Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly
- 4 years ago
- 37
- 0
When I opened her front door, she was there waiting for me. She was on her knees, legs spread wide open, their flesh dimpled with goose bumps from being pressed to the cold tiles of the foyer.
Her hands were held behind her back in a submissive posture, elbows clasped. There was a slight bulge to her cheeks, and a glimpse of something pink between her teeth: a pair of her own panties.
The underwear in her mouth was the closest thing my slave had to clothing at the moment. The rest of her was on display and completely exposed to me. I could see her nipples standing stiff, and the way her wet pussy glistened in the light. If I didn't know better, I'd think she was aroused. But her blue eyes told a very different story. Her nipples were hard only from fear and cold, and whatever liquid was currently lubricating her cunt, it was nothing natural.
I was a little surprised to see Holly like that. After all, it had been nearly a month since my last visit. I hadn't told the bitch when I would be back either. I pictured her life for the last four weeks, waking up every morning knowing that when sunset came it would be time to strip down and wait for me again, to spend the entire evening kneeling in her own hallway, naked and scared and shivering and alone, wondering if this would be the night I show. How stressful it must have been, and how utterly tedious, to waste every waking moment waiting to be raped and tortured again.
Not that she had much of a choice. I've got fond memories of the last time I came over here and didn't find her waiting for me the way she was supposed to. Not that I could really blame her for the lapse, since she had just spent the whole day partying with me and some of my friends at her house. Well, we were partying. Our hostess had been a little too busy serving us drinks and food, fucking us whenever we liked, and being our toilet and ashtray.
My fucktoy even served a brief stint as our pi?ata that day. That had been John's idea, of course. He brought along a bunch of tiny chocolate bars, the kind of shit people give out at Halloween, and we unwrapped them and had fun seeing how many of them we could cram into her holes.
Now, Holly has this beautiful mane of brown hair, long enough to reach the small of her back, and I just love playing with it every chance I get. For that bit of fun, I fashioned it into a braid and tied it to the center of the ceiling fan, then set it on low to leave her slowly spinning in midair. The first time I ever tried stringing her up like that was a disaster; the fan broke under her weight after just a few minutes. But since then I'd bought her an ugly but sturdy one that could easily support her. Usually when we do this, we have to put up with a lot of moaning and whining about how her hair is going to be ripped out, but thanks to the chocolate stuffing her mouth, all she managed that time was a few pathetic little gurgles. Before raising her up, we tied her hands behind her head too, her elbows nearly touching her ears.
As she spun, disoriented and helpless, we took turns punching her, usually in the stomach. Poor Holly was flopping and twisting around like a fish on a hook, trying to dodge or at least deflect our blows, but we had all the time in the world to aim, and just about every strike hit her square on. The goal was to get her to expel all the candy, and whoever had made her lose the most by the time it was gone would be the winner. To give her some incentive, I promised Holly that we would stop after fifty punches, but that if she lost all the candy before then, she'd earn two strokes of the whip for every punch short.
The dumb cunt tried, she really did, but she barely made it to thirty. The ones in her mouth were the first to go, coughed up after a solid blow to the kidneys. Her pussy held on a bit longer, but after all the use it had gotten that day it was already loose, and when the heat of her insides began to melt the chocolate, it just started dribbling right out of her. Eventually another good punch sent it all splashing to the floor.
Her ass lasted the longest. No real surprise there; I'd given her enough enemas to make her an old pro at holding things in. It was Sean who figured out how to get her to open up. Instead of punching her in the stomach or thighs like we'd been doing so far, he wedged his fingers and drove his arm wrist-deep into her rectum with one smooth thrust. That sure made the bitch scream. When he pulled his hand out, brown goo that wasn't entirely chocolate followed.
We declared Sean the winner, which technically meant he'd won the candy, but none of us were too eager to touch it at that point. So we made our pi?ata eat it instead, after we'd whipped her a few dozen times and let her down. She was looking real colorful by then: red welts on her back, black-and-blue bruises on her front, and chocolate everywhere. All of us had already fucked Holly plenty of times that day, but the sight of her beaten and battered form kneeling at Sean's feet, slowly licking his arm clean, was enough to get us all hard again.
It was late evening by the time the party ended, and we left her sprawled on the floor of her living room, covered inside and out with cum and chocolate. At some point after we left she must have picked herself up, made it to the bathroom to shower, and then collapsed onto her blankets to sleep and put it all behind her.
That was how I found her when I came back just a couple hours later. I wasn't surprised that she had assumed the day was over and that she didn't have to wait for me like usual. It was an easy assumption to make, and most of the time she would have been right. But that didn't mean she got a free pass.
I loved the way Holly reacted to the belt. The first hit, which left a red line across her thighs, woke her body up, but her mind was slower to respond. I doubt she even knew what was happening for the first few minutes, only that she was in agony. She hunched up in the fetal position, and you know what she did next? Started begging for her husband to come save her. The guy had already been in the ground for over two years by then, but she's still crying out his name like any minute he's gonna rush through the door to rescue her. I was almost laughing too hard to aim. For several minutes she just laid there sobbing like a little baby, while I kept hitting her with the belt, watching her already exhausted body spasm as the pain ran through it again and again.
So she finally came to her senses a little, and began pleading with me to stop. I didn't even bother replying, just kept hitting her until the stupid bitch realized what she was supposed to be doing. She stumbled out of her bed and half crawled, half fell down the stairs, making her way to the foyer. I walked behind her, laying stripe after stripe on her jiggling ass.
She reached the foyer and got into position, chest heaving as she gasped for air. I reminded her that she was missing her gag and struck her again. She had to make another wild scramble up and down the stairs to find a pair of underwear, earning her plenty more welts in the process, before she was finally where she was supposed to be, kneeling on the floor sucking on a pair of dirty panties. She was exhausted, bleeding, and crying, and I hadn't even started fucking her yet.
Like I said, that was the last time Holly failed to wait for me. That had been close to a year ago, long enough for the injuries we'd inflicted to fade. The physical ones anyway. Looking at her now, she was one sexy piece of fuckmeat. Tanned limbs, full breasts, pouty lips, flowing hair. She'd managed to pretty herself up too, despite the lack of clothing. She'd done her hair up all nice, put on lipstick and makeup, made herself look elegant and sensual and every other word that means MILF. And she'd done it all for me, made herself look good so that when I showed up to fuck her, if I showed up to fuck her, I'd find a hot little bitch waiting.
