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She got home a bit late from shopping; the light on the answer machine was blinking. She put her packages down and pushed the red button. His voice came through the speaker. She smiled listening to his voice. “i see you are not home yet from your favorite pastime without me.” he said with a chuckle. “but, i want you to be ready by 8 tonight so you may have to hurry, it’s about 6:30 right now. Please dress to please, I will be entertaining tonight and you will be at my side, for whatever i choose.” she looked at her watch, damn it, it was it 7:15, shit, she would have to fly. The message ended with a buzz. She already had her shoes off and was shimmying out of her jeans. Heading to the bathroom, she turned the tub water on and checked her make-up in the mirror. Not bad, i can quickly repair it, she thought to herself. She stepped naked now, into the hot steaming bath. Quickly submersing herself in the hot water. Mmmmm she loved how it instantly relaxed her, calmed her. Reaching for her perfumed soap she rubbed the fragrant emulsion on her skin, checking as she did to see if she needed to shave. Her skin was silky smooth all over. She had shaved just this morning. Standing and reaching for her towel she blotted her damp skin. Her lotion in the same scent as her soap perfumed her whole body, followed with a quick spray of cologne. She would perfume herself before he arrived. She looked through her closet and drawers selecting just the perfect dress he wanted. She hooked her corset taking a deep breath for the last time tonight; shallow breathing for the rest of the evening. Her black and red corset left her breast bare, he preferred them this way for his use; she roughed the nipples adjusting the tiny silver rings through them with tiny “d”s hanging from them. Her owner’s markings. She quickly fixed her makeup, her lashes were long and black, a tiny bit of green liner reflected in her green eyes. A bit of highlighter for her cheekbones and a pale color on her lips tonight. Accentuating her eyes this time. She slipped on her black skirt. This skirt was slit both up the back and up the front, you had to look closely to see this but the openings were there for his use of her sex, both her pussy and ass at all times. She slipped on her shoes as the doorbell rang. She sprayed her perfume, a heady mix of vanilla and jasmine, all over her body. He was opening the door as she came out of the bedroom. The look on his face told her all she needed to know, he was pleased. He beckoned her to him with a flick of his hand. He kissed her deeply and pinched his nipple rings hard; she lost her breath in his; being in his arms kept her from kneeling or pulling away. He turned her around lifting her skirt, her skin still warm from the bath water; he could smell the richness of the perfume he had chosen for her on her damp skin. He led her to the couch without a word he bid her to lean over the back. She did so without question, she was his property.

He unclipped the cane from his belt, she heard the sound of it in the air as it caught her tender skin, and she bit her lip to keep from crying. He struck her several times until he was please with his work. Angry welts across her buttocks, some red some turning purple. He ran his finger over the welts tenderly touching this flesh, which was his. He pulled her too her feet kissing her again, reaching for her sex feeling the wetness gathering there. “almost perfect” he whispered. He took a step backwards and struck her across the tits with the cane, two times leaving her nipples marked with harsh red marks. Her breast were always tender, he gave her pills to make her produce milk, her tits were full tonight, he had not let her express the milk for 48 hours and they were full and leaking a bit. Her chest was heaving, her breast moving up and down, with each breath. He told her to get her jacket so they could leave. In the car, she removed her jacket, sitting there in the darkened car with her breast bare. She was not uncomfortable this way he loved displaying her, having done so on many other occasions. Any auto taller than his could see her clearly, her skirt parted, her creamy legs open, even in the dusky evening men stared. If he saw them he would reach between her legs and stroke her till they pulled off, he would laugh at this, and loved the affect. They reached the club where he would be entertaining. He often rented the back hall here for business. The owners were cooperative and quiet. Closing the hall off from the rest of the building leaving the key with him. As they approached the door she could hear voices; some of his friends were already inside. The evening would begin soon. She shivered. He removed her jacket and his topcoat handing them to the doorman without even looking. She looked around the room quickly without looking into anyone’s eyes. This was strictly forbidden. Only a few men, and no women, she seemed to be the only slave. They visited with the friends and visitors. He knew most of the men, but one or two were friends of friends. She had seen several of his friends before. The ones who knew her stroked her breast lightly or the bolder ones reached between her legs, these men had used her before with her owners permission and blessing. Tonight there were several large black men whom she had never seen before; they made her shiver inside her skin. She knew how her owner felt about them, he enjoyed her being used harshly by black men, he would torment her later about it making her beg for him to fuck her again, telling her what a slut and whore she was, to these men. Sometimes he would make her sleep on the floor with a leash and collar on calling her a bitch in heat.

