Please Teach Me!... About Teaching!? - Lesson 4 free porn video

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"Office hours by appointment only," stated the sign upon the frosted glass of the private office door. Inside, Jin sat in one of the chairs next to the round conferencing table; pages of notes and homework and past tests scattered over its surface. Just a few months ago, he would have squirmed uncomfortably in his seat and been unable to focus on anything his hot professor might have been trying to teach him in such a private lesson. But things had changed, and Jin himself had changed more than he could have ever predicted since then. He would have never have imagined finding out that professor Kigumi Ookawa was one of his neighbors! Or that she would share with him a rather personal secret that would challenge his perception of sexuality. "Jin, are you paying attention?" Kigumi's voice snapped Jin back to the present. "Honestly, here I was, offering you a reward for doing so well in my class recently and you can't be bothered to enjoy it properly." Jin looked down to behold a feast for the eyes. Kigumi knelt between his knees, his hard cock nestled lovingly between her massive mammaries as she suckled on its head. Kigumi rose to her feet, her bosom gently swaying with her movements. "If you're going to be like that though, I'm going to have to punish you instead," Kigumi reprimanded, though she could not hold her pouting face for long. Her mouth cracked into a wry smile as she carefully hiked the hem of her tight business skirt up to her hips. She straddled Jin's chair with Jin still in it, her navy blue panties close enough to Jin's face that he could smell her femininity. With a brief look of concentration and a soft grunt, Jin saw something slowly tent the front of her lingerie. Soon, her penis's head emerged from the top of her panties and as it stiffened and escaped its silken bindings, it leveled itself with Jin's face. "Since you don't seem to be in the mood to receive, you can give instead. Come, on, you know what to do by now." Her tip kissed his lips, and with its parting, left a thin rope of precum connecting them still. Jin gulped. He was still getting used to this, but no longer felt as uncomfortable about sucking off another man as he used to. That was what Kigumi was after all. Underneath the skin of that buxom beauty was a young, male genius bio engineering inventor whom Jin only knew by the same name. A few years younger than even Jin himself, Kigumi used the female facade as his front to interact with the academic community that was unable to see past his physical age and respect his mental acuity, despite his proven scientific achievements. Kigumi's mental maturity may have surpassed Jin's but the boy was still a late teenager emotionally, and the sexual nature of many of his inventions did little to mitigate his voracious libido. Jin pursed his lips, pushing them around Kigumi's dick as she shifted her hips forward. He took this as practice for when he, too, wore one of Kigumi's skinsuits and embraced the feminine side of him he never knew existed before two months ago. He was almost hypnotized by the rhythmic motion of Kigumi's pelvis and the salty, yet smooth flavor of her shaft, a product of her sweet custom vaginal fluid mixed with her natural precum. Fortunately, he noticed both the tensing of her cock, her sudden inhale, fluttering eyelids and the furrowing that passed over her brow; all things that he had learned signified her imminent climax. Sure enough, he felt the pulse on his tongue as her load passed through her and squirted out into his mouth. Jin still reflexively cringed at the salty-sour taste of jizz on his tongue. "You... haa... you mustn't look so repulsed... Jin... That's a turn-off to many men..." she moaned as didactically as she could while her ejaculation continued pushing her seed down his throat. Dutifully, Jin suppressed his instinct and swallowed down Kigumi's jizz till it stopped flowing. He kept his lips tight around her shaft as she pulled out, slicking off any residual spunk and leaving her with a mostly clean tool. Kigumi cleared her throat. "You did well aside from a moment's grimace though, good job," she praised him with a smile. He watched, as she pushed her member back into hiding inside her female genitalia and readjusted her panties before letting her skirt fall back into place. Just like that, she had transformed back from a niche futanari to the perfectly feminine professor all the guys had the hots for. More and more lately, it was that contrast between the hidden nymphomaniac and the model teacher that had been the source of arousal for Jin. The transitions themselves were as exciting or more so than what she did in one form or the other. Not that being Kigumi had not been an experience of a lifetime itself, as he had had the opportunity a week or so ago for an unexpected Halloween adventure. But with the genuine article in front of him, he was not counting on having the chance to become Kigumi again anytime soon. Not to mention finals were coming up and being the upstanding instructor she was, Kigumi insisted that he focus on his studies. "I admit though, I'm impressed that you're absorbing the material so well," Kigumi noted, drawing Jin's attention. "Your coursework, I mean, but our other lessons, too." She sighed. "I know there're a lot of guys who took my courses just to ogle me. I've considered toning down my physique to be less distracting, but I can never bring myself to do it." She giggled. "It's hard to blame them after having said that. "But you seem to have a good handle on things. Does knowing what I'm really like help temper your fantasies?" she prodded mischievously. No, that just makes things worse, Jin thought to himself, though he nodded