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This is a fantasy, you should not try this stuff in real life. In real life people who do these things can get hurt, killed or locked away for a very long time.

The characters exist only in my imagination and any resemblance to persons living or dead would be coincidental and very creepy.

Robin Winter was terribly sad. She knew she had no right to be. She was 27, attractive healthy and had a job as a romance writer that had allowed her to purchase and renovate a cozy farmhouse on 5 acres. But as she drank her second glass of wine and watched a third car head down the little two lane road towards her only neighbors, the Blakes about half-a-mile further on, she still felt sad.

When the Blakes had moved in and started their own renovations about 6 months ago, she’d gone over with a bottle, some cheese and crackers; just to be neighborly.

They’d hit it off right away. Elizabeth Blake looked to be in her early 30’s but Robin was sure she was older. Her hair was still a raven’s wing black and she had a firm figure many 20 year olds would kill for.

William. Never Bill and definably not Billy, He had to be mid 40’s if the distinguishing grey at his temples told Robin anything. He had to work out a lot considering how his pecs and arms strained his fashionable T-shirts.

Despite the age difference they became close. When Elizabeth found out what Robin did she went out and bought all of Robin’s books. She would ask Robin probing questions about her process, especially the parts that Robin used to spice up her work. Robin always included at least one long chapter, sometimes more, where the heroine was captured, striped and tortured; sometimes she was sold into slavery, sometimes kept as the villain’s sex toy, but always rescued in the end.

Robin was flattered by Elizabeth’s interest, but writing those particular scenes always made Robin uncomfortable, she’d always feel strangely aroused when imagining her heroine’s capture. Elizabeth seemed to sense this, but would keep probing anyway, and Robin didn’t want to hurt her new friend’s feelings.

But all that changed two months ago. With the renovations finished Robin began to see cars headed down her little road to the Blakes. The only explanation was some sort of party to which she had not been invited. She still got together with the Blakes on other occasion, but always just the three of them. They never explained all the traffic on certain weekends and she never pressed the matter, fearing it would be rude, but it bothered her. Why would they exclude her when they’d gotten on so well? Were these older, more sophisticated friends and the Blakes were embarrassed by their acquaintance with someone so young and inexperienced? Her curiosity was such that on one occasion she took a midnight spin past their place. She spied half a dozen cars in front.  The house was dark but she could just make out lights in the barn. She had nearly walked up pretending to drop by, but her nerve failed.

Now after watching the another car go by and with the first bottle of wine empty, Robin felt her sadness turn to anger. What was wrong with her anyway? She was smart, witty, attractive and damn good company. How dare they be afraid to introduce her to their other friends.

Then an idea struck her. She’d see for herself what was so special about these gatherings. There was a hedgerow that blocked the view of the road from the barn and house. She could park her jeep there, and sneak up along the tree line to the barn. It was an old barn, there had to be a knothole of gap through which she could watch undetected.

The wine and anger had quieted the part of Robin’s brain that might have told her what a bad idea this was, and so she slipped on her boots, grabbed her keys and headed out.

The moon was nearly full so Robin drove with her lights out. She parked behind the hedge, out of sight of the barn and began to sneak along the tree line, or as close to it as she could in her tipsy state. The adrenaline starting to pump, sobering her a bit but not enough to convince her to turn around and go home.

She saw no opening at the rear of the barn and began to move along the side away from the road, but in the moonlight. She was about to give up when she found a small hole and peered through. The light was too bright inside to catch anything clearly the first look, so she stood up and pressed her hand to her eye before trying again.

?See anything interesting??

Robin froze at the sound of William’s voice behind her. But before she could react or try to explain she was slammed forward into the barn wall. The wind momentarily knocked out of her, she opened her mouth to scream, but as soon as she did a small rubber ball was forced between her teeth and tied tight.

Robin began to panic and tried to struggle, but she was at an awkward angle and William was a great deal stronger. Then she felt the touch of metal close about her wrist; handcuffs!!! Before she knew it her hands were secured behind her back and then everything went black. Some sort of bag had been dropped over her head and was cinched at the neck.

Robin was now terrified as she was half dragged, half propelled toward; what, she wasn’t sure but inside the barn was a safe bet.

