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- a series of stories -

by Eve Adorer


Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:

?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?.



Sulina Toledo

Synopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition.


Sulina Toledo ? Part ONE

Sulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing. Sopranos and contraltos sounded in spoken song. There were fifteen minutes to ?action?, and Sulina was making final checks during ?a five out? from last second micro-rehearsal.


Sulina was a stunningly attractive girl, and she was, rightly, proud of it. ?The blonde bombshell? was the description she was pleased to hear was most often used behind her back. ?The devil?s own bitch?, was one she shrugged off as jealously.


Her combination of harvest-corn-blonde hair tumbling in an incredibility of intertwining curls to below her delicious rear, dark soft brown eyes, a honey smooth and natural almond complexion, a mouth with strongly delineated seductive Cupid?s bow upper lip and provocatively pouted lower, was married with obvious intelligence in her gaze.


Her cheekbones were prominently high, making her calf?s eyes the compelling first focus of the onlooker?s attention, before the same poor onlooker would see and long for the mouth.


Although her nose was slightly longer than perfection would ideally have demanded, her face, in total composition, was decidedly more to the ?beautiful? end of the spectrum than the merely ?pretty?.


Nature had made Sulina looked haughty. Her self nurture had apparently done nothing to dispel nature?s mould. To those who knew the real Sulina though, there was nothing but sweet gentleness behind the case-hardened business shell.


If she had been sculpted as an hourglass, decidedly more ?sand? would have been needed in the top end. She was a fulsome 38D. But Sulina always dressed to cover her bosom fully. It was a concession to shyness.


Sulina was not for cleavage. She had two other weapons. Okay she had an ass that begged ?slap me because I taunt and haunt you?, but that was just the dream topping for the treasures that ran to ground from it.


Strong long and eloquently elegant, she had assiduously practiced ballet since she had worn her first diaper, and it showed in the way she flowed as she walked. If a girl could really have ?legs to die for?, Sulina?s legs would have turned the world?s nations into leaping lemmings.


Sulina dressed not to thrill, but to kill. She?d gotten a damned good income from the application of her intelligence to a PhD at Camford, after a Masters from Vale, and her subsequent rise to career star columnist. She could afford to buy Paris, but limited her purchases to its couture. To her, London was for millinery. And the shoes? Italian: hand crafted in Milan.


At least in her own mind, Sulina had an established reputation as an acerbic journalist. However, this was the first TV programme on which she had been an interviewer.


It was a one-off. She was only a guest presenter. But who knew where it might lead if she hit the cathode rays hard enough? ?Taking the Lid Off? was a crappy show, but hey, that?s daytime TV right? And this was just for starters: okay?


Make it in Ntobi the dump capital of Senabre, down here in deepest darkest Africa, and who knew?


Back home in the USA there were plenty of pretty girls doing regularly what she was about to do for the first time, but maybe one day soon it would be: ?move over Onara Winfee, and let Sulina have Cam 1? ? good G she couldn?t be more cruddy than old ?Windbag?, that was crap wrapped! Or so Sulina had long since concluded, in her crueller moments.


She was going to be a sure fire hit on this show. Sulina was hell bent on that. Controversy was what TV fed on, that and soap operas of course. But Sulina had no time for soaps, and was certainly not going to give their shite actors airtime when she got her very own full-time show.


Nor did she intend her show ? yes this, or something better, was going to be ?her show? one day, and no go for anything she did not want in it ? nor did she intend her show to hit the celebs trail. ?Oh so you got a ghosted book out, made a film, recorded an album, camped out on MountD?colletage for a year without leg wax??. Give me a frigging break! All that was puerile pap. Sulina wanted ?real TV? on her show. One day very soon, she was going to redefine ?real TV? in her own image.


The jump from printed journalism, at a mere twenty-three, had been a risk. She?d wanted risk though. She?d gotten bored at ?The Ntobi Courier?; it was so staid. Flashing her panties at Kerrerer Prachet had been the best two-seconds work she had ever done there.


Prachet owned forty-percent of the world?s media outlets. Sulina had always assumed Prachet had only seen the Courier in its recycled format; when she?d wiped her ass. But when Prachet had descended on ?The Ntobi Courier? for a very surprise inspection, Sulina had ensured Prachet had taken a good look ? a good long look ? at, and all the endless way up, her shapely legs. And it had worked. Prachet had ordered that Sulina join her day-tour entourage; and walk in front of course.


Lunch with Prachet had gotten t?te-?-t?te, and Prachet?s hands had tried to get everywhere other than where they should have been. But Sulina was used to that, and had used it to get her own way.


A night in Prachet?s hotel bed, and ? holy shit! Had she really?! - lying , over a champagne breakfast, about being really in love for the first time in her life - was surely not too high a price to pay for her own TV show eventually ? even if, for starters, she was just a one-off guest presenter on this one.



The time flew. The lights went up like twenty white suns, but hotter. Camera 2 was ogling Sulina?s expensively stockinged legs, expansively, as ?come-on candy? for the girls and women watching at home.


A sweet girl in her earphone, the director, whispered a high-tension: ?Twenty seconds and counting down from now Sulina!?


Then Sulina next heard in her ear, and tried not to be distracted by, the ever-same voiceover introduction from another sexy girl up in the director?s box: the cameras eying up Sulina?s delicately muscled thighs with the hint of stocking-top meanwhile:


?Ladies! Here in the heartbeat of studio 10, and for you lucky girls at home, Ntobi National 5, ?the channel with a smile?, presents: ?Taking the Lid Off?!!?


A banner held up away from the camera?s eye, read ?rapturous applause?. And, whilst straining to catch sight of themselves on one of the several monitors hanging above the stage on which Sulina sat, next to a presently vacant chair, the audience dutifully obliged, with accompanying cheers, mixed with occasional over-the-top, ?woops?.


The girl on the stage edge who had held up the banner, then put a finger to her pretty lips, to direct the audience to a lull shush?..


?And taking the lid off today, is the very lovely Sulina Toledo!!? the voiceover sneaked in, with perfect timing.


More applause was beckoned by the girl in the wings. Then she signalled another quieter spell, with an overdramatic finger on lips once more.


??.And Sulina?s subject is: ?The Sisters of Sisters?!!!!!? the voiceover finally called out, as if announcing the second coming, rather than yet more TV dross.


As the cameras continued to pan the audience for pretty faces, and those same faces turned to each other and pointed excitedly at the monitor on which they had just flashed for two seconds, and had gone by the time their prompted companion looked up, more polite studio applause followed, and the introductory theme music struggled to be heard under it.


Again out of camera shot, a hand held up as if stopping traffic, ordered the applause to cease. It did: instantly.


?And now!? said the director?s voice in Sulina?s ear.


?We have all seen them on the high streets and bye-streets of our cities towns and villages?? Sulina began ?.. ?They call themselves the Sisters of Sisters. I call them a fraud. They officially call themselves: ?the Order of the Wholly Virgin? not ?holy? as in ?holy cow? note you; though ?cow? might be appropriate for other reasons ? And yes they really do spell it ?wholly? with a ?w?. and an ?h?. But I say they are wholly a sham as well as wholly a fraud?? Today, we take the lid off ?the Sisters of Sisters??..?


Sulina was just warming to a roasting on her subject?. Polite applause caused her to pause, till it settled to silence.


??.I call them frauds; but I cannot call them cowardly, because they have been brave enough to send one of their number to face me here in the studio this morning. So let?s give a polite ?National 5? greeting for ?Sister Harmony?!?.?


Woops cheers and applause came enthusiastically from an audience dreaming of being ?on TV, with all its supposed glamour, themselves, and worshipping in its church meanwhile.


At this, a little look of concern flashed across Sulina?s lovely face. She had intended her introduction to turn the audience against her guest. The possibility that, if she did not choose her follow-up words carefully, she was at risk of being the St Joan in a human barbecue, had just flashed over her highly intelligent mind.


The creature that walked in from the wings, heading for the interviewee?s chair, looked like a babushka doll. It had the shape of a ten-pin from a bowling alley.


