My Husband's Boss free porn video

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My husband was a rising star and a Junior Vice President of the company he worked for. However, his immediate boss was the son of the owner and CEO. Jim knew he would eventually have to shift to another department or even a different company but as far as the latter went it wasn’t a good time.  

We had just bought a new house, Jim had given me my dream car, and we had one son to finish college and the second one just starting.

Jim felt more confident about things than I did.  

I love my husband dearly and enjoy looking sexy for him. His co-workers do not mind because I often visit Jim in his office, looking very sexy. In my mid-forties, my fit 36DD-28-34 figure packed into a five-feet four-inch frame is always showing my firm curves. I must admit that I enjoy the attention.

All except for his boss, the owner’s son. He was a well-known womanizer. In addition, his reputation is that of a less than gentle and somewhat selfish lover. I am no saint and have a high sex drive. I admit I have strayed during our marriage. I have fucked others but only make love to Jim. However, the looks from Mike were oily and too lewd even for my tastes. 

One day I came in to see Jim in a tight mid-thigh dress and a tight button-down blouse with the top three buttons undone. Under that was a lace push-up bra. Not really needed but a nice effect. Matching garters, black lace stockings, and five-inch heels. Jim was going to get a nice lunchtime surprise.

The route from the elevator to my husband’s office goes by Mike’s office. I dreaded walking by because he would make some comments. In a normal company, he would be facing harassment charges. However, the combination of my admittedly inappropriate attire and being the son's owner made my ability to say anything, dangerous.

I never told Jim about it because he would do something. Then he would be looking for a new job after being fired. Not a prospect I wanted, so I put up with it.

This time I was surprised and, surprising myself, a bit disappointed when Mike didn’t even get out of his chair when I walked by. I arrived at Jim’s office where his secretary told me that he had been sent to Detroit by Mike in an emergency. I had just missed him.

His secretary apologized. She had called me at home to tell me but must have missed me. Then Mike had given her several jobs to do and that kept her from calling my cell phone. I muttered to myself, “I bet that Mike did that on purpose so he could gawk at me!”

I turned to leave and was deep in thought when I almost ran into Mike who was now standing outside the door. Grinning like the lech he is, he purred in a creepy straight from a porno voice, “Looking good Lynn. Did you plan on giving Jim a little lunchtime action?”

I gawked at him. That was bold even for him.

I was too stunned to even reply. Still, with that borderline perverted smile, he told me to come into his office. There was something he wanted to talk to me about. I knew he could be a vindictive asshole, so I silently walked by him into the office. He followed me in, and I heard the door shut.

As he walked around me, he gave my ass a pat. I about jumped out of my skin. He didn’t even turn his head to see if I reacted as he walked around his desk and sat. I was standing about four feet from his desk looking at him. If this were the military, I imagined that I would be there to be chewed out. I felt very self-conscious in my admittedly slutty attire. Making no move to mask his actions he looked me up and down as if appraising something he was thinking of buying.

This went on for what seemed like an hour but, was probably less than a minute.

“I will get to the point. We are merging with another company. Well, more like absorbing it. My father is buying it.”

I felt my stomach drop. My mind was racing. Why was he telling me this? I knew about it but Jim had made no indication that his job was in trouble. Mike's father had told Jim that he knew who really ran the division.

“It has already been decided that my Junior VP will be from the other company. The man picked is the son of the soon-to-be-former owner. So that leaves what to do with your husband.”

I blurted out, “Jim is one of the top guys in the whole company.” But instead of it coming out as pride and bragging it came out as panicking. Mike picked up on that and his smile became even lewder. I swallowed hard. I was in over my head.

“True, which is why if things 'go right' I will recommend he become a Senior VP of another division…" My heart soared in relief but it was instantly crushed as Mike continued, "or I can have him fired in such a way he won’t be able to get a job flipping burgers. Jim is an excellent worker, but my mother would never allow my father not to back me even if he knows it was wrong.”

I was back in full panic. He was right. I knew Jim would eventually win a fight but by then his reputation and our lives would be ruined. His grin was evil as he soaked in my terror. “They say behind every great man there is a great woman. I have always admired and been envious of you. I have tried, as you know, to seduce you several times and you always politely turned me down. I will be honest that pisses me off.”

My knees were feeling weak. “Where is this going, Mike?”

