Maid in Africa
- 2 years ago
- 31
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The girls were excited. Their NGO had just tied up with an aid organization working in Africa for victims of human trafficking and drug addiction, and they had been selected by their head Mr Samuels for going there. It would be the first time Mandy, Emily and Trish went out of their country. They weren’t sure what exactly they were supposed to do, but nevertheless the idea itself was exciting, plus they could always show it on their extra curricular activities.
Two weeks before they were to leave with their team leader Mr Smith, the girls first met the head of the African organization, a man named Mgwabe who seemed more like a drug lord himself than one working for social welfare. He had taken particular interest in 19 year old Emily, a natural blonde, and this almost made the poor girl pull out of the trip. However, given that the other members were either too busy or too disinterested in Africa, it was left to the three to represent their organization on African soil. However, as the ever practical Mandy pointed out, Mr Smith would be going there with them if the blacks tried any voodoo he would handle it.
The girls spent the weeks before their departure going through their wardrobes more than their travel brochures. They didn‘t expect to understand a word of Swahili or whatever they spoke there, and didn’t really expect to be asked to do much work. The stay would be for two weeks and it was more a formality than anything else. On the other hand the girls wondered what clothes they had for their temperate climate could be suitable for a country where the average temperature was 40 degrees Celsius. Smith had warned them that people there were known to be conservative and they should pack their bags accordingly. Mandy and Emily had no problem with this, but Trish flatly refused to obey. Being the rebel of the group she had decided that it would be too hot to wear anything other than bikinis and hot pants she took only what she intended to wear. As the other two heard time and again from the muscular girl, if any tried to get fresh with her, she had the kicks ready for it.
The day of departure arrived with a frenzy of last minute checks, repacking and phone calls. Their boss Samuels wished them the best for the journey and told them that Smith would arrive at Emily’s door for picking them up. The girls had spent the night before at her house so that wasn’t a problem. Smith arrived on schedule, his 6’2? frame glistening with sweat in spite of being in the car. It took him and the girls half an hour to pack the stuff into the car as all three girls had exceeded the allowed weight limit for the flight. Once packed, they sped off to the airport, their faces aglow with expectation of the unknown.
However it was at the airport that their problems began. Smith seemed to have made some mistake with his ticket although he had all four tickets and had given the girls theirs at the airport itself. They called up Samuels, who told them that the girls should proceed as the NGO really couldn’t afford to rebook them again so late. He assured them that Smith’s problem would surely be sorted out and he’d join them at the lounge soon. The girls had little option but to proceed and their processing went quite smoothly; within 30 minutes they were waiting at the lounge for the craft, which was due in about an hour.
Yet 45 minutes later there was still no sign of Smith. The girls were starting to get worried. What if he didn’t turn up ? How could they go alone ? They called Samuels again but the tower wasn’t catching and the girls realized they’d have to take the call themselves. This was easier said than done, and an argument ensued.
Trish : If the moron screws his ticket, why should we cancel our trip ? Plus didn’t Mgwabe say he would personally be at the airport ?
Mandy: It’s not a question of our not being able to. But what if Smith finds we’ve left without him ? We haven’t obtained permission for that have we?
Trish: Fuck Samuels. I signed up to enjoy the visit and I’m not letting go because some gorilla fart forgot how to book a ticket.
Mandy: Problem is gorilla fart is our leader here.
Trish: I can manage myself without any farty leaders thank you.
And so it went on, with the quiet Emily looking from one to another, just wishing the argument would end and someone would tell her what to do. She wasn’t used to taking decisions alone and didn’t want to either.
The situation may have led to a nasty fight between the two had the arrival of the plane not caused each to make their own decisions. As soon as the announcement for boarding was made Trish stomped off to the boarding desk leaving Mandy furious and Emily baffled. Mandy looked at Emily, saw the hopelessly confused look and sighed. If Trish went alone either she would be kicked out or they would be. On the other hand knowing what a hothead Trish could be it wasn’t safe to leave her alone. And if they went back now they would be wasting two tickets. She tried Samuels one last time but got no response. Wondering if she’d regret her decision later she headed to the boarding ignoring Emily from habit. Emily was left alone and followed Mandy like the docile lamb she was.
During the flight neither Mandy nor Trish spoke to each other. Emily sat in between in uncomfortable silence, her sweet face turning from one to the other in a vain hope that she could become a conduit for restoration of dialogue. But her attempts were stonewalled until the plane landed when the necessity of coordination made them speak again. Samuels had given them a SIM given by Mgwabe on his last visit for use by the girls. Trish now took it and stuffed it into her Iphone 4S, only to find that her top of the range phone didn’t support it. Finally it went into Emily’s older phone, which was promptly appropriated by Mandy in order to prevent Trish taking it. Hence Emily landed in a foreign land with no phone and two friends who had decided that speech beyond the barest necessity wasn’t required of them for the time being.
The airport in spite of being the main one in the country was small by western standards and they had little trouble finding the exit. Collecting their goods, the three headed out, keenly scanning the men standing outside for any sign of Mgwabe. They had almost given up when a tall thin man came up and introduced himself as Abdul. He said Mr. Mgwabe had some urgent work and had sent him instead. This made the girls uneasy – one they were alone, and second the man who was supposed to pick them up wasn’t there. Should they trust him?
Before they could decide the man was taking Emily’s bag from her hands. Emily, having a natural tendency to give in, began to let go of the bag. But Trish gave her a strong kick out of Abdul’s range of vision. This made Emily’s grip firmer. Abdul responded by squeezing and pinching the poor girl’s thin wrist. Emily would have still held on, but something in the action told her she wasn’t in control. The bag slipped out of her hand, with neither of her friends having noticed the show of authority on the part of Abdul and the effect it had had on Emily. Trish shot Emily a dirty look before following the man to the car. To their relief the journey was short and uneventful. They would be staying at the Hotel Desert Pearl (the name made the three laughs) and in the evening Mgwabe would personally meet them there. All expenses were paid and all the ladies had to do was grace Mgwabe with their esteemed presence. Again the three laughed.
Once they had reached their rooms, Trish and Mandy resumed their bickering over rights to the only bathroom, leaving Emily alone with a tired body and nothing to do. She undressed and landed on the soft bed, instantly dozing off. When she awoke, neither of the two were there and it was nearing eight by her time zone adjusted mobile. Fearing that she had missed the appointment with their host, she hurriedly dressed in a pleated skirt and top and headed out; the room had three keys and the two had consented to leave her with one. She locked the door and sped off to the elevator, her lack of mobile making it impossible to communicate with the others.
