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The company Halloween party. I hated it, but you scored big points with bosses for attending, assuming they saw you among 300 staff milling around the dim hotel ballroom. 

My costume was the same low-effort as last year: vampire teeth and a high-collared cape, hair slicked into a widow’s peak. I had just arrived, standing at the edge of the crowd, nodding and yelling pleasantries over the thumping music to coworkers as they passed.

Scanning the crowd, it seemed pirates and sexy witch costumes were still popular. Not much imagination in this crowd, but we were an accounting firm after all.

“You’re here!” An adorable Tinkerbell smiled up at me. It took a moment to recognize who it was.

“Cindy! Hi. Nice to see you.”

Her huge eyes gleamed. She pulled me into an unexpected hug, laying her head against my chest. “I’m so happy to see you again, Richard. So happy.” 

I hugged back, feeling awkward.

Cindy worked in Records, organizing and delivering files. I suspected she had a thing for me: twenty-three people worked in Records, but every time I called down for a file, it was always Cindy who delivered it. Then she lingered like a needy puppy, awkward and shy, trying to make small talk, maybe even trying to flirt.

It was cute. And she was cute: short, with a sunny face splashed with freckles, ginger hair in a short pixie cut, nice boobs and an ass maybe a little large on her short frame from her wide hips. I might have gone for her but knew the hassle I’d get from coworkers for dating a mere clerk.

Cindy released me from her hug and stood back, beaming. 

“Like my costume?” She spun. 

The Tinkerbell dress was vivid green, cut like she made it from large leaves. It left her shoulders bare, exposing more freckles that trailed to the top of her boobs straining against the bustier of the dress. Arching behind were tall fairy wings attached at the waist that spread to reveal her bare back.

She was adorable and sexy as hell.

“You look gorgeous,” I smiled. “That’s a perfect costume for you, Cindy.”

Her eyes widened and a blush appeared before she hid her face.

“I’m so glad you like it.”

“Haven’t seen you around the office lately,” I said, leaning down so she could hear over the music.

“Oh, I’ve been there,” she said. I really need a drink”

Cute as Cindy was, I wanted to schmooze the crowd, make sure at least one board member saw me, then leave. Or if I could find Rachel from Finance, maybe hook up with her again. Over a year ago we shared a scorching one-nighter I remembered fondly.

Before I realized it, we were standing at the bar. The bartender focused on my cute companion, ignoring me. Cindy ordered two shooters and downed both immediately.

“Whoa, girl. You don’t want to get hammered here. If you make a fool of yourself you could be out of a job.”

She smiled. “Liquid courage.” Again she flashed a strange expression. “Let’s dance.”

Friends have told me I dance like a scarecrow stomping cockroaches. Cindy surprised me—she was sinuous and lively, never taking her eyes off mine, holding my hands, spinning, swirling, shaking her wings.  When a ballad came on she crushed against me like an old lover and pulled my hands around her as we swayed.

During the next up-tempo song she turned her back and ground against me, the plastic wings nearly wapping my face. I held her hips, trying not to peer down her top at her lovely boobs.

The shy little mouse was turning me on. Cindy must have noticed, because she started grinding against my growing hardness and reached a hand back to run her fingertips across the back of my neck.

In moments I found us in the hall outside the ballroom, standing against a wall necking and pawing each other like teenagers. Though people walked by, Cindy guided my hand to one boob, then down her top to cup one warm bare breast. She held my hand there, eyes closed and swaying as I massaged her chest.

“Cindy,” I said, enjoying her boob and hardening nipple, “I don’t want to lead you on. We can’t do this.”

She popped open her eyes. “Sure we can. We’re doing it right now.”

Looking around self-consciously at the passersby, I said, “I’m lead actuary for manufacturing and transport and, uh—”

“—and I’m only a clerk, right?”

“Well, yeah. Sorry.”

She tugged my hand out of her top. “Richard, you’re not really like that. Everyone else on your floor treats me like garbage. You always talked to me. Joked with me. Even when I just stood in your door trying...”