The grin left his face and one of rage replaced it in a flash. “You need to make amends to me. Plus, you need to prove to me you will be grateful if I recommend Jim for another position!”

I could only stare. I knew this was wrong. He went on, “Before you even think that you can tell people that I propositioned you, blackmailed you…” he chuckled, “God, I love that word 'blackmail.' Remember you came in dressed like that and then walked into my office. If you claim that you had come to visit Jim just remember his secretary called you to tell you he had left.”

My mind was too far into panic mode to see the holes in his plot. As if in an out of body experience I heard myself ask, “So if I do what you want Jim gets a promotion. If I don’t, he gets fired? What do you want from  me?” I heard myself saying, realizing I would do anything for Jim’s career.

“Well for starters, your blouse. Take it off.”

“If I do what you say, he gets at least a twenty percent raise?”

Mike chuckled. “Are you going to do whatever I want? If so say the deal out loud.” He stood up. He pushed something on his desk and walked around to the other side standing in front of me leaning back on the desk. “Say what you were going to say, Lynn,” he told me again.

“If you give Jim the promotion to Senior VP with a twenty percent raise I will do anything you want,” I stated firmly. My intent was that if I was going to have to do this I would get something for Jim. I knew this asshole would fire him otherwise.


I couldn’t believe what was happening. Not the part of him telling me to take it off, but that I began to do it. I began to take off my blouse. With each button I blushed more. Yet with each button I felt something building between my legs. My nipples became hard. What was wrong with me? I let it fall to the floor. My lace bra did nothing to hide the stiff nipples. Mike grinned.

“Now the skirt.” I hesitated. All he had to do was raise an eyebrow and the fear splashed over me. As I undid the skirt I reddened for a different reason. I was wet. I wiggled the skirt over my hips and let it fall to the floor. “Oh, baby. No panties. My, you are a little slut aren’t you?”

I opened my mouth with a retort but bit it off. Here I was standing in my husband's boss's office in bra, garters, stockings, and heels only. “Now the bra slut.” I winced because when he called me a slut it felt like a bolt shot from my ears to my pussy. Totally humiliated I was aroused by it. Still, though, I started to cover myself with my arms.

“No, no. Put your hands behind your head, feet apart, and stay that way. Look straight ahead. No moving!”

I was just standing there as he circled me. His paws on my ass and breasts. Then my pussy. Then starting over. He inspected me like a combination drill sergeant and livestock breeder. He settled his left hand to cup my pussy, one finger pressing between my very wet lips. I gasped and blushed.

“My, my, Lynn, you are sopping wet. You like whoring yourself to your husband's boss?”

I bit my lower lip not trusting my voice to answer.

Mike had moved behind me. I felt his hardness press my ass through his slacks. That left hand of his was still on my pussy. The middle finger wiggling in my wet hole. Whispering low and firm, “Say it out loud, Lynn. Tell me you like it.” His left hand stiffened and squeezed my pussy.

“I like being a whore to get my husband a promotion.” I did as I was told.

His right hand came around my right side and cupped a large breast. It was tanned bronze as was my entire body. Not a single tan line. I could tell he liked that. He squeezed my right breast roughly then slapped it hard. I yelped. My knees jerked driving my ass back into his crotch. He nibbled on my earlobe and slapped again. 

“Oh, my, you are getting wetter. You like that don’t you?” He brought his left hand to my mouth. “Taste how much you like it.” And he slid his finger into my mouth. I sucked it like a cock.  

Whispering in a low, barely audible voice again, “Tell me you want to suck my cock."

Having gone too far to stop I obeyed. “I want to suck your cock.”

He let me go, walked to the edge of the desk. Leaning back against it he said, “Go ahead, baby.” He spread his feet, crossed his arms and smiled arrogantly at me. Still not believing what was happening, I stepped forward and knelt in front of him. Deep down I was so aroused by this. No one had ever gone this far humiliating me. Making me serve. I knew I would be letting him see that, but he knew it already. I could tell by the smirk on his face. 

Reaching for his zipper I undid his pants. His cock was a big one. It had an oversized mushroom head and was already hard. I knew he was loving this, too. I HATED him. I hated being treated like this, yet my inner slut craved it and was loving it. I stroked him as I guided him to my mouth. Slipping the head into my mouth I teased it with my tongue.

I suck cock as well or better than the best. I hoped if I gave him the best he ever had it would end faster and be done.