Emily assumed that the man would meet them at the large room where guests lounged and enjoyed the cool air of a summer evening from huge French windows opening onto the gardens. She wasn’t too keen on meeting him, to tell the truth, but felt it would be quite rude not to meet him at least once. And who knows, the man may actually turn out to be nice. She searched the room for any sign of the two girls or Mgwabe but found only Abdul lazing in a corner with a cigarette and a glass of wine. She remembered the brutal assault on her wrist at the airport, and how it had seemed almost as if she could do nothing to stop him. It made her feel uneasy but she was out of options and so headed towards him.
Abdul noticed the most timid of the three girls approaching him, and smiled. He would need to play his part well, though as a chieftain’s son he was seldom asked to play the role of a servant. So when she reached him, he stood up reverently and asked her what he could do for the lovely lady? Emily was taken aback by this courtesy and managed to ask rather bluntly if he’d seen Mr Mgwabe or her friends? The three were supposed to meet him in the evening but she’d overslept out of fatigue and a slight fever.
Abdul’s smile broadened. So she was alone for all practical purposes. He replied that he’d seen the two leave with him about an hour ago and presumed that they would be back in another. Why not spend the time in humble Abdul’s company? Emily was about to refuse when she noticed that he was holding her hand. The grip was strong and it’d take her quite a fight to get off. A fight would be rude, and the last thing she wanted was to aggravate her lack of punctuality with rudeness. Unwillingly she sat down beside him and attempted to start a conversation.
The man seemed interested in her and her friends alone, and the conversation soon veered to their habits and traits. Emily wondered if she should be telling so much to an absolute stranger, but Abdul was surprisingly easy to talk to and she found herself answering questions like she was talking to a friend. Abdul was also humorous and knew how to complement a girl like Emily who was obviously never the leader of the group. He found her to be quite docile as well, a trait he knew would come in useful later on. As of now, he needed to acquire as much information of the trio as possible.
Emily never noticed how Abdul steadily lost interest in the conversation and became more interested in her. His compliments about her beauty increased and became less subtle. He had ordered a glass of red wine for her and as she drank the liquid, she found herself increasingly pleased with his comments. In fact, when he put his arm round her slender shoulder, she didn’t even bother to protest. It all seemed to be going right, though Emily had no idea to where.
About half an hour into their conversation she found her feminine instincts alerted by his large palm being uncomfortably close to her left breast. He’d pushed his hand between her arm and her torso and hence had a clear access to her chest area. Being thin but well endowed, it was easy for Abdul to press his palm against her breast while pretending to be interested in other things. She was also halfway through her fourth glass without realizing it, and Abdul knew her normally feeble protests would be almost inaudible now.
Getting bolder, he gradually pushed his palm further and further till about half her tit was covered in his black hand. Emily’s mind decided that something must be done if she was to stop herself from being molested. Her speech for some reason was no longer coherent or loud enough, so she tried to wriggle out of it. Strangely, the hand in spite of being stretched held firm and actually pressed down upon her tit to prevent her from escaping. Abdul saw her vain attempt and concluded that the time was right.
Emily suddenly found the hand pull away and saw Abdul rise. Hope rose in her inebriated mind that maybe she’d succeeded in getting the message across and like a true gentleman he’d realized he’d gone too far and was now leaving. Such hopes were dashed when she was made to rise and follow him to the elevator, Abdul having to support the drunk girl. Emily had no idea to which floor they went or what number room they entered, but vaguely registered falling upon the bed as Abdul locked the door and approached her with quite a different sort of smile on his face.
Pulling her up to a sitting position, he sat down beside her and looked deep into her unfocused eyes. He could tell she was too far gone to protest, but he wanted to be sure. Still looking, he reached out and squeezed her right breast. He saw a flicker of alarm pass through her eyes but her body refused to respond. The alcohol and the drug he’d mixed in the last glass was taking effect and he was safe. Grabbing her soft blonde hair, he pulled her lips into his.
Emily felt herself kissing Abdul, but for some reason this inexplicable behavior brought about pleasure instead of surprise. She’d always wanted to be with a black man, her mind told her, she’d even tried to date the basketball stars. But though her 34C tits, slender waist and a bubble butt got her the boys, her strict refusal to have sex made her rather unpopular and her last boyfriend had almost raped her before dumping her unceremoniously for being a prude. It had hurt but she’d stayed firm in her commitment to her family values.
Yet she had her share of hormones and fantasies to match them. She always fantasized about big black cocks and had even fingered herself a few times thinking how great it would be to have one of those big poles in her tight cunt. She’d even seen one of those when one of her basketball boyfriends had tried to persuade her by pushing her to her knees and unzipping his fly. Her submissive nature had almost made her give in, but she’d saved herself.
Now with her mind in a state of stupor and Abdul kissing her passionately on the lips, ears and neck, her body began to take over. She felt her normally strong reactions to such situations give way to a pleasant submission to the skilful foreplay that was making her increasingly wish that the strong African would make love to her. Flickers of protest and alarm from her mind were doused in the rising wave of passion as he began to push his tongue into her lips, parting those pink petals to play with its female counterpart. To her surprise, her tongue eagerly embraced the intruder, allowing it to taste her facial orifice as it danced around, giving her sensations to which she was entirely foreign.
So lost was she in it that she almost didn’t notice when the hands of her lover had snaked down to her chest and engulfed the soft cleavage in its strong grasp. Emily felt a pressure on her chest which she recognized as that of a man’s hands on her tits. She had allowed one or two of her bf s to move this far, so it was nothing surprising that Abdul would head there as well. In fact Emily wanted him to feel her, enjoy her soft curves to the fullest so he would fall in love with her and shower more of his arousing foreplay on her.
The pressure steadily grew, till Emily’s mind began to tell her to do something. But it failed to tell her what to do, with the result that her slim fair arms hung weakly beside her as the tits were crushed under his strong fingers. Her eyes closed to feel the pleasure of the kiss better; she didn’t see how his fingers mashed into her tits, her top bunching up as he did so. Abdul noticed this, and squeezed those fat bags with wild abandon. He took special care to dig his nails in, knowing it would cause her pain as well as pleasure, a combination a woman could seldom resist. Releasing his grip, he felt for her nipple through the layers of cloth and found it easily – the cunt was getting excited by all this. He pulled away from her face and in that instant pinched her nipple cruelly, enjoying how her eyes finally focused on him.
Emily felt a jolt run through her body and her crotch become even wetter as it became clear that he’d just squeezed the most sensitive part of her gland. This momentarily allowed her mind to focus on the man, and she was surprised to find that his friendly features had changed into something more feral; something which told her she now had no chance of escaping whatever fate he’d kept in store for her. She was trapped and the eyes made it clear.
