The Price of Innocence
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I have been amazed by the stuff that I have been reading on this site. While some of it appears to be cooked up, i for one have had one such experience which i would like to share. I am 41 yrs old now married bachelor staying in Dubai. I work for a multinational organization and fairly successfully in life. I do moderate workout in the gym and keep my head shaved which ensures a better groomed look… I’m reasonable elegant to look at. Anyway, more on my experience. I had 3 friends with whom i was quite close. Four of us had just finished college and were awaiting results. We guys used to meet at one of the friends place to try and guzzle down some beer, of course without the parents knowledge as drinking was a major taboo in our families. Sunil, one of the friends used to stay in a posh house. They were quite moneyed and his parents used to take an annual holiday by themselves every year. My friend had one sister who was about 3 years younger to us. Strictly by the ‘code’ of friendship we never cast an eye on his sister. This particular year, we all realized that we have just finished graduation and may be moving away for further studies so we decided to have a great time one weekend. Plan was quite simple given the limited money that we had, we picked up 10 bottles of beer and some food. We told our respective parents that we will meet in my friends place and watch a move and do a night out. I was picked by anil who had a scooter and we picked up the booze and landed at sunil’s house at about 7.30 in the evening. The others arranged for the food. We immdtly moved to the 1st floor and set up our drinking secession. His sister was to sleep in the bedroom on the ground floor and the parents had left a trusted female servant to chaperone her. Her name was sushila. She was a full time maid at their house and also slept on the ground floor. As we were running up and down organizing plates, glasses..etc, anil was standing in the house by the front window and looking out into the garden. Sushila was also standing by the window. The house was quite big with a huge garden and about 5 bedrooms in total. A light drizzle started. Anil joked with sushila, “my poor scooter is standing out alone in the drizzle and must be feeling very cold”. There was a pause after which sushila looked at anil and gave a grin. She told him “why don’t you put your tool into the scooter and warm it up…!!!! All this happened in the ground floor and the other three of us were totally unaware of this. Anil was too shocked to react and he came up running. We started our secession and the usual gossip started. Well into the night at about 12.30 when we were all quite high (we were new to drinking and half a bottle of beer would make us high) anil narrated what had happened. There was a shocked silence but nobody had the guts to go down and speak to sushila. In this group of 4 friends anil and sunil were the quieter lot. The 3rd friend, kishore was quite aggressive and the biggest built among us. For some reason we both immediately looked at each other as soon as anil had finished his story. Much later we did go down to see sushila, but she was fast asleep beside the sofa with the tv still on. We just switched off the tv and returned to 1st floor, again me and kishore exchanging glances.
Sushila was about 5 feet, slim built, she had an air of vampishness which was appealing. She used to dress up quite well and carry herself very well. We got up the next day back to our homes and our daily lives. One week later, i called kishore and told him we need to meet out without the other two friends. He started laughing and said, “i know what you want to talk about, but i have already done it…!” I was shocked we were all virgins and at best had watched a blue movie or two. We used to belong to the middle class where morals unfortunately were very strong, no girlfriends, no coming home late after 7.30..etc. Any way we met next day. He had the most amazing story to narrate. Kishore had the advantage of living very close to sunil’s house. When sunil and his sister used to go out they would lock the front door and take the key. Sushila if any emergency could open the back door and get out through the garage. None of us knew this. Kishore once saw the brother and sister going out. He immdtly rushed to their house and rang the bell. Sushila came to the window and told him that no one is at home and the door is locked. Kishore started joking with her saying “no problem, my bike was feeling cold and i was hoping you would be able to keep it warm”. At this she started laughing and said “so anil told you what we discussed that night”. Some idle banter with innuendoes started. The door and the window are not visible from the road as there was a largish garden and good hedge grown over the compound. As they were talking kishore put his hands through the grill and placed it on her breasts. Sushila was stunned for a second and stepped back out of reach, then she laughed “thank god the door is locked otherwise imagine what you would have tried to do to me”. While she said this she moved back closer to the window. Kishore whose hands were still in the grill again pressed her breast. Instead of pushing his hands and moving away she started acting coy and was brushing his hands off. He continued to knead her now with both his hands. Sushila started panting, she pushed her saree pullo aside and loosned her bra. She did not remove her blouse. Effectively kishore could slip his hands into the blouse and pinch her nipples and knead her breasts. This continued for about 10 minutes, nothing more happened as the window grill prevented any further movement. So kishore had to leave. This same thing occurred the next consecutive two