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INNOCENTLY You never know how it'll will all start as it seems so innocent at the time. Well, for starters it is the mid 90s and I'm returning to school to begin my Junior year of college in Charleston, SC. At this time, I'm just Tim a skinny kid from Maryland. I drove down with all my clothes, books and everything else needed for the year packed in my beat up and tiny Ford Escort. I was excited as this was going to be my first year living off campus. My summer had been pretty boring since my parents basically spent all of it in Europe without me. My Mom is a teacher and so she has the summers off and my Dad is a high-level executive who always took his time off in the summer to travel with my Mom. Sure, they asked me to go but I figured they basically wanted to be alone visiting places Paris, Rome, etc. and I thought I would have plenty of fun hanging around town. My parents were the type to just leave me to my own thing and do their own thing, they weren't always the most involved. I was an only child and felt more in their way than not. They paid for everything for me and anytime I'd ask for money they'd usually provide it quickly. I think they felt guilty about not overly wanting to be involved in my life. They preferred to just pay and give me what I wanted so they could do their own thing. Of course, as it turned out most of my High School friends had moved on to live and hang out near their colleges and the ones still around either had jobs, girlfriends or some combo of that taking up their time. So, I basically did some running and calisthenics to stay in shape, played some pick-up soccer occasionally and would play video games or watch movies the rest of most days. As such by the time mid-August rolled around I was more than ready to head back to school and have some fun with people my age. My parents called and wished me well and off I went driving to South Carolina. When I got there, I drove to the house my roommate Dan and I had rented. It was a small Cape Cod type house but it was renovated kind of nicely. The main floor had a bedroom, bathroom, the living room and the kitchen. While upstairs also had a bathroom and bedroom. It also had separate entrances which I guess was for when the house was rented to 2 different renters. They could essentially keep the downstairs and upstairs divided. We figured we probably wouldn't need them and would just use one. There was also a basement with a washer and dryer and room to store some stuff. So basically, we each got a room and a bathroom and would share the common areas. We had chosen rooms when we rented the house and I took the upstairs. When I got there Dan was already there moving his stuff in. He was from the East Coast of Florida so while the drive was still long it was a little shorter than mine. We shuck hands welcoming each other back and then got to the task at hand moving in. The place had the beds, a couch, some tables, dressers and other furniture already there. Nothing fancy but good enough for college students. We got everything from our cars into our rooms which took a while. We figured if we like the place it would be our home the next 2 years so we each brought lots of stuff to make it feel that way. I brought a TV that my parents had gotten me and we stuck it on the table in the corner of the living room. Once, we were finished we went downtown to grab food, a few beers and catch up. Yes, both of us aren't quite 21 yet. I turn it in December right before break and he turns it in November. But we each have fake IDs which in the 90s is something you could easily get away with. Most bartenders would be shocked when it was really your 21st birthday and they'd served you for a year or two. We hung out and talked about our summer breaks. Mine as I mentioned was pretty boring while Dan's seemed exciting lifeguarding by day on the beach, catching rays and beach parties by night. He sure beat my sit around and play video games. He went on and on about awesome stories of his summer. Just as I was asking him about going to his house for spring break our friends Kim and Dawn sat down at our booth. "Nice to see you guys," Dawn said "how were your summers." Kim and Dawn were both from Georgia and had met as roommates too. We all got along but there weren't any relationships brewing it was all very plutonic and seemed to be clearly staying that way. I went on to say "we were just catching up on our summers. Dan's was apparently awesome and I was just about to ask him about joining him there for spring break." "Oh no" Dan said "about that. My parents gave me strict rules there Tim, no crazy parties there. They live in a quiet community now since they moved. If I want to bring a girlfriend and chill out that's fine but no dudes partying all hours." "Great" I said "my parents are going away during spring break and I hoped to hang with you. I'll be bored out of my mind." "Well there is still one way" said Dawn. "What is that?" I said happily thinking that they had a place or something in Florida. "You could become Dan's girlfriend!" Dawn exclaimed. I just giggled "yeah right." Kim chimed in "you know you could probably do it you're pretty short and skinny." Dan said "well your more than welcome try." Then rolling his eyes "If you look good and I don't have a girlfriend by then I'll take you and we can fool my parents during the day and then head out as guys at night. You better look good though because my parents can't know" "Well we'll see I guess." Meanwhile both Kim and Dawn were planning. "Our house tomorrow night Tim!" The next day came and as usually Dan and I went running in the morning. We did this almost every morning. Dan was in ROTC and so he had to stay in shape and I just went along to keep in shape and have something to do to start my morning off right. Dan is tall like 6'4" or something and probably 200lbs or around there and muscular. He played all the sports in HS football, basketball, baseball, swimming and surfed. He was the do it all athletic type kid. I was much smaller only 5'6" and all of about 135lbs. I played soccer in high school and was at best average. I loved baseball but it became more of a sport I followed than one I played. I was in good shape but initially still had trouble keeping up running with him. My legs would have to take 2 steps to his one. But over time I figured it out and we'd run close and do some sit-ups, push-ups and the like. Today he asked giggling "so are you going to give this girl thing a shot with Kim and Dawn tonight." I just shouted back "I'll give it a shot but I'll probably look horrible." I ended it there because I figured this isn't probably going to work out at all and I'll have to find something else to do on Spring Break. That night I headed over to their house as they had asked. They chatted with me about how I could do this since I was in fact not the biggest of guys and had some girlish feature. They stripped me and then took some measurements and basically asked me for 1000 dollars to get me everything I would need. "Seems like a lot" I said. They both said back "it'll get you started and if you like it you're going to too spend much more being a girl." "Being a girl?" I said. "Yes, you can't just show up put on a wig and some crappy makeup and fool his parents for 2 seconds and then hide in a room. If you're his girlfriend they're going to want to get to know you and talk to you maybe go out to dinner" Kim said. "So, you need to learn to be one of us or fake being one of us all the time" Dawn said giggling. "The only way to do that is to immerse yourself in it. You have plenty of time before spring break but you're going to need to find out how to be a girl." "I just figured it be change to girl then back to me once I get there." "Yeah not that simple. Every weekend between now and then you need to be a girl with us and by then we think you'll understand. If nothing else you'll know what it's like." "Ok" I mumbled. I figured well it's my parent's money and they'll give me more out of guilt if I need it. I gave them the $1000 and they said we'll get everything for you to initially be a girl and we'll go from there. We'll see you on Friday night 5pm. They went on to say make sure I shave everything and they were specific about where. I walked back home and figured we'll see how it goes but I can't see myself wanting to be a girl at all let alone every weekend. The week flew by and classes started. It was a whole lot of meeting new professors. I'm a communications major so it's lots of presentations now that we're into the 2nd half of college. I got up to run and work out with Dan every day this week so I feel energized after a somewhat lazy summer. But each and every day Dan teased me about trying to become a girl. Basically, he pulled out all the standard tropes that guys use. You know like you want tits to touch them all the time or you're just in it for free drinks. All the stuff along those lines and also along the lines of I won't be enough for a stud like Dan. It's almost at the point where I want to be so hot that I just get other guys to want me and make him jealous. I'm also to the point where I just want to see how it turns out so I can either do it or forget it and move on. Friday came and since I was smart and planned ahead I scheduled no classes this semester for Fridays. Yes, Monday through Thursday is loaded up all day but I wanted the 3-day weekends. It's around noon and I decide I'll take a shower and follow the checklist of shaving requirements the girls gave me. It took a while but now I have pretty much no hair from my head down. I had little to begin with on my chest so that was pretty easy. Legs took a bit and now feel kind of strange with no hair. I made a mental note to wear jeans to classes instead of shorts at this point. I don't want anyone wondering what's going on. I've seen swimmers shave and if in trouble I'll use a triathlon as my excuse. My face is a bit more normal to shave but I have little there and I really only shave every week or so at this point if that. Shaving my arm pits was weird and hard and while it's nice not to have hair there does feel more than all the other areas. They did have me shave around my privates but it wasn't extensive and more so just keeping it contained within my underwear line. It felt weird altogether to be so