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Chapter 1 : Every Day I Write The Book


I don’t know when I realised it was him?.


I’ve been studying Creative Writing for about a year now. It’s been a bit of a challenge, let me tell you. Before I started I’d written quite a bit for work - business reports, stuff like that – but of course there is a whole different set of challenges once you try to tell a story.


I think my tutor has been losing patience with me. I’ve found some of the exercises quite difficult and some of his comments haven’t been exactly helpful. ?Polish up the English or English up the Polish as the case may be,? was one of them. He likes puns.


Two weeks ago he gave me another project. ?You have terrible problems in writing believable characters,? he said.


?Oh, don’t pussy-foot around,? I thought, ?come right out and say it.?


?If I said they are two dimensional I’d be suggesting that they possess a level of reality beyond anything that I could seriously defend. I find it easier to understand the motivation and feelings of the green man on the road crossing lights than anyone in this piece.? He tossed the fruits of several long evening’s efforts back at me. I probably looked less than happy at his criticism. ?Look, Stuart,? he said, ?let me suggest a different approach.?


I was pretty hacked off at this point. ?Like what?? I said.


?Your problem is observation. You don’t study people, so you can’t write about what moves them. You don’t listen to them speak, so you can’t write dialogue. If you want to get better at writing, first you have to get better at watching and listening.?


For the first time, something he said made some sense.


?Try something for me. Choose someone you know. Write their diary. As if they were writing it. Watch what they do. Listen to what they say. Don’t make anything up. Just record it. Describe what’s going on around them if you need to but let their actions and words speak for themselves. Do it for a month. Then come back and we’ll talk about it. If you really try to write their life as it is then maybe you’ll find you can write their life as it might be. Then you’ll have a story.?


So I agreed to give it a try. I looked around for a subject and I chose Ray.


I live in this house with a group of other students and twenty-going-on-thirty somethings. I’ve got a bed sit up in the second floor front, we all share a kitchen and there’s this big lounge where you can collapse with a beer if you feel the need for company. Nobody stays here long. The students come and go each year. The rest of us seem to move out after about eighteen months as job or girlfriends call. Except me, Stuart Pollock. I’ve been here five years now.


I’m not sure why I chose Ray. Maybe I thought it would be easy to write about him because he’s around the house quite a lot. I didn’t really know anything about him at all, even though I met him a year ago and we both lived within twenty feet of one another. I guess that’s just another example of what my tutor thinks is my problem.?????


The question is would I have chosen Ray if I knew then what I know now? Or even suspected?


I spent quite a while just watching him. Working out how to describe him; his build, his clothes; the way he smirks sometimes; the way he starts if he doesn’t hear you coming. What does he look like? Slim, a bit taller than me, I guess around five eleven. Around thirty, thirty two I guess; a bit older than most of us. He’s quite dark; dark eyes, dark complexion, short dark hair. It’s odd; he manages to look quite foreign and very English at the same time.


Anyway, that was how I started. It was good practice, just like my tutor said. I filled three or four pages with little quirky things about how he moved, how he sat, stuff like that. The details don’t matter for this story – that’s a bit of a paradox isn’t it – but I really felt I was getting to grips with his character and his behaviour around the house.


That was the start of the trouble – around the house. Actually that was the only place I’d ever seen Ray. I didn’t know what he did for a job. He didn’t seem to have a social life; never joined the rest of us at the pub. He didn’t often stay long in the living room. He spent a lot of time in his own room.


I found it fascinating. Why was he like that? What did he do? Where did he go when he went out?


That was easy enough to answer. A few times I followed him. He didn’t seem to go anywhere much. Just walking around. I’d be looking at him and he’d be looking at the streets. He seemed to be as much of a watcher as I was. It’s just that, as it turned out, we were watching out for different things.


Chapter 2 : I Read the News Today


There had been reports in the local paper and on local TV and radio. I hadn’t really taken much notice until the girlfriend of one of my flat mates – Dee she was called - said, ?Isn’t it terrible??


She explained about this masked attacker,.,. how he was breaking into houses, always students, always girls. He didn’t steal anything. He didn’t rape the women. Didn’t do anything sexual as far as anyone could tell. He wasn’t even particularly violent. He just tied the women up and left them helpless.


She said the police were hopeless - they hadn’t been able to do anything to stop him – and all they could do was to appeal for witnesses and advise young women to be particularly vigilant, ensure their doors and windows were locked and bolted and so on. She said it was disgusting. He was obviously a pervert. Who could do something like that? He must be crazy. And somebody must be shielding him. Someone must know who it is and what they are doing.


We’d all sat around in the living room listening to her sounding off about how she didn’t understand how any girl could let a man do that to them. She’d sat on the floor, arms and legs folded, nodding her head as she made her points emphatically in a high pitched voice. It was funny really; this slight, slim girl in her jeans and her tee shirt, almost childlike in her anger, bewailing the irredeemable nature of men but sounding like someone had just stolen her ice cream.


A week later – about the middle of March - we’d heard she’d been a victim.


We read about it in the paper. She’d been studying at home, working on her computer, listening to music on her iPod when he’d attacked her. Of course she wouldn’t have heard him, she’d have had the volume right up. She might have caught a glimpse of him reflected in the screen of her laptop before he struck but perhaps not. It must have been a terrible shock for her. A gloved hand clamped over her mouth, being pulled backwards and pushed to the floor. And then what?


Well, the papers were suitably vague. Don’t want to give away anything the police might use in their investigations, someone in the house said. You could guess, though from other reports. It wasn’t hard to imagine him wrapping ropes around her wrists, pulling a cloth across her mouth. Winding more ropes around her body, tying her arms to her sides, pulling the ropes tightly across those pert little tits.


Well, of course, it just seemed like a horrible coincidence when we heard about it. Until I realised that the expression in Ray’s eyes had seemed rather cold and detached as everyone was saying what a terrible thing it was.


I suppose that was when I started suspecting. And when I should have said something. Especially when I realised that I’d been following him on the night it had happened. And I’d walked right past her house.