noncommittally. "I see, well in any event, I think you're pretty well prepared for my final, but if you want to confirm that for yourself, there is one thing I can suggest - One of the best ways to confirm that you understand something is to teach it to someone else. What do you say, think you're up to it?" Jin could sense that Kigumi was setting him up for something, but he could not deny that he was curious. Not to mention tutoring someone else would be good practice for the final anyway. "Alright, it sounds like you have something in mind already?" he conceded. "Fufufu... You can tell?" a smug look spreading across her face. She walked behind her desk and picked up a vaguely familiar nondescript box. "Here we are, you should remember this." By the time she set the box in front of him, Jin's memory had caught up. "I have another student coming in after you from the same class, let's see if you can tutor him as well as I would!" Jin opened the box and, as expected, found what looked like a pile of flesh colored fabric. A few wisps of ebony hair confirmed that it was indeed the spare Kigumi skinsuit that he had used a few weeks ago. "Right now?" he asked, suddenly a bit nervous. "Well you have about ten minutes left in our session, and then probably ten minutes before he arrives," Kigumi sensei responded nonchalantly. "And what are you going to do once I become you?" "Weeelllll, if I leave soon, I might be able to catch a movie with Yuki before he has to ship out for a new mission." Ah, so she has an ulterior motive. Or at least, an excuse, Jin mused to himself. He glanced at the frosted glass window in the door and then out the office windows even though he knew there was practically no chance of being seen. Not like he had not just given Kigumi a blow job right there in his seat anyway. It had been pretty wonderful to be Kigumi. "Alright, I'll give it a shot." "Don't let me twist your arm," she giggled. She ran her hands sensually from her bare thighs, up her skirt encased hip, in along her tight waist, and back out again around her breasts. "I thought you'd be elated to have the chance to wear these lovely curves again." "Don't you have a movie to catch?" Jin replied wryly, unfolding Kigumi's spare skin. "Oh, indeed." She sauntered back to her desk and picked up her phone, making sure to wave her hips at him along the way. After tapping something out, she picked up her purse and jacket and moved to the door. "There are also a few spare outfits in the box so pick out whatever makes you feel sexiest," she teased. "I should be back in a few hours but if you don't want to wait around here after your lesson feel free to just lock up here and leave the key on my makeup table at home whenever you're done being me. I'll let you know more once Yuki and I decide on our plans for the evening. Have fun~!" And thus, Jin found himself alone in the office with Kigumi's skinsuit half way up his legs. And what delightful legs they were though. He could not help sparing a moment to admire how they maintained a healthy plumpness balanced while still being slender enough that they could appear lithe. He slid his erect cock into the special pocket on the inside of the skin's crotch and pulled her rear end up over his. Once he closed the zipper up to about his tailbone, the flabby flesh filled out like magic into Kigumi's shapely ass. The specific science at play was beyond him, and Kigumi had consequently never tried to explain at depth. Regardless of how it was possible, the results were undeniable. Jin gave his lady hips a small indulgent wiggle and watched Kigumi's butt respond in kind. Moving up, Jin threaded his arms into the suit's like putting on gloves. The whole process was familiar to him at this point, but it did not make the experience any less novel each time. Shrugging her shoulders over his brought her chest against his own but her large breasts remained deflated sacs of flesh until he drew the zipper up his back to the base of his neck. At that point, more changes took hold: his waist and shoulders narrowed and his semi-muscular arms softened into Kigumi's feminine limbs; the angles of his hands became less severe and more svelte. He felt the weight of her bust coming to life as a burden on his shoulders and back, but he would gladly weather it for the perks that came up front. He could not see his perky tits very well around Kigumi's still empty head, but he could feel them and through that chest flesh, he felt the headpiece and Kigumi's soft dark hair hanging off of his bosom. Taking care of that was the last part of the transformation. Jin stretched the remaining length of the seam at the suit's neck to allow himself to duck his head inside. He pulled it down and spent a few moments adjusting it so that it sat just right before opening Kigumi's eyes. By accident, the first thing Jin saw from his new perspective was the clock and it reminded him that Kigumi's next appointment would be arriving soon. As much as he would have loved to take his time enjoying her body again, it would have to wait till after. A pity, because he was already wet down below. Despite some meager attempts to soak up the moisture with some tissue, simply being in Kigumi's skin made him hopelessly horny. He considered leaving a note and going to the bathroom, but that still involved getting dressed, so whether or not that was an option would have to wait till he was decent anyway. Trying his best to ignore the swaying of his extra weight, Jin returned to the box to examine what kinds of 'outfits' Kigumi had left for her doppelganger. For underwear, he found a pair of fairly simple black lace panties, that he was grateful would not show the moisture they were about to absorb, as well as only a strapless bra, that he had little confidence in given Kigumi's size. With nothing