?She?, if ?she? it was - it was hard to tell - wore the vestments of the Sisters of Sisters. They were of white rubber. The head garment was a completely enveloping hood, which consequently masked the face and hair totally. The ends of this mask disappeared within the neck of the ?dress?.


The ?dress? had been draped over the mask, and its circular neckline clearly held the mask on the face and, presumably made a double-layer of rubber cover on the wearer?s shoulders.


In detail, the dress had no detail. It was formed like a drab bell. It fell from the neck to the ground all around the wearer, and had no visible joint, such as might have been provided for buttons or zip. There was in fact no other way in. The dress had a central hole for the head. It was obviously just pulled over the head till its central hole ringed the neck. There was not even a belt to give this dress womanly shape.


The size of the hands gave away that the wearer was a girl. They were small and pretty. At least, one could guess the hands were pretty. The all-enveloping dress had long sleeves, wider at the wrist, like those of a magician?s cape. But there was no chance of the hands? escape, as the wearer?s arms were clad in white rubber gloves that must, to best guess, have run up to her armpits within the dress.


The front of the mask over the face had four holes. Each of these was exactly circular and less than an inch across. There was one for each eye, one for the nostrils, and one for the mouth. But each and all of them were covered over by multi-layers of gauze, so the wearer could see out, speak out, and breath in and out, but the viewer was totally denied a look in. Either side were like holes with gauze covers for the ears to hear.


As Sister Harmony walked her five-foot-three to the vacant chair for the interview, it looked, for all the world, as if she were a swan on water: for there was no sign of feet let alone legs.


She sat decorously slowly, putting her lower legs at a slope, as if she were riding the chair sidesaddle, and then clasped her hands, thumb-within-thumb, on her lap. The consequent slight raising of her dress? hem, revealed only that she wore, what must be white rubber boots, flat with no heels.


Sulina had already decided her strategy. She wanted to get to her theme that all this dressing up was hooey, and that the women under such garments were just like you and I; but more crooked. She needed an armour-piercing salvo. She decided on light humour, rather than acidic derision.


?Sister Harmony, good morning and welcome?


?Good morning to you Sulina!? a sweet young voice with a touching hint of giggle responded, a little masked by the mask Sister Harmony wore.


?Bet you?re wearing rubber knickers under that lot: right?? Sulina queried with a look to camera that said: ?there, I?ve put the wicked question you were thinking of yourselves back home, but would never dare ask?.


?Ah, but wouldn?t that be telling!? Sister Harmony answered, in a lovely Irish accent, with laughing joyfulness in every word. The salvo had glanced off the armour, even before the studio audience laughed and applauded the charming nun.


?How do you manage to eat in that garb, for goodness sake?? Sulina tried, with a lighter tone, less suggestive of taking sides against the nun, more an attempt at ridicule by stealth: a first step that way at least.


?But this is just our outside robes: the familiar and comforting face we show to the loving world, Sulina. Sure, it would be a challenge to eat in this little lot wouldn?t it now?? Sister Harmony giggled, ?But if you were after drinking, you?d find that god had made straws in her wisdom?, the lovely voice of the sweet nun soothed.


?And back at the mission, we gets a good healthy tuck-in, with fruits and vegetables grown in our own gardens: ?the gardens of Eden? as our Abbess, Sister Mercy herself, has been known to call them.?


?But don?t you go letting on now that I overheard her, or poor Sister Harmony here will be in for a telling off about the size of her ears!? the charming voice all but sang with happiness.


The audience laughed and applause rippled.


This wasn?t working. The nun had the audience. If Sulina wasn?t careful, she?d be in for a metaphorical lynching by the minor multitude out just beyond the footlights.


She tried the light touch again.


?You can cross you legs if you want to?, was her next try, whilst using her own supreme dream strong long curvaceous exemplars of the finest of female lower limbs to demonstrate.


?Sure, but we?re not aloud? Sister Harmony answered, with a completely disarming sincerity that blew Sulina off track, ?But don?t let it stop you!? the lovely nun joked, and the audience applauded: they had fallen in love with her.


That tack was not going to work. Time was running out. Sulina now bid herself: ?Load the torpedoes and fire?.


?Sister Harmony, have they sent you here today to explain the moneys that have gone astray: the well document disappearance of charitable donations from the hard-working well-meaning public, and the less well-documented and therefore alleged but as yet unproven reappearance of those same dollars in a Swiss bank account?? Sulina barked, her lovely eyes shark, her perfect teeth threatening razors behind her soft moist lips.


?They have indeed?, came Sister Harmony?s surprise answer. Sulina had no answer to that answer. As sailing ships went, her sails were sagging in the doldrums: there was no wind in her spinnaker anymore.


?The world renowned auditors, Arnett and Yang, have agreed to inspect and audit our accounts. And, praise be, for free at that. The accusations are very grave and hurtful. We wanted the best. We?ve got the best, and they have got a completely free hand? Goodness, I do hope that wasn?t advertising Sulina?. Sure they?ll be wanting me to sell cola next if it was!? Sister Harmony laughed with love in every sweet note, as the audience cheered her on, and applauded her rather weak joke.


Sulina was becoming discomforted. She began to see flames nibbling away at the thus curling edges of the contract she had hoped to get for her own show. She had to find a bale out and use what she baled to save her contract too.


She was also becoming discomforted in another way. What was it about the contrast of her own freedom to display her manifest manifold charms in a micro-dress; and the claustrophobic imprisoning cling of the nun?s vestments, that was causing such a disturbance in Sulina?s tiny silk panties?


Sulina?s crossed legs tightened. An urge to squeeze her minx flexed the pronouncedly curved calves, and momentarily displayed the sweet muscles in the forefront of her long strong thighs: calf curvature and thigh muscles sculpted and cultivated by her ballet training.


?Your mission: the mission of the Sisters of Sisters is, as we are always given to understand, the saving of what our Victorian mothers would have called ?fallen women??, Sulina began this time, using a tone of voice inferring superior education and consequent condescension. It was yet another mistake. Without being in the least rude, Sister Harmony leaped in:


?Sure, a little corrective there Sulina: ?tis the poor girls reduced to prostitution that we Sisters of Sisters are here for, for to help them find a life outside the gutter to which misfortune has confined them. No heart could not break to see those poor girls, many of them also victims of the drug-taking culture rife throughout society, but not within a poor girl?s affording, unless she sell her own god-given body to other women seven nights a week three-sixty-five days a year???


?. The audience was spell bound. They were eating out of Sister Harmony?s gloved hand. A dozen pins could have dropped, they were so quiet and so wrapped by the lovely voice with the charming champagne bubble intonation. Sulina tried to hide her defeat behind the ?go on I?m listening? nods of her gorgeous blonde curls.


???And believe me, Sulina, I know how wonderful the Sisters of Sisters are, for I was once one of those poor girls: one of those ?fallen women? as you so rightly describe them?.?.


As Sister Harmony stopped her intensely sincere summation of the role of her mission, there was, for a long moment, absolute silence. And then the studio audience broke into sustained applause, accompanied by some out-of-place woops and whistles, as, to a girl, they stood to applaud the sweet nun.


The cameras now turned from Sulina, to show the audience reaction. The depth of the sincerity that reaction demonstrated, showed, in that not one woman or girl there looked at the monitors to see if their faces were being broadcast.


Sulina knew she had lost. She had to wind this up. She must make the best of a bad job. It was time for the soft soap once more.


?Sister Harmony, you have just wowed our studio audience, and, if they are anything like me, the millions of girls and women watching at home will, too, have a tear in their eye. Thank you!?


The applause that came next, was the punctilious punctuation for the thanks Sulina had expressed.


?Sister Harmony, it has been just such a wonderful experience to have you on ?Taking the Lid Off?, and I would like personally, to contribute my fee for this programme for your cause?.


The audience did not even seem to hear, let alone cheer this, as Sulina intended they should. It was a cynical manoeuvre she was now regretting. She covered quickly, several thousand dollars the lighter though she instantly was. To wind the show up, she returned to the light touch:


?How can you bear to be dressed, draped so anonymously head to toe like that? Doesn?t the girl in you long to lounge beach in a bikini?? Sulina tried.


