Celebrity Trainers Megan Fox
- 3 years ago
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Title: Celebrity Trainers – Megan Fox (Part 1)
Synopsis: Michael Bay, having been referred by Robert Pattison, tries to solve his problem and get a measure of revenge from Megan Fox. This is a story of kidnapping, bondage, brainwashing and rape.
Author Name : SadoRuski
Email: [email protected]
Codes: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond,
Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women.
This is part 1 of a multi-part series. Please feel free to comment rate and appreciate. Any suggestions and requests for this or any future story are welcomed. Please include your username in the emails so that I may answer you. If I do not answer you email, it’s likely due to a technological failure. Thank you and enjoy.
?How did I get myself in this situation?? wondered Michael Bay. AT 47 years of age he seemed to have it all. He had a loving wife. He had a very successful career as a film director. He was one of the biggest names in Hollywood. Yet Michael Bay had a big problem.
?The bitch is blackmailing me? he explained to the mysterious office worker who called himself Smith.
It was not the first infidelity Bay was guilty of. Young starlets who want to make a good impression on film makers are nothing new to the Hollywood scene. Bay was not the first director to have slept with a young actress, nor would he be the last. And a beauty like Megan Fox did not come around every day.
But this bitch was smart. She made a little film of her own, videotaping Bay coming on to her and then having sex with her. Now she held the tape as collateral, threatening to release it to his family and the rest of the world if Bay did not give in to her demands.
Over the years the price of her silence became bigger and bigger. The bigger it got, the harder it became to hide this expense from his family. At the rate it was going, his wife would find out about the affair without Megan saying a word.
?Well, Mr. Bay, we are more than willing to help. Our service is not cheap, but results are guaranteed. Our mutual friend, Mr. Pattison, will testify to that.
Bay was hesitant ?Your services include??
?Simply put, behavior modification. Every single case is unique, but the end result is the same. Right now, Megan Fox is the dominant party in this relationship. We will change that. By the time we are done, she will do what you want and obey you in every way possible. This will solve your blackmail problem and a lot more. If you are willing to proceed, I will reveal more detail. If not I will say goodbye and good luck. Now, what will it be, Mr. Bay??
Megan Fox was quite pleased with herself. She had Michael Bay right where she wanted him: begging. Her one time lover called her earlier that day. He asked her, then begged her, upon the initial refusal, to meet and renegotiate their financial arrangement. Though Megan refused, she eventually agreed to meet him. She knew she had Bay by the balls. She would allow him to pay for dinner, maybe even pretend to be receptive to the change in their agreement. In the end, however, she was only going to squeeze the proverbial ball sack harder, insisting on more money, even threatening to reveal the truth to Mrs. Bay.
Megan put on her favorite outfit, a hot red cocktail dress. She sat down and poured a glass of red wine, thinking about how much she would enjoy ripping the floor from under Michael Bay. The Director suggested they meet somewhere secluded in order to avoid the paparazzi. Harris Ranch seemed like a good place. Though it was about an hour away from Hollywood, the food was good and the hotel, though pretty fancy, was far away from any unwanted attention.
Megan finished the wine and got into her Mercedes Benz. By the time she got on the freeway, it was dusk. Few cars were on the road. Eager to have some fun with the desperate director, Megan pushed the pedal to the metal.
She was halfway to her destination when she saw the red and blue lights flash in her rear view mirror. Megan cursed and looked down at the speedometer. ?Only 80 miles per hour? she thought, ?It’s not that bad?.
Megan pulled over the car and rolled down her window. She put on her best smile when the officer came over to her car.
?License and Registration please? he said unceremoniously. If he recognized who she was when he looked over the ID cards, her showed no reaction.
?Do you know why I pulled you over today, ma’am??
?I don’t actually? Megan said, shooting him a cute smile.
? You were speeding, ma’am?
?Oh, c’mon, officer? Megan said, tossing her hair back ever so sexily, ?I could not have been that bad.?
All she got from him was a scrutinizing frown.
? Ma’am, I am going to have to ask you to get out of the car? the officer said in the same indifferent tone.