else though, he slipped the panties on and did his best with the bra, managing to arrange it so that it at least was not too uncomfortable and still adequately covered his headlights. The actual outfits available quickly dispelled Jin's puzzlement over the strapless rather than traditional bra. The first option he pulled out was a playboy bunny suit, complete with fishnet stockings and a bunny ear headband. Second, was a floral cheongsam that looked like it would only barely cover his panties and only while standing. It was equally dubious whether it would be big enough to fit his chest. The third choice was a little red sequin dress with purple gloves made famous by one Jessica Rabbit. Finally, he found the familiar Lust cosplay dress that he had worn to the Halloween party the last time he wore Kigumi. Eyeing the selection suspiciously left Jin with one conclusion. This was another prank. The supposed 'student' coming in was actually Kigumi or Yuki (or both) and he was supposed to either conduct the tutoring in a skimpy outfit while pretending everything was normal, or he was supposed to seduce the 'student' and have sex with them. There was even one of Kigumi's new "strap-sheath" tools in the box - a thin hollow dildo built into a strap-on harness made to give his dick the illusion of an ordinary sex toy. Jin was not sure whether he would end up using that, but it was there if he wanted it. Either way, Kigumi probably would not have left him with only these slutty outfits if he was going to meet with a normal, genuine student. That left Jin to pick whatever outfit caught his fancy, not unlike what Kigumi had suggested before she left. Though he briefly entertained the idea of putting on the Jessica Rabbit ensemble, he set the little red dress aside with Lust's outfit which he did not feel like wearing a second time. His lack of confidence in the cheongsam was compounded by the realization that he was not sure how to even put it on properly leaving Jin ultimately with just the bunny suit. Though its fit was a bit suspect, like the Chinese dress, the leotard had just a bit more flexibility around the bust and aside from struggling a bit with the fishnet stockings, it was comparatively easy to slip into. Jin had just finished closing the zipper in the back when a knock rapped on the door. He grabbed the bunny ear headband and set it on his head. Alright, show time. "O- Ookawa sensei!?" Jin stared with equal disbelief as he found himself face to face with Si- woo Kim. The Korean exchange student was a good friend of Jin's and was often the mood maker in their circle. His dark hair was buzzed short and he had distinct widows peaks that arched down to ears that always seemed a bit bigger than they were. His brown eyes drank in Jin's sexy Kigumi facade unknowing that his friend lay just beneath her skin. His slightly below average height was often a sore point for him, but for some reason, he seemed to bring it up himself as often as anyone else. Jin knew Si-woo fairly well so this was a curious choice of targets for Kigumi to impersonate if that was what she was up to. Was she that confident, or perhaps she was hoping that him being someone Jin knew personally would put Jin off balance? Whatever her plot, Jin knew that Si- woo, like his old self, had a huge hard-on for Kigumi. And here she was, standing before him in a skimpy bunny girl outfit. His stuttering bewilderment was understandable. Though he had planned to seduce whatever student showed up, Jin switched gears to feigning ignorance. Whether or not Si-woo was who he looked like Jin wanted to wait a little to observe before deciding. If he was genuine, then perhaps the growing itch between his thighs would have to wait. Hopefully it could wait. "Ah, Kim san, come in. Is something the matter?" Jin ushered his friend into the office, not wanting to spend long with the door open. He guided Si-woo to the chair he had sat in a short while ago during his meeting with Kigumi. Which reminded Jin that his own papers were still strewn about the table. "Oh, here, sorry about the mess, my last appointment got a bit intense..." Jin noted with a little giggle, unable to help dropping the innuendo. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Si-woo shift uncomfortably in his seat. I shouldn't tease him too much just yet, Jin thought to himself, even as he gave Si-woo an eyeful by bending over the table to collect his papers. He inadvertently swayed over to Kigumi's desk, imitating the original's movements from just a little while prior. He did not even realize what he had done till he turned back to see Si-woo staring. Jin took a breath. Settle down, "Kigumi," he told himself, but his crotch continued to ache. Jin pushed through it, putting a warm smile on Kigumi's lips. "So, if I recall, you're here to review cellular mutation processes and responses, correct?" Jin asked as sweetly and patiently as he could manage. Si-woo blinked. "Oh, uh... yeah..." Jin glanced around and grabbed a certain text and flipped through. He was looking for a specific diagram, but it was also to stall a bit so that he could put some actual thought into how he would go about teaching this topic. Even if this might be a set up, he might as well start out taking it seriously, if just for his own review. By the time he found the page he wanted, he had come up with a starting point for his lesson. Jin brought the book over to the table and sat down right next to Si-woo, making the boy stiffen. "Okay, let's start with this picture..." Jin began outlining the mutation model that the class had put forth and, after providing the groundwork, tried to get Si-woo to engage actively in the review. Unfortunately, Kigumi's jiggling breasts nearby proved too big of a distraction. It became clear after a few minutes that Si-woo