I moved it into my throat. Sliding it in the large bulb stretched my throat muscles as they, in turn, massaged it back. A moan escaped my throat massaging his cock and betraying my growing arousal. I looked up at that condescending grin still fixed on his face. The bastard knew I was turned on.

I started sliding it in and out of my throat. Taking it all the way inside. My husband's cock was larger, except for that cockhead of Mike's. I was in a rhythm when his personal cellphone rang. I stopped sucking but he cuffed the side of my head. “No, you don’t. Keep sucking. Just be silent,” he growled. Eyes wide, upper right cheek stinging, I started sucking again. 

He answered, “Hi, dear.” Obviously his wife. I did expect him to tell me to stop but instead, he just looked down and smiled as I continued. A few minutes of inane husband-wife chatter and suddenly, “Guess who came in again? Yes, Lynn! Claiming to look for her husband but he was out of the office and I know for a fact Jim’s secretary called her.”

I just stared, shocked. He took me by the hair and made me start again.

“Yes, of course, she was dressed like a slut. I have no idea who the whore is fucking behind Jim’s back. The rumors say she loves to suck cock. Yeah, even takes it up the ass!”

My eyes flared wide in fear. I knew he was telling me that I would be shortly getting a cock rammed in my butthole. 

“Well, dear, I have a meeting. I have to decide the personnel moves for the merger. Love you.”

He had gotten so hard while telling his wife what a slut I was, and it was obvious she agreed. I felt his cock twitching. I felt his balls tighten and hit harder each time they slapped my chin. Suddenly his hands were in my hair holding me on his cock. Immediately I felt his cum splashing deep in my throat as he erupted a massive load. Panting, I sat back onto my heels. He pulled me to my feet.

Stepping to the side he smacked my ass. “Bend over the desk.” I stepped forward. I bent over as he walked to the other side. He took my hands and pulled them so I was facedown across it, arms out. He fumbled with something and I realized he was handcuffing me like that.

“Is this okay, Lynn?” he asked. I was afraid that if I protested the deal would be off. Besides, even though I would never admit it, well okay. I was about to admit it but didn’t want to mean it, if you understand the difference.

“Oh, yes, Mike, it is okay. I like it!” The moral, happy wife in me wished it wasn't a true statement but it was. I did like it.

He stood up and I realized he was still hard. He must have taken Viagra or something because there is no way he came as hard or as much as he did down my throat and not get a little soft. Other than his cock hanging out he was still dressed as he walked around behind me.

He pushed my feet wider with his. My ass cheeks were spread open as he guided that thing to my asshole. This was going to hurt. When he began to insert it, it hurt like hell and I opened my mouth to scream, to beg him to stop.

“I'M CUMMING!” is what came out. I saw stars and started spasming. He laughed and kept pushing. I kept cumming. Wave after wave crashed over me. 

“Beg me for it!” 


He laughed more and started slowly pumping in and out. His hands were on my hips. I saw stars, gasping for air, writhing while impaled on his cock. My insides still clenched and released. Mike began to pick up the pace. Smacking my ass every four or five thrusts. I was now meeting his pushing back.

Objects on his desk were digging into my boobs and stomach but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be fucked. That orgasm had ended any thoughts of not being Mike's whore. 

We must have fucked like that for at least twenty minutes. I had another two orgasms before he put a load in my ass. After that, all he did was catch his breath and put hiscock away. Then he went and sat in his chair without undoing the cuffs.

“Before I release you and you get dressed, Lynn, let's settle something. I will keep my end of the bargain. For the services you just rendered he will get his raise and promotion. However, I don’t think I want to stop enjoying your talents. So, here is a second deal. When Jim is out of town you are my whore. In exchange, I will not show him this or release it to the internet."

He turned his computer screen so I could see it as I was still bent over. He hit play. It was a video and the opening moment was him walking around. The first voice that was heard was mine. 

“If you give Jim the promotion to Senior VP with a twenty percent raise… I will do anything you want.” That was followed by me undoing my blouse. Anyone who saw this video would assume that I had propositioned him. 

I stared in horror and growing excitement as I watched myself on the screen begin to undress. And then, before I realized it, I felt a large cockhead entering my pussy from behind.


