Amanda the pig catcher
- 3 years ago
- 43
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Amanda Plays for Keeps
As I pulled onto the ramp the SUV's headlights swept across a boy standing by the road. With his thumb stuck out. He was shivering and looking miserable. In the light rain I smiled. He was alone. I laughed. My lucky day. The sadist in me kicked in. I licked my lips. He was a good looking kid. Young. Fit. He looked like a nice kid too, like a polite boy. He looked desperate for a ride. Should I take a chance on this one? I had maybe three seconds to make up my mind. I’m the kind of woman who likes a little adventure in her life. But what I like most of all is torturing boys. Boys like the one standing by the side of the road. I have a thing for nice, polite good looking young boys. Just the thought of abusing them turns me on. I decided. I stopped. I wondered who’ll miss him when he’s gone.
I hadn't tortured a boy in weeks. Unless you count what I do to my sons Tommy and Billy. But I don't. Oh, I hurt my boys alright. I torture them every chance I get. What self-respecting sadistic Mommy would? But they belong to me now. I own them. I know them too well. It’s not the same thrill as it was the first year I started using them for my own wicked pleasure. Now I hurt my boys because it’s fun. Sometimes it’s satisfying too. But mostly tying up my Tommy and Billy so I can whip them and burn them and rape their little boy butts with my massive dildos is a pleasant way to pass the time until something better comes along. And something better, something truly fun, something really satisfying comes when I get to go all the way with a boy. When I get to snuff a boy. Like the kid standing by the road. He was a stranger. I could take him and nobody would know. I could let myself get carried away with this boy. No other cars or people were in sight when I pulled over. My sweet prey ran up to my car. I invited him in.
"Hi. Where you headed hon? Need a ride? Get in out of the rain sweetheart. I won't bite."
I'm thirty four. And attractive. I’m blond too. Blonds have more fun. And they appeal to young boys more too. At least in my experience they do. So I can get away with calling a twenty something year old guy ‘hon’ and ‘sweetheart’. I was on highway 17 headed east. We were miles away from where I live. I didn’t hunt in my own back yard. No need to give the cops any more clues than necessary when this kid disappeared. The boy opened the door and smiled tentatively at me and tossed his backpack behind the front seat. I shivered with anticipation. I love the shy ones, the humble ones. He said thanks, smiled at me and hopped right in. He had a lovely smile. It was the kind of smile a boy desperate for affection and approval would smile. Just like my son Tommy’s smile. Hurting this one was going to be so much fun. He’d be so upset when I betrayed his trust.
He was so trusting he didn't even ask where I was headed. That's why I love to hunt in the rain. Boy's let their guard down after they get a little cold and wet. Especially when it's a woman offering a ride. I wasn't surprised he got in the SUV. What kid is going to feel threatened by good looking blond, five foot seven, one hundred ten pound, blue eyed thirty four year old woman who looks just like any other cute suburban soccer Mom? Which is exactly what I am. A cruel and wicked Mom who can blend in with all the other soccer Moms in the suburbs. Hell, my fifteen year old son Billy even plays soccer. He's not very good at it. At least not anymore since I married his dad. Poor boy. Mommy whips him and busts his balls and rams big fat rubber cocks up his ass so hard and so often he's usually too sore to practice much. But I make him play so he can meet other boys his age. Occasionally he meets an interesting boy, a boy use for my own wicked needs. My son’s brought home three boys for Mommy to play with. None of them left the house alive. I didn’t expect my hitch hiker to survive what I had in mind either.
So, yeah, I guess I'm not your typical soccer Mom. But I bet I have a hell of a lot more fun. Because I just love to torture boys. It's a special talent. You’d be surprised just how many cruel and wicked Moms are out there. Most women just need a little encouragement and the right situation to let their naughty side out. I know two other Moms at my son's school who torture boys. One of the teachers is into it too. And like me I figure they make their own opportunities when they can. So what if my interest in my son's friends has nothing to do with whether or not they're good influences on him or not. So what if I’m just looking for another boy to torture and hurt and maybe snuff every time my boys bring a friend over to play, I’ve gotten away with it for over half my life. As long as I’m careful I expect to get away with it till I’m too old to pick up a whip.
Obviously I don't flaunt my darker inner needs out in public. None of my neighbors would guess I sometimes keep boys tied up in my basement. I dress like all the other hip suburban Moms. I smile like a caring, loving Mom and talk like that kind of dull vanilla Mom. Until I have a boy all tied up. Then I let my inner sadist out. And have some real fun. But my cute little hitchhiker didn't know that about me yet.
I probably reminded the kid of his own Mommy. So he felt safe and comfortable getting into my car. Until I hit him with the stun gun. He was still wet from standing in the rain. The electric jolt did a real number on him. He flopped around quite nicely for me. His eyes bulged out in pain and his arms and legs were twitching like he was having some kind of a fit. It was hilarious. If he'd been weaker it probably would have killed him. And spoiled all my fun.
Later I checked his wallet and found out he was twenty. The perfect age. I'd guessed he was a student from the college up the road when I stopped. He had on sweat shirt with their name and I'd stopped less than five miles from the campus. He looked like he played sports of some kind. He was in shape. Goody. I like when they're strong and have lots of stamina. They're so much more fun to torture if they don't pass out the first time they feel a little bit of excruciating pain.
I waited till he had the door closed and his seat belt fastened before I jammed the stun gun in his crotch and pressed the trigger down for a good five seconds. That always takes the fight out of a boy. His body did that lovely little dance, all those lovely spasms when his muscles went all rigid and he shook and jerked. He tried to scream but his jaw was locked up as wave after wave of delicious agony washed over his body. So he just squeaked. I laughed and shoved the gun between his legs again. I fired off another good five second jolt into the boy's gonads and enjoyed watching his body's agonized dance. But time is of the essence when you're snatching a boy off the street. So I quickly finished subduing my prey.
I had the SUV all setup to snatch a boy like this. So first I cuffed his hands behind his seat then I cuffed his ankles. The ankle cuffs were attached to a chain running under his seat. That took about forty seconds. I practice this on my Billy. So I know I can get a kid cuffed and chained in little more than a minute. I keep the stun gun and the cuffs and chain and shock collar pre-positioned. I checked and there were still no other cars around so I slipped the collar around his neck and buckled it. The chain I'd cuffed his feet to went under the seat and up the seat back to a Velcro strap. I pulled the end free and ran it through the posts in the head rest. I pulled it tight to remove all the slack then snapped the chain securely to the dog collar. Last thing I did before driving off was lean over the boy and lower his seat to its fully reclined position.
And it was done. Two minutes after I'd first spotted him I was pulling back onto the highway and headed home with my newest victim. His hands were cuffed behind him and wrapped around behind his seat. His feet were cuffed and attached by a chain to a collar around his neck. He wasn’t going to escape and he wasn’t going to give me any trouble. Given the dark and the rain and the remote location I was pretty sure nobody saw me. And even if they did it wouldn't matter. I was in a dark grey SUV. There were thousands on the road. I'd unscrewed the little light over the license plate before I left home. Nobody could read the plate. It was a clean snatch.
"What's you name sweetie? I'm Amanda. Amanda Ryan."
"Whatttt, ahhhh, umphhh."
I laughed. He was still groggy from the stun gun. It'd wear off. No lasting damage. I'd save that kind of fun for later. Eventually I’d snuff him. But I was in no hurry. I liked to get intimate with my boys when I tortured them. So I tried to keep him talking, get him involved with what was happening to him. Somehow it made it more fun for me if the guy was scared.
"It'll pass baby. And then you and I can have all sorts of fun together. This should be every boy's fantasy huh? Getting kidnapped by a good looking over sexed woman and taken to a secret place for a week of wild fucking and booze and wicked, wicked fun."
"Is, ahhh, is that what's this is all about? You, ahhh, you want to have sex with me?"
"Sure baby. But that's just a start. Mostly I want to hurt you. I'm going to hurt you bad honey. Real bad. I hate to break it to you like this but you might not make it baby. You might not survive our time together. I like to play rough babe. Rough enough to kill. But that can be fun too. At least for me."
I'd decided to let this one know right away what was in store for him. Although they never believe me at first. I don't always tell them at the start. But I'd zapped this kid pretty good. And cuffed him. So if he was as bright as he looked he'd have it figured out on his own soon enough. I was pleased by his response. He believed me! And he was going to fight me! God I love it when they put up a fight. Boys are so cute when they try to show how tough they are.
"You fucking crazy bitch. You won't get away with this. They'll come looking for me."
"Who's going to look baby? Is somebody expecting you?"
The collar was a shock collar. For a large dog. The batteries were fresh. I gave him a five second jolt. By the time I was done his tongue was hanging out of his mouth and he was drooling. His breathing was ragged, labored. I let him rest for a few seconds then hit him again with a head jerking jolt. He clammed up at that. But I was in a good mood. I wanted the kid to talk. Knowing more about him, about his goals, his aspiration, what he intended to do with his life, well it made it more exciting when I took away his hopes and his dreams and his future. So I gave him some incentive to talk to me. I picked up the remote from the cup holder in the center console and pressed the red button.
"You might as well learn to do as you’re told from now on honey. I can keep this up all night. I have a dozen fresh batteries in back. Besides, there's always this."
Traffic was light. So I jammed the stun gun between his legs again and squeezed the trigger. His body started to flop and jerk and do all sorts of lovely things. All he could do was grunt and sputter as the agony overwhelmed his senses. It was fun watching his body contort and twist the way it did. And I loved the way his legs kicked and jerked when I shocked him. The chain connecting his cuffed ankles to the collar around his neck would get pulled taunt and the boy would basically choke himself every time I zapped him.
So I played with him some. I zapped him for a second or two, stopped for four or five seconds then hit him with the stun gun again. I must have done that a dozen times before a big tractor trailer started to overtake me. I quit torturing the boy long enough to let the truck pass. I zapped him three more times before I got back to interrogating him.
