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Second Thoughts

By J Battier

Email: [email protected]

I'm not really sure when I first had the idea. I'd been a submissive my entirelife with a very strong bondage fetish. In highschool and college this hadtranslated into my visiting pro dominas in the local area. They charged fortheir services, but they were well worth it to get the chance to act out yourfantasies. And that's what this was?a fantasy that was about to become a reality.I had had it in my head that being dominated by a couple- a female and a male-would be an incredibly erotic experience. I wasn't gay, and didn't even considermyself bi. In fact, he had done a remarkable job of making it sound not asif I'd be engaging in homosexual activity, but that I'd just be ?submittingto a dominant person? and any acts performed were ?out of respect to thosewho are dominant.? I had talked to both of them online frequently in the pastcouple of weeks. They had an ad on an alternative lifestyles personal serviceI had paid to join. I had graduated college only a few months earlier and wasliving by myself. I had a job in finance that worked me like a dog and so wehad a rather limited window within which to act out our ?scene.?

So there I stood on the Saturday morning at the rest area off the local interstate.I agree that it was a seedy locale for a first meeting, but it fit the planso to say. The couple would be passing through my area on their way down totheir weekend cabin. It was about two hours south of where I waited. We haddiscussed the weekend in depth and to great detail, but in actuality, muchhad been left to the imagination. I had almost talked myself out of this onseveral occasions, but ultimately decided to throw myself into the experience.Besides, there was a part of me at the time that was seriously consideringlooking in to this lifestyle for myself, and I thought it best to experienceas much of it as I could in making that decision. We had pretty much only onerule for the weekend, and that was that the whole thing would be a role playscenario from which we would not break character. We had discussed ways ofsignaling that things should cease, but for the most part I had stressed theimportance of having very little control of my environment, and the couplehad agreed that this would be a good idea. It would begin as a kidnapping scenario.My car had broken down and I was trying to hitch a ride. I would get in withthem at which point I would be subdued and taken under their control. How thiswould happen I did not know, or as he had put it??we have to leave some thingsto the imagination.? And it was that phrase that made me both incredibly excited,and incredibly nervous.

It was about four thirty and I had been sitting in my car for almost a halfhour. It was the beginning of fall and the sun was setting much earlier now.I must have lost focus in my thoughts because I hadn't noticed the blue Chevyavalanche that was sitting in the far corner of the rest area lot. My heartskipped a beat as I saw it sitting there, knowing that things were actuallyabout to be set in motion. With trepidation I stepped out of my car.

For a quick description, I was 22, 5'10, 165lbs with short dark hair. Thatday I wore a pair of khaki pants and a dark blue dress shirt. I walked withpurpose towards the truck that sat back from everybody and as I approachedthe window rolled down and there he was.

?Can I help you?? came his voice. It now came to my attention that he hada southern twang to his voice. I had seen him before in the pics they had exchanged,but seeing him in real life was rather surreal. He wasn't a large man, aboutfive-10 as well, average build with short reddish brown hair and a similarlycolored moustache. From where he sat I could see he was wearing a sleevelesst-shirt. I immediately set into character, but my voice came out slightly shaky

?M-my car?its having trouble, won't start, I pulled over here and I need toget to a service station or something.? I offered.

?Well relax? he began, his voice much more calm and relaxed. ?Well, we'd bemore than happy to give you a lift, we're passing through and could drop youat the next station a few exits down.?

I paused a moment considering this, I knew I was about to go past the pointof no return. I looked into the car as if to examine and weigh the situation.He saw me looking and took the opportunity to introduce himself and the ladynext to him.

?My name's Tom, and this here is my wife Janet.?

?Hi? came another southern twang. Janet too looked just as pictured. She wasn'ta very attractive woman. They were both in their late forties and she had sortof a plump physique and a weathered looking face with short brown hair. Tomand Janet were a couple living a D/s relationship. Janet was the sub, howeverwas inclined to switch when their play included others. This was essentialfor me. I needed a dominant female presence if I was going to do any sort ofplay that involved another male.

?And these fellas here are Rusty and Dale? Tom said gesturing to the two bloodhounds that currently occupied the back seat of the avalanche. I was a littlesurprised to see their two dogs, but recalled conversations where Tom and Janethad mentioned how they bring their dogs down to the cabin to play in the lake.

?Well it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Mike.? I said. ?Yes I'd greatly appreciatethe ride.? I went to open the back door and get in with the dogs.

?Well now hold on? Tom began, ?Here, Janet, why don't you drive, Mike youcan sit shotgun, the dogs get a little testy around strangers, I'll sit inthe back and keep em down.? He said stepping out of the vehicle. Within momentseveryone had rearranged seating and I buckled my belt as Janet started up thecar. We drove out of the lot and back on to the highway. No one really saidmuch as the car picked up. I myself was nervous as anything. I heard Tom movingaround in the back but I couldn't really hear what he was doing. We had drivenfor about five minutes when he spoke up.

?Jan honey, I think you want to take this next exit.? I didn't get the opportunityto see what the exit was for, but just as we began to leave the highway I sawthat it said ?Scenic Overpass?

I decided to voice my thoughts. ?Um, I'm not really sure, I don't know thearea and all, but I don't know if there'd be a service station off this exit.?

