WhiteBoy Taken
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White Family Future!
TJ Ryder
Illustrated Adult stories!
The OBEAH Tribal council in the new state of
Zululand concluded their business and was preparing for
the evening's entertainment. The all black and mostly male
audience was joking and laughing and being served drinks
as they sat in a circle of chairs around the wooden dance floor.
The Tribal chieftain wearing traditional robes smiled at tonight's
program. Javonne Williams, ex NFL superstar pointed to the picture
of one of the dancers. His buddy 'Too Tall' Cyrus Jones nodded.
"Dat's raht, chief. Ah caught dere act in what's left of
Detroit last month. She's real hot! We booked the Johnson family cuz
we know how you lahk redheads!"
The big man grinned, licking his lips, "awyeahh, another white
family huh! Somethin fo the rest of the boys too hah?"
"Well yeah, plus they can use the gig. Wer'e trying to use locals
whenever you can!"
"Good Idee!"
In the tawdry dressing room with flickering light provided by
a generator a big fat black man knocked and came in. He leered at
the buxom redhead in front of the mirror primping up her makeup,
nearly naked in her sheer belly dancer outfit. Then he looked
at the husband standing behind her fixing her long dark red locks
of hair. Then at the children, two girls and a boy, also primping up
with what they had for costumes, mostly rags sewn together.
"Johnson Family! Yo comin on last! Haw haw, you be the, haw haw,
Lois turned her head, "we'll be there!"
"Betta be, cuz yo the clean-up act, haw haw!"
After he left, Lois looked over at her children!
"Hurry up kids! Tammy, not much makeup, it'll just run!"
The lovely teenage blonde smiled, wiping some off her downy
"Yes mom!"
"And Jesse, try to stay within the circle tonight!"
Jesse groaned as he looked at himself in the mirror. Nearly naked
like his sisters, he didn't understand why he had to add lipstick
and eye gloss like they did!
"Last time wasn't my fault, mom!"
"No matter. Did you shave your pubic hair?"
"Yes mom!" he groaned.
She looked at Emily then and smiled. "Well at least YOU don't
have to shave your pussy yet, honey!"
"I know mom! Is it a lot of people this time? I didn't have
time to finish last week!"
"Not many, couple dozen or so! And you have to learn to
move faster!"
"I'll try!"
"Good girl!" Then she looked in the mirror and her husband.
"How about you too, honey! Is your pubic area shaved?"
'Just about going to, dear, soon as I finish your hair!"
"Oh, you'd better do it now, Harold, my hair is good enough!"
The night was warm in the outside wooden platform, the blacks
had enjoyed the previous two acts, and now after the cheap rum
was served, most had partial hardons or wet pussies in anticipation
of the finale!
The fat manager came to the center, waving his hands
and smiled. He announced that the final act is the Dance
of the Seven Veils, starring Salome and the rest of the Johnson Family!
Starting in ten minutes.
In the tent waiting for some natives to set up the stage,
Harold blushed as he imagined what was going to happen, as always.
"How did it ever get to this honey?"
Lois frowned, "we can't dwell on the past, Harold, not in
front of the children!"
Jesse smiled. "We already know mom. I found an old history book
in a trashpile!"
"That's probably forbidden," she said sharply. "I hope you
threw it away!"
"I'm not stupid. But it is kind of weird. To find out that
blacks were not always our superiors! "
Lois turned to him, "Blacks are our superiors NOW! Just remember
"I know, but not all whites feel that way! Why are we different?"
Lois smiled, "why don't you explain it, dear?"
"Um, well, son, before the crash and all, your mother and I reached
an, um, understanding!"
"What?" asked Emily.
"He means I went out with black men while we were married, honey!"
"But so what? You do that now, mom. I mean we all do!"
"But, um, it wasn't really accepted by most people back then, dear!"
"Why not?"
"I can't explain it right now, dear. Just remember to do your jobs.
