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The Prescribed Procedure By Rosie The audacity of that woman shocked me. After all she had put him through, she was now telling us that she was divorcing our son. The only good thing about this was that she would not be my daughter in law for much longer. "You've got some nerve," I said. "I thought you would appreciate me giving you the news in person," Sarah said, "But I see I was mistaken." "So you're just getting divorced," I spat bitterly at my amazon daughter in law, "After what he has gone through for you." I could tell my use of the pronoun disturbed her. "Just exactly what has he gone through for me?" she asked angrily. "You know what I'm talking about," I said. "No, Gerald," she said icily to me, "as a matter of fact, I don't. Would you mind explaining it to me?" I took a step back, away from her angry gaze and her menacing, powerful figure. With the corner of my eye, I could see my wife standing by. "I'm talking about that," I said, "it is that we think you're to blame that our son is now a woman. And now that you've turned him into a woman, you're just leaving him like that." "Gerald," my wife hissed. "Well, what, Emily?" I said defensively. "We've talked about this." "We haven't said that," she said, almost apologizing to Sarah. "All I know is," I said, "before he married Sarah, he never showed no sign that he wanted to be a woman." "Well, how would you know?" Sarah said back. "Because he didn't want to become a woman, that's how," I retorted. "He couldn't know until he tried," she replied, looking at me challengingly. I looked her right back in the eye, until I felt my wife tug at my hand. "Gerald," she said softly. Suddenly, I felt grateful for an excuse to look away from Sarah's determined gaze. "Look," Emily said, with a calming tone, "all we're saying is that we find it strange John turned into a woman so suddenly. I mean, he was never like that." "Like I said," Sarah replied, "sometimes it takes a little bit of digging." "More like pushing, if you ask me," I muttered. "Gerald," Emily hissed at me again, this time genuinely angry. "How can you be sure you're not like that, too, Gerald?" Sarah said to me. "Huh?" I said back. "Ever tried dressing up as a woman, to see how it feels?" she continued, "After all, maybe these things are hereditary." I looked away from her in disgust. "If I turned your son into a woman," she said, "aren't you worried I might do the same to you?" I kept my gaze on the floor, just wishing she would go home already. "Gerald!" she said. "Answer me!" Warily, I looked at her. "No," I said quietly. "No what?" she said. "No, you're not afraid I'll turn you into a woman, or no, you haven't dressed up as a woman before?" "Both," I replied, "I mean, neither." "Why not?" she asked. "Why do you think I couldn't?" "Because..." I began. "Because you're a man, right?" she said. "Yes," I nodded, "that's right." "You're a manly man," she said, "as manly as they come." "I don't know about that," I said, "but I do know I am a man." "Then you won't mind putting on a dress," she said, "if you're as manly as you say you are, it won't turn you into a woman like it did with John." "No," I said, "I'm not putting on no dress." "Oh, but I really think you should," Sarah persisted, "I think that you should, right now, go and put on one of your wife's dresses." "Well I think you should leave," I said. "I'm not leaving till I've seen you in a dress," she retorted. "I guess you'll just have to," I said, though suddenly feeling much less sure of myself as she took a menacing step towards me. "Gerald," she said, "if you don't do it, I will make you do it." "Oh yeah," I said. "How?" As I felt another tug on my hand, I turned to see my wife's worried face, but before I could reassure her with a wink and a smile, Sarah pulled my head towards her with her hand. "I'll fight you," she said, "and then, when I beat you, I'll make you wear a dress." I swallowed hard and looked at her, tilting my head backwards. "Who do you think would win?" she asked. "If the two of us fought?" "That's not fair," I moaned. "I'm not asking if it's fair," she said, "I'm asking you if you think you can beat me in a fight." "No," I admitted. "Why not?" she asked. "I thought you were the manly man." "You're bigger than me," I said through my teeth, "probably stronger. Younger, too." "There's no shame in losing a fight, is there?" she asked. "No one would think you're any less of a man if you get beat after putting up a fair fight, even if you get beat by a woman." "I guess not," I said. "And if you wear a dress because you're made to wear one?" she said. "If a woman, stronger than you, makes you wear a dress, that doesn't make you any less of a man, does it?" "I guess not?" I said warily. "Now, if you know in advance you're going to get beat," she continued. "Why not save yourself the trouble and put a dress on right away?" "Please, Sarah, I don't want to fight," I moaned weakly. "Neither do I," she said, "I will if I have to, but I'd really prefer not to. So tell you what, I'll make you a deal, okay?" "Okay," I said. "If you go on and put on a dress all by yourself, I promise I won't fight you," she said. "You promise?" I repeated. "Yes sir," she nodded. "Well, in that case..." I began. "Of course, in that case," she said, "in that case you'd be putting on a dress because you'd be too scared to fight a woman. Now, that doesn't sound too manly too me." "What do you want me to do?" I wailed. "I want you to put on a dress," she said and reached towards my shoulder with her hand. "Emily, help me!" I shrieked as I pulled away, grabbing her hand. "Hiding behind your wife, Gerald?" Sarah said. "Now that is real manly." Emily made no attempt to hide her disgust as she looked at me. "I don't think we need to worry about preserving your manhood anymore, do we?" Sarah said. "No," I repented. "Then why don't you ask your wife nicely if she would be so kind to lend you a dress," Sarah said. "Do I have to?" I moaned. "Of course not," she replied, "I'll be happy to do it for you, after I've whooped your ass in a fight." "Emily, honey?" I turned to my wife, fighting tears of shame. "Could you lend me a dress?" "Of course, Gerald," my wife said coldly, "take any dress you like." "Ask for lingerie, too," Sarah said. "Lingerie?" I moaned. "Can't wear a dress without a pretty bra and panties," Sarah replied matter-of-factly, "and nylons, too." "May I also borrow some lingerie?" I asked my wife. "Sure, honey," she replied, "You can borrow whatever you want." "Gerald!" Sarah cried happily when I came to the