She was now pushed roughly down onto the bed, and Abdul climbed onto her. He bypassed her lips this time and parted the hair around her ears. Bringing his lips to the opening, he whispered with bursts of hot air, into her unusually alert ears.
?Do you like it slut? Do you like being squeezed??
Emily’s mind seemed to register the words after a long delay. Abdul saw how her nipples remained hard long after he’d left them, and knew what the answer was. As for Emily, she just lay there, her body now out of control of her mind and shamelessly evincing feelings she never thought she would exhibit so blatantly. She also knew that her mouth was now incapable of eliciting anything other than moans and that was what came out instead of the refusal her mind had somehow patched together for her tongue. She knew what the feeble response meant, what message it sent out, and how it advertised her arousal along with the erect nipples and yet to become evident wetness of her pussy. She wasn’t surprised at all when an even more degrading question was forwarded from her ears to her via a pinch of her erect nipples and hot breath on her earlobes: ?You like being used don’t you slut? You’d make a great sex slave?
This time her mind struggled to comprehend what a sex slave was. Would she exist only to serve his sexual needs? Would she service him round the clock for the rest of her life while he barely acknowledged her presence? Would her make love to her or merely use her? These questions revolved in her head and collided even as her body steadily became more and more desperate for his touch.
Abdul saw that the cunt was confused, and decided to make the next move. Emily was surprised when she felt the bed get lighter and her body began to protest the removal of the dominating presence that had aroused her so. It demanded that she find him and submit to his desires, to ensure that it got the pleasure she had denied it for so long. As Emily was to learn, her body cared nothing for her modesty or dignity- she’d been born into the body of a dirty slut and it was taking her along the inevitable path to sexual slavery.
Presently she felt Abdul’s hands go over her body and the cold touch of something metallic on her wrist. Her limbs had by now stopped obeying her mind and Abdul had to lift it to place the metal circlet on it and attach its twin to the bedpost. He did the same to her other hand and Emily belatedly realized that she was handcuffed. Not that it was necessary given the disoriented state of her mind and the desperation of her body to have its darkest sexual fantasies fulfilled. But it only increased her sense of helplessness in the moments when her mind could pull itself together to think, and she realized that she’d just moved one step further in her progress to full sex slavery.
Abdul now focused on her torso. He noted the western shirt with odd shaped letters on it. To his refined eye it looked crass and cheap, he’d make sure his slave always wore the finest that was available and the shirt would have to go. Taking a knife from the bedside table he proceeded to hook it under her top at the base. It scraped on the navel causing the bound girl to wonder what new plan he had for her. This cold touch was followed by a ripping sound as the warmth of her shirt was steadily removed from her abdomen and then her chest, finally ending at her collar.
The shirt now ruined and lying uselessly by her side, he began to unzip his fly. Though he’d planned to remove her bra as well, he had just got an excellent idea seeing the bulge of her tits under the cotton cloth. Abdul discarded his clothes in rapid succession, exposing his strong black body to the young girl before him. Kneeling with his legs on either side of her thin torso, he began to push his dick against her tits. He enjoyed the way her nipples seemed to stand out against his dick, the way it seemed to push into his dick as he poked her titty with it. In fact the nipples seemed to harden even more at the touch of his rather large 10? dick. This made him raise the cloth over the nipple and snip it off, exposing the nipple to the open air, which made it stand out like a small pencil. He did the same to the other bra cup, before pulling up both tits by the nipple while making sure his body weight kept the torso down. This caused the breasts to rise out and Emily to let out a scream of pain.
In fact Emily had become steadily more apprehensive of Abdul’s intentions. What had started out as pleasurable foreplay had rapidly changed with the focus moving from her face to her body? Though this should have technically fulfilled her body’s desire to be used, the lack of emphasis on her feelings worried her. Plus the bondage made her wonder if he would shift to inflicting pain rather than pleasure at some later moment. Though her body had accepted it, her mind was yet to come to terms with the fact that she was rapidly transforming from a free girl to a sex slave.
Abdul abruptly stopped pulling on her nips and raised the base of her bra. Using one hand to hold it up, he pushed in the prick until it was nestled between her big tits. He now let the band drop the pressure from all sides causing his dick to twitch in pleasure. Emily however, was taken aback by this action as she’d never suspected that this could be a form of sex. Now she had the big black cock between her mammaries and the sensation was entirely new to her. Abdul now grabbed both the nipples and pulled the tits together using them as he began to push in and out of the cotton. As he had expected, the sheer size of her tits and the tightness of the bra almost created a sensation of a vagina round his dick, while the look of surprise and fear mixed with a drug induced dreaminess made for an excellent backdrop to his dick pushing in and out of her tits. Every time he pulled her puffy nipples, she let out a half moan half scream that opened her sexy mouth for him, and once he even spit into it before it closed, causing the girl to look at him in utter shock.
He gradually quickened his pace, pressing the mams further against his throbbing member as he did so .this caused increased friction with the twin walls of the tits, making the experience increasingly painful for the girl. Added to the pain on her nipples, it made her want to reach out and push his hands and dick away, the first time pain had triumphed over pleasure in their sex session. As her mind dimly acknowledged, the pleasure was there, but it was increasingly confined to him, her lot being to suffer for him and his sexual needs.
Abdul was by now nearing climax, his dick unable to hold back in the tight orifice created by the bra and the breasts. He pushed deep into her bra, seeing his dick disappear into her jugs completely, as he began to cum into her tits, chest and chin. Emily felt the pressure building in his dick, and suddenly found herself awash in sperm from his dick. Abdul closed his eyes and allowed the tight improvised cunt to milk his dick dry, pressing her nipples with such force that the screams erupted again, almost in tune with the waves of jizz that spread all over her. Finally, when it was spent, he withdrew his dick and wiped it clean on her bra, leaving a sticky wet trail over her nipples.
Abdul now shifted and rested for a while beside the scared girl. This allowed Emily, whose intoxication had almost passed and only the drug held her down, to think of what her position was. Here she was, cuffed with her clothes ruined and her upper torso covered in slime, while her lover relaxed beside her, recharging for another round at abusing her fair young body. She had no idea where Mandy and Trish were – had they returned? Were they looking for her? She hoped they were, as things were rapidly going out of hand, and her fantasies aside, the situation, to her normalizing mind, appeared very precarious.
Having relaxed enough, Abdul got up and took a swig of vodka from a bedside bar. His dick was hard again and he could see that the incoherent look in her eyes was passing – they were looking with fear at him now. He knew she would start screaming the moment he began to enter the home stretch of the road to enslavement, and felt that remedial measures were necessary. He untied her and before she could struggle, had her on her knees with his big cock facing her. Emily recognized the situation from her close shave at one time, and began to beg him to let her go. Her words were still slurred but at least she could speak now; maybe this would have an effect upon him.
