The Maze
- 4 years ago
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The Maze – Part II
Carngie’s eyes flickered rapidly back and forth from under his eyelids. He unconsciously tucked in his arms and moved his knees closer to his abdomen to keep warm as he lay on side sleeping in the little closet he sought refuge within The Maze.
Sitting inside the village court hall, Carngie nervously picked at his finger nails. The smell of smoked tubac filled the air, the afternoon light shining through the two west windows that created a hazy fog just below the wood beamed ceiling. Someone’s cough behind him temporarily broke the silence of the courtroom. He shifted in the plain wooden chair to relieve some of the cramps in his legs that accumulated from sitting all morning and into early afternoon. A door opened from behind the judge’s stand and a short, stout man wearing a yellow robe and a black cap entered the court room. He moved over to his stand and sat down shuffling some paper in hands. After a few moments the judge opened in a scratchy voice. “Carngie Golfdan, please stand.” Carngie stood up slowly, staring directly into the eyes of the judge, head held high. “After some amount of deliberation, the court has reached a decision and will now pass the verdict. Carngie Golfdan, it is this court’s decision that you have been found guilty of arson and that you be sentenced to The Maze on the morrow, followed by a second sentence to The Maze exactly one week from today.” There were gasps from a few people in the court room followed by comments of ‘Two sentences in The Maze!?’…
…Carngie sat on the floor of the holding cell dedicated for those who await their punishment; his head down between his knees with his back to the wall. He was already dressed in the garb suited for those sentenced to The Maze; a white loin cloth and nothing else. A black robed figure approached the cell door and squatted down in front of it. “Pssst. Pssst. Ra…I mean, man.” A soft female voice whispered between the bars. Carngie looked up at the robed figured and could not see the owners face hidden behind the hood of her robe. “I have something that you will need tomorrow.” The female voice suggested. She reached out her arm between the bars, her hand dangling a silver bracelet. Carngie tentatively reached out and grabbed the bracelet gently and held it up to what little light shown in the cell. “It is a Slylark. Its power will help you escape most Spankers you encounter within The Maze.” She explained.” Wear it around your ankle; they will not notice it there.” As the robed female stood up and turned to leave, Carngie saw a small lock of red hair shift under the cowl of her hood. “Wha..who are you?” Carngie asked, but the robed female had already left.
Carngie stood outside the entrance to The Maze, the door emplaced on the side of a massive hill. Before him the door slowly opened and very tall woman walked out into the surrounding forest. She had an evil grin and carried a wicked looking rod in one hand while her other hand beckoned him with her pointer finger towards her. Someone pushed him from behind towards the awaiting leather clad woman. “No! I did not do it! No!” he yelled. The woman was getting closer and closer as he floated in her direction. “No! No!”
Carngie awoke with a start. Sharp muffled voices from outside the little closet he had fallen asleep in wrestled him away from his nightmare. The click of boot heels approached him and went passed. He couldn’t stay here. He had to try and find the exit out of The Maze. No one has ever left on their own accord. There was only one exit from The Maze, apparently well concealed. Carngie stood up slowly, stretching away the aches and put his ear to the door. After a few minutes of silence, he slowly opened the door. He checked the coast is clear in both directions and he sneaked silently down the corridor away from the direction he and the Mistress Captain Spanker met.
The Soldier Spanker moves her hand down toward the other awaiting Soldier Spanker’s loins. She starts to rub her pussy through her leather pants. They kiss each other passionately on the mouth and neck. “Faster Dynjeh, faster.” the Soldier begs, guiding the other’s hand with her own to increase her pleasure. “Cum for me baby, cum for me hard.” The giver pleads. “Oh God, oh!” Just as the receiver is about to reach that plateau of ecstasy, the sound of muffled footsteps alerts them to their surroundings and immediately brings to end their lovemaking. The footsteps are light but are fast approaching their listening post. They both slowly stand up, one soldier putting her finger to her lips signaling silence. Now they can hear ragged breathing along with the increasingly loud footsteps. And the footsteps do not contain that of boot heels on stone. That only meant one thing they thought simultaneously to themselves…it’s a rat of man that is approaching.
As soon as Carngie rounded the alcove that the two soldiers stayed hidden within, the two soldiers jumped out in the corridor to grab him. One soldier went for his right arm and the other for his left. His heightened senses and natural reflexes allowed him to dodge the first soldier but the second grabbed a hold of him firmly by his left arm.
“Times up, rat!”
“No!” Carngie twisted and turned his arm and broke loose of the iron grip of the soldier. The other soldier landed a couple of swats on the back of his leg with her wooden spanking paddle. Carngie winced, spun and grabbed at the soldier who had hit him hard on the leg. His grab hit its target and he swung the spanker soldier into the other, effectively knocking them both to the ground in a tumble of arms and legs encased in shiny black leather. Carngie stared for a brief moment then escaped down the corridor away from the two Soldier Spankers.
