Stacy s Birthday
- 2 years ago
- 61
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The office bitch. The woman who didn?t know her place. Gary?s stoolie.
Stacy had been called all manner of things. She didn?t care. She knew who held the power in this office. Contrary to the belief of all the other workers, Stacy had not slept with her boss. In fact, she had not slept with any man in over a year. She supposed this could be why she was referred to as ?the office bitch.? The title gave her some power, however, and she loved to wield it. She would often smart off to her superiors because she and her target both knew that Gary, the office manager, would do nothing to upset his favorite worker.
Not that Stacy would ever give the overweight, balding Gary the time of day. No, her short khaki skirt and feminine black sleeveless sweater that showed entirely too much breast to be considered profressional were just a tease. She didn?t have time for a relationship anyway?there was too much work to be done, too many accounts to secure, and too many people to step on with her tan 4? heels.
She was working late this night. Everyone, including Gary, had left early because it was Memorial Day weekend. The office was the headquarters for a medium sized company that sold point-of-sale systems to retail locations. Stacy knew that those places were often busy on holiday weekends and that their managers would likely be working. As a salesperson, Stacy knew an opportunity when she saw one. She was almost finished setting up cold calls for the next day. No one else would be here all weekend, so she would have three full days to get ahead.
Stacy rose from her chair, smoothing her short skirt, and began to make her way to the coffee maker across the office. She could smell that the coffee was nearly, if not completely ready.
Her cup was sitting near the coffee maker. She picked up the cup and poured in the coffee. She noticed, with disgust, that Jerry had neglected to supply cream and sugar. His only job was office assistant. He didn?t do anything important; just get coffee, buy supplies, and stare at her every time she got up. He was really quite irritating. Six foot tall and extremely lanky with glasses and a hawkish nose, Jerry was hardly Stacy?s type. He was also a bit on the creepy side as he rarely spoke and often merely grinned his slimy grin in her direction.
Her thoughts were interrupted as all the lights in the office suddenly came on. Stacy dropped her cup and hot coffee splashed on her foot. She jumped back and felt a hand grab her shoulder length dirty-blond hair.
Screaming, Stacy tried to turn around. A very strong, bony hand grabbed her right arm and pushed her toward a cleared, sturdy table in the middle of the office. Stacy was toned, but only 5?2? and not much of a fighter. The man had no trouble picking her up and slamming her onto the wooden table.
Gasping for breath and fighting tunnel vision, Stacy focused on her attacker. She instantly recognized Jerry. He jumped onto her and placed his bony butt squarely in her stomach, forcing the air from her diaphragm. As Stacy struggled weakly, he bound her wrists together with silver masking tape. The table was long enough to accommodate Stacy?s entire body stretched out. The tape was run around her wrists and then around the table, securing them firmly in place.
As soon as Stacy got her breath back she began kicking at Jerry. Her attacker merely grinned his creepy grin and began taping her ankles to the legs of the table. Her legs were spread painfully apart and her groin muscles were protesting as the table was around five feet wide. Jerry stepped back and admired his handiwork.
?Let me go you fucking creep!? Stacy screamed at him, pulling at her bonds. ?I?m going to have you fired!?
Jerry laughed a bit as he pushed her khaki skirt up to her hips, easily exposing her blue thong panties. Two snips from a nearby set of scissors and her panties were in his hands. As she continued screaming at him, he shoved the panties into her mouth and secured them with even more masking tape. He also wrapped the tape around table, immobilizing her head.
She followed him with her eyes as best she could. His motives were fairly transparent, however. He dropped his pants and a huge penis showed itself. Stacy screamed into her gag anew. He mounted her and, without ceremony, thrust himself into her clenched pussy. The pain was intense as he tore through her dry vagina. The look on his face was sheer ecstasy. Somewhere in the back of her head she wondered if the brute was a virgin.
She tried to distance herself from the situation. She tried to retreat to somewhere safe within her head. It was hard, however, as Jerry constantly did disgusting and strange things to her. Once he licked her forehead. His breath was terrible and his teeth looked rotten. Her sweater was quickly pulled up over her head exposing her bra and depriving her of sight. His assault slowed as he attempted to remove her bra. Eventually he decided to simply rip it off. The bra was surprisingly tough and only yielded Stacy?s 36D breasts after causing her quite a bit of pain. He then mauled them roughly with his teeth. A few times he bit so hard that she thought he was going to leave a huge gaping hole in her breast. Luckily, although he seemed to be trying for her nipple, he had terrible aim and most of the mauling occurred on the meaty part of her breasts.