Chapter 3 : Suspicious Minds


I didn’t say anything right away. I suppose it was pretty selfish of me. Mostly I thought that if I said anything then I’d have to start my project all over again and I didn’t fancy that. A little bit of me thought that it might make the project even more interesting. I suppose that it was that thought that won out in the end. And anyway I might have been wrong. It all might have been a big coincidence.


I was intrigued though and I wondered if I could find out more. That’s one of the consequences of being told to watch people and think about what makes them tick. It sucks you in.


Actually it wasn’t difficult to find out more. I waited until Ray was out one lunchtime. The house was quiet. Pretty much everyone else was out too. The door to his room wasn’t locked; none of us bothered with that. Ray had left his laptop on the table in his room. A rucksack was pushed under the bed. I pulled it out.


And that was when I knew I was right.


The evidence was pretty incontrovertible. Hanks of rope, rolls of tape, some stips of thick black cloth.? Even one of those ball things threaded on a strap that’s supposed to be used as a gag. There was some other stuff in there too, thin latex gloves, a ski mask, and a knife; a very big knife. It wasn’t hard to see how his victims would react confronted with that. The blade shone mirror-like, its chromed surface reflecting my face as I looked at it. The handle was heavy in my hand. It felt as though you would only have to lean the point of the blade on flesh and then let go to have the knife slice into flesh. It was frightening me and I was holding it. I put it back quickly into its sheath. There was other stuff too, in the pockets of the bag. A small camera and a packet of condoms that hadn’t been opened.


Then there was his computer. He really hadn’t been careful with that. The history log of his browser was pretty incriminating. Site after site that featured girls tied up and gagged. I mean, I know there’s a lot of porn on the Internet but I hadn’t realised how specialised this stuff could be. Secretaries in bondage, tied cheer leaders, uniform bondage.... all sorts. It was pretty obvious where his interests lay. None of the girls were naked though, I noticed. Odd that. I mean you’d have thought – well, I’d have thought – that it was some sort of sex thing and he’d want them naked, but no. And it wasn’t really porn, either. Nothing that I’d call sex on show, anyway.


If there had been any doubt about Ray, the contents of his images folder blew those away. There were a series of folders with names like ?Rebecca 12 Feb?, ?Angie 07 March? and so on. And of course there was ?Dee 15 March?.


There were two lots of pictures. Some he’d taken on the street a few following behind her, one reflected in a shop window, another obviously snatched from waist level as he’d walked past her in a coffee shop. There was even one he’d taken when she was in the house that time. I certainly hadn’t noticed him taking it. Presumably she hadn’t either.


Then there were the others; the ones taken during what I’ll call his ?visit?. She’d been wearing the same jeans she’d had on in our house together with a pale yellow tee shirt and a dark brown shirt worn loose over it. All the shots of her were after he had tied up, gagged and blindfolded her – that was what the strips of black cloth were for – but they were shot from different angles as she lay on the floor. He had turned her over so that he’d taken pictures from the front – I’d been surprisingly good about guessing how he would have tied her with the ropes criss-crossing her chest – and the back. There were some close-up shots of the tape spread across her lips, the way the rope cut into the flesh of her wrists and the way it creased the denim of her jeans where he’d tied her ankles. Together they painted a picture of Ray as someone who was really fascinated by the details. He wouldn’t have had the problems I had with my writing.


I put everything back as it had been. I mean her would obviously be upset if he thought I was poking around with his things. Even so it was obvious that Ray that was responsible. He’d certainly got all the tools he needed in his rucksack and the pictures just confirmed it.


Chapter 4 : Street Life


Well, I thought it would be all right, you see. I mean all the accounts in the papers said that he tied his victims up and then left them blindfolded. Even so, I thought I ought to wear a mask. I’m not stupid you know and, well he might change his mind or what the police call his ?modus operandi? mightn’t he?


So this time when I followed him I waited until after he left. He was in the house for about fifteen minutes I guess. I watched him leave, the back pack over his shoulder. He’d obviously got in through a back window or something so I went around behind the house. Everything was dark. It was a bit spooky really. The back door was ajar. He must have come out that way. Well it was easier for me than climbing in. I put my mask on and my gloves and went in. It led into the kitchen. It was all dark but it wasn’t completely quiet. There was this sort of squeaking noise coming from one of the rooms upstairs. I guessed that it must have been whoever he’d attacked. I really had to see. I tried to go up the stairs quietly but I think she must have heard me because the squeaking suddenly stopped. It wasn’t a problem because I’d worked out where it was coming from by then so I just went on as quietly as I could.


I looked around the edge of the door and there she was. It was OK because he had tied her up like all the newspapers said he did and she was gagged which was why she was just kind of squeaking, and she had a blindfold on so she couldn’t see me. Ray had really made a bit of a mess because there were things all over the floor, drawers turned upside down, a real mess. But he’d made a really neat job of tying the girl up which was sort of odd really. She was sitting on a chair and he’d tied her hands behind her so they were behind the back of the chair too. He had tied her quite tightly because even though she’d been struggling she didn’t seem to have loosened off the ropes at all. And there was quite a lot of rope. Around her waist and across her lap and around her knees and her ankles. He’d tied them together and then pulled them back against the rail that ran between the two front legs of the chair so she couldn’t swing her feet about at all. He’d really done a very thorough job. I couldn’t get much idea of what the girl looked like, what with the blindfold over her eyes and the gag across her mouth but she had quite an attractive figure it seemed to me, though I guess that rope pulling her waist in and her arms pulled back like that made her breasts look bigger than they would have otherwise.


I didn’t think I should stay though. I didn’t want to frighten her any more than she was already. That didn’t seem fair. So I backed away from the door and left her. She must have heard me coming up the stairs because when I got to the back door I could hear her squeaking again. It’s funny, you would have thought that the gag would keep her quieter than that. Still, I don’t really know about this sort of thing, so perhaps it’s not surprising at all. I guess that’s the sort of observation stuff my tutor was talking about.


Why didn’t I tell the police then? Well, it probably would have been sensible, but I was intrigued I suppose and I really didn’t want to start researching someone else. Or maybe you don’t think that is much of an excuse....