?I'm pretty sure there was, just further down the highway.? Tom replied coolly.We all sat silently as the car rolled down what appeared to be a pretty desertedroad. What happened next is still sort of a blur. I remember Janet making ahard turn and the car rolled off the road and down onto a gravel path thatwent into a wooded area. About forty feet in she hit the brakes. The car cameto a quick halt. I barely had time to mutter?

?What are we?? before Tom lunged forward. He brought his hands over the seatand my head and suddenly pulled a chord down across my body. He pulled it backby my elbows and pulling it behind the seat must have hooked the two ends together.I quickly realized it was sort of an elastic chord for latching things to theroof of a car. It pinned my arms down against the seat. Before I even had theopportunity to struggle his hands came back around the seat and he shoved acloth over my face. His hands cupped it over my nose and mouth and firmly pulledback. The dank pungent scent immediately triggered something in brain?Chloroform!I had never been chloroformed, nor had I known what it smelled like. But allof a sudden I panicked, legitimately. I didn't know if this was safe, or whatit would do to me. I tried to bring my hands up but Janet lunged over and grabbedboth my wrists and forcefully held them still. I bucked back and forth butTom held on with incredible strength.

?mmahhmmmmmm? I mumbled. I found it difficult to breathe and I seemed to befighting for air. I felt dizzy and slightly detached from my body. I rememberthinking about how all of a sudden I didn't want to be in this car and howmaybe this was all a bad?.and then nothing.

I don't exactly recall blacking out. But I do recall coming to. I rememberthinking about work and a project I had been doing of late. For the longesttime I thought I was asleep in my bed in my apartment. But then something keptnagging at me. There was a very loud noise that I couldn't place drowning outall my thoughts. Instantly I popped too and jerked forward. All too quicklyI was back to reality and at that moment had no idea where I was. The groundon which I lay was freezing. It was then that I discovered that I wasn't wearingclothes. And my body seemed to be vibrating. I blinked my eyes a few timesbut saw only darkness. My head felt dizzy and I went to touch my hand to itwhen I realized my hands were pinned behind me. I shook them violently andrealized they were clasped together with what felt like a leather tie. It allcame back to me to quickly. The chloroform?I had been chloroformed, and justlike in every story or account I had ever read, I had awoken bound. I couldn'tbelieve that I had been stripped and not conscious. I suddenly felt very vulnerable.Upon quick inspection I realized that I was hogtied. My ankles had been boundtogether with what felt like a similar leather tie, and my feet had been pulledup behind me and the ankle bonds tethered to my wrists by a connecting tie.I groaned and discovered the impediment to my speech. My mouth was filled withwhat felt like a rubber ball. So I had been ball gagged and as my senses returnedI found that there were straps running along the side of my face and up overmy head all connecting in the back. A chin strap seemed to come down as well,locking my mouth around the ball which fit almost perfectly.

?mmmphh? was all I could muster when I tried. I heard the honking of a carhorn and soon realized where I was. I was in the back of the avalanche. Theflat bed of the truck. The roof attachment had been put in place and concealedme from the outside world. I was dumbfounded at how all this could have happenedwithout me being privy to it. I wondered how long we had been driving as Itested my bonds. They were extremely strict and allowed for almost no movement.I suddenly became very aroused at the thought that Tom and Janet were drivingdown the highway, with other cars all around, none of them knowing they hada naked captive bound and gagged in their flat bed. I squirmed around in mybonds and was actually enjoying myself when I felt the car begin to slow. Itwas clear that we were turning off. The car made a few turns and I had to fightfrom rolling back and forth on my sides. Then it came to a halt and I heardthe engine stop. I froze and lay very still as footsteps seemed to approachthe back. The back latch was opened forcefully and came down loudly. The rooftop then was pulled aside. I gazed upward and saw only the night sky. Two setsof hands grabbed at my shins, startling me and dragging me to the back. A flashlightwas shone in my face. I shut my eyes as it blinded me.

?Well, looks like our passenger is awake.? Tom's voice broke the night air.

?He doesn't look too comfortable? replied Janet.

?You hear that bitch?you uncomfortable?? came Tom's question. I didn't makea move, but I opened my eyes grimacing against the light. The night air wascold against my skin.

?I asked you a question!? he said his voice raising.

All I came back with was a defeated ?mmphhh?

?Seems that gag done shut you up nicely boh? he smirked. I felt the handsreaching on my legs and the strap tethering me in a hogtie was removed. Myfeet were pulled over the edge and hung there. A hand came forward from behindthe light and something was hooked to my neck. It was then that I realizedI had a collar around my neck. A leash pulled me forward as I heard Tom command ?Onyour feet.? My feet touched the cold earth and I found myself standing upwardbetween my two captors, my feet and hands still tied. The light was loweredand Tom and Janet came into view. I was startled to see however that both hadon ski masks. They looked me over in silence. Tom was the first to speak again

?You're probably wondering whats going on, well they'll be plenty of timeto explain that later, right now you're getting a piss break, so be thankfuland be quick about it.? He handed the leash to the masked woman and knelt downunbinding my ankles. As soon as they were unbound Janet gave a tug and I stumbledforward following her lead. Looking about I saw we were in a wooded area. Theground was cold and muddy beneath my feet. Janet marched me a couple yardsback over to a few trees. Turning to me she grabbed my dick with her hand.

