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By Brewt.Blacklist

November-December 2010

I. Pantalon: Couch

ALRIGHT, SHOW of hands. Who really doesn't hate their jobs. I mean, c'mon. The job is just to keep the bills happy, and keeping them happy keeps the girl happy, so she doesn't make your life miserable, because, as it turns out, you aren't what made her happy at all; it was all the other crap she wanted. Cars, houses, kids, food, pets, constant entertainment, and no, just leave me alone, not tonight, my god, is that the only thing you want, is that all I mean to you, and don't look at me like that, it makes me feel bad, and that doesn't help your cause at all. Maybe later. Yeah, right. Maybe much later. It's a kind of extortion.

The knots we tie ourselves up into to get that one thing, that one little few-minute thing that every institution we're involved in goes way too far out of its way to extinguish, because we wouldn't want to offend the little girl who used to act like a friend who actually cared about you but at some point when you weren't looking changed her mind and decided you were nothing more than a creepy old guy and complained to management that you were bothering her when you smiled at her when you said hello which she always used to return, whose only recourse was threaten you with sexual offender status because what else can we do and no, you can't talk to her anymore, and you need to go to counseling and get straightened out and why can't you fly right, shall we call your wife, wouldn't she like to know what your co-workers think about you, no, there's nothing you can say in your defense, I mean, even if we believed she's making this stuff up, she had to have a good reason to target you, so something had to have happened and we need to assure ourselves that you are safe to keep around. Now go.

Shitfuck. And it's not just the job. Pretty much everywhere doesn't want to know what's going on in your pants. Yuck, how disgusting. Wouldn't we be better off if you didn't bring it up all the goddamn time in pretty much every sentence you use, oh, really, what about the whole playing with a pencil thing you got caught at church doing, and it would behoove you to get your mind out of the gutter and onto the really important things like what does god want from you, and no, he has no interest in your efforts to re-enact the propagation of the species you obviously managed to pull off twice without us having to know or watch which would have made us throw up just to think about so we remain proper and avoid talking about it or thinking about it or my god no, you can't take care of it yourself that's even more disgusting, don't you know that's a sin that the lord god almighty smote people for and why aren't you just over it yet, I mean, really, grow the fuck up. And stop bringing it the fuck up.

And it's not like growing up made anything any easier. Mother was a cold hearted bitch that always made sure to embarrass me whenever I needed a hug, and aw, does her little baby boy needs a hug, okay that's enough, go play in the street, go on now, be a big boy, oh, and son, would you like to explain this, what, don't you have anything to say, you shouldn't think about women like this, they're not toys, they are what gave you life and you need to have more respect for all women everywhere, I am so ashamed you would even look at anything like this, oh god, please tell me you aren't masturbating, especially to this filth, are you, well, don't let me ever think you are or there will be real hell to pay, just wait until your father finds out what you've been hiding under your bed, you'll be lucky to sit or even walk this week, now go to your room and pray to the lord to make you better than that, my god, what a disappointment you are, I thought I raised you better than that. Sure thing. Thanks, god. Thanks a lot.

"Mr. Andrews?"


"Our time is up. Until next week. Please see the receptionist on your way out to schedule. And I'm sorry to have to bring it up, but there's something about a bill. Yes. Thank you. Goodbye."

II. ?t?: Sidewalk

I TRUDGED up the walk knowing what to expect. Yet another evening of stress and walking on eggshells. She'll be annoyed that I'm bothering her, and why are you late, and she hasn't thought about dinner yet, and would you please get the dog to shut up. She'll have a headache. Her day will be all we talk about, because she's had enough of the drama from my work. So don't even bring it up. We'll watch what she wants to on TV.

Just once. That's all I ask. I could probably go for another, ha ha, decade if it could happen just once.

