Wishes Gone Wrong: Slut High 2 free porn video

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Author's Forward: Thank you so much for all your wonderful feedback! Seeing everyone so excited has definitely inspired me to do something else like this again in the future! I hope you all enjoy this second half as much as you have the first! If you'd like to help decide what I write next, you can take part in my next story poll by going to razmagurk.wispform.com/9e5a3756 Enjoy! Wishes Gone Wrong: Slut High - A Smutty Novella - = Part 2 of 2 = By Razmagurk I wandered breathless through the halls. If I closed my eyes and squinted, things could almost pass as normal. I could almost believe that my school hadn't been overrun with enough nubile female flesh to make good even the raunchiest of teenage dreams. My body was aflame with desire. Hot hormonal blood pounded through me and set every nerve alive with a hunger for carnal sensation. I chewed my lip in an attempt to distract myself from the seemingly endless variety of pornographically proportioned girls sashaying past me as they sauntered off to their next class. Many of them had stopped to adjust their makeup or their hair, tossed and tussled as things were by the school-wide masturbatory frenzy that had just occurred. The din of their casual conversation, gossip and lilting giggles echoed over even the staccato rhythm of my horny heart. Normally the presence of so many over-sexed beauties would be a cause for celebration, a blessing beyond measure, but today, due to a botched wish, I was one of them. My diamond-hard nipples, perched high on my round quivering breasts, throbbed as they rubbed sensuously against the tight fabric of my far- too-small bikini top, jolting me with a low-level aching pleasure. I hated this. Being turned into a girl? You know what? That was fine. I could put up with pretending to be a woman for a day if it meant getting to see all this. No, what was ruining my pornographic parade was the existential angst I was suffering as a result of my magically altered sexuality. That fucking genie had made it so that this stunningly salacious sex- pot body of mine came complete with a deep-seated lust for men and an overpowering urge to get pinned down and fucked. I still found women hot - oh lord did I ever - but they didn't scratch that deep body craving that I've been so hungry for all day. And with the way my libido had been amped up to cartoonish proportions, I was feeling it bad. I had nothing against liking guys, in principle. I'm not homophobic or anything, but, well, it's not something that I was. It wasn't me. That genie had fucked with my brain. Fucked with who I was. That's what scared me - what that represented. And the worst part was that It was insidious. It felt so natural, so good, like soft warm silk. Why wouldn't I want to like guys? They were so yummy. I couldn't even remember what it was like not liking them, to be grossed out by the idea of some other guy's fat meaty dick instead of impossibly aroused. I tried to think back to times when I had, back to the eternal awkwardness of the men's changeroom, but oh god, it just brought to mind all kinds of strange new contexts. All those hard, masculine bodies caught at half glimpses. Why hadn't I tried to see more? Why hadn't I peeked? I swallowed hard. No. No! I clenched my fist. The fires of my arousal were second only to the fires of my outrage. I wasn't going to go down that road. That's not who I was. That's not who I wanted to be. I was going to fight this. I was going to fix this. I just... I needed to get home. I needed to get to that lamp and undo all this before this girl's libido inspired me to do something I'd regret forever. Could I just leave now? No. I thought back to the whole naughty- schoolgirl / stern-schoolmarm routine I'd gone through with Ms. Jennings earlier. My ass was still sore from the erotically charged spanking I'd earned for not conforming to the dress code. I'd hate to see what other perverted punishments she had in store if she caught me actually ditching class. I fanned myself gently with one hand. I would have to wait until lunch. I just had to get to then without losing myself in my newfound obsession with big juicy cocks. One period. How hard could it be? I stopped stunned outside the school trophy case. Between the trophies for rugby and swimming there was an enormous faux-golden phallus with a plaque proclaiming Coxwell Academy the provincial deepthroating champions 10 years running. The display was complete with some photos from the competition and a clipping from the local newspaper. I blinked in surprise. Our old mascot, a dopey looking beaver, had been replaced with what appeared to be a giant penis wearing a monocle. I licked my lips, then forced myself to turn away. The less I thought about enormous monster cocks, the better. Luckily, there were plenty of distractions at hand to reaffirm my gynephilia. Though with how hot and horny it got me it was a mixed blessing. My eyes landed on the sight of Jenny, our head cheerleader. I was stunned. Jenny had already been the hottest girl in school by a significant margin, but now it was like the wish had washed away every flaw and enhanced her every endowment. Though sexy, it was undeniably eery, like someone had taken photoshop to her. Maybe I was just being biased though. Maybe the increased attractiveness wasn't the result of her enhanced bustline, straining as it was against the slim parody of a cheer uniform, or the soft silky skin on display across her long slender legs. No, maybe a part of her enhanced attractiveness was the way she was aggressively nibbling on the ear of that girl sitting in her lap. I didn't quite recognize her, but she was wearing a cut-off letterman jacket carefully styled to conform to the school's slutwear dress code. One of Jenny's hands disappeared beneath the girl'stranslucent white top while the other played down beneath the hem of her tartan microskirt. The poor things mewling whimpers were music as she wriggled helplessly at the mercies of the cheerleader's ministrations. Wait, I recognized that jacket. Was that... was that Jack? Jack Walker, her boyfriend from the football team? Oh my god. He had always been this huge imposing force moving through the halls like a lion, and now he was this cute feminine thing with boobs way too big for her petite frame and pouty dicksucking lips out of which rang that high soft voice crying out in horny frustration. If Jack was a girl now, what did that mean? Were they still dating? Had my wish turned them into a lesbian couple? Or