?Hurry up and piss? she said and then just stood there. I looked forward intothe blackness. There was no way I could piss with this woman holding my member,and I didn't really feel like I had to go anyway. Janet stood there for aboutthirty more seconds,

?All right, well if you don't?? her voice was cut off was I shot forward alittle urine, a little more followed and soon I found myself peeing freely.Janet coaxed me a long by pulling on my dick as I went. I mumbled softly intothe gag. I finished up and Janet tugged a few more times to make sure I wasdone.

?Lets go? she commanded and began pulling me back towards the direction ofthe car. The masked man was standing away from the car relieving himself. Thetwo dogs walked about freely. I found it momentarily ironic that I was theonly one on a leash. As I stood at attention by the car I found myself ratherimpressed with the job the two had done. I had been completely subdued andtaken under their control, but I thought perhaps I was being too passive. Ibegan to struggle with my wrist tie and try to make noise into my gag. Janettugged and the leash, ?Hush up,? as Tom headed back over to me. He carriedthe two leather ties in his hand. I could see his eyes through the ski maskas he held the flashlight lowered at his side.

?Let's get him back in.? Within moments I was back in the flat bed with Tomretying my bonds and putting me back into a hogtie.

?Hey honey, get me the hood from the behind the drivers seat.? He said ashe secured the hogtie. He pulled it what seemed to be a notch tighter and alow grunt escaped as I arched my back in response.

?That gag sure fits well, can barely hear shit outa you.? He sneered. Reachingtowards me he grabbed my nipple and squeezed tightly. Again, all I emittedwas a low guttural moan. ?No one'll be hearing you back hear? he chided. Janetreturned and handed something to Tom. He leaned forward and pulled a blacksack over my head. My world went black and he tied it off attaching it to mycollar. And then like that the two of them replaced the covering and momentslater the truck purred to life.

As we apparently got back on the interstate my mind began to race with thoughtsabout what lie ahead for the weekend. I recalled what we had discussed aboutmy limits and their interests and for the first time it occurred to me thatI no longer had any say in the matter. Also for the first time I started torealize how uncomfortable my bondage was. My jaw was beginning to ache fromthe ball gag and my wrists and ankles were beginning to go numb from beinglaced so tight. I began to wonder how much longer the drive would be and ifI'd be kept tied up like this all weekend. It wasn't long before once againthe truck turned off the highway, presumably we were approaching the cabin.The short interim made me question the necessity of a piss break, but theyprobably wanted to make sure I realized my situation and had time to dwellon it before we arrived, which involved waking me. The car seemed to be makingmany turns and I heard no other vehicles passing or driving behind us. Thecabin had been described as in a pretty secluded area and this seemed to fitthe bill. The concrete turned to gravel and became rather bumpy. I was tossedon my sides a few times but finally we came to a rest. The doors opened andI heard them and the dogs get out. The steps led away from the car and I wasleft in silence for a bit. I lay still and struggled to listen through my hood.After about ten minutes footsteps returned. The back was opened and withinmoments I found myself standing upright again. However this time, rather thanrelease my ankles I felt myself being lifted off the ground. Tom held me undermy arms and Janet took me by the legs. The two began carrying me away fromthe vehicle. We traveled only a short distance before I was taken indoors.I heard a door slam shut behind me, and then we were inside. I was put backon my feet and I stood there pensively. One of them took my leash and hookedit above my head to something with a clicking sound. It was rather taught andtugged at the collar. Seconds later something was attached to my wrists andI felt them being drawn up behind me and tied off to the ceiling as well. Andlastly another leash was attached to my ankles and pulled tight to something.My hood was pulled off and I grimaced as once again my eyes had to adjust tothe light. Facing me were my captors. The two dogs were also pacing aroundthe room. Looking about I saw I was in a garage, directly in the middle. Itwas empty, since the truck was outside, save for tools and cans of paint overon a set of shelves. Both of my captors still wore their ski masks. Tom spokefirst.

?Well I'm glad to see you've quit your struggling, that'll make things easierfor you?believe me. You're probably wondering what this is all about.? I watchedhim quizzically.

?Me and the lady have taken a liking to you, and decided that we're gonnakeep you and have a little fun with you?you don't mind do you?? he offered.

I decided to protest and began to moan and I attempted to thrash about. Itwas then that I realized just how secure I was. Janet stepped forward and gavemy face a slap. It took me completely a back. Her eyes glared at me throughthe ski mask.

?You'll be still bitch? she hissed. I was still and they both moved closerto me. Tom took a firm hold of my cock and I froze. Janet meanwhile began massagingone of my nipples.
?You're a long way from home boy, and we've got you tied nice and good?now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way?but either way, we're doing it?hey look at me when I'm talking? Tom directed as I had moved my eyes from them in shame. I'd never had a man hold my dick and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it.

?Now there's no one around for a good couple of miles, but we're gonna keepyou gagged just for good measure.? Tom went on.

?Unless of course we need your mouth for something? Janet interjected.

