- 3 years ago
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Chelsea Gets Cuntrolled
Chelsea Gets a New Room
?Chelsea, we need to talk.? The eighteen-year-old pretended not to hear him, her head still down, her ear buds blaring Scrillex into her ears. God! Fucking nerd! The all-wise ?Engisneer of the Year? wants to fucking talk.Straight raven-black hair streaked blue shielded her face as she rolled her eyes and sneered. Her father held out the brochure for her and tugged an ear bud free, ?Chelsea, we need to talk.? She glanced at the brochure petulantly and immediately felt like retching.
On the cover stood three smiling, brain-dead losers in matching school uniforms with matching plaid skirts, ties, and bright red blouses. The one in the middle was taller than the two framing her, but she wore the same length skirt. Bad Photoshop geniuses; slut looks at least twenty-five between those two teens.It looked like if she bent over you’d see everything from behind. Her tits were bigger, too, and Chelsea could swear the skank wasn’t even wearing a bra. The legend at the top read, ?Patterson Exploratory for Troubled Girls? and below was printed a comforting motto in italics, ?Where young ladies become who they were meant to be.?
Not taking the brochure, she snarled, ?What?! Why can’t you go Engineer something? Or Enginate something, or whatever the fuck you do, and just leave me the fuck alone?!??
?Chelsea Ren?e Caldwell, I have had enough of your attitude. God knows it has been tough on both of us since your mom died, but you are so full of disrespect I am at my wits end trying to figure out how to deal with you. I don’t know what else I can do; the shoplifting, the bullying, the graffiti, the hair, the rebellion ? I just, I don’t know what else to do to get through to you. You have to change, and you are the only one who can do that. You just became an adult and now you are expelled from school for making a bomb threat? It’s only October! You’re lucky you aren’t in prison! It has got to stop, somehow. I can’t handle the extra stress.?
?Ughhhhh! OH MY GOD! Dad, you can’t be thinking ofsending me to that dorky prep school for brain-dead skanks! I’d burn that fucker down within a week! I’d lead a loser rebellion right out the front door of that prissy place. Look at them! You really want me like that? Some blank-staring, smiling, Stepford-slut??
?Chelsea, it isn’t about what I want anymore. You had that chance already. You passed on caring what I want a long time ago. Now I have to think about what I need! I have to try to make the best decisions for your needs, too.?
He reached toward her with the syringe in hand. Confusion and uncertainty suddenly spread over her face, quickly replacing the vicious snarling expression with a fearful one. ?Dad, what the hell?? she managed to ask as his hands closed around her arms.
?Don’t you worry, Chelsea, she promised me that you’ll be a totally different person when I get you back.? She didn’t even feel the needle slip into her neck, she just felt the world slip away and she heard her dad from somewhere way off in the distance saying, ?I love you so much, Chelsea, I’m so sorry you pushed me this far.?
She woke slowly. Dimly aware of her surroundings, it looked sort of like a hospital room, but much smaller. She was lying cramped up on a bed three feet long; the mattress was very thin, the pillow felt like a granite rock under her head. Dizziness told her to move slowly. The walls were pale pink. The shade over the light on the ceiling was pastel purple. Great.Just fucking great.Dad sent me to the mythical world of My Little-fucking Ponies. I’ll fucking rub two sticks together if I have to, this place burns to the mother-fucking ground.
Chelsea Gets a New Perspective
The walls all lit up with a pastel blue background, and in heavy pastel pink letters she read:
Our Mission
In recognition of the prevalence of divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted teen pregnancies, and rising court costs associated with adjudicating matters pursuant to these social ills, Patterson Exploratory for Troubled Girls is dedicated to the ideal of teaching young females their proper role in society and instilling within them ardent desire to become as they were meant to be to their most extreme potential.
You gotta be fucking kidding me! I’ll show you fuckers my extreme potential alright, just lemme get close to something I can use to jab out an eye-socket with.
The message on the walls changed.
Our Philosophy
For far too long, our world has been imbalanced by an unseemly pretense of equality. Equality of race, equality of class, equality of gender, these are all myths that should be unlearned.
This one stayed up only briefly, and as it transitioned to the next message Chelsea could have sworn she saw some other words flickering faintly in the background in a slightly darker blue than the wall. When she tried to focus on them they seemed to disappear, like those floaty things in her eyes that would sometimes drift across her field of vision.
Our Philosophy on Race
There are clearly racial inequalities, genetic gifts and deficiencies that make races unequal in various ways. This pragmatic acceptance of reality is in no way to mean that there should be distinction in the way the races treat one another, no race is better or worse than another, only different. Nor does this acceptance suggest there should be division and separation among the races.
Her stomach rumbled and she was suddenly aware she was hungry. That brought to her attention that she had no idea what time it was, or how long she’d been out. What the fuck? This time she was aware to look for it, and sure enough there was something else displayed on the wall. For the life of her, though, she could not figure out what it was.
Our Philosophy on Race
Within each race there are clear distinctions of class. These will naturally result in any segment of human society, but these are not genetic at all. These are the product of variation in ability, capacity, acumen, and perceived value to society or segments of society.
Oh my GOD! I hated this crap at my old school and now I am stuck with a wall full of it and nothing else to look but a ratty old mattress on a doll bed? AggghHH!!!
The message shifts again.
Our Philosophy on Gender
Females are not living as they were meant to live. They are meant to serve and they cannot find true happiness or contentment in any other way. Whenever women are living in a society that does not expect them to be servile and available to fulfill the needs and desires of others, women will act irrationally against their own best interests and will become angry, bitter people. Because our society has become so warped in its views on equality, restoring the proper view of gender inequality can be very difficult and painful for the one needing correction.
Gender inequality? Dad sent me to a school filled with woman haters? I’ll show ’em something to hate, alright. Just wait and see! Sorry-ass mother-fuckers gonna wish they drugged some dumb bimbo-bitch like the cover of their brochure.
Our Vision
Restore Chelsea Caldwell to her proper role in the world, by making life extremely difficult and painful for her if necessary.
?What the fuck?!?
The words under ?Our Vision? disappeared then appeared again, one word at a time. After a brief pause, the phrase appeared, ?Do we need to spell it out for you ? slut??
Chelsea Gets a New Sensation
The room went dark. Pitch black. Suddenly the small size of the room seemed far less like a little girl’s room and much more like a severe confinement. She was hungry. She was alone. She was really scared, deep-down scared, for probably the first time since she was six or seven years old. She was pissed at whatever or whoever was scaring her. She screamed herself to sleep with every creative epithet she knew hurled at the ones she assumed were spying on her.