living room, now wearing Emily's full skirted, button down blue polka dot dress, over a white bra and panties set, tan pantyhose and white teddies. "What a pretty dress you picked!" she cooed as she hugged me. "It looks really nice on you." I stared blankly at her, not sure what was going on. "Aren't you going to thank me for complimenting your dress, Gerald?" she mused. "Thank you?" I said warily. "You're very welcome," she said, "but do you think you could thank me properly?" "Properly?" I asked. "Well, yes," she said, "usually when someone gets all dressed up as nicely as you have, the proper way to repay a compliment is to put one foot before the other, pluck at the skirts of your dress then smile prettily and bend your legs at the knees. You think you could do that for me?" I paused for a second, then did as she told me to and curtsied. "Marvelous!" she said and hugged me again. Then, still hugging me by my shoulder, she led me to the sofa and sat me down next to her, facing Emily. "Tell me, Gerald," she said, "did you pick this dress right away, or did you see any other dresses you liked?" "I guess there was one or two," I said. "Really?" Sarah said. "What were they like?" "One was green, but similar to this one," I said. "So why did you chose the blue one?" Sarah asked. "I tried the green one first, but I couldn't close the zipper," I confessed. "Oh, those pesky zippers," Sarah said. "What about the second one?" "It was white with red flowers at the hem," I said. "Did you struggle with the zipper, too?" Sarah asked. "No, it didn't have a zipper," I said. "Why didn't you wear that one, then?" Sarah wondered. "It was too short," I said, remembering how I awkwardly tried to smooth down the hem to at least make it seem like it was trying to reach my knees. Sarah smiled politely at me, then turned back to Emily, and resumed their conversation about our plans to remodel the kitchen. Silently, I sat on the empty seat beside Sarah and followed their conversation. Except for the few questions Sarah had asked me, neither seemed to be the least interested in the fact I was wearing a dress. "Gerald, honey?" Emily said to me. "Could you fetch the catalogues from the study?" "Sure," I said, grateful for the opportunity to get away, and to change back in my clothes. "The study, Gerald," Emily called after me, "they're not the bedroom." I saw Sarah's gaze upon me. Defeated, I let go off the bedroom door and went to the study, the skirt of my dress fluttering about my legs. "Thank you," Emily said, then opened one of them at the page she had marked with a post it and showed it to Sarah. "This is what we'll go with," she said, showing her the style she had set her eyes upon, despite my protests. "Nice," Sarah said. "Actually, honey?" I said. "I thought we were still choosing between this one and the other one?" Emily looked at me. "I think it's time we decided," she said, "I would like to go with this one. Do you have any objection?" I felt her challenging gaze look at me from top to bottom and back. I bowed my head in shame. "No, dear," I said weakly. "Great," she said, "then it's settled." "Should I take the catalogues back to the study?" I asked. "No, sit beside us," Sarah said, "we've made tea, if you'd like some." Obediently, I settled back in my place, sipped tea and listened to their conversation. At some point, Sarah asked me why I had preferred the other option and then, dismantled my argument point by point until I had to concede that Emily's choice was the only sensible one. "Thank you for being reasonable for the first time," Emily said, not altogether mockingly. "Thank you both for a lovely evening," Sarah said, "I really didn't expect to stay that long, but it's time I should go." I felt a surge of both relief and unease at the thought of the departure of this commanding force from our house. "Before I go, however," she said, turning to me, "we need to talk about you." "Me?" I asked feebly. "Yes." she said, "How do you feel, wearing a dress?" "Um... Strange?" I replied. "Of course, this is all new to you," she said, "but the dress itself. Does it feel comfortable?" "Yes, I suppose," I admitted. "And do you feel like a woman for wearing it?" she said. "I... I don't know," I said. "I mean, no, I don't." "So putting on a dress didn't make you a woman, is that what you're saying?" she said. "Yes," I nodded. "Would you then say it's possible to turn a man into a woman just by forcing him to dress like one?" she said. "No, I suppose not," I muttered. "Well, then I suppose you owe me an apology," she said. "I'm sorry," I said, "I apologize." "No, no," she said, "this won't do. You were quite vocal in your accusations that I turned your son into a woman, I think you should apologize properly." "Properly?" I asked. "Just like you thanked me properly before," she said. With my face burning with humiliation, I got off the sofa, then turned to face her. "I apologize for accusing you of turning our son into a woman," I said and dropped a deep curtsey. "Apology accepted," she chimed. "Now, as far as your own feelings are concerned..." "My feelings?" I asked. "Your feelings, yes," she repeated. "Now, you said you don't feel like a woman after wearing a dress for the evening, but how can you tell?" "I just know...?" I said. "How can you?" she said, "You've been living and dressing as a man for your whole lifetime, and now, you have experienced something completely new. You will need professional help in understanding your feelings." "Help?" I asked. "I will schedule an appointment with a specialist," she said. "Can you promise that you will be there?" "Yes," I said weakly. "And how do you think you should dress until then?" she asked me. "I..." I stuttered. "How do you feel you should dress until then?" she said. "Until the appointment?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. "But I thought..." I said, panicking, "I thought that this was just a test. I don't feel like a woman, really, I don't." "Gerald," she said to me, "let me ask you this way, do you feel manly right now?" "Not really," I admitted. "Do you feel manlier than me?" she asked. "No, Sarah," I said. "Is that why you're wearing this dress?" she asked. "Yes," I said. "Or," she said, "is it the other way around? Are you wearing the dress because you feel less manly than me?" "Yes? No?" I said. "I don't know, really." "It doesn't matter," she smiled. "Tell me this, do you feel manlier than your wife?" I looked at Emily with a pleading expression, hoping that she would somehow still concede to my masculine status. "Hold on," Emily said, "I can see what you're getting at. I won't say that I completely disagree with you, but I'm not going to continue your bullying when you're gone." "Nothing like that is needed," Sarah said, then turned to me. "Gerald? Answer my question. Do you feel manlier than your wife?" "I... I suppose..." I said. "In that case, you won't mind draping yourself over her knees for a little spanking, will you?" Sarah said. I felt my head swirl. "Please, don't," I said weakly. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to spank my husband," Emily said, indignant. "That's a shame," Sarah said, "because either you get a spanking from your wife, or we do the fight that I have promised you before. Which would you prefer?" "The spanking?" I said weakly. "I said no," Emily said. "Looks like it's you and me, then," Sarah said to me. "No!" I wailed. "It's not my fault Emily doesn't want to spank me." "You're the man of the house, aren't you?" Sarah said. "Then you won't have a problem getting your wife to spank you, on your pretty panties, will you?" "Please, Emily?" I said weakly. "Otherwise she'll really hurt me." My wife stared at me in disbelief. "Ask nicely," Sarah said, "and properly." With tears of shame trickling down my cheeks, I stood up to face my wife. "Emily, dear?" I said, dropping a deep curtsey. "Would you please spank me on my panties?" "Yes, Gerald," she said, not masking her disappointment. "Yes, I will spank you." I draped myself over her knees and whimpered as I felt her raise the skirt of my dress over my waist. I shrieked when the first sharp blow landed on my satin clad behind, kicked my legs and waved my arms, but I could not stop the second blow. Then, I started weeping in earnest. * * * I sat nervously in the waiting room, quietly rehearsing my case for the specialist Sarah had booked for me. Emily glanced impatiently at her watch. "This shouldn't take too long," I said. "Sure, honey," she said. "I mean, we'll probably have a little conversation," I speculated. "The specialist will confirm I'm not a wo-" Suddenly, I heard footsteps reverberate the hallway and I stopped myself. Frantically, I looked around, only to find no one was there. "The specialist will confirm I'm not an woman," I said to Emily in a quiet voice, "and then everything's back to normal, right?" "Of course, Veronica," she replied. I jolted when I saw a nurse pass us by silently, and suddenly felt grateful to my wife for using my female name. She glanced at her watch again. "I'll really have to go, they're coming to install the kitchen any time now," she said. "Okay," I replied weakly. "You'll have to take the bus back home," she said, looking through her handbag. Just then, the door opened. "Davies?" a voice called out. Hearing my last name, I gave my wife a peck on the cheek and went to the doctor's office. "Hi, I'm doctor Robert Daniels," the elderly, white clad figure said, "Please, come in." As he shut the door behind me, I suddenly noticed Sarah was in the room, too. "I trust you've met Ms. Brown," he said. "I..." I stuttered. "Yes, I have." "Of course you have," he smiled, "that's why you were lucky to get such a quick referral. Usually, the waiting time is a bit longer. Please, sit down." I did as he said. "Now, from what I understand," he began slowly, "is that you have recently started to wear women's clothes, and you are not sure what to make of your new emotions and feelings." "Actually, I..." I began, but he stopped me. "Please, let me tell you up front that were it not for Ms. Brown's referral," he began, "I would be very wary to take on a case like yours. It happens all too often that these cases take years and don't go anywhere in the end. However, with Ms. Brown's help, our track record has been somewhat better, so it's a risk I'm willing to take." I looked blankly as Sarah, then again at Dr. Daniels. "You have tried on women's clothing," he repeated slowly, "and then something moved in you. Right?" "I suppose," I replied. "You suppose," he repeated again. "Now, when was it that you first put on women's clothes?" "About a week ago," I replied. "And you have been wearing women's clothes ever since?" he continued. "Yes," I admitted. "Are these your own clothes you're wearing right now?" he asked. "They're my wife's," I said blushingly, "except for the shoes." "Right," he said, "So your wife helps you with your clothes." "She also helps me with my makeup," I said, "and my hair." "Right," Dr. Daniels said, then opened a folder. "Veronica, is it?" he said. "I beg your pardon?" I said. "I mean, Ms. Davies," he corrected himself, "or is it Mr. Davies, I don't know, help me out here, please?" "Officially, it is still Mr. Gerald Davies," Sarah replied with a smile. "Well then," Dr. Daniels said, "if you prefer, I can call you Veronica regardless, what I want to say is this." He shuffled his folder for a bit more. "Sometimes, something can happen in one's life that makes us see things completely differently," he began, "A man, like you or me, puts on women's clothing and realizes he wants to live as a woman from then on. Something like that hits you all of the sudden, by pure coincidence, and it changes your life forever. Now, I'm not saying what happened in your case, and a week is usually a very short time, but on Ms. Brown's recommendation, I am confident we can already reach a conclusion. You see, Ms. Brown has been working with me in such cases before, and I suppose I could say she has a nose for it. I'm not saying that you will want to become a woman, but it is reason enough for a thorough evaluation." "If I may say something," I said, looking warily at Sarah with the corner of my eye. "Sure," he said. "The first time I put on a dress," I said, "it wasn't voluntarily." "Oh?" Dr. Daniels said. "No," I confirmed, "in fact, I was forced to do so." "I see," he said and scribbled something in the file. I could feel a wave of relief washing over me. "Well, see here, Mr. Davies," he began, "I mean, Veronica. These things come in all shapes and sizes. Some men do it out of curiosity. Some men do it for a bet. You did it, as you say, because you were forced to. Why you first dressed up as a woman doesn't really matter. What matters is that you keep on doing it." "Actually, that is not entirely voluntarily either," I said. "It's not?" he said. "I was..." I began, "I was... obliged... to continue wearing my wife's clothes until our appointment." "Obliged?" he said. "May I ask, by whom?" "By Ms. Brown," I said, then lowered my voice. "And my wife." "Were you also obliged to use makeup?" he asked. "No," I admitted. "Were you obliged to use a female name?" he