A witness to the entire encounter, and expertly hidden within the shadows down the corridor from which Carngie approached the alcove from, a woman with long red hair wore a triumphant smile on her face. She sees one of the soldiers get up and pull a rope that hangs from the ceiling in the corner of the alcove and a loud bell rings out, sounding the alarm.
Within the room where Yutyl encountered Carngie, Ellorrah and the Mistress Captain Spanker both hear the alarm sound and immediately head out of the room and towards the listening post.
In her bedroom, Zalya finished zipping up her blood red leather vest matching the leather pants that hugged tightly on her perfect figure. ‘Fitting color for the day she thought’. Just then, she heard the alarm sound. ‘Did that sound from the west perimeter of Section D? The rat is close.’ She moved over to her end table beside her bed and grabbed her red leather gloves and quickly tugged them on before grabbing her Spanking Paddle and Rod from her cabinet. She went out the door and towards the listening post. ‘This rat is going to pay dearly.’ She thought grimly.
‘The rat is very close to the exit.’ The Queen Spanker thought, after hearing the alarm. Sitting down, she tapped her finger on the arm of the throne quickly, thinking of what to do. Her decision made, she rose and left the room, her famous Shredder Paddle in hand, and walked towards a room down the hall she had only frequented once before. In front of the heavy steel door, she produced a gold key and placed it into the lock. She paused, her heart racing. She was nervous. She should be, for the creature kept locked behind this door could demolish your own will with one look, and its stunning beauty and perfection could paralyze even the blind. ‘You are the Queen Mother’. She assured herself trying to calm her nerves. A few deep breaths slowed her heart rate a little. Her focus and self confidence returned; she unlocked the door. The only light in the room shone from the corridor. A huge female form sat crossed legged in the center of the empty room.
“Arise my pet. Your service is in need.” The Queen Spanker commanded, although with a little less authority than usual. The sound of tight black leather creaked as the female rose slowly up to her full height of eight feet. The Queen almost lost her will as the Fembot Spanker looked her squarely in the eyes. ‘What a perfect specimen’ The Queen marveled. The Fembot Spanker, entire body encased in pristine black leather, with exception of her short jet black hair, tapped her boot heel once on the stone floor and put her hands on her hips.
“What is your desire?” The Fembot Spanker questioned with a metallic sounding voice.
“Go to the exit and when you see a man before you, spank him very severely.” The Queen responded.
“As you wish.” The Queen moved aside to allow passage; the flawless creature shifted past her and with blinding speed ran towards the exit. The Queen Mother went a different way, hoping to cut off the rat before he reached the exit.
“Mistress Captain General!” The Soldier Spanker curtsies as she sees their red haired beautiful leader of all Spankers within The Maze approach their listening post.
“Mistress Ca-“ The Soldier’s statement cut short by the Mistress Captain General’s raised up hand.
“Silence fool!” Now standing in front of the two soldiers she reprimands “Fools, both of you!” Pointing down the corridor to where Carngie escaped, the Mistress Captain General bellowed, “Well, after him!” Both soldiers quickly curtsy and turn away from their Mistress Captain General towards the escapee’s route. As they both take their first step away, they feel an abrupt jerk around each of their necks and then stop, bewilderment and confusion on each of their faces. The Mistress Captain General tosses their Akkunie necklaces into the corner of the alcove. They have been totally stripped of their past identity, all memory lost as to what they did and who they were. They are mere women now. “Sit down ladies and wait for me here, I will explain all when I return” The Captain General instructs. She guides them over to their appointed waiting location and heads towards a route that will cut off Carngie’s exit from The Maze.
Amazed at what she just witnessed, Tumi stares in horror, hiding in the same location her Mistress Captain General of Spankers lay hidden moments before. ‘What has just happened? Removal of one’s Akkunie is forbidden, only the Queen Mother herself can do that, and that harsh discipline has never been carried out before. This is serious.’ Tumi decides to follow her Captain General and see what’s what.
Carngie raced down the corridor, abandoning stealth and replacing it with speed. Up ahead was a ‘T’ section, he would head north. Around the bend heading north he skidded to a stop. Standing fifteen feet away was a tall fiery red haired woman, standing with her arms at her sides. Her piercing green eyes and lithe body encased in black leather pants and green top entranced him.
“Stop right there rat.” The Mistress Captain General of Spankers commanded.
Carngie tried to form something of a sentence but couldn’t.