A tone sounded. She had no idea how long she had slept. She opened one eye, cagily, pretending to be sleepier than she was in case she could catch her captors off-guard. A one-foot square of light appeared at the base of the wall beside the bed and a vacuum-sealed door sighed as the wall opened. The drawer was deep and wide with just a very narrow space between the bed and the wall to open. She looked inside but saw nothing. The light above came on faintly enough not to hurt her eyes.
On the wall, the tallest of the three girls from the brochure cover, the one who looked like a woman, appeared wearing that lame-ass uniform, her face and torso large enough to cover the entire wall. ?Welcome to your new room,? she began comfortingly. Well, she is very pretty, and that uniform is maybe a little sexy, kind of, the way it clings to her big beautiful tits.?The walls are very thick and are metal. If you are anything like I was when I first arrived you are probably very hungry and thirsty by now. That is perfectly understandable. However, you will find that you no longer get to expect to receive even the most basic necessities of life without a price. At Patterson Exploratory for Troubled Girls, we are teaching young ladies to become who they wer-?
Chelsea roared, ?Who the fuck are you fuckers!?! I am hungry, I am thirsty, and I need to piss! Why the fuck are you fuckers playing that fucking lame-ass promo video with the suck-ass skank explaining shit I don’t want to hear? I don’t need that shit. I won’t be staying, thanks just the same.?
The beautiful woman on the wall waited. With the snarky final retort, the drawer in the wall closed. The woman corrected, ?There seems to be some difficulty in your ability to understand the situation. In future, I will refer to such difficulties as interference. For now, we will turn off the lights for you, Chelsea, and try again later.?
OhmyGod, she’s not taped, that shit’s real.
?Wait, wait ??
The lights went out again, but the woman on the wall waited.
?I am hungry, I need to piss, and I am thirsty, and if you fuckers don’t let me out-?
?Unfortunately, Chelsea, I am still getting interference. I hope the next time we talk you will have figured out what keeps causing that to happen. It is possible that interference could lead to you starving to death writhing in a mess of your own urine and feces. I believe you are smarter than that, but even if I am wrong you will help us. I am sure some of our clients would enjoy watching you die that way.? Her image disappeared, leaving the room pitch black again.
Great.Pissed off the first actual person who has talked to me since they kidnapped me. Now what the fuck am I supposed to do?
Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of something on the wall, a fleeting light or something. When she looked in that direction, it disappeared and she immediately caught a flicker in another part of the room just beyond her field of vision. She chased the flickers around the room for a while before she got the idea of just waiting with her eyes focused forward until the flickers showed up in front of her. The image of a kitten chasing a laser-pointer light around a room flashed through her mind. These fuckers are playing with me like a pet!
Just past the field of her vision, she could make out a definite series of words flashing on the wall. If she even glanced at them they stopped flickering or adjusted to flicker further afield. Well, they can’t fucking subliminal my ass if I’m a-fucking-sleep, can they? Fuckers think they’re so fucking smart.
She did not know what time she fell miserably asleep, she did not know what time the tone sounded again as she painfully rolled over, groaning from hunger.
The sexy woman from the brochure was on the wall again. That body of hers is so sexy, the way her tits jut out from her torso and you can just look at her posture and you know she is a total slut. Chelsea shivered. Why the fuck am I turned on by that? By a woman? I’m not a dyke! That short skirt of hers isn’t showing. I wonder whether she is wearing any panties? I bet her pussy is shaved. Chelsea felt a strange arousal at the thought of watching this woman expose herself for inspection.
?Hello again, Chelsea. Perhaps this time we can finish this orientation without interference. The walls of your room are made of very thick metal. If you are anything like I was when I first arrived you are probably very hungry and thirsty by now. That is perfectly understandable. However, you will find that you no longer get to expect to receive even the most basic necessities of life, including a sense of the passage of time and eventually including even the very air you breathe freely, without a price. At Patterson Exploratory for Troubled Girls, we are teaching young ladies to become who they were meant to be. Right now your focus is, understandably on your personal survival.
?We have taken a course of action already that is starting to cause you to have more appreciation for so many things you used to take for granted. This is as it should be. You will experience many changes during your time here. Please, feel free to fight these or embrace them. You will experience them, nonetheless, whatever you choose, and eventually the result will be the same. From time to time you will receive instructions. The basic necessities of life will depend on your compliance. For now, remove those clothes and fold them neatly on the bed.?
What the fuck? Is this some kind of sex thing? ?What will I get if I do it??
?Hello? Chelsea? There seems to be more interference coming in-?
OhmyGod, ohmyGod, ohmyGod! ?No, wait! I will do it. Strip and fold my clothes up on the bed. Got it. See?? She began frantically pulling at the three T-shirts she was wearing, her panic causing her to fumble at it a bit.
?Well, isn’t that interesting? Chelsea, it seems the interference seems to be reducing. Perhaps I won’t need to end this visit so soon after all.?
Chelsea had her shirts off. She busied herself separating them and folding each before unfastening her belt, unsnapping the button fly on her jeans, and peeling them down her shapely legs. After folding them, she stood and looked at the woman on the wall, waiting for the next instructions.
?Maybe I spoke too soon, Chelsea ? or maybe you don’t know that all accessories and underwear are also clothing.? With a disrespectful eye-roll, Chelsea pulled loose the snaps on her studded leather bracelets and dropped it on her folded pants. She slipped her C-cup breasts free of her royal blue, satiny bra. She tried to turn towards the bed to shield her breasts from exposure as the hot woman continued, ?Privacy and modesty can no longer be taken for granted, Chelsea, you are exposed unless you are permitted privacy and modesty.?
The walls in the room lit up with a 360? view of her body divided against the four walls. ?Now that you understand the circumstance, for the cameras, bend over to remove your panties. Make sure that saucy little pussy will be fully exposed.? Chelsea complied, with irritation obvious in her movements, sneering at the image in front of her face of her ass crack and closely-trimmed pussy revealed to whoever these people were. She then stood erect to conceal the majority of her most private area.
?Oh my, aren’t those long nipples just darlings?? Chelsea flushed immediately, ?You pull on them when you masturbate, don’t you? When you put a finger between that little slit and rub until you—ah, that is ? as I was saying, your expected reality does not exist anymore and your survival depends upon you learning to adjust rather quickly to a new reality. Place your clothes inside the drawer.?