Chapter 5 : Hot Legs



It was the second time I’d followed him. ?


I was quite interested to see what he had done with her gag this time. I think there must a risk when you push cloth into the girl’s mouth that she will choke on it somehow. Obviously the same thing has occurred to Ray because I saw that this time he’d tied a cloth between her lips first and then pushed the wadding into her mouth on top of that. The cloth looked like a strip of sheet or something but then as she was struggling around I saw he’d actually torn it from her shirt. Any way with the cloth tied like that she couldn’t swallow the wadding so he’d pushed quite a lot in and then put tape across on top of it. Her cheeks were really bulging from the packing. But it was obviously working a lot better than Ray’s previous efforts and it’s safer for the girl too, so I guess that’s good. The only thing is it doesn’t really look as neat because you’ve got the cloth under the tape and the packing really bulges out. Well, I guess that’s not so important really and it’s good that Ray is obviously thinking about how he does things, developing ideas, coming up with new ways. That’s good.


There was something else different I noticed this time too. There wasn’t as much mess around the place. With the other girl, he had really turned the place over; drawers emptied out, clothes pulled off hangars. And the girls in the paper had all said he’d stolen lots of stuff, jewellery, things like that. But this time there was none of that. Just the girl. On the bed. Tied up. Gagged. Blindfolded. Oh, yeah. And her skirt was up around her waist.


This was a new development.


It was only after I got back I started thinking about something my creative writing tutor had said. ?Remember,? he’d said, ?it’s not enough for your audience to know what your characters do, they have to know why they do it and they have to believe why they do it too. Motivation is the driving force that explains how characters respond to circumstance.? I realised then that I had absolutely no explanation for Ray’s behaviour.


I mean, I suppose he’s got some sort of mental disorder. I mean he’s obsessive about neatness in the way he ties the girls up, although that could just be careful craftsmanship or the safest way to see that they don’t escape. Hang on, this man goes around tying girls up and photographing them, do we need any more evidence of mental disorder?


On the other hand he’s quite rational. He doesn’t engage much with us when we’re talking in the house but if he does it’s always with a well thought out point of view. If you asked me what I thought his politics were I’d have said he’s left of centre. He’s a libertarian, which is odd in someone that seems to take great pleasure from restricting liberty.


Certainly he’s not very sociable though. He doesn’t spend much time with the rest of us. Thinking back, I haven’t seen him around the house for a couple of days.


Well, there’s obviously some sort of sexual dimension, I suppose. Especially this time, with the way he’d rearranged her skirt but he could have obviously gone further. That knife of his would have snicked through the side of her panties without any problem, or he could have cut the shoulder straps on her dress to get at her breasts. There hadn’t been anything like that though, just her skirt carefully pushed up around her waist.


Chapter 6 : Knowing Me, Knowing You


I didn’t feel I was really getting inside his head though. I suppose I couldn’t square Ray’s rather reticent, quiet, self with what he was doing. It wasn’t so much that I couldn’t envisage him doing what he was doing; it was more that I couldn’t see how he was doing it.?? I mean he didn’t seem to be the sort of person who could persuade you to get him a cup of coffee, much less force someone into the situations that he obviously was. I had to see him at work.


I’d got quite good at following him. The terraced houses and back alleys of the part of town where most of the student digs are is scruffy with short narrow streets and plenty of doorways and corners to duck behind. In the evening the street lamps cast a series of orange pools along otherwise dark pavements. I don’t think he ever realised I was following him. Too focused on what he had in mind, I guess. He would lope along the road at a steady speed, obviously knowing where he was going. Sometimes he didn’t even carry a bag. He obviously had everything he needed in his long dark overcoat.


It was late in the evening. About ten o’clock. I suppose I should try to be a bit more exact but I didn’t really notice the time. This time he’d gone a bit off his patch. The houses were bigger – three story, early twentieth century, tall doors, tall windows. The one he was aiming for was at the end of a terrace. There was a door to the side of the building leading through to the back. He went through. I followed him.


Off of the street it was suddenly much darker. I just avoided falling over a rubbish bin as I tried to keep close enough to see where he was going but stay far enough back not to be seen. Thinking back this was spectacularly stupid. What would he have done if he’d seen me? I hadn’t even thought about that.


I didn’t see how he opened that back door but he did and a moment later he was inside. I was close behind him. The kitchen gave way into a hallway. I’d lost him. I had no idea where he had gone in the house. Upstairs seemed the best bet.


I tried a door. A bedroom.


Then there were voices, lights coming on downstairs. I suddenly had a sense that I was somewhere that it wasn’t good to be. I’ve watched too many movies, I suppose but what do you do in that situation? Of course, you hide in the wardrobe.


That’s what I did. And then the door to the room opened. I held my breath. There were two voices. One wracked, pleading, a girl. The other quiet, almost soft but firm, Ray.


?Please, please – don’t hurt me. Please.?


?It’s all right. You know if you do as you’re told you won’t be hurt, don’t you??


?Yes, I guess so. That’s what the papers say, isn’t it? But.. the knife...?


?It’s OK. Don’t worry. Here take this...?


I was sweating. It was hot in the wardrobe and I was trying hard to hold my breath, or at least to breathe when they’re talking so I wouldn’t be heard. They were not really paying much attention to anyone but themselves, though. The wardrobe door was open a crack. I could see the knife he was holding and I understood why she’d be scared of it.




?In your mouth. Please. It’s just some cloth. Wad it up and push it in. It won’t hurt.? There was a pause. ?Go on, Becky.?


He knew her name. Familiarity or research? I couldn’t know from where I was and I wasn’t likely to find out unless I find a diary that he’s been keeping or something. There was a sort of whimpering noise and then a muffled grunt.


?Good.? It was Ray again. I guessed that I wouldn’t hear much more from Becky. ?All right then. If you can lie down. It will be more comfortable. That’s it. Now hands behind you.?