"Oh darling, I've missed you. Did you have a hard day? Come in, sit down. Let me take your coat. No, don't get up. I've poured you a drink. Here, honey. I'm so glad to see you, let me take off your shoes. Mmmm. Can you put that down for minute? I have something to tell you. I love you. Mmmm. Mmmm. No, the children aren't home right now. Are you busy? Let me see what's in here. Oh, dinner'll wait a little bit, don't you think? Oh, god, yes. Hhhhh. Mmmm Mmmmmnnghghk ngyk mmmm ngyk mmmm you taste good, is this alright? Do you still like this? I do. I've been thinking of doing this all day. Mmm yeah, I've been bad, too. Dreaming of this made me so I just couldn't completely wait, and yes, I've been playing with myself today, no, I haven't cum yet, I wanted to wait for you, would you like to see? Would you like that? Because I'd do that for you. Mmmmm, god you're big, Ngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk mmmm. I think I have too many clothes on. Stay. I want you to see what I have on. All the way down. Ohh. Do you still like it? I still want you to want me. Mmmm. Hang on. I've got to do this a little more. Mmm ngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk hhhhhh. Aaahhhh are you going to fuck me? Let me take this off, too. I love you, baby. It's been too long. Let me get that for you, oh, god, that's better, isn't it, just like when, well, you remember. Mmmm ngyk ngyk ngyk, hhaa, mmmm. Touch me there. There, oh, god, yes, oohhhhh, lie back, mmmm ngyk ngyk ngyk mmmm, hhhh, aaah, yes, god yes, hhhohh, hhhohhh, hhahhh, wait, wait, wait, I want you to do something. Yeah, It's something I know you want, uh, huh, sit up, please, mmmm, it'll be worth it, I promise, hang on. Here. Yeeaahh. That. I know you like that. I do, too. I've been waiting for this part all day, too, and can you tell I'm wet? Oh, god, yes. Tighter. Tighter. I can still move over here, get those, too. Ohhh. God, yeah, I love this, I can't move, you can do anything you want to me, Oofff. Oh. Ohhhmmmmm. Hhhhh. Uugghh. Listen. One more thing. Hhhh. Look at me. Do you want to do it? It-it would be okay. You can do it if you want to. I'd . . . I'd like it. I've never told you this, but, it, it's, like, a fantasy that I will totally deny if you ever tell anyone. But . . . c'mon. Get it. While you're fucking me. Just pull it out of the loops. Yeah. Do it. Do it. DO IT. You know where. I love you. Aaahhh oohhh, yyeah, I want, I want you inside me while you do it, again, Ugggh, yes, yes, it hurts, yes, Ahhh gggoooodddd, fuck me, UUggghh, fucfuckfuck, yes, AArrgh, Hhooohhh, ARRGH godFUCK yeah, uuff, hhh, more more, yesssaarrcgchfghch, aAHAHHHH, Ahh, AHHAHHHH FUCK ME! HIT ME! FUCKME! HARDER YOU BASTARD! YES! YES! AGAIN! OOOFFF AHFUCK!!! GOD YES I LLLLOOOVVE YOOOOOOUUUU!!!!!! HAHHHHHH!!!"

Doorclick. "You're late. Will you please shut the damn dog up? I swear. I haven't even thought about dinner yet. Will you take care of that? Really? Thanks, honey. What's on tonight?"

III. Poule: Traffic

THERE ARE mornings I cannot get out of there fast enough. Just a quick perfunctory peck is all that's left of all the passion we used to have that I miss every damn day. Yes, she pushed me away again. God, it hurts when she does that, and the little hypocritical bitch denies she's even doing anything. Then she blames me for making things worse by bringing it, the "it", up yet again, making her feel guilty because she just can't bring herself to do anything like that right now, and don't you have to go, jeese, why won't this fucking dog be quiet, go on, I'll see you tonight, yeah, yeah, we'll see how I feel, goodbye, have a good day. Mwah.

Traffic is as it always is, a total fucking whore and there's nothing but shit on the radio. At least I can pretend the little tramp from the office is better now.