Chelsea was worried about permanently losing her clothes, but she knew she really had no choice. The drawer slid into the wall with a sigh. A few moments later, it opened again to reveal a contraption unlike anything she had ever seen before. It had a long hose leading into a half-gallon measuring pitcher. It had an interesting attachment at the other end. It looked like clear plastic jelly and she couldn’t figure out what it could be for. She was hoping for water and she got something incomprehensible to her.
‘Well’ what? I don’t even know what that thing is.
?Chelsea, you said you had to urinate, right? You have to spread your legs pretty wide or else you are going to make a big mess, but you just push those plastic jelly lips tightly against that slut pussy for me. I want you to spread that pussy out prettily so I can watch you piss out all that urine into the pitcher.?
Chelsea’s mind was reeling. She expects me to piss on camera? And in such an abnormal way? She regarded the woman on the wall thoughtfully. She is so sexy! Oh my God, I can’t believe how sexy she is ? I guess I can do it ? for her. She bent over and retrieved the items from the drawer, blushing when she remembered there were cameras giving someone another peek at her most private parts. She quickly stood up. What the fuck is wrong with me? I am embarrassed that people can see my pussy from behind but I am about to spread my legs and piss into a bottle for this woman’s amusement? Chelsea looked at the jelly funnel and then at the woman on the wall. But she is so beautiful and sexy ? and I want to show her whatever she wants to see ? what the fuck is wrong with me?
?Chelsea, don’t you want to show me that pussy? Spread those legs and let me see.? Chelsea felt a wave of sexual fervor run up her spine and wash out through her body; it felt like her pussy was on fire. She gasped and rocked forward, off-balanced by the sudden and unexpected urging she was experiencing. As soon as she was stable, she spread her legs and rocked her hips out toward the woman on the screen. ?Such a pretty little cunt!?
Chelsea flushed with pride. Why does her praise feel so ? sexual ? and fun and ? goooood? ?And that’s such a pretty pussy, too! Aw, isn’t that adorable? Two nicely shaped tits are blushing and the nipples are getting stiff just for me. I think somebody really likes getting horny for me. Okay, Chelsea, cup the funnel with the hose between middle-finger and ring-finger, then press it right into that damp little quim. Go slowly, because I want to watch. Make it sexy for me. As you push, the jelly will automatically spread the vulva out and eventually make a nice tight seal.?
Why am so attracted to her? Hose between middle-finger and ring-finger ? oh my God I’m so horny! A sassy hip-twist is sexy ? and roll the hips forward into the funnel. She smiled; she’s liking the show! The pussy is wet and slippery ? grind the funnel a little, slide it up and down and roll the hips. She’s squeezing her tit, she really likes the show! More pressure, gotta make a tight seal or else I’m gonna make a mess. What the fuck am I thinking? I bet her other hand is stroking her pussy. I bet her pussy is shaved. I wish I could see her other hand. There, tight seal and a sexy show. I wish I could BE her other hand! What the fuck am I thinking?
?Good, you beautiful little slut! I like the attitude! Now, piss for me. Give me as much piss as you can, drain that slutty, hot little body completely just for me.?
Chelsea hardly expected she could relax enough to piss under the circumstances, but for some reason, as soon as the woman on the wall stopped speaking she let loose her urine stream. I’m peeing on camera, I’m horny as fucking hell, and I’m thinking sex stuff about a woman I never even met. What the FUCK is wrong with me? She looked at the image on the wall, the woman was smiling, obviously aroused, a little amused.
The hose was filled and fresh piss splashed into the pitcher. I’m pissing for her; it’s what she wants. I want to give her what she wants. She wants me stark-ass naked, so I’m naked. She wants me to do a little sexy show for her so I do a little sexy show for her. She wants me to make a pitcher full of piss for her so she gets a pitcher of piss. What the fuck am I thinking?
The stream finally stopped. ?You really like doing things for me, don’t you, you horny little slut?? Chelsea nodded sexily, with a slight downward head tilt to show the side of the face and coquettish eyes peering out, as if bashfully agreeing. ?Doing things for me makes you wet between those legs, doesn’t it, slut?? Another bashful agreement. ?That’s good, slut, because I reallywant you, wet and horny, and I really want you to do things for me,? the woman breathed to Chelsea, obviously implying dominant sexual desire with a head-tilt up, shoulder-squaring thrust of tits.
Chelsea Gets a New Mommy
?Be a good slut for me and give that pussy a few more sensual rubs with that funnel before you drain that hose.? The woman licked her lusciouslips watching Chelsea groan like a wanton slut. As soon as Chelsea finished what the woman wanted, the drawer in the wall popped out again. It was empty. This time, Chelsea thought she knew what the woman wanted, so the hose was coiled neatly then the funnel, the hose, and half-filled pitcher of hot piss went back into the drawer. The drawer closed.
?What are you doing, slut?? The woman’s dissatisfaction was obvious from facial expression and tone of voice. What did I do wrong? Was I supposed to wait before putting the stuff back into the drawer? I’m just standing here, waiting for her. I don’t remember doing anything wrong. Chelsea braved, ?Um, nothing? At least, I don’t think I was doing anything. I was just standing here.?
?What a strong sense of entitlement you have!? the woman’s tone continued to demonstrate her dissatisfaction. Chelsea was confused; she didn’t know the word ‘entitlement’ and she didn’t know what she had done that could have offended this gloriously sexy woman.
Brow wrinkled in confusion and worry, Chelsea pleaded, ?What did I do? I don’t understand. I did what you wanted; I stripped, I rubbed this for you,? she thrust a hip forward and used a hand to begin grinding pussy off sexily, moaning lightly, continuing, ?and I even pissed in a see-through funnel for you ? oh! ? this feels so good! ? and I gave you everything you asked for.? Why do I like showing off for this woman? Oh God could she GET any sexier? I wish ? Chelsea slipped a finger inside herself.
?Wrong, slut, but you are doing what I want now,? her tone had softened and the wry smile was back, ?Remember, cunt? I told you that I reallywant you, wet and horny, and I really want you to do things for me. Then when asked what you were doing, you said you weren’t doing anything, didn’t you? Well??
Grinding hard on a finger shoved deeply inside, Chelsea moaned out, ?Y-yes, I ? ooooh! ? I did. I did.?
?If you know what I want now, explain what I want for me.?
Chelsea groaned her answer, ?You want me to do things for you; you want me to be wet and h-horny and do s-s-sexual things for y-y-you ? OH-ooo-ohhh! ? but I wasn’t d-doing anything at a-a-all!?