“Listen to me. The exit is down this corridor behind me and to the east then north again. Upon our necks is the Akkunie. It makes us who we are. Tear it from a Spanker, any Spanker, and they will return to being ordinary women once more.”
“Why are you helping me?” Carngie finally spoke.
“No questions, rat! Let’s just say our Queen needs a little help in being replaced.”
“Traitor!” Tumi yells from behind the Mistress Captain General. The red haired woman turns toward Tumi and then back at Carngie “Go rat! Run past me!” The Captain General runs toward Tumi and Tumi runs towards her Captain General. The two women collide and wrestle each other to the floor. Carngie runs past the two struggling women in wild astonishment.
“Wh-why?” Tumi manages to get out, struggling to dislodge the arm around her neck and head.
“Our Queen’s time is up, Mistress Captain Spanker.” the Captain General Spits out.
“Wh-treachery Valora…” Tumi grunts, and manages to slip out of Valora’s hold, still locked together but facing her.
“I will be the Queen Tumi, not Ellorrah, not you, and especially not Zalya. The Council will have no choice but to replace the Queen if a rat escapes The Maze!”
“No!” Tumi moves her hand around Valora’s Akkunie, while Valora does the same with Tumi’s. They lay locked together in that position for a brief moment, staring into each other’s eyes. Both the Mistress Captain Spanker and the Mistress Captain General of Spankers eyes widen in knowing shock. Then they simultaneously yank each other’s Akkunie from their neck. The two bewildered women stare at an unfamiliar face, wondering why they are lying on the ground with a total stranger.
After just passing the alcove that contained the two ex-soldiers, Ellorrah and Yutyl quicken their pace to try and capture the rat.
“The rat knows to remove the Akkunie?!” Yutyl said, shocked and thinking she was lucky to only get knocked over with her encounter with him.
“Apparently so, we must be very careful when we capture him.” Ellorrah responds.
Up ahead, they see two more women sitting on the corridor’s floor their Akkunie lying on the ground next to them. Ellorrah quickened her pace “No…no…it can’t be!” She runs over to the red and brown haired women sitting before her. “No! Tumi! What has he done?” Ellorrah kneels in front of who was once her lover and positioned to be her own Mistress Spanker and tries to take the girls hand in her own, but the girl recoils away from her. “Tumi? My love.” Ellorrah pleads, tears filling her eyes.
“What the…Mistress Captain General?” Yutyl questions the red haired woman.
“Who are you? What is this place?” the red head responds softly.
“This is unbelievable! He took off the Captain Generals Akkunie?!” Yutyl said amazed.
Ellorrah crouches down and cries, mumbling ‘my Tumi, my Tumi’.
Yutyl decides she wants none of this and slowly backs away from the threesome, gathers pace and is soon running away with all her speed.
Carngie rounds the bend ahead of him and is immediately collared by a powerful grip.
“Going somewhere rat?” Zalya asks amused. Carngie struggles to get away to no avail. Zalya spins him to face her, gripping both his arms by the biceps. Carngie looks up into the blonde haired woman’s blue eyes and is instantly stunned by her beauty.
“I didn’t think so.” Zalya smiles, produces her portable stool and sets it on the ground and seats herself pulling Carngie over her red leathered lap all in one motion.
WHAM! BAM! WHACK! WHACK! BAM! WHAP! WHAM! Zalya’s wicked paddle smacked into Carngie’s butt at a furious pace. Carngie could barely struggle, still overcome by the Queen’s Mistress Spanker’s charm and will, the pain accumulating as each of the successive paddle smacks rained down on his now reddening butt. After a few minutes, the spanking stopped.
“You are going to pay big time rat!” Zalya announced as she dropped her paddle to the ground and grabbed for her rod she had slipped in her belt. At this moment Carngie felt a surge of energy within and gathered all the will he could muster with the aid of the Slylark. He suddenly bucked off of Zalya’s lap and onto the ground in front of her.
“What!” a very surprised and stunned Zalya yelled.
Carngie rotated and grabbed at Zalya’s Akkunie and latched on. Zalya’s eyes widened with horror.
“No!” she gasped.
“Yes!” Carngie said with finality, and yanked off her Akkunie. Carngie left the stunned woman where she sat clueless to her surroundings and darted north towards the exit.
Rounding the final bend he could see light at the end of the corridor. Sunlight! He made it! When he was in full sprint only fifty feet from the exit, the doorway filled with a giant woman encased in tight supple black leather. Carngie skidded to a halt. The giant walked menacingly towards him. It was the woman from his dream. When he saw her eyes and her unmatched beauty, he was overcome with awe. His knees buckled and he knelt on the ground. The Fembot Spanker stopped ten feet in front of him, placing her hands on her hips.
“I am ordered to severely spank you. You will come to me now.” Her metallic voice announced.