Soon Jerry was going crazy, howling at the top of his lungs and pumping into her with inhuman force.
Although he was only five inches long, hardly the longest Stacy had accommodated, he made up for it with sheer maddened strength. Still, he did not cum. For ten minutes he pushed and pushed, harder then Stacy would?ve thought possible, cramping her already strained thigh muscles. His untrimmed, dirty claws were now digging into her soft flesh; one on her left breast and the other on her right arm. She could feel blood oozing down her arm onto the table.
Time went by and Jerry became even more frenzied. Stacy was screaming into her panty gag as loudly as she could. She wished this lunatic would just orgasm and be done with her! Her legs were on fire and she was shocked that the tape holding them in place was still working.
Harder and harder he slammed into her, bruising her entire vaginal area. Her breast was throbbing where his nails were digging into it.
Suddenly the man reared up and placed his hands on her throat. He began choking her as his body stiffened. Stacy, completely immobilized, was powerless to get him off of her. As she blacked out she was only somewhat conscious of him cumming in her bruised and battered sex and then collapsing on top of her.
Stacy woke some time later. Jerry was still on top of her. He did not appear to be breathing. She struggled but was unable to free herself. Not only had she been raped, but her rapist was laying dead on top of her and no one was likely to come in to the office for the rest of the weekend. She remembered that Jerry had used a pair of scissors to cut her bra?maybe they were still nearby. She grasped around with her hand for what seemed like hours. Slowly she was able to stretch the tape a bit.
Just as she was about to give up in exhaustion, she felt the metal handle of the scissors. Gingerly she slid them toward her, not wanting to lose her grip or send them sliding off the other side. She was able to get them open and around the tape that held her hands over her head. She could not, however, get them to close. Instead, she very slowly sawed the tape across the scissors. Once the tape was nicked, she was able to pull her hands free of the table, though they remained taped to each other.
She used her still bound hands to shove the corpse of her rapist off of her ravaged body, which landed with a sickening thud, and pull her sweater from over her face. She was able to maneuver the scissors in such a way as to cut the tape from her wrists and then her ankles. She stood up, wobbly from having no food or water overnight. She ripped the gag from her mouth and spat the panties out. She was desperately thirsty.
She jumped off the table, nearly onto the maniacs corpse. She looked down at him. He still had a disgusting leer on his face, even in death. She could still see the cum and blood all around his cock. It was also in her sex, oozing down her inner thigh. She was disgusted.
Stacy realized she still held the pair of scissors and gave in to a wild impulse. She stabbed the dead rapist repeatedly, screaming obscenities at him as if this would somehow atone for what he had done to her. She stabbed him in the eyes, the throat, the face, and the crotch. She left the scissors in his crotch, wedged between his balls, and laughed at the absurdity of it.
Not that seeing a man?s crotch stapled to the ground with office scissors is normally something that Stacy would find amusing; she was just not quite feeling herself at the moment.
With a satisfied grunt and a sigh, the little blond turned about and limped her way to the water cooler which sat beside the coffee maker. Everything below her waist felt like one big bruise, and walking was agonizing. Halfway to her destination, she removed her heels and tossed them behind her. Much better, she thought.
It occurred to her that the smell of fresh coffee would probably always be a bad thing in her mind from here on out, which was a shame, as coffee was one of her favorite things in the world. Maybe she could try tea.
She drank five cups of water from the water cooler before she felt as if she were going to vomit.
Bracing against the wall with one hand and panting at the floor, Stacy tried to decide her next move. Which brought her to a problem.
Normally, after having been raped, one would call the cops. That was all well and good, and it was obvious that she had been raped, but what would the cops think about the mutilated corpse?
Would they think she murdered him after the rape? Would that constitute as self defense, if they did?
Stacy was terrified of the idea of being blamed for this creep?s death.
Should she try to hide the body? Oh, how silly, she thought. It?s not as if she?d done anything wrong; he?d raped her then died on top of her!
Unfortunately, she?d then gone and stabbed him repeatedly, which would make her story of him having died while raping her at least questionable.
She decided to call the cops. She?d explain everything. Once she came clean, they?d know what to do, and if she had to get a lawyer to defend herself, then so be it.
Stacy picked up an office phone and dialed 911.
?911, what is your emergency?? the operator said.
?I?ve just been raped.? Stacy replied.
?Okay ma?am, are you injured??
?No. Yes. Sort of. My?um?can you just send an ambulance, please??