Does everyone have a can?" They all said yes, displaying them.
"Good, now as usual, Harold will accompany me on the cello, and I
think probably by the fourth veil, you children can come out and begin
circling around! Don't be pushy, just hold up the can "
"C'mon, mom!" Jesse laughed, "I think we know the drill by now!"
"All right, fine!"
Harold was still reeling from the question from his son, making him
realize what was just about to happen, but then the manager announced them.
As soon as he walked out and the lights dimmed with a single spotlight
on the middle of the floor, playing a slow number as his gorgeous wife
began to dance, he could tell just by the scent in the air of all the sex
fluids ready to pop, all the pent up balls and huge black cocks and in
a couple cases, black vaginal seepage; even without the raucous crude
cheering and remarks. Lois smiled as she danced, picking out the
chief as usual, a big black brute of a man. The chief was naked except
for a red silk loincloth, like most of the young black studs, and he
was already hard! As she gyrated, she teasingly dropped the first veil
and the bucks cheered. Now she began to work the audience, jiggling
close to the circle of chairs, smiling at each black face, arching her
butt or breasts out, moving on. She was pleased most already had hardons.
And they were mostly pretty attractive. The two black women were
kind of heavy, one bull was in his forties and already with his cock out
and his hand idly stroking it as he gave her a wink.
By the third veil, some calls were more insistent so Harold groaned
and nodded to the tent entrance where his children waited. They came out
slowly, nearly nude, pale white under the lights, contrasting with the
big black bodies with shiny skin. Jesse and Emily circled counter clock
wise while Emily circled the other way, displaying their cans for donations
even though their eyes were looking at their bodies. They made one complete
circle, occasionally talking to the audience. Jesse looked over at
his mom, smiling as the anticipation of her fourth veil finally came off,
and her gorgeous body now reflected the light. The music increasing
the tempo now, and he knew it would start soon. Tammy got grabbed first
as usual, put on a lap, a big black hand squeezing her breasts. After
he walked past the second time she was on her knees between his huge legs,
while the black man besides them had a hand on her bottom.
Emily, being smaller, was standing between the heavy middle aged
black man, as he cupped each firm butt cheek in her thong and french
kissed her, her can now on the ground. Oh brother, he groaned, now Iv'e
got a hardon in a tiny thong lace bikini bottom. Pausing as he watched
his gorgeous mother slip another veil off, he turned and saw Tammy
getting off her knees, licking her lips, and thanking the man when he
dropped a coin into her can.
'Wait a minit boy!" he heard and smiled a the big black scarred face!
Then he looked down at the huge drooling black knob and the swollen black
"Yes sir?" he smiled.
Twenty minutes later he had two spermloads in his empty stomach and
a few coins jingling his can, and passed his youngest sister Emily, still
sitting on the fat man's lap as he hogged her time. Her top was on the
ground and he was pinching each nipple enough to make her squirm.
His mom dropped her sixth veil with some cheering and by this time the
tribal chief had made her stand almost in front of him to continue
the dance so she was playing up to him.
He smiled at the fat man pawing his sister, "Can I help you, sir?"
"Go away, boy!"
"Yes sir!"
After the seventh veil came off, his mom and pop smiled and bowed
graciously to the audience amidst cheering, and with a signal,
his mom went over to sit with the chief. Harold groaned now as
he put down his cello. Now without the musical instrument, he
had to act just like his children, and picked up his own can and
walked around the circle, almost naked in a lace thong bikini.
Soon he was kneeling before two huge black thighs and sucking a
giant black cock coincidentally right besides Tammy doing the same
thing but to a fat black woman.
Jesse smiled as he rose up, brushing off his knees as he licked
his lips.
"Thank you, master!" to the sweaty young black face, and he
reluctantly put a coin into the can. The next black man who
grabbed his wrist as he walked by was a little older.
"Hey boy, ah want to fuck dat sweet butt instead of a suck!"