No, I'm not mad at you any more. Really. C'mon baby. Lean over here, and give me a kiss. Mmmm, that's it. I like that. We're gonna be here a while, so, why don't you entertain me a little. Yeah, I do mean like that. It'll be alright; no, they can't see in. Tint. Yes, I am serious. C'mon . . . Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, we're not going anywhere. Let me. I want to feel. Oh, god, that's good. I love this. You are so beautiful. Oh. No, let me do it. Yeah. You know you want to. Do it. Hmmm. Open that, too. I don't remember this. When will my name show up there? Naw, ha ha, I'm kidding. Does that feel good? I like it. Pull that aside. I want to hold it. Roll it around a little. Do you like that? I do. It feels amazing. Listen, I'm going to pull a little, just a little, no, I'm not trying to hurt you, just giving you a little thrill while we wait, Mmmm. Yeah. I love that expression on your face. That's the most beautiful thing there is, to see that effect, let yourself go, yeah, mmmm, yes, mmm, the other one, too. Go ahead, it's alright. I like to see that. I like helping with that. Here. Let me there, too. Yes. No, really? Fine, I'll just do this until you let me. Tug, tug, twist, push, roll, tug, touch, let go, ahhh, that's the sound I've been waiting for. Yes. Yes. More. Again. Oh, yeah, baby, if you insist, hhhhhh, Jesus, you're wet. No, that's not the least bit bad, is it? Oh, Ahhh. I could do this all day. You? Yeah? Maybe we should skip work and just go find a place and do this instead, yeah, oh, so soft. You're shuddering. You'll let me know, won't you. Because I want to know. Wouldn't want to miss it. Mmmm. Hang on. Fuck, you taste good. More. More. You're going to need to change your panties. Or better yet, just give them to me. Yeah, they're in the way. Take them off. Do it. Atta girl. That's better. Oh, yeah. Listen. Can you feel this? How 'bout this? I'm gonna barely touch you; let's see how far we can take it. Hhhh. Yeah. Say it again. Let it happen. You want it, I want it. I want you to. It's alright. Let them see. Come on, do it. Cum for me. Let it happen. Yes. Yes. Oh, yeah. God, I want to fuck you. Aaahhhhh . . .

Fuck. Green light.

IV. Tr?nis: Pew

PRAISE GOD from whom all blessings flow. Our father who art in heaven. Do this in remembrance of me. Love your neighbor as yourself. Yeah right. Love. The greatest of these is love. So says the minister.

"I'll love you. And I'll love you. And you. You. Let me show you. No, really. Stay. Just wait a moment, this robe is in the way. There. Surprise. God tells me to do this when I lie awake at night. I have an announcement: this is how we're going to do it; this is how we're going to show our love, right here, from now on. Join me. You know it's right. Yes. Everyone please stand, and take each other's hands. Do you feel it? Do you feel the person next to you? Move closer together, and reach up and put your arms around each other, one on each side. Yes. Praise god, yes. Now, all of you, become like me. Right here, right now. In fact, help each other. Help each other become like me, don't do yourself, let someone else bring you into our way, and you do the person next to you. Gently now, this is perfectly good and natural, it is as god intended. This is how Adam and Eve were; this is how we shall be, whenever we gather together. Don't be afraid. Yes, praise god, yes. Now reach out and touch each other. It is alright. Yes. Here, come up here, I'll show you. You touch me. Yes, there, too. And there. And I'll touch you. No, I won't spare this, either. Here. Here. Yes. All of you now. Touch everyone around you. Easily. Slowly. And a kiss. Greet each other with a holy kiss. Everyone. Yes, everyone. Not there. No, not there either. There. Where it matters. Oohhh, praise god, yes, there. Kiss each other until what god intended happens. Oohhh, god, dear god, wet, these are our, huhh, bodies, broken for you . . .?

In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit. Amen.

"I saw you looking at me again. Pervert. Stop that. What is wrong with you?" whispered the minister as I shook her hand as we left. My wife was too busy gladhanding all her little bitties to notice how humiliated she would have been if she had first looked down when I stood up. Oh well. Thank god for small favors. Ha ha.

V. Pastourelle: Grave

SEVEN YEARS. It's been seven years to the day. Hi, mom. Howya been. The same? Ha ha, me, too. The kids are good. Hmm? No. not really.