were they just making out because it was the slutty thing to do? Would they share boys? I sighed softly at the idea. They'd look really hot dropping to their knees together and giving a double blowjob to some random hunk they'd lured to their hotel room. My heart was pounding. There was a lump in my throat. What was this? Jealousy? Of that girl sitting in Jenny's lap? Of Jenny's tender caress? Of that intimacy? No. Of the vision playing out in my head. Of the hard, lurid passion of their imagined threesome. I found myself wishing I had a girlfriend too so that I could make out with her to attract cute guys. The bell rang. I'd been so caught up in my voyeurism I'd lost all track of time. I rushed off to second period as fast as my wardrobe would allow. I was the last to arrive. I edged my way past the rows of playboy- perfect schoolgirls and took my seat near the back. The plump, matronly woman who normally taught us science was now downright vivacious. All of her bulk had gone to her plump ass, thighs and child-bearing hips. I sighed in frustration. I'd managed to clear my head a bit during the break, but that cold water was now just a memory and I was no less horny. The lust-fueled fire within me was fast approaching a low broil. Luckily, I didn't need to think too hard. The class was doing group presentations. Each pair of students had to research a scientific discovery or concept and talk about the potential applications or wider importance of it. The pair that were up now, two loser stoners turned busty goths, were talking about recent advances in industrial lubrication systems. Their presentation included a very hands on demonstration. In my mind I could feel the pressure of those soft pale hands sliding across the yearning flesh of my hypersensitive tits, tweaking and pulling and squeezing my hard, pining nipples. I gripped the desk to keep my hands from wandering within the feeble length of my skirt. I took a hot breath as I tried to slow down my breathing. The sweat forming on my skin made the air feel so refreshingly cool. I swallowed dryly. What the hell was I doing here? It was getting hard to think. The next group was no better. They were talking about the Three Body Problem. I'm glad I had gone a couple of weeks ago. I'd hate to see what slutty girl-me would have made of the galactic bulge. I squeezed my wet legs together and shook. How much longer was this going to go on? Would this class end with a masturbatory orgy too? Maybe I could let off steam then. My pussy ached at the prospect. I subtly reached a hand up and brushed against the underside of my ample breasts, at the scandalous acres of oh-so sensitive underboob put on display by this skanky lost-and-found top. My whole body was damp from sweat. Damp from need. I swallowed hard. I was starting to see spots. The fire inside of my was boiling me alive. "Jamie?" said a voice. "Jamie!" the teacher yelled. "Huh? Mmm..." I pushed past the stupor I was in. She was looking at me expectantly. What had she asked? "Uh, what?" Giggling. "Honestly. I know it can be hard to focus sometimes, but its not like you girls didn't just have a chance to get off. Could you at least try to pay attention?" I sunk embarrassed into my seat. The teacher asked her question to someone else. I couldn't even tell what she was saying. Everything she said sounded so fuzzy and unimportant. Why was she talking about science? Why were there no boys here? Why wasn't somebody doing something about that? Why was no one fucking me? I could hear little whimpers from around the class. I wasn't the only one feeling it, but damn I was feeling it the worst. I groaned as a third group went up to present. Jesus christ, just end already. I was so whimperingly horny. It was a sneeze that wouldn't come. All I could do was wait. What would they do if I just started masturbating right here and now? If I just reached a hand down and plunged my fingers into the soaking nest of my passions. I thought back to the spanking I'd gotten from Ms. Jennings earlier. I'd never considered myself being into that sort of thing but somehow It had been so hot. Mmm, maybe if I really did give in I'd get sent to the office and she'd do it again. Ten minutes to the bell. No grace period on this one for masturbation. Maybe they figured lunch was time enough for that? I gripped the edge of my table till my knuckles were white. The bell rang. I could hardly hear it over the rush of blood in my ears. Should I just run to the bathroom? Find a stall and give an outlet to my hunger there? Hell, why even go that far? None of the other girls seemed to care about masturbating in the halls. Why not plunge my hands down here and now and quenching this red-hot lust in my drooling wet cunt once and for all? No. I let out a frustrated whine. There was no time. This was my chance. I had to escape. I needed to get home and fix all this. I stood. I wobbled. I fell back in my seat. My vision blurred as all of the blood pumping through me tried to rush to my brain all at once. I blinked in helpless confusion until I could see. I stood again, holding out a hand to steady myself, stepping unsurely towards the door. Some of the girls gave me strange looks as I passed, but unless they had hot throbbing cocks to fuck my needy cunt with I I was beyond caring at this point. Wait, did they? I looked back hopefully. No. Hot as they were, they didn't have what I needed. I stumbled through the halls towards the main doors. I was surprised there wasn't more full-on fucking in the hallways. Everyone had been rushing to get to class earlier, but now things were more settled. It was a bizarre melange of the pornographic and the mundane. One girl in pig tails and a little red school-girl tie hanging down over a fishnet top was casually sitting reading a textbook while the girl next to her was three fingers deep as she ogled the centerfold of a playboy magazine. I tried to keep from running. I tried to look natural. All around me girls swirled in various groups, happily talking and laughing and enjoying their idyllic school life, painfully unaware of the raw perversion that had pervaded their lives. "Oh my god," I heard one say, "I love your plug!" "Oh, thank you," a second girl laughed. "I just got it. It's a little small, but I just love the color." the girl lifted her leather skirt to show her lack of underwear and the sparkling gem prominently displayed in her ass. "Oh for sure!" said the first, squatting down and spreading the first girl's prodigious jiggling cheeks to get a better view. "I wouldn't have said pearl was your sort of stone, but you really