The Joy Of The Job free porn video

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The weights clinked into their cradle as he added more to the bar, this scenery was HEAVY damnit and the little lady running the get-in was making him sweat for his time. At first on paper, it had looked like just a few fly bars hung with scenery backdrops and a bunch of lights. Now, 6 hours in to the get-in, he and the other men (and women) were busting themselves to complete the set up and rig, Ryder was left cursing his own optimism.

At least there was eye candy. The tour manager had curves in all the right places, even if she did shoot her mouth off. She was tall, her untidy auburn hair framed her pale face and amber eyes. As the sweat ran off Ryder's arms it occurred to him that she was not only watching him, she was deriving pleasure. Some torturous pleasure, Ryder continued hauling heavy weight s to add to the fly bars, noticing the way she smiled into his eyes and licked her lips. What could possibly be going through her mind? They had hours yet of work ahead of them before they could call it a night, and the show opened in 3 days.

Stacey liked working backstage, maybe once-upon-a-time she had aspirations to becoming an actress, but not now. Ten years of working behind the scenes and there was still no other thrill like it. Today they were putting her show into a regional theatre. Her show. She loved it, finally the company had trusted her enough, after stage managing for a few years, and operating lighting and sound. They had given her the contract. This was the big one. A year long regional tour and she savoured the idea that it was her baby, her responsibility to get it right, do it well and keep the actors and the crew happy.

She hadn't expected to have such great venue crew, like the boys that were working on the get-in with them today. Especially him, turning up late, after she had already complained to the venue manager that they were down a crew member (or two, but there was no point pushing the issue). He came swaggering in, coffee in one hand, untied laces and a dark blue singlet. It was autumn outside and they would be lucky to get 15 degrees, hardly singlet weather. Not that she would get a chance to see the sky today, she mused.

As much as she loved working in the theatre sometimes she wondered what it would be like the have a weekend when other people had a weekend, be able to go to daytime events and think of the crowds around her as fellow revellers, rather than audience members and people in her care to be arranged and accounted for. If she was a weaker person, the possibilities of what could go wrong would keep her up at night, staring at the ceiling and worrying about the odds. (It was only that her tour bag held mountains and mountains of paperwork in the unlikely event that.... which made her think in such a way).

Then, this morning a man she had never met before had barreled into her life, coffee in one hand, his reserved, expressionless face marked by regrowth and topped with unkempt sandy hair (not to mention a shirt that wasn't keeping anyone cool, least of all her) and changed the way she was thinking. The blue material stretched at his chest and the singlet showed his bare, thick set, muscled arms. Stacey wondered if anyone else thought the heating was turned up to high. She wondered what those easy-on-the-eye appendages would look like either side of her as he pinned her down.

He didn't so much start work - he eased the work load considerably, the fit up and unpack began to happen a great deal faster. Now, two hours later they were hanging pieces of the set from bars in the fly tower. She was glad Ryder had turned up and started to help them. It made all the difference, he was after all MASSIVE and handy. Hot and handy, Stacey thought, grinning to herself. What more could you want in a man? Now, as she finished rigging the front truss she allowed herself to peak over at the fly tower.

As he laboured, Ryder's forearms were slick with sweat, his neatly packaged upper body bulging in all the right places as he positioned the heavy tools. Stacey knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to send the others on smoko and wrap those big arms around her, pull her to him and make him kiss her. She wanted to taste him, learn the feel of him, more than she had wanted anything in recent memory. She shifted uncomfortably in her steel-capped boots. Not today Sunshine, she told herself, smiling. Today there was a get-in to run.

She unpacked the last of the smaller items from the truck and carried the coat hangers and first aid kit to the lunch room. She had a costume-fitting lined up for early the next morning and some of the new items would have to be hung on the racks for the actors. She knew they would probably already have a first aid kit in the venue but it was wiser to bring one along.

She carried the plastic box down the corridor, he was coming the other way. His frame seemed to fill up the space as he walked towards her. Closer still and she could almost feel his heat. As they passed one another, he reached out, much to her surprise and brushed his arm across her mid drift. He disappeared up the steps backstage without turning and Stacey was left wondering if she had really felt his hands. He hadn't said anything and she waited, unsure of her next move. Then, with a spring in her step and a genuine smile on her lips she kept going. Oh, so what? She wasn't going to marry the guy and he was fit, hot and why not let him take advantage of the short time they had together?