There were sounds from the bed. I peered through the crack between the wardrobe doors. Ray had his back to me. He was kneeling over the girl, busy with some lengths of rope and some gaffer tape. He was very methodical, knowing exactly what he was doing, working from place to place, quickly but without rushing. Wrists, elbows, ankles, knees all wrapped in rope that pulled them tightly to one another. Rope around the waist. He went to swing her around and I stepped back from the door, terrified that he or she would see me, even though they obviously had no idea I was there.


Then she was on her back. I got a better view of her. About twenty one years old, I suppose. She’d got bare tanned legs, disappearing under a short skirt. Bare feet. And the ropes, of course. I could just see her head; short brown hair, wide eyes fringed with long dark lashes. She was staring up at Ray in his balaclava mask. Her mouth was half open, white cloth spilling from it; like she’d been interrupted in the middle of a meal and she’d been eating her napkin.


?Sorry about this,? said Ray as he leant forward. When he moved back I could see that he’d covered her mouth with grey tape, long, wide strips of it plastered across the lower half of her face, stretching from down under her chin almost up to her ears. She shook her head. Her eyes were wide. She was surprised; not by the fact that he’d done it but by the fact he’s used so much tape. She must have known she wouldn’t be able to shift it; at least not for a long time.


Ray stood up, on one side of the bed. He was staring down at her. She was looking up at him. She wriggled a little as though she wasn’t sure what to do. He just stood there watching her. And that’s all he did. For what seemed like a lifetime.


After a bit she realised that was all he wanted to do. Watch. She ought to have been relieved but she wasn’t. She was pissed as anything; shaking her head and grunting into her gag. He just stood there, not moving, not saying anything. Then suddenly it’s like he was getting bored. He looked at his watch, shook his head and then looked around the room. He picked up a scarf and wrapped it over her eyes; tied it tightly behind her head and then added some tape to make sure she couldn’t get it off. About all you could see of her face was her nose; the rest was covered by the grey sense obliterating tape and the scarf. There was a pair of her tights beside the bed, he picked them up and pulled them down over her head. She was not sure what was going on. She shook her head and tried to struggle some more before laying still.


Suddenly I was hoping that he wasn’t going to come looking for more of her clothes. But then that was it. He didn’t say another word. He just looked down at her once more, stopped and reached down to push her skirt up as she squeals in frightened anticipation. He took one look at her legs - tanned skin, white panties – nodded with what I guess was satisfaction, turned and went to the door. He pulled his camera from his pocket, took a few shots, checked them on the viewing screen at the back and that was it. He’d gone.


For the first time in what seems like hours I felt able to breathe.??


She lifted her head trying to decide if he’d gone or not. She heard me as I emerged and thought he was back, squealed into her gag and tried to struggle. I could see what he sees in this as I repeated his experience. The helpless, silenced girl, partly exposed, was struggling and fearful. I didn’t plan to stick around either though. I left her, hoping she would struggle free soon enough but, frankly, looking at the way the ropes had been tied, I couldn’t see her getting loose until someone finds her.


Chapter 7:? We Are Detective


I’m talking with Detective Sergeant Rigby. He’s one of those people that you feel happy talking to. There’s no sense that he’s judging what you’re saying, just that he’s listening; taking it all in. There’s the recording machine of course. It’s just like one of those scenes in a TV drama. I guess that just goes to show how observant those other writers are. Maybe my tutor has a point.


Still I’ve decided that I had to be open and honest in answering his questions. The one thing I’ve learned from all those shows is that there’s no point in being evasive or, worse still, lying.


Rigby seems interested by what I have to say as I tell him about the writing course and my project. He nods sympathetically when I say that I could have hardly foreseen where it would lead and he seems quite happy to listen to my account of Ray’s activities without challenging what I say.


He doesn’t really ask many questions. Just occasionally. ?Did you realise that you left a finger print on the table, there??


I nod. ?Yes stupid really. I took my gloves off for a moment.?


He rolls his eyes upward, tuts and shakes his head. ?Easily done, easily done,? he says in a way that suggests it happens all the time. ?And on this piece of tape.?


I tell him about Ray and how I found it in his room and how I must have left it then. Rigby seems to understand but suddenly I’m worried. What if Ray made none of these slip ups? What if he’s given himself a really good alibi each time? I mean that’s the sort of thing you’d do isn’t it?


?Don’t you worry, Mr Pollock,? Rigby says when I voice my concerns. ?If this Ray has done what you say I’m sure we’ll be able to prove it. You just focus on telling me what happened.?


I tell him about my notes that I’ve been making for my project and Rigby nods. ?Yes,? he says. ?We found them. Very helpful. Very clear. That would be this notebook wouldn’t it?? He turns his head to one side and says to the recording machine this time. ?I’m showing Mr Pollock a small black notebook tagged as item #10369.?


?Yes,? I say that’s it. I’m sure you’ll find plenty to help you in there.? ?


We’ve been talking for about half an hour when there’s a pause. A woman detective constable comes in a passes him a piece of paper. He unfolds it, reads it slowly and puts it into his jacket pocket. The woman is looking at me without much interest, just the casual look of someone whose gaze has fallen on the one thing in the room that’s different from every time before. In the pause, I find myself wondering what Ray would make of her. Not his type really. She’s a bit thin and angular. Thinking back, all Ray’s victims were sort of softer, rounder.


?Well, Mr Pollock,? Rigby says. It’s funny the police have been unfailingly polite. It’s been quite pleasant to talk to them, ?I’m glad you’ve been able to be of such help.?


I’m relieved. I suppose I had half expected that they wouldn’t believe me. I mean, you can see how things looked from their perspective.


The detective smiles quietly.


?Well, Mr Pollock, I’m sorry but we’re going to have to start this all over again. It seems that when some of my colleagues spoke to the others in your flat, none of them knew anyone called Ray. Basically there’s you and the others you gave me names for, but no Ray.?


I’m puzzled. I can’t imagine how he’s made this mistake. I’ve been following him around. I know him inside out – ask my tutor; read the notebooks.


?Except of course there is a Ray isn’t there? And you and I know who he is, don’t we??