Jesse smiled, looking at his giant seeping organ, "I have to
wait until mom goes off with the chief. I promised to stay inside
the circle!" He was not happy, but that was the rule, and Jesse
felt he needed that stiff black cock inside him. Then he saw his
father walk by, a strand of negroe sperm running from his lip.
He knew he wasn't happy. Nobody was making much money; he could
tell by the jingling in the cans.
"Looks like we need a crowd pleaser!" he said in a low voice.
"You don't have to, dad! We can get by!"
"No, I already caught the look from your mother!" he sighed.
He shuddered at the idea, but it was his duty! So he walked
over to the fat black man who held Emily on his lap, and spoke to
him. At first the black man was angry, then he smiled arrogantly
and released the girl, as his father bowed submissively to thank
him. The black man stood up then, his big belly with his hardon
underneath waving obscenely and signalled the manager, who
came running over, and they talked for a bit.
Soon the manager reached for the microphone.
"Bruthas and Sistahs, we have another act for your amusement
tonight. In exchange for a personal service from the ruling class,
a member of the Johnson family is going to accept a whipping!"
The audience cheered at that. Jesse looked at the faces. They
loved to see a white person whipped. Soon the whipping cross was
set up as two big black bulls held his naked father by each arm, as he
looked so small and frail compared to their giant black bodies.
Soon, with the spotlight on his white body, he had his wrists
and ankles tied to the rack, and a giant black bull stood back
with a long thin whip. Jesse sighed, it had only been a week
since the last one. Soon it will be his turn to take his place
on the rack for the amusement of the ruling class, he shivered.
He looked over, seeing Tammy looking over her shoulder as she
was on her knees between a fat black woman's thighs.
Emily was standing and watching, and he looked up at the raised
platform where the tribal chiefs sat, he saw his nearly nude
mother sitting on the chief's lap, both smiling. He thought
they were about to leave to go to his tent before this incident
occurred and now they were staying to watch. The first whipcrack
followed by Harold's scream startled him, and he looked to see
the red weal from shoulder to hip begin to ooze blood droplets.
A cheer went up! The next whip crack brought out another scream
as the audience delighted in the sound and the writhing twisting
naked and helpless white man under the black man's whip.
'I wonder how many he'll get this time', he wondered. It's
usually only a dozen or so. As he continued to scream he looked
and saw his mother smiling at the sight as the chief fondled her
charms. Oh yeah, this is definitely going to inspire the crowd
to another round of creaming.
Harold screamed and begged, pleaded and writhed, twisted
and turned as he was mercilessly whipped, as all three of his
children were now on their knees taking advantage of the effect it
was having on the black masters. Finally, a pail of water was thrown
over his sweating bleeding body and he was cut down. Tiredly,
he groaned and pushed himself up on his elbows, shaking water and
sweat droplets from his flushed face, and looked around for his
can. Then he noticed his wife and the chief rising no doubt to
retire to their tent. His hand on her hip as she turned and motioned
him over.
He approached submissively, standing six feet away and bowing,
getting a grin as the chief saw his striped back.
"Honey," Lois smiled, "keep an eye on Jesse will you? And we'll
signal you later!" She smiled as she squeezed the brawny black arm
brushed his chest with her breast. "Javonne likes to have the white
husband do clean up for us afterwards!"
Seeing the arrogant grin of the chief, he blushed, nodding.
"Yes ma'am!"
After they turned, he walked, still aching, to the circle, seeing
a lot of black cock ready.
'Haw haw," a young teenage black male smiled, as Jesse knelt before
him. "Bend down and kiss mah feet, white boy. Ah lahk seein those stripes
on yo back!"
"Kiss, mmmm, yes sir!"
An hour later, he was working through the circle, passing each of
his kids, except Emily, who was once again sitting on that fat black man's
lap, her small hand fondling his cock knob, and in between kisses, she
put a finger on the slit, catching a droplet of precum and putting it up
to her lips and licking it.
