Ben's Instruction free porn video

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“Summer vacation...great,” I sighed.

My girls would be going to summer camp in a couple of days, and the husband will be going out of town for business. Who was I kidding? He was going to see his mistress. Not that I minded. Our marriage was basically just paper at this moment.

I would have the house to myself for 2 weeks. What to do? What to do? I made my list of projects to get done, thinking that it would last me more than a couple of days. I needed to spring clean the house, as well as get the lawn cleaned up.

The next few days passed quickly. I kept busy, and before I knew it, my list was completed. Well, all except for the yard. I hated yard work. Staring up at the sky, I sent a silent wish for some teenaged person to knock on my door and ask for a job.

With a great big sigh, I went to the front yard and proceeded to try and start the lawn mower. After pulling the cord about ten thousand times, I gave up. Disgusted, I stood and stared down at it. I was not mechanically brilliant, but even I knew there was something wrong with the damn thing.

Frustrated, I kicked the tire, stubbed my toe, and started cussing a blue streak!

“Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Stupid, fucking...,” I hollered out.

“Hey. Hey. Hey. What's wrong, Mrs. Robinson?” a voice called out.

I turned to see Ben, my neighbor's 18 year old son, walking toward me. With a big grin on his face, he surveyed the situation and quickly caught on to my dilemma.

“Hey, Ben! I am trying to start this stupid lawnmower, and apparently, it seems to be smarter than I am,” I laughed.

I was happy to see someone of the opposite gender. I thought to myself that if I played this right, maybe, he would want a summer job, and I would not have to deal with this stubborn mower.

“Ben...I was thinking. My husband is out of town, and he usually does the yard work. Would you be interested in earning some extra money?” I asked, with a most innocent look on my face.

Ben sat back on his heels. Deep in thought, he was silent for a moment, and then he looked up at me.

“Well...I was gonna take the summer off and just goof off before college. Hmm...How much are we talking about?” he asked.

“How much do you feel your time is worth?” I countered.

“ about $50 a week,” he hesitantly asked.

“50, huh. For $5o, I better get more than just a lawn mowing. I will pay you $50 for some extra help with fixing up stuff, as well as a lawn mowing. Agreed?” I said.

“Agreed,” he said.

I left him with the lawn mower and went inside to clean up. Ben had grown up a lot since his family moved in last year. I am not that close to his parents, as they mostly keep to themselves, but Ben has always said hi to me.

I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Looking out the window, I watched Ben mowing the front yard. The day was turning very hot. It seemed summer was coming early. He stopped for a minute and pulled his shirt off and wiped his forehead.

Damn! He has indeed grown up. I watched the muscles in his back ripple as he bent down to re-start the mower. Ben had gotten tall. He was about 6 foot, as far as I could guess. I know that my head only came up to his shoulders now. He must have started working out, too.

His shoulders were wide and beginning to bulk up. My eyes wandered down to his chest. It was lightly furred in light brown hair, about the same shade as the hair on his head. I already knew that he had jade green eyes. I noticed that when he quit wearing his glasses.

"Oh, girl! You got to stop lusting after this boy,” I told myself.

I was old enough to be his mother. I got into the shower. While I was washing my hair, I saw a flash in the mirror. With a slight grin, I rinsed my hair while daydreaming about Ben. I may be twice his age, but I am not bad on the eyes.

Running my hands down my chest, I cupped my breasts. They were still firm and perky. Full, lush, and round, they were natural. Looking down at them sitting in my hands, they overflowed my small hands, but then again, they were 40Ds.

Pinching my brown nipples, I worked them until they were puckered and stiff. With the water cascading down my back, I opened the shower curtain to watch Ben outside the window. To my surprise, there was a face peering back at me.

The flash in the mirror had been Ben. Apparently, he was more interested than I thought. As if in a dream, I stared back at him, all the while massaging my breasts and nipples. He watched my soapy hands. His eyes never left my hands.

Suddenly, he jumped. I heard his mom calling him. He turned and quickly left. With the spell broken, I rinsed off and got out. The day proceeded, event-less.