Less than half an hour later she knocked most of the crew off for a lunch break- the boys in the fly tower were weighting the last bar and would be the last crew to finish up. Perfect, she thought to herself. May be he would join her for lunch? These days, at the rented accommodation she didn't bother to make her own food, her meal breaks her only chance to get out of the theatre and appreciate their surrounds. Perhaps for lunch, Ryder could show her where to get a sandwich. Where to get a sandwich? When Stacey allowed herself to look at him, the last thing she wanted was food. Hell, she thought he was delectable and could imagine all sorts of things. They took their break not fifteen minutes later. As the men dispersed she saw him check his pockets for money and seized her chance.

Ryder heaved a huge sigh of relief after the four men finished their task. He put his 2-way radio back in its charger and made his way down off the fly floor. The tour manager stood on the stage, hands on hips with a concentrated look on her face. The way she stood, as though ready to tap her foot at their tardiness, her long pale arms arched at her sides – it did funny things to him. He longed to displace her composure, to make her bleary eyed and uncertain. He hadn't felt this way about a woman for a few years now. Ryder couldn't pin point why he was so drawn to her, but he was. He couldn't believe his luck as the other men went about grabbing their packed lunches and making their way out of the venue. She stood in front of him on stage, her arms were no longer both hugging her hips, one swung gracefully at her side. She gave him a lopsided grin that tugged at something deep inside him.

"Wanna come to lunch?" Stacey offered as he closed the distance between them.

"Ah, I don't really feel hungry I was going to do some coding in the smoko room."

"Sounds so tempting," Stacey shot back with sarcasm weighing down her words.

Without another word she followed him to the small room, but there were five other people eating and Ryder held his computer under one arm, reluctant to start it up and lose his chance to chat with her. The others didn't get up, Stacey made a quick appraisal of the situation and beckoned to him.

“I'm going to get a sandwich, you can do what you like.”

And he did. As they made for the street Stacey wondered at how to make conversation with this man, when her tongue tied and she felt her stomach doing flip-flops just being near him. They were almost out onto the curb, Stacey allowing herself to imagine what kind of a sandwich she could fit into the short meal break, when he stopped.

“It's lunch time.”

“So it is,” she agreed dryly, wanting nothing more than to eat.

“There won't be anyone in the loading dock.”

“Won't there?” her response was innocent but she felt a tremor run through her body.

“What would you want with down there?”

Ryder grinned. He didn't say anything but she followed him, as they picked up the pace and wove back towards the back of the building, Stacey marvelling at his rear view. A few paces ahead of her, Ryder's broad back sent her mind racing, he was tall, with great legs and a tight arse. They rounded a corner and he stopped abruptly, tearing her from her musings.

“Did you want a sandwich?”

“Are you serious?” Stacey closed the distance between them and felt her heart accelerate.

“I want to know what you want,” she added huskily, so close to him they were almost touching, the air was electric.

Ryder didn't say anything, he swept an arm easily around her waist and drew her in even closer, until he could feel the weight of her breasts on his broad chest, Stacey was sure he could feel her pulse racing. Her eyes widened in surprise. A fraction of a second had Stacey wondering at the craziness of the situation, the alluring adrenaline kick at finally being near him, where she had wanted to be. A fraction of a second passed, before his soft, full lips captured hers and she breathed in the smell of him, allowing herself to close her eyes. His chest was a wall and he smelt of smoke and pure maleness. Nothing else in the world mattered all of a sudden, except the prospect of his hands under her shirt. Stacey wanted to be alone with him. She knew it was impossible. They had a lighting plot after dinner (and in was only lunch time!). At once the day seemed unbearably long. Suddenly he erased all thoughts of 'later' and 'alone'. His hands shot up under her oversized work shirt to caress her soft, fine, flesh. One traveled further and found the swell of her breast. Ryder brushed the underside of her breast with the knuckles of his hand hesitantly, lightly, sending shock waves through her. Stacey wrapped her arms about his neck. She leaned in, pulling him closer. Her breathing unsteady, she wanted to open her eyes again, reassure herself he was real.

