I'm Not A Sissy free porn video

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I'M NOT A SISSY by Throne My name is Joe and not Jodie. I'm an adult and not a kid. And I'm a man and not a simpering sissy. I keep telling myself that. But my wife Arianna thinks differently. I mean, ever since we got married two years ago she had been running my life more and more. Talking down to me. Turning me into her sex slave in the bedroom, demanding oral attentions and giving almost nothing in return. She mocked my small penis and made me masturbate while she watched. She kept saying that it was so small that I looked like a kid and therefore had to be treated like one. She bought me junior size jockey shorts that were decorated with cartoon characters. Even though I'm short and have a very small frame they were still much too small, and put constant pressure on my testicles. It was all awkward and difficult. But I was so smitten with her. She's a lot taller than me, has long red- blond hair and possesses a sweet round face. What really enabled her to keep me on a short leash was her figure, with tremendous curves that left me feeling weak every time I looked at her, and more so when she dressed to show them off, which was most of the time. Arianna in slacks and a snug top turns almost every male head in her direction. You can only imagine how jealous I was when we were out anywhere and guys were stripping her with their eyes. She liked to stop for a drink sometimes, in one sports bar or another, and always had men admiring her and starting conversations. She would be flirty, at the same time acting like I was nobody, even though I was right next to her. Still, it never went past that point. At least it didn't until Max came back into our lives. Arianna and I had known each other back in college. I was the little weakling following her around like a puppy dog. She was the stunning blond who every guy desired. And Max was the star football player who dated her and bullied me. He would let me make a date with Arianna, with reservations at some swanky restaurant. She loved to have me spend money on her. I guess that was the basis of our relationship. But like I said, he would let me make one of those expensive dates, get myself all ready, and then he'd call her to go out for pizza and beer. She always accepted his invitations. Max would call me names like Short Stuff and Junior Joe. I hated it. She was amused. Then we graduated and she stayed with me. I couldn't believe it. At least not until we were wed and I realized she wanted not a muscular jock like him, but a wimp like me who she could control at every level. Our marriage was lopsided, with me giving and her getting, but I accepted all that. It was worth it to me, just to be around her and to at least have the limited sexual contact that she allowed. I guess nothing would have changed if Max hadn't come back into our lives. We ran into him at one of the bars we occasioned and he was still his old unpleasant self. "Hey, Ari," he said to my wife, "I didn't know you had a son. You shouldn't bring the little boy into a bar." Instead of defending me she laughed. Of course she did. Then she told him that she had to treat me like a kid to keep me in line. He wanted to know if that was the only reason I got seen as less than an adult. "Remember," he said, "I saw Junior in the locker room. I know that he got cheated in the dick department. Unlike me, which you know from those nights we were together." My wife laughed -- again -- and conceded my shortcoming. She even told him about the shameful underwear she had made me start wearing. "Tonight he's got his Sponge-Boy Square-Hat ones on. Like from that TV cartoon." "This I've got to see," he said. "Let's move over to that booth in the back so he can give me a flash of them." I tried to object but my bride told me not to be a killjoy. I reluctantly followed them to the shadowy booth, staring at the way Arianna's wide swaying bottom moved under her clinging skirt. We ended up seated with me between them. Max had me open my slacks and show him the humiliating underwear. He thought they were hilariously funny. But then he wouldn't let me pull my pants back up. "Let me see if you still have those skinny legs," he insisted. "With almost no hair on them." Arianna backed him up with, "Go on, Mini-Man," using another of those upsetting nicknames. To Max she said, "Actually, he had so little hair on his legs, and the rest of him, that I made him get rid of it all. Got him one of those laser hair removers. He's been using it for months." "I thought that if you used those things that long, the hair stopped growing back." "Really?" she said with an impish look on her pretty face. "I had no idea." With both of them urging me on, I removed my shoes and got my pants the rest of the way off. Max took them and put them on his other side, where I couldn't retrieve them. He said, "Okay, you've still got them slim legs. But you can't sit there with no pants on. Maybe you better get under the table before somebody sees you in your silly shorts and makes a fuss." "I'm not... I can't..." "Now you're embarrassing your hot wife," he said with conviction. "Maybe I should take her out of here. Along with your pants, so you don't come after us and try to hurt me." "You can't do that. My wallet and keys are in my pants." "I can do that," he told me with smug confidence. "I can also drag you out of this booth and show everybody your pretty undies and what a tiny bump your baby dick makes in them." "Go on, Junior," Arianna said. "You upset me and almost spoiled my evening. Show me that you're sorry. Get... under... this... table." I slid down and found myself in deeper darkness, hidden from curious eyes by the tablecloth, though it didn't cover anything on the seating side. I saw Max's big hand settle on Arianna's thigh and her make no effort to remove it. He quizzed her about our life together and she didn't hold back anything. He was entertained by hearing how I was treated like a juvenile in my own home, and reduced to a living sex toy in our bedroom. "Damn," he said. "Now you're acting like he's a naughty boy. What's next? Maybe putting his miniature pecker into panties and turning into the sissy he already is inside?" "Oh," she said breathily. "That'd be kind of... exciting." "Right. You're a naturally controlling woman, Ari. Always were, except with me." His hand moved higher. "And that's because I'm a take-command guy. You know?" "Well... maybe." "Don't make like you didn't love it." "All right. You know anyway. I liked having you in the driver's seat." "That's not where you liked having me the most. Me and my big cock." Her hand appeared under the table and went to his lap. His hand vanished under her short skirt and she gasped. "Um, Max. We're out in public." "It's private enough for one of your super blowjobs. I know you miss the feel of my tool stretching your jaws." "You sure haven't changed." "And I'm sure you haven't either. So do you want to show me you still have skills, or just go home tonight with the no-dick wonder who's under this table?" "I..." Her hand moved back and forth over his member, rubbing it through his pants. "All right, you big bastard." With deft movements she undid his belt and opened his pants. He lowered his fly and she freed his cock. It was a whopper and, in no time she had it standing up. "Arianna," I whispered hoarsely. "You can't do this." "Shut up," Max told me. "Unless you want to take over for her." I gagged at the possibility. There was a real chance that he might make me do something like that. In a last ditch effort to save the situation I said, "Honey, we're married." She shot back with, "In name only. As far as sex, you don't qualify as a husband. Or a man. Max is