A Slave's Story free porn video

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My Story

The government had re-established slavery for a select number of males for a variety of economic, public order and social reasons.  All eligible males were subject to enslavement after they turned 18. Exemptions were easy to come by for the well-connected.  The courts sentenced people (male and female) to slavery for minor offences, typically until the quota was filled. All slaves were the property of the Queen and could only be sold or assigned to a female.  Within slavery, the relatively few females were high-status and were supervisors and overseers.

Part One – The Beginning

I walked out of my history class when Sally approached me.  We had always been friendly without being friends but she was really cute and dressed a little more formally than most of the girls.  She asked me to meet her at a caf? in the town centre after school.  We both got out of class at the same time but she ignored me at the bus stop and I did not sit with her on the bus or talk to her on the way to the town center.  She arrived at the caf? a little behind me, so I held the door and we walked in together.   I offered to get her a cup coffee and she found us a table.  When I sat down, I noticed she was wearing a brooch from the department, the department we all dreaded.  I didn’t know anyone to get my exemption but I was at the top of my class and Notices of Enslavement (E Notices) were really rare at my education level.  I sat down.  She stirred her coffee, smiled at me and said ?Let me get straight to the point?, she pointed to her badge and continued ?you know what this is; the E Notice list is close to final.  You’re on it.  As I see it, there’s probably a 99.9% chance you’ll be on the final list. I’m giving you the chance to volunteer.  You’ll be with me and I’ll train you before the formal induction.  It’ll be a lot easier for you than the alternative?.   My mouth was dry and I was speechless.  I babbled ?But I’m almost at the top of my class.  What about college?? Confidently, she replied ?Two things, one it doesn’t matter because this is your fate and second, we actually need some slaves to be educated so they can serve at a higher level, it’s not all ditch digging and menial service.  Think about it.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow?.  With that, she stood up, picked up her things and left.  I couldn’t move.  I had seen slaves around, at some level, seeing a slave with his mistress was arousing to me and part of me wanted to be one, but now this was reality!

After a very long night and even longer day, the next day, she casually asked me to sit with her on the bus. She chatted with me as if nothing had happened although I was speechless in her presence.  I hadn’t agreed to anything, but there was a huge shift in my relationship to her.  I looked at her feet realizing that soon enough, I could be looking up at her from there.  We walked down the street from the bus and she walked into an office and beckoned me to come.  She was greeted by the Area Director Jane, a stunning woman, mid thirties, beautifully dressed in a knee length black dress, beautiful necklace, black stockings and expensive black heels, elegant and authoritative to my young eyes.  She asked me to get her and Sally a glass of water and we both sat down in front of her desk, I noticed the desk was completely clean and there was what looked to be an expensive handbag on the credenza with a single manila folder and a scary looking whip.  She looked at me and said ?It’s true, you’re on the list.  I can’t confirm that you’ll get an E Notice but I’m pretty sure you will, as Sally said, 99.9% certain.  It will be a lot easier on you if you volunteer.  I can confirm that if you volunteer, you’ll get to go to college.  It’ll be a little different than if you were a freeman but you’ll get to enjoy it.  Do you have any questions??.  I hesitated.  She continued ?Volunteering is in your best interest and I suggest you ask any questions now.  Once you take the Oath, you won’t be able to?.  ?How long will I be enslaved??, ?Minimally, seven to ten years after you graduate college, with an indenture for another 14-21 years after that.  If you’re sold privately, then your owner gets to decide if and when to release you.? I was glancing at her feet, out of shame, out of desire and maybe because the next time I saw her, I may be kissing them and wondered what it would be like if I didn’t have a choice.  She noticed and prodded me, ?Believe me, you’ll be seeing plenty of that soon enough.  Look at me? she patted my cheek ?you’re not going to be able to look at me or Sally or anyone like us in the face without us permitting you do so in the very near future.  Do you have any questions?? ?No, Miss Jane? , ?Not yet, it’s still Jane?, ?So I really don’t have a choice??, ?No, not really, take the easier road?, my heart was pumping like I was about to have a stroke, I was sweating and cold at the same time ?Okay, if I don’t have a real choice, then fine?, ?I need you to say ?Yes, I volunteer for enslavement?, say it clearly?, ?Yes, I volunteer for enslavement?.  Jane spun her chair around and picked up a folder.  The documentation had been prepared in advance.  I signed the documents and she handed me the Oath.  ?Your enslavement begins no later than the day after tomorrow at 2 am Saturday morning.  You’ll say the Oath to Sally when instructed to do so.  There’s a list of things you’ll need to bring with you and a form for declaring everything you now own, as you will no longer own anything. Do not tell anyone what’s happened, we’ll inform the relevant parties including your family?, ?Okay?.  ?Sally, do you have anything??  Sally looked at me and said ?Enjoy your last night of freedom.  Here’s my address, I expect you there tomorrow no later than 9 pm, you can come earlier and I recommend you do.  Don’t arrive drunk, in fact, don’t drink tomorrow.  Bring everything on the list that you can?, ?Yes, I’ll do what I can Sally?, ?The earlier the better?.  Jane stood up which we took as a cue to get up.  She hugged Sally warmly, I looked a little unsurely at Jane and nodded my head, I didn’t think a handshake appropriate and kissing her feet may be a little premature. She put her hands on her hips and said ?You’ve made the right decision, the press exaggerates how slaves are treated, you may be surprised that some well-known people are slaves?, ?Really??, ?Yes, really.  It’s all about the slave’s ability and the Mistress’s openness.  Being a good slave has a lot to recommend it. If you’re going to be a slave, be a good one?, ?Yes?, ?I’ll see you for the formal induction.  You’ll go through it after those who are getting E Notices have gone through the procedure.  It’s going to be at least two months and you’ll join them after they’ve had several weeks’ training.  You’ll have an advantage, bye?.  With that, Sally and I left. Being chivalrous, I opened the door for her and followed her out.  It was pouring rain, I offered Sally my umbrella, ?You’ll need it Sally?, ?Yes, but you will, too?, ?It’s not necessary, not carrying one is a stupid risk you take living here!?, ?Please I insist?, ?You don’t have to do this?.yet?, ?Okay, as a chivalrous freeman to a lady, would you please take my umbrella?, ?Okay?. 

I went home, read over the list and packed my things.  There wasn’t much on the list, birth certificate, passport and minimal clothing, no one was home so I was done in a few minutes and went back to town knowing that this may be the last time I can go out ?on the town? for a long time, maybe forever.

The next day, I missed the bus to school.  Crap!  I waited for the next one when my Dad’s lawyer saw me on his way to work.  He offered to give me a lift and I got in.  I remembered Jane’s admonishment but I had to ask so I did.  ?They told me that I was almost certain to get an E Notice and that I should volunteer?, he laughed ?Oldest trick in the book.  They get a bounty for each volunteer as they tend to be easier to train and get a higher selling price.  Did you tell them to stuff it??, ?No?, ?Tell me you didn’t sign anything?, ?I did?, ?Oh, dear.  When do you go in??, ?Tonight, the something about beginning at 2 tomorrow morning, I was told not to tell anyone by the AD?, ?How many people were in the room when you signed it?  Did you make an oral declaration or some such??, ?There were two women, the AD and the woman who’s going to be, what?my enslaver? Yes, I had to say out loud that I volunteer for enslavement or something?, ?Well, a couple of things, one you’re technically a slave right now but your mistress has chosen to delay your formal enslavement and two, because of that, there’s nothing that can be done?, ?Was I had??, ?Draw your own conclusions.  It doesn’t actually matter what you conclude because it can’t be changed except through the slave system and a slave is never ever allowed to contradict a Mistress, so you couldn’t challenge it if you wanted to.  Good luck. Oh, and this conversation never happened?.