The insistent pressure of his lips increased and she traced her tongue into the heat of his mouth. Ryder shifted his weight and brought them out of the spell. Stacey reluctantly pushed him clear of her, looking up into green eyes now almost black with desire. A slow grin spread across her features as she contemplated the rest of their 'lunch'.

“Shall we go to the loading dock?” Stacey breathed uneasily, moving to plant a light kiss on his irreistable lips.

“Sure. You go first,” Ryder offered hoarsely.

Stacey took the opportunity to grab one of his big hands in hers and they made their way towards the back of the building, passing no one. Ryder walked confidently over to stacked roadcases. He pulled her close.

“You've got to be joking,” she said softly against his lips. But he wasn't. He swept her into desirous moments as their mouths met, pursuading her with an insistent passion she was at a a loss to draw away from. Her tembling hands found his chest and traced their way to his muscled shoulders, the heat between their bodies threatening to engulf her. She ran her hands down his carved arms and sighed, despite herself. Ryder took the noise as encouragement and bent his head to plant little kisses on her burning neck, her collarbone, his left hand sought out her nipple under her shirt and she arched at his touch, their bodies tantalisingly close but separated by annoying amounts of clothes.

Like a true theatre mech, when he released her this time, it was to check if the brakes were on the roadcase behind her. They were hidden from view now, surrounded by equipment. She grinned and he hoisted her up, firmly grasping her waist and gently easing her into sitting position atop the case. Stacey happily removed his singlet then, mischief shining in her eyes. She let it fall to the floor, threading her hands around his neck, pulling him close, insisting on being kissed. Ryder obliged and Stacey parted her thighs around his hips so he could come closer. She was rewarded with the evidence of his erection, firm and large against the warm flesh of her inner thigh, through her jeans.

Ryder smoothed her hair in his hands, ran an over-sized palm down the length of her much smaller arm and wondered at the urgency within him. Ryder had never felt it before. Never a man to question his own motives, aware that the time between them was brief- he drew away from kissing her, feasting his eyes on her face. In a way, he knew he was searching her expression for approval. Everything was happening so fast. Her honey-brown eyes were half closed in lust, her cheeks stained with colour. He had disrupted the even keal of her controlled emotions and he liked that. Still looking at her eyes he unbuttoned her jeans and drew her towards the edge of her seat in order to allow himself access. His adept fingers slid their way past the small sprig of hairs and he eased a finger into her softness. Stacey let him, watching him, crazy with need. As his fingers began to work their magic she made a sound. Ryder kissed her lips once more and increased the pressure. With his hand he explored her wet centre until she squirmed beneath him and was fumbling with the zip of his jeans.

Stacey unsheathed him, his jeans slid to the floor. For a moment she stopped and took at the size of his cock. Stacey licked her lips and hopped down from her vantage point, deliberately manuoevering Ryder so she had room to wriggle out of her own jeans. He eyed the unexpected blue lace of her underwear (there was so much about each other they still didn't know) before she tucked that too, into the folds of her discarded jeans. Stacey stopped herself from smiling a self satisfied grin at the sight of him, dishevelled, nearly naked, with his pants about his ankles, his manhood at attention as he waited silently for her next move. She leaned up and kissed him with an urgency and a warmth that he answered easily. Once more, he placed her on the roadcase. This time when she parted her thighs to pull him into her, there was nothing to stop their flesh from contacting. The kiss deepened and he made a satisfying noise in the back of his throat.

Stacey wrapped her fingers around his silken length, taking matters into her own hands, guiding his path. At first she placed his substantial head at her opening and skirmed as they continued to kiss, enjoying Ryder's roaming hands on her taut breasts, the beat of her own blood in her ears. She was breathing unevenly now, wanting nothing more than Ryder to fill her, she wasn't sure how much more she could take. As she squirmed he stopped kissing her lips. Ryder steadied himself. He kissed her neck and gently closed the distance between them. At her intake of breath he abruptly halted, noting how the desire in her eyes had turned her pupils almost black. She wriggled, impaled upon his cock and reading her response as encouragement, he drove himself home.