right. You're a sissy. And deserve to be put in panties. But for right now just be quiet and get an eyeful of what I do for a real man." My wife began to stroke his rigid cock in earnest. She ducked down her head and fastened her lips around the end of it. Then she took in more and let it out, bobbing up and down on his shaft. I got sick to my stomach. Wanted to cry. Went weak all over. She combined hand and mouth action to increase his pleasure. For about five minutes she submissively pleasured that crude brute and then... I shuddered as it happened... he ejaculated into her mouth. But my ordeal wasn't over. Max told her not to swallow. He got me by the collar and hauled me up, back into my sitting position between them. "All right, Ari," he ordered. "Show Junior League you still care about him. Give him a big deep kiss." She hesitated. Her eyes went wide with shock. But then she smiled around the mouthful of spunk and spit that was making her smooth cheeks swell. Grabbed my head with both hands. Fastened her lips over mine. Jabbed her thumbs into the my jaws to make me open up. And pushed a huge gob of Max's fresh warm ejaculate, mixed with plenty of her saliva, onto my tongue. "Go on, Small Time," Max urged me with a suggestion of threat in his tone. "Gulp it all down like a good little sissy. Do it!" What choice did I have? Sitting there with that glop already in my mouth, my pants and money and ID and keys out of reach, and Arianna taking his side. I gagged down the whole disgusting mouthful and felt it oozing toward my stomach. It was unthinkably awful. Arianna gathered up the remainder that was in her own mouth and spit it into mine. Then she and Max got his cock all put away. They exchanged phone numbers. He finished his drink and she did the same. They got out of the booth, him taking my pants. He said, "You can pick these up in the parking lot." They strolled away, arm in arm, and out the back door. I couldn't risk someone else getting my pants and everything in them, so I hurried after them, trying to go unnoticed but being seen by everyone there. Sounds of amusement stung my ears as I became a laughingstock, with my hairless legs and juvenile, overly snug underwear. Outside, Max took my keys and wallet, then dropped my pants on the ground. He put his heavy foot on them and stood there fingering through my money, taking my credit cards, and giving everything to Arianna. Then he dropped the wallet and walked away. He called back to me to not dare to go back inside and rinse my mouth. They went to their separate cars, my wife took her keys out of her bag, and while I was getting dressed they drove away. I stood there, lost and forlorn, with a dread for what might come next. The bar was on the edge of town and I had to hike several miles to get back to our house with that awful taste in my mouth and the tight underwear hugging my balls. At least it was a balmy night. When I arrived both their cars were parked out front. I tried the door and it was locked. Then I went around to check the side entrance but it was the same. Not knowing what else to do, I moved on to the rear of the house. The bedroom window was opened partway and I heard voices, hers and his. A chill ran through me. The widow was too high for me to peek through. I heard my wife say, "I almost didn't believe that, when you made Junior follow us outside in his underpants." Then Max wanted to know, "Did it get you kind of stimulated? A big main man like me picking on a little loser like him? You know, like in the animal world, where the toughest bull chases his competition away from the female he wants? Did you have that primitive reaction?" "You know," she admitted, "I did have something like that. Made me want to mate with the bull. Which is you. Max the Bull." In desperation I hissed, "Arianna, it's me. I'm locked out." She said, "Oh crap, it's Mister Not-So-Wonderful." Max told her, "He had to show up eventually. Even after we stopped for our little shopping side-trip, we were still way ahead of him. But now he's here. Want me to let Junior inside?" "I don't know." She sighed loudly. "I suppose so. Otherwise we can't show him all the gifts we bought for his sissy ass." That didn't sound good. Max came to the window. One muscular arm appeared and he dropped my keys which, of course, I missed. I had to get down on the ground and grope around for them in the dark. Then I rushed to the side door, eager to be inside. When I reached the bedroom my wife was in one of her revealing nighties that showed off her full figure, and Max had on only his boxer shorts. Arianna said, "Strip down, Tiny Tim. You have to put on what we got for you." "Please," I said in a faint voice. "If we could just talk. I know you have physical urges, dear, but this just isn't right." Like a flash, the same way as he did in his jock days, Max shot across the room and slammed into me, knocking me against the wall. He grabbed the front of my shirt and yanked so hard that buttons were torn loose. Then he swung me around, tripping me at the same time. I landed hard on my side and the wind was knocked out of me. He snarled, "Nobody told you to talk, Dumbo. Where are your manners? If you don't want some more of what I just gave you, I'd suggest you get naked right this minute." Too shocked and frightened to stand up to him, I began to get out of my damaged shirt. The shoes and pants came next. Arianna sneered at my abrupt surrender. I removed my socks and waited a second, hoping that one of them would let me stop at that point. It was mortifying enough to have most of my hairless body exposed, but the prospect of having Max see my immature genitals again after so much time had passed, that chilled me to the core. Even so, I had to do it. With my wife looking on maliciously, I lowered my shorts, stepped out of them, and set them on the chair where my outwear had already been deposited. "Now, Teeny Wienie," my bride said triumphantly, "we're going to use Max's brilliant idea and make you look like what you really are." She reached into a pink, handled, shopping bag and pulled out a pair of panties, barely more than a thong, red with a tiny bow at each hip. When she held them out to me I pulled back my hands. I couldn't accept them. One stern look from Max made me change my mind. I accepted the bit of lingerie and with both of them watching avidly, got them up my smooth legs and fussed them into place. Arianna told me to tuck my three-piece set down and back. After I did that it appeared almost like I had nothing male down there at all. She ran her fingers along the center of my bald chest and kept going, past my navel, to brush them across my crotch. I trembled and whimpered. Max declared, "That's a good look for you, Finger Dick." "Yeah," my wife agreed. "But he needs more, so none of us forgets for even a second that he's a sissy." "So," Max offered, "you've got a pile of make-up over there on your dresser." "Smart man," she complimented. "How about if I use some..." She selected several items, made me stand in front of the mirror over the dresser, and went to work on my face. I saw my reflection transformed with eye cosmetics, blush, lipstick and a coating of gloss over that. She finished with long false eyelashes, two sets of them. Every time I blinked they fluttered. It was shameful beyond bearing. Max sat on the edge of the bed and patted his lap. "Get over here, Pansy Panties," he barked. "That's terrible, the way you made yourself look to attract men." What? No. It wasn't me who had made-up my face. I didn't want to draw male attention. This was spinning out of control. I got near him and he grabbed my arm to drag me over his lap. The panties didn't cover anything in back, with just a narrow cord that lay deep between my buttocks. So