Babe In The Woods Ch 5 free porn video

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William thought that he would never sleep that night, but the emotions and the mental stress of the embarrassment, humiliation and sheer horror of the day had been so great that he was totally exhausted. Weirdly he seemed to get tired quickly lately and even though it was only early evening sleep possessed him almost as soon as his head touched the pillow. The morning saw the dawn of another nerve wracking day, he awoke feeling odd, for some inexplainable reason his chest felt funny and his nipples seemed to be itching like crazy. Yet when he itched them, he found that he really didn't want to scratch them but more to, well he didn't know how to really describe it, more to perhaps stroke them or rub them gently. When he did so, though, they seemed to stiffen unnaturally, it was all too confusing. He shook himself, glancing at the childish little alarm clock by his bed, it was something that he had had as a present from his mother years before. Now the time warned him that he should get up and get her, her morning tea. He grimaced at himself in the mirror, a hateful glance at the childish nightie with its humiliating logo, yet he hardly giving a thought to the bikini panties that he had taken to wearing even at night. If he had thought more about them then he might have realised and become even more worried about what he was slowly happening to him. He brought the two cups up, leaving his in his own bedroom as usual, before knocking nervously on his mother's bedroom door. Her voice was loud and strident. "Come." "I, Ive got your tea Mum, ah, Mummy," he mumbled, correcting himself as he spoke. She was sitting up in bed, her translucent nightie roughly covering her breasts, the ipad on the bed in front of her. "Put it there." She gesticulated at her bedside table where the half full pill bottle stood open, an empty glass beside it. He turned to leave, he just wanted to get out of her way before she said anything else. "Go and have your shower Amanda, then put on your uniform as I showed you last night. ALL OF IT! Understand?" She paused, looking at him nervously stopped by the bedroom door, waiting and watching his reactions. William could hardly believe that she was continuing with this humiliating treatment, he quivered in apprehensive embarrassment, this was horrible, why was she doing this to him and yet a throbbing was beginning again in his little entrapped penis. She could see his mixed emotions; she could see that there was a flush in his face and she smirked. "Get along, hurry about it, I want cereal and toast for breakfast this morning and that new ground coffee that I bought yesterday when I was out. Oh and incidentally, set a place for yourself at the kitchen table, as my maid, you may as well get used to eating there, it would never do for my maid to be sharing a meal with me in the dining room and if the truth be known I dislike you watching me disapprovingly as I chat to my friends on my phone," She stressed the word maid each time she said it, knowing what it was doing to him as she said it. William rushed out to the bathroom, almost in tears. He was asking himself why, why was she being like this to him? Yet deep down he knew that the happenings at the dunes and his appearance wearing a skirt were more of his own fault, he should have stood up to the man in the first place. After all what was she to think with him turning up like that wearing a skirt, it was his own fault. The thoughts went round and round in his brain It all fed a confusion that made his head hurt. The warm cascade of the shower caressed his body, slowly washing his worries away and soon the soaping of his chest once again made his nipples erect, distracting him completely. He took far too long in the shower and when he emerged from the bathroom, his mother stood there outside the door, an angry expression on her face. "What the hell have you been doing in there, you're just like a girl in the shower aren't you? Well you want to be like a little girl then we will have to do something about it won't we?" He tightened the towel around him, covering his stiff and throbbing nipples in pained embarrassment. "I, I'm sorry Mum uh Mummy," he mumbled. "AND If I hear a mis-pronouncement of my name again Amanda, you will feel my crop on your bare little bottom and then you'll certainly regret it, understand?" He nodded nervously and did his best to squeeze past her to get to his bedroom. "Come into my bedroom as soon as you've put your dress on Amanda. Wait for me there, I want to inspect my little maid before she gets my breakfast," Her words were spoken sharply with no room for debate and with that she headed into the bathroom herself, closing the door with a flourish. William felt frustrated and stupidly tearful, he didn't want to do this anymore, but he knew that if he didn't do as she told him, goodness knows how cross she would get. He dried himself, putting on another pair of bikini panties before looking in painful distaste at the black dress with the petticoat and bra on the chest of drawers beside it. Perhaps he could get away with just the dress, that was bad enough, but surely that would appease her. He stepped into the dress, pulling it up and slipping his arms into the little sleeves as he had the night before. It was a wriggle and a slight struggle to get the zip up, but eventually he managed. For some reason beyond his comprehension, the whole process had taken him longer than he thought it would and with a nervous twinge in his tummy, he suddenly realised that she was already in her bedroom. He tapped lightly on the door, his heart in his throat, then and he waited stupidly for her response. "Come." She gave a loud one word answer and he nervously went in through the door. She stood there in her bra and panties, a matching fine lace in peach, concealing yet tantalisingly revealing, she looked incredibly sexy to his eyes, her appearance making his little penis pulse in its prison. "And WHAT do you think you are wearing?" her voice was tinged with an immediate anger and scorn. "Th, the, m my d dress Mu, Mummy," he struggled to stutter a reply. "That's just not good enough Amanda, have I got to instruct you every time? I tell you girl, if this happens again then you will be over my knees and you WILL feel my crop on your bare bottom. Now get dressed properly! All girls wear bras and that includes sissys like you and sissys particularly like their lacey petticoats. You ARE a sissy, you've admitted that to me so don't deny it. Now shift your lazy backside, get dressed properly and get down to sort out breakfast." She spat the words out with increasing vehemence, her voice loud and angry. William paled, he was actually trembling, he hated being shouted at and he hated her being angry at him. Almost whimpering he hastily scuttled off to his bedroom, rushing before she shouted more and carried out her threat. The very action of putting on the bra and the petticoat made him feel like a sissy. They sent him into a downward spiral of buzzing submissive embarrassment. Then putting the short black dress back on, with the pinny and the heels just compounded it all, adding to his overall confusion and nervous humiliation. She snorted when she saw him, making him do a turn to show her, adding to his continuing embarrassment. "Hmmpph, that's better, that's what I expect, I don't want to have to lecture you again tomorrow morning. If you don't, then you know what will happen Amanda." She had her breakfast, then she oversaw him taking his morning tablets, she had suddenly decided that he had to double the dose and before he could argue or question at all she loudly explained that they were special vitamins and that all sissys needed to look after their health. She taunted for his response, but he meekly and submissively gave in, he was scared of her, he always had been, yet he loved her too. "Finish clearing up and tidying the breakfast things Amanda, then come up to your bedroom, I'll be waiting there to help you dress for your walk as you asked me to last night." With that she strode out of the kitchen and he heard her going up the stairs. Help him get dressed to go out for his walk? Oh god noo, William's heart was in his throat. Yes, he did just about remember saying that, but he had been in a state, he didn't really mean it, he had thought that she had only been teasing him. A horrible feeling gripped him stopping him from focussing on his chores which made them take twice as long to do. Half an hour later he found himself dragging his heels in a terrible expectancy as he made his way back up the stairs to his bedroom. She was sitting on the bed waiting, most of the clothes he had brought upstairs the previous night and left dumped in a pile on the floor were now, nowhere to be seen. "I've put your clothes away for you Amanda, but don't expect me to have to do that again. I expect my maid to be clean and tidy and to put all her clothes away in her drawers," She didn't give him a chance to answer and he just stood there not knowing whether to thank her or not. "Now take your uniform off there's a good girl." William reluctantly and nervously undressed in front of her, she was continuing to keep him in this state of humiliation and it was making him feel more and more tearful and submissive. "Keep on your bra and panties girl, after all your daddy will expect you to wear the proper underwear, won't he?" William's cheeks couldn't get much redder, they burnt continually, she seemed to know about the man, or was it just a guess, or a tease, he felt even more confused, his mind in a whirl. She waited until William stood there nervously, in the bra and panties, fully aware of his emotional hell. "Now there is something we've forgotten isn't there Amanda?" William looked at her in quivering confusion. "When I put all your clothes away properly in your drawers Amanda and I found your Daddy's lovely little present, which I am sure he will expect you to wear today." She opened her hands and there was the gleaming butt plug, the rose jewelled bottom twinkling in the light. William thought he would die, if you can die of sheer and total embarrassment, but he didn't die, he just stood there quivering in tearful humiliation wishing the ground would open up and hide him. The tube of KY Gel was in her hand beside it. "I am sure you want Mummy to help you with it, don't you Amanda?" William couldn't look at her, he couldn't speak. "DON'T YOU AMANDA?" He jumped at her shout. "Ys." The