pull it off." "Oh, I know, right?" she laughed. "It's normally not, but this lets me ask guys for a matching necklace." The whole group broke out giggling. I gripped my fist, annoyed I wanted one, that I wanted so bad for some guy to spill his hot cum all over my lusty tits. While none of these girls were trying to hide their depravity, the more hardcore girls at least had the decency to stay out of the halls. Masturbation seemed common enough, but I caught sight of two girls in an otherwise empty classroom with dildos suction cupped to their desks, making out sloppily as they bounced back and forth between one long stick and another. I was so close. I stuck my head down and made a beeline for the exit. I swayed as I stepped out. The cold air beyond was a balm across my body, washing away the musky pheromone-laden miasma of those scandalous halls and bringing the world into a sharp burst of contrast. I tugged down my skirt and tried to run as fast as these legs would carry me, elbows folded delicately at my sides while my tits bounced before me, threatening with each step to come loose from their ill- fitting prison. I only let one thought echo through my brain: I had to keep moving. I had to get home. If I could just get home, I could set this all right. I had to... I had to... oh my god. A Man. With a dick. Not just any man. A handsome man. Dreamy, tall, broad shouldered, with a shock of sandy brown hair and deep brown eyes that sparkled in the noon light. My knees went weak at the sight off him. My breath caught in my throat. My brain was a clamor of emotions. I stumbled, the toe of my stiletto pumps catching on the sidewalk and sending me plummeting forward, tits first. I crashed hard. Oh my god. Hot shame washed over me. Here was this man, this shining red-blooded male with his great big dick, and I had just gone and made myself look like a total idiot in front of him. I wanted to just curl up and die. I stumbled to sit up, painfully aware of every slow bounce and jiggle of my flesh. He was standing over me now, staring down at me. "Are you okay?" his voice was as strong and as powerful as the hand he held out in my aid. I looked up at his face, my eyes sparkling. His piercing brown eyes were locked hopelessly on my tits. Oh my god, he liked my tits! Pride swelled in me. I pushed them out to give him a better view. Should I take my top off? I should take my top off. Guys liked that, right? Oh god, I hoped he'd like it. I pressed an aching tit into his outstretched hand. The shock of pleasure passing through my torso at the rough texture of his skin sent my eyes rolling up into the back of my head. I was so maddeningly horny that even this smallest of touches, this slightest acknowledgement of the raw need within me was enough to turn me dizzy. An ocean of burning want boiled away the rainclouds of my resistance. I gasped out as I pressed into him further. It was as though my every nerve existed in that one spot, as though my soul itself was entangled in that one handful of sexual flesh. "Uh. What are you doing?" My heart broke. Did he not like my tits? No, not that. Oh god. I looked down. What was I doing? Of course, I was such an idiot. He wasn't reaching for my tits; he was trying to help me up. He was a gentleman. He didn't want to just fuck here and now. He wanted to take me home and light candles and spend all night pounding my soaking cunt while my orgasmic shrieks drowned out soft music. Oh my god, I was so lucky. I was giddy. Maybe if he fucked me good enough then he'd make me his girlfriend and then we could rut like that every night. Oh my god if I made him feel good enough we could get married, we could have a honeymoon, and we could spend the rest of our lives with him breeding my pregnant ass over and over. My womb jumped at the idea. Oh god, I wanted to have this guys babies, his handsome, big-dicked babies. "Miss?" I let out a hot needy gasp. Oh my god. Here I am with the opportunity to have this perfect life with this guy and I was ruining it by throwing my tits at him like some kind of common street slut! I needed to be suave, I needed to be sultry, I needed to be flirtatious. I needed to say something that would let him know I wasn't like all the other girls drooling over his cock. I tried to stand, my tits wobbling as my arms flailed. I couldn't do it in these heals. I tore my tits away long enough to grab his hand. My heart screamed with excitement. We were holding hands. Oh my god, we were holding hands! I was seeing spots. Okay Jamie, say something cool. Wow him. "T-thanks," I stammered. "I fell." Fuck. My whole body went beat red. "I noticed." He smiled. It was like the light of heaven. Warm, kind, understanding. My heart melted. His eyes were still locked on my tits. I was giddy with excitement. What a great guy. I wondered if he was thinking about what his dick would look like as I squeezed my round silky melons around it, the shaft of his turgid fuckstick bouncing out from between my pillowy flesh with each thrust while I kissed and sucked at the head. Would he cum on them after? Would he give me a pearl necklace? Oh my god, I didn't even know anything about him. How big was his dick? 10 inches? 16? My heart fluttered. No, no, that would be crazy. No on was that big, were they? I had only been 5 myself. But maybe... maybe I'd gotten lucky. I had to know. I glanced down coyly. I couldn't get a good view of it from here. I held a hand up to my head and feigned a swoon, falling into him. The soft weight of my body rest upon his firm muscular rigidity as he held out his hands to catch me. I pressed myself close. I could smell him now. Old spice and oranges. "Uh, miss? Are you alright?" My hand reaching down, slipping beneath the waistband of his pants. I pushed back the tickling sensation of his pubic hair, grinning wide as I felt his hardness on the back of my hand. I adjusted my grip and grasped firmly, the pulsing confidence of his manhood acquiescing to my demands as I wrapped my hand around this wonderful thing. He wasn't 16 inches. But that was okay. What mattered was that it was all mine. Hot liquid power pumped through his veins as I squeezed and fondled this roaring example of masculinity, the blaze of my body warming even hotter at the fire of his virile heat. My breath caught in my throat. With my other hand I started to fumble with his zipper. "Uh, excuse me?" he said. I blinked in confusion and looked up at him. Fuck. What was I doing? Anxiety pulsed through me. What if I was moving too fast? What if he wanted privacy? Oh my god, he was going to think so poorly of me. We should go