continued. "No," I said. "Well, there you go," he said, "you are obliged to wear women's clothing, but you choose to appear as a woman voluntarily." "But I don't have a choice," I protested, "otherwise, I'll look like a man in women's clothes." "So you're saying you're more comfortable as a woman, then?" he said. I looked stupidly at him, then at Sarah. He smiled at me. "Ms. Brown's methods may appear extreme sometimes," she said, "but she does have a knack for getting to the bottom of things." "Actually, about that..." I tried to say, but Sarah placed a hand on my arm. "Let Dr. Daniels finish," she said. "Thank you, Sarah," he said, then turned to me. "Sarah, I mean Ms. Brown has really been a great deal of help here, I don't know what I would do without her. I'm certainly not an expert in these cases, but as long as she is involved, you can rest assured you will get the quickest treatment possible. Of course, we follow the prescribed procedures, but in the last ten, heck, fifteen cases, it has always turned out that she was a step ahead." "We have a good history of collaboration," Sarah smiled. "Now, Mr. Davies, back to you," Dr. Daniels said. "Of course, as much as I trust Ms. Brown's recommendation, I have no choice but to follow the prescribed medical procedures. I hope you're not too disappointed we can't turn you into a woman just yet." "No, no," I said, "In fact..." Sarah silenced me with her hand, again. "What I propose in such cases is that the patient starts, or in your case, continues to live as a woman," he said, "For a certain amount of time. A year or so, so that we can make sure if his desire to become a woman is indeed true." "Now, I understand in your case, that will not be a problem," he said. "Yes," I said, "I mean, no," I corrected myself, "I mean, why?" "You are wearing your wife's clothes, is that correct?" he asked. "Yes," I said, "But..." "Well, that makes it easier at the beginning, if you don't have to buy a whole wardrobe," he said, "and you also said your wife helps you with your makeup and your hair?" "Yes," I admitted. "Well, of course the first thing you'll need to do is to learn to do these things by yourself," he said. "But it's a start." He scribbled something in his notebook. "Now, Mr. Davies," he said, "are you employed?" "I'm a freelancer," I said. "Can you afford some time off work?" he asked. "Of course, we like it if our patients are working because it helps them get on their feet and in touch with the world, but at the same time, it's also beneficial if you can focus on your transition in the first stages." "Mr. Davies can apply for support," Sarah said. "Oh, right," Dr. Daniels said. "Thank you for reminding me. There is a pilot program for financial support during the transition. Basically, you get money so you can afford to take time off work. I have found this to be of immense help, mostly." "I have the form right here," Sarah said, sliding a paper form across the desk. "Marvelous," Dr. Daniels said. "Now, the program requires that you have a sponsor during your transition. I think your wife would be a suitable candidate, seeing how she is helping you with your appearance." He mused, "Not to mention your obligation." "Actually," Sarah said, "I would gladly be Mr. Davies' sponsor. In fact, I would even propose that he moves in me for the time being." "Fantastic!" Dr. Daniels exclaimed, clapping his hands. "Seeing how Priscilla is moving back home, it will give Ms. Davies the opportunity to spend time with her daughter," she said. "Wait a minute," Dr. Daniels said, "I thought I recognized the name." "Yes," Sarah smiled, "Priscilla is the child of Mr. and Ms. Davies." "Another satisfied customer," he said. "When does this come into effect?" "Right now," Sarah replied, "as we speak, Ms. Davies is picking up Priscilla from my house, and I will take Mr. Davies home with me after we're done here." "Well," she said, turning to me, "we can stop at the mall so you can buy some pretty clothes with your first transition support check." "Fantastic," Dr. Daniels said. "Now that this has been arranged, let's talk about procedures." "Procedures?" I asked worriedly. "Hormone treatment," Dr. Daniels said, "maybe even some minor surgery, but it's too early to talk about that." "But I thought that only comes after this test period," I said, "I mean, shouldn't we make sure I actually want to become a woman, before you start turning me into one?" Dr. Daniels smiled. "That's exactly what I used to think, too," he said, "but then Ms. Brown pointed out the error for me. How can you live like a woman, if you don't look like a woman?" I stared blankly at him. "Now, I don't want to say you yourself look like a man right now," he said, "but you will nevertheless agree that every single thing helps. Let me see your hand." He examined my hand under the billowy, diaphanous sleeve of my wife's blouse. "I'd say you're halfway there already," he said. "Still..." Before I knew it, I felt a sting in my upper arm. "You will find you don't have to shave so much," he winked at me. "All over." "Was that....?" I tried to ask. "A booster shot of estrogen," Sarah replied. "We'll come for a follow up in a week." "In the meantime," Dr. Daniels said, "your skin will become softer, you might notice some swelling around your nipples, maybe some mood swings. As I've said, I would usually wait with this treatment, but seeing how you will have Ms. Brown to help you, I see no reason not to delay it." "Mr. Davies," he said solemnly, "you are in good hands. I am fully confident that Ms. Brown will help you deal with any obstacle along your path and, to put it this way, I'm sure I won't be referring to you as Mr. Davies much longer." "Sarah?" He turned to her. "I don't know how to thank you. Ever since you came along, my stats have been amazing. With Mr. Davies here on the fast tract, they will be even more outstanding." "Oh, I should be thanking you, Robert," she smiled back. "After all, with Priscilla moving out, I need a new toy to keep me busy." "Well," she turned to me, "Veronica? Coming along?" I looked at her in turmoil, wondering how I could get word to my wife to pick me up and save me from Sarah. Suddenly, it dawned on me that she had been in on this all along. Why else would she insist that I wore the full, floral print skirt, even though the tight, knee length pink satin one I had chosen was a far better fit for my blouse? I straightened myself up on my three inch heels, then placed one foot in front of the other. "Coming," I said, then effortlessly plucked at the loose fabric of my skirt to curtsey my sponsor.

