My Cousins Birthday Party
- 4 years ago
- 49
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Author's Note: This story is a Thanatos Society fan fiction - it's been a few years since Cerberus gave us one of his genuine stories, so this is just my addition to the canon. It is very extreme and probably not to your taste.
(Narrator): Thank you for purchasing this new release DVD from Thanatos Movie Productions - Prissy's Sweet Sixteen. If you have seen any of our other productions, you will know that it will involve the degradation and torture of an innocent young girl.
(A picture of Priscilla comes up on the screen, taken at her fifteenth birthday party, surrounded by friends, as she is about to blow out the candles on her cake)
(Cut to a suburban house, where a couple are sitting in the kitchen)
(Caption appears: Eleanor, Priscilla's mother): Prissy's father, Bob, and I have been members of the Thanatos society for over twenty years. When the opportunity came up to raise a girl for the express purpose of being able to destroy her for the pleasure of the society members, we jumped at the chance. Prissy has had a safe, loving upbringing, which has focussed on making her a true innocent.
(Bob): That's right. We even had a house rule that there was no corporal punishment whatsoever. I joined the Thanatos Society because I'm a sadist, and it's been hard having to stop myself from hurting someone for all this time. As it is, I can't wait until we begin.
(Photo flashes up of Priscilla with a boy, holding hands and smiling for the camera)
(Eleanor): Prissy and Kevin have been going out for a few weeks now. He's her first boyfriend, and he's treated her totally respectfully so far. He's a little older than her - he's already seventeen - but as parents, we were delighted to let him into our daughter's life.
(Screen changes to a film of Kevin, in a Thanatos dungeon, standing over an unidentified teenage girl, putting needles into her tits)
(Kevin voiceover): I've been a member of the Thanatos Society for about two years, since my father introduced me to it. I love the fact that I get as much pussy as I like, and I'm being trained to be a torturer. I hope when I complete my study that I'll be a fully fledged member of the Society.
(Back to Bob and Eleanor)
(Bob): Kevin's a very important part of Prissy's big day - we sat down a few weeks ago with him and told him our plans, and he's played it perfectly. He has only kissed Prissy on the cheek - nothing more sexual than that.
(Eleanor): Bob and I made wonderful love last night, celebrating the last pain free day of Prissy's life. She'll never forget her sweet sixteen!
(cut to music, and a montage of pictures of Priscilla growing up, focussing on the happiest times, a smiling, sweet girl. The audio cuts to a recording made of her at a function honouring Eleanor)
(Priscilla): My mother is my hero. She does volunteer work for charities, and still finds the time to help me with any problems I might have. She is a wonderful person, and I'm proud to be her daughter. I hope one day I grow up to be like her.
(fades out on applause)
(Over a series of photographs of Priscilla growing up, and the sounds of a girl being raped, the narrator explains what has happened): Kevin has taken Priscilla out on a date for her birthday, and when they arrived back at her house, he has raped her. We join the family as her parents walk into the scene ...
(Bob, yelling): What's been going on here?
(Kevin is on the bed, smiling, as Prissy is crying.)
Priscilla): Daddy! Mummy! Kevin just hurt me! He made me have sex with him! Please, call the police!
(Eleanor walks over to Priscilla and holds her daughter's head against her chest): There, there, honey. What are you saying Kevin did?
(Priscilla): He RAPED me! On my BIRTHDAY!
(Bob): Now, Prissy, you know very well that you don't invite a boy into your bedroom and then make up a story that he raped you. That's very rude.
(Priscilla): What do you mean, make up a story. It's TRUE!
(Bob to Kevin): Is that true? Did you just rape my daughter?
(Kevin): Yes sir, I did.
(Eleanor): Do you think that that is acceptable behaviour?
(Kevin): I don't know, but I think she was asking for it.
(Bob to Priscilla): Is that true?
(Priscilla): What do you mean?!? I didn't ask for it. He raped me. You should be calling the police.
(Bob): But if you were asking for it, then it's not really rape. It's sex, and that makes you a bad girl for giving a boy sex. Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can sleep around with anyone you want.
(Priscilla is crying now, unbelieving of the attitude of her parents)
(Eleanor comforts her daughter): Bob, don't be like that. Can't you see that Prissy is upset?
(Priscilla): Mom! Please don't call me that. You know I hate that name.
(Eleanor): But you're looking a bit prissy today, so I thought you wouldn't mind. And now you've just had sex. Did you hurt her, Kevin?
(Kevin): I don't think so. It was only sex.
(Bob): But forced sex usually hurts. Did it hurt, Prissy?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Bob): And where did he rape you. In your pussy?
(Priscilla): Dad!
(Bob): I need to know. You're claiming to have been hurt, but if he just raped you in the pussy, then I can't imagine it hurt that much!
(Prissy is shaking, holding her knees and crying. She looks up to see Bob taking his pants off, and Eleanor taking her top off.)
(Priscilla): What the hell is going on here? What are you doing?
(Eleanor to Bob): Should you tell her, or should I?
(Bob): You're her mother. I think it will be best if you tell her.
(Priscilla): Tell me what? What's going on?
(Eleanor): Prissy, it's time that you found out the truth about your life. You see, we're not your real parents. You were adopted.
(Prissy looks at her in disbelief.): What are you saying?! Mom? What's happening?!
(Eleanor): And not only were you adopted, but your father and I, we are both members of a secret society that is based around sadism, called the 'Thanatos Society'. Do you know what sadism is?
(Priscilla): I don't know. What do you mean?
(Bob): Sadism is when you get enjoyment from hurting someone, or watching them be hurt. Do you understand that?
(Priscilla): No I don't. I hate seeing people hurt. You always taught me that it's wrong to hurt others. You always gave to charities to stop people from suffering. I don't understand at all.
(Eleanor): Oh honey, it's really simple. You see, we've waited your whole life, just about, to be able to really hurt you. Kevin here is also a part of the society, so when he raped you, he was meant to hurt you as well, but I'm not sure he did.
(Bob to Kevin, laughing): You'll be getting a stern talking to for that young man! You KNOW that rape is good, but torture is better.
(Priscilla): Torture?! What do you mean?
(Eleanor): Kevin, Bob, could the two of you please get Prissy trussed up so that she can be taken to Thanatos Manor? The truck's already waiting outside.