word was a reaction to her shout more than anything. She wriggled forward onto the edge of the bed, her skirt riding up as she did so, she was wearing stockings and suspenders, he hadn't noticed them before, but now they were completely visible as was her peeping panties. He couldn't help himself looking at them, a sexual urge bubbling inside him, his little penis tingling tightly in its cage. "Then tell me Amanda, tell Mummy that you want her to help you put Daddy's pretty present in," she wriggled her legs as she spoke, totally aware of his stare. He said it then, he said it in a quiet whimpered gasp, she had that way, that way of captivating him, making him agree to her as she teased him. "P p please Mummy w will you help m me put Daddy's pretty present in." "Across Mummy's knees then Amanda," She put the butt plug and the gel to one side and pointed at her knees, wriggling her skirt further up as she prepared for him. William was literally whimpering as he slid across her stocking clad legs, nervously balancing himself as she adjusted his position. She had him move around until she was satisfied, then maddeningly slowly she pulled his bikini panties down to his knees. He jumped as she gave his bare cheeks several sharp smacks. "You've been asking for that all morning Amanda." And he wriggled, whimpering. "For goodness sake keep still you little sissy, I can see you can't wait for it, but keep still," With that she spread his cheeks and he twitched in dire humiliation, trying to supress his whimpers of complete embarrassment as she began to squeeze the gel over and into him. She worked wordlessly then, using one then two fingers to lubricate him, until she was satisfied before she picked up the plug and began to slowly tease him with it. "Are you going to be Mummy's good little girl, Amanda? Her words were soft yet veiled with her own arousal. William wriggled in whimpering confusion as she carried on with her teasing, his penis throbbing in its cage until he at last gasped "yss Mummy>" She pushed the butt plug in a little further, opening him more, before letting it slip out again, slowly repeating the process over and over as she spoke. "Will you be a good girl for Daddy too Amanda?" It was such a strange feeling, pain, tension, expectation, then release, teasing over and over as she did it until he couldn't think straight anymore. "Yss Mummy," he gasped. "Tell me then Amanda, tell Mummy." "I, I ohhh, i'll be a good little girl for Daddy too Mummy." His whimper was entwined with confusing emotions and strange arousals, her stockinged legs rubbing against his thighs as he whispered the words. Suddenly the plug was in him, it slid in so quickly, almost painlessly, the discomfort there again, the expectation complete, a little dribble spurting from his entrapped little penis as it happened and yet the odd full feeling making him quiver and twitch. "There." She pulled his panties back up as far as his hips, then pushed him off her knees unceremoniously. "Now tidy yourself up and thank me for helping you Amanda." William, with his back to her, pulled his panties right up, then turned again to face her. "Look at me when you thank me Amanda." "Thnk you Mummy," he peeped at her, taking in her semi nudity that was driving him wild as he struggled to say the words in the depths of his embarrassment. She pulled out the red faux latex skirt from behind her then. "There, that's what you want isn't it sissy? Now put it on like a good girl." William hadn't seen her other hand sneak into her pocket as she pulled the skirt out from its' hiding place behind her, he didn't know she even had a controller, he almost suspected, but then he couldn't see how she could have one, the whole thing had confused him terribly. Now the evil tingling teasing started in the head of his entrapped little penis once again, seemingly coinciding with the appearance of the ultimately slutty sexy skirt. He whimpered softly, his legs rubbing together once more. "You love it don't you Amanda? You can't wait to put it on can you," She held it out to him whilst slowly turning the control knob in her pocket He whimpered louder now, unable to stop himself taking it from her. "You love it don't you Amanda, you can't wait to wear it for your daddy can you?" The throbbing was driving him crazy, twisting his mind in seeming ease until he couldn't think straight anymore. "Ysss," he gave a whimpered gasp. "Then tell me Amanda, let it out sissy, admit it, tell me. You love this skirt and you can't wait to wear it for your daddy." He was almost panting now, his little penis in desperate tingling arousal. "I, I, love the s skirt Mummy, I, I cant wait to wear it for my daddy." His words a soft emotional quiver. "Good girl, put it on then," She smirked in glee, turning the control back down a little. William, struggling to bring himself under control, pulled the skirt up, its tight clinging stretchy material gripping, holding, moulding, showing every wrinkle, as trembling, he zipped it into place. "Good girl and now your top." She pulled the pink crop top out from behind her and his eyes opened in horror. She couldn't, she wouldn't. he shuddered in a mixture of abject humiliation and yet that teasing was still there feeding his begging wanton need and dragging him into a deeper submissiveness. Reluctantly he pulled on the crop top, it wasn't as easy as it had been when she first made him wear one. It felt somehow tighter, the bra and his odd feeling chest, seemed to make it stick out which in turn pulled its' hem up from the bottom, totally baring his tummy. She steered him across to the mirror and he almost fainted in sheer embarrassment. He looked like a slut a weird mixture of male and female, a boyishness dressed as a sexy girl, a total sissy, he couldn't go out like this he'd die. Before he knew it, however, he was at the back garden gate, his sandals on his feet, the plastic bag with the picnic blanket in his hand. She opened the gate and unceremoniously pushed him through it. "Have fun and don't keep you daddy waiting Amanda." She laughed as she closed the gate leaving him standing there for a minute, in terrified embarrassment. He took off then, wiggling insanely as he trotted for the cover of the trees. He shook his head to clear it. What was happening to him, what was he doing, oh my god what was he doing? Did he have a plan? What could he do? How could he stop all this? How could he get out of all that was being done to him? One thing he did know, the key to it all was for him to get the terrible chastity thing off him. That's what he needed to do, that was the most important thing. He resolved now, he would meet the man and demand that he remove it. Then he would be free and able to tell his mother that he had been forced into the situation and that all that he had agreed to and said before, was lies. Yes, he knew that there were holes in his story, knew that it would be difficult to persuade her, but he had to do something, he just had to. So, it was with this resolve that he now hurried onward towards the beach, his mind made up to finally finish this whole crazy thing. He got to the picnic site and the toilets quicker than usual and he looked about cautiously, no one was to be seen. He rushed inside the toilet block and hung around in the cubicle for a few minutes waiting. He used the loo whilst he was there and then waited longer, but the man didn't arrive. Looking about him nervously he slipped out of the toilet block and peeped around, there was no one in sight. His nerves were growing jumpier by the second, where was the man, where was he? Had he forgotten him? Suddenly he felt that soul destroying gentle buzzing at the very head of his entrapped penis, it was soft, a tickle, almost a caress. He quivered, at the feeling before looking around him, nervous yet in hope. The man must be close by, but he still couldn't see him. Gradually the inevitable unstoppable arousal was beginning to course through him once again. He stood there quivering in expectation, continually glancing about him, but still he couldn't see the man. He was beginning to feel frustrated now and even a little tearful, where was he, where was he? He was feeling more and more emotional. Oh god where was he, where was he? Please, please, please where are you, where are you? Then an idea suddenly came to him, was the man expecting him to go to the little clearing? It must be, it must be, surely that was it and with a sudden hope, he finally made up his already woolly and confused mind and started to hurry along that quiet pathway. By the time he got there, he was already in a highly charged state, the incessant buzzing driving him to distraction, the fear and hope eating into his brain. And then, there he was. William felt a wave of relief flow over him, he could have kissed him, all thoughts of angrily demanding gone, he was just a whimpering mess, almost in tears, unable to stop himself from rushing up to him. "Oh baby, come on, come to Daddy baby." William fell stupidly into his arms with a sob. "There, there, baby, you thought you'd lost me, didn't you? It's all right baby, I'm here now." He held William very tightly, overly tightly, for a few minutes before kissing him with a long demanding, forceful, tongue raping kiss before pushing him away to arms-length to look at him. "Oh my goodness, look at you, baby, you've dressed like a complete slut for Daddy, haven't you?" William couldn't speak, now that he was facing his possessor, the buzzing at his little penis filling his mind, turning his head to a submissive mush. "Well, well, such a sexy skirt baby and are you wearing some pretty panties for me as I told you to?" William stared vacantly for a minute then shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts, he gave a little nod. "Good girl, show me then, show Daddy, baby." William went to try and wriggle his skirt upwards to reveal them. "No, no baby, take your skirt off." William was realising that it was a struggle to wriggle the skirt up anyway, so in an odd way it made sense what the man, had said and he unzipped the zip. He wriggled it down over his hips and took it off, holding it nervously in his hands. "Here, give it to me baby, I'll look after it for you," Thoughtlessly William handed the skirt to him. "But where are your sexy panties baby? You've dressed up all slutty for me and yet you're just wearing plain girl's panties." William blushed deeply, the words totally unexpected. "Well, that's such a pity, but let's see what else you've got on for me baby, take off