He was going to just walk on by when the man smiled. "Hey boy! Cmere!"
"Yes sir!"
"Ah gots an idee. Kneel down dere. You got a hungry cute lil nigga lover
heah boy, but she can't get her lil mouf ovah mah cock!"
'Yes, I can see that sir!"
"But ah think a pussy stretch mo dan a mouf, so ah want yo to help!"
He groaned, that cock was awfully big, and Emily looked a little scared.
But there was nothing he could do. A refusal would be another whipping, and
he couldn't take another one until his back healed.
'C'mon, honey!' he urged, cupping her bare butt cheeks, as he lifted her
up over the seeping rigid black pole.
"Oooh, I don't know, daddy... Iv'e already tried twice!"
"I know, but I'm going to help this time. Just relax, let daddy help
you!" He cupped her bottom, under her cunt, and spread her pussy, and
lowered it on the knob, getting precum juice all over her pussy now,
and she began to work it, squeezing, moaning, softly crying, but soon
he pulled her down and she screamed, bleeding a little, but finally the
knob slipped in. Sweating and red faced, she moaned, panting.
The black man leaned back, smiling, "Awyeahhh, nothin lahk tight
young white pussy is it? Slide down now, honeychile!"
"Ooooh daddy, he's still soo big!"
"It's okay honey, just relax all your muscles, squeeze and relax,
and just start sliding down! After a few inches, she took a breath
and squeezed, her face red, and the cries of pain gradually changed to
"Just think honey," he smiled, hefting the man's huge hung heavy
balls, "think what a big load you'll be getting soon!"
"Mmmm..oooohhh yesss, oooh daddy, it still hurts, but it hurts good ooooh!"
Three chairs away Jesse was on his knees and looked over and smiled
as the big man tilted his chin back to face his seeping cock.
"Ah needs to piss befo ah can cum, boy. You got no problem wif dat
Jesse smiled and held up his can, and the man shook his head and
frowned and reached into a pocket for a coin.
Two hours later, a smiling Lois emerged from the chief's tent feeling
so fulfilled and satisfied, followed by her husband Harold, whose face was
flushed not only by cleaning his wife's pussy and butt of her copious
spermloads but tongue washing the chief's cock, balls and anus submissively
and then thanking him for his patronage. She looked around and saw the stage
and all the chairs empty except for her two daughters. Emily still was
absently holding her sore crotch with one hand, and Tammy idly twirling
her blonde hair. Both rose when they saw their parents approach.
"Did you gather up all the equipment and clothes?" Tammy said yes.
"Good, how did we do, honey?"
Harold shrugged, "not too bad. I don't know where Jesse is though!"
"Oooh my, we'll have to put some ointment on your back. Tammy," she
said, "go find your brother and tell him we have to leave now!"
Jesse was laying under the giant black body in his tent, over a rug
just thrown over the sand, the man's semi flaccid but still huge cock
half buried in his stretched butt.
Hearing his sister's call as she walked around the tents he stirred,
feeling the weight big man partially pinning him.
"Jumbo! I have to go!"
Illustrated Adult stories!
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HistoricalLife in 2115 - A letter to the future M/F, M+/F, oral, anal, SciFi, interracial It was the spring of 2205. Zandack Cranockk was operating a disintegration ray, making pass after pass vaporizing a building to make room for the new building that would take it's place. His people had just invaded Earth and eliminated the humans to have the planet for his race's much needed expansion. A specially made toxin sprayed into the atmosphere had killed all the humans and a couple of the...
Introduction: In an alternate future, the losses from several wars have left the United States with a severely depleted population. To combat this, rape was legalized, resistance was criminalized and all forms of birth control have been banned under the Repopulation Recovery Act. Women are now regularly sexually assaulted and expected to give birth to any children than are born from those rapes. This story takes place about 50 years after the laws were passed. Jenny, youre home late! My mom...