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Over the next several weeks, Selena settled into life on the McKenzie farm with joyous ease. She developed close relationships with her in-laws, and her fondness for all of them increased with each passing day. Liam took her to visit her sister who lived about a half-day’s drive from their farm. Selena was thrilled to be reunited with her sister and was pleased to see firsthand that Diana was so happy with her own husband that their two young sons. It was nice for both sisters to be close...

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Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice (c)2004 By Cherysse St. Claire This is my most difficult story to date; difficult to write, difficult to read. The sex is intense; the violence, more so. Most men will not have the patience to sit through it; it takes too long to get to "the good parts". Most women will not have the stomach for it; in places, it hits too close to home. I don't know whom that might leave as an audience, but I felt it was a story worth telling. While this may be a work of fiction, its...

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My Wife Turns An Expert In Wellness Therapy 8211 Details

Since Anita [name changed] shed her inhibitions and started working whole heartedly – loving her new profession [part1] for what she did & had great pride. Akash who experienced Anita for the first time for 2 days – became Anita’s regular client. Though Akash was married his visits to Anita was also known to his wife and she encouraged Akash to the fact that his health improved. Such is the expert reason for having regular SEX. During one of the breaks when she came to meet me – I cajoled her...

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Trying to put things right with Sue Part 2

Marg and I had travelled east to investigate if Lyn, Marg’s sister, had been manipulating Sue to cheat on me. What we found out horrified me. Every person that was involved who was willing to talk to us told a similar story. Lyn had been setting up liaisons for Sue with a huge number of men.This information did not take the responsibility away from Sue. It was Sue who was meeting those men. It was Sue who was having sex with them and sleeping with them. What it did show though, was that while...

Wife Lovers
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With My Sister Pallavi

Hey guys,Viraj here. I’m back with another incest story…This may be a bit lengthy as it will be featuring every bit in detail…..This is 100% a real story and not a fictitious one.I’m going to narrate this story both in Telugu & English.Where ever Telugu is used,there will be an English translation.So guys,Let’s begin the story…. My family consists of me, my sister Pallavi(all names changed), my mom Kalyani and my father Kishore.We live in a city named Nellore in Southern Andhra Pradesh.My...

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Beth Meets Her Neighbor

Beth Meets Her Neighbor By Beth "I'll be up in ten minutes!" came the voice from downstairs. That's all the time I had to transform myself into my wife's lesbian lover. Ever since Cindy accepted my cross dressing, my life has been one of pure feminine pleasure. I quickly strapped myself into my pink corset, unrolled the sheer stockings up my silky shaven legs, and pulled on the matching panties. I slipped on my pink stiletto heels - a perfect match for the white mini skirt and...

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Christy Brings Debi Over

My wife Christy went out Saturday afternoon to meet her friend Debi. She told me that Debi has been having a rough time with her boyfriend, Jim, and needed some girl time. Christy said she was sure that they were going to break up, which really didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out. Debi’s boyfriend was one of the biggest assholes I have ever known. Christy and I did not want to be around him at all. I mentioned that Debi would not have any problem meeting a good man, she is one of the...

1 year ago
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The Christmas Party episode three

At the end of my first fall semester at UGA, I arrived home for Christmas break to find my mom making a big batch of fried apple pies that smelled great! As I took one, mom told me that the family was going to a big Christmas party in Atlanta at her, very rich, friend’s house. I thought, ‘oh gee how can I get out of this?’ She said she wanted me to meet up with her friend’s daughter again. I was thinking this was sounding even worse than I could imagine. If a guy’s mom mentions a girl she...

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Another weekend away

Another weekend away A few years ago, a friend of mine was renting a flat in a small village in the Midlands, which he and another friend used when they were called to work in the locality. One weekend my wife and myself had agreed to borrow the flat for a few days away. Before going to the flat we had agreed that it would be an ideal chance to engage in our favourite hobby, that being exhibitionism, with the occasional spot of sex with one or more strangers thrown in for good measure. Whilst...

3 years ago
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Like mother like daughter

My name is Marie, I'm an 19 year old blue eyed blond BBW and I desire my father. He is a 36 year old brown eyed brown/ grey haired thin and mussily man. My mother was also a blue eyed blond BBW of 36 years. Since I was a little girl my dad and I have always had most things in common. We could watch a movie and know the script word for word from then on. Our since of humor was unique, but we always got each other. Then I grew into a woman mirroring my mother. As my female urges grew I started...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 13 Discovery

On the main screen, the shuttle with the NAT teams moved into the hanger and shut down. The image changed and they saw the twenty-four men and woman come down the ramp with their weapons on their shoulders. They were followed by eight techs, who would work the equipment in the dome. Ken sat back and watched the shuttle. His mind wandered back to the trial and all that had happened that day. Trial Ken looked up at the sound of the chimes at his door. "Come!" The doors slid open and...

4 years ago
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A New Start The BeginningChapter 4 Family

The next morning I woke up and found Michelle was already up. I slipped out of bed and quickly moved to the bathroom to take care of the call of nature. I took a quick shower and slipped on my normal t-shirt, flannel shirt over the top and urban black, white, and light blue military pants. I headed for the kitchen and found Two-Feather putting the bed back into the couch with Ben helping. Four beautiful women wearing flannel shirts and slippers were working together to make breakfast it was...