Her master took her to meet the black men. The largest one looked at her breasts smiling, noticing the milk droplets, he asked her master if he was allowed to touch. Her master nodded. He ran his fingers along the swells of her breast and around the nipples noticing the rings. He looked at her master, “she accepted these”, master smiled with pride. “yes, she is my property.” with that master pulled her skirt open, her legs slightly parted so he could see the slave ring attached to her, the man smiled boldly. Reaching between her legs touching the slave ring and stroking her shaven sex. He asked her master if he could be the first that evening, master nodded his approval. With her master watching the man roughly grabbed her by the sex pulling her and pawing her. He jammed 3 fingers in her pussy, she cried out. She looked at her master lowering her eyes quickly. The man called to his friends as the other gathered to watch; the evening had begun. She was forced to the couch; it was a bit higher than one you would find in your living room her master had it made for viewing. One of the black men removed her skirt, seeing the welts on her ass. He remarked she needed more than welts at her asshole. Her master was answering, she didn’t believe his words. “she is for any use tonight, i have been too easy on her, i want to see her humbled and subjugated tonight with as much force as you dare.” the coldness of his voice scared her, penetrating her soul. Surely he did not mean this, he could not. Her legs were quickly pulled wide open. A large black man on either side of her holding her legs open with one hand and pinching her nipples with the other. Her pussy was opened; the first black man had a pair of clamps in his hand. He clamped her lips open she could feel the skin tearing. Now nothing would stop whatever they wanted of her. Her head was pulled back by another visitor and a collar placed around her neck. The d ring fastened behind her, she could not move and could not close her mouth. The black man in front of her was holding a huge dildo and rubbing some type of cream on it, he shoved it in her open sex pushing it hard, forcing her body back into the pillows of the couch. He continued stroking it inside her roughly, the barbs on the dildo scraping her insides. Suddenly she knew what he had coated the dildo with, the burning inside her was intense and painful, she struggled to close her legs and stop him, but she was being held tightly open by two strong men. One of the men holding her was sucking the milk from her tits biting her nipple and pulling her ring with his teeth, she couldn’t move her head or see because her neck was bent back awkwardly, and tethered down. The man on her left had been sucking her also but he stopped asking someone in the room to hand him something. She felt the pain; a guttural cry escaped her throat. He was pushing a needle through her nipple, then another; her body was covered in a fine mist of perspiration. Her master approached the men holding his slave. He looked at her warmly. He loved her being used like this, it aroused him, later he would show her how much it aroused him. But for now, he wanted her to be moved to his fucking bench, one of his friends wanted to use her hot mouth and in her present position he could not.