days where she would press her self to the window and allow him to feel her breasts though she did not actually show him her breasts. On day 4 when he tried to do this she refused point blank. Khishore asked why, she replied, “you do all this and go away i am left here for the rest of the day with nothing to satisfy me and remaining hot through out the day”. He told her, i can do everything you want but the door is locked, sushila must have been about 35 in those days and we were between 18 and 19 yrs of age. She smiled and asked him are you sure, you are just a kid not a man. To which kishore replied just give me a chance and i will show you. She gave him a smile and told him i am going for a bath now come back in one hour. Kishore was promptly back in one hour. Sunil and his sister in whose house all this was taking place used to go out for niit classes, french course..etc and normally would be out of the house for 4 to 5 hours. This time sushila asked him to open the garage door and asked him to come in. Kishore rushed in. After locking the door behind, she took him to the bedroom on first floor. She told him we do not have much time, and quickly stripped. She literally dragged him on to herself and made him penetrate her almost immdtly. In a quick half an hour secession they made it twice after which she pushed him out of the house. The tiger had now tasted blood…! Kishore managed to do this the next day again, however since this time they started early, they had almost the entire 5 hours to themselves. The day after this was when kishore and i met. I was in a shock. The thought of seeing a woman naked was stunning to me. What he had achieved was breathtaking. I was too stunned to talk. Kishore used to like me, more like a younger brother. He asked me do you also what it? No answer was required. He told me various things that they had done and what they talked after their lovemaking. What came out clearly was that sushila like me a lot. I used to be fairest of the lot, pleasing to look at, soft spoken and a little shy. During the course of their conversation, sushila told kishore that she would love to take the virginity of a cute boy like me. I guess every one has their own fantasies and she wanted to show herself to me. What more could i ask for. In the mean while two weeks had passed by. Sunil and his sister also went to join their parents in ahmedabad. Kishore was a trusted person by the family, so house keys left with him. It is sometimes hard to believe that every thing aligned itself so well guess it was ‘kismet’. Kishore went back and told her that i also like her and we were to meet in the same house the next day.
As it was holidays for us and nothing much to do, my parents of course did not know that sunil was out of station. I told them that i am visiting sunil. I landed there at 10.00 am. Parked my bike and walked into the house. She was there wearing a great sari with jasmine in her hair. She clearly had done herself up for this occasion. As soon as i waked in she shut the door and we sat down on the sofa. Normally she never sits on the sofa. I was too scared to make any move. She looked at my face which i am sure was red and started laughing. She asked me “why are you nervous?” She sat beside me and took my hands and placed it on her breast. I gave it a gentle press and then intended to do the same with the other breast, however i found something hard and immdtly pulled back my hand. She laughed again. In south india women sometimes keep their small purse with their money in their blouse as it remains safe from pickpockets. She put her had in and pulled out her purse and said “you can now hold it and it will not bite”. This time with lots more courage i used both my hands to press her breasts. She took my hands and started to lead me to the first floor. When i look back now, she must have enjoyed herself thoroughly playing with a virgin almost 15 years younger. She lay down on the bed and asked me what i wanted. She liked to hear what i wanted. I was desperate to see her breasts and i just pointed with my fingers. As she lay down on the bed she opened her blouse and bra. She was lying down and did not take it off completely, just opened it. She beckoned me with a finger, when i moved closed to her and kneeled down on the bed, she pulled my head and thrust her nipple into my mouth. I was a little surprised, her breast were of moderate size but were not anything like what i had seen in the blue movies. They appeared to sag and were flat as she was lying down, as i sucked her breast she asked me to bite it gently. She refused to let me take my mouth off for about 4 to 5 minutes and then made me do the same with her other breast. As i took my mouth off, she asked what i wanted next, i was quite blank. She pointed towards her waist and asked “do you want to see it?” All i could do was just nod. Again in one sweeping motion, as she was lying down, she lifted her sari and her petticoat. She was wearing no panties. She kept her legs closed. She made me move closed and again asked me do you want to see more, again the same reaction from me. She opened her legs as far as they could stretch and told me see all you want. I looked at her face for a second and could see her pleasure in my boyish glee and intrigue apparent on my face. She placed a palm and covered herself and asked me to repeat that i wanted to see it all. She slowly opened her palm and allowed me to see it for the first time in my life. I had waited for years to see this. She did not have too much hair, she opened her lips with her fingers watching my face closely. Then she took my hand and put it on herself. I did what i had always dreamt of doing. I had no clue where the clit was or where the gspot was. I plunged the middle finger in and was surprised by the