Juhi Part 3 8211 Our Sexapartment
- 3 years ago
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He kept staring my way while I or we waited for our job interviews. The interview seemed to last only 10 minutes which didn’t thrill me too much. Even he looked like he was nervous as he fidgeted the same way I was fidgeting. But he would watch me and he would smile at me too.
The reason I didn’t like it was it was a job interview. I was trying to focus. I was trying to be serious about the possible job and when I looked at him he did too, but when he looked at me he would smile nonchalantly… too nonchalantly for my tastes. Already nervous I didn’t need the guy looking at me so casually. He wasn’t helping my train of thought.
Plus he was white, which shouldn’t be an issue, but seeing as I’m a black female who is well how should I put this? ‘Fluffy’ is a good word I guess. It’s how I’d describe myself it if I was online, but I wasn’t… I was preparing for an interview.
“Good luck” he says to me as I stood up to interview. He was smiling at me; he had all the charm in the world.
“What the heck” I asked myself as I disappeared around the corner. “Way to throw off my concentration” I told myself.
The problem was he was good looking; really good looking. He didn’t seem like he should be applying for an administrative assistant’s role. I wondered at first “Is he gay or something? He wasn’t a flamer. I figured that out. So why was he applying?
10 minutes later I walked out. Smiling he asked me how it went. I said fine but with a nervous smile. He goes in and I left to go and wait for my bus. It would come in about 15 or so minutes.
“Hey… hi” I hear a guy say to me. I turn and there’s that charismatic dreamy smile. “Tough interview huh” he asked me.
“Ohhh shit” I first thought. “Not you again” I said to myself. But my heart was racing. He had an incredible smile, nice eyes and I’m thinking to myself why is this guy being so friendly towards me? I’m hot all over. I actually want to stand close by him. I want to stand so close to him I can feel him breath and feel his body heat. He has a nice shirt on and really great slacks on too.
Me well I’m in a dress but to me it’s a beater. I could have gone to some cheap store and bought something nice or even Goodwill, washed it and pressed it to look marginally better. I didn’t and I’m wondering now if that mattered to him anyways.
Our bus comes but it is packed to the hilt! Hardly an available seat on the bus except the very back. That back one is always the worst because for whatever reason you smell the exhaust and it is horrible. Coincidentally we had to take it or stand up. WE preferred to sit so we sat together.
He made small talk, I answered in brief concise responses and he carried the conversation. He was interesting and I enjoyed his questions. We rode across town. I was heading to my part time job. I asked him where he was headed. He said home so I asked him where he lived. He lived two blocks from where I worked. He asked what store and I told him.
“Ohhhhh really” he says surprisingly. “I used to shop there all the time.”
“The guy has to be a flamer” I thought “or he’s just a metrosexual. Yeah that’s gotta be it. He’s a metrosexual.”
“You shopped there” I asked in an astounded voice.
“Sure did” he told me.
He told me he loved the place and I asked why he didn’t still shop there. He said for a couple of reasons. Oddly enough he told me anyone who wanted advice came to him on what they should decide on as far as jewelry was concerned and his male friends started thinking he was a flamer.
I started laughing and this serious tone came over him. He asked me why I was laughing and I apologized without telling him why. But he persisted on knowing why and the bus came to a stop and we got off. As we did we started to say goodbye but headed in the same general direction so he pestered me why I laughed so I told him.
“I thought you were gay too but then I realized you couldn’t be” and I told him why and I told the guy I figured he was simply a metrosexual and that was it.
He stopped dead in his tracks so I did too. He looked at me with a straight face and I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly his all encompassing charismatic smile overwhelmed me and my heart. He smiled and I felt like melting; I wanted to melt in the guys’ arms. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve never had a relationship with any white guy in my life. I’ve never had a relationship with a skinny guy in my life, but this guy could care less I thought. He immediately noticed things about me he must have liked because he told me something I absolutely loved about him.
“Wow you are really one cool girl. What I mean to say is I like you and don’t tell me what it is but a guy like me could easily fall for you.” I melted and felt my knees buckling and then he says. “I’m Chad Corbel; what’s your name?”
My hands always get sweaty when I’m nervous unfortunately. He had stuck his hand out to shake mine. I didn’t want to shake it but I knew it was the right thing to do so I stuck mine out and we shook hands. It was wild! His hand was moist; it was really moist like he was also nervous.
“Sorry… I guess I’m a little nervous suddenly” he tells me.
We walked towards the mall and he engaged me in what I did at the store I worked at and he told me how and what he loved so much about the merchandise until they switched merchandisers. That quickly began boring me because all I wanted to do was smell him, talk about me, talk about him and walk against his body.
I was smitten with the guy. I was fascinated by him. We entered the mall. We walked through it. He told me he always cut through so he could see what was selling and what was on sale especially some of the more fashionable stuff. He supported my first theory that he was a flamer but he was not.
I had to turn down another wing to go to my job and he walked with me. Just before we got to the store he stops, writes down his cell number and email and says “Hey if you ever have any interest and wanna hook up sometime… I know this is weird and all but honestly I’d love hanging out if that’s cool.”