there I lay, over his firm thighs, with my nude bottom sticking up and... I understood belatedly... awaiting punishment for that unfair charge. Before I could react further, Max raised his powerful arm and brought his open hand down hard, smacking one of my unmuscular, rear cheeks solidly. I shrieked like the sissy they had labeled me, kicked my feet and grabbed hold of the chair's legs. The big man continued landing blows on my unprotected flesh. Arianna cheered him on. "Get him, Max. Get Joe. But we can't call him that anymore. We have to rename him... Jodie. Make Sissy Jodie cry." It didn't take many more smacks before I was doing exactly that, hot tears streaming down my warm face. I squirmed and bucked, all to no avail. Not until my bottom was ablaze and Max was quite done did he effortlessly stand my on my feet, get up alongside me, and walk me back to the mirror. I saw my face, eye make-up running, those excessive lashes flipping up and down as I tried to regain some semblance of composure. He clamped his hand on the back of my neck and tightened it like a vise. Then he marched me back to the chair, spun it around, and made me kneel behind it, looking through the rails of the seat as if I was in a cage peering out. "Stay there, wimp-o," he said in a no-nonsense way. "You've got a front row seat for the main attraction, even if your ass is too sore to sit in that seat. And we don't want you yapping while we're trying to stay focused on screwing our brains out, so just, um..." My wife finished the thought for him, "... just stick your thumb in your mouth and keep it there the whole time, Jodie." Max laughed. "Right. Suck your thumb, sissy." He swept her up in his capable arms and set her gently on the bed, then peeled down his shorts and tossed them at me. They landed on one side of my head and dropped to my bare shoulder, from where I didn't dare to move them. I knelt with my thumb between my sealed lips, sucking lightly, looking between the back rails of the chair, while he got into the missionary position and, after fondling her melon breasts and kissing her neck, had another impressive erection. He eased into her and she purred happily. Next he began a slow rhythmic pumping that made her wriggle with delight. She also talked to him, saying, "Max, this is incredible. Just like back in college. I feel so filled up. No wonder I don't let little Puny Prick over there have sex with me, except with his mouth. He is so inferior." "It's okay, baby. I'm back and will take good care of you." He demonstrated with a half dozen powerful thrusts. "Like that." She wrapped her legs around him and begged, "More. Slam me hard. Bang me till I scream." I sucked fervently on my thumb. My wife's glorious big breasts rolled beneath Max's solid chest. The salty taste of his spunk was still in my mouth from earlier. I rocked back and forth, murmuring in wordless self- pity, as he thoroughly satisfied her. It went on for longer than I could ever have lasted and then she erupted into a volcanic orgasm, crying out and arching her back, receiving his final jabs hungrily. He let himself finish at the same time. I could tell from his animalistic grunts that he was jetting his cum inside her. She gradually subsided into mellow post- coital languor. The air smelled like sex and sweat. I slumped forward and rested my chin on the chair's seat, utterly defeated. Shortly after that, as they chatted, I learned that Max had just returned to our area after being away at a job since college. He had gotten a room in a motel but my wife spontaneously invited him to move in with us. There was a spare space at the back of the house, one of those rooms they call a Mother-in-Law apartment. That was where I had to go, while he took over my place in the main bedroom. They did a whirlwind job of decorating my new environment in pink and white, with a bed meant for a pre-teen girl, a dresser topped with stuffed toys and several dildos, a scroll-back chair in front of a vanity with curved legs, and posters of effeminate looking, male pop stars. When I was at home my typical outfit might be a girl's cotton sleepshirt that ended well above my knees. Or else female gym shorts and an athletic top. Tops adorned with images of rainbows and unicorns. Then there were sexier, less juvenile selections. There was a skintight shirt that reached only to my bottom ribs, which was typically combined with sassy shorts that were open on the sides, where they were held together with laces. Other choices were filmy baby doll nighties, bikini panties with color-coordinated stockings, and even a fishnet top and matching tights. My wife delighted in making me walk and talk in an exaggeratedly feminine manner. Max got off on swatting my bottom, making me sit on his lap, and voicing lewd suggestions that I became increasingly convinced he would soon act on. Of course I had to watch them have great sex, which happened frequently. Even then they managed to add extra indignities. For instance, Max owned several pairs of dress shoes that he would have me polish and buff while he and my bride were in bed where I could see them, sharing extended foreplay and then rutting like crazed animals. I had to kneel on the floor with a cloth spread out in front of me and my shoeshine supplies neatly lined up in easy reach. And then I had to busily perform my menial task while they busily humped themselves through ecstasy and into near exhaustion. Max would call out to me in the middle of their lovemaking, "I want to hear that brush moving," or "Let's see you buff in the same rhythm I'm using to make your wife happy." Arianna even once said, "Look at this. My sissy husband has his hand in my lover's shoe, while my lover has his cock deep in my pussy. Jodie is such a pathetic cuckold." At breakfast they would sit at the table while I ate from a dog bowl on the floor. I got their scraps and sometimes leftovers from the fridge. When they were feeling especially mean, which was most of the time, my meal might be topped with yesterday's cold bacon grease scraped from the pan, or else the previous day's coffee grounds. Dinners were no better. Sometimes canned dog food -- or cat food that stank of fish oil -- was involved. It was stomach-turning. At night and on weekends I had plenty of housework to keep me busy. There was dusting and vacuuming and kitchen maintenance, and especially cleaning the bathroom from top to bottom. I'm sure that Max made a special effort to miss the toilet bowl just a bit when he relieved his bladder. While all that was going on, they also had me using those dildos that were on my dresser. I had to fellate them, pretend to relish what I was doing, and practice deepthroating until I conquered my gag reflex. My gorgeous wife would appear in some diaphanous sleepwear, looking like temptation incarnate, and instead of being allowed to touch her or do even more, I had to suck on an artificial cock, demonstrate techniques of licking and swirling she was teaching me (usually by demonstrating on Max), and keep telling the fake phallus how much I loved it (while it was out of my mouth and I was able to speak). Then my wife started to have some of her girlfriends over to see me. Often I had to dress as a maid and serve them snacks. It would have been demeaning enough with a full uniform but all I was given was a lacy headpiece, matching collar, tiny apron that tied in the back, and black shoes with square toes and three inch heels. Of course, she had begun having me practice walking in heels earlier, so that by then I could do it without wobbling or stumbling if I went slowly. My balanced movements were small consolation. The footwear shaped my legs to appear more feminine and still forced me to take small mincing steps. Arianna's friends thought