?Oh yeah, and believe me, we will be using that mouth of yours? Tom said coollyas Janet traced a finger over my ball gagged mouth. I let a soft moan escapeand put on a look of despair. Truthfully, this comment did not settle wellwith me, but at the moment it was difficult to interject. They both stayedclose to me and I suddenly realized that both of their hands began to massagemy cock. I soon became rock hard.

?Look there honey, maybe he likes this?

?Oh I bet he does? purred Janet. Tom moved his hands up to my nipples andbegan twisting and massaging them as Janet became more deliberate with herhand movements.

?That's right bitch?your ours now, and we own you and that dick of yours? hesaid into my ear. I began to lose myself in the repeated stroking. I gave allof my bonds a short tug and grunted again into my gag. Tom grabbed me by thehair to steady me as Jaunts hand continued to massage me. I couldn't help butmoan softly, a sound you could barely hear, yet Tom cupped a hand over my alreadygagged mouth.

?Shut up? was all he said. I grunted softly into the ball and his hand andwithin moments Janet was bringing me to climax. I came hard and fast and shecontinued pumping me as Tom held tightened his grip so that absolutely no noiseescaped as I came. When they were sure I was finished Tom walked away. Janetstood there watching me. I was breathing heavily and my brow was coated insweat and I dodged her gaze by looking at the cement floor. The next coupleof minutes I seemed to be in a haze. I recall very quickly deciding that therewas no place I wanted to be less than in this couples control. I gave a faintstruggle just to test my bonds but everything held me quite still. Tom returnedcarrying a few items in his hands. His voice broke the awkward silence.

?Well now, there was a reason behind that. We know that right away, gettingyou off like that ends a lot of the fun for you, but it means just the beginningfor us.? And just as I went to raise my eyes to meet his it struck me. I joltedand the chains held me tight. As my mind raced to figure out what just happenedI heard the now familiar whoosh and felt a slight breeze before the floggerconnected against me side.

?urmmmph? was the small grunt that escaped. My whimpers continued as did thewhipping. Time and time again, the whoosh sound followed by impact. I juststood there, held fast by the leash to the ceiling and the two chains at mylegs and feet. I felt my entire body begin to glisten with sweat as he continuouslyconnected. I almost felt tears swelling in my eyes as my skin burned from thebeating. My eyes caught Janet looking at me with a devilish smile. EventuallyTom brought the flogger to rest and again the two were upon me, both of theirfaces in mine.

?We're just getting warmed up, we've got a lot planned for you bitch? he grimaced. ?ButI think we'll put you away for a little bit?let you think about your situation? Ilowered my head submissively. A string of drool from my gagged mouth droppedits way to the floor. The couple went to work quickly. My leash was pulleddown from the ceiling and the chains connected to my wrist and ankle bondswere released. I relaxed slightly from the release in tension, but still realizedI was completely subdued. I felt Tom behind me at my wrists. Rope was beingwound around them, he pulled the chords tight and I felt the leather tie comeoff as the rope replaced it. He then produced additional rope and began wrappingit around my elbows and across my chest. As he did this Janet's fingers wentto the harness of my ball gag. She slowly worked it loose cautioning me beforehand ?Ifyou so much as make a sound, you'll pay? and Tom chuckled ?Or we'll find somethingelse to put in that mouth that you won't like as much.? I froze at all theinnuendo behind that comment and decided against saying anything. The largeball was removed from my mouth, followed by a mouthful of saliva. My jaw achedat the release of pressure and I found that it still seemed locked in placeas if the gag was still in. Tom finished securing my upper body with rope andthen went about removing the ankle tie.

Tom knelt in front of me and commanded that I raise first one foot and thenthe other. He slid on what appeared to be some sort of underwear. As he broughtit up I recognized the material as leather. He pulled the brief like item allthe way up and I slowly realized what it was. It was a leather chastity belt?Ihad once seen a similar item offered for purchase on some fetish site.
?This is to make sure we're the only ones having fun? he smirked as he began lacing it in the back. My flaccid penis seemed to fit perfectly into a sort of a leather sock in the front band, but as Tom tightened it in the back it hugged my penis tightly, almost cutting off circulation. In fact it would be impossible to achieve any sort of an erection, an experience that would prove most painful when stimulated. I decided to speak since I had not said a word since I was first subdued back in the car. My voice came out cracked and nervous

?what do you want with me?mmmph? was all that came out before Tom had cuppedhis hand over my mouth from behind.

?You don't seem to listen very well do you?? he whispered sharply. Janet gotin my face from the front. ?looks like we're going to have to shut you up again? andwith that she produced a rag from her pocket. Raising it to my face Tom releasedhis cupped hand and reaching around squeezed one of my nipples tightly. Mymouth opened in pain and Janet stuffed the rag into it pushing it deep withher fingers. My cheeks bulged from the amount of cloth and it packed it sofull that it seemed to start down the back of my throat. I heard a stretchingsound and then jerked back as Tom brought the role of duct tape around my face.Pressing the end tightly over my mouth he began to wrap it around my head numeroustimes. After about five times he tore it from the roll and smoothed the looseend against my cheek, patting the side of my face twice. And just like thatmy world went dark again. This time I realized it was because Janet had pulledsome sort of a blindfold over my eyes. I felt her tighten a strap in the backand realized it would not be easily worked off. I felt the chain of my leashbeing picked up and then a tug.