?But you were doing things, slut. You were standing still, you were breathing, you were experiencing light, you were able to see an image of another human being and you were definitely looking at me, lastly, you were living. Which one of these things you were doing was the wrong thing to be doing??
?Stand-ding st-still was wr-?
?That’s right, slut. It is wrong for you to stand still and do nothing unless that is what I want you to do. But that isn’t what I want you to do, is it? I want you to lust for me, I want that pussy to stay wet and horny and ready to orgasm whenever I decide to tell it to cum for me. I want you to daydream about me, and fantasize about me, and wonder what things I might like you to do, and I want you to show me what you think is sexual and erotic and enticing. When I tell you to do something I want you to want to do it.?
The woman held something up in front of her face, cupped inside her hand, and it took Chelsea a moment to recognize it by the hose leading out from the middle. She brought the pussy-shaped funnel close to her nose and inhaled deeply, ?Mmmm, smells like nice little-girl pussy. Yes, I like that, I want you to be my little girl, slut. I want you to think of me as Mommy from now on, slut.? Her tongue snaked out and rimmed the inside of the funnel, ?Tastes good, too. Yummy.Cum for me, slut.?
She gave the order so calmly, but something inside the eighteen-year-old mind broke as if shattered with steel. Melting into the void, the last awareness she had before fading into oblivion was staring into eyes filled with delight and the glow of total victory on her new Mommy’s face while a distant voice was yelling out, ?Yes, Mommm-m-m-m-meeeeeeee!?
Chelsea Gets a New Savory
Chelsea still had no idea how long she had been in the room. It felt like days since she ate. She woke up groggy, becoming gradually aware of the dimly lit surroundings. She vaguely remembered the dream she was having; on knees bent backwards with Mommy straddling her little girl and rubbing sopping wet pussy lips over the eager eighteen-year-old mouth buried between muscular spread thighs. She was thirsty,and hungry but what Mommy wants comes first. Thinking of her dream and of how much she hoped Mommy was watching her good little slut, she stood up by the tiny mattress and trailed two fingers between two long-nippled tits, slowly down a slinky, tight abdomen, hand turning as it drifts over the bellybutton, down through the pelvic region, legs spreading, knees bending, she could feel the air cool the damp wetness where the inner thighs met just before the two fingers plunged inside the already slippery hole.
She rolled back onto the mattress, moaning for Mommy, ?Mommmmy! Little slut is awake.? She thought about what Mommy might enjoy seeing her do. Chelsea had never tasted pussy before, but Mommy seemed to like licking that funnel. I bet she would enjoy watching me enjoy tasting pussy for the first time. She would definitely want me to enjoy it.
She languidly withdrew the sticky fingers and contemplated the stringy proof of her lengthy state of arousal. ?Are you watching, Mommy? Your little girl is going to taste pussy juice for the first time.? She salivated in anticipation, imagining Mommy watching and beaming approval at her little slut. With sexual pride she cradled two messy fingers inside her mouth and made loud slurping and licking sounds to accompany her hungry grunts and moans of ecstatic delight.
A wall at the end of the tiny room lowered slowly into the floor.
Mommy entered the room, radiating approval almost exactly as Chelsea had imagined, ?That’s so sweet, my pet! You want to share your new experiences with Mommy.? Lying on the ratty mattress, Chelsea could see that her guess was right, Mommy wasn’t wearing any panties; her pussy was shaved clean, there was no hair at all, and it looked perfect, and beautiful, and absolutely delicious.
Two bent-kneed legs, rhythmically stirring the air in perfect time with the two fingers plunging into the wet pussy, made Mommy smirk devilishly. Mommy is so beautiful, how could I deny her anything?Mommy had muscular thighs just as Chelsea had dreamed, and beautiful long calves. I hope Mommy likes the view. She wore strappy, open-toed high-heeled pumps. Mommy sauntered toward Chelsea, thrilling the girl by softly stroking one of the undulating shins, ?I want you to tell me, in your own words: What is a good little slut??
Chelsea smiled bashfully but with temptress flair, ?A good little slut is a wet horny pussy waiting to cum for Mommy.? Fingers back to the wet horny hole. ?A good little slut gives Mommy what Mommy wants.? Fingers back to mouth, with exaggerated sucking and slurping. Oh my God! This wonderful taste was right there my whole life and I never tried it. I can hardly believe how good this tastes!?Mmmm, a goodthlithlesthlutisth aw-ways-s-thryingthoo,? spit covered fingers come out, and return to sawing in and out of the tight little pussy, ?imagine what Mommy might want so she can give that to Mommy, too. A-ah-ahhh! Ooooh! Mmmm.?
?Do you belong to me, little slut??
?Oh, yes, Mommy! I belong to you!?
?So then, you are my property? My slave? Not someone at all, but rather, something? An object? Just an interesting toy that I control with my desires, a puppet that exists only to do whatever I want??
A puppet, yes, that is what I am. Why the fuck was I thinking so much about myself, and always about what I wanted and needed? She is so much more worthy than I am of getting what she wants, and she wants me to give all of myself to her.
?Yes, Mommy,YES!?Doesn’t she know I am already hers?
?If you really belong to me completely then I want you to cum for Mommy, slave.?
Chelsea felt all muscles seize up in orgasmic spasm, felt a cold sweat break out, and felt spasm pulse strongly along the two fingers inside, as if milking them. As soon as her reverie had ended, she looked up adoringly at Mommy and resumed ministering to her nearly uncontrollable sexual cravings for friction against naked pussy flesh.
?Slut, I want you to tell me what the name ‘Chelsea Caldwell’ means to you.?
Without a pause or hint of hesitation, Chelsea proudly thrust her tits toward Mommy and announced, ?‘Chelsea Caldwell’ means Mommy’s little slut.?
?That’s good, Chelsea. You are my slut, and that means that all parts of you are slut parts. Those slut parts belong to me, too. From now on, any time you are called by that name I want you to think of Mommy’s little slut happily using those slut parts to do some perverted and disgusting thing for Mommy. I want you to get a special little sexual thrill from hearing that dirty, perverted little slut name. Do you understand what I want??
?Yes, Mommy, I understand.?
?Chelsea ??
Mommy bends over her kneeling slut and says, ?Open.? The slut head tilts up and the slut jaw stretches wide open for Mommy. Mommy spits into the slut mouth and smiles, petting the slut on the head, ?Swallow.? The slut immediately gulps down Mommy’s gift. The scene ran through her head almost instantly, while she replied, ?Yes, Mommy??
?Come over here and worship Mommy.?