I raised an eyebrow “Trying...?”

“Trying to ask you out. Trying not to kiss you. Trying not to jump you!” She flushed then turned away. 

Wow. She really did have a thing for me. I had no idea it was that bad.

I put a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face me. “Hey,” I said, lifting her chin. “I’m sorry. All day I’m surrounded by arrogant pricks. It’s easy to become one too. You’re right. Fuck what people think.”

She looked up. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” I smiled.

We stood for a moment looking at each other in silence. 

“Sooo...” I said, “You wanted to jump me in my office? Seriously?”

Cindy blushed again. “Worse. I wanted to hide under your desk and blow you while you had a meeting. I wanted to bend over your desk and beg you to take me like a dog. I wanted... oh, I wanted lots of things.”

It was my turn to blush. “So naughty. You're really dirty for a G-rated fairy, Tink.”

She grinned. “I’m thinking more dirty things right now. Want to try them?”

I considered. There would be consequences, but with the way she was looking at me I didn’t care.

“Your place or mine?” I said.

“No! We can’t leave! Uh, I mean, why wait? Let’s find a place here. Then we can go.” She stood and yanked me towards the foyer.

Chuckling, I followed. Who could have guessed the mousy little clerk would be so hot and so eager?

The coatroom was all we could find. Long, narrow, and abandoned, the rows of coats hid us from view and muffled sound. I pressed Cindy face-first against the far wall, massaging both breasts from behind while nipping and kissing the back of her neck and shoulders.

Cindy giggled with delight and reached back to rake her nails up my neck and back of my head, sending jolts straight to my dick. Soon I was working her panties down her legs to begin toying with her already slick pussy.

“Is this how you wanted me to take you? From behind?”

“Yes. Oh, God, yes...”

I kept playing with her, enjoying how worked up she was getting. When I swiped a fingertip lightly across her swollen clit, Cindy gasped and stiffened, holding my hand firm between her legs. I felt contractions and more wetness. The little hottie had come from only a few moments of being played with.

While she recovered, I undid my pants and let them fall. Despite the risk of us getting caught, I wanted to fuck her right there.

Bending her forward, I flipped up the hem of her leafy dress to bare her lovely wide bum, pale and firm. Her pink slit was puffy and glistening with readiness. Cindy cooed and wriggled when I rubbed myself along her opening from behind. 

She pushed back and gave a small squeak when I popped just past the tight ring of her opening. She felt glorious. Her bare back and neck, flushed from excitement and her submissive position was beyond sexy. I would have to concentrate if I was going to last.

We groaned in unison when I sank into her deeper. She braced against the wall when I grabbed her hips and started working in and out, sliding deeper each time until I was balls deep in her steamy snug passage. Cindy lifted her head and looked back. Her expression of lust and eagerness made my heart lurch.

I started taking her from behind, pulling out before smoothly sinking back in while she braced herself, moaning and panting. She was so short I had to bend my knees low to get the right angle. Cindy helped by tilting her hips and spreading her legs wide, offering herself completely.

After a few strokes, Cindy straightened, dislodging me from her wonderful passage. She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I want to see your face while you fuck me,” she breathed. “I miss seeing your face.”

She nearly knocked me over when she jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist and kissing me hard. I grabbed her ass to support her and pushed her back against the coatroom wall. Cindy held one hand behind my neck and used the other to line me up with her opening. She sighed with joy as I pushed all the way in. She felt incredible, and her look of happiness made it even better. 

I fucked her hard, jamming her against the wall as she clung and moaned, her legs clamped around me, my hands supporting her under her ass. I couldn’t recall ever being so turned on, so eager, so hungry. I didn’t really know her, yet felt we shared some connection I wanted to explore.

Later. At the moment my only thought was fucking her, reveling in the sensation of her lush body against mine, the warm slick grip of her tight passage, her delightful gasps and groans of pleasure. 