? Why?? asked Megan with a note on incredulousness in her voice
?Get out of the car, please.? the officer repeated.
Megan got out of the car. ?Have you had anything to drink today, ma’am?? asked the officer, fumbling for his belt.
?Just a glass of wine, officer. Look, I have an important meeting and I will be late. I am willing to take the ticket?.
The officer refused to react, taking out an instrument out of his belt. ?This is a breathalyzer, ma’am. Please breathe into it.?
?Fine? Megan rolled her eyes and blew into the instrument.
The breathalyzer reacted with a high pitched beep. ?Your blood alcohol is over 0.85, Ma’am, way above the legal limit. ? said the officer, taking out his handcuffs.
Megan was confused ?What?!!, Wait, that can’t be?? The officer turned her body toward her car and pulled her arms behind her.
?Officer, please. There has been a mistake? Megan protested
? Mrs. Fox, You are under arrest for driving under the influence? He slapped the cuffs on her wrists and pulled them shut, ?You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law??
?Officer, please, there is no way I am that drunk? protested Megan over the Miranda warning. The officer pulled her toward the squad car, opened the back door and pushed the actress inside, making sure to protect her head on the way in. ?You can’t do this to me!!!? She yelled when the man got into the front seat, ?Don’t you know who I am?? The officer started the car and turned it back toward Los Angeles. ?I know exactly who you are, Mrs. Fox?
Megan quieted down, sitting in the back, pouting angrily. She was frustrated because the officer refused to listen to her. Clearly she could not argue her way out of this. Then again, the officer was kinda cute. Perhaps this called for a different strategy?
? Officer?, she said sweetly ? perhaps there is a way to work this out. Surely we can come up with a mutually beneficial solution.? She flashed that cute little puppy face she was so good at.
?Ma’am, it is a crime to bribe an officer of the law? responded the policeman.
Megan gave him a cute and innocent look ?I would never try to bribe you, sir.? She pressed her face closer to the cage separating the front and back seats. ?All I am saying is that if you do a favor for me, I could do something for you??
The officer finally reacted, giving her a serious grin. ?All right? he responded and looked back at the road. A few minutes later, he took a turn off the freeway. The car pulled into an abandoned truck stop. No lights were working despite the fact that it was pitch black outside. Leaves covered most of the asphalt. Clearly nobody has been here for years.
The officer got out of the car and pulled Megan outside. He pushed her against the side of the car and fumbled for the belt.
? Are you going to take off the cuffs? Or are you the kinky kind?? Megan flirted.
The officer answered by clamping his hand over the girl’s mouth and pointing his pistol to her head. Megan let out a yelp.
?Shut up and this will go a whole lot easier? said the officer with a sudden determination in his voice.
Taking his hand away from Megan’s mouth, he started to pull white rags from his pocket. Megan was confused at first. But when the man brought a rag to her mouth, she understood.
? Whoa? she protested? This is not what I had in mind?.
The officer put the gun away and used his free hand to pull Megan’s hair, causing her to yelp again.
?Change of plans, bitch, open your mouth?
Megan began another protest and got the rag shoved into her mouth. Two more rags followed that one. By the time the officer taped the girl’s mouth shut with duct tape, Megan could barely move her jaw.
The officer proceeded to tie her ankles. He then took out a black wool bag and pulled it over the girl’s head. Megan screamed out a protest. The rags that stuffed her mouth muffled whatever sound was going to come out of her throat. Now blind, the poor girl started to panic. She heard the trunk of the car pop open. She felt herself being picked up and then thrown into the hood. ?Okay? she thought, ?NOW you can panic?.
The drive probably took around 30 minutes. Megan was too busy struggling against her bonds and rolling around the trunk to keep track.
The car finally stopped. She heard the trunk open and felt a pair of strong hands pull her out of the car. She heard a voice that did not belong to her captor. ?Come on, get her inside.?
Megan tried to let out another scream, to no avail. She felt a second pair hands grab her by the arms.
