Crossing Jordan: Chapter One- L.I.M.P.E.T. free porn video

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Crossing Jordan Chapter One: L.I.M.P.E.T. I reached out for the case of beer on the upper shelf. The whole time I did so I was marveling at how I looked as I did this simple task with so little effort. I watched as my arms stretched upwards to the shelf that was located some five feet above me. The elongation of my arms as they extended was an incredible thing for me to see from my perspective. It was like the flesh was literally flowing upward until my arms were easily nearly seven feet long and then once I grasped the package they neatly retracted until I was holding the package at a normal length just in front of my chest. I spun around like I did before and in only a moment I was facing one hundred and eighty degrees in the other direction. The cart basket that was there already held about a dozen other items that I had previously selected and I bent over and lowered the case of beer downward and deposited it onto the wire frame of the basket. Most of what I had already gotten was not very large or bulky so I didn't need to shift anything that was presently there out of the way. "Excellent," the voice chimed in my ear. "You have successfully navigated retrieving an item off of the highest shelf. Would you like to continue to shop or would you like to begin the checkout process at this time?" "I'll continue shopping," I answered. I would have said that even if I didn't need to stock up. The food and other supplies that I was getting were necessary, but not as important as being in contact with and around others was for me right now. The tutorial program didn't answer me. There was no need for it to do so. It would only kick in again to prompt me if I needed to do something new and then it would talk me through the process and remind me again to see if I was done. I really didn't need it on at all, but this was a new store and I hadn't come here before. Since it was my first time as a customer here the L.I.M.P.I.T. tutorial was just something I was going to have to put up with. I couldn't even be irritated; it wasn't even a waste of my time. The whole reason that I was even here was this was one of the few stores in my area that had the next generation limpets available that you could just log onto and use and that by itself was worth putting up with a tutorial. As I moved I looked around and I can honestly say that I could barely tell the difference between being here the way I was right now and actually being here in person. Usually limpets were not as natural looking as these ones were. The first time I did this when I was a kid, there had been a side by side screen. One side showed the digital avatar of the person who was there in holographic quality and the other showed the small machines moving in a supermarket devoid of people. I remember walking through that first time and thinking the world was made up of ghosts and for some reason that might actually have been an accurate thing to think. It was actually a little creepy seeing those glowing bluish representations of patrons going about their business; this was a lot better in my opinion. I slowly walked around the aisles and as I did so I wondered how many other men were using female avatars for this or even how many women for that matter. I watched the women moving down the aisle and the men and I tried to see if I could tell which ones of them were doing what I was doing. It really was just like some of the online role playing worlds that I spent time in before. But the chance to do this in the real world was something that I could say I was looking forward to now that a state of complete global self-isolation was declared. It really was just the next step in limpet use, just like the advertisements said it was. When the latest influenza strain started its inevitable march around the globe we were a little more prepared as a species this time around. The whole public health restructuring that had taken place after the global collapse had been long overdue and now a good two generations later when it looked like it was going to happen again; we went into global lockdown as soon as the first city reported needed quarantine. And the moment we went into self-isolation was the moment that the limpets moved from just being part of their daily presence to being the only apparent form of life that you could see. This whole experience that I was enjoying so much right now was one of the results of that wave of preparation. What I was actually doing was piloting an android through a massive supermarket with a wide cargo basket attached to my hindquarters. If it were not for the perception filters I suppose that I would look like a female mechanoid centaur to anyone who bothered to look. But with that filter on all anyone would see was a woman about my age walking slowly down the market aisles with a cart following her obediently as she moved. Like everyone else I was safely at home right now. But with my mind wired in through the net I was not actually trapped there, I had full control over a Life Imitation Marketing Personal Excursion Telemetric whenever I needed to go out for anything. Limpets were the real game changer just like everyone said they were when we had to deal with the social and economic fallout anytime something like this happened. My limpet made it perfectly safe for me to browse, to linger; even to meet up with friends all in complete and total safety. The earliest generations of this technology were actually nothing more than a mechanical cart with an arm you could use to select your purchases and you guided it using a camera and a remote connection. But the limpet I was occupying right now was nothing like those early models. For one thing I was really here. My eyes were the cameras, my ears were the audio pickup and when I spoke then whoever I was speaking to would hear my voice. Well, they would hear a version of my voice. When I set up my perception avatar I used my actual body as the baseline just as I normally did and then had the computer run and produce a female extrapolation based on my features. When I saw what I would have looked like if the sperm that won the race to be me had carried XX chromosome bombs rather than XY ones, I really could not get over how perfectly like myself that I looked and how I could see myself so easily in her features and frame. When my voice passed through the filter, the modulator shifted its tone and octave until all anyone would hear if I spoke was the voice of the young woman that I appeared to be. I'll have to admit that I cheated a little here and there. I spiced up the voice a little as well as a few other minor tweaks and I was certain that I wasn't the only one doing that either. There were literally no bad looking people that I could see here. It was like a population turned out according to the specifications of a game designer and in a way I suppose that was true. What really got to me was the first time I spoke once I got over the normal disorientation that I felt when my consciousness was fully seated in my borrowed limpet. The voice that I had gone with didn't sound the same to me now that I was here to actually hear it. At first I thought that something might be wrong with the speakers and that I had made a mistake, but that wasn't it at all. The difference in sound that I 'heard' was from the shift in my perspective I realized. Before, when I was hearing it for the first time in my home, it was with my own ears and I was hearing it directed at me. Now though I was hearing it reverberating inside my own, albeit metallic skull. The difference was only that. A