- 3 years ago
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Disclaimer It's set in Yorkshire England not Cali-Fucking-Fornia, Inner Merica and its got real dialogue so if you don't like the F word read something else.
She was feisty little thing, struggle, oh did she ever struggle, wriggling, squirming, kicking out even when we got her inside the van, oh and the lungs oh her, it was a good job it was raining or we would have had the entire neighbourhood chasing after us, but in the end we had her down on the carpet in the back of the van with her hands and feet tied and a clean duster strapped in her mouth with a bungee cord and then we could rest.
"Phew," kidnapping is no picnic, I got away just about unscathed but Alan was crouching clutching at his groin..
"She got me where it hurts!" he protested.
"Good job she don't wear heels!" I joked, but it wasn't funny, I was sweating, and shivering all at once, sweating from the exertion and shivering with fear, it's all very well planning something sat in the pub but at 6.30 p.m. on a November evening in a Bradford suburb everything seems very different.
"Bloody hell mate, we done it!" Alan suddenly gasped, "It worked, Johno it worked!"
"So far so good," I agreed, "I suppose we had better get going."
It all started a few weeks before, Al was my mate from way back, you know school, I guess we were the only white boys in our class, not that that made any difference, kids is kids, most of the kids were Pakistani's and the ones that weren't were Indian and they were always scrapping, then we got older, of course we never got any special tuition or anything, so come sixteen we left school with a few useless GCSEs and went to work.
I ended up working on the building sites, and Alan had a few jobs, we stayed mates, then I started dating his sister, Julie, well she stated tagging along with us, you understand, we sort of kissed and that, and that's about all, couldn't take liberties could I, not with me mate's sister.
See the money wasn't too bad and when I passed me car test I got the van, Ford Transit, 1600cc petrol R reg that's 21 years old, I wasn't flashy but it was wheels an there's three seats and plenty of room in the back and we had plans.
Khan wrecked my plans though, they had the corner shop down the corner of Rotherham street and Jervis Street, and that's where Julie got a part time job.
She changed just about overnight, I never realised Khan was screwing her, not till she started getting fat, "Your getting fat love," I said one night when I called for Al, "You want to come down chip shop or you dieting?"
She burst into tears, "I'm having a baby you dork," she says just right out.
Al looked amazed, "You old bastard!" he grinned, "Kept that quiet!"
I guess he saw the look on my face, see Julie and me, we never, you know, did it.
"What happened," he joked, "Johnny split?"
He must have realised the way I looked at her, but she said it.
"It's not Johnny's," she says, "It's Khans's"
"What fucking Ghengis?" Al asked, and she nodded her head.
"Johnny," she says, "Sorry."
"You having it?" I asked.
"They must have been," Al laughed, It wasn't funny, Julie looked at me with her sad brown eyes.
"I got some cash saved," I said.
"Too late," she says, "Khan's dad said he'd pay but it's too late." she said quietly, "What do you think John, we could get a council flat." I guess the look I gave her put the kybosh on that pretty quick smart.
"Ok then," she says, "You could at least break a few of his bones and make him marry me."
"Sounds good to me!" Al says. I just stared, a few hours before I was sort of planning getting a place with Julie maybe having a kid, but this!
I always thought she would rumble that me and Sandra Jessop, that's Stan Jessop's missus, him who runs Jessops on the trading estate for his old man, anyway Sandra and me was having it off I thought Julie would find out and dump me but Jesus this was something else.
I went home, Al came round later, "We got to sort these lot out," he says.
"That's racist," I pointed out.
"Get his bloody stuck up sister up the duff," he says.
"Look they aren't allowed out, they probably get married to their uncle when they're ten ." I pointed out.
"Nah Cousin when their eighteen!" he explained, "From Bungla Desh."
"Too right," I agreed, "Want a beer?"
As it happened Dad had been at my Newcastle Brown again so we ended up sharing a tin of out of date Carlsberg.
"Don't seem right," Al said, "Them shagging our birds while theirs is locked up at home."
"No," I said.
"Wants teaching a fucking lesson." he said.
"Yeah but there's Ghenghis, and that big bastard, and the gay one and," I said and I realised I hadn't a clue which was which out of them."
"The sister was in our class Amina," he said, "How'd they like it if we got her up the duff?"
"What fuck her?" I asked.
"Yeah lock her up and fuck her bareback till she's up the duff," he said with a mixture of blind stupidity and anger.
"Just fuck her and send her home all fucked," I suggested.
"Yeah, pissed out of her skull with fucking stuff leaking out her twat and he knickers in her gob." Al said, "Fuck I got a hard on just thinking about it."
"Hey too much information!" I protested, "We need to suss this out."
We got the table footie out after that when the Scalextric wouldn't go and sort of forgot it.
Now as it happened I saw this bird in a headscarf most nights when I did overtime, she seemed to be coming from the college and sometimes she was by the Khan's shop, never any further and after the Julie incident I realised it was Amina, I did a U turn next time I saw her and went back just to make sure, and then I watched in the mirrors as she went in the shop.