However all she got was a hard slap from him and the next moment his prick was staring at her. She turned her face away, but strangely her fantasies seemed to have been awakened by the sight of the huge black cock. Almost as if drawn to it, she looked back at the huge knob at its head and the thickness of the shaft that was to go down her throat. So when he grabbed a handful of her blonde hair and yanked it roughly, she opened her mouth without much resistance and watched mesmerized as the dick approached her face and then began to push past her lips into her warm mouth. It began to force its way, pushing her tongue away as it moved towards the back of her mouth, her cavity insufficient to accommodate all of it.
Abdul enjoyed the view of the cunt taking in his prick as she steadily looked on till it passed her range of vision. Another yank and Emily relaxed the throat sphincter to allow him to enter her throat. This caused a gag reflex to kick in and Abdul enjoyed the constriction it caused. He also loved the way she squirmed her on his dick as it caused her discomfiture, pushing away her hands with a flick whenever they came near her face.
Once the dick was safely in and he could feel his balls slap against her chin, he grabbed another handful of her hair with his other hand and used them as handlebars to push in and out of her face. He occasionally twisted the handlebars to make the cunt tongue him and so increase the pleasure. He liked the way she responded to his training, she’d be easy to train as his personal puppy, a puppy with big tits sweet face and blonde mane. The thought made him moan in pleasure and he began to increase the pace, watching as the girl begged with her eyes not to increase the already considerable problems she was facing.
Emily’s primary problem was breathing with the huge thing in her throat. She had realized that she was meant to breathe through the nose but timing them to his thrusts was becoming difficult as he increased his pace. This made her mouth long for resuming its normal duties, and led her to squirm on his cock. However this seemed to be having little effect on the man as he kept up the painful hold on her hair and used it to push in and out, caring little if she managed to breathe or not. Together it made the hapless girl wish the ordeal would end as soon as possible – somehow her fantasies had never counted the problems of breathing.
Luckily for her Abdul was nearing the second orgasm of the evening. He found the soft insides of her mouth perfect for his dick and planned in his head to obtain one such blowjob every morning when he woke up. For now he grabbed her hair roughly and pressed her down on his dick, not allowing her nose to inhale anything but the smell of his crotch as his pubic hairs pressed against her face. This had the effect of pushing his dick as far down her throat as possible, and when he came it erupted directly into her bowels, involuntarily making her swallow his cum.
He now pulled out, watching as the girl heaved for air through the cum covered throat and mouth. She was still on her knees and made no attempt to escape. Abdul guessed she was still recovering from the shock and decided it was a perfect time to complete what had begun with a glass of wine earlier in the night. He raised his foot till it was inches from her face. With it he pushed her face up until she was looking directly into his eyes.
Abdul: Lick, slut
Emily looked in utter surprise at him. She had never expected that he’d make her do something degrading like licking his foot. She now felt his toe push against her lips and felt the pressure start to open her mouth. She looked up again at the haughty man standing before her. Was she going to give in to him? To this brute that would steadily degrade her for sure beginning with this moment? Her mind was revolting but her body’s response was surprisingly timid. Always prone to obeying, this powerful person seemed to have a debilitating effect on her free will, almost as if he’d taken control of her mind. Shocked at her own action, she began to open her mouth and took in the toe, then the other toes, sucking and licking like a dog did to its master.
Abdul smiled. She was responding well. He now asked her to place her face on his foot and beg him to use her as he pleased. Again her mind was defeated and she began to do as told. ? Please use me. I’m a worthless slut who exists for pleasing men alone. ?Emily was surprised she could fall so low, say things which were so abhorrent to her, but then she was not in control any longer. Other men had given her at least some amount of autonomy but this man was bent on wresting from her every bit of freedom and dignity she had, and somewhere in her mind she wanted to surrender it, become the mindless cunt that he wanted her to be. Her thoughts were in utter confusion, but it was clear that her self control was slipping rapidly in the face of his strong demands and overbearing manner. She was going headlong down the road to slavery.
Abdul: It’s SIR, understand?
Emily: Sorry sir. This slut needs to be used and abused for your pleasure.
Abdul: Good. Now offer your goods to me, like a puppy whore.
Emily: Sir, please use my body. It’s all yours to use.
Abdul smiled. : Are you a virgin slave?
Emily: Y?yes sir.
She had been proud of her virginity, having decided to lose it to the man she truly loved. In the circumstances however, she realized what the man wanted
Emily: Please sir, deflower your slave so she may realize her true nature. She needs to be a slut whore for your pleasure.
Abdul: Then offer your master your maidenhead slut.
Almost in a trance, Emily sat down; spread her legs and pussy lips, exposing her hymen to him. He saw that she was dripping down there, and decided to fuck her right away.
In a swift move that surprised the confused girl, Abdul spread her legs wider and dragged her slim frame closer before aiming for her virgin pussy. Emily watched in awe as the huge black cock, the type she’d fantasized about in at night lying in bed, steadily approached her maidenhead. Wasn’t she supposed to be struggling to get away? She’d never allowed anyone to enter her. Then again. This was different. Abdul seemed to wield a different sort of power over twat like her. Was that all she was now? A cunt to be used? Her mind reminded her that she had very little time if she was to avoid being raped and deflowered brutally. But her body refused to respond. Having come in contact with the first truly dominating male in her life, she felt her resistance melt. Almost as if she was destined to undergo this, she spread herself wider and her twat became steadily wetter as her mind receded from her consciousness to be replaced by a primal hunger to be used, abused and dominated in every way possible.
Abdul, if he noticed these changes in his slave to be, showed no sign. He held onto her thighs with his hands and began to push his dick into her virgin orifice. Emily felt the intruder attack the thin membrane with remorseless force, knew that her innocence was moments from being torn asunder. Her self respect briefly came back, aided by the increasing pain of the pressure maybe, but the moment her maidenhead vanished with his dick into her young orifice, her body gave in completely. She embraced her coming of age, the brutal manner notwithstanding, her female instincts now telling her how to pleasure a man, how to be of use to the one she’d given herself to.
As the member steadily pushed into her womb, Emily began to feel a sense of fulfillment, like a dog longing for a leash had finally been tamed. She’d been claimed, her virginity taken and her future decided in a matter of minutes; in a matter of minutes she’d changed from a sweet innocent 19 year old to a brutally raped woman destined to be used for the rest of her life in every sadistic manner possible. Emily closed her eyes and enjoyed herself; she’d discovered her true calling.