difference and it didn't matter. I'm sure that if I were to hear my real voice speak and I wasn't hearing it from where I normally did that I wouldn't recognize it at first either. My limpet wasn't all that large either. The history vids that I had seen in school of the first models had been bulky and they had basically moved in the equivalent of a warehouse when they had first been deployed in 2035; but these ones were twentieth generation models and they looked nothing like their predecessors. I had barely paid attention to this subject in school but I still looked them up when I was researching this out of boredom and curiosity this time around. Since I needed to live through a limpet for a while again now that global lockdown was in place of course I was interested in the most advanced version of limpet technology. Especially when it looked like I would need to do this for the foreseeable future. The average design change in their capabilities had advanced about every two years and those advances had led from the clunky, clumsy piloted carts that made up the first generation to this. A bipedal telemetrically operated android that was linked to a cart trundling behind him or her. Most of the development focus in the early years had been on improving capabilities and streamlining user ease. This was the first generation that looked like people though; and more specifically it looked like how you wanted to look. The androids themselves had no real features but the most general ones; a slightly smaller female version and a slightly larger male version. Without my perception filter all anyone would see was a blank female template moving around and following it's user's directions. They would still see the barely padded breasts and the shape and the body outline; but that was nothing more than the foam padding that softened the biomechanically directed synthetic flesh. The perception filter was what let everyone see me as an overlay. Since we were all online, everything we were was just data to other netizens. Others might pass me in the market aisles but they would see the female me that I was projecting and not the faceless synthetic flesh that was actually there. They would see that projection as long as I was in command of this particular model and when I was done, I would check out and the box my selections. That box would be placed on and would be passed by a conveyor to the dispatch area; where drone pilots would deliver it to me in less than thirty minutes from when I logged off. That perception filter was really the most important development in my opinion. This was the third pandemic I'd experienced in my lifetime and now that perceptions filter technology was in widespread use it was easily the least stressful of any of them. The problem with isolation is that it is just that; being isolated. Even with being able to leave home in a mental way, it was still you locked inside of four walls and if you were lucky, you didn't live alone. If you did, then you would really be in for a world of hurt; especially if you were a social person. Lock any social creature up long enough and they start trying to tear through the walls; literally and figuratively. And when it was of the literal sort, that is when it got dangerous epidemically speaking. The perception filter and the advanced telemetric control system was the game changer in dealing with that. Once you were logged in, there were only little differences that you would notice when you left the house. You would feel the breeze passing over you. The heat of the sun bearing down on you would register and it never got unpleasant no matter where you were. You could walk across the heartland states in a limpet; right through the middle of the great North American desert, where it commonly hit 160 degrees at high noon and you wouldn't feel any variation of more than ten degrees plus or minus the optimum setting in your home. Limpets weren't just used for things like this though. Less developed models were what kept things working normally while everyone was safely locked away. I'd actually used several types of limpet; it was just the first time I had used this particular version that made it stand out to me. Like everyone else I did my job through limpets as well as my normal routine. The office I worked in had a complete set of top of the line models to make sure that we maintained full production no matter what the epidemic situation. We rotated using them according to shift and I had gotten stuck with using the female variant before; that was luck of the draw and I really didn't notice it when it happened. That was just a fact of life. Companies might be required to use a telemetric work force, but that didn't mean that you got a tailored limpet; those were reserved for the higher ups. Drones like me used whatever was available. Doing something like grocery shopping actually gave someone like me a little more choice in that regard. If you could afford your own personal limpet all you did was log onto it and then just get into your car and drive away from your house. There was not that much of a difference from real life in that regard or so I've been told. I wouldn't know. I couldn't afford the half a million dollar price tag one of those would run me, so I made do with what was publically available. You could book time on a limpet and spend it with friends as long as what you had in mind didn't involve anything that was likely to wreck your limpet. It was a good thing that I was not a water baby or into extreme sports. Being kept away from those kinds of activities was a little beyond even the most advanced limpets right now so even though I and everyone else was under a global lock down the streets were filled and it you didn't know different you wouldn't be able to tell that there even was an influenza pandemic raging around us. It all just looked so normal. People were working. People were shopping, going to concerts and keeping whatever plans that they could keep and if it was not for the unrealistic appearance of the population you just couldn't tell. Even going to the supermarket like I had chosen to do as my first tentative step into this new variation just wasn't any different in the most basic way from going out normally. The fact that I was presenting as female was irrelevant. The sights, sounds, smells and interactions were all the same for the most part; well almost. Unlike what had happened in past events there was no run on foodstuffs or other supplies as had happened in the past. Also unlike the last time I did something like this I found myself being hit on while I was passing through the frozen food section. I wasn't expecting for that to happen. I really should have though. He followed me for at least three aisles after I realized that he was doing so and even then I wasn't really aware of what he was doing until he actually came over to me and started chatting me up. At first I let it slide and just stayed neutral and just generally friendly enough not to be rude. But when he suggested that I meet him later on and that we might enjoy spending a little more time together, I had to clue him in to the fact that he was hitting on a man who was using a female variant limpet. I didn't share with him that I had chosen to do this, rather than had it imposed on me by circumstances. It wasn't any of his business first of all and second; while he was definitely hitting on me, he wasn't doing it in an obnoxious lounge lizard fashion. It seemed like it was a case of limpet confusion and when he got the point he apologized and quickly disappeared from sight. I suppose that if I were a real girl I might have said exactly what I said to him