She was taken inside, her bound feet dragging on the ground. First she felt the asphalt under her feet. When she was taken inside the building, she felt the short carpet. She heard a door open, then felt her feet hit what appeared to be stairs. The staircase was a long. At the end of it she heard another door open, this one heavy and squeaky. She was put into a stool, her bound hands encircling the back of the chair. Her ankles were tied to the sides. After she was thoroughly secured, her mask was pulled off.
It took Megan a moment to adjust to the light in the room. When they did, Megan saw two men standing in the room. One was a slightly overweight man with a mask concealing his face. The other was her old friend Michael Bay.
MFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! Megan incredulously screamed through her gag.
?Hello Megan? said Michael in a manner completely unfit for this rather odd scene.
?So we meet after all. How are you doing?? he asked, pulling off Megan’s ball gag.
It took Megan a few minutes to spit out the rags in her mouth.
?Michael! What the Fuck?!? were the first words out of her mouth.
?HAHA? Cracked up Bay. ?Good to see you too. Now, as long as you are just sitting there, pay attention. I think it’s time we altered or arrangement.?
?Michael, whatever sick game you are playing needs to end now? declared Megan with clear vitriol in her voice. ?Let me go, and I might not have you arrested for kidnapping me, you fucking creep!?
Michael Bay let out another quick laugh. ?Look at you. Tied up, helpless, and you still think you are in control. How very predictable?
Michael walked up to Megan and grabbed her chin forcefully, squishing her pretty little cheeks in the process.
?Now, let me enlighten you , you arrogant little bitch. I am in control, not you. I will be making demands, not you. Your extortion scheme has come to an end. So, if you know what is good for you, you will tell me where your little video tape is. Now, what do you say, Meg?
Megan managed to shake her chin free of the man’s grasp. ?FUCK YOU!!!?,
A sadistic smile washed over Michael’s face.? I was hoping you’d say that.?
He stuck a ball gag back into the girl’s mouth and tightened it. ?It’s time to level the playing field?.
Michael grabbed Megan’s dress and ripped it down the middle, exposing the girl’s sexy black lace bra and panties. Next, he pulled out a knife. Megan’s chest rose and fell rapidly as the brunette started to panic at the sight of the knife. Bay gave her another evil smile, running the blunt side of the blade across the bra before slicing off the middle of it. The bra cups swung off to the sides, exposing the actresses perfectly round breasts. Megan let out another series of whimpers as her former lover used the same knife to tease the inside of her now exposed legs. Her eyes followed the blade as it traveled from one leg to another, lightly scraping across the beautiful black panties. Using the other hand, Michael grabbed the panties, pulling them up roughly. Megan squealed in pain as the underwear rode up between her lips and into her vulva. She raised her hips and pulled her head back, trying to relieve the pain.
?Not so high and mighty, are you? ? Bay smirked.
The girl was undoubtedly in pain. But she still managed to give the director the evil eye.
?It’s ok, you will learn? said Michael.
He then cut the strings of the still taut underwear, revealing Megan’s perfect shaved pussy.
Michael stepped back. Megan Fox, now more than ever, was a sight to behold. Her beautiful features, a mixture of Irish, French and American Indian, were enhanced by the white rope that held her in place and the bright red ball gag that kept her jaw open. Only a few of her long black hairs were out of place, hanging over her face. With her gorgeous red dress and her sexy black lingerie hanging off the sides in tatters, she was the very embodiment of a damsel in distress. Her short, uneven breaths were offset by brown eyes that displayed the unwavering defiance.
?I will truly enjoy breaking her? Michael thought to himself.
Megan was breathing heavily, but still managed to hurl a few unintelligible insults through her ball gag.
?What a pretty little picture? Michael said out loud. ?No doubt it will fetch quite a price on the internet.
The director took out a camera. ?Say cheese?.
The flash stunned Megan at first. It took her a few minutes to realize what her captor was doing. By the time Michael changed his position and set up or another shot, Megan figured it out. She turned her head away before the second flash went off.
Michael lowered the camera, giving the trussed up girl a disapproving look.
?It will be a lot easier on you if you cooperated, Mrs. Fox? said the masked man, uttering something for the first time.
Megan only turned her head further, blocking her face with her hair.
?Mr. Smith, if you please.?