The next morning I got up and was in the process of getting some breakfast together, when the door bell rang.

“Good morning, Ben,” I said, after answering the door.

“Hey,” he said, with the beginnings of a blush.

“Here. Sit down. Eat something,” I said, pushing him into a chair, “I have some things I need done in the house today.”

“Um...'kay,” he mumbled.

It seemed that Ben was a bit embarrassed. Looking down, I noticed that I was still in my robe. There was something about this whole situation that was so intoxicating. I found myself wondering what I could get away with.

"You should be ashamed of yourself," I scolded myself.

Here I was thinking about seducing this innocent young man. I knew there was interest there. I saw it in his eyes. Quickly putting a plan in motion, I untied my robe. I was wearing a thin, tight tank top. My brown nipples were clearly visible underneath the white shirt, which stopped right above my navel. The boy shorts I wear as panties cupped my ass, snugly. They ride up a bit, but the rear view is fantastic!

To help get my mind off the lack of sex in my marriage, I worked out a lot. My belly was flat, and my ass was tight. The boy shorts I wear to bed show my curves really well. I felt very sexy and very naughty.

“Ben?” I said, waiting for him to look up.

His eyes widened, as he saw what was underneath my robe. Hastily looking down, he stared at his lap, as he waited for my instruction.

“There is a shelf in my room that keeps falling off the wall. Do you mind fixing it for me?” I asked, sweetly.

Nodding his head, he followed me to my room. I could sense his nervousness. He was jumpier than a whore at church. Walking down the hall, I chattered along about how the husband was too busy to fix what really needed repairing, hoping that the intention wasn't going over his head.

Opening the door to my room, I invited him inside. As he walked past me, I noticed that the front of his shorts were tented. I was turning him on. Continuing my seduction, I showed him the shelf.

Ben looked the shelf over, then sat down on the floor to begin to repair the broken door. I watched him for a minute, then took my robe off and hung it up. Smiling, I remembered taking a hammer to the shelf door last night, as well as moving it next to my dresser.

In order to reach my dresser, I had to lean over Ben. I placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned way over, trying to reach the bottom drawer. Losing my balance, I started to fall forward.

He quickly brought his hands up to catch me. One of his big hands landed right on my left breast. I looked at him and smiled.

“Thank you!” I said, breathlessly.

Regaining his senses, Ben realized where his hand was and snatched it away, like he was on fire. Straddling his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him softly. His hands were trembling, and he was so very tense.

“You can hug me back. I don't bite,” I whispered.

His arms wrapped around my waist, hesitantly. It was like he was scared to touch me.

“I know I should not be doing this,” I whispered, “Please stop me, if you don't want me touching you. It is just...I saw you in the window.”

Ben remained silent. I started to get up, and his arms tightened around my waist, trapping me there. I leaned back as far as his arms would allow me. Looking into his eyes, I searched them.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” I asked.

Never breaking eye contact, he nodded. I leaned down and brushed my lips lightly over his. Rubbing my soft lips over his, I enjoyed the texture of them. Using my tongue to part his lips, I nibbled his full bottom lips, occasionally sucking it into my mouth.

Ben was sitting as still as a stone, not even breathing. I ran my tongue along the seam of his lips, and then dipped it inside to taste his mouth. Touching his tongue with mine, I urged him into action.

Like clockwork, he sprang into action. His tongue dueled with mine, fighting for dominance. We broke apart. Both breathing heavily. I could feel his hands rubbing up and down my back, and then, slipping under my tank top to rub my bare back.

“It's been so long, since a man has touched me. Do you want to touch me?” I whispered into his ear.

Again, he nodded.

“How much?” I prodded.

“A lot.” he said.

“Where?” I asked.

Ben looked at me. It was in that look that I knew that I was going to be his first. I wanted to teach him everything. I smiled and stood up. Taking his hands, I led him to my bed. Motioning for him to sit. I stood between his legs and pulled my shirt off.