?Of course, ma?am, but we need to know the severity of your injuries. And are you sure the rapist has left??
?My injuries aren?t that bad, I guess. And, no, he hasn?t left?he?s dead.?
?Pardon me, did you say dead??
?Yes. He died while raping me.?
?Okay. So I guess we can assume that, for the moment, you?re safe??
?Yes, fine, it?s not a huge emergency, just please get someone out here, okay?!?
After that, the operator asked her for her name and address, which Stacy willingly supplied, then said they would have a squad car and ambulance out as soon as possible.
The ambulance arrived first, of course. As it was late, they had to buzz Stacy?s office in order for her to let them in, which she did.
She?d left the body exactly as it had been once she was done with her revenge. She was trying to do everything she could think of to be sure she didn?t get blamed for any of this.
Yes, she?d lost it and gone crazy stabbing him? after he was dead. Surely some sort of autopsy would confirm that, right? Things like this happened all the time on TV.
Apparently the EMS team didn?t watch many crime shows as they were shocked at what they saw when they arrived. Neither of them particularly wanted to approach the blond at all, thinking she must be some sort of psycho and might be holding something sharp behind her back.
They loaded the corpse onto a stretcher, covered it, and brought it downstairs to the ambulance, but only after assuring Stacy they would be right back to tend to her.
After fifteen minutes of hazily trying to make shapes or figures out of the blood stains on the office carpet, Stacy realized they hadn?t returned.
She looked out the office window, which sat eight stories above the road, and saw that the ambulance was still there. There was a cop car now, too.
Were they expecting her to go down to them? That seemed rather odd.
She waited a few more minutes, then looked again. Both vehicles were still there, but no uniformed men.
Good, she thought, maybe they were finally coming back up. What the hell were they waiting for?
Come up they did, only not with guns instead of sympathy.
Three cops came in the door first and ordered her to put her hands up. She was furious.
?What the hell are you doing?? she yelled at the officer, ?he raped me!?
?We understand, ma?am,? they replied in infuriatingly calm voices, ?but after seeing the condition of his body, we have to take precautions. Please put your hands up so we can check you for weapons.?
?Oh for god?s sake,? she mumbled, while raising her hands.
She was quickly patted down by two male police officers who determined that she had no weapons.
They then proceeded to pull her hands behind her back and cuff them.
?Wait,? she screamed, pulling away, ?what the fuck are you doing!??
?We need to bring you in and get a statement from you.?
?I?ll go with you, you don?t have to handcuff me!?
?We?re more comfortable this way.?
?Well I?m not!?
They?d managed to get her hands cuffed and were roughly leading her out of the office by her arm.
?Why are you treating me like this?? she asked, ?I didn?t do anything wrong!?
?Ma?am, did you see what you did to that poor guy?s body??
She had to admit that, outside of her rage, she really hadn?t taken a close look. It was probably pretty nasty.
?What does that matter?? she asked, ?he died while raping me, not from the scissors.?
?Are you qualified to make that sort of judgment? Can you be completely certain he was dead??
?Okay, look, he choked me then died on top of me. I was unconscious, then when I shoved him off me, he just fell. So obviously he was dead.?
?Ah, so now he choked and raped you,? the cop said as he pushed her into the back seat of the cop car.
At this point, Stacy, being an intelligent woman, realized she needed to shut up and wait for a lawyer. Although they hadn?t technically arrested her, she was still being escorted to the police station in the back of a squad car while wearing handcuffs to make a statement regarding someone she?d stabbed repeatedly. Anything she said would most likely be used against her. Just like on TV.
?Gary, thank god,? Stacy said from behind bars as an officer opened the door.
She?d used her one phone call to get in touch with the one person she knew was lonely enough to be at home, not to mention most likely to come bail her out.
?What the hell happened, Stacy?? he asked her.
She told him the whole story, surprising herself at how quickly she confided every little detail to someone that she typically didn?t respect in the slightest.
?Wow, that?s rough,? he responded.
Stacy looked at him sardonically.
?Wow that?s rough?? she echoed, ?that?s it? I get raped, then arrested, and all you have to say is ?Wow that?s rough???
?Well, it is,? Gary replied, ?what more do you want me to say??
?Oh my god. Just take me home, Gary.?
?Oh, about that. I can?t take you home. See, you?re actually being held without bail, but I convinced a buddy of mine to let me bring you home as long as I kept an eye on you.?
?Yeah, so you?re going home with me. And don?t try anything funny, either, because all I have to do is make one phone call and suddenly you?re an escaped convict?understand??