(The video fades with her struggles and cries. We next see a black van with tinted windows pulling into a luxurious Manor, with the letters TS carved into the gates. A naked, screaming, gagged Priscilla is being dragged from the van, into the hall, where a number of people are standing around.)
(Narrator): Priscilla has had by far the worst couple of hours of her life, but things are about to get far worse when she meets the dreaded man who will be running her first torture session).
(The picture changes to show Prissy tied down to a torture table, naked, with her legs spread wide, and her arms tied taut above her head. A large light is above her, illuminating her figure for the spectators and for the camera).
(Caption: 'PART II - Interrogation')
(Priscilla is ungagged, and commences begging).
(Priscilla): Please, mommy, daddy. Don't hurt me. I've been good. Why is his happening. Please let me go!
(Eleanor): Prissy, dear, do you remember when you were young what we used to say if you did something naughty?
(The camera zooms in on Priscilla's face, showing a look of horror. A man comes into view and speaks): Hello Prissy. I'm Mr Black.
(Priscilla screams, as the film cuts back to the interview with Eleanor who, over shots of a young Priscilla, explains): Prissy was mostly a good child, but sometimes when she was naughty, I would tease her that she would be sent off to a 'Mr Black' - a man who I made seem cartoonishly evil, with a dungeon full of naughty children. She used to have nightmares about this man - it was one of the few real acts of mental cruelty we used on her over the years.
(Bob): But of course, Mr Black was and is real! He's one of the best torturers in the Thanatos Society, and we've seen him put his skill to work numerous times. Seeing as we'd used his name in vain, so to speak, we thought it was only fair that he would be able to be the first person to torture her.
(The image fades back to a full body shot of Priscilla who is looking up in horror at this man from her nightmares.)
(Mr Black): Hello there Prissy - do you mind if I call you Prissy? I've heard you don't like it very much, but I think it's a perfect name for you right now. Anyway, your parents have asked me to help them out today in your first special session here. I'm just going to be asking you a few questions, OK?
(As we see Mr Black on screen go to his bag and get his tools in order, we get a voiceover from him explaining his work): I've been a torturer for a number of years for the Thanatos society, specialising in interrogation scenes. The most important thing when creating an authentic interrogation scene with an innocent victim is that they need to be genuinely unwilling to give up some piece of information, either because it is too degrading, or too personal, or maybe because they don't want to take part, so they resist. I use torture well out of proportion to a usual interrogation, as the people paying money to watch, either live or on film, deserve something a little special.
(Mr Black has taken out of his bag a container filled with short pins, with coloured balls at the end. He lays it down on Priscilla's stomach.)
(Mr Black): Prissy, you are to answer all of my questions as completely as you can. If you don't, then I'm going to use the pins. OK first question. Is today your birthday?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Mr Black): Then Happy Birthday to you! Now, how old are you today?
(Priscilla): I'm sixteen.
(Mr Black): Sweet sixteen. Aah, I remember that age well. The age I was when I first tortured someone to death.
(Priscilla): You're sick! Let me go!
(Mr Black): I'll let you go if you're a good enough girl. Now, Prissy, I want you to tell me some things about yourself. When did you last have a period?
(Priscilla): A week ago.
(Mr Black): Do you use a tampon or a pad?
(A caption flashes up explaining this line of questioning: Eleanor has always taught Priscilla that she should never talk about her periods, as they are very personal. Knowing how embarrassing it would be for the girl was why she told Mr Black to take the questioning in that direction)
(Priscilla): Please, I don't want to talk about it.
(Mr Black takes one of the pins and slowly places it into Priscilla's right thigh, pushing it all the way in so that only the ball at the end is showing. Priscilla screeches 'Please, take it out!')
(Mr Black): Once those pins go in, they don't come out again until we've finished. And you still need to answer my question.
(Priscilla crying): I use a p..pad.
(Mr Black): Why do you use a pad?
(Priscilla obviously doesn't want to answer, but is scared of the pins): Because I sometimes found it hard to get the tampon in.
(Mr Black): Is that because your pussy's too tight.
(Priscilla does not answer, so another pin goes in, this time into her left thigh)
(Priscilla): Aaah, please, don't, I don't know what you mean.
(Mr Black): I want you to tell me whether you have a tighter than usual pussy.
(Priscilla): I don't know. It's just uncomfortable sometimes.
(Mr Black): Was it uncomfortable when your boyfriend and you were making love?
(Priscilla): He's not my boyfriend. He's a bastard.
(Another pin goes in, this time into her left cunt lip, getting an agonised squeal from her.)
(Priscilla): Please don't do that, it hurts so badly. I can't take it.
(Eleanor comes over to where Priscilla is lying, and strokes her face gently): Darling, you're such a strong girl, usually. I know you can take it. Remember when you were ten years old and you fell off your bike? How your father and I comforted you and bought you a treat for being so brave?
(Priscilla does not answer. Mr Black orders her): That's another pin (he inserts one into her right cunt lip) - you must answer ALL questions.
(Priscilla is crying): Yes, I remember. You were so nice to me then. How could you be so horrible now?
(Eleanor): I'm so sorry Prissy, but your life is all about pain, now. But I'll bring you a treat in a little bit if you're brave. Would you like that?
(Priscilla almost doesn't answer, but she sees Mr Black going for another pin): Please just let me go.
(Eleanor to Mr Black): Why don't you ask her about pets?
(Mr Black smiles): Aah! She's a pet person is she?
(Eleanor smiles back): Be sure to answer all the questions, honey, and be brave for mommy.
(Priscilla looks at her mother with disgust and hatred.)
(Mr Black): So what sort of pets have you had?
(Priscilla): I had two dogs.
(Mr Black): Did you like them?
(Priscilla): Of course! I love dogs.
(There is a titter in the audience but Mr Black raises his hand to quieten them): What sort of dog is your favourite?
(Priscilla): My last dog was a German Shepherd.
(The scene cuts to the interview with Eleanor and Bob again, while Bob explains): Part of giving Priscilla such a good upbringing was making sure that she always had an animal around. Her first dog was when she was very young, but for her eighth birthday we got her a German Shepherd, who she called Eddie. We did everything we could to make sure that he became extremely important to her. We were going to use him as part of her debasement, but he died two months ago. Priscilla was suitably upset, but we promised her we would go looking for a new dog after this birthday. He was buried in the backyard.