find an alley somewhere where I could get those pants off him. "Shhh, no. You don't understand," I whispered. "It's not like that." seduction oozed out of every octave. I needed to explain to this guy that this was all just a misunderstanding. That I was so horny I didn't know what I was doing. "I'm not a slut or anything." I let out a little desperate whimper. "I just... I really need your dick to fuck me." "My what?" he swallowed. "We just met." "Your dick." I gave it a loving squeeze for emphasis. "Please? I need it so fucking bad." "Jamie!" came a voice. Jean. I pressed myself in tighter to my man. She couldn't have him. "There you are!" she came running up. How did she move so fast in those heels? "I've been looking everywhere for you. I was really worried after you... oh hi!" her tone dropped a sultry octave and a sly look crossed her face as she laid eyes on my beau. "I see you've made a friend." "Oh my god, isn't he great? He's gonna take me home and marry me and spend all night pumping babies into my ass." "Wait, what?" He took a step back. "What the fuck?" I stumbled to follow, not wanting to be an inch apart. "Sorry stud," Jean laughed. "but I need to borrow Jayjay here." "What? I cried. "No!" "Tell you what though," she added with a wink. "How about I give you my number and we three can meet up later for a little m?nage a trois?" His gaze had shifted, his eyes were roaming indecisively over Jean's nubile form. His dick throbbedin my hands. I thought I'd be jealous that it was Jean doing that to him, but honestly, I was just impressed. I bet he could fuck both of us all night long. "What?" he stammered in stunned disbelief. "I mean, yeah, sure." "Great!" She pulled out a business card and slipped it into his back pocket as she kissed him on the cheek. "Come on, Jayjay," she turned back to me. "We gotta get back before Ms. Jennings spanks us for being naughty." The man sputtered and coughed. I hadn't thought his dick could have gotten any harder and yet I was delightfully surprised. I gave Jean an impressed look. She wrapped her hands around one of my arms and started to pull me away despite my whimpering protests. My heart ached with each step apart from him. Why was she doing this? I thought she was my friend. What had I possibly done that could have garnered such a betrayal? "Jamie, are you okay?" she asked as we rounded the corner and I lost sight of my stud muffin. "What?" I furrowed my brow. "Am I okay? Jean! How could you? I was.. I was going to get laid!" "With that guy?" she giggled scandalously. "Do you even know his name?" "That doesn't matter! He was nice! He liked my tits! We were gonna have so many babies!" She laughed. "Oh my god Jayjay, you've got it bad. Look at you! You're shaking. What the hell are you even saying? You're so horny right now you'd fuck anything that moves. " "I... I wouldn't!" I totally would. "Here, come to my locker. We'll find you a shirt." "Wait." I looked down at my naked tits. "What happened to my blouse? " I followed her back into the school. The musk of perfume and sex hung heavy in the halls. "Jamie, listen, I know you get kinda desperate sometimes, but you can't just go running off like that after the first cock you see." "Why do you even care?" I pouted as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Cause we're BFFs? Duh? We promised we'd look out for each other. Especially when it comes to guys. We're going to find our happy endings together." she intertwined her fingers with mine. "Isn't that what we always wanted?" "He held my hand!" I was still swooning. "He was going to take me home and cum on my tits. It was so romantic." "You don't even know his name." She laughed. "I don't care! It was love!" "No," she laughed, "it was a horny little schoolgirl getting all worked up about a cute boy because she hadn't' gotten off in like..." We arrived at Jeans locker. She turned to look at me. "When even did you get off last?" "Wh-what?" I blushed at the question. "Last night?" I thought back to how I'd jacked off before bed. God, everything had seemed so simple then. "Last night!?" A sharpness arose in her tone. Concern invaded her face. "Jesus, Jamie, no wonder you're making poor decisions. You probably haven't gone that long without cumming since puberty." I blushed harder. "You can't just..." she sighed in frustration. "You can't just abstain like that. It's not healthy! You'll make yourself sick. Sit your ass down." "What?" "I said Sit." She pulled her purple rabbit vibrator out of her locker. I sunk to the floor. I tried to sit cross legged but I quickly realized that wasn't going to work without flashing the whole school. Instead I leaned my back against the bank of lockers and pressed my legs into my pillowy chest. I gasped at the unintended pressure I was putting against my achingly horny breasts. "Come here," she said, sinking down next to me. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her. I hesitated, but my need for physical intimacy vastly overwhelmed any sense of resistance I may have had. She was warm and soft and smelled like some unidentifiably sweet fruit. I rested my head on her silky breast as she ran a hand through my hair. I stopped shaking, my whole body going limp as I nuzzled into her delicate flesh. I frowned. As wonderful as it was, I couldn't help but wish her body was harder and more solid. That she could wrap me in strong arms and make me feel safe. Fuck me, I wished she had a dick. "I'm worried about you, Jayjay. You've been acting weird today. You show up dressed in some frumpy sweater and then you're all distant when I try to kiss you? I thought okay, maybe it had been something I'd said. But then the way you ran off in class earlier? I went to look for you but I couldn't find you anywhere. It's not like you to turn down a session with Monsieur Lapin. When I couldn't find you in our usual spot at lunch, I didn't know what to do." she sighed. "I'm just glad I caught sight of you out the window before you did something - or someone - stupid." "Hey now," I mumbled, "He wasn't stupid..." "I'm serious." She looked down at me with a stern but warm smile. "What are you thinking? Going so long without getting off? Girls like us have needs. What were you trying to do running away like that?" "I need to get home." "Like this? Honey, they'll eat you alive out there. Do you have any idea what those boys are going to do to you if you don't at least clear your head a bit?" "Fuck my brain silly?" I perked up at the prospect. "Well, yes." She sighed wistfully. "But also, lots of other horrible stuff, like keep you for themselves, or get