Stacy looked at her boss with wide, disbelieving eyes.
?Gary,? Stacy said, sounding scared, ?what the hell is going on here??
?I thought it was obvious,? Gary replied, ?I?m doing you a favor, getting you out of that cell. I figure you can repay me, maybe with a beejay or three??
?Take me back to the police station, NOW,? Stacy said, folding her arms over her chest.
?Oh, no can do, there?s some guys from the office at my house waiting for us right now,? Gary said, ?I wouldn?t want to disappoint.
Gary was slowing for a red light. Stacy had decided she was going to bail out of the car and walk back to the police station and turn herself in.
The night?s events were making her head swim, and all she knew was that she wanted back to the relative safety of the holding cell.
Before the car slowed enough for her to comfortably jump for it, though, a wasp with a stinger the size of Canada stung her in the left hip.
Actually it was a tazer, and it wasn?t even set very high, but that was more than enough to set her to twitching about like a fish out of water and feeling as if she had magma for blood.
Gary watched her eyes roll up into the back of her head as she jerked about violently enough to shake the car, blond hair flying every which way.
He tazed her twice more on low before getting her home, keeping her in a constant state of convulsion.
He didn?t care if it was hurting her. Bitch deserved it.
It's a bright, beautiful weekend day, and Stacy the Asian pharmacist is on her way home after an early afternoon of playing tennis with a friend. She's changed out of her white tennis shirt and into a dark brown halter top, which shows off her slender shoulders and accentuates her little B-cup breasts. She still has on her white tennis skirt though, as she didn't have time to change fully, since she's in a rush to pick up her kids from day care. Her smooth slender-yet-shapely legs work...
To Stacy's surprise, the stewardess greeting them at the plane's door--Lynda--is a customer at her pharmacy back home. Lynda is in her late thirties, about 5'7 with long dark hair, brown eyes, breasts that are easily 36-Bs and curves that make her the virtual poster girl for the "coffee, tea or me" jokes that still circulate airlines to this day. Lynda greets Stacy with a hug, and the young Vietnamese woman's nerve endings tingle at the light, friendly raking of Lynda's nails at the...
Stacy Lancaster was working on her makeup when she heard her husband's cell phone ring. She didn't think anything of it. She was a bit preoccupied.Stacy usually didn't wear makeup. Even at work where she was an office manager she only wore a little lipstick and skipped that half the time. She had become reasonably proficient with blush and eye-shadow, occasionally using it in moderation for important business events.This evening, she was going for a different effect and had spent the last hour...
SwingersStacy Lancaster was working on her makeup when she heard her husband's cell phone ring. She didn't think anything of it. She was a bit preoccupied.Stacy usually didn't wear makeup. Even at work where she was an office manager she only wore a little lipstick and skipped that half the time. She had become reasonably proficient with blush and eye-shadow, occasionally using it in moderation for important business events.This evening, she was going for a different effect and had spent the last hour...
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SwingersStacy crawled forward, her eyes locked on the dick she called her own. Swooping in low like a stalking cat, she locked her mouth on the pliant member. The taste was exquisite. She had about half his shaft in her mouth, cradling it with her tongue. She could faintly feel the beating of his heart. She stayed that way several minutes, allowing her body to wind down a bit while gently nursing on her favorite toy.Minutes passed in silence. Betty was still flat on her back, breathing deeply but...
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As Betty attacked her sex with both hands, the building wave of ecstasy within Stacy crashed down in climax. Stacy let herself wail and scream as her orgasm wracked her body. In truth, it wasn't actually one of her strongest climaxes but the swinger had been able to bring her off a lot faster than she would have believed possible.Jared too recognized the signs of what was for his wife a moderately powerful orgasm. She had a broad range, from pleasurable little sighs to earth-shattering...
SwingersAs Betty attacked her sex with both hands, the building wave of ecstasy within Stacy crashed down in climax. Stacy let herself wail and scream as her orgasm wracked her body. In truth, it wasn't actually one of her strongest climaxes but the swinger had been able to bring her off a lot faster than she would have believed possible.Jared too recognized the signs of what was for his wife a moderately powerful orgasm. She had a broad range, from pleasurable little sighs to earth-shattering...
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SwingersIn the tiny foyer of their hotel room in San Diego, Stacy Lancaster used her husband. He was flat on his back on the floor. They were not making love; she was riding Jared's dick like it was her own personal toy.The smooth motions of Stacy's hips sped up. She lowered her upper body onto Jared, bowing her head beside his and resting her chin on his shoulder. Her sensitive nipples tickled along his chest. As she humped more forcefully along his shaft, her body pressed lower and lower. Soon, her...