"Let's start fresh shall we sweetheart. I'm Amanda. I'm going to hurt you as much as I want. You can control how much I hurt you by cooperating. All I want you to do is obey me and do what I say. OK honey. Now, what's your name, how old are you, where do you live? And just who do you think is going to come looking for you?"
He talked. He told me everything. Thy almost always do. We were an hour's drive from my play space. I learned all I needed to know about Jimmy Copeland in that hour.
He was twenty one. He was on the swim team. He was a better swimmer than student. This semester hadn't been good grade wise. He was at risk of losing his scholarship if his grades didn't improve. He was from Texas, his parents were divorced. His Dad was recently unemployed. He'd decided to use the long Thanksgiving weekend to hitch hike to see a girl he met at a party weeks ago. She was at Columbia. Three hundred miles away in In New York. She didn't know he was coming. He hadn't told any of his friends or his parents what he was up to. And he really, really hated the training collar around his neck. I smiled when he told me that. And zapped him half a dozen times to let him know who was in control.
There's not much you can do to a boy while you're driving by yourself. I hit him with the stun gun a bunch of times. I'd had two fully charged units when I stopped to pick Jimmy up. They were both about drained and we were still fifteen minutes from my play space. I still felt like hurting the boy so I punched in the cigarette lighter and waited for it to get hot. I love burning little boys where it hurts the most.
When the lighter popped out I lit up a Virginia Slim then pressed the lighter's metal ring, still glowing hot and orange, against the inside of Jimmy's left thigh. Up high near his balls. It burned through his jeans in no time. Then started burning his lovely young flesh. His scream was delightful. He even cursed me again. I loved that he still had some fight in him. So I stuck the hot end of my cigarette in the hole I'd just burned in his jeans. I made sure the smoldering tip of my Virginia Slim was nestled against his left testicle and returned the lighter to its slot in the dashboard.
"Well, that was fun. How's it feel Jimmy? I don't mean the cigarette burning between your legs hon. I've burned lots of boys down there. I know it hurts sweetie. No, I mean how does it feel knowing I'm going to burn you like that over and over again. And that's just the start baby. I'm going to do other things to you. Things you can't imagine. Things that will most likely kill you honey. At least I hope so."
He wanted to know why. He wanted to know what he'd done to deserve this. So I explained.
"You didn't do anything sweetie. Except getting born as a boy. A cute boy at that. I'm a sadist honey. Always have been, always will be. I burned my first boy like that when I was thirteen. I snuffed my first one when I was seventeen. I like torturing boys. Especially boys like you. Luckily for me you just happened to be at the right place at the right time. And, no, you don't deserve this hon. None of the boys I torture deserves what I do to them. That's what makes it so precious and so wicked and so delicious. And so good for me."
He started to cry then. So I shocked him. First with the collar around his neck then with a stun gun pressed between his legs. We were only about five minutes from my place. So I kept it up the whole rest of the way. He was bawling uncontrollably when I pulled into the garage bay and closed the door behind us.
"Jimmy. We're here sweetheart. Welcome to your new home honey. This is the place where I steal your future from you. And probably end your life. Now, let's get you out of the car and into the studio. I have some new equipment I'm eager to try out."
I've brought dozens of boys to my secret hide away. It's an old warehouse downtown. I had my first husband buy it for me before he had his fatal 'accident'. The building is an old two story brick structure on the edge of town. It's a plain building and it has its own fenced off parking space with a remote control gate. It's real private. And because it's in an industrial section nobody pays attention if I bring a boy home in the middle of the night. It's owned by a dummy corporation I had my late hubby setup. If something goes wrong I can torch the place to destroy any evidence. There'll be nothing left to trace back to me. But that's not going to happen. I'm careful when I snatch my boys and bring them here.
I've been at this for quite a few years. I know what to do. But I wasn't always this careful. I used to snuff my victims at home. Once I'd made my first husband my submissive slave and cuckold I felt comfortable keeping boys in my basement. And it would have been fine if we hadn't had that pipe burst. It happened the weekend I went to a femdom convention in Boston. I took my husband with me to show him off to a couple of Dominas I'd met the previous year.
The supply line to the water heater sprang a leak. And flooded the basement. I'd left a boy chained down in a hole in the floor. He drowned. Which was such a waste. I was looking forward to smothering him to death myself. I was only twenty years old then. I'd been a pro Dominatrix for two years. I shared a studio with three other Dominas. I enjoyed dominating men professionally. It was good money for a twenty year old college dropout. But with those clients you have to be safe and sane. A girl couldn't let herself get carried away and allow herself to savor the ultimate sadistic treat a good slow snuff. And that cramps my style. I'm really more of a sadist than a dominatrix. But hey, you take your fun where you can.
Anyway, I started picking up anonymous boys at bars, or runaways at the bus station, or along the side of the road when they hitchhiked. I wasn't choosy. I found boys where ever I could. I wanted to torture them for my own pleasure and to explore and push my own limits. I was tired of catering to the guy's fantasies and respecting his limits. I wanted to hurt a boy so bad it'd change his life forever.
That kid I'd chained in the basement would have been my fifth snuff. It wasn't just about killing them. I liked to torture them mostly. So when a boy died it was almost sad. I couldn't have any more cruel fun with him. But there are plenty of boys out there. And they're so easy to trick and to seduce. So killing a boy never really bothered me. In fact, it's a unique kind of thrill. It gets addictive if you let it. And I was in a position to let it.
But I needed a place to keep my boys while I played with them before I snuffed them. We had plenty of space in the basement. It was completely underground, there was only the one door to the upstairs and the ceiling was high enough I could hang a man from the ceiling. And I had plenty of overhead space to use a whip on him.
So I start keeping boys down there. Until the leak. We got back from Boston and I went down to check on the kid I'd snatched from the bus station. And found him six inches under water. At least it looked like it took him awhile to die. There was enough slack in the chains for him to lift his head above the water line. But it would have been tiring. I could just imagine how he'd struggled to keep his nose and mouth above water. And he'd get weaker and more tired by the minute. I've heard drowning is a terrifying and agonizing experience. From the grimace frozen on that boy's face I was pretty sure his last hour or two had been pure hell. I was just sorry I hadn't been there to see it.
Anyway, I sent my then husband Frank down to cleanup before we called a plumber. And I have to say Frank did a pretty good job. He got the kid out and most of my toys. But there was water everywhere and things had floated around and some of the toys lodged in the most peculiar places.
The damn plumber fixed the leak. And then showed us what he'd found stuck behind the water heater. There was my strapon harness with the nasty fifteen inch long, three inch diameter dildo attached. And there was a chastity device, the one with the sharp needles lining the inside that fits over a man's penis so nicely. I think the fool found a ball gag and maybe a butt plug too. He thought he was being real clever when he showed me the stuff he'd found. He said he'd added five hundred dollars to the bill to, 'you know, keep my mouth shut'.
Well, I didn't want some clown plumber spreading stories about what he'd found in my basement. So I laughed and joked with him about how my prissy husband and a couple of his old prep school buddies liked to go down in the basement on boy's nights and play a different kind of poker. I was real flirty when I joked with the fat slob. And he'd seen my husband Frank when he started working on the leak. Frank was twenty five years older than me. And not the fittest man in town. I called my husband a limp dicked wimp in front of the dumb plumber hoping he’d take it as disgust with my husband faggot behavior. The plumber's name was Charlie. He was in way better shape than my Frank. I wanted Charlie to think that maybe I was interested in having a real man for a change. And of course he did. I know men. I know how to push their buttons.
Thank god this was a good ten years ago before cell phone cameras were common place. So I was pretty sure the creep hadn't taken pictures. And he was jovial about it, actually more like smarmy and dirty-old-mannish about it. So I didn't think he'd found anything that would lead him to think a boy had died down there. I took the collection of toys he'd found, the things Frank had missed in cleaning up and wrote Charlie a check. For the original amount. And told him I could pay him the extra, plus an additional bonus, in someth8ing way better than cash if he'd meet me later that night. Alone. Without my husband. I winked when I said that. And stood real close to the man.
The idiot agreed to meet me that night. I called him about ten. His wife answered. I said it was a plumbing emergency. I said my restaurant was flooded. I gave Charlie So an excuse to get out of the house without arousing his wife’s suspicions. I didn’t know he was married but I knew the woman would be better off without her man. I’d asked the plumber when he was at the house if his job was ever dangerous. He laughed it off and told me no but said he had a pretty healthy life insurance just in case. So I knew his wife would come out OK. A woman should always max out her husband’s life insurance. Just in case. That’s the first thing I do when I marry a man. Of course I plan on killing my husbands.
I used a pay phone to call Charlie. And told him to meet up with me in a parking lot beneath the underpass by the metro station. The place is mostly vacant at night. There's no traffic and the cops seldom even drive by. And when they do they almost never get past the entrance. I had a submissive lawyer client who liked for me to meet him there and make him strip and bend over his trunk while I sodomized him outside in the open. The freak needed to be in a semi-public place to get off. I knew the place was secluded and deserted that time of night.
I flashed my lights when I saw his truck. I'd parked in a corner near a couple of other cars. I was wearing leather pants, a tight black spandex long sleeved top, leather gloves and black leather boots with a four inch heel. Thick heels, not stilettoes. I'd need to be able to move when I did Charlie. I looked hot in the outfit, like cat woman. I went to the driver's side of his truck and unzipped my top until my nipples started to show. Then I told him to scoot over so we could have some fun. He thought we were going to fuck. I let him believe that.
I needed him on the passenger side so he couldn't honk the horn when I snuffed him. When I got in I sat on his lap so I was facing him. My feet were on the seat so my legs were bent up on either side of him. I'd zipped my top up enough so there wasn't much skin showing anymore. Didn't want to leave any DNA. I let my tits rub against his chest and when he leaned in to kiss me I slipped the wire around his neck. And pulled it tight. And squeezed my legs together to pin his arms to his side.