(Back to the Manor).
(Mr Black): What was his name?
(Priscilla): Eddie.
(Mr Black): What happened to him?
(Priscilla): He d..died not long ago.
(Mr Black): Were you very upset by that?
(Priscilla starts to tear up at the memory): Yes.
(Mr Black): I wish I was there to have seen it. Did you give him a burial?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Mr Black): And did you cry then, again?
(Priscilla): Yes, I did.
(Mr Black): Why did you cry?
(Priscilla): Because I missed him. He'd been my friend since I was eight.
(Mr Black): Did you ever have sex with him?
(Priscilla): What? He's a dog! You're disgusting!
(Mr Black takes another pin and pushes this one into the tender spot in her underarms): Answer the question, cunt!
(Priscilla): Ouch, no, of course I didn't.
(Mr Black): But you really liked him, did you?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Mr Black): Would you like to have another dog?
(Priscilla): I don't know.
(Mr Black): Because we have lots of well trained dogs right here. (The audience laughs)
(Mr Black): OK, onto more serious matters. You claimed to your parents earlier that you were attacked in some way by your boyfriend, is that right?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Mr Black): And what did you say that he did to you?
(Priscilla): He r..raped me.
(Mr Black): What do you mean by raped?
(Priscilla): He made me have sex with him.
(Mr Black): But he's your boyfriend, surely if he wants to have sex with you that's OK?
(Priscilla): I was always taught ... (she stops as if realising something)
(Eleanor): I think what she means to say is that I always taught her that sex was a gift from God that she needed to keep sacred, and if possible, that she should wait until she was married before making love.
(Mr Black laughs): So, if I did this (he places his forefinger into her pussy), for example, that would be against your morals?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Mr Black): So how exactly did he rape you? Did you use his fingers, or his cock? What did he use?
(Priscilla): He used ... h..his penis.
(Mr Black): And where did he put it?
(Priscilla is blushing terribly now, getting very upset): He tried to put it into my backside.
(Mr Black): Into your ass?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Mr Black): What do you mean he tried?
(Priscilla): Well, it wouldn't go in, and he kept on pushing, but it just wouldn't go.
(Mr Black forces his middle finger up against Priscilla's asshole, and pushes it in. She grunts at the intrusion, and screams as he wriggles the finger about inside her.)
(Mr Black): You're a bit too sensitive down there. I can tell already that training you is going to be especially painful when it comes to anal sex.
(Priscilla with real fear in her eyes): What do you mean, 'training'?
(Bob): Prissy, you're going to be made into a fuck doll as well as a torture meat puppet. You'll be trained to take cocks, and other items, up your ass and cunt, and to give proper blowjobs that men will enjoy, as well as learning how to lick the cunts of any women that might want you to.
(Priscilla): Oh no!
(Mr Black): So when you failed to let him fuck you in the ass, did he do anything else?
(Priscilla): Yes, he put his penis in my mouth.
(Mr Black): Did you give him a good blowjob like the whore you are?
(Priscilla): I'm not a whore!
(Mr Black puts another pin into her body, and slaps her face hard): You will answer the questions, bitch! Unless you'd prefer a big increase in the pain level.
(Priscilla): I'm sorry. I don't know how to give a blowjob.
(Mr Black): So what did he do then?
(Priscilla): He rubbed his cock until some white stuff came out.
(Mr Black): And did you take his cum in your mouth?
(Priscilla): No - he had it spray all over my face. At first I thought he had peed on me, but some went on my chest as well.
(Mr Black): Lovely. And that's when your parents found you?
(Priscilla): Yes.
(Mr Black): How did that experience make you feel?
(Priscilla): I was upset.
(Bob): You looked like a real slut when I saw you.
(Priscilla): Daddy! Don't call me that, please.
(Eleanor): No, I think that's the word for you - all decorated over your face with Kevin's cum.
(Mr Black): But I want to know why you were upset.
(Priscilla): Because I thought Kevin liked me.
(Mr Black): And now you know how he really feels about you.
(Priscilla): I liked Kevin, I thought I was in love.
(Mr Black): But you also thought your parents loved you, and now you know that all they want to do is hurt you.
(Priscilla, crying): Yes.
(Eleanor): You should thank Kevin for raping you.
(Priscilla): Mamma, I can't.
(Mr Black): Kevin, come over here. (Kevin walks over) Kevin, did she describe your rape well?
(Kevin): Mostly, sir, but she left out a few important details.
(Mr Black): Oh she did, did she? She'll have to be punished for that. What did she leave out?
(Kevin): I know how important it is to humiliate someone you're raping, so I called her names as well.
(Mr Black): What names did you call her?
(Kevin): I called her a few swear words. A cunt, a bitch, a stupid slut.
(Mr Black): And how did she respond to this?
(Kevin): She was crying, which made me harder.
(Mr Black): Of course it did. We all now know how lovely she looks when she's crying.
(Kevin): Yes, and she also said that she thought I loved her. So I told her that I really hated her all along, and just wanted to use her for sex.
(Mr Black): Good, I'm sure that upset her terribly.
(Kevin): It seemed to, but by that point my cock was in her mouth, so she didn't have much to say.
(There's general laughter.)
(Mr Black to Priscilla): Alright cunt, why didn't you tell us about the names you were called?
(Priscilla): I don't know. He hurt my feelings.
(Mr Black): You can tell later me if the words hurt as much as your punishment.
(The shot dissolves and comes back with Priscilla covered with probably fifty or sixty pins in different parts of her body. There is blood leaking from a number of the holes.)
(Mr Black): Do you want to know something funny, Prissy?
(Priscilla): I don't know.
(Mr Black): The funny thing is that I haven't really been torturing you by putting these pins inside you.
(Priscilla looks confused)
(Mr Black): No, in fact, I've only been preparing you for your torture, which is going to start now. Your mommy and daddy are each going to pick five of the pins in your body and then we're going to make use of them.
(Priscilla): What do you mean?