did not seem to be retaining what Jin was trying to teach him. Jin sighed and quickly regretted drawing more attention to his chest. "Kim san, you seem a bit distracted. Are you sure you want to be here? We can reschedule if you have something else you need or want to take care of now." Jin only realized the extra implications of the question after the words left Kigumi's lips. Si-woo visibly gulped. Jin was reaching his limit himself. Maybe it was because Si-woo was someone he knew, but feeling the pressure of Si-woo's eyes on his Kigumi body was more intense than the admiring stares he had gotten the last time he put on Kigumi. The perpetual arousal that had started when he first put on Kigumi's skinsuit was only amplified by the giddy elation Jin felt in fooling his friend in front of his face. What made it sweeter was that Si- woo was more of the prankster in their group than Jin was, so, even if this was not the real Si-woo, it gave him the karmic pleasure of pranking the prankster. It was hard to say, given that this Si-woo found himself in a less than normal situation, but while he had not done anything that explicitly gave him away as a fake, he also was not quite acting like himself. Compelled more by the urge in his loins at this point than by rational thought, Jin decided to go for it. "Perhaps there's something aside from academics that I can help you with, Kim san." Jin purred in a dramatically different tone than before. Si-woo stared even harder if that was even possible, and jumped slightly when Jin lowered his hand between Si-woo's legs and felt his hard-on raging. "Ookawa sensei!? What are... are you really?" he blabbered, licking his lips. "Hm... well this isn't good. If you keep sending all of your blood down here, there won't be any left for your brain. That's no way to study." Jin went on giving him a 'oh I know what I'm doing' smile. He withdrew his hand and stood up, making sure to lean forward to give Si-woo a clear view of his cleavage before rising. He rounded Si-woo's chair and pulled him back so that Jin would have room to kneel between his friend's legs. "Let me see. I'm not a medical doctor, but I know a thing or two about relieving built up pressure," Jin continued, swinging around in front of the chair once more. Si-woo did not stop him from unzipping his fly and reaching into his cargo pants to fish out his rock hard cock. It seemed a bit bigger than average but nothing bigger than what Jin had handled already. Jin closed her lips around Si-woo's cock, remembering all of Kigumi's advice and instructions on blowjob technique. Just as she was getting into the flavor and texture, Jin felt the telltale signs of a coming ejaculation. "Ookawa sensei... I'm...!" Jin arched her back, letting Si-woo's dick pop out from between her lips and catching it in her cleavage just as it began squirting his thick milky jizz. The semen sputtered out over the bare tops of her breasts and rolled down their curves before disappearing into her leotard. It felt a little gross, but she knew it would look erotic. Si-woo slouched a bit in the chair, panting from the exertion of his climax. Jin pushed up one of her breasts so that she could lick a splotch of cum from it. That had been fun, but the need between her legs had only continued to grow. Her panties were soaked and she needed a cock in her. Numbly, she took Si-woo's flaccid dick in her mouth and suckled it, encouraging it to grow big again quickly. "Sensei?" Si-woo gasped. "More," Jin moaned around the meat in her mouth. "I need more. Kim san, please. Fuck me." The appendage in her mouth rapidly grew stiff once more and Jin only let it go when she thought it big enough to please her. She drew herself up and flipped the cups of her leotard and bra inside out, baring her breasts for her partner. Si-woo reached up as if mesmerized and fondled them, dragging another moan from Jin. But it was still merely foreplay. Jin climbed onto the chair, straddling Si-woo's lap. She felt his hard shaft brushing against her butt. She reached behind her with one hand to guide it to her snatch, sparing her other hand to pull aside the front of her leotard and moist panties together. "Are you ready, Kim san?" "T-this is my first time," he admitted, "But I'll happily give it to you, Sensei." It was so genuine, Jin thought it cute. She leaned in and kissed him as she lowered herself on his rod. It pierced her and for a moment, she worried that the intense pang of pleasure that coursed through her would threaten the muscles that held herself from dropping her entire weight upon that cock. But somehow, she held on, moving herself slowly, deliberately, till she had fully enveloped him. She kept her lips locked around his for fear that if she left them alone, she would cry out in bliss. After a moment for her vagina to adjust itself to his dick, Jin began to move, undulating her hips and diaphragm to create varied and stimulating movement for the dancing organs inside of her. "F-fuck... Sensei..." Si-woo breathed, "it's too much. I'm sorry, I'm already-! Ah.. shit, I don't have a condom... and... and I'm already!" "It's fine, but don't cum... Not yet!" Jin pleaded, hugging Si-woo's head to her chest as if that would help him hold out longer. "I'm almost..." She needed just a bit more to push her over so she hastily stuffed her closest nipple in Si-woo's mouth and he instinctively began sucking on it. She pinched her free nipple and bit her lip to suppress her moans as she finally managed to coax her own climax in time for the warmth spreading in her pelvis to slow. They slumped together in the seat, still connected, with Si-woo's cum slowly starting to dribble down, pulled by gravity from Jin's uterus. Jin recovered first, slowly rousing to stretch his upper body. He glanced down at Si-woo's sweaty but content face. But what if this was not the prank Jin thought it was. The thought cracked through Jin like lightning. Si-woo was still wearily despondent and did not resist as Jin nervously reached behind his neck and gingerly felt around the base of his hairline. Nothing. Not that all of Kigumi's suits had a tab there, but some did. Jin frantically pinched Si-woo's cheeks and pulled roughly making his partner yelp and jump. The reflexive recoil jerked Si-woo's flaccid member from Jin's vagina and splattered a bit of cum on his pants. "Gah! Wha? What?" Si-woo appeared honestly baffled. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Jin thought. He was supposed to tutor Si-woo and instead just initiated student teacher sexual relations! While Jin was kicking himself, it slowly dawned on Si-woo himself what had just happened. "S- so... uh..." he babbled, clearly finding the silence unbearable but not having any idea what to say in this situation. "Th-thanks...? That really helped clear my... head." He seemed to think he had made a joke by the last word but Jin was too panicked to even humor him with a chuckle. Suddenly Jin heard the text ringtone from his phone that was still in his bag under the table and he dove to check it. As he feared, it was a message from Kigumi. Please say it was a prank, Jin pleaded in his head as his phone loaded the message. The timing of this message fits, please please please be a prank. "Sensei? Ookawa sensei?" Si-woo came around the table to look concernedly at Jin who was still hunched over his phone halfway under the table. Blip 'Heya, hope I'm not interrupting your lesson, but wanted to let you know Yuki and I decided on a double feature that will take us all the way to dinner, so we'll be eating out and getting back late. Don't wait up in the office for me! 'Oh, and I might have mixed up the box of clothes I wanted to give to you with the Halloween stuff from last week, if so, sorry! There should be a proper change of clothes in my desk, bottom drawer on the right.' A little late on that last part isn't it? Jin cursed in his head. "Hey, isn't that Jin's, err.. Yoshida san's, phone? Is that Jin's bag, too?" "Yes!" Jin answered, sweating bullets. "Yes it is. He... was my appointment before you." It wasn't a lie technically. "And he got an emergency call and had to run out. He forgot his bag here." "But you're holding his phone," Si-woo was suddenly and rightfully suspicious now. "He wouldn't have gotten an emergency call and then put down his phone to run out." His brows furrowed angrily, but his increased blinking suggested he was more upset. "I knew this had to be too good to be true, what's really going on?" Jin groaned silently to himself. He was out of ideas, out of excuses, and out of time. The only way he was getting out of this without lasting harm to Kigumi, himself and his friendship was to come clean. "Si-woo, I... I am Jin. I'm wearing a disguise that makes me look like Kigumi Ookawa," he confessed plainly. He looked up to see Si-woo's reaction. His friend's mouth opened and then closed again, he was trying hard to process what Jin said. It might have sounded like one of those cases that was so absurd, it fell under the 'truth is stranger than fiction' clause. Unfortunately, though the wheels were turning, Si-woo lacked the background knowledge to really comprehend what he had heard. Jin crawled out from under the table. He took a heavy breath. "Sit down, this is going to take a bit of explaining." -- Si-woo sat there looking understandably stunned. In front of him on the table sat the body of the illustrious walking wet dream Kigumi Ookawa sensei with the head of one of his good friends, Jin Yoshida. "Are... are you gay?" was the first thing Si-woo finally asked. Jin had expected this, not that his foresight had helped him much. "I... don't know. Maybe?" It was not a satisfying answer to give but neither "yes" nor "no" by itself would have been right. "More like... when I'm wearing Kigumi, I become female, so probably not... at least, not so much in the way you're thinking. I mean, sure, there have been times when, even as a guy, I've found myself thinking about sucking cock," Jin found himself nervously rambling, "and there have been times that, even as a guy, I've sucked Kigumi's cock, but I also am still totally into chicks and I still fantasize about having sex with-" "Wait, Ookawa sensei has a dick?" Si-woo asked incredulously. Jin winced. "Uh... well I say it was a dick but it was really just a strap-on," he tried to cover but Si-woo saw through him. "Nu-uh, now I know you're covering up. Ookawa sensei's a shemale... no, wait," Now that he had more pieces to the puzzle, things seemed to start coming together. "Sensei's like you." he poked one of Jin's bare Kigumi nipples accusingly. "Rather, like the way you are now. A guy in one of these 'skinsuits,' isn't she? 'He?'" "Kyah!" Jin yelped at the sudden sensation that shot through him. "T- technically yes," he conceded but as he said it, he flashed back to the first time he met Kigumi's real self and how he had had a similar conversation with him. "But it's not really that sim-." "That is gross." "Wha-?" Jin whimpered. "But it's also kinda hot," Si-woo admitted under his breath, apparently putting more thought into this than he had his studies earlier. He rubbed his temples. "I'm- I'm not gay. I'm not into guys. Can you... uh.. put her face back on or... no, just take it all off. I'm getting freaked out just looking at you." "Si-woo...," Jin said anxiously, worried about his friend. He knew Si-woo liked admiring the ladies, but he had never thought his friend was homophobic. Still, Jin found it painful to be looked at with such confused hostility. For his friend's sake as much as his own, Jin tried his best to mediate before Si-woo's