The masked man walked behind the chair, then reached in from behind Megan, squeezing and twisting both her nipples. Megan let out a scream.
Michael walked over and leaned in close to the girl’s bound form.
?Do you know the problem with pretty girls? They are spoiled by guys. We cater to you every whim. We give you everything you want, all in hopes of getting sex. It’s not going to happen this time, darling. You will do what you are told, or you will be punished.
Megan was looking straight at him, desperation having replaced defiance momentarily. Mr. Smith continued to torture her nipples. Michael just kept on talking.
? Now, I will take a few pictures and you are going to look straight into the camera? he lectured her. ?Do we understand each other, dear??
Megan, nearly in tears, desperately shook her head.
?Good,? Michael said and nodded to Mr. Smith. The masked man let go of Megan’s nipples. With a soft moan, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.
?Now,? said the director, ?smile for the camera.
He snapped a dozen or so photos, capturing the girl’s bound form from several different angles. Megan just sat there, tugging at her bonds occasionally, letting out a garbled verbal insult through her gag. She continued to look at the camera, fearful of pissing off her captors.
?Oh yes, these will do nicely? Smiled Michael after the photo-shoot was completed. ?Your fans will love these. A small tear rolled down Megan’s face.
?Of course, if a picture is worth a thousand words, what would a movie be worth?? asked Michael. Another sadistic smile washed over his face.
Mr. Smith brought a camera and the tripod in the middle of the room. While that was being set up, Michael produced a vibrator and tape. He attached instrument to Megan’s leg. The business of the vibrator went right into the girl’s pussy. Megan shook her head no, moaning pathetically in protest.
Next, her captor turned his attention to the girl’s nipples. First he roughly pinched them, then gave each a strong flick of the finger. This made Megan cry out in pain. It also made her nipples swell. Michael then produced two nipple clips. Pinching a nipple with one hand, her captor attached the clips to each of Megan’s tit. The consequent pain was nearly overwhelming. Megan contorted her face, letting out a long painful moan. Bay, however was not done yet. He produced two golf ball sized weights. The hooks attached to the weights let her captor easily attach them to the nipple clips. Each weight was followed by Megan’s loud squeal.
Megan tried to shake her head no, but quickly found that the movement made the weights swing, tugging on her already tender nipples. Megan was reduced to Mmmphing her now pathetic protests and pleas.
?If you don’t move too much, you might get used to these? Michael said almost casually. There was no doubt he was enjoying himself
Megan tried to concentrate on her breathing. A breath too deep already brought on more pain. She restricted herself to short, sporadic breaths.
Michael, apparently finished with the hardware stood next to the set up camera.
? Well, its late Megan. I never expected you to be cooperative from the beginning. I assure you, this will change. We are going to have some REAL fun tomorrow. For now we are just going make a little movie.?
?MMMMMMFFFFFF? protested Megan loudly.
Michel walked up to the trussed up girl, gently brushing her chin and jaw with the back of his hand.
?Don’t worry, dear. The camera loves you. Just do what you do best. ?
With that, the director bent down and kissed Megan on the ball gag. He then turned around, walking right by the camera and pushing a button in an unceremonious fashion. The recording light came on.
Megan’s eyes were still following Michael when Mr. Smith approached her and pushed a button on the vibrator.
A surge of energy shot through the poor girl’s body. Megan thrust her hips up and threw her head back. She screamed at first, then moaned continuously and intensely. The pleasure radiating from her pussy was intermingled with the pain shooting from her nipples. As a result, her mind was in a complete disarray. She did not know where pleasure ended and pain began. The mixture of sensations quickly became unbearable. Megan did not see Michael or Mr. Smith exit the room. She did not hear the heavy door close. In fact, for the first few minutes she saw nothing but red.
Megan tried putting her butt back down to lessen the intensity of the sensation. This only made the effects of the vibrator more potent. Next, she tried shifting her hips from side to side, but the vibrator continued to violently stimulate her genitals.
It took only a few minutes, but an orgasm started to build. Megan tried to hold it in, but to no avail. When she finally achieved release, the intensity nearly made her black out. Vaginal juices squirted across the floor. Her eyes started to roll in the back of her head. Her breaths became deep, but staggered. She managed to stay conscious.
