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- a series of stories -

by Eve Adorer


Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:

?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?.



Sulina Toledo

Synopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition.


Sulina Toledo ? Part ONE

Sulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing. Sopranos and contraltos sounded in spoken song. There were fifteen minutes to ?action?, and Sulina was making final checks during ?a five out? from last second micro-rehearsal.


Sulina was a stunningly attractive girl, and she was, rightly, proud of it. ?The blonde bombshell? was the description she was pleased to hear was most often used behind her back. ?The devil?s own bitch?, was one she shrugged off as jealously.


Her combination of harvest-corn-blonde hair tumbling in an incredibility of intertwining curls to below her delicious rear, dark soft brown eyes, a honey smooth and natural almond complexion, a mouth with strongly delineated seductive Cupid?s bow upper lip and provocatively pouted lower, was married with obvious intelligence in her gaze.


Her cheekbones were prominently high, making her calf?s eyes the compelling first focus of the onlooker?s attention, before the same poor onlooker would see and long for the mouth.


Although her nose was slightly longer than perfection would ideally have demanded, her face, in total composition, was decidedly more to the ?beautiful? end of the spectrum than the merely ?pretty?.


Nature had made Sulina looked haughty. Her self nurture had apparently done nothing to dispel nature?s mould. To those who knew the real Sulina though, there was nothing but sweet gentleness behind the case-hardened business shell.


If she had been sculpted as an hourglass, decidedly more ?sand? would have been needed in the top end. She was a fulsome 38D. But Sulina always dressed to cover her bosom fully. It was a concession to shyness.


Sulina was not for cleavage. She had two other weapons. Okay she had an ass that begged ?slap me because I taunt and haunt you?, but that was just the dream topping for the treasures that ran to ground from it.


Strong long and eloquently elegant, she had assiduously practiced ballet since she had worn her first diaper, and it showed in the way she flowed as she walked. If a girl could really have ?legs to die for?, Sulina?s legs would have turned the world?s nations into leaping lemmings.


Sulina dressed not to thrill, but to kill. She?d gotten a damned good income from the application of her intelligence to a PhD at Camford, after a Masters from Vale, and her subsequent rise to career star columnist. She could afford to buy Paris, but limited her purchases to its couture. To her, London was for millinery. And the shoes? Italian: hand crafted in Milan.


At least in her own mind, Sulina had an established reputation as an acerbic journalist. However, this was the first TV programme on which she had been an interviewer.


It was a one-off. She was only a guest presenter. But who knew where it might lead if she hit the cathode rays hard enough? ?Taking the Lid Off? was a crappy show, but hey, that?s daytime TV right? And this was just for starters: okay?


Make it in Ntobi the dump capital of Senabre, down here in deepest darkest Africa, and who knew?


Back home in the USA there were plenty of pretty girls doing regularly what she was about to do for the first time, but maybe one day soon it would be: ?move over Onara Winfee, and let Sulina have Cam 1? ? good G she couldn?t be more cruddy than old ?Windbag?, that was crap wrapped! Or so Sulina had long since concluded, in her crueller moments.


She was going to be a sure fire hit on this show. Sulina was hell bent on that. Controversy was what TV fed on, that and soap operas of course. But Sulina had no time for soaps, and was certainly not going to give their shite actors airtime when she got her very own full-time show.


Nor did she intend her show ? yes this, or something better, was going to be ?her show? one day, and no go for anything she did not want in it ? nor did she intend her show to hit the celebs trail. ?Oh so you got a ghosted book out, made a film, recorded an album, camped out on MountD?colletage for a year without leg wax??. Give me a frigging break! All that was puerile pap. Sulina wanted ?real TV? on her show. One day very soon, she was going to redefine ?real TV? in her own image.


The jump from printed journalism, at a mere twenty-three, had been a risk. She?d wanted risk though. She?d gotten bored at ?The Ntobi Courier?; it was so staid. Flashing her panties at Kerrerer Prachet had been the best two-seconds work she had ever done there.


Prachet owned forty-percent of the world?s media outlets. Sulina had always assumed Prachet had only seen the Courier in its recycled format; when she?d wiped her ass. But when Prachet had descended on ?The Ntobi Courier? for a very surprise inspection, Sulina had ensured Prachet had taken a good look ? a good long look ? at, and all the endless way up, her shapely legs. And it had worked. Prachet had ordered that Sulina join her day-tour entourage; and walk in front of course.


Lunch with Prachet had gotten t?te-?-t?te, and Prachet?s hands had tried to get everywhere other than where they should have been. But Sulina was used to that, and had used it to get her own way.


A night in Prachet?s hotel bed, and ? holy shit! Had she really?! - lying , over a champagne breakfast, about being really in love for the first time in her life - was surely not too high a price to pay for her own TV show eventually ? even if, for starters, she was just a one-off guest presenter on this one.



The time flew. The lights went up like twenty white suns, but hotter. Camera 2 was ogling Sulina?s expensively stockinged legs, expansively, as ?come-on candy? for the girls and women watching at home.


A sweet girl in her earphone, the director, whispered a high-tension: ?Twenty seconds and counting down from now Sulina!?


Then Sulina next heard in her ear, and tried not to be distracted by, the ever-same voiceover introduction from another sexy girl up in the director?s box: the cameras eying up Sulina?s delicately muscled thighs with the hint of stocking-top meanwhile:


?Ladies! Here in the heartbeat of studio 10, and for you lucky girls at home, Ntobi National 5, ?the channel with a smile?, presents: ?Taking the Lid Off?!!?


A banner held up away from the camera?s eye, read ?rapturous applause?. And, whilst straining to catch sight of themselves on one of the several monitors hanging above the stage on which Sulina sat, next to a presently vacant chair, the audience dutifully obliged, with accompanying cheers, mixed with occasional over-the-top, ?woops?.


The girl on the stage edge who had held up the banner, then put a finger to her pretty lips, to direct the audience to a lull shush?..


?And taking the lid off today, is the very lovely Sulina Toledo!!? the voiceover sneaked in, with perfect timing.


More applause was beckoned by the girl in the wings. Then she signalled another quieter spell, with an overdramatic finger on lips once more.


??.And Sulina?s subject is: ?The Sisters of Sisters?!!!!!? the voiceover finally called out, as if announcing the second coming, rather than yet more TV dross.


As the cameras continued to pan the audience for pretty faces, and those same faces turned to each other and pointed excitedly at the monitor on which they had just flashed for two seconds, and had gone by the time their prompted companion looked up, more polite studio applause followed, and the introductory theme music struggled to be heard under it.


Again out of camera shot, a hand held up as if stopping traffic, ordered the applause to cease. It did: instantly.


?And now!? said the director?s voice in Sulina?s ear.


?We have all seen them on the high streets and bye-streets of our cities towns and villages?? Sulina began ?.. ?They call themselves the Sisters of Sisters. I call them a fraud. They officially call themselves: ?the Order of the Wholly Virgin? not ?holy? as in ?holy cow? note you; though ?cow? might be appropriate for other reasons ? And yes they really do spell it ?wholly? with a ?w?. and an ?h?. But I say they are wholly a sham as well as wholly a fraud?? Today, we take the lid off ?the Sisters of Sisters??..?


Sulina was just warming to a roasting on her subject?. Polite applause caused her to pause, till it settled to silence.


??.I call them frauds; but I cannot call them cowardly, because they have been brave enough to send one of their number to face me here in the studio this morning. So let?s give a polite ?National 5? greeting for ?Sister Harmony?!?.?


Woops cheers and applause came enthusiastically from an audience dreaming of being ?on TV, with all its supposed glamour, themselves, and worshipping in its church meanwhile.


At this, a little look of concern flashed across Sulina?s lovely face. She had intended her introduction to turn the audience against her guest. The possibility that, if she did not choose her follow-up words carefully, she was at risk of being the St Joan in a human barbecue, had just flashed over her highly intelligent mind.