hairless but after 5 minutes it went out of my brain. I got dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt and sat around until I left around 4:30 to head to the girls' house. I had no idea what to expect when I got there but they sure did. They made it clear that I was theirs for the weekend and not just tonight. They told me I better learn quick because tomorrow night we're going out to dinner and maybe the clubs. I just basically nod in agreement with whatever they said at this point as I was at their mercy to help me. That and to not expose me as a guy whenever we did go out. I was scared to death that that would happen and every one would find this as a big joke. They took me upstairs and we began to get started. It was going to be a crash course on life as a girl. First, they had me strip naked like zero clothes. It was along the lines as we need to start you from being naked so you understand how to build out to being a girl. Kim brought over a tan underwear thong type item. This is to hide Mr. Willy. I looked baffled I guess. She said "you do know us girls don't have a Mr. Willy, right?" That's when I got what she was saying. So, I pulled up the thong which I later learned is called a gaffe and Kim showed me how to pull back my penis and essentially make it and my balls literally disappear. Well I guess I'm all in now. Dawn took some flesh looking blobs out of a case and now I could tell these were going to be my boobs. I'm going with boobs by the way. Tits sounds so slutty and trashy and breasts just sound like a science teacher. So, boobs it is. Dawn sprays my chest with a very sticky adhesive and then centers each blob on one of my nipples. She holds them down for a while. After removing her hands they're stuck to my chest and you can't even see the seam of where I end and they start. They have me jump up and down which we all get a big laugh out of and they make sure they stay on. Dawn said "They're C cups Tim, er, we can't go with that. Did you pick out any names?" "Yeah, I did I'll go with Heather. I figure it's way different than Tim and girly." "Ok then Heather these are C so when you go to shop for more bras start there and please go to Victoria Secret. It's the best." I'm thinking why do I need more bras and why would I shop in Victoria Secret guys don't go there like ever. They get out a bra and some matching panties in black. They explain how to hook on a bra and then spin it around. My panties are now covering my tan or apparently nude thong. My body does kind of look somewhat female at this point with no hair, boobs and Mr. Willy hidden. They pulled out a waist cincher and explained how to use it and what it's for. "With your tiny waist the waist cincher will give you and hour glass figure right away. After a few months you probably won't even need it. You're so freaking skinny it makes me jealous. But it'll give you nice curves" Kim said. Basically, I did look like a girl from the head down at this point. I was surprised it wasn't overly difficult. I did still look like a boy head on a girl body though but that was about to change. They had me sit down and spun me away from the mirror. They explained what makeup they were applying and assured me tomorrow we'll go over it more. But tonight, was just to get me to believe I could be a girl. After awhile they seemed please and both looked amazed. You're going to be hot and guys are going to want you. "You mean like Dan who will know about me" I said. "No, no Heather you're going to be like a 9 or 10 when we're done. Like seriously superhot. You'll be batting guys away either that or learning to enjoy being with them" Dawn said. "Why would I enjoy them?" "Why would you not, is more the question?" Let's get a wig on her. They placed a blonde wig on me first but didn't seem to like it much. "We thought with your blue eyes that blonde hair would look great. It's ok but let's try the black maybe her eyes will pop." As soon as they put the long black wig on and styled it they just starred at me. I asked them "what was wrong" a couple of times feeling panicked. After a while Dawn just whispered "you, you are beautiful. You will definitely pass as a girl physically. Once you learn how walk, talk, dress and act like one you'll have guys dreaming about you." With that they spun me towards the mirror and I was just as shocked. To the point that I thought it was all still a joke and the way Dan thought of me being a girl when he was talking joking to me. At this point I thought it was another girl was just pretending in the mirror. I would move my hands and my mouth and turn and shake and the half-dressed girl would do the same. I was waiting for the candy camera moment. But a few minutes in to doing that, I too just sat there in shock and disbelief. I had thought I would look horrible like a dude with a wig and that would be that. But here I am looking better than almost any girl I know and I'm not even dressed I'm basically sitting in my underwear. "Oh my god, I can really do this!" I said. "Yes, yes you can!" said Kim. "Just please let us teach you how to act, think and be a girl because I have a feeling you're never going back." "Back to what?" I said. "Back to being a scrawny, dorky and very much single guy!" Dawn said. The rest of that night was mainly spent trying on outfit after outfit. They had picked up every kind of item for me. From jeans and t-shirts to skirts to sweater to a little black dress to sun dresses and on and on. Quite a few pairs of shoes too. Sneaker, flats and what seemed like at the time pretty high heels. They also provided all types of underwear or should I say intimates now. There were bras and panties in various colors, thongs, pantyhose and of course my biggest shock bikinis. "Why do I need a bathing suit?" I said. "Again, Heather you're going to be a girl full time if you do this Spring Break. That includes going to the beach as a girl. Unless you want to go topless. Having a suit is a must." They would try stuff on me and explain how it all should fit and where I could make changes. It was a lot to take in really. I didn't know there was so much differences even with things that would seem similar like jeans. They also discussed how to move and act like a girl. Things from how to sit to how to walk and even just standing. I did some walking in the heels and learn that it's hard and is going to take some practice. I did get some things down but I probably looked like a really awkward girl. I was surprised though how much I looked like one each time I would catch a glimpse in a mirror. I was tired as it was around midnight so we all agreed to end it for the night. Off came the wig and both the girls and I decide in the future that should be one of the last items removed. I was still all dressed in my LBD, with hose and heels and makeup. But I had a guy's haircut. After that I removed the heels and pantyhose and then took off the dress. I stood there half naked admiring myself. The girls talked about how you like it don't you, you'll get used to it and that I was going to be a great girl. I just shuck it off but I had to admit I very much did look like a girl even with no hair. They showed me how to take off the bra and waist cincher. Once that was done I was given a robe, a box and a bottle of some kind of solvent. Dawn said, "Off to the bathroom, you can take that solvent and rub it around your boobs. Then they should peel off and you can place them in their spots in their box. Then it's up to you to get Mr. Willy we don't need to see all that. Afterwards put on the robe and come back out to take off the makeup." I went into the bathroom and did as instructed after first eyeing myself up and down. I was still really not believing it. I peeled of the boobs and place them in the box. It already felt weird to not have them but the weight being gone was nice. Peeling off the panties and then the gaffe was a whole new experience. It felt good to be free again but it was kind of little wet. Not soaked or anything but sweaty from being compressed. I was turning back to Tim from Heather and while it felt ok I was dwelling on it. I threw the robe on and stepped out of the bathroom. The girls showed me how to remove the makeup and especially when they pulled off my eyelashes. They explained that I could use my own eyelash but they were kind of short or I could go from them to these simple ones in the normal daily girl range or if I wanted to really vamp it up longer ones. So, I was back to being Tim and strangely they kind of treated me that way. It was like Heather was their girlfriend and Tim was like just some guy hanging around their house. They did ask how I liked it and I just mumbled "So far so good." But in my brain, I was like I can do this with practice. They said they see me tomorrow around 4pm so we can get you ready to go out with us. I just said "Ok I'll be here" and with that I was out to walk back to my house. It was like a 5-minute walk but it seemed like forever. I had so many thoughts going through my mind. I now knew I could look like a girl and a rather good looking one at that. I wondered how long it would take to get these simple girl moves down. I also thought about how is Dan going to deal with this. I think he thinks I'll just be a clown and that will be that. I kind of feel like I'm going to show him for busting on me about all this. In that moment I decided I'm going to be such a perfect girl that he falls for me without even knowing it. The next morning, I was tired and didn't go for a run with Dan. I was up when he returned and so he gave me the works. "How'd it go with all the girly stuff..." he said laughing. "I guess being a girl wore you out or should I say whore you out." He went on with these overtly male jokes for a bit. I just said "It went well." In my head I was laughing to myself that I'm so going to follow through on making him fall for me without his even knowing. He asked what I was up too today. I just said heading to the library and then over to the girls. I didn't mention heading out to dinner or anything like that. He said "Well I'll be here watching college football unless that's too manly for you." I just smiled and headed out. At the library I looked for books on how to speak like women. I felt like I had seen a book like that one time while doing research for a communications report. After a while I finally