wetness. She sighed a little and asked me not to be rough and it is a very sensitive part for a women. I examined her and occasionally kissed her belly button as i had my finger in her. All my life i had dreamt of sucking this, but i could not get myself to do the same as i had not anticipated so much of wetness. I played around for about 10 minutes during which time she continued to pant. She then pulled off my belt and trousers. I took off my tee shirt. I was obviously stiff. She giggled, took hold of me and pulled me over herself. I could not hit the mark and also had one of my legs folded. She pushed my legs to straighten it out and that again took hold of me in her hands and directed it into herself. She pulled my waist in and at the same time making a tiny upward movement with her waist to ensure complete penetration. I just looked up and noted in the mirror the two complexions of the skins. My skin was fair and she at best was brown. Both the bodies were stuck together. My concept of ‘love making’ was not exactly the way this was turned out. I kissed her on the mouth and put my tongue in. She was surprised by that but immediately responded by sucking my tongue. All this while i was in her. She then made me move very gently. She refused to let me rush or remove it out completely. As i started moving, it was a funny feeling, i was too confused to enjoy it completely, however i liked the wet warm feeling and the gentle friction down there. It felt great to feel her body under me. This was the first time my entire body was in contact with another naked body. There was warmth across as i lay over her and in a way being inside her make me feel very secure and protected for some reason. My first time, i came very soon. I tried to pull out, but she quickly had her legs around my waist and held me back saying ‘i have had the family planning operations so no problem’. As i came in her my body went rigid as i emptied into her. She continued to hold me tight through the after spasm of the orgasm. When the feeling seemed to be complete, i again tried to get up. She continued to hold me down saying don’t take it out. You are still very young just let it remain there. I was on top of her, she again took my hands to her breast. At the same time she pinched my nipples occasionally giving me pecks on my cheek and lips. She kept asking me did you like it how did the first time feel. Do you like me? Do you like my breasts..etc soon with all this i was hard and i had not even moved out of her. As i started to grow again she felt it and said “see, i told you your younger brother is up again”. She again made me move. This time obviously lasted longer. I think she must have come during the second time. After holding me stiff for some time she gave a long sigh and kind off went limp. I was too inexperienced to know or identify the female orgasm. She continued to rub my back encouraging me i continued till i climaxed.
We got up after this and she winked asked me “is it enough”? I said “yes”. She went down and had a quick bath. It was the week end and her day off, she visited her family which was two kids. She got completely dressed up again with the sari, jasmine all back in place. But by the time she was back, i was sitting on the bed with a complete hard on again. I asked her can we do it again. She started laughing and told me, “i asked you and only then had my bath. Any way i have to rush now or i will miss the bus”. She started to collect her stuff and began moving out. Seeing my disappointed face, she came back and took me to the bathroom. She took hold of it in her hands and applied some soap. Within couple of minutes she led me to another huge climax. She washed me and her hands and rushed out saying come back to me next week. That was the last i saw of her. My friend’s family came back then next week. Within a month was fired from her job. She cared little as there is always paucity of a good domestic help. We were not sure why she was fired..we cud only guess.i believe that gods gift to a women is her body. There is no perfect size or shape, each is unique and gorgeous in its own way. I love the body of a women, breasts, a big behind..etc. I have been married and have had no other experiences outside the marriage. I did have couple of other brushes which though were titillating, i was not able go the full length. I will share the experience with any interested. I would love to meet women and i know how to treat a woman as a princess and in style and of course ensure confidentiality. Anybody interested can contact me on . I love giving massage to women and am reasonable good at it. I travel quite a bit mostly in the gulf/canada and in india mostly visit bangalore and chennai. Looking forward to hear from you….
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It was an unseasonably warm Saturday and I decided to go out for a walk and clear my head. Instead of my normal guy garb, I decided to go out dressed as Aimee. But I was looking for a different look—totally cute and innocent which was not like me at all. I put on a little blue cotton dress, a pair of sandals, and donned a blond wig. The wig was long enough that I could put pigtails on either side. Even the light blue cotton panties I was wearing gave me the feeling of a young innocent female,...
It was an unseasonably warm Saturday and I decided to go out for a walk and clear my head. Instead of my normal guy garb, I decided to go out dressed as Aimee. But I was looking for a different look—totally cute and innocent which was not like me at all. I put on a little blue cotton dress, a pair of sandals, and donned a blond wig. The wig was long enough that I could put pigtails on either side. Even the light blue cotton panties I was wearing gave me the feeling of a young innocent female,...