He offered to take me to school but I asked him to drop me off near his office.  I needed to walk the last couple of miles to process the conversation I just had, I felt sick to my stomach, I finally felt fear, and I felt that my life was over.  I walked through the park where I noticed a slave walking his Mistress’s dog, obvious from his slave uniform that looked like he was a slave in ancient Rome with a collar around his neck and women’s shoes that looked uncomfortable.  His tunic looked like a dress and was made of hessian.  That’s going to be me, I thought.  I wanted to talk to him but I couldn’t bring myself to.  I walked out of the park and I noticed another slave had been stopped by the police.  He was kneeling on the sidewalk while a policewoman seemed to be inspecting him.  Sally ignored me in school most of the day.  Around 4, she told me that they eat dinner around 7 and I should not arrive until after dinner and the kitchen was cleaned up, so no earlier than 8.  Great.  Everything closes at 6, I can’t drink, and the  buses to her house gets me there at either 6:30 or 11:30.  I took the earlier bus and got off three miles before her place and just walked.  Right at 8pm, I knocked on the door.

Sally opened the door and told me to come in.  I wasn’t asked to remove my coat so I didn’t and walked into the living room.  Her family was watching tv when she announced that I was the new slave that she was going to train.  I was introduced to the family.  I said each name three or four times to myself.  She had an older sister, Catherine who was some kind of professional by the way she was dressed.  Her mother, Judith, was an experienced slaver and her father looked at me with a sympathetic glance.  I was told to leave my bag and was then shown to the basement.  There was a mattress on the floor; it was cold and a little damp.  There was a pillow that had had better days and a rough, moth-eaten blanket.  There was a dog bowl full of water in the area marked for me and a couple of buckets.  She told me to stand there for a short while and then she left, turning off the light.  I stood there, in the dark, forever.  I barely heard the noise of the tv and occasional conversation.  I daren’t turn on the light or even sit.  I was scared.

The door opened and she asked me to remove my coat and come up.  Only her mother and Sally were still up.  They showed me the house and everything in it.  I was allowed to ask questions of where things were and told to pay close attention.  ?Once I administer the Oath, you will have to ask permission to speak, if I find that you weren’t paying close attention, well?, pointed to a fearsome looking whip that was lying on the kitchen counter.  ?Sally, it’s getting late, let’s get this over with?, ?Okay, mum?.  I followed them in the living room; they sat on the sofa and beckoned me to sit on the floor close to them.  They went through a list of my basic orders.  I was to be unobtrusive.  I was not to eat unless given food by a Sally, her mum or her sister.  Women were to be called by name with Mistress the first time I speak to them and just Mistress after, if there was more than one, then it was to be Miss and the name.  I was to kneel in their presence and never speak unless kneeling.  I was to kiss their feet to greet them.  I was not allowed to touch their skin unless specifically directed, this included kissing their feet, I was not allowed to use the furniture in the house except for a table and chair in the basement to do my homework.  I was to prepare and serve all meals. I was to awaken at 6am and stand by my bed.   I was to show enthusiasm for performing all given tasks; the list was now starting to overwhelm me.  Judith assured me that it would take time and I’d get the hang of it.  Sally told me to get the Oath out of my back pocket.  I did.  ?On your knees?okay, read it?, ?I, Michael Johnson do solemnly declare?.?.  Once I was done, she placed her hand on my head and rubbed it gently.  I kept my gaze at her feet.  ?You may kiss my feet, slave?. I gently kissed the insole of each of her feet.  ?Slave, greet your Mistress? said Judith, so I kissed her feet, too.  Sally pointed at her slippers and ordered me to fetch them.  I did and removed her shoes and helped her with them.  Her feet smelled!  I have to get used to this; this is a privilege for a slave, I knew, and then I was ordered to pour three glasses of wine and bring them to them.  I did and was offered a glass.  ?Enjoy it, it may be a while before you do this again?, ?Yes Mistress Sally, thank you?.  Shortly before midnight, I was told to leave them, so I stood in the hallway.  I could not make out what they were saying.  Sally called me and ordered me tidy up the room.  Once done, I was ordered to bed.  Crap!  I forgot to ask what I was supposed to sleep in, can I now ask? I stood by the door to the basement and said ?Mistress Sally?  What am I supposed to wear to bed?? Shit.  I forgot to kneel when asking, I forgot to ask permission to speak, I spoke to her from too far away and what else I don’t know.  She got up from the sofa, picked up the whip from the kitchen and walked over to me.  I dropped to my knees immediately.   ?Can you think of how many errors you just made?? she said as she stroked the whip against my face.  I was aroused and terrified.  ?Yes, Mistress, I think so? I wasn’t ready to be beaten. I dropped to all fours and kissed her feet frantically, ?Please, please forgive me?, ?Slave, forgiveness is earned, but go ahead and dig yourself in deeper.  We’ll deal with this later. There is a slave tunic downstairs, some stockings and shoes.  That’s what you’ll wear whenever you’re here, now get lost. Any other questions while we’re adding to the list??, ?Mistress, where do I go to the bathroom and wash?, ?Bucket next to your bed, keep the lid on it, you’ll wash outside under supervision.  I’ll show you the rest later, bed, slave?.  I was so thankful, I kissed her feet again and then got up, backed my way to the basement door and went down.  I was exploring the basement outside of my area when I heard the door lock and then the lights went out.  I felt my way to my area and lay down.  The mattress was uncomfortable but I was soon asleep.

At 6 the next morning, the lights went on and the alarm sounded.  Shit.  I was so busy exploring I forgot to get into my uniform. I frantically put on the tunic but struggled with the stockings, please let me get this done before they find me.  The door opened and Sally called me upstairs.  I had one leg in the stocking, I struggled with the shoes – they were new, cheap and felt too small. With one shoe on, I hobbled upstairs.  ?Stop right there? she said in a matter-of-fact voice, ?You will never, ever, present yourself unless you are properly dressed.  I gave you enough time last night, what were you doing??.  ?Mistress Sally, I was looking around the basement?, ?Did I instruct you to look around the basement??, ?No Mistress?.  She picked up the whip from the kitchen counter and walked over to me, I was going to get it and it was going to hurt, I was scared and aroused at the same time. ?You’ll see plenty of this soon enough.  Don’t tempt fate. Now, get properly dressed?.  I struggled with the stocking for a few moments, it’d be easier if I could sit on something!  Once I was dressed, I stood up.  I felt ridiculous in that outfit but thankfully she put the whip away.  She was standing in the kitchen and she pointed to a glass easily within her reach ?Bring me that glass of water?.  I went and presented it to her kneeling and then stayed kneeling in front of her.    ?Kneeling in front of your Mistress and kissing her feet is an honor.  You’ll learn to earn it and love it? she pointed out.  The family came down for breakfast, I enthusiastically greeted Judith and Catherine by kissing their feet.  I spend most of the next couple of days obeying Sally and Judith to the letter.  My tasks were pretty routine and domestic. I was locked in the basement when I wasn’t needed.  I was allowed to eat leftovers but I was hungry all the time.  Sally or Judith would scoop my meals into a bowl, place in on the floor and then sit over me while I ate ?You’re lucky to be eating this kind of food and in this luxury?. Luxury?  Things were going to get worse, I knew that, but being reminded of it put me in my place.  I was slowly getting used to kneeling and kissing their feet, it was starting to feel normal.  By Sunday night, I was exhausted, working almost continuously from 6 in the morning until 10 or 11 at night and standing in the basement  in shoes that were slowly loosening up – I dare not sit unless ordered to and a couple of times, Sally or Judith actually came down and checked the mattress to make sure it wasn’t warm.  Sally came in around 11 pm.  I was dreading Monday.  How was it going to go down?  ?Slave, tomorrow you will dress in your uniform until we’re ready to go.  You will stand on the bus and will not recognize me at school any more than you did before.  If you see me, stop what you’re doing, look towards me and nod.  Claire, Christina and Elizabeth are also slavers, pay them the same respects.  You may not go into the recreation room. You will take lunch from here, you will eat nothing except what I give you, you will carry no money and after school, you will come straight back here.  You will not leave the school grounds except at the end of the day.  You will bow before any policewoman; they have the same powers as I do.  Any woman wearing a brooch from the department is also your Mistress, you will bow to them, too.  You know that being AWOL or being a runaway is a serious crime and you can be executed for it?.  ?Yes Mistress?, ?Okay, now go to your area, you may turn on the light?. I kissed her feet, crawled back three paces, got up in a deep bow and walked back until I almost reached the basement door.  I turned on the light, dashed downstairs and got into bed.  I hoped tomorrow would not be embarrassing. 