Abdul pushed deeper and deeper into her velvety hole till he ran out of dick and his balls banged against her crotch. He looked at the peaceful look in the girl’s eyes and knew she’d willingly given herself, though it was true that he’d left her with little choice. The simple fact was that he’d claimed her, made her his, stamped her with his indelible authority. Her mind and body had given in, caved into what they knew they could not fight.
With this knowledge he began to push in and out, the cunt making no effort to stop him, her body an active participant in her own rape while her mind slowly accepted the fact that it no longer belonged to a free woman. Both rapist and victim seemed to enjoy the sensations, Abdul taking adequate care to ensure that she enjoyed her first sex, even if she would be thoroughly degraded later. After all she’d given herself, even if partially, to him, and should be rewarded for that. As for him, fresh cunt was one of the most intoxicating things he’d come across, and right now he was enjoying one. It was nothing new, but then every cunt was a fresh experience, one that added another feather in his cap. Plus she was exceptionally tight and Abdul knew that had her body not cooperated, the cunt would have had considerable trouble accommodating him. In the event, the massive lubrication which had greeted his dick made the task easier and he picked up pace to enjoy the sensations better.
Emily felt him building up inside her. Again her mind returned with the warning that she might get pregnant. Yet this warning, which she’d taken seriously all her life, seemed childish to her now. What difference did it make if she got pregnant or not? She no longer owned her body, if he wanted her to be a breeding slut, so be it. She’d bear big black babies for him. The very thought of getting knocked up with seed made her wetter than before, and she began to gently rock her hips in tune with the swift thrusts of the pole that was to fill her womb.
All of a sudden, Emily felt the Abdul tense inside her, his massive prick bulge in anticipation. She too stopped, waiting eagerly to be filled, to be marked with cum of her master in her womb, for her womb, the most private of her body parts, to be claimed by him. For a second time seemed to stop, and then he erupted, washing her walls with jizz in waves strong enough to have a physical impact. Emily reveled in the sensation of being filled, knowing the conquering sperm were eagerly swimming up her canal towards her defenseless egg, ready to turn her flat stomach into a baby bulge. Emily moaned in pleasure, pleasure and anticipation of things to come.
Abdul saw his cunt’s eyes closed as he withdrew after creaming her second hole of the day. He watched as her blood and his sperm mixed to form a creamy liquid that gushed out after he pulled out, forming a pool around her ass, as if marking her defloration. He saw his own cock too, covered in blood and jizz, and smiled. Who knows what dreams the cunt may have had? Maybe she’d wanted to be treated like a princess while she obliged some lover with her virginity? Maybe on her marital bed? Abdul had heard all this, but never obliged a girl with it, even when he was in the west. And now he was here, in his own country, in his own hotel. Here he’d treat a girl for what she really was, and this particular one was a slut slave pure and simple. He gave her heaving form a slight kick as he got up and cleaned off.
He grabbed the cunt’s long blonde mane and dragged her body by it to a place near the wall with a ring attached to it. He now went to a nearby drawer and got a collar, chain and handcuffs. A hard kick on the cunt’s back got her attention, and she was soon on her knees again, this time staring up at him and a collar. The drug’s effect having completely worn off by now, she knew what it meant, and wondered what exactly he planned to do with her. She didn’t have to wonder long. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her close and gently closed the band around her throat. Abdul liked the way she looked on at him as he collared her, her eyes expressing surprise and desire at the same time.
Emily’s mind dimly wonder how things had gone like this. She’d begun with a desire to love him, to have a perfect black gentleman after her heart. True, she’d been drugged, but her desire was natural. Yet it had changed to a dislike as he hurt her, and then a strange longing to be abused by the same man, to become his slave. This had culminated in the collar that was now encircling her neck. But could it have been avoided? Or was it her destiny to be used and owned? Her mind, finally racing now that its decisions were of no consequence, became increasingly confused.
Emily almost jumped as the collar was pulled tight round her neck and the chain attached to it. This went to the ring in the wall and Emily saw herself chained like a pet in her lover-turned-master’s bedroom. A second later a pair of handcuffs secured her wrists together behind her back, meaning she would have limited freedom to maneuver. This done he gently pushed her face up to make her look back at him.
Abdul: That’s done. From now on I own you, get it slut? I own every inch of your pathetic white body.
Emily: Yes sir. I am your slave?.
Abdul: No not slave alone?you’re my pet bitch.
Emily: Yes sir, your pet bitch?
Abdul: Do bitches talk?
Emily felt confused, then opened her mouth and said: ?Woof!?
(To be continued)
Many thanks to infructescence for her editing of this story. It was hot sunny day in Gambia. Though both the door and the only window were missing on the corrugated tin shed at the backyard behind a bar in the outskirts of the capital city Banjul, it was hot as a sauna inside the shed. No wonder why the naked gorgeous Scandinavian housewife who was lying in there, with her back on a large "extra bed" type gray air mattress, was totally wet from sweat. Another reason for her sweating was the...
“A man must know his destiny ... if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder ... if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it.” ― George S. Patton Jr. In the closing days of 1942, the United States was faced with a decision as to where to begin hostilities against the...
Introduction: What happens when you are stranded in the African jungle Chapter One. Into Africa. Thursday 2nd January 2003. Salford, Manchester, England. Doctor Samantha Roberts, I say, answering the phone. Sam? Its Peter Mendel. Happy new year! Hello Peter. Happy new year to you too. Are we all set? Yes. Just confirming that Bebe and I will arrive at Heathrow airport tomorrow at 20.30 from Frankfurt. We fly to Lagos in Nigeria, with an overnight stop. Then onto Kinshasa in the Congo, then...
Introduction: Wife used by black men whilst on holiday in Sotuh Africa My wife Elaine and I took a vacation in South Africa last year and decided to try and see as much of the country as we could. We flew into Johannesburg and spent a couple of days looking around. We had lots of warnings about the dangers of the city,as the murder capital of the world and we took taxis everywhere. The townships were a real culture shock but with a guide and staying in the transport,we had no problems. We...
Tommy is a 19-old sweet blond from Alabama. After a few months of buttfucking training in my school in America, he went to Africa with our soccer team and stayed with a local family in Lagos, Nigeria. Here's his story: "I stayed with the Mkome familiy. They're very poor. The dad carves wood sculptures that are sold in tourist markets. They have tons of k**s and relatives and live in a small house with a single room. Everybody sleeps on the ground, one next to the other. On one side, Mr. Mkome...
Kirstie stepped tentatively into the bar. She had arrived that evening from New York, but was too excited to catch up on her sleep. At last, she was here! In Africa, on a safari holiday! She had flown in with a group of Americans and had been met at the airport by the safari firm, where she had met the other people who would be on the tour with her. Some of them were in the bar, but they did not seem to have noticed her. They were a mixed bag. Two couples, two families with their k**s, and one...
