Aude Sapere (Dare To Know) free porn video

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Aude Sapere


The monogrammed card, bearing the initials A.S., gold embossed and silver edged, arrived by special courier just before my store closed at 4:00. Its message proved simple and unnervingly direct, ?You are cordially summoned to dinner. Arrive promptly at 4:30 this afternoon or do not arrive at all. 14 Rue de Champlagne.?

What to make of it? I prompted myself, tapping the card nervously against my thigh. I considered myself all but unknown in any circles of Parisian life, my book store having only opened some scant four weeks previous. How the devil would I rate such an invitation? Perhaps the messenger delivered it to me in error, and it ought to have been received by someone else, entirely. That is the most probable scenario.

I looked at the card again, studying the embossing, studying the paper, the leafing, the centering. Not cheap work. I held the card up to the light and spied an odd watermark in the lower-right corner. All-seeing eye, the mark of Illuminati as the legends go, but around the pupil of the eye two nude figures, women, squatting with legs splayed lewdly open as if inviting both ogling and any other attentions. Then, but no, It must be only a trick of my mind, the women in the watermark started undulating their bodies very suggestively, thrusting their pubis forward, upward, with a sense of urgent need and lustful want.

Breaking the entrancement, I glanced up at the clock on the wall and noted, to my shock, I’d been gawking at that card for the better part of fifteen minutes. Curious what this was all about and desiring to make sure the sender knew they’d made a mistake in choice of courier services, I trundled my bicycle out of the back of my shop and headed off toward Rue de Champlagne.

It must have been a mistake! I gazed upward at the thick wrought-iron works bearing a very large bronze medallion riveted with thick gold numbers ?14? There is no way I rate an invitation to a place like this. Cobblestone circular drive leading up to the manse could be seen through the gate. I checked my watch. 4:30, on the dot. Someone must be having fun at my expense. I seated my bicycle again and made to ride off when the heavy iron gates creaked open. I stopped to watch as they swung wide, revealing a sharp-eyed, beautiful woman in a form-fitting long coat who looked at me inquiringly, ?Mister Sapere? From America??

?Y-yes, that is my name.? Her startling green eyes were mesmerizing in contrast to her raven black, short-cropped hair. Suddenly I found myself lamenting that I’d worn a helmet, and that my personal grooming was not more of a priority in my life, and that I had not driven an impressive car to my appointment instead of riding a used bicycle I picked up cheap the day after arriving in Paris.

?Right this way, Sir. You are expected.? She turned with the confident air of a woman who is well used to being followed and unaccustomed to repeating herself, her six-inch black stiletto heels click-clacking on the cobblestones in matched time to the sensual sway of her hips. I scrambled to turn my bicycle around and started to ride it in, but she stopped and half-turned her head, ?Leave it. And the helmet. They will not be molested.? Her smirk made my skin crawl.

For a moment, only for a moment, I wondered whether I ought to go in. She’d known my surname, indicating that the card had either been meant for me, after all, or it had been meant for another person by my surname. Also, she’d known I was from America. It seemed far more likely, now, that I was the intended recipient. But why?

I laid down my bicycle, dropped my helmet on the upturned pedal, and made to catch up with the already retreating woman. The mansion doors were something of a marvel, right out of an old English romance novel, or out of a badly done horror movie, with huge knockers placed central to the door that appeared to be resting in the mouths of two bronze human skulls.

She swung the door wide and bid me enter with a graceful gesture of hand. Entering behind me, she immediately slid her long coat off and onto her arm. Of course, I didn’t notice until she reached for my jacket, I was too stunned by the decadent feast for the senses before my eyes. Everywhere there was artwork of all varieties depicting every form of depraved sexual congress. My senses were reeling in shock. Nude women were standing in various poses, all of them at least suggestive of sexuality.

It was too much for a young man who had only ever seen two women naked, and who had only had sex with one of them. It was in this state of mind that I felt my escort reach for my jacket, which I absentmindedly let slip from shoulders. As she pulled it down my arms, I felt my hand slip between her spread legs, my hand softly brushing her vulva. She gasped, grabbing my hand and guiding its fingers roughly to her sex, into which she plunged two just as I wrenched myself away. She was completely naked and hungry with lust. She dropped to her knees and began crawling toward me on her fours, her vibrant green eyes focused on the fingers that she had just used.