I was excited as hell. I felt like lunging at the guy to see how well he kissed for starters. I felt like saying something to him to let him know I am kind of crazy for him, but I thought he can’t feel this way about a black girl with some ‘fluff’ to her frame. I mean I wasn’t fat by any stretch, but I did have a disproportionate sized butt in comparison to the rest of my body. I am a little chubby and I have a bigger ass then I care to admit. I wondered if that meant anything to him personally, but he never indicated that it did.
I thought about his offer all the time. I was afraid to take him up on it because I really didn’t think he meant what he said. I wanted to call him. I wanted to go to a movie with him. I wanted have lunch with him even though I only got 30 minutes for a lunch. I felt like calling him, saying hi and seeing what he was doing.
I didn’t and strangely enough he began showing up in the store I worked at. He said some friends started asking him about certain jewelry they looked at and eventually to prove it he’d show up with these girls or an occasional guy and tell him his opinion on the piece. He was good for business. We even talked about asking him to work there.
I didn’t want him to. I liked the mystery about him and soon after those visits he’d come by himself, wait outside the store and I wondered “Is the guy working? Does he have a job? God I wish I could call off sick and figure out a way to spend the day with him. Why is he leading me on like this? Is he leading me on? Am I fooling myself? Is he interested in me or just bored and needs something to do?” I didn’t know but I intended to find out.
“Hiya Caryn! How’s it going? Wanna have lunch with me?”
“Huh what” I exclaimed. “You… you wanna have lunch with… with me?”
“Yeah why wouldn’t I? I mean can’t ya tell I’m crazy about you? God if you only knew…”
I went haywire. I wanted to look like a fool. I wanted to behave so irrationally that I could care less. I was ablaze with irrational thought. I could have told him “Let’s skip lunch… do ya have any desire whatsoever to jump in bed with me Chad. I mean I’ve felt this way since…”
“Hey let’s do something fun tonight or maybe you don’t like me like that. Ummm sorry I guess I’m overstepping my…”
“Noo ohh no not at all” I told him “like sure I’d love to. What did you have in mind” I asked eagerly.
He already knew what time I got off. He knew I had to take a bus to get home so I could change. He knew that it be a good hour before I was ready and he suggested he pick me up, take me wherever I lived and he’d wait while I changed.
His eyes were hungry. I saw that in them; I’ve seen the look a few times in the past with other guys. It only made me more ravenous for the awesome charismatic white hunk who liked me for me… I’m pretty sure. I’d let him into my bedroom to watch me change if I was that confident, but I wasn’t. I wasn’t ready for that yet. I wasn’t sure what I was ready for, but I knew I was ready for a relationship with Chad.
“I’ll be back in three hours to pick you up” he said.
“Uhhh ummm well okay… alright I guess” I told him with some hesitation. He immediately saw that I was hesitant about our plan and asked why I was hesitant. I told him why.
“Ohhh yeah I guess that might be a problem. I didn’t think about that” he said snickering. “Yep parents can get that way about whites and blacks seeing each other. Hey I gotta an idea. What do you say we just keep this date on the up and up… you know… a non-sexual date? Is that cool with you? I mean I’d prefer it otherwise, but then I don’t wan to not be able to go out with you if there’s a next time okay?”
“Ohhhh god talk about making me horny” I told myself. I gazed into his eyes. I had a perpetual smile on my face. I wanted to smother him with kisses right there in the center of the food lounge. I was hot. I was turned on. I could feel myself between my thighs surging excitedly! I had three hours to go and couldn’t let his presence be a distraction to me for three whole hours.
“Chad umm please leave” I said curtly. “Umm you staying around any more is going to make me do things I’m going to regret later on tonight” I went on to say. “I mean it Chad… I’m not thinking right and ohhhhhh god…..” Is all I was able to say at that point.
He smiled, I melted and he touched my hand and looked me in the face. His charming smile made for a very long afternoon and I was incapable of thinking clearly. My boss… she figured it out. She knew it was due to a man she just didn’t know who… yet.
He picked me up outside the mall, drove me across town and I went in to change. My mom wanted to know who I was going out with and I told her “Just a guy” but wouldn’t say who specifically. I wasn’t going there but thankfully at least my daddy wasn’t home. He would have given me all hell if he knew it was a white guy.
I felt special and as I walked to the car I wore a particular dress I never wear. One which I hold out for extraordinary occasions such as this date with Chad, I looked great in it and Chad thought so too. When I came out of the house he was watching and waiting.
The dress was a nice print, highlighted the finer points of my chubby frame but you should have seen Chad’s face especially his eyes when I came down the steps of the porch. They rocketed from there sockets! I always thought he was a guy who maintained himself but not when I walked to the car.
“What… what” I asked. “Come on you don’t like me or this… which is it” I asked him.
“Uhhh nooooo no way” he told me. “Uhhhh like you look uhhh hot Caryn! I mean really, really hot in that!”
I was turned on in a big way after Chad said that. I quivered all over! I started trembling! It showed too. I looked at Chad. He was acting oddly. He was shaking and fidgeting. He glanced at me quickly but turned away. I turned away. We hadn’t even pulled away from the curb yet. I looked back at the house. I saw my mom watching from the window. Then she started to come out of the house. I told him to pull away. I watched my mom walk faster and faster. Chad pulled away. We were down the street. I told him to turn down another street. I told him to pull into the park. He pulled in. I was silent. Chad didn’t say anything either.