Straight SexIn the tiny foyer of their hotel room in San Diego, Stacy Lancaster used her husband. He was flat on his back on the floor. They were not making love; she was riding Jared's dick like it was her own personal toy.The smooth motions of Stacy's hips sped up. She lowered her upper body onto Jared, bowing her head beside his and resting her chin on his shoulder. Her sensitive nipples tickled along his chest. As she humped more forcefully along his shaft, her body pressed lower and lower. Soon, her...
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After two years of flirty texts and phone calls Stacy and I had finally met up and had sex. She lived with her boyfriend but it seemed that the idea of no strings sex appealed to her. It was Friday afternoon and I was sitting outside a coffee shop enjoying the warm summer sun. Stacy and I had been flirting on and off all week since the last time we’d met up, spending all afternoon and all night naked at my house. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Stacy. Stacy: I’m horny!! Me: Really? ...
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Stacy’s body shuddered as her orgasm subsided. I looked up from where I lay between her slender legs, my mouth still covering her vagina, my tongue resting on her lips. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. I watched as her breasts moved with each breath. I wanted to take them in my mouth again but I knew that they would be sensitive so I settled for watching them as she lay there. I was still hard and had been since Stacy had climbed off me to answer a phone call from her...
Straight SexIntroduction. The ways of the Official are many, varied, and often formal. That their methods and phrases – often arcane or even quaint to the modern ear – are accepted goes without saying. In dealing with an ‘Official’ you have to listen very carefully, often to long sentences and unfamiliar words that almost borders on ‘legalese’ or ‘jargon’. We seem to live in a world where ‘ticking the box’ and recording target achievements seems more important than doing the actual job. This story is...
Helen pressed a hand against her sex as she lifted herself off Jared's softening member. Her inflamed labia were open so wide that her entire palm nestled between them. Cupping her sex as she stood, the hard-bodied older woman crossed the few feet to where Stacy lay sprawled. The pale younger woman's hand was jammed to the knuckles into her own cunt but seemed frozen there as Stacy stared at Helen. Specifically, she stared at the other woman's groin. Despite her best efforts, goo was...
SwingersMy cousin Stacy settled into life around my house quite well. She helped with the house work and spent time catching up with her old friends. They had no idea of her new “job” and Stacy didn’t let them in on her secret lifestyle. I spent my nights with Stacy in my bed as we soon fell into a pattern of fucking and fondling for hours on end. The things that Stacy could do with her pussy and mouth should be taught to all new wives and willing girlfriends. She had a blow job method that is hard to...
IncestI spent my nights with Stacy in my bed as we soon fell into a pattern of fucking and fondling for hours on end. The things that Stacy could do with her pussy and mouth should be taught to all new wives and willing girlfriends. She had a blow job method that is hard to believe. She would swallow my cock all the way down her throat, then slid her tongue out and lick my balls. The first time she used that method on me, I blew my load instantly and did my best to drown her with the amount cum sent...
It was mid-afternoon when the Lancasters hit the beach outside their little hotel. The sun was hot and high in the sky over the Pacific. Mission Beach stretched out before them. It was Thursday so it wasn't very crowded. There was the usual collection of sun worshipers and a few families with kids who were probably other vacationers.The couple paused at the retaining wall. Jared looked back and up at their hotel, picking out the second-floor window of their room. The recent and intense memory...
Straight SexIt was mid-afternoon when the Lancasters hit the beach outside their little hotel. The sun was hot and high in the sky over the Pacific. Mission Beach stretched out before them. It was Thursday so it wasn't very crowded. There was the usual collection of sun worshipers and a few families with kids who were probably other vacationers.The couple paused at the retaining wall. Jared looked back and up at their hotel, picking out the second-floor window of their room. The recent and intense memory...
Straight SexFor some reason I awoke early and felt so refreshed and full of life that I could not lie there any longer. I visited the bathroom and then could not resist poking my head around Stacy's door on my way back.I had expected her to be on the camp bed, as was usual whenever she had a friend sleepover, but she was not. She was in the single bed, her back to Kimberly and, despite just having turned eighteen, was every inch the image of a young girl.She had one arm thrown around her favourite teddy...