anyway. As I finished up going through my shopping list and headed to the checkout station it gave me something to think about. I'd done almost the exact same thing a few years ago; but fortunately for me that had been better received by the woman in question. We ended up dating for a while from that casual contact and when the relationship ended it hurt a lot; but it wasn't a fountain of vindictive anger like some others had imploded into. Being on the receiving end of that same scenario wasn't as innocent this time around for me. Even though I knew that there were no differences that mattered physically between our limpets, there were still psychological differences. And I was not really prepared mentally for those. Having that strange guy looming over me, looking as physically imposing as he did really hammered home at least a small taste of what it was remotely like for a smaller woman in that situation and I can't say that I cared for it one bit. As much as I loved this whole perception filter aspect of this upgrade, I can't say that I liked this part of the world seeing me as the woman I was presenting myself as today. It really gave me something to think about while I got ready to leave. Now that I was approaching the checkout area the doc-dis ports, the help feature chimed in and asked me if I was ready to check out and when I told it that I was it started me through the process. This was the really interesting part in some ways. Once I gave the checkout command I, in effect, lost control over my limpet. The android part spun around on its central axis and began rapidly picking out each item out of the cart and placed it in the packing box at a speed that I was in no way able to match. That was probably a good thing. If I tried to keep control during that process I would probably cause more damage than I was aware of; better that I should be an observer for something like this right now. When it had finished packing control was returned to me. The HUD flashed across my field of vision showing my manifest and I quickly checked it off and authorized payment. The box moved down the conveyer belt and stopped before the auto-seal. A nozzle distended from the center of the machine and sprayed an aerosol disinfectant over the contents of my package and then quickly sealed it and sprayed the exterior of the box for good measure. I watched it disappear into the loading area and headed over to the limpet dock so that I could disconnect and get on with the next thing on my to-do list. For some reason though I couldn't disconnect even though I did everything right. The exterior appearance might be different but this procedure wasn't though and I could do this part in my sleep if I had to. "Activate help system," I finally said after my fifth try led to growing frustration at screwing up such a simple thing as a docking and disconnect. I'd done doc-dis ever since I started kindergarten and there was not any good reason other than mechanical failure for this. "What is the nature of your problem?" the automated voice chimed in my ear. "I can't doc-dis," I said to it. "Run a level one diagnostic on this limpet please." The systems dimmed as the limpet's internal resources focused inward and a faint instrumental version of a pop song from a few years ago played while I waited for the mechanical verdict. The system check only took a few minutes. For something like this the onboard computer that operated the limpet didn't do that particular job; that was a task left to the supermarket mainframe. The senses resumed their brighter hue and the help system reported to me that there was no apparent problem detected and advised me to check my own connection as well. My input signal was clean though so that wasn't the source of the problem. I tried to doc-dis again and once that failed I asked for a level two diagnostic. This time I lost complete control over the limpet and even knowing that this was something that would be resolved shortly I started to feel pressing in on. It was one thing to be locked down in the walls of your house; being locked down in a supermarket limpet was something altogether different. "Level two diagnostic completed," the voice chimed. "All systems report as functioning at optimal level. Would you please attempt to doc-dis again?" The voice was pitched at that calming tone that some consultant had recommended when they coded this sequence. It wasn't working, I was already feeling much more anxious than I was a few minutes ago and hearing that quiet, reassuring, reasonable tone wasn't doing anything to change that. I felt the initial stage of doc-dis begin and then before it even really started it aborted the sequence. "I'm sorry," the voice said. "Your doc-dis was shunted into a protective shutdown mode. Your level of authority does not permit you to initiate more than a level two self-correction sequence. Please remain calm while I connect you with a customer support representative." My heart rate was already spiking from the failed attempt. No matter how the automated system had phrased it, feeling calm was just not part of the equation right now. "Hello, this is Piper and I'll be your service representative. What is your user name and number and can you tell me what the difficulty that you are experiencing is?" She had a bright cheerful voice and the image of her that was projected in the split screen of my HUD was attractive to me as well. I don't know if she actually looked like that or had chosen this appearance as a calming tactic, but I was glad to see her. I eased down a notch. Now that I was connected with a real person my anxiety level started to roll back just a hair. No matter how much effort they made to make auto systems more lifelike I could always tell and speaking with a real person was more reassuring to me anyway. "My user name-num is Jordan 9102," I said. "My location is SW center in sector 47A3K," The location readout was automatically displayed as part of the HUD so I didn't have to bother looking it up. "I can't seem to doc-dis. I've run a level one and a level two diagnostic and I have verified that my home connection is fine right now as well. I don't know what to say. I've never had this happen before." "Okay Jordan," she told me. "Now I know that you've already heard this but I need you to try to remain calm while I trace your signal and see what we can do from this end. Can you do that for me?" "I'll try Piper," I said although there wasn't much else that I could do to calm down right now. Everything was pretty much out of my hands at this point. "I see where you made the systems checks that you mentioned and from the results that I'm seeing, you shouldn't be having a doc-dis problem but obviously that isn't the case. Give me a minute while I go over this on my end," She said and I could hear her fingernails clicking across the keyboard as she pulled up the data trace. "Wow," she said after a moment. "Jordan I think that I see the problem. When you started to doc-dis there was an attempted doc-con that was routed to your limpet before you were completely ejected. That's what is causing the problem if I'm reading this correctly." "I thought that wasn't supposed to be able to happen?" I said not hiding my suddenly very worried tone of voice. And it really wasn't; a docking connection should be routed to an available limpet not one that was occupied, even if the person was trying to leave. It wasn't like waiting for someone to pull out of a parking space and hovering behind them until they did. "Jordan, it's not supposed to be able to happen. But for some reason it has. That's why I'm going to ask you to stay calm while I get verification on what I'm seeing