As I backed away stumbling through the room, it did not dawn on me that I was leaving the only way out I knew of, but my presence had a profound effect on the other women in the room. They began to become animated as I passed by them, each of them with the same hungered eyes, each with animalistic intent.

?Totum animateum abatum!? a strong masculine voice rang out. All the women froze in place, as if in suspended animation. A ragged gasp of relief along with an ironic aspiration of confusion escaped me.

Down a spiral staircase he came, a stately gentleman in gray tail coat, ?Sorry about that, Roderick. They sometimes forget themselves when there is a new masculine presence, especially one such as you.?

?I’m sorry, you have me at a loss. I am obviously the person you sought, al-although for a time I thought I must not possibly be, but you knew I am from America and that my name is Roderick Sapere, and apparently you also knew I am the proprietor of a book store. What I cannot figure out is why you summoned me as you did, and who you are, and why these women reacted the way they did to me, and why they reacted the way they did to your voice, or why they seem to have gone into some sort of rigor or suspended animation.?

He chuckled, ?Oh? Only that? Is that all you can’t figure out? I hardly think so, Roderick, I think there is a great deal more than that laying beyond the grasp of your comprehension. But we shall find out soon enough. Do you know what your surname means, Roderick??


?Precisely! ‘Sapere’ means ‘to know, to be wise, or to have tasted.’ Good job that you knew that already, at least, although the significance and origin of your name I fear I shall have to teach to you. My name is Archibald Sapere and I am your great-great uncle. I have unbelievably good news ? or tragic news, as the news will be to you whichever you choose.?

?I meant ‘no’, I did not know what my name mea- wait a minute! My great-great uncle? Wouldn’t you be dead??

?Yes, I suppose so. That reality is but a small part of what I have to explain. How has it happened that your immigration to Paris was streamlined, your purchase price offer for your building, in a perfect location for it, was accepted, your shipments arrived without incident, and your sales are competing with major literary outlets of much more renown??

?Are you suggesting you had something to do with that??

?No, no, my boy, but I could have. No, I am suggesting that you had much more to do with it than you suspect. You live a charmed life for a reason.? He turned and, waggling his finger over his shoulder, walked toward what seemed to be a wall. At his approach a wall slid out and left to permit entry. He started descending another spiral staircase, but turned and stared at me, only his head above the line of sight, ?Coming??

Shaking off my stymied paralysis I followed him cautiously down the stairs. Three young women astride strange contraptions were arranged at points along an arc on one end of the basement room. These women had their anuses and vaginas positioned hard against a saddle of some sort, with a short, narrow but sturdy wooden brace jutting out like a phallus to cradle their pelvic bone, their legs stretched until their toes touched the toes of the next woman, from the back of the contraption an iron pillar rose that bent over the length of the woman with a large cast iron ring dropped from the end. Two thick steel chains ran from the ring to either end of an iron bar that ran under each young woman across the collar bone at the shoulders, their midsections did not sag at all; their muscles didn’t even appear to be straining to maintain their position, as if they, too, were frozen.

?Contrapcium invisiblum? Archibald intoned, and the devices disappeared leaving the young women suspended in midair, apparently completely exposed, with the outline of the wooden brace cupping their pelvic bone still clearly pressed deeply into their flesh, and the depressions across the shoulders where they still rested on the now invisible iron bar, ?I thought we might start with an anatomy lesson, given that I imagine you have not had much experience with women. Your obvious lack of self-confidence would have seen to that handily enough. But before we begin that, I would like to ask you, how was your plane flight over??

?V-very good, actually,? wondering why he was asking this in such a strange setting, ?I sat beside two athletes, pretty girls, both of them, but I suspected they were lesbians. They were still pleasant to look at, but by the end of the flight my suspicions were confirmed. They were all over each other.?

?No screaming babies? No lost luggage? No long lines or frustrating attendants? No snoring in your area of the plane??