your pretty sexy top there's a good girl." William paused nervously, the buzzing at his little penis driving him on, yet the thought of revealing the bra terribly humiliating. "You are going to be a good girl today aren't you baby." The man was fingering the little key that was dangling around his neck, sensing William's hesitation, it caught William's attention immediately and he gave another little nod. "Tell me then baby, tell me, say, I'm going to be a good girl for you today Daddy." William almost whimpered the words, his voice a soft whisper. "I'm going to be a good little girl for you today Daddy." The man, Paul, immediately noticed the extra word and he gave a wicked smile. "Take your top off for me then baby." Reluctantly, yet the constant buzzing making him wriggle and whimper, he pulled the crop top off over his head and without further direction handed it over to the man leaving him standing there in his bra and panties. "Good girl. What a pretty little bra you're wearing, I am glad to see you are trying your best to be a good little girl for Daddy. Now you've brought our blanket with you?" William gave a half nod. "Lay it out then baby." William took the blanket out of the bag that he'd dropped to the ground when he'd seen the man and laid it out on the grassy floor, straightening the corners as he did so. Paul watched him, hungrily taking in every inch of his sissy body, waiting until he was done. "Good girl." He slipped the key chain off over his head. "Now take your panties off for me baby." William couldn't take his eyes off the key, this was it, he was going to get released at last. He'd been good, he'd played along with this man and now he would be free, it would be all over. He felt a flush of nervous embarrassment, yet he knew what he had to do and he slipped his panties down, baring himself completely and again handing them over to Paul, without being told. "Good girl, now turn around and get down on your hands and knees, let me see if you've really been a good little girl today." William turned and knelt on the rug with a strange mixture of nervous apprehensions in his head, fear, humiliation, mixed with hopefulness and yet the continuing buzzing was causing that undying arousal. He slid his hands forward and took up a doggy position on his hands and knees in the middle of the rug. Paul could see immediately, the rose pink of the jewelled head of the butt plug as it gleamed between William's cheeks. He grinned evilly to himself and reached out touching it, pushing it gently further into him, making William gasp softly. "What a good little girl you are, now sit down on the blanket baby." William did as he was told, the pressure on the plug a constant reminder as he sat. "Now watch Daddy, there's a good baby." Paul undid his belt, unzipped his trousers and took them off as William sat there quivering in horror. Surely he wouldn't make him suck him again, oh god surely he wouldn't. Paul's dark blue boxers quickly followed his trousers, placed carefully to one side, his half erect cock, popping up, lean and hungry as he did so. William gasped again, seeing it, for some insane reason he couldn't take his eyes off it and for some crazy confusing reason his own little penis throbbed more in its prison. "Now lie back like a good little girl." William could see the key in Paul's hand. Ohh, ohh, here it comes, here it comes, freedom, release, ohh god yess ohh yess. "Do you want me to take it of baby?" Paul's voice was soft, persuasive yet laced with sexual inuendo. "Yess, yess, take it off, ohh yess," William gabbled the words. "Beg me baby, plead with me," Paul teased him, taunting him. "Please, please, ohh Daddy please, please take it off me please." William's little penis began throbbing madly as he begged. So much was the feeling, buzzing through his body, that he couldn't stop himself from going on and repeating his words, each word making him feel more stupidly submissive and aroused. "Please, ohhh Daddy, please ohh please ohh ohh Daddy, Daddy ohh please." He was almost panting as he spoke. Paul smiled wickedly. "Oh baby, you love Daddy don't you." His hand was sliding over William's cage as he spoke, teasing him through it. William couldn't help himself. "Yess, yess, ohh Daddy yess." He felt so close to his release, it excited his entire body. "Tell me then baby, tell me you love me." "Ohh, ohh, ohhh, I, I, I, love you, I love you Daddy, I love you Daddy, I love you." William was in a mindless unthinking arousal now, his release so near, his feelings possessing his words. "Kiss me then baby, give Daddy a kiss, just to say you love me." Paul's finger nails were tracing over and around William's cage as he spoke. Quivering all over in his expectation of release, William leaned forward without a thought, opening his mouth for the dominant all possessing kiss that he knew the man wanted. Paul's mouth crushed over his, his powerful tongue sliding through William's submissive lips, pushing him back to the floor as he did so. In seconds William was squirming, gasping for breath under Paul's lean muscular body, his legs apart as the man lay between them, sapping his energy with his all dominating kisses. Eventually, Paul slipped off the exhausted panting young man, kneeling back between his legs. The key was suddenly in his hand, slipping into the tiny lock and with hardly a touch, the cage was off and William's soft tingling little penis was free at last. William whimpered peeping down at his release, his little penis seemed smaller somehow and though it was tingling madly, it wasn't really growing. "Turn over onto your hands and knees baby." Paul's voice was full of lust now, his penis fully erect, a smooth throbbing sabre, stiff and imposing to William's shocked eyes. William did as he was told, he was free at least, now the dam plug and then he would be completely free and it would all be over. He knelt tiredly by them man again, his bottom in the air, the plug visible again. "Do you want it out baby mmm?" "Yss, yss. Please," he mumbled his voice a soft whisper. "Then tell Daddy properly baby, remember tell Daddy properly, beg Daddy." Paul's cock stiffened even more as he spoke, a tiny golden droplet of precum appearing at the top of his purple throbbing wanton mushroom. William was till in the state of submissive collapse, his words immediate, his little flaccid penis throbbing stupidly. "Please, please ohh Daddy, Daddy, please, please, ohh Daddy pleeease take it out, take it out, please Daddy," he panted. Paul's wicked smile grew, he was fully aroused, now, at last, he was going to have William. He gripped the head of the plug and gently wriggled it out from him, leaving his rosebud, open, gaping and ready. William groaned, the confusing feeling of relief mixed with loss and emptiness going through him once again. Then he felt a heat, a touch and before he could react or even think, Paul was gripping his hips, pulling him back onto his bar like stiffness. The loss being replaced by an ever-growing fullness. William's gasp was a high-pitched squeak as Paul's hot wet mushroom entered him, followed by a long quivering moan as Paul slowly slid deeper and deeper into him, increasing his fullness in a slow unstopping movement. Fully in him, Paul held him there tightly for a few seconds, letting him adjust to the feeling inside him before slipping his right hand over William's hip and down between his legs to touch, gently enclosing his naked flaccidness. Paul tickled and teased him then, running his fingers over him, holding his little penis between his finger and thumb. He took his time and soon he could feel William's quivering arousal building up inside him. He knew that William, after the period of chastity, wouldn't be able to hold back and would quickly cum. Slowly then, he began to move, his gentle thrusts making William moan, each sound ending in a girlish whimper, his little penis, though still confusingly flaccid was wet and throbbing as Paul moved his hand away until he was barely touching it. It seemed like an age, but it was probably only seconds before William ejaculated uncontrollably in a moaning release. He was like a doll then, an exhausted compliant doll and Paul slid over his back, his hands over his shoulders, kissing his neck in his fervent sexual ardour as he thrust ever deeper into him. William hardly felt the ejaculation inside him, only that the man stiffened, holding him tightly, almost biting his ear, his cock held motionless inside him as wave after wave of cum squirted into him. Paul lay on him for a few minutes whilst he got himself back under control, then gently pulled his slightly wilted cock from him. A trickle followed from William's open, still spasming rose, Paul smiled to himself reaching for the butt plug which he slowly slid it back into William. It was easier now of course, but still making the young man groan softly again as he did it. "Turn over, lie on your back baby." Paul helped William to straighten his legs and roll over onto his back. "There, now relax, let me clean you up baby." William spied the packet of wipes through half closed eyes as he lay there in a post coital exhaustion. Paul gently wiped over and around William's little penis as the boy dozed, the application of the depilation cream unseen by him. Paul took his time, working softly, gently, not to disturb or awaken William until he was satisfied that his genitals were completely bare. Hardly making a sound, he removed the new chastity device from the bag where he had previously prepared it. Quickly, quietly, he slipped the ring around William's root, tightening it, it was tighter, much tighter than the previous one which had only really served to prepare the way for this tiny one. William whimpered quietly in his sleep as it was fitted it on him and Paul paused for a second waiting to see if he woke up, but he didn't. So, he continued gently, there was no tube as such, just a cap with a central hole and some smaller holes around it, much like a pepper pot. He fitted it over and onto William's little penis, pushing his little shaft back into his body, tightly fitting the cap so that it held it there, a silver disc nestling between his small imprisoned testicles. The lock was invisible, a fine concealed bolt, screwed in place with its' own special key. Finishing, Paul looked at it in satisfaction, now time to wake the little sissy up. He shook William none to gently. "Come on baby, wake up, you have to get dressed before people come along and I will have to go soon too." William's eyes immediately flicked