I took his hands and placed them on my breasts. I placed my hands over his and showed him how I liked my breasts kneaded and fondled. He was a quick study. Moaning, I dropped my head back, as he cupped both breasts, then pinched my nipples to get them erect.

He pulled me down on the bed. I laid down on my back, and he leaned on one arm beside me.

“What do you want to do?” I asked.

“I want to kiss on your breasts...suck on your nipples,” he answered.

Putting my hand under my breast, I offered it to him. Like a starving man, he tongued my nipple, kissing all around it.

“Take my nipple into your mouth. Suck on it, like it was a piece of candy. Your favorite candy!” I panted.

He took my nipple into his mouth, rolling it around his tongue. I could feel the pull all the way down to my clit. My panties were getting wet.

“Take your shirt off. Please.” I asked Ben.

Ben broke contact with my nipple long enough to pull his shirt off. I leaned up on my arm, running my free hand down his youthful chest. Gently pinching his nipples, I watched his reaction. Pushing him down on the bed, I straddled his hips.

Planting a kiss on the side of his neck, I heard him gasp. He was sensitive there, as are most men. Sucking softly at his neck, I massaged his chest.

“It is time for a little instruction,” I told him, “Are you hot for this teacher?”

Leaving a trail of wet open mouthed kisses, I foraged a trail down his chest. Stopping at random intervals, I would nip his skin, then lick away the pain. Reaching his navel, I dipped my tongue inside. Darting it in and out.

His hips were beginning to move. I unbuttoned his shorts, and he lifted his hips to allow me to remove them. Ben was fully erect under his boxers, and I traced his shaft from tip to base.

His hips arched, sharply with my touch.

Reaching inside the fly, I pulled his shaft out. For someone so young, he was impressive. Thick enough to where I could not close my hands around it, he was generous in length, as well.

Sitting on my hands and knees, I looked down at him, while my hand stroked his cock.

“Has anyone ever kissed you here?” I asked.

Ben just stared at me. His breathing was ragged. I knew my answer, but wanted to see if he would tell me the truth.

“Well?” I asked, again. I stroked him faster, watching his eyes roll upward, as he shook his head no.

“Do you want me to?” I asked.

I started spiraling my hand up and down his shaft, like I was opening a jar. He groaned loudly. It would not take much to get him to cum, I noted. He nodded his head, unable to talk.

Kneeling beside him, I leaned forward and rubbed my face over his iron hard cock. He was so hard that it looked painful. The blunt tip of him was an angry red. I brushed my lips across the tip. Using my the flat of my tongue, I licked from base to tip in one swipe.

Ben's legs stiffened, and his toes curled. I knew he had never felt a warm, wet mouth on his cock. I blew a warm gust of air over the tip and watched it twitch, violently. He was close, and I haven't even really begun.

Gripping his shaft, I squeezed the vein at the base tightly, as I engulfed the head in my mouth. I used my tongue and worked the ridge, vigorously. His hands were clenching my sheets in a death grip.

I continued sucking and slurping the top half of his pole, all the while keeping a steady pressure on his base. Pretty soon, I could feel his balls tightening. He got super hard before the spasms set in.

He pumped his hips, fucking my face, but nothing came out. I had stopped the flow of his cum. Gradually, his hips stopped humping, but he remained rock hard.

“ did you do that? I felt all the spasms...still hard...,” he stammered.

“Practice,” I grinned.

My panties were soaking wet. I needed to be touched. He lay there looking stunned. I laid back on the bed.

Looking up at him with seductive eyes, I asked, “Wanna learn something new? Something they don't teach at school.”

Ben nodded his head, eagerly.

“Pull off your boxers, then make yourself comfortable between my legs,” I instructed him.

He did what I said and looked up at me for direction.

“Give me your hand,” I said, softly.

Taking his hand, I rubbed my pussy through my panties. Guiding his fingers to the spots that gave me the most pleasure, I made him manipulate my clit.

“Can you feel how wet I am?” I asked.

I let him take over the exploration. I watched him place his palm over the whole of my pussy, grinding it with pressure. I moaned. It was so sexy watching him discover my slit.