it was funny to have me bend forward when offering the tray, so that those behind me got a full-moon view of my bottom. They liked to display their cleavage and legs. Sometimes they would pat my bare backside and stroke my smooth thighs. I even had to demonstrate my special skills with a fat pink dildo that I swallowed up to its artificial balls. It was all devastating to my male ego. Just picture me, half naked in one or another of my abbreviated outfits, with no body hair, using an overly girly walk that had become second nature to me, showing sissy body language when I sat and giving deep curtsies. Imagine me with my face made up, the style changing all the time. And wearing a variety of short wigs. Often being treated like a misbehaving child and given 'corner time' or a 'mouth soaping'. Speaking with a wispy voice, interspersing my words with sighs and mewls. It went on until I honestly started to doubt my adult status and masculinity. But I kept telling myself -- I'm not a sissy. One night my wife dressed in an especially ravishing way. She had on a tight dress that hugged every one of her outstandingly generous curves. It almost allowed her big round boobs to pop free. And the hem was where a garter should be. I was half out of my mind with bottled up lust for her. All I had on were panties and stockings. And then Max appeared. He was dressed in black with leather fingerless gloves. Something about his appearance and how he eyed me, made me pause and stoked my worst fears. He sat on the sofa and pulled me down next to him. My wife put herself across from us on the small couch, striking a seductive pose. Max set his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze. I froze up inside. This was something new. He had pawed my bottom and pushed me around, yet this was more... intimate. Then he reached across to finger my receptive nipples. I shivered and my little penis thickened. He lightly flicked it with one finger. Suddenly it was at full alert, pushing against the panties. That had not happened before, from exclusively male attention. I tried to tell myself the reaction was caused by Arianna's stunning appearance. But I didn't believe it. "So, Jodie," said Max. "Your wife tells me you've become very good with those dildos, using your mouth and throat like a pussy. A sissy pussy. Hmmm?" "I... guess so." "Don't be modest." He gave me another nipple rub, making me lick my lips. "Do you have one that's the same size as my cock?" "Well..." I waved a limp-wristed hand in the air. "I suppose I do. There are so many of them." I sighed with something that could be taken for wistfulness. "And I can handle them all." Why did I add that? And why wouldn't my penis relax? "Why do you ask?" His hand tightened on my bare hairless thigh. "Because it's time for you to take the next step." He dug his fingers into my undeveloped muscles. "And I won't take no for an answer." There was a suggestion of danger in that last sentence. He hadn't spanked me for a few days but that didn't mean he wouldn't do it right then, if I displeased him. "Understand?" "Sir," I said, using the deferential voice that went with my maid duties. "Yes, Sir. I understand." My skin prickled as he took me by the shoulders and, with his superior strength, moved me off the sofa and onto my knees in front of him. Max told me to lower my panties to mid-thigh, which I did without thinking. Now Arianna could see my bare bottom. That was nothing new but in the context of this unique situation it seemed important. He reached for the front of his pants and pulled aside a flap, baring the cock that satisfied my wife so well. I swallowed drily. Part of my mind was comparing it to the collection of dildos and assuring me that I could manage it. When I tried to banish that thought it wouldn't go away. My hands went automatically to his upper legs, fingertips making lazy circles. I tilted my head to one side and smiled coyly. What was happening to me? Max, uncharacteristically gentle, put a hand on the back of my head and drew it forward, until I was almost touching his slightly engorged cock. I manipulated it for a minute and brought it to full life. My hands ran up and down its thick length while I stared at it as if hypnotized. Max lightly took my ears and pulled me forward the final inches. My mouth opened as I went and enclosed the thick head, my breath teasing it. When I turned my eyes up to him he looked back expectantly. Months of conditioning to be submissive, of trying to avoid discipline, of being made increasingly sissy-like, all came together as I closed my lips around his heavy cock, just behind the head, not too tight but definitely not loose. I held it there possessively. Ran my tongue over the sensitive underside. Savored the taste. And began to give him the blowjob that I had previously only bestowed on those unfeeling rubber cocks. I used every trick in my repertoire. Sucked and licked and swirled. Took him in up to his heavy balls. Let it free so I could tongue-slap the receptive head. Plunged back on it like a ravenous creature. He maintained control but I sensed it took a special effort. I felt a new form of pride. I massaged his scrotum. Rubbed my cheek against his inner thigh. He was loving it and I was strangely proud, in spite of that silent mantra, 'I am not a sissy'. After what felt like a half hour or more, I decided he it was the optimal time to finish him. I sucked the head while my hand gripped the shaft, my thumb on the seam that ran down the bottom of his member. He responded as I wanted him to and soon was at the point of no return. I breathed in through my nostrils. He unloaded his balls into my mouth. I didn't swallow. Instead I continued to nose-breathe, sucking him dry, and coaxing out the final drops with that carefully placed thumb. I bathed his cockhead in his own cum to give him an added treat. Only when I felt him begin to soften did I allow myself to swallow, full of accomplishment instead of revulsion. And then it hit me. A powerful wave of guilt and regret. I had just sucked the cock of my wife's lover, the cock that as so frequently in her pussy, the cock that had stolen her away from me, and I had loved it. I sat back on my haunches, dizzy and disoriented. In a small voice I uttered, "I am not a sissy." "No?" Max asked. "Then why is your little dingus still all hard?" I reached down and my fingers met a small but super-stiff erection. I told myself there was some other explanation. That their efforts to turn me into a sissy were not successful. I repeated, "I am not a sissy." My undersized dick throbbed and demanded attention. I said it again, with less conviction. "I am not a sissy." I gripped my stick and gave it three hard jerks, making it spurt prematurely. And then I said, "Oh no, I really AM a sissy." Max said, "And will be from now on." Arianna came up behind me and leaned far over to kiss him on the mouth. He put his hands on her queen-size boobs, freed that from that low-cut dress, and used his thumbs on her nipples. She said, "Yes. This is the way it will stay. You and me and our slavish pansy boy. I hope Jodie doesn't like sucking your cock so much that he loses his skills at eating my pussy." "Don't worry. After everything we've done to him, he'll be our all- purpose sissy. And stay that way. There's no going back for him." I put my hands on the sides of my face, licked a drop of spunk from the corner of my mouth, and knew he was absolutely correct. No matter how many times I try to tell myself differently, that I'm Joe, an adult, and not what they've made me, the truth is that I am Jodie, to be treated like a child, and that I am a sissy. ********* (Hey, I have some new stories on my page at Deviant Art, under the name Subthrone. Hope you'll take a peek.)