Victoria’s Future London, 1806 Henry was scolding. ‘That little love pat was nothing. When I really spank you, I will place you across my lap with your drawers down to your ankles, your dress and petticoats, if you’re wearing any which is doubtful, up to your neck. I will spank your bottom without mercy from your knees up. You will scream and cry, sob and beg, tell me how sorry you are and how you will do better, but I will keep spanking until your cheeks are the color of a ripe plum. Then I...
Introduction: Earth if taken by an alien race that is working to make it fit for their use and one worker finds a letter from the numans. I dont think you can class this as either a serious sex story or serious Sci-Fi but it is a fun little thing that I enjoyed writing and I still get a little smile when I look it over. Hope you smile a little too. Life in 2115 – A letter to the future M/F, M+/F, oral, anal, SciFi, interracial It was the spring of 2205. Zandack Cranockk was operating a...
It’s 200 years from today in a utopian future. Mankind is living in peace and has been for more than 150 years. All diseases have vanished and people are generally happy. Things changed massively after the third world war, way back in 2023. All government and religions amazingly came together to fix the damage we had done. Humanity now lives under huge domes to stay safe from radiation. But all of that came at a huge price. The sex drive of every single human was erased in order to remove...
Picking Prospects? Think PPP! As any Bull active for more than a few years knows, there is a target-rich environment out there for Balance Kings. When you've got your neighbour's buxom housewife, a nubile cheerleader, your pin-skirted boss and half a dozen cold-propositions all clamouring to be your next toys, it can be tough to choose. An experienced King will aim to train no more than 3 couples at once - this is meticulous work that often takes over a year, even for our top recruiters, so...
BDSMYou, John Doe, were part of a secret time travel experiment on the part of the U.S. government in the year 2000. Your duty was to travel in your Boeing engineered time pod to the year 2075, the most distant future it could travel to and still have enough full to get back, and retrieve any and all data you can find, both tactical and technological. The time pod is a large white dome, about the size of two cars put side by side. It contains you and your supplies with just enough room to carry...
It's the thirty first century and I'm a cop who just completed an assignment. Me and my parner busted some d**g kingpin importing d**gs from another planet making a killing. The d**g was similar to cocaine but only stronger and the both of us came and closed up shop permanently. Afterwards I went straight home and took a long warm shower. I stood there and let the water come crashing down my body feeling all the tension float away after a long day of catching the bad guys and kicking ass. In...
It's 200 years from today in a utopian future. Mankind is living in peace and has been for more than 150 years. All diseases have vanished and people are generally happy. Things changed massively after the third world war, way back in 2023. All government and religions amazingly came together to fix the damage we had done. Humanity now lives under huge domes to stay safe from radiation. But all of that came at a huge price. The sex drive of every single human was erased in order to remove...
NovelsNo More Fakes A Tricky Future by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1997 A lone figure lies awake in double bed in a hotel. A sudden urge for a reunion at The Raucous Chicken brings back memories of about a year ago. The figure dwells on these memories awhile. --------- A month before Halloween one year prior. " Chuck?" My wife had said to me while we were reading different sections of the evening paper. " Hmmm?" Was my reply. " There is going to be a huge Halloween...
From Past to Future By Kristal Jennifer Smith Can you see me now To explain I don?t know how Myself I try to figure out With every answer I find doubt With everyone I joke and play While inside I feel sadness and pain When I look at myself I feel totally lost All mixed up And just plain pissed off I hate how I look I hate how I feel Like I was forcefully Given such a bad deal I look so hard inside In the hopes to find Remnants of part of me that died I...
It was a nice bar, he thought as he sat down at a vacant table and took a sip of his drink. The concoction of rum and butter mixed with cocoa and cinnamon and vanilla was amazingly sweet and syrupy, more like desert than a drink. It seemed to him that it might fit right in if it was served in a large beaker along with a stack of pancakes. Yes, a very nice bar, he thought again as he surveyed the room, his eyes lingering on the shapely girls gyrating together on the dance floor...