The day turned out fairly uneventful.  I had to wash myself outside under Judith’s supervision.  She allowed me to fill up a bucket with lukewarm water, even though it was fairly cold outside, it wasn’t too bad.  I came home after school and Judith pointed out that I should never go through the front door unaccompanied.  My friends thought I was a little subdued and found it odd that I didn’t go with them to the chippie at lunch but it wasn’t that unusual.  That evening and the next passed by uneventfully as I was getting used to this.  Everything changed on Wednesday.  I was in the kitchen preparing dinner under Judith’s direction.   She allowed me to talk to her without coming to my knees and kissing her feet while I was preparing dinner and we chatted almost normally. ?Put some pepper into the pan?, ?Sure, where do you keep the pepper?? she pointed; I reached for it and felt an enormous thunderclap across my face.  She hit me so hard I fell and was bleeding from where her engagement ring had dug into my face.  ?It’s been long enough? she said ?Every word I say to you is like the word of God, only more important, and it’s ?Mistress, where may I find the pepper?? finish the dinner, I’ll deal with you later?.  I continued cooking and she resumed her chatty demeanor with me.  I tried to reciprocate, my face hurt and I could sense an enormous bruise forming and I was getting aroused at the ?deal with me later? part.  Sally came in a few minutes later.  I enthusiastically greeted her as always but I suspected some changes may be in the cards. And they were.  After cleaning up from dinner, Sally threw the leftovers into the trash; I wasn’t going to eat tonight.  Sally was carrying a whip in her hand and Judith had one attached to the belt of her skirt and they closely inspected the kitchen.  ?Go to my study, wait by the door? Judith told me.  This was one of the few rooms in the house I had not been shown.  Judith opened the door ?Crawl in here behind me? she ordered.  I did as I was told; Sally prodded me with her whip a few times.  There were two chairs slightly angled toward each other in middle of the room.  ?Stop here? Sally commanded and they both sat down. ?Slave, since you’ve been here, you chose not to ask questions when permitted, you’ve been disrespectful – the pepper is one example, you failed to listen so you forgot where it was, five minutes after you took the Oath, you stood in my presence like an equal and asked me a question, you’ve disobeyed me, the kitchen is filthy?.  Judith looked at me with a little compassion borne of experience.  Sally continued ?Tonight, you will earn forgiveness.  You will receive 50 lashes.  This is actually a very lenient sentence. Look at me? she pointed across the room, ?Go to the whipping post and remove your clothing.  Carefully fold them and place them onto floor next to the post, wait for me when you’re ready?.  I kissed her feet and thanked her for allowing me to earn her forgiveness.  I kissed Judith’s feet, too. I retreated from them respectfully.  Sally was patient with me as I struggled getting into the contraption.  I felt her soft hands my neck, wrists and ankles as they were being locked into place and a gag was inserted into my mouth.  I was terrified.  The lashes were terrible. Each stroke exploded in pain across my back. They were slow, deliberate strokes, a whoosh of air an explosion of pain.  I got 15 across my ass and then they switched to my back.  I couldn’t see who was doing the whipping but I heard Sally’s voice saying ?He’ll need to sit in chairs at school?.  I was jumping, held into place and the strokes kept coming; this was never going to end. And then it did. I was left in the post for a few minutes and then Sally unlocked it and pulled the gag out. ?Get out and get dressed?.  They were both standing there.  I slowly climbed down and kissed their feet, thanking them for their forgiveness. ?Bring us a glass of wine when you’re dressed.  We’ll be in the living room. Don’t dilly-dally or you’ll be back in here in no time.?  I quickly got dressed, it was easy now, amazing how quickly one gets used to it! My back was screaming in pain, I hurried as best I could and served them their wine, staying close to Sally’s feet as I hadn’t been dismissed, when they were offered, I kissed them as if my life depended on it;  which it kind of did.  After a few minutes, Sally ordered me to get the whips and the gag from the study and clean them in the kitchen sink. I retreated from her using the normal procedure; I was getting used to this, and quietly retrieved the whips and the gag.  When I was finished, Sally ordered me to bring them to her for inspection.  She seemed satisfied ?leave them on the counter. You’re dismissed.?  The pain kept me awake for a long time.  Just as I was dozing off, the light went on and the door was unlocked.  I threw my shoes on and jumped to my feet.  Catherine came down into the basement.  I fell to my knees ?Good evening, Mistress?, ?Been a naughty boy?? she grinned as she held the whips and the gag.  ?Who left these out??, ?Mistress Catherine, Mistress Sally told me to leave them on the counter?, ?Hmm.  Oh well, let’s take a look, lie down, take off your tunic, and pull down your stockings?, it was impossible to comply with that order in that order! ?Please Miss, I think I know what you mean but if I lie down first, I can’t take off my tunic or lower my stockings?, she stepped forward and slapped me hard across the face.  ?Just do as you’re told?.  She inspected the damage and started to apply what felt like a cream.  It made me feel much better. ?Just because they like to enslave and whip people doesn’t mean we all do? she said, ?I’m with the freedom coalition, I’ll help you in any way I can.  I can’t free you or stop what’s going to happen, but I can help take the edge off it?, ?Thank you Miss Catherine?. ?You will still act all slavey around me; I will occasionally whip you but know where my heart is?.  ?Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress?.  ?You may get up and wish me a good night?.  With that, I pulled down my tunic and pulled up my stockings.  I knelt before her and kissed her feet. ?Okay, slave, Mike, right? Good night?, ?Good night, Mistress Catherine.?  That conversation left me really confused, who was she?  Could I trust her? I’d soon find out.  The clock read 2:30 am when she locked the door and turned out the light, I drifted off to sleep seemingly minutes before the alarm sounded and the lights went on at 6 am.  As always, I made my ?bed? and stood, waiting.

Things were starting to change rapidly for me.  That morning, it was raining heavily outside.  Judith ordered me to pour cold water into the bucket to wash myself and go outside as usual.  Because it was raining, she would supervise from the doorway.  My uniform became soaking wet lying on the ground in the rain; it was hard pulling up the wet stockings on my wet body or to dry myself with a wet towel in the rain. Seeing the whip helped focus me!  I served breakfast in my wet, uncomfortable, clothes.  The table scraps were all thrown into a bowl as usual but now, I was ordered to go outside.  Sally ordered me onto all fours and held a whip in her hand while supervising.  I was given two minutes to dash downstairs to dress.  When I came up, Sally was ready to go. I noticed she was carrying the umbrella I gave her only a week ago!  She was wearing rain boots and ordered me to carry her shoes in my bag.  While I was kneeling in front of her, she casually put a collar around my neck with some cold, metallic piece against my throat. ?Button your shirt to conceal it? she ordered, ?From now on, you are not to speak to anyone unless spoken to first.  The collar had a voice recorder so we can check.  You are not to enter any building or room unless you have a class in there within two minutes; finally, you are to wear these badges, one on your jacket collar and one on your shirt collar. Those who know will recognize you as a slave in training?.  It was an unpleasant day.  I found a tree to sit under to eat lunch, but today, it was half a slice of dry bread.  Because of the rain, all of the rooms were crowded so I wasn’t missed but I was cold, wet and starting to sniffle.  Not speaking was hard, but my favorite class was one I took with Sally so it wasn’t too hard.  Carrying her shoes was easy, her boots filled my entire schoolbag and I wasn’t about to put anything in the boots lest I forget to take it out later.  When I got home, my uniform was still pretty damp from the morning but my other clothes were wet, too.  Judith came down into the basement while I was getting changed, she was carrying a whip again, she gave me cuffs I was to wear at all times and locked them onto my wrists, at night, they were attached to a chain on the wall and required me to sleep with my hands close to my head.  ?You may no longer masturbate except with permission and under supervision, tunic up, stockings down? I obeyed, she then placed some device around my genitals.  ?If you get aroused, that will stop it right away? she was right, there was a sharp pain all over my groin as I became aroused by her very statement ?You will be chained to the wall at night, it releases electrically at 6 am, you will be chained to the table when you’re doing your homework? she pointed to a small circle on the floor ?When you are sent to the basement other than when you’re dismissed, you will stand in this circle, laser beams surround it and if you break the beam once it’s activated, I’ll know right away. Come with me? she went upstairs and pointed to an area by the front door ?You will standby here at all times when not needed ? she placed my hands behind my back, adjusted my shoulders and showed me the head position with one hand holding a whip. ?You will not move unless called by a mistress or if a female comes through the front door in which case, you are to kneel immediately.? 