He jerked and fought of course. But I was ready. With my back braced against the dash and my knees jammed against his chest I was able to get really good leverage. I'd made the wire garrote that afternoon after he left. For handles I used pipe fittings left over from the work he'd done on the water heater. They gave me an excellent grip as I strangled the man. I thought that was a nice touch, using plumbing waste to waste a plumber. Anyway, the L shaped pipes made perfect handles. I was able to pull the wire tight enough to cut through his skin. He didn’t bleed too bad. And he died slow enough so it was fun for me.
Once I had it tight enough so he couldn't breathe I twisted it around his neck once more then wrapped it around the head rest so I could free me hands. I punch him in the face a bunch of times. My gloves were studded. I wanted to bruise him and mess him up real bad some before he died. They can tell if a beating occurs before or after death. I wanted the cops to think my plumber had been lured to this desolate place for a garden variety robbery. Or for some kind of revenge. Or a drug deal gone bad. Anything so they didn’t think it was a hot twenty year old girl just out for some wicked fun.
It took him about five minutes to stop struggling. God it was fun riding him like that in his truck. He looked so shocked that I was strangling him to death. It was funny how he looked at me like I’d betrayed him. Guess the dumb fuck didn’t expect a woman to take the initiative. Anyway, I kept hitting him and beating on him the whole time. I'm pretty sure I broke his nose. And I know I gouged out one of his eyes. He really fought back then. I almost got bucked off him. I have to say, ole Charlie the plumber gave me a hell of a ride. It was fun.
Once he stopped moving I slipped a plastic bag over his head and wrapped the wire from the garrote around the bottom. I kept the garrote tight around his neck for good measure. I was pretty sure he was dead but why take chances. Usually when I snuffed a boy I didn't leave the bodies behind to be found. I hadn't killed any husbands yet. I didn't have experience staging a murder so I wasn't implicated. I was in a hurry but I wanted to cover all the bases. I'd made a mistake letting Charlie into my basement without first making sure all my toys were hidden. I was still learning to be careful.
I dragged the man's body into the back of his truck through the gap in the seats. I left the plastic bag tied over his head while I went through his pockets and took his keys, his wallet and the ring from his finger. I even picked through his tools and took what I thought were the most valuable, a drill and some sort of saw like contraption.
There was a bunch of old galvanized pipe in back. I guessed he'd ripped it out from some job. One piece was about two feet long and two inches in diameter. I pulled Charlie's pants down to his knees and shoved the pipe up his ass. It wasn't as fun as using a strapon on a live victim but what the hell. I wanted to make it look like my plumber friend had met up with a perverted sex maniac. They never suspect a woman of doing things like this. So I poked the pipe around inside Charlie's dead body a dozen times. Then I checked the truck to make sure I hadn't left any clues. All that took another ten minutes.
It's funny. The plastic bag was clear and I could see his face while I went through his pockets. He was looking up at me, his eyes dead, his skin all pale, his mouth distorted in a silent scream. And it didn't creep me out. I liked it actually. I'd done that to Charlie. I probably didn't have to snuff him. But I'd killed him anyway. And in a pretty violent manner. It'd been a very intimate kill. I'd loved it. I was turned on by it. In some way it made up for not being able to watch that boy slowly drowning to death. I was sure I'd have to find another man pretty soon so I could strangle him real slow.
Poor Charlie. All he'd seen was a few sex toys. It shouldn't have meant his death. But I had worked to separate my Dom life from the I'm-just-a-vanilla-wife life I’d constructed for my neighbor’s consuption. My instincts said keeping my sadistic nature hidden was vital. And as it turned out when I started snuffing my various husbands for profit I'm glad my suburban neighbors were in the dark about how I liked to have fun. The cops were ignorant too. Well, all but one subbie little detective I knew and used before I snuffed him too.
So I knew killing Charlie had been good and right and fun. Even if it hadn't strictly been necessary. The man was dead. He was staring up at me still grimacing in pain. I fucking loved it. I was laughing as I put my loot in another plastic bag then checked on Charlie one last time. His eyes were cloudy, his lips were purple and he had no pulse. I unwound the wire, took the bag off his head, got out and locked up the truck. I dragged the plastic bag with his stuff over to my car, opened the trunk then slipped out of my gloves and top, took off the leather pants, kicked off the boots and put it all in the bag with the rest. I was being careful to leave as little evidence as possible. I was learning to do this kind of kill so I could get away with it.
I put that bag in another plastic bag, tied it off then heaved the whole thing in the trunk. Only then did I put on the jeans and blouse and sandals I'd brought with me. I had a can of gas in the trunk. I went back to the plumber's truck and poured the gas over the dead man and splashed a bunch in the truck. Then I used a cigarette and a match book as a fuse and went back to my car.
Twenty minutes after that asshole plumber drove in the deserted lot I was on the highway headed home. I saw the flames start in the truck as I pulled out of the parking lot. The fire would confuse the crime scene. The bag I'd stuffed Charles money and wallet and ring in went into a dumpster miles from the parking lot. I knew it was headed to the incinerator the next morning. After getting rid of that I went home and taught Frank a lesson he'd never forget. Snuffing my plumber had put me in a really good mood, a really wicked mood. Frank had to take three days off work I beat him so bad. And I raped his butt hard with the huge dildo he'd failed to clean up my man couldn’t stop shitting for a week. He had to wear diapers.
Needless to say I quit playing with my lost boys at my own home after that. I'd keep a boy there for a day or two but I decided not to snuff them at home. I needed a safe place for that kind of fun. So I spent the next four days with a realtor looking for a play space and eventually found the old warehouse. Frank setup a fake company, bought the place and I'm still using it today more than a dozen years later. And I've never had a problem here. Nobody's escaped. And nobody's come snooping around to see what's going on inside.
And now here I am in my safe place with a new boy, my newest slave in training, my new young jimmyslut. And I had a new toy to try out on him.
"Well hon whaddaya think. Ready to have some fun."
When he saw my new fucking machine jimmyslut started to hyperventilate. And cry. I think he was starting to get it. He was trapped. He wasn't going to get away. And I certainly wasn't going to show him any mercy. I hadn't broken his spirit yet but we'd made a good start. New boys are more fun when it takes longer.
His hands were cuffed behind him and his ankles were shackled. I'd stripped his clothes off when I'd unloaded him from the SUV. I cut and burned his pants off and just ripped his shirt from his body. I wanted him to know he was naked forever now. There were no clothes for him here, no way to hide his body from me.
While he was still chained up in the car I'd put fresh batteries in the training collar. As soon as he was out I zapped him good with the stun gun and while every muscle in his beautiful young body contracted so hard he was frozen like a statue I'd jammed a cattle prod up his ass. Between shocking him in his butt and jolting him around his neck I could control the boy and get him to move where I wanted him. And I wanted him up on a bench in position so my new fuck machine could get to his ass hole where I could ream him a nice big new one.
He had a virgin ass. I'd noticed that when I shoved the prod up it. Once I had him on the bench and had his wrists and ankles strapped down nice and tight I played with the cattle prod some. Just to warm up his butt hole for the real fun. Even so, he screamed real nice every time I pressed the trigger and sent a trillion volts of electric up his ass.
My newest fucking machine is state-of-the-art. It has a maximum twelve inch stroke. And a max speed of 250 strokes per minute. That's more than four a second. Put a three inch diameter dildo on the thing and you wouldn't believe how loud you can make a boy scream. Or how hard his body can thrash. It's a blast. And an excellent way to impress a boy with just how hopeless his situation is. Jimmy got the idea real quick. Fifteen minutes of hard butt fucking and the boy was incoherent. And unconscious. Just because I wanted to have a little fun with a virgin.
"You're not a virgin are you jimmyslut? You're a good looking boy. I bet you've fucked lots of girls. But the question is hon, have you ever been fucked?"
His eyes were wide when I asked him that. I was fitting the massive dildo on my fuck machine. Jimmy was strapped down to a bench. On his back. With his butt hanging over the edge, a belt wrapped tight around his waist holding him down and in place. I had his ankles cuffed to an overhead frame so his legs were spread real wide. His butt hole was completely exposed and his cock and balls dangled off the edge of the bench. Poor boy. He was terrified. Which was only smart.
"Please don't do this. Please. If you let me go I won't tell. I promise. I'll, ummm, I'll forget this ever happened."
"Really? You won't tell jimmyslave? How do I know I can trust you hon?"
He started to cry then. I gloved up and slapped a little lube up his butt. And of course my fingers managed to slip up that tight young hole a few times while I worked the goo up his ass. I used just enough lube to let me jam my hand up his ass. I did it real quick. I shoved all five fingers in at once. Fast. Hard. I made a fist once my fingers were in so my hand was bigger going in. I knew it’d hurt the boy more. Feeling the boy's entire body clench itself tight against my hand up inside him felt too good. I worked my fist up inside his butt hole. I punched in and out past his sphincter a dozen times just to prolong his agony and prolong my fun. When I got bored with that I shoved my hand in as far as I could and started pinching things. He really screamed then. Good. I like a boy who can express the pain he's in.
"I know it hurts hon. The worst part is when I penetrated past your sphincter isn't it sweetie. That's why I rammed my fit in and out like that jimmyslut. That's it baby. Scream for Ms. Amanda. Scream and curse and feel the pain hon."
God he was good. Sometimes I pick out slobby out-of-shape boys. No muscle tone. No stamina. I try to stick with the young, fit, good looking boys. The nice boys. The ones who least deserve to meet a woman like me. But I get fooled sometimes by their damn baggy clothes. Or I get in a rush cause I really, really want to do a boy. So I get boy's whose sphincter muscle wears out after just a few thrusts of my fist in and out. But jimmyslut, God he was good. I don't know what kind of exercises swimmer do but the kid had one of the tightest asses I'd ever fisted. And it stayed tight and clenched and super sensitive long after I'd tired of fist fucking him. So I wheeled my fucking machine over.
"See jimmyslave. I can adjust the height so the piston lines up perfectly with your hole. Once we get this one started I'll roll my old fucking machine over to the head of the bench so I can fuck your throat at the same time. Won't that be fun baby?"