here. I'm going to have to put you on hold while I consult with technical support, but it will only be for a few moments. Would you like me to connect you with a crisis manager while I'm working this out for you?" she asked. That was the last thing that I needed. I was anxious of course. Who wouldn't be? But I was in no way in need of a CM right now. Just hearing an echo of them in my memory giving me advice on how to breathe and internally visualize was enough to make the problem worse for me just at the very thought of having to do that. "I'll pass for now," I hedged to Piper. "I think I can cope on my own in the short term." "Alright Jordan," She said to me. "But if you change your mind activate the panic button on your HUD and it will connect you to a CM right away. I'll try to make this happen as quickly as I can, but I can't estimate how long that might be." "I think I'll manage," I said to her. People were already looking in the direction of my limpet. It was clearly in the docking slot, but the light was on indicating that it was occupied even if it was not moving at all right now. No telling what they were thinking about what was happening. They probably thought I was a complete newbie who couldn't even get the limpet moving at all. I wasn't completely stuck there. Someone had a sense of humor when they considered this possibility. The limpet's onboard computer held a library of both books and music and there were even some games to keep you occupied. I thumbed through the menu selection and spooled up a random playlist. Since right now the limpet was matched to me there were no stinkers on it. But when a French pop song that I vaguely recognized started playing I began to wonder about the crossed connection that Piper had mentioned and what it would involve when it came to getting out of here. There was a collection of puzzle games as well and as I listened to the music I focused on that for the time being. It did the trick. I started relaxing and part of that was not just due to the distractions that were here for me. You couldn't maintain a full fight or flight reflex for long when you didn't face an immediate danger and at this point it was mostly boring rather than threatening. That was probably what the library and the games were for. To keep you occupied long enough for that reaction to bleed away and then you could calm down. "How are you doing in there Jordan?" Piper said in my ear. "I'm good Piper," I told her. "I've got it under control." "Glad to hear that Jordan," She said to me. "I can confirm that you are, for want of a better way to explain it; jammed. From what the data is showing us here. There has been a high volume of limpet use today at that location and the incoming doc-con was directed to your limpet before you could finish your doc-dis. It looked like your unit was flagged as available prematurely and that's why the two of you were connected in this fashion. What we're going to do is initiate a hard ejection for both of you. To do that we're going to remotely shut down the limpet. With the central terminus dark you should both be able to sever the connection and that should clear the both of you from this unit." "When you say shut down, do you mean all the way?" I asked. That was actually unusual. Limpets were normally only shut down for routine maintenance and to completely shut one down was not done very often. "What happens if you do that and I don't disconnect and I get stuck in here?" "Jordan," she told me. "That's not going to happen. When you lose the end point connection what's going to happen is you're going to bounce back to where you started from. Just like when you lose your connection doing anything else online. The telemetric safeguards will activate and you'll wake up in your own house and the worst thing you'll have is a bit of confusion from the sudden disconnect is all." I still didn't like the sound to that but at this point I'd been in this limpet for over two hours and it had only taken me about forty minutes of that time to do my shopping. "Okay then," I said warily. "Pull it and let's get this over with." There was the rapid fire clicking of Piper's fingers moving over the keyboard and then she checked in with me. "Now Jordan," she said. "You're going to be dizzy and disoriented for a little while after I do this. Don't try to get up right away and when you do get up you are going to need to go somewhere and lie down for a few hours. As soon as we verify that the both of you are clear, you'll both be contacted by me and you may have a medical teleconference as well to make sure that you don't have any difficulties." "Just do it," I told her. I was anxious to get out of here now that an exit was possible and I wanted to get it over. "Alright." Her voice came across quiet and confident. "Disconnect in" The world around me went dark and for a moment I wondered what it would be like if this didn't work and I was stuck in the limpet like this. I wasn't sure what I would do, but my brother would probably need an oxygen tank to help him get his breath from the laughing fit he would collapse from. He'd always given me hell for playing female characters online and this would be just too much for him to pass up as far as laughing at me was concerned. "Corinne? Peux-tu m'entendre? Est-ce que vous allez bien?" The voice was Piper's I think. It sounded like her anyway. It was a little off and I couldn't place why it should sound that way until I realized that Piper was speaking to me in French. She was using a translator program. You could tell because if you listened carefully you could hear the faint English pre-echo just before the French came out of the speaker. I understood from that faint English pre-echo that she asked if I was alright and if I could hear her. What I had not any idea of was why she was using a translator then she could have just spoken directly to me. And why she was speaking to me in French I had no idea. "Give me a minute Piper," I mumbled to her ignoring her spate of French just now. She probably keyed the wrong connection since she was more than likely handling both of us at the same time. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and covered them to block out the sudden return of the light. I rubbed my sore eyes through the closed lids and felt my fingernail tips scratch lightly over the thin flesh. She wasn't kidding when she said I would be dizzy after a forced doc-dis. I could barely move my arms without feeling completely discordant. "What was that Corinne? I couldn't hear you. Can you speak a little louder please?" she said to me. A moment later I heard her words repeated at a louder volume in French. "C'?tait quoi, cette Corinne? Je ne t'entendais pas. Pouvez-vous parler un peu plus fort s'il vous pla?t?" "I said give me a minute Piper. I can barely move as it is." My voice was wrong. It was almost like hearing the voice that I had set up for my female perception filter on my grocery store limpet. Almost, but not quite the same for some reason and I was too dizzy still to think it important enough to care about just yet. "?tes-vous l? Mme D'Arcy? Est-ce que tu vas bien? Pouvez-vous nous dire comment vous allez?" I heard Piper say through the translation program. "Piper I think you've got your signals crossed," I said a little louder. "This is Jordan 9102 in sector 47A3K. I'm out now, but for some reason you keep talking to me in French..." I was going to say something else but I forgot what it was. I was definitely out of the telemetric connection but it was also obvious that I was not in my house. I was not even in my own body. What I was now that I was out was obviously a woman as well; a very pregnant woman.