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My StressedOut Boss

My Stressed-Out Boss By FLA527 Another in the Shooting Stars series A TG - RS story Gerald Simpson sighed heavily, it had been another long day. Made even worse because my unit had to work late due to a project upper management assigned our team. Anyway, finally all seemed to have finished their assignments and were heading out. Going around, checking in to make sure all had turned in their work and thanking them for pitching in by staying late. And as I moved through the area,...

2 years ago
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Letting Loose With The Boss

I love my job and I love the work I do. I think that's helped by the fact that I have one of the biggest crushes on my boss. I feel the need to please him in everything I do and so in the last couple of months, I've really delved into my work and became insanely focused on that. I often work late at night and all weekend, just so I had could give my boss some positive news.My boss could see how hard I was working and would often comment, saying that whilst it's always great for progress in the...

Office Sex
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New Boss

My company recently brought in a new boss to take over our branch since the former retired the previous month. He is a black man. Tall, broad-shouldered with a chocolate complexion; he's got the build of a quarterback, and he's married. I am his secretary; my name is Alicia.I have been with the boss going on six and a half months now and I could tell that he's got a thing for the ladies. He certainly enjoys flirting with them and sometimes I've noticed how often he tends to keep late hours...

4 years ago
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My wife and my boss

This is my hubby's very first story!! I loved it so I decided to share, hope you enjoy!The following is a story that is not true but one that I hope soon comes to pass…My wife and I have been in a very fun hotwife/cuckold relationship for several years now. I am not a traditional cuckold, no cage for me, no humiliation. I do like it when she says she likes another guys cock more than mine or that their cock was a lot bigger. When we have sex we love telling each other out fantasies. Its been...

1 year ago
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Wife Getting Fucked By Her Boss

I was a middle class man not so rich ,i was studious and got admission for engineering .While in college i noticed a girl who was having big ass and boobs,but was not so beautiful but her looks were average .I didnt like her for her beauty but was so impressed by her ass.Till then i havent seen any girl having that big curvy ass.I used to masturbate thinking about her ass.At that point of time i didnt know wat exactly was fucking but i knew some things.As time passed i became close to her .We...

4 years ago
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The cum Boss

So I went to school, got bullied like always, the same 3 big guys, they are one year over my grade, one escorted me in the bathroom, they told me to get undress, I told them, come on guys, do we have to do this every time? They said, Yes, we have too, in till you understand that your ass belong to us, I said, but I do everything you guys ask me too, they said very mad, stop winning and get ready for your Boss unless you want to get a beating again, I said, OK, Ok, ok, no beating again, just do...

1 year ago
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Whos The Boss

For the past twelve years, I have worked at a small manufacturing plant in my town. After five years of dedicated, loyal service I was promoted to foreman and just a few months ago after my boss retired, the owner chose me to be the new plant manager. I'm proud that I achieved this before I hit 40 (I'm 38). I've been married for 10 years and have two young k**s. Life has been pretty good to me so far. It's been an easy job so far; we only employ around 40 people and many of them have been here...

2 years ago
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In a car with my boss

I was home alone that night, relaxing inside a hot bath tub after a long day at the office, when my cell phone rang. It was my boss…"Hi Ana…could you work late tonight and help me entertain a client?”He added he needed to take the new client to dinner outside. And when I accepted the proposal, he begged me to wear something sexy…My boss picked me up later. I was wearing a tight short red dress. It was low cut showing off my huge tits. A pair of red stiletto shoes completed my sexy outfit. My...

1 year ago
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Big booty big breasted black boss

Richard's fingers fumbled as he folded the paper in his hands. The origami swan was not turning out as expected and he soon realized there was no hope for the creation. He threw the paper wad at his cubicle wall in defeat. The work day couldn't end soon enough.A glance at his computer monitor revealed only three minutes had passed since he last checked the time. He sighed and leaned back in his swivel chair. Just before he was about to close his exhausted eyes, he heard the office door open. He...

2 years ago
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Sex With Divorcee Sister Of Boss

Though I have started writing, but I am still in dilemma that I should write my sexual experience or not, because in my perspective changing name can never be enough to hide the identity especially from the person with whom I got involved sexually and certainly if that person will read this, it will be disaster for me because this is about my sexual encounter with a sister of my boss, and worst impact of this will be, I will lose my job. Still with changed names I am starting to write down with...