She sighed, Stacey almost giggled and he withdrew a fraction, a questioning edge to his stormy, intense expression. Ryder fought himself for control, wanting to prelong the moment. He stroked and filled her and she arched against him, laying her body along the roadcase, willing herself to be as quiet as possible lest someone disrupt them now.

“Please,” she begged softly, “that feels so good. Don't you stop.”

Pleasure shot through her body and she wanted more, her hands grasped at his buttocks, a silent plea for him to pick up the pace. He did.

Every stroke that drove into her hot wetness brought Stacey closer to expiring from the pleasure of it. She pushed her torso up onto her elbows and watched Ryder. He took the opportunity to slide capable hands under her buttocks, bringing their hips into exquisite connection, Then he looked right into her eyes, his green ones meeting her brown gaze; and stroked. Stacey titled her head back and gave in to the sensation. He stroked again. She felt his weight shift above her until the weight of his body pressed against hers, their unsteady breath mingling. She kissed the stubble on his chin, the corners of his mouth and he struggled to remain in control. Ryder broke the moment by becoming very still

“Do...n't stooo,” Stacey tried to say.

“If I don't, it will all be over,” he said thickly

She shook her head vigorously, in place of words, the feeling in her body too great to allow for speech.

“Its ok,” she got out.

And with her words of encouragement he picked up the pace and took them both to orgasm, Stacey could feel hers building to its exquisite climax but before the waves of euphoria broke within her she could feel him growing in size, impossibly large, filling her beyond her best expectations. Then he too came, pressing his swollen lips to hers and plundering her mouth in the same furious passion with which he now plundered her body. Stacey fought not to cry out. She whimpered and wriggled, finally allowing herself to go limp beneath him. Ryder could feel himself almost crush her as he recovered from his release. They were both breathing hard.

Ryder kissed her lips, her cheek, her hair and pushed himself up by his elbows, his weakened knees adjusting to take his weight once more. Once he was shakily standing he buttoned his pants, a little sheepishly. Stacey watched him through her lashes. Unable to resist the urge, he scooped her up and drew her to him, planting a kiss.

“I've been wanting to do that all day.”

“Mmm me too,” she murmured.

“We have to go back.”

“You first,” she volunteered cheekily. “I'll need a moment to unbow these legs, before I stand”

“You didn't like it?” Ryder asked her softly, he was so close to her ear it made the hairs on her neck respond and she shivered.

“Don't start that again.” She tried to push his great frame clear of her but she failed to budge him.

“Is that the end of it then?” he asked, just as softly.

“Oh I don't think so,” Stacey volunteered, she swept an appreciative glance over him and stood to button her jeans.

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Ten years since I set foot in this sleepy little outpost, nothing seems to have changed at all. It’s like a place stuck in a void, unable to break free. It’s a quintessentially English village - stuffy, well to do folk who look down on you if you don’t speak like a broadcaster from the 1950’s. Everybody has their nose in other peoples business, there are no secrets here.I pass many folk who I know as I walk through the narrow lanes, but nobody seems to want to talk, they either pretend not to...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

2 years ago
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The Joy of Anal Sex

From the first day I laid my eyes on her, I wanted her. I had recently been transferred from the corporate headquarters in New York to head up the San Francisco office. I arrived on a gloomy, foggy Monday morning in July. Traffic was creeping along because of the fog, and I was certain to be late. Not a good first impression for the new boss man to make on his employees. Especially when I was sent there primarily to get the place back in order after the previous manager had let the place fall...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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1st meeting with Cheating wife Joy story and pics

Cheating wife Joy now divorcedI have had any and all types of sex in any and all types of places with Joy. We have been fucking almost weekly over the last two years. She recently divorced her husband and said I had nothing to do with it. But I wonder how much is my fault. I mean I have been fucking the shit outta her literally anytime and anywhere I wanted. Over the next few weeks I will share some of the sexual adventures she and I have shared. We have had sex in the most crazy and random...