Before I moved the machine over I setup the video camera. I don't film all my boys but jimmyslave already seemed special. Besides I had a friend who'd enjoy watching this. She was out of town I expected her back tomorrow. I was going to call her and tell her all about jimmyslut. Trish had participated in most of my snuffs. We'd known each other since sixth grade. We'd been lovers since eight grade and we'd snuffed our first guy together when we were seventeen. Tricia and I were tight. We shared everything. I'd promised I'd include my BFF in my next one. And I knew she'd want to see how the preliminaries went with the victim before we killed the boy. It helps women like Trish and me get in the mood by watching torture vids. Especially if it's a boy we know.
After setting up the camera it was easy getting things lined up to fuck jimmyslut. The Stallion sits in a metal frame that's on wheels. I can raise the wheels once it's in place and the whole machine settles down nice and solid on big rubber feet. But just to make sure I anchored the fucker to jimmyslut's bench with two steel rods custom made for just such a purpose. It centered the massive, wicked dildo right on the boy's hole. Then it was just a matter of turning the hand crank and getting the height right.
"How fast do you want me to start darlin? Don't know baby? That's OK. It's your first time. You'll know better the next time we fuck your butt. I'd recommend about a hundred strokes a minute. I'm going for eight inches of penetration right away. The middle speed will give you time to get used to it before I crank up the speed and the depth all the way."
You should have seen the look on his face! It was precious. Pure unadulterated fear. He was already shaking so hard even his ass hole was bouncing around. And I had him strapped down about as tight as you can strap a boy down. Any tighter and I’d have cut off circulation to vital parts. And I wanted those parts fully functional and able to feel pain when I tortured him. So I'd had to leave some slack in the leather straps. But I could guide the dildo in the first couple of inches. After that he could move all he wanted. In fact, once I got the thing started up his butt I'd probably loosen his straps even more. I love to watch a boy jerk and twist and buck when I hurt him.
I set the depth dial and the speed dial and rotated the gear by hand until I had the dildo pressed up against his ass. And laughed when he scrunched up his butt and pulled away. I jammed three fingers up his ass and twisted and pinched so he'd draw up even more. It worked. jimmyslut's whole body pulled as far away from my hand as it could. A few turns on the clamp holding the fucking machine to the bench and the end of the dildo was lodged firmly against his ass hole. Jimmyslut couldn’t backa way anymore. I[‘d get the full length of the stroke inside him once I turned on the machine. The dildo penetrated a good two inches if he relaxed. But I wasn't going to let my prey relax just yet. Another three full turn of the gear and the dildo slid right up to his sphincter another two inches. And I hadn’t even turned on the motor yet.
It was a knobby dildo. The first nine inches were really three balls each three inches in diameter. That way there'd be a series of thick and thin parts to punch through the boy's sphincter when I switched it on and the shaft started it's intoxicating in and out motion. I leaned over the boy to get a good look at his face. I saw terror. So I licked his mouth and then I kissed him. He was taken by surprise. The idiot even kissed me back some. I pulled away and flicked the switch on. Immediately jimmyslut started to howl. And squeal. And shriek. Then he caught his breath enough to beg me to turn it off.
Having ten inches of thick hard dildo thrusting in and out of your almost virgin butt a hundred times a minute is a rather rude way to start your evening. For the boy getting fucked at least. As for me watching him fight and scream and jerk and bang his head against the bench it was perfect. Jimmyslut was a screamer. God I was glad. Some guys clam up when you start to torture them. I don't know how they do it but the get all catatonic and shut down basically. Believe me it's a real bummer for a woman like me. Fortunately jimmyslave was real demonstrative. He was going to be fun.
"How's it going hon? Ready for it to go deeper?"
I loved to taunt my victims. Especially ones like jimmyslut who are so sensitive and aware of what's going on. He wouldn't stay that way fort long, not with what I planned on doing to him. So I had to enjoy this aspect of his torture now. He didn't disappoint. Somehow he managed to shake his head no. I thought I even heard the words 'dear god, please no'. But I couldn't be sure. His shrieks were pretty wild.
"OK. I can hold off on deeper until you're ready baby. But let's go faster shall we. It'll hurt more. A lot more. I promise."
And it did. I doubled the speed to 200 thrust a minute. It's almost too fast in some ways. After a while the rhythm lulls the victim into a kind of stupor. So I used a feature I had added to my fuck machine. It's some sort of electronic brain that can control the speed and the depth of the fuck. It's setup to change those two things randomly. So there's no pattern.Iit might punch the dildo in ten inches for a few times at about sixty times a second then change to half a dozen six inch penetrations at 240 beats per minute. It keeps the prey off balance. And from the way all the boys react I’d say it's absolute hell. So of course I absolutely loved using it.
Jimmylut did good on what I like to call the wild pony ride. His screams started to sound more like an animal's than anything human. And his body, god how it writhed and bucked and even started to convulse. The boy was a gem really. I'd have to find another swimmer if they were all this good. He was jerking so nice I decided to ride him. So I climbed up on the bench and straddled his chest with my legs. I wanted to see his reactions so I got on facing him. Once I was settled in I slid up toward his head until my crotch was pressed tight against his neck. He was still banging his head against the bench in a frenzy. It was about the only part of his body he could move. That worked out for me just fine. His chin felt so good the way he rammed it over and over into my crotch. I don't mind telling you it was a real turn on.
So I stripped out of my jeans and panties and pushed myself forward till I felt chin and jaw against my pussy lips. Right away I had a short little impulsive orgasm. It caught me by surprise how quick I came. But the boy was suffering so, and his eyes held such fear and such pain. I was just so excited, so aroused knowing I was going to snuff this boy. So sue me, I climaxed. Call it premature ejaculation from over stimulation. Besides I was just getting started on my own orgasms and on the boy's complete destruction.
The random program worked like magic. It kept jimmyslut off balance. He couldn't get used to the way his ass was being reamed. I rode the little slut's face for half an hour. I must have had a dozen orgasms. At the end it was just one long continuous climax for me. That's when it gets really good, when my body is writhing in uncontrollable ecstasy while the boy's body twists and convulses in sheer agony. It's for moments like that that I torture my boys. And it's for moments like that I'm glad I'm a sadist. No way straight sex could ever be this fulfilling.
"You're bleeding a little honey. But that's OK. I can fix that. Besides, you’re going to die of something much worse than blood loss. Trust me on that jimmyslut."
When I'd finally satisfied myself fucking the boy's face I'd left him on the bench for a good ten minutes before I turned off the Stallion. There was some blood on the dildo when I backed it out of jimmyslut. Not much. But I knew I'd torn something inside him. It wasn't a surprise. He'd never been butt fucked before. And I'd raped him pretty hard for a first time. But my boy had done good. I'd had a fantastic time. And that's what it was all about, me having a fantastic time at my slut's expense.
I shoved a wad of cotton up his ass. It was a roll actually. About the size of a can of Coke. It'd stop the bleeding at least temporarily. And it'd hurt him too. A winner all around. I left one end poking out his butt so I could pull the wad out later. And then I explained some things to my prey.
"Well baby. That was a good start. I'm going to start an I.V. hon. Don't worry. It's not poisoned. I just want you to stay strong and with it as long as possible slut. Oh, don't think this means I've changed my mind. I'm going to snuff you babe. I just want to make it last as long as I can. Besides, I have a friend who'd love to see this. She'll be here tomorrow. To help kill you honey. Won't that be nice."
I hung a bag of saline from the overhead frame and pushed a needle into the vein on his left arm. My lover Tricia’s a nurse. She taught me all about starting I.Vs to keep a boy from going into shock. I taped the needle down real tight too. I was going to hurt him some more and I didn't want the thing pulling out when he started thrashing. jimmyslut would go into shock at some point. I was going to savage him too much for him not to. But I wanted to delay that as long as possible. It'd prolong his agony. And extend my fun.
"You see jimmyslut I can't help myself. I see a good looking nice boy like you and, well hon, I just get goose bumps. I just want to take you home and tie you up and hurt you. And snuff you. And make your last couple of days as hellish as I possibly can."
"Please don't hurt me anymore Ma'am. Please. I don't even know you. I never did anything to you. I promise not to tell. I'll be good. I'll do whatever you say. Just don't hurt me anymore."
I had to laugh. Torture works. The boy was already promising to do whatever I said. And I'd only had him for a few hours. And god if he wasn't strong. I don't mean like he could lift a thousand pounds. He had staying power. I'd done far less to boys and had them pass out on me and stay out for hours. jimmyslut had lost consciousness after almost forty five minutes of the most brutal butt fucking I could give him. Even then the dear boy had bounced back amazingly fast. He was only out four or five minutes before he was groaning and begging me to stop. I might have to change my plans for this one. I might want to keep him alive for a couple months before I snuffed him. I could make him a real slave.
"What are you willing to do for me jimmyslut? When you say anything what does that mean?"
"Why do you , ahhh, I mean, ahhh, Ma'am. Why do you call me jimmyslut."
"Because that's what you are sweetie. You're my slut. You're name's James. So jimmyslut. Or jimmyslave. You belong to me now hon. I own you. Might as well get used to it. So jimmyslut, knowing that you're my slave, are you still willing to do anything for me?"
He didn't know what to answer, I could see that in his face. He was trying to figure out what he could say to keep me from hurting him again. God he was cute. Still trying to extract himself from this mess. The kid still though he had choice, still thought he had a future. What a sweetheart. Killing him was going to be soooo much fun. Slowing myself down and making it last was going to be the hard part for me.
"Please ma'am. Pleassssseeee."
I slapped him. The hit him on his cheek half a dozen more times as hard as I could.
"You're my slave now jimmyslut. From now on you address me as Mistress. Or Ms. Amanda if my friend Tricia's here and you need to get my attention instead of hers. You'll address her as Mistress too. Unless we're both in the room then she's Ms. Tricia. Understood jimmyslave?"