I got used to the new restrictions slowly.  I would meet with Sally or Judith every night in the study which would almost always end with a beating.  The only human contact I had was their feet and the only time I felt their skin was being locked and released from the whipping post.  Mornings were agony with that devilish thing around my genitals.  Catherine would come in late at night and we would chat, it was nice to talk to someone even if I had to use proper protocol.  I didn’t know if the other two were getting suspicious but one night, I think it was a Friday,  she was preparing for a date or something, she stormed down from her bedroom screaming at me because her black stockings had a run in them, how could I be so careless?  Why was I so lazy as to not inspect them in detail when I was doing the laundry, why would I put them away like that?  She hit me hard across my face and pulled me down to the floor by my collar.  She kicked me and pushed me to the whipping post and beat me ferociously.  The strokes came in hard and fast.  She didn’t give me a gag and soon, I was screaming in pain. Sally eventually came into the study and handed Catherine a pair of her stockings and placed a gag in my mouth.  I stopped screaming out loud and after maybe 10 or 15 more lashes, Catherine stopped.  As usual, I was left in the post for a few minutes and then Sally let me out.  Sally ordered me back to my standby post.  When Catherine came downstairs, I knelt, I kissed her feet, helped her with her coat, and kissed her feet again before she left.  She had calmed down and the only screaming in the house was the pain across by backside and my back.   Sally called me to her feet and told me she was very pleased with the way I conducted myself, especially with the enthusiasm I showed in helping Catherine with her coat and kissing her feet. ?She’s opposed to slavery? Sally said to me ?But, she definitely just treated you like the slave you are.  You will receive 30 lashes for your carelessness with the stockings.  Go wait by the whipping post and take off your clothes?.  I had to wait over an hour before Judith came in and told me that Sally had gone out with some friends.  She had heard about what happened but disagreed with my sentence so she would double it.  I was allowed to sit at Judith’s feet for a short while after the beating and then I was ordered back to standby.  My back was bleeding.  I hoped the tunic and stockings would catch any dripping blood.  I didn’t want to go back to that whipping post again today. It was well past 4 am before Sally came home and locked me in the basement.  I could barely stand anymore and I was sure that with less than two hours to sleep, I was sure tomorrow was going to be a tough day.

It turned out to be a normal day, as in the new normal of my life.  While Sally and Judith took off, her Dad asked me to help him wash the car.  It felt good to do guy-stuff.  I didn’t think about breaking standby without an order from one of the women.  Catherine, who was still home as she didn’t get it until 7 or 8 in the morning came out and spoke quietly to her Dad and then grabbed my hand and led me inside.  Is this supposed to feel good or is she going to beat the hell out of me again?  She sat down; I got on my knees ?Why did you disobey an order??, ?Mistress, he asked me to help? I replied, getting ever closer to her feet.  ?I think you know where you’re going.  I’m going to help you to remember the rule about breaking standby; it’s an easy one to remember.?  As was becoming my experience, Catherine’s beatings were far more severe than anything Sally or Judith gave me; I lost count somewhere around 60 but that felt like the half-way mark.  As was becoming custom, I went to sit her feet once I was dressed after the beating.  While I was still kneeling, she grabbed my head roughly and pressed my face into her crotch.  It was obvious she was aroused, and now, despite the horrible but receding pain on my back, I was experiencing a sharp pain in my groin.  I grabbed her hips and pressed myself into her.  After a wondrous moment, she lifted my head up, kissed me on my lips and sent me back to her feet a moment or two before her Dad walked into the house.  She sent me back to standby.  As I raised my head from kissing her feet again she mouthed ?sometime?.

?Sometime? happened the next day.  The family went out for an excursion, these happened often.  This time I was told to remain in standby until they returned.  Catherine didn’t go with them.  She gave me endless series of menial tasks that I could not complete in the time she gave me. ?Okay.  You know where this is going? she said ?Off you go?.  I waited by the whipping post for a few minutes.  She locked me in, I was still sore from the beatings from the previous two days and this one almost as terrible as the beating I received on Friday.  She unlocked me from the post when she was done and ordered me to join her in the living room once I was dressed.  I knew what was going to come next and I wasn’t sure whether my back hurt more than my genitals but I ran to obey her.  I knelt before her and moved down to kiss her feet to thank her for the punishment.  ?Stay down? she ordered and placed her heel on my neck ?Up? and I was back on my knees, ?Down? and this time she grabbed my head roughly and pulled me towards her.  The pain in my crotch was unbearable as she pulled up her skirt and directed me inwards.  She was wearing thigh-high stockings and no underwear, she was wet.  ?Lick?, I had never done this before, I went for it with the gusto of a man being kicked repeatedly in the balls.  I thought to ask, or beg her, to release me from that evil thing that Judith had placed on my crotch but with her legs caressing me and feeling the whip in one hand on my still-screaming back, I didn’t want to ask first.  It didn’t take her long to climax and I once again sat at her feet once she pushed me off.  I felt wetness in my crotch; the wires and teeth on the device must have cut into me.  I couldn’t check.  After an hour or so sitting at her feet, I was ordered back to standby.  Catherine had seemed so nice at first and now I was in absolute terror of her.  She made a couple of phone calls; then she left.  She moved so fast, I barely had time to fall to my knees and certainly wasn’t able to help her or kiss her feet.  I hoped that was okay.  I worried that Sally or Judith would be angry with me when they inspected me later, mostly, I thought about everything I had done that may get me back to the whipping post. 

The pace of the beatings slowly subsided. As final exams approached, I was allowed more time to study and I was barely beaten. Once the exams were over, my isolation from my former life was complete.  My remaining clothes were taken away and I still was not allowed out of the property and only allowed in front under close supervision.  Life as their slave was tough but I was getting used to it.  Catherine wasn’t home much anymore but when she was, she returned to the old Catherine.  I think she found a boyfriend somewhere which was good for me as I didn’t experience the brutality of her arousal although she would surprise me with severe beatings on more than a few occasions.  I enjoyed our conversations at night even after she had beaten me; it was a lot better than being left in standby. Although all of the women carried whips around me; a whip in Catherine’s hand was a lot more terrifying than in Sally’s or Judith’s. Sally and Judith’s strictness was even handed and closed in on me slowly. I wanted to be the best slave I could be and even went three whole days without a beating.  The weather was getting warmer, washing outside in cold water or eating under the watchful eye of Sally or Judith took on a rhythm that was almost comforting.  Just to think, three or four months ago, that would have been humiliating, and now it felt routine.  I had been there almost three months and had that evil device on me for all but the first few days but I’d learned to speak only when spoken to and that topic never came up but it tortured me several times a day, regardless. 