?Would you believe me if I told you that to take the veil and wear the rubber is the, but the most liberating experience it is possible for any girl to ever encounter, this side of heaven itself!? Sister Harmony answered, in an intense whisper conveying such sincerity, that the audience would have signed-up for the nunnery there and then, if she had asked them.


?If you don?t believe me, you should try it yourself!? Sister Harmony finished, with sweet golden giggles galore as she touched Sulina gently on her hand, with her gloved fingers, to convey that she, Sulina, was not being laughed at.


Sulina smiled, without her eyes joining in. She had to make the best of this bad job.


But then ?Pulitzer Prize? and ?Nobel for literature? flashed across her mind. It would be a hell of a subject to get the inside out on. She hadn?t been planning a sabbatical, but?. Well, there might be an option here for a report or factually based novel. There were a few seconds left?..


?Sure. Could I get a short-term contract?? she half-joked in response.


?Join the novitiate. Wear the red. After a year you have the free choice. Convert to the white like little me, or go back into the outside world with our continued blessing!? Sister Harmony answered.


?You?ve got me won over?, Sulina found herself saying, for the sake of the audience reaction, the viewing figures, and her continued desire for a contract; and to her own almost complete surprise.


?Lady?s: this was Sister Harmony right here on ?Taking the Lid Off??, Sulina announced as the cameras now panned back, and the audience read and obeyed the order on the held-up placard reading: ?long strong applause?.


As the studio lights dimmed and the fade-out credits rolled up the home TV screens, too quickly to be read, the two people on stage, the beautiful interviewer and the white-rubber robed nun, were clearly still talking.


And lip-readers would not be able to see Sister Harmony say: ?If you meant that Sulina, Abbess Mercy?s door is always open, and we will welcome you with the widest of open loving arms my sweet sister.?


But they would have seen, Sulina Toledo answer: ?I need to get my head together on that one Sister Harmony, but I really feel as if I heard a call just now. And, whatever I decide, the blessing is on you for bringing me to the choice?.



Two hours later: ?Forgive me Revered Mother, for I have sinned?, a sweet Irish voice confessed in the cubicle reserved for that assignment and named from it: the nunnery?s confessional.


?Sweet Sister Harmony! I cannot believe for one moment that you have just robbed the Bank of Senabre!?, a kindly ?voice of reason? responded from the neighbouring box.


There was a moment?s silence.


?Tell me my child. What worries you so?? the same ?voice of reason? enquired.


?I did my duty at the television studio today Revered Mother. And I found I could not take my eyes off the interviewer?s; off Sulina Toledo?s legs. Even now, as I think of her, it excites me in an unforgivable way Revered Mother?, Sister Harmony whispered with a hint of tears breaking.


?Dear dear. You poor child?, the Abbess answered in contemplation.


?What should I do Revered Mother? I keep seeing her whenever I close my eyes. It makes me want to be very naughty with myself, and I fear I may have a wicked dream.?


?The cure for dreaming is to stay awake all night Sister Harmony?, the Abbess observed.


?Must it be that?? Sister Harmony asked, with an edge of resignation accompanied by anxiety in her voice.


?It is within my powers to order you, sweet daughter?, the Revered Mother observed, gently.


?I will obey without order?, Revered Mother.


?Then your forgiveness will be all the greater and stronger for that my child?, the Abbess concluded quietly.



Post midnight in the nun?s dormitory, chains chinked, beds creaked, and a girl quietly sobbed.


Another girl waking in a wet dream, cried out for her god to save her, but audibly came nonetheless. Her subsequent whispered prayers for forgiveness hissed sibilant across the noisy silence of a steamy African night.


A television camera touring the sleeping quarters, as if in a secretly filmed documentary, would first of all have set scene with the humid African night, and the full moon?s wan face. The accompanying microphones would meanwhile capture the cacophony of the nocturnal wildlife.


Moving in, indeed apparently flying through one of all the nunnery?s windows left open for ventilation, it would have panned or scanned over the rigid rows of individual beds. On each bed it would show an individual girl naked lying atop.


Focus on any one girl would show the wooden block she had for her pillow, and her wrists and ankles held out in an ?X?. She is shackled to the corners of her bed, lying on her back. Her only covering is the mosquito net. The net is for covering the bed. It covers the girl coincidentally.


All the girls are lying on their backs. All the beds are under mosquito net tents.


Several beds are completely empty. One bed, though made up for sleeping, with wooden pillow and sacking mattress, is empty.


Now the imaginary camera in the fictitious documentary looks for the source of the quiet sobbing: the girl missing: the cause of the one empty bed with a pillow readied.


It sees an open window. Nothing unusual there. It is a hot night and all the windows are open, as has already been established. But there is a light at this window and it is not that of the moon alone.


A shadowy figure stands obediently there. She wears her nun?s cowl covering her head, but is otherwise in her underwear. In essence, she has removed the rubber ?bell? that makes up her dress. Even so, she is still clad head to toe in rubber vestments.


She is clad head to toe but for two all too beautiful parts of her anatomy. Her vest is purposely designed to let her bare breasts poke through. The light the camera has seen, the light adding to moonglow, comprises two lights in fact.


The two soft spotlights are beamed on soft breasts. The camera finally moves close in. It has discovered whose sobs of distress are being heard. The sobs of distress other than those from the girl who has just had a wet-dream in her bed that is.


It moves in on the standing girl. She has her hands clasped behind her back. Her feet are slightly apart. She is there to be punished for having lascivious thoughts about the lovely reporter Sulina Toledo?s elegant legs. We can see, in the camera?s eye we can see, the girl who owns the lovely bare breasts.


We wonder why she sobs so. Is to be made to stand all night so great a punishment? Then we see her nipples and how hugely distended and erect they are.


Now we realise she is sobbing in the greater part, not because she cannot take her punishment like a girl, but because her nipples have become heavily engorged by their being engaged in the process that has caused her to spurt in her rubber knickers. Something has made her cum.


Has she been dreaming on her feet? Sleeping whilst standing. Has he been seeing Sulina Toledo?s inspirationally erotic legs before her minds eye? All that strength in such smooth curves: the caressing cling of those fabulously lucky stockings: the hint of stocking top at the hem of Sulina?s dress: the hem atop those powerful perfectly smooth thighs?


Yes and yes. Yes and also. The ?also? that has made the girl cum we now see. The girl?s bare breasts are a sea awash with crawling insects. She bears the horror of their repeated and constant bites.


She sobs as they suck blood from her bare breasts and nipples.


She is voluntarily saving her companions from these insects.


These insects are her punishment for admiring Sulina Toledo?s beautiful legs.


Sister Harmony?s bare breasts and nipples are being, all but eaten alive, by hundreds upon thousands of mosquitoes.



- a series of stories -

by Eve Adorer


Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:

?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?.



Sulina Toledo

Synopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition.


Sulina Toledo ? Part ONE

Sulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing. Sopranos and contraltos sounded in spoken song. There were fifteen minutes to ?action?, and Sulina was making final checks during ?a five out? from last second micro-rehearsal.


Sulina was a stunningly attractive girl, and she was, rightly, proud of it. ?The blonde bombshell? was the description she was pleased to hear was most often used behind her back. ?The devil?s own bitch?, was one she shrugged off as jealously.


Her combination of harvest-corn-blonde hair tumbling in an incredibility of intertwining curls to below her delicious rear, dark soft brown eyes, a honey smooth and natural almond complexion, a mouth with strongly delineated seductive Cupid?s bow upper lip and provocatively pouted lower, was married with obvious intelligence in her gaze.


Her cheekbones were prominently high, making her calf?s eyes the compelling first focus of the onlooker?s attention, before the same poor onlooker would see and long for the mouth.


Although her nose was slightly longer than perfection would ideally have demanded, her face, in total composition, was decidedly more to the ?beautiful? end of the spectrum than the merely ?pretty?.


