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Princess of Castile Chapter one By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around five years prior to the events in Rikkis story. An innocent and effeminate man finds he has been sold and delivered to a very powerful noble in another country. Thomas Manning stood alone wearing a wedding gown. That fact was odd enough, it sounds almost like a practical joke someone was playing on him. Except, this was no joke. The events leading up to it were no joke. Thomas has had a very traumatic day so far. It had not been the worst day in his life, by far. He had experienced far worse in his young life. He was violently awakened in his hotel room after a long fight to this small South American nation off the coast. He was blindfolded and shackled like a prisoner headed toward prison. He was taken to this place, which was a small room in a church where he met a sadistic woman who didn't care how he felt. She was a professional who prepared him for his upcoming wedding, which he knew nothing about until a few hours ago. The preparations were very difficult for him. He was made up to look like a woman. Which wasn't that bad for him at all. He thought it was very ironic. She told him that he was going to be a male bride to one of the most powerful men in this tiny island nation. He was going to be the male bride of the Duke Jose Cordoba. He was one of the two mighty dukes of this nation, and the laws of this place made it totally legal. He lost any right to object or have any control over his life. His life was now in this man's hands. The man that was going to be his husband. Thomas was wondering how this could happen in any modern nation in the 21st century. He knew that things like this used to happen in his homeland until they abolished the barbaric practice. Thomas knew that things like this happened in nations like Egypt or Pakistan. They usually happened to women in those places. Thomas was having much difficulty believing this was real. His feminine image that reflected in the full-length mirror as well as his handcuffed wrists told him that it was very real. It was really happening. This was going to be a legal and binding marriage, and he had no say in the matter. Thomas smiled a wolfish smile at himself in the mirror. Everything was proceeding according to plan and they would indeed pay for this. A sound in the back of the room broke Thomas's thoughts, and he jumped. He turned and saw his younger step sister Katherine approach him. Thomas prepared for a very humiliating and probably emasculating conversation with his sister Katherine. Thomas knew she was going to enjoy his appearance. He had been a very bad brother. He was very sexist and cruel to her. Some of his comments and pranks against her were very hurtful. He was sorry, but he never got around to apologizing to Katherine. Even though he was remorseful for how he treated her, she never really given up her grudge against him. He knew she was going to have a lot of fun now, and she probably deserved to. Katherine closely examined Thomas. He watched a smile spread across her face. "Brother, Oh my god, they did it. You look like such a refined, beautiful woman now." "Thank you," Thomas replied with a smile. "So do you." "Except you are not a woman, I am. But You are supposed to be a man," Katherine said with a smile. "This is a same sex marriage. It would not be a same sex marriage if you were a woman." "What I can't figure out sister, is why a man would want to marry me. I am not gay, why would he want to do this to me. I am not a fag, I have never done anything sexual with a man. I don't dress as a woman like this, so why did he pick me. Why would a gay man want me when he could choose a real pervert that likes this stuff?" Thomas said to her. Katherine laughed. "I think I know why, Thomas. The Duke is a lot like you are. He likes women and has dated and seduced many women in his life. He is very rough and sexist toward women. Just like you are. You are very beautiful, soft and lovely. Your good good looks have helped you attract many women in your life. Your soft beauty has attracted the Duke. He knows you are heterosexual and beautiful, and that attracts the Duke. He thinks it will be hot to seduce and force a beautiful straight man to be his gay lover. He has a sick fetishistic side that wants to do that to you." His sister laughed girlishly. Shouted Thomas, "If he is straight, why is he doing this to me?" "Because," Katherine said. "You are not a man in his eyes. He has the right to insist you look like a woman. You will not be a man to him, you will be his wife, a woman, and a beautiful, seductive lover." "Thats no suprise, but does that make this okay then," Thomas looked up sharply, his eyes flaring with anger he had repressed most of the morning while the women were making him look pretty. "They made me look like a woman. Leanne and her women did all of this to me, and it's not right. What if I didn't like looking this way?" "If you didn't like it, it would nnot matter. I am very jealous of you now, Thomas," Katherine said. "Very few women ever get to experience the level of luxury you will be getting. The Duke spared no expense for this ceremony. Your gown alone probably costs as much as some houses. You are getting everything a person could ever want." "Katherine, everything I had is being taken from me. Nothing will be mine. My husband will own it all. I lost all control over my life this morning." Thomas pointed out to Katherine, who thought this is some fairy tale dream come true. Maybe for a woman, it was. "But it was clear the Duke spared no expense in this. He hired the best security, the best makeup artist for this. Then there was Leanne, who seemed to direct it all. She was a cruel bitch who specialized in transforming unwilling men into male brides. Leanne has done one man before me, and he's still married and living as a woman one and a half years later. She told me he still hasn't accepted it, but he cooperates and goes through his daily life living like this. No expense had been spared doing this to capture and force me through this. But I'm glad you appreciate it. I am just lucky that this does not bother me so much and I can enjoy being dressed like this. But still, I shouldn't be treated like this or marrying a man." Thomas said softly. Thomas added, "This was designed for a woman to experience. Its demeaning to a man and some men have been forced through this before, in this barbaric country,: Thomas said, looking into Katherines eyes. "You are lucky that being dressed as a beautiful woman does not bother you," Katherine giggled at her older step brother. "If they only knew you like I did. You love being pampered, dressed by handmaidens and that gown you are wearing. It must have cost twenty thousand dollars at least," Katherine pointed out. "That's one of the most expensive Marchesa. Thee top wedding gown designer in the world. The nobility and elite and celebrities all wear her gowns for special occasions and weddings. I really wish I could wear something like that when I get married. I am jealous that my brother gets treated like this pampered, made up, and assisted by the top professionals in the field. You had the best makeup artist, the best gowns. There aren't a lot of women that get this on their wedding day. You should be honored." Katherine said, very seriously. Thomas smirked, "The main issue here is the force and lack of consent. Some of these rituals were designed for and by women. But no woman would ever enjoy being treated like this. It was nothing but demeaning and I hated it. But it was revealing. That horrible bitch, Leanne. She was in charge of me and told me she was here to prepare me for this day. She is the top makeup artist and a neurotic perfectionist. And she has no conscience. She doesn't do celebrities or nobility. She enjoys doing this to male brides for their weddings, and the husbands pay her a lot. Katherine, In these deals, the bride loses all control in their life. She put me in this chair," He moved to the chair and sat in it. He showed her the thick restraining straps that secured him in the pink barbie heart-like chair. "You see, Katherine. This chair is what that bitch made me sit in so she could work on me." "How could she get you in that?" Katherine asked, doubtfully. "I don't think Leanne had the physical strength to manhandle you in that chair." "She had security standing by. I didn't go willingly, I assure you. Katherine. Security overpowered me. They forced me into the chair. Leanne curled my hair, made up my face, plucked my eyebrows. They did everything to me, and these straps made me unable to resist or interfere in