CrossdressingMy name is Elisa. I'm a 33 year old English woman and I just spent the better part of three months fucking my fiance's uncle. I know, right? Total. Fucking. Slut. I've only really come to accept it recently, but for most of my life I've always managed to find some kind of excuse for my slutty behaviour. I'm also a very self-critical person, so for most of my life I've been judging and berating myself. But no longer. I'm owning who I am, for better, or for worse. And so, I've decided to...
"I can't see anything!" Ann screamed in a feeble attempt to be heard above the howling wind. She tried vainly to scrape the snow from her brand new ski goggles, but new flakes instantly replaced the old. "Don't let go of my hand," shouted Kathy. "From the ski lift, I know I saw a cabin or something in this direction. Just don't let go or we might get separated." Last Friday had started just like any First Baptist Church mid-winter ski trip for the high school seniors in the youth...
Like most boys, as soon as Devon turned sixteen he went and took his driving test. He only had his license for a week and not only was it the first time to be driving without one of his parents in the car, but also the first time he took it without permission. His younger sister Sara was coming home just as Devon was backing out of the driveway and threatened to tell their parents if he didn’t take her with him. Although Devon loved his sister, at times she was a pain in the ass. As they...
He had just been released from Prison a week ago. Now, He found himself wandering aimlessly through the freezing cold, Harsh streets of Moscow, Russia. He had nothing, No car, no relation with the Outside World (that he had been deprived from for so long.) It seems as though his Family, friends, and 'Connection' had all vanished upon his release from Behind bars. His name: Aleksei Astapkovich. He found himself being imprisoned for Theft because of relations and ties with the Russian...
I don't know when it started. . . Maybe it was when we played "doctor" as kids. Maybe it was the little looks we gave each other in the early stages of puberty. Whatever it was it happened after months of conversations, so thick with subtext, we were surprised no one said anything to us, but mom and dad kept us from anything sexual so they never read to deep into anything we said. But before all that let me tell you a little about us. My sister Terra, is the nicest little thing on the planet....
IncestTRUE STORY. My mom is a very simple, attractive, tall, 38 year old women who works at the college i attend as a teacher aid. In terms of sexual appeal, she has large breasts, and she often goes to the gym. In terms of what's going on in this story, we have to attend my aunts rehearsal dinner for her 50th birthday, and we also have visitors over that we have to take to the dinner. Mum asks me to drop fua and fui to Rohans place. On our way there, fua asks to stop at the sari shop. We use the...
Lara lived at home till she was eighteen then she got a job at a diner and moved into her tiny apartment. She felt free and very adult at her young age. What she did not realize was how sexy she was and how the men noticed her at work. She was slim and petite with huge tits. Brad came in every day and sat in her area and got to talking to the sexy girl. After two weeks he asked her to go to dinner with him. He was older and very handsome and she said yes. She did not know he had big plans for...
" Are you sure? " he asked me quietly, and very sternly. Looking down at my body, I knew it was what he wanted but if I was not ready, he would wait to see it again. I stayed silent for the duration of his question and then leaned up to gently press my lips against his. " I'm absolutely sure.. " I cooed softly against his cheek, I was nervous - my whole body was shaking. I stared into his eyes for what felt like a very long time, and then my eyes started to water. I tried to hide it, but my...
I’ve been looking at Maria since she started working here a month ago. I’ve been hanging around the aisle where she’s stacking shelves. Twice when I’ve been doing that, although she hasn’t looked directly at me, her hand has gone inside her shirt to adjust her bra, which I always think is a sign that a woman has been made conscious of her body and particularly the sexual parts. I’ve found myself standing in the queue for her checkout when another queue is shorter. I’ve said good morning to her...
MasturbationJonna looked around the strange room her father had left her in. The room was small and dark with dim lighting from a small window. The dank musty smell began to succumb to her as the door abruptly opened; a heavily armor-clad man quickly entered. Jonna stood frozen in the corner of the room, watching as the man shook out his honey brown hair before advancing towards a cabinet. Having not noticed her, he squatted down to the lowest cabinet and drew out a silver metal helmet. Jonna sharply drew...
[I felt a deep sense of pride and humility when Charlie put his hand up and said, “Alright my friends, this is what we’re going to do...”] Terence Johnson (TJ) POV: As hard as Charlie was trying to defer to me to lead this operation, I felt that he and his brother, Bob, were better suited to lead us. The boys have this knack for thinking ‘outside the box’ that sometimes eludes longtime professionals like myself. And trust me, what we’ve been doing tonight and what we’re about to do lies WAY...