“gentlemen”, his voice commanding respect, “please, you can continue your pleasures after we move the slut to the bench. You will be able to make use of all of her openings giving you better access to her willingness to please.” the man fucking her stopped and grunted. The others were already lifting her, unclasping her neck; moving her to the table which had been prepared for her. She was strapped face down on a padded table her hips and buttock raised slightly, her chin rested on a padded holder. Her mouth fitted with an o-ring, one of the men wanted a different type of gag but her owner interceded and the o-ring was used, for two purposes. The first not to block off her air and the second so his friend could use her mouth. Her legs and torso strapped tightly, her legs parted her sex and ass gapping open. One man was already fingering her ass and running his gloved hand over her welts. Her mouth was at once put to use; she was sucking and gagging as the cock went in and out of her mouth, first one man then another until she lost track. Several men urinated in her mouth and on her body telling her what a whore she was, how unworthy of her owner. Her ass was being used as her mouth; one large cock after another. The men were taking a break, using her for a table, sitting their cups and dishes on her as if she did not exist. One man sipped his tea as he fingered her ass mindlessly. From somewhere another slave appeared to wash her body of fluids. Her mouth was rinsed all her openings cleaned. As the slaved bent to wipe her cheeks she whispered to her how she wanted to be like her but would never have the courage. When she finished she was chained to the far wall; slave could hear her being dragged away. Someone grabbed slaves hair pulling her head back, arching her neck, forcing her mouth up and open. The huge black man relived himself in her mouth. Telling everyone in the room how much he had wanted to do that to all white women. He was the most harsh on her, he suctioned her tits taking the milk from her, he told her master she should be bred and forced to produce slaves, generation after generation. Girls bred for nothing but sex with their master, slaves of slaves. Her master just nodded. This man made an offer to buy her from him but he declined. This did not reduce his punishment of her. He opened her ass with a speculum so wide she was in agony, finally her master asked him to stop saying he wanted to enjoy her ass tightly for some time to come. The black man understood, but continued to rape her ass with his cock and fingers for sometime. He used her cunt more than the other too, telling her master again and again his seed was potent and she needed to be bred. This statement made her shiver inside. She was used harshly like this by all the men in the room over and over, her master used her also; her mouth became his urinal telling her what a whore she was every time he used her mouth, and what a lowly slut she was, once after another man had used her mouth he told her he might sell her after all, she was a common whore now, maybe even bred with a slave child. Her mind raced, he could not, would not. He told her she would never refuse him anything again or he would sell her to the black men, to be their breeding cow. Her mind went crazy, she had never denied him anything she did all he wanted, she knew she always pleased him, what did he mean?

After each round a young slave was brought out to clean her giving her a sip of liquid. From the warm sensation she knew her master had put something in the drink to make sure her mind and body were wanting and needing to be fucked and whored. The slave girl rubbed warm oil on her welts and pushed her hair back from her forehead. The slave girl kissed her on the face. The men stopped to watch. The slave’s owner was giving her directions. Her fingers were in slaves’ mouth and down her chin. She kneeled and sucked hungrily at slaves’ tits nursing like the men had been earlier. Slaves owner told the new slave what he wanted for them. The girl brought a small stool and stood on it pushing her pussy into slaves o-ring, when slave didn’t use her tongue someone whipped her back hard with a barbed crop. Another slave forced a dildo in to her ass, the men watching and directing. Slave tongued the other slave licking and sucking at her clit like it was a cock; she hated the salty taste but became lost in making the slave cum without permission. Knowing she would be punished hard for cumming without permission. The slaves’ body rocked and she steady herself on slaves back pushing her hips forward harder and moaning loudly. Till some unknown hands pulled her away. Another slave was raping slaves ass again with a strap on fucking and fucking as the men cheered and cheered. Both women were moaning with pleasure and the men cheered them to the end. Slave was sure she would be untied and lead away now, but she was not. Her body ached and every opening in her body was sore and burning. Her tits ached. She was bruised and marked. Her mind was barely functioning, she was numb. Her owner came to her mouth, lifted her head and poured more drink down her throat; it burned, as the flesh in her mouth was torn. He whispered in her ear, i have more for you my slut, my whore, my property. You are nothing but a cunt and ass and mouth. You will always be fucked like this from now on, he used the cane on her back again. Yes, tied to our bed and fucked daily by whom ever i choose for you. For as long as i desire it. Old or young, man or women or animal you have surrendered all today to me. I love hurting you seeing you in pain and seeing lust in your eye for any cock or cunt. To suck or fuck to please me. Slave could feel the potion working, in spite of being sore she needed to be fucked, she needed to suck, what had he used on her. She wanted a cock she wanted to be fucked, her body burning from the inside out with lust. Master ran his finger down her back, he laughed, mmmmmm my whore is in heat, yes, she wants a cock, and how many does she want, does she need. He put his fingers at her sex, grazing it lightly slave was going mad. The men were all laughing at her desires. They were telling master what a wonderful whore he owned and how he treated her as she needed. The largest of the black men, the one who put the needles in her nipple came forward. She could hear them whispering. He was putting two fingers in her cunt, then three fucking her just enough to make her grind her hips against his hand. Slave had never been on fire like this before; master had never pushed her this far, she wanted more, more cocks. What did he give her, would he really do this to her forever. She wanted it right now, yes she wanted a cock. Master motioned to another slave girl to push her cunt into slaves’ mouth; master had removed the o-ring so he could make her really please this female slave. Slave could hear the other slaves they were now being used as well, they had been kept in the dark before but were now being whipped and beaten. She heard the suction machine come on and a slave cry out she had no milk. A voice told her she would have soon, or be whipped all night.