The creature that walked in from the wings, heading for the interviewee?s chair, looked like a babushka doll. It had the shape of a ten-pin from a bowling alley.


?She?, if ?she? it was - it was hard to tell - wore the vestments of the Sisters of Sisters. They were of white rubber. The head garment was a completely enveloping hood, which consequently masked the face and hair totally. The ends of this mask disappeared within the neck of the ?dress?.


The ?dress? had been draped over the mask, and its circular neckline clearly held the mask on the face and, presumably made a double-layer of rubber cover on the wearer?s shoulders.


In detail, the dress had no detail. It was formed like a drab bell. It fell from the neck to the ground all around the wearer, and had no visible joint, such as might have been provided for buttons or zip. There was in fact no other way in. The dress had a central hole for the head. It was obviously just pulled over the head till its central hole ringed the neck. There was not even a belt to give this dress womanly shape.


The size of the hands gave away that the wearer was a girl. They were small and pretty. At least, one could guess the hands were pretty. The all-enveloping dress had long sleeves, wider at the wrist, like those of a magician?s cape. But there was no chance of the hands? escape, as the wearer?s arms were clad in white rubber gloves that must, to best guess, have run up to her armpits within the dress.


The front of the mask over the face had four holes. Each of these was exactly circular and less than an inch across. There was one for each eye, one for the nostrils, and one for the mouth. But each and all of them were covered over by multi-layers of gauze, so the wearer could see out, speak out, and breath in and out, but the viewer was totally denied a look in. Either side were like holes with gauze covers for the ears to hear.


As Sister Harmony walked her five-foot-three to the vacant chair for the interview, it looked, for all the world, as if she were a swan on water: for there was no sign of feet let alone legs.


She sat decorously slowly, putting her lower legs at a slope, as if she were riding the chair sidesaddle, and then clasped her hands, thumb-within-thumb, on her lap. The consequent slight raising of her dress? hem, revealed only that she wore, what must be white rubber boots, flat with no heels.


Sulina had already decided her strategy. She wanted to get to her theme that all this dressing up was hooey, and that the women under such garments were just like you and I; but more crooked. She needed an armour-piercing salvo. She decided on light humour, rather than acidic derision.


?Sister Harmony, good morning and welcome?


?Good morning to you Sulina!? a sweet young voice with a touching hint of giggle responded, a little masked by the mask Sister Harmony wore.


?Bet you?re wearing rubber knickers under that lot: right?? Sulina queried with a look to camera that said: ?there, I?ve put the wicked question you were thinking of yourselves back home, but would never dare ask?.


?Ah, but wouldn?t that be telling!? Sister Harmony answered, in a lovely Irish accent, with laughing joyfulness in every word. The salvo had glanced off the armour, even before the studio audience laughed and applauded the charming nun.


?How do you manage to eat in that garb, for goodness sake?? Sulina tried, with a lighter tone, less suggestive of taking sides against the nun, more an attempt at ridicule by stealth: a first step that way at least.


?But this is just our outside robes: the familiar and comforting face we show to the loving world, Sulina. Sure, it would be a challenge to eat in this little lot wouldn?t it now?? Sister Harmony giggled, ?But if you were after drinking, you?d find that god had made straws in her wisdom?, the lovely voice of the sweet nun soothed.


?And back at the mission, we gets a good healthy tuck-in, with fruits and vegetables grown in our own gardens: ?the gardens of Eden? as our Abbess, Sister Mercy herself, has been known to call them.?


?But don?t you go letting on now that I overheard her, or poor Sister Harmony here will be in for a telling off about the size of her ears!? the charming voice all but sang with happiness.


The audience laughed and applause rippled.


This wasn?t working. The nun had the audience. If Sulina wasn?t careful, she?d be in for a metaphorical lynching by the minor multitude out just beyond the footlights.


She tried the light touch again.


?You can cross you legs if you want to?, was her next try, whilst using her own supreme dream strong long curvaceous exemplars of the finest of female lower limbs to demonstrate.


?Sure, but we?re not aloud? Sister Harmony answered, with a completely disarming sincerity that blew Sulina off track, ?But don?t let it stop you!? the lovely nun joked, and the audience applauded: they had fallen in love with her.


That tack was not going to work. Time was running out. Sulina now bid herself: ?Load the torpedoes and fire?.


?Sister Harmony, have they sent you here today to explain the moneys that have gone astray: the well document disappearance of charitable donations from the hard-working well-meaning public, and the less well-documented and therefore alleged but as yet unproven reappearance of those same dollars in a Swiss bank account?? Sulina barked, her lovely eyes shark, her perfect teeth threatening razors behind her soft moist lips.


?They have indeed?, came Sister Harmony?s surprise answer. Sulina had no answer to that answer. As sailing ships went, her sails were sagging in the doldrums: there was no wind in her spinnaker anymore.


?The world renowned auditors, Arnett and Yang, have agreed to inspect and audit our accounts. And, praise be, for free at that. The accusations are very grave and hurtful. We wanted the best. We?ve got the best, and they have got a completely free hand? Goodness, I do hope that wasn?t advertising Sulina?. Sure they?ll be wanting me to sell cola next if it was!? Sister Harmony laughed with love in every sweet note, as the audience cheered her on, and applauded her rather weak joke.


Sulina was becoming discomforted. She began to see flames nibbling away at the thus curling edges of the contract she had hoped to get for her own show. She had to find a bale out and use what she baled to save her contract too.


She was also becoming discomforted in another way. What was it about the contrast of her own freedom to display her manifest manifold charms in a micro-dress; and the claustrophobic imprisoning cling of the nun?s vestments, that was causing such a disturbance in Sulina?s tiny silk panties?


Sulina?s crossed legs tightened. An urge to squeeze her minx flexed the pronouncedly curved calves, and momentarily displayed the sweet muscles in the forefront of her long strong thighs: calf curvature and thigh muscles sculpted and cultivated by her ballet training.


?Your mission: the mission of the Sisters of Sisters is, as we are always given to understand, the saving of what our Victorian mothers would have called ?fallen women??, Sulina began this time, using a tone of voice inferring superior education and consequent condescension. It was yet another mistake. Without being in the least rude, Sister Harmony leaped in:


?Sure, a little corrective there Sulina: ?tis the poor girls reduced to prostitution that we Sisters of Sisters are here for, for to help them find a life outside the gutter to which misfortune has confined them. No heart could not break to see those poor girls, many of them also victims of the drug-taking culture rife throughout society, but not within a poor girl?s affording, unless she sell her own god-given body to other women seven nights a week three-sixty-five days a year???


?. The audience was spell bound. They were eating out of Sister Harmony?s gloved hand. A dozen pins could have dropped, they were so quiet and so wrapped by the lovely voice with the charming champagne bubble intonation. Sulina tried to hide her defeat behind the ?go on I?m listening? nods of her gorgeous blonde curls.


???And believe me, Sulina, I know how wonderful the Sisters of Sisters are, for I was once one of those poor girls: one of those ?fallen women? as you so rightly describe them?.?.


As Sister Harmony stopped her intensely sincere summation of the role of her mission, there was, for a long moment, absolute silence. And then the studio audience broke into sustained applause, accompanied by some out-of-place woops and whistles, as, to a girl, they stood to applaud the sweet nun.


The cameras now turned from Sulina, to show the audience reaction. The depth of the sincerity that reaction demonstrated, showed, in that not one woman or girl there looked at the monitors to see if their faces were being broadcast.


Sulina knew she had lost. She had to wind this up. She must make the best of a bad job. It was time for the soft soap once more.


?Sister Harmony, you have just wowed our studio audience, and, if they are anything like me, the millions of girls and women watching at home will, too, have a tear in their eye. Thank you!?


The applause that came next, was the punctilious punctuation for the thanks Sulina had expressed.