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A Submissive Sissy

A Submissive SissyMy sissy slave husband, Princess, was in the process of paying his usual obeisance to my feet on a recent morning. It's always good to see Princess applying his tongue to my high heels and on this particular morning he was working extra hard to please me since he was about to beg me to not take him to the beauty parlor. He knew that it was unlikely that I would relent, nevertheless, the outings I arrange are so excruciatingly humiliating for the poor dear that he is ever...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning Sissy

Saturday Morning SissyI woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something waswrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn'tunexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was aleather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tetheredsecurely to the foot of my bed with a short chain.Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and mynipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red dye. Ifthat...

3 years ago
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Saturday Morning Sissy

Saturday Morning Sissy I woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something was wrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn't unexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was a leather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tethered securely to the foot of my bed with a short chain. Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and my nipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red...

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Revenge of The Sissy

Revenge of The SissyA big fat dirty pig dad abuses his sissy too much. I come home from work in my uniform from the garbage company, work shoes, and Hat. I head towards my recliner. I say you fucking sissy get over here. Get me a beer. Where's my remote? Where's my god damn dinner?I take my belt off and set it beside my recliner. I take my pants and uniform top off. I take my cigars out of my shirt pocket and set them beside me. I hang my pants and shirt over the back of my recliner. I set my...

3 years ago
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I Sissy

I, Sissy By Cassandra Morgan The late-night glow of the computer screen was the only sign of life in the house. Molly had long since gone to bed, alone. It was 3 a.m. Casey Matthews knew he should get to sleep. But he wanted to read one more fiction, get to one more situation, feel the stirrings from one more author. This was story time for Casey. His hand dropped and rubbed himself, just for a minute. He wasn't going to masturbate, not with Molly in the next room. But shifting...

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The Farm School Sissy

INTRO (Skip this bit and get on with the story if you want) Like most of my writing projects this is unfinished. I seem to always get obsessed with small details to the detriment of ever finishing the work. Feel free to take over this story yourself and make it what you will. This particular story is set in a world perhaps just slightly off centre to our own. The location is a boy's only orphan farm school run mostly by strong and independent women. The world has changed in so much...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Sissy

Previously published, but in separate parts, this one is the whole story start to finish.This is the story about how I went from being an inadequate husband to being a porn addicted goon and finally in the past year fulfilling my sissy ambition to worship a big cock and balls. They belong to my best friend Tom who I have known for 20 years. It was a journey that took a few years but if I had been brave enough when I was younger would have taken no time at all and spared me lots of humiliation...

3 years ago
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What is a Sissy

I am often asked what makes a sissy. In my experience you cannot make a sissy. A sissy is born that way, it is like saying how do you make a homosexual or a lesbian, I truly believe that sissy is a form of sexuality. Over the past 20 years I have met many "sissys", they have run the full gauntlet from those who think wearing pink frilly panties makes them a sissy to those whose whole existence is consumed by thoughts and actions of sissyfiaction. In the latter group many are middle aged men...

1 year ago
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I would be the Young Sissy

My 21st birthday...my first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...myfirst day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not verymanly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to playwith had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about toopen the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officiallybeing a man in my step-father's eyes...how could I measure up to him? Ifelt destined to disappoint him...and I didn't even know why I...