Nature had made Sulina looked haughty. Her self nurture had apparently done nothing to dispel nature?s mould. To those who knew the real Sulina though, there was nothing but sweet gentleness behind the case-hardened business shell.


If she had been sculpted as an hourglass, decidedly more ?sand? would have been needed in the top end. She was a fulsome 38D. But Sulina always dressed to cover her bosom fully. It was a concession to shyness.


Sulina was not for cleavage. She had two other weapons. Okay she had an ass that begged ?slap me because I taunt and haunt you?, but that was just the dream topping for the treasures that ran to ground from it.


Strong long and eloquently elegant, she had assiduously practiced ballet since she had worn her first diaper, and it showed in the way she flowed as she walked. If a girl could really have ?legs to die for?, Sulina?s legs would have turned the world?s nations into leaping lemmings.


Sulina dressed not to thrill, but to kill. She?d gotten a damned good income from the application of her intelligence to a PhD at Camford, after a Masters from Vale, and her subsequent rise to career star columnist. She could afford to buy Paris, but limited her purchases to its couture. To her, London was for millinery. And the shoes? Italian: hand crafted in Milan.


At least in her own mind, Sulina had an established reputation as an acerbic journalist. However, this was the first TV programme on which she had been an interviewer.


It was a one-off. She was only a guest presenter. But who knew where it might lead if she hit the cathode rays hard enough? ?Taking the Lid Off? was a crappy show, but hey, that?s daytime TV right? And this was just for starters: okay?


Make it in Ntobi the dump capital of Senabre, down here in deepest darkest Africa, and who knew?


Back home in the USA there were plenty of pretty girls doing regularly what she was about to do for the first time, but maybe one day soon it would be: ?move over Onara Winfee, and let Sulina have Cam 1? ? good G she couldn?t be more cruddy than old ?Windbag?, that was crap wrapped! Or so Sulina had long since concluded, in her crueller moments.


She was going to be a sure fire hit on this show. Sulina was hell bent on that. Controversy was what TV fed on, that and soap operas of course. But Sulina had no time for soaps, and was certainly not going to give their shite actors airtime when she got her very own full-time show.


Nor did she intend her show ? yes this, or something better, was going to be ?her show? one day, and no go for anything she did not want in it ? nor did she intend her show to hit the celebs trail. ?Oh so you got a ghosted book out, made a film, recorded an album, camped out on MountD?colletage for a year without leg wax??. Give me a frigging break! All that was puerile pap. Sulina wanted ?real TV? on her show. One day very soon, she was going to redefine ?real TV? in her own image.


The jump from printed journalism, at a mere twenty-three, had been a risk. She?d wanted risk though. She?d gotten bored at ?The Ntobi Courier?; it was so staid. Flashing her panties at Kerrerer Prachet had been the best two-seconds work she had ever done there.


Prachet owned forty-percent of the world?s media outlets. Sulina had always assumed Prachet had only seen the Courier in its recycled format; when she?d wiped her ass. But when Prachet had descended on ?The Ntobi Courier? for a very surprise inspection, Sulina had ensured Prachet had taken a good look ? a good long look ? at, and all the endless way up, her shapely legs. And it had worked. Prachet had ordered that Sulina join her day-tour entourage; and walk in front of course.


Lunch with Prachet had gotten t?te-?-t?te, and Prachet?s hands had tried to get everywhere other than where they should have been. But Sulina was used to that, and had used it to get her own way.


A night in Prachet?s hotel bed, and ? holy shit! Had she really?! - lying , over a champagne breakfast, about being really in love for the first time in her life - was surely not too high a price to pay for her own TV show eventually ? even if, for starters, she was just a one-off guest presenter on this one.



The time flew. The lights went up like twenty white suns, but hotter. Camera 2 was ogling Sulina?s expensively stockinged legs, expansively, as ?come-on candy? for the girls and women watching at home.


A sweet girl in her earphone, the director, whispered a high-tension: ?Twenty seconds and counting down from now Sulina!?


Then Sulina next heard in her ear, and tried not to be distracted by, the ever-same voiceover introduction from another sexy girl up in the director?s box: the cameras eying up Sulina?s delicately muscled thighs with the hint of stocking-top meanwhile:


?Ladies! Here in the heartbeat of studio 10, and for you lucky girls at home, Ntobi National 5, ?the channel with a smile?, presents: ?Taking the Lid Off?!!?


A banner held up away from the camera?s eye, read ?rapturous applause?. And, whilst straining to catch sight of themselves on one of the several monitors hanging above the stage on which Sulina sat, next to a presently vacant chair, the audience dutifully obliged, with accompanying cheers, mixed with occasional over-the-top, ?woops?.


The girl on the stage edge who had held up the banner, then put a finger to her pretty lips, to direct the audience to a lull shush?..


?And taking the lid off today, is the very lovely Sulina Toledo!!? the voiceover sneaked in, with perfect timing.


More applause was beckoned by the girl in the wings. Then she signalled another quieter spell, with an overdramatic finger on lips once more.


??.And Sulina?s subject is: ?The Sisters of Sisters?!!!!!? the voiceover finally called out, as if announcing the second coming, rather than yet more TV dross.


As the cameras continued to pan the audience for pretty faces, and those same faces turned to each other and pointed excitedly at the monitor on which they had just flashed for two seconds, and had gone by the time their prompted companion looked up, more polite studio applause followed, and the introductory theme music struggled to be heard under it.


Again out of camera shot, a hand held up as if stopping traffic, ordered the applause to cease. It did: instantly.


?And now!? said the director?s voice in Sulina?s ear.


?We have all seen them on the high streets and bye-streets of our cities towns and villages?? Sulina began ?.. ?They call themselves the Sisters of Sisters. I call them a fraud. They officially call themselves: ?the Order of the Wholly Virgin? not ?holy? as in ?holy cow? note you; though ?cow? might be appropriate for other reasons ? And yes they really do spell it ?wholly? with a ?w?. and an ?h?. But I say they are wholly a sham as well as wholly a fraud?? Today, we take the lid off ?the Sisters of Sisters??..?


Sulina was just warming to a roasting on her subject?. Polite applause caused her to pause, till it settled to silence.


??.I call them frauds; but I cannot call them cowardly, because they have been brave enough to send one of their number to face me here in the studio this morning. So let?s give a polite ?National 5? greeting for ?Sister Harmony?!?.?


Woops cheers and applause came enthusiastically from an audience dreaming of being ?on TV, with all its supposed glamour, themselves, and worshipping in its church meanwhile.


At this, a little look of concern flashed across Sulina?s lovely face. She had intended her introduction to turn the audience against her guest. The possibility that, if she did not choose her follow-up words carefully, she was at risk of being the St Joan in a human barbecue, had just flashed over her highly intelligent mind.


The creature that walked in from the wings, heading for the interviewee?s chair, looked like a babushka doll. It had the shape of a ten-pin from a bowling alley.


?She?, if ?she? it was - it was hard to tell - wore the vestments of the Sisters of Sisters. They were of white rubber. The head garment was a completely enveloping hood, which consequently masked the face and hair totally. The ends of this mask disappeared within the neck of the ?dress?.


The ?dress? had been draped over the mask, and its circular neckline clearly held the mask on the face and, presumably made a double-layer of rubber cover on the wearer?s shoulders.


In detail, the dress had no detail. It was formed like a drab bell. It fell from the neck to the ground all around the wearer, and had no visible joint, such as might have been provided for buttons or zip. There was in fact no other way in. The dress had a central hole for the head. It was obviously just pulled over the head till its central hole ringed the neck. There was not even a belt to give this dress womanly shape.


The size of the hands gave away that the wearer was a girl. They were small and pretty. At least, one could guess the hands were pretty. The all-enveloping dress had long sleeves, wider at the wrist, like those of a magician?s cape. But there was no chance of the hands? escape, as the wearer?s arms were clad in white rubber gloves that must, to best guess, have run up to her armpits within the dress.