?Sister Harmony, it has been just such a wonderful experience to have you on ?Taking the Lid Off?, and I would like personally, to contribute my fee for this programme for your cause?.


The audience did not even seem to hear, let alone cheer this, as Sulina intended they should. It was a cynical manoeuvre she was now regretting. She covered quickly, several thousand dollars the lighter though she instantly was. To wind the show up, she returned to the light touch:


?How can you bear to be dressed, draped so anonymously head to toe like that? Doesn?t the girl in you long to lounge beach in a bikini?? Sulina tried.


?Would you believe me if I told you that to take the veil and wear the rubber is the, but the most liberating experience it is possible for any girl to ever encounter, this side of heaven itself!? Sister Harmony answered, in an intense whisper conveying such sincerity, that the audience would have signed-up for the nunnery there and then, if she had asked them.


?If you don?t believe me, you should try it yourself!? Sister Harmony finished, with sweet golden giggles galore as she touched Sulina gently on her hand, with her gloved fingers, to convey that she, Sulina, was not being laughed at.


Sulina smiled, without her eyes joining in. She had to make the best of this bad job.


But then ?Pulitzer Prize? and ?Nobel for literature? flashed across her mind. It would be a hell of a subject to get the inside out on. She hadn?t been planning a sabbatical, but?. Well, there might be an option here for a report or factually based novel. There were a few seconds left?..


?Sure. Could I get a short-term contract?? she half-joked in response.


?Join the novitiate. Wear the red. After a year you have the free choice. Convert to the white like little me, or go back into the outside world with our continued blessing!? Sister Harmony answered.


?You?ve got me won over?, Sulina found herself saying, for the sake of the audience reaction, the viewing figures, and her continued desire for a contract; and to her own almost complete surprise.


?Lady?s: this was Sister Harmony right here on ?Taking the Lid Off??, Sulina announced as the cameras now panned back, and the audience read and obeyed the order on the held-up placard reading: ?long strong applause?.


As the studio lights dimmed and the fade-out credits rolled up the home TV screens, too quickly to be read, the two people on stage, the beautiful interviewer and the white-rubber robed nun, were clearly still talking.


And lip-readers would not be able to see Sister Harmony say: ?If you meant that Sulina, Abbess Mercy?s door is always open, and we will welcome you with the widest of open loving arms my sweet sister.?


But they would have seen, Sulina Toledo answer: ?I need to get my head together on that one Sister Harmony, but I really feel as if I heard a call just now. And, whatever I decide, the blessing is on you for bringing me to the choice?.



Two hours later: ?Forgive me Revered Mother, for I have sinned?, a sweet Irish voice confessed in the cubicle reserved for that assignment and named from it: the nunnery?s confessional.


?Sweet Sister Harmony! I cannot believe for one moment that you have just robbed the Bank of Senabre!?, a kindly ?voice of reason? responded from the neighbouring box.


There was a moment?s silence.


?Tell me my child. What worries you so?? the same ?voice of reason? enquired.


?I did my duty at the television studio today Revered Mother. And I found I could not take my eyes off the interviewer?s; off Sulina Toledo?s legs. Even now, as I think of her, it excites me in an unforgivable way Revered Mother?, Sister Harmony whispered with a hint of tears breaking.


?Dear dear. You poor child?, the Abbess answered in contemplation.


?What should I do Revered Mother? I keep seeing her whenever I close my eyes. It makes me want to be very naughty with myself, and I fear I may have a wicked dream.?


?The cure for dreaming is to stay awake all night Sister Harmony?, the Abbess observed.


?Must it be that?? Sister Harmony asked, with an edge of resignation accompanied by anxiety in her voice.


?It is within my powers to order you, sweet daughter?, the Revered Mother observed, gently.


?I will obey without order?, Revered Mother.


?Then your forgiveness will be all the greater and stronger for that my child?, the Abbess concluded quietly.



Post midnight in the nun?s dormitory, chains chinked, beds creaked, and a girl quietly sobbed.


Another girl waking in a wet dream, cried out for her god to save her, but audibly came nonetheless. Her subsequent whispered prayers for forgiveness hissed sibilant across the noisy silence of a steamy African night.


A television camera touring the sleeping quarters, as if in a secretly filmed documentary, would first of all have set scene with the humid African night, and the full moon?s wan face. The accompanying microphones would meanwhile capture the cacophony of the nocturnal wildlife.


Moving in, indeed apparently flying through one of all the nunnery?s windows left open for ventilation, it would have panned or scanned over the rigid rows of individual beds. On each bed it would show an individual girl naked lying atop.


Focus on any one girl would show the wooden block she had for her pillow, and her wrists and ankles held out in an ?X?. She is shackled to the corners of her bed, lying on her back. Her only covering is the mosquito net. The net is for covering the bed. It covers the girl coincidentally.


All the girls are lying on their backs. All the beds are under mosquito net tents.


Several beds are completely empty. One bed, though made up for sleeping, with wooden pillow and sacking mattress, is empty.


Now the imaginary camera in the fictitious documentary looks for the source of the quiet sobbing: the girl missing: the cause of the one empty bed with a pillow readied.


It sees an open window. Nothing unusual there. It is a hot night and all the windows are open, as has already been established. But there is a light at this window and it is not that of the moon alone.


A shadowy figure stands obediently there. She wears her nun?s cowl covering her head, but is otherwise in her underwear. In essence, she has removed the rubber ?bell? that makes up her dress. Even so, she is still clad head to toe in rubber vestments.


She is clad head to toe but for two all too beautiful parts of her anatomy. Her vest is purposely designed to let her bare breasts poke through. The light the camera has seen, the light adding to moonglow, comprises two lights in fact.


The two soft spotlights are beamed on soft breasts. The camera finally moves close in. It has discovered whose sobs of distress are being heard. The sobs of distress other than those from the girl who has just had a wet-dream in her bed that is.


It moves in on the standing girl. She has her hands clasped behind her back. Her feet are slightly apart. She is there to be punished for having lascivious thoughts about the lovely reporter Sulina Toledo?s elegant legs. We can see, in the camera?s eye we can see, the girl who owns the lovely bare breasts.


We wonder why she sobs so. Is to be made to stand all night so great a punishment? Then we see her nipples and how hugely distended and erect they are.


Now we realise she is sobbing in the greater part, not because she cannot take her punishment like a girl, but because her nipples have become heavily engorged by their being engaged in the process that has caused her to spurt in her rubber knickers. Something has made her cum.


Has she been dreaming on her feet? Sleeping whilst standing. Has he been seeing Sulina Toledo?s inspirationally erotic legs before her minds eye? All that strength in such smooth curves: the caressing cling of those fabulously lucky stockings: the hint of stocking top at the hem of Sulina?s dress: the hem atop those powerful perfectly smooth thighs?


Yes and yes. Yes and also. The ?also? that has made the girl cum we now see. The girl?s bare breasts are a sea awash with crawling insects. She bears the horror of their repeated and constant bites.


She sobs as they suck blood from her bare breasts and nipples.


She is voluntarily saving her companions from these insects.


These insects are her punishment for admiring Sulina Toledo?s beautiful legs.


Sister Harmony?s bare breasts and nipples are being, all but eaten alive, by hundreds upon thousands of mosquitoes.



- a series of stories -

by Eve Adorer


Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:

?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?.



Sulina Toledo

Synopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition.


Sulina Toledo ? Part ONE

Sulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing. Sopranos and contraltos sounded in spoken song. There were fifteen minutes to ?action?, and Sulina was making final checks during ?a five out? from last second micro-rehearsal.


Sulina was a stunningly attractive girl, and she was, rightly, proud of it. ?The blonde bombshell? was the description she was pleased to hear was most often used behind her back. ?The devil?s own bitch?, was one she shrugged off as jealously.