“Slow down,” she breathed. “Please... make it last.”

I tried. Taking a breath, I stopped hammering her like a rutting teenager and began to take her lovingly; pushing in slow enough to feel every ridge of her passage, every squeeze of my dick. Once fully embedded, I gave her short little thrusts that drew unladylike grunts of passion from her, then pulled out with agonizing slowness only to repeat the process.

Cindy started panting, her eyes alternating between looking deep into mine, looking down to where we joined, then becoming lidded, losing focus as the sensations overtook her, head lolling.

However long we kept at it I couldn’t tell. Cindy urged me on as I took her, whispering “fuck me, take me, use me, love me” between animal grunts and joyful gasps, working back against me, trying to force me as deep into her as I could go.

I gritted my teeth and maintained control, fucking the hot little wonder until she froze, looked at me wide-eyed then drew me into her hard as she came. Inside, the steady squeezing sensation and the knowledge I had made her come again sent me exploding into release. I filled her again and again with everything I had, continuing to ram into her, never wanting it to end. Finally I softened and slipped from her, drained and weak.

We found ourselves on the tile of the floor, overcoats above us, laughing and caressing, kissing and embracing. 

“Wow... I should have dragged you into a coatroom years ago. That was great.” I smiled at Cindy. “YOU were great.”

She stroked my cheek, smiling, still flushed and breathing hard. Then her smile became that odd sad look again.

“What?” I asked. “I didn’t live up to your fantasies?”

Cindy hugged me, but somehow I barely felt it. I shivered, feeling a chill. 

“Oh, Richard. It was better than I imagined. So much better. Yes, we should have done it a long time ago.”

“Well then, let’s go to my place. Make up for lost time.” I kissed her, but my lips felt numb, like I had been at the dentist.

“We can’t.”

“Of course we can. Don’t worry. I don’t care who sees us leaving together. Fuck ‘em.”

“No. It’s not that.” She paused. “Richard, what do you remember about this past year? Since the last Halloween party?”

“What do you mean? It was another ordinary year in boring old insurance. Nothing much changes, right?”

“Do you remember an employee died on the night of the party last year?”

I tried to recall, but my memories were more feelings than anything vivid. Maybe there was something...

“Uh, I think I remember something about that. Why? Wasn’t anyone I knew or I would have heard. There are so many people in our building.”

Cindy squeezed my arm, but there was numbness and cold.

“Richard, there’s a reason you don’t remember seeing me much this past year.”

She was looking at me a little strange. I felt odd. Sick. Cindy lay beside me but when I looked at her, it was like she was far away.

“Oh,” I laughed. “This is a ghost story, right? For Halloween? Let me guess: it was you who died. Now you’ve come back from the beyond to fuck your dream guy. Not very original, Cindy. Plenty of movies are like that. Though I never understood how anyone could fuck a ghost.”

Cindy pursed her lips. “There are ways.”

She seemed even further away, and I felt queasy. I was beginning to suspect food poisoning from the buffet earlier. 

“No,” she said, “I didn’t come back, Richard. You did.”

I laughed even as my vision swam and a cold sickness washed through me. Yep, food poisoning for sure. I’d sue the hotel. I’d sue the firm.

“Okay, sure,” I snorted. “Somehow I died and never noticed. The firm must be delighted I’m such a good ‘spirit’, working hard all year despite the minor handicap of, you know... being dead.”

Cindy looked at me gravely. “Do you really remember the past year?”

“Of course! We had the... there was the... oh, and that time when...” Fog. Nothing from last year was clear, yet I recalled events from years before perfectly.

“That night,” Cindy said, “I was here. Waiting, in this costume. I picked it out just for you. I was determined to finally tell you how I felt. Like I did tonight.” She turned away and sobbed then looked back. “You never showed. On Monday they emailed everyone saying you died. Collision with some drunk driver on your way here.”

“That’s morbid, Cindy. This isn’t funny anymore.”