For some reason I awoke early and felt so refreshed and full of life that I could not lie there any longer. I visited the bathroom and then could not resist poking my head around Stacy's door on my way back.I had expected her to be on the camp bed, as was usual whenever she had a friend sleepover, but she was not. She was in the single bed, her back to Kimberly and, despite just having turned eighteen, was every inch the image of a young girl.She had one arm thrown around her favourite teddy...
It wasn't something Jared would readily admit but he was in love. No, his love for his wife wasn't the secret; he loved Stacy deeply and would shout his devotion from the rooftops if given half a chance. His secret love was reserved for something else.He loved his new TV. They'd had it for months now and he still thought it was just awesome.The sixty-inch flat-panel almost didn't fit properly in their cozy little house. He was virtually infatuated with it. So infatuated, in fact, that he had...
HardcoreIt wasn't something Jared would readily admit but he was in love. No, his love for his wife wasn't the secret; he loved Stacy deeply and would shout his devotion from the rooftops if given half a chance. His secret love was reserved for something else.He loved his new TV. They'd had it for months now and he still thought it was just awesome.The sixty-inch flat-panel almost didn't fit properly in their cozy little house. He was virtually infatuated with it. So infatuated, in fact, that he had...
HardcoreStacy was quiet as I drove through the gate. I knew she felt guilty about what we were doing and I was aware that she could, and probably would, end it at any time. I reached over and gently touched her leg. “Hey, you alright?” I asked. She looked over at me and smiled but I could see something was bothering her. “What’s wrong?” I enquired quietly; pretty sure I knew the answer. Stacy was quiet for a moment, then she spoke. “Do you think they’ll tell anyone? Do you think they’ll call the...
Straight Sex100% fiction! Stacey laid in her bed staring at the blinking numbers on her alarm clock. According to the clock it was 1:42 in the morning, but Stacy knew that it was wrong. The power must have gone out for a bit while she was asleep because it was actually closer to 4 a.m. according to her wrist watch. Stacy sighed as she closed her eyes to try to force herself to sleep. It wasn't working. The ceiling fan was suddenly whirring too loudly, the room was too stuffy, and her mom's cat Whitney...
IncestStacy laid in her bed staring at the blinking numbers on her alarm clock. According to the clock it was 1:42 in the morning, but Stacy knew that it was wrong. The power must have gone out for a bit while she was asleep because it was actually closer to 4 a.m. according to her wrist watch. Stacy sighed as she closed her eyes to try to force herself to sleep.It wasn"t working. The ceiling fan was suddenly whirring too loudly, the room was too stuffy, and her mom"s cat Whitney seemed to be...
IncestThe vacation's going great, and though Disneyworld is packed to capacity on this hot summer afternoon, the family's having a great time together. The line for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride is almost unbearably long however, but finally the line thins as more of the long boats are set up for passengers to board. Stacy and her family are at the back of the line, and as they try to squeeze in the last row of the boat, they realize that not all of them will fit, even with each of their kids...
Part 1: Quickie Upon Arrival...Jared and Stacy had decided to celebrate their third anniversary in San Diego. They got a nice room in a hotel on the beach.After three years of marriage, Stacy and Jared were in a very good place. Jared had learned to read Stacy's moods perfectly. He had learned the ins and outs of his wife's sex drive. She wasn't a slut and she wasn't a nymphomaniac. Over time he came to realize and accept that days could easily go by without any thought of sex crossing her...
Straight SexPart 1: Quickie Upon Arrival...Jared and Stacy had decided to celebrate their third anniversary in San Diego. They got a nice room in a hotel on the beach.After three years of marriage, Stacy and Jared were in a very good place. Jared had learned to read Stacy's moods perfectly. He had learned the ins and outs of his wife's sex drive. She wasn't a slut and she wasn't a nymphomaniac. Over time he came to realize and accept that days could easily go by without any thought of sex crossing her...
Straight SexI was having the most wonderful dream about my eighteen year old little sister, Stacy. Waves of pleasure washed over me as I dreamt of all the things we had done and would be able to do. My imagination pictured how flexible the little gymnast was and put her into some truly amazing positions. It was delightful how she could hold herself in a handstand while I held onto those small hips and ploughed my hard cock into her tight wet crevice.The pleasure got more intense and I heard her say, "Is...
I was having the most wonderful dream about my eighteen year old little sister, Stacy. Waves of pleasure washed over me as I dreamt of all the things we had done and would be able to do. My imagination pictured how flexible the little gymnast was and put her into some truly amazing positions. It was delightful how she could hold herself in a handstand while I held onto those small hips and ploughed my hard cock into her tight wet crevice.The pleasure got more intense and I heard her say, "Is...