open and he sat up, suddenly and shockingly awake. He looked startled and in realisation, disgusted with himself. In that instant he remembered where he was and what had just happened and he felt a sickness and horror burst inside. He began to speak, but Paul immediately hushed him. "No time for talking now baby, we have to hurry." Paul got to his feet, pulling William up at the same time. It was then that William suddenly realised that he was back in chastity, but not only was he in chastity, this was a different thing, this was worse, what had the man done to him? Where was his penis? What was this? "What, what," he began in a frightened little squeak. "Don't worry baby, I'm looking after it." Paul showed William the little alan key dangling from a ring held between his finger and thumb. "Now hurry, we have to be quick, I can hear voices, quick, quick." The whole think invoked horror and panic in William and he began whimpering "Oh god, oh god noo, noo," terrified, looked around vainly for his clothes. Paul had quickly put on his boxer shorts, taking no notice as William whimpered and searched, begging whilst he just finished belting his trousers around his waist. "Wait baby, patience girl, I'll give you your things now." He looked into the proprietary plastic bag that he always seemed to have with him and pulled out a pair of pants, handing them to William. William took them from him, looking at them in confusion, these weren't his. "Don't worry baby, you can bring your slutty things home in your bag, but for now, I want you dressed nicely, now put your knickers on there's a good girl, hurry now, hurry." Whimpering William hesitantly stepped into the knickers, it was obvious they were school girl's knickers, a white cotton with elastic at the legs as well as the waist. He pulled them up, the elasticated legs stretching and gripping his thighs as he did so. They made him feel strange and for some stupid reason his tiny, completely entrapped penis began to tingle. "Good, now put your blouse on quickly baby, we don't want people to see what a slut you looked do we?" The blouse was white, it had a little collar and was fully buttoned from the waist up, leaving an open vee neck at the top. William hurriedly buttoned it up, feeling more and more nervy at the man's continual urging for speed. It was only when he had finished buttoning it up that he realised how sheer it was and how it was revealing the fact that he was wearing a bra. "Oh God," he began, gesticulating to it as he did so. "I can hear voices baby, hurry we haven't long, quick now." The skirt was grey, fully pleated, quite flared and above the knee. Hardly thinking now, the panic growing inside him, he put the skirt on, buttoning and zipping it up. Paul stepped forward as he did it and gave the skirt a little twist at his waist so that the zip was at the back. "Quick now, here are your socks and shoes." Sure enough William could hear voices, girls voices laughing. In an almost insane panic William put on the socks that Paul handed to him, they were white and came up to his knees a pink scalloped elasticated top gripping his legs and holding them up. The shoes were shiny and black with clumpy heels and amazingly fitted him perfectly. "There, at least you're respectable now, no one would ever know that you had just had sex would they?" William blushed in sickened embarrassment at the reminder, then followed Paul's gaze, looking down at himself. He squeaked in the shock and sudden realisation and horror that he was dressed in a schoolgirl's uniform just like the ones the girls from his old school used to wear. "There now you'll almost fit in wont you baby, there is a field trip here today for the girls from your old school, you can hear them now. It's a nature study thing and they are exploring the natural dunes looking for rare plants. So, lets quickly tidy your things up and put them in a bag for you to take home to Mummy." He watched William's panicked scrabbling, picking up the things lying around. "I have to go now baby. I am supposed to be speaking to the girls about where to look and what to look for," he smirked at him. "Perhaps I'll tell them to look out for you, a lost little schoolgirl! So you'd better hurry up hadn't you." William wanted to run there and then, but he knew he had to bring all the things back with him or he would be in even greater trouble. Quickly he folded up the picnic rug, shoving it roughly in the bag, then he looked around. Within those moments he found himself alone and hurriedly picking up the two carrier bags and with the little satchel once again around his neck he started to run. The panic was fully upon him now, he thought he could hear girls talking all around him and on one pathway he saw two, dressed similar to him, coming around the corner towards him. He turned on his heel and fled, hoping that they hadn't seen him. Eventually, rushing through a more overgrown area, he came to a barbed wire fence, whimpering in fear and total panic he hurriedly followed it, knowing that he couldn't climb over it. He followed it for a while until he came to a rickety wooden gate with a chain holding it shut. In the distance he was sure that he could hear the girls coming closer so he rattled and pulled at the gate to see if he could open it. The voice behind him almost gave him heart failure as he jumped to face its source. It was the scruffy old vagrant he had seen before. "Help, help me, help me please," William blurted the words out in a tearful quivering voice. The man smiled, remembering him. "Well, well, well, hello darlin, so you're a schoolgirl now, are you?" William was looking over, the man's shoulder as he spoke. "Please, they're coming." The old man gave a vulgar smile. "So, you want to hide from your school friends is that it? Girly." The last word was spoken in a teasing testing voice. William could hear the voices coming closer. "Yess, yess, please sir." "Well if you are a very good-" He paused mid-sentence. "Girl...., then I'll elp ya darlin." "Yesss, yess, oh please, I I will, uh, sir, please," William could see a little group of girls on the top of a sand dune looking and pointing at the ground chatting. "C'mon then darlin, don't worry, I'll look after ya." He undid the chain on the gate, pushing it open and William slipped quickly through in front of him. The old man closed the gate again fixing the chain back in place, then took William's wrist, his grip firm his hand rough and they both hurried down into a dip behind a large thicket, where to William's amazement there was a small cottage. The man led him up to the front door and stopped, taking from his pocket an old key on a piece of dirty string, he unlocked the door and it swung open. "In ya go darlin," he all but pushed William and his bags in through the door, following him and locking the door again behind him. It was quite dark and dingy inside, there was one big room with a tatty sofa and some old armchairs in front of a large black log stove. To one side and in front of the small front window, was a table with three chairs around it. Towards the back there was a small kitchen area with a sink, a worktop and a small gas cooker with a blackened kettle sitting on top of it. To the left and again to the back, there was a bedroom area with a big iron bedstead, a couple of cupboards and an old wardrobe. The bedroom area was divided from the rest of the cottage by a curtain which ran along a rail fixed to the rafters. "Put them bags down and lets ave a look at ya then darlin." William relaxed a second the terrified panic subsiding, he was hidden, safe, he put the bags down then he turned to face the old man and stood there stupidly in front of him, his hands held together in front of him. "You've turned into a proper little schoolgirl ha'nt ya?" William blushed bright red, the panic had gone and he felt grateful for that, but the old man's comment was a horrible reminder, it made him instantly aware of the way he was looking. A feeling of embarrassment grew inside him and he nervously looked down, shuffling his feet, humiliated and unable to face the old man anymore. "Well aren't ya gonna thank ya uncle Johnny then?" The man suddenly appeared big in the small low roofed cottage. "Th Thank you for, for helping me sir," William stuttered, his voice small. "Oh no girly, you aint jus gonna get away that easy, now come an give ya uncle Johnny a nice kiss to say thank ya." He pulled out one of the chairs from the table and sat on it, his legs wide apart. William paled in horror, his stomach suddenly in knots, he looked towards the door, about to run off, but then close by he could hear a group of girls shouting at each other. "Please, I. I-" He ran out of words. The man pointed to his lips. "Cmon darlin, jus a little thank ya kiss, we safe ere, no one's gonna disturb us." With that, almost as he spoke, his hand snaked out and grabbed William's wrist. William squeaked as he found himself pulled towards him until he was standing between his legs. "Now darlin let's start with that nice kiss you owes me." William felt very small and stupidly childish, he tried to pull free, to wriggle away, but his struggles were futile with the big man's arms around him pulling him ever closer. His grey beard and hairy nostrils filling William's field of vision. "Cmon darlin, you knows ya got to, don't ya." Suddenly his lips were against William's, the kiss gentle, softer than William's expectation, it unbalanced him and it was swiftly followed by more, soft coaxing little kisses, gently manipulating William's senses. They left William gasping, quivering, the weird mixture of confused feelings growing inside him once again. Before he realised it, William was completely enwrapped in the big man's arms, the hairy chin against his cheek as he blew softly on and then enclosed his ear, making him quiver in a weird submissive weakness as the old man began to suck on his lobe. Gradually the old man transferred his attentions to Williams neck, slowly finding and teasing all his erogenous zones as William became weaker and weaker, more and more muddled and bewildered by his feelings, softening like putty in the old man's hands. "Last time you showed me your sweet little ass, didn't you darlin? Hmmm?" The old man's voice was a soft whisper in his ear. William just quivered, he was unable to find his voice, the old man's ministrations doing weird things to him. his heart pounding in his chest. "Now you've dressed as a sexy schoolgirl for me han't ya?" The words seemed to buzz in his head. In the struggle