?No, none of that. I often wonder why people go on about how bad plane fli- Look, I appreciate your inviting me here, and this is all pretty fucked up and weird in a cool sort of twisted way, but I don’t see what my plane flight has do with anything and the discussion seems rather pedestrian considering that there are three young, naked women here resting in midair on what I imagine must be invisible solid objects, and all of them seem okay with that—it’s Paris after all—and who knows how many more naked women upstairs in some odd sort of suspension, so unless you would care to explain for what the hell you brought me here, I think I will take my leave. Now.?

?Well done, boy! I was beginning to fear you had not even a single assertive bone in your whole jelly-spined body! In point of fact, those ladies probably were not lesbians until you sat next to them. You never have troubles with airports because it never occurs to you to expect trouble. Those girls that you suspected were lesbians? By the end of the flight they had become exactly what you expected. Watch the tits of the girl on the left, there.?

?Lacteolus incrementum?

Sure enough, her breasts grew from a perfect ?C? to a perfect ?DD? in mere moments, with no stretch marks at all.

Archibald continued, ?I use Latin-ish phrases for two reasons: dramatic flare—I have always been a fan—and it forces me to organize my thoughts ? to clearly direct my will, so to speak. You are acquainted well enough with old languages. Go ahead and take her tits back to their previous size.?

I cleared my throat, and got a picture in my mind of what her breasts had looked like when we first came into the room, ?Lacteolus decrementum? they gradually shrank to their previous size, still firm, still full, ?Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Oh my God!! What the fuck!?

He laughed, ?It’s a good thing you weren’t really meaning for them to shit; that would have gotten very messy, very quickly.?

?But, it wasn’t in Latin!? I protested, still dumbstruck by what I’d just done to this beautiful pair of breasts.

?No my boy, you misunderstand entirely. The words aren’t even necessary; it truly is the thought that counts. The words simply help guide and direct the thoughts. The words cannot override the thoughts, either; the words only serve to give voice to the thoughts. In this last case, you were thinking only of personal shock and dismay, which won’t affect your surroundings at all. I only recently acquired each of these girls, for you to modify as you see fit. They all have families that might be looking for them, but that does not matter to me at all. So far, I really have kidnapped them, but very soon they will be here of their own volition, you will need to learn how to make that happen, and I will act as your guide.?

?You have taken them? Against their will? That is horrible!?

?No more horrible than turning two happily heterosexual athletes into raving lesbians, my boy. Or any of the other dramatic changes and alterations you have accidentally made in the lives of the people with whom you interact.?

?What do you mean??

?Imagine, one of those two athletes on the plane next to you was engaged to be married to someone back home but will soon be announcing that she’s lesbian. Maybe he is okay with that, maybe he will welcome the third party or the many other women into their lives and they will be able to find happiness that way. But maybe he is not okay with it. Maybe he imagines there is something fundamentally wrong with him, as a man, something that caused her to become lesbian. Maybe he wonders what he did to cause someone who seemed so in love to reject him. Perhaps he now doubts his capacity to distinguish genuine love, and begins to regard himself as unlovable. When he commits suicide one year from the date when she broke up with him, who is really at fault??

As he spoke, my heart sank, ?No. No, that can’t have happened.? It couldn’t have happened, could it?

?My boy, you just looked at a pair of tits and reshaped them precisely according to the picture in your mind purely by intending it so. What can and cannot happen must, of necessity, have undergone some revision in the past thirty minutes. Are you really so certain that can’t have happened? Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself??

Defeated, I admitted, ?I can’t say for sure whether that happened, or what impacts I might have unintentionally had, but that is different from intentionally kidnapping!?

?Dear boy, intent is the only thing that can modify your surroundings. The results may not be fully intended, but the choice to make things as you want them to be, or expect them to be, is intentional, always, unavoidably. The point of acceptance of your capability is the point at which consequence all but ceases to matter, because, if you act fast enough, you can manipulate the consequences, too. It is entirely within your control. Literally, it is entirely within control as long as your will and my will do not act at cross purposes.? He fell silent, and looked at me consolingly.