“I couldn’t stand it. Years fantasizing about you, only to lose you just when I finally worked up some courage? It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t right. So I did something. Something I shouldn’t have.”

“What?” I said, still feeling ill but not buying a word of it. “You cloned me, or turned me into a zombie, or made me into a brain in a jar or something?”

“My family is strong in, uh... certain arts. It’s in our blood going back centuries. I don’t practice much anymore, but my sisters and aunts do. It took all of us to do it, but sometimes you can recall a soul. Just once, for a few hours. Make them mostly corporeal, but to only one person if their will is strong. You must have noticed no one else saw you tonight.”

I thought back to everyone passing me in the ballroom. The bartender. No one actually spoke to me, or even nodded in my direction. I just figured either they didn’t recognize me in the costume or didn’t hear.

Cindy continued: “The spell probably only worked because you died on Halloween when the spirit world is so close. That helps a lot. And because I was determined to see you again.”

She looked at me with anguish. “It was selfish not to let you rest. I’m sorry. And there will be hell to pay... literally.”

It wasn’t possible. She was putting me on. But something rang true. All night I felt odd. It was the same feeling I got when I had to travel on business for more than a week—that grimy, disjointed weariness of being away too long. I couldn’t even recall how I got to the party.

Cindy seemed even further away now, and I felt fuzzy, sick and confused. 

I heard her sobbing. “I’m sorry, Richard. But it was worth it. So worth it. I finally got to have you. I finally got to tell you.”

Somehow she grabbed me and kissed me hard. That time I felt it: blazing hot, full of lust, full of love, and full of regret from what might have been if I hadn’t worried what people thought, if she had found courage earlier, if we had just followed our hearts.

I tried hugging her back, tried telling her it was okay, tried telling her I... but she was gone. I was gone. Forever.

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The InheritanceChapter 2

As I headed towards the cookhouse, I could smell bread baking. My mouth started watering. Agnes Higgins was probably the best range cook I’d ever met. Short, heavy, and mean. That is if you crossed her, but the milk of human kindness if you took the time to get to know her. I started on her good side by bringing in game to add to her larder. Later she took the time to point out wild herbs and plants to add to the menu. Walking in the back door of the cookhouse, Mrs. Higgins started yelling,...

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No Crime in the SuburbsPart 3

James Douglas has visited his young neighbors twice since the day he changed their lives forever. The girls’ initial reluctance is fading fast, and they engage in all the sexual adventures that he can dream up—for the most part willingly. He fucks fifteen-year-old Becca in every position he can think of, and a few that are her idea. Little Emma is envious of her big sister. Fucking is so grown up! But Mr. Douglas tells Emma that she’s too young and he doesn’t want to hurt her. “At least wait...

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I couldn,t believe I was shafting a classy beauty like Maria Schroeder. I knew it wouldn’t, go on much longer as I was due at Maguire Air Base, New Jersey in late September to be flown to the base in Chateauroux in France, But was enjoyimg every moment of every fuck session and a few mornings later she was sitting almost in my lap as I manoeuvred my old 51 Chevy along the dusty country road as we approached one of my secret fishing spots where we were most unlikely to be disturbed and could be...

2 years ago
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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIIChapter 6

“Alene!” Nadia squealed with excitement “I can’t believe my eyes, you’re back.” “Well, better believe-em, here I am,” Alene said, both girls smiled. Nadia wasted no time and ran up the stairs, her naked body crushed against Alene’s and the girls hugged and kissed like the long-lost lovers they are. “Did you mean what you said Alene? Will you marry me?” Nadia asked. “Yes, I want nothing more...” Alene said, and a grin spread across her face, “But we have to do a few things first.” “Like...