?Yesss, Mommy,? Chelsea breathed. Rolling forward onto the slut belly, rising to hands and knees, she slinked like a cat toward Mommy. Light licks caressed long legs from the feet toward the denuded pussy nestled between.
?My pet, you must not ever hide yourself from Mommy, I like to watch that sexy ass and those lovely tits. I want you to be proud to show off that slutty body of mine, proud to comply with any perversion I request. Oh! Sweet pet, those kitten kisses of yours are divine!? Chelsea flushed with pride. She glanced up at Mommy’s pussy and immediately salivated at the thought of tasting it for the first time. Mommy continued, ?On the other hand, I also like the way your skin flushes, and I don’t want you to enjoy yourself too much, so I want you to always be deeply ashamed of how proud you are of your slut nature,? Mommy gracefully set one foot further from the other and rolled her hips forward to more fully receive Chelsea’s attentions, ?Now, be a good little conflicted slut for Mommy and make Mommy cum.?
Chelsea’s smile would have made an imp blush, ?Yes, Mommy!? In only moments, Mommy began moaning and her legs started to gently spasm and jerk from arousal; lips slurping, mouth devouring, tongue fondling her most intimately. She tastes wonderful! If I live my whole life I bet I’ll never taste something this good. I would do anything for her. I wonder if she likes her toes licked. I wonder what her asshole tastes like. Fingers found their proper place inside her as she continued her worshipful adoration of the pussy between Mommy’s legs. I’m wet for Mommy, in case she wants to watch me have an orgasm.
She felt Mommy grab handfuls of hair and step forward to ride the face pleasuring her. Neck bent back painfully, Chelsea was proud to hurt for Mommy, proud that Mommy was so excited by her slave’s efforts. Chelsea redoubled her efforts and was soon rewarded by getting her air supply cut off completely when Mommy began ratcheting her pelvis without any consideration at all for the welfare or comfort of the person wearing the face she was using. I am a thing for Mommy to play with. The air is not mine; this nose Mommy covered up with her pussy is not mine. I will breathe if she wants me to breathe. The strength of the orgasm brought Mommy’s hips far enough forward to bury the nose in her pussy, and she was riding out the final waves on its bridge, finding the perfect spot for her clitoris to get stimulation at the nexus of bone and cartilage.
This shift presented Mommy’s asshole to Chelsea at the same moment it allowed her a ragged breath of air. Mommy felt a soft warm tongue against her anus, gently petting it as the orgasm subsided. She let the slave continue her worshipful service for a little while. As she backed away she was delighted to see the slut look longingly toward her Mommy’s crotch.
?I will often use you like this,? Mommy said, ?and in any other way I choose. Now, crawl in front of me into the next room.?
?Yes, Mommy,? Chelsea said, happily. Being careful not to hide any part of Mommy’s little slut from Mommy, and remembering to move seductively, she crawled out of the room and into an entirely new kind of life.
Chelsea Starts to Work for Ms. Jessica By Sissie Maid Cuckold "No, you may not wear your formal Uniform Chelsea. You know it is only for serving at formal get-togethers. Now get changed into one of your morning uniforms and report to me immediately!" "Yes Ma'am, right away Ma'am." Chelsea curtsied and hurried to her room to change. A room that she had just been assigned by Jessica and had only finished putting away her uniforms minutes ago. Chelsea loved wearing the Formal Maids...
Chelsea begins training for marriage By Sissie Maid cuckold "Sylvia...this is Jessica..." "Yes dear, how are things going?" "Well...that's what I am calling you about. Some things have happened and I am not really sure how to handle them and I need your advice." "Oh...tell me about what's going on, nothing bad I hope?" "No nothing bad...well at least I don't think so. Well anyway Chelsea has told me he loves me and I can tell he is truly in love with me." "Does that scare...
Chelsea is Enrolled in Sissy School By Sissie Maid Cuckold "I think you should send Chelsea to Ms. Stern's Sissy Maid school," said Sylvia. "What is a sissy maid school?" asked Jessica. "It's a school for pansies like Chelsea that teaches them proper maid, sissy and cuckold things." "Are you serious? They really have such things?" "Yes, they most certainly do. There are a lot more women than you might think that have a sissy husband, boyfriend or son and many of them...
“Oh Damn” said a female voice, “Not again!” “Is it snowing again, Crystal?” said another girls’ voice. “Yea” Crystal said. “Another fine day created by mother nature!!! Now I’m stuck here! I’m gonna be late getting home, again! It’s all your fault, Chelsea!!” “ I know, I know. Another day, more snow.” “I’m gonna go upstairs and try to call my parents” Crystal and Chelsea had been best friends ever since their parents had divorced and their mothers had become friends, some 18 years ago. Crystal,...
MasturbationIt was a Thursday morning and John had another day of work from home planned. There had been a problem with a couple of shipments arriving from out of state, and he was going to have to make a few phone calls to his clients to sort things out. He really wasn’t looking forward to it! Chelsea, his 18 year old cleaner, came by on a Thursday. Since taking her virginity a couple of months ago, they fucked nearly every time she came over. They both really enjoyed it- she made him feel younger and...
Bob reflected that the message in the ad said little about Chelsea. Bob called her, left his phone number, and said, “Call anytime.” It was two days later that she called him. “Hello, this is Chelsea,” “Hello, how are you?” Bob responded, thinking her voice sounded nice. She said, “I am fine, how are you?” “Fine. Can you tell me a little something about yourself?” Bob asked. “I am single, and I work as a veterinary assistant,” she sounded proud of the job. Bob suggested, “That must be...
CHELSEA?SF CHELSEA?S?? F. N. P.C. By Charles E. Campbell CHAPTER 1 THE NEW INITIATE This is, of course, a work of fiction, from my mind only, no inferences should be drawn to real people or places. It was written, and is posted here, solely for the enjoyment of the reader. ??? Chelsea Waverley was a stunning girl. Sixteen. 5' 6". Long straight sun toned honey golden hair. 105 pounds. Full thick pouting lips. Her 32C chest always enshrouded in some delicious Victoria?s Secret push up...
Chelsea and Ronnie: 2 Horny NerdsRonnie Braxton was like my little brother – he’s 3 years younger than me. He and his family live across the street. My stepmom and I live at 530 Tyson Lane, and they live at number 527. His family and mines are the only blacks for almost 5 miles.My name is Alexandria Rhodes, but everyone calls me Chelsea (my middle name). Me and Ronnie have been friends ever since we were k**s. If you’re reading this, you’ve already figured that I’m gonna tell you about how me...