any way. As is legal in this hell of a nation." "Maybe you deserve it, Thomas," Katherine pointed out with a smirk. " I doubt any woman woman would enjoy this. I was appraised of the laws of this land, and women do endure this treatment. Many women are forced into marriages in this nation. The law has been amended within the last 10 years to include men being able to be placed in a marriage to another man by his family's consent. So, you are here being the bride to another man. Maybe this is what you want." Katherine gave him a knowing smirk. Thomas glanced at her in allarm, "Katherine, how could you say something like that?" he asked. "How could you think I want this? Is it just because I enjoyed being dressed as a woman by you and your friends? That I enjoyed hanging out with your friends as one of their own? What would make you think I could enjoy this?" Her eyes were sharp as they looked into his eyes and she could tell he was suddenly afraid, and very unsure. It was a very different Thomas than the one she had come to know in the past few years he was with her family. "You enjoy being dressed pretty is just one of the things. But it isnt the only thing. I am not stupid, thomas. You are my step brother and you have come into our family only a few years ago. I know almost nothing about you at all. But I do undretand your strength, and your sharp insight and nothing ever really surprised you. You always seemed to be in control so I highly doubt you would get into this type of situation unless you had a plan. Something is going on, Thomas. So first, let me ask you, Is Thomas really your name? What is your real name, just tell me?" She saw Thomas look away in fear and then he resolved it all and looked right into her face with a look of confidence and control that she was used to. "My name is Alejandro Primo De Rivera. That is the name I had most of my life, until I was adopted by your family and your father named me Thomas." Her face lost most of its color. She backed away in fear. "This has to be a joke, no Thomas, how could you be Alejandro, De Rivera, The Prince, you're kidding?" He shook his head no very seriously. "Katherine, you ask and I answered. This is no Joke." "So you are the Prince of Castile. Now there is no way you can convince me you didn't plan this. That this isn't part of a plot. You would never allow this to happen unless you had a plan. There is no way. Perhaps it is to allow you to have all of the girlie fun you want without being judged, but, I think there is something more to this. So you are really Prince Alejandro Primo De Rivera. Descendant to Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera. And your sister is the Empress Elsa." "Don't tell anyone, I want them to know when they are ready," Thomas pleaded. She laughed. "And by that time, it will be too late for them. Sure Brother. So, this is you in this video." She showed Thomas a video on her phone, In the video he saw his mighty sister towering a foot above him, the mighty empress Elsa pulling her smaller feminine brother onto a large overhanging platform overseeing a sea of people and nobles. Her little brother was dressed in a soft gown, heels and his face was made up. And he was wearing a pretty ruby Tiara of the princess. She cruelly announced to the people, "Today, I present to you, your royal princess Alejandra Primo De Rivera. Princess of the Empire of Castile. I declare she is our princess." The crowd shouted no as such cruelty displayed by the Empress and many of them rebelled. It sparked a vicious and long civil war. It looked like cruelty by his larger older sister who claimed the crown. But she saw in his eyes, a look of pure love and admiration. There was no hostility at all as he looked up at her. And the bliss in his eyes, he loved being presented like that and his conduct during the war, supporting her and helping her lead the nations military forces to victory, defeating the rebels. And after that, Thomas would have her now believing this was happening to him and he could do nothing about it? That was total bullshit. "Yes that was me," Thomas said with a smile. "But it is not what it looks like, not at all." She laughed again. "Of course not. Nothing is what it appears with you and her. Especially how you supported her during the rebellion. You had it all planned. You wanted to be the Princess. And you love your sister. But now you expect us to believe you were captured here, and trapped and forced into this humiliation." "Yes," Thomas said. "They don't know who I really am. And it better stay that way until I am ready. Do you understand. And things stay the same." She backed away from the icy look in his eyes. That was clearly a threat. "Yes, of course. But, Thomas, these people aren't idiots either. From the look of your body, those marks and scars all over you, and your general acceptance of the feminine lifestyle, I seriously doubt you will fool them for too long. I think they will also figure out things aren't as they seem to be." He flashed an icy cruel smile that sent chills down her spine. "OF course they will. That Leanne is a smart woman, and she already has some very strong suspicions and she clearly does not like me. I see the hint of fear in her eyes. And Dukes aren't stupid. They will figure it out within days, but by then it will be too late. But, Katherine, they better not find out from you. This is our secret now." She saw how serious her brother was and the clear threat. "Of course, they won't find out from me. But this is a plot and you have to know what you are getting yourself into. You should know the nobilities degrading wedding rituals they go through. It can be very traumatic and demeaning and he is insisting on doing it to you. I hope you are ready for how intense it can be." She was worried about her brother and if he fully understood what he had got himself into, and what he would be expected, and forced to do for this man. And he was never really attracted to men at all. She wondered how he would be the next morning after enduring the first night of the intense consummation period. She worried about him, and hoped to see Thomas after the third day's bridal banquet to present the consummated bride after the full consummation ritual. Her brother, wearing the traditional bridal mask that brides of nobility wear in this nation and the hickies he would receive . How would her brother be when he was presented to the public, and his mask removed for the public, and introduced as the bride of the powerful Duke. As his Lady for the public. She was worried but she knew this was somehow the plan. She couldn't wait to see what would happen. "Well now, Thomas, you will be Bride and the woman in this marriage. I hope that you are ready for it all." Thomas smiled a very wicked sinister smile. "Katherine, I have studied their wedding ritials and I know full well what I ma getting into. I have endured far worse than this. You probably have an idea, you saw the scars on me. This is all part of the plan, and it has to happen this way. I must be subjected to all a woman goes through in this ritual. I will see to it that no woman ever endures this hell again. No woman will suffer this indignation of her sex, and her future ever again after this. At least, not here." Katherine stared at him for a few brief seconds. So this was a plan to help the other women, she should have known. He was always so concerned about the plight of women, and that's probably why he wanted to be the princess and set all of that up. She saw the look in Thomas's eyes and she just knew this was going to raise hell. She walked out laughing. She began figuring out what this was all about. And only she knew. He was alone with his thoughts for several minutes, now that Katherine figured out part of all of this, he was worried that she would reveal it. He already knew that Katherine had told the Duke about him dressing as a girl for her and her friends. Going out with them as another girl. He would have to act betrayed when he found out, but that was all part of their game. They were like antagonists and she hated him for his overt sexism, taking after their father. When in reality, he supported her and was very conserned about the status of women and always sought to empower women. Just like he did with Elsa. The door opened, and he saw his mother Suzanne enter. She smiled at him. "Woah. My Son." His mother smiled brightly. "I was warned you would look different, Thomas, but you are gorgeous. You are so sexy that your husband will not be able to keep his hands off of you." Thomas sneered, "I refuse to marry that faggot. I refuse to participate in this pervert marriage you set up. I won't even walk out with you to meet