found it and not to be suspicious I checked out a few more communication type books. Just so I could pass it off as research. It's funny looking back how I thought everyone would notice that book and yet really no one even cared. I raced home, I went past the TV and Dan watching college football and headed upstairs. "Not watching the game?" Dan said. "Nah, I have to do some studying." Little did he know on what. This would be the first time of many that I read that book each time getting a little better and learning something new. After barely practicing for a few hours it was time to head to the girls. I could do the girl voice a little but mainly on scripted lines and even then, not so greatly. I was walking out the door when Dan asked where I was headed. "I'm going over the girls again tonight." "Oh, more girly stuff I see or are you just trying to score with Dawn?" he said. I just laughed and thought I'm scoring you and you won't even know it and out I went. Once over the girls it was fast paced since we were going out to eat. "Don't worry we made plans for 7 so we have some time." With that I was handed the box, the glue, the gaffe and a matching pair of bra and panties. They basically point me to their downstairs bathroom and said get started. First, I put on the gaffe and pulled back Mr. Willy. Then I put on the panties which were pretty much a thong. I was beginning to love how it felt to be tucked tightly. I would always get random hard-ons as a guy and hated them. Now it would be important to be hidden away in case I did get a random one. I glued on the boobs as I had seen yesterday and put on the bra as shown. Took a second to admire myself and stepped back out. The girls were in various stages of dress as they had to get ready and get me ready. I could already tell it was going to be a more formal night. They worked on my face explaining more and more about how to do it. I knew at some point it was going to be left to me so I listened intently. I was then given what looked to be pantyhose but it was so small. I was told it was a wig cap and would keep my natural hair down so that the wig would look better. "It'll be more important as your hair grows longer." said Kim. It took them a bit to style it again explaining it to me the entire way. I looked like a girl full out now and it secretly was feeling great. They put the waist cincher back on telling me it would only be a few weeks. I hoped so because it wasn't the easiest to breath with. I was then given black pantyhose and watch as Dawn did hers and followed along. They went all the way up to my bra basically. Dawn explained how that was to hide the lines. I was just learning all this hide the lines under clothes game that women have. Once done I was given the LBD again and slipped it on again. It kind of just felt natural but I knew the tough part was coming, Heels! I knew that was how it was going to be tonight. I was scared especially about walking outside. Dawn just said "I know you're nervous especially in the heels. But just go slowly, women aren't in a rush. We'll take care of you tonight don't worry." They asked if I could talk like a girl. I explained about the book and then said some of the practiced sentences. They were amazed. "You sound just like one of us." I just went on to say "yeah only on specific sentences." But even say that sounded like a woman. "Just practice Heather and the more you talk the easier it'll be. If something sounds awkward or manly just say something else quickly." We were finally all ready and headed out. It was on now and I felt it. It's one thing to be inside and with people you know telling you, that you look great but now I was out in the wild and nervous as could be. A first I just focused on walking and where my heels would land even as the girls' chit chatted a way. I was a nervous wreck. We headed down to the market which I had been too many times but never like this. We were a few minutes early to the restaurant so Dawn went in a checked us in while Kim and I stood outside. Never have I felt so exposed. Kim talked to me and just reassured me it would be ok and that no one could tell. Just then a group of guys from some of my classes were walking towards us. I felt for sure they will notice me. Kim noticed and just said "Smile." So, I did and I could see Tom from my class look right at me. I knew for sure he'd be like Tim? I sat right next to him every class. But he just smiled back and said "Good evening Ladies." I was shocked he didn't even notice me as Tim at all. Kim just smiled and said "Great job Heather. See it's going to fun and no one knows. Heck I can't even really and I know. Just be one of us." Just then Dawn popped out and we walked to our table. It's weird because walking I felt starred at but in a different kind of way. Dawn whispered "they're checking you out as a woman not as a... you know." It felt good to be starred at that way but it was going to take getting used too. We sat down and talked away. I then realized I had no ID. I whispered to Dawn "I have no ID." "Oh" she said "yeah we took care of that." She handed me a Georgia license with Heather Thompson on it and my picture. "But hey no beer you're a woman right." We all ordered wine and I did so in my best female voice. I also ordered a salad and a light meal. "Oh, she's getting into it." exclaimed Kim. We talked while we waited and it was mostly about guys but also a bit of reassurance if I was ok. I actually felt really good and hadn't ever felt like this as a guy. It was nice to have conversations about everything and not just sports and boobs. Every once in a while, I would think about a movement or how I said something but I tried to just let it happen naturally. It felt so right like I almost didn't have to try much. It became comfortable to sit in a booth and talk, drink wine and just be a girl out at dinner. The check came and the girls were ready to go. "Now for the real fun" said Dawn with a smile and giggle. I knew we were headed to a club but I had no idea what that would bring. We paid and left and walked a few blocks to the club they liked. We got carded but no one said a thing and in we went. This was certainly different than the calm of a restaurant. "Just let it go a bit tonight Heather. We'll keep an eye on you." Kim basically yelled to me because it was so loud. We all headed to the dance floor. I just tried to mimic what they were doing and how they were dancing. It's hard to dance in heels but I was getting used to it. The 3 of us were pretty much dancing altogether but that change when a group of a bit older guys came up and started to dance with us. We all kind of got paired off as it was 3 and 3. Now I was really nervous. What if this guy knows or finds out what I really am. Before I could even get all those thoughts out his hands were on my waist. I was like I've only done the guy thing where do my arms go. I looked quickly to Kim who basically waived her fingers from the other guys neck. I quickly followed suit doing the same. But now I could feel my body pressing up against this guy. I quickly lost the worry that he thought I was anything but a woman. We danced for a while mostly the music got louder and we moved faster and faster. It was kind of intoxicating but the wine calmed me I guess. I just tried to do things that girls had done to me in the past. After a bit a slower song came on and now this guy pulled me in tight. I was shocked. Were the girls right would guys really want me. We grinded closer and closer together. I was finding it easier to just follow along instead of leading. I started to find this guy more and more attractive. I guess maybe because no one ever really made me feel wanted when I was a guy but now here as a woman somebody finally wanted me. So, I guess naturally I wanted him back. After the song he leaned in for a kiss and I just let it happen. I felt so different I could feel everything from his facial stubble to his hands pulling me tight to my boobs on his chest. I was blanking out from the passion of it all. Just then I felt it and thought oh my god I came untucked and he's going to know. I pulled apart quickly looking panicked which I guess Dawn saw and she pulled me off towards the ladies' room. In we went quickly. She pulled me into a stall together. I found out later that women sometime do this. Smiling from ear to ear she said "so how did it feel?" I said something along the lines of wonderful but I came untucked and we were pressed so tight that he has to know I'm a guy now. "Hold on Heather let's check this out." With that she whipped my dress nearly to my face and then ran her hand flat from my stomach down through my crotch. "I feel nothing" she said "it's all still tucked." "How? What?" I said. "Heather um, you felt him." Just then I realized I had turned this guy on. "See told you guys would want you. How's it feel to be wanted." We got fixed up and went back out and danced a little longer. It felt so good to dance especially with a guy. It was getting late and we all kind of wanted to leave. I said "Bye" to the guy and he asked if we could meet up tomorrow dinner as he was just in town for business till then. Knowing a one on one date was a bad move at this point I quietly said "I have plans but maybe next time." Out of the club we went and back to their house we went. It was like nonstop talk on the way between the 3 of us. Mostly about how it felt to be me and making a guy hard and did I want him. I went on and on about the kissing and dancing just gushing about it. That and how I never felt wanted like this before and how much I loved it. There were questions about was I turned on too. I just said thing like I'm not sure and maybe just into it all but not sure I was turned on. I did know that I was going to be hard pressed to find something like this as a guy and I let them know that. In my 2 days as a girl I felt better about myself and much more desirable than I ever did as a guy. I still can't believe I let a guy kiss me tonight and I said that many times. Dawn explained to Kim about the hard on I had that wasn't mine and we all had a laugh. We finally got back to the house. Now it was time to get undressed and while the girls were looking forward to it and being out of heels, bras, etc. But, I felt depressed and I'm not sure but all of it got to me at once and I just cried. They asked why I was