Listen, get up. Come on, get up. 'Cause I want something. You can't possibly mind any more, can you? That's it. That's the way. Turn around. Just stand there. You know what I want. Yes, I do. What are you waiting for? You know how you're supposed to be for this. Just like I used to have to be. No, don't worry about the dress. It'll be fine. Just leave it there. That's it. Do you want to hang onto that? That'd be okay. Okay. Now hold still. Uuggh. Yes. One. Uggh. Two. Ugggh. Three. God, I love this. Uggh. Four. I'm sure it does. Get up. Now. Uggghh. Five. Ugggh. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. What are you doing? No, I won't stop. Get up. Do you want to lean over that? Of course it will, it's stone. Can you stay put if you do? Then do it. Where was I. Ah, yes. Ugghhh. Nine. Shut up. Ugghh. Ten. We got miles to go before we sleep. Ugghh. Eleven. Do you remember when you used to scold me for looking at women? Ugghh. Twelve. The way you didn't think I should? Ugghh. Thirteen. Well, you were right. Uggh. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Hhhhahhh. Huh. Yeah, I was doing just what you thought I was. Uggh. Seventeen. Ugghhh. Eighteen. And I still do it today. Uuggghhh. Nineteen. Every woman I meet. Ugghh. Twenty. What? How many? Why, until I'm tired of it, of course. You know what happens then, don't you? Stop crying, you deserve it. Ugghh. Twenty-one. You know you do, you bitch. Ugghh. Twenty One. Yes, you do. Ugghhh. Twenty Two. Oh, what do you mean, not there? Uggh. Twenty Three. Twenty Four. Twenty Five. Hhhuhhh, hhuhhh. I huuhhh, think there, huhhh, would be just fine. Ugggh. Twenty six. Seein's how I came out that other place, uggh. Twenty Seven. I should try to go back in the one I want, dontcha think? Ugghh Twenty Nine. Yeah. The one you reeaallly hated. Thirty. Thirty One. Shut the fuck up, you whore. Huuhhhh. Alright. First part's over. Round Two is right now. And if I don't like it, we'll go back to Round One for some more, until you get it fucking right. Quit it, or I'll slap you again. Yes, right god damn now. Uhhh, hold still, uhhh, god, you're tight, uugghhh, oh, oh, oh, yeah? Didn't Dad ever do this? Hm you little slut? Are you wet? Were you uh good to him? You'd better make this good now, uuhh, squeeze, no I don't care if it hurts, it's supposed to, uggh ughhh huh HhhHhhUh HUHHYEAH! YEAH UUHH!!!! HHhhh hhh uuhh, uh, uh. Hh . . .'bout god damn time, if ya ask me. Shut up. Lie back down right there where you belong, and shut up.

Look, I'm leaving the flowers. That's more than I'm doing for the cunt I live with, so appreciate it, wouldja? Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Love you, too. Stop crying.

VI. Finale: Couch

"WELL, IT'S obvious. Your not getting your needs met. How can you get through that?"

"Well, I don't know. Everyone and everything in my life says it's the one need that should be suppressed. You've seen how our society feels about old men. It's, you know, icky."

"If you don't find a way, one that is acceptable, you're going to explode."

"I'm sure I will."

"Is that the way you want it to be? If it were your kids who had this need, would you force onto them what's been forced onto you?"

"God, no."

"But now you're even doing it to yourself, and you're letting everyone around you keep you from getting what you need. Can't you see your way out of this?"

"Well, let's see, I could ignore what they're saying, and take what I want anyway. We both know how badly that would work out."

"I wouldn't suggest it. Oh, and it's a need, not a want."

"I could try some creative outlet, like writing, or something."

"Yes, that would help with some of the anger. But the need. The basic need to be touched. What can you do there?"

There was a pause.

"I could go find someone willing. But that'll pretty much shoot my marriage."

There was another pause, longer this time. And I could hardly hear her whisper.

"Not if she doesn't find out."