“I will come to you.” Carngie answered feebly, his will completely shattered by her presence. The Fembot Spanker gathered the broken man across her lap, her exceptional vision and heightened senses easily discovering the Slylark around his ankle; she removed it.
The Queen Mother quickened her pace as the sound of smacking noises became louder as she approached the exit. ‘Sounds like the rat has been finally caught.’ She thought, fully relieved. As she rounded the corner her observations confirmed her hunch, the Fembot Spanker was methodically blistering the rats butt with astounding speed and strength. She approached the spanking scene with a candor smile. Amidst the sound of smacking her voice sneaked its way through to the ears of the captured Carngie.
“You didn’t really think you could escape could you?” she inquired.
Just then a Mistress Sergeant Spanker came running towards the spanking scene and relayed all the information of how the rat had removed the Akkunie of her Mistress Zalya, and others as well, including that of the Mistress Captain General of Spankers. Anger, wonderment, and grief vibrated through the Queen Mother’s body. She turned to look upon the spanking in progress with fury in her eyes.
“Spank until you see the white meat…then I’ll have my turn!” she seethed.
“As you command.” The Fembot Spanker responded flatly. THE END
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THE MAZE part I “Has the little rat been found yet?” The lady sitting on the throne questioned. “Not yet, my Queen Mother.” The woman kneeling in front of the throne responded, her head cast down towards the ground, long red hair hanging loosely to the polished stone floor. “See to it that this man is found and punished.” The Queen Mother of Spankers stated and sighed. “You are the Mistress Captain General of Spankers, are you not?” “Yes my Queen Mother. The rat will be found and...
THE MAZE part I “Has the little rat been found yet?” The lady sitting on the throne questioned. “Not yet, my Queen Mother.” The woman kneeling in front of the throne responded, her head cast down towards the ground, long red hair hanging loosely to the polished stone floor. “See to it that this man is found and punished.” The Queen Mother of Spankers stated and sighed. “You are the Mistress Captain General of Spankers, are you not?” “Yes my Queen Mother. The rat will be found and...
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The Maze – Part II Carngie’s eyes flickered rapidly back and forth from under his eyelids. He unconsciously tucked in his arms and moved his knees closer to his abdomen to keep warm as he lay on side sleeping in the little closet he sought refuge within The Maze. Sitting inside the village court hall, Carngie nervously picked at his finger nails. The smell of smoked tubac filled the air, the afternoon light shining through the two west windows that created a hazy fog just below the...
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Hi, mai delhi ka rehne wala hu ye story nahi real life incident hai jo aaj mai share karne ja raha hu. Ye incident sirf ya to mai janta hu aur wo ladki ki humne kaise maze lete the pyar ke office me, aur aaj ye story padne ke baad aap sab bhi jaan jayenge jab do pyar karne wale pyar karte hai wo kaisi feeling hoti hai au kaise har moment enjoy karna chahiye Chalo ab sex story pe aata hu zyada time na waste karte hue. Mene graduation karke ek job ki 2 saal lekin humesha se muje apna kaam karne...
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Hello everyone i m garry a 20 years old boy basically i am from haryana jyada bore na kartey hue apne baare me bta du me ek college student hu aur me bca kar raha hu meri height 6 feet hai aur mere dick ka size 7.4 lamba nd 2.5 inch mota hai my body is healthy because me regular gym jaata hu agar koi aunty girl bhabhi all over india se mere saath secret relations bnana chahe sex chat cam sex krna chahe to mujhe mail karien meri mail id hai Ab jaada bore na kartey hue story pe aata hu yeh baat...
Hiii meri pyari and hot aur sexy bhabhiya aunty aur pyare dosto thanx for like my story Pados Ki Bhabhi Ke Sath Maze – Part I and Part II also thanx for who comments and rating my story and thanx for who mail me for friendship. Im Vicky from mumbai age 28 now back in again with Pados Ki Bhabhi Ke Sath Maze – Part 3. jin logo ne meri story ka 1st & 2nd part nahi pada he wo pad le nahi to story samajh nahi aayegi. Dosto apne comments mujhe mere is email id par bheje aur aap hi decide karo ye...
Hiii meri pyari and hot aur sexy bhabhiya aunty aur pyare dosto thanx for like my story Pados Ki Bhabhi Ke Sath Maze – Part I and also thanx for who comments and rating my story and thanx for who mail me for friendship. Im Vicky from mumbai age 28 now back in again with Pados Ki Bhabhi Ke Sath Maze – Part 2. jin logo ne meri story ka 1st part nahi pada he wo pad le nahi to story samajh nahi aayegi. Dosto apne comments mujhe mere is email id par bheje aur aap hi decide karo ye kahani sachi he...