The front of the mask over the face had four holes. Each of these was exactly circular and less than an inch across. There was one for each eye, one for the nostrils, and one for the mouth. But each and all of them were covered over by multi-layers of gauze, so the wearer could see out, speak out, and breath in and out, but the viewer was totally denied a look in. Either side were like holes with gauze covers for the ears to hear.


As Sister Harmony walked her five-foot-three to the vacant chair for the interview, it looked, for all the world, as if she were a swan on water: for there was no sign of feet let alone legs.


She sat decorously slowly, putting her lower legs at a slope, as if she were riding the chair sidesaddle, and then clasped her hands, thumb-within-thumb, on her lap. The consequent slight raising of her dress? hem, revealed only that she wore, what must be white rubber boots, flat with no heels.


Sulina had already decided her strategy. She wanted to get to her theme that all this dressing up was hooey, and that the women under such garments were just like you and I; but more crooked. She needed an armour-piercing salvo. She decided on light humour, rather than acidic derision.


?Sister Harmony, good morning and welcome?


?Good morning to you Sulina!? a sweet young voice with a touching hint of giggle responded, a little masked by the mask Sister Harmony wore.


?Bet you?re wearing rubber knickers under that lot: right?? Sulina queried with a look to camera that said: ?there, I?ve put the wicked question you were thinking of yourselves back home, but would never dare ask?.


?Ah, but wouldn?t that be telling!? Sister Harmony answered, in a lovely Irish accent, with laughing joyfulness in every word. The salvo had glanced off the armour, even before the studio audience laughed and applauded the charming nun.


?How do you manage to eat in that garb, for goodness sake?? Sulina tried, with a lighter tone, less suggestive of taking sides against the nun, more an attempt at ridicule by stealth: a first step that way at least.


?But this is just our outside robes: the familiar and comforting face we show to the loving world, Sulina. Sure, it would be a challenge to eat in this little lot wouldn?t it now?? Sister Harmony giggled, ?But if you were after drinking, you?d find that god had made straws in her wisdom?, the lovely voice of the sweet nun soothed.


?And back at the mission, we gets a good healthy tuck-in, with fruits and vegetables grown in our own gardens: ?the gardens of Eden? as our Abbess, Sister Mercy herself, has been known to call them.?


?But don?t you go letting on now that I overheard her, or poor Sister Harmony here will be in for a telling off about the size of her ears!? the charming voice all but sang with happiness.


The audience laughed and applause rippled.


This wasn?t working. The nun had the audience. If Sulina wasn?t careful, she?d be in for a metaphorical lynching by the minor multitude out just beyond the footlights.


She tried the light touch again.


?You can cross you legs if you want to?, was her next try, whilst using her own supreme dream strong long curvaceous exemplars of the finest of female lower limbs to demonstrate.


?Sure, but we?re not aloud? Sister Harmony answered, with a completely disarming sincerity that blew Sulina off track, ?But don?t let it stop you!? the lovely nun joked, and the audience applauded: they had fallen in love with her.


That tack was not going to work. Time was running out. Sulina now bid herself: ?Load the torpedoes and fire?.


?Sister Harmony, have they sent you here today to explain the moneys that have gone astray: the well document disappearance of charitable donations from the hard-working well-meaning public, and the less well-documented and therefore alleged but as yet unproven reappearance of those same dollars in a Swiss bank account?? Sulina barked, her lovely eyes shark, her perfect teeth threatening razors behind her soft moist lips.


?They have indeed?, came Sister Harmony?s surprise answer. Sulina had no answer to that answer. As sailing ships went, her sails were sagging in the doldrums: there was no wind in her spinnaker anymore.


?The world renowned auditors, Arnett and Yang, have agreed to inspect and audit our accounts. And, praise be, for free at that. The accusations are very grave and hurtful. We wanted the best. We?ve got the best, and they have got a completely free hand? Goodness, I do hope that wasn?t advertising Sulina?. Sure they?ll be wanting me to sell cola next if it was!? Sister Harmony laughed with love in every sweet note, as the audience cheered her on, and applauded her rather weak joke.


Sulina was becoming discomforted. She began to see flames nibbling away at the thus curling edges of the contract she had hoped to get for her own show. She had to find a bale out and use what she baled to save her contract too.


She was also becoming discomforted in another way. What was it about the contrast of her own freedom to display her manifest manifold charms in a micro-dress; and the claustrophobic imprisoning cling of the nun?s vestments, that was causing such a disturbance in Sulina?s tiny silk panties?


Sulina?s crossed legs tightened. An urge to squeeze her minx flexed the pronouncedly curved calves, and momentarily displayed the sweet muscles in the forefront of her long strong thighs: calf curvature and thigh muscles sculpted and cultivated by her ballet training.


?Your mission: the mission of the Sisters of Sisters is, as we are always given to understand, the saving of what our Victorian mothers would have called ?fallen women??, Sulina began this time, using a tone of voice inferring superior education and consequent condescension. It was yet another mistake. Without being in the least rude, Sister Harmony leaped in:


?Sure, a little corrective there Sulina: ?tis the poor girls reduced to prostitution that we Sisters of Sisters are here for, for to help them find a life outside the gutter to which misfortune has confined them. No heart could not break to see those poor girls, many of them also victims of the drug-taking culture rife throughout society, but not within a poor girl?s affording, unless she sell her own god-given body to other women seven nights a week three-sixty-five days a year???


?. The audience was spell bound. They were eating out of Sister Harmony?s gloved hand. A dozen pins could have dropped, they were so quiet and so wrapped by the lovely voice with the charming champagne bubble intonation. Sulina tried to hide her defeat behind the ?go on I?m listening? nods of her gorgeous blonde curls.


???And believe me, Sulina, I know how wonderful the Sisters of Sisters are, for I was once one of those poor girls: one of those ?fallen women? as you so rightly describe them?.?.


As Sister Harmony stopped her intensely sincere summation of the role of her mission, there was, for a long moment, absolute silence. And then the studio audience broke into sustained applause, accompanied by some out-of-place woops and whistles, as, to a girl, they stood to applaud the sweet nun.


The cameras now turned from Sulina, to show the audience reaction. The depth of the sincerity that reaction demonstrated, showed, in that not one woman or girl there looked at the monitors to see if their faces were being broadcast.


Sulina knew she had lost. She had to wind this up. She must make the best of a bad job. It was time for the soft soap once more.


?Sister Harmony, you have just wowed our studio audience, and, if they are anything like me, the millions of girls and women watching at home will, too, have a tear in their eye. Thank you!?


The applause that came next, was the punctilious punctuation for the thanks Sulina had expressed.


?Sister Harmony, it has been just such a wonderful experience to have you on ?Taking the Lid Off?, and I would like personally, to contribute my fee for this programme for your cause?.


The audience did not even seem to hear, let alone cheer this, as Sulina intended they should. It was a cynical manoeuvre she was now regretting. She covered quickly, several thousand dollars the lighter though she instantly was. To wind the show up, she returned to the light touch:


?How can you bear to be dressed, draped so anonymously head to toe like that? Doesn?t the girl in you long to lounge beach in a bikini?? Sulina tried.


?Would you believe me if I told you that to take the veil and wear the rubber is the, but the most liberating experience it is possible for any girl to ever encounter, this side of heaven itself!? Sister Harmony answered, in an intense whisper conveying such sincerity, that the audience would have signed-up for the nunnery there and then, if she had asked them.


?If you don?t believe me, you should try it yourself!? Sister Harmony finished, with sweet golden giggles galore as she touched Sulina gently on her hand, with her gloved fingers, to convey that she, Sulina, was not being laughed at.


Sulina smiled, without her eyes joining in. She had to make the best of this bad job.


But then ?Pulitzer Prize? and ?Nobel for literature? flashed across her mind. It would be a hell of a subject to get the inside out on. She hadn?t been planning a sabbatical, but?. Well, there might be an option here for a report or factually based novel. There were a few seconds left?..


?Sure. Could I get a short-term contract?? she half-joked in response.


?Join the novitiate. Wear the red. After a year you have the free choice. Convert to the white like little me, or go back into the outside world with our continued blessing!? Sister Harmony answered.