When the voices she had heard from outside went silent, robin figured they were inside, then she was forced to her knees.

?What have we here? ? asked Elizabeth

?Well I was going to give you a piece of jewelry, but my dear it seems I caught you a much better gift. Happy Birthday!?

With that the bag was whipped of Robin’s head. Her mind already reeling with William’s words, she found herself blinking rapidly to clear her vision in the brightly lit barn. What she saw only served to increase her confusion.

Directly in front of her sat Elizabeth on a chair that looked more like an electric chair than a throne. By Elizabeth sat with a regal air, wearing a bustiere that she seemed to be in danger of falling out of, a g-string and a pair of knee high boots. Around her stood about half a dozen people all wearing similarly black clothing, many of them in similar stages of undress. All save one who wore an incongruous white chef’s hat.

Robin’s eyes grew wider as the reason became clear.  A bit to his left a naked woman lay strapped to a gurney like table. One of the straps ran across her mouth holding an apple in place. What has she gotten herself into.

Robin shook her head to try to clear it, but this broadened her view of her surrounding and that didn’t help. The horse stalls had been turned into cages three of which were occupied; two by naked woman and the last by a naked man. Further back were all sorts of crossed and tables, another four of these also held bound, naked bodies.

?Well? Elizabeth purred ?I suppose I should unwrap my gift.?

Robin found herself being pushed onto her stomach. William quickly removed her boots and socks as Robin tried to kick and squirm.

?Angie? he called ?give me a hand.?

To Robin’s terror a blond woman for whom the term Amazon seemed to be coined strode toward them.

The two got Robin to her now bare feet and propelled her forward until she stood between a pair of posts. As William held her still, Angie fitted a sort of harness over Robin’s head, which was then secured to the posts. Next her sweater was raised a bit and a belt with several rings on it was secured around her waist and tied to the posts. Finally cuffs were placed around her ankles and tied off.

Robin now stood helplessly between the two posts and watched as Elizabeth approached her brandishing a pair of sewing sheers. Robin’s eyes widened and she did her best to plead through the gag for her friend not to do this to her. Elizabeth seemed to understand.

?Sorry sweetie? she said ?but this is where the heroine suffers indignities. Try not to squirm, I really don’t want to injure you.?

Elizabeth pulled Robin’s sweater toward her,

?I’m afraid a cable knit is more difficult to rip than a bodice, so we’ll have to do this the easy way.?

Elizabeth quickly cut the front of the sweater open. Then moving behind Robin, she cut the length of both sleeves and with a quick tug threw what was left on the floor. Likewise Elizabeth made quick work of Robin’s jeans. She stepped back to admire her work.

?Tsk, tsk, this will never do Robin? Elizabeth said, ?what were you thinking to go out like that.?

She had worn an old athletic bra and white cotton granny panties, never imagining anyone would see them.

?Well there’s nothing for it? Elizabeth intoned, ?they’ll have to go.?

With three quick snips Robin’s bra joined the rapidly growing pile. Her breasts were not particularly large, but they were well firm and pert. To her shock Elizabeth palmed each, jiggling them like she was weighting a melon. Elizabeth then lowered her head and ran her tongue around Robin’s nipples bringing each to attention; worse still Robin felt her juices begin to flow under Elizabeth’s sensual ministrations.

?Well now for the bow? Elizabeth lilted.

Robin tried to shake her head but was held tightly in place. She didn’t think it would have mattered, but felt she should make some protest. Elizabeth took her time in cutting away Robin’s panties, then nonchalantly tossed the rag aside.

?Oh look’ she enthused, ?Robin’s a natural redhead?. Elizabeth rubbed her hand over Robin’s neatly trimmed pubic hair, and then favored Robin with a particular nasty leer. ?And? she continued ?she’s moist?. Elizabeth raised her fingers to she Robin that they glistened with her own juices; them licked her fingers clean, as if savoring a particularly rich dessert.

Robin felt herself blush furiously. She closed her eyes briefly, hoping it would all go away. When she opened them, things had gotten worse. Elizabeth had laid aside her shears and replaced it with a bamboo cane. Elizabeth put her mouth against Robin’s ear and whispered.

?I’m sorry sweetie, this is going to hurt; but I think things will go easier afterwards.?