I was wondering why Chelsea wanted to go swimming with me that day. She had never shown interest in hanging out with me before, but I figured why not go for a swim with friends. I thought she was way out of my league, she was 5’ 9’’ with beautiful straight black hair and huge double d breasts. I was just 5’3’’ and a science nerd. I mean she said it was just between the two of us, and my friends had told me she does this with many people. However I found it particularly...
Thin prisms of light break free from the cloud cover, dance through the north-facing windows of an old English inspired Tudor, bounce off the carved crystal bowl resting atop a marble table across the bed from me and come to a check-mate style stand off right there. The swirling energy of light, throbbing and pulsing against it’s constraints, all dressed up with no-where to go, rouses me from my dreaming tree. Silent and dim, save the puddle of brilliance above me, the room goes lacking....
It is like being in apace. It is like floating around a never ending universe in our own snug space pod. We are away from the trial and tribulations of living on this crazy planet. We have each other and that is all that matters, because we are as one and each time we make love something goes ‘ting!’ and we are lost in the pure magic of all that our love can stimulate. You are my space girl, my Lieutenant and I am the captain of our craft. We just shut off the communications centre for peace,...
Authors Note: This is my entry in the ‘Winter Holidays Contest’. There are some elements of the BDSM category in this story so if that is not to your taste perhaps choose a different story. If, however, you read and enjoy it please vote and leave a comment. Thank you very much to my friend, Margaret who proofread for me. ~ellie Chelsea’s Twelve days of Christmas Chapter 1. Innamorata Chelsea Gillian walked slowly down the staircase into the magnificent ballroom. She was poised and beautiful....
Parker was having a ho-hum day when he got the call. One minute he had been absent-mindedly doodling on a legal pad and half-watching clips from The Deadliest Catch on his computer, and the next minute a young woman with an unusual voice had his total attention. She asked for a consult — the sooner the better — and Parker happily acquiesced. ‘How did you come to hear about me?’ ‘You were recommended to me by my parents, actually. The McCluskeys, George and Anna.’ The voice was bubbly yet...
My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...
There was a tension in the big Victorian house all evening long, and it was clear that my presence as a guest was quickly coming to an end. After coming home from work, the girls' father went into the kitchen to pour a glass of malt whiskey and noticed that the bottle's remaining liquid was nearly depleted. Over the course of the afternoon, my college friend Gwen who was hosting my visit, her fourteen year old sister Chelsea, and I had each taken several shots of the booze in order to...
Thursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes “Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel. I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot,...
It was just about noontime. Drowsy from smoking marijuana and a morning's worth of sex play, Gwen and I rested on a couch in the living room of her parent's big Victorian house wearing nothing but bathrobes. Totally relaxed, she had placed her head on my lap and lay there fast asleep. Earlier, Gwen had assured me that her fourteen year old sister Chelsea was attending a full day at school, so we were unaware that classes were scheduled to be let out early. We assumed that the house was ours...
“Don’t ever try to control a woman”; that’s the best advice I can ever give you. When my wife wanted to explore her femaleness, I was threatened and tried to control it by domination. The upshot was that she left me for guy that didn’t mind if she fucked around to learn about “herself”. She even came back to fuck me while living with him just to show me what I lost. That lesson hit me hard. There have been a number of other good, bad, and bittersweet lessons as I got my shit together. Here’s...
I awoke as a grandfather clock located somewhere in the rambling 19th Century Victorian house chimed eight times. Snuggled beneath a warm blanket, I lay naked in one of its small third floor bedrooms that was originally used by servants. But now, the room and its bed were vacant unless occupied by visiting house guests such as myself. I heard the faint sound of car doors slamming just outside the house, followed by the crunch of snow beneath tires of an automobile moving down the driveway on...
“That's my seat.”“What was that?”“You're in my seat.” I showed him the cinema ticket. “I wouldn't make a big deal about it, because I don't want to break up your friend group, but I don't want to take someone else's seat either.”“We just have to each move down one. Guys?” He and his two male friends each shifted in the theater row to their assigned numbers.“Thank you.”“No worries.”“Hey…” I mused as rested in the reclining chair.“Hey!”I inspected his beautiful face. “You were in line next...
Straight SexI was a few years out of college when I found an interesting friend request pop up on my screen. It was my friend Rebecca’s Aunt Chelsea; I had not seen either of them in years, so it was quite unusual for her to find me. Rebecca didn’t speak to me much after college; in her mind, our foray into intimate relations was a brief excursion and one she decided we should not talk about ever again.I honestly didn’t care; Rebecca was not the same person after that. She was always shy, but she seemed to...
SpankingTwo beads in my mouth tugged at my closed teeth. I dared not open my mouth even though I knew it was what I should do. I should just observe. They would have to come out sometime anyways. Sick reasons to continue what I was doing. Chelsea’s little hole reached the full diameter of the sphere and then popped out. A girly little moan escaped her mouth down near my penis. She was propped over me, slowly pulling herself free so she could suck on me; fighting the erotic pain to reach her...
“I hear you say my name in your sleep daddy, but when you’re awake, you don’t like me anymore.” Driven to wake by ejaculating my fatherly sperm into my barely maturing thirteen year old daughter’s vagina was not my idea of a week off from work. Well… it’s just very complicated. Chelsea slowly pulled my throbbing cock out of her tiny gaping vagina. She was struggling. As she used the muscles in her arms to pull her hips to my chest; her vagina quivered as she squeezed it shut. Then...
Chelsea’s 34b breasts bounced up and down as she rode her husband’s dick. She tried to look like was enjoying herself, but his 3 inch thing he called a dick barely twitched her. He didn’t notice her fake expression because he was lost within himself. It didn’t take long before he grunted and shot his cum into her. She tossed her leg over him and climbed off. “Did you enjoy it?” He asked. “Absolutely.” She said. ‘How does he not get sarcasm?’ She asked herself. At least he gave up being on top....
It's been a long day for Chelsea Arlington, the leader of the cheerleaders, prom queen and (known to everybody since their first day at school) queen bee of the Clayton high-school. The 5'9" 20-year old blonde bombshell, right now approaching her white Mercedes S-class, spend the whole day dealing with this disgusting bunch of so-called teachers, actually just old, poor, smelly grandparents without any hobbies in life, as well as the lots of other lesser beings, like the losers from the maths...