“Take them off,” I whispered.

He removed my panties, then opened my thighs wider. My lightly furred lips opened, revealing the dusky pink inner flesh. My inner lips were moist. Beads of nectar lined my lips. He stared at my cunt, like he was going to eat me alive. I guess some things are inborn.

Using his thumbs, he opened my inner lips, looking at the dark canal. He slid one long finger inside and moved it in circles inside me. My breathing rate quickened. Contracting my muscles, it felt like my pussy was sucking on his finger.

His face was unreadable or maybe I was so turned on, that I could not read it. He pulled his finger out and rubbed my hard nub. Digging my feet into the bed, I arched my back. He smiled slightly and continued to rub my clit.

My pussy spasmed and flinched. Without me telling him, he leaned forward and placed a open mouth kiss directly on my clit. It was not going to take much to get me off. I wanted to feel him inside me.

Sitting up, I bullied him down on his back. I was taking control back. Straddling his hips again, I guided his granite hard cock to my portal. I was so sopping wet that my inner thighs were shiny.

With a sharp intake of breath on both our parts, the scalding heat of him felt like a hot poker consuming me. Impaling myself on his tool, I sank to the bottom and could feel the hair of his balls tickling my ass.

He howled and grabbed my hips in the time honored way. Unschooled in the ways of flesh, his haste only excited me more. I slowed him for a moment to reach inside my bedside table for my vibrator.

My pussy rippled and contracted around him, as he battered my flesh. His hips worked me like a piston in a cylinder. My toy vibrated my clit. I felt the waves starting in my clit, and as they radiated outward, my thighs trembled. My pussy tightened and a jet of fluid soaked his hips.

He felt all of this and lost control. Pumping his hips upward, he tried to shove his cock further inside me, as he pumped jets of hot cum up inside me. Thrusting roughly about 2 or 3 more times, he relaxed.

I collapsed on his chest. Breathing roughly, we caught our breaths, and soon felt the chill of the air. Spooning behind me, he pulled the blanket over us. We lay like that for awhile. I could feel his cum running down my thighs, as we dozed.

Later that afternoon, I rolled over to face him. Smiling, he pulled me close and asked if there were anymore shelves that needed to be fixed.

“Oh...I think I can find some here and there. In fact, there happens to be on in the bathroom that needs special attention,” I purred.

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Brady Bunch Story Challenge Past Ass Brady PhasesThats CrazyChapter 4

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3 years ago
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The NerdA New BeginningPart 1

All in all it was a very satisfactory operation. Setting up the hedge fund had cost him a few million dollars of his own money but it had been well worth it. Once the investment checks had come in it was too easy—wait a few months and send out payment checks with plenty of interest and dividends. Best of all was how stupid and trusting his bitch wife, her sister, and despicable mother had been—almost as stupid as he had been in trusting and loving Morgan. He rationalized that, however. ...

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The Cafe

It was a warm summer afternoon and she was sitting in a sidewalk café, a file folder open on the table, its contents weighted down with the silverware. She was intently reading a paper. Just as he walked by she crossed her legs and her skirt fell open at the side slit to expose the lacy top of her stocking and the clip of black garters. His stride slowed, as he neared her table she leaned forward and reached for another sheet of paper. The edge of her blouse opened just enough for him to get a...

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Do It Nathan

Chapter 1 I was sixteen when I saw my first naked woman. It was Mrs. Oliver, the lady next door and she was sunning herself out on her patio one summer afternoon when I was out back watering plants that were part of my summer chores. Some soft music drifted over the fence and, being curious, I went to the fence and looked over. There she was, our sexy-looking next-door neighbor, stretched out on a lounge chair totally naked. I did what any guy my age would do, I took out my dick and I started...

1 year ago
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How To Suck A Cock

Sucking a man's cock is one of the pure pleasures in life. It's sad to think that many women don't appreciate just how much fun it can be. The reason for this is they don't know how to do it correctly and so it doesn't end up being much fun. Because if you mess up, you don't get your reward. The cock doesn't get hard, the man doesn't have a good time and the woman feels like a failure.But here's the good news: It's easy to learn how to be a terrific cock sucker. And I'm going to tell you...