The boy nodded yes. He had tears in his eyes from the blows I'd given him. I smiled down at him, reached out and gently caressed his cheek. He flinched when I touched him. That made me feel all hot and excited inside. God, it was like he knew just how to turn me on.
"Now my sweet little jimmyslut. Will you do anything Mistress says?"
"Yes. Yes Mistress. If you don't hurt me again."
I couldn't let that pass. It wasn't up to him how much I hurt him. Or how. Or when. But I'd pretty much decided I wanted to make him a real slave and keep him around for a few months. I'd torture him all that time of course. But I had an idea how he could be useful to me beyond being a simple snuff puppet. As long as he understood his place. So I grabbed his balls and squeezed. And kept squeezing and pulling and twisting until he cried out in agony.
"I decide if I hurt you jimmyslut. You need to remember that. And I will hurt you babe. Lots. But if you cooperate, if you're a good boy then maybe I won't want to hurt you so much. OK sweetheart? You obey me, you do what I say and maybe I won't torture you till you pass out. Maybe I won't kill you this week."
It was a fib. I was going to torture him so long and so bad he'd welcome passing out. But it was to my advantage to help him not think about that prospect So I lied to the boy. It wasn't as much fun as fisting him but lying to him and allowing him had its charms.
I slapped him and silently mouthed the word 'Mistress'.
"Ok Mistress. I'll be good. Mistress."
"That's what I want to hear baby. Now, for being such a good boy I'm going to fuck you again."
The look on his face was priceless. Fear. Pain. Horror. He even started to cry. And I hadn't even touched him. God it's fun to turn a boy into a slut. I looked at the Stallion sitting at the end of the bench with that nasty dildo strapped to it. The boy followed by glance. And sobbed all the more.
"No sweetie. Not that way. I mean vanilla sex. I'm going to make you hard then take you inside me jimmyslut. In my pussy hon. A regular fuck. It's called doing the nasty baby. You want to do the nasty with don't you hon? You have fucked a girl before haven't you darlin. Or am I going to be your first?"
Turns out my boy had screwed three girls in his life. I asked him if he'd fucked the girl he'd been going to see when I picked him up. He hadn't. They'd made out, he'd had his hand in her cunt and she'd jacked him off. But they hadn't actually fucked. That's why he was headed to New York. She'd said she'd sleep with him if he ever got up to Columbia. I decided to have a little fun with the kid.
"You know you'll never going to fuck that girl now that you belong to me don't you jimmyslut."
He nodded yes grudgingly.
"In fact baby, you'll never going to see that girl again. What was her name sweetie?"
"Her name was Ashley Mistress. Ashley Morgan."
"Well jimmyslut, I doubt Ashley Morgan is anything like me now is she. Who do you like more slave? Me or Ashley? Don't lie to me babe. I'll know."
I'd put him on the spot obviously. If he said Ashley he knew I'd hurt him. If he said me I'd know he was lying and I'd hurt him. I could see the wheels turning in his brain. The kid was smart. It's one reason I liked hurting him so much. He understood he consequences. He knew the end game. It was so much more of a challenge to enslave the smart ones. I liked challenges. I started fondling his dick. He got hard immediately. They always do.
"Ahh, I like you both in different way Mistress. I like you because you're, ahhhh, because you're pretty Mistress. And you're confident. I guess. And, ahhh, I like Ashley because, ahhh, because she likes me I guess."
It was a pretty good answer considering. So I kissed him. He kissed back again. And it wasn't just him trying to placate me. There was just a hint of passion in his kiss. God that'd be something if I could make the slut fall for me. I'd done that before of course. But usually I seduced them and got them hooked on me as a romantic focus before I started to torment them physically. I'd done the opposite with jimmyslut. He'd never gotten the chance to know the seductive me before he saw the sadistic me. Now that would be a real challenge. Make a vanilla kid fall in love with the sadistic me. Should be fun.
"I want to hurt you again Jimmy. But first we should fuck. And my, my. It feels like you're ready. All this talk of fucking and pain and slavery seems to turn on my new slut."
I'd been fondling him and gently jacking him off while we talked. And now he had a nice boner. About eight and a half inches. No prize certainly but at least I'd feel him inside me. More important, he'd feel me. I wanted him to give him the ride of his life. Boy's in lust fall so easily in love.
I slipped a condom on his prick, a lubed, ribbed one and settled myself down on the boy. I know how to fuck cock. I gave jimmyslut a ride he'd never forget. It was just OK for me. But I had to fake an orgasm to get the kid to climax. Which was OK. The point was to get him to bond to me, to think I was his one hope at salvation. Sex was no salvation for jimmyslave but it was the closest he was going to get.
I tortured him while we fucked. Not too much. I didn't burn him or anything. I saved that for after. But as I was riding him every time he got close to shooting off I'd pinch and twist one of his tits so hard he'd lose his desire just enough so he couldn't come. I wanted him to start to associate sex and pleasure with pain and torture. Eventually I'd cut out the sex and just focus on torturing the boy. By then he'd learn to think of the agony I caused him as sex. I'd tap into the most fundamental need a man had. I'd own Jimmy.
"That was good baby. Did you like that?"
"Yes Mistress. I'm glad I did good for you. Does that mean you won't hurt me? If I keep on being good can you maybe let me go eventually? I'll never tell anyone about this. Honest."
I laughed. He still thought about his own safety and self-preservation. It's take time to make him my slave. I lit a cigarette. And touched the hot tip of my Virginia Slim to his right nipple. Jimmyslut howled in pain. I laughed some more.
"Hey jimmyslut. Listen up honey. I own you now darlin. I can do anything I want to you and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. But like I said, if you're a good boy for me I won't hurt you as much as I would otherwise. But I'm going to hurt you Jimmy. It's who I am sweetheart. It's what I do. I like it."
Just to drive home my point I touched his other tit with my cigarette. I slowly turned my hand so my Virginia Slim twisted and kept burning as I branded the boy's flesh. I let it go on for a full minute. jimmyslut was screaming and hollering long before I finished.
"Get it hon. I'm in control. Now, if you can do something for me then I'll let you rest some. OK baby?"
When he got his breathing under control he looked up at me with the look I'd been waiting for. There was no defiance or hate or anger in the boy's look. It was just resignation. He was giving in. jimmyslut wasn’t defeated yet. But he was beginning to break.
"Yes Mistress. If I can."
"Good boy. Now, do you have any school buddies who live near Washington DC? Some nice looking boy like you? Maybe someone from the swim team? Who has the biggest cock Jimmy? That's the one I'm interested in."
"Ahhh, I think some of the guys live near here. But, ummm, why do you want to know that?"
I lied. I told him I wanted to see if I could get the boy to send me a picture of his cock. With an erection. If Jimmy had a friend willing to do that I'd consider letting jimmyslut live. I might even let him go if he could help me entice his friend into taking his place. It was a cruel choice. Give me the name of a friend or face a slow and painful death at my hands. He cried for ten minutes before he composed himself. I used my lit cigarette on his balls to help him decide. The poor boy. I gave him no choice.
"There's David. Mistress. David Henson. My friend. He lives in Rockville Maryland. I think that's near the capital. He's, ahhh, he has a big, ummm, well in the shower his penis seems a lot bigger than mine. It's ahhh, it's got to be eight inches even when it's limp. I, ahhh, he, ummmm, you're going to let me go now aren't you Mistress?"
I ignored his last question. This new boy sounded interesting.
"Is he in your cell's contact list hon?
Jimmy nodded yes. I took my time stubbing my cigarette out on the end of his cock and left him there sobbing and shrieking and generally having a really bad time. Boys in agony are music to my ears.
I had Jimmy's cell phone in the 'pantry'. It's a room where I keep the victims things until I can destroy them. By that I mean destroy both the things and my victims. Anyway, the room’s electronically shielded so internet and cell signals don't transmit. I didn't want anyone tracing Jimmy's phone to this location. I got lucky. When I pulled up his contacts list it worked. There was a local copy on the cell so I didn’t need to connect to the cell tower and leave data about our location. The name Dave Henson was in there. Along with a thumb nail picture of the boy. From what I could see he was a good looking kid. No pics of his dick though. What a shame. I chuckled at what I had in mind and stepped out to a small patio to call my girlfriend Tricia. She was in D.C. for a conference. Rockville was just up the road from her hotel.
"Hey lover. How's the boring nursing stuff going?"
"About what you'd expect for a seminar on the new patient care regulations. So what's up babe. Miss me."
My lover girl Trish is a registered nurse. Although now she’s more into teaching new nurses than practicing the art herself. Her knowledge of human anatomy and medicine comes in handy when we torture guys together. She’s taught me a lot about how to maximize a boy’s pain without killing. At least without killing him until I’m ready to. Tricia’s always on the lookout for student nurses who’re into the BDSM thing. In the last four years she’s found three girls who like to hurt men. Trish and I are helping the sweet young things learn the ins and outs of finding men you can snuff and get away with it. My lover had been in D.C for most of the week for a continuing Ed course. Of course I missed her.
"Always. You know how I miss your hot wet pussy. And the way your strong slender tongue licks my cunt. But it helps that I found a new boy. I'm at the studio showing him some of our handiwork now. He's a keeper Trish. And guess what. He was a friend not too far from you. Interested in making a pickup if we can set the boy up?"
"Sure. I'm done here. I was planning on heading back in the morning. What did you have in mind you wicked bitch?"
"Text the new kid pretending to be his friend jimmyslut. That's the boy I picked up hitchhiking last night. I thought we'd have the pretend Jimmy tell his friend that he'd hitched into D.C. for a visit. He can say and he's met this gorgeous 'older' woman who’s hot for college boys. And she'd love to meet Dave. If he replies and he's up for I figured you could find him, tell him you liked playing with jimmy and would love to play with him. Then stun him, cuff him and bring him back here. You have your 'let's grab a sweet young boy' kit with you don't you?"
"Of course lover. What kind of a girl drives anywhere without cuffs and stun guns and ropes. Count me in. Give me the kid's number. I'll send him a text from here and see what happens. I'll let you know how it goes."