I really don’t know what he’s talking about. First of all he’s saying Ray doesn’t exist and then he does.


The woman folds her arms. She doesn’t say anything but her look has changed from disinterested to attentive. It’s as if she knows what’s coming next but wants to see it anyway. I’m interested too.


?Stuart Raymond Pollock,? Rigby says, ?I’m arresting you on suspicion of being involved in assaults on seven women. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.?


I have to say, it’s all come as a bit of a shock.







? Freddie Clegg 2011


All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission.


All characters fictitious


Email: [email protected]


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Sex with a female writer

Hi readers I am Parthiv I am an average guy looking good white skin toned body height of 5’10”. I live far from parents due to job I work in a company at Hyderabad as assistant engineer so I lived lonely at my flat. As about my work there are less members of female in our company so I didn’t get as many female colleagues to chat. One day one of my friend suggested to read sex stories from this site you liked it first I didn’t listened about him. After some days I feel so bore and started...

4 years ago
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Fun Trip in Goa with Erotica Writer

I have been into writing erotica based on my experiences. But for the first time, attempting fiction. Even though it is fiction, it is very close to reality. This is about a I had it neatly planned with a fellow female erotica writer and another male friend of mine. The plan was to spend about 4 days/nights together in an apartment, chat, eat, get drunk, and have a few fuck sessions. As luck would have it, the lady, Rashmi (name changed), had to drop the plan. Her husband changed his plan, and...

2 years ago
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The Writer

Just a short story about an author beginning to write erotic stories. This story will be a dialog between a husband and his wife. H=Husband, W=Wife H-As I was sitting at the computer in my office, I have a home office, my wife appeared at the door. W-What are you doing? H-Writing a story. W-What do you mean writing a story? You're not a writer. H- Unfortunately a lot of readers agree with you. W-Readers? What readers? H- On this web site, a writer can send in stories and people read...

3 years ago
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Loosing Virginity To Iss Writer

Hey, guys….This is Sarah here…I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net…And i’m here to share my experience of loosing my virginity…I am an average looking girl with huge assets (34 30 36)….So the story goes here… One day…I was feeling damn too horny so I opened iss and read a story….It was abt wild sex and it made me wet…I pinged to the writer of the story Rahul.Appreciating the story…We had a great conversation and decided to meet at CCD…I was wearing a black one piece dress….The...

4 years ago
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TG writer

Big thanks go out to Rhonda who did a great job editing my story. Thanks again hun, I couldn't of did this without you. Hugs TG writer By Princess Panty boy "Hello." I answer the phone even though I see the number is blocked. "Hi Chrissie, this is Lil Baby Girl, we have role-played a million times on Yahoo chat." Looking down at the phone, I am trying to figure out how she got my personal cell number. "Ummmmm, hi Lil Baby Girl, how did you get my phone number, and how did you...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a female porn writer

Confessions of a female porn writer.My name is MARIA PROCO i am a welknow female pornwriter specialized in forced prostitution stories mostly in an interracial context were the white females are captured and sold to big black pimps with specialized brothels for "Blacks only "This is my fantasy sinds i was 11 years old.To find my daily fantasies just google ?Maria Proco? or go to my website in my profile and go to blog ,you will find there the illustrated stories of my daily fantasies like :...

3 years ago
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Hes The Greatest Writer

Jerry sat at his PC marvelling at his latest literary masterpiece. "This will show'em." He said to himself. He had been an author of erotic fiction for over a year now and in that time had produced seven stories which he believed ranked alongside the cream of the EMC genre. Unfortunately for Jerry the smut-reading public disagreed. He had never received anything close to a good review with comments ranging from lukewarm to downright offensive. His best score to date was 1.6 (he had given...

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The Bisexualizing Effect of Erotica Its Implicatioins for Writers

The Bisexualizing Effect of Erotica and It's Implications for Writers By Cal Y. Pygia Our enjoyment of erotic or pornographic images may start with the simple desire to see naked people. However, before long, poses of even the most beautiful woman or the handsomest men becomes relatively boring. Where singles may be sufficient, as it were, to whet our appetites, we soon want to see couples, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or transsexual, coupling. In a similar vein, regardless...

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Assisting the Writer

Greg sat at the glass desk in Sarah and Don's house, writing his latest novel. Outside it was pitch black. If he glanced at the time he would have seen it was three am and he had been writing for seven hours straight. The only recollection of the passing time Greg had was the empty coffee pot by his side. As his fingers typed his newest novel his mind filled with thoughts of Sarah kneeling under the glass desk sucking his cock lovingly. His cock twitched and hardened as he thought, One more...

Straight Sex
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Shocking True Confessions of the Worlds Last Horror Writer

-Ray Bradbury, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" *** In the midst of the 20th century most learned and responsible parties in America came to agree that the country was in need of an established Authority to Police the Moral Climate, to ensure that dangerous and potentially subversive ideas did not pollute impressionable minds. It started small: In 1954 they outlawed the horror comics. No more “Tales from the Crypt” or “Haunt of Fear” or even “Weird Fantasy” for the kiddies. That...

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The night was a stormy one, as dark as the bottom of a deep well. The only break in the black sky outside my window was the flashes of lightning that lit up the entire area. The wind was a steady drone and the crash of the thunder sounds like explosions just outside…… ‘Damn, that really sucks.’ As I stand up from the computer and walk around the room. ‘Why the hell do I have such an impossible time describing something right in front of my eyes?’ Looking back through the window I can see the...

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Coke Cock Dilemma 4 Ghost writer

He was right, to my own shock I loved the taste of their cum and her pussy was filled to the brim with it. The taste was intoxicating and I dug my tongue in as deep as I could to get it as Mike began to caress the back of my head. “Yea, that’s it,” he says, “Get in there and get it all out. It looks like you might be running out.” He then grabs me by the hair and pulls me out of my wife’s gloriously used snatch and turns my head toward him. “I’ve got plenty more where that came from.” He slowly...