I spoke a single word, "open", and she obediently opened her mouth and let me draw her panties out. I checked that they showed signs of use, and hadn't just been a clean pair taken from the laundry. As I expected, they were clearly dirty, with more than a faint whiff of urine.
It had been a long, long time since she'd last tried that trick, even before that party. I knew that she hated the idea of putting her own soiled underwear in her mouth, which was the whole reason I made her do it. When she first started, I deliberately didn't check their condition, 'cause I knew that she would eventually try to take advantage of me and weasel her way out of it. Sure enough, the first time I did check a pair, they were so clean and fresh I doubt they'd ever been worn at all.
Well, those panties weren't clean and fresh for long. I decided Holly's house needed some cleaning up, and so that's how she spent the next few hours. She cleaned the gutters, the attic, the toilets, the basement. Every dark, grungy corner of her home was given attention. And of course, there were no mops or brooms or gloves involved. I didn't let her use anything but that one pair of panties, and a single bucket of water that didn't take long to become murky and gray.
When she was finished, that underwear was far and away the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. The piss and shit it had picked up from the toilets wasn't even close to the worst stuff it was encrusted with, and the stench was making even me nauseous. Holly can be a smart cunt sometimes, and she knew exactly what was going to happen next, but that didn't stop her from vomiting when I told her to suck on it. Throwing up sure didn't help her any, because I just made her clean the puke up, and guess what she had to do that with? She retched the whole time she was mopping her mess up, even after her stomach had been completely emptied out onto the floor. Dry heaves, over and over.
The look of horror on her face when she finally mouthed the filthy thing was wonderful. She probably would've spit it out immediately, orders or not, but I had some duct tape ready, and her mouth was quickly sealed shut. Then I pulled her wrists behind her and wrapped them up in duct tape too. The cleaning had taken a long time, and it was close to morning, so I led her to bed and we both got in.
Neither one of us did any sleeping that night. She must have been too grossed out and nauseated to relax. Me, I was a bit wary about her vomiting again and maybe choking. It would have sucked to lose such a pretty bitch to an accidental death. But even more, I was fascinated with the way her whole body squirmed and rippled in revulsion. I held her close for a long time, my hands on her stomach to feel it quivering and churning. I'd whisper in her ear from time to time, asking if she could pick out the taste of rotted leaves, or bird shit, or any of the other hundred disgusting things I’d seen that sorry piece of cloth dirtied with, and feel her shudder in response.
Several times it was too much, and I just had to take her. This was back when she used to cry every time I fucked her, but she only shed a few tears that night. I'm betting the slut was secretly grateful to have something to take her mind off of her taste buds.
I still have that underwear around somewhere. I keep it sealed up, because the smell has only gotten worse. I've reminded Holly about it before, threatened to make her chew on that one pair every single night if I ever catch her trying to use a clean pair again. Want to hear the funniest thing in the world? The bitch pisses herself regular nowadays. Lets loose like she belongs in diapers, just to make sure I can tell her panties have been used.
So yeah, no surprise to find her current chew toy was dirty. I balled it up and tossed it into the living room, and Holly promptly scampered over to it on all fours. She mouthed it, then crawled back to the foyer and resumed her position, mouth wide open again.
I continued the game of fetch for a few minutes, then gave her another command, "dinner." She nodded, and began to crawl to the kitchen to fix me a meal. I watched her ass sway as she padded away on all fours, then took a quick stroll through the house.
Technically, the place wasn't actually hers. She'd signed the deed over to me long ago. She'd also closed her bank accounts and transferred the money to me, given me her car, etc. Holly owned nothing and had zero savings. I'd made her quit her job too, so that she wouldn't have anything to do all day but wait to get raped again.
Usually after me and mine grab a girl for keeps, we move her somewhere else, a safe house where we can keep track of her. Hell, Dave's got a whole fucking apartment building full of his whores. But Holly's place was a good location, out in the country with no one around for miles, so I graciously allowed to her to stay in her former house.
Well, maybe 'allow' isn't the right term. While Holly was still being trained, I'd had iron bars put on all the windows, and installed two-way locks on all the outer doors. The only ones with the keys are me and the guy who delivers groceries and other essentials and takes away the trash every week. Her home is now her prison.
And like any prison, her activities in it are strictly regulated. She isn't allowed a phone, or a computer, or anything else that could let her interact with the outside world. She doesn't even get the newspaper. She does have a TV, but that's solely for my use when I'm here.
Her afternoons are spent doing mandatory exercises. The fun kind. Her pussy and ass muscles get a workout with special electronic dildos that respond to pressure. She clenches them tight for a few seconds until they beep, relaxes, then clenches them again. Repeat for a couple hours. By following the routine every day, she keeps her holes nearly as tight as a virgin’s. She also has to give herself enemas and hold them in for certain periods of time, test how long she can deepthroat, and do various other exercises that are intended to both humiliate her and make her a better fucktoy. Naturally, she’s required to film her entire sessions, and occasionally on visits I’ll review the tapes with her so I can critique her performance.
Her meals are regulated too. The only normal food that comes in her weekly deliveries is for serving me if I come to visit. My little vegan now eats only sausage for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch, and boiled chicken for dinner. Not the healthiest or most complete diet, but as long as she stays thin, I don't really give a shit. Not like she's going to live much longer anyways.
After I'd made my rounds, I headed to the kitchen, and came up behind her while she stood by the counter chopping up some vegetables. When I began to play with her ass, she stiffened and stopped working, knowing what was coming next. She was naked, but not physically restrained in any way, and for a moment I could feel her tensing up, thinking about the knife in her hands. The old Holly would've tried something for sure. She was a real wildcat when I first met her. That Holly, the one I had to keep in a dog cage in her living room at first, the one who wore a bit gag for months until she stopped biting at any cock that went near her lips, the one whose fingers I had to break one night when she made a sudden dash for my cellphone, that one would've done something, knife or not. But that Holly was long gone, and the docile slave that had taken her place only hesitated for a second before resuming work on the vegetables.
She kept chopping as my fingers poked and prodded at her asshole, and when I pulled her panty gag out and brought them up to her face she sucked them clean without complaint or comment. She didn't make a sound until she felt my cock replace my fingers and ease past her loosened rosebud, and then it was just a small, sad whimper. My dick was no stranger to her ass, and even though it had been a month I settled in easily, like slipping into a familiar pair of shoes. I fucked her in slow, deep strokes as she prepared the food, in no hurry, enjoying the feel and the smell of her.