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One evening I was awakened from a light dreamless sleep by a car door slamming and people talking in a hushed tone. I crept over to the window and saw several cars parked on the front lawn. Uncle Dave was gretting his guests with a hug and a kiss, both female and male with equal passion. In total there was about a half dozen people. They did not enter the house but headed down a narrow path that cut into the dark forest. My curiousity thourghly aroused I dressed and went downstairs and out the...

3 years ago
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Lena Rosalyn Like Each Other

POV: LenaLena comes back to her house late finds out her mom and Kat fucked at her home on the first date anyway. Although, Savannah lies and then introduces her to Kat's daughter Rosalyn. They chat while their moms are on another date. They both discuss they've never been with another woman, and find each other attractive, so they try it.  "So, you're back here at home now, Mom, dare I ask, did you listen to you me?" I pondered, walking to the front door. "Am I a bad daughter for lying and...

4 years ago
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BACK IN PATTAYA JULY 2019After my adventures I went back to Pattaya, I always like it there, many gaybars and some nightlife. I had took the bus from the Ekemai bus station in Bangkok to North Pattaya, simple and not expensive. On the net I had find a hotel in South Pattaya, very good price 1100 Bath, The classroom hotel, a gay hotel in boys town, the room is ok all is there, need nothing more, maybe just some nice handsome guy LOL. I put all my things in the cupboard, took shower and went out....

1 year ago
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Designer Children Part 4

Chapter 10 My first instinct was to hide underneath the covers and remain there. Ashley's absence was potentially disastrous because like the night light, she was the anchor that kept me from drifting toward surrender. It would be so easy to accept my fate, to accept being Kaylee- the same way I left everything else, the restaurant, acting, Hannah- it was easier than having to deal with any of the emotions that went along with it. As Musica prattled on, urging me to get out of bed,...

1 year ago
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Seduction of a Young Mother

Sharon was the happiest mother in the world. She was fairly happily married; although her husband was on the road a lot with his job, yet she did her best taking care of a baby and the house without a man around a lot of the time. The best part of the day was taking her six month daughter for walks, which proved to be perfect bonding times for the two. It was during one of those daily walks through the neighborhood park that she met a young couple who had secretly watched her almost every...

2 years ago
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Myself and Jenna Part 3

My husband was away on business, leaving the Wednesday evening and only coming home the following Tuesday. After dropping him off at the airport my daughter and I went home. We had dinner and soon we were off to bed. The next morning I dropped her off at school, went to gym and after gym headed home. I was sitting having breakfast when my phone rang, it was my friend Jenna. I had messaged her telling her that my hubby had to go away on business for a few days. She phoned to asked if I would...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Samantha Rone 22327

Samantha Rone is horny as hell, and ain’t nobody gonna stop her from sucking her friend’s brother’s football-playing dick! Chad’s making a sandwich in the kitchen and Samantha decides to introduce herself by gettin’ all up on his proverbial nuts. She’s so enthralled by the fact that he plays college football that she tells him she wants a taste of his talent. Chad knows better than to bang his sister’s friends, and tries to shoo the horny blonde away, but his stirring balls overpower his voice...

2 years ago
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Online Dating Extravaganza

I love online dating websites. In New York where the ratio of women to men is much higher, it's easy to find prey. I can easily score one out of four times on a first date. I'm currently banging an asian chick that I met a few weeks ago. First date: I thought after the first drink where she said she couldn't stay longer that I was done. But I set up a second date and after dinner we went to a lounge which was empty and after getting some signals, I went in for a kiss and was rewarding with:...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 14

I was very mellow as I headed for the Schuylkill Expressway. We weren’t doing anything special. We were just heading back to campus together. I was thinking about some of the things we might do together at school. Jeff was quietly enjoying the journey as well. Wasn’t he? I couldn’t tell from the look on his face. He looked like he might be distracted. Was I just thinking too much? I needed to get a little perspective here. Despite all the supposedly fabulous men I had dated, I had never...