Hi friends I’m Mohit from Delhi. Me ISS ka regular reader hu me aj aap sabke sath apni 1 real story share kerna chahta hu if you like or interested please mail me on my email id Ye bat 2,3 mahine pehle ki h mere gher me rent me 1 new married couple rehte the unhe 2,2.5 saal humare gher me ho gye the me unn bhaiya ki jo wife thi unhe bhabhi bolta tha or bhabhi dikhne me itni gazab maal thi ki mann krta tha me Hi pehle suhaagrat bna lu uske sath wo 3,4 mahine me wo humari family k sath boht ache...
Neighbor Bhabhi k sath nisha k maze Hello lesbo friends, I Nisha khan again 28 years old lesbo lady , from HYDERABAD AP. INDIA……..with my new story which i had encounter with neighbor bhabhi.I am a fan of this site.I read all the stories in this site so today i want to send my own story to u all,this time my story is in hindi ok. I live in my uncle’s house that time.My lesbo friends meri story kuch is tarah hay. Yeh story aaj say few years pehlay ki hay Jab hamaray neighbour may ek cuppel...
Hello doston, mera naam hai Nimku aur dost ki behan ki kahani laya hun. Main Bihar se hun. Meri age 25 hai, aur mere lund ka size hai 7 inches. Agar kisi ko bhi maze karne ho toh mujhe mail kar sakta hai. Toh aate hai iss kahani ki heroine pe jiska naam Nisha hai. Woh peechle saal 18 saal ki hui hai. Sawla sa rang aur zero size figure. Height kafi achi hai. Toh jab woh apne baal bandh ke tight leggings mein aati hai toh lund khud khada ho jata. Uska figure 32-28-32 hai. Gol gol tight jawan gand...
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Mirror Site: The Marrieds By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2001 * * * * * This story may be posted to any FREE site. FictionMania, Paul, Crystal, and Nifty have express permission. Anybody else, feel free. Just let me know, so I can revel in the thrill of having a story posted. This story involves transgender. If that bothers or displeases you, sorry. First Amendment rocks. Please take your displeasure elsewhere. The story is rated G. This story also involves Identity...
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You make your way to the new game parlor you've been hearing so much about. It just opened up across town, and the claims it makes are rather intriguing. The ad said it was a "full-sim" maze-running game, meaning it overrode all of your senses to make the experience perfectly real... but safe. It even had an 'adult' section. This is what you had in mind... Entering the game parlor and stepping into the capsule, you read the rules. They seemed simple enough. Objective: Get to the exit without...
FetishYou are sitting at a magic show. A simple show with rabbits and hats, scarves and tricks. It is placed on a wooden stage with a red satin curtain. The man of the hour is a pasty man with a black mustache that extended a few inches. He wore a black and white tux that was crinkled. His shoes were of tennis shoes. His eyes are beady. Black. He is not the entertainer he needs to be. The microphone that he is using is accenting his crackly voice. You only came to this stupid show because you were...
Hi friends. I’m Raj, 26 years Maharashtrian guy from Mumbai. I was told about this site by my gorgeous neighbour aunty. I started reading this. I really enjoy reading the amazing erotic experiences. This is my first story. I hope you like it. I’m narrating the story from the women’s perspective. Main Komal Singh. Main shadi shuda hu aur meri umar 36 sal hai. Mere pati Sales aur Marketing manager hai. Is karan woh kam ke silsile se out of city hote hai. Is liya abhi tak humne bachhe bhi nahi...
Main Vijay hu Nashik city se. Meri mami aur mere bich jo hua iski kahani hai ye. Main kuch karne ki soch hi raha tha ki tab mami ne bola ki gaadi us speed breaker pe bohut uchli. Ab unki peeth dukh rahi hai. Toh maine gaadi side mein rukai. Waha aas paas kuch bhi nahi tha, khet bhi nahi aur log bhi nahi. Maine kaha mami se ki, “Dikhao main thoda upar se niche tak pith ko daba deta hu. maine ek massage center mein dekha hai waise karta hu.” Mami boli: Wah tu massage center bhi jata hai? Maine...
Hi everyone. Aaj main aap sab ko apni ek sachi ghatna ke bare mein batane ja raha hu. Yeh baat hai mere aur meri behen ke bich hue pehle sex ki. Ye iss saal ki baat hai. Main apni Holi ki chuttiyon ke liye apne gaon gaya tha apne rishtedaro ke sath Holi manane. Mummy papa ghar par hi ruke the aur main akela gaya tha. Waha par mere papa ke bade bhai aur unka parivar rehta tha. Unke parivar mein 3 log the. Who, unki patni aur unki beti yani meri badi behen. Meri behen ka naam Garima hai aur unki...