you to do things you don't want to. Just because we like sex, doesn't mean we're not people, you know? You can't trade away your agency just because you want to get laid." "Why not?" I whined. "Because there's more to life than sex!" "Bullshit." I pouted. "Alright, there's no need to get bratty." She laughed. "I can see I'm not getting anywhere. Get your ass ready," Before I knew what was going on she was on top of me, her arms pressing in on either side, pinning me as she loomed down. She brandished the rabbit. "I'm going to give your cunt the fucking it deserves." I squealed, I don't know if it was trepidation or delight. "H-here? Now?" "Right here, Jayjay, Right now." She pulled my legs apart. The air was cool across the vulnerable flesh of my inner thighs. There was a force behind her motions that felt so right to yield to, gentle, yet firm. Her hand ran like warm silk across the shivering skin of my thigh, gliding over every soft inch except the one place I needed it the most. She smiled mischievously as I quivered against her cruelty. Finally, her hand oh so softly cupped my tender folds. I gasped as one long delicate finger probed oh so slightly into the abyss of need within me. Her other hand caressed lightly along my bare breast. Goosebumps followed in its wake, an imitation of the stiffness of my aching nipples. I reached up to grab one but she caught my hand and pushed it back. She leaned down over me and pressed her body into mine, her pert tits rubbing against mine as our nipples kissed through her top. She started to nibble on my neck and ear. I groaned out in surprise. My body melted. I didn't even know that was a thing. I was humping her hands at this point, or trying to at least, she kept her touch gentle no matter how much I bucked. Couldn't she see she didn't need all this foreplay? "Now then." She sat up, retreating to between my legs, a wanton grin on her face. She pulled the rabbit out from between her own legs and brandished it. "Tell me how much you want my dick." I couldn't help it. I broke down giggling. "Hey," she laughed, "focus!" She held the thing out to my face. It seemed so big. I needed that thing inside me like I was a puzzle and it was my missing piece. "Lick it, bitch." It was still wet from Jean's juicy pussy. Her wonderful smell enveloped my perception. I looked her in the eyes as I ran my tongue along it, letting the fantasy of a real cock fuel my needy expression. Maybe if I made her horny enough, she'd stop teasing me and actually fuck me. "Good." she grinned, arousal catching her voice. The rabbit began to buzz as she traced a wet path with it down my body. She circled my breasts in a short spiral, the nerves of my tits electric as she made contact with my diamond hard nipples. Oh god. "Oh god." I cried. "F-fuck me!" It was like a short circuit directly into the pleasure center of my brain. I screamed, I thrashed, but all it did was amplify the sensation. Jean's expert hands knew exactly where to probe. She didn't need to be strong or hard, she had precision on her side. "Do you want my dick now?" She smiled. "Yes, oh god, yes! Jean please, I want your dick inside me! Fuck my goddamn cunt and make me explode! Please! Please!" "Well," now it was her turn to giggle, "since you asked so nicely." She kissed me. Her tongue dancing out a demonstration of its agility and dominance. Then she slid down until her face was poking out between my legs. Those sweet blue eyes, those beautiful freckles, that long, long tongue. She kissed a path around the outside of my swollen drooling labia, inhaled deeply, then slowly began lapping at the river of fire pouring out of me. "Oh my god Jayjay," she laughed in pleasant surprise, chin pressed firmly against my clit, "you're so wet." she gave it another kiss, "and sweet" Then she began in earnest. Her tongue circled my clit, her delicate probes a jackhammer. Even her smallest of gestures amplifying through my rocking body. Then she pulled back. "No!" I cried. "Don't stop! More!" "Relax, I'm just giving you what you were begging for." She pulled out the rabbit and ran it down my stomach, I could feel its rumble in my womb. My body tightened in anticipation as it inched towards my crotch. Are you ready?" she teased. I nodded breathlessly. Stars exploded within me as that buzz pressed into my clit, circling it delicately. Then there was a brief pause and then the hard buzzing head of jean's rabbit crossed the threshold of my femininity. The dam burst. I could think no more. At last. At last I was getting something long and hard and phallic in me. At long last after this eternity of hell I was seeing heaven. My body pressed, grinding, inviting, trying greedily to take as much of this gift as it could. The rabbit's other ear pressed deeply into my clit as Jean bottomed out. The sensation was overwhelming. But... but something was still missing. Something wasn't right. I needed more. "Harder!" I begged "Please, harder!" Jean obliged. I caught a glimpse, looking down past my heaving melons, of Jean between my legs. From this angle it looked like she was actually fucking me, driving into me with each steady thrust of her hips. I couldn't help but think about how Jean had been as a guy. He'd been surprisingly cute, looking back on it. How had I never noticed? Swimmers build, toned, and such a sweetheart. Actually, rather handsome. I wondered if he'd had a big dick? If I squinted, I could almost imagine it was him fucking me, him plundering the depths of me with his enormous buzzing cock. "Oh, god! Yes!" That was what I needed. I needed a man. The last vestige of my resistance fell away as I imagined it was Jean's hunky guy-form fucking me, pounding me with his strong arms and his cute butt. Oh god. I started to peak. That was what it took. My hips bucked with renewed vigor. In my mind the gentle sweetness of Jean's motions took on new meaning as a masculine concession to romance. They were caring, they were loving. This was a boy who thought I was worth something, who wanted me to feel special as he pounded the shit out of me. "Fuck me, Jean!" I babbled. I was trying to sound romantic. "Fuck me with your big meaty dick! Fill me up with your white hot cum! Breed my slutty ass! Make me yours!" "You like this?" Jean grinned. "Oh god yes! Yes, yes, yes! I need it so badly!" "Then have it!" A series of powerful thrusts and I was cumming. I came not once, nor twice, but in a roiling sea of orgasm that seemed to never end, building higher and higher with each cresting wave as I soared through it. I screamed my crescendo. I rolled down a rugged hill of orgasmic