You can process this. You ? are able to alter your environment ? by intending it to be different. I looked up at my uncle, studying his body language. He’s not trying to hurt me or unsettle me; he’s trying to help me quickly come to terms with some things that are very hard to accept. I stumble forward and put my hand out to feel the iron bar suspending the girl whose breasts I ?adjusted? and when I was sure I was clear of it I approached her body, cupping her right breast in my hand, with her nipple cradled between two fingers. I closed my eyes and imagined what I wanted the perfect slut tit to look like. I felt her areola puff up, I felt my finger being spread wider by her nipple as it grew more prominent, and I knew before I even opened my eyes that both her areola and nipple would be a darker shade terracotta than the previous slightly pink flesh tone. I opened my eyes and saw undeniable proof before me as her left tit looked just as it had, while her right had been turned into my idea of a perfect picture of sexual invitation. I imagined what her left tit would look like as an ?A? cup with comically prominent, long, thick nipples. The transition was very quick. The radical contrast between her two breasts was too dramatic to overlook. This is real. He is right. I really am doing this. I made her left match the right.

I felt his hand on my shoulder, ?I know it is a lot to take in, but you see the proof with your own eyes. Now you have a choice, these three are yours. Use them, don’t use them, modify them, leave them alone, toy with them, send them home, keep them, kill them, whatever you choose. I will simply observe and advise.?

I walked around behind the women and saw that their anuses and vaginas were stretched open wide, apparently shoved down hard onto some sort of phallic device. With the contraption invisible I could see right inside their bodies. They all had thick thatches of crotch hair. I thought about what I wanted to do with that. All their hair needs to be completely gone, no hair at all from the neck down. The hair disappeared, from all three. I thought about the one on the left reaching up and taking hold of the invisible iron bar and pulling herself free of the device. She did so, coming to rest on the floor with her legs still spread wide.

I walked up behind her, she remained frozen in place. Her name is probably something cute, like Traci or Piper. ?What is your name??

?Piper,? she answered, her brow wrinkling in confusion.

I chastised myself, and tried again, guarding myself from asserting my own opinion, ?No, I mean, what did your parents name you.?

?Jennifer,? she said, visibly relieved.

?Jennifer, do you know how you got here??

?No. I just remember drinking at a bar with a lot of other women, and then, I remember being here, right now.?

?Jennifer, you have secretly wanted to be a model your whole life.?

?I have? That is surprising. I thought I wanted to be a doctor my whole life.?

?You have many surprises ahead, but every time you get surprised by anything it will make you more grateful to me. In fact, you are going to fall in love with me, completely, even though I will never love you.?

?I am?? she asked with her face in a mask of pure delight, ?That is a big surprise, because ordinarily I would not even speak to someone like you unless you were working someplace where I needed something from you.?

?Yes, you are. Not only that, you are going to find pleasure in showing your gratitude by making me happy. You will become obsessed with making me happy.?

Archibald stood by a wall watching me, smiling his approval.

?Oh my! This day is just full of surprises! The one thing I always promised myself is that I would never fall in love with a man who did not love me. Thank you so much for letting me know how wrong I was! I always wondered how any man could be happy with a woman he couldn’t love, but, if that is what you want, I am sure I will love you!?

?Your pleasure will not just be emotional, Jennifer, you will experience intense sexual pleasure and a deep sense of pride from making me happy, from pleasing me, from showing me your gratitude. Knowing that your gratitude for me causes you to be in an intense sexually aroused state will make me very happy.?

Her eyes suddenly became very sensual, ?Really? Oh, that does feel so good. Thank you!?

?I can tell that you have a difficult time keeping your thoughts to yourself, but you are going to learn a new communication system to help you with that. I am going to teach you a new way to communicate. If you want to express appreciation you may say, ‘Thank you, Master,’ and if you want to ask a question, you may say, ‘Master, may I ask a question?’ and if you wish to respond in the affirmative or confirm to me that you understand something you may say, ‘Yes, Master!’ or in the negative, you may say, ‘No, Master!’ Do you understand this new system??

?Yes, Master!? she responded with enthusiasm, smile beaming from her face, ?Thank you, Master. Master, may I ask a question??

?Yes, go ahead.?

?What if I wish to make some other statement or comment??