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Chapter 10: The Main Event - Jordan Takes It To The MaxJordan's body wriggled on the suspended mold. She was sandwiched between two of the humongous shemale amazons. Ebony was gazing into Jordan's beautiful face while she impaled her cunt with over two feet of her cock. Beneath Jordan, Barocca had succeeded in pushing over sixteen inches of her monster cock between her ass cheeks. Ebony had well over half of her colossal cock wedged into Jordan, when she motioned to Clyda. "C'mon, Clyda. ...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 11 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 11: Clyda & Jordan Part 5Jordan awoke a few minutes later, to find that she'd been turned back over onto her stomach, and was lying on the pile of pillows again. The first thing Jordan noticed was a probing, almost burning sensation in her ass. "What happened?" muttered Jordan, as she regained consciousness. "And what happened to my rear? It feels funny." "I see you're awake," replied Clyda. "That's good, because I certainly don't intend on letting you sleep through what's going...

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B5 Chapter 16 Jordans Conquests Cleo Fucks

Chapter 16: Jordan's Conquests - Cleo Fucks Jordan"I want that cock of yours inside of me, Cleo," panted Jordan. "I need to feel it filling me."Cleo stood up and moved away so that Jordan could lay on the bed and present her dripping cunt to her cock. Jordan instinctively lay down on her back with her ass tilted slightly upwards and her pussy lips parting temptingly. Cleo moved between her legs and gently eased her fingers into that sopping hole and bent her head to be able to lick Jordan's...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 8 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 8: Clyda & Jordan Part 2Jordan's eyes wandered to Clyda's crotch. "All right, love," said Clyda. "I guess you've waited long enough. You've hardly taken your eyes off my crotch since you came in here." Jordan nodded her head, her eyes filled with uncontrolled lust as she stared at Clyda. "I'm sorry," said Jordan. "Have I been that obvious?" "That's Ok. Just sit back and just watch the show for a minute," said Clyda. Clyda unzipped the workout pants, and stepped out of them, and...

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B5 Chapter 15 Jordans Conquests Jordan Fuc

Chapter 15: Jordan's Conquests - Jordan Fucks CleoJordan and Cleo sat there, each catching her breath after Jordan's blowjob on Cleo.Cleo stared at Jordan's splattered face, and couldn't help herself, and began giggling. "I'm sorry, Jordan. I just couldn't help myself there. Are you all right?" Jordan began wiping the excess jism off of her face with her fingers. She shook her head and said playfully to Cleo, "Of course you realize, this means war." "C'mon, Jordan. I thought all the girls...

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B5 Chapter 2 Jordans Preparation

Chapter 2: Jordan's Preparation"Well Jordan, today's the big day," said Dee Dee, as Jordan entered her lab. "I don't suppose you've had any kind of second thoughts, now that you'll actually be going 'under the knife'?" "You've got to be k**ding, Dee Dee. Wild horses couldn't drag me away, now that I've finally made it this far." "That's how I thought you'd feel, Jordan. Every once in a while, we do get a girl with cold feet, when it comes time to do the surgery though. What I want for you...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 7 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 7: Clyda & Jordan Part 1Jordan was standing outside of Clyda quarters, mentally preparing herself for the next test. Clyda had chosen Jordan to be the next amazon she had to satisfy in her ordeal to become one of the amazons. Jordan rapped politely on the door to Clyda's quarters. Clyda's voice answered from inside the room. "Come on in, please." As Jordan entered Clyda's quarters, Clyda was relaxing on the bed. Clyda had on a dark red, tube top. The cut and fit of Clyda's tube...

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B5 Chapter 9 Two New Milkers Jordans First

Chapter 9: Two New Milkers - Jordan's First MilkingAfter everyone had filed out of the main auditorium, when Jeanne and Barocca had left, Jordan found herself without a set agenda, and without any specific instructions. She knew that very soon, she'd be called upon for all sorts of things for the good of the Island, but for the moment, no one was here to tell her anything. Everyone else had a place to be, and things to do. After she had lunch in the cafeteria, Jordan wandered though the...

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B5 Chapter 4 Jordans First Time Jordan Jer

Chapter 4: Jordan's First Time - Jordan Jerks OffTiffany and Clyda did stop by to see Jordan later in the day. Their visit was much the same as Dee Dee's. Along with some idle chatter, both girls were glad to see that Jordan had come out of the surgery with no ill effects, and each one marveled at the mammoth cock between Jordan's legs, that was the grand result of Dee Dee's technology. Tiffany confirmed that Sunday morning would be the day when Jordan would finally get to play with her cock...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 3 Jordans Instructio

Chapter 3: Jordan's InstructionsThe morning after her sexual marathon with Clyda, Jordan awoke early in her quarters again. Jordan felt absolutely no ill effects from such a workout with Clyda's massive cock yesterday. Jordan lolled about on the bed. She had dreamed vividly about her afternoon with Clyda. Her body still tingled when she remembered the multiple orgasms she had enjoyed from Clyda, and how sweet and delicious her cum had tasted. As Jordan became fully awake, she glanced about...

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B7 Chapter 5 Jordan Sucks Summer

Chapter 5: Jordan Sucks Summer Kneeling on the bed, Jordan reached out and stroked Summer's tummy; rubbing her head and hands against her impressive shaft lying down between her legs. "What are you waiting for, silly?" teased Summer. Now Jordan was facing the impressive member. Summer's limp cock hung from her crotch, and went halfway down her thigh to her knee. Jordan slowly moved her hands to cup the lower half of its soft, warm and heavy expanse. With her fingertips, she gradually ran...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 4 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 4: Ebony & Jordan Part 3Jordan collapsed onto her stomach after Ebony pulled out of her ass, and lay gasping, trying to catch her breath and recover, after Ebony's onslaught. Ebony reached over and spun Jordan around, so that she stood right in front of Jordan's face with her dick right level of with Jordan's mouth. Jordan screamed as Ebony pushed her huge cockhead against her lips. "No please! You can't," Jordan wailed, her cries cut short as Ebony forced her huge cock into her...