"We could just snatch her off the street," I said, to Al that night in the Eight Bells. "No fucking about, long as it was dark, wet preferably, nobody around like."
"Rather stab fucking Ghenghis," Al said.
"More fun fucking the little bitch," I told him.
"Yeah, I suppose." he says.
So we done it, I missed me overtime, picked Al up and we went and found her on one of them little streets just this side of the railway, it was a piece of cake I just parked up and we waited and when she come along I grabbed her from behind with my hand across her mouth and Al grabbed her as well and we shoved her in the van through the sliding door on the side.
She got in a couple of good kicks in on Al's bollocks but she didn't get me, I had a new bit of carpet on the floor and so we just shoved her in the van and got the old duck tape out and bound it round her ankles and wrists.
She was feisty little thing, struggle, oh did she ever struggle, wriggling, squirming, kicking out, even when we got her inside the van she was trying to kick the sides, it was a good job it was raining or we would have had the entire neighbourhood chasing after us, but in the end we had her down on the carpet in the back of the van with her hands and feet tied and a clean duster strapped in her mouth with a bungee cord and then Al could rest while I climbed out and went round and sat in the driving seat and drove down the industrial estate
Al had he stripped down well when I climbed in the back again, all them silky asian robe things were round her waist and her bra was hanging off her wrists by its straps and her pants were round her ankles and she looked mighty pissed off.
"She kicked me in the fucking balls," Al said, "Bitch."
"You want first poke?" I asked.
"No, you can," Al offerred.
She did not want to get fucked, no way but she didn't have anything to stop me with, not now she was all tied up, the only thing was we couldn't get her legs apart so Al wrenched her feet up by her ears so that I could get at her that way, and with some more tape she wasn't calling the shots anymore.
We had to get the tape off her ankles and bind her knees to her elbows so we could get her spread nice and wide and then I dropped my pants and climbed aboard.
Christ was she tight, of course she hadn't been fucked before, and she didn't want me in there but did she ever put up a struggle, banging against that bloody membrane, I nearly let Al have a go but then it went and I went right in her, whoosh, "You're fucked now bitch!" I told her, she was trying to scream, but the rag was stopping her, but at least she was warm because the cold was giving me goose bumps on my ass.
Her eyes were like saucers, staring at me, she was all dark, dark hair, darkish skin, dark nipples all straining, and then she starts choking.
I wanted her fucked not dead so I undid the bungee cord and dragged the rag from her gob, "Ahhhgggghhh," she wailed.
"She's fucking cumming you bastard!" Al says, and do you know she was all quivering and shaking just like she cummed.
It put me right off my stroke, so I started to cum as well, "No, no, not inside me, no, please!" she begged the stupid little bitch.
"Too late darling you're fucked." I told her. "Whew."
She stared at the van roof, "And now," she said, "What now?"
"Want a go Al?" I asked.
"Your all right Johnno," he said.
"Seems a shame," I said, "She's a half decent fuck mate."
"Nah," he says, "Don't fancy it now."
"Fuck her ass then," I suggested, "Your always on about tight asses."
"No please you cannot!" she wailed, so I gagged her again, rag in her mouth held with duck tape.
"Fucking can what you reckon Al?" I asked.
"I dunno," he says, "I never done that," he admitted.
"So give it a go," I said, "We got Jonnies and KY."
I took a tube of KY jelly and started greasing up her ass, she didn't like it one bit, but there wasn't much she could do about it, "You wanna give it a go?"
"Yeah," he said, "Why not, she nutted me so why not."
He had his denims off and his tool really swelled, you know, course I'd never seen his tool like stood up, not ever, but it was real strange when he dragged on a Durex and shoved the end at her tight brown bud.
Hell did she squirm, I never saw anyone squirm like it and I reckon that that's why he got inside of her at all because it took half a dozen attempts at least, and it was only when he got real mad that he got in there at all, it must have hurt because she started spiling tears, "Hey Al," I said lift her up we can double team her."
"What?" he asked.
"Like on Electric blue," I said.
"Fuck that, that's actors." he said, "This is fucking boring."
"So hotch up," I said and gave her a tug by the hair.
"Fucking hell Johnno," Al says, "That's kinky."
"It's on Electric blue." I told him.
"Yeah go on then," he said.
It took a bit of doing twisting her around and that but the Transit had a high roof and Al sort of grabbed her from behind and with his cock like a handle in her he sort of yanked her back and I just shoved my meat in her again, this time it just went straight in but I could feel Al's cock against mine through her cunt wall.
"Fuck Johnno, I can feel your fucking cock," Al said.
"I bet she feels totally fucking fucked now, what you think darling?"
She was gasping, making the duck tape bulge out and in, so I sort of peeled it away a bit so she could breathe, "Oh fucking hell," she said, "You'll split me in half!" she complained, except she didn't seem so cross as she had before, "Oh fucking hell," she said, "Oh no," and You could feel she had lost it and she was cumming, of course that set me off and then afterwards the I pulled out and Al was still busy fucking her ass, gee the stamina of that guy.