Robin tried to plead with her eyes and beg into her gag. Elizabeth either didn’t get it, or ignored her.

The first few taps were light, almost massage-like, but Robin heard the rush of the wind and tensed as the cane struck her. Every nerve exploded as she strained against her bonds. The next two blows send Robin’s mind reeling into a world where nothing existed but the pain. The Elizabeth began the lighter taps once more.

?Was it over?? but Robin barely got the thought out before she heard the swish. She saw red as the pain once more flamed through her body. Another blow struck her and she screamed into her gag until she thought her throat would tear.

As Elizabeth came back into her view Robin realized her beating really was over.

?There, there, sweetie? Elizabeth cooed, as if to confirm. ?all done.?

Elizabeth undid the harness that held Robin’s head in place and used a wet wipe to clean the tears and snot running down her face. She kissed Robin gently on the forehead.

Elizabeth cupped Robin’s chin meeting her eyes. ?Now I don’t want to have to do that to you again tonight Robin, so you will behave.?

Despite the fact that Elizabeth had made it a statement, Robin nodded vigorously in agreement; she really didn’t want Elizabeth to have to do that to her again either.

While Angie and William undid Robin’s bonds, Elizabeth affixed a slim collar around her throat and attached a leash to it. With some ceremony she led Robin back to the chair, and with a bit of help Robin was able to kneel by Elizabeth’s throne, ?like a trained poodle? she thought.

?Time for the cake? announced William.

The reason for the girl strapped to the table became apparent as the large man in the white chef’s hat began to spread warm chocolate over her torso. He’d stop every once in a while to arrange fruit or candy in the chocolate. After he had finished, the chef used a cake decorator to create whip cream mounds over the girl’s breasts and topped each with a ruby red cherry. Finally he created a mound of whip cream over her navel, into which he placed one candle. He lit the candle and the assembled group, at least those without gags in their mouth, broke into an enthusiastic rendition of happy birthday.

Elizabeth tied Robin’s leash around the arm of the chair and rose gracefully, taking the acclamation as her due. She walked over to her living cake and with a quick puff blew out the candle.

?Did you make a wish?? Angie cried.

?Oh yes, indeed? Elizabeth replied and looked over her shoulder at Robin with a leer that made the younger woman shudder.

?First bite to the birthday girl? the chef intoned.

Elizabeth lowered her mouth over the girl’s whipped cream covered breast, licking, biting and teasing. The girl began to squirm under Elizabeth’s ministrations.

Finally Elizabeth turned to the company, looking a little ridiculous her face smeared with chocolate and cream.

?Will my guests please join me?? She asked

With a cheer the other guests fell upon the living cake. No one used their hands, rather with tongues and teeth, they licked and pried away the covering sweets and excited the morsel beneath.

Robin watched with fascination and her own growing excitement. She could feel the dampness between her legs increase. Twice she watched wide eyed as the captive on the table tensed and realized that Elizabeth’s cake was having an orgasm.

Eventually the strange dessert ended and the cake was released. Her chef helped her from the table as she seemed a bit wobblie.

?Ladies and gentlemen? said William ?a round of applause for Master Chef and Slave Dish.?

There was a hardy cheer and the objects of admiration took their bows.

?And now? William continued ?it is time for birthday licks.?

A young man was led forward he was naked and his hands were bound behind him. He knelt in front of Elizabeth and with a little help from her undid the bows with his teeth and removed her leather panties. He then began to perform cunnilingus. Robin watched with fascination as Elizabeth began to moan with pleasure. Even more amazing to her while this young man brought Elizabeth to orgasm, her husband watched without a trace of jealousy. In fact Robin thought he looked absolutely happy and something else that Robin preferred not to think about.

Once Elizabeth had relaxed and the man led away, William returned to his role as master of ceremonies.

?And finally? He intoned ?the untraditional birthday spanking.?

?Untraditional? Robin thought. She didn’t have long to see why. Instead of Elizabeth being placed across someone’s knee for a spanking, a naked woman was placed across hers.

The woman was bound and foot and gagged. She squirmed as Elizabeth gently rubbed her hand over the woman’s behind, then Smack, ?ONE? the assembled group cheered. Smack, ?TWO?.