so sad after such a great night. I went on to explain that they get to stay girls and now I had to change back despite loving it so much. I had never felt this much happiness and it was going to be erased in a few minutes. Kim just said "you'll just have to be a girl more often. You can be a girl whenever you're not in class and you have Fridays off right. So that Thursday night through Sunday. Come over around 1 tomorrow and we'll go shopping." I was happy to hear all that. It was time to start undressing though because it was really late. I took the robe and stuff and headed to the bathroom remembering to keep the wig on till the end. I spent some time looking at myself in the mirror and could see how a guy would want me. After a bit I took off the heels and dress. Stood there admiring my body then peeled off the pantyhose and bra. Then let out the waist cincher and I could breathe. I used the solvent to remove my boobs which felt great to have off after a long night. I then peeled off the thong and gaffe together and felt free and thought back to how I thought I was hard. My hand on my penis stretching it back to normal was soaked. At first, I thought it was just sweat but quickly realized that some of my juices leaked out to which meant I was turned on a least a bit at some point. I pulled the robe on headed back out of the bathroom and took all the makeup off as I was shown. The last thing was to pull off my hair and place it on the Styrofoam head and then pull off the wig cap. My hair was soaked which made sense given all the dancing. There I was back to just Tim in a robe. The girls had watched but kind of let me be. I think they knew that lots was going through my head and it was. From eating out to being a girl to dancing with a guy it was a lot to take in. I just grab my guy clothes changed quickly and headed out saying see you tomorrow. I walked home quickly and quietly and it felt weird to be moving fast and as a guy. Was Heather just me playing a girl or was it going to be more? That kept spinning through my head. I fell asleep quickly as I was so tired and confused. Again, I slept through running with Dan and again he let me know about it. More talk about being girly and on and on. When I turned him down to watch the afternoon NFL games he really poured it on telling me I've abandoned him and guys. He knew I was going over the girls again so he played on that to bust more jokes on me. But he did ask if I looked good to which I responded "I'm out of your league." "Yeah right I'm sure you just looked like you in a wig." I grabbed my stuff said "Out of your league" with a wink and left closing the door behind me with a thud. I walked over to the girls almost giddy of what I was going to do to Dan. I now had a plan. I was also looking forward to the adventures today would bring. I got there and didn't even wait for them I just began the process of getting ready. I was done quickly with my body and began doing make myself. They had me tone it down since it was just going out to lunch and shopping and not a night out. I was learning more about makeup and the do's and don'ts. They had me dress in a skirt and a nice top. Flats were a nice change from heels and were comfortable and much easier to walking. Off we went with Dawn driving us to the mall. I was completely in girl mode now and it felt way more natural minute by minute. I told them about Dan and all the jokes and sarcastic talk and grief from him. Both agreed that my statement of out of your league might just be right but it was nice either way. They both agreed I was a 9 or 10 and once I learned female tactics that I could be choosier on who I wanted. They agreed that they guy last night was excited because I was probably a stretch for him. I then explained my plan to come out to Dan. They both said let's wait a few weeks until you have many things practiced then we can lay the trap. The rest of the day we shopped and I like doubled the amount of clothes I had. I spent another $1000 which I did eventually have my Dad call me about but I just said I need clothes and off he went. Again, he mostly just wanted to appease me and keep me out of the way. I've often wondered what he thought of the Victoria Secret charge. Probably just figured I have a girlfriend. I was loaded up with clothes much more panties bras, shoes you name it. We did stop and return the blonde wig and the saleswoman convinced me I should get another wig or two in case anything happened to one. The girls went to another store and told me they pick me back up in a bit. The saleswoman and I picked out about 5 wigs to try on. I asked if there was a back area to try them on. "Of course," she said. We went to the back with her to try on different wigs. "Ok take what you have on now off" she said. I was a bit nervous and it showed but I took off the wig and was there in my wig cap. "Oh my" she said "I would have never guessed that you're a boy. You are beautiful even without the wig. It's our secret anytime you come in to the back we'll go. I fix wigs too so don't be afraid to come in whenever." That made me feel good and we tried on all the different ones. I really like one that was also long but was black with a touch of dark red so I went with that. I had plans for Dan and that one. Hahaha my evil plans. The other I went with basically the same as now just in case. She went on to explain how to clean them and maybe rotate especially after a smoky night out. She explained how it's the worst to smell the smoke in your wig on a Sunday after being out the night before. I also bought a couple more wig caps because even now mine was still a little damp from last night dancing. I also got Styrofoam heads at her request. She claimed wigs were best stored that way. I was done and walked out and the girls were ready to go. We stopped at my house knowing that Dan would be at the bars watching the games. I snuck up my back entrance and dropped off all the purchases. I would have to keep them all out of sight. I spent the rest of Sunday just practicing with them and talking more and more because that was my main issue at this point. I was feeling pretty comfortable with being a girl at this point and to be honest Heather was who the girls knew now and not Tim. Even though they knew it was the same person. As Heather they treated as one of them where as soon as I was changed back to Tim they treated my nice but stand offish. The night ended early and I was back to Tim heading home only this time a week of classes stood between me and being Heather again. I got up this time and ran with Dan. I need to keep up my running to stay in shape if not lose some weight. Dan was pretty quiet and doing his own thing. I was day dreaming of being Heather and more so of practicing makeup and voice skills at night. Dan opened with "you think you'll be out of my league. You must look pretty good then." "I can hold my own. I think you'll be surprised." We talked for a while and caught up. He explained what happened in every game that weekend. I listened to that but mostly for the Ravens which was our new local team. I asked him if could get privacy upstairs to practice being a girl because I needed to practice more than just on weekends. So, I told him I'd lock the joining door at the top of the stairs and mainly use the back entrance unless I was using the kitchen or living room. "You're really getting into this Tim." he said. "If I'm going to spend a week or more on Spring Break with you I need to learn lots and be good at it. You don't really want your parents and friends at home to think you brought back a guy dressed as a girl, right?" "Well hopefully you're out of my league as you say." he said basically giggling yeah right. "But look I'm not take you unless you're good enough that I'd want to date you. I could always find another date." I just smirked and we went on with our day. I saw Tom that day in school and we chatted about our class work and the presentations that we're coming up. It's so funny that he has no idea he looked dead at me and smiled on Saturday night. I was Tim now and Tim was Tim and not a sexy girl named Heather. I felt like my brain was working over time today. I kind of felt like I didn't know how I was going to keep it up. Here I am in class checking out girls for what they're wearing and what might look good on me. All the while asking myself what guy would I like to hit on me. Apparently, I like the baseball players because they got me going. It's weird to get hard without a gaffe to keep everything in place. I have to remember that sitting in classes. The week went by and every night I'd do my makeup and hair and sit and talk as Heather over and over. I'd walk in the heels or stand and sit over and over and over. I was the all-in type of person and so I was throwing everything at this. I say that like I hate it but that's so far from the truth. I love this and it's like I found a new. Boring scrawny Tim is fading and Heather is here. Not to mention most night I would just think back to Saturday night and dancing and kissing. My worry now is that at some point I'm going to be Heather all the time and what does that mean. Eventually things will move past kissing and dancing to more intimacy. I figure take it as it comes but be careful. Other than Dan I'm not revealing the Heather is a boy dressed up to anyone. The weekend is finally here and I'm excited to be full on Heather again. Even Dan knows to a degree. "I guess we'll run again Monday because you'll be with the girls all weekend." he said. I told him I do the Ravens game Sunday with him. His response was "As a guy or as a girl." I laughed "As a guy. You're not ready for me a girl." "Sure whatever Tim." I spent the early part of the weekend at the girls. I was Heather pretty much the whole time. I fit right in and felt a part of the group. We went out again Saturday night and I was looking hot. I wore a blue dress and it fit like a glove. After the week practicing and now going our I was very used to being in heels. We went out to eat and have wine. More girl-talk about the week and which guys you found attractive. I told them about my baseball crushes and they knew some and totally agreed. We went clubbing again this time it wasn't as intimate a place and basically everyone danced together albeit there were times when guys would grab me tighter. I loved grinding on