Hello girls and guys. Happy New Year sabko. Wish karta ho tum sab jamke chudam chudai karo yeh saal. So yeh meri real life story hai. Jab main college ke 1 year pass karliya and summer break tha. Meri bandi ka intership tha issliye woh yaha ruki hui thi. Roz hum log ek dusare ke sath maze karte the. Hamara roz ka routine tha 2-3 ghante baatien aur maze karne ka. Uska yeh kissa hai. Subhe karib 9.30 ko hum dono college mein milte the aur khali classroom dhundhe the. Aur dhundhte hue main uska...
Hello dosto kaise ho ap sab? Meri last story holi me mili molly k sath maze k kafi ache response aaya.Thank you all for that. Aage badte huwe my self insomanicman(male,22,surat). Ready to give u service to bhabhis and girls near to surat. Kuch dino pehle mera collg mate pune se aaya huwa tha surat uski cousin sister ki shdi ki shopping karne. Meine usse station se pick kia uske sath uski cousin sister or sister ki mom thi. Jaise hi wo log utre me to uski aunty ko dekhta hi reh gaya aunty ka...
Hello friends my name is Sameer you can call me sam to.My height is 6 feet dick size I didnt measure yet but its long and thick and fair…I am reading Desi stories since 5 to 6 years now I have decided to write my own story if you like my story share your opinion and feel free to contact me on so I will start my story in Hindi story ek aunty housewife ki hai jo mere dur ke rishten me lagti thi unka name tha shaista(name changed) unke 4 bacche the sab chotte 4 ya 5 saal ke honge par shaista...
Hi doston mera naam jaze hai aur mai 23 saal ka hoon. Mai is site ka regular visitor hoon aur aaj mai khud ka experience share karne ke liye ye story likh raha hoon. Any feed backs or comments pls send to: Baat un dino ki hai jab maine apna 10th class pass kiya aur dad ne mujhe aage ki padhai ke liya kolkata bhejne ka socha. Papa mujhe bhilai me nahi rakhna chahte the aur chacha ne kolkata ka prastav rakha jo papa ne maan liya. Waise mai kai baar kolkata ja chuka tha to papa mujhe chodne nahi...
Hi friends, my name is ‘Wahid’. Yeh meri college ki story hai jis me masti, maza-saza bhi shamil hai. Spelling me kuch galti ho jaye, to maaf karna. Story pe aata hun. Mera umar 18 saal hai. Mai college me sab se masti khor baccha tha, aur 2 baar fail ho chuka tha. Mere dad ne mujhe final warning di thi, agar tu ab ki baar fail hua, to tujhe college se nikal dunga. Mai thoda dar gaya. Mere se to padhai hone wali nahi thi to sochne laga kya karu? Kuch hi dino me final exam...
Ye story meri aur meri mama ki beti ke sath hai. Mera naam Suvam hai, aur main Delhi mein rehta hu. Meri height 5’8″ hai, aur mere lund ka size bhi 5.5 inch hai. Ye story 4 saal pehle ki hai, jab mere mama ki beti mere ghar aayi thi. Uska naam Sarita hai, aur wo age mein mujhse ek saal badi hai. Kaafi khoobsurat thi wo dikhne mein, aur uske boobs bhi bade the aur gaand bhi moti-moti thi. Wo 1st year ki exam ki chuttiyon mein aayi thi, aur meri bhi chutti thi. Wo aur main sath mein tv dekhte...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Love is ancient. Love being the reason to become married isn’t. Marriage was an arrangement for dowries, that is property in one form or another. For kings and nobles, the dowry was most often a treaty, of tribute, trade, or peace (in order to protect property). Their daughters were held as ransom, guarantees, under the pretense their parents cared what happened to them. This presented a problem for the aristocratic husband. Their wife could still well have loyalty to their father, mother,...
Mind ControlWelcome to the maze of bondage, the possibilities are endless or at least as endless as the depravity you and I can come up with. The kinks and settings can vary depending on the writer, first of all let's decide on our setting and main character The setting can be a world from some other piece of media or just something like generic "sci fi" Same with the main character they could be supergirl or just "jane" I'd like to encourage anyone who wants to to add chapters
BDSMYou wake up in a dark room, wondering where you were. The room suddenly starts to brighten as you find yourself in a mysterious wooden maze. You walk around a bit before finding a larger room with three numbered doors. Door 1, Door 2, and Door 4. "Where's Door 3?" you think to yourself, but the truth is there never was one.