FetishI sat in the break room at work, messing with a frustrating button on my tightly fitted white blouse. I soon gave up and was smoothing my skirt down where it constantly rode up, when my phone rang. I pick it up, saying “hello?” into the receiver. I smile when I hear my brother’s angelic voice. “When are you coming home sis?” He says with a laugh. “5:00, remember?” “Oh yeah, sorry, I just can’t wait to see your face when you get home.” I smile to myself and cross my legs. With a sigh, I reply,...
IncestI was wondering why Chelsea wanted to go swimming with me that day. She had never shown interest in hanging out with me before, but I figured why not go for a swim with friends. I thought she was way out of my league; she was 5’ 9’’ with beautiful straight black hair and huge double d breasts. I was just 5’3’’ and a science nerd. I mean she said it was just between the two of us, and my friends had told me she does this with many people. However I found it particularly...
CrossdressingTargets By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Wow, you're right Aaron, this is a target rich environment," stated twenty-two-year-old Scott Daniels as several very attractive women walked past him. "I told you this was the best club," replied Aaron Davis who flashed a grin....
This story is about a white girl that cheats on her boyfriend and gets pregnant by a BBC. Cheryl is a 31-year-old white woman, and has been dating her white boyfriend, Mike, for 5 years. She’s a skinny, tall, blonde hipster type woman that looks way younger than her age. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, and perky little 34 B cup tits with pink nipples. She always shaves her pussy, and when she’s turned on and wet, her puffy fat labia lips spread open and show off her pink tender...
Amanda walks into jim's room jim is still asleep amanda reaches under the covers takes hold of jims cock and slowly strokes it , jim groans in his sleep and rolls towards amanda as she strokes his cock harder and faster , jim opens his eyes 'wh wh what are you doing he asks'Amanda carrys on stroking his cock harder and faster not saying a word jims cock is rock hard now and dribbling precum amanda stops stroking and rubs her hand all over the tip of jims cock coating her fingers in precum then...
Abbie is a 22 year old girl who has recently been dumped by her now ex boyfriend Josh! She still loved him but he was with someone else now. She left some old cloths of hers at his house that she really wanted them back and didn’t want to talk to him for them because it would be another long conversation on her trying to get him back! She found out that him and his family are going on vacation for a week leaving the house completely empty! “Yes this is my opportunity to get my things without...
_________________________________________ WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! _________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2007. Please don't...
I invite my horny Norweigan friend over my place and he wanted to visit India so much that it was his dream. So, Invited him to stay at my house for a couple of weeks so he could enjoy his time. He has an insatiable lust for Indian women, especially Aunties. I came across his name on a sex site and saw that he used to tribute faces of Indian Aunties and so I talked to him for some time and seems like he wants to get laid with an Indian mature Aunty and wants to take videos and pictures of...
A huge roar comes from the 500 screaming fans packed into a nightclub in London. The band strike up one final cord and the lights go out. “Great show Avril,” says one of the backstage crew “Awesome mate,” Avril’s lead guitarist says patting her on the back as he hands over his guitar. “Fucking brilliant,” shouts out her drummer who takes a swig of water then goes off to find a female groupie to fuck. “Thanks guys,” Avril replies with her cute smile, “Gotta go get changed now.” Avril walks away...
He worked on the docks a longshoreman for 20 years, then one day he was in the right place at the right time did a favor for the right person and he had it made. He got the golden ticket; his star was on the rise rapidly moving up in the administration of the union. Why wouldn’t he be James Dunkin was raised in an upper middle-class family was taught all the social graces, was Quarter Back and Captain of the high school football team. He stood 6’3” tall, 180 lbs, brown hair, broad sholders,...
We all see these guys hanging in the shadows of public places. Being afraid to make contact with a female, thinking the girl will not want talk to a guy like him. It is sad to watch this happen for no reason other than his opinion of himself. My lovely wife has always felt sorry for them. She often will smile or say hello when opportunity presents itself, just trying to brighten his day. If she is wearing a sexy top all the better for my amusement. If J wants to help a shy guy out of the...
October 19th – Tuesday: We sleep late and wake just short of 11am. I’m still tired. We shower and then go to brunch. When we are finished, Joan wants to hit the beach. Both John and I tell her we are too tired and we are going to relax in the room for quite awhile. Joan strips and grabs a towel and heads for the beach again. God, she’s dark as hell already. She’s going to be nearly black by the time we head home. I hope she doesn’t get skin cancer. John and I turn the TV on and sit on the...
October 20th – Fetish night (Wednesday) – Joan’s Submission, Collaring and the Unofficial Marriage Ceremony. We have a slow day today because of the activities planned for tonight. Joan asks for the throat fuck again but John says no. We sunbathe at the nude beach for several hours, then Joan and John swim in the Caribbean for another hour. John says he’s exhausted and tells us girls he’s going back to the room to nap. We join him in about an hour and lay down on the bed with him naked. We are...
I guess when it comes right down to it; my story is not much different than most married guys. I have a good looking wife who is much less interested in sex than I am. If I initiate sex, she will usually do it just to avoid an argument. But most of the time, she can take it or leave it when it comes to sex. At least that is what I used to think until the last few months when I discovered her "darker" side. Over the years, I've learned that she wants and enjoys sex the most when she is...
InterracialOff work a few hours early today. The drive home is quick. No traffic. I’m wondering if my wife’s home. Walking up the stairs to the front door of my house, I stop. I hear loud moaning noises coming from inside. I sneak around to the side of the house to see if I can get a peek. I move ever so stealthily to get a glance through one of the windows and the venetian blinds that partially block any view. I can see movement in what is our dinning room. All of the sudden I get a view of my wife...
Introduction: After Jimmy takes Kayleens innocence, breeds & seeds her. she gets set for another lesson- swallowing protein. Then Jimmy teaches Kayleen how a real man pounds a real woman. And then.., all hell breaks loose. Me, Beth and Kayleen took a breather to catch our breaths. Then Beth says to Kayleen, Now that my husband filled you up by shooting his pearly-white spunk deep inside your young, fertile womb, youre gonna give him a blowjob. Then I chimed in by saying, And not only are you...
Four weeks since we last met --- four long weeks since my last hot creampie ( both holes )--- but tonight will put that all right again --- Mister is in town and we are going to party hard -- 2 nights we have together as i have "a girlies weekend away " I turn up at the Hotel with the "special" clothes that Mister wanted me to bring . As always we meet in the bar --Fantastic welcoming kiss -- and a bottle of cold crisp white wine to chat over -- fortunately our meetings are getting more...