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 49

Two and a half hours later we landed like the Star Trek version of a Klingon Bird of Prey. We even did it the way it was in the movie with a needless partial turn just before touching down. Roman said, "You have to let me fly some of the time. How high can we go? How fast?" Vasiliy whispered but his thoughts came through as if he hadn't. "It's hard to tell Roman. We were flying a 2000 tonne frigate so high that even with the big scoops we could not get enough air. We were so high that...

2 years ago
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Caught In The Act Part 1

Part true, part imagined...It had been such a crappy day. Yet again, I was left alone in the office after everyone else had called it a day and I still had an hour's worth of work to get through.I took a drink of the acrid vending machine coffee and looked out of the office window. The sky was starting to darken as evening was becoming night. My car sat alone in the car park, illuminated by the solitary security light, slowly starting to make an impact in the weakening light. Why was I here...

1 year ago
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PervMom Sky Pierce Trinity St Clair After The Breakup

Ever since the breakup, my foster mom, Trinity St. Clair, has been pretty upset about. So, when she takes me and my foster sister, Sky Pierce, on a vacation, I want to make them both feel better about things. I let them suck my cock in the hotel room! Later, my adopted mom corners me and asks me to fuck her tight MILF pussy on the bed. Then, on the last day of our trip, the girls want to make a hot video for us to remember the vacation by. I fuck both their pussies and give them a cum facial...

2 years ago
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Meeting Sally

The story until now.Sue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another...

Wife Lovers
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Bombshell Aunt 8211 Coimbatore

Hey, everyone! This is Vijay here. I’m new to this sex story thing…. so ….here goes. It all started with my interest in sex stories. Especially incest. I started having wet dreams about the only person who I looked at in that way. And that was my aunt, Raji. I saw her squatting down to wash clothes one day in her nighty and saw her without any underwear. That hairy pussy gave me one hell of an erection. I also managed to see her boobs from the side when she stretched for a yawn. You have no...

2 years ago
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What Happens at a Frat House

“Tay, we need to talk about what happened,” I started nervously. We had both been sitting at our desks doing homework. Well, Tay had been doing homework. I could barely focus with how awkward the situation seemed. “Thank God,” she whispered, sighing and letting her pen fall. “I’ve wanted to say something since it happened but I couldn’t work up the courage.” Her lower lip quivered and her eyes began to well up. I was so confused! “What’s wrong?” I asked, dismayed. I certainly hadn’t...

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A Modest FairytaleChapter 11

The three weeks were coming to an end and every creature in the vicinity was on edge. Three weeks of crooning, keening, trilling, and moaning had taken its toll on all the inhabitants. Nonetheless, the expectations were high. A second pack of wolves had come. They preferred to camp out on the porch out of the snow but still able to sleep in the morning sun. Pardin was fairly certain that he had sixty fairies sleeping above his head at night but he still wasn't absolutely sure. By...

3 years ago
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Furry farm

It was a beautiful day on the wolfheart farm when Amanda wolfheart awoke to her mothers kiss on the forehead "good morning Mama" "Happy birthday babby" Samantha says as she moves to sit on the edge of the bed "Oh shit I forgot about that" Amanda says unconvincingly. " Ok sure Ill believe that when pigs fly" Samantha says as she goes in to to tickel her. "Hahahaha ok ok I didn't forget " "I know that you have been bugging me to show you the barn for a week now but today is the day" " now follow...

2 years ago
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Swimming Pool 8211 Couple Love

Hi guys I am Amit. I stay in Mumbai and work for a IT firm nearby. Our organization, being a filthy rich MNC, gave me and my two friends a sprawling 2 BHK Flat in a huge cooperative in Goregaon East, which we couldn’t have afforded in our lives. The cooperative was new and had ultra modern facilities like gymnasium, banquet halls and also a swimming pool, which were yet to be opened. Every day after coming back from the gym, I used to hit the gym as I was very inclined towards fitness and also...