the buttons of William's blouse had somehow become undone and now the old man's hand slipped through, finding its way under his bra to his nipple which he began stroking and pulling softly. William's nipples had been bizarrely sensitive since he had got up that morning and now they were becoming quickly aroused, buzzing and begging to be touched once again, just as they had when he'd got out of bed. He closed his eyes unable to stop himself letting out a soft little moan, his natural reaction to push his chest towards the teasing hand. The old man read the signals, the reaction just as he had hoped and In seconds he had William's blouse wide open and his bra pushed up. His lips hungrily enclosing William's erect and throbbing nipples and William felt suddenly lost. The man played him like an instrument then, teasing touching kissing until William's emotions were madly bewildered. "Are ya gonna come to bed wiv ya uncle Johnny, darlin? Are ya eh? Are ya?" the old man spoke softly, cajoling, gently persuading. William was confused in that bewildering sexual arousal, but when he heard the old man's words, they made him gasp in horror, he tried to pull himself together, shaking his head vigorously whimpering his reaction, "N, Noo, I, I, no please." The old man's response was surprising, calm, accepting, soothing even "It's ok darlin, don't fret, there's no hurry." The man crooned in his ear, placating him, then slowly stood up, carefully sliding the quivering William into his vacated seat. "Jus relax an sit there a second darlin while yor uncle Johnny gets ya something nice." William sat quivering, nervous, his mind still confused, his nipples still throbbing, his entrapped little penis buzzing in its tightly restricted prison. Stupidly, he didn't move, somehow he couldn't, he just sat there quietly, that submissive weakness possessing him again. He watched as the man took some things from a cupboard and brought them to the table, he shook something from a little jar and added it to a little dried grassy material before expertly rolling it into a thin cigarette. William wondered what he was doing, he thought that perhaps the old man was just going to have a smoke, but the old man brought the cigarette and his matches back over to William. He pulled out another chair and sat beside him holding the cigarette in front of William as he lit the end of it, turning it in his fingers until it was glowing. "There now darling, take a little suck on this for uncle." He held the cigarette up to William's lips. William backed away looking at it nervously, he didn't smoke, he'd never smoked. "It's ok darlin, it won't hurt ya, Just put it tween your lips and suck it gently." The man's voice was soft, coaxing, quite mesmeric. "Just a little suck darling, just a little suck." The cigarette was giving off a little curl of smoke, and he held it right under William's nose, it smelt quite aromatic so close to William that he couldn't help breathing it in. It made him feel relaxed, his nervous tension immediately beginning to fade. "Just a little suck, it won't hurt darling, just a little suck for uncle Johnny." William looked at it closely, then the old man, then hardly thinking, he opened his mouth slightly and the old man slipped the cigarette between his lips. "There, good girl, now suck it gently for uncle Johnny, darling." William peeped up at him and gave it a tiny suck, the smoke caught in his throat a second and made him give a little cough. "That's it darling, gently, gently now, suck it down, breath it right in for uncle Johnny." William peeped at him again, then took a deeper breath, fully inhaling the smoke without thinking. It made him feel funny, he wanted to cough but he could only swallow. It made him feel strange, he was beginning to not think straight. "Suck it down again darling, a nice big breath for uncle Johnny." The old man's soft voice was filling his head, he was looking into his shining eyes, his bushy beard his fine lips. "Yes uncle Johnny," he said. He couldn't help himself, the old man looked so kind, he heard himself answer, the voice, his voice, sounding soft, girlish even. Sucking the smoke in deeply again, he felt woozy, yet his entire body was beginning to feel hot, aroused even and desperate to be touched. The man smiled, his smile was lewd, coarsely grinning in his success, but to William's muddled mind, he was smiling at him and unthinking he smiled back at him, sucking in the smoke once more as he did so, without further bidding this time. "Now you are gonna come to bed wiv uncle Johnny, aren't ya darlin?" William couldn't stop smiling as he looked at the old man, he struggled to understand his words, but he could see that he could trust the old man, he was so nice. He was so kind, he was looking after him and after all he'd saved him. Yes he really liked him, but now he looked like he expected an answer to something. William tried to remember what Uncle Johnny had said. "Yes uncle Johnny." It was good to agree and he nodded shyly as he spoke. The man slipped his hands over William's erect and throbbing nipples, his touch making him whimper and wriggle. "Tell me then darlin, tell me you wants me to take you to bed wiv me." William felt light headed, he wanted to giggle. "I want you to take me to bed with you uncle Johnny." He repeated the words without a thought. He couldn't stop smiling at the old man, his entire body buzzing as he said the words. He wasn't too sure what he was saying, but this was his uncle Johnny, wasn't it? And oh god he just loved his uncle Johnny touching his nipples like that. The old man stood up smirking, the drug had started doing the trick and quickly, the little sissy seemed to be easily affected, which was a huge bonus. He took the cigarette from William's lips, he would have to make sure William was wearing lipstick next time, red lipstick, hell that would be so sexy. He walked over to the bed and rested the cigarette on an ashtray which was on the bedside cupboard and walked back over to William. It all seemed like slow motion to William, he looked so funny, he wanted to giggle more now as he watched him. Uncle Johnny held out his hand to William, William looked at his hand, still smiling, then took it. Uncle Johnny pulled him to his feet and led him over to the bed making him stand quietly there by it for a second as he unbuttoned William's skirt and pulled it down. "Yor even wearin school girl knickers aren't ya darlin?" William giggled, nodding, he wasn't at all sure what uncle Johnny was saying, it all seemed so funny. "Step out of it darling." "Yes Uncle Johnny." William was still smiling as he stepped out of his skirt Uncle Johnny pulled down William's knickers then, "Let's ave a look see wot we got ere then," he muttered half to himself, then he saw William's tiny chastity and touched it chuckling. "Your boyfriend sure likes to keep ya safe darlin." William felt spaced out, yet Uncle Johnny's touch to his chastity was making his enclosed penis tingle madly. The old man spun him round then, to face the bed, pushing his shoulders down so that he was bending over the side. He could see the twinkling end of the butt plug immediately and chuckled even louder. "I thought so darlin, well this is gonna make it a lot more fun Int it." He slid his hand over William's cheek and gripped the end of the plug, slowly twisting and pulling it out. William gave a soft groan, but the plug slipped out far easier than it had previously with the man, Daddy. Uncle Johnny placed it carefully on the bedside cupboard before hurriedly stripping off his dirty old clothes. When he was naked, his cock stood stiff as a staff and he slid his hand over it. Fuck it's been a long time comin, too. "Come on darlin, up on the bed for uncle Johnny." Without a thought, William climbed up onto the high bed and the old man followed him. He slowly climbed across him pushing him back on the bed as he slipped over him, then he began kissing him once again. This time his kisses were getting stronger, harder, his cock growing rigid as he did so. "I'm gonna fuck ya, ya little teaser, eh, eh?" Slowly the words seeped into Williams brain, he had felt giggly and weak, but he somehow, suddenly understood what the old man was saying. Stiffening he tried to push the old man off him., his words sounding weak and pathetic in his ears. "No, noo, stop it, I don't want it, get off me, get off me,... Please," His arms seemed weak and his pushes useless, the man might appear old but he was horribly strong. "Noo, noo, get off me, get off me." His words mere whimpers. There was a gleam in Uncle Johnny's eye, he liked them to struggle, he enjoyed a good fight. They tussled for several minutes, William weakening all the time, but Uncle Johnny was only playing with him. Eventually he sat up and looked down at the gasping sissy beneath him, he reached for the cigarette and blew on it to reignite the glowing end again, until a curl of smoke grew from it once more. "Come on darlin, breath it in." He blew across the end of the cigarette, blowing the smoke into William's face. William shook his head from side to side to try and avoid it, but the old man brought it closer and closer to his nose. "Breath it in darlin, breath it in for Uncle Johnny, then I can fuck ya, cant I?" William tried holding his breath, but Uncle Johnny was patient, pushing the end of the cigarette through his lips, until he gasped for breath, his gasp sucking the smoke deep into his lungs. Almost immediately he felt that stupid arousal growing again and in seconds he was panting, each breath breathing in the smoke until he lay there squirming, looking up at Uncle Johnny. But he wasn't squirming to try and get away now, he was squirming to try and wriggle against the old man. "You luvs me darlin don't ya? You luvs your uncle Johnny." William carried on squirming, begging in his mind for Uncle Johnny to touch his yearning nipples again. "Tell me darlin, I likes you tellin me." Panting softly, his own hands finding his nipples now. "I, I, love you uncle Johnny, ohh I, I love you." Uncle Johnny let him take another breath of the cigarette and he took it from him again, returning it to the ashtray. He slipped off William then and with a powerful twist, turned the prone exhausted sissy onto his tummy. William whimpered a second, putting his hands behind him to cover his bottom up in some sort of attempt at protection. Uncle Johnny chuckled to himself, this was the bit he liked. Of course, William hadn't looked closely at the bed when he arrived in the cottage and he was too drugged