"Your friend, can you ask him to stop," she gasped.
"No, fuck you," I said, "Fucking put up with it OK."
"You're horrible." she said.
"So is your fucking brother," I said, "Fucked my bird, Al's sister," I told her, "Got her up the fucking duff, well bitch you can fucking tell your fucking brother he don't piss with Johnny Parfit."
"Or Alan Mount," Al added, "You don't fuck with me either or my sister." he said and he gave he a couple of mighty big thrusts and grunted, "Fuck you bitch, Oooohhrrrr, fuck!"
Al pulled out and dragged the shit streaked Durex off his cock and chucked it in the far corner.
"Oi!" I shouted, "Mind my van!"
"Fuckin hell Johnno that was fucking ace," Al said with this great big stupid grin on his face as he wiped himself on a piece of rag and dragged his boxers and Jeans back up.
"Now what?" She piped up, "What are you going to do with me?"
"Oh, I dunno," I said, "We just had some fun, didn't we Al?"
"Sure did!" Al agreed, "Till you got all silly after we done it."
"All nice and consequential," I told her.
"The word's 'Consensual'," she said, "And I never consented, you raped me," she added, "No way was that consensual, absolutely not, no way."
"Your word against ours, one against two," I said, "Who do you think coppers will believe"
"Yeah Uncle Tony is in CID," Al added.
"Police, no, no police, please." she said.
"What?" I think Al and I both said about the same time.
"My dad will kill me you idiots," she said.
"Right," I laughed, "No pocket money for a week?"
"No," she said, "Kill, and he'll kill you too, but mainly they'll kill me."
"Right," I agreed.
"I saw all this on Telly," Al said, "They do it in London, these lot."
"Shit Al," I said, "Really?"
"Arranged marriages all that crap," he said.
"Really?" I asked as I did my belt up, "Not here surely?"
"You idiots!" she snapped, "Oh no!"
We stared at her, "I'm supposed to." she clammed up.
"What?" I asked, "An arranged marriage?"
"Who gives a fuck?" Al asked, "Just tell her to fuck off OK?"
"Better give her a lift back mate," I said, "It's on the way."
I left them in the back and climbed in the cab, and drove back towards her place, Al kicked her out about a hundred yards away and then we got a few tins from the off license and a couple of curries and went round my place to watch the match on Sky.
We half expected the pigs round, but nothing happened not for about three weeks.
It was about the first week of December, it was a Friday, I got in, "Here some girl called for you," Mum said, "Darkie,"
"What?" I asked.
"Pretty little thing, Indian probably," she added, "Left you a note." she handed me an envelope, even I could see she had steamed it open.
"What's it say?" I asked.
"How should I know?" she said, I sort of pointed where the flap was still wet, "Oh well she's up the spout, want's a few quid to lose it."
"Really?" I asked.
"Looks a smart girl," Dad chipped in, "Better that your usual class of slapper."
I opened the note, "Need an abortion," It said, "Ring me," and a mobile number.
I rang her, "I can't talk now," she said, "Meet me at the Library, noon tomorrow," she insisted.
I went to the Library, she was there, long skirt, headscarf, jacket, all covered up, all nervous. "You came!" she said sort of surprised.
"Yeah, what's this?" I asked.
"Can we go somewhere?" she asked.
"Yeah, I got the van, come on," I said and she followed me out of the Library and across to the van.
She got in, stuck her seat belt on and said, "I'm pregnant!"
"Yeah right," I agreed, "Bollocks you are you're trying to blackmail me."
"No, no!" she protested, "No I missed my period," she said, "I just need a few hundred pounds."
"Then have the kid," I said "Fuck you."
"No!" she exclaimed.
"See you can't fuck me about bitch." I told her, "I'll take you home."
"Oh no, My Father will," she said.
"Yeah, heard it all before," I said, "I got a mattress in the back, how about it?"
"What!" she said outraged.
"In the back," I said, "Maybe we could go up on moors?"
"You will pay, if we do, pay for me?" she asked anxiously.
"What pay for a fuck?" I asked.
"Yes, if I fuck with you again will you pay for my operation?" she asked.
"No," I said, "No I wont."
"You are honest at least," she admitted, "Take me to the moors there I shall persuade you."
"I don't have the cash anyway," I admitted, and I saw the tears forming, "Sorry."
"I, don't know what to do." she exclaimed, so I started the van and headed out of town, I drove for a few miles, up into the hills and when there was a decent view I pulled up in a gateway and stopped the engine.
"Right, so lets get this straight," I told her, "You don't get a penny from me."
"My Father will kill me," she said, "It's your fault!" she went to hit me but I grabbed her wrist.
"No," I said, "It wont work."
"Damn you!" she said and climbed out of the door and went to run away, but I was too quick I got her around the waist before she got more than about a few yards and I dragged her back to the van, I opened the back doors and bundled her in and pulled them shut behind us.
"You have a bed in here?" she said, asking a question when it was obvious.
I turned the inside light on, it was cold in there, but with a mattress and some blankets, well.