Her combination of harvest-corn-blonde hair tumbling in an incredibility of intertwining curls to below her delicious rear, dark soft brown eyes, a honey smooth and natural almond complexion, a mouth with strongly delineated seductive Cupid?s bow upper lip and provocatively pouted lower, was married with obvious intelligence in her gaze.


Her cheekbones were prominently high, making her calf?s eyes the compelling first focus of the onlooker?s attention, before the same poor onlooker would see and long for the mouth.


Although her nose was slightly longer than perfection would ideally have demanded, her face, in total composition, was decidedly more to the ?beautiful? end of the spectrum than the merely ?pretty?.


Nature had made Sulina looked haughty. Her self nurture had apparently done nothing to dispel nature?s mould. To those who knew the real Sulina though, there was nothing but sweet gentleness behind the case-hardened business shell.


If she had been sculpted as an hourglass, decidedly more ?sand? would have been needed in the top end. She was a fulsome 38D. But Sulina always dressed to cover her bosom fully. It was a concession to shyness.


Sulina was not for cleavage. She had two other weapons. Okay she had an ass that begged ?slap me because I taunt and haunt you?, but that was just the dream topping for the treasures that ran to ground from it.


Strong long and eloquently elegant, she had assiduously practiced ballet since she had worn her first diaper, and it showed in the way she flowed as she walked. If a girl could really have ?legs to die for?, Sulina?s legs would have turned the world?s nations into leaping lemmings.


Sulina dressed not to thrill, but to kill. She?d gotten a damned good income from the application of her intelligence to a PhD at Camford, after a Masters from Vale, and her subsequent rise to career star columnist. She could afford to buy Paris, but limited her purchases to its couture. To her, London was for millinery. And the shoes? Italian: hand crafted in Milan.


At least in her own mind, Sulina had an established reputation as an acerbic journalist. However, this was the first TV programme on which she had been an interviewer.


It was a one-off. She was only a guest presenter. But who knew where it might lead if she hit the cathode rays hard enough? ?Taking the Lid Off? was a crappy show, but hey, that?s daytime TV right? And this was just for starters: okay?


Make it in Ntobi the dump capital of Senabre, down here in deepest darkest Africa, and who knew?


Back home in the USA there were plenty of pretty girls doing regularly what she was about to do for the first time, but maybe one day soon it would be: ?move over Onara Winfee, and let Sulina have Cam 1? ? good G she couldn?t be more cruddy than old ?Windbag?, that was crap wrapped! Or so Sulina had long since concluded, in her crueller moments.


She was going to be a sure fire hit on this show. Sulina was hell bent on that. Controversy was what TV fed on, that and soap operas of course. But Sulina had no time for soaps, and was certainly not going to give their shite actors airtime when she got her very own full-time show.


Nor did she intend her show ? yes this, or something better, was going to be ?her show? one day, and no go for anything she did not want in it ? nor did she intend her show to hit the celebs trail. ?Oh so you got a ghosted book out, made a film, recorded an album, camped out on MountD?colletage for a year without leg wax??. Give me a frigging break! All that was puerile pap. Sulina wanted ?real TV? on her show. One day very soon, she was going to redefine ?real TV? in her own image.


The jump from printed journalism, at a mere twenty-three, had been a risk. She?d wanted risk though. She?d gotten bored at ?The Ntobi Courier?; it was so staid. Flashing her panties at Kerrerer Prachet had been the best two-seconds work she had ever done there.


Prachet owned forty-percent of the world?s media outlets. Sulina had always assumed Prachet had only seen the Courier in its recycled format; when she?d wiped her ass. But when Prachet had descended on ?The Ntobi Courier? for a very surprise inspection, Sulina had ensured Prachet had taken a good look ? a good long look ? at, and all the endless way up, her shapely legs. And it had worked. Prachet had ordered that Sulina join her day-tour entourage; and walk in front of course.


Lunch with Prachet had gotten t?te-?-t?te, and Prachet?s hands had tried to get everywhere other than where they should have been. But Sulina was used to that, and had used it to get her own way.


A night in Prachet?s hotel bed, and ? holy shit! Had she really?! - lying , over a champagne breakfast, about being really in love for the first time in her life - was surely not too high a price to pay for her own TV show eventually ? even if, for starters, she was just a one-off guest presenter on this one.



The time flew. The lights went up like twenty white suns, but hotter. Camera 2 was ogling Sulina?s expensively stockinged legs, expansively, as ?come-on candy? for the girls and women watching at home.


A sweet girl in her earphone, the director, whispered a high-tension: ?Twenty seconds and counting down from now Sulina!?


Then Sulina next heard in her ear, and tried not to be distracted by, the ever-same voiceover introduction from another sexy girl up in the director?s box: the cameras eying up Sulina?s delicately muscled thighs with the hint of stocking-top meanwhile:


?Ladies! Here in the heartbeat of studio 10, and for you lucky girls at home, Ntobi National 5, ?the channel with a smile?, presents: ?Taking the Lid Off?!!?


A banner held up away from the camera?s eye, read ?rapturous applause?. And, whilst straining to catch sight of themselves on one of the several monitors hanging above the stage on which Sulina sat, next to a presently vacant chair, the audience dutifully obliged, with accompanying cheers, mixed with occasional over-the-top, ?woops?.


The girl on the stage edge who had held up the banner, then put a finger to her pretty lips, to direct the audience to a lull shush?..


?And taking the lid off today, is the very lovely Sulina Toledo!!? the voiceover sneaked in, with perfect timing.


More applause was beckoned by the girl in the wings. Then she signalled another quieter spell, with an overdramatic finger on lips once more.


??.And Sulina?s subject is: ?The Sisters of Sisters?!!!!!? the voiceover finally called out, as if announcing the second coming, rather than yet more TV dross.


As the cameras continued to pan the audience for pretty faces, and those same faces turned to each other and pointed excitedly at the monitor on which they had just flashed for two seconds, and had gone by the time their prompted companion looked up, more polite studio applause followed, and the introductory theme music struggled to be heard under it.


Again out of camera shot, a hand held up as if stopping traffic, ordered the applause to cease. It did: instantly.


?And now!? said the director?s voice in Sulina?s ear.


?We have all seen them on the high streets and bye-streets of our cities towns and villages?? Sulina began ?.. ?They call themselves the Sisters of Sisters. I call them a fraud. They officially call themselves: ?the Order of the Wholly Virgin? not ?holy? as in ?holy cow? note you; though ?cow? might be appropriate for other reasons ? And yes they really do spell it ?wholly? with a ?w?. and an ?h?. But I say they are wholly a sham as well as wholly a fraud?? Today, we take the lid off ?the Sisters of Sisters??..?


Sulina was just warming to a roasting on her subject?. Polite applause caused her to pause, till it settled to silence.


??.I call them frauds; but I cannot call them cowardly, because they have been brave enough to send one of their number to face me here in the studio this morning. So let?s give a polite ?National 5? greeting for ?Sister Harmony?!?.?


Woops cheers and applause came enthusiastically from an audience dreaming of being ?on TV, with all its supposed glamour, themselves, and worshipping in its church meanwhile.


At this, a little look of concern flashed across Sulina?s lovely face. She had intended her introduction to turn the audience against her guest. The possibility that, if she did not choose her follow-up words carefully, she was at risk of being the St Joan in a human barbecue, had just flashed over her highly intelligent mind.


The creature that walked in from the wings, heading for the interviewee?s chair, looked like a babushka doll. It had the shape of a ten-pin from a bowling alley.


?She?, if ?she? it was - it was hard to tell - wore the vestments of the Sisters of Sisters. They were of white rubber. The head garment was a completely enveloping hood, which consequently masked the face and hair totally. The ends of this mask disappeared within the neck of the ?dress?.


The ?dress? had been draped over the mask, and its circular neckline clearly held the mask on the face and, presumably made a double-layer of rubber cover on the wearer?s shoulders.