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B5 Chapter 14 Jordans Conquests Jordan Suc

Chapter 14: Jordan's Conquests - Jordan Sucks CleoJordan looked at the beautiful girl. Cleo was a sight right out of a wet dream. Her mouth was now dripping with cum, as was her chin. Cleo's tits were heaving with her breathing and her nipples had become fully erect. The teats were so swollen, Jordan almost expected milk to leak from the nipples. Looking further down her body Jordan saw Cleo's own cock, thick and turgid, slowly leaking a trace of precum. Jordan suddenly wanted very much...

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B7 Chapter 7 Summer Sucks Jordan

Chapter 7: Summer Sucks JordanJordan held still on the bed, as Summer leaned in for a closer look at her crotch, her eyes fixed upon steadily growing bulge in her panties. Before Summer could do anything, Jordan's body began to tremble. In seconds it was growing, and Jordan could feel her skeleton enlarging. "Holy shit, now I'm doing it too!" cried Jordan, as she felt her body transform. After a few moments, Jordan finally stopped when she was roughly the same size as Summer in her bigger...

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B5 Chapter 3 Jordan Transformed

Chapter 3: Jordan TransformedJordan awoke later in the afternoon. Her first perception was that she was in a different room than Dee Dee's lab, where she had started the day. Where she was now certainly didn't bear any resemblance to a laboratory. It looked more like a hospital room. As her senses cleared, Jordan could tell that she had been propped up on some pillows in a sort of semi-reclining position on the bed. At first, Jordan couldn't quite move her waist and hips very easily. She...

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B5 Chapter 5 Jordans First Time Jordan Lea

Chapter 5: Jordan's First Time - Jordan Learns The Truth Tiffany, Dee Dee and Clyda watched in stunned silence, as Jordan's first orgasm finally came to a finish. All three girls were completely shocked at the intensity, and the amount of jism that Jordan had been able to produce on her very first try. Jordan's cum had landed almost everywhere. Jordan herself had a look of utter bliss, contentment and satisfaction on her face that was beyond words. Her cock was still rock hard, and Jordan...

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B7 Chapter 3 Summer Jordan Discovery

Chapter 3: Summer & Jordan - Discovery Summer strode through the corridors from Dee Dee's laboratory towards the infirmary. She had her skirt and bikini top on, as was common among the girls on the Island, but she was still getting continual stares from the girls she passed, thanks to her new height of nearly seven feet. No one had raised their voice to Summer, but she knew instinctively that it was better to obey quietly, rather than rock the boat and ask questions. Neither Dee Dee or...

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JordanChapter 8

Trish and I had discussed how to let the school know of the temporary arrangements. Finally we decided the best way was for me to take Jordan to school together with a letter from Trish and her 'in loco-parentis' document. After breakfast Monday morning, Jordan got her school stuff together and off we went. While I was generally familiar with the location of the school, I had to have Jordan give me some directions. When we got to the school, Jordan and I went to the office and asked to...

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JordanChapter 12

The next morning I got up, did my morning things then went down to the kitchen and made my coffee while waiting for Jordan. Soon I heard the sound of the shower and not long after a young beauty came downstairs to join me for breakfast. After breakfast and cleanup, I asked Jordan what she wanted to do today. "This morning, before it gets too warm, I'd like to go for a long walk on the beach. After lunch I want to go shopping and before you ask, I won't tell you what for – at least for...

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Jordan Chapter 1

Jordan was 14 years old when she first learned about sex in school. The health teachers used scare tactics to try to keep them from ever having sex, they taught nothing except for abstinence. According to their teacher, no form of birth control was effective enough to protect against everything, and there were many things to worry about, from AIDS to herpes or even the obvious one: pregnancy. Even so, Jordan, as all teenagers, was still very curious about sex. When she was 15, she had her first...

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Jordan Cums of AgeChapter 2

"So what is your idea with me and the boys from the garage?" She asked. "Let's have a sandwich and I will explain it to you." Sebastian told her that she should invite Seth first. She should wear something sexy, sit him in the living room and give him a rum and coke. Then put on some music and dance sexy in front of him. Sebastian told her between the alcohol and her sexy outfit and dance, he probably will be ready to cum. All she had to do was show him some tit, undo his zipper and...

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If Jordan Wants to Cheat Let HerChapter 5

They all piled into Bryan's van, but it was very crowded. I was pulled into the very back seat, the place where I had performed my first act of prostitution. I was pulled down onto the laps of the three boys that were sitting there, Gary, Owen and Kyle. Before the van was even moving my top was up around my neck and my skirt around my waist and three sets of hands were groping and invading my body. I just lay back and relaxed as much as I could under the circumstances. I closed my eyes and...

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Jordan Cums of AgeChapter 1

Jordan Cole was always a mischievous child; she broke the rules only when she was certain she couldn't get caught. So it was natural that her classmates and friends thought she was a bit of a rebel and wise beyond her 17 years. Jordan was wise in that she had her finger on her goal. She was blessed with beauty and a fantastic figure which she worked at. The coach suggested she leave gymnastics because her breast size grew fast at 14, so she took up softball and volleyball. But her real...

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If Jordan Wants to Cheat Let HerChapter 1

I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business, finishing up my mid-term in Biology. I had been surprised at how easy it had been. I had breezed right through it. I had just finished up the last question when I caught sight of Jordan, who was sitting in the row beside me. She was obviously trying to copy from my paper. Without thinking I snatched up my paper and in a loud whisper I exclaimed, "Hey!" I had whispered a little too loud, apparently. Mr. Carson looked up sharply. He got to...