him. I won't do it." He nearly shouted. "I won't marry a disgusting filthy faggot and let him put his hands all over me. I am a real man, not a faggot." Renae looked serious into Thomas's eyes and said, "Thomas, lets get serious. You seriously don't expect me to believe this, do you?" His eyes flashed with anger, "Believe what, that I have been captured here and forced into dressing as a bride to marry a man I never met? Look at me, you know me?" "Yes," Suzanne said sternly. "I do know you. You dont think I let Craig adopt a boy that we dont know, two years ago, do you? I know who are you, so knowing that, you seriously don't expect us to believe you allowed yourself to be in this situation, do you? "But I am in this situation," Thomas protested. "Look at thse handcuffs, the bonds on me. This is the situation I am in." "Thomas, stop it," Suzanne shouted. "Cut it out. Yes you are here, but its what you expected. And I do know you have dressed as a woman before. You enjoy it. You like being a woman, I said I know who you are. Alejandra. We are not stupid. I lived in fear since you came to our family, that you were going to destroy what we have built for our children. There is something going on here, but you seriously cant expect us to think someone of your power could be put in this situation unless you planned it. So, cut it out." Thomas lowered his eyes. "Okay, so you know. And yes, I enjoy being a woman but that does not mean I deserve to be treated like this. No woman does. And I will make sure no woman suffers this again. But these are family arranged marriages, and you and Katherine set this up for me. You know." "Yes, we did. Your father, Craig set it all up. He got involved with this man and set up all of the legal documents to make it real for this nation. It required our consent. Your father and this Duke approached me, and he explained the process. His attorney was with him, and your father's attorney was there. They made out the deal, the legal forms. It required our signed consent. I signed my name to the form, your sister signed too. He paid me the dowry for your hand. I really didn't want to, Thomas. I am serious, but there was a lot of pressure to sign the forms. We eventually did. But I knew who you were and I knew there was something more going on here. I knew we were expected to betray you. So what is going on Thomas?" "I can't tell you," Thomas said. "Suzanne, you just have to trust me in this and follow the plan. Things will be revealed soon enough. Just know, that after this, no woman will suffer this life again. And no man. You remember the horror that man suffered about a year ago. I think his name was Martin. What happened to him was a total atrocity. I am so lucky that being dressed as a woman does not bother me like it bothered him." Suzanne had to point out, "I remember him. But it was not only the clothing that bothered him so much," Suzanne said seriously. "It was his husband, having a husband control his life, and what he was expected to do with the man, and what that man did to him. That's also something you better prepare for, son since this was your plan. I have to hope you know that part. He will be your husband and have expectations for you." "Yes, I know," Thomas confirmed. "But I have been through far worse in my life. This is no different than what happens to thousands of women in this little country. I can handle it. Mother, can you explain how father set this all up and what really happened then?" "Craig told us about this custom, that we do know about. It is considered legal here in this nation. We signed, we gave the attorneys our consent and signed the affidavit to its effect. Then Craig passed away a few weeks later, and we made the arrangements with the Duke. We were told we had to participate in this marriage and help you along. I am to give you away as the ceremony. The time is getting short, we will have to walk down the aisle very soon. Are you ready for that?" Thomas was very strong and said in a tone that was unquestionable, "Yes indeed I am ready. If you know me, then you know I knew and I have prepared myself. I don't make really want to marry this man. But that's how many women have felt in this situation. What makes me so different? I really don't want some man having sex with me as a woman. But, its what is going to happen and what has to happen for this to work." "I really wish I knew what you had planned," Suzanne said to him. "But I trust you. I just wish I understood." "Mom, there is a reason," Thomas said. "That horrible Bitch Leanne what she did, and what she put me through is horrible. And she had the right, and I could not stop her, and she had done this to many men before. That's why I am doing this." "I know Leanne and she did not seem pleasant at all. She did seem horrible and arrogant. I spoke to Leanne last month, when the deal was being finalized. The Duke and Leanne came to our house, and she explained the process, what she did, and how. I was horrified about the matter of fact way she explained the process, and what she did as if there was nothing wrong with treating a person that way. The Duke hired her because she has experience in these forcible transformations. She explained that she had done this before. She enjoys working on male brides. I have a feeling you may have enjoyed the transformation with her. But I also know you have plans and she may not enjoy working with you." Suzanne laughed thinking about the shocks that Leanne will go through in this marriage. He was fuming, and said, "Just because I like to be a woman, does not mean I like being forced or restrained. She had no right to do what she did to me." Waves of danger radiated from his body. Thomas did have a temper. Thomas was dangerous and very intelligent. Leanne would undoubtedly be frustrated by him. She had little doubt that Leanne would live to regret this. Then, Thomas suddenly smiled. "I hate her." She whispered, "I hate her too, but the husband and I approved of her, even if she didn't need our approval. Only the husbands approval is required. We agreed on one condition. I know who you are, Thomas. Knowing you, I insisted that she make you appear as a natural woman. I told Leanne to make you look like a woman, not a feminized man trying and living as a woman. We told The Duke we would only approve, if he required Leanne to transform you into the image of a woman so no one would know. They wanted you to look like a sissy man mocking the image of a woman to humiliate and demean you. We would refuse to approve this unless they agreed to make you appear as a natural woman. They eventually agreed, if you would cooperate with it." Thomas's smiled sweetly, "You did that for me," he said amazed. "Thank you, mother. I am really thankful you did that for me." "Yes," Suzanne said. "I know Alejandra. I was just trying to preserve some of your dignity. I knew you would love it." "I am so thankful." Thomas smiled. "I had no idea you knew. I figured you would be more than willing to sign me to a man to be feminized, because of Father and how you thought I was taking after him. And you would want to teach me a lesson. But you knew all along?" For some reason, Thomas didn't seem upset at all. Suzanne remembered his father Craig using her when he would not stop no matter how she pleaded to him. He was firm in his use of force on her and what her position in the marriage was. She was a strong, confident woman and didn't want to submit and be passive to a man. He was a firm dominant male that demanded her submission to his manhood. She had no choice, he used force and punished her when she tried to stand up to him. His punishments were demoralizing and painful. She submitted in the end, and surrendered her pride as a woman. She knew in her heart that Thomas was only pretending to take after Craig. She knew he hated Craig and loved her. Thomas said, "And I thought you hated me. I thought you would enjoy this." "No, my son," Suzanne said in a soft, affectionate tone of a grieving mother trying to get her son to understand. "I will not enjoy this. Your sister may, but I will not enjoy it. It makes me very sad to see you treated this way. But Craig insisted, and I figured you wanted to do this too. I begrudged gave my consent. I do know you and figured you were behind it all along. You pretended to be rude and chauvinistic, and turning into a very cruel man. I knew it was only an act." Thomas was surprised that Suzanne saw through his chauvinistic attitude and knew who he really was. She had the foresight to insist that his husband make him appear as a natural born woman, and not a sissified man pretending to be womanly. He was so thankful to that, he figured he would have to fight