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I've always been fascinated with my 48 year old mother for as long as I can remember. She's someone who prides herself on being the pillar of the community. In the middle-class suburban neighborhood where we live, my mother has always been actively involved in PTA meetings, charity events, and other community programs. She's prim and proper in every since of the word, and is always going out of her way to present herself in only the most positive light.We've always been close, and her career as...

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The night was a stormy one, as dark as the bottom of a deep well. The only break in the black sky outside my window was the flashes of lightning that lit up the entire area. The wind was a steady drone and the crash of the thunder sounds like explosions just outside......"Damn, that really sucks." As I stand up from the computer and walk around the room. "Why the hell do I have such an impossible time describing something right in front of my eyes?" Looking back through the window I can see the...

Straight Sex
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Virgin Fan Meets Mature ISS Story Writer

Meri naam Alpana hai. Mai Asansol me rahti hoon. Baat 2014 ki hai, jab main ISS pe Debjanididi aur unki nand Sanjana ki story padi. Mera age 25 saal ka hai aur main itni sundar hoon ki mummy papa mujhe zyada bahar jaane nahi dete hai. Jab bhi mai bahar jati hoon to ladke mujhe ghur ghur ke dekhte hai. Aur pata nahi apne ap, mere andar itni sex ki bhuk kyun hai !! Sayed isiliye mujhe bhi apna jism flaunt karna bahot achha lagta hai. Par main darti bahot thi. Badnaami se aur Maa-Baap ki pitai se,...

3 years ago
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Satin Sheets Or She Slept With The Writer

A foot sticks out from the edge of the bed, chubby little pink toes with red toenails on a small puffy foot. The rest of you is covered, satin sheets curving like rolling hills over your voluptuous body, blonde frizzy curls cascading over your face. Daylight has begun to light the room, but you are still asleep; only the foot looks ready for play. Hours ago I was sucking those toes as I gave you what you wanted, what you begged for. Now they just hang out in space, being adorable. Calling...

2 years ago
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The Writer

I got up from the computer with a smile on my face. If I was right, within the next twenty-four hours my husband would read what I had just typed and if I knew him - and believe me I did - he would be smiling and rubbing his cock. Hell - he might even take it out and stroke it. Revenge could sometimes be so sweet! It all started the day I overheard two women gossiping at the beauty parlor. My favorite stylist had quit working at my regular salon and had gone to work at another place and I...

1 year ago
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My Fantasy About Another Writer

Erotic fiction! It has taken me months to get the money together, but I finally have what it takes to fly to your town in England. I have my passport, my luggage, and everything, and I am wondering whether you will enjoy the accomodations at the hotel suite that I have reserved. I meet you at the airport, just as we had arranged, and we kiss for the 1st time, with my mouth engulfing yours in a lock, tangling my tongue with yours, as we exchange saliva. I look into your eyes, not caring if they...

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Becoming a Screenwriter

I can't say that I have all of the answers to this but something unexpected happened that changed everything. It wasn't planned or on my bucket list. Sometimes fate just happens.When we met, it was at the Verizon store. I was there to replace my aging mobile phone. So was she. Mine was two years old. Hers was less than that and, "so out of date," she grumbled. Obviously, it was time for her to get the latest Apple phone. She had to have the best and the latest.I could have lived with mine a...

Straight Sex
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Becoming pantywriter

Not long after I moved into my own apartment I found myself gravitating towards very ‘different’ porn sites. I used the standard sites often enough, and I always enjoyed fantasizing about the sex that I watched on the computer screen. But there were nights that I felt a different pull. I felt ambivalent about straight up porn. I decided that there were only so many ways that ordinary porn could arouse me. But at the same time, I’m aware that these…tastes…are not ‘normal.’ Yet early on when I...

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Lady Libertine Ch 02 The Ghostwriter

‘You just have to think of something, Jeanette,’ pleaded Angie. She lifted the glass of chardonnay to her lips, which signaled that it was my turn to reply. I studied the deep crimson cabernet as I swirled it, inhaled its scent, took a sip, and watched the light rainbow film cascaded down from the rim of my glass. The action always seemed to hone my thoughts as if looking into a gazing ball. Such reflection often reveals the sum total of a situation in an instant. Best friends since first...

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Cinderella The Copywriter

‘Brian, you’re wanted in the bunker, straight away.’ Brian Palmer was surprised. As the youngest copywriter in the agency it was unusual for him to be summoned to the main conference room. He looked up at the man who had appeared in front of his desk. Eric Mansell was probably the best creative director in Perth. Anyone who could show up for work whenever he liked in an Hawaiian shirt and a company BMW had to be good. ‘Hmm, OK, what’s it about?’ ‘You remember that we gave you the Bailey’s...

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The Scriptwriter

Dramatis Personae: Sunshine: Large breasted woman. Lingerie model. Desmond: Geeky-looking guy. Scriptwriter. Herbert Chin: Overweight, balding, middle-aged man. Porn Movie Producer. Misty: Porn Starlet Tracy: Porn Starlet Buster Beaver: Male porn star. Johnny Rubber: Male porn star Act I Pan across a bedroom in which there is a large double bed and a mirror closet. Focus on the reflection of a naked woman, Sunshine, who is masturbating loudly and enthusiastically with a vibrator. Zoom...

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You are { First } { Last }, a high school junior who has a magical typewriter, for which whatever you type becomes true. It’s your first day bay to school and you want to have some fun.

Mind Control
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Alpha male

I never believed anything like this could ever happen to me, but I'm here to tell you that everything here in happened just as it occurred one year ago. Just to set the stage and give you a little back ground, I'm a happily married woman for eight years now, with two beautiful children and a husband who loves me!!! We aren't rich or anything, but my husband is a very successful corporate lawyer, so we're not hurting any, and by most standards we'd be considered upper middle class! At the time...

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Between The Lines

The email came out of the blue. We hadn't spoken or sent messages or emailed or acknowledged each other's existence in over fifteen years. My ex had obviously thought there was a need to let me know she had been diagnosed with the big ‘C’.I guess I felt sorry for her and so I responded. We entered, into what turned out to be, a fun and exciting email exchange in which I told her I was happily married and she told me all about her evenings at a certain pub where she still met locals for sex. ...