"You are going to rape me again," she said, "Aren't you?"
"Fuck you yes, but you want it as much as me," I said, "Don't you?"
"No!" she protested but she wasn't serious, it was in her eyes.
"Get your kit off." I told her.
She looked at me, sighed and started to take her scarf off, then her jacket and she put everything neatly to one side, and when she was in her under-things she pulled the blankets back and lay down.
I peeled my boots and jacket and my denim jeans off and I slipped under the sheets with her.
"Do you feel my belly swelling?" she asked, "It is yours," she said.
I had my thumbs in the waistband of her panties and hauled them down, she shivered, or was it shuddered, and I got my boxers off and rolled on top of her, "No," she said.
"Fuck you," I said, "You knew you was getting fucked when you got in so fucking shut up," i told her.
"You're so romantic," she said sarcastically, "Go on then, get it over." she spread he lags a bit, "And get your shirt off so I can feel your chest," she said as she pulled my tee shirt over my head.
Next thing her bra was off and she was holding me tight, "Fuck me then," she said.
"Christ, you fucking want it?" I gasped.
"So?" she said, "Why not?" she paused, "Richard fucks a different girl every week so why not me, why shouldn't I?"
Gee she was all hot and wet and wow, I just slipped right in her, "Mmmm," she said, "Do the English girls lie and say they like you poking them?" she asked, "Do you like me pretending?"
she asked.
"You fucking bitch," I said, "Your fucking hot for me aren't you?"
"No," she lied, "No, no really, no Nooooo ohhhhh." I just crushed her to me and she gasped again.
"See you want it don't you?" I asked.
"No!" she wailed, "I don't love you." she said.
"Not me fucking, you like fucking right?" I asked, and she looked so fucking miserable, stuck on the end of my cock looking miserable, "Fuck!" I exclaimed, "It's just a fuck cheer up."
She looked real miserable.
"Ok its a great fuck now cheer up you daft bitch." I admitted.
She smiled shyly.
"Lets fucking kiss you then," I said and I grabbed her cheeks and snogged her as I fucked her, real mouth on mouth fucking snogging, fucking hell she really started going for it, sucking my face raking my back with her nails and then I lost it and started pumping spunk up her.
"Ohhhhh," she gasped "Thank you!"
"It's all right baby," I said, I held her, my cock was shrinking in her as I held her, "It's OK." I said and then I held her tight in the warmth under the blankets on the mattress in my Ford Transit van.
"That was a fucking good fuck." I told her.
"So you will pay for the operation?" she asked.
"Fuck that," I said, "You could always move in round our house,"
"My father will kill us." she said.
"Like to see him fucking try," I said all cocky like.
"Oh the big man now are we," she asked, but somehow my semi was swelling again, "No.that was not what!" she said but I was snogging her face again, "No!" she protested, but I started to hump her again and pretty soon she was just giggling and gasping and we was really going for it.
I rolled off her when I cum, "Fancy some fish and chips?" I asked, "Before we tell me mum about the kid?"
"Do you love me?" she asked.
"I love fucking you," I said, "Will that do?"
"For now," she admitted, "Hold me please." It seemed strange her wanting me to hold her but I held her close again for a minute or so.
"What do you reckon then?" I asked.
"It's better with the mattress and blankets." she said, "And just the two of us."
I pulled her close to me again, "Shall we get some kip," I said, "I'm knackered."
"Mmmmm," she said, "Yes."
She wasn't fucking joking about her family, she rang her mam from ours and they was round within half an hour, that Richard the one as we called Ghenghis that screwed Als sister and the thick one came around shouting the odds with her dad left out in the car.
My dad said they could keep a civil tongue or fuck off, and when Ghenghis pulled a flick knife I knee capped him with an old half shaft out of a spare van axle I kept handy, bang on the knee cap then up under the chin and down he went like a sack of spuds, the thick one came in next but I whacked him across the forehead with the same half shaft and he never knew what hit him, and then as her old man sat in the car I carried the thick one out unconscious while Amina helped the "Richard" one to the car and then we had her dad in for a chat.
He looked pretty worried, "Amina we made commitments," he said, "It is the family honour!"
"Oh yes, marry your brothers idiot son," she said, "No way."
"Yeah you heard the lady," I said.
"John will marry me," she said.
"Yeah I agreed," before I realised what I was saying, "Then you can't marry that Cousin."
"You come and stay with us love," me Mam said, "We got a spare room." she said like an imbecile because all Amina needed was space in my pit.
"That' settled then John," Dad said, "Or you want the taste of Ford propshaft like them other clowns?"
"It's a half shaft dad," I corrected.
"No, I shall explain, come Amina." her dad insisted.
"Oh no," I said, "I'll be round for her stuff in the morning."
He stared in disbelief but he went away and that was that.
Mum lent Amina a nightdress, but she didn't need it did she? and next day we went round for her stuff, they wasn't very amenable at first but when Al and his dad came round with my dad they soon changed their tune, not that I had much time for the stuff Amina brought, "Get some jeans," I told her, "Summat you looks good in," so we went down Asda -Walmart and hit the plastic.