Slave was pushing her sex against the mans hand, when he stopped, she moaned, her master patted her head telling she would have several special cocks all she wanted all night. She heard furniture being moved about and she could still her the other slaves being used. Master slapped her for stopping sucking the cunt in front of her. She lapped at the cunt and sucked the clit, her masters face watching, smiling. Nasty whore, he whispered in her ear. This is the last degrading for you; you will crawl for me always after tonight he said harshly to her. You always remember i degraded you to just a cunt. Slave felt hot breathing, panting. Her struggle was fierce but pointless, she was tied too tightly. Hands holding her ass cheeks apart, her cunt forced up and then pain tearing through her as the dog entered her cunt, pounding and pounding until she was on fire with lust, lust for any cock, anything’s cock any kind of cock. She screamed out as the animal knotted and release it’s cum inside her. The men brought another and another each dog bigger than the one before fucking her harder making her their bitch. She forgets she is human, she is cunt, she wants cock any cock to please her master. Again, she was washed and cleaned. This time the slave said nothing; she was just a fuck hole for anything. Her master was telling the men the evening had been a success and was almost over. He had one more surprise for his whore, his slut, and his cunt. Again the black man offered a price for her, he really wanted to breed more white slaves from her cunt. Raise them in a place where they could use them as young as the wanted to for pleasure slaves. He could talk openly of this here, where they were all alike. Some other agreed that master should take her to such a place, to breed cunts, places for men to take their pleasure any way they chose. No rules for whores, sluts, cunts. Again, master nodded, smiling. The room grew dark, slave blinked several times to adjust to the darkness, a light was on behind her but she could not turn her head to see. Her master gagged her, promising only a short time, and tied her neck tightly to the table. He check each of her bindings, tightening them each one. Slave smelled the burning metal, she could not move or scream. The men burst into applause. The pain made her black out, when she awakened; she was home, lying on cool cotton sheets. How long had she been asleep, did she dream what happened to her? She moved a little, and felt the pain on her buttock. She moved her hand and felt the bandage. She groaned. .. Her master looked up from his book. Hello my were wonderful last night. And last night was only the beginning. You are my cunt, my whore. I may breed you and make myself rich. Slaves from your cunt will sell for a lot and your milk is pure and priceless to some who tasted it last night. Yes, i branded you, you are truly mine. Sleep now my whore; i will beat you later for what you did for me last night.

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An asshole and the german fuckslut

This is a requested story, Janin Wanted to know what I would do if we ever meet.I had been going to the broken down shabby old restaurant for a couple of days in a row now, it was perfect for what I wanted to do, never any people between four and five except for me and the brown haired waitress that always tried to get may attention when I was there.I had indulged in some causal flirting so far, stringing her along to give me a free beer with my early...

4 years ago
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Sharing My Fuckslut

It was a cold, breezy January night, and we exchanged flirty smiles as we walked into the bar, looking forward to meeting our tall strong stranger. Her beautiful painted eyes were sparkling with anticipation and lust. I could feel my cock stiffen against the denim of my jeans as we searched the room for the man who had come to meet us. "There," I whispered into her ear. She looked deep into my eyes and grabbed my hand and she led me through the crowd to the small table in the corner where our...