Quickie Sex
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Owned by the MotherinlawChapter 16

The women sneered with satisfaction as Rose removed her skirt and displayed her beautifully plump thighs, wagging her finger with one hand, her soiled panties in the other. "You lick these clean first." I gratefully took the large size frilly panties from her and sniffed and licked at the generous and sticky gusset; the divine scent and aromas of her voluptuous arse and pussy making my cock pulse and flex, yearning to service those delicious orifices for her, but first I must endure a...

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EyesChapter 20The Neighbors Play

This was the planned weekend at the camp. The inaugural trip for Sunshine June and I to enjoy Nettie's gift of her huge cabin out at the camp. The four twins, Sunshine, June and I had arrived at the camp and had just gone down to the lake. The five other members of the group were stretched out in the sun. It was pretty plain to see Dad was the sun-loving novice. Ethel was a very deep brown, with Nettie a second, Grandpa was pretty tan but had swimsuit lines. Agnes was pretty tan from the...

2 years ago
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In Bus With Two Girls

A moment of appreciation to all the readers, thanks for taking time to read my story. I am Amit, and this is my first story here in ISS. So please bear with me :). The incident that i’m going to tell you happened last year. Yes, i can clearly remember the date, as it was a new year (1-1-2011). I had Christmas vacations and i was at home. This was the first time i was at home after 3 long years celebrating Christmas and new year at hostel, in fact i missed all the alcohol and fun, but then...

4 years ago
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Gang Bang Whores

Gang Bang Whores This is the third part of my story. In 'Virginity Lost' I told the true story of how I had my virginity taken aged 16 by one of my school teachers. In 'Sisters' I told how the same teacher had a threesome with me along with her younger sister. This experience really set me on a course sexually for the rest of my life. I now jump almost 8 years to when I was a newly qualified junior doctor working horrendous shifts in a busy city centre hospital, constantly in fear that...

Group Sex
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Lesbian love sister

Hi to all the ISS readers and my lesbian counter parts. This is my true story when I was at the tender age of 17 years. My name is Seema and I stay in Mumbai with my parents. The incident goes 4 years back. Before that let me tell you about my self. I am 21 years old now and 36-28-38. Currently unmarried and working in a call centre in the suburbs. Ok let’s come to the incident now. It was 4 years back. We were staying in Mumbai with my mom dad my elder sister who is who was 20yrs that time. It...

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BlackValleyGirls Nia Nixon Afrocentric Snatch Games

Nia Nixon is looking extra sexy in her skin tight top today. She does a split and shows off her flexibility for the cam while getting herself nice and juicy for the cock to come. And when our stud shows up, she does not disappoint. She rides his meaty prick, sliding her pussy up and down to create some of the hottest friction he has ever felt. Then she flips around on her stomach and lets him pierce her pussy from behind. She loves cumming on his hard shaft! Finally, she kneels down and takes a...

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Family Vacation

It must have been an alignment of the sun, moon and stars otherwise I don't know how this could have happened. It was early July and as such it was time for our annual family vacation. My husband Bill had made the reservation for the beach house months ago and as it happened my daughter Elizabeth had found a new boyfriend towards the end of her sophomore year, a young man named Josh who was a junior at the same high school. By the time the summer finally arrived they were going steady and she...

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Costume Gun My Little Princess

Costume Gun: My Little Princess By Heather St. Claire Life's a funny thing. Just when you're sure the script has been written and there are no more surprise turns left, life deals you an ultimate surprise. Mine came just a few days ago. I was a not-quite thirty-five year old man, newly divorced, father of a beautiful five year old girl, and I was dying of pancreatic cancer. Charlotte and I married when we were both twenty-eight. Our darling Madison--Maddie-- arrived not quite two...

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Whatever Lola WantsChapter 5

“So, this is the famous Kieran I’ve heard about, then?” Mom surprised Dad in particular with her kind and friendly tone, “a pleasure to meet you, and I do mean that. I’m Jessica Vandekamp, the crazy ex Richard probably warned you about ... but I’m ... coming to my senses. Waking up to my own silliness and immaturity. I used to think that was an exclusively male condition, but I was so wrong about that, too.” “Jess, please ... call me ... Dick. I’ve come to prefer that name now. I’m glad to...

1 year ago
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My Girl Fund sounds like an online piggy bank where the neckbeards and incels can save up for a mail-order bride or an adorable waifu pillow, but Nah, it’s something even better than that. You aren’t exactly going to be buying a girlfriend outright, but if you’ve got the coin, you can definitely have a babe pretend over the internet. Nobody ever said you need to leave the house to get the GFE!Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve no doubt noticed how much the online porn landscape has...

Sex Chat Sites
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Gloria Naked For The WinterGlorias Punishment Continues

"WOOOSHH! - CRACK" Gloria twitched and bit her lip before counting out the latest stroke. "Sixty two. Thank you, Madam!" The cane hissed again through the air, delivering yet another angry scarlet weal onto Gloria's furrowed and reddened rump. "Sixty Three. Thank you, Madam!" Her tanned and super hard body convulsed as another blistering cut sliced into her, this time finding the crevice where the backs of her well developed and fat-free thighs met her bottom. "SIXTY FOUR!!...

2 years ago
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My lovely Jiju part 1

Hi mera naam Saumya hai meri umar 31 saal hai meri sadi ko do sal ho chuke hai fir bhi mujhe school time se hi sex karna bahot acha lagta hai mea figure 36-26-36 hai mere boobs bahut hi tight hai or mere ass bahut hi bhare or gol hai jab b me chalti hu log mujhe piche mud mud kar dekhte hai.mere school time me bahut affair reh chuke the sab ladke mere piche rehte the. Par ye kahani un dino ki hai jab meri sadi nahi huyi thi matlab kawari thi aur mai college me study karti thi. Meri didi mere...