4 years ago
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Meeting My Old West Hooker Rachel in College

At one time in our lives we all have met that crazy “quirky” girl who made us laugh and was sexy in a funny way. Well I was fifty-seven and taking some college courses part-time when I met forty- something Rachel. She was a very skinny women and kind of plain in a rustic way, no make-up, granny glasses, but don’t get me wrong she still was a good looking woman. What drew me to her was her eccentric dress. Rachel dressed like an 1880’s old west bar girl, long skirts, high laced boots, cotton...

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The Perfect Pussy Ch 06

(Author’s Note: As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my story and hope you enjoy it. I know I am not the perfect writer, but if you find something that will help me improve or have good or bad comments, please, let me know. Thanks!) * Hefting Kimber up on her hip, Keni walked out to the mail box and opened it. The usual pile greeted her, but it was the car parked across the road that caught her attention. She didn’t need to see Waylon to know he was sitting there,...

4 years ago
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I phone you in your office, I am actually sitting outside your building looking up at your window. I tell you that I'm downstairs and would really like to see you, "ohhhhhh and by the way... I have no knickers on". I know you are looking out your window at me, I am wearing a skirt just above my knees and I part my legs just a bit to give you an impression..... you cant see detail from where you are, but you get the general idea.You come down to meet me, its the first time we meet in person. You...

Wife Lovers
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Brians lust

Brian was 16, he was a good kid not a real bright spark at school but he did well, and he got on well with most people though he always seemed just a little shy. He had never been big for his age and at times he had been subjected to a bit of bullying but he had handled it and got on with life and hadn't let it worry him to much, but one thing did worry him and it worried him alot. From the age of about 13 Brian had been jerking off, most times at least once a day, sometimes two or three times...

3 years ago
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Aunt Daughter Me Night Session

Hi everybody. Am Chandru again with the story that happened on that date night session with my aunty Arasi and her daughter Kavi. As I was asked to stay at my aunt’s house, I stayed. My mind was thinking about my aunt’s words ” be ready to be fucked by cow and calf”. It was about 9.00 pm, I was watching television in Hall. My aunt and Kavi went inside the bedroom and had conversation regarding our love and that sex session. Suddenly Kavi came out crying saying that Arasi wants to talk with me...

2 years ago
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My Real Story

Hello Readers,  From a long time I have been reading and found of personal stories. I am sure everybody has a sexual experiences to share with, maybe in teens or before marriage, extramarital affair, wife etc.. After enjoying so many stories it’s my turn to make you masturbate reading it and thinking about it (I don’t think that girls are reading such stories – if they are then am sure they will also enjoy it and will be desperately needing to put something inside her). I am 38 and still look...

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Convent From Hell Ch 03

Inspired by the erotic comic Convent Of Hell by Ricardo Barrierio and Ignacio Noe. Zoë walked into the great hall, flanked by her two new friends. Surprised to find it filled with other nuns, many having opened their habits, many using their crucifixes like Tabitha had earlier this evening, plunging them in and out of their pussies in an effort to get off. The scent of sex filled the air. They walked down the aisle amid a sea of salt and pepper, a few white habits among a vast quantity of...

4 years ago
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an inturepted night with me and my man

I've been with many women, threesomes, group sex etc. but this is the story of my first ffm experience. My husband and I were sort of new to the swinging thing. We'd had a few experiences, but it always seems to be easier to find men than women. We had recently moved there and didn't know many people yet. We met a few. Had a small circle of friends. Mostly men that he and I had threesomes with. But one night, he and I were having fun. Drinking, smoking and doing some pills. We were...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 16

Ed shoveled the last of the concrete into the hole. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he looked over the fence posts that he had just installed. Each post was braced and embedded in concrete. An entire day had been spent digging holes, bracing the posts, mixing the concrete, and setting the fence posts. The concrete needed to dry overnight, but it would be next weekend before he could finish the fence. At least the concrete would be well cured. Kelly had been begging for a privacy fence ever...