Robin watched as the woman’s rear went from pale white, to rose pink and finally to a firey red. At 41, the spanking ended to a general cheer.

?She won’t sit for a week? Robin thought.

The spanking over, Elizabeth, now san her spankee, rose from her throne.

?My dearest friends? she said ,?I am touched by this wonderful celebration, and I thank you. I know the hour is late but please feel free to avail yourselves of our little playspace before bed.?

With a final cheer Elizabeth’s guests began to scatter. Naked men and women were affixed to various tables, wooden crosses and other, stranger, pieces of equipment to be beaten, tortured and fucked.

At first Robin tried to take it all in, but eventually all her attention fixed on Angie. The beautiful blond was beating a woman tied to a cross. A flogger in each hand, her arms seemed to move in intricate patterns that Robin could barely follow.

Robin was snapped out of her reverie by a sharp tug on her leash. Startled she turned to find both Elizabeth and William staring at her in a very predatory manner.

?Come sweetie? said Elizabeth, ?time to give your captor his reward.?

Robin felt a chill go down her spine, but bound, gagged, collared and leashed as she was, there was little choice but to follow where Elizabeth led her.

Where she was led was a high table whose purpose was very apparent. Robin tried to struggle but she was so tired, hungry and scared at this point it wasn’t much of a fight. Within moments she was bent over with her upper body laying on the table surface. Heavy straps across her shoulders and back held her in place. Her legs were spread apart and her ankles cuffed to the table’s supports, her toes barely touching the ground. A slight curve in the tabletop lifted her ass slightly and left her sex obscenely exposed.

The next thing Robin felt was soft fingers manipulating her clitoris and gently probing her virgina.

?Shall I get the lube?? asked William

?Not necessary dearest.? replied Elizabeth with a deep chuckle, ?Our little Robin is quite prepared for you.?

It was true, everything Robin had seen and experienced that night had brought her to a high state of arousal. That her body should so betray her was one thing; that Elizabeth and William should learn about it was more humiliation than she thought she could stand.

Robin’s thoughts were interrupted by what could only be the tip of William’s cock penetrating her. She found herself responding as he inched himself deeper into her, taking his time and driving her to distraction. At one point, to her horror, she even wriggled her ass to tempt him into faster action.

?My God? she thought, ?how big could he be??

Robin felt a sheen of sweat rise on her body. Then William rammed himself fully into her. She gasped as she felt the tip of his penis bounce off her cervix. It didn’t last long as a white light engulfed her followed by darkness.

When Robin next opened her eyes she found her self cradled in a pair of strong arms, her head resting against a nicely hard chest. Elizabeth’s face looked into hers with what seemed to be real concern.

?Can you hear me Robin?? she asked, ?Are you alright??

Robin nodded, how could she tell Elizabeth what she didn’t understand herself. That she was better than alright, that she felt utterly well and safe.

?Thank you.? Robin murmured as sleep claimed her.

To be continued

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My Mad Night As A Stripper

I was about twenty-one when I took part in one of the wildest things I have ever done. I was invited to a hen night not just as a lap dancer, but as a full-on stripper for a bride-to-be.I was always game for anything but this was wild and well outside even my comfort zone. I was always happy to show off my well-toned body, but being a full-on stripper with benefits was going to be insane.Kelly, my mother’s friend who I had been seeing as a result of my modelling at a lingerie party, was the one...

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Anita playing with a sexy stripper

That evening I had tickets for a rock concert at a local theater.My sensual wife got dressed in front of me, as my cock began to ache in my trousers. Ana had decided to wear a very tight tiny dress that fit her like a second skin and barely covered her butt. I reached down the hem and found that she had not a thong on. She laughed, saying it would be a lucky night for her.The rock concert was fine; but I had to get on eye over my sexy wife, fearing that any man there could fuck her in the...

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The Perils of internet dating 1 Stripper

If you read my last post, you'll know that in the late 90's early 2000's I spent alot of time on chat programs on the internet. Is was still relatively new here and at the time there wasnt many people I knew that didnt use aol chat or msn messenger regulary.I actively cammed with various people - getting my cock out at every opportunity! lol During this period of my life, I did eventually meet up with various people that I met through these chat programs. (So many stories to tell!)As anyone...