?mmphh? I mumbled, barely able to get anything out as I stumbled forward into blackness.

?Move bitch? I heard Janet's voice and felt a smack to my behind. My feetmoved forward awkwardly, having been bound together for so long. I breathecame through my nose loudly and as I was bent forward to follow the pull Ifound myself for the first time testing my new bonds. I had never felt as constrictedas my upper body did now encased in Tom's rope work. Once again I found myselfcompletely subdued. I actually found myself thinking about escape, and howone could in a situation like this. Once again, the actual grave nature ofthe predicament I was in came to the forefront of my mind. Here I was boundand gagged being dragged into the home of two complete strangers. No one newwhere I was, no one new what I had gotten myself into. For the first time mybarefeet came upon a carpet. I also felt a warmth and sort of an oaky scent.It was remarkable how in just a few short hours it felt like my other senseshad been greatly strengthened. We seemed to start and stop every couple offeet and I sensed that Tom was turning lights on through the home as we went.I felt something furry brush past my legs and realized it must be one of thedogs. I could hear Janet bringing up the rear behind us as she set down a setof keys and stopped to pet one of the dogs.

?That's a good boy? she purred from behind. In this situation I had to stopand consider, who was more of an animal, the four legged pet or the hobbledand gagged prisoner being led around on a leash. I felt the slack on the leashlessen and then Tom's hand took my arm. I was forced down and thought I wasbeing pushed to the ground until my bare behind touched the seat of a chair.My bound arms hung down over the back causing me to arch slightly. I let myhead drop to my chest and quietly tried to work the cloth in my mouth aroundand test pushing it forward against the tape that sealed it in.

?What do you think, rope are chains?? Janet's voice broke the silence.

?Lets go with the chains, we're gonna want to move him from here in a littlebit, after we get things ready in the bedroom? Tom replied. I saw this as yetanother time when I should attempt to voice my reluctance towards this situationand lifted my head up and attempted to moan through the gag. I braced myselffor what I anticipated would be the requisite slap in the face and order tobe silent, and found myself puzzled as this did not happen. Rather I felt thetwo of them come to either side of me. They were standing very close to meand both of their bodies pushed up against my bound form. Hands began caressingmy chest and fingers were being run through my hair. I tensed, suddenly veryunsure and uncomfortable with my predicament. Tom spoke

?You shouldn't feel to uncomfortable?its not gonna be all bad, I know youliked getting jerked off back there, and while that chastity belt is gonnakeep that from happening again, we'll make sure you have some fun too.?

?Mmmmphmmmmm? I cooed. Janet brought her face very close to mine. Her breathwas warm against my ear.

?The best thing for you to do is to just do as your told. We're gonna rapeyou as many times as we feel like it, and in the end, you'll be our slave.You'll do everything we say without hesitating. We won't need to ropes andthe gags because you'll be ours willingly.?

Tom picked up the speech as he began twisting one of my now tender nipples

?We're going to train you to be our bitch. There will be punishments, buttheir will be rewards to. What you need to understand is that this is yourlife now. Your only focus should be to not disappoint us. We know it will betough for you at first, and believe me, we're not going to make it easy onyou. But over time, you'll come to love it.?

My mind raced at these words??over time?, this is ?your life.? In the backof my head, I knew that this was only for a weekend, at least that's what I'dbeen told. But what if that was a lie? What if this was real? They were takingthis very seriously and had played their parts perfect up until now. Even ifI had wanted to escape or break the game at anytime, I wouldn't have had theopportunity. They'd taken a great deal of caution getting me here in to theirhome, restrained and unseen, and now I paused to consider if I really did knowthese two, or what I had gotten myself in to. Tom left my side as Janet continuedto tease my hair. The clinking sound of metal grew closer signaling his returnmoments later. The cold touch of chains greeted my naked body seconds lateras the two of them began wrapping metal links around my body and intertwiningthem with the chair. Each of my ankles was secured to the front chair legs,and chains were wrapped over my lap and waist before being pulled taught behindme. The clicking sounds behind me indicated the use of several padlocks securingtheir tightness.

?Well now, this will work for the time being. Janet and I are going to excuseourselves for the time being, some things to get ready but we'll be back?.oh,but I almost forgot?one more thing.?

A drawer was opened somewhere and I heard rustling. As Tom came back to whereI sat I tensed up not knowing what to expect. Janet took my head in her handsand I felt Tom pressing something in to my left ear. It felt cold and was malleableas he pressed it further in to my eardrum. Apparently it was some type of clayor putty, but it soon filled up my inner ear crevices. He did the same thingon my right side, packing in the substance again and slowly my world went quiet.I had now lost almost all senses and was truly beyond helpless. I assumed Tomand Janet had left me because I no longer felt their bodies near mine, butfor all I knew they were still standing right next to me, overlooking theirwork. I decided against testing my bonds for a bit, due to this possibility.I just let my head fall forward and breathed heavily in and out through mynose in my new world void of sight and sound.