At one point she told me in a quiet voice that she needed to get something out of the fridge. Rather than pull out, I simply wrapped my arms around her in a bear hug and lifted her up, leaving her impaled on my cock. She started at first, her feet scrabbling at the ground, but soon stopped and passively let me walk us over to the fridge and set her down.
I had no desire to let my cock slip out of her sweet ass for even a moment, so we made several more trips like that before she was finished cooking. I still hadn't cum, so she spent mealtime seated on my lap, gently bouncing. I'd spent no small amount of time training Holly in how to use her asshole, and she performed flawlessly, rising up just enough to leave her anal ring tightly squeezing my head, then sinking all the way back down, her muscles constantly massaging every inch of me that was in her.
Since Holly was between me and the table, she also fed me by hand while her ass worked. My slave is allowed only enough food to keep her alive, which means she's hungry nearly all the time. Even though I couldn't see her face, I could feel the longing in her as she held each morsel up for me.
When I was done eating, I stood her up, my dick still in her ass, and whispered into her ear. "Does my slave want something to eat too?" She nodded slowly. I walked us over to the refrigerator and rummaged around until I found something suitable: about a pound of raw hamburger. I unwrapped it and plopped it onto the center of the kitchen table. "Well, eat up."
Holly looked at the lump the same way she would've looked at road kill, but she bent forward until her upper body was lying on the kitchen table, and put her face directly into the raw meat, already knowing that she wouldn't be allowed to use her hands. While she chewed away at it, I rocked slowly against her. "Ain't this nostalgic, bitch?" I asked her cheerfully. "This is right where I fucked your ass that first time, and in the same position. The first time anybody'd fucked this tight hole.
Not quite as tight as it used to be, is it? You bled like a stuck pig when I busted it open back then. Squealed like one too. But that's alright. I've trained you into a good little anal slut." I slapped her ass. "Come on, show me how much you love my cock. Fuck your asshole on it. Fuck me as hard as I fucked you that day."
She obeyed, scraping her tits against the table as she bucked her hips and grinded herself against my crotch, her hands gripping the table's edge to give her leverage. Me, I just stood there and enjoyed it. I mean, why should I have to do all the work? "You remember what you said that first time? I want to hear it again. For old time's sake."
Holly gritted her teeth and mumbled something. "Louder," I commanded.
"I'm going to kill you for this," she said in a flat voice.
"That's it. Say it again."
"I'm going to kill you for this."
"And you're doing such a good job too, bitch. Strangling my cock to death, that's what you're doing." I shoved her face into what was left of the hamburger. "Now finish your fucking dinner."
The sight of Holly licking the table clean afterward was a sweet picture indeed, and I rewarded her for it by filling her guts with my jizz. "Enjoy your meal, slut? Time for dessert." Holly finished with the table, then obediently knelt in front of me and got to work tonguing the shit and cum off my cock.
After dinner, I settled down in the living room to watch a movie. I moved my chair to be at an angle to the television, so that Holly could kneel in front of me and suck my cock while still watching the show.
I've seen it many times by now, but it never gets old. It's one of Dave's, one of the best he's ever made, and Holly's the star. It's a decent hit among the BDSM crowd, and can be found in just about any adult video store around here. Every time I find a copy in a store that didn't use to carry it, I like to take a picture, so I can show Holly how popular she is. One time, I bribed a store clerk to give me the name of the person who'd rented it the most, then took Holly out to give her fan a special performance.
Anyway, the vid itself is very tame at first, the usual boring shit you'd see at a wedding or something. In fact, I think Dave grabbed a lot of it from her actual wedding video. It's a showcase of her life with baby pictures, spliced shots of home video, that sort of thing. All stuff where Holly is happy and smiling. And everything's got captions on it, like "My First Day at School" and "Going to Prom". Then that footage begins to be replaced with stuff a bit more provocative. A picture of her in her graduation gown fades into Holly face down on her kitchen table with Sean on top of her, captioned "My First Gang Rape". After a couple innocuous shots of her in a Wal-Mart uniform (My First Job), you get a clip of her with her hair tousled and face bruised, a cock buried so deep in her gullet that its balls are resting on her chin. You can see her throat working furiously, then the cock pulls out, leaving a line of cum dribbling out of her panting mouth and past the caption: "The First Time I Swallowed".
It goes on like that for a while, the scenes of Holly's old life giving way more and more to scenes from her new one. No more wedding pictures. No more family photos. Just stuff like My First Whipping. My First Hogtie. The First Time I Licked Someone's Feet. My First Collar. My First Double Penetration. My First Triple Penetration. The First Time I Tasted My Own Shit. My First Clit Piercing. My First Lesbian Experience. The First Time I Cleaned a Toilet with My Tongue.
It went on and on. I could hear Holly sobbing as she worked at my cock, the way she always does when I make her watch this. During the scene labeled "Why I Will Never Bite a Cock Again", a particularly bloody one that begins with her trying to chomp John's dick off, and ends with him pulling several of her back teeth out with pliers while she screams and begs him to fuck her "tamed face cunt", she scrunched her eyes shut, but a simple tap on the nose got her to open them up again.
I finally shot my load near the end, while on screen Holly shrieked above the caption "My First Fisting". Real life Holly didn't let her tears keep her from swallowing my cum and licking clean my softened cock, then spending the rest of the movie gently sucking on my balls.
The movie ended with a shot of Holly naked and kneeling in her hallway, just like when I first came in. It must have been taken at the end of the night, because she was a mess. Her hair was matted with cum, her body criss-crossed with welts and bruises, her pussy red and swollen. The smiling Holly of past photos was long gone, and this one just stared dully at the camera, waiting for her next abuse. The caption was "The Rest of My Life".
I got up from my chair and pulled Holly into a standing position next to me. I cupped her butt with one hand to draw her close to me, kissed the bridge of her nose, right between her red-rimmed eyes, and gave her a fond smile. Out of all my possessions, she was definitely one of my favorites. "Come on babe", I purred. "Let's move this to the bedroom."
Holly reluctantly crawled behind me as I made my way up the stairs and peeked into the master bedroom. The king size bed in it was pristine, as I'd expected, since she wasn't allowed to sleep in it. Her own sleeping area was the pile of blankets on the floor. That's not to say the bed never saw any use, of course. The shackles attached to each bedpost were a testament to the many hours of fun I'd had with her in there.