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Vicki decent gang fuckmeat

I’m in my 50s and lead a loose group of guys who meet now and again to use mature sluts. Vicki was recommended to me by a friend of a friend who had gangfucked her a few times and I was impressed with photos and a video of her being used . Mid 40s sexy curly bonde hair, quite attractive, slim but with decent tits and a dirty smiles. Anyway, I emailed her, mentioning who had suggested her, and she got back to me a week or so later. I told her that we are all doms and quite brutal at times but...

2 years ago
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Sat Afternoon Fuckfest

It was a hot Saturday afternoon. I had just comeback from running a few errands, and was laying back on the bed for a rest. I had the fan going as the air conditioner wasn’t getting the cool air around the house. Andrea comes up after putting a movie on for the k**s. She’s all hot and bothered. I’m wearing my shorts and am OK, but she’s wearing her jeans and a white top. She rushes in and goes to the bathroom, takes off her top and pants to reveal a sheer white DD Bra and dark green hip hugging...

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The Towns Annual Fuckfest

Dinner was served, before Mayor Goode got up to talk. He welcomed all the new-comers and told us that we are seated amongst two couples from town who know the way of the evening. Mayor Goode then walked around chatting with all of us newbies. Sandy and George talked with Bill and Annie, who are also new. The other couple from town were off setting up the screen and computer. A waiter came around and brought 4 cans of whipped cream, chocolate syrup and lube; along with marichino cherries,...

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Friday Night Fan FuckFest

Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Fan Fuckfest

Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...

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Daddys New Fucktoy

The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her hairbush like an animal. The handle was coated with her sweet pussy juice. She reached between her legs and rubbed herself for a minute, getting her hand coated in her cum before...

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Daddys New Fucktoy

Introduction: Lily gets a fucked from her daddy Oh…oh…mmm…fuck me, oh, yes! Lily moaned, imaginging she was the pornstar in the video getting her pussy reamed by the thick cock. The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her...

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Cockdaddy and Fucktoy

He was on his way to come see me, he had certain commands that I knew I needed to follow. I had to be on my knees on the floor, my mouth open and tongue out ready and waiting for him. My tits were to be exposed and I was to be naked or dressed in a sexy outfit for him. I was ready, waiting, getting more excited and wet as each second passed. My body was aching for his touch. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as his car pulled into the driveway. I stirred in my spot on the floor, trying to...

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Riverbank Tranny Fucktoy

Hello to all of you that read my first true story about outdoor sex. This is another account of a meeting I had in the middle of a city near a river. It was late one summers evening when I met up with this sexy young Portugese stud I had been messaging on a gay dogging site. I had been chatting to Fillipe for a couple of hours, and we were both getting hornier and hornier with each new message that we sent. It was me that asked if he would like to meet that night, and he of course said yes....

1 year ago
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Sadists Fire Canto Two and Three Sadists Fucktoy

Ezra The way our thing started has never sat well with me when I try to tell the story, to myself or to others. How would I say it? At first, I was irritated because there had been obvious possession in Morgan’s touch when he introduced her to me and I knew he and Trish were looking to bring another into their relationship. They were two married Doms who wanted a submissive third to have together and the little dark haired girl, with a barcode and the word N9ne tattooed on her back, was...

1 year ago
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Caroline was cumming again. It seemed as though she could feel every inch of her body all at once. Every bead of sweat running down her ever improving body, the pull of her hairband tight around her straight brown hair, her tits bouncing almost violently with the motion of her body. Caroline could feel it all as she looked behind her at her son Clayton, 22 years her junior and barely able to keep up with her. As her orgasm passed Caroline couldn't help but think of how much she loved their time...

2 years ago
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Fair Trade Man Is Forced To Watch His Wife Fucke

Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...