them to be a woman. That was already taken care of, he hoped. Katherine also knew. This was really great, if they could keep that information to themselves. She knew her son was brilliant and able to piece together information very quickly. "I know, you withheld much from me about your real family, and your father, and sister Elsa. There were things you kept hidden out of necessity. I know everything will be revealed when you are ready and it will be too late for them." Thomas smiled. One of the security stuck his head in and said, "The Duke is ready and the ceremony is ready to begin. Ma'am." He said to Thomas with a smirk. Thomas remembered that man as the first one he met that abducted him and threw a bag over his head. "Are you ready for the wedding, my son," inquired in a very sorroful tone. He knew she would hate this and could not understand why he was going through with this. He backed away. "No, I really don't want to do this. But I know I have to. I am required to do this and so I will. I have suffered far worse in my life. This is nothing that many women have not suffered before. I will do it for them. Anyway, we know what will happen if I refuse. They will come in, drag me to the altar and tie me to that post, and conduct the ceremony anyway. Leanne told me most churches have a post like that to conduct weddings like this. But, I will do this." Thomas wanted to show his courage and determination to face this man who was doing this to him. So he would boldly walk down the aisle as the bride and face this idiot Duke. Thomas took his mother's hand and let her lead him out the door in his five-inch stilettos tapping the marble floor with his head held firmly in place because of the constricting neck corset he held. His hands daintily cupped in front of him, holding a bouquet of flowers as a bride. His thumbs were cuffed together, hidden by a floral lace cover. He was warned not to drop it. He assumed they didn't want him to drop the lace cover because they wanted the guests to believe this was a consensual marriage on his part. He had no intention of allowing anyone to have the illusion this was a consensual marriage. There were no gaps, nothing looked out of place at all. A woman in a bridal grown being escorted by her mother is what all of the guests saw. None of them had any idea the bride was really male. They watched the bride walk down the aisle as any woman would. The illusion was so perfect, the bride even moved as a woman. Nothing looked male at all. He looked up at them and let the lace cover slip from his hands, and the flowers fell to his feet. Everyone saw his hands cuffed together with his shiny red fingertips. He heard many surprised gasps of surprise. Thomas just smiled and kept walking. He saw his sister sitting in the audience beaming and smiling at Thomas. She was going to enjoy this show a lot. She didn't know what Thomas had planned, but she knew it was going to be very interesting. And these people had no clue what they were facing. Thomas nodded to her and smiled a soft, feminine smile at her. He loved his sister. Thomas kept his soft smile in place. He saw a few others he didn't know. The guests seemed shocked to see the cuffs on his thumbs. The groom's men accompanied him just in case he caused any trouble. They provided the security for this event, and they knew the details of the marriage. He approached the altar with his mother escorting him. There was a woman standing regally wearing a purple robe of a religious and legal authority of this nation. He figured she was in her fifties. The woman was a justice of the peace for this part of this strange little country. Thomas examined the enormous man wearing a tuxedo standing at the altar waiting for him. The man looked like he was in his mid to late forties. Thomas's smirked thinking that this large foolish man was so clueless and had no idea what was to come. Thomas's face was delicate and small. Almost now indistinguishable from a woman's. He loved this. The Duke smiled at Thomas as he boldly approached the man and stood by his side. The man was huge as he stood over a foot taller than Thomas. His shoulders were broad. The Duke's hands were huge. Thomas guessed the man stood over seven feet tall and possibly over three hundred pounds. Thomas was not intimidated at all. He was always small and pretty, much like a woman. It did not bother Thomas at all. The man took Thomas's small delicate hand in one of his large hands. Thomas's bright fingernails glinted, showing his new feminized appearance to the Duke. Most of the guests now knew this wasn't a consensual marriage. They saw the imposing security close by Thomas. They saw his hands were cuffed. They got the message. And Thomas saw they did not care at all. And that was the big problem. The woman watched as the beautiful male bride approached the altar and stood beside the groom, the man who was responsible for all of this. The young man had a fierce look in his eyes. The look in the young mans face was as hard as Iron. Thomas looked up at the man, and their eyes met for the first time in Thomas's entire life. The man he only saw today. The man who would marry him. The man who would be his lawfully wedded husband accepted by law. The man who would have sex with him tonight. The man smiled. Thomas smirked at him and the look in his eyes was as hard as Ice. Thomas saw for the first time, a look of uncertainty in this mans eyes. The woman watched, knowing all of the details of this wedding. She spoke in an authoritative voice, "We are all gathered here today for this blissful ceremony in sight of god to join these two men Duke Jose Cordoba and Thomas Manning in beautiful wedlock, a beautiful moment in their lives. May the time they spend together grow and blossom with love and devotion now that they have decided to spend as one." She looked toward his mother. "Who is giving the bride Thomas Manning away today?" His mother spoke up, "I am, Suzanne Manning. I will give the Bride Thomas Manning away." Then the woman asked her, "Was the dowry acceptable for you, Ms. Manning." "Yes it was," his mother replied and looked toward the Duke. "Remember our agreement Duke. Thomas is really a woman." "I will remember that," the Duke replied in a voice that seemed very accustomed to power and authority. He was a Duke. Obviously, nobility in this country. He was wearing the colors of nobility and had badges and a sash along his shoulder. Dukes are very powerful. They're about the highest-ranking authority in a monarchy. There are princes and the reigning monarch. But, most princes may get the title of Duke of a Duchy. He could hold power over millions. He was an extremely powerful man. There were two Dukes in this nation. His father made this deal with the Duke to try to enhance his family, but he had made a mistake. The woman looked to the Duke and began that part of the ceremony when Thomas spoke up, "May I say something?" The Woman looked annoyed to be interrupted. "Yes. You are the bride and it is your right to address us, You may speak sir." She smiled. "What is this dowry? I didn't receive any it. Doesn't dowry from the bride's family to the groom?" Thomas asked. "Yes, in other cultures, but we have different customs here. May we proceed?" Thomas almost sneered. "So then it's really a bride's price. And, I didn't agree to this marriage. I know no one here cares whether I agreed to this marriage or not. I was sold and bought by the Duke and that's all that matters to any of you. Does the fact that I do not want to marry this man matter to you, Ma'am" Thomas asked loudly. The woman simply replied, "You are the bride here, Sir. All agreements were reached and this was approved by your family. You are the bride. Thomas continued, "I never agreed. And his people forced me to dress as a woman. My mother knows that I am a woman, but it does not really matter. What if I wasn't, and did not want to dress as a woman?" "You are the bride, and it is your husbands desires. It is his right to insist you dress as a woman." The woman asked, "Was the dowry paid?" The Duke replied, "Yes," Then she looked toward Suzanne. "Was the dowry acceptable?" "Yes it was." She smirked at him. "We have all of the consents in order, the paperwork is filed. So let's proceed," the woman said. "But I didn't consent and I don't want to marry this Duke. I never met him in my life. I know none of you care about that little matter," Thomas said in a tone of Ice. "I know that I get no say in these proceedings here. And even you," Thomas said toward the woman, Speaking as a government official as the justice of the peace, does not care about a persons civil rights or self determination over their life. You should care