one guy's crotch. I knew it was making him harder and harder and it just made me giggle inside. I left the girls house after changing back to Tim and telling them tomorrow I'm watching the games with Dan. They were bummed but understood I needed to hang with him too. We went out that Sunday and enjoyed the games and a few beers. I got to be honest after sipping wine beer just tastes blah. Not really into that much anymore. I found myself starring at Dan and other guys a bit but not as much as class. Dan caught me once and said "are you checking me out?" I smile and said "Nope I'm still out of your league." I was a nice day out. About half time of the 2nd games Kim and Dawn walked into the bar. "Hey ladies" Dan said. They sat down with us for a few minutes. Dan asked them questions along the lines of so is Tim a dork still as a girl. He keeps telling me he I'm out of his league. I felt awkward with this talk because I was on both sides of the fence of him and her in this conversation. Dawn just said "He is in your league. She is way above your league." The girls and I just looked at each other like yup. They left after a few minutes and we watched the rest of the game with the Ravens blowing it late. Dawn called me Monday night and told me to be ready for a trip come Friday. They were heading to the University of Georgia for a football game but Kim has to stay here for a class project and so I could use her ticket. Dawn said we would stay at her parents. She asked if I wanted her to tell them about me or just roll with it. I said just roll with it and if they find out they find out. I spent the rest of the week practicing even more and I was pretty confident now in my abilities as Heather. I packed everything including an extra wig into my suitcase. I told Dan I was going away for the weekend to Georgia with Dawn. He was bummed but understood. I met Dawn over her house early Friday and changed quickly into Heather. I knew that I was going to be Heather from now until late Sunday and that excited me. It was a few hours' drive and we stopped for dinner and gas on the way. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt but it's funny how with boobs, makeup and long hair and now a voice to boot that no one evens questions your sex they just see you as you are. We got in late and I met her parents and brother. Albeit I think I met her brothers tongue because he was all but drooling looking at me. He is a High School senior so I guess I understood. Her Mom was the southern host you'd expect and had everything out and beds made for us. Her Dad said hi without really looking at me. It was an awkward hi I'm not checking you out hi. I had my own room which was their guest room. That was great because I could look the door and change and get ready in there. It also had a large mirror which was needed. We kind of crashed quickly knowing that tomorrow was a long day. I got up early and dressed. Everything was in place as far as tucking and boobs and hair and makeup. I pulled on a tight black skirt and some pantyhose because it was going to be a cool day. I went with a white long sleeve shirt and Dawn had given me a red Georgia Dawgs shirt to wear over top. It was tight and my boobs looked huge in it. Her parents drove us over to campus early and I guess got their normal tailgating spot. They knew everyone and I was introduced to so many people I don't even remember any of them. I got used to shaking hands and being hugged as a girl though. It's interesting even though they're fake just how much you feel your boobs when they're squished. We ate a bit drank some wine and threw the football around. I could probably throw it better but I did the girl thing and basically threw it like a shotput. Dawn and I talked to many, many guys before the game. Each pretty much had a plan to have us at their parties. But seemed Dawn had a place downtown on her mind for afterward especially it they won. The game was fun and it's interesting to play dumb and pretend like you know nothing about football. The guys next to me explained it all even though I probably knew way more than them. I just smiled and say things like was that a first down or what does fumble mean again. On touchdowns by Georgia I was basically groped by half the men near me including Dawn's brother. I wasn't worried about it but you have wonder if it's excitement about scoring or excitement about trying to score a feel. The game went on and eventually Georgia won by an FG. Everyone was pretty happy and ready to party. We went out to the place Dawn wanted to go that night. I can see why because it was more laid back than a club. You could dance and there would be slow dances mixed in. We sat at the bar and had a drink and then some other college guys bought us a round. That turned into talking about where you from and where you go to school. The basic stuff I guess. After a bit one guy named John asked me to dance. I just nodded yes and off we went. Dawn and the other guy followed shortly after. I don't think I'll every go back to dancing as a guy being a girl doing this is so much better. As a girl you can pretty much move and dance however you want. I danced close at points being grabbed by him and other times I just danced around with Dawn together. I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time. It's a great feeling to be wanted even if in my case you can't put out per say. We danced for hours and eventually late in the evening some slow songs came on. John pulled me close and I basically put my head on his shoulder and let him kiss my neck. I felt so very turned on by that. I could feel myself pulse but I knew I was still tucked tight. It was different kind of turn on one that I never felt as a guy. My whole body was electrified not just my penis. We went outside in the patio area and basically kissed for what seemed like hours. If I had a vagina we'd have made our way home by this point. But I had to be careful even drunk and in love. Dawn eventually swung by and we all left together. Dawn claimed her Mom would be upset if we didn't get home soon and she was probably right. So, we gave the guys our numbers and of we went in a cab to her home. We spent a bit chatting in her room about kissing and I told her how I felt turned on differently. It was late so we turned in for the night. I decided to sleep without my wig since it was so sweaty, smoky and hot. I figured the next morning I would just use the other one. The next morning, I was shocked to be woken up by Dawn's mom for breakfast. I guess she figured we were all girls so she could come in and wake me. She was baffled to where my hair was and why it was so short. Dawn came in closed the door and explained everything to her. Her mom couldn't even believe it. She said "I would have never in a million years even thought you were" now whispering "a boy." "Not to mention you have our son and my husband drooling over you. I'm just amazed?!?" Dawn assured her I was pretty much a girl with boy parts well hidden. "She danced with and kissed men last night mom. She's pretty much one of us at this point." "Well don't tell your Dad or Brother because who knows and we all really want to have Heather back up here. Heather do you have a place for Thanksgiving?" her mom said. "No, my parents live in Maryland but they're head on vacation for that week." "Well that settles it you're coming here for Thanksgiving. You have the guest room all to yourself and I won't come in again promise. Now girls get ready we're going to lunch before ya'll head back to Charleston." I breathed a sigh of relief and never put my wig on faster. Dawn was like guess you got to watch sleeping as a boy. We headed out to eat and then left heading back to Charleston. The weeks rolled by with me being Heather on most days each weekend. I enjoyed all of it. From the girl talk to the dressing up and looking good to be hit on and kissing guys. I was basically only Tim when I had to be in class. I still ran in the mornings during the week with Dan but we usually kept to ourselves in the house. Occasionally, he'd have other guys over to watch the games. Here and there a girl would show up for a date. I usually stuck to myself and practice. Dan would still chide me about him being out of my league. I told him "I'm better looking than any of these tramps you've had over the last few weeks." Dan's response "was ha doubtful." Well I was final ready for my plan to be hatched on Dan. The girls agreed that I was pretty much fully able to handle being girl when dressed at this point. His birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks so my plan was to be his date for it without him knowing. It was the weekend before his birthday. I had the girls arrange a club to hang out with him at. Meanwhile, I told him I would be out of town tonight visiting some friends a few towns over. He left early to go meet Dawn and Kim. I bolted in to action as soon as he left. I quickly transformed into Heather. I wore a tight black dress with a skinny red belt. I did my makeup perfectly and I put on that black with dark red highlights wig. I stepped into heels and was ready to go get Dan and show him. I walked into the club and looked for Dan. I spotted him and casually walked by flashing him a smile. Dawn and Kim ignored me fully which was the plan. I couldn't be seen with them at all or the plan might be ruined. I stood at the end of the bar pretending to be looking for my date. I kept checking my watching. I walked back to the bathroom passing right by Dan and smiling at him again. Really playing it up like I noticed you. I spent a bit in the bathroom and then strutted my ass right in front of Dan on my way to the other side of the bar. I huffed and played with my watch again hoping that Dan would pick up on it. Then I sat down all frustrated looking. I could tell Dan was looking at me so I slowly looked up and shot yet another smile. Wow is he really this dumb I thought. Sending me a f'ing drink I basically throwing myself at you. Finally, after a few more watch looks and a few more playful smiles and a few taps by Kim of hey that girl is checking you out, he sends a drink. About time is going through my brain. I wave him over. Dan comes over and I see he has no idea it's me like zero idea all he sees is a hot chick. I tell him my name is Heather and a sad sap story of how I guess I was stood up by