It started at first with my mouth. I decided one by one to test my bonds.I tried working the cloth inside against the tape around my head. The clothwas so thick inside that I could barely find a way to maneuver it. The tapedidn't give at all. The blindfold could obviously not be worked in any fashionso I didn't even try. I tried shimmying my wrists against the ropes but theyheld tight. My fingers danced about looking for any sort of a loose knot orpiece of slack but after several frustrating minutes I concluded that nonecould be found. I tried letting out as much air as possible to relax my chestand create slack in the chains, but they held me against the chair withoutany give. Once these excerises were complete I turned my thoughts toward mycaptors. Where had they gone and what were there plans for the immediate future.Could this all end right now if I wanted? Part of me extremely doubted it.I had given myself over to them (although a fair amount of force was requiredon their part) and in the end, this was my own doing. The feel of somethingagainst my chest suddenly brought me back to my present surroundings. It tookme a moment to realize what it was. The soft material encasing the object wasalmost definitely nylon and by the circular rubbing motion I concluded it wasa woman's foot. Janet had a foot against my chest and her toes wiggled aroundas it moved to my nipple. I let out a soft moan and remained rigid and still.The foot moved down to my crotch area and began nuzzling in my groin. My manhoodimmediately sprang to life but was met with the constriction of the leatherchastity belt. I groaned at my inability to achieve a full erection as herteasing continued. I lowered my head submissively and tried to lean forward,my body seeking the soft touch of her foot. SLAP?my head shot back as it wasstruck roughly from the side.

?Be still? came Tom's instructions, although I could barely hear this dueto the wax substance in my ears. His voice sounded far away and drowned out,but I quickly fell in line as Janet continued her foot molesting. A momentlater I felt two hands at my nipples. Since Janet's foot remained in my groinI gathered that Tom had moved behind me. He was pinching and rubbing them,tugging on the them and giving them an occasional slap. I felt a warmth flushthrough my body as the two aroused my sense of touch, one of the only one'sI had. I found myself falling into a space where I was becoming lost in themoment when suddenly the slack of the chains gave loose and they fell noisilyto the ground by the chair. I was being picked up from behind but then someonewas at my feet. They were lifted off the ground and I was suddenly horizontalonce again as the two were carrying me. Neither spoke so they must have alreadyplanned the final destination, and unfortunately for me, I was pretty sureI knew where it was as well. We began ascending a flight of stairs and I becamevery uncomfortable as my weight sagged against Tom pulling me upward from beneathmy arms. Janet for her part raised my legs to rest upon her shoulder and helpedleverage Tom's position. The two clearly worked well as a team on many levels.We were moving down a hallway and then I was maneuvered through a door beforebeing unceremoniously dropped. I fell free for a quick second before connectingwith what felt to be a soft and large bed. No time was given for me to squirmas a shackle of sorts was attached to one of my ankles and then tugged as theend was shackled elsewhere. Tom was at my side by my head and his fingers beganpicking at the tape around my mouth. I suddenly wished very much that I beallowed to keep this gag for the sole reason that it kept other things out.I heard Tom say allowed,

?think of it like a bandied? and before I could contemplate what that meanthe was tearing the tape off, unwrapping it quickly as it took with it, thehair around my head in little bits.

?MMMMMAAA? I yelped. As soon as the last bit was torn loose his fingers priedthe cloth out and it was tossed aside. I licked my lips and tried stretchingmy jaw. His fingers returned to my mouth as something was now once again beingpressed in. The circular object was fit behind my teeth and I felt my jaw beingforced open. Two straps were pulled around my head and it was pulled tightand fastened. This new ring gag I found quickly shut me up again but left mymouth wide and exposed. Now two sets of hands came up and pulled loose thewax substance from my ears. As the wax came out Janet began,

?Now we have you just where we always wanted, this can go easily or we canmake it very uneasy for you. Do as we say, understand?? she said in an instructionalmanner.

I nodded my head, unsure of what would happen next. Hands continued to slideup and down my body and I found myself incredibly responsive. I stretched againstmy bonds and seemed to move in anticipation of touches and caresses. I feltmy penis strain to become erect but the leather chastity belt kept it pressedin a half chub state, and I found this increasingly frustrating. There wereno sounds except their breathing, very warm against my neck and chest. I jerkedslightly as I felt a finger at my asshole. Some sort of lube was being appliedand I fought in vain as I slowly was fingered. It was an incredibly odd andinvading feeling and it became very uncomfortable. Two hands gripped by headand held it firm, an indication that I was to remain still and allow myselfto be violated. I slowly relented to absolute helplessness.

To say that Tom and Janet took liberties with my body given my situation wouldbe an understatement. To this day I remain shocked by the lack of compassionor concern for easing me in to a situation I had never before been in. I lostcomplete sense of time and space as I sucked, was probed, and molested. Atone time I found my gagged and blindfolded face buried deep in Janet's pussyas Tom worked me over from behind. I felt like I was suffocating as I gaspedfor hot musty air. Just my luck as they both proved to be very multi-orgasmic.I don't even recall when it all ended. I'll admit I was very much shell shocked.It finally seemed like all movement had stopped and I found myself lying alonepanting softly. They were both still on the bed and moments later I felt somethingat my mouth. It was Janet's foot. She tapped my gagged mouth lightly beforeallowing her toes to dance under my nose and press them to my face. I slowlyforced my tongue out through the ring, a tongue that by now felt very strainedand stretched. I gently licked her toes and she responded with a soft moan.