Hi to all horny ladies and Gentlemen’s. Myself Chirag Sharma (name changed for obvious reasons), 28 Yrs of age and living in Noida. I am a product manager by profession and working in a reputed MNC in Noida. I recently came back to India after completing my overseas project for 10 months. As this is my 1st post here on ISS, Request you all to please provide your feedback. My email ID is (Also available on hangout’s). I have been posted to Africa for a project as a consultant and was traveling...
Out of Africabyhappenstance©I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when my husband called me from his office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell me.Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell me right away whatever it was but he calmed me down and said, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and with that he hung up.By the time he came back from the office, I, along with my 18-year-old son and 19-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in...
I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when my husband called me from his office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell me.Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell me right away whatever it was but he calmed me down and said, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and with that he hung up.By the time he came back from the office, I, along with my 18-year-old son and 19-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in the living room.As soon as...
Hi, I am david from London.. I am a great fan of traveling and more so of wild life. So I planned to have a trip to south Africa. I didn’t want to go alone so i wandered whom should I pick up for this. In our family all were ready then my sister told me she wants to go. We all then agreed that my sister will go with we started our packing and then after 2 days we boarded our flight to south arica. 2 family room were booked for for my sister and the other for me which incuded a...
The world has changed since Evie and I were first thrown together back in the summer of 1954.Father was in the diplomatic service and served the hon Charles Bainbridge as administrator to the District Commissioner in the Kumbala district in the disputed territories of Eastern Africa, disputed in the sense of impending independence.But I knew little of this, my life revolved around school, where I boarded from the age of seven, initially near Sevenoaks and later near Windsor in England and Aunt...
I was in kitchen preparing dinner when Graham called from office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell us. Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell it right away but he calmed me down saying, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and hung up. By the time he came back from office, I, along with our sixteen-year-old son and fifteen-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in living room. As soon as he entered the house, gave a big...
“I thought of a remark ... that the United States is like a ‘gigantic boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it there is no limit to the power it can generate.’ Being saturated and satiated with emotion and sensation, I went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful.” ― Winston S. Churchill All of a sudden, the Yanks were everywhere. They were all over North Africa. They were driving up and down the British country roads in their jeeps and tanks and even training on the beaches...
Hi, I am david from London.. I am a great fan of traveling and more so of wild life. So I planned to have a trip to south Africa. I didn’t want to go alone so i wandered whom should I pick up for this. In our family all were ready then my sister told me she wants to go. We all then agreed that my sister will go with me. so we started our packing and then after 2 days we boarded our flight to south arica. 2 family room were booked for for my sister and the other for me which incuded a...
InterracialThe world has changed since Evie and I were first thrown together back in the summer of 1954. My Father was in the diplomatic service and served the hon Charles Bainbridge as administrator to the District Commissioner in the Kumbala district in the disputed territories of Africa. Disputed in the sense of impending independence. But I knew little of this. My life revolved around school, where I boarded from the age of seven, initially near Sevenoaks and later near Windsor in England....
South Africa. Present day. 10 pm. The band of drug traffickers...numbering 40 strong had made camp for the night in the jungle. They gleefully counted the gold, diamonds and other trinkets they had bribed out of some of the unsuspecting exchange for the powerful narcotic they were peddling. The traffickers were a band of roughnecks..hired by a wealthy kingpin who lived in a palatial mansion in Cape Town..built on the profits from his nefarious trade. His reach was long. He had...
This is a true story which, unfortunately, may have come to an end.About five years ago I began helping lead a program in East Africa. When on safari we were staying in a tented camp where the drivers and clients eat dinner in the same area. After dinner I went over to my lead driver to discuss the next day.After the other drivers had finished and gone, I asked him how he became such a good wildlife guide. He told me a little. I asked him if he had a wife and k**s. He did back in his home...
Almost Out of AfricaThe beat-up Jeep bounced along the deeply rutted dirt road, raising a cloud of dust behind it. After miles of empty country, passing only the occasional isolated village or solitary hut, the vehicle was entering the ramshackle outskirts of Kemo City, capitol of Mabuto. Passing a crowded roadside market, the truck drew stares from many of the locals, who rarely saw Westerners pass through the streets of their backwards nation. Mabuto was an African country in decline; its'...
Hi! I am regular reader of iss since 2010 and believe me i liked the way few stories have been described as if someone is writing a poem on women’s profile, their stats. The way they look, the way one is thinking about her and most interesting was to way describe their love making process. In summary i am great fan of iss and in that the “couples” category. Over all these years; i have gone through hundreds of stories and really gave me courage to write something of my own experience. To...
I took another look at the business card in my hand and looked back up at the metal door I stood in front of. I checked to see if anyone could see me, then gave the door four hard knocks. The little window slid open and I heard a voice ask: "Who sent you?"I looked at the card again to make sure and then said with a shaking voice: "Emperor Caligula."The window slid shut again and I could hear the door being opened. A hulking figure greeted me into the surprisingly well-lit hallway."First time?"I...
David Burton gripped the steering wheel hard as he drove downtown. A slight sweat beaded his brow. He glanced in the rear view mirror. His beautiful daughter sat there quietly. Her sapphire blue eyes watching the passing scenery as the light faded and another magnificent sunset broke over the African city of Harare. His thoughts were far from the sunset, just one of many hundred panoramic and beautiful sunsets he had seen over the last 21 months. As she turned her head and looked through the...
It was in 1993 that I first happened to meet and talk with Susanne and Klaus Beidermeir. I was working on my first assignment as a trade representative in the American Embassy, but of course, as you now know, that was only my cover story. I was just out of my primary intensive training course with the Company. I had been 'lent' to the American Embassy, and I was tasked to gather as much information as I could about several different areas of life in Uganda. In particular, since I was more...
The Trip To Africa. We finally got everything packed and we were on our way for our eleven day trip to Tanzania. We had a direct five hour flight from SFO to Atlanta. Brandi sat next to the window, I sat in the middle, and an older lady sat in the aisle seat. We were really tired and we slept all the way to Atlanta, there was an hour lay over in Atlanta. We were very lucky to get tickets on a British air bus A 380, which was taking a trial run from Atlanta to Tanzania. We didn’t realize how...
She was daydreaming as she looked out of the office window overlooking the high street in Canterbury. All those people bustling about yet few of them looked happy she thought. She had thought she had the dream job too as Personal Assistant to a busy advertising executive but the financial collapse had dramatically reduced advertising business and for the last few weeks she had not been busy and had begun wondering just how long her boss, Mark Hughes, would be able to keep her on. If she lost...