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If Jordan Wants to Cheat Let HerChapter 3

When the clock indicated that it was that 'last possible moment', I left the house and walked to school. I paused at the entrance to the school grounds and, as discretely as possible, I rolled the waistband of my skirt up several inches. It wasn't as short as what I had ended up with yesterday. But it was as short as I was willing to make it on my own. As I walked toward the school I saw people around me turn and watch me go past. It was obvious that they were talking about me. I guess...

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JordanChapter 19

Life in our house settled down to a routine much as it had when Jordan had stayed with me when Trish went away. The big difference now, in addition to Jordan and I sleeping in ‘our’ bed, was that Jordan wanted to do more than just look after feeding Maxie and helping do the occasional job. Now she wanted to be my partner and do things like cook. She was an apt student and she was soon exploring different recipes. Occasionally we had an ‘interesting’ meal and once something that looked and...

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JordanChapter 3

'Ding Dong' "Why don't you go let your mom in?" I asked Jordan and off she ran, Maxie at her heels. I could hear a muted conversation as they came back into the living room. I stood and offered my hand. "Trish, it's nice to meet you. Please sit down." I motioned to the sofa and subtly nudged Jordan to go and sit beside her mom. I noticed that Maxie went and lay at Jordan's feet. 'I guess Maxie has adopted Jordan' I thought. "Trish," I started, "I hope you don't feel I was...

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JordanChapter 7

The next morning I decided to wait until Jordan was awake before doing my morning hygiene routine. I fed Maxie then got the coffee going for the day. "Brian, are you in the bathroom?" came out from Jordan's room. "Nope, figured I'd wait until you had a chance to pee so I didn't have my shower interrupted." "'Kay, I'll only be a minute," she called as she dashed into the bathroom. "Okay, all yours," she called as she ran back out to her room. I went into the bathroom and got...

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JordanChapter 5

When we got back to my house, Jordan and I put clean linen on the bed. "The bedding that's on the bed is clean but it's been on there for a quite a while. Let's put some sheets on the bed that've been washed recently and have a fresher scent." I told her. After the bed was made I went out and sat on the couch while Jordan got things organized. Pretty soon I sensed Jordan coming in to join me. "Can I sit beside you?" she asked. "Of course, come here," and I lifted my arm to allow...

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JordanChapter 16

I got up from beside Trish and asked Trish to come with Jordan and me. The three of us went over to the computer where we plugged in the thumb drive and showed Trish the 'before' and 'after' pictures and told her we would take the thumb drive back with us. Trish hugged Jordan then me. While Trish and I were hugging, Jordan ran off and quickly returned with something behind her back. "I have something for you," Jordan said to her mom as she handed her the 'mommy towel'. Trish started...

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If Jordan Wants to Cheat Let HerChapter 4

We all went inside and I had to service the boys again. They did it differently this time. In the past, when they raped me, it had always been one boy at a time. This time they put me on my hands and knees and Kevin took me from behind while I sucked Chuck off. Bryan had the camera going again. After chuck came in my mouth, Kevin came in my pussy and made me clean him with my tongue. Then Chuck took the camera from Bryan and I was forced to suck Bryan off. Chuck had just started filming...

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JordanChapter 15

I woke up and for a long time just looked down at my beautiful sleeping lover enjoying the beauty of her body. Suddenly, I came to the realization that I was definitely falling in love with Jordan. 'Now what?' I asked myself and I remembered Jordan's statement that she was going to marry me. 'Is that going to come true?' I continued to muse, 'Looks like Jordan's wish just might come true.' I crept out of bed and went to get my coffee going. I was just about to pour my first cup when...

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JordanChapter 23

Over the next few years we settled into being a husband and wife. No longer was there a need to be discreet when we were out in public and that fact alone was a blessing. The fall after Jordan’s graduation, she enrolled in a creative writing course at the local community college. When she told me that was what she wanted to do, I assumed that she was going to try to write something herself but as it turned out she was going to use the skills gained there to assist her in editing articles that...

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If Jordan Wants to Cheat Let HerChapter 2

I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth over and over. When I could no longer taste cum, I went to the kitchen to start supper. I had supper ready when my Dad got home. We ate quickly. He noticed that I was unusually quiet. But of course I was unable to tell him why. I should have. If I were half the brain everyone thought that I was, I would have told my Dad everything and I am sure he could have figured out something. Even if it had occurred to me to tell him...

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JordanChapter 21

Jordan’s eighteenth birthday is Sunday and I’m getting ready to propose to her as I had promised. I have to go and pick up the ring Friday and I’ve reserved a small private room at the city’s most exclusive restaurant for Sunday evening. The restaurant owner is related to one of my most important clients and is looking after everything for me. Sunday is finally here and a limo arrives to take Jordan and me to the restaurant. Unbeknown to Jordan, her mom and Wilson are already in the room....

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JordanChapter 11

We settled back and chatted for a while then Trish decided that Jordan should head off to bed. "Can you stay for a bit?" she asked me. I said I would and Trish asked me to wait until she came back down. Jordan headed off to get ready for bed and Trish went up to talk a bit with Jordan. I sat there and was thinking back on some of the things that Jordan had done when she was at my house. I was brought back to the 'here and now' as I noticed someone moving towards me. I looked up to see...

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JordanChapter 17

We'd had a peaceful sleep and I was woken up to a warm mouth engulfing my cock. I looked down at Jordan who smiled when she saw that I was awake. "I figured that would get your attention," she said with a grin. "Besides, I was getting hungry and I thought maybe I could get a little liquid snack to hold me over until breakfast." I laughed and told her to swing around so I could eat her out at the same time. In a flash I found myself looking at that delightful young pussy – a pussy that...