?You're learning? she said in an almost caring manner. I serviced each ofher feet for the better part of a half hour as Tom was clearly incapacitatedat the moment. I put up very little resistance when later I felt them bothpicking me up off the bed and dragging me across the floor.

And that's how I found myself sitting Indian style on their bathroom floor.My wrists were still tied behind me with rope and the ring gag was left in.However my legs were untied and my blindfold had been removed. It took my eyesa good twenty minutes to fully adjust after being covered for what I imaginedwas at least half a day. The leash had been reapplied to my collar and it hadbeen locked to a pipe at the back of the toilet. I rested my head on the toiletseats hard plastic lid. The light had been left on, probably so my eyes couldregain normal function. The door was shut closed and I was alone. I occasionallyheard the sound of sheets rustling outside and assumed that Tom and Janet wereasleep now. At first I was slightly amazed at the lack of attention to restrainingme to be left alone, but the more I surveyed the situation I realized thateven had my hands not been bound behind my back, the leash had a small padlockclasping it to my collar and a similar padlock chaining it to the back of thetoilet. The ring gag was kept me from actually speaking but I knew I couldmake noise through it if I needed to. However, locked in their bathroom, inthe bedroom where they slept, in a cabin that was probably in the middle ofnowhere, my chances weren't good of trying to call for help. I dozed in andout of consciousness, never being able to stay asleep for very long. My neckwas very cramped at this point and a steady stream of drool ran from my openmouth down to a developing puddle on my leg. I heard movement in the otherroom and seconds later the door to the bathroom flew open. In walked Janet,she was completely naked and as I looked up at her less than savory physique,I shuddered slightly at what I had done to that woman. Her groggy gaze settledon me and she gave me a stern glare. I noticed that in her hand she held whatappeared to be a brown nylon stocking. She came towards me and bending downquickly and expertly blindfolded me again with the stocking. Her purpose quicklybecame clear as the toilet seat was raised and her body sat down inches fromwhere I sat on the floor. I turned my head away as I heard a steady streamof urine begin to flow. I was quite disgusted but could offer no protest, norwould I dare. Janet finished, flushed and before leaving yanked my blindfoldoff to rest around my collared neck. It would remain there for at least anotherthree hours when the door once again opened. This time in came Tom. He toowas naked. I averted my gaze but it was only to be for another moment beforethe stocking was pulled up over the bridge of my nose and pulled tight to onceagain conceal my vision. I sat rigidly as the master of the house relievedhimself, and unfortunately for me, he was sitting down as well. I had becomequite nauseous by the time Tom finished up, flushed and stumbled out of thebathroom. The door was left adjacent this time and my stocking blindfold leftin place. I heard Tom connect with the bed and realized it was not yet morning.I tried as best as I could to curl up in some form on the cold tiled floorwith no idea of what the future held for me.

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Thanksgiving Thoughts

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Monday morning thoughts

Monday Morning ThoughtsThis is a repost with permission from the author. I have had comments from my readers, who say "so you like cock" in that sarcastic online tone.Would it be cruel of me to stop talking about how I love cock so big and hard and smooth and soft. I love when a cock becomes fully erect and the little eye opens and winks once. It is like an eye of a lover who blinks once in the early morning to see in what devilish way i am waking Him this morning. He blinks tiredly, sees, he...

4 years ago
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Monday morning thoughts

Monday Morning ThoughtsThis is from a blog with permission from thinkerbelle00I have had comments from my readers, who say "so you like cock" in that sarcastic online tone.Would it be cruel of me to stop talking about how I love cock so big and hard and smooth and soft. I love when a cock becomes fully erect and the little eye opens and winks once. It is like an eye of a lover who blinks once in the early morning to see in what devilish way i am waking Him this morning. He blinks tiredly, sees,...

2 years ago
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Random Raging Horny Thoughts

He's gone. He's camping with the guys.Know what I wish I was doing? Camping with the guys. "Why?" you ask? Because I wish everyone of those guys was rubbing his cock over my face, slapping my pussy, fucking my ass. Damn. I'm seriously so horny, I should not even be writing.I was going to try to write another story for Babble (the site I originally posted this story for). But it's not even worth it. I can't think about a well written piece of fiction. All I can do is think about cocks and...

4 years ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 12 Second Thoughts

Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 12 Second Thoughts Before long it was time to start another baseball season. Gina was excited about all the things going on in her life. The Seals were disappointed that she had not left the organization to start her law practice. However, a future in law and the upcoming baseball season would have to wait, thanks to Nolan On the eve of opening day, Nolan and Gina had an early nice dinner in La Jolla. After the meal Nolan suggested that...

1 year ago
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Lindsays Deep Thoughts

I call you professor, but I wish I could call you my lover. I know you want me, but you’re afraid. I have tried to let you know that I want you too. The way I angle my chair in your direction and then subtly unfold my legs, hoping you would catch a glimpse of my naked pussy. Or the way I twirl my tongue around my pen while I stare at you. I imagine my tongue twirling around the tip of your cock. I wish that you could see what you do to me in the late hours of the night when I am all alone with...