Aid to Africa Rebel Synopsis Forced to go on an aid mission to an African field hospital, Kate, along with her companions, stray into rebel held territory and are arrested, imprisoned without trial, punished and forced to service their captors. Or are they?Aid to Africa Rebel by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF bg NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file...
I was so happy to finally go on holiday again. It was already a few years ago. My husband, John, was always so busy that he only took one week off a year and he travelled so much professionally that he preferred to spend his free time at home. I understood that of course, but the other way around I was mostly at home taking care of our daughter Sarah and I craved a holiday that pulled me out of the daily grind. However, this time John had to go to Bulagandra for a week for his work and we had...
We travelled to Port Elizabeth and rented a bungalow , it was beautiful. We relaxed and probably were less aware of our surroundings. We visited an Elephant Park which was great and went out to a lighthouse at Cape Recife. We went to eat in Port Elizabeth and while walking met a man who seemed very friendly and said he was called Sipho. He sort of hung around all day chatting and said he wanted to get to know people from Europe. My wife thought he was funny and when he naked if we wanted a...
Michelle was the queen bee of the social scene for the rich middle class in the capital. Her husband had a finger in every pie and could make or break people financially. She was not a person to say no to. Rosemary was married to a fellow doctor and she was serious in her commitment to helping others. She had come out to Africa to work in a small hospital and had little time for the other three. They could only talk about their swimming pools or their clothes. They were so shallow. What...
Introduction: Four beautiful white women are summoned to a restaurant by a powerful rich woman. all four of them have a secret to hide but what does their host want from them? Conspicuous by their beauty but more noticeably their colour the four white women sat in the expensive bar of the best hotel in the capital city. All four of them were in their early twenties, three of them trophy brides for their high-flying husbands. They barely knew each other. The invite had been from Michelle. ...
The moment I go down the stairs of the plane, it feels like coming home. The warm sun, the smell, the atmosphere. It's my first time in Africa, but it feels like I'm returning to familiar ground. At the small airport of Bamako it is crowded, very crowded. Taxi drivers come to us as soon as we pass customs. One with an even better price than the other. My travel companion has been to Mali before, he worked here for a couple of years. He decides that we choose one at the taxi rank. We take the...
The 4-door, double-cab green Land Rover Defender pick-up bounded down the bumpy dirt road at a high speed. It had the words ‘NATIONAL GENDARMERIE’ emblazoned in bright red on either side. The vehicle was being driven at a high speed by Senior Corporal (Sr Crpl) Essa Kinte. Beside the driver was platoon supervisor, Staff Sergeant (Stf Sgt) Boto Sowe. In the modified truck bed the recent Academy graduate, Corporal (Crpl) Gibril Ndaw, was manning the mounted DShK heavy machine gun. He was the...
This is NOT my work, but another great read that lead to a few nights of hot African roleplay sex!All credit is due to Shooter3704.-------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2014. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Great Horn of Africaby shooter3704 (address defunct)***A man's wife expresses...
The beat-up Jeep bounced along the deeply rutted dirt road, raising a cloud of dust behind it. After miles of empty country, passing only the occasional isolated village or solitary hut, the vehicle was entering the ramshackle outskirts of Kemo City, capitol of Mabuto. Passing a crowded roadside market, the truck drew stares from many of the locals, who rarely saw Westerners pass through the streets of their backwards nation. Mabuto was an African country in decline; its' traditional poverty...
David Burton gripped the steering wheel hard as he drove downtown. A slight sweat beaded his brow. He glanced in the rear view mirror. His beautiful daughter sat there quietly. Her sapphire blue eyes watching the passing scenery as the light faded and another magnificent sunset broke over the African city of Harare. His thoughts were far from the sunset, just one of many hundred panoramic and beautiful sunsets he had seen over the last 21 months. As she turned her head and looked through the...
Maggie’s customers included the Christians of Faith (COF) organization in Omaha. She audited their books every three months, a job of 3 or 4 days for which they paid her one thousand dollars plus the cost of a modest hotel room. By the standards of the small town in Kansas where she lived with her husband, an evangelical preacher, that was good money. She was working her way through the accounts one afternoon when her phone rang. It was John Bright, the President of COF in Washington,...
Kirstie stepped tentatively into the bar. She had arrived that evening from New York, but was too excited to catch up on her sleep. At last, she was here! In Africa, on a safari holiday! She had flown in with a group of Americans and had been met at the airport by the safari firm, where she had met the other people who would be on the tour with her. Some of them were in the bar, but they did not seem to have noticed her. They were a mixed bag. Two couples, two families with their kids, and...
Having spent a large chunk of the money he had inherited from his grandfather on a Cape Town mansion, Joe Parkinson discovered that he now had a rich person’s problem; keeping a mansion clean and tidy was a lot more work than doing so in a one-bedroom bachelor pad.His friends were imperfectly sympathetic, pointing out he could employ someone since he earned a decent salary at the power station and unlike them, he did not have a mortgage to pay...
SpankingAidra Fox is one foxy brunette. This slender slut was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on September 25th, 1995. Her sexy and unique look comes from a mixture of Polish, German, and Czech heritage. Aidra has three older and one younger sister, who are all sexy. It must run in the family. Unfortunately, they don't do porn, but if they did, I would definitely watch that incest scene.From Woods to WoodAidra grew up out in the woods as a country girl. She loves to fish, hike, and party around a...
Twitter Porn AccountsHope, Aid and Fun? in Aleppo It was fast closing dusk, late in July as John, Nick, Charles and Doreen finally completed loading the seven tonne truck in the car park of the village hall in Little Dickson, Wiltshire, with goods for the refugee families in Syria. They had supplied, in some of their cases, for ten years to varied countries in dire conflict but this would be a virgin run to the troubled state. It would take John Nesty and Nick as drivers, John being the very wealthy truck...
Part 1Aida heard the soft thud of the door. As it closed, she bent lower, already on her knees as she gently washed the floor. Her ass pushed higher until it was above her head and she rested herself on her arms. Her full breasts touched the ground and swayed gently as she reached back and opened her buttocks.She felt her house master enter the room and position himself behind her. He gathered her hair softly then pulled it hard, snapping her head back. At the same time, she felt him start to...
AnalPART ONE: EMILY (this is the first of three parts,each part will concentrate with one girl, though the second and third will include the preceding characters as well) The girls were excited. Their NGO had just tied up with an aid organization working in Africa for victims of human trafficking and drug addiction, and they had been selected by their head Mr Samuels for going there. It would be the first time Mandy, Emily and Trish went out of their country. They weren’t sure what exactly...