?You?ve got me won over?, Sulina found herself saying, for the sake of the audience reaction, the viewing figures, and her continued desire for a contract; and to her own almost complete surprise.


?Lady?s: this was Sister Harmony right here on ?Taking the Lid Off??, Sulina announced as the cameras now panned back, and the audience read and obeyed the order on the held-up placard reading: ?long strong applause?.


As the studio lights dimmed and the fade-out credits rolled up the home TV screens, too quickly to be read, the two people on stage, the beautiful interviewer and the white-rubber robed nun, were clearly still talking.


And lip-readers would not be able to see Sister Harmony say: ?If you meant that Sulina, Abbess Mercy?s door is always open, and we will welcome you with the widest of open loving arms my sweet sister.?


But they would have seen, Sulina Toledo answer: ?I need to get my head together on that one Sister Harmony, but I really feel as if I heard a call just now. And, whatever I decide, the blessing is on you for bringing me to the choice?.



Two hours later: ?Forgive me Revered Mother, for I have sinned?, a sweet Irish voice confessed in the cubicle reserved for that assignment and named from it: the nunnery?s confessional.


?Sweet Sister Harmony! I cannot believe for one moment that you have just robbed the Bank of Senabre!?, a kindly ?voice of reason? responded from the neighbouring box.


There was a moment?s silence.


?Tell me my child. What worries you so?? the same ?voice of reason? enquired.


?I did my duty at the television studio today Revered Mother. And I found I could not take my eyes off the interviewer?s; off Sulina Toledo?s legs. Even now, as I think of her, it excites me in an unforgivable way Revered Mother?, Sister Harmony whispered with a hint of tears breaking.


?Dear dear. You poor child?, the Abbess answered in contemplation.


?What should I do Revered Mother? I keep seeing her whenever I close my eyes. It makes me want to be very naughty with myself, and I fear I may have a wicked dream.?


?The cure for dreaming is to stay awake all night Sister Harmony?, the Abbess observed.


?Must it be that?? Sister Harmony asked, with an edge of resignation accompanied by anxiety in her voice.


?It is within my powers to order you, sweet daughter?, the Revered Mother observed, gently.


?I will obey without order?, Revered Mother.


?Then your forgiveness will be all the greater and stronger for that my child?, the Abbess concluded quietly.



Post midnight in the nun?s dormitory, chains chinked, beds creaked, and a girl quietly sobbed.


Another girl waking in a wet dream, cried out for her god to save her, but audibly came nonetheless. Her subsequent whispered prayers for forgiveness hissed sibilant across the noisy silence of a steamy African night.


A television camera touring the sleeping quarters, as if in a secretly filmed documentary, would first of all have set scene with the humid African night, and the full moon?s wan face. The accompanying microphones would meanwhile capture the cacophony of the nocturnal wildlife.


Moving in, indeed apparently flying through one of all the nunnery?s windows left open for ventilation, it would have panned or scanned over the rigid rows of individual beds. On each bed it would show an individual girl naked lying atop.


Focus on any one girl would show the wooden block she had for her pillow, and her wrists and ankles held out in an ?X?. She is shackled to the corners of her bed, lying on her back. Her only covering is the mosquito net. The net is for covering the bed. It covers the girl coincidentally.


All the girls are lying on their backs. All the beds are under mosquito net tents.


Several beds are completely empty. One bed, though made up for sleeping, with wooden pillow and sacking mattress, is empty.


Now the imaginary camera in the fictitious documentary looks for the source of the quiet sobbing: the girl missing: the cause of the one empty bed with a pillow readied.


It sees an open window. Nothing unusual there. It is a hot night and all the windows are open, as has already been established. But there is a light at this window and it is not that of the moon alone.


A shadowy figure stands obediently there. She wears her nun?s cowl covering her head, but is otherwise in her underwear. In essence, she has removed the rubber ?bell? that makes up her dress. Even so, she is still clad head to toe in rubber vestments.


She is clad head to toe but for two all too beautiful parts of her anatomy. Her vest is purposely designed to let her bare breasts poke through. The light the camera has seen, the light adding to moonglow, comprises two lights in fact.


The two soft spotlights are beamed on soft breasts. The camera finally moves close in. It has discovered whose sobs of distress are being heard. The sobs of distress other than those from the girl who has just had a wet-dream in her bed that is.


It moves in on the standing girl. She has her hands clasped behind her back. Her feet are slightly apart. She is there to be punished for having lascivious thoughts about the lovely reporter Sulina Toledo?s elegant legs. We can see, in the camera?s eye we can see, the girl who owns the lovely bare breasts.


We wonder why she sobs so. Is to be made to stand all night so great a punishment? Then we see her nipples and how hugely distended and erect they are.


Now we realise she is sobbing in the greater part, not because she cannot take her punishment like a girl, but because her nipples have become heavily engorged by their being engaged in the process that has caused her to spurt in her rubber knickers. Something has made her cum.


Has she been dreaming on her feet? Sleeping whilst standing. Has he been seeing Sulina Toledo?s inspirationally erotic legs before her minds eye? All that strength in such smooth curves: the caressing cling of those fabulously lucky stockings: the hint of stocking top at the hem of Sulina?s dress: the hem atop those powerful perfectly smooth thighs?


Yes and yes. Yes and also. The ?also? that has made the girl cum we now see. The girl?s bare breasts are a sea awash with crawling insects. She bears the horror of their repeated and constant bites.


She sobs as they suck blood from her bare breasts and nipples.


She is voluntarily saving her companions from these insects.


These insects are her punishment for admiring Sulina Toledo?s beautiful legs.


Sister Harmony?s bare breasts and nipples are being, all but eaten alive, by hundreds upon thousands of mosquitoes.




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My life has changed considerably since changing my career from boring 9-5 job to spy like stripper. I’ll skip all the small details, but the good stuff, sex, info selling and escorting, that I’ll definitely tell you all about. Antonio, my guy, I call him that cause I don’t like saying boyfriend. I suspected him of being in porn, but it turns out that he’s just a really sweet guy with a body to die for and a penis that can kill. He has been really supportive of me and my career choices. More...

4 years ago
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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 13 The truth

Therefore, I called my brother. "Hello Paul, it's Justin," I said. "Hi brother. What is it you want? I'm a little busy," Paul replied. "First, I wanted to invite you to visit as soon as possible." "Well as I already said, I'm a little busy with the current crisis." "Paul, this is a matter of life and death — and I mean yours. Also, what do you know about the shitload of weapons being stored at the Big Bear Airport for a supremacy group named New Nation." "What the hell are...

4 years ago
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Taking The Next step to cuckold

The day I learned that my wife, Jennifer, was fucking her coworker was the turning point in both our lives. My reaction to the news, even surprised myself. Instead of getting angry and yelling, I began to slowly undressed my wife. I then had Jennifer tell me what her lover did to her in the throws of passion. All the while, she slowly sucked my cock. As I read aloud the texts messages on Jennifer’s phone, I filled my wife’s tight pussy with my engorged cock. When I couldn’t take the erotic...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Nia Nacci 01232018

Nia Nacci is one horny girl. She’s so horny, Nia’s about to do something she’s never done before: walk into a creepy, adult bookshop! Nia claims she’s just there “to look”, but when the bookstore clerk gets to her, it’s only a matter of time before he gets Nia to the back of the store, where the video arcade rooms are located. The clerk assures Nia, “It’s free! Enjoy yourself!” At first, Nia’s a little creeped out. But she is...

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Me and my friend1

Sunday evening, around 7, I was at my computer doing some reading. I saw Jean sign in and waited to see if she was going to want to chat. It wasn’t long and she sent me a Instant Message, we started chatting and she told me how much fun she had on Saturday. She went on to say how it really turned her on letting her fuck my ass. She started chatting about her boy friend and how he wouldn’t do all the thing sexually that she wanted to try. She told me that he would never give her oral sex...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Adventure 2

Continues kind of where we left off with Ted and Tom having tranny sex in front of their lesbian wives. The couples lived next door and Tom and Tina have a continually active online sex life, with Ted and Sophie just getting introduced to their wild and perverted ways. Everyone loves to act out and watch the fun on the tube and through the window.As Sophie prepared Ted for his night of ecstasy, he was hard as a rock while Sophie dressed him in panties, stockings, bra, girdle, kami, makeup, and...