I put a hand on Holly's shoulder to stop her from going into the room, and she looked up at me questioningly. "Not that room," I told her, smiling. "I feel like playing in the other one tonight." She paled, but made no protest as I pulled her along.
The other bedroom looked the same as always. Pink walls, bright colors, stuffed animals. It was a little girl's room, with a little girl's bed that was far too small to fit both of us. I laid on my back and got as comfortable as I could manage, then ordered Holly to straddle me. Her cunt was as soft and warm as ever, and it swallowed my cock with ease.
She rode me for several minutes, eyes shut. Neither of us spoke. Aside from the bars on the window, the room hadn't changed in years, and both of us were remembering times gone by.
"It's really a shame what happened to her," I said. Holly remained silent, but more tears began to trickle from the corners of her eyes. "Complete waste. If it had been up to me, I would've kept her. Shit, it would've been so much fun having her around too. There's nothing like a mother-daughter team. But the vote was one-to-three. They all said she was just too young, too much trouble to take care of. Bullshit if you ask me. No such thing as too young. Not like she didn't have holes. It was such a waste to kill her. They didn't even film it."
Holly flinched as I put a hand around her neck. "I did it just like this. Put one hand around her throat and squeezed. Figured if I wasn't ever going to fuck her, I'd least be the one to off her. She never struggled, just stared at me with those cute puppy dog eyes. I don't think she even understood what I was doing to her. What a goddamn waste."
"Now, your husband," I said. "That was a completely different story. He was just a worthless piece of shit. No regrets there. I bet you feel the same way. I mean, he's the whole reason I'm here, right? Stupid son of a bitch took out a loan he couldn't pay back, so I had to come down here and collect. I even gave him a second chance, since he had such a pretty little wife. Told him he could rent you out to us a few nights a week, pay us back that way. But the moron refused, even threatened to call the cops. Gave me no choice but to blow his brains out."
Holly had stopped moving. She just sat there on top of me, sobbing. I gave her ass a light slap and she slowly resumed fucking me. I continued my walk down memory lane.
"Mmm, that sure was a fun night though. I still remember the look on your face when you came home from work and found us there with the bodies. Perfect timing, by the way. Killing people is always so damn depressing, you know? Makes you think about your own mortality and shit. Getting to bend you over the kitchen table and fuck that squirming virgin ass of yours really cheered me up. I never thanked you for that."
Holly's stare was glassy-eyed now as she looked through me, reliving that day. "Did I ever tell you that was when I fell in love with you?" I asked. "It wasn't because of your ass, though it was a good ride. It was what you said. Your family's bodies were still warm, you were getting buttfucked by their killer while his friends waited their turn, and what did you have to say? 'I'm going to kill you for this.'" The memory made me chuckle. "And with such certainty too, like I was about to drop dead at your feet. That's when I knew I had to make you mine.
"And I did, too. I've taken you every way a man can take his bitch, and trained you to thank me for every one of them. I've turned your life into a miserable, tedious hell." I tilted her chin with one hand, so that we were looking directly into each other’s eyes. "So why aren't you dead yet?"
Holly tried to turn away, but I forced her to keep looking at me. "Most of my girls kill themselves within half a year. You've been with me for three. Every time I come back here, I've expected to find you shriveled up in the bathtub or swinging from a rafter, and every time you've disappointed. I've done everything I could to make your life unbearable, and yet you get up each morning and keep going. Drove me fucking crazy trying to find out why. But I finally figured out your secret." She froze. "It's because you still haven't given up, have you? You still think things are going to change somehow. You still think you'll get to kill me one day."
The dam broke, and the expression on Holly's face changed to undiluted hatred. "Yes," she hissed, and suddenly she was clawing at my eyes, but I was ready for her. I grabbed both her hands in mine and rolled so that she was pinned beneath me, then began to pound her cunt, heavy thrusts that made the tiny bedframe creak and threaten to give way. "I knew you still had some spirit left in you," I told her. "Enjoy it while it lasts. One day I'll come back here and find your body, and I'll know that you finally gave up and accepted that you could never win. That I put a bullet in your lover's head and choked your baby girl to death, and the closest you ever came to revenge was making my dick sore from fucking you too much. I just hope your body is still in good condition when I find it. I'd like nothing better than to give you one last screw, then dump you in an unmarked grave with a belly full of sperm."
I began to cum, my seed gushing into her writhing cunt. "That's your future, Holly. Rotting in the ground while I go find a new girl to play with. The only question is how long it'll take to get there. And how many more times I'll get to fuck you before it happens. Because that's all you are, just one more disposable fucktoy."
I spent the next several hours enjoying all three of her holes, until even the sound of her wracking sobs couldn't get me hard anymore. Her daughter's bed had collapsed beneath us at some point, and I left her lying in the wreckage of it, her face and thighs and buttocks streaked with cum.
As I opened the front door to leave, I turned back and called upstairs "I'll be back sometime soon. Don't forget to wait up for me."
I couldn't wait to see what I'd find the next time I showed up. Would she keep on living, enduring one abuse after another in the empty hope of one day getting her revenge? Or would she would she admit defeat and kill herself? Either way, I win.
God, I love visiting Holly.
Epilogue – The First Crack
Holly woke in the morning, tired and sore. She gingerly picked herself up and left the room, not looking back at the destroyed bed.
The shower water was icy cold; she hadn’t been allowed hot showers for years. But it was a familiar trial, and she endured it without a single flinch. Modesty didn’t mean much to her anymore, so she didn’t bother getting dressed when it was over, just toweled herself off and headed downstairs.
She prepared her breakfast quietly and efficiently, and ate it in much the same fashion. When it was finished and the dishes were clean, she padded over to the couch in the living room to sit and wait.
Mitch wouldn't have recognized the naked woman on the couch. There was no sign of the fear and uncertainty that usually covered her like a shroud when he was around. Her expression showed nothing but grim determination. She sat in perfect, unmoving silence as the morning slowly passed.
A few minutes before noon, she rose and headed upstairs. Holly entered her daughter's room, pointedly ignoring the wreckage of the bed, and pulled the toy chest out of the closet. It was large, plastic, and pink, filled with nostalgia.