3 years ago
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Brother Gives Joy With Friend

Hi friends, my name is Swati, and I am 21 years old. I am studying in college. My cousin is also studying in my college. He is one year younger than me. His name is Sonu. But he is very naughty. My friends didn’t like him. I am basket ball player and captain of my college team. My height is nearly 5 feet and 8 inches. My boob’s size is 36, waist size 28 and my hips are round and their size is nearly 38. My figure is good and my body structure is in good shape because of my work outs and...

3 years ago
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Truckers Joy

Sam pulled his big rig into a truck stop outside Jacksonville, Florida. He was tired, hungry, and longed for a little chat with a cute waitress he knew worked there. The twenty years of trucking were beginning to catch up with him. He was 42 years of age, stood a little over 6' tall, and weighted somewhere north of 200 pounds. He had already spent half his life behind the wheel of a truck. Too many truck stop burgers and too many hours sitting on his ass behind the wheel of a truck had taken...

3 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Owed to Joy

Owed to Joy“Mum?” Toni said as she sat at the table looking at the computer screen. “What’s this thing with Mr Daniels?” “What thing?” Joy Andrews asked moving over beside her daughter and staring down at the screen. Toni pointed to the figures on the screen.“He owes nearly seven grand!”.“bloody Hell!” Joy said. “I didn’t realise it had got that high.”“Mum! You really are the limit. You’re running a business here! You have to keep on top of things like this. This guy is taking the...

3 years ago
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Loving Joy

POV: Kaylee"Are you still feeling bad about Joy?" she asked, sitting next to me."Yes, but the situation was maybe bad on both of us. Joy was just having intimate issues, and her parents are just free spirits. Before I go any further, Mom, are you my loving mom or the judgmental one?" I asked, peeking at her."Kaylee, you know damn well, I have to be both. You don't get anywhere in life solely hearing the things you want to hear, so tell me what's wrong. You've spent endless hours with...

1 year ago
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Joy Was a Great Receptionist

Joy was a very cute petite Asian girl, probably about twenty-one or twenty-two. She was the receptionist at my office. Always perky and cheerful, I often wondered what it would be like to spend some private moments with her. I knew my fanciful thoughts were just a pipe dream, so when I had the chance to get to know her on a more intimate level, I was a bit surprised, especially since I didn’t think she even noticed me. My office is in the back of a multi-tenant office building. Joy is stationed...

Office Sex
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My wife Joy fucks my buddies

I set Joy up with three of my buddies and told them to do what they wanted, just make her feel good while I watched and waited for my turn when they were done. Joy, Carl, Jack & Ron entered the bedroom and Ron pulled off the gown off her body and pressed a kiss against the pulse at her neck. “You don't have to do anything. Just allow us to make you feel good.” They were naked, their cocks as hard as steel, Joy went on her knees and wrapped her mouth around Carl's shaft with her tongue licking...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Helping Aunt Joy

Davie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth. Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on the naked ass and hugged her sister...

3 years ago
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Helping Aunt Joy

It was an awkward car ride to say the least. Davie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth.Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on...

2 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

3 years ago
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Joy and Bear Part I Ms Betty Teaches and Takes the Guys

When Joy had turned 17 and started her senior year of high school, she was allowed to start dating officially, as long as she kept her grades up, and she did. We were all seniors in high school. Joy and I started going out together that fall and seeing much more of each other. She was tall and mostly slender with just a little bit of a round tummy, long raven hair and the prettiest hazel eyes I could stare into. She had 36 C breast, legs with the sexiest curves, and the perfect round butt...

1 year ago
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Experimenting With Joy

"Hey, Mom, and somewhat older Mom?" she asked, peeking at them as we walked in the living room."Yes, Joy?" Sage asked, glancing at us. "You two make a cute couple.""Hey," Joy objected, shaking her head no and placing her hands on her hips. "We're not a couple; we're just best friends. We have been for six years now, but we're not thinking about taking this to the next level. I know you two would support us even if you weren't lesbians, but that's not us."I looked over Joy's backside. 'Maybe,...