aftershocks, flying, falling, my whole body shuddering until at last I landed in Jeans arms, still bucking, still trembling, wrapping myself around her, removing the awful space between us, pulling us as close, physically and emotionally, in that wonderful moment, as two people could be. Time lost all meaning as I lay there, a pile of content mewling goo. My brain had melted and dribbled out my ears. She put her arms around me, once again tenderly stroking my hair as I cuddled into her. Tears of joy were flowing down my face. We lingered, conjoined in afterglow, for a blissful eternity. "How was that?" "Mmmmm," I moaned. "Amazing." It was like a great veil was slowly lifting from my brain. I could start to think clearly again. "Must have been." She laughed. "You say the lewdest things when your horny, you know that? Though I suppose it's better your asking me to impregnate your ass than some random guy off the street." "Oh my god!" My eyes went wide at the memory. "What the hell did I do?" My whole body went red with embarrassment. I buried my face in jean's tits. "I'm such an idiot. All my masculine bravado and willpower and then the moment I see a guy I turned into some kind of giggling bimbo." "To be fair, he was pretty cute." She grinned. I tried to ignore the twinge of arousal at the memory. Fuck, he had been pretty cute, hadn't he? Damn him. "No, you don't understand," I quavered in alarm, clinging to her all the more tightly. "It was like as soon as I set eyes on him, I was a completely different person. I... I wasn't me." "You were a little boy crazy, that's all. We all get that way sometimes. That's why it's important to keep a clear head. You're feeling better now though, right?" I looked around and blinked, taking in my surroundings for the first time. We were in a little alcove in one of the halls near Jean's locker. Everything seemed so real, like all the padding had come off. I covered up my sweaty naked boobs with one hand. Most of the girls walking past didn't even bother to look, and those that did, did so with envy or lust. All the fuzz and heat and hormone had passed. I only barely felt the urge to play with my tits as I pressed an arm against them. That roaring fire that had been building up inside me was... well, not quenched, but subdued. I could think past it now. I could put it away. I nodded to Jean. "Good. I'm glad. You really had me worried. Don't do stuff like that, okay? I don't know what's up with you, but you don't have to suffer it alone. We're BFFs Jamie. Whatever you're going through, we can face it together." I stared with surprise at the sparkling emotion of her blue eyes. Jean and I had always been as close as two guys could be, but, well, the bonds of masculinity were different. We were teenage boys. You couldn't show weakness. The connection between girl-Jean and girl-me seemed somehow so much closer, more intimate. And I wasn't just saying that because of all the good vibes still radiating out of my freshly fucked femininity. This... I'd never had this before. Looking into those eyes... this was a face I never wanted to see hurt. So how was I supposed to explain what was happening? How could I tell her that I wasn't who she thought I was? That her entire world was the result of a perverse accident? That she wasn't real. "Jean, I'm sorry." I shook my head. "It's complicated. I don't even know where I'd begin. Besides, there's no way you'd believe me." My heart fell as her expression sank. "But, but that's not important," I added hastily. "What is important is that just now? With that guy? I... oh my god. I was so close to doing something I'd regret forever. You saved me from that. Thank you." "Of course." She smiled. "I've always got your back, you know that." "The truth is," I sighed, "that I don't know how much longer I can keep up this struggle. I need to get home. I need to... I need to fix all this." "What are you talking about?" "There was... how can I explain it?" I took a moment to compose my thoughts. "That person that I was when I was around that guy? I don't want to be that person. I don't want to like boys like that. I don't want to not be me." She laughed. "Jean, I'm serious. I need to get home and I don't know if I can trust myself to see a boy along the way and not turn into that bimbo again. Oh my god, if I had fucked that guy? I don't think I'd ever want to go back." "Are you sure your alright?" She furrowed her brow. "Jean, please." "Okay, okay, I don't know what's going with you, but I can tell its important. Listen, after class, we'll walk home together. I'll make sure you get home safe, okay? I can watch out for you and make sure you don't go running off with the first guy you see." "After class?" It seemed so far away. "I... I don't know if I can hold out that long." "Not if you keep denying your urges like that." She booped me on the nose. "You're a growing girl. Act like it. No more skipping chances to masturbate." She was right. Our erotically charged sojourn had left me in greater command of facilities than I'd experienced all day. Though I couldn't quite muster disgust, to my delight, the things I wanted to do to that man I'd encountered on the street now included violence. "Now come on, let's get you a top before class starts. One that's not me." She stuck out her tongue. Reluctantly we pulled apart. She stood, then held a hand out to help me up. I was grateful. Between these heels and the unfamiliar weight of my boobs as they bounced around, it was impossible to stand on my own. She opened her locker back up and returned the rabbit. "I have a gym shirt in here somewhere I think." She pulled out a slim lycra bundle. "It's not much, but it should get you through the rest of the day. You have gym next right? You'll have to wear it after, but its better than nothing." I don't know if it was the man in me or the slut in me, but it had been so easy to forget that my tits were just hanging out for the world to see. If not for Jean, I'd probably have gone the entire afternoon topless. I pulled the thin garment on over my head only to get stuck as it bunched up over the top of my tits." "Hmm, its a little small for those juicy melons of yours, huh?" she giggled. "Oh! I have some nipple pasties you can wear instead? They're these cute little hearts!" "No!" I said, desperately stuffing my breasts in under the thin fabric and willing it to not tear. "The shirt willbe fine." "Suit yourself." Jean turned the mirror on the inside of her locker towards me. I groaned as I got a good look. There, beneath a low-cut neckline, bulging with the swell of my chest, were the words I