about that, but you dont because this system is perverted, corrupt and brutal. Just like you are. This country is full of perverts and slavers." "This is a family arranged marriage, ma'am and you are the Bride. Your family consented and found the Duke a suitable spouse for you. They agreed, the dowry was paid. Your consent is not required." "Of course not. Then this isn't a marriage at all. I was sold by my family. I have been bought, so I have no say in my life or who I marry now. This is human trafficking. I have been sold as a sex slave to this man. I will never accept this as a marriage. And that you participated in this and have no problem with it says a lot about you, and your nations' character. Can you stop this, ma'am?" She almost looked sympathetic. "I couldn't if I wanted to, ma'am. Many women find themselves in this situation, so it happens. You aren't the only one. This is an arranged marriage and this ceremony is only a formality. You were married the moment the document was signed by your family and the husband. If I didn't conduct this ceremony, someone else would, and it would make no difference to your situation, Mr. Manning. Now let's proceed." He looked toward the man, hate filled his eyes and an icy cold determination. Thomas knew this was no use, but he had to try and give them a chance. Actually, he knew the Duke wouldn't listen. The Duke went through all of the expense of doing this, setting up this ceremony. Paying Leanne a huge sum of money to make him a woman. Arranging this wedding and the documents. He was determined, but Thomas wanted to give him a chance, he looked up into the dukes eyes with his own. His eyes were as cold as ice, Thomas said to the Duke, "I am giving you this one chance to call this ceremony off. If you do this, I will go back to my homeland and we can forget this. I guarantee, if you go through with this and force me, then you will suffer. You all will suffer more than you can imagine. I will destroy you, your cities, your people, this country will be destroyed. You have no idea who I am. If you do this, Duke, you guarentee a war you can not win. Do us all a favor and call this marriage now. This is your one chance," Thomas said loudly and he heard some of the guests laugh at the threat. The Duke looked unaffected. He looked back and saw a look of recognition in Katherine's eyes. Some of her questions were answered. The man showed a look of concern, smiled softly "I love you. Everything will be alright, my sweetheart. I will show you my love." Then gently caressed Thomas's face. It was what Thomas expected. The guests seemed to think this was a joke, and had no concern about Thomas's threat. Most just accepted this marriage as if it was how some things were done here, and this kind of force for marriage was a nationally recognized custom. It was amended to include same sex marriages. He said his piece and made damn sure everyone knew what was going on and what they would be facing. They didn't care, that was going to be their fault. Thomas just stood there with an icy cold glare. He knew these people were going to lose everything. There was nothing else to do now. He simply said loudly, "You have all sealed your fate." Thomas smirked. "Suzanne Manning, do you agree to commit your son Thomas Manning to the love and protection of the Duke Jose Cordoba to love and cherish for the rest of his life and agree this will be a beautiful blessed part of your son's life." She frowned at Thomas. She said, "Thomas is really my daughter." It looked like it really hurt her to do this to him, and she was concerned. Thomas knew how his mother felt now and he knew she hated doing this. She said in a very reluctant pained voice, "I do." She also knew she had sealed these peoples fate. "Do you, Duke Jose Cordoba, promise to take Thomas Manning into your life and love and cherish him as your wife? Hold him above all others and protect him for as long as he lives, in sickness and heath and cherish him as your beloved wife." "I do," he said in a deep, powerful voice. Thomas said low, so only the Duke could hear, "The hell you do." He knew what this man wanted and cherishing and protecting him wasn't on the Dukes agenda. He wanted to pound and destroy Thomas and mold him into what he wanted, for his perverted freakish desires. Something no good husband would ever do to a woman. Thomas was no fool. He knew exactly what kind of man the Duke was. Thomas knew. "You may place the ring on the bride's finger," the woman said and Thomas's delicate beautifully manicured hand rose as the Duke placed a massive ring adorned with many large shining diamonds on Thomas's finger. His red fingertips glinted in the sun Thomas just looked at it. "Then, by the power vested in me by the state and country of Aragon, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." The Duke lifted Thomas's wedding veil and pressed his lips against Thomas's. He knew it was coming and slightly opened his mouth for the final kiss. Thomas didn't want to, but he knew it was expected, so it was no use fighting it. He felt the Dukes mouth descend, and his tongue slither in his mouth in a full kiss. He felt disgusted and violated and he felt the desire to fight and to try to push the Duke away. Thomas controlled his icy emotions and just accepted this as part of the plan. The kiss was very dominant and powerful. The Duke wasn't a gentleman at all. It hurt, and Thomas's face twisted in disgust as he was kissed by this man. He felt his stomach twist and lurch as the Duke's large tongue swirl and lick the inside of his mouth. Then he pulled away as Thomas just accepted it. It was disgusting to kiss the Duke like this. He didn't even know the Duke or accept any intimacy with this man. But, he knew it was just the beginning and there was more coming later. Thomas knew he would simply have to adapt to more sexual activity with this man. The Duke took Thomas's hand and led the him back to the preparation room of the small chapel. He said, "Leanne will help you prepare for the reception and I will wait for you, my love. Just wear that corset a little more for me and ask her to use a larger cup size for your bra and show a little more cleavage." The Dukes hand was squeezing Thomas's butt cheek. Thomas brushed the Dukes large hand away from his buttock. "I am not your wife, I am your slave. I didn't get a say, and I know you wont treat me as a beloved wife. You simply want someone who can not refuse you. You can abuse, molest, and demean and humiliate me like this. I know with your power and security You think I am powerless to do anything about what you want to do with me. Just know there will never be love between us, and I will never regard you publicly or privately as my husband. You are my master. You had a chance to call this off and you refused. You did it, and now you sealed your fate. I will destroy you." Thomas kissed the Duke and smirked as the Duke walked away. Leanne turned and looked as Thomas entered the room alone. She looked startled. Leanne was beautiful but he also sensed a cruelty within her. She would do her job and didnt care how it affected anyone. Her face was flawless and he could see she spent a lot of time perfecting her look. She looked stern and unforgiving but that look had no effect on Thomas. "Oh, Mrs. Cordoba. I didn't expect to see you until after the wedding reception. I was going to prepare you for tonight's activities with your husband then. What can I do for you?" She saw Thomas flinch at being called Mrs. Cordoba, but it was to be expected. They had no clue about Thomas being De Rivera. And Thomas would have to accept being referred to as Mrs. for the moment. He was married at the moment whether he liked it or not. Thomas was going to enjoy this and looked directly into Leanne's eyes and said, "The Duke is displeased with my appearance." He smirked. A look of alarm was very evident on Leanne's face. "Oh my, what?" She really sounded concerned. Thomas had noticed that Leanne was an exceptional makeup artist and an obsessive perfectionist. She wanted everyone to know and respect her work. That was important to her. That was something he could use. "The Duke wants my breasts to larger cup size and more cleavage to be on display. Your work on my face was very good. He wants my bustline to be enhanced." Thomas failed to mention that he would like that too. Leanne loosened the gowns chest and pulled it down. "Men," she said more to herself. Looked at him and loosened the corset and removed the bra." Alright, Mrs. Cordoba. We will have to lift you up to retighten your corset with the larger breasts. Thomas mentioned, "Yeah, men. He obviously has a large breast fetish and I guess I have to have massive