I looked at him. He looked awesome. He wore a nice collared shirt and nice jeans. He looked hot too! I was even more turned on. I wanted Chad. I wanted him badly. I couldn’t believe how wild and crazy I felt all over. My body was in turmoil. I could have taken my dress off on the spot. I could have done the same with his clothes. I felt like telling him he looked awesome too then I smelled it. I smelled the aroma! He wore an aftershave or something and it made me start to lose control.
No I didn’t attack him. No he didn’t attack me. I felt like I was ready to climax on the spot. I was beginning to moisten inside myself. I was about to lose control. I wanted Chad to do things to me I’ve never had or let a guy do to me in my life. I no longer cared what my morals were. I no longer cared if he had morals. I didn’t care about anything but seeing him naked, letting Chad see me partially undressed and I didn’t care what he had in mind… I felt like doing anything… anything he cared to do with me! This body was for the new man of my dreams.
I could feel myself shaking and quivering. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He was looking down, but he fidgeted frequently. I wondered why he was doing it. We still didn’t speak. My breathing felt rushed. I felt like I had to calm myself somehow.
I felt I needed to calm down. We hadn’t even made it to dinner. We had reservations he told me. We had 15 minutes to get there. I could care less about dinner. He looked at his watch. He looked at me and smiled. It wasn’t the same smile I was familiar with. That one wasn’t anywhere to be found.
“I… I think we’d better get… umm we’d better get going” he said softly.
I looked up but not at him and replied “Yeah I guess so.” Then my cell rang. It was my mom. I hesitated to answer it. I didn’t; not the first time. I didn’t answer it the second time either. She called again. I answered it.
“You be careful with that boy. I don’t like you going out with a white boy. You know that” she said.
I said I did. I didn’t say anything else like “He’s a nice guy mom.” She would have put up an argument wither way. I didn’t want to argue. “By mom… I’ll be home early mom.”
“You will” He joked. He turned and smiled. Chad winked and we laughed. We held hands the whole way there but Chad and I knew. Yes we did. He and I knew what we really wanted. We wanted what we couldn’t have or thought we shouldn’t have.
Chad and I knew that we wanted all out, unbridled sex with one another! We didn’t care how it unfolded we just wanted that as the end result! All we knew was we wanted something we weren’t able or possibly allowed to have. But some day and some way we were going to introduce it into our relationship. How and when was the only question.
Nervous at dinner I started feeling more comfortable and relaxed too. He was great company and I felt like I could lay in his arms all night long. I felt like we could kiss and I could tell him everything I desired.
I desired his hands touching my soft flabby body. Yes I desired his hands to slowly remove my dress and as he did I yearned for him to caress my big loveable shoulders, kiss them as he gradually removed the dress off me and then stop to stroke my tits with or without my bra on.
I imagined us together with my eyes closed, picturing him smiling and saying sweet nothings in my ear as he rubbed me all over my desirable body.
While I thought this at dinner I started getting horny again. I wanted Chad more then ever and knew the restaurant was the wrong place, but I felt a great need and did something I probably shouldn’t have done.
I lifted up my leg underneath the table. I thought I was doing it inconspicuously. His head popped up when he felt the tip of my shoe running inside his leg close to his crotch.
I looked at him and smiled. I hoped it was okay. I even winked when he looked at me with shock. I smiled even more. He finally smiled, but when he did he gave me a very charismatic grin. Whooaa did he melt me all over, but he needed to go to the bathroom. He didn’t say why.
The hostess walked over and smiled. She told me several people noticed me doing what I did. I was utterly embarrassed. She smiled and said under her breath “I do that all the time. You’re just at the wrong table for it.” I wasn’t sure whether I should laugh or what. “It’s cool” she said. Do it again, but I’ll move you two over to another table when he comes back.”
Chad came back smiling but not letting me know why. I was clueless and we were moved to another booth. Meanwhile I fed my yearning for a little playtime while he swatted away my tiny foot. I’d giggle and he’d wink and we had our dinner. We had a nice time. But not “nice” enough as far as we were both concerned. Taking me home we held hands… it was nice up until I got out of the car and went inside
Two weeks passed and we didn’t get a chance to see the other. I was dying to see him. I needed to be with him. I yearned to be with Chad every possible way. I spent hours quietly in my room at night not letting mom or dad disturb me. I ached for Chad to come around every day, but he couldn’t. He picked up extra work. He got busier then he ever expected. I yearned for his presence more each day. I grew frustrated and called off work too often. My boss called me in. She didn’t reprimand me but she was stern about me taking off work.
“Personal matters are personal matters. They can’t interfere with work. You have personal issues… figure out a release Caryn. I don’t want to talk about this again!” As I left work that afternoon she came up to me. Her daughter who was two years younger then me was searching for a roommate. If I was inclined to move out of the house… certain personal matters could be resolved she hinted.
“Personal matters could be resolved” I thought. “Personal issues could be taken care of…. hmmm Chad and I could…” and my body went wild. I was burning up with potentially the worst ideas but possibly the greatest opportunities Chad and I could have together. Would he ever go for coming to my place… my new place to spend a day with me, a night with me or be together with me? Would he go for us being intimate and passionate still? My mind was ablaze with ideas. I was aching at the thought. How could I coerce him to consider coming over?
I met with my boss’ daughter. We hit it off. She was so cool. We had a lot in common. She was a lot like I was. She always wanted to go out partying. I always wanted to stay home and party with Chad or so I hoped my plan would pan out that way.