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Diane and the CopperChapter 9

The next day I was taken in for interview. This time the duty solicitor was there and the tapes were running. Gascoigne introduced me as Pugin Anderson and constantly called me Pugin, although he would draw out the name to make it sound like Poo-gin. I knew this was done to unsettle me. At one point I called him by his first name, Charles. That annoyed him. "Remember my rank. I am Detective Superintendent Gascoigne, I outrank you." He shouted. The solicitor quietly put him...

2 years ago
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Recollections of My Busan Beauty

We all have our “excuses”. We all have our “regrets”. And we all have our “If only” list. As we get older our regrets take a higher and higher profile. Our “regrets” then outrank the “excuses” and the “If only” list. Regrets begin to creep up on us and take us by surprise. When we least expect it we stumble into a regret. When I stumble I often end up staring at 1984. So let’s start with the “excuses”. What were my excuses? Well I was incredibly young: sixteen to be exact. I was a very...

4 years ago
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A Mothers Journey

So I met an insatiable lady during my travels and as we increasingly became comfortable with each other we started sharing our personal kinks. One of our mutual fantasies was taboo family play. And she started confessing her feelings and attraction to her son. Below is her emails to me regarding what happened after months of talking about this. This is posted with her permission, and she's looking forward to the feedback. If this doesn't interest you, please move along to something that...

2 years ago
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Daughter Lap Dancer

Daughter Lap Dancer Let me start out by telling you about my wife Skyler. She likes to be called Sky. Her parents were hippies back in the late sixties and the early seventies. She could have been called Moon, Flower, Wind, or River for that matter. When I first met Sky she was an exotic dancer at a very nice bar in upstate New York. She was the headliner. She could do things with her body that no other girl on stage could, plus she could actually dance. Sky had taken dance lessons...

4 years ago
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Raping Mom

Her parents had always struggled with her, warning her of her wild behavior; so it was no surprise when she got pregnant. To keep her boyfriend from getting in trouble for having sex with her, she kept his name a secret. She only kept telling them he was responsible and that he had promised he would help her with the baby. However, before the baby was even born, he graduated and accepted a job out of state. He never had any intentions of returning, but told her the usual story. He would...

4 years ago
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Thinking About You

I would like to thank Misty_Morning for being my constant inspiration and for always loving me. Main Thumse Pyaar Karthi Hoon, P. ~~ The house appeared dark from the outside, the security light was set off when someone passed in a car or on foot. As Sue drove up in her car, she was reminded of how dark the neighbourhood was without a sign of life. It suddenly reminded her that Nicole was not home with Josh yet. Sighing to herself she turned into the drive and slowly edged into the garage as...

2 years ago
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My Katy 6

i lean over and put my mouth on hers, kissing her soft lips gently many times, moving around to enjoy every part of her mouth. katy opens her mouth a little, letting me know what she wants. i slide my wet tongue out, licking her lips, then move around and lick her ear, so warm and inviting like a little seashell. she turns her head to let me in closer. she is so giving; i am so wet. i whisper, ‘i like what i taste here, my beauty, but there is more i need from you tonight…’‘rae, don’t stop…i...

2 years ago
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Alive Going Home

The ear-splitting explosion was followed by loud shouts. ‘What the hell was that? Where’d it come from? Is everybody all right?’ In the opinion of Specialist Fourth Class Mark ‘Bear’ Carson, this was not a good way to spend Thanksgiving. The plan had called for the recon platoon to leave the shelter of the jungle-like wood line and cross a large expanse of dry rice paddies to a village suspected of being a Viet Cong staging area. If everything was slick, the infantry company and the troop of...

3 years ago
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The rain was just beginning to hit the windshield as we drove down the road. We never truly anticipated what the evening would bring. We had planned this for months, but due to an odd set of circumstance and the fickle weather, things hadn't gone through as we planned. However, tonight was the night. As soon as we saw the storm clouds approaching we quickly changed and raced to the car. This beautiful woman was seated next to me, already her breathing was heavy. I noticed that she had drawn her...