Part II Induction

One morning, I forget which day of the week as they differed only by who was home and whether I was locked in the basement or kept in standby, Sally received a phone call from Jane, the Area Director.  Sally told me that she had made an appointment for my formal induction.  I didn’t know what that meant but I thought it would be something involving me experiencing pain at Jane’s hands.  I was ordered into ?civilian clothing? and Judith and Sally drove me to the office building.  Once through the doors, there were several slaves performing different tasks, some supervised, others not but looking like it was perfectly normal to be dressed in the slave uniform, which for them it was.  The unsupervised slaves did stop when we approached and, facing Judith and Sally, bowed as they approached and knelt as they walked by.  I noticed that some girls curtsied to them as well but they did not kneel.  When they got to Jane’s office, I was told to stand-by outside.  I heard some chatting and laughing from the office, I was then directed by a Mistress to another office.  I was greeted by a beautiful, friendly looking woman sitting behind a desk.  I was about to bow when told me not to and to have a seat.  She was briefing me on the induction procedures in a very casual manner even though she was describing things that would sound terrible to many non-slaves.  What I was to experience was a mild extension of what I had already experienced.  I was given a number, my slave number which would be marked onto my body; I was to be referred to by the last three digits of this number until training was complete.  The good news was I could be referred to by my name after, but that name may be a different one. She noted that for most of the inductees, this was their first encounter with the system, they were apprehensive, worried and a little ?vacant? whereas I was attentive and listening to every word she said, which I was because I was listening to the word of God.  She looked at a piece of paper and noted that Sally had written that I had an adequate understanding of basic domestic standing orders – she gave me a C grade – which I needed to improve if I was to avoid a harsh enslavement. I felt heartbroken that I was graded so poorly after trying so hard, that statement hurt more than any of Catherine’s beatings.  The Mistress could see I was upset, she gently touched my hand and stroked it, smiling reassuringly and telling me I’d be fine.  Her kindness was making me cry, after such a long time of severe discipline, I was being treated as a human even if it was momentary. 

A buzzer sounded on her desk, she stopped the conversation and told me ?They’re ready for you now?.  She pointed toward the door.  As I was going down to kiss her feet, she gently lifted me up by her whip, smiled and told me that I could see her after the induction and I could do it then.  As I stood up, a woman walked into the room dressed in a severe-looking black outfit and brandishing an even more fearsome-looking whip.  She came to what looked like attention to those familiar with military drill, curtly bowed her head and asked ?Permission to escort the underslave to the Miss Jane?, permission was granted.  What?  I’m an underslave?  After all I’ve been through.  I stood up at the beckoning of the ?nice? Mistress and walked toward my escort.  I went down to kneel in front of her but she placed her whip under my chin and stopped me. ?Walk behind me, three paces? she commanded.

We walked down a long corridor, well lit with plush carpet and nice offices and work areas.  She would step to the side periodically, stop and bow when some woman would walk by.  I had no idea of what the appropriate gesture was for me.  She bowed and moved on so quickly that I didn’t have time to kneel and stand lest I fall behind her.  We entered another corridor that was more austere, slaves were posted along the walls outside each door, each in the standby position.  They came to their knees as she walked past; the sound of her heels echoed and increased the tension and fear in me.  We entered a room which had appeared to be the anteroom to another as there was another door and there was only a wooden stool in the room.  She ordered me to strip which I did immediately, but I still had to instructions on what position to take, so again, I fell to my knees and again, she raised me up with the whip under my chin.  I assumed the standby position as that seemed comfortable and she sat on the stool. 

She suddenly sprang to her feet as if hit by a bolt of lightning.  She opened the door and indicated with her whip that I should go in.  I walked in. She now placed her whip on my ass and pressed it in the direction I was supposed to go.  The room was dimly lit; I noticed Miss Jane was sitting on an elevated chair facing the door dressed much the same as she was the other time we met.  She was more beautiful now in my eyes than ever, and the tension of the moment was arousing me and blood was starting to run down my legs.  My escort placed the whip on my chest and I stopped.  She then placed it on my shoulder and started to press down, I immediately fell to my knees.  She then faced me on my right side, placed her foot in my crotch and made a stabbing motion for me to get on all fours.  Finally, she placed her foot on my neck, pressed somewhat gently as my signal to lie prone.  She knelt next to me and reported ?Miss Jane, compliments of Miss Sally, Miss Judith and Miss Catherine, the underslave is reporting for permanent enslavement?.  Who’s the underslave? Me?  Permanent?  ?Thank you Jo, please take your station?.  All of the questions I wanted to ask if only I were allowed.  ?Sally and Judith said they were very happy with your progress? she opened informally.  ?I’d like to ask them about that when I get home?, I thought to myself, and catching myself, I focused on every word coming from Jane.  Back on my knees, I recited the Oath again and then back to prone where she formally read out a statement of enslavement which included words like permanent. She then placed her feet on my head and pushed down, but very gently.  When she was finished, she said ?You may kiss my feet?.  I did with gusto, the pain from my groin was debilitating but I did not want any more strokes from any of the whips in there than I had coming to me.  Jane gently lifted me up in to my knees with prods of her whip.  Despite the formality, she looked at the blood streaming down my leg and asked jokingly how long I’d been wearing that thing. ?Mistress Jane, Mistress Judith put it on me about four months ago? I answered.  ?You’ll get some relief soon, I promise? she said, smiling.  I almost dove back down to her feet with that statement to thank her.  She could see I was what I was thinking; she crossed her legs, casually pointed downwards with her finger and said ?Okay?.  I needed no encouragement.  The pain was now excruciating but I didn’t care. 

After a while, I was back on my knees, Jane pointed with her whip and Jo came from the side, attached a leash to my collar, ordered ?All fours, crawl? and pulled me into a sectioned off area.  I was gagged and a black hood was placed on my head. I was ordered to stand up and then my wrists, ankles and hips were then attached to restraints.  When she was done, I heard an electric motor whine and I was stretched almost painfully. I felt heat approaching me and then I felt an incredible searing pain and burning sensation.  I had been branded!  This went on four more times.  The pain was once again excruciating. I was left for a few minutes for the pain to subside.  The only thing about being a slave that was enjoyable, I thought to myself, was kneeling at my Mistress’s feet.  The rest was boredom, pain and incredibly hard work under intensely close supervision.  I was drifting off to sleep, immobilized as I was, thinking of Catherine.  I’d only been a slave for four months and my daydreams involved my most friendly and brutal Mistress?  The pain in my joints from being stretched was going away and the restraints released.  I fell to the floor.  My hood was removed, I looked up and noticed Miss Jane standing in front of me; she reached down and removed my gag.  ?I give every new slave their first beating? she announced. ?I can see you’ve been whipped quite heavily?   she continued, ?So your beating from me won’t be your first, do you understand me??.   I said ?Mistress Jane, yes, I understand?.  ?That was said perfectly? she joked ?I wonder how many of those stripes on your back it took to get that right?, as I was about to speak she said ?It’s okay, too many, probably.?  She pointed with her whip at the whipping post and said ?Go?.  I kissed her feet again, walked over to it and she then locked me in and gagged me again. The touch of those hands, which were about to visit me with pain, locking me into the post caused more pain and bleeding in my crotch.  Each of her strokes was more terrible than any of Catherine’s strokes, the pain was searing, I liked Miss Jane and it made her strokes hurt more because of that.  The beating was anything was on a par with Catherine’s most ferocious beatings.  After the beating, I was left in the post.  I was a mess of pain.  The devil’s device had cut into my balls and cock, I had pain on my chest, my inner thighs and upper arms from being branded, my ass and my back were on fire.  Miss Jane was called away and all I could think about was whether I’d be able to kiss her feet to thank her.  What was happening to me?

I was left in the post for what felt like a long time.  Finally, I heard footsteps and additional restraints were placed about my ankles and a chain linked the cuffs on my wrists and down to my ankles.  I felt myself being released.  Once instructed to, I got out of the post, fell to my knees and enthusiastically kissed the feet of the Mistress who had released me.  ?Jo, the chains? she said and then Jo came over.   I kissed her feet, too and this time, I wasn’t stopped.  The chains were tightened and a leash attached to the collar.  I was taken to what felt like a prison cell and ordered to stand in a small circle in the middle of the floor.  The light was turned off and I was in total darkness, except for the occasional flashes from the lasers recording any movement from me.  It was difficult to find a comfortable position to stand in, and the pain, while subsiding, was still beyond description and I was unable to even feel any of the damage to my body due to the restraints.  The one time I did, I fell over and out of the circle.  Getting back into it, in the dark, in pain, chained, was really difficult.  I knew more pain was coming.  After what felt like a long time, the Mistress who had placed me in the room returned with Jo.  The light went on brightly, disorienting me momentarily.  She walked in, I noticed she was now wearing boots, ?Not good? I thought, as I fell to my knees.  She raised her whip and hit me hard across my head and face.  I fell to the ground and she pounded me with her boots, seeming to focus on the areas not already damaged.  After 20-30 kicks, I was put on my knees and gagged.  ?What were you doing?  Having a party in here?? she asked.  I couldn’t answer.  I was in so much pain I felt that I was going to die and now I was going to be whipped again.  The strokes came hard, they hurt, once she knocked me over, I clutched her boots and was kissed her feet frantically, I was weeping and trembling with fear that this day would never end. She finally stopped and said ?Try again?.  Jo helped me up and this time, I was ordered to kneel on the cold, hard floor.  They left, leaving me in the dark again, trying to think of a word stronger than ?pain beyond description? to describe how I felt.  I started thinking that I deserved that beating; I had been disobedient where obedience was the only thing that mattered.  I kept still.  Pain was exploding, blood was dripping and drying, I was itchy from all of the beatings I had received today and in the last several days.  Those thoughts and the ones I had earlier were signs that my mind was becoming enslaved, just like my body.  I felt proud and when the Mistress came in after what felt like a long time, after she removed my gag, I enthusiastically greeted her.  I broke down, in fact, and spoke without being spoken to in thanking her.  She stroked my face with her soft hands and said ?Standing orders are standing orders.?  She slapped me pretty hard but unconvincingly across the face but let it go at that.  Jo attached a leash to the devilish device around my crotch, gagged me again and I was led by her back to towards the office area. 