My cousins helped me move. My roomie furnished all the furniture. All I had to do was supply my own bed. That was it. Turned out she had a boyfriend over all the time… a different one over all the time.
I wasn’t able to get Chad over. But come to find out Chad moved into his own place too. He never told me. I don’t know why either. It never seemed odd that he didn’t but I wondered in the back of my mind occasionally why he hadn’t.
Finally I got a call from him. He apologized for not coming to see my new place. He apologized for not helping me move. He asked if he could see the place. I told him yeah of course, but he never came. He did ask if I’d come visit his place. I told him I did. I took a bus to his place. His place was twice what mine was. He lived all alone he told me. It looked like he did.
While getting the full tour I told him “Cool Beans… so what’s your room look like?” He showed me. He slept on the couch. I didn’t get it. “Why are you sleeping on a couch when you have two rooms Chad?”
He said he liked the comfort better. “You like what comfort better” I asked him. I grabbed him by the hand, pulled him down the hall and opened up the doors. There were boxes in each room. Piles of boxes filled both rooms. I looked at them and I turned to look at Chad. I asked him what all the boxes were for. He just looked at me. I was becoming suspicious.
“Is… there… somebody else” I asked. He shook his head no. I started to wonder again. “Is he a flamer?” I felt like asking but didn’t. He looked into my eyes. Chad wasn’t smiling. “What’s going on” I asked. I had to know. He did have roommates I suspected. I wondered if he did then who his roommates were. “Chad… do you have… a girlfriend cause if you do I don’t wanna be in the middle of anything.”
There were beds in both rooms. Each room had TV sets. The mystery to the boxes was about to be let out. I soon found out what was in them. “Caryn sit down on the bed” he told me. “Relax alright” he said. “I… I don’t know if you’ll like this or appreciate it but I’d like to show you something. I’m really passionate about this but it hasn’t been a great success yet.”
He told me the remote could be on the floor. I looked over and bent down to pick it up. When I sat up he was smiling. I asked him why he was smiling. He had a twinkle in his eye I’ve seen before but something was going on. I asked him why he was smiling at me like that. He sat down on the bed next to me and suddenly for no known reason I felt uncomfortable. All those time I wanted to be close to him like we were. All those times I felt like shredding my clothes, his clothes and pushing him to the ground, suddenly I wasn’t able to. I was excited… yeah I sure was. I felt horny and I knew I wanted to get it on, but did I want to get it on with Chad in the bed? No for some reason I wanted to abstain even though I wanted his naked body on top of mine! God did I ever but I also wanted to abstain from doing it with him too.
“Do you know how sexy you are” he asked flippantly.
“Caryn, do you know how sexy you really are? Ever since we saw each other at that interview I have put off telling you that you are. I am so crazy about you… I mean I am so hungry about seeing you completely naked and want to show you my naked body too! I want us to do things which… ohhh shit Caryn I want to do stuff white men and black women shouldn’t be doing I don’t think, but then again I don’t care what society says I can do with you or not. Do you feel that way? Do you Caryn?”
I looked at him. I recoiled as I thought about how much I knew I wanted what he suggested. I could rip his pants off without undoing his buckle or unzipping him. I could pull the shirt off his body with my teeth I was so horny. Figuratively speaking I bled for it. I yearned for the wildest sex he was willing to give to me.
And then as I sat looking at him I moved back on the bed, put my arms behind me as if to invite him into me but I dropped it. I dropped the remote on the floor. It landed on the floor so I turned and bent down to pick it up and when I did I felt the hardest slap on my jean covered ass I ever felt in my life.
Chad had slapped me playfully or so he thought and when he did I jumped! I jumped excitedly up in the air. I turned and his shirt was off. His pants were off and all he had on were some tight underwear and he had a huge bulge in them! It was huge!
I was gawking like a girl who never saw a man’s bulge ever in my life! I started to sweat like I have never sweat before. My thighs sweat, my brow sweat, my back seemed to sweat and my hands began sweating. I was nervous and excited and I was horny and I wanted him to stop at nothing to lay me out and do me right!
I wanted him to pull everything off so he could love to his hearts and cocks desire!
“Go on feel it” he told me with his ever charming smile. “I want you to feel it as much as you desire” He told me. “You do want to don’t you” he asked.
I shook my head yes as my eyes looked at it in awe. He was on his knees but straightened up. His chest was perfect. His stomach was perfect. Everything about him was stunning and I was moaning but I didn’t moan out loud… no I did not.
My pussy moaned and my belly groaned, but I did not utter a sound until I said “Chad do you like my ass?”
“Huh what did you ask?”
I have no idea what I asked at first. Whatever came out of me was not a conscious thought. I asked him what he was talking about. He told me what I asked. I was embarrassed by the question.
He said “Yeah Caryn I love your thick brown ass. I love it so much I’d love to take off your clothes and get a piece of it… a bite out of it.”
I was floored but I was turned on even more!
“I’d love to smash my face in your ass Caryn. It’s so darn sexy Caryn; it really is” he said. I saw a wild look come over him. He looked crazed, but I was too. “I mean it’s sexier then you will ever know so can I do that?”
