My name was Joseph, but now you can call me Jo. I have been through some changes, courtesy of the Medallion. The Medallion appeared out of nowhere. I have no clue how it came to me. One day I didn't have it, the next day it turned up in an old shoebox at the back of the closet. The box was full of junk, the lifetime bric-a-brac you gather like lint; a sewing kit, some nail clippers, a tape measure, lengths of elastic. I was searching for a spare shirt...

1 year ago
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146. ANOTHER REMOTE TRYST.She is 5'6" tall and 36C-30-32 vivacious, and attractive, a divorcee and lives over 100 miles away from me here in Stoke.She is right, handed. Her sex has no hair is waxed with small lips She believes she deserve pain because she is a flirty tart who can't say no to her next orgasm she has had cane once and had crop a few times, and I miss her sorely as ladies of this calibre don’t grow on trees in my area. We will call her Ann for this transcript to save her any...

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My sister and I masturbate then fuck

At the time of this account my sister, Irene, and I were in our forties. She is a year younger than me. She had divorced her husband when he had gone off with another woman. A month or so after that my wife was killed in a car accident. So Irene and I now had no spouses. She bought a house in the village where I live and we often visited each other in the evening when we not at work. I wasn`t expecting her that fateful evenig and was watching a sex video on my computer and was stroking my...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Nora Ivy Interracial Initiation Game

Nora Ivy is taking her last test to see if she is going to get into the sorority. Her potential sisters do not think she can pull it off, but she has a lot of confidence as they put a blindfold on her and lead her into a dorm room. Inside, one of her future sisters is waiting with a big black dildo. But as soon as Nora gets used to the idea of having her little teen mouth wrapped around a rubber toy, they substitute in a real black cock. Now, Nora is licking and sucking while the sorority...

2 years ago
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Reflections Naked Truth

I held her tightly against my body, encouraging her. "Let it out, Keira. I have you." My eyes never left hers in the mirror. "Release for me, baby."Her legs straightened, toes pointed, and her back arched as she screamed, "James!"Is there any bigger compliment than a woman screaming your name as she cums? She panted with her orgasm, thrusting against my hand with each spasm. Her pussy squeezed my fingers as her release ripped through her. Dear God, my cock almost exploded in my pants! My eyes...

Oral Sex
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Little Orphan Sallie and Daddy BillChapter 3

Little Sally Simpson liked to wear boy's clothes mainly for two reasons. It hid her feminine curves and allowed her to run faster if the cops were chasing her for any reason. She often ran from the cops because she (A) didn't like them and (B) was never certain if they had finally caught up to her for something she had actually done. Her parents had finally accepted the fact they were saddled with a "tomboy" instead of a daughter and in a way her father was relieved because he hated...

1 year ago
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The Money Shot

Note : This story is completely fictional! Allan sat at his computer scanning the latest photos from his favorite porn site. For about a year now he has been totally obsessed with cum shots. Allan had a huge file stored in his computer filled with various photos of women covered with semen. He always flipped through his collection of images while masturbating. Today was no exception. Allan sat at his desk with one hand on his mouse while the other was gently stroking his rigid cock. He knew he...

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Clever Love

Just reach hotel room after long train journey. Karim a contractual staff of our company suppose to receive me in the station do not turn up and number remain switch off. It was around 7 am in morning. I went to bathroom for fresh up. Got the call from Karim, apologizing for not able to receiving call and be in room with in 1/2 hour. He is well aware that a single call can terminate his job. Karim and I went to factory site which is 60 km from hotel.I wonder that, this Karim try to please me...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 4 The Order of the Strap

The Order of the Strap We made our rendezvous with Paula at the auto doc and revived her. When she came to Paula was all smiles and in the sexiest voice I could remember ever hearing said, "Hello, Master! How may I serve you?" She was still recovering from the drugs a bit and I could hear the snickers behind me. I repeated my instructions to Paula on rivalries. She looked at the other ladies, grinned and said, "Our new companion learns way too fast". Paula then noticed the red eyes and...

4 years ago
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i fucked both mom and mom friend

visit on to see top rated stories like theseMy story begins during that one fateful trip my aunt made to visit my mom and I. I was 19 at the time and my mom and I lived alone in our condo overlooking the water. Our house was nice, a big pool and a hot tub downstairs (my mom had a great job and that left us very well off). I also had a problem. After many years of masturbation I could not make myself reach an orgasm. I thought I came close a couple of times, but the fact that it...