Ian and Sonia Walters are a couple aged in their late fifties for whom the dynamics of their sex life had changed in recent years. The change initially came about by accident when almost ten years previously, Ian caught Sonia in bed with a much younger man. He threw the semi-naked youth out of the house before thrashing Sonia'a arse with a leather belt. The thrashing hurt her and had her howling but it also further aroused her and certainly aroused Ian who promptly gave her a good fucking.For a...
Cuckold(Editor's note: I began working on this one last week. I was on the second section when I came across a story by the wonderful writer Kriz called "The Church of True Light." It was amazing how similar the two pieces were. My church was called, in those days, The Church of Devine Light. The woman had changed her name to Eve. So I sent Kriz a note and told her I was going to stop my piece to give way to hers. She urged me to finish it. I tweaked and polished, and came up with this. There...
Mermaids of the Caribbean By Schizo Sebastian had been looking forward to this moment ever since he landed on shore. Four months at sea would make any man go crazy from the lack of companionship. There was also the added problem of living in cramped quarters with several other men which offered no privacy for someone to 'relieve' themselves. Sebastian almost jumped off the ship when they reached port and made his way to the closest tavern. It wasn't hard to find one in a town...
Back in the fifties and sixties, my father worked in Tanganyika or Tanzania as it’s now called. I was then twenty, I was in the British army, based in the UK and I had saved up two months leave having been given permission to take an extended leave to visit my parents. They lived at the time in a very remote area with only a small handful of European engineers and a number of Indians, mostly Sikhs who occupies mainly admin roles. I quickly realised how boring those two months were going to...
As you will all know well, it’s an extremely common fantasy amongst white women to have sex with black men, and that many white men (including myself) love watching our wives or girlfriends be fucked by African men.The reason why I’m writing is that my wife and I returned to the States in 2017 after four years of living in Lagos (we had a villa off of Bishop Olunole Street on Victoria island, not far from the Villa Angelia hotel there). I worked for an oil industry logistics company.For...
Interracial[Once again---dedicated to A and T, and their incredible decision to thwart, at the most fundamental level, the sad racist legacy of their fellow Caucasian ancestors. No crazy, and totally unnecessary, wall will ever defeat this plan, either!]Mara stood naked in front of the full-length mirror, and turned sideways, and as she did, and seeing her ever-expanding belly, she couldn't help but smile with the fact that she was not just pregnant, but pregnant by Omar, an older, but no less sexually...
[For A, and T. May that African fertilized baby be well loved and cherished always!]I'm watching my sleeping wife's peaceful face, and as I do, I cannot help but think back to early that summer when she and I were in Kenya on our 'vacation.' We did our share of sightseeing (the wildlife parks there were truly amazing), but our main objective for being there was to meet up with Omar, an older Zambian African male who was working in Kenya for the season, in order for my wife and he to make a baby...
"Honey, we should go out tonight! We never do anything," my beautiful wife Gina said to me. We never go out, and always stay home. She is finally able to convince me to step out to a club on this Saturday night.A few things about my loviely wife. Her name is Gina; She is a beautiful tall Bolivian blonde; she has the prettiest face you will ever see, and has a body that would make any man want to bow down to her. She keeps in shape all the time, and even though she is not old (early 30's), she...
OK, it exists but nothing near the scope seen in USA. My Ken is a generous fellow but he has lost his mind completely and maybe his wife too.It was American Mothers Day in Ghana. Ken had a wonderful European caterer do all the work at Ozzie and Kristen's place. Heck, it's the only place big enough for 16. Extravagant dining for sure. I recognized the Champagne as $200 a bottle Grand Dame from France. Pregnant or not, I had some, not much, 2 glasses. Yup, can't wait to see the bill from...
Colleagues have invited me to this incredible safari lodge in Kenya for Christmas. It sits on top of a hill overlooking the plane below. The cottages have no doors, no windows, while the place has no fence. Maasai, the local tribe keeps guard to protect the place,from wild a****ls. A bit of a kick in itself. I owe my ex-GF a big favor so I pay her to fly in and join me. We pick her up from the airstrip and drive back in the jeep. She's wearing a sleeveless shirt with a nice cleavage and I can...
I could hear the water run, so I got up and made my way across to the window and peeled back the curtain, just enough to be able to see out, and not attract attention to my action.I could feel my heart thump in my chest, I had anticipated this moment since I had arrived here, and now it had.I looked down onto the area where the water ran, bathed in the hot afternoon sun, reflecting from the wet stony floor, and onto the bodies of four young black men, of varying heights and body sculpture.My...
Part 1 - prologueZoe always dreamed of black cocks, not just any black cock but long African Zulu cock, she could think of nothing better than letting one of those smelly cocks slide down her throat as far as it could go and hold it there until her eyes started to water, and then doing it again and again. She would go to her local supermarket and find the biggest cucumber in the shop, pay for it quickly and run back to the car, first she would put a black condom on it, then ram it in her mouth,...
Karen Tanner and her friend Linda had been on a shopping trip to the bazaar in the small town near where they worked. They were both nurses working on a one year contract in a small west African country. Both women were very experienced and had been offered nearly double their pay at home to spend a year working with sick and extremely poor people.Both women were married although Karen and her husband were separated months before she left for this job. Karen had found this position, applied and...
All of Them are part of one of the most rich family in the world (TheDel Monte, a family coming by Argentina were They have some relativeswith the same taste) and by the high of Theirs status They think Theirsword is low and to have power of life and death over the niggers whowork in Their estate and are here not for their want.1. The pickingThe white Limousine drove on very slowly in the middle of the poorquarters of the city. Four security guards escorted the car. The blacktinted window-panes...
4:32 pm Anja sat in the office of a forgotten police post on the outskirts of Bamako as part of European training assistance for local police, filling out checklists documenting her work with Malian police officers today. When the lists were filled, she leaned back in her office chair and enjoyed the wind from the fan. Forty-seven-year-old German Inspector Anja Krause was divorced and had an eighteen-year-old son. She had shoulder-length, copper-colored hair, large, full breasts and freckles on...
The old man stood on the foothills of Kilimanjaro, looking out across the Serengeti. He could smell it in the air, the yellow. The aka. He saw it as a haze to the north. And he knew that it was time. "And I am saying to you, Old Man, that this is superstitious nonsense. It is like the tales your women tell around the water hole. Laughable except to children." The old man shook his head, slowly. "Listen to you speak! 'Superstitious nonsense'. 'Your women'. You have been away too...
Sorry for taking so long to publish another article about mom or my wife Veronika but decided to go with mom on this one. During the winter it was hard to watch mom getting fucke d because of food and snow, the party's mom, dad and John had continued regularly, some times at some black guys home but mostly in our rec room. One spring evening when I was 16, John came over to talk to mom and dad, asked where I was and when told I was upstairs doing homework, he started telling them about a black...