2 years ago
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My Wife the Stripper

“Hey, sweetie, Brian proposed to Jenny last night and they are flying off to Vegas, to do it quickie style, this weekend. He doesn't want to go to a strippers so I thought we could bring the stripper to him, so I was wondering if you’d mind doing a show for us tonight? But not just a regular dance, I was kind of hoping you could give us the full VIP treatment, like you do when you’re working? Thanks, bye.” I left the message on my wife’s voice mail during my lunch hour hoping that she’d get...

Group Sex
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The stripper

THIS IS NOT ME! SORRY!!!Cheri was a fantastic stripper. She made lots of money as the men and some women loved her routine and dances. She was sexy and raunchy showing off her body. Her strip tease was so nasty she only performed at private clubs. She had a fantastic figure with big round tits and a firm sexy ass. And she loved to show her complete body as she stripped. She loved to tease her audience and I will describe her show.Tonight she came on the round stage which was packed with the men...

4 years ago
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Dont insult a stripper

"Damn baby!" Matt laughed as slapped the stripper on the ass. "How's it feel to have demean yourself form money?" Candy turned her head in shock, her eyes looking at the smug man in the business suit. "Excuse me?" she asked as she stopped her routine. The men sitting next to Matt looked around awkwardly as Matt puffed out his chest. "I said," he said loudly. "How's it feel to have to demean yourself for money? I bet your mom and dad are real proud." Candy eyed the men sitting...

3 years ago
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Holly the Stripper

My name is Mike and I’m 32 years old. I’m mixed half black and half white. I stay in good shape. I hit the gym 3 times a week, stand at 5’7, 160 lbs., and bench 285 curl 55 dumb bells and run a mile in about 7 minutes. I am very well defined and keep a clean shaven head, a beard and I wear glasses. I’m from Wichita, Kansas where this story happened. I work a 40 hour a week job and on occasion pick up a shift at a restaurant whenever they need someone to pick up a shift and that’s a good place...

2 years ago
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My Short Career as a Male Stripper

Chapter 1 Okay, okay, let’s get the laughs over with right now. ‘Short’ career? Just how short is it? Ha, ha. Okay, ready for the real story now? My name is Marty Green, I work for an advertising agency as an account representative so I’m basically a prostitute. I knew you’d say it if I didn’t. Anyway, its a fairly large office of a national agency and there are several young women who also work there that I’ve taken some interest in and gotten to know a bit. That’s what led to this whole thing...

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Sex with a young stripper

This happened a few years ago as I was with friends travelling up to Birmingham on a stag/bachelor night as our friend was due to get married the following month. We decided to visit this strip club where the acts were OK. The best man decided we would hire a private room there with a private dance arranged for our stag with us there watching of course. We were crowded in this private room where our stripper who was pretty & I felt a bit guilty for fancying her as I'm happily married. She...

3 years ago
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FUCK STORY Irsquom In Luv With A Stripper

FUCK STORY: I’m In Luv With A Stripper ________________________________________It started out as a typical Saturday for me, wash and dry clothes, wash and and wax the whip, run over my parent’s house to chill a couple of hours, grocery shop, then head home to watch HBO’s Saturday night movie, life of a single black man that’s overworked and undersexed. On my way home from Publix I started thinking about going out to Stroker’s one of the classier black strip joints in the ATL or just keep it...

1 year ago
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The Stripper

It had been about a month since our Ski Weekend. Work and other commitments had left both myself and my neighbor Lisa very busy. We normally would get together at least once a week for some "neighborly fun", but we had not been together since the trip. We had discussed getting together, but it wasn't working out. Finally a Saturday Night was coming up that we were both free and made an arrangement to meet at her house.Saturday had come and I was ready to as well. I was just hanging low for the...

1 year ago
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My Mum the slut stripper

We parked the Mercedes in the car park, and walked up to the entrance. It was impressive. Looked the part of a country club. Linda welcomed us. She and I had been friends for…..well a long time. She poured us both drinks at the bar. I looked around. The interior was high end, leather sofa’s, worn, but chic. A log fire was made up, but hadn’t been lit. We sipped our drinks. “You’re looking fabulous Kelly,” Linda said, “who would believe you’re Sara’s mother.” “Come on, show us the rest of this...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch2 Sex Slave Stripper

Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...