this other guy. We chat for a while about nonsense really. Most of which I made up. He asks if I want to dance. I laugh inside thinking if you only knew but say sure and let him lead me. We danced the rest of the night and it was actually quite nice. He is so tall that even in heels I felt short. Lately I've been taking my heels off and holding them to dance but I don't want Dan to realize my height because he might compare it to Tim. So, the extra 3-4" of height changes where I come to on him. I don't want him to figure it out not this way anyway. I could see Dawn and Kim smirk and wink from time to time. He grabbed me tight from time to time and while it felt exciting it felt different from my other encounters with men. I guess I know him so it made it less mysterious. Plus, I feel like once he knows it's me the thing is over. The night is winding down and he finally kisses me. I let go and try to pretend is any other guy than my best friend whom I'm kissing. He holds me tight and I press up against him basically forcing my crotch into his to see if he is hard. He is pretty hard and I feel it basically at my belly button. I swoon thinking how much I would love a dick in me and dick really but that can't happen yet. I look up and flutter my eyes him. "I got too go" I say. I wanted to make it back home before Kim and Dawn take him. I'm waiting for the date offer, still waiting, flutter my puppy dog eyes again and pull in close. Finally, he says "Do you want to go on a date?" I respond with how about "Hopkins restaurant at 7pm tomorrow. Obviously, my date tonight isn't making that reservation." He says "It's a plan then. Sounds great see you then." I give him a peck on the cheek and then stroll out rolling my eyes as I pass Dawn and Kim. I get home way before them and I lock all the doors and decompress. It's hard sometimes to go back to being a guy. At this point only, I get to see me change to or from Heather and even the girls know that at this point. It's just so personal and I kind of don't want to be seen halfway. Either you get Tim or you get Heather you don't get some combination of the two. I take my heels off which always feels so great after dancing and spending the night in them. It's weird to plop down 3-4" though, it makes me feel so short. Being short is nice as a woman and the heels let you place yourself right against a guy. Without the heels Dan's dick would have been up near my boobs and that seem much less sexy dancing. I take of the sexy dress hanging in back up in the closet. I peruse for what I'll where tomorrow and try it on. It's a perfect dark green dress that hugs all my curves just right. It also shows off my cleavage just right. Not too much and not too little and it hugs my boobs showing their every curve. I take it back off and place it back in the closet. I don't have dark green heel so I'll just go with the black ones from tonight. I take my pantyhose off peeling them all the way down slowly to not get any runs. I rub me feet after that and remind myself to repaint my toe nails. I take off the bra which felt tight tonight and scratch where it left lines. Feels great to do that after a night out. I debate keeping on the boobs but figure I'll get redressed from scratch tomorrow. I take the solvent and then off they come. I still place them in the box because it hides them away and keeps them clean. Again, I scratch all over my chest and it feels great. I note that I need to shave my body tomorrow. It's not bad but short stubble on your chest and legs feels so unsexy. I pull down the undies and I'm left with the gaffe. Still amazes me how hidden it all is and that I look female there. I pull down the gaffe and it's sweaty but there's no pre-cum in there. I wasn't really turned on by Dan so that's my guess of why it's not there. I grab the robe and wrap myself in it. It's weird to look at my hairless male body with a sexy face and hair. Lately I've been taking the wig off at this point and I do that here. I pull up the lace front and take out the crisscrossed bobby pins holding it to my wig cap and I pull all the way back and off it comes. I shake it out a bit and place it on the Styrofoam head to dry out and brush. Feels weird now without my locks. There's nothing to move and play with. I sit and comb out all the knots and tangles. Might as well do that now so that I have more time tomorrow. I take off the wig cap and its damp but not soaked. It was a mild night. I've been debating whether to grow my hair longer in hopes to get rid of wigs or shave it all so it's less hot and easier to manage. It's a toss-up but for now I've sided with growing it. I take off the fake lashes placing them in the case they came in. I then rub cold cream everywhere removing all the makeup. Takes a bit of rubbing and water but off it all comes of and I'm back to Tim. I'm finding it now takes a bit of me talking to get my voice back. So, I sit there and read some sentence as male Tim. I don't know where this is all going but I think about the future. I have a date tomorrow with Dan, I'm going to a Thanksgiving dinner, what happens over Christmas break, do I do Spring Break with Dan, etc. I'm getting to the point where Tim feels like the person I change into and not Heather. Every time I change back it's harder and I miss being her more and more. I don't know how dating Dan will go but we'll see starting tomorrow. I faded off with so much on my mind. It's easier to just dance and be me as a woman. The next day comes and I go out running with Dan. I ask him how it was with Dawn and Kim. He talks all about this Heather girl who he met at the club. He's going on and on about her and how they have a date tonight. "Sounds like that all worked out Dan," I said. "Here I thought you'd come home as a girl." I said throwing the joke back at him. "Nah, I picked myself up and hot chick who got stood up. She's hot like a 10!" he said. "A 10 like you could get a 10," I said. "She smiled and flirted with me. She wanted me it was easy," he said. Meanwhile I'm thinking yeah, I basically threw myself at you repeatedly for you to take any kind of bait. "Still think I'm out of your league Tim." "Yup, I do." "Well I'll have to bring her over at some point to show you." "Good luck with that." Dan just shakes his head. He goes on to tell me he'll be heading out earlier tonight to meet up with some guys around 3pm and then he's heading over to Hopkins for his date and don't wait up for him to watch the games. "Don't worry I say I'll be out late tonight with the girls," I said. "Oh, that again. Well if it goes well with this girl I might be skipping you on Spring Break. Just be ready to go elsewhere or with the girls," he said using air quotes on girls. I'm like I should dump you flat out tonight but that isn't the plan. Dan leaves around 2:30 or 3pm. I hear him leave and drive off. I've already taken a shower and shaved and did my toe nails and now I'm doing my finger nails all in dark green. I start getting ready as this too will be my first date as a woman. I'm excited but I laugh at the thought of it being with Dan. That and Dan is freaking clueless to the whole thing. I build my body as always starting with tucking and gluing on boobs. This time I decide to change it up and I throw on my robe and wig cap and the begin to do my makeup. I go with longer lashes not crazy but a bit longer. I check my face over and over making sure there is no signs of Tim there. I think just the eyeliner changes my looks so much that it would be hard to tell who I am add in red glossy lipstick and thinking I'm a boy goes right out of people's minds. I brush out the wig some more then place it on my head pinning it down tight as you never know what tonight might bring. I brush it out some more and spray it in place until it's perfect. I take off my robe and I'm still naked. I look like any naked girl would so if my dress comes off this is what your seeing. I take out a black bra and black thong and put them on. I pull-on jet-black pantyhose and pull them all the way up to my bra line. Nothing makes me feel more of a woman than pantyhose. I feel like that is my woman armor and once it's on I've become a woman fully. It just feels right and seeing the vent in my crotch lines up so visually with no penis there to ruin it. This time I also wore pantyhose with seams on them. I take a few minutes to straighten them. I hope they turn Dan on. I pull the dark green dress over my head and slide it down. It fits perfectly and I zip the back up and I'm fully dressed. I spray some channel perfume and step through it letting it hit me all over. I pick up a silver necklace with a horseshoe and put it on. I place my feminine watch on and now all that's left is to step into the heels and grab my purse. I'm Heather Thompson from Georgia tonight and I'm going out on a date. I call a cab and wait. It picks me up and I said Hopkins please and the cabby knows right where that is. We have some small talk about the weather and if I'm going on a date. I answer all the questions and they're a good warm up for me to get into my Heather voice. I pay the cabby and step into the restaurant and figure here goes nothing. I see Dan waiting at the bar and I walkup and give him a peck on the cheek. "Hey Heather," he says "you look beautiful." I smile and say "You look handsome yourself." We walk to our table with him following me and probably checking out my ass or legs every step. It's so much more fun to be the girl than the guy. I love the girl role so much. You get to play sexy and flirt and basically the guys follow and watch you. I would say it's easier but not sure that's fully the case. It's hard getting dressed up and becoming a beautiful woman. The simple part is the act here in front of Dan. That's the fun part. But maybe right now I guess in the end I can't put out now so that holds things back girl-wise for me but it's nice that I get to take it at my speed and not his. I go straight into girl mode ordering wine and the salad. I'm not getting steak or anything like that. Dan orders a beer and steak though and I'm like it figures. I'm also wondering if he's planning to pay or split this meal. I don't overly think it though. While we wait I sip on the wine and we talk. I tell him I'm from Georgia which I am based on my driver's license. We talk about school and since I know him I've heard most of the stories