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JordanChapter 18

Since Trish wasn't working the next day, she went to see my lawyer again to discuss the divorce documents. When he looked at the letter that Trish had, he told her that Frank's lawyer was a good friend of his. Once Trish had signed the agreement, he picked up the phone and called his friend and talked to him. Trish now knew things would move fairly quickly. Basically, Frank gave Trish the house and had offered to pay a reasonable amount towards Jordan's support. He agreed to keep the...

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JordanChapter 13

The next morning I woke up to someone giving me light kisses all over my face. "That's a wonderful way to wake up" I told her. Jordan smiled and moved to give me a sensuous kiss on the mouth. "One day I'll be able to do that for you every morning," she told me with a smile. I knew what she was trying to say – you're going to be my husband one day - but I chose not to respond. "How are you feeling this morning? Sore?" I asked Jordan. "A bit but not too bad. Why, do you want to...

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JordanChapter 20

My how time seems to fly. Jordan had just had her sixteenth birthday and once she got her driver’s licence, we went shopping and bought a small car for her. It was a bit older but in good shape and with her being able to drive, it would free me from some of the ‘gofer’ jobs. Jordan was very happy as well since she could go and do some ‘girl’ things without having me trailing along behind. One Saturday, Jordan had been out ‘doing things - don’t ask’ I was told. When we got ready to go to bed,...

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JordanChapter 22

As we were making our way home, I had a thought. “Jordan, dear, do you think there would be anything that you might ask Rachel to do for the wedding?” I asked. “If I’m reading things correctly from your mom’s comments, I suspect Rachel would be delighted to be asked to do something. Maybe talk that idea over with your mom” Jordan looked at me with a smile then without saying anything, reached over and squeezed my arm. Once we were finally home and unpacked, Jordan headed into the living room...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 10 Dr Jordanrsquos Last Case

As Freddie and Ellie Clegg advance their plans to retire and transfer the human and digital assets of Canopus ImpEx to a safer location, Dr Pam Jordan, one of their most trusted and valuable colleagues begins to have problems of her own. Bed Mates Dr Pam Jordan rolls over in bed and feels the slim, beautifully muscled body of her slave, Sukie, lying asleep and still beside her. Sukie was originally abducted and trained by the American slaver, Steve Glennis. She accompanied him to the UK...

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JordanChapter 6

Once Trish had left I asked Jordan to come with me on a walk around the trails I normally ran on. "It's not as good as a run but it gives me some exercise and I get out in the fresh air." Jordan couldn't wait and soon we we're walking fairly briskly on the trails. "Hey, these trails are neat, Brian, I've never been out here before. I mean, I knew the trails were here but ... I dunno, I just never went for a walk on them." Jordan said. "Well, you're not alone. I suspect that most...

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JordanChapter 10

September arrived and Jordan was back in school. I still saw her quite often and was always delighted when she walked in the door. Some time ago a long time, major client of mine had offered me the use of a condo on Padre Island in Texas. So in early October I took 'my ladies' and we spent several days there – again separate bedrooms. In late October I'd noticed that I hadn't seen Jordan for several days but I just put it down to schoolwork or something like that. I was a bit surprised...

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JordanChapter 4

Over the next few weeks, as promised Jordan was outside to wave at me. Sometimes she even ran with me the last stretch from her house to mine. One day I missed seeing her and wondered if she was sick but the next day she was back. I knew that Trish worked Thursday to Saturday one week and Wednesday to Saturday the next. Monday would work for my plan, I thought as I called Trish on the phone. "Hello Brian" Trish said as she saw the number. "What can I do for you?" "It's not what you...

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JordanChapter 9

The second week was pretty much a repeat of the first. Friday morning rolled around and I told Jordan I'd pick her up after school as her mom expected to be home by about 3:00 pm. Jordan was excited at the prospects of seeing her mom after almost two weeks. "Brian, I've really liked being here with you but I really, really miss Mom and I can't wait until she's home." I was waiting outside Jordan's school at 3:15 and Jordan was the first one through the door. As she jumped into my...

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JordanChapter 14

We'd been outside for a while and I was starting to feel cool so I suggested we go back inside. After supper I'd uncorked a bottle of wine to let it breath. I gathered it and a couple of glasses, then taking Jordan's hand, went up to the bedroom. "The wine is for us for after our first session." I told Jordan as I set the wine and glasses down. "Let's go and have a shower." Jordan was naked in a flash and prodded me to hurry up. The shower was a fairly quick one, even with some...

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Milking Time Book 9 Jordans Wild Week

Chapter 1: Jordan's Day OutJordan strolled out of the bank office, and looked around at the beautiful surroundings of the Bahamas. Dee Dee had set up an early morning appointment for her to sign off on some of the legal papers that were necessary for the Island's business purposes at a local bank. Those were all taken care of, and it wouldn't be until late in the afternoon that Jordan was due to meet Ramirez and be taken back to the Island on one of his boats.With free time to kill, Jordan...

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Welcome Home Part Two Jordan Learns The Truth

"Jordie?" her mom said from behind the door. "Not now mom," Jordan said, she was still mad. How could he just tell people? She kept thinking. "He is still downstairs," her mom said. Jordan threw the pillow in her hand to the floor. She opened the door and rushed downstairs, pushing past her mom on the way. "What!" she screamed at him. She did not care that he was almost a foot taller than her, or that he was the sheriff. "Can we just talk?" he said looking down at her with those puppy eyes....

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Jordan Cums Of Age

Jordan was wise in that she had her finger on her goal. She was blessed with beauty and a fantastic figure which she worked at. The coach suggested she leave gymnastics because her breast size grew fast at 14, so she took up softball and volleyball. But her real desire was to become a famous actress. She took vocal classes, she took drama classes and she was in every school performance since she was 7 years old. Jordan was wise and knew the only thing that could derail her fast track to...

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