At the very bottom of the chest was a music box. It had once been her daughter's favorite possession, and Holly had opened it every night to let its soft lullaby usher her little girl to sleep. It made no such sounds when she opened it now, its insides torn out long ago. Nestled where they used to be was a cellphone and charger.
At precisely noon, Holly turned on the phone and dialed a number. It was answered before the first ring had finished. "He was here last night," she said without preamble.
"So I've heard. He let anything useful slip?"
"Not this time. Mitch was more interested in... reminiscing. But I did go through his coat and get a look at his cell while I was supposed to be making dinner." She closed her eyes and repeated the phone numbers and times she had memorized.
"Good work. I recognize a few of those, but the others are new. I'll look into them when I have the chance." The person on the other end coughed. "Are you... okay?"
"I'll live." She closed her eyes. "I almost couldn't stop myself for a moment. I had a knife, and that stupid motherfucker was so sure I wouldn't use it on him. It was all I could do not to stab him in the eye."
"Don't." The order was sharp, but not unkind. "I know it's hard. Believe me, I know. But as long as they think we're broken, we can get information. If any of them dies, the others will tighten up their security, maybe go looking for other women that aren't really as cowed as they act."
"Relax, I'm not going to ruin the plan. I'll stay here and play the scared, crying slave for as long as it takes. But when the time comes..." Holly's hand tightened on the phone. "I've got a promise to keep."
Author's Note: I hope you’ve enjoyed the five stories I’ve published so far. As you’ve likely noticed, all five have been loosely connected, and are meant to be taken together as an introduction. There are still more stories to tell about these characters, but this seems like a good place to take a break from them and publish a few one-shots that I hope will be well received. Regretfully, I doubt I'll be able to continue posting a new story on every Library update, but I'll do what I can. Thank you for reading.
There’s No Just HollyHolly had become an object of fantasy in my mind. I knew she wasn’t my type at all; she was too buttoned down, too straight laced, too stuck on her prim propriety. It might have been the way her perpetually gray skirt clung to a perpetually perfect ass. It might have been because she was one of the only girls in the office I hadn’t fucked after some night out drinking after work. The others I hadn’t been with weren’t my type either, but that was more a function of how they...
Chapter 1 I don't know about you but whenever I've had an attractive and young nurse giving me attention when I go to the doctor's office, it's all I can do to keep my hands off of her and try not to seduce her right there in the examining room. Well, that usually works, but not the last time I went to see my doctor. Holly isn't beautiful but she's very cute. Do you know what I'm talking about?? A young woman who's got a nice body (the girl at the eye shop is another example) and a...
My name is Paul, and I have worked at GMAF for about five years. I am 28, and have worked my ass off trying to get ahead. There is an opening for a junior vice- president, and I intend to have it. There are others in line for the same position, but I believe that I am the most qualified. If not as qualified, at least, more determined. I earn a very good wage, but since I was married a year ago, we could certainly use the extra money. A fourteen hundred dollar a month mortgage, and two car...
I had known Holly for years. I first met her when she and her roommate Bethany were laying out at the pool at my apartment complex. I tried to act cool, stepping from my poolside apartment out on to the sundeck in my swimming trunks. Bethany peered up from her chase lounge, her top unfastened, as she lay on her stomach, working on her tan lines. I pulled up a chaise lounge about ten feet away, spread out my towel, liberally rubbed some suntan oil over my body and positioned myself on my...
First Time* "Mr. Summers, do you have anything to say to the court before I pronounce sentence?" "I guess not, Your Honor." "Very well. The Court has some discretion in sentencing for cases like yours. I could remand you to the custody of the County Prison System for a period of up to twelve months. When I first saw your juvenile record, I was tempted to do just that. However, your last brush with the law occurred when you were fifteen years old. Since then, you have not been in trouble,...
Tags: romanceA story of self-discovery, generosity, and young love.PLEASE NOTE: This story originally appeared on another website as part of a holiday-themed story collection by various writers. If you are looking for a porn story, you will be disappointed. If you are looking for a lot of wild sex, you will be disappointed. But if you are looking for a tale of romance and generosity, a story about growth and selflessness, I hope you will read and enjoy. I would be remiss if I did not thank my...
Javon's parents sold a company that they had started and built for years. They are now wealthy, but still want to live a normal life. He is their only child who was born later in their lives. He is a spoiled child but his parents have raised him right. He and his family moved to Miami to escape the cold Chicago winter weather. Javon's first week was spent at a hotel right across the street from South Beach. Javon met a woman named Josie and her stepdaughter at the beach. Needless to say, he had...
ReluctanceWe were 8 months past our 17th birthday when I was sent to spend Christmas with mom and Holly. Dad and his most recent trophy were off screwing at some beach resort so he was glad to dump me on the female side of my family. Since I hadn’t seen them for almost two years Mom was excited to have me near but my sister treated me like an irritant in her busy life. I didn’t know her friends, I didn’t have a part in her world and the only thing she and I had in common was our birthday. To say I...
It was early Christmas morning; actually it was 1:30am, when Holly awoke and heard and rustle, she couldn`t place where it was coming from. Suddenly she spotted a figure emerge from around the bedroom door. She knew it wasn’t Luke as he had his firm cock nestled along the crack of her bum cheeks; Holly could tell Luke was dreaming of one of the video`s they had watched on xhamster last night.Suddenly the figure approached the edge of the bed and you Holly saw that it was Flasher974 Santa; he...
Jeff Dodge had the most remarkable life. He lived with two women, and they all shared a bed. It started about a year ago when he met his girlfriend Kate. She was pretty sexual and bordered on being a nymphomaniac.She liked to experiment with all different ways of making love. Her appetite was relatively high, and Jeff couldn't keep up with her desires. Instead of cheating on her boyfriend with another man, she instead found a girlfriend.She wasn't a lesbian but had lesbian tendencies. ...
ThreesomesOf the Adventures of John and Holly Part 28: The Separation Holly had the chance to study abroad, and she took it. She was going to be gone for a month in Europe. This was our last night together before she left early in the morning. We were sitting at the table, having just finished dinner. “I have to go a whole month without you?” I asked her, still coming to terms with her impending absence. “I know baby, I’ll miss you so much” Holly said. “I don’t want you moping around wishing I was...