1 year ago
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Displeasing the Boss

She sits on the leather chair fidgeting. Her boss has called her into his office clearly upset about something. "Diane," his boss started. "I heard that you were doing something of the questionable nature during office hours." "Sir?" "Have you been sending personal emails during office hours instead of doing your work?" "I-I'm not, sir." "I heard otherwise," his boss said raising a brow. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "Oh it's not. You're fired." "Sir, please. I promise it won't happen...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The perfect night with my boss

The perfect night with my boss Two days ago, I had the perfect night with my new boss. I changed jobs in April after a few weeks of personal turmoil (more on that in another story?). I t wasn’t the first time that my boss and I spend the night together, but it was the greatest one up to now. Call me a slut for sleeping with my boss, but I can’t help being attracted to older men. They are so gentle, careful and experienced. They treat me like a princess, so I can’t help treating them like a...

3 years ago
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Paula First job for my boss

I received the first assignment from my Boss about two weeks later. His contractor from Istanbul was coming. Ibn Mustafa Halid. I remembered this name because it was also a test for me if I would meet the expectations of my boss. At the beginning I had to get him accommodation in Victoria. I went this morning before noon. The receptionist, who remembered me as a whore in tight sweaters, miniskirts and stilts, looked at me in surprise. This time I was dressed in a light blouse, gray skirt over...

3 years ago
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I had a really bad week. Actually, bad would be an understatement, shitty would be more appropriate. Problems after problems had punctuated my Days. I managed to get a new job as an assistant executive at an accountant firm. For some reason, I was the only man working in this office, and since I was the new guy they were bullying me. I thought that I might just need to pass the week and it would stop.I decided to change my mind by going to my favorite bar. It was a really popular one, it seems...

2 years ago
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The perfect night with my boss

The perfect night with my boss Two days ago, I had the perfect night with my new boss. I changed jobs in April after a few weeks of personal turmoil (more on that in another story?). I t wasn’t the first time that my boss and I spend the night together, but it was the greatest one up to now. Call me a slut for sleeping with my boss, but I can’t help being attracted to older men. They are so gentle, careful and experienced. They treat me like a princess, so I can’t help treating them like a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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New Girl In City First Time With Married Boss

Hi everyone! My name is Neha and I’m 28 yrs. old. I wish to narrate my first experience few years ago when i came to Mumbai to join my first job after college. I come from a small town, so moving to Mumbai alone just after college when i was just 20 yrs. old was a big decision for me. I had a boyfriend in my college and he had got job in another city. My new job was very difficult and exciting at the same time. I found new roomies and i was staying with another 3 girls in a 2bhk flat. I had got...

2 years ago
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Shes the BOSS

  Working for a multinational company, my new role as the training manager allows me to travel abroad quite frequently. This is a great job and particularly at my age, 26, is considered a very remarkable achievement. I have been in this company for about a year now. From the time i joined about a year ago, up till today, i conduct several training sessions within the company and and abroad and almost every day i have a female student (colleague of course) approach me in private after class for...

3 years ago
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Husbands assistant 5

Introduction: I travel back to the Gold Coast for a weekend with Bill This is the sequel to Husbands assistant, Husbands assistant 2, Husbands assistant 3and Husbands assistant 4. XNXX has messed up the dates which makes it harder to find Husbands assistant 4, but it is I suggest that you read those first. I spent Friday night in bed with Bills friend, Len, while Bill slept with Lens wife. Eleanor, in another room. Remembering the night that I had spent...

4 years ago
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My female boss

Hi my name is Gina, I'm 26 with black hair, I have B-cup boobs and I'm 5'4. Sometimes you feel a certain way about your superiors. Usually you love them or hate them, but my female boss was something special I think. She was nice, but not too nice. She is 5'9 with brown hair and eyes. She had a very nice body too, with nice C-cups boobs, so she is very sexy for being 37. I've had her for a boss for about 3 years, and I've masturbated thinking about us having sex. The biggest thing is that I...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Ninas New Boss

Things had certainly changed for Nina since being demoted at the office and then being sacked from her last job. Initially, she had floundered, but when looking at job adverts realised she didn’t really fancy going back into an office scenario where she had to make so many decisions and lead a team. So, she started to apply for jobs as an assistant, and eventually got one as an assistant in the accounts department of quite a large firm. So, even though Nina was now forty-one-years-old, she had...