1 year ago
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Gezinstherapeute Mirthe

Gezinsthe****ute Mirthe is de vervanger van B en een bloedmooie blonde vrouw met lang krullend haar van ongeveer 48 jaar. tijdens de huisbezoeken laat ik altijd mijn ogen over haar lichaam glijden met de hoop dat ik een glimp van haar bh kan opvangen.Op een dag kwam Mirthe onverwachts op huisbezoek. Ze belde aan en ik maakte open. Ik zei,"Goedemorgen, hadden we een afspraak?" "Nee hoor, maar ik was in de buurt en dacht dat we misschien een evaluatie gesprek konden houden,"zei ze."Kom binnen,"...

3 years ago
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OtherworldChapter 6 Atheria

I awoke to find myself in a soft bed, a thick, comfortable blanket pulled over me. The walls around me were wooden, but looked very solid. Sunlight washed into the room through an open window. I could hear children playing outside. My body felt sore and complained as I tried to move. "Rest," an enchanting female voice said to me. Another elf woman stood not far from the bed, wetting a cloth in a bowl of water that sat against the wall. I laid back down, heeding her instructions. "Where...

2 years ago
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Whither MChapter 4 Whither

George Foster was determined to make this evening memorable. It wouldn’t be his final night with Sylvia, physically at least. It would be their final after-school evening, and he had run out of excuses. He would have to tell her tomorrow that he had decided to take the job in Canada. It wouldn’t be their last night in the same apartment, their last night in the same bed. It probably wouldn’t even end their sex together. Sylvia enjoyed that as much as he did, and it wasn’t as if he was...

3 years ago
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Whither FChapter 4 Whither

Sylvia Jennings thought that George was utterly transparent. Intelligent, yes, but she could read all his thoughts from his actions. She soaped herself slowly under the shower and thought about him. For all his talk about ‘celebration’, for example, he wanted morning sex. He thought that spoiling her the night before would get her in the mood this morning. And, of course, he was right. Not that getting her in the mood took as much effort as he put into it. She enjoyed the sex, and she didn’t...

2 years ago
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Pleasing Joy

I glued my lips onto her and took off her bra too. I dropped it, and immediately pressed our boobs together. We made out and placed our hands onto one another's butts.She caressed my bare ass, but I scrubbed hers as hard as I could through her undergarments. 'No thong? She usually wears one, but I guess not tonight. These silk panties of hers do feel good on my skin though. Yes, this hot chick is mine, and I will have my way with her.'In no time at all, I felt juice flowing down on my leg and...

3 years ago
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Joy and Happiness

"Can I get you anything else?" the white haired waitress asked. "No thank you," the darker haired young woman in the booth replied as she looked up from the magazine she had been reading, glancing as she did at the half filled coffee cup to her left. "I'm fine." The waitress, her name tag identified as Rhonda, smiled as she totaled up the check, leaving it on the edge of the table before heading off to check on another of her customers. It had been the third time the twenty-six year...

3 years ago
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My slut wife Joy

My wife Joy is a slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck all the time, anytime. She has been gang banged by clubs, fraternities, softball teams, bowling teams, the night shift at a 24-hour gas station. She has been videotaped and photographed entertaining groups of guys. Joy was once gang banged by a group of her teachers when she was seventeen in high school in the principal’s office during school hours. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

3 years ago
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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Joy at the Lake

Lou and I have been the closest of friends for 25 years, double-dating in his red convertible way back in high school. Over the years we have shared a lot of memories, like the times he would be fucking his date in the front seat while I was screwing mine in the back seat, damn near wearing out the springs on his Chevrolet. We even had the same girlfriend a few times, although we dated them at different times. Either they were mine first and then later his, or vice versa. One of them once told...

1 year ago
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Joy sucks the team

One night, when my wife Joy and I were making out and she had my cock in her hand and I played with her clit, she asked me about my buddies, the guys I played basketball with. They always make a big deal about her breasts whenever she comes to the games, or goes out with us afterward for beers. They tease her unmercifully. “Do they act like that with every girl?” she asked, trying not to be too curious. “No,” I said. “They just go nuts over your boobs. They’re always asking what they’re like...

Group Sex
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My wife Joy is a slut

Joy was once gang banged by a group of her teachers when she was seventeen in high school in the principal's office during school hours. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or group of guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her suck cock or getting fucked turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and being used like a sperm bank. The following story is about an event that happened to my wife a number of years ago. My wife, Joy, went to her company's...

Group Sex

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