In detail, the dress had no detail. It was formed like a drab bell. It fell from the neck to the ground all around the wearer, and had no visible joint, such as might have been provided for buttons or zip. There was in fact no other way in. The dress had a central hole for the head. It was obviously just pulled over the head till its central hole ringed the neck. There was not even a belt to give this dress womanly shape.


The size of the hands gave away that the wearer was a girl. They were small and pretty. At least, one could guess the hands were pretty. The all-enveloping dress had long sleeves, wider at the wrist, like those of a magician?s cape. But there was no chance of the hands? escape, as the wearer?s arms were clad in white rubber gloves that must, to best guess, have run up to her armpits within the dress.


The front of the mask over the face had four holes. Each of these was exactly circular and less than an inch across. There was one for each eye, one for the nostrils, and one for the mouth. But each and all of them were covered over by multi-layers of gauze, so the wearer could see out, speak out, and breath in and out, but the viewer was totally denied a look in. Either side were like holes with gauze covers for the ears to hear.


As Sister Harmony walked her five-foot-three to the vacant chair for the interview, it looked, for all the world, as if she were a swan on water: for there was no sign of feet let alone legs.


She sat decorously slowly, putting her lower legs at a slope, as if she were riding the chair sidesaddle, and then clasped her hands, thumb-within-thumb, on her lap. The consequent slight raising of her dress? hem, revealed only that she wore, what must be white rubber boots, flat with no heels.


Sulina had already decided her strategy. She wanted to get to her theme that all this dressing up was hooey, and that the women under such garments were just like you and I; but more crooked. She needed an armour-piercing salvo. She decided on light humour, rather than acidic derision.


?Sister Harmony, good morning and welcome?


?Good morning to you Sulina!? a sweet young voice with a touching hint of giggle responded, a little masked by the mask Sister Harmony wore.


?Bet you?re wearing rubber knickers under that lot: right?? Sulina queried with a look to camera that said: ?there, I?ve put the wicked question you were thinking of yourselves back home, but would never dare ask?.


?Ah, but wouldn?t that be telling!? Sister Harmony answered, in a lovely Irish accent, with laughing joyfulness in every word. The salvo had glanced off the armour, even before the studio audience laughed and applauded the charming nun.


?How do you manage to eat in that garb, for goodness sake?? Sulina tried, with a lighter tone, less suggestive of taking sides against the nun, more an attempt at ridicule by stealth: a first step that way at least.


?But this is just our outside robes: the familiar and comforting face we show to the loving world, Sulina. Sure, it would be a challenge to eat in this little lot wouldn?t it now?? Sister Harmony giggled, ?But if you were after drinking, you?d find that god had made straws in her wisdom?, the lovely voice of the sweet nun soothed.


?And back at the mission, we gets a good healthy tuck-in, with fruits and vegetables grown in our own gardens: ?the gardens of Eden? as our Abbess, Sister Mercy herself, has been known to call them.?


?But don?t you go letting on now that I overheard her, or poor Sister Harmony here will be in for a telling off about the size of her ears!? the charming voice all but sang with happiness.


The audience laughed and applause rippled.


This wasn?t working. The nun had the audience. If Sulina wasn?t careful, she?d be in for a metaphorical lynching by the minor multitude out just beyond the footlights.


She tried the light touch again.


?You can cross you legs if you want to?, was her next try, whilst using her own supreme dream strong long curvaceous exemplars of the finest of female lower limbs to demonstrate.


?Sure, but we?re not aloud? Sister Harmony answered, with a completely disarming sincerity that blew Sulina off track, ?But don?t let it stop you!? the lovely nun joked, and the audience applauded: they had fallen in love with her.


That tack was not going to work. Time was running out. Sulina now bid herself: ?Load the torpedoes and fire?.


?Sister Harmony, have they sent you here today to explain the moneys that have gone astray: the well document disappearance of charitable donations from the hard-working well-meaning public, and the less well-documented and therefore alleged but as yet unproven reappearance of those same dollars in a Swiss bank account?? Sulina barked, her lovely eyes shark, her perfect teeth threatening razors behind her soft moist lips.


?They have indeed?, came Sister Harmony?s surprise answer. Sulina had no answer to that answer. As sailing ships went, her sails were sagging in the doldrums: there was no wind in her spinnaker anymore.


?The world renowned auditors, Arnett and Yang, have agreed to inspect and audit our accounts. And, praise be, for free at that. The accusations are very grave and hurtful. We wanted the best. We?ve got the best, and they have got a completely free hand? Goodness, I do hope that wasn?t advertising Sulina?. Sure they?ll be wanting me to sell cola next if it was!? Sister Harmony laughed with love in every sweet note, as the audience cheered her on, and applauded her rather weak joke.


Sulina was becoming discomforted. She began to see flames nibbling away at the thus curling edges of the contract she had hoped to get for her own show. She had to find a bale out and use what she baled to save her contract too.


She was also becoming discomforted in another way. What was it about the contrast of her own freedom to display her manifest manifold charms in a micro-dress; and the claustrophobic imprisoning cling of the nun?s vestments, that was causing such a disturbance in Sulina?s tiny silk panties?


Sulina?s crossed legs tightened. An urge to squeeze her minx flexed the pronouncedly curved calves, and momentarily displayed the sweet muscles in the forefront of her long strong thighs: calf curvature and thigh muscles sculpted and cultivated by her ballet training.


?Your mission: the mission of the Sisters of Sisters is, as we are always given to understand, the saving of what our Victorian mothers would have called ?fallen women??, Sulina began this time, using a tone of voice inferring superior education and consequent condescension. It was yet another mistake. Without being in the least rude, Sister Harmony leaped in:


?Sure, a little corrective there Sulina: ?tis the poor girls reduced to prostitution that we Sisters of Sisters are here for, for to help them find a life outside the gutter to which misfortune has confined them. No heart could not break to see those poor girls, many of them also victims of the drug-taking culture rife throughout society, but not within a poor girl?s affording, unless she sell her own god-given body to other women seven nights a week three-sixty-five days a year???


?. The audience was spell bound. They were eating out of Sister Harmony?s gloved hand. A dozen pins could have dropped, they were so quiet and so wrapped by the lovely voice with the charming champagne bubble intonation. Sulina tried to hide her defeat behind the ?go on I?m listening? nods of her gorgeous blonde curls.


???And believe me, Sulina, I know how wonderful the Sisters of Sisters are, for I was once one of those poor girls: one of those ?fallen women? as you so rightly describe them?.?.


As Sister Harmony stopped her intensely sincere summation of the role of her mission, there was, for a long moment, absolute silence. And then the studio audience broke into sustained applause, accompanied by some out-of-place woops and whistles, as, to a girl, they stood to applaud the sweet nun.


The cameras now turned from Sulina, to show the audience reaction. The depth of the sincerity that reaction demonstrated, showed, in that not one woman or girl there looked at the monitors to see if their faces were being broadcast.


Sulina knew she had lost. She had to wind this up. She must make the best of a bad job. It was time for the soft soap once more.


?Sister Harmony, you have just wowed our studio audience, and, if they are anything like me, the millions of girls and women watching at home will, too, have a tear in their eye. Thank you!?


The applause that came next, was the punctilious punctuation for the thanks Sulina had expressed.


?Sister Harmony, it has been just such a wonderful experience to have you on ?Taking the Lid Off?, and I would like personally, to contribute my fee for this programme for your cause?.


The audience did not even seem to hear, let alone cheer this, as Sulina intended they should. It was a cynical manoeuvre she was now regretting. She covered quickly, several thousand dollars the lighter though she instantly was. To wind the show up, she returned to the light touch:


?How can you bear to be dressed, draped so anonymously head to toe like that? Doesn?t the girl in you long to lounge beach in a bikini?? Sulina tried.


?Would you believe me if I told you that to take the veil and wear the rubber is the, but the most liberating experience it is possible for any girl to ever encounter, this side of heaven itself!? Sister Harmony answered, in an intense whisper conveying such sincerity, that the audience would have signed-up for the nunnery there and then, if she had asked them.