She looks great in a miniskirt, nice and suntanned in winter, she has to keep out the sun in summer or else she looks like a Nigerian but otherwise....
Oh and that Richard one well when Al's dad saw how well set up Richard was he had this notion as if he fancied Julie he might as well marry her, and now he'd had a taste of half-shaft he wasn't arguing, it's funny how things work out.
A few weeks ago, I was returning to my car at the mall. Before I knew what was happening, a windowless van pulled up beside me, some men jumped out, grabbed me, put a rag over my mouth and nose that knocked me out within seconds, and pulled me into the van. My next recollection was regaining consciousness and wondering what the hell was going on. I could hear voices so I kept quiet as I assessed my situation. I was laying on my side with my hands tightly secured behind me. My legs were tied...
Kidnapped I remember being normal. I was a young man in my 20's living in my parent's house struggling to get by. I was online more than I probably should have, but it was an escape from the harsh reality of my life. I didn't feel fulfilled or like a success, I felt like a failure on many different levels. I worked part time to pay my 'rent' to my parents. I wanted something to happen. I, unfortunately, got my wish in the way I least expected. We lived in a suburban neighborhood, an...
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Kidnapped By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I hope some of you enjoy this and I am working on another piece with a current working title, "A Yankee in the Bronx." But it will be awhile before I publish. Thanks, [email protected] "I'm a cunt Sir." The words come out of my mouth and echo harshly against the cement block walls. "Whose cunt are you bitch?" my black captor says with a grimace. His...
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Joey and Robert went to the movies with Deirdre (Joey's Mom) and Lillian (Robert's mom), when they got out of the movies. Deirdre and Lillian decided to take the boys for a little walk. As they were on their walk, they see a man in the on the sidewalk near them selling Federal Express boxes. Down the road a trucker starts shooting at Deirdre and Lillian for no apparent reason. Lillian and Deirdre dive to the ground each grabbing one of the boys and telling them to lie down and don't move....
It was another two hours until my parents would pick me up for our annual family vacation. I was sitting in class daydreaming about the boy I met at church last week. It’s hard to meet boys since St. Ann’s is an all-girls school. I will admit that they tried to give us some help in meeting the boys. Once a year they had a dance with St. Patrick’s school for boys but that was so well chaperoned that you couldn’t even press up against a boy because “the proper dance position is six inches...
I sat in my room, and munched on popcorn. It was four thirty, and I was halfway through episode four of the Sopranos First Season on DVD. I decided to indulge, and watch the entire series. Rachel had gone home at this point, telling me to call her if I wanted to talk, and I was left alone. Mom and Dad went golfing at the club, and I was stuck with what was now sixteen missed calls, ten voice mail, and eighteen text messages. So I tagged along while Brooke went grocery shopping. First I made...
Characters Introduced: Janie, 20 5'2 Blond hair blue eyes 34C Alex, 15 5'4 Blond hair blue eyes 36C Carly, 13 5'0 Blond hair blue eyes 32C Carol, 31 5'8 Brown hair hazel eyes 38D Ken, 36 6'5, Carol's husband Black Male 14” 4” wide Elfie, 13 5'0 Black hair and eyes 32B, classmate of Carly's and daughter of manager of Italian Restaurant that Ben and Becky frequent Antonio, 43 6'0 8” long cock average width Elfie's father. The training continues: From chapter...
(I wrote this almost a yr ago, for a really good friend).I sat on the edge of the bed, nervous, rubbing my sweaty palms back and forth over the comforter. We been texting, im'ing for over a year and I know him but I can't stop the fear from slowly gripping my limbs, wrapping round my heart and squeezing. I have texted others, met others but they did not call to that wild thing inside of me, that's been trying to claw free. It saw them as weak, not worthy of all that I had to offer. it needed...
Hi it’s again danial here from Pakistan. Let me share my first Sex experience with everybody I was 25 years old and student of CA at that time. You can contact me at silent_magma [at] hotmail [dot] com. The story is all about my sexual encounter with the daughter of our maid servant. It was June (summer) and my siblings and parents would like to go on a hill station for enjoying vacations but as I have to appear in exams I was unable to go with them. They decided to go for 10 days and...
EroticAugust 28th, 2019 Hi, I thought I’d check in as it’s been a little bit. I’m not sure what to say. I promised to keep it 100. I’m not sure what 100 is for me anymore. If I say I’m doing better I’m lying. If I say I’m getting worse I don’t know if I’m telling the truth. All I know for sure is I’m changing and I don’t like it. I’m having these tendencies to pause in mid-stream. I know who I am and where I am. I just don’t know what to do next. I think I mentioned it in the last Oak I almost...
Dr. Crumholtz, the barrier between Mr. Marcus and Inga, has returned, to verify his condition. I clomped down the steps of the Cockworth's house after fucking the daylights out of Joy and walked slowly across the street to my house to engage Dr. Crumholtz. Confront was more like it. Her stern demeanor and demanding rules had kept her daughter and me apart. I had a vague memory of an appointment. Had she decided to turn me in to the authorities for my accidental fornication with Norma? No...