Megan experienced several more of these orgasms. With her blood saturated with oxytocin, the intensity of the release was eventually diminished. But not enough for Megan’s comfort. The rest of the night became an endless cycle of orgasmic buildup and release. During the buildup, she would tremble due to the combination of anticipation and cold. The ball gag, which did nothing to stifle her moans or screams, instead made her drool copiously down her breasts and stomach. Tears and mascara ran freely down her cheeks. The buildup would last perhaps five, perhaps ten minutes. Megan could not be sure, with her attention devoted entirely to restricting her movement. Once the orgasm hit, however, it was all for naught. He body would spasm violently, making the clips and the weights pull even harder on her abused nipples.
Sometimes she would experience two or three orgasms in a single cycle. Was she getting off on the pain? Did she actually like this? The thought repulsed and frightened her. She had long lost the track of time. The entire night had turned into a mishmash of pain and pleasure. In the occasional moments of clarity Megan heard Michael’s prophetic words playing over and over in her head:? I am in control, not you.?
?She is certainly a feisty one? observed Mr. Smith as they both watched Megan on a monitor.
?How long do you think she will last before she talks?? asked Michael Bay.
?It is only a matter of time before she gives you her little tape? reassured the rope master. ?I would be surprised if she lasted more than a couple of days. Her training, however, will take a bit longer. But the feistier they are, the harder they fall. This one should be fun to break.?
To be continued?
Thank you for reading my story. Unlike My last one, this story is a multi-part series. If you have suggestions or requests for this or any future stories, please email me at search4aphrodite(at)hotmail(dot)com . Comment, rate, appreciate.
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“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...
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I wasn’t there to watch her develop into a young lady, both physically and emotionally, that is as much emotionally as a teenager can be. But from afar, I noticed her development instantly each time I got a chance to see her. She was still flighty and fun loving; in fact, she was still my sweet little Megan, just a little older. Her physical development was more obvious, to me anyway. Not only did she gain a little height and weight, about 4’8” and 85 lbs., she was still a runt, really,...
The warm sun blazed down on Megan Ruiz as she jogged along the footpath back towards her apartment complex, Her ample 32 D sized breasts bouncing up and down her chest contained in a neon pink sports bra getting the attention of many men as she past by followed by a view of her curvy, bubble butt in her skin-tight Lycra black leggings, her long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail and her striking big, brown eyes and red, juicy lips made her the perfect eye candy for the men in her...
?Megan Riley O’Rourke you are going to be a shining star.? Megan smiled as she remembered her grandmother’s words of confidence on her fourteenth birthday. It was both a happy and sad memory as grandmother Riley passed within weeks of Megan’s birthday. The sun shone brightly on a beautiful fall day as Megan walked home amid the tall stately trees of an old Chicago suburb. She waved to Mrs. Kelly as she wound her way toward her home. Mrs. Kelly tried to be out in the afternoon when Megan...
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ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...
After we were married almost a year, I joined the Marines and Marty stayed home with our first born Danny and lived with her parents. It was a tough time for both of us, but probably hardest on Marty. After my discharge, I came home and started my life as many other twenty year-old fathers do. One kid became three and we moved and struggled just like any family until one day you turn around and Danny is graduating and in love with Shelly and her daughter Megan. Shelly lost her husband in...
Introduction: Fisrt of three parts, lengthy. This is my 1st, comments welcome Martha and I have been happily married for 27 years now and we are still very much in love. Marty was my high school sweetheart and we were married a year after graduation. Marty is pretty, not gorgeous, but she carries her prettiness like the girl next door. She has a blue eyes, light brown hair, a girl with a smile that lights up any room she enters. I have only been with Marty, so my bias is obvious, but she was my...
Saturday morning rolls around and I watch Megan get ready. She has a spring in her step as it has been a long time since she has played her favorite sport. Since she is substituting on a team called the Pink Bitches, Megan has a pink jersey with a number 13 on it for her favorite player on the US National team. She has black shorts and sock and hot pink cleats. I see the outline of a black sports bra on underneath her jersey. Soon, I watch Megan pile into her black SUV with her friends Amanda...