?If you don?t believe me, you should try it yourself!? Sister Harmony finished, with sweet golden giggles galore as she touched Sulina gently on her hand, with her gloved fingers, to convey that she, Sulina, was not being laughed at.


Sulina smiled, without her eyes joining in. She had to make the best of this bad job.


But then ?Pulitzer Prize? and ?Nobel for literature? flashed across her mind. It would be a hell of a subject to get the inside out on. She hadn?t been planning a sabbatical, but?. Well, there might be an option here for a report or factually based novel. There were a few seconds left?..


?Sure. Could I get a short-term contract?? she half-joked in response.


?Join the novitiate. Wear the red. After a year you have the free choice. Convert to the white like little me, or go back into the outside world with our continued blessing!? Sister Harmony answered.


?You?ve got me won over?, Sulina found herself saying, for the sake of the audience reaction, the viewing figures, and her continued desire for a contract; and to her own almost complete surprise.


?Lady?s: this was Sister Harmony right here on ?Taking the Lid Off??, Sulina announced as the cameras now panned back, and the audience read and obeyed the order on the held-up placard reading: ?long strong applause?.


As the studio lights dimmed and the fade-out credits rolled up the home TV screens, too quickly to be read, the two people on stage, the beautiful interviewer and the white-rubber robed nun, were clearly still talking.


And lip-readers would not be able to see Sister Harmony say: ?If you meant that Sulina, Abbess Mercy?s door is always open, and we will welcome you with the widest of open loving arms my sweet sister.?


But they would have seen, Sulina Toledo answer: ?I need to get my head together on that one Sister Harmony, but I really feel as if I heard a call just now. And, whatever I decide, the blessing is on you for bringing me to the choice?.



Two hours later: ?Forgive me Revered Mother, for I have sinned?, a sweet Irish voice confessed in the cubicle reserved for that assignment and named from it: the nunnery?s confessional.


?Sweet Sister Harmony! I cannot believe for one moment that you have just robbed the Bank of Senabre!?, a kindly ?voice of reason? responded from the neighbouring box.


There was a moment?s silence.


?Tell me my child. What worries you so?? the same ?voice of reason? enquired.


?I did my duty at the television studio today Revered Mother. And I found I could not take my eyes off the interviewer?s; off Sulina Toledo?s legs. Even now, as I think of her, it excites me in an unforgivable way Revered Mother?, Sister Harmony whispered with a hint of tears breaking.


?Dear dear. You poor child?, the Abbess answered in contemplation.


?What should I do Revered Mother? I keep seeing her whenever I close my eyes. It makes me want to be very naughty with myself, and I fear I may have a wicked dream.?


?The cure for dreaming is to stay awake all night Sister Harmony?, the Abbess observed.


?Must it be that?? Sister Harmony asked, with an edge of resignation accompanied by anxiety in her voice.


?It is within my powers to order you, sweet daughter?, the Revered Mother observed, gently.


?I will obey without order?, Revered Mother.


?Then your forgiveness will be all the greater and stronger for that my child?, the Abbess concluded quietly.



Post midnight in the nun?s dormitory, chains chinked, beds creaked, and a girl quietly sobbed.


Another girl waking in a wet dream, cried out for her god to save her, but audibly came nonetheless. Her subsequent whispered prayers for forgiveness hissed sibilant across the noisy silence of a steamy African night.


A television camera touring the sleeping quarters, as if in a secretly filmed documentary, would first of all have set scene with the humid African night, and the full moon?s wan face. The accompanying microphones would meanwhile capture the cacophony of the nocturnal wildlife.


Moving in, indeed apparently flying through one of all the nunnery?s windows left open for ventilation, it would have panned or scanned over the rigid rows of individual beds. On each bed it would show an individual girl naked lying atop.


Focus on any one girl would show the wooden block she had for her pillow, and her wrists and ankles held out in an ?X?. She is shackled to the corners of her bed, lying on her back. Her only covering is the mosquito net. The net is for covering the bed. It covers the girl coincidentally.


All the girls are lying on their backs. All the beds are under mosquito net tents.


Several beds are completely empty. One bed, though made up for sleeping, with wooden pillow and sacking mattress, is empty.


Now the imaginary camera in the fictitious documentary looks for the source of the quiet sobbing: the girl missing: the cause of the one empty bed with a pillow readied.


It sees an open window. Nothing unusual there. It is a hot night and all the windows are open, as has already been established. But there is a light at this window and it is not that of the moon alone.


A shadowy figure stands obediently there. She wears her nun?s cowl covering her head, but is otherwise in her underwear. In essence, she has removed the rubber ?bell? that makes up her dress. Even so, she is still clad head to toe in rubber vestments.


She is clad head to toe but for two all too beautiful parts of her anatomy. Her vest is purposely designed to let her bare breasts poke through. The light the camera has seen, the light adding to moonglow, comprises two lights in fact.


The two soft spotlights are beamed on soft breasts. The camera finally moves close in. It has discovered whose sobs of distress are being heard. The sobs of distress other than those from the girl who has just had a wet-dream in her bed that is.


It moves in on the standing girl. She has her hands clasped behind her back. Her feet are slightly apart. She is there to be punished for having lascivious thoughts about the lovely reporter Sulina Toledo?s elegant legs. We can see, in the camera?s eye we can see, the girl who owns the lovely bare breasts.


We wonder why she sobs so. Is to be made to stand all night so great a punishment? Then we see her nipples and how hugely distended and erect they are.


Now we realise she is sobbing in the greater part, not because she cannot take her punishment like a girl, but because her nipples have become heavily engorged by their being engaged in the process that has caused her to spurt in her rubber knickers. Something has made her cum.


Has she been dreaming on her feet? Sleeping whilst standing. Has he been seeing Sulina Toledo?s inspirationally erotic legs before her minds eye? All that strength in such smooth curves: the caressing cling of those fabulously lucky stockings: the hint of stocking top at the hem of Sulina?s dress: the hem atop those powerful perfectly smooth thighs?


Yes and yes. Yes and also. The ?also? that has made the girl cum we now see. The girl?s bare breasts are a sea awash with crawling insects. She bears the horror of their repeated and constant bites.


She sobs as they suck blood from her bare breasts and nipples.


She is voluntarily saving her companions from these insects.


These insects are her punishment for admiring Sulina Toledo?s beautiful legs.


Sister Harmony?s bare breasts and nipples are being, all but eaten alive, by hundreds upon thousands of mosquitoes.




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They took us to police headquarters after courteously (I thought) allowing me to alert our friendly neighbors to care for Brownie. The dog had been a nagging worry to me; I hadn't wanted her carted off to a pound, but neither had I felt comfortable saying anything to the neighbors ahead of time. It was a small comfort, especially since Brownie was visibly nervous as they began searching the house. Once at headquarters they took the usual photos and, of course, fingerprints, Lee's and mine....

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The Diary of Sarah DuncanChapter 6

Entry One Hundred Forty Eight, Dear Diary, So, as promised yesterday, before I got really drained, here is the account of what happened on Thanksgiving Day and the Black Friday that followed it. Don’t worry, we didn’t go shopping. That was an insanity that the whole family avoided like the plague. Anyway, supper was made up of leftovers, of course. We had more turkey, more ham (good thing that we’re not kosher, right?), more mashed potatoes, and more stuffing (though Kevin called it...

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A Day with the Champion

A Day with the Champion by Arcie Emm It was said that amongst the denizens of the palace, only Emperor Cintarian enjoyed the day known by some as Audience Day, and to most others as Judgment Day. Yet not because of the power that he could wield over his subjects, that power did not need a special day to manifest. No he enjoyed Audience Day because everyone else was so busy that, except for the three hours devoted to dressing before and conducting the audience, most of his day would be...