It was Simon’s turn to drive the pair of them to work. “How did Holly take her score now she’s had the chance to sleep on it?” he asked. “She’s a little disappointed with her 4.9,” Alex said. “The people at the CAP testing place said she was still young and her score should improve as she gets older. Most teenagers score higher at later tests.” “They told Esther the same.” “A 4.9 means she’ll have to find a sponsor. I’m sorry to push you on this, Simon, but I think you should take her. She...
Holly Madison stopped pacing as she caught sight of herself in the large mirror in the living room. She was standing across the room, far enough away from the mirror to see a full view of herself. Her huge breast swaying with her movements. Holly’s eyes glittered. She saw how provocative she looked. She stood about five feet five inches tall with long, thick, flowing black hair, a small sculpted nose, full lips. She had a flat stomach and a narrow waist that flared out to womanly hips and...
MILFJohn Lucas couldn't bear it another day. He had to do something. She was driving him crazy. He shouldn't be pacing back and forth in his bedroom, wondering what his student looked like naked. He had to distract himself. This was so wrong.He thought about his sex life, and his love life. He thought about his classes for tomorrow. He thought about the girl students. Yes, he was very guilty of masturbating to thoughts of a few of them. There was Alyssa, the honey-blond who wore tiny skirts and...
TabooIt was the middle of another busy week, a Wednesday afternoon, when Jerry called me at the office to let me know that he and Jennifer had to go to the kid’s school for a parent-teacher’s conference and wouldn’t make it to Happy Hour. I understood and told them that I would see them that night, if they didn’t get back too late. I still had a couple of hours work left to do before leaving and didn’t have to worry about what time I left. Finally, around six-thirty, I decided I’d had enough and I’d...
MatureOur parents separated when Holly and I were five. Mom and dad fought over us viciously until some son-of-a-bitch divorce judge split me and my twin sister, I went to dad, she to mom. We were property, like furniture or cars. Dad got the Harley and boy; mom got the Ford and girl. We grew up apart, only occasionally getting the opportunity to be together during summer breaks, or maybe on one of the big holidays. Even though we were twins I really didn’t know her; what she was like, how she...
I was laying down when the knock on the door got me out of bed. I checked my hair in the mirror. She was here. The beautiful girl I’d suddenly fallen for, my heart rushed to my throat every time she spoke my name. the way she walked, the way she talked, the cute way she’d play with her hair when we sat together, everything made my heart beat her name again and again. I opened the door and saw what I was hoping for. Her beautiful blonde curls bounced around as she switched from one foot to...
I was laying down when the knock on the door got me out of bed. I checked my hair in the mirror. She was here. The beautiful girl I’d suddenly fallen for, my heart rushed to my throat every time she spoke my name. the way she walked, the way she talked, the cute way she’d play with her hair when we sat together, everything made my heart beat her name again and again. I opened the door and saw what I was hoping for. Her beautiful blonde curls bounced around as she switched from one foot to...
Group SexMy Aunt Holly was flying in from the coast to attend my graduation from high school. She was proud of me because I had been accepted at her alma mater. The last time I saw Aunt Holly was five years ago when I entered eighth grade in middle school. Aunt Holly always treated me so nice, taking me to the movies and even amusement parks. We both would ride the thrill rides, just as I was tall enough to pass the 'must be this tall' sign.My mom did not like my dad's sister, saying Holly was too...
IncestOne afternoon the telephone was ringing. When I picked it up I heard a voice that I hadn't heard in over five years. It was my cousin Holly. After a bit of idle chit chat in which she included the information that she was pregnant with her second c***d she asked to meet some place for lunch. A time and place a place was agreed upon. I arrived a little late at the restaurant. I spotted Holly already seated at a table. It was only when she sturggled to push herself up off the seat did I see how...
People look at my wife and then they look at me and wonder why in the world is that gorgeous woman with him. Most would never believe the real reason; they assume that I have a twelve inch cock or a super long tongue, but the real reason is that I let her be what she is - an absolute slut. I give her love, a comfortable home and I let her be who she is. Holly has always been a slut. She had her cherry popped by her stepfather. She liked it so instead of running to her mother to tell on him she...
Kevin and June, Toby and Mary moved into their new homes in the gated community within days of each other. Toby and Mary were newly married, whilst Kevin and June had been married for 15 years at the time. June adopted Mary as the daughter that she hadn’t been able to conceive herself. They spent an enormous amount of time together. Kevin became a father figure for her too. On the other hand Toby was a loner who kept to himself, ignoring all attempts by Kevin and June to become closer...
Peter was Joe's 19 yr old cousin he was not not as experienced as a Master as Joe but 3 mths earlier , Joe gave Sharon to him & said he could use her whenever he wasnt around , after all his stepdad Philip was now nothing bur a wimpy cuckold' . Peter was watching milf lesbian porn as his mom Sharon engulfed his giant penis , she was a great cocksucker , & Peter complimented. He grabbed he her by the head & the brunette deepthroated her son/master. Is that better than Philip's prick he...
Her nephew, Jake, peered from his room and was watching her as she continued pacing. She wore a cream sation gown with the belt tied loosely at her waist. Her breasts hung freely under the thin satin of her gown and Jake watched them sway with each step. Her legs were smooth and shapely and Jake could barely see the bottom of her ass cheeks, where her gown ended. He was feeling so turned on. He was only 16 and jerked off many times but had never been with a woman before. Holly caught a glimpse...
"Hey sugar!" A black Lincoln pulled up, riding slow under the neon and I kept walking, my heels click-clicking on the sidewalk. "You need a ride home?" "You know where I live?" I asked him without looking, swinging my purse and putting one foot directly in front of the other so my narrow hips turned nicely in that short leather skirt. My ass was high and round, rolling sweetly and I was giving him a lot of long toned leg too. "Why don't you get in?" the guy suggested with a grin....
I was in Indy on a business trip. It was a Saturday afternoon and I was hanging around teh hotel room and getting bored by teh minute so I decided to take a drive. I spotted a Mall and decided to browse for awhile amd makbe get a bite to eat. As I was walking thriugh teh Mall I spotted this hot looking lady. She was wearinga tight jean skirt and tight fitting red top. I was walking behind her and the first thing I noticed were her amazing shapely legs. As my gaze worked it's way up her legs I...
Holly’s Daddy had told her, “get your sweet lips all the way to the pretty red ribbon tied on the dildo and leave me some teeth marks…and then maybe I will think about untying you!”That was the previous night. And in the extremely agonizing 24 hours since, she had gotten no further than just over half the way there. She now just knelt there bound and aching in her ropes, her mouth and jaws sore from having tried so hard to reach the ribbon.A low long creaking noise, as the door opened behind...