"He went for it?" said Gerald. "I can't believe it." "Yes, and that without much of a fight. That kinda bothers me. I mean why didn't he argue with me. I figured I could convince him, but he gave up awfully easy. I mean he is kind of a pussy when it comes to me, but him giving in so easy..." she paused in mid-thought. "Maybe he's just a realist who knew you'd be going whether he liked it or not," said Gerald. "Maybe, but, I'm suspecting it's something a little less obvious. I just don't know...
CuckoldIt had been last weekend that Stacy had turned up at my house and cheated on her live in boyfriend by fucking me on my couch and it had been difficult for me to think of much else. It was Thursday afternoon and I was just getting home from work when my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket and looked at the screen, it was Stacy. “Hey,” I said. “How are you?” “I’m okay,” she replied. “Are you still at work?” “No, I just got home,” I answered. I was kinda hoping she would ask to come over. ...
Straight SexHeld in a cold, darkened room with no idea where she is, Stacy the Asian pharmacist has been tied up and forced to ride the hardened cock of Duke, the leader of a group of horny frat guys who kidnapped her on Halloween. Duke finally blasts his load, cumming deep inside Stacy, who shudders in unanticipated orgasm, unwillingly collapsing against his chest. As his friends cheer and clap, Duke runs his fingers through her hair and whispers to her what a good girl she is. There's the sound of the...
I'd never thought of having an affair with somebody I worked with until I met Stacy, a sexy young woman who ran the experimental lab in a large university medical center. After I met her the first time, I couldn't think of anything else. She was one of the hottest and most amazingly sexy young women I've ever been around. She just said "SEXY" from head to toes. I'd never have thought Stacy would be sexy and desirable if you just described her to me because she was only 4' 10" tall. She...
From the moment the plane took off till the moment it touched down, I had only one thought in mind: I wanted to see the look on Stacy's face at the restaurant. I opened the overhead bin and took out my carry-on. The woman who had been sitting in the window seat asked me if I would hand her her backpack. "The red one with the black stripe," she said. She got up and smoothed her skirt over her legs. I unzipped the bag and opened it, hoping to find some fascinating contraband. A vibrator or some...
Getting double-teamed on the couch by two horny frat boys in an undisclosed location, Stacy the Asian pharmacist has finally surrendered to her treatment, no longer resisting as both guys shoot their load in her mouth and warm, wet pussy. As their friends standing off to the side cheer and applaud, both guys slowly pull out. The one who fucked her mouth heads back to stand with the group. Stacy weakly licks some random sperm off her lips, even as semen and pussy juice slowly runs down...
Stacy opens the wraparound pharmacy gate just enough to get inside and set her keys and stuff down on the counter. She's so intent on making sure she shuts off the alarm in time, she doesn't realize her admirer's made his way inside the store and stealthily slipped past the gate...he's now inside the pharmacy, and no one knows he's there(it's too early for security to be in the store, so no one's watching the monitors). "Hey, beautiful." Stacy lets out a little gasp as she...
After being half-dazed by chloroform, Stacy the Asian pharmacist is carried out to the parking lot of her store at night, the one holding her in his arms--Duke is his name--resting Stacy's head against his chest. In spite of the mild fear Stacy feels in her chloroform-induced haze, Duke's lightly thudding heartbeat subconsciously sets her at ease, and she almost drifts off to sleep in his arms. That is, until one of the other guys searches her pockets for her car keys and unlocks the...
Several years ago, my gorgeous young girlfriend Stacy got a new job as a waitress in a classy restaurant. She was from a small town and was new to the big city. This was the first time she had ever been around openly gay, lesbian, & bisexual co-workers. She would come home with all the gossip of who's dating who & who got laid over the weekend. We had only been dating a few months and had a very active & creative sex life. She confessed early on that her secret fantasy was to watch...
Stacy and I used to work together. She always seemed like she could be a bitch, short tempered and snappy but she was hot with a slim, tight body, small, pert breasts, full lips and a tight ass. I would always check her out while she walked around the house we worked in and she had been the subject of several masturbation sessions for me. We had worked together a few times just the two of us and I'd come to realize she wasn't quite as bitchy as I'd thought and we'd got on well although she...
Straight SexI made my way down to breakfast, unsure of how Stacy would react. I had thought yesterday morning I had been confused, but today I was worse. This time, she had come to me, and it had been she that had initiated the sex. So why did she leave in tears?I now knew that I loved her in more ways than just as a brother, but I did not regret a single thing anymore. No, that is not true; I suppose I did have a regret. It was that it had taken until Stacy was eighteen before we began to get along. I...