Walking through the house Megan wasn’t surprised to find that the house was empty, her mum worked late most days and she usually had to make dinner for herself and her younger brother John when he wasn’t out with his friends or at football practise, as it was a Wednesday evening, she knew that John wouldn’t be home for a few hours and her mum could be in some time after 9 that night. She walked into the kitchen and quickly made herself a sandwich before putting herself in front of the...
Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...
Megan was hot. She was Asian, nice size breasts and a tight waist and hips. She kept herself tanned all year. She also knew a lot of her job was looks and she kept herself looking great. She was smart. She worked as a partner at a large law firm. That is where she met Issac. They both started as Staff Attorneys. Both Megan and Issac rose quickly, both working together and interdependently. They dated for a year and got married. She had only been with one other guy before Issac and she planned...
I didn't bother to ask him if he wanted me to give him a hand job, I just reached over, grabbed his cock and began to give him a nice hand job. My father instantly let go of his prick and put his hands behind his head, enjoying watching the porno and having his daughter jacking him off. "Mmm, that feels so good Megan. You are so good at stroking cocks!" "Thanks dad. When you are watching these movies, are you thinking it is you and I?" "Fuck yes Megan!" "Isn't it a bit hard? I...
The day after my visit to my brothers’ house, I gave my father a call. I left him a message that I would stop by that night after dinner to say hi. My father called me back and left me a message, all he said was that he would leave the front door unlocked. I showed up at his house and let myself in. I called out for my father and I heard him respond he was upstairs. I went up stairs, my father had his bedroom door open and I could hear the TV playing so I walked in. My father was lying naked on...
IncestThe whole time we ate I could not keep my eyes off of her tits. Megan would bend over to tease me by letting me look down her top. She would play with her bra, adjusting it to see if I was watching. She got up a couple of times, her pants made her ass look so good, my mouth actually started to water from the lust I was feeling for my sister. When we were done Megan asked me what I wanted to do. I leaned in close to her to respond. "I want to fuck you sis. That outfit you are wearing is hot!...
Emily looked towards the bathroom door, “one more minute!” She shouted back to her sister. She had to get ready for this. She studied herself. Her F cup tits almost spilled out of the tank top she was in, her equally large ass sat comfortably in the sweatpants she wore, and her dark hair flowed down past her shoulders. She took a deep breath, it was time to fuck her sister. Or rather, it was time for her sister to fuck her. Megan was into bondage, one of her ex’s got her started and she could...
Megan had just arrived home for Christmas Vacation from Brigham Young University-BYU and seemed bum-ed-out. Megan had nearly failed all her courses and just barely passed; mom had gotten the word that Megan was into drugs and smoking marijuana. For weeks our parents had been silent with me around. For Later Day Saints my sister Megan is a failure. Megan hid in her room till dinner time. Dinner was uneventful, dad fired up the gas-grill on the patio. Everyone was silent as we ate steak, baked...
Megan's Run CHAPTER ONE “Oh, please let us do it, Bill!” she pleaded. “It will be quite safe; and so much fun for me!” He looked dubiously up at her standing over him, confident and assured in her nakedness. “Well,” he began doubtfully, but by then she was at his feet, her arms around his knees, smiling up at him with infectious mischief sparkling in her eyes. He smiled back; and was lost. Now that she had his consent she was all briskness for a few minutes. Then, the simple preparations...
Every day that week I tried to talk to Katie. She refused to speak to me. She usually walked away the second she saw me. I spent the week in a state of shock. The girl I loved hated me. Megan tried to talk to me a few times during the week. She told me I was so handsome. She said I was too good for Katie. I tried to ignore her since she was the cause of my grief. The following Monday night after scouts, I asked my best friend Rob Stevens if he would talk to Katie for me. He said, "Sure...
“Good morning Carol, I am well, thank you.” Carol has been my executive assistant since I took over the business when my dad died. She had been his assistant for many years prior and had been with the company for more than three decades. “What is on the schedule today?” “You have a call with the bank at 8:30, Dwayne at 9:00 to discuss changes on the shop floor, a meeting with Megan and me at 10, lunch with the sales team, and at some point in the afternoon, you need to see Joe in shipping....