He sat by her in the college class. They exchanged a few words before and after the meeting and finally he asked her to have lunch with him in the Student Union. That led to attending an evening lecture and a drink afterwards. The next step was an out and out dinner date. When he returned her to her apartment, she invited him in. Oh boy! He hadn’t been laid in ages. Maybe he’d get lucky tonight. It was a two-room place and sparsely furnished, student style. She offered him a small glass of...
How I met Holly.I moved into town in the middle of summer. That day the temperature at 1pm was close to 108 and sweat was dripping from my body when I tried to open the front door my brand new key. As usual with new keys it was difficult to get into the lock but after some struggling and cursing I got the door open.A wave of cool air greeted me and I sat down on the cold tile floor to get the heat out of my body before I had to go back out and unpack my car.I got a small drink of cold water...
Holly A tiny experiment of story by Kim Ott. I was woken up by the sound of the telephone. It rang tyrannically from the stand next to my bed. I sat up and wiped the cobwebs from my eyes and yawned. 'Who would be calling me at 2 in the morning?' I thought. This had better be important. That warm shroud of heat one develops while sleeping slowly leaving my shoulders. I picked up the phone and tried not to sound groggy. "Hello?" I managed, my voice mumbly from sleep. "Holly,...
Karen sent me a message around 6 PM asking me again to attend one of her special little parties. Ever since I broke up with Todd, my idiot ex-boyfriend she’s been pushing me to join an orgy with her. But I never could imagine myself going to such a thing, but that night, thinking of how Todd cheated on me, I ought to have some fun of my own, maybe even take some pictures and send them to him, that ought to teach that prick a lesson. Even just the thought excited me a lot, I responded to Karen...
My buddy George and I have had this competition going on for years, each trying to out-gift the other at Christmastime. Last year he gave me a parrot. The damn thing hasn’t shut up since, so I was a little worried when I got to the company Christmas party. After all the other gifts had been exchanged, George took me aside and said, “Well pal, with the economy being what it is, all I could afford to get you was a little Christmas Holly. I left it in your office. I hope you’re not too...
Mein Name ist Paul und ich arbeite seit etwa fünf Jahren bei GMAF. Ich bin 28 und habe mir den Arsch aufgerissen, um voranzukommen. Es gibt eine Stelle für einen Junior-Vizepräsidenten, und ich beabsichtige, sie zu ergattern. Es gibt natürlich andere die die gleiche Position erreichen wollen, aber ich glaube, dass ich am besten qualifiziert bin. Wenn auch nicht so qualifiziert, bin ich dann doch entschlossener. Ich verdiene sehr gut, aber da ich vor einem Jahr geheiratet habe, könnten wir das...
Holly’s belly filled with a thousand fluttering butterflies as she waited for him on a brick wall outside of her house. Her legs dangling over the edge, she wasn’t quite sure why she was so nervous about his arrival. They had met before. But under different circumstances, they were in public constantly. But this time they’d be all alone in a Las Vegas hotel room. She waited only a few minutes before he pulled up. She stood up, tucking a strand of her dark blonde hair behind her ear. Her full,...
Holly Madison stopped pacing as she caught sight of herself in the large mirror in the living room. She was standing across the room, far enough away from the mirror to see a full view of herself. Her huge breast swaying with her movements. Holly’s eyes glittered. She saw how provocative she looked. She stood about five feet five inches tall with long, thick, flowing black hair, a small sculpted nose, full lips. She had a flat stomach and a narrow waist that flared out to womanly hips and...
Has I followed Millie from school she was everything I dreamt of tall, her long black hair which hung down her back, full firm breasts and legs and thighs to die for. I always followed her I could see her bra strap though her white blouse blessing the summer weather so we could remove our school coats. I had seen her naked twice before in the showers after hockey each time I fought the urge to go and kiss her to feel her breasts rub my hands over her firm flat stomach at sixteen I was in...
John Lucas couldn’t bear it another day. He had to do something. She was driving him crazy. He shouldn’t be pacing back and forth in his bedroom, wondering what his student looked like naked. He had to distract himself. This was so wrong. He thought about his sex life, and his love life. He thought about his classes for tomorrow. He thought about the girl students. Yes, he was very guilty of masturbating to thoughts of a few of them. There was Alyssa, the honey-blond who wore tiny skirts and...
Because I get too nervous on the phone, I decided to write this story for you to enjoy at your leisure while I’m at work After a long journey down, city to city, train to train, I finally reach your house. I nervously knock on the door, and am greeted with a hug and a gentle kiss. Not too long but not too short, the perfect introduction. I grab my bags and head inside, and we grab a cup of tea. After a small chat, and some awkward silences I eventually ask if I can grab a shower as I feel...
Because I get too nervous on the phone, I decided to write this story for you to enjoy at your leisure while I'm at work After a long journey down, city to city, train to train, I finally reach your house. I nervously knock on the door, and am greeted with a hug and a gentle kiss. Not too long but not too short, the perfect introduction. I grab my bags and head inside, and we grab a cup of tea. After a small chat, and some awkward silences I eventually ask if I can grab a shower as I feel like...
Straight Sex"The Dun Bare Bar, is slavery supported. Sexual slavery of cource, but most of the girls who serve there are unwilling. So. You won't talk to them, and you won't feel pity for them." He picked up a short black mini and a see through white shirt for her to wear and went about untieing her. "But Master, how do they keep the girls there unwillingly?" She asked as she began to get dressed. Underwear wasn't allowed and the skirt showed a bit of her pussy, and a bit more of her ass....
Introduction: My first story. Paying a visit to a notorious murderer. I was nervous, make no doubt about it. Wed been writing to each other for two years, since I was 18, it had taken that long for me to gain his trust and for him to ask me to visit. The first time I received a reply letter I was ecstatic. I sniffed the paper and handled it with great care, didnt show anybody. Ever since Id seen his infamous, almost iconic, mug-shot – the contemptuous almost mocking way he looked out at the...
Ever since I'd seen his infamous, almost iconic, mug-shot - the contemptuous almost mocking way he looked out at the appauled British public from many a newspaper front page gave me many years of night-time fantasies and pleasure, was it also th fact he was a monster that turned me on? I had an inkling it was. I'd never even heard his voice before, I imagined a deep Glaswegian drawl and I hoped it would be so, 20 plus years behind bars could have take his accent but more than likely...