I've known Sharon for about seven months. She often would join our group in the pub, though she was older than most of us. I'm 21, Sharon is about 35, had been married and divorced twice and, I was warned, a maneater. Not that I took any notice when she started to chatting to me and invited me back to her flat. Most guys would have gone, she's attractive, slim with a great arse, nice tits, what more could you ask. I'd never had a blow job, all my previous girlfriends had refused when I asked...
Hello friends, I’m Madhu Sudhan. Everyone calls me Madhu. I’m 19 years old. I’m doing my under graduation in Hyderabad. My native is Nalgonda. I live here in a rented room. This is a true story. My English may be bad but try to understand. As I’m new to Hyderabad I have no friends I live alone in my room. I know only one person in the Hyderabad that is my uncle. You may get a doubt that why can’t I live in my uncle’s house, there is a reason behind it. When I first went to Hyderabad I stayed...
Gay MaleHe was trading messages with a woman named Rita who was asking him to switch weekends with him. “Who’s Rita?” Katrina suddenly appeared behind him, peering over his shoulder. “Why do you have to switch shifts with her?” “When did you get here?” Marcus was startled. He had not heard her approaching at all. “Normally you stand to greet me,” she continued to scold him. He stood up and went to hug her but she just sat down, ignoring him. He frowned as he sat back down. He had been dating Katrina...
Hello indian sex stories dot net friends ami abhik Aj apnader akta chotto ghotonar golpo bolbo Apnara nischoi amar ar amar maa er sexual relationship er baparey janen e tai er kotha na barey suru korlam Akdin ami college thekey ferey maa bollo jey babar office colleague er cheler beye tai amra invited jano ami er bairey kothao na beroi, -son kotao bairey jas na tor baba firley aksathey jabo -amakeo jetey hobey -ha bhoddrolok bolechen sobbai key astey na geley kharap bhabben -okaney to ami...
Note : This story is completely fictional! *** Here I am, back again. A lot has happened since last I wrote. Barb died. She was 81. Another heart attack but this one was very severe. Her laughter and joy will be missed. The doctor said she had an orgasm as she took her last few breaths. WAY TO GO BARB! I think I have found another gal to join us. By the time I finish this, I should know for sure. It’s hard to believe but Mom is gone. She was 93 years old and still participated in what has...
IncestI have a married sister aged 28 now. She is living in Chennai 50kms from our place. Last month my sister had given birth to a baby girl. I haven't seen the baby, since it was my exam period. I had my summer vacation and my mom asked me to go to my Elder sister house to see the baby.My sister was very beautiful after her c***dbirth. She was very big now. She was looking plump and looking like Kate Winslet of Hollywood. It was when I went my sister's husband was going for a business Tour. He told...
Hot Latina Alina Lopez wears black heels and a slinky red bikini, shaking her plump rump as she teases. She strips and spreads her holes, showing off her wet twat as she masturbates. The aroused cutie whips out Rob Piper’s big black cock and laps his balls as she gives a crude blowjob. Alina rides his mahogany meat, moaning and talking dirty as Rob reams her twat. Their nasty interracial fuck features slobbering head, lewd rimming and a messy pussy creampie! Hungry Alina stuffs her...
xmoviesforyouA Sissy called Jezebel Part LXIII - We get to meet Aunty Eden's pack and the family sees the harem chamber and the incredible indoor pool. "We've organized the closet a little bit, there's some hand me down clothes for everyone, but we'll fuss with that stuff on a future trip." The twins are back up, and we follow mother to the harem chamber. It's down one floor. Mother opens up the huge double doors, and the vaulted chamber is enormous. "Mother how many sissies did your parents...
Wyoming Ute ITG, Tin Can Girls By Malissa Madison As I found out which truck we were supposed to fall in behind, my girls began asking questions. "Djulie, are we really following them?" "They know what our professions are and they invited us to go along with them?" "Are there even any single guys or girls in this group?" "Lira, yes they invited us along. Yes Wendella, they know who we are. And yes there are plenty of both. But we will not go actively seeking their attentions,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was 18 my Mother and I moved out of the family house.Her and dad fought all the time.She told me she couldn't take it any more and rented a small apt. in town. WOW!!! Was it small one large room that served as a bedroom,living room and table to eat at.A galley kitchen and full bath. Our beds were on each side of the room with our chests back to back in between. It was very hot that summer,so we sleep in only tee shirts. Some nights when I got up...
IncestYou are sitting at the computer, concentrating on the activity online. I approach from behind, and put my arms around your shoulders, lean my 44F breasts into your back, and nuzzle your ear. You lean into me, and lose your stream of thought on the conversation online. I kiss the top of your head, then the back of your neck. "Let's go to bed, hot rod," I whisper huskily.A few quick keystrokes and you are logged off. I shut off the light and lead you into the dimly lit bedroom. The bed looks...