(Mr Black ignores the question, and first Bob comes over and runs his hands over his daughter's tormented body. As he nears each of the pins, he touches the ball attached to it, and looks at her face as he pushes on it, getting a yelp from the girl. When he finds five that produce a response he likes he puts a little tag on them. Eleanor does the same, and after several minutes, there are ten pins with tags on them.
Mr Black then takes out the other pins and puts them on the table next to Prissy. He announces to the audience): You'll notice, ladies and gentlemen, that the ten pins in our young victim's body are in particular places that have been determined to cause her the utmost pain.
(Priscilla): Oh no, please don't. It hurts too much already.
(Mr Black): Eleanor, would you like to explain to Prissy what's about to happen?
(Eleanor): Of course. Two years ago, do you remember what I made you for your birthday?
(Priscilla): Yes, it was a big cake with my picture on it.
(Eleanor): That's right
(A still of the cake comes up on the screen - it is iced to look like the face and upper torso of the girl. Another picture follows, this time with sparklers in the cake, and Priscilla laughing at how it looks).
(Eleanor): I didn't actually make the cake, I had a cake maker make it for me, and it cost quite a lot of money. And I didn't want to spend so much money this year, so your body is going to be standing in for the cake today.
(Priscilla): What do you mean?
(Eleanor takes out a bag of 'sparklers' and shows it to her daughter.): You always liked these 'sparklers', didn't you. But these are a bit different to the normal ones. Firstly, look at the bottom - they're extremely sharp and long - they'll be going into your body at the ten points we've found. Also, when we set them alight, they burn extremely hot, and the closer they get to your body, the more they will burn. Does that sound like fun?
(Priscilla): No! Please don't burn me!
(Eleanor): It's OK, honey, we have ointments here that will make your skin all better. But this is the first you're really being tortured, so your father and I want to do it ourselves.
(Eleanor and Bob now slowly insert the sparklers into the girl's body, one by one. One goes into the end of one of her nipples, another into her belly button, another into her leg near the knee. Priscilla is screaming in agony from the needles, which are specially barbed in order to cause maximum pain. Then, they are all lit, burning her for the next five minutes, as she tries desperately to blow them out, with no success. Eleanor and Bob laugh as they watch, and when the fires finally go out, the camera lingers over her body, showing the bad chemical burns, blisters and abrasions. Priscilla has passed out from the extreme pain.)
(While she is unconscious, Mr Black drizzles something onto her body, rubbing it in to her. He then takes a hypodermic needle and jabs it into her right tit, waking her immediately. As soon as she wakes up, she begins screaming).
(Caption: 'PART III - Birthday Presents')
(Eleanor): Oh honey, what's wrong? Were you having a nightmare?
(Priscilla): What's happening?
(Bob): It's your birthday party, and we just had your cake, but you fell asleep. That wasn't very nice!
(Priscilla looks down at her body.): Please! Stop it! You have to take me to a doctor. I think I'm going to die!
(Mr Black laughs): You're not going to die - not for a very very long time. We still haven't come to the gift giving part of your party. When I heard that you love animals, I knew just what to get for you.
(A cage is brought in, and a meow is heard. Mr Black takes a cat out and puts it on the table next to the girl): Happy Birthday, honey! Meet you new best friend, his name is Lucifer.
(As he is talking, the camera moves to Priscilla's face, which shows her growing terror)
(Eleanor): That was extremely thoughtful of you, Mr Black, to get a cat for my lovely daughter. But I should have told you that Prissy is actually quite scared of cats, ever since one scratched her when she was a little girl.
(Mr Black): Oh dear, what an unfortunate mistake. But it looks like Lucifer likes her quite a bit. Look how he's licking her all over. Maybe it's her natural animal magnetism, or maybe it's the liquid catnip I drizzled on her.
(Bob): It certainly looks as though his rough tongue is doing wonders for her burns!
(The camera shows the cat crawling over Priscilla's body, licking wickedly all over, opening up blisters from her burns. Priscilla is screaming to get him off)
(Eleanor): Prissy, I think it's a bit rude to want to get a cat off! I know you've fallen for him, but sex with animals is not very ladylike!
(Everyone laughs. The camera zooms in on Lucifer doing his work - he has been trained to lick at broken skin, and is causing her immense pain. Tears flow down her cheeks)
(Mr Black): I think that Prissy has hurt Lucifer's feelings. Lucifer! Show us what you think of this cunt.
(The cat has been trained for this and goes up to near her face, and lets loose a stream of piss, right into her eyes, to much more laughter in the room)
(Eleanor): Isn't that nice! He's marking her as his own - I think he really does like her. We'll keep him around, I think. Maybe Prissy will learn to love him.
(Lucifer is put back in his cage and taken out).
(The camera shows Priscilla almost shaking in pain).
(Eleanor, wiping Priscilla's tears with her hand): Are you sore? Would you like a painkiller?
(Priscilla): Oh please, yes. I need something to kill the pain.
(Eleanor): Well, usually when you're torturing someone, the last thing you want to do is give them a painkiller, it tends to kill the mood so to speak, but because it's your birthday, I'm going to give you a painkiller as my present to you.
(Priscilla): Oh thank you mamma. Thank you ...
(Eleanor takes from her bag a strange looking contraption and shows it to her daughter): I know you like to touch yourself when you're in bed, and you think nobody is around. We've filmed you doing it since you were about twelve years old.
(Priscilla blushes in shame)
(Eleanor): So you know all about how nice it feels when you touch your clitty, don't you. But you've never used a vibrator. This, Prissy, is your very first vibrator, and because sexual stimulation can help to ease pain, that's my present to you.
(Eleanor fires up the vibrator and places it near Priscilla's clit. She begins to move it in a regular circular motion, and when Priscilla starts to pant, getting aroused, she increases the speed.)
(Eleanor): You see - she's such a slut, even after being tortured so badly, and being in front of this crowd, she's getting turned on. Are you enjoying this?
(Priscilla): No! Please. I don't want you doing this to me. It's not right. A mother shouldn't do this to her daughter. Oh mamma.
(Bob): It seems that Prissy doesn't want to cum after all. Turn it off, honey.
(Eleanor takes the vibrator away and leaves it on): But I SO wanted to use this toy on her, on her birthday. Maybe I can still use it but not make her cum.
(Mr Black): We've found that using this particular vibrator on certain parts of a woman's body, particularly deep inside, is exquisitely painful.