up to look closely when he stood by it. If he had looked, then he would have been terrified, but now, as it was, he had no idea what was going to happen. Uncle Johnny took one of William's arms, twisting it around so that it was above his head, he straightened it with one hand whilst bringing the cuff, secured by its chain to the iron bedframe. William felt a coolness from the leather covering and heard a click as it fastened around his wrist. Even then, his head muzzy, he didn't really realise what was going on, until the same thing happened to his other wrist and then it dawned on him as he pulled on them and he began whimpering loudly, weakly tugging against the chains. Uncle Johnny took his time, his erection rigid and hot as he got off the bed and walked across to the old sofa. On it was a large firm cylindrical cushion, it was heavy and he had to carry it with both hands. He lugged it over to the bed and lifted it on, beside William. He got onto the bed himself then. "Kneel up." It was an order, there was no softness in his voice now. William whimpered and wriggled on the bed. Uncle Johnny reached for the cigarette blowing it into life once again before lifting William's head and holding it beneath his nose. William breathed in the fumes again, he couldn't help it, couldn't avoid it and anyway they were making him feel so alive, so hot, so aroused. The more he breathed them the more he wanted to breath them and whilst he did, he did his best to rub his chest against the sheets beneath him. Uncle Johnny took the cigarette away again and William whimpered at the loss of the wonderful smoke. "You likes that don't ya slut, you luvs the way it makes you feel don't ya? well your gonna want that more an more slut, soon ya'll be begin me for it. Now, kneel like I said." William struggled needing Uncle Johnny's help to get to his knees, but he was finally on them, bent over secured by his wrists to the head of the bed. Uncle Johnny rolled and pulled the big cushion over and pushed it between William's legs, then lifting him up with an unbelievable ease, he wriggled the cushion up so that it was beneath William and he was effectively on top of it and astride it, riding it. His body lying fully on it, his hips at its bottom edge, his chastised little penis on it and his shoulders just overhanging the top edge, his nipples annoyingly untouched either side of the curve of the cushion. Uncle Johnny was enjoying every minute, he was almost whistling as he cuffed and chained Williams ankles, pulling them down and apart so that he was no longer kneeling, but all his weight was on the cushion, his soft bare bottom presenting itself to him. He slid his hand around William's cheeks, hearing the muffled sounds of William's whimpers as he did so, but he wasn't ready yet, William wasn't fully prepared yet. He smiled to himself, let's future proof the little sissy, he muttered to himself. He pulled open the top drawer in the bedside cabinet and took out a blindfold and a clear silicon face mask. The mask had two adjustable straps coming from it. At the end there was a small, hard, white plastic container, with a number of fine holes in its top. Humming gently, his cock rigid and almost dripping, he unscrewed the little container and placed it on the top of the cabinet, then using a small knife he broke open the cigarette, scraping its contents into the container. Satisfied that it was all in there, he took a short match and lit it, then lit the contents of the container, almost immediately blowing the flame out, just leaving it to glow. He screwed the container back on the mask, satisfied to see a small whisp of smoke coming from the small holes then he climbed back on the bed again. William was still whimpering and wriggling trying to hump the cushion. Uncle Johnny slid himself over him, his cock sliding up against his bottom and effectively increasing William's whimpers. "Head up ya little slut." He pulled William's hair slightly and William lifted his head with a small squeak. The mask was around William's face before he knew it, the stretchy adjustable straps wrapped around his head and pulled tight. William stiffened, struggled and tried to shout, but the mask stifled the sound, then as he took a gasp for breath the smoke hit him. in seconds he was panting, breathing in and out, in and out, in and out. Sucking the fuming drug into his lungs, feeling more and more aroused by each second, his entire body quivering and wriggling, wanting to, begging to try and sate his desperate growing want. Uncle Johnny chuckled louder this time. "Gotcha,,,,, gotcha fixed and hooked,,,,,, ya little teaser. Feel it burning inside ya....... Jus think how you're getting addicted to it evry time ya breathes it into ya. You're gonna want it all the time now, ya little slut,,,,,, jus imagine wot ya'll do for me jus so ya can get this hit." He reached for the blindfold then and tied it around William's head covering his eyes, cutting off another of his senses and William moaned softly in the darkness the drug heightening all the sensations of touch in his body Uncle Johnny was on a high himself now, sliding his hot wet stiffness up and down between William's cheeks, each time his purple mushroom head teasing William's rosebud and making him whimper. As he entered him, he heard William's long vibrating moan culminating in a high- pitched girlish sound as he ran out of air and took a fresh hit through the mask. William was on fire now, all he could think of was Uncle Johnny's stiff cock, his own tightly locked away and throbbing madly as he wriggled and quivered, pulling at the cuffs, trying to find satisfaction yet only at the mercy and under the control of the devilish old man. Uncle Johnny kept him on edge for ages, sometimes thrusting, sometimes kissing, sometimes pulling on his throbbing nipples. Time seemed to stand still, every muscle, every tendon in William's body was tense, desperate to get him to that climax, but Uncle Johnny took his time, edging him over and over until he was begging into the mask, the smoke bringing some kind of sexual euphoria to him. He didn't know if he came, if he did it was unlike anything he had felt before, the only thing that he knew for certain was that Uncle Johnny had fucked him deeply and filled him with his wild ejaculations. It exhausted him totally, mentally and physically, it could have taken all morning, all day, all week even, then he slept, slept in that drugged sexual exhaustion until he was woken up. Where was he? Was it the same day? Was it just a dream, a wet dream, a nightmare? In fact it was still only the morning, he hadn't slept long at all and he woke with what seemed like a weird sort of muzzy headed hangover. "Ya'd better get yaself dressed darlin, or ya Mammy will be sendin out a search party for ya." Uncle Johnny was dressed sitting at the table and he laughed as he spoke. The Cushion was still on the bed beside William, but he was released from the cuffs and his clothes were lying on a chair beside the bed. Not thinking much and certainly not thinking clearly, his head still muzzy, he slid down off the high bed. It seemed higher than he remembered and he was aching all over. Slowly he managed to dress, the old man watching his every move as he unthinking, put on the schoolgirl's uniform once again oblivious as to what he was doing. "If ya goes out tha back door then ya can cross my garden and through the back gate, follow tha path fifty yards an it will come out jus alongside your ma's house." William struggled to take it in, giving him a pained expression. Was he so close, so close to his home, he could hardly believe it, why didn't he tell him before and anyway how did Uncle Johnny know where he lived? The muddled confusion was growing again, buzzing in his head. "An in case yor worried, ya little slut, yor pretty little jewlry is back were I found it, we wouldn't want ta lose it would we, eh?" He gave a coarse laugh and William flinched and reminded, he could feel the anal intruder. "Now come an give me a kiss and thank me ya little slut." Uncle Johnny slid the chair around revealing another thin cigarette, unlit lying on the table beside him. William saw the cigarette immediately, just as Uncle Johnny intended, he couldn't take his eyes off it, a buzzing immediately returning to his closely imprisoned little penis. He licked his lips, his heart rate increasing rapidly. "Now give us a kiss slut. You can ave your little smokey when you visits me next time girl." He paused a second to let his words sink in. "An I know you will visit me again soon slut, you wont be able to elp yaself." He gave a lewd grin as he spoke. William went over to him, he couldn't help himself, it was as if his legs had a mind of their own, he was still looking at the cigarette out of the corner of his eye as he got to him, then he looked up at him, he was already feeling desperate to taste the smoke again. Somehow, he felt that he needed to keep the old man happy and he opened his mouth slightly, once again sliding between the old man's spread legs, lifting his face to him. Uncle Johnny kissed him hard then, snogging him for a few minutes, his tongue reaming his mouth whilst William whimpered and moaned into the kiss, his mind still unfocussed, his thoughts on the nearby cigarette. Uncle Johnny broke the kiss, sliding his hands down under William's skirt, cradling his bottom as he looked at him, a crude dominant smile on his face. "Thank you Uncle Johnny, I, I , love you Uncle Johnny." William couldn't help himself, the words just came into his head and he felt he had to say them, glancing across at the cigarette as he spoke. Uncle Johnny got up and none too softly, steered William to the back door. He unlocked it and opening it, pushing William out, followed by his little satchel and his bags. "I know I will see ya soon slut, jus think, ya smokey's there all ready an waitin for ya." With that Uncle Johnny closed the door leaving William standing there, already half wanting to go back in. he licked his lips as he looked at the door, then with mixed feelings he picked up his bags and set off through the garden. He was outside his mother's back gate in no time, it was a shock, a surprise that Uncle Johnny's cottage was so close. He opened the garden gate and went over to the back door, thoughtlessly entering and placing his bags on the utility worktop before turning and walking through into the kitchen. Seeing her made him freeze, his mind suddenly jolted back from its fuzzy reverie, his face instantly blushing a deep red.