?The only time that would please me is when I ask you a direct question that requires something other than a yes or no response. On those occasions, if I have given you something else to do you will become deeply ashamed of yourself for even thinking of it while doing as I asked, you will be convinced you have displeased me, and you will be seeking some way to restore my pleasure. If I have not given you something else to do, you will insert two fingers into your pussy and start fucking yourself with them in terrible shame until you are certain that you will have an orgasm, and then you will stop before orgasm and suck on those two fingers for two minutes to remind you that your mouth is for pleasing me now, not for boring me with your thoughts. Do you understand??

?Yes, Master! Thank you, Master.? She shot two of her fingers into her pussy and they worked feverishly in and out with her whole body turning crimson in shame.

?Lastly, anytime I choose to use your body or give your body any sort of physical attention, or anytime I choose to cause your body to be used physically, in any way, you will feel deep pride in allowing me to do so freely and deep shame at any reluctance on your part to please me and show me your gratitude. Do you understand??

?Y-yes, Master! Th-thank you, Maphther.? Her soaking wet fingers had moved to her mouth just before activating an orgasm.

I willed the other two girls down from their perches. I mentally projected upon them the same framework I set up for Jennifer. Both of them immediately started pumping their own pussies with two fingers each. My uncle glowed his approval at me, I had clearly measured up to his expectations. First things first, I want to meet their families.

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Truth or Dare postgraduate

The four of us, two girls, two guys, have been friends from our college days.  We dated each other once or twice, but nothing serious developed.  So we remained friends, just not lovers.  But even with friends, flirtations and sexual tension has a way of seeping into a relationship.  I especially liked one of the girls, Amy, a tall beauty, 5’8”, with auburn hair, an athletic build and lovely breasts.  She was just my type and I always hoped to get a privileged view of her beauty.  The other...

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Truth or Dare with Twin Cousins

All characters are 18 or older."Truth or dare, Uncle Ryan?" my teenaged cousin Kat said. I wasn't her uncle, but she and her twin sister, Tara, had taken to calling me that teasingly ever since I had turned 30 a few months earlier.At the mention of Truth or Dare, I couldn't help but smile nervously at my blonde girlfriend, Lauren, and her best friend, Kelly. The twins had no way of knowing, but those words were special for the three of us - and a handful of Lauren's other friends.In the past...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 3 FutaMommy Joins Truth or Dare

Chapter Three: Futa-Mommy Joins Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Shannon Baker Cum leaked out of my pussy. Girl-cum. Futa-jizz. The slumber party at Britney's had gone wild thanks to that scented candle burning away on the end table. The air filled with Lavender Relax. My futa-cock throbbed to the beat of my heart. I had a big, throbbing clit-dick. It was so impossible and yet I didn't care that a scented candle had somehow given...

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Truth or Dare with Lisa Allie Me

Truth or Dare by Mojo It was about 11:30 when I went downstairs to talk with Lisa and Allie. Ialways went downstairs to talk with them when they spent the night at myhouse, despite my parents' orders that I stay upstairs while they weredownstairs. We usually played truth or dare also. We generally got a goodgame going and we got to a few sexual dares and by then I was usually hornyas hell. They were hot too. Lisa had a nice ass and a great set of boobs.Allie had a sizable...

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Truth or Dare 01

Pete and I have been good friends from the time we met at freshmen year at university. We became so close in the past few years, we are more like brothers now than friends. We both played rugby throughout the university years and pushed each other at the gym every week. As luck would have it, last year when I met my present girlfriend Sophie, Pete hooked up with her best friend Camila. They were both gym freaks like us and in no time the four us became inseparable and really enjoyed hanging...

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Games 2 Niki and Amber Host a PartyChapter 2 Truth And Dare begins

Cyndi, taking the reins, being the most assertive of the girls, nevertheless looked at Chuck for approval, subconsciously recognizing that it was likely up to the two of them to set the rules and limits, if any. “We all know why we are here ... anyone that wants to change their mind, ... leave now ... as, like last time ... no one is to talk about anything that happens here, except with someone that is here right now. And no cameras, no recording.” Turning to Amber, and then Rachel and May...

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Double Dare P5

So my cousin Josie was getting married.It had been a few years since our college days, we had graduated now, and gone on to the start of fairly successful careers, and like what always happens, we now barely saw it each other apart from birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.Then my hot blonde cousin, announced one day she was getting married to a guy she had met at her work, and had fallen in love with.I was happy for her, and agreed immediately to give her away, the day she asked,...