breasts to satisfy him." He smiled and Leanne saw and wondered if Thomas also wanted that look. There was something about him that she didn't understand. This feminization did not seem to affect him at all. She could almost swear that he was enjoying it. He put his wrists in the rope again and let her tighten them and lift him off the ground" She inserted larger breast forms inside the bra cups. His new bustline was very visible now and he had a deep sexy cleavage on display. Leanne smiled approvingly of the new feminine image of Thomas and laced the tightened the corset again. She twisted and tightened the corset and it hurt just like before. But he had learned not to show pain in front of the enemy. Lots of experience with pain and torture trained him to control his expressions and not show he was in pain. He had experienced far worse than this. So Thomas remained silent as Leanne did her work. Leanne was surprised. The previous man was screaming as she tightened the corset on his wedding. This man was creepy and more than a little unsettling in how calm he was. She knew his mind was taking in everything and analyzing everything. He watched and said very little. But what he did say was always accurate. Thomas was still hanging from his wrists when she twirled his body in the air, so they were face to face. He was helpless hanging in the air and she had an air of seriousness to her. She adjusted his curls and positioned his breasts correctly. Leanne said, ?Mrs. Cordoba, I hope from here on out, we can have an understanding. Even though I work for you, I have specific instructions from the Duke that override anything that you say that contradicts his instructions. I have my instructions from him and I will do what I am supposed to. You will have them done. You are now married to the Duke. I will call you Mrs. Cordoba as it is appropriate now. There is nothing you or I can do about that. I have my job, and I am well compensated by the Duke for it. I will do my job. I have security if you get out of hand. Do we understand each other?? Leanne lowered him to the ground and they spoke. ?I am not his wife, Leanne. I do not recognize this marriage, I never signed anything or took any vows to him. You can count on me getting out of hand. I fully intend to.? Thomas smirked at her. ?So bring it on, I have endured far worse than you can imagine.? She looked into his eyes and saw that he was not boasting, or anything like that. She saw a stern resolve that refused to break, and a deep seated pain and rage within his eyes. He had suffered a lot of pain in his young life. He suffered far more than she thought. And her memories flashed back to his preparations and dressing. She noticed a lot of scars on his body. Across his back, arms, his chest. Something had happened to Thomas. It was unnerving. She could swear that Thomas had been subjected to torture. Leanne began to wonder if this was one monumental mistake. She did not miss the threat during his wedding ceremony. The Duke and the guests may have thought it was only a bluff. But something about Thomas told Leanne that it was no bluff at all. She knew in her heart that Thomas was very serious. She figured his threat was real. ?I know what is planned for tonight. What gives him the right to have sex with me?? Thomas asked. ?You are his wife, that is what gives him the right,? Leanne said. ?It is appropriate. He has the right because you are his wife.? ?I never agreed to be his wife, I never gave my consent or approval. I don?t want him to dress me as his woman. This is unacceptable to me. I never met this man before and I do not want to have sex with him. Leanne, understand this. I won?t allow him to have sex with me.? He knew what her argument would be, he knew already knew her personality type and had it all figured out. Thomas was leading her down a road that was inevitable. Leanne had no clue. ?You said you wouldn?t be dressed as a woman, and now you are here and dressed as a woman. You said you wouldn?t marry him and you are now married. He will have sex with you tonight. You are his wife,? Leanne stated matter of flatly. ?I am not married, and I?m not his wife,? he stated. ?I won?t allow him to have sex with me,? Thomas said very sternly. It bothered her that there was little emotion to his voice. No outrage, or screams of rage. Just an icy cold logic and resolve in his demeanor. Most men would be in complete panic. ?He will have sex with you, and you know it. It is customary. The bride, you two will have an intimate night.? She smiled evilly. ?I would get used to the fact if I was you.? ?No, I am not his wife and won?t allow him to have sex with me,? Thomas said. ?He will, what makes you think you can prevent it?? Leanne inquired. ?Nothing, but I won?t allow it, and I don?t have to. You have misunderstood Leanne," Thomas stated with no emotion at all. His voice was soft. "I have said I won?t allow him to have sex with me. I know you and your security and the Duke can overpower me, and force me. He will have sex with me whether I allow it or not. It is not sex then, we are discussing rape. That is what will happen. I won?t allow him to have sex with me. He will likely rape me tonight, and you will have made it all possible.? Leanne was getting irritated. ?It is his right, you are married. It?s not rape, it?s the first night to consummate the marriage.? ?I am not his wife, I never consented. It was forced, I was sold, and I am his captive and slave. I am not his wife,? he stated firmly. ?No I won?t let him have sex with me. He will have to force me.? She shot out, ?You are his wife, accept that!? Thomas smiled at how intense she was. She was very emotional about her job and easily irritated when the logic didn?t go her way. ?I will never accept this. It was forced on me, no one asked my consent, so I am not under any obligation to accept this. You got that, it was forced, so it will continue to be forced. I will be raped tonight. My life has been destroyed, by you Leanne!? ?None of this is my doing. I didn?t put you here. This is your husband and your family?s doing." Leanne saw the depth of the hatred in his eyes. It was no hot rage. Just an icy cold resolve in his eyes. It actually frightened her. ?You are here, you dressed me like this. I told you not to, and you did it. I blame you, Leanne.? Thomas asked, ?Are you happy with your work, does this make you proud?? ?Yes,? Leanne replied. "I am very satisfied. ?I am proud of my work.? ?Would you do this to your son?? Thomas asked accusingly. ?No,? she said. As she cursed himself seeing Thomas smile. Now he knew she had a son. ?You know I don?t want to do this," Thomas said. "And you are forcing me. You are enjoying tormenting and humiliating me.? ?I am just helping you to be beautiful for your husband. That is my job and I focus on appearances. I am an artist.? Thomas smiled. ?You are a sadist. You enjoy a man?s humiliation and suffering. Their pain gives you joy. You enjoy your work, Leanne.? ?Mrs. Cordoba I am only following directions of your husband. That?s it.? Thomas smiled. It was a creepy, unexpected smile. It was full of malice. ?You offered the explanation of all the monsters in history, we were only following orders. We merely carried out directives from our superiors. We aren?t responsible, we did it but others told us to. I understand, but I don?t accept Ms. Sterling. That excuse has never been accepted. You can determine right and wrong and when your work creates suffering, you are doing wrong. You would know that, if you had a conscience.? There wasn?t much to say to that and his position was clear. Leanne would probably have to punish him a lot. Thomas decided to ask, ?So you are already calling me Mrs. Cordoba. I bet you were itching to call me that all day since I arrived. Do you mind telling me my entire name? Since I bet he had it changed weeks ago, and of course, no one bothered to tell me or ask my consent.? ?Isabella Cordoba.? He didn?t like that at all. Isabella was a pretty name. But he still preferred Alejandra. He smiled. ?Lovely name. But it is not my name, it is not the name I was born with. I do not like that name.? ?That is your name, Isabella and you may as well accept it. You have a female name now,? Leanne said. He smiled again. ?You misunderstand. Its not that the name is female. Its just not my name. Personally, I would prefer the name Alejandra. My name is Alejandra Primo De Rivera.? Suddenly the scars covering his body, the icy cold look in his eyes, that nearly unbreakable will now made sense. Leanne?s blood ran cold when she heard that name. She still had a job to do, and she had to do it even if she wanted to quit and get as far away from this idiocy as possible.