3 years ago
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Choke On This

CHOKE ON THISBy Hungry Guy    _BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!_     _BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!_     Furball jumped off Nancy's lap at the strange noise coming from the coffee table and ran off to hide under some chair.  Nancy leaned forward, grabbed her cell phone, and flipped it open.  Seeing the call was from her friend Katie, she pressed the _TALK_ button.  "Hello!" she said.    "Hi Nancy!"    "Hey Katie!  What's happening, girl?"    "You'll never believe what Dan bought after he got that...

3 years ago
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Beth 1Chapter 19 Back to Normal

Monday it was back to the usual grind, although a lot of kids had comments about Friday's presentation/circus/embarrassment—pick one. I didn't see Adams all day. Maybe Mr. Williams chewed him out and he was home pouting? Monday afternoon Beth and I were walking over to the theater building for rehearsal when Steve caught us, "Tommy, is it true you're giving half of your award to the team?" "Yeah, I figured I'd split it between you guys and Emergency Services. That is if you guys...

2 years ago
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Mothers Milk

Backstory Jason, being an only child, was extremely fond of his mother. Just as an example, he had grown used to calling her 'mommy' while calling his father simply 'dad'. Isabelle, being a housewife and stay-at-home mother, did everything she could to help Jason with his studies when he was young until it appeared he could handle himself alone. For years, the distance between him and his mother remained closer than most mothers and sons. Part of spoiling and closeness was due to Isabelle...

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Dees StoryChapter 7

I've done a lot of stupid things in my life. We were staying at the home of the lead singer, front man of band that Mom was 'with' at the time. The previous night's party had faded with the darkness, everyone was sleeping, Mom too, though I didn't know who with. I liked the dawn, the peace, nobody around, not even security, not there at the house. The swimming pool was mirror smooth, the water warm as I sat on the diving board swinging my legs and watching the sun's reflection on the...

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Celestial WarsChapter 9

Butler at Sea Leviathan is the Demon Prince of Wrath, Deep Dwellers, and Violent Waters. His moods are mercurial and ever shifting. He has never set foot on the dry lands of Earth. Jonathan the Courageous The boat shifted slightly as we shoved off. Timber and board creaked delightfully as the waters of the channel caressed the hull. I smiled and sighed. Boats are wonderful things. Five hundred years of living, and a strong ship and sea breeze still made me grin like a fool. But, I was a...

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FlintkoteChapter 19

“Tyke?” I said. “Auntie Surprise?” “How much do you remember?” I asked. “About what?” “Everything.” “Everything,” she said, “If I’ve read it, heard it. seen it or sung it ... I remember it.” “How long?” “So far?” she said, “four years,” “You’re four,” I marveled. I dithered ... just a bit. Then, “Come with me.” We went out on deck, just the two of us. “So ... do what I do.” I stepped out the forms of all my katas. Instead of following ... she watched. When I was done, she smoothed...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 28 Katiersquos Proposition

Heavy snow was falling over the Kansas City metro with four inches already on the ground with more on the way. Warnings had been issued that the city should expect power outages and road closures. With the impeding blizzard Mrs. Jackson wanted to grab some groceries and other necessities for the weekend. The sexy mother felt the stare from many men, even those shopping with their wives, at the stores she visited. She was dressed in a black sweater, a tight pair of blue jean jeggings with...

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Miss Pink Part 6 The Casino

ONE I was familiar with the small casino layout, and we were led across the floor. It was quite early in the evening so even though tables were open there were few patrons yet. In an hour or so it would be bustling. I'd been here often, sticking to my preferred game of Blackjack, usually winning small each time. I recognised one of the dealers and he locked eyes as we passed. He faltered slightly in his banter and then paid his patrons full attention. Had he recognised me? I looked...

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NewSensations Amber Moore Amber Slips Off Her Dress And Ring For BBC

Pretty blonde wife Amber is trying to take the edge off with a warm bath at the hotel, but suddenly the perfect remedy comes to mind. She decides to call room service and hopefully get her hot wet horny pussy serviced too! The lucky stud Will, brings her the towels she requested and finds her naked in the tub. Being a husband, he knows to just get out of the room. Amber being persistent, uses her cute flirty voice, convincing Will and his big black cock to stick around and play. Amber drops to...

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A Fantasy Part Two

A Fantasy, Part 2 By Caitlin Rose "A Fantasy" and all its parts are a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. It is a copyrighted work of Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any web site that does not charge a fee for access, as long as author credit is given and the work is not abridged or changed. Caitlin Rose "Honorary girl? What's that?" "Well we all know you're really a boy, but you dress just like we do, and you do your...

2 years ago
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My YouthChapter 18 Caroline Part 10

Still me & the military Lucky me. Either for something to keep me busy or some discreet punishment, I spent two weeks painting rocks in the company area white. There are a God-awful lot of rocks in the company area. The bright spots were mail call. I got letters from Caroline AND Mary wondering how military life was treating me. I continued to paint. The letters made me miss my women. Both wrote me religiously every week. Some were crap going on in our home town but nearly all had some...

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Living With My AuntEpisode 2

I was so absorbed in looking at the pictures that I did not hear Aunt Jane come home and walk into the room. "Joe, what are you doing?" she asked. Surprised, and embarrassed, I turned around. "Sorry, Aunt Jane" I replied. "I was looking for another pen." "And you thought there might be one in that album?" "Er ... no. Going through the bookcase, I saw the album and picked it up. I'm sorry." "Well, you shouldn't be snooping like that." "I wasn't snooping; I really was...