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Babette Johnny And Me

The other day when I was flicking through one of my many scrapbooks, I came across a photograph of a young naked blonde girl on a beach. Underneath it I’d written, ‘Babette, Argeles summer two thousand and four,’ and the vivid memory of my first wonderful threesome came flooding back. Ever since I can remember, we enjoyed annual summer holidays in Southern Europe within easy walking distance of a nudist beach, but now that my brother, sister and I were in our late teens or early twenties, this...

Group Sex
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My Day in TheBluebell Woods

My Day in TheBluebell Woods I had known Dave for some years, but only cyberly on an internet forum, both of us being from different parts of the US, although originally from different parts of the world and though he was nearly double my age I felt we always had a special affinity from day one. We had talked on every subject over the years but the one thing that had stuck in my mind was what he called The Treatment … His description had me wanting it when we discussed it.   And still did....

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Mom Gets Horny in the Woods By Blueheatt *Tom tells of his gorgeous sexy mom Jodi and what triggered something in her&hellip,., accidentally. __When I was very young, I ask mom if she wanted to take a walk in the local woods, I had no idea what was about to happen. I remember it was a Saturday afternoon and as a young boy, mom and I were both kind of bored that afternoon. We had a big woods next to our house and someone had built a hidden shack way back in the tall bushes. It was abandon...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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If You Go Down in the Woods

If You Go Down in the Woods It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little. Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t...

Group Sex
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True story of an old man in the woods

I was just a young lad the first time i did any thing with another guy, i was still living with mom in the house she inherited from her father after he died in a small village that mainly had elderly people living in it.There certainly wasn't any one my age about so contact with other youth's was limited to school.Most of my time was spent playing alone or helping mom about the house, then some thing happened that was to change me for ever.It was a Sunday morning and mom was home doing some...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Through the Woods

Scott was scrawling away when the bell on the cafe door jangled. He was surprised to see the girl from the stationery shop step in. She scanned the room as her eyes adjusted from the summer brightness outside. The moment she saw him, her face lit up and she strode to his table.“Eager to get started, huh?” She hovered, clasping her forearms. “I love a man who gets straight to things.”“Uh, yes, miss. Just ducked in here to get out of the heat and get the hang of this pen.”Scott rose and offered...

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A bit of fun in the woods

Most of what follows is true. I've changed the names to protect the real 'Gary' and 'Jessica'. L.J. 11/08/2009?Hi Gaz, how’s tricks? Archie's voice boomed out as he approached across the saloon bar of the Rising Sun.?Not so bad. I got one in for you.? Gary indicated a pint of Boddingtons waiting on the table ready.?Good man. I'm surprised that new girlfriend of yours has let you out.? Archie sat down and took a long pull at his pint. ?You seem to be spending all your time with her, completely...

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The Woman in the Woods

It is said that there is a woman in the woods, a woman who lures men with her lullaby to then spirt them away. On occasion parts of them are found spread through the woods, others remain missing forever. People say they have seen her walking with a basket of grass, or gathering water into a flask by the stream. None have stayed longer than a few seconds, fearful of what may happen to them. Children dare each other to stand on the edge of the boundary and call out to her, they make it to the...

4 years ago
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I took a walk almost every day in the woods that surrounded my house. I lived far out in a cabin I had built when I retired from the army. The only way to get to my cabin was a dirt road that ran off the main road a couple of miles away. There were paths and trails in and out of the woods and I would walk them almost every day. I was on a path when I heard someone cough. I moved off the trail and hid in some bushes near the path. A young woman came into view about a hundred yards down the path....

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Babette By Margaret Jeanette Holly Hunter sat in her dad's office She had stopped in to visit with him as she seldom saw him. Their conversation turned to an area Holly dreaded. Her dad was a successful contractor who had built his business up being fair and honest with his customers. Jim Hunter was a workaholic who wasn't happy until a job was done. He said, "Holly, I love you but you are twenty-five years old. When I was twenty-five I was already married three years. You...

4 years ago
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The World Of Eros Into The Woods

I slowly rode my horse through the forest enjoying the cool breeze. I was farther in the kingswood then I had ever been as I traveled along the trail heading back towards the small town known as huntersrest. Though I had been living in the city for a month now I still felt more at home out here in the wilderness. City life was growing on me a little each day. It was nice to have everything one could need only a few blocks away instead of having to ride miles to the next town to buy something....

2 years ago
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Rubbing in the woods

I like to masturbate outdoors, and I know other men who share my passion. But until recently I never thought it was something females did very often. Turns out they do from time to time, you just have to be very quiet, and lucky, to catch them at it!I'd been going to some woods near work on the odd lunch break through the summer to get my pants down and wank off in the trees. I hadn't been doing any dogging, I was just enjoying my time alone. I'd get well off the beaten track before taking my...

2 years ago
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The Lady Past The Woods

NOTE: This is much longer than my normal stories. The Lady Past The Woods When I was in high school I got an idea for my photography class from a Relaxation CD that Mom had given me a few years ago. I would lie in bed not being able to sleep and listening to the babbling brook. Eventually I was relaxed and asleep. When I told my teacher about my idea she was excited that I had envisioned a scene to go along with the sound and now wanted to marry them into a movie. There was...

2 years ago
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Lost in the Woods

Getting lost in the woods has always been a favorite past time of hers.  She would often drive until she found a trail access park and head off for hours.  Mostly she stuck to the trail; rarely did she cross someone else and usually never another solo hiker.  Today was special; it was the first hike of the year for her.  Once she was a considerable distance off the trail she removed her top breast free to what ever sunshine may find its way through the canopy.  Her Tuesdays off were often time...

3 years ago
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In the Woods

It was always a home away from home.  Then after about three years at my current job, the weekend cabin finally became home to me. It was a couple of acres with just a cabin & small lake. Once the deed was transferred into my name, I upgraded everything in the cabin.  From the water, solar power, furnishings and I even installed WIFI, so I could even work from home in the event of an emergency.  The cabin was surrounded by tons of trees.  I had a path made from the cabin to the main highway. ...

1 year ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

1 year ago
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MILF in the Woods

100% fiction! It was a bright sunny day in July, my relatives and me just arrived around noontime at a state park in New York. Our plan was to have a nice Filipino style family picnic. We set up quickly and people started eating and drinking. It was getting boring for me after awhile, I only had my little cousins around. I am in junior high and wouldn’t mind drinking to let time fly by, but I was with family. So I was bored out of my mind and was hanging around my mom. Then I noticed a Spanish...

2 years ago
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Peeing in the Woods

My brother and I grew up playing in the 10-acre woods behind our house. Scott is a year old than I, actually 14 months, older, and we were like regular siblings. We would fight each other tooth and nail one minute and comfort each other the next. As soon as mom trusted us, we spent all our time in those woods, well, except when we played on the swings and sliding board. We built forts in the woods, made bike trails, built tree houses, dammed the small stream hundreds of times, and even camped...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Dont Go Into The Woods

Don't Go Into the Woods By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. I am sorry to those who wish me to write a love story and this is in no way meant to deride anyone's sexuality, gender preference. But, this is a very raw and hard piece. So, if you read it I hope you like it and if it's...