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Hell Hath No Fury Ch 01

‘Ohhhh, Milt!’ Heidi Tate cooed while the man sitting next to her on the sofa tickled her neck with his fingertips. Warmth and delight began to spread through her. Her companion was Milt Bingham, the assistant principal of Jamestown High School, where Heidi was employed as school nurse. The assistant principal was about five-six, balding, and somewhat portly. He had been very attentive to Heidi ever since he assumed the assistant principal’s position at the beginning of the school year. He had...

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Rogue MagusChapter 34

I awoke to the sounds of urgent discussions and then everyone stopped talking. “I think he’s awake,” someone said. I blinked open my eyes and looked around. Dana, Michael, Greta, Chloe, Ella, Katrina, and Cassandra were all gathered in my bedroom. Cassandra and Chloe looked at one another, throwing each other contemptuous glances. I rolled to my side and then sat up. I was still naked. It appeared that Greta woke up first, got dressed and then went and said something that turned into this...

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The Ring AOChapter 75 The Mansion

On Saturday morning Helena went down to the breakfast room There she saw Paul and Danielle. They invited her to join them. Paul had a flying job at 9.30 with a full plane and would not be returning until 3.30pm. Helena gave that smiled, “That’s OK, Danielle and I might do some shopping and we can tell you all about it tonight!” Danielle smiled “Yes that would be nice. Paul is taking me out for dinner tonight, Would you like to come?” Helena replied “No, I have a feeling I have a formal...

1 year ago
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The count down for the bdsm lovers of the new year

10. A rosey red ass from spanking with the hand, hairbrush, spatula, ruler, whip, flogger, or switch.9. Hot wax on the nipples, belly, pussy, ass, back or legs.8. Tied up, gagged, spanked, fucked and cummed on.7. forced orgasms while others watch.6. Tied up and forced to watch while he fucks another sexy red head or brunette.5. Eating another womans pussy for a group to please my master.4. Wearing my Masters cum for others to see.3. Being collared and servicing my Master either alone or for...

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Meeting Mistress Sarah

My heart pounded fiercely as I stood at the door to Mistress's house. I did not expect to be so nervous at meeting her again. After all I had known her for quite a while now. Mistress Sarah had been gracious enough to allow me back into her world. I was fortunate to fall under the control of such a dominant woman. She had moulded me into an obedient and submissive slave through the use of e-mail, texts, and online chat sessions. At the insistence of Mistress Sarah, the time had finally come to...

4 years ago
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Wife Does A Senior

I had been buying some XXX rated movies from this guy that owned a book store,we soon became pretty good friends since we were both jaded sex maniacs. He was about 20 to 25 years older than me,(never really asked his age) Al had been with me a couple of times.Jack told me how hot Al looked & she turned him on. I just told him that I was glad he approved.I never saw Jack as a person I would want to have a fuck party with, he was to old & not very good looking. He was just a friend to...

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I had become desperate. Depression had brought my life to a complete standstill. I was struggling to function, even on a basic level. I knew I had to get help. Sitting on my bed with a carving knife, contemplating ending my life was not what I wanted. Asking for help did not come easy, but as I said, I was desperate. So I had decided to start psychotherapy during the first few sessions all we did was go over all that had happened in my life and why I felt so depressed, but on the fourth...

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Room service

I’d been working at the hotel for about a year but had just changed roles from bell boy to room service, so was new to the job.It was a normal delivery, some champagne and canapés to be delivered to one of the main suites on the upper floors. I ‘d been told to get the room ready for the guest to entertain some visitors in his suite so assumed that the guest wasn’t there.So I undid the door and went in with the trolley to set up. I was surprised to see some gay porn on the large TV screen in...