Pantyhose Part 14: Gisela took off her coat and it turned out that she too was wearing a French Maids dress and fishnet stockings and stilettos! So I now had Gisela, Tracey and their daughter Rachel all dressed as French Maids in my front room. As I watched them Tracey was helping Rachel to tie her hair up in a bun. I thought about how they all looked so feminine but only Gisela was really a woman. Gisela had not intended to stay for long but asked if she could have a coffee...
It was a warm day in late spring in he year 2034. Karen Ball had just gotten off work from her job as an artificial intelligence programmer for the huge North Am CRYSTAL HOLOGRAPHIC CO. It was 4 p.m. and she had a date that was so exciting that she could hardly contain her eagerness. If the people she worked with knew whom she had a date WITH, she MIGHT be in danger of losing her job, but that was all, there was nothing ILLEGAL in what she was going to do, and she hoped that someday MOST people...
I took a shower, had a bite to eat, and then we just relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. After dinner, I retired to Mounika's bedroom. I stripped down and slipped under her sateen sheets. About half an hour elapsed before Mounika ushered Priya and Shana into the room. She began to disrobe and instructed them both to do the same. Priya asked "Shana too??? Is Daddy going to play with her too???" Mounika smiled. "Oh, I am surprised she didn't tell you. I already had Daddy...
Samantha was not a very pretty girl. Her skin was far too pale. Her eyes were far too piercing and dark. She really had no boobs to mention. No, Samantha was not the most popular girl at Saint Timothy High School. Samantha sat in the stands all by herself. The rest of the class was in the middle of the field practicing long jumps, pole jumping, and other silly games for the intramural meet on Saturday. She never did that sort of thing because her Father had given a Doctor's note to the...
When I arrived at the railway museum Larry Ponsford was already there and he had brought a friend with him. The friend was female but was dressed like Larry, in overalls. As a result I couldn't tell a lot about her but she looked to be about forty and had a pretty face. "I'd like you to meet Katie," said Larry. "Believe it or not, she is a qualified boiler maker and inspector." We shook hands and sat down in the main hall. I chatted again with them about my ideas and it soon became...
‘Now you understand? Ascended Elite grants you the surest path to becoming an Immortal. At which point, if you won’t recognize the generosity The Almighty has bestowed on you, then maybe His Holiness will exile you on his own accord’. ‘So I might or mightn’t be permitted to leave the Holy Palace... ‘ Zax got the answer he sought and the moment his mind conjured the scenarios of his future as a member of the church, before he reached a conclusion toward any of them, his heart felt the morsel...
The lights turned on in the cell at half past six, every morning since Tim got back from his trip to the past. About a week after returning from the past, his nanites confirmed his hypothesis that no one he had met, yet, had any nanites of their own. Tim theorized to himself the interrogators did not have any nanite improvements since they constantly made mistakes in their questioning and also in their answers to his questions. Oh, they answered the questions as he believed they would but...
“It’s not funny Dr. Jackson,” I whine as Dr. Jackson is wiping her eyes after laughing so hard. I finished telling her about being tricked into being Martina and Sharon’s boyfriend. “George stop being a weakling and learn to say ‘no’,” she barks out another laugh as I pout. She is right, I am a weakling. We spent the rest of the session talking about my goals and future plans. “Isn’t my Pookie Bear cute,” Julie gushes as Eddie passes the ball to the other team and I shake my head and...
Saturday night just after dinner there was a knock on the door. Tony answered the door. Fishing was all done. Little fish were still running, but the decision was to let them be. Perhaps they would spawn and return next year. So, Tony was home. Billy Nation and Sarah Lopez along with Willa had enjoyed a wonderful dinner with the Taylors. There was another knock before Tony got to the door. Brad and Gloria entered, accompanied by their parents. Brad stood tall, “Can we visit?” Brad felt...