2 years ago
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Problem Solved

I really wasn’t thinking about anything….just kind of rolling along… so it took a few seconds for her to register on my radar. Sneaking up toward 60 my eye sight isn’t what it once was but even at a distance I could tell that a very shapely woman was standing by the side of the road….and she was not happy! As I approached I let my truck slow and focused on the woman in the dark shorts and top….long dark hair, legs from here to heaven, with a gorgeous dark olive complexion. Her face was...

1 year ago
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The Hitcher

~Hey, hope you enjoy. Send me suggestions and please add some threads~ Mia was singing along to the song that was blasting out of her radio, when all of a sudden her car started to sputter and than die. Her new sporty car drifted to the side of the road and than died. "Great. Just great." She muttered, getting out of the car. She bent down and popped the top, moving her long black hair out of the way to peer in. Seeing only smoke, she slammed the lid down. She got into her car and pulled out...

3 years ago
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Future PerfectChapter 20

I handed Grant the data terminal, and spent the next few days walking around in a daze. Somewhere, Jenny was possibly frozen in a state of suspended animation, waiting for me to awaken her. I had no idea whether she ever arrived at her destination, or even where it was. All I knew was that locating it would become my top priority. Just the possibility that Jenny and I could be together once more gave me fresh hope, and determination to prevail against the odds. As expected, Matthias arrived...

2 years ago
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My first WET Dream still so frighteningly to me

Wet dreams mostly happen, I guess when our bodies are changing in adolescence as we near our most sexually active. I was always randy before my teens, masturbating at least three times a day. Despite this large outlet of semen my body must have needed to force more out,!wet dreams are such a powerful happening. It’s like a rapture, so very intense. Here was mine, I will try to explain, this is how I remember it .. but dreams are somewhat difficult to explain sometimesI am in some kind of motor...

4 years ago
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What Youre Missing Part One

Introduction: A girl in a small town comes out as a lesbian, but her happiness it not long lived. A long time admirer soon seeks to show her what shes missing. It felt amazing, it felt . . . freeing. To be out, out at last! All those years, all those casual dates with boys, all those lies to her parents, and now she was out of the closet. She was a lesbian, and everybody knew. It felt fantastic. She had never liked boys. She didnt know why, exactly, but something about them repulsed her. They...

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The Need To FlashChapter 6

The last summer we were together, Melissa and I decided to take a trip to Orlando. Since our main objective was to have some all-out fun at the big theme parks, we took Katie with us. We flew down and made ourselves comfortable in a hotel. Of course we shared a room with two beds. It would be a five-day stay. During the day, we had fun at the parks; at night, we had a different kind of fun. I discovered that the hotel room provided the perfect excuse to flash myself in more blatant ways....

2 years ago
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Trainil Auntyai Thadavi Correct Seithu Oothen

Hi friends, nanum en nanabnum chennai chepak stadium selalam endru mudivu seithu irunthom. Bus il selalama alathu train il selalama endru thitam potu kondu irunthom. En nanban train il selalam athil thaan kasu kamiyaaga agum endru solinan. Sari va machi naam trainile selalam endru mudivu seithu irunthom. Kaliyil trainil iruvarum selvatharku kathu kondu irunthom, anru iru pengal irunthaargal, avargalai sight adithu kondu irunthom. Iru pengalin amma irunthaal, aunty parka sexiyaaga kanadi potu...

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Road Trip Adventure

Katie and I had both recently turned twenty-seven years old and had been married for about three years. We met after college and somehow just knew we were right for each other.We'd been working hard trying to establish a foothold in our separate careers, and finally an opportunity arose for us to take a few days together away from our jobs.It was early summer and the bright warmth of the sun and clear blue sky helped us make up our minds. We had an urge to head out on the open road to see some...

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A fight with my husband

One tuesday evening my husband and I had a stupid argument about a small thing. The argument eventually turned into a big disagreement that went on for over 2 hrs and eventually we went to separate rooms and slept by ourselves that night. The next morning I got my daughter ready for crèche and after dropping her off at crèche I went back home. My husband waited at home for me to try sort out our disagreement form the night before. We were fighting about the fact that I wanted to buy myself a...