"His name's David Henson. According to jimmyslut he lives in in Rockville. Is that near? My guy's named James Copeland. Both boys are on the college swim team. So they're strong and fit and have plenty of stamina."
"Got it. It’s ten now. I call the kid now. If he bites I'll have him meet me tonight. I’ll call you when I have him secured. I should be back at your place by three. Don’t go to sleep on me love. I’ll want to play and fuck some when I get there. And snuff a boy. Wish me luck sweetie."
We exchanged a few more miss-you's, wish-you-were-here's and hung up. I went back to the play space to play with jimmyslut. I had to burn him with my lighter and cigarettes a bunch of times to get him to cooperate. Well, I didn't really have to burn him I just wanted to. His balls were pretty sore when I finished.
Two hours later Trish called back. She had the boy. She'd be home in three hours. She wanted to know if I could hold off on snuffing jimmyslut until she got there. I laughed. I planned on keeping Jimmy alive for a while. Unless the new kid looked like he'd make a better slave. Then we'd keep David as our slave and snuff jimmyslut. But either way a boy was going to die this weekend. I was in the mood for some wicked fun. I said goodbye to Trish and gave Jimmy the good news about his friend coming to join us.
"Guess what honey. My friend Tricia just picked up your buddy Davey Henson. They'll be here soon sweetie. Then the four of us can play the snuff game. How's it feel knowing you betrayed your buddy? When he gets here I'll make sure he knows the only reason he's going to die a slow and painful death is he's a friend of yours."
Jimmyslave was crushed by the news. Which is exactly what I wanted. From now on pain and humiliation and helplessness were going to be the boy's constant companions. Until he gave up all the silly ideas that he was free and had choices. Once he was my complete slave I might ease up on jimmyslut. But until then I intended to make his life hell.
"We have a few hours before your friend gets here hon. And I know a terrific game we can play. You'd like to play me to play with you some more wouldn’t you babe?"
The boy was still dazed thinking about how he'd betrayed his friend. I got the wooden box with my sharp toys from a shelf on the back wall. Time to pierce my new slut in a dozen fun places.
"You'll look good with some iron in you jimmyslut. Let's start with something for your nipples. Ahhh, this will do nicely."
I'd picked out a couple of weighted teardrop ball closure rings. The ones I selected were really too big for nipple piercings. But hey, making a boy wear something that's too heavy and too big and too uncomfortable is part of the fun. So I liked those big rings for his tits cause the weight would pull his nipple down so the boy would feel a dull pain constantly. Besides, I could clip a chain to the rings and pull him around once I'd broken him and tamed him some.
If we'd been in a shop they would have numbed his tits with ice first. I just plunged the sharp steel needle in the boy's flesh and giggled when he started to squeal. I jiggled the needle back and forth a bunch before I threaded the ring through the huge hole I'd made. His jagged wound would heal eventually. There'd be a lot of scaring but I didn’t care about that. I poured alcohol on jimmyslut's left nipple and started on the right one. He was whimpering before I even touched the dull needle to his skin. God I love hurting boys.
After I pierced both his tits I decided to do something with his lips. I was going to teach the boy the right way to eat a woman’s pussy. A few big studs in his tongue and lips would make the woman’s experience more stimulating. And since I was one of the women jimmyslut was going to eat for hours and hours I wanted plenty of iron in the boy’s tongue. So I got out the studs and the dental dam and some forceps.
?Open wide baby. Mommy has something she needs to do in your mouth.?
I didn’t give him a choice in the matter. A few tugs on his new tit rings and the boy screamed for me. As soon as he opened his lovely little boy mouth I jammed the dental dam in and cranked the thing to its widest setting. Then I clamped forceps on his tongue and pulled that thick pink organ as far out of his mouth as I could. After anchoring the forceps on the side of the dam I was ready to decorate my boy’s flapper. God I love torturing men!
I used nine studs. One huge one on the tip and four each along the edges. Punching the holes in his tongue was the most fun. I made sure I was sloppy with the needle and poked his lips a bunch of times with each of the five holes I put in his mouth muscle. With the dental dam the boy could scream and struggle all he wanted but he couldn’t interfere with my work or my fun. Once I had the five studs piercing his tongue I realized I needed something else. Jimmyslut wasn’t going to voluntarily lick my pussy with his newly knobby tongue. At least not at first. I’d need to make sure his tongue and all that lovely hardware would protrude from his lips whether or not he wanted to play my wicked game.
The solution was relatively easy. It’s a technique I’d used on other boys. First I cut the muscle at the base of the tongue way back in the boy’s throat. Tricia had taught me that trick. It loosened his tongue so I could pull it out some more. I pulled and pulled until jimmyslut passed out from the pain and until I had six inches of lovely pink tongue hanging out of his mouth. He looked like a fucking cow or some sort of freakish boy-giraffe. It was hilarious. But I needed to anchor the damn thing so it’d stay outside his mouth where it would do me the most good.
So I punched a big hole through the middle of the kid’s tongue as far back as I could. They don’t make standard piercing needles big enough for the hole I wanted. But I had a triple ought gauge needle. It makes a hole a half inch in diameter. Which was perfect for what I wanted to do to jimmyslut. Punching that monster hole through his muscle made for quite a lot of blood. Once I had the hole in him I pushed a titanium sleeve in and then used my lighter to burn the flesh around the hole and the metal. Jimmyslut passed out from the pain but it was fabulous to sit on his chest before he did. His body was shaking so hard and his nostrils were quivering so bad from the pain I thought I’d gone to heaven. Anyway, once I cauterized the hole the metal sleeve was seared to his flesh and a permanent part of the boy’s tongue.
I broke an ammonia capsule under jimmyslut’s nose to wake him up. I wanted him to experience the next step with me. When he came to he let out a cry filled with so much pain and anguish I thought I’d cream my panties right then. It was beautiful. I poked at the newest feature in his tongue a few times just to torment him. Satisfied that the titanium ring was burned in real good I slipped a curved metal rod through the hole. The ends of the rod had screw on ball caps. I unscrewed the top one and poked the ultra-sharp pointy end through jimmyslut’s left nostril. God how he carried on. It was such a thrill I pulled the wickedly sharp pin out and jammed it up his right nostril. Then I screwed the ball on so the point couldn’t stick me when I sat on the boy’s face. It also kept the curved pin from slipping out of his nose.
?How’s that feel hon? Good enough you want me to do it to your lower lip??
He shook his head no so hard I laughed. The kid still had some fight in him even after all I’d done. Tricia was going to love torturing this hunk of boy. God I’d lucked out seeing him by the road. Jimmyslut was fun! I grabbed his tit rings and pulled and twisted and yanked on them for several minutes just to get him in the mood for what I needed to do next. OK.I didn’t need him in the right move. I tortured his tits for myself. I just wanted to hurt him some more. But it sure worked. I was in the perfect mood to finish this cruel re-shaping of his tongue.
I poked the other end of the curved rod through his lower lip. But not before half a dozen false starts. You should have seen him flinch and jerk and hear him squeal and felt his body convulse beneath me when I kept poking that wicked needle through his lip. He had almost a dozen new holes in his lower lip before I was satisfied with the placement. Once I screwed the ball back on the end poking out below his lip my jimmyslut’s tongue was pinned outside his mouth by a titanium rod anchored in his nose above and his lip below. No way could the boy retract his tongue now. Not unless I took out the rod and I saw no reason to do that. Why detract from all the fun I planned on having with that luscious organ.
With my jimmyslut’s tongue pinned in place I could get rid of the forceps and dental dam. Seeing that six inch throbbing pink muscle poking out between the boy’s lips made me eager to try out my slut boy’s tongue. But I needed to do one more thing first. The thing was limp as could be. I’d cut the muscle way back in his mouth so jimmyslut had no way to anchor his fleshy mouth organ and make his tongue stiff for me. Not that he would have even if he could. He wasn’t my total slave yet. He didn’t know how to behave properly. But not to worry. I wanted a nice firm tongue to poke in my cunt and I had a way to get that even if the boy didn’t want to cooperate.
It’s handy having a sadistic nurse as a friend and lover. Trish had given me this orthopedic screw. It’s called a Knowles pin. It’s really just a stainless steel screw about four inches long about the thickness of a soda straw. You can add extensions to the end to make it longer. I added two to make my pin ten inches long. The screw end is threaded so it can be anchored into bone. I punched that end through jimmyslut’s tongue starting at the end beside the big steel stud and then threaded the pin down the six inch length of pink muscles hanging out the boy’s mouth. Then it was just a matter of pushing the pin back until I hit the back of the mandible. That bone’s big enough and strong enough to anchor the pin so jimmyslut’s tongue protrudes out nice and stiff.
It does make his tongue poke out at a little bit of an angle. Fortunately the orthopedic pin can be bent if you have the right tools. Two pairs of pliers did the trick. Of course I had to clamp down pretty hard on my slut’s tongue. He shrieked while I straightened everything pout to my satisfaction. Then it was time to take my boy’s tongue for a ride.
I’d tied him to a padded table before I started modifying his mouth to suit me. I pulled off my jeans, whipped off my panties and plopped myself down on that lovely little boy’s face. He shook his head side to side and tried to buck me off. Silly boy! I got a kick out of how hard he fought. We were going to have to keep this one alive for days if we wanted to get all the fun out of him we could. Anyway, he could fight me off for long and I quickly had his tongue positioned against my cunt lips. I pushed my hips forward and that studded pink snake slid right in. It felt fabulous. I could shake my hips back and forth and feel jimmyslut’s tongue wagging around inside me, banging against my pussy and my clit and all the other wonderfully responsive places inside my cunt. It was good. Real good. I kept doing that until I was so fucking horny I climaxed. I squeezed my thighs together real tight in ecstasy and smothered the boy some just for the hell of it. That made me have another orgasm and made me horny all over again so I slid up and down that stiff tongue for another twenty minutes or so and must have come four or five more times.