This is my very first story, Please be Nice"Well, here I am," I thought to myself. I didn't know why I came to this remote little beach. "Now what?" I heard myself say aloud.The day had been a really hectic one. Stress at home, stress at work, stress, stress, stress. I thought for sure I would crack. I knew I had to get away, even if only for a little while. My boss almost fired me for a co-workers error. Thank god she had the balls to step forward and take the blame. Unfortunately for her -...
This guide is intended for every whiteboi out there wishing to please his black daddy or any black man bcz this is hi duty. First you should be totally naked with a butt plug in your ass and chastity device worn. Then you must approach him while crawling with your ass sticking out and your head bowing in humility. You should kneel in front of him and ask permission to look at him. Once he says ok you should look him in the eyes with the most girlish way and ask if he will let you please...
It had been a couple days since Suzy’s brutal beating. Nik tried to keep his mind off of it. Work and grading assignments didn’t help. Gale was too close to the situation to talk to. Valerie and Michelle wanted Nik to distance himself from the entire affair. He called Maya, needing to see her, needing help to relieve feeling helpless and keep focused on more positive situations.That phone call was an hour ago, and now Nik sat in the large, lavish bedroom of Dr. Rai’s house. The building was...
Glug…glug…glug…slurp…glug…“You like it rough, don’t you?” Nik said, holding the woman’s hair like handlebars.His cock rammed down her throat hard and merciless. She did everything she could to not feel like puking. Eyes watered, fingernails dug into his quad muscles, and a dirty smile shone from the facial abuse.“Fuck, Daddy, I’m your China ****doll. Don’t take it easy on my throat. Harder!” she demanded, just before the thick, Ivory Tower of white cock shut her...
A week passed by without incident. Life almost felt too simple for Nik and the girls because of the small amount of peace that reigned. Nik and Michelle focused on their athletics programs, Valerie tried to keep Amanda in check, and Gale secretly trained Suzy at her gym. The week became an easy routine.“She is a dirty tease,” Michelle commented, looking at the photo on Nik’s phone.“She definitely is but she learned quickly how to push the right buttons,” he replied, closing the picture of Dr....
Suzy slipped back into the apartment at the crack of dawn. As expected, her mother was already servicing customers even this early in the day. No note on the table, no angry message, nothing to show any motherly care or concern. The Mulatto girl needed to pick up some books from her room in order to study for a test. Mistah Cracka-man’s words penetrated her thick skull just a little. Gale also had a heart to heart with her last night.Feeling cared for was weird to Suzy. She had friends, Sammy...
“Hey…Hey!” a Japanese man waved.Nik took his earphones off. He was jogging on a treadmill and didn’t notice the man say hello.“Hi.”“You look in good shape. Do you come here often?” the man asked.“Sometimes, when work lets me. Why?”The Japanese man was skinny like a marathon runner. There didn’t appear to be an ounce of muscle on him.“Ever thought about being a model?”Nik laughed at the comment and shrugged.“Yeah, sure, who hasn’t thought about being a model?”“You look good. I need a foreigner...
“Owwww,” Nik said, shuffling in the hospital bed.He was in a private, spacious room. A TV hung from the corner ceiling, and there was various furniture s**ttered about the room. He could hear water running from the bathroom.“Good to know I’m alive,” he said, feeling up the wound.Fingertips grazed the many stables that sealed the hole shut. He felt weak but didn’t feel like any other damage was done.“Good to see you awake,” Dr. Rai said, coming out of the bathroom with a cup. “Here, take a...
For the students, the rest of the day went by without by without a problem. The police took Seth off to jail after taking witness reports from Nik and Suzy. More and more students gossiped about what happened. Unintentionally, Mr. Knight had taken down the top gang leader and one of his lieutenants in only a couple weeks. The power vacuum being created was immediately felt by the students. Ambitious gangbangers tried to stamp their authority over the vacant positions, while others tried to...