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CoOperative CathyChapter 2

Miro lay back on the sofa and stared lovingly at his girlfriend, Cathy. She was so beautiful. He wanted so much to be naked... completely naked and Cathy naked too. She could lean over above him and let her wonderful, long hair caress his naked body. He pictured her small, firm breasts with their perky, upthrust nipples. It turned him on when she got aroused and those little nipples stuck out from her breasts like little cocks. Cathy was horny. She seemed always to be horny, maybe more than...

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In April, 1971 Sarah and I had only six weeks left to serve in the Air Force having served seven years seven months a three stripe Sergeant living in a modern open plan apartment in a block of eight apartments. Next door neighbour Captain Frank was away in Indiana on leave and had told us he planned to ask his girl friend Anita to marry him. He,d told us they,d been engaged for over a year and it was about time they got married(she said Yes and they married in Juky). So Sarah had only me now...

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Virtual Reality Girl

Joanna's best friend Tiffani had called her up and invited her over to see something very special. Tiffani was very secretive on the phone as to what it was. She said it was something that Joanna would never believe in a million years. With her curiosity peaked Joanna left her home immediately and soon arrived at Tiffani's house. Joanna rang the bell and within a few seconds Tiffani opened the door. They hugged upon seeing each other as old friends often do. Once the hug was broken,...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Dana Dearmond My Girlfriends Mom

Rion King arrives at a home with a box in hand. He knocks but no one answers. He has a key to the place, which he uses and walks in. As he explores the house, he discovers Dana DeArmond in a room, naked, covered in NURU gel and practicing NURU techniques alone. She doesn’t notice him and he watches, getting turned on. Dana is mortified when she discovers Rion watching. Dana’s daughter Jenny (Rion’s girlfriend) asked him to drop off some massage supplies for Dana, but Jenny got...

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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 9 Daughterrsquos Naughty Futa Scheme

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I panted, my cock buried in Mrs. Reyes’s pussy. The pantyhose I’d torn through ripped a little farther across her right butt-cheek, exposing more of the golden-brown flesh beneath. It looked so hot peeking through. I grinned at that. She had a great ass. So perky and bubbly. She was perfect for my plans, but I wanted to have more fun with her. I shuddered and pulled my girl-dick out of her. My sixteen-year-old body quivered. It had...

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Mummy Ki Chudai Paraye Mard Se Part 8211 2

Hi desi hot sex readers jaisa ki aap sab jante ho ki kaise humare upar ke kamre me rent pe rahne wala uncle mummy ki line marne ki kosish karta hai lakin jab mummy ko pata chal jata hai tab mummy unke upar bahut gussa karti hai. Jisse uncle bahut dar jate hai. Uss din ke bad se karib 3-4 din tak mummy kapde sukhane bahar nhi aayi. Lakin 3-4 din ke bad mummy kapde sukha rahi thi. Mummy bar bar upar ki taraf dekh rhi thi lakin upar uncle nhi the . Lakin thodi der bad hi maine dekha uncle bahar...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Brandi Love Second Appearance

Life has been tough without Mr. Palms around. Recently he has been committed to a rehabilitation facility after suffering a breakdown. Apparently his life of cuckdom has affected him quite badly. His wife Brandi has been fucking so many men. He has even been forced to watch. Now his son is left bitter and upset having to look at his horrible stepmother. What more pain could she possibly inflict on the family. Today young Johnny would find out. Chilling with a couple of his childhood friends his...

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Having sex with daddy beside my computer

Having your knickers ride up the crack in your ass is uncomfortable, but today I am wearing a thong, and you know what, it is one size too small, for the simple reason, it cuts me in half and shows my womanhood as if I were nude and painted with the wispiest of black shadings, my crotch is a delight to behold, and the taut string is wet due to my clitoris being massaged as I walk amongst men willing to rip this flimsy garment with their teeth, oh God, I am having another orgasm right where I...

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