2 years ago
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I Want To Be A Sissy

He Wanted To Be A Sissy The Lincoln town car drove slowly up the long driveway and halted at the entrance to the two-story building. It was late morning on a warm sunny day. The chauffeur jumped out and opened the rear passenger door. A lady dressed elegantly in a mauve skirt, white blouse and matching jacket swung her feet out and stood up. She looked at the other person in the car. "Well we're here now. Seems like a beautiful place. So step out carefully." The other person...

1 year ago
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My sisters their friends and me their sissy

Part One My oldest sister Vickie, was 18 when my mom died. My middle sister Michelle, was 14 and my youngest sister Joy, was 11. I, Mark was the baby of the family at 7 and had been the only male in the house since father had passed away when I was 2. He left us well off and with his money well invested we lived very nicely indeed. We had a private tutor/governess, Ms Wells, a young lady of some thirty or so I suppose. A live-in housekeeper Ms Dee Dee, a French exchange student...

3 years ago
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Young Sissy

Young Sissybysmittysimon©Author's Note: This is a follow up to The Young Master series. You can start here if you aren't interested in Belle's misadventures as spoiled young man turned out by his own sissy slave and eventually enslaved by his step-father, but it does introduce a lot of characters you'll read about in this series.I don't know how long I was under days, weeks who knows, maybe even months. Reality blurred with nightmares as I felt my flesh being cut into by cold scalpels and stuck...

4 years ago
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Rules for sissy

General Behavior Sissy is expected to always obey these rules. * Sissy will never masturbate or in anyway contribute to her having an orgasm without Mistress' permission. * Sissy will report immediately any orgasm that occurs without permission. * Sissy will accept whatever punishment Mistress decides appropriate. (Punishment for orgasms out of chastity will be more severe than for those within the cage). * Sissy will not put any part of her Mistress' sissy in jeopardy of ...

2 years ago
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Raised a Sissy

Raised a Sissy Alessandra Durante I've been a sissy my whole life. I didn't know that when I was child, but that what I was raised and reared to be. I never had a choice in the matter. I was born into a wealthy family, but I never knew the privileges of wealth. My mother was a strong willed woman who ran our countryside home like a queen. My sissy father was her faithful and humble servant. My father doted on her and obeyed her every command as if he had no choice. My...

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Curiosity Spanked the Sissy

You had driven all night to get to where you were and as you look at the house you wonder why? You just cannot understand why you are outside the house of Mistress Penny. Is it curiosity you wonder, certainly she is a completely different Mistress from your own goddess, Mistress Michele. She is the Mistress to your good friend on Fetlife, Sissy Davina but the only thing you know about her is how she has been described by Davina. You know she is curvy Mistress unlike Mistress Michele, is...

1 year ago
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Tweak Chapter Three Birth of a Sissy

Melissa's mentoring of Simonne continues at an ever-increasing pace. He quickly learns that submitting to Melissa's demands may be the only way of convincing his girlfriend to submit to his. Operation Linda begins in earnest. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Three - Birth of a...

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Beth and Sissy

Beth and Sissy Copyright CassandraToday 2016 Beth stood up and walked from the bed to the far side of the room, over to the ... what is it? thought Sissy; it looks like a St Andrew's Cross lying on its back, with supports underneath to hold it at tabletop height. Beth turned, smiled at Sissy, and crooked her finger in an unmistakeable "come here" gesture. So enthusiastic at first, Sissy was now hesitant, as it sank in that this would be reality, not fantasy. She rose and started...

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The Making of a Sissy

She had known from a very early age that she was not like the other boys; her mother had passed her on to her strict aunt Jane at a very early age, and she had never known her father.  Jane’s strict regime of making the boy dress in girls clothes at all times when at home only furthered the yearning to be a girl which was already firmly within the soon to be a sissy’s mind.  Jane’s girls took special delight in dressing their sissy brother and loved to take him out to the mall and such places,...

1 year ago
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Andrew the Unsuspecting Sissy

ANDREW'S INTRODUCTION Audrey was alone in her study. Up on the 60 inch, big screen was a security camera that flashed from locations all across the manor. Audrey locked in location six and location eleven. She then pressed a button and stood up and removed her blood red silk blouse and unclasped her long black tweed skirt and lowered the zipper and watched as the skirt puddled at her feet. Carelessly she stepped away and adjusted her hose and garter belt. She was braless and wore no...

4 years ago
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Sunday Night Football Sissy

Sunday Night Football Sissy It's no surprise that we love football here in Texas. We all head out to watch high school ball on Friday nights, and of course we love to cheer on our college boys on Saturdays. And the grown men dominate our Sundays. Especially if you're a sissy slut like me. I am a sissy cock slut who happily serves a small group of men here in town, and things took an interesting turn a few years back when I learned that Master David was an avid Cowboys fan, while...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy Maid She took and held three enema bags before I allowed her to get out of the tub and she was emotionally, sexually, mentally, and physically broken. Not permanently, that takes years to accomplish, but she had given up and began the process of accepting that she was powerless and too weak to resist me. To keep her in the right frame of mind, I grabbed her by her hair and walked her...

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A Happy Sissy

A Happy Sissy Kathleen didn't iron. Janelle wouldn't work past noon. Hannah wanted too much money. Damn, good help was hard to find. Monica, my wife, sat on the bed with the newspaper ads spread around her. She was looking for a maid. The way she tells it, Sharon had been a domestic with her family for a thousand years. As Monica grew up, Sharon was always there to advise her, to steer her toward decency, to make sure she knew that hard work was the key to good results....

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The Blushing Sissy

The Blushing Sissy by StateRowdy [email protected] ? She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties down...