confusion got the better of him. Despite Si-woo's request, Jin stayed as he was. "Listen. You've probably heard the theory that gender is fluid - a spectrum rather than a binary. If you asked me if I was gay before I met Kigumi, I would not have hesitated to say no because I was still firmly in the straight category. But nothing says sexuality has to be static - it can change, and its changes don't always have to be a full spectrum change either. "Since meeting Kigumi and learning about her real self and having the chance to wear a skinsuit, my sexuality has shifted and now I'm kinda in the middle between being gay and straight. I don't know how much you'd believe it at the moment but I'm still leaning more towards the straight side." Si-woo did not seem entirely convinced but neither was he objecting. His silence goaded Jin to continue. Struck by a thought, Jin picked up Kigumi's deflated face and stretched the opening, inserting his head back inside. A few moments later, Kigumi's eyes flickered open, and she tossed her hair out of her face. "Si-woo. I'm sorry if I'm not the one you thought you were giving your first time to." Kigumi apologized earnestly. Si-woo blushed and refused to meet her eyes. Kigumi continued. "But whether it's 'gay' or not, I want you know know that it felt really good doing it with you, and whether you meant it or not, I'm honored you shared your first experience with me. Did it feel good for you?" Hesitantly bashful, Si-woo nodded. It was apparent he still reacted to Kigumi's form. "Kigumi once told me that gay and straight don't matter," Jin paraphrased generously. "They're just labels that try to package together descriptions of what physical genders are involved in a relationship or sexual act. If you're doing it right, sex feels good for everyone. It's all just sex." Having finished drawing on Kigumi for inspiration, Jin removed himself from her head once more. This time, he noticed Si-woo watched with curiosity rather than revulsion. "I think it's okay to be confused at first." Jin went on using his own voice. "Maybe you'll change like me, maybe you won't. I'm not going to pressure you either way, I won't try to ask you out or solicit you for sex. Today was an accident, and again, I'm really sorry that it happened without your consent. If you want to we can both forget this ever happened and move on. "But if you want to learn more about this, then don't hesitate to ask. I know I've opened a can of worms you never asked for so I'll do whatever I can to help you out." Having said his peace as inelegantly as possible, Jin fell quiet. The silence between them stretched out for what seemed like an eternity before Si-woo finally spoke. "It did feel good," he admitted quietly. "I did enjoy it at the time. I don't know if I can swallow all this as easily as you seem to have but I can't deny that much. Knowing what I know now though..." With a flash of inspiration, Jin reinserted his head into Kigumi's for the third time. He was getting a lot of practice with that today. With a flicker of her eyelashes Kigumi came back to life again. "Knowing what you now know..." she started, "do you think it won't feel as good?" She spread her legs on the table and pulled aside her panties and leotard, baring her moist pussy again. "Care to try?" When Si-woo hesitated, a conflicted expression crossing his face, Kigumi let her panties cover her snatch again with a blush. "It's okay to say, 'no.' I'm sorry, I said I wouldn't pressure you and here I go, thinking with my vagina already." Si-woo coughed. No, he covered a laugh. Jin cocked an eyebrow. "If you think men thinking with their dicks is a problem, women are just as guilty of thinking with their pussies. They're just smart enough to not to try using it as a defense in court!" His friend ran a hand down his face, a wry smile sneaking into the corner of his mouth. "Dammit Jin..." he could not help chuckling. "You're lucky I can't bring myself to hate you." He sighed. He looked appreciatively up and down Jin's Kigumi shape. "If both you and the original Ookawa sensei are just those skinsuit things then in a sense, I really did have sex with the Ookawa sensei." Jin blinked. "More or less, yeah." Si-woo considered that for a moment but ultimately shook his head with a defeated laugh. "It was not exactly how I imagined it, but in a sense, you did fulfill a fantasy of mine, so thanks." He paused, the cogs turning once more. "Is that offer for a second try still valid?" Kigumi smiled excitedly. "Of course, but maybe we should go back to my place. Discreetly of course." "Wait your place or your place?" "Oh, they're practically the same. Let me tell you about how I first stumbled upon Kigumi's secret..." -- When Kigumi returned to her apartment that evening after seeing Yuki off, she was surprised to find her doppelganger engaged with one of her students. "My, I didn't realize I was teaching sex ed now," she commented with a bemused grin as the two copulating bodies disentangled from each other hastily. "To be fair, that's at least half of what you've been teaching me these last two months," Jin rebutted. "That!" Kigumi raised a finger but then it drooped. "Is fair." She looked at the new addition with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not sure if I'd call that a productive or unproductive lesson." "I'd say it was productive," Jin asserted. "I think we both learned a lot." A pleased smile spread across Kigumi's face. "I'm glad to hear it." Then she turned to address the newcomer properly. "Hello, Kim san, welcome." She reached down to unzip the fly of her form fitting jeans. "As I'm sure you've realized..." She inserted two fingers and a few moments later a sticky cock slid out, and she stroked it up to a hard eight inches. "'ve joined a rather bizarre but exciting club."