I made my way down to breakfast, unsure of how Stacy would react. I had thought yesterday morning I had been confused, but today I was worse. This time, she had come to me, and it had been she that had initiated the sex. So why did she leave in tears?I now knew that I loved her in more ways than just as a brother, but I did not regret a single thing anymore. No, that is not true; I suppose I did have a regret. It was that it had taken until Stacy was eighteen before we began to get along. I...
i****t/TabooStacy Ch. 02Stacy Ch. 02byMindFiend©"Jack, climb out of your pit and give me a lift to work, will you?"Mum's voice penetrated my hard-achieved slumber and I groaned as the morning light burned my eyes. Rubbing my face, I blinked the ceiling into focus and stared at it while my mind assailed me with lurid images. Had last night really happened? Could I have been so stupid that I did not realise the young, teen pussy I was thrusting eagerly into did not belong to my sister's gymnastic...
Stacy in Waiting I had never fully shared my private realm of fantasy, but I decided it was time for Stacy's solitude to be abandoned. Over the years, Stacy had become lost in a secret world, a realm of true fantasy, where an inner personality would emerge and play. Stacy had come to be accepted but often created at burden of isolation and shame, for this secret world of escape was a parallel reality where traditional gender knowledge had been cast aside, age became irrelevant and...
"Jack, climb out of your pit and give me a lift to work, will you?"Mum's voice penetrated my hard-achieved slumber and I groaned as the morning light burned my eyes. Rubbing my face, I blinked the ceiling into focus and stared at it while my mind assailed me with lurid images. Had last night really happened? Could I have been so stupid that I did not realise the young, teen pussy I was thrusting eagerly into did not belong to my sister's gymnastic team-mate, but to my little sister, herself?How...
Pressing the tip of my cock to Stacy’s hot, wet pussy sent a rush of indescribable pleasure down its entire shaft and into my balls, causing them to tighten. Stacy gripped the stair in preparation for me beginning to thrust into her. I started making small pushing movements, easing my cock between her soft, pink pussy lips. Stacy pushed back a little and the tip disappeared inside her. Stacy moaned. I grabbed her hips and I started to push into her, burying my hard shaft deep inside her....
Straight SexStacy McCormack and I have been married for the past eighteen years; I'm Julian McCormack. We'd been boyfriend-girlfriend, or fiancés for an aggregate of six years before that, if you count high school, and I do. And, yes, that makes our common age thirty-eight if you're figuring. Stacy back then, when we were freshmen, was a dolly as far as I'm concerned. Five-nine, slender, silky brunette hair, and an hourglass figure even at her then age of fourteen. She has filled out a little since...
It's after pharmacy hours in the local community store, and Stacy, the cute Vietnamese pharmacist, is shopping in the deserted medicine aisles for tampons. It's not that time of month yet, but she's been very moist. It's Halloween eve, and Stacy has to get home to her husband and kids. She's wearing a "Little Red Riding Hood" outfit: mini-cape with hood, short red skirt revealing her smooth, slender legs wrapped snugly in black come-fuck-me boots. She has on a white blouse with cute,...
Perhaps if I hadn't been still feeling the effects of a long afternoon's drinking, I would have had more sense. I am certain that it was my drunkenness that caused me to make a mistake that no-one would have made sober, and which changed my relationship with my little sister forever. Then again, that could just be an excuse for me acting on a subconscious desire I had hidden for years.++++++++++Mitch, tank-boy, Cooper and I had been out of the army for a week when we all met up for a drinking...
Mitch, tank-boy, Cooper and I had been out of the army for a week when we all met up for a drinking session at Coop's house. As usual, we went too far and I ended up staggering home far the worse for wear. And it was only early evening.When I closed the front door and fell up the stairs, I could hear giggles coming from the brat's bedroom. Oh, no. The little cow had another of her soppy team-mates round.Stacy was nearly ten years younger than I. In fact, she had only had her eighteenth birthday...
Perhaps if I hadn't been still feeling the effects of a long afternoon's drinking, I would have had more sense. I am certain that it was my drunkenness that caused me to make a mistake that no-one would have made sober, and which changed my relationship with my little sister forever. Then again, that could just be an excuse for me acting on a subconscious desire I had hidden for years.++++++++++Mitch, tank-boy, Cooper and I had been out of the army for a week when we all met up for a drinking...