1 year ago
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Private Performance

Private Performanceby Ashley ZachariasThe Commission:Catherine was trying to give Adele’s work the consideration that it deserved, but failing. Her attention was distracted the inane conversation behind her.?What does it mean?? a man’s voice asked.?It doesn’t mean anything,? a second male voice replied. ?It’s abstract. It’s just a design.? The second voice had a whine that grated on Catherine.?The tag says that it’s called A Cry in the Urban Wilderness. That has to mean something.? The deeper...

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How I lost my virginity to an older man continued

I was so young and naive and thought it was really great that this busy guy was taking such an interest in me. I wonder how many teenagers have felt the same way about an older, sophisticated man...I kept on cutting his lawn every week and afterwards we'd have talk and he would spend a lot of time showing me things about computers. One day when I knocked on the door he called out and told me to come in. He was sitting in the living room watching porn. I was just staring at it and he asked if I...

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Horny Babe

The 35 year old mother of two, Noreen walked slowly into the attached bathroom of the hotel room. The now cold sticky dribbles of man juice were slowly oozing out of her well fucked cunt. Ali liked to go bare-back riding; Condoms were a turn off to him. Truth was that Noreen also had a thing for feeling a man cum in her cunt and then letting it slowly trickle from her.Noreen took a lot of time washing her choot. She ran her fingers between the lips of her fuck box and even pushed the tip of her...

3 years ago
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Once in a Lifetime

 Once in a Lifetime I awoke one morning to find myself a single father of two sons. Both still in diapers. My ex-wife wasn’t ready for the responsibility of motherhood, but to my surprise I was very ready to be a father. I had a good job for a guy with only a high school education, a foreman for an underground construction company. As good as my job was it wasn’t good enough, the expense of raising two young kids alone was just too much, not to mention the physical demands of caring for two...

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Katie and Me long

My name is Kevin Randle. Moving back home after severalyears was tough. I had set up a decent office job afterI’d gotten out of college and had what I thought was apretty happy life. I had money in the bank, a nice car,a decent condo and a girlfriend I thought I was madlyin love with. It’s funny how things change.I just recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah.She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer andhad been doing so for almost six months. We’d only beentogether for a year and...

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old man made me a dirty wee slut

This story is true and only happened 3 years ago. I was living in my first flat by myself at the age of 18 and had a couple of neighbours. Single mum with a few k**s and a older man around the 60 year old mark. He was such a nice man helped me with everything I needed. One night I was out with friends and got really drunk and headed up heading home I got to my floor and Barry opened his door he say erin are you ok I said yeah am great bit drunk but good. He then asked me to come into his for a...

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Todd even surprised himself, but yes he had just asked Claire, “Please will you spank me.” Claire and Todd live just a few houses apart in the Suburb, Claire in a house in a quiet road and Todd in a house in a Close opposite, just about 50 yards apart. They had been friends since he was ten and she was twelve, and when older were never boyfriend and girlfriend in that sense but a boy and girl who were firm friends. Todd had several male friends but no other girls as friend’s and was reserved...

4 years ago
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Annie Gets Her Man

The one question I had about Annie was what did she see in my friend? Yes, he is a good man and I guess he looks pretty good for himself. Annie is a beautiful, classy lady and my friend Jim well the best way to describe him is a redneck, country boy. He has close to shoulder length hair tied back in a ponytail in a John Deere cap and he stands at 5'9" and weighs at a fairly muscular 200 pounds and has a full beard but has a permanent smile. Anyway, he was on his antique John Deere...

1 year ago
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Kat Chase

8 years. It has taken 8 years to develop these feelings of admiration, restricted by our responsibilities at work. As a woman closer to retirement, I was having a difficult time trying to rationalize my sexual vicariousness for a coworker half my age. Scott, why are you here?I loved it when he wore his faded jeans. It wrapped his thick thighs and muscled legs assuring dominance in every step. His 5 o’clock shadow, the cracked hands of a man who toiled outdoors, his scar on his right hand. On...

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Grand Time Spent In A Guest House

In 2002 I went to Vijayawada in Andhra. My company has a big office and stores there. The storekeeper had swindled some stocks and to get insurance claim detailed inventory was to be made. So my office sent me there along with one insurance auditor. The auditor stayed in his relative's house and I stayed in hotel. The stores were in the outskirts of the city. I will go in the morning and do inventory work till 5 PM. A temporary storekeeper was employed by us and he had instructions to close...

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FamilyXXX Reese Robbins Stepsis Reese Is Caught Daydreaming Again

Cute little redhead stepsister Reese is caught masturbating in the kitchen again by her older stepbrother Chad. Reese fortunately could not convince him she was just doing the dishes as Chad let her get back to her fun. But Chad stayed in the room as horny Reese begins to tease him shaking her cute little ass just inviting his cock to fuck her sweet pink pussy. Chad comes up behind her as she is bent over the kitchen sink and takes every thick hard throbbing inch of Chad’s meat balls deep...

2 years ago
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He Promised Part 1

I met him when he approached me at a night club. I had noticed him watching me earlier as I walked about with my friends. I smiled to him once as our eyes met. His features were obviously Slavic and I was instantly enticed. To some French is a turn on. In my case, to hear a man speak Russian or Estonian, even three seats away in a subway train, sends shivers all over my skin. If one were to speak to me directly, the tremors would be inside me, originating from where I wanted him to be inside...

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Master part 2

Note from the author: After reading through all of the comments on part 1 I couldn't resist sitting down and continuing this story! Thank you very much for the kind words and helpful suggestions everyone! This part is hopefully improved over the last, but with the same theme that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and make suggestions and I will happily take them into account for part 3 :) Master part 2 Would work never end? Time seemed to slow down...

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My Best Friends Dad

“I’m 18, and a senior at a parochial high school. I have a boyfriend. We’ve been with each other since I was 15. I actually lost my virginity to him.He is a year older than me. He graduated last year from public school. I love him so much. He’s always been good to me. He likes my friends, and Ilike his. I friended a new girl at our school. She was from out of state. I kinda felt bad for her. I just figured it would be so hard for me to leave the kids that I grew up with only one year left...