4 years ago
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My Short Career as a Male Stripper

Chapter 1 Okay, okay, let's get the laughs over with right now. "Short" career? Just how short is it? Ha, ha. Okay, ready for the real story now? My name is Marty Green, I work for an advertising agency as an account representative so I'm basically a prostitute. I knew you'd say it if I didn't. Anyway, its a fairly large office of a national agency and there are several young women who also work there that I've taken some interest in and gotten to know a bit. That's what led to this whole thing...

Group Sex
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OHGIRL Retired Stripper

My most recent boyfriend was pumping his cock in my ass as hard as he could and I was loving it. He had never fucked a girl in the ass before and he was making up for it by driving his stiff white cock deep into my ass for the third time that day. He had hit the sexual jackpot with me and I had introduced him to a few things that I liked that week. Not only had I blown him during the movie that he had taken me too, within the first hour of our first date, but I had let him fuck me any way he...

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Aunt Carol Was A Stripper

My mom's sister Carol lives in Crossville, Tennessee. I moved into in a company furnished condo in downtown Crossville a few weeks ago. The condo came with my internship deal. It's a small nicely furnished. I promised mom I would go visit Aunt Carol as soon as I got settled. Mom wasn't going to let me forget that promise.I had met Aunt Carol several times over the years. I had just turned 37. The whole family drove to Tennessee from Union NJ Aunt Carol never had any k**s of her own. She got...

2 years ago
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Morphic Adaptation Unit The Stripper

Morphic Adaptation Unit - The Stripper A stripper gets a visit from an unusual government agency. The agents are interested in her past - and her very unusual anatomy! ********************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit - The Stripper The insistent beat of the music seemed to flow through the girl, animating her every move. As she danced, her body moved as if the music were part of her, her body writhing erotically with the reverberations of the...

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Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper

??    Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper?By: Wayne T.????A backpacker travelling the world runs out of money and is forced to look for work to support himself. Not having a visa, he branches out into the sex industry before attending a private party, where he is used for the evenings entertainment. He then receives by force from some of the guests, the fullest male circumcision possible, there and then, of the most tightest and extreme kind. This is in full view and humiliation, in...

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The Stripper

His thick cock was pounding into me in time with the beat of the club song. I don’t think that he realized or planned it, but it was causing me to cum wildly, creaming his cock. “Oh fuck you dirty whore, I’m cumming now!” Rob screamed in my ear. I could barely hear him over the music even with him that close, but I could feel him explode inside my wet cunt. His cum was hot and there was a lot of it. He kept shooting and shooting, filling me up. “Fuck Becky, I love you. What a sluty whore you...

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Utopia for One Chapter 4 Strippers

Chapter 4 – Strippers By Dominic Durobastone Back on course, the master ordered that Phil be untied, his shoes, socks and pants be disposed of in a nearby rubbish bin and his hands be retied behind his back. This time Richard was instructed to check his dick and make him hard. Richard approached the task with obvious distaste but dared not refuse or delay. “Hail us a cab…actually two Naidu, there’s a good girl.” Without delay two cars responded. The master took the front seat of the...

3 years ago
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Getting aroused watching black male strippers

My good girlfriend Laura was reaching finally her forty years old; so other ladies from the wild wives’ group decided to go to a male strip club to celebrate a party there. We all were having a good time, plenty of drinks to lose inhibitions. All the male dancers were younger guys and mostly of them were black…Those guys got totally naked during their routines, showing us how well hung were all of them, specially the black guys. The girls cheered up on Laura, to have a lap dance with one black...

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My Cousin The 57yo Stripper

My Cousin The 57yo Stripper I had not seen my cousin in years until I attended the Family Reunion. I had been moving around some but settled down a few years ago. My father sent my invitation to me and I had to smile because he wrote, “See you there.” Now my father isn’t much of a talker. Over the years when we do talk on the phone is never lasts more than five minutes. We just say what we have to and hang up. It was a beautiful July day, the weather was hot, and the sun was bright....