1 year ago
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Reaping the benefits Final Chapter 5

Danny sat at the end of the bed and turned away from me not looking me in the eyes. "How could you mom? You and Grandpa?? That's sick!" he yelled at me. "You don't understand," I started. "Your grandpa and I were always very close. Your grandma died at a very young age and and we had was each other. When we started this we never thought that it would carry on 22 years." "Twenty-two years??, twenty-two years, GOD MOM, how, why???" I don't know, we just found something that each of us didn't have...

3 years ago
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Passages In TimeChapter 2 The Laying of Claim

SIBERIA, 10,000 BC Time passed around her. Well, that was one way of putting it. More accurately, time slipped. Or more accurately still, time became a circle rather than a line, a thing without end or beginning. And while Sarah found this disorientating, she did not find it either unfamiliar or frightening. She had stepped through the fissure that Gary had opened for her, onto the spinning circle, with practised ease. Of course, she couldn't understand the how of it, or the when of it....

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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 6

Friday morning started as usual with the alarm, they skipped the workout and went straight for the shower. The night had been a late one when work comes early. Sherri lathered him up and washed him lovingly. This part of her morning ritual, washing her Master was becoming important to her, she cherished the intimacy and the feeling of sensual erotic pleasure. Friday is casual day unless you have a meeting with a client. Sherri had no meeting so Robert sent her off in a tan pair of trousers,...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 44

Philip about lost it that morning when his very much pregnant secretary, Beverly, walked into his office. He'd, of course, fucked her since he'd knocked her up but their sexual liaisons had been much less frequent that either of them had wished. What really got him going that morning was seeing how very advanced in her pregnancy Beverly was and he quickly calculated and realized that she was nearly full term by then. "Mmmmmmmmm, good morning, Bev," Philip said as he felt his cock growing...

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Helen and Daddy

Helen was tingly all over as her orgasm slowly faded. She slowly squeezed her fingers in and out of her satisfied pussy, letting out a quiet squishing sound each time. Her sheets were ruined, she could feel the large, wet stain under her butt. Her other hand gently tugged at her pierced nipples as a quiet moan struggled against her smiling lips. It wasn't often that she got to scream and be loud. Her mom, Lucy, usually worked from home, but had gone to Arkansas to visit family. Her...

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Debra Meets a Dominatrix

Debra so wanted to know what is was like to be disciplined as an adult. It was an ongoing fantasy of hers. Debra, 27-years-old, was so scared when she first met 43-year-old Karen at the Club. She knew it was a spanking party but that wasn’t the reason to be scared. That was because she knew she was going to experience her fantasy and was concerned it will not be what she had hoped for. She decided to go because her close friend, Lisa, suggested she attend having just a few days beforehand...

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Paddlin Madelyne Home RevisedChapter 2

Her big company party was being held downtown at one of the fanciest hotels in the city, and even as I was getting out of my cab. I had told her that I never drove after drinking and that we would meet there. Nearly at once I recognized several prominent members of the cream of Houston 'money' society. Madelyne didn't seem to be there yet, naturally she was going to be 'fashionably late', and I had nearly two hours all by myself to slowly nurse drinks that I very badly wanted to gulp...

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MomsTeachSex Bunny Madison Molly Little Stepmom Leaves Milk Out For Santa

Wearing aprons over their sexy tops that really show off their titties as the spaghetti straps fall from their shoulders, Bunny Madison bakes cookies for Santa with the help of her house guest Molly Little. The cookies are just out of the oven when Nade Nasty, Bunny’s stepson, wanders into the kitchen. He does see the cookies, but he also notices those enticing titties and hard nipples peeking out. Nade tries to tell the girls their boobs are out, but they keep interrupting him and...

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My best friends moms panties

I had a best friend who's parents were divorced so his mom worked a lot and left him alone many times. She was in her early 30's. We were 16 at the time. I was really horny at the time and I loved to stare at his mom on her days off. This is my story of my memories of then.On her days off she'd walk around bra-less and in tights. You could see her panty lines and big pussy bulge. She had a small gap between her leg and was kinda cute. There were always other guy friends around and they'd tell...

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Biological Clock

After years of enjoying other people's awesome works here I wanted to return to the community. I only hope that my story lives up to the incredible reputation of this site. October 13th 2008 SRU: The Biological Clock By Orthagyn For the last year every month it's been the same argument and Amanda was getting sick of it, she wanted a family and her husband John just wasn't willing to provide much to her disappointment. "I thought we have been through this already. Why do we...

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The Joy of Momdom 2 A Goddess is Born

The Joy of Momdom Part TwoThis is part two of the story some of you have been waiting for. Again, the usual disclaimers apply. If you're under 18, you shouldn't be reading this. If you're offended by stories involving i****t, then you don't want to read this story. In this story I inject an element which some who are offended by blasphemy/religious heterodoxy may not care to read. None of the characters in the story are under 18.My son lifted his glass.“Wait,” I said.I raised my glass and...

3 years ago
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Mom Caught Me and Dad II

Reporter: When you first started having sex with your dad at the age of 16, what was it about it that most appealed to you? Girl: Two things. I was enraptured with his large erect penis. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. At the time it was the only erect penis I had ever been exposed to. The second thing that appealed to me was the way that large amounts of semen would spurt out of his cock. I had no idea that anything like that was possible. I guess I quickly became...

2 years ago
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JamesDeen Trisha Parks Layla Price Late Night Orgy

Check out what happens when four porn stars all get together to hang out at night. Yup, you guest it. They all get naked and fuck each other’s brains out. Trisha Parks, James Deen, Layla Price, and Markus Dupree have ended up in a room together after hours. Layla Price takes the initiative and wraps her lips around Markus’ big Russian cock. Trisha joins right in across the room and starts sucking on James Deen’s dick. If you ever wondered how porn stars have sex when not on...

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My Slutty Weekend

About a week ago I discovered my boyfriend had cheated on me. To say we were done as a couple is an understatement. Let’s face it, if you don’t have trust you don’t have anything. There was a big camping trip scheduled for the coming weekend. Naturally I planned to go with my recently acquired ex, but that was no longer an option as far as I was concerned. But a bunch of friends still wanted me to go, but I knew he would be there and didn’t want to attend even though I do love camping.

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