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Princess of Castile chapter 7

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 7: First Strike This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Elsa sat in the darkness of her private chambers, wondering what foolish plot her sister had planned now. She had received news that her sister had been captured and taken to the island province of Aragon...

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Princess and the Pauper 3

Princess and the pauper Chapter 3 We came into the throne room, which had the tables set up for dinner. I was more than ready to eat. When I came in there were more than a few laughs and fingers pointing at me. Nevertheless, if I was given food, then anything was worth it. The princess sat at the head table next to her mother the queen. Next was a table for the queen's ladies-in-waiting, then the table for the princess's ladies-in-waiting. Lady Diane waited while another...

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Princess Yasmine

Princess Yasmine By Princess Ali had never seen such a display of power in his entire life. He was the young Crown Prince of his fathers Kingdom. His father was King Abdullah Aziz Al Saud King of Saudi Arabia, and the Commander of the armed forces of the Kingdom. His father had invited his eldest children to watch the years annual military parade in celebration of Eid Ul Fitr. The young prince admired his father. He loved his father more than anything else. While at times, the...

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Princess of Castile chapter 8

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 8: Storm This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. "She didn't take my crown away," Alejandra protested to Dianna. "I allowed her to have it. I wanted her to be the Empress. And I wanted to be the Princess working with her behind the scenes. I arranged for...

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Princess Layla

Princess Layla Princess Layla Clara stared at her book.? What she was reading didn't matter because it was only a pastime activity.? The text seemed like only empty sentences because she was waiting for something.? In 20 minutes she would need to serve Layla, her princess.? Her one and only Princess. The Princess needs to go to bed early because she is still young and needs a lot of sleep.? Oh, how she admires Layla?s soft skin and her pretty sweet face.? There was no doubt that...

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Princess Puma in Mine Your Business

Willow Creek, Arizona 1800 Rebecca Temple was in the middle of teaching her class when one of her students...a young boy of 13 years..burst through the doors of the modest old church building which housed the school during the week. A 28 year old woman..her blonde hair tied atop her head and dressed in a long sleeved baggy dress which flowed all the way down to her up from behind her desk and approached the boy...whose face and clothes were covered in dirt. "Billy Ingram...Why are...

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PrincessChapter 3 New Friends TV Appearance Vacation and Discovery

I drove Marjorie back to Jacques to retrieve her car. She went home to pack an overnight bag and then come back to my condo so we could be together. We were collectively moving very rapidly into this new polyamorous relationship that Carrie conceived. I figured I had about a half-hour to talk to Carrie alone before she joined us. I came into the apartment, and Carrie was happily humming as she did some straightening in the kitchen, preparing our dishes for breakfast as she was inclined to...

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Princess of Castile chapter 5

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 5: The wedding night This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. The door opened, and Thomas saw the shadow of a massive man looming in the doorway. The man walked in with a brilliant scarlet bathrobe embroider with his family crest. The man was Thomas's husband, the...

1 year ago
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Princess Ransom

King Gustave sat with his military advisers, it was no secret that the war was about to turn badly against his country. The reports were unanimous, in no more than a few weeks the Hartshore lines would collapse, allowing the troops of the enemy Juriland to sweep in for victory. But before that happened many thousands of King Gustave’s troops as well as a large number of enemy forces would die. King Gustave raged. Much of his anger was directed at himself, how he and King Julius had blundered...

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Princess The Stud

Michael looked across the crowded ballroom and sighed. This was not his usual scene. The monkey suite felt tight around the neck, the music was a bunch of violins, the people shiny, smiley and fake. But he was trapped and it was necessary he be here. ‘Well that was a big sigh.’ Came a voice from his left. He turned and looked into the friendly brown eyes of his friend Nate. ‘It’s not too late you know, you could forget this whole thing and move on, we could find our funding elsewhere.’ ‘Why...

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Princess Part III

Princess III By Teri Franken [email protected] Our Princess has basically lost her house to Tim; he has degraded her verbally, sexually and physically, taken over her bedroom and sent her off to sleep on the couch. -------------------------------- I closed my bedroom door. How the hell do I get myself out of this? I looked at my watch and saw it was 3am, I needed to wake 'Tim the King' in only three hours, plus I...

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Princess of Castile chapter 13

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 13 "Who is talking on the tv daddy?" the little girl asked her father who looked taken aback by what he was seeing. This was the common occurrence in most of the households of Aragon lately. People of Aragon gathered around their televisions and their radios as they heard the voice of Empress Elsa. Alejandra's sister gave a long speech directed at the leadership of Aragon describing their most recent and very expensive scientific...

2 years ago
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Princess Project

PRINCESS PROJECT Layla Taft was having fun as she sprinted through the forest along the same trail used for the Iditarod each year. She was fifteen, and loved to run. Running had saved her life less than a year ago. Her parents looked nothing like her as she was growing up. More she had never attended any school like other girls her age. Instead she was home schooled, Gymnastics, as well as Martial Arts, at twelve she already held a Black Belt in Karate, Taekwondo, and Aikido....

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Princess Her Friend Average Joe

I had flowers in one hand and candy with a Valentine’s Day card in the other. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess,’ I said with a big smile as soon as she answered the door. I handed her the white roses, Godiva chocolates, and her Valentine’s Day card. I leaned in for my reward hoping to kiss her on the lips, but I kissed her on the cheek instead, when she rolled her eyes and turned her head before giving me a look of annoyed indifference. Had this been the first time she acted like this to me,...

4 years ago
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Princess Jasmines New Life

Princess Jasmine’s New LifeThe story takes place after Jafar is turned into a sorcerer, and has Jasmine as his personal slave. Of course, this is the version Disney couldn’t show you?The Throne Room was exquisite. Though he had been there thousands of times, there was something different about it when you were Sultan and in charge of everything. Especially when you were in charge of a gorgeous desert bloom like the Princess. Hands chained together and bound to Jafar’s snake staff, Jafar looked...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

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Princess and the Pauper 1

The Princess and the Pauper. Chapter one. They lined us all up in a single row. A beautiful young girl then walked in front of us looking us over. "I want that one, that one and also that small one as my personal messenger." I was the third one that she picked from the line. That made me happy. That meant that I would have food and a place to sleep this night. When you are ten years old and have not eaten in three days, it was the best possible thing in the world for...