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Neighbor is a stripper

                                 Discrete affair.  Thai Neighbor is a Stripper, ‘Friendly’ , AND Cooks Too!               Ever dream of a ‘discrete affair’ fantasy? I had one drop into my lap so easily, It’s better than winning the Lottery!        My wife’s job takes her  away two weekends a month. Normally that means getting off with ‘Internet help’  till my ‘fuck machine’ returns.       Last July, I noticed a moving van bringing furniture into the home next door. Curious of course, I...

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CHAPTER ONE The door swung open, and in marched my sister. She is a fiery brunette, short and slender, with dark blue eyes and a great smile. She was not smiling at the moment though - she looked very ferocious and emotional. Closely following on her heels came mom. Mom is also a brunette, but tall and slender with shoulder length hair. She has a great sense of humor and the most perfect button nose - one that makes her look at least ten years younger than her 37 years of age. Despite having...

1 year ago
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Shocker My Sons High School Science Teacher was a Stripper

I walked into the strip bar. I had been in the place many times before. It had been a while, so I felt like I was back in familiar territory. The girls were hot. Then, I got the shock of my life. I was not prepared to see my son’s high school science teacher, Diane Hacker, completely butt-ass naked and spread-eagle on a side stage. I walked past her, winked and mouthed the words, “Come see me.”Diane turned four shades of red but didn’t break her dance routine. I took a seat in a dark corner of...

Office Sex
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THIS STORY COULD IT BE FICTION OR REAL YOU DECIDEA WIFE AND NOW A STRIPPER When I married my husband Tom he had a very successful business in real estate and I was his very sexy wife who loved to dress up and look amazing for my husband when we entertain his clients,Tom use to say I was the fantasy of all men and without my good looks and sexy body his business would not have been as good as it was,With a 38”DD bust and my long sexy legs with long natural blond hair it was no wonder men would...

4 years ago
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My First Stripper

It was early in the evening on a calm autumn night. I was with my girlfriends and we were getting ready to go to a mutual friend’s birthday party. It was to be a girl’s only party at a local nightclub. She had rented the club out for the night and my girls and I were excited as we chatted and drank our homemade martinis. We were all giddy because rumor had it she was having a male stripper at the party. With our heels on and tight dresses, looking like we were ready to fuck we headed out...

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Getting wasted with a stripper

There is a club here in Orlando called Rachels. They are know for having a five star restraunt and some of the hottest girls. It is a bottoms on and tittie tape bar. No full nude. A buddy of mine had his eyes on this very fine 18 year old stripper that lived with her mom and worked the daytime shift. We had made about four visits there in a two week period. He bought a vip card for $500.00 and was using being of money to seduce her. It was working had he finally nailed her but this story is...

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Nelson Enterprises Sports Car to Minivan and Stripper

Nelson Enterprises - Sports Car to Minivan and Stripper Now Tony learns to be the star stripper at his former Gentlemen's club and Jeff loses his sports car and gets the mom-mobile minivan. Barb (as Bill), Ellie (as Tony) and Monica were shutting down all of the equipment and getting ready to head home. They were still laughing about poor Jeff waddling out a few minutes ago. A few minutes ago he had been a very fit middle aged man who was the father of 4 kids, authoritarian...

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Neighbor is a stripper

                                   Discrete affair.  Thai Neighbor is a Stripper, "Friendly" , AND Cooks Too!               Ever dream of a "discrete affair" fantasy? I had one drop into my lap so easily, It's better than winning the Lottery!        My wife's job takes her  away two weekends a month. Normally that means getting off with "Internet help"  till my "fuck machine" returns.       Last July, I noticed a moving van bringing furniture into the home next door. Curious of...

Wife Lovers
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The Stockport Stripper

By the standards of today what took place was no big deal. These days I am apt to lament that striptease as skill has all but disappeared. However, it was in places like the Empress, given unlimited space to move, that the art of burlesque could be practised to its full effect and the lady who was going to demonstrate that art, the subject of this article, was called Toni Collins. Swaggering on to the stage, the pleated skirt of her blue and white checkered dress swung...

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Dominique was simply adorable. She came into my bar and asked me for an application. Of course I told her that she had to be at least eighteen years old to work for me. Even though she looked to be about eleven or twelve years old she showed me her driver’s license that proved that she was eighteen years and two months old. Okay then! I handed her an application. I had already made up my mind to hire her anyway. Hell I didn’t care if she lasted one whole night, I just had to see this tiny...

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