Same as Wishes Gone Wrong: Slut High 2 Videos

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A Pair of Bridal Sluts Camp Slut Series Chapter 10

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A Fantasy Day Gone Wrong 4

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You'd been married for 10 years, and miserable for 8 of those. Sure, to start with you'd been happy. You'd married the woman of your dreams, things were going great, and the sex was incredible. But then it started getting less frequent. After the first year, it was once a week, and then soon after double that. Eventually, you were lucky if you managed to get a hand job on your birthday. Looking back, it was hard to remember when the sex had started to dry up. It might have been when your wife...

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How I Became the Sluty Vanessa

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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut pt 1

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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

4 years ago
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Supergirl Painslut

Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...

4 years ago
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Two Wrongs

Warning: This is NOT a nice and happy story. Two Wrongs By Morpheus Clarissa leaned back and adjusted her position so that she could watch TV a little more comfortably. Though she knew that she wasn't supposed to watch TV until after she had done her homework for the night, that had never stopped her before and she wasn't about to let it stop her then either. "Lame," she frowned as she flipped to a different channel, "Boring..." Then she paused for a moment to mutter, "Well,...

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The Lesbian Cockslut

Cindy, who had gotten by so far on her good looks, only saw other pretty girls that lived lives of ease and luxury on social media and TV. Those girls just got to look cute, and people gave them clothes, apartments, and cars. Cindy, herself, had a few thousand Instagram and TikTok followers, who delighted in seeing her dance to mindless bimbo pop or racy hip-hop. In her pictures and videos, she showed her large tits and round ass in panties and bras, kept an Amazon wishlist, and some of her...

3 years ago
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Mmm In the Highlands

Jane and Samuel were away in the Highlands of Scotland. They went there for their first weekend away. Since that memorable weekend they visited the Highlands a few times each year. Their home for the weekend was a beautiful old log cabin on a Loch at Glen Coe. The cabin sat in a glacial valley. The two high mountains on either side were snow capped and the views were amazing. It was early spring, the new plants and leaves were just beginning to bud. The weather was warmer but there was a...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy Day gone Wrong 5 Conclusion

FANTASY GONE WAY WRONG The Conclusion We pick up the story where the ladies and their new Baby Crissy are going to head downstairs to eat supper. Jackie looked at Jennifer saying, "Sweety, I think our little Princess is getting cranky. I bet it's past her dinnertime. She is most likely hungry and wants her bot-bot and some food. Seeing I have dinner all ready for us let's all head back downstairs. Then we can feed our little Princess, plus get us...

3 years ago
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A Road Trip Gone Wrong

A Road Trip Gone Wrong By Jaana "A recent college graduate has a chance encounter with a young woman, unaware that he would become the recipient of a terrible curse." *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, masturbation and female arousal. Rated X. You have been warned. *** *** PROLOGUE *** He should have suspected a trick. What where the odds? And now here he was in lobby of a motel, fighting a rising hunger as between his soft, curvy...