Applesauce, eggs, leftover mashed potatoes. Damn. This fridge is really empty. Guess I have to actually cook something. I stand and back up into a rigid body right behind me. I gasp as his arms encircle my waist and pull my body tightly against his. I feel his breath on my neck. My legs squeeze together as I sense wetness between them. No. This can’t be happening. I don’t like this. My body shouldn’t like this. Sometimes I lie to myself to protect myself. This is one of those...
The night air stirred the wind outside her bedroom window, as she peered into the darkness, and thoughts of betrayal filled her every thought. Just days prior, she felt her heart leaping at future plans and talk of tomorrow’s shared. The despair of deceit filled the room, as if all she ever believed in was ripped from her soul, a spirit too scorned to ever reach a plateau of happiness again. A Thursday morning which started just as any other, the scramble of feet to the floor, the hurry to...
Introduction The sound of sirens reached James Lansing’s ears as he was walking home. Since this was a low-crime area, it struck him as odd, but it still meant nothing to him until he reached his home and saw the police cars and ambulances. He raced to the door to see who was sick, when a burly detective blocked him. “Sorry son, we can’t let you in. This is a murder investigation,” he told the strapping youth. At eighteen years old, he was large. He stood four inches over six feet and weighed...
Having sex outdoors on a warm day, in a secluded hamlet is by far one of the best experiences one can have. This is exactly what I had planned for April. I love hiking and try to hike once or twice a week. It’s a relief to get out of the city and breathe fresh air. So, at lunch I asked April if we could meet at the park to talk about my “outdoor” proposition.I was proactive and was prepared for both a negative or an affirmative response. I began by asking if she would ever consider hiking with...
Straight SexTina, who was about 5' 7" and really skinny but with a chest that bounced better than almost anyone I'd ever seen got up and walked toward me. She entered the kitchen and said "Hi Ron. You look great! Having a good summer?" I told her I was and asked about hers. We got to chatting and I realized every time she moved and her tits would giggle a little I looked at them for a second. She did not say anything about that but seemed to notice. She smiled and then pushed things a little...
(1975) I loved the smell of the old Greyhound bus station, something about the exhaust from all those busses. But my Ma didn’t seem to like it there much; she seemed kinda nervous. Maybe I am confusing her disdain of the filthy bus station with the trepidation she must have felt with sending me, her thirteen-year old boy, off to Texas for a month. I dunno, but I did what I could to calm her, which meant doing what she said, promising to write and telling her how much I would miss her. ...
As much as I loved her, I began to hate her. My fantasies became violent. I had known her from school, I had watched as she blossomed and became very much a flirt around other guys, which angered me to see, after all she was mine, noone desired her the way I did. Sometimes, at the cottage, I would see her with another guy, sometimes she'd kiss him under the dock, sometimes it was a friend of her brothers, other times it was just a friend of hers, sometimes it was even one of her girl...
PSA: Anyone with ideas are allowed to add whatever they want to the story, and it's highly encouraged to write whatever you want. All I ask is that you make it funny, or at the least, make it better than what I plan to make. Shouldn't be too hard, yeah? You whistle a happy and cheery tune as you scrub away the sweat and filth that's accumulated on your body. Using the extra clean non-chemical heavy product Dove, you wash away and kill all the germs that hide away under your skin. Today is the...
Incest{[email protected] Game = true} *please start game mode*{endif} You sure you want to do this my phone buzzed on my dresser as my friend Susan messaged me Ya im sure it's only a weekend right I replied trying to show some level of confidence. You know the kinds of things that happen there right? I know, but ive literally done nothing my entire high school life I need to do this im tired of being that girl. Ok we can go to the mall tomorrow if you want and we can pick up some things Sounds good...
Teen"Hellooooo!!!! helloooooo!!!!! anybody hereeeeeeeee!!!!" Jacob screams at the top of his lungs. It felt like days have gone past as Jacob stumbles in the woods, everything looks the same, every turn looks the same, he was sure of his direction a minute ago, but now, it feels like he's going in circles. The sky is starting to darken, as night is drawing near, Jacob is now in panic, he didn't bring any flashlight, and if night comes, he would have to stumble in the dark, "not a very happy...
Group SexThe train station was chaotic beyond anything Mary had seen before, she had never needed to leave her small village of Gwentshire and the thought scared her - the huge crowd of people pushing and shoving to get into a small metal box of technology scared her even more. The train didn't look as big as she had expected, it was certainly long but the thought of squeezing into it's narrow body didn't appeal to the young girl but she had no choice. "Sorry!" She quickly says as she brushes against...