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Jessica Nigri Truth or Dare

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, places, events, etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplay and glamour model)Jessica Nigri - Truth or DareA celebrity erotic storyby DaxG2001 ([email protected]) & Mean...

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Naked dare chapter 2

I don’t recall even getting into bed that night. I woke up the next day and all I could think was how our relationship had suddenly evolved. I was a little nervous about it but I wasn’t scared. If I had known how deep we were going to get into this I might have given it a bit more thought. Well maybe. I really didn’t want to go to work and seriously thought about calling in sick but then I remembered we were supposed to be having an audit today and that meant all hands on deck. So I dragged my...

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New Years Truth or Dare

[Note: This was written by my nephew Steve, myself (Coffeedude), with input from Ginger. All of the participants were at least eighteen years old, and their names have been changed.] Jason and I were watching one of the NFL games when I looked out the window to our frat house and saw two girls from our Greek sorority walking up the sidewalk. I got up and went to the door. As I opened it they came in shivering. Heidi, the taller of the two at about 5’9” with long blond hair and C size tits...

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New Years Truth or Dare

[Note: This was written by my nephew Steve, myself (Coffeedude), with input from Ginger. All of the participants were at least eighteen years old, and their names have been changed.] Jason and I were watching one of the NFL games when I looked out the window to our frat house and saw two girls from our Greek sorority walking up the sidewalk. I got up and went to the door. As I opened it they came in shivering. Heidi, the taller of the two at about 5’9” with long blond hair and C size tits...

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Truth or Dare for Two Virgin Teens

It was finally happening. After pining for Blair basically since he hit puberty, Justin was finally going to get some alone time with her - overnight! Both freshly eighteen and seniors in high school, Blair and Justin had been friends since childhood. Their parents were close friends all of their lives, and even took vacations together every other summer. And when they were not on vacation, they spent their summer days in Blair's parents' pool, and the rest of the year snuggled on the couch...

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Truth And Dare Game Leads To Bed

This is continuation of my first part of the story. Please read first part also to enjoy most. Search with “Invitation of tea leads to bed”. We went to lake at evening. She had decided that she will leave for PG after it. But I was in no mood to leave her. She told me that she liked that I didn’t do anything forcefully at morning. But I was cursing myself that why didn’t I do anything as she has plan to leave. Just to try my luck I requested her that I would feel good if she can stay tonight...

4 years ago
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Naked dare chapter 1

I love my wife, Ella. To say she is gorgeous is a major misrepresentation. Although not tall at five feet two inches, she is the perfect height for me. When I hold her in a hug her head fits perfectly under my chin. She has thick wavy auburn hair that always smells fresh and clean and shines in the sunlight. Her radiant beauty belies her age and she still gets asked for I.D. at bars even though she’s in her early thirties. Along with alabaster skin and eyes the color of melted chocolate, she...

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Naked dare chapter 1

I love my wife, Ella. To say she is gorgeous is a major misrepresentation. Although not tall at five feet two inches, she is the perfect height for me. When I hold her in a hug her head fits perfectly under my chin. She has thick wavy auburn hair that always smells fresh and clean and shines in the sunlight. Her radiant beauty belies her age and she still gets asked for I.D. at bars even though she’s in her early thirties. Along with alabaster skin and eyes the color of melted chocolate, she...

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Starts with truth or dare pt 41

They wait at the door, Tina and the two boys in t-shirts and boxes. Lisa in only a t-shirt. He pulls up. Lisa is nervous but answers the door. Tony smiles and.looks Lisa up and down. "You guys having a party" ask Tony. No just four of us at a sleepover. "Shoot, I'm off work and bored was hoping it was a party" Tina steps from around the corner. "It's kind of like a party, come on in" Tony smiles and walks in. Tina introduces herself and the three others."I'm Tony, I'm a senior...

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Surprise dare with an unexpected result part 2

“Truth or dare?” appeared on the screen. Really, on a Tuesday morning? “Ok, dare. But you know I have to go to work today.” What are the odds this is a bad one? “Wait a minute, I never asked you truth or dare so now it’s an automatic dare for you! Let me think about this one after what you made me do last time.” Then I signed off and got ready for work. I was still confused about the last time we played and she brought me to a female strip club and then a tranny bar. Although I ended up having...