I ripped off my shirt, I ripped off my bra, I ripped off my jeans and I ripped off my underwear. I sat on that bed naked as the day I was born. All of my 180 pounds of chocolate brown flesh awaiting his charismatic soul to consume… so I turned over, stuck my big brown and round fat ass in the air for him to partake of.
I felt this wet sloppy long thing slide up over my jolly round ass and I cried out with exuberance when he licked my ass. I couldn’t believe it! I whipped around, grabbed Chad’s head and thrust it between my thighs. I smashed his face down into my deep red pussy forcing him to alleviate all of the heightened feelings I had so far, but I couldn’t stop there. I had to go on. I had to have more. I wanted more then his mouth. I wanted that mouth on my belly, by boobs and everywhere along my chubby body!
I screamed out with delight and I held him closely. I held him tight against my fat body. I pulled off his underwear, grabbed hold of his cock and I put myself in a position so I suck out any and all contents within his hardened white bone.
I sucked him that hard that he begged for me to let go. I wasn’t letting go until I brought him to his knees. I brought him down and it was good and once I did I got on my knees placed my fat cunt over his face and had the man eat me out for as long as I could stand it.
That day was so wild and so fun I knew I wanted more. I collapsed on top of him and initially I thought he wasn’t able to breathe but what I didn’t know was while on top of him Chad was fingering my cunt trying to get me to orgasm again.
I was so exhausted and hurt so much that I knew that day was well worth the wait but we had an awesome time. He said to me he loved my body and hoped I’d do it again.
“What do you think Chad’ I told him with a wink.
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Author's note: this is actually an older story that I wrote almost 15 years ago. A gentleman who has been encouraging me to write these sissy stories suggested that I post some of my older work online here, so that all of my stories would be available to read in one place. I hope that you enjoy this story; Sissy Michelle The Terrace View Apartments: Chapter 1 - Danielle I got a great job, right after I graduated from college. And while the job required that I relocate from my...
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Hi, all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the story. Please share your views and correction if any. I always enjoy pleasuring mature housewives. About Me: I am a Madhan of 27 years, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a well-built body. I basically belong to one of the cleanest city in India Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of...
First, a few comments: I apologize to the readers and fans of my unfinished story -"Surprised". I have, as they say, been "experiencing technical difficulties". My original intent was to do a series. Several things occurred which stopped me dead in my tracks. First, this is a format I just could not keep up with. What with Computer problems, a semi-major car crash, but most significantly, a story by another author which I felt was not only going where I had intended my characters...
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Dave stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by boxes to be unpacked and some furniture, looking out the floor to ceiling windows at the view. He could not believe he had won the auction. He had moved the sparse amount of furniture he had in to the relevant spaces. As he walked in to the kitchen with a box marked kitchen there was a knock at the door. Dave opened the door to see the Real Estate agent standing there with a bottle of wine. Vicky had been most helpful she had opened his eyes...
Over the years I’ve gotten my fair share of pussy, but none of it was anything really special — just a bunch of good, enthusiastic fucking. Maybe I was just unlucky or something, but the girls I managed to go to bed with were not really into the kind of free-form sex I would have liked. Money and power, maybe… but not true sex aficionados. Anyway, I was transferred to my advertising agency’s corporate offices in Los Angeles last summer. Rental rates for...
Apartment – I would dress from time to time when I could be alone in the house. I also began stealing girlfriends’ lingerie when I could. I would take if from their drawers or hampers. I was careful never to take more than one thing over a long period of time. As far as I know no one ever suspected it was me. As time went by and dating became more sexual I would make out and pet with a girl until she was came in her panties or at least was very wet. I’d sneak into her hamper the next evening...
Jase moved into his new apartment and was standing on the small entrance balcony when he saw someone coming up the stairs. His eyes opened wide when he saw the tall, slender, and very attractive woman and thought, things are looking up! She got to the top of the stairs and spotted him, but then she looked down.He held out his hand, “Hi, I’m Jase, I guess we are neighbors.”She looked at his hand, “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but once the other people start talking about me, I’m the last...
WatersportsI had just been hired at a new job working for a law firm. I was making a good chunk of money, so I moved into a higher-end apartment located closer to where I was working. It was great for a while, high paying job, cushy apartment, I was set. However, then COVID hit and I was let go from my job. I was not one to save, and my rent was due in a week. I heard things about the government handing out checks, so I decided to just wait. My rent day came and I still had no money. Halfway through the...
It was 1983 I was 19 I grew up in Southern California, being the 80's I had long hair was into rock music had a girlfriend. At the time I was 6'1" 190 macho type, but since my early teens had fantasized about men, always older men with grayish hair, I do remember once when was around 10-11 I found a bunch of magazines in this ravine where we used to play in by my house, most were penthouse but there was one that was of men naked mostly just posing but a few where in 69 positions I remember it...
Even though Jordan was exhausted he found it nearly impossible to fall asleep. He tossed and turned all night attempting to keep his distance from his friend. Eric had an old box spring for a mattress that he had since he first moved in. As a result, there was a permanent indent where Eric slept every night. It was this indent that Jordan had to fight against for hours. Every time he would find a nice distance from his friend Jordan would be close to pressing his face to the wall,...
The end of the reunion was now here. I drove back to our apartment. It was about eleven o' clock at night. The children should be asleep by now. Claire was a great babysitter, and her having a child herself for the kids helped a lot too. "Hey Claire.. How were they tonight?" I asked her as she opened up her apartment door. "They were great Jeffrey!" Claire said energetically. Claire was a single mother. Her child's father ran out on them after their child, Victor, was born. I walked...