############# Author's note ############# This story is my first work of fiction. I hope you like it. English is not my first language, so I apologise in advance for all typos and the wobbly grammar. I am happy to receive comments and suggestions. This story comes after "The Randomiser" and "The Randomiser 2." You should read those first. I want to thank all the people that left reviews on the previous instalments. You have been of great help and gave me the motivation to write...
Everyone dreams of winning a date with a porn star, and Evi Rei is ready to satisfy that fantasy as she tells us a little bit about her life. She was born in Canada, but raised in Florida, and is obsessed with eating. But she likes to eat more than just food. She also likes to stuff her mouth full of man meat. When she finally unzips that tight leather outfit, she exposes her luscious black boobs and fit, sexy body. She reveals that the secret to her physique was all those years of cheerleading...
xmoviesforyouBefore fiance T. Stone gets married, his uncle brings him to his wife Sarah Vandella’s spa for a last hoorah, a NURU massage experience that his uncle wisely advises will pay dividends during his marriage, by alleviating possible regret and resentment over the fun he didn’t have before settling down at an early age. Uncle Stone leaves his nephew with Aunt Sarah, and they head to the NURU room to meet the girl who will be his masseuse. But Aunt Sarah throws T. Stone for a loop when...
xmoviesforyouIt was twilight and the setting sun cast an amber glow on Eagle Stadium. We had kicked around licensing out the naming rights, but Eagle Stadium sounded so real and strong, that we decided to keep the name to ourselves. Mr. Bell and I were surrounded by our staff and some minor league club officials as we walked through a final inspection, preparatory to our inaugural game, the next evening. Spring Training had been like a vacation for me. Getting our campus and stadium up and running, had...
Dana was speechless. Shocked would have been an understatement. As she watched the restroom door close and the blonde disappear she looked down at the card she had mechanically taken. There was no name, simply a number written in what appeared to be eyeliner. 573-8572. Dana stared at the card and with a jolt came back to reality and realized that there she stood in a public restroom with the cum from an unknown man leaking from her ass, her hair and clothing a mess, she quickly stuffed the...
A few yeaers back i was working in a bar in crete, holidaymakers would come and go sometimes i'd have romances with some of them and enjoy myself for a week or two but the most memorable one was with a guy from Bodmin in Cornwall, he came with about 10 mates and used to come into my bar every night before going on to the clubs, one guy from the group Dan (name changed) spent his time at the bar with me most nights and made it clear he fancied me he wasnt very good looking but he was funny and...
Janie looked at herself in the mirror. She barely recognized the person she saw.Her had been styled with hot metal rods and some kind of light, fragrant oil that held its shape as it dried. It had taken a while, sitting there and letting Tonya do who-knows-what to it. Then Tonya had put makeup on her and helped her pick out an outfit from a communal closet. After all that work she could finally see it all. Her hair tumbled in loose flowing waves. A small black hat with a white band was pinned...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAt least, we almost headed off to Yorkville.We had barely pulled out of the parking spot when Jenn braked to a stop. I looked at her as she backed into the spot again. She switched off the car and looked at me.“Daisy,” she said, “you know how Dad is always telling us never to miss an opportunity? Well, we almost did. I think we just got lucky on our adventure and we should take advantage of the situation.”I had no idea what she was talking about. But what the hell. I got out of the car while...
IncestNow, I also have had some sort of obsessions with breasts. Many guys unlike me, really like to eat a women out. Get down, stick their head in their hot juicy cunt, and slurp all the juice out of them. I, however, have an unusual obsession with breasts. Like pregnant women, I don't know what sparked the obsession with tits, it's just something about the female body which seems to jump out and say "Hey, I'm a slut with big boobs, so come and fuck me until they are sore." Today, I am...
Chapter Seven With a firm command I received a reply “You have been behaving like a real baby and tonight I’m going to show you how a real man makes love to a woman.” I began to struggle against the powerful man who wanted me over by the statue, with a gasp I feel Sally grab my balls and tug me to my fate, the pain is formidable, the anguish even worse as my uncle lifts my hands up and binds them to the statue over my head. Sally releases her grip as I stand in awe of what has come...
The open window lets in the sounds of early morning, and I open my eyes to see the first rays of the dawn have already broken, and the birds outside are causing their usual racket. As the sun rises, so do me. I peel back the sheet and I am rigid with ‘morning wood’. I get up and use the bathroom, and as the piss empties out of me, so does my rigidity. I return to bed and lie next to you. Your nightshirt is bunched up around your waist and the sheet has exposed your most beautiful, tight ass....
A million city lights twinkled, and Cassie’s brown eyes glimmered as she took them all in.“Oh, Paris, I love you,” she whispered.The twenty-year-old American brunette practically skipped out the hotel’s revolving glass doors and opened her arms to the crisp evening air. Her maroon pumps clattered along the walkway as she fast-walked to the sidewalk and into the heart of the city, passing a quaint little rustic-wood café and regal-looking old stone statues whose grey eyes gazed serenely at the...