3 years ago
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Caught with the boss

I’m 32 and have been married to Greg for 11 years now. As far as I know, Greg has always been a faithful husband and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. I’ve been fucked by many other men since I’ve been married and Greg never knew anything. That is until he caught me last month. My husband has always been a great lover, but I could never resist the advances of strange men. I have to tell you...

2 years ago
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I was selected for the senior executive post in a MNC. I was very happy to get good package. After training phase, I got my location. When I reached my office, I was some late. I had to report Ms Suhani. She was my manager. She was young and filled with lot of energy. She said to me, “Amit, this is your first day, so I manage but remember your time.” I replied, “Ok Boss, I am being on time.” I saw her figure, she was totally gorgeous. She was in saree, her cleavage was attracting me. My dick...

1 year ago
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My New Boss

I moved to a new organisation and my new boss happened to be a lady which I know quite well but I haven't met before. she is 'gaddam' gorgeous and sexy and my 'innocent' self had a crush on her heavenly figure.HOW I KNEW HER:I met her on one adult forum, we kept in touch for a while exchanged emails and we got talking frequently but after a while, I was super busy with work and trying to change my job reduced our communication.One bored Saturday in my new place of work, I decided to send a mail...

2 years ago
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Boss Lady 20 The Big Boss

So as we head to the shower I am walkin behind you and grab u and pull u in with ur back to me with a tight grip around the front of ur neck I pull you close and say "now its time to show u who da Big Big Boss is!!!" U moan out "mmmmm daddy dats right show me who da real Big Boss is" so we go into the bathroom and I turn on da shower and we get in. As we get in u grab the bottle of bodywash and clean me up and I return the fav washin ur front sensually teasing you as I carress ya nipples and ur...

4 years ago
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Sexy Wife of My Boss

I have been reading stories for the past few years. So this is my 1st experience which I want to share with you and I would love to receive your comments mail me about me 25 years Single from Chandigarh. I am going to tell you how I made love with my boss wife. If any aunt or women from Chandigarh, Panchkula or Mohali (I love aunties from 30 to 45 the most) want to have sex with me can mail me on I stay alone, after completed my studies I start in a private company. My boss is in a nice man....

3 years ago
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My sisters joy with her Boss

Hi this is my first story in ISS. The story had been a real life one in my life when we were staying in Pune and had a farm house in Satara near Pune. We were staying in Pune since my birth and we were 4 people before my dad left to abroad for his extra work. We didn’t went due to our school engagements and other property dealing over here. So we stayed here only. After an year of papa’s departure we were all having our self jobs. Mom was having here job in one of the office near our house....

3 years ago
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The Boss

Mae had worked for Mr. Sen for 3 years. She was a very good assistant and did her job well. Today Mr. Sen asked her if she could stay tonight and work for a few hours on a special project. Mae replied "Yes, Mr. Sen., you are the boss." As they were working that night Mae leaned over the desk to reach for a report and Mr. Sen could see down her blouse. He noticed she was not wearing a bra and she had great full breasts. He replied "Mae, are you not wearing a bra tonight?" She answered "NO sir, I...

2 years ago
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The Boss

"Hey Sally, can you work late and help me entertain a client? I need to take him to dinner." She replied "Sure, I would love to." The boss then said "Great, wear something sexy. He does like women." She laughed and left to change her clothes.When her boss picked her up she was wearing a tight short red dress. It was low cut showing off her huge tits. The boss stared and said "Wow baby, you will thrill our client tonight. He can't say no to our contract with tits like that for him to see." She...

1 year ago
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Sharing My Wife With My Boss

When I went into my employer's office for my next assignment I was startled to learn that it consisted of having him over for dinner so he could have sex with my wife while I watched. "Mr. Bouton," I "stammered," I have learned that the single most important aspect of a job is a good relationship with one's boss, but I'm not sure how to respond to this." "Steve, your efforts to build a good rapport with me have not gone unnoticed, or unappreciated," my boss told me in a friendly tone...

4 years ago
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My female boss

“Mrs. Taylor, can I talk to you?” I asked. “Sure, take a seat Gina. And after office hours you can call me Erica,” Erica replied. I sat down and took a deep breath, I had been living with this for years,so I was nervous. “So what's on your mind Gina?” Erica asked. “Well Erica, I've been talking to my girlfriend and she has a problem,” I replied. “And what problem is that?” Erica asked. I took in another deep breath and she could tell I was nervous. “Well over the past...

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