2 years ago
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Degraded Sissy

fondamaid asked: Hi. Sorry it's been a while. I haven't dressed and I felt a little odd sending you a note while in men's clothing. Today I'm dresses, corseted, and locked up. I'm just not sure how long I'll keep myself locked up. I did finally get baby oil to use though and the cage is more comfortable because of it. I thought lube would work fine, but I was wrong. Now I'm all sissied up and wondering what I should do. Part of me thinks I should practice pleasing real men.I hope that, when you...

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How to Build a Better Sissy

How to Build a Better Sissy Or My Evolution by: Missy Satinpanties I was a small, skinny child, with a rather normal family. My father worked for the electric company as an auditor, and my mother ran a yoga studio in the converted garage of our home. When I was young, this was where I played, watching women contort themselves into the various yoga poses. I was about 6 when I asked my mother...

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Checkerboard Sissy

Checkerboard Sissy By Cassandra Morgan A guy never wants to meet his girlfriend's parents for the first time. There are always years to negotiate, and beliefs, and backgrounds. As nice as the parents may be, there are always judgments to make, and old boyfriends and girlfriends to reference, and finances to be probed. It is natural to be suspicious of someone who loves your child. For Keisha and I, this was more challenging than for most couples. As an interracial couple, Keisha...

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Trucker Daddy Gets A Sissy

It could easily be the lowest point in Denny life, sitting in an old Ford Escort that wouldn't start, the temperature outside well below freezing and him not having the cash for a hotel or to have the car fixed. He had no idea what to do next. Completely out of ideas, he had been sitting in for hours watching the normal people with money coming in and out of the Flying J Truckstop. He almost jumped out of his skin when someone knocked on the window. Denny cautiously rolled the...

2 years ago
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Saturday Night Sissy

SATURDAY NIGHT SISSY by Throne I spend all week, every week, dreading Saturday. My wife Alana met Dutch several months ago. I knew my bride had a past as a party girl, and that she still flirted with men. Male eyes always went to her, a tall girl with a stunning figure -- big bust, tapering waist, flaring hips, full thighs and, most of all, a plus-size bottom that sticks way out and moves like it's on springs. Dutch was the kind of guy she used to date -- big, rough, uncouth. The...

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The Blushing Sissy

Story writing contest 10 [email protected] She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Sissy

What is it they say, "It all began like any normal day." Well since I was wearing a sissy maids uniform it was not going to be a normal day! I had on black patent leather Mary Jane shoes, with four inch heels. I love higher because it forces me to walk more daintily but I had a full list of chores and would be on my feet all day, so practical is better. My legs are encased in shear black stockings, of course they have to be stockings, tights just do not do it for me. They have a...

3 years ago
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Be a Sissy

forced to be a Sissy IThe young man stood facing a very large woman sitting in an upholsteredarmchair. There was no other way to describe her. She was fat, perhaps,pushing 300 pounds he thought. The way she was staring at his punyframe suggested that maybe he was going to be her next meal. She wasn'tsaying anything as she visually appraised him for the first time...Jacob had been brought to this woman by his step-grandmother earlierthat morning. He had been given over to his step-grandmother by...

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Sissy On Sissy

SISSY ON SISSY by Throne Bob stood there feeling beyond foolish. His body had been denuded of hair and his skin, after weeks of using an imported emollient, was satiny. All he had on was a pair of bikini-cut panties and a training bra. He was wearing the latter because his wife, Tessa, had taken him to a specialist two weeks before and gotten him a lovely set of breasts. They were small implants and his nipples rode high on their feminine curvature. It didn't provide any modesty...

1 year ago
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Mrs Grant and her new Sissy

New Little Sissy"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was...

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New Little Sissy

"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was attracted to...

2 years ago
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Its Hard For This Sissy

IT'S HARD FOR THIS SISSY by Throne Pete had just gotten home from work and he immediately noticed a look of mischief in his wife Andi's pale blue eyes. He seen that all too often in the past. She must have spotted the concern on his face because she wanted to know, "Is something the matter, Petey?" She was calling him by the diminutive of his name. The switch from Pete to Petey was another bad sign. "It's just..." he extemporized, "that you seem... distracted." "Well,...

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stepson becomes moms sissy

Mark Peters let out a low moan that couldn’t be heard above the organ as it played "Here Comes the Bride." Although every other head in the church turned to glimpse the tall, dark-haired beauty imperiously making her way down the aisle, Mark kept his eyes fixed on his feet. Had anyone been paying attention, they would have seen a small tear escape Mark’s eye.It seemed like only yesterday that Mark’s mother and father had split up. Mark’s dad, Mark Senior, was a partner in one of the city’s...

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My Sisters Sissy

My Sister's Sissy By: Missy Satinpanties Note: This isn't one of my usual stories of sexual degradation, but what I think of as "my autobiography that should-have-been." The make- up of my family is the same as it was, my sister's names are the same, but that's about it. This is how I wish things would have gone when my little secret got "out of the bag." I guess I've always been a sissy. I remember playing dress-up with my sister when I was very young, and can vividly remember...

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A Nasty Daddy gets a Naughty Sissy

I came out of the bedroom dressed in my too-short pantyshowing Pink Shorty dress, pretty anklets, black MJ's, pink panties, red lipsticked lips and with my cute cuff and collar set on, awaiting Daddy's padlock, which would begin the playtime for real. This Daddy I had run across on a website was one who loved forcing sissies to literally mess their panties while they were in bondage so he could then go on to the diapering and teasing them for being such bad baby girlie sissies. Me,...

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Sissy Stepson 10 Stepmothers Sissy

Part 10 - Stepmother's Sissy Mrs. Monet put another knee high on the exhausted sissy and got an open toed spike heel with a very small opening in the toe of the shoe. Mrs. Monet forced the shoe on the sissy's limp dick, which started to harden within the shoe. "Come on sissy, just three more milkings, I know your balls ache and your sissy stick is red and sore, but you promised to hump my shoes!" his stepmother cooed. Finally, Caroline's sissy stick got hard enough for the just the tip...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy.Sissies are...