(Eleanor): Oh really! That's wonderful!
(Mr Black): Yes, if you push it all the way into her cunt, up to the cervix, and turn it to setting four, you'll get quite a response.
(Eleanor opens up her daughter's cunt lips, and begins to force the thin, long instrument into her cunt. She appears to reach an obstruction.)
(Eleanor): I can't get it any further.
(Mr Black): You may have reached the cervix. Turn it on, and we'll see.
(The machine starts humming and Priscilla begins screeching)
(Eleanor): Oh honey, what's wrong. Isn't it feeling nice anymore?
(Priscilla): It's making me sick. I'm going to throw up!
(Bob): If you do, you'll have to eat up your puke, so don't even think about messing yourself.
(Eleanor keeps up the brutal stimulation, and only stops it when Priscilla pukes over herself).
(Bob): You disgusting little bitch! We're going to have to clean you off now.
(She's cleaned off with a high powered hose)
(Mr Black): I think we'll need to put the healing cream on her now. (He takes out a tube of cream and begins to apply it all over Priscilla's front.) This is a special cream, developed by the Thanatos Society, that heals burns perfectly. Unfortunately, because it does it so quickly, and without scarring, it cannot do it without also being painful. That might have to do with some of the other substances in it as well, but everyone's going to have to leave and give her a little rest. However, we will be having party favours in the next room.
(Once she is covered in the cream, it begins to burn her even worse than her previous burns. As she screams for mercy, the members of the Society leave the room, except for Eleanor and Bob.)
(Bob): I know it's hurting you, dear, but it will mean that your body is just about as good as new. Also, I don't want you to be lonely, so I had an old friend of yours brought here to keep you company.
(Brought out of a yellow bag is the half decomposed remains of a dog, covered with maggots and other insects. Bob places it on the table next to Priscilla's head).
(Eleanor): That's right, darling. It's Eddie, your beloved dog! Back from the grave, so to speak. Spooky, isn't it. He smells a little funny, but I'm sure you two will have a lot of catching up to do. The cream will take about two hours to work, and then we'll be back to give you the last of your birthday presents.
(The scene fades as Priscilla stares in horror at the dead animal next to her, retching as she takes in its disgusting smell)
(Caption: 'PART IV - Birthday Treats')
(The scene opens showing that Priscilla is lying, whimpering, however her body has made a remarkable recovery, thanks to the miracle cream. The members of the Society come into the room in a line from their festivities in the next room and line up in front of her prostrate body. The first man steps forward, takes out his cock and points it at her and, before she can get her mind straight and realise what is about to happen, he begins to piss over her body. We see her try to recoil from it, and see the degradation in her eyes as man after man steps forward to piss on her.)
(Bob): It's good to see your body has healed so nicely, so that we can get to work on it again. How did you like your time with Eddie?
(Priscilla crying): Please, I can't take anymore. I'm sorry. Please, take him away.
(Eleanor): Of course, he smells a little bad, but I knew you'd love to see him. He's not quite as active as used to be, when you'd play together in the yard, but he's still the same old dog.
(Bob): Yep, and it's true - you never did get to fuck him when he was alive, but you're lucky - Mom managed to jerk him off quite a few times, and we saved his dog juice for you!
(Bob takes out a jar filled with dog cum and puts it on the table next to the girl. He takes out a spoon and sticks it in)
(Bob): Are you feeling hungry? Feel like eating a little reminder of your loving pet?
(Priscilla): How can you be so disgusting? That's vile! I'm going to be sick!
(Eleanor): But Prissy, this is your father's birthday present to you - your birthday treat. How many girls get to be this close to their late departed dog. Remember how much you cried when he died? You should be HAPPY now. So eat up.
(Bob takes a scoop of the cum and puts it to Priscilla's mouth. She keeps it resolutely closed, despite requests to open it.)
(Eleanor): Mr Black, would you please help us to encourage Prissy to open her mouth.
(Mr Black): Of course. Just give me a minute, and she'll be more than happy to eat his doggy cum, even if it has been sitting in a hot shed for a few months.
(Mr Black takes out a long metallic antenna shaped device. He goes down to her genitals and plays around for a few seconds before he finds her urethra. As he places the device a few millimetres up her sensitive pee hole, she pees herself.)
(Mr Black): Prissy, that's not the torture. This is ...
(At that, he sends an electric shock into her most sensitive hole. Priscilla strains against her bonds and blood appears to stream from her mouth, as she screams out in agony.)
(Mr Black): That's your first shock, I know, Prissy. Now, I'm going to give you another shock every minute until you eat up all the doggy cum.
(Priscilla): Please, no more shocks. Oh God, it hurts, Oh Fuck! How it hurts!
(Mr Black): Ready to eat, or another shock.
(Priscilla): Please God, don't shock me aga...AAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!
(As she is begging, another shock is sent, and the spoon of cum is forced into her mouth. She gags and screams at the same time, choking).
(Eleanor): So which is worse, honey, the cum or the shock?
(Priscilla): Please. I'll eat the cum. Just don't shock me again!
(Eleanor): That's right honey, eat it all up, and there won't be any more nasty shocks.
(We see Priscilla struggle to eat the food, gagging over and over at the horrible taste and smell. If she hesitates for more than a few seconds, Mr Black brings the shock stick up to her skin, and she immediately gets back to eating.)
(Bob): Now you're being a good girl. Eat up all the cum. It's going to be one of the things you learn to live on from now on.
(When she finishes the jar, she looks quite ill)
(Eleanor to Bob): Darling, do you have something to wash down Prissy's meal?
(Bob): Of course, dear.
(At this, he takes out his cock, places it against the girl's mouth, and sends a stream of piss down her throat. She gags and spills a lot of it, but still seems in despair at the awful taste.)
(Eleanor): Thank your father for letting you drink his piss.
(Priscilla is about to complain, but sees the electric stick and thinks better of it): Thank you daddy.
(Eleanor strokes her daughter's hair, which is completely covered in piss, moving it from her face, and speaks): You haven't had much of a good day with piss have you - first you get peed on, then your pee hole gets hurt, and then your father pees in your mouth! Does your little pee hole hurt?
(Priscilla): Yes, horribly. It stings!