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Dare title is too short

--- Dare (mF+, 1st, bd, blackmail, inc, oral, impreg?, reluc, safe, m-solo, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- Ah, the 80's: leg warmers, too much hair spray, MTV playing actual music, and kids doing stupid things because they were bored (the Internet wasn't a thing yet). Here's a story from that time, so long ago... --- "Let's play Truth or Dare!" There was a collective groan. Missy spoke up, "Chantal! We're not 13 anymore." Indeed not...Chantal, Missy, and their friend...

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Truth or Dare The Family Reunion Part Four

We all sat in a circle as Missy explained the game to us, laying the cards on the floor in front of her crossed legs. My attention was on the material of her terry shorts stretched tightly crooked between her legs. I was getting a great view up the hem of her crotch. Her white cotton panties, stretched tightly over her young pussy, were playing peekaboo.“I will ask questions from this deck,” Missy explained, “You can choose to answer the question, truthfully, or take a dare. At which point I...

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Truth or Dare The Basement Sleepover

PROLOGUE.The whole room buzzed with excitement. Scutor had reserved the basement of his granddaddies for a sleepover and all the boys were going crazy. There were Bruce Wild, Sam Bear, Grizzle, Travis Collins, Sophocles and Scutor W. Stomm.Travis’s cousin Bully was the last one to arrive. He came in with a lot of noise, bragging and giving high fives all over the place. But when he spotted Sam he said: “What the f*ck?! Who did invite this stinker here?”Sam just looked at him and said: “Must’ve...

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Truth or Dare by Mystic47

She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...

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Truth or Dare with sister

She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...

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Double Dare Part 4

"Oh god, what are we going to do?" muttered Katie, as we were stood outside the deans office waiting to see her.Our professor had caught us playing dare, and had reported us to the dean, and now Me, my hot blonde cousin Josie, her hot ebony friend Emily, and the young, but not so innocent petite red headed Katie, were nervously waiting to see Mrs Woo.Then she called us in, and we slowly entered her office and stood in front of her desk looking sorry for ourselves.Mrs Woo was a short, mature...

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The FourDay Weekend Part II Truth or Dare

I woke up freezing. Lying naked on your bed all night without any covers will do that. At about the same time as I was pulling blankets over me I suddenly remembered why I was naked. “Do you feel that hard bump, near the top? That’s your clit. That’s what you want to focus on.” “Amy… Oh my God, Amy!” “Just relax, just let it happen.” “Augh… augh!” Last night, my best friend Minda and I had gotten a little experimental. One thing led to another, and before I...

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Truth Or Dare Chapter One

Corey, Fred, Gary, Lucy and Samantha are sitting in a circle on the floor in Corey’s lounge room. His parents are out for the weekend but had told Corey he was allowed a friend or two over to keep him company. Having turned 18 recently, his parents deemed him responsible enough to make good choices while they were gone. A few bottles of scotch sit in the middle of the circle with about five bottles of Coca-Cola. The members of the circle each have a cup in front of them, already looking a...

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Harry Plays Truth or Dare

Introduction: Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Neville and Draco have found a book of truth or dare but what they dont know is the book has a lot of fun naughty things to do. Harry walked in to the Gryffindor common room to see that almost everyone had gone to bed accept for a group of boys sitting in a circle on the ground. Harry, Mate. Come join us we found this book of truth or dare and we need to have an even number of players. Ron said from the group that also consisted of George, Fred, Neville...

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The Dare Book 2Chapter 3 Show and Tell

Over the next couple of days, Talia got around to eventually filling Mason in on all that had transpired, though she found it hard to make the time to write. Still, they exchanged a number of ideas, lots of them in fact. Dares that she could consider now and in the future. The constant discussions of her need to be dared, and the types of things she liked, kept her mind in a playful and game playing mood, which made her more than a little happy. She hated those times when things got all muddy...

