Daniel’s New Girlfriend free porn video

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What a turnaround. One day Mrs Thomson is the mother of his girlfriend then within days she’s Jennifer, his dominant girlfriend, and has him across her lap spanking the living daylights out of him .

It was only a week ago that Daniel was at Chloe’s house, his then girlfriend, Mrs Thomson’s daughter. Daniel thought Mrs Thomson, or Jennifer as he now called her, looked gorgeous, 42 but still so attractive to 21 year old Daniel, with tight fitting slacks and a low cut light blue t shirt that showed off her ample figure. He so fancied her.


Chloe had Samantha a girlfriend over as well as Daniel, and the three of them had been playing cards.   The two girls in particular were getting rather loud and Jennifer shouted across the hallway that if the noise continued there would be some smacked bottoms involved.


They all knew she meant it.   Daniel took a while to accept that his girlfriend was still spanked by her Mum. It had become a ritual though when Daniel saw Chloe over the few weeks they had been going out.   Daniel would give her a pat on her bottom.   Chloe would squeal if she had been spanked that day and lift her skirt up and show him her bright red and sometimes even bruised bottom with reddened tops of legs to match. She didn’t object and in fact always maintained that her mother simply set out some rules and enforced them.   There were never any surprises. She knew she was breaking a rule but just couldn’t stop herself.   Next thing she would hear the snapped order to drop her skirt and knickers to the floor and get across her mothers lap. Chloe accepted her mother’s punishments without argument, even at 20 years old.


Chloe and Samantha kept on making a noise though.   Jennifer and Samantha’s mother appeared at the door to the room we were in and shouted “right you two, you were warned.”


Jennifer looked across at Daniel and said “stay quiet and watch Daniel, I know you weren’t noisy.”


Daniel watched as both girls obediently removed their skirts and knickers and bent across their respective mothers laps and were soundly spanked by hand. He was in awe as he watched the two bare bottoms turned bright pink and then red, the girls squealing as they struggled to cope with their Mum’s constant sharp spanks.


He remembered how he watched Jennifer closely as she methodically used the open palm of her hand to make her 20-year-old daughter’s bottom bounce around as she turned it red.   He kept his eyes focussed on Jennifer, her palm stiff but slightly curved, her resolve unwavering, ensuring ever spank hurt as it was intended to hurt, so each spank was another lesson for her misbehaving daughter


When the girls started to sob Jennifer stopped for a while, rubbing Chloe’s reddened bottom cheeks and called across to Daniel.   “Daniel, please go to the top drawer over there” she said pointing. “There are two hairbrushes. Bring us one each please.”


Daniel did as he was told and took out two wicked looking wooden backed hairbrushes. Surely they weren’t going to be used on the two girls. They were both crying already. Daniel wondered though that maybe this is how come Chloe’s bottom gets so red and bruised. He handed one hairbrush to each Mum and watched open mouthed as the smack of the brush bit into each girl’s bottom drawing from them a loud gasp, a cry, and a torrent of tears as their bottoms wobbled and shook from the battering.


Daniel wasn’t sure how long the spanking took, but both girls were crying loudly and squirming around on their mother’s laps in a vain effort to avoid the hairbrush, tears dripping from their faces on to the carpet.


Daniel had once asked Chloe what being spanked was like. Chloe laughed when she said it hurt but he can always ask her Mum if he wants to try it, she was sure she would oblige. But Daniel never did ask. Instead he started to fantasise about Chloe’s Mum spanking him though, and he also fancied her more and more. So much older than himself, but she could look after him, discipline and in other ways.   He once confided his thoughts with Chloe making her promise not to tell anyone.


Daniel knew then, as he watched her, fully focussed on disciplining her daughter, that he found Jennifer an attractive woman.   Attractive in her looks and attractive in her manner.   Confident. Strong willed. A woman not to be taken lightly. Like an actress on the screen who any man would fancy, would want as his girlfriend.   That is how 42-year-old Jennifer seemed to Daniel.


When the spankings were over the two Mums’ were smiling at the girls who were rubbing their bottoms as hard as they could whilst still sobbing.