1 year ago
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The night I Found Out That I Am Bi

I stood there looking in the mirror at myself. I was dressed in my favorite sheer pink teddy and matching panties as I turned to look at my profile I cupped my 34D’s and smiled. I had not been fucked in 5 days and that is a long time for me so I was just plain horny. I have two guys for recreational sex but Brad was fucking another girl for a while and Jason (who along with Monica rents a room in my house) was out of town so I decided to do what any red blooded american girl would do,...

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The Neighbouring house

When I lived in London in the 1990s I owned a first floor flat in a converted Victorian house. The property was in a street lined by similar properties down both sides. Some had been converted and some were still 2 storey houses and on the opposite side of the road to my flat there were 2 houses. One was lived in by an Asian family and the one directly opposite me had a young family live in. After 5 years that family moved out and the house was rented by a group of students. From what I could...

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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 12 Revelation

Seth licked his fingers, scooped up the last bits of his second piece of pie and gulped down his third cup of milk. Jefferson sat stiffly at the kitchen table with his frayed hat in his lap. Annie and Caroline watched the boy eat and listened to a disorganized story that seemed like the odd-shaped pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. Mrs. Williams busied herself at the stove, but Seth could tell that she was listening, too. Between bites and gulps the boy had told them, in disjointed fragments, where...

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My Best Friends Wifes Daughter 2

I decided to go for a drive and much to my surprise, I ended up at Mike and Becky’s house. As I arrived, I noticed Becky’s car was in the drive and Mike’s truck was nowhere to be found. The poor guy always seemed to be at work. I went to the door and rang the bell. Ashley answered the door in a pair of thin cotton shorts and a sports bra. She had been working out. She was breathing heavy and sweating. Her puffy nipples were hard, pressing against the fabric. I asked if her parents were home....

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Saras Revenge

Sara's Revenge Growing up, we were like the three musketeers! Always playing together, doing fun things together, and getting into trouble together. But entering 9th grade, things began to change. Sara, had little time now for Sam and me, Alan. Sara was now consumed with becoming friends with the "cool girls" in 9th grade. And then it was the "cool boys" in 9th grade. But who could blame her. She was a pretty teen. Her hair and legs were long, her body was developing nicely,...

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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 14

Will was surprised. He’d heard Bella talk about how bad hexes were before. “I thought you didn’t hex people.”“I don’t, usually. It’s one of those things the Magistrate really frowns on, but against pirates trying to kill us I’m willing to bend the rules,” Bella smiled. She finished crawling around and drawing the second circle as Will tied the mirror to the mast. Inside the mirror Will heard Tonya arrive. “Sorry it took me so long, I really needed to get cleaned up. What’s going on?” Bella’s...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 8

Frank had upset all of them. They were quiet that night as they gathered around the fire for dinner and would have probably remained so, if Bret hadn't suddenly spoken up. "I think I should say something about this afternoon..." he began. It was obviously hard for him to talk and at first he was awkward. But he said it all, explaining everything that had happened between Karen and himself. Had it stopped there, it would have been a completely lost effort, but Mona then explained her...

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Glastonbury 2013

Chapter 1 Tuesday 25, June My name is Tony Gates and I own and run a ten bedroom, Georgian period guesthouse in Shepton Mallet, Somerset. I work long hours sometimes and I don't get rich as a result of doing it, but I'm my own boss and I suppose that I'm relatively happy. Most of the bookings are made through the Internet nowadays, so all that I have to do is check my email account for the automated notifications every morning after I've made the breakfasts and then cleared everything...

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Private Mia Blow Curvy MILF Mia Blow Debuts With Anal

In Private Gold, Hausfrau Holidays 2 we bring you the stunning debutant Mia Blow, with her juicy booty and huge tits this German MILF is the definition of curvaceous! Mia gets things started in the pool with Private stud Chris Diamond, giving an incredible blowjob like only MILFs know how, throat fucking, deep throat, she knows all the tricks. Then watch on as she puts her beautiful tattooed body to work, enjoying a good fucking on the sun bed and taking that huge cock in her pussy and ass,...