1 year ago
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Transported to an adult game world

(In the unlikely case other people want to add chapters to the story, I'll make the first chapter really short and rather generic) "Finally home!" Uni life is generally pretty relaxed, but the 3 back to back lectures really took their toll today. Plus, some new cheat codes have been released today for your favorite adult game and you really want to try them out. Turning on your laptop and extracting the huge winrar file you put to download this morning you got yourself ready for what the codes...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Virgin Kani Sunni

Hai nanbargale, enathu peyar Ramya, vaythu 32 enaku thirumanam aagi irandu kuzhanthaigal irukirathu enathu kanvan teacheraaga pani purigiraan avan engal sontha uuril thindugalil veelai paarthu varugiraan. Naan Chennai software companyil velai seigiren maathathirku 60000 sambaathikiren athil enathu kanavanuku 30000 koduthu vittu meetham ulla panathil vaazhakaiyai enjoy seiven. Enathu veetiru maathathirku oru murai mattumthaan varuven vanthu enathu kuzhanthaigalai paarthuvittu kanavanai oothu...

1 year ago
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Choti Behen Muskaan Or Aunty Ki Chudai

Hay dosto main ravi apka dost fir hazir hu ek or sex story ke sath apne meri sari stories mai ……Meri randi behen muskaan ki chudai……Dp…..Or….Gangbang ki story padi…….Ye raha next part… Please comment and tell me what you want in next part…… My I’d:- Ab meri randi behan bohat sexy slut ban chuki thi…….Or bohot sara experience bhi ho gya tha use……..Ab mai or mere sare dost moka milte hi ek dusro ki beheno ko chodte…….Or unke sath gangbang karte…………Ab to mai jab college se ghar ata to meri randi...

3 years ago
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Bargain CuntChapter 3

The costumed Shapes successfully polished the moves Clare had choreographed and Cyril enjoyed the four gyrating and posing bodies. He steadied himself to peep through the gap in the door, frightened of his old age betraying his presence by knocking the vertical pine door planks. Suze’s knockers were prime choice of the four, but Helen’s rotund, mother of four, flabby curves were as good to watch. The costume briefs slung purposely low, such was the design, emphasising the two fat rolls Helen...

2 years ago
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Calm Down

Calm Down By Andrea Bell It was now 10:22. She had told him 9:50. Shawn sat on a wooden bench on the corner or Smith and Walnut. It was not the most desirable day to be sitting outside waiting, it was cold and a drizzle had just started. He began to hum softly, stopping every time a stranger would walk by. He glanced at his watch again... 10:23. 33 minutes. He watched the city bus ease around the corner and stop in front of his bench. The doors folded open, and out stepped...

1 year ago
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TS Dating

If the notion of TS Dating gets you all hot and bothered, well, perhaps you’d better strip down and turn the AC up before we get into this following review. Then again, maybe it’s better if you stay dressed and ready to go out, but I guess it all depends on whether you’re shooting for an incall or outcall tonight. Do you want to bang a shemale in your own bed, or would you rather go somewhere else, so your wife doesn’t wonder how all the bedsheets got so completely caked up in santorum? Ah,...

Escort Sites
3 years ago
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Lisarsquos New Role Part III

In the back of the cab the two mistresses didn’t give Lisa a minute’s peace, pinching her inner thighs, rubbing her large breasts and tweaking her nipples. So horny now, the aroma of Lisa’s arousal filled the cab. With Troya kissing and Sonya fingering her Lisa thought she was going to go out of her mind if she didn’t cum soon. Just then the cab stopped and so did the mistresses. They were at the club.Inside, Lisa was overwhelmed by the sight of so many striking black woman and their young...

2 years ago
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Just Good FriendsChapter 4

It was a Saturday night and Alan Ayre was sitting on the sofa with his friends, Kevin and Sarah Bishop, in their home. "But it's a Bank Holiday on Monday week and I don't want to spend it indoors, again: I want to do something exciting! Alan, you must have some ideas, you're the creative one," Sarah said. After a few minutes thought: "I can maybe think of a couple of things. Are you in, Kev?" "Well, actually—West Ham are playing at home that day and I was thinking of going...

1 year ago
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Daddy Takes a chance

Note : This story is completely fictional! Teenaged Meenal stretched out nakedly on the air mattress directly beneath the skylight, sighing with pleasure as the bright noonday sun played over her young body. She slipped one hand down to her crotch and began to finger her horny little pussy. It had been a couple of days since she had been fucked, and the knowledge that she was alone in the house with her handsome father made her breathing grow faster. She felt a hot tingling sensation deep in...

1 year ago
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She changed her mind

This happened in January 2000. I have changed the names to more English sounding names to make the text slightly more fluent. English is not my native language so bear with me :)Yet another weekend. I was at the nightclub that is right next to the apartment house where I lived. At some point, a young woman came talking to me. I was almost 30 and later I found out that she was 21. She had cute face, long black hair and her body was thick at just the right places. We talked and danced a lot. When...

1 year ago
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Wendys Weekend

‘And this is my wife Wendy,’ my husband Jamie said as a tall, athletic man with short, greying hair turned to greet me. ‘Hi Wendy, I’m Andy. Pleased to meet you.’ The man smiled, extending his hand. I shook it smiling back at my husband’s new Boss, noting the sharp suit, white shirt, highly polished shoes and Mediterranean tan, as if he’d deliberately modelled himself on a cover from Fortune Magazine. ‘Nice to meet you too, Andy,’ I replied, turning on the charm, holding his hand perhaps a...

2 years ago
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She Me

We both first saw each other while I ate lunch in a local restaurant, and knew right away that we wanted to touch. I liked what I saw and she seemed to like what she saw, indulging in brief seductive glances and stares my way - obviously meant to keep secret from the knowledge of her accompanying comrade. I myself, always ate lunch alone sitting in the restaurant. She always took her meal order to go and was always accompanied by the same female friend, whom from observations was likely to be...

1 year ago
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You Only Get What You Give Part 3

The Professor continued meeting Julia on a regular basis. Soon, one of the Professor's colleagues had noticed that Julia was frequently hanging out at the Professor's office. Of course, any living heterosexual male would notice Julia. She had shoulder-length, light brown hair. (Sometimes it was large nipples or tight t-shirts. Jay was another teacher on the staff. He also had an interest in getting to know Julia. (duh!) He asked the Professor if something was going on with Julia. Of course, the...

3 years ago
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The Fantasy With My Mami 8211 Part 1

Mohit is a 20 year old guy . he had been to boys hostel all his life . he has just come on leave from his college. Sadly he didn’t have any gf because he couldnt talk to a girl. He respected girls. He wasn’t dose cheesy types that we usually see in market. Most of us guys are humble and sweet and will leave the girl at her house if she is drunk at night and hope she calls you back to thank you rather than taking advantage of her being drunk. Mohit too had a humble life..he was happy but only...

1 year ago
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Devotion And Duty

“Thank you for agreeing to help me with this, Victoria. I don't think I could do it by myself, but I guess it's time.”“You don't need to apologise for anything, Frank. I know it's difficult, and it's only been two weeks since Jessica… well, it's not been a long time. I'm glad to help.” Victoria took Frank's hand as they entered the bedroom. It had been the master bedroom, but as her cancer got worse, Jessica insisted Frank move into the spare room so he could get some sleep rather than listen...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Waiting in the corner

Her tired eyes glanced up at him as his shadow moved over her. Her naked body flinched noticeably as he reached out and removed the long slender wooden yard stick from the wall. He poked it hard at her left small tit. Digging the splintered wood into her breast and twisting it about, he smiled lasciviously. He liked them flat and skinny and this one truly fulfilled his fantasy.“Morning my sweet little slave slut.” He said softly.Her tape smothered moans made his erect cock twitch about in his...