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Part Two Her husband pissed her off so she fucke

Cristy our receptionist was on all fours in the supply closet, getting revenge against her cheating husband by taking my cock in her pussy and letting two other guys switch off in her mouth.She had just told us she wouldn't do it in the butt when our boss, Anne, walked in on us, smirked at my co-workers' dicks, looked greedily at mine, and stripped off her dress, revealing a strapless bra and knee-high boots. She was about 5'8", with reddish brown hair styled short, an aerobicized ass and pubic...

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A Goth Girl and the Three Wise Fuckers

My name is Bry and I work as a receptionist in a large corporation. I am outgoing in my personality, but it wasn't always the way. I had a pretty rough time of it in high school. I was a bit short and chubby and certainly not one of the 'cool k**s', and was constantly teased. I was very nerdy in my bland prescription glasses. The girls were always worse than the boys with their insidious taunts. My big breasts made sport uncomfortable, but I soon learnt that they had significant advantages in...

2 years ago
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more motherfucking

I am looking for a direction from readers who enjoy the stories from my twisted mind. I need your feedback and opinion on what makes you hot. All involve American Families who's genitals are given offers they can't refuse A quickie short involving a hard up 40 year old man and what happens after moving back home with dear ol' mom. He left his wife of 10 years over a year ago and has not felt a warm pussy in over 3 years. But tonight Mom is celebrating her 60th birthday and is returning home...

1 year ago
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Im Now a Blackcock Gangbang Fuckpig

I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby’ Have been marred for many years with not that much exciting happening along the way as it were! I thought our sex life was ok but that it & me thinking his Cock was an ok size of around 5 inch’s & sex lasting around 5mins being the norm’ The only excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I am...

4 years ago
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Laura the CHYOA fucktoy

What you are about to participate in is very real. "Laura" is a real person, her roommates have turned her into their private little fuck toy and they wish to share her. I figured that there could be no better way to do this than to turn her into a fucktoy for all of CHYOA. What you write and add will be sent to her and her roommates as tasks, goals, and fantasies to fulfill. They will, to the best of their abilities, use their former disciplinarian roommate in every way we see fit. I invite...

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Create a fucktoy

Welcome to FT.Inc. We are happy you have chosen us to fulfill your Fucktoy desires.......etc. As you scroll down trough the lists of terms and conditions you spot the odd word like "the" or "in", but you pay little attention. you press "I Agree" at the bottom of the page and you're soon filling in your name, Joe Gill, address and other such details. Now on to the interesting stuff. It looks like you're going to spend awhile filling in preferences. First off is

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Melissa the hypnotic fucktoy

Melissa Scott had returned to her New York hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Teen Pregnancy foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did occasionally take its toll on her, with the constant public appearances, television interviews, and photo shoots the foundation asked of her, along with her work with other charities, not to mention her professional obligations to a multitude of studio projects. Melissa was...

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New life as a bimbo fucktoy

I was ten days past my high school graduation when I got my acceptance letter back. It read: Congratulations Matt, You are hereby accepted to the government funded bimbo slutwife program. This is a special program for those wishing to serve the needs of their daddy and forgo the working life. As the sponsor of this program, we will provide whatever hormone program you decide to engage in, if any, though we strongly recommend as a male that you chose this path as it will make you more enticing...

1 year ago
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CollegeSexDiaries 01 Zeldas First Fuckover

The following is a TRUE STORY about an amazing college fling I had — I recently helped a lovely young woman, Zelda, discover her sexual maturity: i.e., lose her virginity. Other than the names have been changed and the exact locations disguised — everything described herein is true and correct and happened the summer of 2015 in western Massachusetts. ZELDA AT AMHERST I think the term, “losing one’s virginity” is a bit old fashioned and has negative connotations of very traditional gender...

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Snow White and The Seven Chapter One The Fuckening

The queen looked into the magic mirror smiling at the deep dark eyes staring back at her, glistening in the rooms light. "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the sluttiest slut of all?" The man in the mirror hesitated for a moment before answering, the queen held that sway over many people. "Y-your highness, if truth be told, it is Snow, even now she is participating in activities that far surpass your own slutty abilities!" The queen was in a rage, her blood boiling, "WHERE IS SHE!?!...