Right after I graduated high school, I moved out into my first apartment. It was a one bedroom basement apartment located in a very large old house. The rent included utilities and was cheap…mainly because it had only one egress window (which was the only source of natural light in the entire apartment). I only had a queen size mattress (no box or frame) and a fold table with four chairs for furniture. I had two jobs one at a pizza cook ( just weekends) and working third shift at a foundry. I...
“I can’t believe the day has finally come!” I exclaimed excitedly, barely containing my urge to jump up and down. “Well, it has. I have waited all my life to finally be on my own, and I am so glad it has finally come to the point of fruition.” James beamed, while finishing off the last of his breakfast- maple cooked bacon and sausage patties. “So, the plans are all settled then?” I questioned him, sipping at my warm tea. “Yes, Moriah, Damien will be here momentarily with his truck. He said...
Oral SexTonight is the night that I am going to try a daring crossdressing self bondage experience that I have been planning for some time.First of all I start with my complete feminisation. As I am going to be a total slut tonight I apply my make-up accordingly. Once I have applied foundation and powder, I use a dark eye shadow to give me a smokey eye look. Then black eye-liner under the eye and I apply long false eye-lashes. I paint my lips a deep red and then lip gloss on top, making them full and...
We'd just returned from helping Jason, my brother, move into his newapartment. Mother was telling every one that would listen to her howwonderful Jason was, and how close he and his little brother were. Shekept telling people it was because that Jason had a hand in caring for hislittle brother. Jason had even been the one to suggest Mark for my name.Damn, I hated it when she talked about us like we were still c***dren. Iwas almost twenty-one and Jason was twenty-four and I was his lover. ...
"I have a rape fantasy," Andrea had told him as they walked toward her apartment. "If you want," he said, "I can slap you around." She stopped walking and turned to face him. "I can handle that." They began walking again. "I can spank you too." "Um, how about biting?" "Yes, I can bite you." "Maybe I'll need a safe word," she said, pensively. "A safe word?" "You might go too far, so I can use a safe word, like Yellow. You hear it, you stop." He nodded in...
I was walking along the wide path behind the glorious sandy beach on the north coast of the largest of the Greek islands. The early afternoon sun was warm on my face and the atmosphere was convivial as groups of mostly young people sunbathed, played games, chatted, and laughed on the beach. Others congregated outside the numerous stylish cafes, posing, preening, and flirting.I’d rented the same apartment here for the last seven summers as I always enjoyed watching the bright young things,...
LesbianI’ve been uneasy since last night when my roommate informedme that Kyle, my date for tonight, is the next Andre Agassi, gracing the covers of sports magazines and melting the hearts of female tennis fans the world over. That information combined with a mental image of his hotness has me giddy as a fucking schoolgirl. I don’t like that. Guys drool over me…it’s generally not the other way around. So, I’m taking back the control. He was supposed to pick me up at 5, but here I am at 3:00, sitting...
I’ve been uneasy since last night when my roommate informedme that Kyle, my date for tonight, is the next Andre Agassi, gracing the covers of sports magazines and melting the hearts of female tennis fans the world over. That information combined with a mental image of his hotness has me giddy as a fucking schoolgirl. I don’t like that. Guys drool over me…it’s generally not the other way around. So, I’m taking back the control. He was supposed to pick me up at 5, but here I am at 3:00, sitting...
Straight Sexlove_em_dee Compound 606, Chapter 1: Sarah's Apartment Hey Dan, something came up – will be out of town for a while. I left the papers from our project on your desk. I’ll be in touch. -- Marko I read the email three times before I shut the computer, murmuring to the empty apartment, “Well that’s strange.” I worked with Marko on a neuroscience research proposal during our first year of medical school, but I lost interest in neurology and moved to another lab. Like me, he was an...
“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....
Myself Rahul 24 years old boy from Kerala. I am working in Bangalore. I have my own company apartment and I am living there alone. This sex story happened 3 months ago. I had a best friend from my college itself. Her name is Vidya 24 years old, 5.2 feet height and a milf figure. She has a huge pair of boobs. We are close to each other, but I didn’t get the opportunity even to touch her body. At that time, Vidya called me and said ” I got placed at a company there…and all the interview process...
“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....
Group SexJamie was an old classmate of mine from secondary school - we had kept in touch over the years via Facebook. When these events happened, Jamie was in a relationship with a girl called Emma and they lived in a luxury two-bedroom top floor apartment right in the heart of Canary Wharf on the 29th floor. There was a plumbing issue in my flat, so the landlord asked me to move out over one weekend until it was all fixed.Finding myself requiring temporary accommodation, I asked Jamie if it would be...
ExhibitionismWhen my girlfriend and me broke up, I moved in to some apartments that was on the other side of town. It was a nice apartment, it overlooked the pool, and it was on the second… When my girlfriend and me broke up, I moved in to some apartments that was on the other side of town. It was a nice apartment, it overlooked the pool, and it was on the second floor. The bad thing was the glass door leading to the deck outside and the drive to my job. The drive to my job was a 30 minutes without...