BDSMMaine khud ko samjhaya aur Bhabhi ko sidha karke meri or ghumaya. Unke lal lal lipstick lagai hue otho par apne oth rakhdiye. Idhar bhabhi ne bhi mere otho ko apne otho mein sama liye. Hum kiss karne lag gaye Main bohut der tak unke otho ka rass pi raha tha. Aur sath hi sath unki badi gaand ko bi sehala raha tha. Fir bhabhi ne apni otho ko alag kardiya aur maine unke muh ke andar meri jeeb dal di. Mere jeeb jaise hi unke jeeb ko touch ho gayi waise hi woh mujhe ekdam se chipak gayi. Woh jor...
Hello doston, sexy bhabhiyo and all hot sexy horny girls. Mera aap sabhi ko behad pyaar bharaa namaskar. Main ek college student hun. Bhopal mein rehta hun. Dikhne mein kaafi handsome aur smart hun, thoda shy nature ka hun. Aaj main aapko apne saath hui last waali behad mazedaar aur dilchasp ghatna suna raha hun. Ye story meri aur 1 bhabhi (jo gym mein saath mein thi), unke saath ki hai. Main dikhne mein to bahut smart aur handsome hun, lekin thoda patla hun. To thodi body banane ka khayaal...
Baat jab ki hai jab mai junior college me hua karta tha year 2003 ki. Mai 12th me tha aur yeh ghatna meri science ki teacher ke saath ghati hai. Hum logo ko school ki taraf se plant lagao abhiyan me bhaag mila tha. Toh principal ne kaha ke school ki terrace pe kuch plants laga do, teacher bacho ke saath mil ke. Ohhh!! Sorry teacher ke baare me toh batana hi bhool gaya. Teacher science ki ek dum mast sexy gori aur naram badan ki thi. Khaas baat uski matakti gaand ki thi. Woh 2 bacho ki maa thi...
Hello guys this is rohit again. Thanks for your replies for the sexstory. So this is the second part of this story. For the new readers I am rohit from pune 24 yrs old. This is the link for my first part of this story. For those who haven’t read the first part please read it so that you will understand this part. Jese ki aap sab ne padha ki kese last night mene aur usha ne maze kiea. Ab jab me dusre din neend se jaga to dekha ki usha jag chuki thi aur wo tayar ho rahithi. Uska beta bhi jaga...
Story start krne se pehle apne baare mai bata du mai ek kashmiri ladka hu khud ka business hai. Meri age 24 hai lund kabi measure nai kiya but kisi b ladki ya indian aunty ko satisfy krne k liye kafi hai..So ab is story ki heroine (shazia) name changed woh b ek kashmiri married lady hai uski age 32 hai uska figure mast hai. Dekh k hi lund khada hu jaye. Toh ab krte hai apni story start . Toh baat winter ki hai karib 1 saal pehle ki mai winters mai jaamu jaya krta tha kyuki kashmir mai zyada...
Hi friends, this is spartan (name change) from Hyderabad 20 years old. This has happened with my bhabhi 6months before. Her name is sameena she is 21 years old I used to call her bhabhi. Now coming to the story my family consists of me, dad, mom, sister and two elder brothers.He works in a private company. He got married 2 years ago and after marriage he got separated from us and living in a 2bhk flat with his wife. Because of traffic issues while going to the office.Days passing he used to...
Hi friends kaise ho… I’m back with my new story. I’m a regular reader and story poster. Apne introduction dete huwe kahunga k myself Insomanicman(sam),22 from surat,gujarat. Ab sidha story pe aate hai. To baat holi k din ki hai.As me event mangment ka kaam karta hu to ye bar 1 holi ka event manage karna tha,vesu,surat me. Sab kaam dham khatam karke hum sab holi ki subha ready the for the party.Sab entries chalu hui or bohot sara crowd jama hone laga.Crowd k bich public pani rang sab...
Hello guys mera naam akash h mai bhubneshwar(odisha) ka rehne wala hu meri email id() mera age 24 h with fair and cute looks meri height 6 ft h aur gaym jaane ke wajah se meri physic achi h jo ki jyadatar ladkiyo ko bohot pasand h aur is story mai jo ladki h uska naam shweta h age 21 aur fig 34 28 34 h aur bohot jyada sexy h. Jab se uski jawani ayi h tab se hi mere mind aur sapno mai uske liye kuch jyada hi sexy thought aate h najane kitne baar hilayenge honge maine uske baare mai soch kar aur...
Hello friends! Main Indian sex stoies ka regular reader hun. Aaj maine decide kiya aap sabke sath share karne ko apni woh story jo ekdum real hai. Ye baat aaj se 2 years pehle ki hai jab main college se ghar vacations mein aaya hua tha. Mere pados mein kai sexy aunties rehti hain lekin unmein gulab ka phool hain aunty rita jo umar mein toh 40 saal ki hain lekin kisi ke dil ko dhadka aur lund ko fadka sakti hain. Doodh sa gora rang, soft skin, busty boobs and best toh unki tarbooz jaisi badi...