3 years ago
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my dream

I thought I'd share with you all a dream I had recently.I hadn’t been sleeping too well that night, tossing and turning a lot, not really slipping into a deep sleep. Sex was obviously on my mind (rarely isn't to be honest!) as I had gone to bed feeling horny which obviously had had an influence on my sub-conscious. I started to dream was I was sat naked in front of my computer surfing the web for some really steamy porn. I came across a particular website (I couldn’t remember the damn site's...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the Past Ch 14

Tuesday morning, November 20, 1956, Tom Seldon picked up his FBI partner Charles Richards for work. The police officers assigned to watch the Richards’ house that morning escorted his wife Diana to the movie studio where she worked. They informed her that the officers assigned to watch for the evening would meet her at the front gate of the studio at around five o’clock to escort her home. Detective Jonathan North called her at lunchtime. There hadn’t been any further sightings of the bastard...

3 years ago
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A 19 Year Olds Dream

This is how my story begins... It was late on night after band practice. Jackie, Bobby, and myself had just went through a very intense jam session. After we were done we all went out to Bobby's car to share ideas and to have a good time. We brought liquor to the recording studio and we drinking in the car. Along with passing a joint around. We were sharing out music tastes due to the fact that we didn't completely know each other all the way. Which is essential for a band to...

3 years ago
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Santas Lap

Just a few minutes ago, she was sitting on his lap, his fat cock pressed against her sopping wet pussy. Now, they were behind the Christmas tree just a few feet away from Christmas shoppers. Santa sat on a chair, with her straddling him. She moaned at the feeling of his thick cock inside her pussy, filling her up so good. So thick, and long. He was rough. Thrusting his monster cock inside her tight teen pussy over and over again. They both moaned at the pleasure of taboo sex. Him, a middle...

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Smokin Hot

One time he asked me to go with him to a vacant house and have me tie him up and to do whatever I wanted to him. I really didn’t know what to do He said make me your fuck toy and the naughtier the better. I wasn’t real sure what I should do so he would tell me things and I would just half do it. I have never really looked at any porn or anything like that so I was going just from the things I had read or heard about in the regular media and that was pretty tame by the standard he really...

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StrapOn Roommate

About six years ago I was in university and living on campus during the summer along with a few other guys, including a guy I roomed with off campus during the school year. Jeff and I were in the same program and we were taking summer classes while working for our department. He and I were fairly big geeks and only occasionally would we do social things like going to the bars to drink and socialize with friends. There were several women also living in residence then, including one attractive...

1 year ago
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The Silver Dress

There was no way I could afford anything at the store, not even for Lisa. Money was tight, and our planned night at the club was our first treat in a long time, so splurging even more was a bad idea. Still, I'd just received a raise at work, and I wanted to celebrate with something a little extra. A sexy outfit would make her feel great and give me something fun to look at. Pity everything was so expensive. How could so little fabric cost so much? I'd was about ready to give up and try...

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My Husband Works Nights Chapter 2

The next two days where a complete blur, rocking my mind with a mix of torture and sickness. I could not stop thinking about what happen the other night after that man…that monster did what he did to me. I was in a daze just going through the motions as if nothing had happened and hiding every bit of fear, sickness, and guilt from my husband. The third night as I was in the shower, letting the hot water ran over my body, I looked down across my large nipples. The tips of them just sticking...

1 year ago
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Die Schulsperre

Die SchulsperreReiner, 18 SohnGudrun, 38 MutterRenate Borg, 54 LehrerinDer Anruf von der Schule kam überraschend, ich dachte mit 18 werden die Eltern nicht mehr unterrichtet, wenn ich etwas angestellt habe. Ich merkte sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte, die Stimmung war ziemlich frostig. Meine Mutter rief mich mit meinem vollen Namen ins Wohnzimmer, ein eindeutiges Indiz, dass etwas faul war. „Deine Klassenlehrerin hat mich kontaktiert. Was fällt dir eigentlich ein, dich so zu benehmen? Du...

2 years ago
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Some Things Are Meant to BeChapter 5

The next time I woke up, Melanie was still in the bed. I was laying flat on my back, snoring like there was no tomorrow. She was curled up in the crook of my arm, her head on my shoulder. Her body felt so warm against me. Blinking my eyes open, I saw that she was awake. Her hand rested on my chest. "Have a nice nap?" she smiled. "Yes," I replied. "You?" "You make a very good pillow," she kissed me gently on the cheek. "Even if I snore?" "Yes, Kev, even when you snore," she...

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Ruby Aunty Ki Chudai

Ye story meri aur meri padosan aunty ruby ki hai. Story start karney se pahle main aap sabko apne baare mein bata du. Mera naam preet hai. Main delhi ka rahne wala hoon. 1 saal drop kia hai aur abhi btech main admission ke liye form bhara hai. Padhai me 85% k around le hi aata hoon. Height 5.5. Land ka size 5.8. Aaju baaju ke logo k liye main bohot seedha ladka hu.. Jiska maine khoob faida utthaya hai.. Ab baat ruby “Bhaabhi” ki. Aaaahhhh. Kya bataun uske baare mein. Ek baar delhi aake khud hi...

2 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 24

“Remember ... a gentleman never tells. Be good to your sister. She’s going to visit you regularly. Only decent men ... you hear me?” Those words are going to haunt me ... I just know it. “College huh?” I asked, “What dorm?” “Ross ... same as you,” she said. “What floor?” “Third ... you’re on five,” she said. “Where’s your things?” “Daddy has them,” she said. “Where is daddy?” “Third car back,” she said. “You don’t pay attention to your mirrors, do you?” Oh god, the shame ... escorted...

1 year ago
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My boyfriend made the switch

My boyfriend made the switch By Terry Hansay My boyfriend was perfect for my college thesis final. He already enjoyed wearing panties 24/7 and nightgowns every night. I think he secretly wants to be a woman, but he never admitted that. So here are the people in my story... Me, Cathy, the girlfriend doing my college thesis My boyfriend of several years - Terry Sue, my lesbian "friend". Sue lives across the hall in our apartment complex. My thesis... Hi, my name is Cathy...

3 years ago
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Hatchery RoadChapter 21

Helen pulled the curtains back, letting the morning light stream into the room. A low groan broke the silence behind her. “What time is it?” “Six o’clock,” she cheerfully informed her sister, as she turned to look at her. “What the hell... ?” Heidi softly exclaimed, leaning up on one elbow with her eyes mere slits because of the sudden brightness. Helen watched her glance over to the other bed where Katie and Lena were still sound asleep and then back to her. Confusion reigned in her...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Thrilling Sex With Cousin

Hi, indian sex stories dot net readers, this is Krishna. I have been a big fan of the incidents published here. I always dreamt of writing an incident of my own. Finally, my time has come. I am 22 years old. The heroine in this story is my distant cousin pratyusha. I knew her since my schooling but we were not very close. After that, she went far away. After 3 years she joined the college in my city ie Kakinada. Then on we became very close. We used to chat for hours. I used to be very formal...

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My friend took me to meet his friends. One of the guys had gone to Hong Kong and met (and possibly hooked up with) this girl named Macy, a petite Chinese girl. Macy, in turn, brought her friend, Elsa. Elsa was very attractive, with a roundish face, good sized breasts, and unlike most Chinese girls, a very ample ass. She would giggle and call it her “J-Lo” ass. We hit it off once we started drinking. She was a big partier and drank a lot more than me. Before I knew it, I was pretty hammered and...

3 years ago
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A True History Book OneChapter 29

We had breakfast the next morning, then we all got into the van. We drove down Palm Drive, then had to turn onto Campus Drive, to Galvez Street, to work our way over to Jane Stanford Way, before turning onto Lasuen Mall, and pulling up outside Wallenberg Hall, on the east side. It didn’t look like we were supposed to park there, but we did, anyway. One of our guards stayed with the van, while the other two accompanied us. A flight of stairs led up into a Spanish style building, then into a...

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