Jo left me standing to the side of an office door close to the office area.  I was told to keep still and she walked in.  The chain from my wrists to my ankles wasn’t long enough for me to stand straight.  The itching was driving me mad but I had been told to stand still and that what I was going to do.  I heard the distinct clatter of high heeled shoes and I started to panic.  If I got on my knees, I may not be able to get back up and I didn’t want to disobey Jo or disrespect any Mistresses.  I began to sob, I wanted so much to obey but either way, I was going to earn another whipping. I had been whipped so much that I didn’t care about the beating as much as I cared why.  The Mistress who had beaten me earlier, Allison was her name, came around the corner.  I was still panicking; I could feel urine running down my leg.  I tightened up and prepared to dive onto the ground.  She removed her whip from her belt; I hit the ground as she approached.  She stopped in front of me.  I went to kiss her feet, which I couldn’t because of the gag but I made the motion. She tapped me on the side of my head with the whip and ordered me to kneel.  It was a struggle with the chain as short as it was.  Once I was kneeling, I looked up at her.  ?You’re ready? she announced without telling me what I was ready for.  She gently grabbed my collar and I was able to stand up.  She then walked off.  I could smell food, so it may have been lunchtime, I had no idea.  I was left in the corridor for a really long time.  Miss Allison had instructed me that I was only to bow to any woman walking by and kneel only if they stopped and addressed me directly and that this was a one-time order due to my present circumstances. I was getting used to waiting, I had spent hours and hours in the standby position with Sally and her family and in that circle in the dark basement.  I kept still, despite the constant pain and itchiness all over my body.  I know I thoroughly deserved Miss Allison’s beating and all of the beatings I’d received by Sally, Judith and Catherine.  I wanted to see them.

Jo came out of the room and after helping me up from my knees, grabbed the leash and we walked off together.  I was taken to a ?recovery room? where I saw the really nice Mistress I had met before my induction. Jo ordered me to keep standing until instructed.   Jo curtsied and announced ?Miss Caroline, compliments of Miss Jane and Miss Allison, slave 506 has been inducted?.  The chains were loosened and the gag was removed.  I greeted Miss Caroline appropriately and was ordered to kneel again.  Miss Caroline gave me some pills, and then Jo applied some ointment to my searing wounds from the brand and some other cream was applied to some of the wounds on my back.  I was given a bowl of tasteless, watery soup which I lapped up by Miss Caroline’s feet.  I was then ordered onto a mattress on the floor and my arms were once again chained to the wall and my ankles to the bed.  There was enough slack in them that I could sit up or lie with my hands slightly above me.  Then, as Miss Jane promised, the control device from my crotch was released.  Miss Caroline told me not to enjoy it too much; the device would go back on shortly.  With that, they walked out and left me in the dark again.  I was still in a great deal of pain, the pills helped and I drifted off to sleep.  I slept fitfully and had an enormous erection but I couldn’t reach it and do anything about it. I wasn’t sure if that was the only thing that Miss Jane meant by having relief, but that was a question I could only ask myself.  I woke from my stupor to a soft light from the table in the recovery room.  Jo stood there, looking ever more impressive in her ?severe? black clothing, holding her whip, of course.  She picked up the control device and the gag from the table and walked over to me.  I began to sob.  She gagged me in her abrupt manner. Putting the device on in my current state was pure, unadulterated hell. Luckily, I went flaccid quickly and she completed the procedure.  Then turned out the light and left. This went on for some time, I was released from the chains after very long periods, eat some tasteless gruel at Miss Caroline’s feet, Jo would apply cream or ointments to my wounds and release my balls from that hellish contraption. I think it may have been two days judging by Miss Caroline’s outfits but I really had no idea.

Part III Training

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Slaves of the Amethyst part fifteen

Rebecca woke first in the cellars and gazed in total satisfaction at the sleeping Jennifer, face down, at her side. She was beautiful with her auburn tresses lying in a great sheath on the pillow. Fondly Rebecca stroked her back feeling the traces of the whip on the velvet skin. Jennifer stirred and murmured in her sleep. Rebecca felt an over powering love for the lovely girl at her side and bent to kiss her softly on the back. Part of her mind was still lost in the enchantment of the afternoon...

4 years ago
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Slaves of the Amethyst part eleven

Jennifer had been becoming accustomed to life in the cellars and, whilst it was frequently arduous and often painful, it no longer held the dread that she had first held it in. It was, as Rachel had said, a very safe environment, even cosy in some bizarre way. You felt cocooned in the cellars, protected in some way and whilst many of the experiences were difficult to understand there was at least the comfort in knowing that they were not incomprehensible and that they were not random but...

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Slaves of the Amethyst part thirteen

Tuesday passed into Wednesday quickly. In the upstairs of the Hall Rebecca, Alice, Robin and Daniel spent a day of consolidation. On the Tuesday afternoon Lady Mathom requested that Alice play for her for an hour and Alice had nervously complied. Her new level of inspiration had saved her however and Lady Mathom had expressed genuine delight in her piano playing. Daniel spent much of the time closeted with either Robin or Mr Coleman, forging plans for his future career as a self-employed...

3 years ago
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We see Jennifer in business attire, at a desk with books and other legal looking things. Behind her is a sign proclaiming Jennifer AssociatesHello, and welcome to Jennifer Associates, where women can turn to for justice. Have you been harassed at work? Do you feel like men look at you like an object? Do men undress you with their eyes? Do they walk up to you cop a feel (feel u’r tit).  Do you do twice the work of men, but get half the pay and recognition? Well, Jennifer Associates is here for...

2 years ago
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Slaves Ch1

The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be! The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went to the metal pole sticking out of the floor ever to the side, a cock-shaped part at the end, with shackles on both sides on the floor and hanging from above. His eyes widened further as he then saw the whips hanging from the walls. Lenarta grinned. He truly was...

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Slaves Ch1

Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped.The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be.The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called.As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went...

2 years ago
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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Four

(See Part One for preamble.) Chapter Fifty Nine.It wasn’t bread and water for dinner, not that Rachel’s threat had really sounded very serious of course. Sebastian had provided a simple but nourishing meal of soup and a cold collation. The soup was a rich thick Scotch broth of mutton, diced vegetables and barley. If they had have been restricted to bread and water Jennifer wouldn’t have minded much because the freshly baked crusty bread, still warm from the oven,...

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Slaves Ch4

Chapter 4: Meet the QueenDimillah smiled at the terrified way the boy walked in between her and the other ladies. Naked and, though tall, standing shorter than they did in their high heels. Pulled by the leash around his neck, as slaves did in Mučenia. A lovely sight, with whip marks crisscrossing his smooth, shaved skin. Delicious, youthful complexion.He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him."You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the...