4 years ago
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Tasty lunch in their office

After our fun encounter the week before (my assignment got extended for several weeks!) the three of us continued to get together. Sometimes just enjoying dinner; sometimes making our first encounter seem tame. But we got to know each other really well. Turned out that my work was closely related to their business, so I would stop by their office hang out, chat, take them to dinner here and their, but leaving it there. It got to a point where I was a fixture in their office; even their...

4 years ago
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The Great DepressionChapter 11

Roland and his sister arrived at Jimmy's home at a quarter to eleven the following day, which was a Saturday. Elizabeth had cooked a ' shepherd pie ', which she served with vegetables from the garden. For desert she had baked a couple of raspberries pies - she had picked the raspberries herself the previous afternoon - topped with whipped cream. As soon as everyone was finished with the dinner, she insisted that they all went fishing for the rest of the day saying that she was going to...

2 years ago
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Jessies Office Interlude with Sue

I could not believe what a great time I had on my first date with Sue. Her planning was impeccable. From getting caught at the department store, to my new set of lingerie and clothes, and then a feminization session at the salon. Only to wrap this up with a surprise sexual encounter with Sue, her male friend Quenten, and all whom I met at the various retailers. It was a first date that I would never forget. I still was in awe at how Sue was able to plan the entire night, and have it happen all...

3 years ago
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The first time I saw Nikki I decided I had to fuck her; she was made for fucking. I was a junior then and she was coming in as a freshman transfer student. Since I was working in the front office, they gave me her schedule and sent to me to show her around the school and get her a locker. I gave her a quick tour and then cornered her under a stairwell, kissed her gently and grasped her hard buttocks to pull her against my groin so she could feel how hard I was. She kissed me back vigorously,...

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Kristas Magic

I’ve never been a big fan of horror movies. It’s not that I scare easily, but they just don’t do much for me. I will say, though, that the scariest movie I ever saw when I was a kid, was a film called “Poltergeist.” It came out when I was about thirteen or fourteen, and it frightened the shit out of me when I first saw it. It’s about a bunch of people living in a housing estate that’s been built on an old cemetery, and in the big finale, there is this huge storm, and coffins start popping up...

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Stealing Me Away Part 3

Amelia and Drake walk into their hotel room at Circus Circus. This will be their home next seven days. Her parents have a room down the hall, and several other relatives are also here with them. Drake's dad will join the group tonight, he lives close by and decided to come later on. His dad met Amelia a month before, and told Drake Amelia was just like his mom, and his mom would've loved Amelia.Everyone gathers at THE Steakhouse for dinner, along with Drake's dad. At dessert, Amelia has the...

Love Stories
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Daniel And Eric Part One

I hadn't been a vampire for long, two or three years maybe, and my thirst or lust was not yet under complete control, nor were my impulsive actions, which could often lead to disputes among the older ones. As a result of my lack of control I had been placed here by the Elders Council, a group of vampires who were almost classed a royalty. It was the Elders who had thrown me in here, a nightclub run by vampires, and I was to stay here until I had gained control. To some it was a place to come...

2 years ago
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Roommate put me in chastity

I am a 38 year old man, who owns a flat in a nice area of south west London. I was lucky enough to own it as a result of an inheritance, but despite very few outgoings I would often like to rent out the spare bedroom for some extra income. This would allow me to live quite comfortably with this income, plus quite a respectable salary.Finding myself with the room available, and having placed an ad online, I had quite a large amount of interest. A few viewings came and went, before one Friday...

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The Ultimate Doll Chapter 5

Friday finally arrived, like a slow train ... it seemed to Lynn that the day would never pass. Lynn checked the kitchen clock over and over, it never seemed to move. Finally it was time to get ready to go. Her husband Don did not seem terribly unnerved, and was sitting by the TV waiting for Lynn to get ready. She packed a few naughty, new outfits, boots, and assorted BDSM items in her bag. She donned a pair of hot-pink, thigh-high, ballet-boots, a pink and white vinyl, paneled flare-skirt that...

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Blackmailed MotherChapter 10

Roger Carmel slumped dejectedly at his desk. The papers in front of him were all a blur to him, their words and diagrams so much confused jumbles of print before his weary, agonized eyes. He hadn't slept well the previous night; hadn't really been to sleep at all, in fact, for too much preyed on his mind, too much kept eating at him, and his infrequent dozings had been more light, dream-filled slumbers between his tossing and turnings. Martin Oliss had implanted a bomb in Carmel's brain,...

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IncestLoving Son Seduces Innocent Mom

Hello readers, this is a story that happened during the covid pandemic. I hope you will enjoy my incest experience. I am Naveen from Bangalore. I am 21 years old and a final year B.Com student. I am 6 ft. tall, a little chubby, and I have a brown–wheatish complexion. My mom is Deepa (name changed). She is a lecturer at the same college. She is 5’7, 45 years old. She somewhat looks like Bollywood actress Vidya Balan. She is not too fair nor too brown. Coming to the story. I was not an...

2 years ago
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Humiliating HollyChapter 33

I woke up pretty refreshed for being in a fucking cage. I am either getting used to it, or I think it is more likely I am just exhausted from what everyone does to me. I have what they called a flogger plug up my ass, which has to stay there all of the time. I now have screws in my tits that have hooks on the end and I am told they will never come out without surgery. I have fucked and sucked so many people with big cocks, I have lost count. And to top it off, last night I was told I had to...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 506

The Prison Planet ... Changing the subject, Jeff asked Morales, “Did they measure you yet?” “What? Oh, yeah. I get to wear a monkey suit like you mentioned a few minutes ago, but I feel guilty about it, because I don’t have any money to pay for it. Since your wife is doing the measuring, I suppose that you are...” “Don’t go there,” Jeff interrupted Morales to say. “Diana has a special deal with a tailor.” “Wait a minute. I was worried enough about her renting a tux for me. Are you saying...

4 years ago
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 15 A Captainrsquos Jobs

The next day began as Jake expected. He got up before sunrise. Then dressed in loose clothes to work out. He found a small pot of caff waiting for him in his sitting room. He stopped and enjoyed a cup. Then he made his way to his office for his sword belt. Then he went on to the main deck and began stretching and exercises. During that time, Nathan came on deck and directed the setting of sails. Then returned to the bridge. Jake was half way done with his exercises, he had his body warmed up...

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Jordans Coming Of Age

Oh fuck, she's reaching behind and unfastening her bra. I can't believe I'm doing this.Jordan stretches, up on tiptoes on a rock to get a better view. He leans into the window, one hand on the sill and the other firmly clasped on his hard cock. He jerks it back and forth as Cathy pulls the bra forward and places it on a chair by the bed.Man, look at those tits! Wonder what she's going to do next. God, I want to touch them. Please, please take off your panties!Cathy walks over to the dresser and...

2 years ago
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Of Our Hell and HeavenChapter 2 Living in hell

It's an obsession; I'm obsessed with my lover, Sophie, who is also my biological mother. I just don't care; I'm in love with her and I must find her. I tried to make contact with her; I send e-mails to her, but they came back labeled 'Unknown user', she must have changed her e-mail account. I looked up the Buenos Aires yellow pages and found her phone number. I called her home, answered by a maid the first two times. I didn't understand her and she didn't understand me. It was late...

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Lunch Break In Office

Hello ISS readers,Here I am with another story, this story is all fiction none of the characters are real in this story, sorry if there are any mistakes. I am Raj Sharma 37 years married working as a chief analyst in a reputed financial company, I live with my wife Shweta 35 years a amazing personality very social like all modern women are but too has very little time for me, anyway this story is not about Shweta it’s about Sonia my personal secretary, she is working as my asst. from past 2...

4 years ago
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Sears IslandChapter 2 The WindUp

I received a certified envelope which I personally had to sign for while at work. I found this quite curious as nothing like it had happened to me before. Within the envelope was a first-class ticket to Bangor, Maine, a pre-paid hotel reservation for three days and a letter of introduction from the firm of Price, Smith and Bolt. I was requested to appear at their offices at 9:30 on Tuesday, the fifth of March. I gave the proverbial shrug and said to myself 'what the hell'. I showed all this...