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Yet another Truth or Dare story. Ah, the 80’s: leg warmers, too much hair spray, MTV playing actual music, and kids doing stupid things because they were bored (the Internet wasn’t a thing yet). Here’s a story from that time, so long ago... “Let’s play Truth or Dare!” There was a collective groan. Missy spoke up, “Chantal! We’re not 13 anymore.” Indeed not ... Chantal, Missy, and their friend Gloria were 18 now, graduated from high school (Missy with honors), and ready to...

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Truth or Dare

I was 17 at the time and my younger sister, Abby, had recently turned 16. My teenage hormones were really raging in those days as I tried my luck with a lot of the girls I went on dates with but got shot down somewhat routinely. As a result, I was rather inexperienced and I believe Abby was too.Abby and I were pretty close as brother and sister go, I think mostly because we were so close in age. Occasionally we would hang out in the same overlapping circles of friends. So when my parents went...

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Truth Or Dare

It has been eighteen months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about.I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother. She was a little overweight I will admit that, but holy cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful. She carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so, I never could...

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Harry Plays Truth or Dare

"Harry, Mate. Come join us we found this book of truth or dare and we need to have an even number of players." Ron said from the group that also consisted of George, Fred, Neville and.....Draco? Harry walked over to the group and sat down in the circle. "What is The Dragon doing here?" Harry asked Ron. "Well, we thought you would want to play and we needed to have an even number of players and I also couldn't miss the chance to either embarrass him or find some info on him that I can...

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The dare game

The dare game Ik een Chloë hadden al een tijdje via facebook gepraat maar elkaar nog nooit ontmoet. Ik vroeg haar truth or dare. En ze antwoordde meteen met dare! I dacht even na over wat ik hierop moest zeggen en antwoorden met " ik dare je om mij volledig naakt in de sauna te ontmoeten" zij zei deal! Vrijdagavond? Dat was over 4 dagen dus ik reageerde met is goed. En ze vroeg mij terug truth or dare? Ik antwoordde ook met dare omdat ik niet als een mietje over wou komen. Ze zei: ik dare je om...

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Dare Me Not Ch 13

It has been a while since the last installment. Thank you for your feedback over this period. This shall finish the arc that I started a few years ago… Recap: Drew and Janine have crossed a few more boundaries, but neither know what they’re getting themselves into. To make it worse, Natasha had seen them as they shared an overly intimately embrace in the garage (Ch 12). ***** ‘I’m gonna make her pay. I’ll make them both pay,’ Natasha seethed as she huffed back to Drew’s room. She fought back...

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Truth or dare in the Sauna

PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOY THIS STORY! Me and Chloë had been talking via Facebook for a while but had never met. One day I decided to spice things up a little. So I asked her truth or dare? And she immediately answered with dare! I didn't expect her to say dare right away. I thought about what I had to ask and replied with "I dare you to meet me completely naked in the sauna" she said deal! Friday? That was in 4 days so I responded with that's fine. Then she asked me back truth or dare? I...

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Two Girls and Truth or Dare

“Okay, awesome. See you then!” Click! I hang up the phone after making plans to see my best friend Veronica. I look at my watch and it’s 2:30. I have half an hour till Veronica gets here. First I run to my room closing the door behind me and walk over to my closet flinging open the doors. 'What to wear…' I think to myself as I tap my foot, I look around for a few minutes and end up picking jean shorts with a blue t-shirt and black matching bra and thong. I turn and check myself out in my full...

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Truth or Dare with the twins

We met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 68 Truth or Dare

The second floor had one of their parties the first Saturday in December. They did this about once of month. There was alcohol around, but their parties were casual. At the beginning of the party, most of the guys on the floor would leave their doors open, and everyone would roam around, chatting and mingling. There was food around, munchies and stuff. Later in the night, some groups of friends would gather in a particular room. This is what had happened, in Warren and Tim's room. Besides...

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Truth or dare with a friend

Connor: I'm getting bored of watching TV. You want to play truth or dare? Me: Sure that sounds like fun. You start. Connor: Truth or dare? Me: Dare. Connor: I dare you to do 10 squats in your underwear. Me: Okay, you want to look away? Connor: I'm okay with watching. At this point I knew where this game was headed and it excited me. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and did 10 squats facing away from Connor. Although we had seen and touched each other...

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