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Donacutet Go Into The Woods

Dont Go Into The Woods!The tears in my eye were overshadowed by the sound of a vehicle, the first in a month. I was hoping it was someone coming to rescue me. But I knew it was just the opposite. I was afraid, nervous, apprehensive, and submissive about what would be next. “Here come the men. Go open the door. ” he said. I walked obediently towards the door and although the plug wasn’t that big I could feel it every step. Between the walking lessons of short steps foot in front of foot...

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A Quickie in the Woods

If you have read my other stories, you know that I only post 100% true accounts of my Bi live. Here is another time I had in the woods with a young stranger.I had just parked my van at a well known cruising spot by the river. I was really horney and had not touched myself, or had any contact with either my wife or anyone in about a week. I was just sitting in the van and was noticing guys parking, and then walking off on the various trails made by the many guys looking for fun in the woods.I...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

1 year ago
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Girl Cop in the Woods

Girl Cop in the Woods Ch 1. Should’ve Had Backup. (M/f, bondage, nc, rape, humil)Annie saw the smoke coming out of the woods as she patrolled along the mountain road. She grumbled to herself. There was always some yahoo out violating the no burn alert. There’d been three days of rain, but the forest service still had a burn ban in effect, rain or no rain. She was about to call in when she paused. Several times she or one of the other officers called in upon seeing smoke, and always the scene...

2 years ago
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Lost in the Woods

Introduction: One night in the woods can change an entire life Dammit Lucy! I told you to stay out of my stuff! I was screaming at my younger sister who I told numerous times to keep her hands off my shit. But did she listen? Nooooo. And whenever I complained to mom I got the excuse Shes only 6. It was so annoying. I shoved her out of my room, slamming the door behind her. I hit play on my remote and Taylor Swift began blasting through my iPod speakers. I flopped back on my bed and grabbed my...

4 years ago
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A hike in the woods

What would you do if you looked up and realized another man was watching you fucking your wife? It happened to us and the rest of what happened is something neither of us have ever been able to explain all these years later. Looking up and seeing a man watching me fucking Lisa is exactly the situation that happened to us. It happened when my wife and I were spending a late summer day hiking. The state park we were at was a large, very large and after a few hours of following the paths, we...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Lost in the woods

Hitchiking! Lets go hitchiking! You looked at me, smiling. That is my wish for this summer vaccation.I looked at you...hitchiking? Serious?"Yes yes!" I read in a magazine, a trail thru Rocky Mountains. Deep woods, rivers, wildlife.I looked at mean like no french wine, no goose liver, no truffles? Just water, food from cans, sweat, dirty this vaccation?You looked at me, got this sad look that always melted me.....blinked and said...who knows, it might be an adventure,...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

4 years ago
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Sister in law in the woods

I've been into my sis-in-law since the first time I saw her. She's 5'2", dark skin, pert breasts and a beautiful ass. No part of her is too big or small for her body, she's just perfect. Ever since we've met she's been like an older sis to me. As I'm younger than my bro and her, she's often been playful with me and loves to stroke my head or back if we're talking or give me a quick kiss as we part.She doesn't have many weaknesses, no smoking or d**gs, but her one weakness is she can't handle...

1 year ago
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Into The Woods

On my way to college I would have to go through a secluded wooded was relatively quiet with just the odd dog walker. I had walked that path a thousand times, and each time I went through the woods, I could sense somebody was watching me. I put it down to paranoia, and just put the thoughts to the back of my head. Until one day, on a winters evening after finishing college, I began my journey home, and as usual I went through the woods. It was dark already, and there wasn't much light...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Molly N In the Wet Wet Woods

Kiss, kiss Molly’s lipsKiss, kiss Molly’s lips— the VaselinesWe were on a bike ride. Originally, there were four of us — my daughter, her friend Ruth, her friend Molly and me. They were all home from college, energetic young women who had grown up together and were looking to relive some of the sights and activities of their c***dhood.That’s what led us to Gusse Woods, a large forest preserve criss-crossed with bike paths. About 10 years earlier, the four of us had been here on an ill-fated...

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A walk in the woods

Myra was a 25 year old beautiful blonde who was living her dream. A health nut with a great body 5 foot 6 125 pounds small but pert tits that she was proud of. She loved her new town. She worked in the city, but, it was a short drive to the country where she loved to hike in the woods. It was secluded and sometimes she could walk among the trees and never see or hear another soul, maybe pass a deer. There were plenty of hiking and walking trails and she loved to climb the rocks and be alone...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Lost My Virginity At Woods

Hi to all ISS readers this is varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me, I am varun 24 years old guy from Chennai. All readers can contact me through This is one of the reader’s experiences of losing her virginity. I will be narrating this story in her point of view. My name is Karthika (Name Changed) I am from a very rural part of Tamil Nadu. I was a very reserve girl in the village and I will not talk much with anyone...

3 years ago
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Lost in Red Fox Woods

In the spring of 1985, Wesley and his girlfriend Audrey were on a class field trip in Red Fox Woods. They were 15 years old and shared the same birthday. Unlike the rest of their classmates who were bored out of their minds and resented every second they were spending there. Wesley and Audrey loved being surrounded by nature. The two of them had meet at summer camp when they were ten and had been inseparable ever since. They had just started dating and had yet to share their first kiss. Wesley...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Dog Walking in the Woods

I was driving along a country road bordered by a wooded area near to a small village, when I saw a young girl cross the road into the woods walking a small dog. I realised the possibilities of the situation and drove on a couple of hundred yards until I came upon an unmade access road to a field where I could park my car out of sight of any traffic passing on the main road. I left my car and hurriedly walked into the woods back towards the direction where I had seen the girl. I saw her ahead...

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A Walk In The Woods

The weekend had arrived and with it came some beautiful, sunny weather. Jay and I decided to make the most of it by taking a drive and enjoying a picnic in the National Forest Park that wasn't too far away from us.  Whilst I packed the car with a few necessities, Jay disappeared to finish getting dressed. When she re-appeared she looked stunning. Her long blonde hair shone in the sunlight and her lovely blue eyes twinkled with mischief as she stood there in a pair of light blue training shoes,...

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Running in the Woods

The woods were the best place to hunt for women. John liked the dark tangle of vines and trunks that the woods provided. It had to be a wooded area that was dense so as to avoid prying eyes, yet it had to be a simple path so people (especially women) would run/walk on. It needed to be close to a town or city to get some traffic but it also should be just far enough away that not everyone used it all the time. He had found just such a place, after several false hopes, last week. It was perfect...

2 years ago
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Sisterinlaw in the Woods

I've been into my sis-in-law since the first time I saw her. She's 5'2", dark skin, pert breasts and a beautiful ass. No part of her is too big or small for her body, she's just perfect. Ever since we've met she's been like an older sis to me. As I'm younger than my bro and her, she's often been playful with me and loves to stroke my head or back if we're talking or give me a quick kiss as we part. She doesn't have many weaknesses, no smoking or drugs, but her one weakness is she...

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In the woods

I've always hated wearing clothes, every chance I got I stripped off everything. I wasn't an exhibitionist, I wouldn't go out in the front yard naked, but many times in the backyard. I'd drive my mother crazy. She'd tell me I'll get arrested for running around nude, and they'd lock me away. There was a large wooded area about a mile for our house. All the k**s would play there. They'd play cowboys and indians, army, robin hood. There was an area where hardly anyone went, and that's the place I...

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Walk in the Woods

Ruffy was telling her he desperately needed a long walk. The kids were in school, Darren was out of town, and Jennifer sighed. No time to change clothes. Besides, they lived on the heavily wooded outskirts of a deserted farm, and there weren't many neighbors close by. Most were at work. She took a last look at the full length mirror and sighed. She hoped no one would see her! Her breasts were bursting out of a light blue tank top that had shrunk from too many washes, and she had a clingy pair...

4 years ago
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Gay Sex in the Woods

I read a story on here called "Fucked in the Woods" and it reminded me of my own experiences in those same woods. About three months ago I also stopped off at the cruising / dogging spot just of the M4.I was very horny that night and headed into the wood after parking up. There were several empty cars so I hoped I would get lucky. As I got into the woods an older guy was fucking a younger guy so I stood near buy, got my cock out and started to wank. The young guy bent forward to suck me off for...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites

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