(Eleanor): I'm so glad to hear that. You see, you used to be a terrible bed wetter, and you put me through so much trouble having to wash your sheets a few times a week. All that work, I've wanted to repay you for that for a long time.
(Priscilla): But it wasn't my fault! It's not fair to punish me for something that I couldn't control!
(Bob): Fairness has nothing to do with it. If your mommy wants to torture you for wetting your bed, then that's what she can do.
(Eleanor): Yes, I really want to teach you some self control. Like do you remember that time when you were ten years old, we went for a long drive. You wanted a soda as a treat, so I bought one for you - a big one. And after a little while you asked to go to the bathroom.
(Bob): Yes, that was wonderful - there was nowhere around to stop, so I told you to hold it in. I loved that you were uncomfortable, but you started to complain too much.
(Eleanor): And do you know the funniest thing? I told you this little lie, that we could not stop at the shops we were driving past - of course we could have! I just wanted you to suffer. And then, after an hour, we saw a gas station.
(Bob): Yes! And I told you that you'd be able to go at last, and you were so relieved. But of course, when we stopped, I told you my own little lie, when I got out and checked, and said that they didn't have a bathroom, so you'd have to keep holding it.
(Eleanor): That was so wonderful - I mean, for all that time when we were nice to you, it was good that we could occasionally be cruel.
(Priscilla): I remember that - I can't believe you did that to me deliberately!
(Eleanor): And you wet your pants then. You were so embarrassed, I remember you were crying, but I told you it didn't matter.
(Bob): But of course, it did matter. And now you get to be punished properly for it.
(Priscilla): P..punished? What do you mean?
(Eleanor): Your pee hole! It's going to be properly cleaned!
(Mr Black gets out a very thin, silver tube, about two inches long, which he introduces into her urethra, slowly pushing it upwards. He then gets a long pipe cleaning brush and pushes it in, explaining): For those watching, wondering what's happening to Prissy, the tube that's been inserted into her pee hole has a number of holes along its shaft, and the pipe cleaner being used has very very soft bristles, which will irritate the length of her pee tunnel without causing any real damage. I can fuck it in and out like this (he does, showing it), and that will start to really hurt her. If you can imagine, it's one of the most sensitive parts of her whole body.
(He continues this slow fucking for several minutes, as Priscilla's pleas for him to stop become more desperate.)
(Mr Black): I'd now like Prissy's mother to get her vibrator and stimulate her daughter's clit. I can assure you that the combination of the scratching away of the inner lining of her pee hole, combined with the clitoral stimulation, will be anything but pleasant.
(Eleanor does this, and Priscilla's screaming becomes more pronounced and high pitched): Oh God, Oh God, stop it, take it out. It's ... it's ... aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!
(Mr Black): We can stop the stimulation now - the tunnel will be sufficiently abraded and rubbed raw to move on to the next part of the procedure, which will be forcing rubbing alcohol up into the hole. I'd recommend that people watching get ready to stick their fingers in their ears, because this could get loud.
(As he squirts the juice up the tender hole, Priscilla begins shrieking uncontrollably, begging to be killed, to be put out of her misery)
(Eleanor): Oh dear, are you sorry now that you couldn't control your need to pee?
(Priscilla): Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but please just stop doing this to me.
(Eleanor): What will you do to make it up to us?
(Priscilla): I don't know, I'll do anything. I'm so so sorry. Please just stop hurting me there.
(Eleanor): Say that you're sorry for wetting yourself like a dirty whore.
(Priscilla): I am ... I'm sorry for being a dirty whore, and w..wetting myself.
(Eleanor to Bob): She has suffered a lot. Do you think we should take out the steel rod?
(Bob): I think so. What do you think, Mr Black?
(Mr Black): Well, you should know that for the next few days, any time she needs to go to the bathroom, she's going to be in terrible pain, so I certainly think she's suffered enough.
(Priscilla): Yes, I have, I've suffered so much, and I promise I'll be good. I'm so sore, I think I'm going to die ...
(Eleanor): OK, We'll take it out.
(Priscilla): Oh thank you mamma. Thank you so much!
(Eleanor): Wait. I think she needs to be shocked once more there. Can you attach the shock machine to the metal tube please Mr Black.
(Priscilla): No!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Mr Black attaches the wires to the evil device. He's about to press the button when Eleanor stops him.): Wait. I want Prissy to press the button, when she's ready, to show that she's truly sorry. Could you please keep on fucking her with the pipe cleaner until she presses the button.
(A look of horror crosses Priscilla's face, as she is given the control. She knows that she cannot press the button - it will be too painful, but she also knows that the torture won't stop until she does. Finally, she closes her eyes, and presses it, sending a horrendous shock to her delicate areas. Finally, blissfully, she passes out again. The picture fades.)
(Eleanor, Bob and Mr Black are standing around chatting, while a woman enters the scene with a syringe, which she injects into Priscilla The girl instantly wakes up screaming)
(Eleanor): There's one last thing that I need to have my precious girl do. Prissy, I know how much you loved your privacy when you were doing personal things, but as well as everything else, you are not to have any privacy for the rest of your life.
(Priscilla): Please mamma. I don't know what to do.
(Eleanor): Yes you do! You're going to go pee in front of everyone.
(Priscilla is taken to a room which is like a public toilet stall, but has a toilet that is see-through, so there is no privacy, and of course there is no door. She is told to sit down on it.)
(Priscilla): Mamma, I can't go. My body won't let me. I'm too nervous.
(Eleanor): Would you like Mr Black to give your body some more encouragement?
(Priscilla): No, Mamma, please. It's not my fault I can't go. I'm too embarrassed.
(Bob): But honey, we went to all that trouble to make your pee hole sore - we want to see you struggling to pee when it hurts so much!
(Mr Black): I think I actually have just the thing to encourage her. But it all depends on what you would like. We could fill up her stomach with water by forcing it down her throat - that's always fun. Or we could stimulate her asshole with electric shocks - sometimes that causes the bladder to empty involuntarily.
(Eleanor to Priscilla): Which one would you prefer, honey?
(Priscilla): Please don't. I'll try harder to pee.
(Bob): It's more fun to see it happening naturally, anyway.
(We see Priscilla straining and crying, and after about thirty seconds, she starts to pee, much to the amusement of everyone there, who give her a round of applause. Priscilla cries and goes red from the pain and shame.)