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Slaves of the Amethyst part twelve

“And just where the hell have you two been all afternoon?” Robin exploded. Robin had been working hard on his presentation when he became aware that Rebecca was noticeably absent. He’d gone looking for her without success. Daniel hadn’t been able to shed much light other than saying that they’d left the Hall. Now Robin and Danny intercepted Rebecca and Alice in the doorway of their private entrance back into the Hall.Rebecca looked at him sweetly “Fishing!”“You’re about to catch something!...

1 year ago
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Slaves Ch4

He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him. "You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the long hallway. "The Queen asked for the most beautiful of new boys." Of course he did not understand a word. She laughed, grabbing his firm ass cheek, giving it a slap. His beauty really was something else. Of course all slaves had to condone to certain standards of attractiveness (who, after all, wanted to rape or torture an ugly boy?) but there...

4 years ago
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Slaves For Selena

Slaves For SelenaEmily Osment stood to the side, off camera, watching her friend Miley Cyrus do a scene on the set of Hannah Montana."Hey sexy." Someone whispered in her ear. She turned and saw Selena Gomez standing there smiling."I told you not on set!" Emily blushed red and turned quickly to see if anyone heard her. They hadn't. Selena grabbed Emily's arm in a not too gentle grip and pulled her back farther from the crew. "Hey! That hurts!" Emily said. Selena let go of her arm and looked...

2 years ago
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Slaves Market TakenChapter 12

Claudia wiggles in her cage and the end of her chain swings. “She seems a bit skittish,” ‘One’ laughs. - On my farm, “Two” continues drunk, I have two slaves who were famous when they were free. Independent, superior sluts, who liked to kick men’s balls out of independence and provocation...” “on the farm I keep them naked all the time, they only wear high heel boots and big dildos in their ass and pussy. Claudia can’t believe her ears. “I take them out for five minutes a day to relieve...

1 year ago
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Slaves Desires

master Arik drove a little ways, slowed at a trail, and parked the car off the road. I watched him suspiciously from the corners of my eyes. “Severen, I want to kiss you, touch you, I was going to ease into this, but I must at least taste you.” I thought this was nice of him to let me know as he could have just done it. Then again I could always jump out of the car and run. I leaned over and tilted my head not initiating anything, but being open. I felt his hand grip my neck before I felt his...

3 years ago
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Slaves of the Amethyst Part One

(This and the following parts under the same name represent a block of chapters from my novel "The Slaves of the Amethyst" which I am posting here as a mini-series in the hope that Xhamster readers will enjoy them. Although there is a strong erotic theme throughout I feel obliged to warn readers that not all of the series is erotic in content for which I apologise. Also one of the chapters has been previously posted on here and I apologise for the repetition. There will be I think about fifteen...

2 years ago
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Fictional story about a wife who strays and is found out. Consequences follow. Or perhaps a husbands dream?.Valerie and Steve were married just over 2 years ago. Val was a stunner sex on legs so to speak and Steve knew this. Steve often thought about seeing another man or men fucking Val. Never white always black. At times Steve would lie on the bed get his cock out jerking to images in his mind, of his wife being black fucked. Black cocks in her, her pussy getting stretched! At times more than...

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Slaves Ch3

Their lovely young toy. Tightly in place and ready to be played with. His cock had also been prepared, standing fully erect with a wire around the base and around the balls, attached through a loop at the foot of the table to keep the thing pointing up. Oiled with Elixir. The foreskin pulled up like a wrapper on a gift, concealing the most vulnerable, sensitive part of his body. The dungeon air was chilly. The boy shivered in his binds. It could have been from cold and fear in equal measure....

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Slaves Ch3

Chapter 3: A Torture SessionSix women surrounded the torture table to which the boy was strapped. His arms stretched out above his head. His legs spread with straps around the ankles and upper thighs. Straps below the abs and below the pecs, around the neck and around the forehead. A gag fixed into the table.Their lovely young toy. Tightly in place and ready to be played with.His cock had also been prepared, standing fully erect with a wire around the base and around the balls, attached through...

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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Five

See Part One For Preamble. Chapter Sixty.Lady Mathom lingered over her coffee and read Rachel’s first report on her computer screen with amusement. Rachel had just E-mailed the report to her from the computer terminal in the cellars so it appeared that Jennifer was on for an early start. It was a little after five in the morning. Rachel was evidently taking her responsibilities seriously. The first indications were that Jennifer had much to learn. Well there were no...

2 years ago
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Slaves Of Locust StreetChapter 9

Thus the slaves of Locust Street were established, all trading one form of slavery for another. Damius had little choice but to allow them to use his house every Friday. He would spend the night at a hotel while the five masters took turns using his bedrooms and dungeon for their own amusements. Derek was now using Christine Matthews to entertain his friends. On his Friday he would invite some classmates both male and female and start off the evening by having them watch as he instructed his...

4 years ago
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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Three

(See Part One for preamble) Chapter Fifty Eight.“Oh Pixie! Pixie!” Jennifer was saying over and over again, safe at last in Rachel’s embrace. Rachel was just holding her and soothing her with gentle caresses.“Come on sweetheart let’s get you down from here.” Rachel relinquished her hold and walked over to the wall.“Don’t go away!” Jennifer cried in panic.“I’m going nowhere honey! Just releasing your chain.” There was a whirring noise and the tension in the chain...

1 year ago
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Slaves Ch2

But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In fact, looking back the last dozen or so years, Laedia could remember killing only one boy during rape (either suffocated him or choked him, she wasn't sure). That was pretty good, she thought. Torturing to death, of course, did not count, for such a thing was rarely unintentional. The boy was taken to a tall table with a platform in front of it. The...

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Slaves Ch2

Chapter 2: **** RoomThe ladies walked the boy into the **** room. Their eyes stayed on him every step of the way, drinking up his beauty. Laedia could tell from the two other women that they were as horny as she was. And the Goddess knew that she had such a burning between her legs that she could have ridden the lovely young thing to death within minutes.But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In...

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slaves first gangbang

This is not finished so keep that in mind. I did not finish school and english was my worst subject. I'm happy to hear any ideas about where to go next. This is my first story i have written, ever. if you dont like it i could care less.                                                Slaves first gangbang.Approaching the motel you look out at the neon sign slightly flickering. It just adds to the seediness of the place. Your nerves are making it feel as if there is butterflys trying to escape...

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 16

A farm on the edge of Mato Grosso A blood-curdling howl wakes Claudia with a start. She has no idea how long she was unconscious or how she got there. All she remembers is the appalling ordeal she experienced when she was in the crate, twisted and crushed by the cruel ties that gripped her during what seemed to last an eternity... The cry begins again and she hears voices, but she doesn’t understand what is being said. They seem distant and speak a language she does not...

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 23 Night falls on Mato Grosso

Claudia can only bend her knees. She does not know how long she has been waiting like this, tied up with her buttocks spread. Oscar tied her up in the exact same position as the magazine girl, as her boss ordered. This is the famous page fourteen pose, Jake’s favorite. Mysteriously, the dirty magazine has traveled with her from Nairobi to this remote part of the world. She’s hunched over at the end of a sordid bed frame in a cold room in Santa Lucia. She is dressed in a garter belt,...

1 year ago
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Slaves Of Xi Ling

*** Thanks to S.C. for the idea of setting a tale in those times and for calling Sax Romer to mind. Dear Reader! This is an extract from a document found in a second-hand bookshop in Tottenham Court Road, London. It lay inside an editor’s proof copy of Sax Romer’s unpublished novel, ‘The Whores Of Fu Manchu’. Take it as it stands, there is no way to prove that the events written here ever occurred as written. The style is, as one would expect, a little Edwardian or Victorian and the author is...

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Slaves First Double Penetration

I enter the living-room where you and Jack are sitting on the couch. Jask has very pale almost red skin compared to your deep chocolate color. And short blonde hair. He is not what I would call a good looking man but you had told me before I arrived that he was your closest friend and you wanted me to please both of you tonight. I sit close to you and you put your arm around me. After a little small talk you order me to the bathroom to undress. I come out and stand nude in front of you, hands...

2 years ago
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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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Slaves TriNations

Brandy worked her head backwards and forwards, her mouth stretched wide around the big dick in front of her. She looked up meekly at her master as she did so. He looked down at her impassively, giving her no clue as to whether or not he was pleased with her efforts at fellatio, and whether or not he was pleased mattered a great deal to Brandy.        The busty, curvaceous twenty year-old was tied securely on her knees. Her wrists were tied together behind her back, and her elbows were also...