It was a good ride. But it could be better. Now that his tongue was poking out so far I could add more studs to it. The bumpy effect would enhance the cunt tonguing. So I grabbed the piercing kit and put another dozen really big studs in jimmyslut’s tongue. I was looking forward to taking the pin out that kept his pink mouth organ from sliding back in his mouth. With the hardware I’d added to his tongue jimmyslut would have had a hard time getting the thing back in his mouth. Of course with the Knowles pin threaded through the length of his muscle jimmyslut was never going to retract his tongue all the way back in his mouth again. He’d live the rest of his brutally shortened life with his tongue hanging out, ready at all times to lick and eat some lucky girl’s pussy.
I’d had at least six orgasms playing with jimmyslut and I was tired. Tricia was due within the hour. So I decided to take a break, get something to eat, drink a little wine and rest some. She was bringing a new boy. And from what little she’d said on the phone this David kid sounded like a winner. I could hardly wait. To give jimmyslut something to do while I was gone I slid a vibrator egg up his ass and turned it on high. Then I jammed a second one up there and put it on medium. Having two of them up his butt should keep his mind busy. And his body wracked with pain. I just love finding lonely boys standing by the road. There’s no limit to the things a woman like me can do to them.
AMANDA?S SURPRISE AMANDA?S SURPRISE Chapter one ? Caught Amanda walked slowly down the dock, wincing each time the old boards creaked under her feet.? She saw the old buildings, windows broken and graffiti covering much of the outside.? She felt uneasy, wishing she was home, but she knew that she had to try to find out what had happened to her friend Susan.? Susan worked for the local paper and fed up with being sent on stories covering school fetes and store openings, had decided to do...
Amanda Thompson stands in front of a mirror. She holds an angel costume up against her sexy body, admiring herself. She looks up and down the costume, liking the length of it. She decides to try it on in the dressing room.Amanda takes the costume over and summons the saleslady."May I help you?" the saleslady says."Yes, you can. I would like to try this on." Amanda says."Okay ma'am, right this way." the saleslady says.Amanda watches as the saleslady walks towards a row of dressing rooms. She...
“Finally I found you Amanda. I thought we were going to meet at the end of the school day and instead you just ditch me. Do you mind telling me why” Jenny said, the hurt clearly sounding in her voice. Amanda stopped and turned as her friend caught up to her on the street. They were a few blocks from school although not on the route they normally took home. Amanda looked at the sky but if she was hoping for divine intervention to whisk her away or at least inspire her tongue on what to...
It was one of those hot summers, in which long days of sun and heatdrove the people towards the sea-shore. Amanda was one of them, seeking coolness in the fresh salty wind that blew through her hair. “Wow, this beach is crowded!” Amanda said to her friend Janice, who had decided to come along with her. Actually, Janice was the neighbor’s daughter, but she and Amanda had become very close, since Amanda had moved in at her new apartment last year . She was thirteen years of age, three years...
manda Deacon was a married, white woman in her mid-twenties. Twenty-six, to be exact. She had a very nice body and firm ass, too good belonging to a married woman. A natural dark blonde woman, she was a head turner and would grab attention of any polite, white man if not for her wedding band. To aggressive black men, it did not matter. And Amanda was accustomed and very comfortable with black men, thanks to a progressive program sanctioned by The Black Power Movement.She, like her husband,...
Michael Jones enjoyed his life. He was married to a remarkably interesting woman. What made her interesting was her love for lovemaking. She was a confident woman who was in tune with her body.When they met, they had sex the first night. She told him that she was not a slut she just enjoyed sex. Michael thought he hit the lottery. The women he usually met were a bit skittish when it came to sex.Amanda his wife was beyond skittish. In fact, she loved sex period. She loved sex with men,...
Wife Loversby Vincent Amanda opened her eyes and looked at her sleeping friend. It was late, but it was Saturday, so there was no problem having a lazy morning. Even with a little drool hanging from the corner of her mouth Amanda thought Hina looked like an angel and was dying to kiss her, but she didn't have the heart to wake her up. As soon as Hina's eyes fluttered open Amanda planted a big kiss on her lips. "What a nice way to wake up," Hina said, "I had a crazy dream." "What...
The first day in a new job... Everyone is slightly nervous on their first day in a new job. Amanda was no exception. Not massively nervous - no reason to be, Just the vague threat of the new. After all - this was job was not going to be that challenging to her. She was not going to be a PA to a high flyting executive - although that would be her top choice. Not an office manager. No senior position. Amanda's new job was a receptionist. Something she thought she could do with her eyes...
Amanda Seyfried arrived at the expensive inner-city hotel, walking up the steps in the sunlight, her large designer sunglasses shielding her eyes. She was making sure not to walk too quickly, otherwise her large breasts, supported only by the tight black vest top she was wearing, would bounce uncontrollably on her chest and attract far too much attention. She didn’t have a bra on today, just her top and some very tight jeans, hugging every curve of her ass as she walked up the steps into the...
Amanda Carr was biting her nails, a nervous habit, as she used her foot to rock the car seat holding her infant son, Christopher. The Reagan Arms apartment complex office was warmer than it really should have been, and her little boy was on the verge of being both hungry and fussy. To top it off, the apartment manager had asked her to wait while he wrapped up a few things regarding new residents a good 15 to 20 minutes ago, and she was still waiting. If he doesn’t hurry up, I’ll have to come...
by Vincent Part 1 Amanda was in her bath robe sitting on her bed, waiting for the sound she's waited for every night this week. Amanda had a crush. She knew it was the real thing, because when she met Hina for the first time her teeth tingled. It was a dead give away. Every time she met someone that piqued her love interest she had that same reaction, tingling teeth. Almost all the girls in her wing of the dorm showered in the morning, like most Americans, to wash away the sleepy. ...
Introduction: Amanda introduces Toby to her friend Katie Amanda Adventures 2 : Amanda introduces Toby to Katie. Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she...
I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life.As I lay there thinking about the night before I was surprised at how many new sexual experiences I had in one night. I sucked dick last night. Not only that but I got fucked too. I knew I wasn't gay...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
InterracialHer cell phone rang. 22 year-old college girl Amanda Day had no idea that by answering it, she would set in motion the chain of events by which she'd give up her anal cherry that very afternoon.The phone. I don't have time to talk on the phone, I'm late for work, she thought. She didn't bother blow drying her hair, and her only concession to makeup was some lip gloss. She didn't need much more than that to look beautiful, anyway. She was one of those girls who just radiated beauty without...
Amanda is 42 years old, her 20 year marriage had recently failed and she is now divorced and living with her 17 year old daughter Laura. Amanda has recently discovered an internet dating site and has been corresponding with a dominant male. Their on line relationship has developed into one of master and slave. The below is an extract of their latest encounter following the delivery of a package from the master. Master – Yes I can see you slut are you in your bedroom Amanda – Yes Master...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very...
Dog, camera, action! Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog’s knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep...
It was a normal Sunday night on campus, Andy and I were sitting in our room chilling out and watching a sci-fi movie while enjoying a beer or two. Monday’s class load for the both of us was pretty easy, so we took advantage of being able to just relax for a few. There was a knock on the door that broke up the sound of our movie, and since Andy’s bed was closest, he jumped up to see who wanted in.Amanda came in like a fresh breeze as she always managed to do. Beautiful red head, smart, witty and...
Group SexIt was Amanda’s first day of Frosh week, which is the week before college starts that freshman move in and get familiar with their new campus. Amanda was walking down one of the campus’ many walkways when she was approached by two men. “Hi there, I’m Jason and this is Darren and we are with the fraternity Kappa Omega Pi. We’re throwing a party later tonight and we’d love if you would come”. Amanda thought about it for a few seconds then responded, “Sure, sounds like fun, I’ll be there”. Jason...
by Vincent "Look. You made the school newspaper," Amanda showed Hina the sports page as they sat next to each other on a bus heading up I-39. They were going to spend Memorial Day weekend at Amanda's family's dairy farm near Dakota. The headline said, "Cute coed brings luck to Badgers softball team." The full color picture showed Hina blowing a kiss to Emily in the on deck circle. "I think I can even see your red panties." "Oh, no you can't. Let me see." Hina grabbed the...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits.Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her.My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
Interracialby Vincent "Where did you run off to, young lady?" Amanda inquired when Hina came in the front door. She was watching TV with her dad and Ray in the living room trying not to think about the moves her brother was trying to put on her girlfriend. "I took a walk down to the pond with Max," Hina said. Amanda's concerns were playing out. She knew how charming her brother could be. "So where's Max?" "He's outside. He had an accident." That got the attention of the two...
She had seen him in school, he had to be around thirteen she thought. Slim and nicely built with a ready smile. She was working as an assistant to the math teacher and the cheerleaders, having finished high school last year. She was emancipated, both her parents dead. Leaving her a vast estate, lots of money but nothing to do. And she was thoroughly bored, bored with the young and not so young, men constantly contending for her attention. She didn't know if she was perverted but the idea of...
Chapter 1: In the Hallway Dress casual!" Amanda's boss told her over the phone. "Wear that cool combination I saw you wearing at the mall!" "I forgot what I was wearing!" Amanda replied. "You know," her boss Jason said nervously, "the jean jacket and the tattered shorts!" Hello, was that Jason? Amanda wondered as she hung up the phone. Always a shy, awkward, polite guy, now he was telling her what to wear! Jason needed Amanda to work late that Friday night so his material would be...
Two weeks ago, Jane had received an email. She had almost deleted it as spam, but she recognized the sender as Amanda, a girl who had been one of her daughters basketball team before she had graduated a few months ago. The only thing in the email was a picture of the girl wearing only a pair of men’s boxers and a sports bra. Jane nearly had a heart attack. She had been sneaking looks at the teenager for the last couple of years whenever she was at a basketball game or practice but she didn’t...
He sat at his computer in shock. 'How in the hell could someone write a story about fucking their own daughter?' he thought continuing to read and something came to him, his cock was harder than it had been in years. 'Damn!' he said looking down to his swollen member. 'You like this shit do you?' he laughed enjoying the feel of being so hard again. He hadn't had a good hard-on in five years and figured it was his age creeping up on him. But, after reading a few of the stories on the web...