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PrincessChapter 5 Loving Emma Meeting the Royal inLaws New House Wedding

Eventually, we settled with Jacque's, and returned to the condo. It was about ten o'clock. If I read Jerry correctly, he was interested in some sexual time with Carrie; however, that wasn't going to happen with Emma around. Carrie changed all that in a minute. She came up to me. "Jim ... Honey ... I need you to do something really special for me – for us – especially for my younger sister Em." "Yummmm." I wondered where she was going; this was unusual, and if I read the tone of her...

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Princess By Default Episode 9 Finish

Princess-by-Default ? Chapter XV ? by: Noel Lexicon (Copyright 8/2002) Chapter XV: An Empress and her garden (eighteen months later): I followed the Emperor's glance. Ten yards away Lady Murielle was sensually brushing Sensha's hair. Both were glowingly pregnant and stunningly beautiful. It was easy to tell that the two pregnant women greatly enjoyed one another's presence. Jer'Tock was sitting on the edge of my chaise Sun lounge. Around us were the muted sounds of people...

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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Princess Part 4

Princess IV (Final chapter by me) By Teri Franken [email protected] When we last left Princess Erica, she had just served dinner to her new Master and his girlfriend Cheri, they were fucking on the couch and Cheri was ready to watch Tim fuck the little Princess. Tim looked over at me and said "take off those pantyhose Princess, but leave your panties on." I quickly removed my shoes and then my pantyhose. I noticed that Cheri never...

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Princess and the MagePart 3 Castle Leche

The Princess awoke a changed woman. She smiled up at him in reverence, adoration, and awe. Wrapping her arms and knees about him, she held him close and kept his seed within her womb. Her greatest hope was to carry his child. “I love you, slave or King makes no difference.” she whispered. While she had slept Magnus went to Meg. She had been crying in her frustration and need to be used. The magic held her frozen until he chose to come to her. He took pity on her and wished he could attend to...

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Princess Part 2

Princess, Part II By Teri Franken So far: Our future Princess was caught in a blackmail scheme and her "King" was planning on making her into his personal play thing. ------------------------- I started to move towards the stairs and it finally came to me, he planned on "using" me! Fear overcame me, I had never been with a man before, sure I had used my toys, but he had something else in mind. What a mess I was in, I had no choice but...

2 years ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 3

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 3: The Brides Reception This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. The door to the limo opened and the Duke slid in beside his male bride, Thomas. Thomas looked up, feeling very small and meek before the enormous man towering above him. They looked very much like...

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Princess Gwendolyn in The Castle of Pain

PRINCESS GWENDOLYN in THECASTLE OF PAIN By Llabmik Chapter1 - The Sweat Box The naked blond princess squattedinside the iron sweatbox, her pale flesh cooking in the broiling sun. Theheavy hot box sat in the centre of the deserted, sun-blasted courtyard ofQueen Rowena's Counterpane Castle (affectionately known as The Castle ofPain to it's inmates). Waves of heat shimmered up from the surfaces of theblack box. Inside the sweatbox, the air wasas wet as sweat soup. Hands bound behind her...

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Princess SaraChapter 17

The proud Princess and the youth, whom she had arbitrarily designated to be the King of this barren and enslaved land through which she was passing, walked together, both as naked as on the day of their respective births, up the steep down that led to the lair of the monster. The newly naked young man winced with pain as the sharp stones cut into his tender feet, drawing blood, and the tough and hardened Princess glared angrily at his weakness. "You must be a true and valiant man, a man of...

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Princess Alicia Requires Penetration

It was one of those quirks of the modern world that real princesses have a difficult time in finding suitable male counterparts to consummate the act of actually engaging in the nasty business of allowing male organs inside their private parts prior to actual marriage. The eighteen year old Princess Alicia of a well-known European monarchy was in that category and it was becoming increasingly stressful for her to do simple things like her studies or learning domestic skills without the calming...

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Princess Learns to Please

It all started as a bit of fun. I had just found a new job and was sharing an apartment with my friend, Lena. She was around the same age as me, twenty-two, but she was studying a college degree and spent most nights out partying with her friends, leaving me alone in the apartment. I wandered past her door one night and noticed a sexy thong laying on the floor by her bed. Something drew me to it, and I stepped inside the room, picking it up to feel the lacy material against my fingers. Before I...

Oral Sex
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Princess Found

Princess Found By Arecee Susan Collins wearily walked across the hall to the hard marble bench and sat down to reflect on the horrors of the past three weeks. She looked up at the sign next to the double doors and read what it said, "Superior Court, Room B." Actually she didn't really read the sign but just used it as a point of reference as she lost herself in thought. How could such an innocent thing escalate to...

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Princess land part 1

My maid entered the room ready to prepare me for my daily morning walk around the castle. She had drew me a bath, i took off my robe im front of her and slowly dove into the water. Now i may be a princess by title but i was no saint. I ordered her to wash me, she was used to it by now but i’d always throw in a little surprise to catch her off guard every-time. She took the sponge and starting rubbing my back applying a bit of pressure, as she did that I quietly as possible let out a small...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 Final Chapter part 1 of 2

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Chapter 16, final chapter, part 1 of 2. This is part one of the final chapter of Princess of Aragon. Natalia is pushed to make a final choice to the course of her life. What will she have to surrender and what will she get with it?...

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Princess Gives It Away

Edited By Barney R Hello my name is Frank. I am a pretty laid back kind of guy. I let things slide if there was nothing major, insults I'd ignore, slights I'd turn and walk away from. There are a few things that can get me riled; hurt a friend, or hit a lady. When I was a kid I was in lots of fights helping friends. I was usually the one left standing so I got in a lot of trouble. Somewhere in high school I learned that if I wait there, is always a way of showing them the way and I...

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Princess Tinakimknoa

As the guard walked down the empty hallway of the museum his footsteps echo throughout the exhibition. The job wasn't the best paying one but it was easy and gave him time to study. School in the morning and walking the halls at night gave him little time to sit down and eat so he snacked on his watch. The museum was about to open its biggest exhibition every. Last year a team had discovered an unopen tomb. Not since Carter had found King Tut, has a tomb been found of such importance. Not...

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Princess SaraChapter 2

One morning in late March, Martha came into the Princess's bedroom and playfully pulled off the bedcolthes, as had been the way with the girls over the years. One morning it would be Sara pulling off Martha's and the next the positions would be reversed. This would usually be the signal for some wild horseplay and a pillow fight, culminating in the giggling pair rolling affectionately around on the floor together, before they dressed and went down to breakfast. Of late, however, Sara had...

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