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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil, a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other, as all boys do at that...

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Uncle teaches me a lesson

As he lay me down on the bed, he started to kiss me long and hard. His tongue explored my mouth while I wrapped my arms around his strong body. “Are you having second thoughts?” he whispered to me. “I won’t tell if you don’t” I said. In my mind I was thinking, “Hell no! This is great.” After a few minutes I got up and told him that I was going to shower and get pretty for a “second round” of fun. He smiled and said that he would like that. As I climbed into the hot shower I couldn’t help...

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Uncle teaches me a lesson

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The boy’s remark had caused a titter in the classroom and she could not let it go unchallenged. First she re-buttoned her blouse, causing another titter, then, looking directly at Erik, she asked, “What did you say?” Erik looked a little abashed, then, realizing that he was the center of attention, regained his aplomb. “I said, ‘Look at that set.’” His cool response might have warned her to leave it there. Although he was only 17, Erik had the physique of an adult. His muscular body had earned...

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Teach Her Just Like You Taught Me

"She was very cute," you say, nuzzling your head under my arm, tracing small circles across my bare chest as your voice trails off."What?" I laugh nervously, not sure if I'm walking into a trap."She was. It's okay you admit it, I watched you eyeing her all night," you say in a matter-of-fact tone."I mean, she was fine," I reply, giving another little nervous laugh."You have a type, sweetie," you laugh, shaking your head. "And that girl looked like you made her in a lab, just for you.""Oh, yeah?...

Straight Sex
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Teacher gives pupil an extracurricular lesson

Bill, aka Mr Brown the Maths teacher, meets Suzy at her mum’s house for some naughty role play but gets the surprise of his life. Suzy then makes Bill an offer he can’t refuse. I’ve not posted for a while. You might want to first read Chapter 1 - ‘Let the Sunshine In’ posted 3 months ago.The next day Suzy came into my office to tell me that her mum was jetting off on holiday for 2 weeks on the coming Monday. ‘Are you still up for meeting at my mum’s place Bill’?‘Definitely I’ve thought about...

1 year ago
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Teaching English In Yokohama

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); It had been 4 years since I had last seen Mizuki. We were college friends and I helped her out a lot with her homework by making corrections on all the research papers she type. Often though, she would get close to me and wrap her arms around my neck as I did corrections. Being awkward as I was with girls, even though I had sexual experiences with them before I had no idea how to deal with them or talk to them. Funny thing;...

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Teaching The Au Pair To SubmitAn Outtake

Converted from "3935_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Teaching the Au Pair to Submit-An Outtake By Powerone In February 2005 I published the novel, "Teaching The Au Pair To Submit".During editing, the publisher suggested that I delete this chapter (it already had one chapter with the Captain, the strip search chapter at the airport) as it seemed to be too much of this character.I agreed and it was left out.Since I spent considerable time writing it, I thought you might like to read...

4 years ago
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Teaching a lesson

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw it was from my girlfriend Sarah. “Hey what time are you going to be back from lectures?” “In about 20 mins, why?” “I decided not to go to mine today and I was really hoping to be able to spend some time with that dick of yours” This was just music to my ears. Due to our heavy lecture schedules and coursework loads we had barely been able to see each other the last few days, let alone have sex. “Well I will try and be back as...

2 years ago
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Teaching My Boss a Lesson

Jessica, or Jess to her friends had just graduated from college. She was a wide-eyed optimistic twenty-something determined to change the world. She was not as na?ve as everyone thought, even had a little bit of a dark side that she hid very well. She was about 5'6", average build with long dancer's legs, blue eyes and long straight dark hair that was the envy of all of her friends. The only job she could find in the job market when she graduated was a glorified intern on a senator's r...