2 years ago
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Hinterhltig besamte Ehefrauen

Ich bin ein 28 Jahre alter Mann, und ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass ich auf diese Erde gebracht wurde, um Babys zu machen. Es stimmt, ich habe mindestens ein Dutzend Bastarde da draußen gezeugt und ich habe mir geschworen es zu meiner Lebensaufgabe zu machen, einigen Dutzend mehr in unsere Welt zu verhelfen. Wie fragst du? Es ist wirklich einfach ... die meisten Frauen sind wirklich nichts als Huren, versteckt unter sozialen Gnaden und Nettigkeiten sind einfach sinnliche Kreaturen, die wirklich...

4 years ago
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This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife

This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...

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Just Another Confused Eighteen Year Old

This is a fantasy story that involves unprotected sex between two virtual strangers. Hey, guys, this is fantasy. Back in the real world, play safe.I was just another confused eighteen-year-old. And, boy, was I confused. I’d hang out with my mates but, more and more, we wanted different things. Most of all what they wanted was to chase the girls and, somehow, I just didn’t. Sure, I’d had one or two dates, mostly making up a foursome, but I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about and, unlike all...

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Sheelaghs Pixie

For the fifth night in a row, Sheelagh turned the electric blanket on, stripped off her clothes, and lay on top of the blanket. She was sixty-five years old and determined to catch a pixie inside her faighin. She used the Irish word for vagina because she had been raised and lived in Carrickmacross Ireland.She was Irish with sky blue eyes, pale skin, and, when younger, flaming red hair. Now she was gray-haired and as determined as she could be to catch a pixie. Her husband, Kevin O’Donnell,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Something in the WaterChapter 2 It Must Be Something In The Water

Skingsley in the Spring sunshine is to Skingsley in the rain as chalk is to cheese. There was an unmistakeable bounce in my step as I strode out to my small white van (which had no logo on the side to advertise the fact that it didn't belong to the ACME Water Softener Company). I had five calls to make, and all of them were within a mile or so of Louise Woods's house. No time wasted driving around, looking for little boxes optimistically named 'Mon Repos' and 'Dunwerkin'. The major...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 233 Going Back to Corvallis

Sunday, June 12, 2005 I'd intended to stay with Prof until he was discharged, but I got pushed into going home a week before then. No one wanted me to miss my exams, and Prof was doing so much better that I didn't have a strong reason to stay. Exams started on Monday, June 13, so I agreed to leave on the Sunday the 12th. [[While I think to mention it, the academic year's start and stop dates varied across dimensions too, with the dates of the dimensions already discussed herein being...

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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 7

Susan When we got back to Joey's house Heather told us that Sheila was studying at Wendy's as they were still working on their science project so we could have our discussion now if we wished. I could see from the look on Joey's face that he wanted to get this over with so I answered for both of us. "I think that would be a good idea, the sooner we get finished, the sooner Joey will be able to relax." Heather smiled at that remark and led us into the room which she used as a study and...

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Midday Arcade Visit

I took a break between errands late this morning to see if I could score any dick at one of the ABSs nearby. When I drove by, I noticed several cars in the back lot. Thinking this might be interesting, I turned around to make the U into the lanes heading south and added my car to the other six that were present.The arcade charge is just $5, so I paid my fee and entered. First things first, I needed to take a piss so I went in the clean, well maintained restroom for my leak. I never lock the...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 3

The woman was called Kola. She was the young thing that had brought me the cup of drink and the platter of food. "She is a widow," Tagar told me in all honesty. "Her mate died in a hunting accident but a moon ago and she is without a man now. Her own father and mother have already gone to the spirits and she is alone and there is none of age who would take her in and care for her. She is a good woman and I think it would be a good trade." I stifled my immediate response as best as I...

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Nina Chapter 9

We awoke on the morning of the First Annual Dan 'n' Nina Barbecue Blast. I dressed immediately and went out to check on the smoker. Temperature was exactly as I'd set. The same technology that monitors huge furnaces was monitoring my little box smoker, cooking meat. I opened the door, couldn't resist an exploratory poke with a finger, and grabbed the chip tray. I dumped the expended wood chips and replaced them with new ones and returned it to its position. I noted the controller sensing...

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Teresa Trish Nan and Guests

I met Nan on a subscription alternative dating site. Her posts and private messages blatantly communicated she was into dominating men and women but also into transformations. I had been crossdressing in private, sexual settings for a few years which often involved strap-on play but never with a man. In fact, I had never even performed oral sex on a man but was really curious - I just wasn’t sure how to go about it or if I was truly ready.After only a few private messages about how I would love...

3 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 19 Multiple Discoveries

Mary flashed on our private channel that she just had the same discussion with Rex that I’d just had with Joni. She noted that Melody’s ‘proclamation’ somewhat reinforced Rex’s fears. Before I could even kiss Joni, I felt HER insecurities flare back up too. “Do you want to have a meeting with everyone to talk this out before we continue?” I asked firmly. “I think so ... can I see how Sheila and Jeremy feel about it?” I grinned and nodded, “Sure. Go ahead and mentally call them.” She...

4 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 19 Karen

"Not guilty," the foreman of the jury said. The judge thanked the jury and dismissed them. Bob Lacy record was now five wins and zero losses on jury trials. He walked over and thanked each juror for their service. Three of the younger female jurors gave Bob a look that let him know they would be interested in getting to know this handsome six foot four inch litigator better. A couple of the men jurors shook his hand and told him he did a good job in presenting his case. For the past 17...

2 years ago
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Miami Heat

As night descended and smothered the stifling heat of the daylight hours, South Beach became a shameless hotbed of sex, drugs, and tequila. The streets baked so hot under the merciless midday sun, that you could still feel the heat rising from the sidewalk concrete late into the night. Beautiful women sauntered from one bar to the next wearing just enough clothing to keep them legal, but not so much as to discourage the attentions of lonely, wealthy men. The dusk air was filled with the...

Straight Sex
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Your Hearts Desire

Anne was the typical all-American girl.She was smart with a sassy attitude. Her mother had raised to be a career driven woman, and she became just that. It wasn't long until she moved off to San Francisco in pursuit of a good education.Living alone had become a life changing experience for her and she was finally becoming her own independent woman. Anne had finally found her goal in life, which was to be a strong advocate for women's rights in the field of law. But before should could even...

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My Sisters Black Satin Slip

I never got on well with my sister when she lived at home; we fought like cats and dogs. Though I was younger and smaller, being a boy, I was stronger and always beat her in a fight. I always believed the main reason my sister left home and got married so young was to get away from me. I accused her of being our parents favourite because she was older and a girl. She could do no wrong, especially in our father's eyes. If something got broken or went missing, Kelly would blame me. Our parents...

4 years ago
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Finally i tamed MOM

Hi readers , I live in Chandigarh , n i hope u enjoy my story So to give you a brief about my mom , she’s a bomb in one word , she’s tall , healthy and fair . She’s 38 32 40 , long hair n great legs . You might be now getting the idea how tasty thing she is..I always wanted to knock her up from long, i have seen her getting eaten up by my father through pinholes .It was when i was finished my B.com , i was restless , all i wanted is to nail her badly , so one day i made a plan to get inside her...

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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 20

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. ***** 94. Can I Go To...

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An Evening at the Copa

“Thank you, Sir, here’s your ticket,” I said politely as I handed the older gentleman the small stub of paper in exchange for his coat. He very subtly looked up and down my body appraising my curves while handing me his coat. I knew I would have received a much longer, lingering review had his wife not been directly behind him. After the man gave me a very affable smile, his wife looked directly into my eyes and delivered an unmistakable, yet unspoken message of ‘Back off, I know your kind’...

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