Megan O’Malley was one happy girl as she rode her school bus home. Friday, the final school day of the week and the Winter break has begun. No school again for two weeks.Even the day was perfect; unseasonably warm for December the temperature was in the low seventies with bright sunshine as her ride started.Megan’s was the last stop on the route, as they neared her home an abrupt change in the weather occurred. Through the window she watched, as the sky became a kaleidoscope of colors; first...
By Mario Caliente I spotted them in the shopping mall. They stood out amid the bustling horde of Christmas shoppers on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Swans among sparrows, like Romeo said when he first saw Juliet. (He said something like that, anyway.) Once they caught my attention, it was as if there was no one else around, though I was greatly appreciative of the fact that we WERE surrounded by a teaming mass of aggressive shoppers exuding holiday spirit, because this allowed me to...
My cousin's have average looks, kind of nerdy, neither one currently had a girlfriend and to be honest I know they had never been out with any girl on a date. I could only imagine how horny they were. I went over to my uncle's house on one of my off days; nobody was supposed to be home. I got there, went around the house, didn't find anyone so I got into my bikini and went out by their pool to sunbathe. Well as you guess, my uncle 'forgot' that his sons would be home around the time I...
Summer in England can be extremely frustrating, two or three days of sunshine, followed by a humid hell and then thunderstorms. If you’re lucky, the sun will return a few days later and you can feel the heat on your body once more. There are summers when the sunny days are few and far between but there are those when it’s day after day of gorgeous weather and there’s no place better to be. This story took place a few years ago, when England was experiencing one of its better summers,...
ExhibitionismMegan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled as she realised it was just a bad dream and it was all over now. She rolled onto her back and looked at her desk chair which had the short denim mini skirt draped over it and the events of the day before came crashing down and she realised that she wished she was still dreaming. She thought back to how she had been innocently chatting online when she had...
“Well I don’t know about you”, I said after a few moments of mutual silence, “but I’m horny as fuck right about now.” “Haha...same here, sexy. We’ve got all night to try what ever we want...”, Megan replied, giving me a very arousing look as she did so. “Shit, this is got to be just about the greatest day ever”, I thought happily to myself. It was just now a little after nine, and Megan and I had pretty much done everything except actually fuck. That was more than I could have...
The only thing I don't like is working the overnight ten to six shift. You can't get a free beer after about twelve o'clock! Still, sometimes there are compensations, occasionally glorious ones. The following is an account of one such summer night. It was about eleven o'clock. I had just set up the radar on a back road and was now busy drinking coffee from a flask and reading the latest Irvine Welsh novel, musing how well he seems to understand those Scottish male traits of casual...
So it is Independence day weekend. Megan wants to make it a special day for her and her friends. She wants there to be thrills and fireworks and... she wants it breath taking!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Megan smiled as she sent the simple message to Tina, her Mom. “Have fun tonight. Don’t come home.” It was Thursday but because of the next day being a holiday she and all of her friends were going out and when she got home she did not want to have to deal with...
Megan had always know her mother was a slut. She and her brother had grown up listening to her getting her brains fucked out, and masturbating her brains out just a wall away. The headboard banging against the wall, her slutty, whorish cries, begging to cum. All the "don't stops", "keep goings", "mother fuckers", god yes's" echoed off the walls, and into Megan's ears. Not only had she heard her mother fuck, she had seen it. She never told anyone about it, but one night, she waited up to...
“Fine, I'll let you have it this time!” Emily jokingly said. Megan pulled down on the handle and the door clicked open. She looked back at Emily, she smiled, blew her a kiss, and shut the door behind her. Emily couldn't help but laugh as she half walked, half waddled over to the door. She pulled on the handle and swung the white wooden door open. Megan already began walking to the back of the bathroom towards the toilet. “Looks like I won,” Megan teased. “I'll get you next time,” said...