4 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 39 Gifts For The Sluts

That evening after dinner we were all sitting in the lounge. The twins came out with some bags and lay them on the floor beside my husband. He looked around the room at us.“I bought some gifts when we were in the town.” He called Anne over to him and handed her a bag. She took out a box, opened it and took out a strapon with a large 8” dildo.“Put it on.” He instructed her. She dropped her dress to the floor and stepped into the strapon. We all watched as she adjusted it on her body. “Now fuck...

3 years ago
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TGS Voodoo Gone Wrong

Voodoo Gone Wrong A Timber Grove Story by Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Jerry looked down at his watch and then to the clock on his wall in hopes that either one was wrong... but they both read 2:40. A long sigh was followed up with a quick slam of his hand on the small table in front of him. He got up and crossed the small room to see if the small neon sign was on outside, and he could see it was. From his angle the sign made no sense, but to those walking down a small alley off the...

3 years ago
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Wrong stop in the Highway

Wrong stop in the highwayMy husband Victor and I moved to the west coast and lived there many years.In one occasion, Victor went abroad for one week and I had plenty free time to pay a visit to old friends living about four hundred miles from our home town.I spent three nice days with these guys and then came back home.Still I was expecting to be alone during another two days, but I wanted really to be at home as soon as I could; so, I tried to drive back during the night in a fast highway.It...

1 year ago
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Petticoat Punishment Gone Very Wrong

Petticoat Punishment gone very wrong If you are looking for the kind of story where everything works out for the nice people in the end, stop here. I decided to try a story that is the opposite of what I have done in the past. While I am working on Wildfire, and getting ready to reboot another story from another site that is a "sweet" theme, I figured it was time to stretch. Read the keywords, themes, and the Rating. This isn't going to be nice. I was a bully. It wasn't...

4 years ago
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Sluty raunchy SIL part 2

So it's the second day of my naughty sluty in laws being in town. Last night was a wild drinking tease adventure. If you read my first story you know what I'm talking about. We didn't do much bc of how drunk all the women got the night before. Mil was totally unaware that we dance and she felt my hard cock against her big ass, how see toon off her thongs for me and played with her pretty pussy in the rear view mirror as my wife was passed out drunk. As I stoked my cock as j drove and she...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Day Gone Wrong 3

FANTASY GONE WAY WRONG By Jillian Spears This is a fictional tale about a guy who just wanted to recreate part of a fantasy story he read. But as we all know things don't always go as we plan, and this was no exception. Things have really gone from bad to worse for poor Ricky today, for one thing his wife walked in on him, while he was right in the middle of his fantasy play day. At first she was in a state of shock,...

3 years ago
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A Cumslut is Born Chapter 2 Tied Cockslave

Julian shivered with the thought. He had never been tied up, but all he could think about was getting that beautiful cock and balls in his mouth. He had no choice but to trust Tonya, if he wanted to taste that sweet man-stick again. "Yes, yes please!" "Hmm hmmm," Tonya chuckled, "I am going to call you cumslut from now on." The name didn't surprise Julian. He suspected that he would become one, if given the chance. He loved cock in his mouth, more than he imagined he would. His first time was...

3 years ago
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Revenge gone wrong

? Graymangazer 2013.Revenge Gone WrongPart OneBy Graymangazer. A young woman tries to take revenge for being bullied at work.Thanks to Mrhungry for proof reading and editing this story. And for his help in improving my writing.As with all writers I thrive on feedback so please comment and let me know what you think, good or bad, but if you don’t like it please let me know why.I also welcome E-mails at [email protected] I will always answer. Peppa sat on the edge of the sofa nervously...

1 year ago
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Sian and Tegan A Love Story Gone Wrong

This is a the most memorable story of my life. It is both happy and sad. It’s my own love story and my own horror story. Whatever kind of story this is. It is my story. I remember the first time I moved out of my house away from my parents. I was so excited to be on my own. To do whatever it is I wanted. To go wherever I wanted to go. To spend my money how I pleased. I was just excited to be out of there. It’s not like I had horrible parents or anything, it was actually the complete opposite. I...

2 years ago
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The Quest for a Cock Worship Slut

The first person portions of this story are entirely true. The fantasy sequences about the character ‘slut’ are unfortunately, still just fantasies. Please read on to find the world where fantasies can be actualized- with your help, that is. The Quest for a Cock Worship SlaveFor better or for worse, I am the type of girl that cannot prefer to be anywhere more than being naked, collared and kneeling at Master’s feet. ?Tell me you love this cock?, he commanded me, while pulling my hair with his...

2 years ago
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Exposing Louise Frechette as a Filthy Cumslut

Below is the transcript between my self and an Xhamster user named Loufresh. She enjoyed exposure porn, but also never wished to be exposed herself. fisterguy: hi. I love the exposed pics too. can I have some of your gallery passwords?loufresh: for big one it's huren for other it's huren2fisterguy: thanks!loufresh: feel free to comment lolfisterguy: can I post those on tumblr?loufresh: sure........post anything you get from mefisterguy: http://fisterguy.tumblr.com/postedloufresh: hey! I saw...

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Californian Slut

Californian SlutEv is my slave in real life. She is a beautiful Asian slut. This is the story, written by both of us, telling of what happened following our first explosive weekend together (described in Just a visit to the beach/Enslaving Ev already on Bdsmlibrary) ?PART 1Slut (1) ?I had my hand on the door handle, a tear ran down my cheek and I turned to watch his car ? Master’s car ? until it disappeared around the corner. I slowly twisted until I faced the apartment. There was a light on,...

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