ThreesomesDear Readers, after receiving an overwhelmingly positive response to “Start of an erotic journey”, this story continues where the last one left off. This story is more of a narrative. Please as before feel free to contact her through me at Well, after using the strap on and other toys on Mehek, I really got into being the dominant one in our relationship. I was hooked on to the rush of power that I got when I wore a strap-on. The orgasms were also more intense when I was fucking Mehek, than...
Tales of a Hustler----Blakehybristophilia: the fascination to the point of sexual arousal than one experiences towards another that has committed the most heinous of crimes—****, k**napping, murder, etc. or is overall a particular hateful person, like a bully, racist, or career criminal. Through the decades there have been many titles---trick, trade, rough trade,chicken, foot soldier. I guess I've been called them all.Dudes hustle the streets for a variety of reasons. Some say it's just fun....
I had been day-dreaming at work about a recent hire, Tim, who was single and handsome. Girl-talk around the employee lounge revealed that he had hit on several of the young women, and a few that had dated him said he had the "biggest cock". I decided I was going to get him in bed and see for myself. I started flirting with him and revealing my cleavage and short skirts to him around the office. I spotted Tim in the employee lounge one day. Again luck, or fate, must have been on my side. We were...
"Welcome to FLASFOCON", the banner over the door of the hotel said, and I wondered if I was supposed to know what a 'flasfo' was. I pondered that for too long and almost got run over by a bunch of people pushing a luggage cart that they had so overloaded with suitcases, boxes and bags that it took all six of them to get it up the low rise to the door, leaving no one in charge of steering the thing. I jumped nimbly to one side and it rolled by me like a juggernaut, barely clearing the...
Hello All. Nishant here from Bengaluru. I thank and appreciate all for reading my experiences and writing back to me. I have been offering massages for about 8 years now. My author page would give you a link to read more about my experiences if you have not read. I can be reached on or on my facebook page “Nish Massage Club” This happened about 6 months back. Unlike other experiences which is mostly a massage, this is not the same. This one is of an erotic photoshoot. Hopefully, you would...
In a Cellar Down and DirtyThe woman’s eyes flashed terror when Juan Ramirez took her beach bag and dumped the contents onto the floor. He prodded the items with the toe of his boot, listening as the garbled pleas gushed through the leather muzzle covering the woman’s mouth. ?I’m sorry, did you say something?? Ramirez said, knowing the muzzle was overkill. In the lower depths of the station, nobody would hear the tourist’s cries, muzzle or not. ?You will have plenty of time for confessions.? The...
Harley Haze and Silvia Saige are chatting about a recent night out with the girls, reliving the excitement. But the more they chat, the more Harley starts to get the sneaky suspicion that Silvia has the hots for her roommate, Kuleana! Although Harley keeps slyly asking questions to get to the truth, Silvia keeps sheepishly trying to dodge them… until they bring Kuleana into the conversation. Harley starts questioning them both, trying to get them to admit that there is a spark between...
xmoviesforyouI had a friend called Kit (short for kitten) and she was a fantastic looking girl a few years older than me which was a major turn on.One day when I went over to hers we started drinking and having a laugh and we talked about past relationships (good and bad) and the hours just flew by and before we new it, it was midnight.I asked Kit if I could have a shower and she said yes and told me where it was. She looked up and smiled, but it was not a smile I had seen before it was a very cheeky, sexy...
398 wallys edukashun 1introduction Wally is a lad of 15, his real name is William, but his friends call him Wally, and that name had spread into homelife, bright academically but lacking in experience in the world, his hormones taking over and his body finding sex or at least his lack of knowledge and so on, a challenge. Like all lads of his age group, his enquiring mind strayed to sexual subjects about every 3 or4 minutes throughout his waking hours nowadays. It wasn’t that he was a sex mad...
Mac was a married man and his wife was knocked up with their sixth c***d. He loved sex and his wife loved having babies. Her mother had given birth to eighteen k**s and her grandma twenty two. She married Mac as he could afford her all these babies. Mac also loved to fuck. When he was not fucking his wife he was sticking his dick in young Sue. He first saw her when she was walking down a back road and she had on a tight knit shirt hugging a nice full set of tits and short shorts that showed an...
Sine Devi closed her almond shaped violet eyes; inhaled the heady aroma of her ranch and feels immediately at peace with her life. The sweet fragrance of freshly cut hay and the stronger scent of the horses always helped in creating the homey feeling Sine strived for. Her life had not always been as free as this. In the past, her life was a special kind of hell thanks to her father and she tried hard to forget all of tortures she was forced to live through. Sine loved this time of year, when...
“Oh hi Ellen, what a nice surprise!” Natalia said playfully, “Do come in!” Ellen skillfully moved the bottles to one hand and hugged the redhead with her free arm as she spoke softly in her ear, “How are you doing, sweetheart? I thought to bring you some more wine.” Natalia harrumphed and scolded, “As if that is going to change the fact I can’t get drunk anymore!” Ellen softly closed the door as she said, “The great thing is that you can enjoy every sip of wine without getting sick.” She...