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WebYoung Emily Willis Mackenzie Moss Reconnecting

Emily Willis is lying on her bed, scrolling through her old photos on her phone. She happens upon one that seems to catch her eye and clicks on the photo. It’s a photo of Emily and Mackenzie Moss. They are smiling and look very happy. Emily sighs nostalgically and a little sadly as she looks at the photo. Clearly, Mackenzie is important to her. Emily gets a text from another friend inviting her out to the club but ignores the text, saying aloud to herself ‘I am NOT in the mood to go...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 238 The Show Must Go On

That looks like fun, but I better not. People would notice if I started doing triple twisting flips. Instead of going to try the diving board, I found a chair to watch Helen and the other women that were using that diving board. After she tried a one and a half flip three times, where she opened too soon, I started counting how many seconds it took for her to get to where she opened-up to dive in. She seemed to need about a count of three, but that was me counting. When I spelled out her...

2 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 15

Later that night, we went to our new bedroom to sleep together all night for only the second time. Britt said, "The only bad thing about sleeping nude is there is nothing to remove. How can I be alluring to you when everything is already bared to your gaze?" "Britt, you just existing is alluring to me. I know what you look like and my eyes glory in the view every single time. I know what you feel like and my hands and the rest of my body tingle from each touch. Just the sound of your...

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Days Following the Revised World Order

The second day after the world change demoting girls and women to animal status was interesting to be out in public. No women were wearing any clothes and a surprisingly few had on red collars. It was midnight and I went to pick up Cindy. I left Amy and Jenna at home to rest after a long day of sex with dozens of random guys, plus me. Well, except for Jenna who I had no interest in. I did make her eat Amy after the last three black guys filled her cunt then left. It was incredible to see Jenna...

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Webmeets Diary Ch 06

If you have read the other chapters of this diary, you will know that I went travelling after I finished university, intending to meet up with people from adult personal sites along the way. So, after St. Petersburg I went all the way through Russia and Mongolia without meeting anyone else from the internet. Of course, I met plenty of other travellers and locals many of whom were very attractive, but for various reasons I didn't end up sleeping with any of them. By the time I reached...

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beta of the family part three

My father and mother came bursting in the door and momentarily the doctor completely froze, balls deep in my pussy.But if the doctor was worried he quickly seem to understand the situation, mostly because both of my parents were totally naked and my father was sporting a massive hard on. Perhaps there was some sort of telepathic understanding between the two male paedophiles because within a few seconds the doctor started to fuck me again. My father smiled and turning to my mother said "I knew...

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A pastoral tale

Last summer I cycled through Britain, sticking to the less traveled routes. Overall the weather was kind, in fact, even when it poured it turned out for the best. I was laboring through some hilly but very open farming countryside, a patchwork quilt of green fields separated by winding hedgerows, when the skies opened up. Now, I don’t mind a little rain and it does keep the countryside pretty, but this was coming down in buckets and the wind was roaring over hill and through valley and I was...

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BrattySis Alexa Grace Power Play

Alex Adams is really into the television and his stepsister Alexa Grace is totally sick of it. She tries everything she can think of to get Alex’s attention, from talking at him to laying on him to whipping out her soft little boobs in front of him to stealing his pants. Although she doesn’t quite get the reaction she wants from taking her stepbrother’s pants, Alexa does get an eyeful of her stepbrother’s big dick. Of course she takes the opportunity to get on her knees...

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camping trip

Disclaimer: All of my stories are true.please enjoy.This happen about three weeks ago while i was camping in the Sequoias. I was on a ten day camping trip and was on my sixth day there while going back to my camp I looked around an saw two older guys setting up their site. I smiled and kept walking. Later I was chopping some wood to get my fire ready when I heard a voice say looking good chopping that wood, as I looked up it was the to older guys whose names were Jim and Mike they were both...

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Threesum with friendrsquos wife and her lover

Last year, I posted one story “Seduction of wife of Fast Friend”, which was liked by many and replied to me. This was my relation (of course with changed names) with my fast friend’s wife Priya living in Patna, which was developed through a long time seduction since her marriage to my friend and then finally on a holi, I advanced my action which lead to sex with her afterwards. I used to fuck her everytime when her husband go out on tours. My friend was on a job of sales executive in a company...

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