1 year ago
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Teaching Rimy the hottest lesson

Hi friends, Its me Richy . From kerala india This incident happened few years back. The name of the queen of my story is Rimy(name changed as she is so scared that someone may recognize her). The name that jingles in my mind whenever I had sex coz it was her who made my dick crazy 4 fragrance of female vagina. Rimy was my friend since 6th class when I cam from abroad. She was just 1 km far from my home. So naturally our parents became friends. I usually go 2 her house. 4 studying or just with...

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CumControl 1 Teaching Danni a Lesson

------------------------------------------------------ Life is tough as a high school boy, especially when you fall into the geek or nerd category. No, I wasn't some 300 pound, thick glasses wearing, heavy breathing troll of a nerd. I was a skinny 150 pound, average height of 5'10", average looks kid. I got lumped into the nerd category though early because I loved history, math, and enjoyed the latest Marvel movies. It also didn't help that I was pretty pale and I always had my brown...

2 years ago
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Teaching a Bitch a Lesson

It was 5:00 AM and the sun had not begun to rise. Except for the yard lights, the lot where I worked was bathed in darkness. My overnight shift as security supervisor at a large warehouse complex was nearly over. I sat at my desk beginning the required paperwork before my shift ended. Just two more hours and I'd be off for a three-day weekend. It had been a cold and windy night with nothing to break the monotony of my routine. Security work can be exciting at times, but usually it's just...

2 years ago
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Retirement Project Teaching John a Lesson

John Mellors was a well-behaved boy who didn’t normally go trespassing in neighbours’ gardens and spying on people, but today the urge to see what his sister Lettie was doing had overwhelmed him. For weeks now, from even before the summer holidays, she’d been disappearing across the road to Mr Whitaker’s house, to swim in his pool and work on her school project with her best friend Janie. She’d been staying at Janie’s a lot too, but John hadn’t paid much attention, until two days ago he’d...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 40 Teaching Aaron a Lesson

Gina did not have the slightest idea what was in store for us that evening and neither did I. Telling her that we were there to further the fulfillment of a thirty-something female's sexual desires would sound ludicrous; I didn't believe it myself. Priscilla Baker welcomed us to her home, reminding us, especially me to call her Priscilla. The dress was everything she said it was, thin material that let the outline of her white underwear show through, yet loose fitting, moving with her ass...

3 years ago
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My Teaching Sexcapades 8211 Pt 1 Seducing Shy Student

Hi all the good people of ISS, it has been a long gap since I wrote on ISS because of various reasons. I was having fun with my new role as a lecturer but the site was blocked so I couldn’t. But since we are back online, I want to bring you my new experiences as a lecturer and sex teacher. I am Kishan from Bengaluru and I am the hero of this story. This is only the first part of the series I am about to write. After working in a private sector for a few years, I got bored with the mundane life...

1 year ago
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Teaching The Teacher 8211 Part 2

We suddenly heard some noise. It was Simran mam and she was shouting,”whose there out?? I know somebody is there please return my clothes back.. Please” and started crying. We all got scared but Sam asked us to calm down and wait. We waited for some more 15 minutes. Then suddenly the door opened. Simran mam came out in towel. The towel was very small. It came just near her ass. We could clearly see her but cups in the towel. She came out searching for her clothes. And made sure she doesn’t make...

2 years ago
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Teaching the k**sbyrjohnson©One day, as I was working in my office at home, my wife came in and told me to come with her, quickly. I, at first, thought there was something wrong so I bolted out of my chair and followed her as she led me to our bedroom window. “I want you to see something,” she said. “But you must be very quiet.”As I got to the window, she said “Look,”Our bedroom window overlooks the pool and when I looked out the window, I saw our two sons, sunning themselves beside the pool....

1 year ago
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Teaching the Neighbor

My wife and I live in a very nice quiet neighborhood and know all the people who live on our street. Our daughter has a friend who lives on our street. They've been friends since they were in 7th grade but now both have now turned 18 and graduated high school. Her friend, Addy, is basically part of the family as she comes by nearly daily and hangs out with us for all our big family events for the past 6 years. Through that time, we watched her have boyfriends and go from being a "straight A"...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 463 Is Teaching Fun

If Ellen and Crimilda are going to help each other catch up to where they need to be in school, they can help each other out. I couldn’t study anytime I got that horny. After I got Mandy to my house and got her something to eat, she asked if I minded helping her with her homework. It wasn’t that they couldn’t get what was being taught as much as it was now high school, they were already loaded down with homework, and everything was new material to them. Ronny was in a few of her classes, and...

1 year ago
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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 16 FutaTeachers MindControlling Lesson

Chapter Sixteen: Futa-Teacher's Mind-Controlling Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Verónica Escamilla I ripped my cock out of Shawna's tight pussy. My futa-cum bubbled out and matted the black curls. The former virgin whimpered. I had cum, but she hadn't. Neither had Terra or Wendy, the other two girls I had just deflowered. The joy of popping all three cherries one after the other had been too much for my new cock. I might be a mature...

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