Sandra had skipped a day off school to go visit her dad in the county prison. She hadn't seen him for ages, and was really excited. She just wasn't sure if they would let her in without her mom! She was wearing a smart blouse and skirt, white ankle socks and flat shoes, trying to look older than she really was without looking tarty. She tried to look confident as she approached the visitors reception desk. The man explained that she was really too young to go inside without at least her...
Before reading this whole story,you may want to read the first part of the story.https://xhamster.com/stories/visiting-uncle-eddie-661312So,I decided to stay at my uncle's place for the night because we were both too horny..After what we did in visiting my uncle Eddie part1,we took a short break, Uncle ordered pizza and we have beers too.It was about 8:30 now and the pizza guy came. we watched baseball and ate pizza for about half an hour.After a while he said,"let's go to sleep",...He didn't...
Visiting my aunt and cousin, my first months as a girl. By Suzanne W. Jeffries My mother was one of seven siblings and grew up in a lower middle class family. Not so lower middle class that they didn't have the essentials but they had no luxuries at all. People raised in this kind of environment usually left home to make their own way in life as soon as they were old enough and able. Of the girls in the family the oldest, Liz, married and moved about 100 miles away when she was 20....
I thank My LadyCibelle and Techsan for their rapid editing of this story. This is a story I wrote some years ago and I found it again the other day whilst tidying up my hard drive. I thought it would make a perfect epitaph to Otterley who is no longer with us. She liked this story a lot. To Otterley When Tony first noticed the car, he had almost stopped to ask for directions. However, the look on the driver’s face made him change his mind. She had that ‘Go Away’ look in her eyes. Tony did not...
Now I'm no stranger to visiting gay clubs because i am a black crossdresser but this time was different, I had went out of town to visit my cousin and her husband with my intentions to drive back that night but I ended up staying there longer than I thought so instead of driving the two hours back I got myself a hotel room for the night. It was about 10:30 and I was wide awake and needed something to do so I google crossdressing/gay clubs there and found there was a gay club about a mile from...
A sequel to Entertaining a Foreign Guest This is a sequel to 'Entertaining a Foreign Guest' and will make more sense if it is read after the initial story. It has been written at the request of a few fans, although the result might not necessarily be how some of them might have envisaged. "Guess what, Grant" an excited Jan asked me as I came through the front door at the end of a busy day at work. Kissing my wife first and then our two young children, I asked tiredly "can't, so why...
I arrived in Newcastle, at about five o'clock in the evening, and had decided that I would look for a bed and breakfast accommodation for the two nights I intended to spend there. My appointment was for 9.30 following morning but I had not planned on going out that evening. I drove down the row of terraced houses. The houses were fairly large, probably three-bedroom, and then I saw the sign I was looking for. In a window was small card saying, B & B. I parked the car and walked to the...
Sei l'uomo più ricco del mondo e controlli tutte le celebrità più importanti di Hollywood ma la cosa più importante di questo lavoro è che ogni ragazza è disposta a tutto per avere una minima parte per diventare famosa. Sono le prime ore del mattino e ricevi una chiamata...
My husband died in my arms early in 1969. He was thirty-one years old and I was a devastated eighteen-year-old.Edward's parents were every bit as wonderful as he was and did everything they could to help. They even offered, without being the least bit pushy, to take my step-children. This made perfect sense. They loved me, but they had known their grandparents all their lives. They would have a stable home, something I could not promise, and they would not have the stigma of a mommy who had sex...
TrueSome months ago I had started chatting online with a young man. His screen name was Big Joe. In the beginning our mails were purely sexual and then I was able to achieve satisfying orgasms fantasizing about my online lover. But later, as time passed by, Big Joe one day confessed that he had been keeping a secret: he was an inmate at the California State Prison, serving ten years sentence for armed robbery…Then I felt no sure about writing again… I took a whole week to respond him. Big Joe then...
Growing up my favorite Aunt was my Auntie Rose Marie. She was my mom’s oldest sister who had no c***dren, and lived alone in Savannah . Her husband died from a work related incident, as a result she received a substantial check every month for the rest of her life. She was devastated by the loss of her husband and she swore off sex ,at the age of 35. My mom was her only sibling, and she spoiled my mother’s c***dren, and always gave us lavish gifts for any occasion. We often...
It was my normal break from study. Every weekend while at University, during which I lived away from home. It was only on the weekends that i would make it back to my family's houses. My parents split years back and i visit dad every other week. I think they fell out of love early and stayed together to keep me happy. In all honesty I was happy when they split. They both seemed unhappy together and we always had great times when I stayed over. In general we had all grown up. My parents had me...
Visiting the cats of my 22 year old niece. (Part 1)In the spring of 2016 our cat had four kittens. Because we just lost two cats my wife and I decided to keep two, and give the other two away to the 22-year-old daughter of the sister of my wife, Jenny. She went to study in Amsterdam and had her own apartment there.I know Jenny and since her birth and watched her grow to the beautiful young woman she is today. She is tall, only slightly smaller than I am, beautiful long black hair, slim with...
As I watched my ex drive away, i knew what i need. A few weeks at Elizabeth's house.Elizabeth lived in a large house deep in the country side in Wales. There must be about 50 girls and her self living in the huge house. As well as the guests.The girls were all slaves. They were beautiful girls, yet so young. All from foreign countries, with rough past's behind them. Compared to their old ones their current lives couldnt be that bad.They did not work for Elizabeth. She owned them. Elizabeth was...
"Come on in." I greeted my niece and nephew, "I've just put the kettle on, and you go and unpack while I make us all a cup of tea.""Coffee for me please." Martin grinned."And me." Tina added."Coffee it is then." I replied.Martin and Tina took their bags upstairs while I headed for the kitchen to make the coffee. As I waited for the coffee to percolate I wondered what the k**s and I could do for the next two weeks that they would be visiting me; I had the same problem every year, what to do....
Hello readers, my name is Xanthia and this story took place last year when I was visiting family in Europe. I was 24, I have a nice body with 32 d cup and a tiny waist and nice round ass when I arrived my uncle picked me up and I went to his house. I saw my cousin Haari who I haven’t seen in 3 years there is some history with us, when we were younger (15 at the time) we kissed but that was all. I thought it was wrong and I never did it again because he is my first cousin. He is tall 6 feet and...