I loaded a new cassette and batteries and we left the room. Megan pranced through the mostly empty lobby and her outfit quickly drew attention. As I had hoped, in the bright daylight, her dress became almost transparent! Her black lingerie, garter belt and nylon stockings showed through the gauzy material. Megan's breasts were equally exposed and I could see her nipples grow hard with excitement as soon as she stepped out onto the street!We bought a couple of Zombies next door and wandered down...
Megan and John had been friends for a few years they got on well with each other and were like best mates. They had their own friends, Megan with hers and John with his mates. But they seemed to have more of a connection and John always thought he could talk to her more, being female, than he could with his own mates. John was in his mid forties and Megan ten years his junior. John was quite shy and not an overly confident person, especially around women. Megan was very pretty with lovely...
CheatingShe squeezed my hard cock a little tighter now as she still jerked it up and down making sure that on the down stroke she jerked it really hard and tight. It was then that we both heard a little cough coming from the toilet part of Megan's bathroom and as we both looked round with Megan still holding my throbbing dick in her hand as we saw mom sitting there watching us. She was playing with one hand in a boob and her other hand was inside her Wonder Woman pants and was obviously intoxicated...
Evidentially Megan's sister had decided to borrow something to wear to school from her closet and noticed me in her bed with her. That came as a shock to her... a big shock. "Oh my god!" Katie exclaimed at the top of her lungs. This woke me of course... "Ssssh! You don't have to wake the world." I replied. "You're in my sister's bed... I... um..." She said, still shocked. "Yea, so I am." I replied. "WOW, and I thought she was a prude!" Katie replied. All I could do was...
I was feeling horny, incestuously horny so I drove over to my father's house to pay him a surprise visit. I had the key to his house so I let myself in. I heard the shower running so I quietly went up stairs to surprise him. My father had the bathroom door wide open so I quietly peeked in to see what he was doing. He had part of the shower door open and I could see him in the reflection of the mirror. He had a raging hard on and he was jacking off like crazy. He had his eyes closed and I...
I don't know why, but I woke up sometime around 3am feeling really uncomfortable. Ok, I know why... it was a really gigantic emptiness that woke me. As much as I tried I knew what had to be done to get back to sleep, just had to hope he didn't kill me when I showed up at his door during this hour of the night. So I got dressed, shorts and a tank top, and drove over to Mike's house. I did notice a nice shiny key on the set he gave me that was definitely not to the car, so I hoped it was to...
I woke up sometime around 5am well rested, but I felt like I was gonna be sick. Mike was still sound asleep, actually snoring a bit. It was real faint, but definitely a snore. It was kinda funny actually. I couldn't laugh to hard though as I had to pee bad. I untangled myself from Mike as gently as possible trying not to disturb him, then went into the rest room did my business. Must have been all that wine last night, cause I sat there for what seemed like forever. Can the human bladder...
I woke up sick as a dog around 7am this morning and was in the middle puking when I noticed Mike standing at the door with a concerned look on his face. "You alright?" He asked. "I dunno," I replied. "When it happened yesterday I thought it was just the wine, now I'm not sure. Maybe it's the food, I normally eat like a rabbit... you know salads and fruit, never anything really greasy. Yesterday I actually ate rabbit, and this whole week I've been eating different. My stomach is just...
Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully's side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn't getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully's kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...
Love Stories“Megan you better come over here right away and help your sister” I call out. “Come in Ginny, what’s wrong?” Megan comes running over and giver her sister a big hug and leads her into the kitchen and half closes the pocket doors. I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation, like “Bobby Kirkpatrick is a BIG JERK” and “I HATE BOBBY” shortly followed by “Cindy is even worse, that two-bit slut”. In a little bit, I see Megan rushes out of the kitchen, grabs a box of tissues, and hurries back...
“I will have her bring her car in. I will pay for it. But when I drop Megan off at the end of the day this is how I want it to go. I want to watch her get fucked by you and your workers.” “Oh we can do that for sure man. I told everyone here about the horny slut white I fucked in the restroom. I know all of these guys would love to take a turn with her.” “I hope they all have big cocks. I want to see her sucking down on some big black cock as well as seeing her pussy and ass...