2 years ago
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My last thoughts

My last thought was, ?well, that isn’t what I expected.? The night had been awful for me up to that point.  My master, a kind and exciting man, whose quick to flare angry; had been putting on what are called ?Catfights? for the entertainment of some his friends.  They too had slaves in which they would pit one against the other.  And because most of the other slaves brought were little more than waifs, my master had thought that he would use one of his own slaves, me, for some of the fights. ...

4 years ago
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Harley Mark Our Thoughts

Harley: To many, she is an innocent Angel and a well-behaved wife. To a few, she is a submissive slut in a sexless marriage.Mark: Harley’s on-line friend, his thoughts are in Italics.Dave: Harley’s fuck buddy.Monday – 11 days to goIt’s finally been arranged. Just over a week’s time, I’ll be seeing my fuck buddy. I’m finally getting back into bed with him. It’s been so long due to all this virus rubbish. I’m instantly excited at the thought, wet panties, and hard nipples. It’s not only about the...

5 years ago
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Rachels Debt Chapter 2 Second Thoughts

My phone rang on the nightstand beside us. Rachel surfaced, sucking in air in long, raspy breaths. “No, no, keep going. Whatever it is can wait,” I encouraged her. She squeaked out something that might’ve been “please” before quickly throating me again. She held herself down, her throat spasming against me, until my phone stopped ringing. Only then did she allow herself to come back up for air. One gasping breath and then I could feel the heat of her mouth descending on me again. My phone...

4 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 20 Whirl of Thoughts

The two quickly arrived in the auditorium, Violette’s chosen venue. It was an enclosed, spacious place. As soon as he entered, Lucas looked at the key in Violette’s hand and smiled. “Do you use this place a lot?” “Not as much as you think. I usually use another room, since I don’t usually have sex at school time. The room is in class now, so I can’t use it. I only used the auditorium a few times, none of them for sex.” Violette then walked through the auditorium and got on the stage. Going...

4 years ago
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Kens niece has second thoughts

Debbie and I had a long talk this morning as we waited for Pam to wake up.I don’t think she believed me when I told her how Pam woke me up .I told her she tried her best to get me to fuck her .I told her that her that I only used a dildo on her. “Well if I was a guy I would have done her”she said sounding again like she was suspicious .“So you just happened to have a dildo in your drawer,I see". What the hell I was she thinking “come on I will show you”I said, taking her by the hand into...

4 years ago
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Twisted thoughts

The following morning I’d forgotten about the incident during the night. I’d woken around 7.15am, It probably was Kel leaving the house for work. I went and showered, but feeling horny as always first thing I decided to relieve myself. With the shower gel as a lubricant I was pounding my cock quite quickly. Just as I started erupting I lost my footing and slipped, crashing into the tub with a thud. It must have woken Rhea as she came running in to ensure I was ok. The issue being as I was...

2 years ago
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A LifePart III Lizs Thoughts

After the lewd conversation had taken place between Liz and her niece, Liz left the house to take a walk in the woods to see if she could walk off her randiness. Before she set off she went up stairs, took off her knickers and bra and threw on a loose cotton dress to cover her nakedness. As she walked down the lane from the house she felt the warm summer breeze waft up underneath her dress causing the soft cotton to billow up to where it became trapped at the top of her midriff where the dress...

4 years ago
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Our Neighbor My Thoughts

I imagine coming home one evening and y’all are chit chatting in the kitchen about whatever. After my shower I decide to come down and join y’all in a conversation of the “whatever” may be going on. We talk for some time feeling all that comfort of just hanging with friends and we bring up the conversation of sex. With her being pregnant it’s not too hard to keep it going, got to love those hormones. We talk and talk and talk some more then I make a small comment about us. I say something along...

4 years ago
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rainy day thoughts

Today I was mostly thinking about fruit! It all started out so innocently when the idea of sitting on his face and squirting cum into his mouth came to me as I was in the middle of an important but very boring meeting. Knowing he was in an impossible position to be able to wank over our mutual fantasies made my already bad bad mind work overtime. It was a very good idea he told me. But only on the condition that he could watch me slap my clit at the same time. I told him I was full of good...

4 years ago
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The Preface to my Last Thoughts

Well, I would like to thank the people that responded to me privately regarding my story.  I would like to acknowledge the very kind words they gave me in my first real attempt here.  Several have indicated passionately that they would much like to ?know how everything got to that point and that is,? and ?where the real story is.?  So-to-speak that is, since elements of the story are real and some is fantasy, thus far that is? So, I have decided to share parts of my life which are real and some...

2 years ago
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The beginning of my last thoughts

Well, I would like to thank the people that responded to me privately regarding my story.  I would like to acknowledge the very kind words they gave me in my first real attempt here.  Several have indicated passionately that they would much like to “know how everything got to that point and that is,” and “where the real story is.”  So-to-speak that is, since elements of the story are real and some is fantasy, thus far that is? So, I have decided to share parts of my life which are real and some...

4 years ago
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Milacik After Thoughts

This is not about sex, although sex surely played a (wonderfully) big part. It is also not about regrets, since there is too much to cherish, in spite of the aching loss. It is about remembering. Four years later, and I can still picture every beautiful thing that I loved about her. The touch of her beautiful upturned nose on my cheek. The taste of her soft luscious lips on mine, and the tip of her tongue caressing mine. Her eyes – ohhh, her gorgeous cat’s-eyes which often stayed open to let...

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