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Mmmmm Oooo Aaaahhhh Yeah

Back at school I was the self proclaimed "life of the party." Of course you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who didn't agree, but I didn't exactly own the title. Every night that I could spare I was at some party or in some club putting on quite the spectacle. I don't know how many nights I'd spent naked or damn near pleasing willing college boys and girls for the eyes of the crowd. I guess I am a bit of an exhibitionist. I mean but can you blame me? I stand 5'9" in heels,...

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My wife is a slut

My wife Karen and I were is this scuzzy adult book store and I had gone into one of the peep show booths, leaving my wife still browsing the porn. When I came out my wife was behind the counter kissing this black guy and rubbing her hand all over the bulge in his pants. I could see everything as well as several other guys that happen to be in the store. This black guy had his hand on her ass while he kept kissing Karen and didn't even notice I was watching them. By this time the other guys in...

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A Quickie in the Woods

If you have read my other stories, you know that I only post 100% true accounts of my Bi live. Here is another time I had in the woods with a young stranger.I had just parked my van at a well known cruising spot by the river. I was really horney and had not touched myself, or had any contact with either my wife or anyone in about a week. I was just sitting in the van and was noticing guys parking, and then walking off on the various trails made by the many guys looking for fun in the woods.I...

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Reversal Rings III Lost and Found

This story goes off in a bit more from the original storyline, and I was a little rushed towards the end and may redo it later. I have a fourth episode already done, but am seriously unhappy with it, having been in a hurry when I did it. I will probably do another episode to replace it, bringing the storyline back to Kevin and Susan a bit more. Reverse Rings III: Lost and Found A Spells R Us story By Morpheus 23 Jan 98 WARNING: This story contains some adult material, so if...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 13

Fantastic news! A gentleman from here on SOL has been kind enough to become my editor and I have to say ... the man’s good. Made me feel like I was back in my college English class with all the little red marks. Seriously though, I am very impressed with just how better the chapter flows with his changes and suggestions. He does have some stories of his own here on SOL if you want to check them out. https://storiesonline.net/a/Old_Fart Enjoy! Blu Kal was a panicky wreck...

3 years ago
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Excitement Part 2

As soon as I closed your front door, I felt the force of your rugby body push me against the hard wood frame. You wasted no time and I felt your fingers tugging at my t shirt and bra straps. I was topless before I could even ask what you were doing. The combination of the pain that was making its way down my spine and the feel of your tongue sliding along my neck down to my already erect nipples made me wetter than I already was. Your touch just did that to me. I caught myself as you pulled me...

Straight Sex
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Amity 2 CoercionChapter 6 Space

David woke slowly. He reached out to find the other side of the bed empty. He frowned. Carol rarely got up before him, as the lady liked her sleep. A tear rolled down his cheek, as he remembered that Carol would be sleeping forever. They had grown close over the weeks they had been together, and while he didn’t love her, he had enjoyed her company, both in and out of bed. The silly bugger hadn’t put the safety harness on the chair on properly. When they had left in a hurry, he had grabbed...

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A Weekend With Sandy Milf Adventures 12

Volume 1 story 2 Sandy and I decided on a romantic weekend in the country, We stayed at her late grandmothers house for the weekend, which was quite literally over the river and through the woods. It looked like a haunted house to me. We walked through the threshold and a chill went down my spine, I almost left right then. But I decided that I was just being silly. "This house has been in my family since 1859, but my grandmother was the last person to live here and she died 6 years ago" Sandy...

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Slut Wife needs a hard cock Part Two

Slut! Wife needs hard cock. Part two: Steph lay back on the sofa with her legs wide open, stroking her shaved gaping pussy. Carl’s cum was still running out of her pussy as she stared at me with a look of lust and shame.“I didn’t mean it to go so far. I’m so sorry” she spoke softly as she continued stroking her well fucked pussy.“You definitely meant it to go that far. You fucking loved having that huge cock inside you. You’ve never enjoyed sex like that before and you were worshiping his cock”...

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