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I would undress on the bank and swim over to the waterfall and let the water cascade over my body. There was a rock that was flat and had a slope to it, and went from the water up about 5 feet it made the perfect place you lay and sunbath. I had been doing this for six months and had never seen a living soul. My friends were the deer, rabbits, squirrels and butterflies. One day while lying in the sun, I heard rustling in the forest, several hundred feet downstream, and finally a muscular...

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Meeting Sammi Part II

..Brad met Sammi accidentally (or so he kind of thought) - but feelings and emotions have come on hard - much like their sexual organs. This part continues from the previous. Warning - the sex starts almost immediately. They can't help it...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brad didn't speak, he just held on to her lithe body, periodically grabbing and squeezing any portions of her skin he could...

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What A Christmas Carol

The snow tumbled from the sky like a curtain in big, wet flakes that glittered in the porch light and added layer after layer to the smooth, edgeless blanket that tried to swallow the world. From time to time, trees capitulated under the weight and threw their branches to the ground with a final, resonating gun shot, or faltered altogether with a cannon blast. The startled jerks and hammering heartbeat were the only things that broke Carol’s miserable monotony while she stared out of the...

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Valentines Day Remembered

Most people think that Valentine's Day is only for lovers or young children. I beg to differ with you. It's also a time of remembering the loved ones in your life. My name is Hank Adams and Valentine's day has been my favorite day of the year for as long as I can remember. I remember way back when I was just a kid, maybe kindergarten through the sixth grade. We would all take a tissue box or a large shoe box and in art class we would decorate it all up. All the kids in the class would give...

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Interlude 3 ndash The FarthestOut Times so far ndash TV

Interlude 3 – The Farthest-Out Times (so far) – TV/CD , mast, fetishesWell, I believe I may have covered most of my fetishes between my previous blog posts and my intro paragraph here on Xhamster, but I may not have covered the extreme maxxximum extent to which I have taken each one. So for a quickie post, left let see if I can remember the “best of the best,” so to speak. I started typing one up for a conversation I was having with another user, and it got me so exxxcited I had to go...

4 years ago
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A Reunion Ch 02

‘I’m not sure, Jason. I guess I’m up for just about anything.’ At least anything to make her stop thinking. She couldn’t go through with this. There was no way she could sleep with him again either. Her guilt was already eating away at her even though Jamie said okay. She knew that Jamie had a feeling they would end up sleeping together although he never said anything to her. She was expecting things to go completely different than they did. How was she going to stop this? How was she supposed...

3 years ago
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Chorizo for Dinner

Chorizo for dinnerby BigSteveLiving and working in west Texas, its pretty hard not to meet a lot of good looking, sexy Latino men. In some parts of the state they come fresh from the “frontera” or have lived in Texas for several generations. In either case, they are generally some of the friendliest, easy going men you’d ever hope to meet. I grew up out in a small city in that part of the state and my dad owned his own business. To his credit, he chose to hire, as a matter of preference,...

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This Cant Be Happening

'The one absolutely surefire way, ' I think, 'to drive my wife into a sexual frenzy would be to: a) take her out in a rowboat at night; b) start exploring her body and kissing her; c) suck her tits and play with her pussy; d) fuck like crazy.' This keeps going through my head as I stand on the shore watching my boss push away from the dock and start rowing. His nearly naked body moves smoothly back and forth as he pulls on the oars. His legs are spread wide and, yes, there is my wife...

2 years ago
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Naakt zonnen

Het was al heerlijk warm weer en ik vond het tijd om heerlijk bloot te gaan zonnen om mijn kleurtje op zomers bruin te krijgen.Op het naaktstrandje aangekomen, bleek het er niet druk te zijn.Ik zocht een heerlijk plekje in de zon en al snel lag ik heerlijk bloot te genieten en mn nog witte huid voelde heerlijk warm.Door het pilletje xtc wat ik had genomen was ik mega relaxt en kreeg al snel stoute gedachten.Omdat ik een beetje was weggedroomd had ik niet door dat ik door een leuke kerel werd...

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