Mera naam Ayush me aur meri age 23 hai/ Ye meri life ka pahela bisexual experience hai.. Last year ki bat hai. Mera boss NRI hai aur usaki sister bhi india aati jati raheti hai. Meri age 24 hai aur Boss ki sister neha ki age 29 hai, apr vo sex bomb hai aur me use kai bar fod chuka hun.. she is real bombshell! Par mere boss ko isake bare me kabhi pata nahi tha. Mera boss rohan, neha ka cousin brother hai aur usse last year pata chal gaya, jab me neha ke bedroom tha aur neha mera loda suck kar...
Hello friends ….. Ap muj kevin bula sakte ho. Me 19 yrs ka hu 5’7” height with 6.5-7 inch long dick. Me kai salo se iss pe stry padh raha hu. Sabki alag alag choise hoti he. Me imaginatn stry likhta hu wo bhi alag alag topic pr. Agar apko koi apke pasandida topic pr stry likhani ho, ya fir bate krni ho, ya agar apko ak accha dost chahite ho jiske sath ap apna dukh share kr sakte ho to I m alwys ready. Nd apki sari bat secret rahegi. Ap muj pr contct kr sakte ho. Apka tim waste na krte hua...
Hello ISS reader kaise ho aap sab. Main iss ka regular reader hun aur iss ka bahut bada fan hun. Maine yaha par maximum stories read kar chuka hun. Maine socha q na main bhi aap sab se apna experience share karu mera naam sameer hai mai pune me job krta ho mai aurangabad se belong krta ho mere lund ka size ģina to nhi hai but more than 6 inch hai. Ye story meri aur meri mausi ki hai.Meri mausi jinka naam shifa hai ( name changed ) meri mausi ka figutre 38-28-38 hai wo 1 house wife hai. Aur unke...
Hello friends, main iss ka bhot bada fan hu.. And main kayi saalo se stories padta aaya hu.. This is my first story so I hope you will like it. Please share your feedback and contact me for free sex Only girls aunties and bhabhies.. Muuahhh Everything will be secret and you do not have to worry about anything… I am also a human.. Chalo ab story pe aate hai.. Ham ghar me 5 log hai. Main, mera bhai, bhabhi, mom and dad. Bhai ki shadi 6 months pehle hue hai and main abhi 24 saal ka hu. Ham...
Hi everyone, this is raj from New Delhi… I am a great fan of ISS really Shayad he mujhse bada koi aur fan hoga haha :p well this is my first story of how i fucked my 33 year old maid and this is no fiction kind of shit this a true incident from my life please give your feedbacks at and any aunty or girl in Delhi wants to have sex can mail me it will be a nice to serve you and unki privacy ka me pura dhyan rakhunga that is for sure u can trust me. :) Well let me tell you something about me my...
Hi… Mera naam …Rohan verma (Name change) hai…Mai delhi ka rehne vala hu….aaj mai aap ko apne ek story btane jar aha hu k kaise maine apne cousion sister ko choda….pehele mai aap ko apne bare mai btata hu…mere hight 5.8 hai….age 23 years,,, rang gora..lund 6inch ka hai jo k maine mhut mar k lamba or mota keya hai……mere cousuon sister ka naam dipti (Name change) hai….vo muj se 3 sal chotti hai……hai….chucho ka size jayda barada hai….mai or mere cousion sister kafe frenk hai jab se hum young...
By : Gioo7 Hi all main sex stories aur sex ka dewana ho meri age 23 hai colore fair haight 5 fit 8 inch slim body my cock siz 7 inch bahoot taight jaise steel rod main apko ek story sunane ja raha ho ap is ko fack samje ya real farak nahi padhta per ye badi aag lago land uthao aur chut phado story hai. main net per aksar chat karta raheta ho koi sexy ladkiya aur lady meri friend hai unse web cam per sex chat karna apna land dikhana aur unko cam per naga karta ho meri friendship ek 30 year Old...
Hi friends mera naam sonali hai 26 yrs, 36-29-38 fair color and sexy lips and eyes. I am an MBA and working in a MNC in a gud position. Main aapko mere colllege ka kissa batana chahti hun jab mein 3 din tak 4 ladkon ke saath maze kie the aur sach mein maza aa gaya thaa. Baat us time ki hai jab main college mein tha, mere BF ka naam Rahul tha, uska 4 doston ka group thaa Rahul, Ajay, Rocky and Puri. sabki gf ki, lekin last talk aate aate sabka breakup hou gaya tha bas mujhe aur rahul ko chod...