before but I smile and laugh at all them. I tell him I'm a communications major. I was tired of making up stories. He asks if I know his friend Tim who is also a communications major. I pretend to think on it then ask him to describe the guy. Then I say "Oh yes I know him. He stays kind of quiet in the classes I've had with him. So, I don't really know him well." Meanwhile I'm thinking well I'm him so yeah, I kind of know him. We talk about all sorts of things school, sports (which I played dumb on besides Georgia football), his plans after college. He told me all about ROTC and how he was headed to the Navy. I keep trying to convince myself to be up for all this. Really, I'm sure if this was any other guy I'd be hanging on his every word. Dinner was good and Dan paid the full bill. I threw in the tip which is the least I could do as a girl. We looked like any other couple in the restaurant except only I knew this couple wasn't exactly what it seemed. I wondered if the were any other woman in here that were really men. It really got me day dreaming. Dan snapped me out it saying "you ready to leave?" I asked for a minute to hit the ladies' room. I went in did my business and re-tucked making sure it was tight since I knew we'd go dance or what not. I redid my lips after eating and off I went. He stood up and was ready to go. Since Hopkins was on the market we took a stroll. I held his arm like I've seen many a woman do especially in heels. The market and cracked concrete are such a challenge in heels. Dan found a park bench and asked if I wanted to sit. I said sure and I sat cross legged dangling my shoe and bouncing my top leg up and down. He put his arm around me and I snuggled in close resting my head on his shoulder. We talked some more about life, etc. I still was like this would be so romantic if it wasn't Dan. I was getting cold so I asked if he want to go inside and dance. Really, I was in the mood to dance. We walked back up the market and went to a quieter place. It was nice to mainly slow dance. I liked playing that part. I loved to have my hips held and be pulled in. I ran my nails on the back of his head playfully and we'd kiss here and there. I was so used to being the girl and dancing in heels and being led and pushing myself in tight that I'm not sure I would even know what to do as a guy much anymore. Maybe not for everyone but for me the girl side was so much better. We danced for a few hours before it got quite late. "I better get going," I said. I asked for a taxi and we sat on a bench waiting and making out the entire time. He'd try to get further and further up my leg. A while it was a turn on I could have that happen. I ran my hand over his crotch and I could feel how hard and big it was. I never would have thought that I would want a guy inside me but here I am desiring that. But I need to figure out how sooner than later. The cab came and I gave Dan another kiss and then slide into the cab. I knew I would be home way before he got his car so that was my plan. I paid and raced up the backstairs before he got back. I knew I had him now. I undressed and it was for the first time it was weird while I felt I looked hot my feelings for Dan just weren't overly there. I wondered if they'd ever be. I sure knew what it felt like to want and be wanted and I loved that. But this wasn't that. I had to let him know before he got stuck on me. I stayed in my room all Sunday I didn't really want to go out. Here I was wanting to be a girl but not wanting to be one with Dan. So around 3pm I called Dan and asked him to meet me in the sports bar downtown around 5pm. He got dressed and flew out. I took my time and got dressed too I figured I could be late if needed. I put on the same tight skirt I wore at the Georgia game and a tight long sleeve gray top. I looked good. I headed downtown and met Dan who was happy to see me. We hung out and watched the games together. I pretend to know nothing again like I did at Georgia and Dan explained everything to me. We sat close in a booth and his arm would slide up my shirt or up my legs. I was a bit more turned on by all this but wasn't sure where it was going or where I even wanted it to go. After the game I just asked if we could go home I was sad inside because this was going to be hard. I asked if he could drive me. He said sure. I didn't give an address but more or less gave directions and we got closer and closer to our house. He said, "hey I live down this street too." I said quietly, "just up here on the right." "Hey we might be neighbors," he said. I said, "Ok stop here." He looked at me. "I live upstairs," I said. "Tim???," he said. "It's Heather but yeah." After a long pause I just said, "Do you want to go in and talk about it?" He just nodded. Never had I felt so vulnerable in my life as we walked upstairs. We sat down on my bed and he just starred at me. Like he was looking through me or for any flaw that would say Tim. "It was you the whole time," he said. "Like even the kissing?" I was perplexed by the question like he knew it was me. I just sat there and tried not to cry feeling so exposed. Every other guy had no idea I was a boy and even if they did I they wouldn't know me as a boy. But here with Dan he knew me as Tim and I think that's why I couldn't fall for him. Dan asked, "So do you like being a girl? I mean you're right you are hot and maybe out of my league." I just said, "I love being a girl Dan. I didn't think I would but it fits me. It's becoming weird to be a guy during class." "I'm amazed it's you in there. You look so feminine and your voice." "Well the Ravens sucked today," I said in a clearly Tim voice. "Wow, yeah that is freaky don't do that again," he said. "Am I really out of your league do you still want to date?" he said awkwardly. I just teared up and shook my head no and just said, "It's really just too weird Dan. Don't get me wrong you did everything a girl would want to have. But, I found it hard to be passionate and into it with you. I think it's because you know me as um." "As Tim?" he said. "Yeah and hearing that you know that is why it really just can't happen. I would never be able to think that you weren't thinking that," I said. "Tim er Heather, I still can't believe it's you. How do you do it?" I thought ok maybe if he saw it was all an illusion that it would be easier for the both of us. "Ok look I'm doing this once Dan," I said. "Doing what?," he said. "Getting undressed and turn back to Tim in front of you. I do it be myself now and even the girls don't see the transformations anymore. It's very private but I do think it'll help us both hopefully kind of end the chances of dating." "Wait," he said "before you do that let's make a deal." "Ok sure?," I said puzzled. He went on to say "If we're both single around Spring Break, you come down to Florida as my date to meet my parents and friends. It would score my points with both." Thinking nothing of it "I just say sure deal but if you out me or stop me from dating then it's off." I stand up and say "Kiss me!" He waits shocked then gets up and kiss me. I basically ram my tongue down his throat and press my boobs and crotch up against him. I then grab his balls hard and state directly to him "And god help you if you ever out me to anyone! I would make your life miserable." We break apart and I think here goes nothing. I step out of the heels and plop down 3-4." "I never realized how short you are Tim. Is it hard to walk in those?" Dan said. "Whoa buddy, when I'm dressed as Heather you call me Heather. It really shouldn't be that hard I don't think," I said. "Second, yeah it's tiring to walk in heels. Not hard though and judging by how you checked me out walking in them it's worth it." I take my necklace and watch off and ask him to unzip me. As he does I peel of the straps of the dress and let it fall to my ankles. I'm just there in bra and pantyhose. "My god how the heck? How do you have tits? And no... you're hot even undressed" Dan said. "Um, I prefer boobs," I said "Tits sound so slutty and hold your horses mister." I pull down the pantyhose wiggling my ass at him to give him a good look. I ask him to unhook my bra which he does and I cup my boobs. I spin around letting my boobs fall and I jump and press up against him again and throw my tongue into his mouth as he grabs my ass holding me up kind of as I wrap my legs around him. After a bit I pushed myself away and back to the floor and said "yup still feeling nothing with you. Sorry. I know you want to grab a boob so go ahead. He does and I pretend to wriggle in delight while over doing the girl actions. I lead him over to where I have their box and solvent. I step away and spray the solvent all over and said "go ahead peel one off." He does and is looking at it shaking it and touching the nipple and the while I pretend like it's still attached to me and giggle and laugh and say no. I pull the other one off and ask for my boob back and place them in the box and close it. "Still want a flat chested girl like me?" I said. "Look this next part is personal and really I'm only doing it once." I grab the robe and throw it on. I open in up and pull down the thong exposing the nude gaffe. Dan asks "What is that?" "It keeps my privates hidden away and gives me the look of a girl," I said. I quickly pull it down and pull out my penis stretching it out. I quickly close my robe and tie it. "One time only show. Don't ask me again. Someday it'll be gone," I said. "Look at some point here I'm going to change my voice because I'll be more boy than girl." I sit down on my makeup chair and I peel off my eyelashes just to have them out of the way. "Ok this will usually end it," I say and with that I unpinned and peel back the wig and just laid in on the table. I'll deal with it later. I don't even stop and I take off the wig cap and then rub cold cream all over my face wiping off the makeup. Once it's gone I run my hands through my hair and say to Dan in my Tim voice "you want me now big boy." Dan just looked shocked and said "yeah I can see why it would be awkward for us to work out. I now know what's under everything. I would date Heather but agree it's weird that it's you too." We talk a bit more then he heads downstairs. "I'll see you tomorrow for our run," he said. "Sure," I said "and added I'll be dreaming of you." "Yuck" was his response. Part One to be continued!