(Eleanor): Good girl, Prissy. You've shown us all how well you pee. That will look great on the video!
(Mr Black): I think it's time to put our star away for the night. She'll be sleeping in the bridal suite tonight, so let's all move down there.
(The scene fades, and fades back in to a dungeon type setting - all the members of the society are standing around Priscilla naked, and she is hogtied on the ground. Her tied hands and feet are tied to a rope from the ceiling, which keep her upright, and in pain).
(Bob): For all the gentlemen here, because this is the bridal suite, it's imperative that Prissy experience what it means to be 'married to the society', so if you could all line up and jerk off in her face, that would be a fitting end to her day. As you ladies obviously can't do that, I'd ask you to spit in her face.
(One by one, they do that, insulting her as they go. They have all prepared themselves by masturbating almost to the point of cumming, so it doesn't take them long. As the cum builds up on her face and in her hair, others walk around and cum on her back, her ass, her feet, any uncovered part of her body. All of the women spit in her face, particularly her eyes, and all of the members insult her as they are doing it.)
(The picture fades on a cum covered slut, and fades back in to her parents saying their goodbyes).
(Bob): Prissy, if you didn't know, this is goodbye from us. You'll never see us again, unless we happen to visit the person who you're sold to, so we can torture you again.
(Eleanor): And I want you to know, honey, that this has been an absolute pleasure. One of the greatest pleasures of my life. To see the girl I raised being degraded and hurt like this - there is no feeling like it. But from now on, all you will experience is degradation and hurt. Every person you meet will only have the goal to torture you in some way. And one day - it might be in a week, or a month, or two years - but one day, whoever owns you will decide that you are to be snuffed.
(Bob): That means killed, slut.
(Priscilla): Oh, please, mommy, daddy, I don't want to die. Please just let me go.
(Eleanor): I don't think so, cunt, One day, your torture will be terminal, and your worthless body will be pulled apart and eaten, probably.
(Bob): But for now, so that you're not so sad, I'm going to let you snuggle up to Eddie again for the night. Eddie, and all the insects that have half devoured him. Enjoy your night, cunt. And I hope your life is as painful as possible.
(Eleanor): Bye dear.
(Screen fades to black with Priscilla's crying face zoomed in on)
(Narrator, over scenes of the day): We hope that you enjoyed this DVD 'Prissy's Sweet Sixteen'. If you would like to follow Priscilla's further adventures at the hands of the Thanatos Society, don't miss out on signing up for our DVD catalogue, and we will keep you up to date on new releases.
(Credits roll. Fin.)
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Today was a special day for Dawn as she was now 16. There was a pool party this afternoon and she had a date for the evening. Tom, her father had planned the whole thing as he wanted it to be a special time for his girl. Tom had special feelings about her right or wrong he had some sexual feeling for her. He got erections often when he saw her at the pool in her skimpy bikini. Her ass was a sight to behold and hold is what he wanted to do. She had such nicely shaped tits and when the...
The Birthday Party Tina sat in the warm Egyptian Musk scented water, trying to still her excited nerves and straining to hear any of the voices coming from the room next door that she might recognize. Her husband, Jeff had arranged to rent the suite next door for the party, and had taken Tina to see it before the guests arrived. Every minute detail had been seen to by her thoughtful mate. From the esquisetly catered food and drinks to the bowls of condoms and lubricants to the dozens of...
Mom said, "Silva don't forget we have to go to Grandpa's birthday on saturday".Sila didn't answer, the last place she wanted to be on a saturday was at a party with all the family. Oh yes she loved her Grandpa very much, when she was younger she would spend every summer with him and Grandma. Silva been the only Girl in a family of five all her brothers much older than her, made her, her Grandperents favorite.Grandma thought her how to bake and Grandpa would bring her fishing out on the...
A few years ago one of my male friends, Tim was having a birthday party. He turned 18 that day and he wanted to give a big party for that special event. His parents agreed, on two conditions : first, no alcohol. And second they wouldn't stay at home so Tim had to take care of his guests and clean up the mess alone afterwards. That last condition seemed no problem at all. I arrived around 9pm, most people were already there. Almost all my classmates were at that party, also a group of boys who...
I was turning 33 tomorrow I thought as I drifted off to sleep. My life has been good so far as I have two great k**s and a good husband of going on 14 years. I awoke to a birthday breakfast in bed with my two k**s and hubby. My husband kissed me softly and told me happy birthday as the k**s bounced all over the place.As the morning progressed a shower and getting dressed my Husband told me to dress a little slutty for work today as he was planning to pick me up after work and go out. He had...
Hi dosto mai kusum, thanx for previous respons in desi stories ‘college tour’. Mai dubara bata deti hu apne bare mai,mera naam kusum hai. Mai college mai 1st year arts mai padti hu.meri figure34-28-34 hai. Hamare ghar mai mere mummy papa aur bhayia hai.meri umar 18-19 saal ki hai.rang gora chuchi gol hai.meri pichli story muje randi banaya aapko pasnd aayi thanx,us din mai 6 baje ghar pahunchi meri taange dukh rahi thi sharir tut raha tha, par maza bahut aaya tha, meri saheli hai hema mai us-se...
My sweet wife was excited while she was planning a nice birthday party for me. I was turning forty that time…It would not be a surprise party, since I had to help her to invite some of our good friends to come there.Ana also would invite some of her own friends, including some well hung black studs she used to fuck…The night finally arrived and, as I was in the shower getting ready, Anita was doing her make-up and hair at the mirror.She started talking to me about what to expect tonight. Ana...
My 50th birthday was right around the corner and my wife told me that she would like to do something special for me. She said dinner reservations at my favorite restaurant in Chicago and spend the night in nice hotel downtown. Sure, my kind of weekend - no big party just weekend away with my wife and good food. The dinner was awesome and we went to a little club for a few drinks before retreating to the hotel for the night. We were both feeling pretty good from the drinks and in the...
Before too long, I was in the middle of the room, on the Persian rug, on my back, my ass bare, my legs wide open. Wanda had her face in my puss, and I liked that. I had my back arched a little so that I could push my pubes up into her face and her mouth, and Wanda was the kind of girl, like me, who had been eating pussy since she was about eight years old! Wanda knew what she was doing. Wanda did me so lovely, with lots of kisses and breast play. I didn't love her, but I loved the way she did...