Introduction: Middle class wife to black cock addict Shy conservative middle class house wife to Black cock slut. This is my wife, shes in her late thirties and as you will agree extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating...
This is my wife, she’s in her late thirties and as you will agree extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier years but had lost touch...
Shy conservative middle class house wife to Black cock slut. My wife is in her late thirties and extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier...
The last day of our affair was a day of surprises in the Carson household. Not saying a word, Amanda wore her engagement ring to the supper table as we prepared to eat prior to our parents leaving to play bridge. She was the last one to arrive at the table and, as Mom was talking at the time, she just sat down and crossed her hands in front of herself, the diamond on her finger in plain sight, a shit-eating grin on her face. For my part, I decided to play dumb, pretending not to notice...
Shy conservative middle class house wife to black cock slut. My wife is in her late thirties and extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier...
InterracialHer breasts may have been the cherry on top of the cake, but the cake itself was a hateful creature. Amanda was a textbook trashy milf. The type you fucked in the ass behind a dumpster outside a dodgy nightclub. A divorced, alcoholic mother of two, Amanda’s drinking had entirely ruined her life. Over the course of a few short years, her husband had had left her, she had lost custody of her children, and the bank had taken her house. I first met Amanda at a rehabilitation facility where I was...
On Saturday morning, Cindy Lou slept late. She expected to attend her first sex party with Amanda, her roommate, that evening and wanted to rest up for what she hoped would be some strenuous activity. Although there were a few feelings of what might be called "performance anxiety", mostly she was really looking forward to some great fun and was confident her good looks and sexual skills would be much more than adequate.When she finally did get up and go to the kitchen for coffee, Mandy was...
by Vincent The morning sun shone in Amanda's face waking her up. She was disappointed to find her friend had left. She must have gone back to her room. It would have been nice to wake her up with a kiss, but she did feel a tremendous contentment they had shared such a wonderful night together, and hopeful their relationship would continue to grow. Her hand found its way under the blanket to her pussy and she slowly rubbed her fingers between her labia, remembering how she and her...
Amanda and Josh walked into the theater room talking about what movie they were going to put on. Jeff, Amanda's boyfriend, had gone out with Amanda's mom and stepdad to dinner to talk about them getting married. Amanda said she would come but her mom and stepdad said they wanted to talk to Jeff alone. Amanda, not wanting to argue, agreed and said she would just hangout with Josh. "I have been thinking about how Jeff is cool with us talking about sexual stuff" Josh said to Amanda. "Yeah? What...
Cheating Wifes"I think you should call it a day Deirdre. You're strong enough, but not fast enough and you 're too fond of attacking and leaving yourself wide open. Give it up, I'm begging you, darling!" Deirdre made no reply for a while, but continued to dab away at her face inspecting the wreckage in the mirror. She and Amanda were in the bathroom together on the day following Deirdre's second ring appearance and second spectacular defeat. From the first, the encounter had not gone well for the...
I enjoyed the tactile sensation of my sister's naked flesh beneath my fingers. It had been a long time since I had last caressed her like this. Three years had passed since my sister and I had last made love, two and a half since she had become Mrs. Cartright. Now I was home from college for the weekend specifically because she and Paul were visiting. If my parents or her husband could see us they would probably disapprove, even though none of them would have even a spark of an idea of what...
A few weeks had passed by since Amanda and her best friend Katie had fucked a patient at Katies’ clinic. She had been with a few other black men since then courtesy of Katie arranging it with men at the gymnasium they both frequented. She was getting a little frustrated with Katie, because, in her words, Katie was pulling all the strings and getting the greater share of the cock that was on offer. She admitted she was missing Toby and longed to have him back here at our house were she could...
A few weeks had passed by since Amanda and her best friend Katie had fucked a patient at Katies’ clinic. She had been with a few other black men since then courtesy of Katie arranging it with men at the gymnasium they both frequented.She was getting a little frustrated with Katie, because, in her words, Katie was pulling all the strings and getting the greater share of the cock that was on offer.She admitted she was missing Toby and longed to have him back here at our house were she could fuck...
Redhead and Sexual Fireball -- Barely Under Control Amanda was a big girl. She was definitely "a woman" -- there was no question about that. She was no anorexic, high fashion model -- but she was certainly a beauty in her own special way. Her lustrous thick red hair fell below her shoulders and she had a very pretty face, one that caught your attention when you first saw her. Probably the most striking part about Amanda was her large round DD-cup breasts. They definitely filled out any top...
We had supper with my parents the following night - eating early so that Amanda and I could spend some time with them before they had to leave for their weekly bridge game. Normally Mom would have made one of Amanda's favorites, but in honor of my birthday, she had allowed me to choose the meal's main dish - shepherd's pie. And my Dad had really surprised me, pouring me a large beer to go with my meal. I guess that was his way of acknowledging that I was an adult now. The meal ended with...
A few weeks had passed by since Amanda and her best friend Katie had fucked a patient at Katies’ clinic. She had been with a few other black men since then courtesy of Katie arranging it with men at the gymnasium they both frequented. She was getting a little frustrated with Katie, because, in her words, Katie was pulling all the strings and getting the greater share of the cock that was on offer. She admitted she was missing Toby and longed to have him back here at our house were she could...
InterracialAmanda was a virgin with girls, but she’d had an ongoing crush on her friend from school, Nora, a quiet but deadly sensual blonde, with lips that Amanda would give anything to taste in the right moment.The girls had been flirting off and on, and per usual, Nora let girls come to her. She never pushed or pulled, coaxed or cornered. If they wanted her, and she wanted them, it would happen. She had her quiet, yet alluring ways.Amanda always imagined herself daring to make out the first time in the...
She was a goddess! His eyes were absorbing every inch of her body, every detail – from her wavy black hair, through the firmness of the rounded breasts, and her fit belly with the small shiny navel piercing. She was moving on the white leather sofa wearing only a small black bikini. He saw her gentle hand passing on top of the bikini bottom one more time right before slipping inside. Amanda was her name and she had only one tiny detail left from revealing the beauty of her nakedness. Her...
I was taken aback when my wife, Sue , suddenly came down ill, and died in front of Amanda, Keith, Drew and myself...All four of us were really torn apart, and had crossroads in life staring us directly in the face... The kids' dad was local, but not in their lives enough to know what any of them wanted. The boys were adament that they wanted to get to know their father, and go to live with him... No problem I thought, and I understood...What boy, ages 13 and 15, wouldn't want to get to...
By Shadow_RendAmanda stepped out of her car not bothering to lock the doors she felt she didn't have the energy after yet another twelve and a half hour day at the law firm she worked at. She sluggishly walked out of the parking garage caring about 10 different files in her right arm, she could hear the echo from her footsteps as she walked down the corridor heading for the elevator. She pressed a button and the elevator door opened, she was glad she didn't have to wait for it to come all the...
ReluctanceI'd been officiating hockey for almost ten years. I thought I'd seen everything. And boy, was I wrong.One night, heading into the ice rink to officiate my games, I found there was construction going on at the rink. The floors on one side of the rink were all torn up. The other side had some things going on. Some walls had been taken down. There were construction signs all over the place. Some of the skate mats were moved and it was difficult getting around. I headed down the walkway through...
TeenBy Shadow_RendAmanda stepped out of her car not bothering to lock the doors she felt she didn’t have the energy after yet another twelve and a half hour day at the law firm she worked at. She sluggishly walked out of the parking garage caring about 10 different files in her right arm, she could hear the echo from her footsteps as she walked down the corridor heading for the elevator. She pressed a button and the elevator door opened, she was glad she didn’t have to wait for it to come all the...
It was Wednesday evening when we checked into our hotel. We had upgraded to suites and had them adjoining. I felt I could really go first class. If I ran out of money, I could go down the street to the bank and make a withdrawal. Linda was tired so we ordered room service. She went to sleep shortly after that and Amanda invited June and Brian to stay and talk about plans for tomorrow. I wanted to at least view the casinos, as I was going to be using them for an excuse if anyone questioned...
I walked in the door of my one bedroom apartment and headed straight for the computer. Lately it seemed like I had the same boring routine everyday: get up early, work all day at my stressful IT job, go straight to the computer when I get home to look at porn and masterbate, then eat dinner and go to bed early. Unfortunately tonight was no exception.As I waited for my computer to boot up I started thinking about how much porn I had watched lately. I had all different kinds of straight porn,...
It all began one evening after dinner. In recent times, Amanda has become increasingly willing, even anxious, to share her erotic fantasies with me, and, I must admit, I have been increasingly intrigued by the often imaginative fantasies which she describes. However, until that evening, all her fantasies had been either so unrealistic that she had no expectation of their ever being realized or they had been ideas with which she and I could experiment while making love. Thus, the fantasy which...
It wasn't very long after that birthday that things between my sister and I began to get complicated. Nothing bad happened - it wasn't like Mom and Dad caught us screwing each other or anything like that. In fact, the sex between us continued on a regular basis and left both of us completely satisfied. But the relationship between us changed in subtle ways. Amanda began telling me things - things that she had kept hidden deep inside herself. These were things that I would never have guessed...
With the increased intimacy between Amanda and myself came other changes. Picking up on what my sister had confided in me, I set up a little surprise for her during the middle of summer vacation. Amanda had developed an interest in theater during her freshman year of college, so when I found out that the National Shakespeare Touring Company would be passing through our area, I made my plans. Perhaps I shouldn't have, but I knew I would be pushing her down a path she already wanted to...
My wife and I watched one happy family come down the stairs and into the kitchen where Amanda was making breakfast. I had never known Brian well and had only met him a couple of times. Now I had a friend for life. Linda clung to her mother and June kept promising the little girl that she wouldn't ever go away again. June brought up the subject of how her actions had not only destroyed her marriage, but her friends as well. She was devastated when I told her that we were actually divorced,...