StraightMy cousin’s apartment is on the fifth floor. So carrying up my desk is no easy task per say. See, I am going to be staying with her for a couple weeks before I go to the college that I am transferring too. I’m 22, went to community college for a couple years but am now going to a university. Though I can’t move into my place there for about sixteen more days and where I was living, the lease is up and I needed somewhere to go. No way would I go back to living with either my mom or my dad at...
“ Mr Doe?” you hear a voice enquire and you are dragged from your reverie back into the real world. “ Oh, sorry!” you say. “ I was just looking at my….acquisition, I cant believe its mine, and please, call me John.” “ Yes.” responds the lawyer. “ I can believe it would be a shock to discover you’d just inherited an entire floor of an apartment building, a nice building too.” You both walk towards the building, the lawyer handing you a big bunch of keys and a few thick sheaths of paperwork. “...
My cousin's apartment is on the fifth floor. So carrying up my desk is no easy task per say. See, I am going to be staying with her for a couple weeks before I go to the college that I am transferring too. I'm 22, went to community college for a couple years but am now going to a university. Though I can't move into my place there for about sixteen more days and where I was living, the lease is up and I needed somewhere to go. No way would I go back to living with either my mom or my dad at...
Dedicated to someone that needs this in her life as well as someone to let the freak out with, you can have both. Everyone above the age of 18. * Hands cover your eyes as you close the door to your apartment, startling you a bit but bringing a smile to your face. The hands are gentle as they blind your sight and you feel his hot breath on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. ‘What do you think you are doing?’ you ask. ‘Oh, nothing much really I have a surprise for you, darling,’ he...
I always fantasize about exploring the unlimited possibilities of cross-dressing and exposing myself in public such as dressing up and clicking hot pics in public places, seducing men and get picked up from pubs, having sex in car and on the roadside, etc., and some of my fantasies have already come true such as my sexual encounter experience in a moving train with a middle-aged man on my train journey to...
I am what I consider to be a very passable shemale. Long auburn hair, about 5 7 and been told nice legs and a butt to die for lol "well it's been taken a good few times with no complaints". And life was good.I was moving into a new apartment in a better area. It had been a long day and i was just getting to the end of taking my boxes up to my new apartment when they appeared. They introduced themselves as Chris and Tina saying they lived in the apartment directly facing mine. Straight away i...
I'd just got back from a Spanish lesson and I realised that I forgot the key to the building and to my apartment at the apartment. And my neighbor, who is actually also my friend, was at school and the owner of the apartment wasn't in town for the next 2 days. So I just had to wait at the door until someone from the building comes in so I can ask them to let me in. It was so hot outside and I was sitting on the steps to the building's entrance. After 10-20 minutes, my friend's hot mom comes...
Hi readers, I am john (), I’ll be sharing one of my sex experiences. Actually it’s not exactly a sex story since I have done everything except the intercourse. My dad was transferred to a town, and was living in an apartment and the maid use to work there and her husband works as watchman and also does some odd jobs. I was at my hostel when my parents got transferred so it was the first time I was going to my parents after the transfer. I saw the maid when she came to give some flowers to my...
They were calling it the storm of the century. I had just moved to Boston from San Francisco for a job. It was a good step up. I had some savings to live off of and didn’t need to start for several weeks so I figured I’d relocate early and get familiar with the area beforehand. Given the latest weather report, it looked like I was stuck getting familiar with the apartment I just rented. It was small but nice. Located in a historic part of the city, the building was originally used for offices...
They were calling it the storm of the century. I had just moved to Boston from San Francisco for a job. It was a good step up. I had some savings to live off of and didn’t need to start for several weeks so I figured I’d relocate early and get familiar with the area beforehand. Given the latest weather report, it looked like I was stuck getting familiar with the apartment I just rented.It was small but nice. Located in a historic part of the city, the building was originally used for offices...
Another chapter from my hot selling Book Hotwife Chronicles. Available now on Amazon and Kindle for Ereader an paperback. Under my pen name Raul MontanaJanine and Fred had recently moved into an apartment complex in Florida. The apartments were excellent, and the complex included a beautiful pool and exercise facility. One afternoon Janine was tanning by the pool while a group of high school boys was swimming. She pretended not to notice when the boys would glance her way to check her out....
My husband had just been transferred from his job and we got an apartment in the city so he could be close to his job and I worked as a bank teller so it was very easy for me to get a job. We had just got settled in when we met our neighbors from across the hall from us. Now I have been with my husband since junior year of high school and have never been with anybody else, man or woman, but when I saw my neighbor, my pussy jumped. He was about six feet tall, had gray streaks in his hair and was...
EroticA guy rents a room in the apartment and the landlady turns out a 49 year-old woman looking for some hot sex…On arriving in Seattle I had to rent a room in a two-room apartment. The landlady’s name was Michelle, she was 49 and I was 26 at that time.Her apartment wasn’t much different from those others where a woman lives alone. To say briefly it was awful. I am a hardworking and thrifty guy, that’s why I felt enthusiastic about making the flat nice and good for living. It took me a week to fix...
Hi Indian Sex Stories readers. Vaibhav (changed) here. I love this site because reading stories here help me keep my sexual intentions up always. About me, I am 20 years old. I am a student in a college and live in Rajasthan. I am handsome, 6 feet tall with muscular body and I am fit as I play sports and visit gym regularly. Let us get into the story. This a story about how I made love to my cousin sister. So coming to the story, we live in the same building she lives in the opposite apartment...