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Arlene and JeffChapter 165

MIDVILLE, WYOMING The tour of the area completed, Bill and Luther sat in the preacher's living room sipping coffee. The women had left to go visit someone. "I hate to pressure you, but have you and Megan decided anything about the vacation?" Bill asked. A slight frown flicked across Luther's face. "I ... I suppose I still feel guilty for even considering such an expensive ... gift from someone I barely know." "You know my wife, and the gift comes from her, too. And she and I both...

1 year ago
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My Brother

100% fiction! Let me start off by giving you a little family history…my family consists of me, sis, my brother and mom and dad. Me, I am now 26. My brother JD, who is now 20, Kearsta 17 and dad, Mike is now 49. I have to say that genetically, I think my family won the lottery because we all have what I consider perfect bodies and the health to go with it. Strangely enough we don't even have to work at it. My brother and I have never spent more than 5 minutes in a gym actually working out even...

3 years ago
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Alices Film Fantasy

This is my first submission so all comments will be gratefully received. * Edward manoeuvred the Crossley into the small garage off Wallgrave Road. It had originally been designed for small carriages so the large tourer was a snug fit. It helped that the top was down, he found it so much more difficult when he had to squint out of the small rear window and had, on a number of occasion, hit the back wall as marks on the bumper showed. It had been a glorious drive home, the warm August sun...

1 year ago
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Twin Sister Fucked By My Friends

Hi all I’m regular reader of IIS if u find any mistakes please forgive me this is my first story I’m posting in IIS which happened very recently 2days back. Let me Introduce myself I’m Swaroop from Bangalore me and my sister Swetha are twin babies we never had any secrets in between us. Let me describe her she has a stats of 36 28 36 she maintains her body in a nice manner. It was her engagement 2days back then after the function is been completed I heard her conversation with one of her friend...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbor Aunty

So it happened this way – I am in guwahati now but this story is of 2006 when i was in Bangalore. I was in a private hostel in Bangalore then. I was around 23 years and doing some technical studies. There was a lady just next to our hostel. She must be around 30 with two children. I used to sit outside my room and sing songs while playing guitar and my hostel mates used to gather around me to listen to me singing. This lady used to give me looks. I used to reciprocate. slowly the looks turned...

1 year ago
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Amys Valentine

It had been a long time without sex. Too long. Life had been busy lately and it was time to set things straight by ridding themselves of all their pent up sexual desire. Amy booked a room at the Hotel Del Coronado for Valentine's Day, with no other plans than to fuck her lover all night. She packed all the tools she would need for this adventure; her lingerie, her bullet, and her new vibrator that Eric had purchased her on a recent trip. Stockings, heels, garters, and fishnet. It was just one...

3 years ago
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Educating Ken

"Hey, you alright?" said a voice from behind me. I recognized it as belonging to Nic, the younger and more obviously gay of the partners who owned the little seaside B&B on whose back patio I was presently sulking."Yeah, I'm okay," I said. "Or I will be.""Don't kid a kidder, boyo," he said in a gently amused tone, coming around to sit by me on the padded, loveseat-sized bench. I glanced at him, taking in the blue eyes and attractive face and feeling once again a slight bit of amazement at the...

Gay Male
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Mrs Coleman

I've travelled almost my entire working life, mostly as a seafarer. Whilst I've had an amazing time, it meant that meeting - and keeping - someone special has been a real challenge. One of the ways that my wife and I have managed to keep our relationship fresh is through telling stories. It made the miles seem shorter, the separations easier.I hope you enjoy them as much as we have...I wasn't a very disciplined youth. To this day I have no real idea why I volunteered for the Army. When it came...

2 years ago
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Real Incident with Rakesh8217s wife Suman

Hi, I am Sahil Singh () 30 years old married man. My height is 5 feet 9 inches and I am average looking person. I am not good in English, so there is any mistake please ignores it. This incident happen when my wife if is pregnant of 5 months and I am very horny because I not fucked my wife from past 5 months. I am getting frustrated due notable do sex. The Story is about our neighbor friend Rakesh’s wife Suman and me, Suman is sex of God and pleasure and she is fair and God gifted huge boobs...

1 year ago
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Work or pleasure love can be a bitch

jas checked herself over in the mirror, and after biting her lip and staring at the computer screen for what seemed like and eternity she hit the send button. an email giving notice that she was leaving would be in her managers inbox now and also the senior sisters which meant that marie would be reading it very soon. she wondered if marie would get that it was because of her, oh well too damn late to worry about that now. she quickly updated her twitter page status to warn everyone that she...

4 years ago
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Met 2 sisters with a secret

Synopsis: First of all, I want to apologize. I konw it's been a really long time since I posted anything. I just haven't had much time to write. However, I think you'll find this story worth the wait.This story is about a young man who heads off to college in New Zealand and meets two beautiful sisters. Before long, a relationship develops between our hero and one of the sisters. Of course, if you've read any of my stories, you know there's more to this girl than meets the eye . . .* * *I want...

3 years ago
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The CompetitionChapter 2 Swim Club Meeting

At noon, the school's Public Address system announced the "mandatory" meeting of the Girls' Swim Club to be held at 3:30 that day at the pool. Most of the girls sighed with a mixture of relief and irritation; they hadn't known of any club meeting, so they hadn't brought their swimsuits, so the teachers couldn't force them to swim, so this was probably just administrative in nature. Sit around and be bored, probably to get the schedule and listen to some unimportant "important"...

3 years ago
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Casting Off ConventionChapter 3

"I will be so glad to see home again," Corrine remarked, as they ate the noon meal the next day. Celeste added, "As will I. I have learned a lesson about depending upon my magic to carry me through the dangers presented by traveling alone." Rochelle asked, "So, what's this Dalesholme like? Any decent inns and taverns? I'm looking to celebrate a bit, before we hit the road again to join up with the rest of the Hawks. I'm ready for some comfort." Cordain laughed and replied, "You...

3 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 64

We cleaned up the mess in the main cave and put all the drunks still in the cave back to their rooms. A few women came out sporting new necklaces showing off to the other women. I think I need more lion and saber tooth mementos as they seemed to be very popular with the ladies. The men honored, came by, and thanked me for honoring them with my gifts to their mates. I told them this was a one-time only gift and unless they granted permission it would only be a one-time deal. They agreed that...

3 years ago
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Stepson fantasies 8211 The trio

For Steve and Dana, the rest of the drive back home from the pool hall was made in silence. Steve was busted by Dana for having compromising photos on his phone of Peggy from the basketball court. Dana did not say that she was shocked to see her mother in such a situation, but she was a bit surprised she would let anyone photograph her while she was sucking those boy’s dicks. It made Dana realize that her mom was more adventurous than she thought. Steve and Dana arrived back home much earlier...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Part 3

Madame X woke up the next morning and looked at her slave on the monitor. She was tired of waiting for Katie to submit. She wanted her now! She lusted after the girl with a passion that she had never felt before, and she was sick of playing games. She was determined to break her captive today. There was something that she had hidden away that she knew would do it, but she really didn’t want to use it. The dominatrix exhaled deeply and grudgingly took it out of the closet. She felt that she...

3 years ago
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Ericas First Time Masturbating

Twenty year old Erica Jennings closed her eyes under the warm, strong spray of her shower. Her long brown hair stuck to her face, back and neck due to the moisture as she washed the soap from her shapely figure. The water ran down her long, smooth legs and clung to the manicured toenails of her small feet. She turned off the shower and was about to reach for the shower door when she remembered something she heard during an economics class in college.~~~"Ohmygosh Luna, I swear, it was the best...


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