'jim come here i want to have a chat with you now !' amanda shouts'but mom i'm busy can't it wait 'jim shouts down from upstairs'get your arse down here now do as you are told ' 'ok ok im coming keep your knickers on' jim walks down the stairs'do you think thats any way to speak to your mom ?' amanda shouts 'you are 18 you have no job you live here rent free get everything you need and you speak to me like that , well thats going to change''sorry mom what do you want ?' jim asks 'ok well for a...
Lani and Dee walked into the arena with about ten minutes to spare before the game started. "Wow, this place is huge!" Dee took in the all the seats with wide eyes. "They must fit a million people in here." "Oh, probably around eighteen thousand," Lani said as they walked through the portal. "I hope there's not a fire or anything," Deanne muttered. Lani laughed and her friend glared. "Fine, when there's a stampede for the exits, you're on your own." "Holy cow, Dee." Lani looked at the tickets....
Love StoriesA college age girl goes to visit her boyfriend at college and stay the weekend. She is about 5'2 with brown hair, big full natural breast's, and though she is petite she has thick thighs and an ass that is thick and always gets the attention of the boys.She hasn't met his roommates yet but when she gets there she is greeted by her boyfriend and he introduces her to 4 black guys 3 of which are his roommates and one that is just visiting his 'boys'. She didn't know his new roommates were all...
When the day of the shoot finally arrives, I decide not to even open the shop, hoping that Doug will let me on set during the filming so I can watch as Amber gets fucked senseless. When Amber arrives, I'm instantly turned on by her outfit. She is wearing a skin tight shirt that hugs her tits perfectly, not hiding anything and exposing her stomach. Her skirt is very small, showing lots of ass. "The guys are going to love you," I say with a grin. Amber pushes her blonde hair back behind her ears,...
EroticAround 11 pm Peter gets home from work. It has been a longday at the gas station, working the evening shift. When he pulls up to the house he sees the lights are still on in the living room. “My girlfriend must be still awake and watching TV,” he thinks. He parks his car and walks to the back. He opens the backdoor into the kitchen and goes inside. They have like a bar between the living room and the kitchen. He looks through it and sees Sarah sitting on the couch. The TV is not on but his...
VoyeurMy wife lets me do all this to her so you'll hear about that later. I love blowing air into her ass when we are 69ing. After I fill her ass with air she farts it back into my mouth. I also love hearing her ass queef while I anal fuck her. I love fingering her ass and playing with her shit, as long as it stays in her ass. I like when I pack her fudge and it gets on my cock though. Sometimes I tongue ehr ass and I can feel the tip of a piece of shit while she pushes to keep her ass...
It was night at my house and I was yet again with a book in my hands. I have always been smart loving math, physics and stuff but I never stopped to actually study anything. In my free time I usually was reading something science fiction fantasy and such. I’m 18 and in school anything that interested me was always easy to understand. In the start or at most middle of the explanation I already had the rest figured out. When everyone was doing the second exercise I had finished. But even then I...
PATTY A TEASING WIFE How long will Patty leave Jimmy outside the bedroom with the doors closed tightly rubbing his little dick wondering what Patty is doing ? Or does he know what she is doing. Can he hear the vibrator as it gets her pussy off as his little dick can’t? How many times will she have an orgasm? The longer she leaves him outside waiting the more he loves it He encourages her to go in the bedroom and play with herself.He wishes she would go in and shut the doors more often. ...
Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors - Chapter 2 I am pleased that many of you took the time to give me feedback on Chapter 1. All were encouraging and some was good constructive feedback. I already had the draft of Chapter 2 together but I reworked it some after the feedback. Where we left off: Bill Nelson's top research scientist - Tony - pushed the highly secret 3T machines too far in his lustful desires to explore the mind of one of his Iranian sex slaves. Now his...
Lisa Got Triple Played On New Years Eveby Realgee About LisaNone of my wife’s family, friends or co-workers know she’s an adulterous slut wife. A couple of Lisa’s girlfriends have picked up on the fact that she has an unusual amount of male friends, but they don’t know that the situation extends to “friends with benefits“. One of her girlfriends knows about a man Lisa dated once a couple of years ago, but just thought she had cheated once, and really doesn‘t know the details. They rest all...
October 16th – Saturday at the resort. We wake up late in the morning. Joan does have a bit of a sore throat. She says she doesn’t care because last night was amazing. We all hit the showers and then head out for some brunch. After brunch and since it’s afternoon, Mandi wants to hit the nude beach so we go back to the room, strip, grab the towels and sunblock. On the beach, we spread the towels out and slather sunblock on each other. John leans over me, French kiss me and says, ‘I love you,...
October 17th – Sunday: We don’t get up until 11:30am. We all cuddle with each other in bed and John’s got a boner. I say, ‘Joan, do you want to take care of that?’ I’m not big on morning sex but Joan loves it. She smiles and says, ‘Yes, if I can fuck it.’ I laugh and say, ‘Sit on it, Joan.’ Joan smiles and crawls on top of John and slips his cock into her pussy. Surprise, surprise. She’s wet already. She stays wet. Not only does she have the body of a 40 something, her vagina juices up...
Amber: Kate, why do you wear shorts to the swimming pool? You know you can wear a bikini. Kate: I just don’t want anyone to see too much, you know? Amber: Well, I guess. What, afraid the boys will go wild? Kate: Actually, the girls. I’m packing. Amber: Wait, what do you mean? Kate: Well, this is what I mean. Kate stands up and lets her swim shorts stick to her body, revealing the outline of her giant futa dick. Amber: Oh my god, are you for real? Kate: Yeah. Amber: Does anyone else...
In college, I joined a bunch of musical societies. I met Martyn there. He was an amazing musician who had curly black hair, was crazy tall and had massive hands. You know... for playing the piano. But you knew he had a massive dick. We became fast friends and he was the first male friend I made after I came out as gay. I fell for him. Hard. It hurt. And if I had known we wouldn't be friends now, I'd have tried harder to get in those boxers!What Really Happened.When I was eighteen, I went on the...
Gay MaleHi ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 25 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. I am going to narrate a real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much ISS for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. It’s a Friday night at a colleague’s place who is throwing a party, Not very crowded as there were just few people, who were working with me...
Eddy stands in the middle of the cul-de-sac behind a Homemade Stand. It’s part of another one of his scams in action, and this Thanksgiving he’s cooked up something special. After watching a Football Game last year, and hearing an announcer talk about stuffing a Chicken inside a Duck, the stuffing it inside a Turkey, Eddy decided to make his own Entrée dish. Basically, it’s a Pigeon stuffed in a Chicken, stuffed in a Goose. Naturally, Edd a.k.a. Double D is against the idea. “This has got...