Sherri and I married young. We were both anxious to get away from home; but apparently Sherri had far more reason that I. We had children not long after we married, more accident than planned. Once our oldest started getting into mischief, I suggested spanking her. This is when I learned that Sherri was spanked rather severely well into her teens, probably right up until the day of our wedding. Apparently, my wife had been raised in a strict home, following a cult-like leader. I was surprised...
Sean M******'s twenty-first birthday was a day Sean was look-ing forward to. More specifically, a night. His parents had lefthim in charge of the house with his hot-assed little brother forover a week now, and they wouldn't be back for another week. "Sorry we won't be in town for your birthday, son..." his parentshad said. Sean thought to himself: "Oh well. I'm heart-broken. Really I am..." He remembered glancing across the table to his brother Kennyand their eyes met. Instantly,...
June examined the faces as Tony and Lara came in from the garage. They were tense, but Tony wasn’t as enraged and desperate as before. It was different, but hard to read. Lara really did not think they’d done anything wrong, perhaps that was getting through. Still, June was glad she’d told Mark to go and play Xbox, or sleep, in his room. “Would you like some something to eat?” she didn’t try to kiss him. “I’ll sort something,” he peered into the fridge, making a point. Lara had drifted...
Max Toto and his wife Angel met twenty years ago at a gentlemen’s club. Angel was the headline stripper and Max owned the joint. Angel looked much younger than she was and always filled the place. She made more money than any other stripper. She was wholesome looking. Most guys thought she was a virgin. She had a smoking hot figure and her tits were perfectly sized. She was a good C cup. She had a bare pussy which she covered with a jeweled thong. Angel knew how to work the stage. She’d walk...
I had come home from an out-of-town consulting trip, weary of travelling and looking forward to a quiet evening at home with my wife. My drive home from the airport was long and uneventful, and only served to further tire an already tired body. I was sincerely looking forward only to a good night’s sleep. When I arrived home I was in for a most pleasant shock. I pulled into the garage and went to the front door as usual, my luggage in hand. To my surprise, I was greeted there by my...
It's your 24th birthday and this year you've decided to throw the most awesome party ever. You send invitations to all the hot women you know (making sure to explicitly exclude their partners) and require that all guests dress as prostitutes. As an extra incentive, you offer a prize for the sluttiest outfit. On the night of the party you can barely contain your excitement, wondering what each girl will wear. You make sure your camera is charged and the memory card is empty, because you plan on...
Group Sexhi i m Sahil here from delhi I am a good-looking guy of 25 ears old, 5.7 a bit shy to start with but very easy going it happened last year in the month of June. I was my cousins 21st birthday. Her name is shikha. She lives with her mother and her elder sister Ritika, her brother is studying in Pune and her father is working on a ship. They live in a very big house. Her mother is cousin sister of my mother both sisters are very good looking. shikha is a little bit reserved type. ritika and...
Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. The story is a half-fiction and half-real, written for kinky and hardcore sex lovers. Relax and hands inside underwear now! I’m a 25 year old Software professional leading a healthy (I mean boring) life. I never had a girlfriend and led a lonely life nearly entire life. Although family life was nice, that desire to have a girlfriend was always there. Many might disagree but I feel a guy needs a girlfriend or at least a close friend who...
Karen smoothed her small hands across the cheeks of Katrina's ass, caressing them with loving strokes, frequently spreading her lover's ass open to gaze down at the small brown hole below. Katrina loved the way Karen worshipped her ass and she adored Karen's as well. They were really the same in a lot of ways. Both of them loved playing the toilet for each other. They were both submissive by nature and that put them on almost an equal ground. Their relationship was also very tender and...
This all started with Nancy introducing me to Bi sex and opening my eyes to the pleasures of cocks and pussies at the same time. I was hooked! We were planning my 30th birthday party, which had become somewhat of a tradition. We always invited all the friends single, married with spouses and c***dren however this year we decided that it should be adults only. After all it was a milestone 30-year-old! The planning began at the annual Memorial Day party, talking and deciding that it would...
4:53 P.M., Saturday, November 15, 2016 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Some of the guests had arrived already, including the two birthday kids. Sam Diamond’s birthday was actually November 14th and Jenny Inoguchi’s was November 16th, but everybody had quickly agreed that the 15th was the perfect day to celebrate them together; this way they wouldn’t interfere in the plans of the parents of each child. The two newly minted eleven-year-olds were known to be a little sweet on each other,...
The card was simple... "Happy Birthday Kate. We're having a party and you're the guest of honor. Come to the Marriot Hotel, Suite 23 at 6:30 pm. Dress comfortably."..."P.S. On your birthday... of course." You laughed as you read it. "Will there be cake and a clown?" you asked when you called to thank me for the invitation. "Yeah, I will be there and I will get a cake. Do you want Barbie decorations?" "Smart ass" you laughed. You weren't sure what to expect when you dressed to...
Samantha was proud of them all – the Navy and Fleet Auxiliary sailors, the Marine recruits, the cadets, even the concubines who had pitched in and helped save their home. The Sa'arm bodies, at least what was left of them, were being gathered and after dissection, incinerated. The shattered remains of the Venti-class ship itself was covered under an inflatable Quonset-hut-style structure for further analysis, being the closest that anyone in the Confederacy had come to actually inspecting...
Friday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...
Just a true short story about my recent Birthday surprise. It was the day of my Birthday and whilst opening the presents from my wife she announced that she had arranged a party that evening to celebrate. The party was to be in the large converted cellar of our house and was to be attended by lots of our close friends, colleagues and neighbours. I had converted our once dark damp cellar into a sort of games area and bar with soft lighting and a superb sound system that was a great place to have...
This wonderful night just happened, and left me wanting more. It starts with my wife and I going to a birthday party of a friend. Angela a very hot woman, is turning 30, and she wanted to party like no other. We went to her wedding last year, got to meet some other couples. The first couple we met up with is james a big red hair, redneck man....he had a new gf, Jamie. Jamie was hot, big tits, sexy legs, pump ass, and very flirty. We met, she hugged bra...damn it felt good hugging her....