3 years ago
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My Servant Fucked Me In My Bedroom

Hi readers, this is Urmi. I am going to state that how my servant fucked me in my bedroom just after my marriage. I have light brown skin, long black silky hair up to heap. I am good looking but not a beauty. But I have such assets that make me a sex bomb. I have a figure of 36-30-36. I am of height 5.6″ and have a very soft body. My boobs are very firm and tight. I have black nipples which are quite big and large. My heaps are solid. I am very much horny. Such horny that to get satisfaction I...

1 year ago
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HolidayChapter 2

I parked in a car park that Joanne hadn't used before. It was very close to the beach and some shops and restaurants. I pointed one out, 'Blue Sea' I like that one, bit more expensive than the others but the food and service is worth it. She looked at it as we passed. As we stepped onto the beach Joanne looked at me a little suspiciously. "You said you didn't have your trunks." "I don't," I answered and led her toward a stairway set into a small cliff. "Oh." She followed me as...

4 years ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 9 What or Who have I Become

“Do a small bit of this and the voices will go away,” I said to Kay as I handed her the small vial of cocaine. “Does John know you have this?” Kay asked me. “No, it is not like I use it every hour or anything.” “I use it when I feel down that is all,” I replied. “John and you should go away for a while or at least for a weekend,” I added. I had not lied to Kay, as I was not using coke every hour just every day. It made me think clearer until it started to cloud my judgment. I never...

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‘Why ‘Jazzy”? The voice startled her from her reverie. Her eyes refocused from the desirable dress in the shop window to the images reflected in the glass. Vanity dictated that she assessed and approved her own reflection before discovering the source of the voice. The figure-hugging pants accentuated her slim hips and small waist, her breasts were emphasized by a tight ‘Jazzy’ Tee. Involuntarily, her hands tugged, smoothed and preened. From the reflection, the owner of the voice appeared...

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W.I.T.C.H. A story about a group of men duped by their wives into attending the W.I.T.C.H. Institute in order to learn more appropriate behavior. They are forced to do many humiliating things to "earn" tokens acknowledging their accomplishments.W.I.T.C.H.Women's Institute for Training ......... Husbands Some of them were caught cheating on their wives. Some were caught invarious ways while wearing women's clothing. Others were miscreants whohad in some way so displeased their wives that...

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Submissive Ssters 4 Anne Admits

After I carry uncouncious lovely Louise to our big bed, Anne is up for her first ever 'Intimate Inspection': of her beautiful Body, hot Heart, lovely Looks, mighty Mind & sinning Soul, a trade-mark initiation inauguration for any cute candidate submissive slave student. At the start I invite her to sit at my lap from the left at my right leg. So she rests her head at my right shoulder. My right arm around her shoulders, while my left hard comforts her anxiety with caresses, while I whisper...

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How High a Price Contributed Conclusionsby Culbreth

To those of you considering or now involved in adultery, let me tell you how high the price can be. Remembering back to the fateful Saturday morning I returned from my sordid and inexcusable adventure into adultery. The hurt I could see in my husband's eyes could not be measured by any means. Those magnetic blue eyes that drew everyone's attention were now looking into my soul. My rambling words of how this didn't mean anything and how much I loved him were being bounced back by his cool,...

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HotMILFsFuck Ophelia 06162021

It’s easy to understand why our latest MILF wants to mix things up a little to get out of her customer service day job, but we can sure see why Ophelia is really good at it, she’s a pleaser. Though she may come off as the quiet type at first, when you get to know her like our man Jake, you’ll see she has a tight little pussy and a huge sexual appetite that needs to be fed. She’s been masturbating for as long as she can remember, and she’ll be getting off to know you’re getting off to her, ah...

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Housewife1On1 Zoey Monroe 24613

You idiot! What kind of a married man goes to a strip club, then leaves a receipt from it in his suit for his wife to find?! Well, lucky for you, your wife is Zoey Monroe, and she’s not pissed about it. Hell, it actually kind of turns her on! All she does is tell you that you don’t need to go to those dirty clubs – she’ll be your stripper for you! See how dirty she can get herself when she peels off her outfit and starts wiggling her ass and shaking her tits for you. Not just...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Aunty Felt Like Heaven

Hey guys this is my first story posting here. Hope u all might like it. To tell about myself, I’m Puneet, 20 yrs old, fair, 5 foot 4 inch. In this story i will tell you about my first sex experience. I was 18 year old that time. It was summer time, summer vacation so i went to my nani’s home. I saw a very beautiful aunty. I liked her so i asked nani that who is she, and then i got to know that new neighbor shifted some 5-7 days back. She was very fair complexion, 5 foot 6 inch, around 30 yrs of...

1 year ago
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Dyked Abigail Mac Jillian Janson Etiquette For An Innocent Rebel

Jillian was in desperate need of some charm school. She sat with the worst posture, cursed like a sailor, and was generally just unpleasant to be around. Good thing Abi took her under her wing, but it wasnt going to be all fun and games. She first started by sitting Jillian up in the chair correctly, and ball gagging her mouth to prevent her from cursing. She eventually let her free and tried teaching her some table manners. It was of no use. Abi decided to give Jillian the charm school crash...

2 years ago
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Spanked by His Wife

  It was quite a scene. David, my 22 year old brother in law, across his Mothers lap having his bare bottom turned a bright glistening sore red. Her hand rising and falling methodically as she splattered David’s bottom with the open palm of her hand before picking up her wooden backed hairbrush and applying that as precisely and so effectively. David was already a crying sobbing heaving squirming repentant young man who knew there was still a long way to go before his Mother would stop...


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