IncestHi everyone, this is Rama from Odisha and let me introduce about myself. I am an average looking guy 33 years old Married Man and i am quiet fit have the ability to satisfy any women or girl. Gonna share you the real incident which happened with me Five years back. This is my first and Real story of mine. If you got any mistake then please forgive me. If any one wants to give any kind of feedback or comment then please write me on Now Coming to the real story, it was the month of June and I...
# Youthful modeling Katherine was 22 when she was asked to do modeling for a fashion magazine that came through her hometown of Chicago. Being a single mother with a son of 6, she loved being solicited with the idea while making ends meet working at her small coffee shop. She eagerly accepted the photo shoots for of a series of topless poses as well as getting to do artsy poses with male nudes. She was very proud of the photography work and the chance she got for modeling and threw a...
The management of my freshman college apartment did not mind if people went on the roof to sunbathe but locked the roof door at night. I had a shortcut to the roof using the fire escape from my balcony just below the roof, so on occasion, we would climb to the roof at night and smoke weed. I was walking up to my apartment one evening, when I met a group of people headed up to the roof carrying cameras and photography equipment. The people said that they rented the rooftop space to do some...
VoyeurThe management of my freshman college apartment did not mind if people went on the roof to sunbathe but locked the roof door at night. I had a shortcut to the roof using the fire escape from my balcony just below the roof, so on occasion, we would climb to the roof at night and smoke weed. I was walking up to my apartment one evening, when I met a group of people headed up to the roof carrying cameras and photography equipment. The people said that they rented the rooftop space to do some...
VoyeurNow this is a real story or thoughts I did not now where to publish...So for quite some time I noticed there is something about voyeurism that turns me on. I think it is normal to have a peek. But recently things have started getting more intense, I have found I also enjoy a bit of exhibitionism.Half a year ago I moved into a new apartment, on the top floor and I have never thought I could have such views from there. Too see a glimpse of someone in the window of opposite apartment is...
It’s a cool, breezy Friday night in a very plain 4plex in NE Minneapolis. The building is old, the walls thin, and Chris and Shea are just returning home, after hitting the town in proper style, and find themselves more than a little ‘in the mood…’(2A – Chris & Shea)‘Who shall I be tonight’ asks Chris, ‘a Fireman, cop, rockstar?’‘How about you just get over here and fuck me’ whispers Shea, head cocked, biting her lip.‘As you wish’ Chris replied. Shea smiling at a quote from her favorite...
It was one of the first hot days of spring, I sat on the train at the end of the day enjoying the heat in my limbs and my groin. Most of the women on the train had put on their flimsy summer dresses. The glimpses of skin, that had been hidden from I was heading back to my serviced apartment, a few stops from the city, the train was full and I sat down next to a woman in a colourful blue dress. As I sat we made eye contact, and both of us smiled slightly before we looked away.As we rode the...
Hii, this is amay back again with a new story. Got good response to my older story, the sex I had with sanjana. So any ladies, aunty’s, bhabhi’s around mumbai looking for some passionate fun can mail me at Privacy guaranteed. So coming back to story, it happened 3 months before, I received message from mayanti that she is coming back next week to mumbai from australia. She used to stay in our apartment but due to husbands transfer they shifted to australia. I informed my parents about her and...
Close your eyes for a moment; I want you to picture the setting. James has a very cool third floor loft apartment down by the river. Bare brick walls, oak wood flooring and very atmospheric lighting. The apartment is completely open plan; even the wet room has glass walls so you can see right in. I don't know who chose the furniture, I doubt it was James, but they definitely have great taste. There's not a lot of it but what there is is seriously classy. The antique dining table is absolutely...
Straight SexTeaching Jean Jean?shands flew over her mouth and tears filled her eyes. Shehad been shielded when she opened the door to hers and Scott?s bedroom, soshe hadn?t known there was anyone else in the room until she opened the door.She stood, rooted to the spot, as the tangle of arms and legs in her and Scott?sbed unraveled, and resolved into two women plus her beloved husband. Betsyand Emma. Scottlooked slightly ashamed. His two companions, however,...
"Wow you have such a lovely view from here. You are so lucky to have found this place," Sally cried over from the balcony. Sally was enjoying her night view. She could see the swimming pool down below, within the confinements of the condominium. She could also see everything outside the condominium, including a beach and from what Michelle knew it could have even taken a yacht, from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, all the way to some of the swamps of Florida. "How high are we again??"...
I woke up with the feeling of wetness around my dick. Still groggy I thought I wet the bed, and tried to get up but I was held down. I looked around and realized I was in my friends apartment. I looked down to see he had my dick in his mouth. He sucked me till I came, that's when I woke up. Using his fingers he milked my balls till I was dry. When my limp dick fell out of his mouth he looked up and smiled. He wiped his mouth and brought his hand to my mouth. I stuck out my tongue and licked my...
Julia lands a dream job with a top fashion lingerie house that leads herinto a life of beautiful women and daring sexual exploits. In this autobiographicalshort story, Julia explores her sexuality alone, daring to deny herself orgasmicgratification.Alone in Kirsten's apartment I left the offices at about 5:00, my head full of ideas and images of theday. I decided to walk back to Kirsten's apartment and picked up some foodfrom a corner store nearby. I was looking forward to a quiet evening on...