2 years ago
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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 1 The Mindfuck

The afterlife is a dark void of nothingness. I thought to myself. Maybe death is just you existing after you died and not being able to move or see or speak. Fuck what if someone cuts me open and takes out all my organs to see how I kicked the bucket? Does the pain go away, what if my body gets burnt to ash and I feel it for the rest of forever? “Oh good, you're awake, I was getting bored waiting for you to finish napping.” The warm honey of the girl in the red dress voice filled the...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 6 Football or I should say Fuckball

Once again I awoke after a night of being a total slut. Lisa lay facing me in the king sized bed we had now shared for two nights. She was so young, beautiful and so far from innocent! I began stroking her beautiful silky auburn hair. Making a soft mewing noise she cuddled up closer to me. I slowly began kissing her face starting at her forehead and then her eyes and on to her soft lips. Rubbing her firm back, she wriggled and her eyes fluttered and opened, revealing those emerald green...

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Charity Graduates 1 Fatherfucker

Enough of the wit, you want more of my memoirs. Here goes The 12th grade had finally arrived. The big year. The make or break year. The big one -two. Alright enough with the drama. This was my graduating year, so I had to make it a good one; but it was already a crazy busy one I had discovered within the first week. I was working at the Love Hut Lingerie Store Tuesday through Thursday nights and then working as coat check girl at the Zebra Club. Plus , to no one’s surprise I was...

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" not much honey just checkin you out." as he smiled back he replied,"oh thats right youre a biter. I like that!" She laughed a bit and pulled him on the bed with her "yea I'm a biter but you love it! Want to come curl up with me?" she said with a twinkle in her eye. "yea, let's cuddle babe." he said opening his arms to her. "Mmm." he smiled slyly as he already knew what was gonna happen next. She curled into his arms facing him. She kissed his neck, then traced down his chest...

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My cute sister sucking a cock and getting fucketd

We're in high school, she's one and a half year younger than me. She's a kind of quiet girl, you wouldn't expect anything dirty from her, I do always realized that she was beautiful and realized when she was developing a nice ass and nice legs but never thought anything sexual of her. Always saw her naked or in underware like most families do, no big deal. One day, one of her best girl friends told me that she was planning to fuck later that week, it got me totally inadvertent, it was...

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Alex Rider Bumfucker

…That was until he met Justin Desmond. It was strange, really, the way Alex thought of Justin. He would find himself sometimes staring at Justin during class (he had most of the same classes with him). Alex had to admit he was attractive, with raven-black hair that flowed from his head in a sort of messy way. They shared the same athletic build and he had noticed that they seemed to be the same height as each other. Alex knew he was an attractive young lad, and he also knew that girls wanted...

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A French FuckRoulette

“A Pair of sixes.” “Three sevens.” “Full House. Queens over threes. Pay up, Andrea.” Agonizingly slow. Still, closer and closer. Both had lost (first their left, then their right) spike heeled sandals. Their deliberate card playing and movements made those losses seem like hours ago. Nevertheless, the sight of their shapely legs, lovingly caressed by their ultra sheer hose, anchored my attention. Their petite feet were expertly pedicured. Their fingers...

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My cute sister sucking a cock and getting fucketd

Introduction: I cant believe that my little sister was a cock worshiper My sister and I have been very close since we were kids, and Im kinda close to her best friends too and know some of her schoolmates, etc. Were in high school, shes one and a half year younger than me. Shes a kind of quiet girl, you wouldnt expect anything dirty from her, I do always realized that she was beautiful and realized when she was developing a nice ass and nice legs but never thought anything sexual of her....

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My first fuckfriend

It was back in college when it all started. I was having a hard time having a girlfriend back then and all my friends were telling me about how they’ve fucked already. She was 2 years younger, I’ll call her ‘A’, and lived in another city, 2 hours drive. We started talking on the internet, we liked eatch-other, and started dating. At first I went to visit her, but than she came and visited me in my city. We were starting to live a nice love story, talking for hours at a time, but we didn’t get...

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