1 year ago
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Slaves Tube! Looking for a free tube site with fetish and BDSM content where the girls are getting dominated and abused? ThePornDude thinks he's ticked all the boxes with this one.Slaves Tube has a bunch of free porn videos, and as soon as you load the site you'll notice how dark and sadistic some of these clips are. Blindfolds, Ball Gags, Nipple Clamps and more are here and you'll love the femdom movies, best of all they are free! On the homepage, there are a number of clips to choose from, in...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Slaves of Jabba the Hutt

Everything is black, slowly, you begin to wake up. It is still dark, there is little light, natural or otherwise. You realize you are on a cold, damp, stone floor. As you begin to get up, you realize that you are completely naked! You look around for something to cover up with, but there is nothing in the room. You look towards the light, and find a barred metal door. You try to open it, but it doesn't budge. As you look out, you see, at the end of the long hall, a sign. It's hard to make out...

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Slaves Ch6

Chapter 6: Glimpses of AbuseAdellah smiled. She felt truly blessed, admiring the beautiful naked boy tied spread-eagled to her bed. That she should lead a life where she could on a whim get one of these darlings to play with at any time! Whether bought from the slave market or snatched off the street, it did not make a difference to her.She got hot shivers just looking at the lovely young thing. His physique was so nicely developed. Most important, he had a really big cock.The cock laid erect...

4 years ago
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Slaves Ch6

She got hot shivers just looking at the lovely young thing. His physique was so nicely developed. Most important, he had a really big cock. The cock laid erect against his lean belly, glistening with Elixir. The rest of him was stiff as well, ropes around wrists and ankles attached to the bed posts, keeping him spread out wide. Youthful muscles taut with anxiety as his wary eyes on the grinning middle-aged woman in expensive clothing standing next to him. He was breathing arrestedly. Afraid....

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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Seven

(See part one for preamble to this series) Chapter Sixty Two.Daniel moved slowly down the riverbank toward the hidden pool parting the undergrowth as he went. He was clutching a fly rod. It was an expensive modern rod but not, he realised, as expensive as the old fashioned, hand crafted split cane rod that Robin was using further along the river. Daniel didn’t mind that. Robin’s rod was a museum piece better suited to hanging on the wall of a fishing den than...

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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Two

(See Part One for preamble.) Chapter Fifty Seven.Lady Mathom had been right. The afternoon’s tests had indeed been sterner. In fact Jennifer was coming to believe that this was quite possibly the worst afternoon in her life. Not that she had any way of determining exactly what time of day it was of course for she was blindfolded, cocooned in darkness, her wrists attached to overhead chains by the rings on her cuffs, above her head. Her back and buttocks were flaring...

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Slaves of the New SheriffChapter 2

They glanced at each other and then Jessica looked down at the floor and started to unbutton her shorts. I guess she has gotten more or less accustomed to being topless over the last hour or so while she was writing out her statement. Now, as she struggles with her shorts I can see the bright red flush spreading down from her face all the way down to her upper chest. I see her fingers shaking badly as she struggles with the fastening on her shorts. She finally managed to unbutton them and...

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Slaves of a Druglord

Told from the wife’s perspective. This is one of my longest stand alone tales. ***** I remember this starting with Tim and I scarcely believing our good luck. A five bedroom bungalow on a deserted coast along the Caribbean Sea in Panama, close to the Columbian border. The price was a steal since it was the off season. Tim used a portion of his advance for the novel he was working on to pay for part of it and I used some of the money my mother left me to cover the rest. Two months in the...

4 years ago
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Slaves of Sumeria Chapter 1

Anna sat on a cold wooden bench. The room was lacking in any interestingdetails. The room appeared to be a hollowed out part of the mountain she entered hours before. There were two doors breaking the monotany of the walls. One door on the side she entered and another on the opposite side of the room. Neither of the large wooden doors had handles one door was painted green and the other red. She shifted her weight in the chair as she waited for someone to come meet with her. She understood...

2 years ago
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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Six

*See part one for the preamble to this series) Chapter Sixty One.It was hot on the square in Mathom village that afternoon and Alice was grateful for the shade of the big parasols in the front beer garden of the Mathom Arms. She didn’t want to have to face Lady Mathom sweating like a factory girl after all. She looked radiantly pretty today in a white, yellow and blue floral print dress and a pair of new elegant blue shoes that were pinching her feet something rotten. A...

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Slaves of Sumeria Chapter 1

Anna sat on a cold wooden bench. The room was lacking in any interestingdetails. The room appeared to be a hollowed out part of the mountain she entered hours before. There were two doors breaking the monotany of the walls. One door on the side she entered and another on the opposite side of the room. Neither of the large wooden doors had handles one door was painted green and the other red. She shifted her weight in the chair as she waited for someone to come meet with her. She understood...

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 21

In a basement in the suburb of Tokyo The delivery was longer than usual. Difficulties with Japanese customs put the entire operation at risk. Yamamoto had to intervene in person with the highest authorities in the region. Fortunately, the White Corporation takes this kind of setback into account and the packaging methods keep the merchandise fresh. Now Jasmine is waiting for the Honorable Yamamoto. It’s only been a few hours since she woke up and she can’t remember anything since the...

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adult theater short storys

GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....

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Slaves of the Hutt

In his palace on Tattooine, the powerful gangster, Jabba the Hutt, has been informed that he will soon be receiving a new slave girl for his harem. His hope is that it will be Princess Leia Organa, former Senator from the recently destroyed planet Alderaan. He has seen her image many times on the Imperial HoloNet's coverage of the Senate, and was taken by her beauty. Soon, a slaver whom Jabba keeps on retainer arrives, holding a chain. A hooded and cloaked figure is at the other end of the...

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 8

Nairobi, White Co. building, Cave 10 MM is furious. This yankee bitch has humiliated his son, the heir to one of the greatest fortunes on the planet ... He must unleash the rage that devours him. The elevator stops on the tenth basement, a level that is not mentioned on the control panel and can only be reached with a special code. This is the central transit warehouse. This is where the merchandise is packed and distributed to customers or simply shipped to other Corporation centers. There...

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 9

Terror in the west of Nairobi. Claudia looks at him, panicked. Jake is sitting across from her with his legs spread. He’s so close that his obscenely swollen penis rubs her left knee. With one hand, he holds her leg by the ankle and with the other, he strokes her calf. Moments ago he took off her ruined shoes and she is now barefoot. His sweaty hands come and go, squeezing, pinching, lifting dust and scratching ... but never damaging the skin. Her slender leg is crisp and glows in the dim...

4 years ago
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Slaves Of Locust StreetChapter 8

Sabrina Radner was finishing some housework when the phone rang. It was Saturday morning and her husband Richard had gone into town to get some gasoline for the lawn mowers. Derek and Latonya had told her they were going to the mall so she thought she was alone. Unbeknown to her, however, Derek had misplaced his wallet and so the two were delayed while they searched for it in his room. When the phone rang Derek picked up at the precise instant as his mother who was downstairs. He started to...

1 year ago
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Slaves Request

A few weeks later I woke early to help my sisters fix breakfast. I rolled over to see master Arik staring at me. I blinked fast feeling my heart beat wildly at the surprise of seeing him awake. He slowly smiled as I sat up; the covers exposing my breasts and my nipples hardening in the cool air. He reached forward and gently rolled my nipples between his fingers. “Come here,” he said huskily. I scooted a bit closer and he motioned for me to straddle his prone body. I lifted up one caramel thigh...

Erotic Fiction
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Slaves Next Door

100% fiction! My name's Tanya and I live by myself in a condo by the beach. I'm an employment attorney and i do well for myself. I'd consider myself attractive: jet black hair, dark eyes, and a curvy but fit frame. However, I don't really date all that much. I find its a total waste of my time. I have a few relationships with men, but none were very satisfying. Really, what I wanted was a long-term female relationship I could dominate in. I never had one before, just a few encounters with some...


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