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Ken Sissy

Ken sat there, staring blankly at the movie screen, showing a big black cockplowing into a white beauty. His wife was far from a beauty, as she was now inher early fifties and had put on a few too many pounds for his taste.... butevidently it didn't seem to have bothered the two black men.Ken looked over his shoulder at the entrance to the adult theater, hoping thathis wife would be walking back in, but he knew better. It had all happened sofast, that he tried to remember how he ended up...

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Mistress Sabines Sissy

My phone vibrated softly signaling a text. I almost didn't look at it. I was at a meeting of the board of the corporation I work for, trying to steel my nerves for a presentation I was scheduled to make. This was my first time and instead of running through my presentation in my head I was focused on what I was wearing under my suit.I glanced at the phone."Someone in the room knows exactly what you're wearing..."It was from Mistress Sabine, a woman I'd only met a few weeks ago. She was also the...

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Miss Lindas sissy

My finger was shaking bad as I went to push the doorbell. Miss Linda had told me how my slave training was going to change. She told me she was going to turn me into her sissy slave. Oh My God! What was I doing here? Why did I even come back here? I was afraid of what my heart said in response. The truth was, I really wanted to be a sissy. Even the thought of the intense humiliations that were to follow excited me. I rang the doorbell and felt my doom consume me. Ms. Linda answered the door...

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The Misadventures of the Worlds Worst Sissy

The Misadventures of the World's Worst Sissy By Cassandra Morgan This stuff isn't easy, okay? The world that looks down upon us think that it is. They think that any wimp can be a sissy, that even the frailest of us can scrape and bow and curtsy. They think that anyone can cook or clean are do the so-called mindless tasks that the rest of us are assigned. They think this is a soft life for soft people. They think we are so concerned with being pretty and smelling pretty that...

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First time Sissy

I was born a "boy" but it was mother nature mistake as I am very petite, 5'2" 110LBS. with a sexy round ass and dick sucking lips. For this site purpose I will start at 18 my journey as a sissy cum loving size queen SLUT. In my senior year with a couple of months to go before graduation I turned "legal age" but was no virgin by any stretch of the imagination but cannot talk about it because of "rules". I had become a "male cheerleader" but was finer than some of the bitches there and had the...

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Richard the Sissy

Richard the Sissy by Joney Cunningham Hi, my name is Richard, or should I say Regina now. I am a sissy. It all started when I was 15 and my parents had taken my 13-year-old sister out of town for the weekend. I had a part-time job, so I couldn't go. My parents told me that the paid Gina, the high school senior across the street to decorate my mom's sewing room. Gina was into interior decorating and had gained a reputation of doing great work. They told me she would have a...

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The Lingerie Salesman Sissy

I had a career change a few years ago. Admittedly a door to door salesman did not sound good but the money was OK as long as I made plenty of commission but the fringe benefits were amazing. For me it was not household cleaners or insurance but sexy lingerie. Not only did the ladies on my round like to try on the lingerie but as soon as they felt super sexy I would get my “extra” commission. Yes I had all shapes, sizes and ages, even a mother and her daughter were regular customers and I had...

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son turned into moms sissy

My name is Barbie. Everyone calls me Barbie because I am small and I have long blond hair. I am the smallest in my class. My real name is Ashley. Before you ask, I do not like Barbie's. I never played with them. I suppose when you have hair down to your shoulders, then people think you look like a girl and call you Barbie. I am eleven years old.I got this diary today. So I might as well write in it. It is a purple one with a bear and heart on the cover. It has a lock on it. I might as well use...

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Cum Craved Sissy

Taking a quick look at the clock, I noticed that the delivery had run late, and I was immediately stressed at the fact that Mistress would be home shortly. I knew I didn't have time to shower, and there was certainly no time for much cleanup either. I just pealed the skin-tight jeans down, crumpled them up and buried them at the bottom of the hamper.I carefully pulled the bright yellow panties down my legs, trying not to make any more mess. I washed the creamy jism away in the sink, squeezed...

2 years ago
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Born a Sissy

Born a Sissy This is the story told by me "grandmother" and my grandson Timmy. Most of it is true and only some parts have been modified. It all started back in 1979 when Timmy was only 9 years old. He was a beautiful child that I loved dearly. Timmy's mother, my daughter, had him at the young age of 17. Being so young she was not quite ready to be a full time mother. She was just like any other teenage girl who had social obligations to meet. She was a good mother but I understood...

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Thanks Megan for the courage to comment. I like constructive criticism, and in addition, would love to be your toy! This chapter is dedicated to you!After returning to my house, I realized that our shopping trip did not accomplish what we set out to do, which was to get more panties for me to wear. So as not to disappoint Elaine, I dressed, the panties in place of course, and returned to the store. Not sure what to expect I walked slowly through the door.The salesladies smiled and said, "Look...

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From manager to sub sissy

Cindy was a co-worker; well actually I was Her manager. Even though I was Her manger, W/we were very close friends. As a matter of fact I still consider Her my best friend. Everyone in the office was sure that we were having an affair, but we were just friends. I must admit that I would have loved to have an ongoing affair with Her. I know that I am not near man enough for Her and I have always know that from the first time I saw Her. Eventually after being friends for many years, I...

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Irsquom my Wifersquos Sissy

My story starts 2yrs ago when l retired early from work, also at that time l was having trouble with my sex life, so went to see a doctor who informed me l was going through what he described as a male menopause which l never knew existed. My scrotum had shrunk and looked like a shrivelled ping-pong ball, my penis had retreated into my balls and could only be seen if l got an erection which measured almost an inch and with a cock that size l was finding it impossible to please my wife Jolie, so...

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