Samantha’s mother said also with a smile “I don’t know Jennifer, should we have kept going a bit longer.”


The two women laughed and Jennifer asked Chloe “well young lady, have you learnt your lesson or do you need some more?”


Chloe said quickly “no Mum I’ll be very good. I’m sorry, really I am.”


“Come here then” and Chloe dashed across to her mother who hugged her tightly, and Samantha ran to her mother. Both girls said “sorry Mum, we won’t do it again. Promise.”


Samantha’s mother laughed and said “don’t make a promise you can’t keep young lady” as she hugged her daughter.


A few minutes later the two mothers decided it was time for them to out for dinner.   Chloe Samantha and Daniel decided to stay at the house. That is when he found out.   Chloe said “sorry Daniel, but maybe you should go. Samantha and I have things to do.”


“What things? Can I join in?”


They looked at each other and Daniel realised what they meant. “Oh.” Daniel left, knowing he wasn’t her boyfriend any more.


Two days later he saw Mrs Thomson at the mall.


“Hullo Daniel” she said pleasantly.


“Hullo Mrs Thomson.   How are you?”


“I’m very well thank you, and its Jennifer don’t forget” she added sharply but with a lovely smile.


“Sorry, yes of course, Jennifer.”


“How are your parents?”


“Oh fine.   Still away six months of the year in Spain, which makes it lonely for me, but I’m OK with it.”



“Have you spoken to Chloe?”


“Oh we have spoken on the phone and she seems fine.”


“But being an item wasn’t to be eh?   She told me you broke up. I rather thought the two of you were going to hit it off though.” She smiled and added “I like you anyway.”


Maybe she still didn’t know about her daughter’s attraction to other women, but he wasn’t going to tell her. “Thank you” he replied. “Everyone has to move on, and it’s probably for the best.”


Jennifer looked at the 21 year old and said “Look, I’m going to have an early dinner. Do you fancy joining me?”


He smiled at Jennifer. So, she asked him out to dinner. Why not?   She is still attractive. Very attractive. He would be mad to say no and after all he and Chloe had broken up so it wasn’t as though he was two timing her.


“Sounds good Jennifer.”


“Good Daniel.   My treat” she said in a very firm tone.   He wanted to say something but knew he was overawed by the woman.   Attractive and strong willed.   Two characteristics that left him unable to argue.


He smiled.   She added “one of the benefits of going out with an older woman” with a broad grin.


Dinner was very pleasant. Jennifer kept him laughing, and she was enjoying herself as much as Daniel who was over the moon when Jennifer suggested they go out again.  


“On a proper date you mean?” he asked


Jennifer laughed.   “Yes, a proper date” then more coyly “if you want to.”


Daniel was wide eyed and said “you bet.”


Jennifer put her arms around Daniel’s neck, pulled him towards her, and kissed him full on the lips. They exchanged mobile phone numbers, and Jennifer told Daniel to call her. Tomorrow at 7.00 pm would be good she added.


Daniel was late and only called her at 7.30 and could tell immediately she was annoyed.


“Sorry” he said.


“Do as I ask next time young man. OK?”


“Yes of course Jennifer. No problem.”


“Good, I like my men to behave you know.”


“I will be good, really I will.”


“You better be Daniel” she said tartly and then added in a friendly tone “anyway, where shall we go?”


They arranged to meet and had another extremely enjoyable evening. The next time Daniel phoned on time and Jennifer was delighted with him. He was learning.


On their third date they again had an early dinner.


Jennifer said laughing.   “You know that time you saw me spank Chloe, she did deserve it. She said so in the morning you know.”


“What did she say?” Daniel asked, thinking it would be strange if Chloe had agreed she deserved to be spanked, particularly so hard. Yet that is exactly what Jennifer had meant.


“That she earned her spanking and she thanked me as well, as it had made her think about her behaviour.”


Daniel could not hide his shock. “No” is all he could say.


“Yes” Jennifer said.   “Really. She and I both know she needs to be spanked as otherwise she just runs riot.”   Jennifer waited for that comment to sink in before saying “That’s why I still spank her you know. Whenever she is naughty I put her across my lap and tan her bottom good and proper.”


“Wow” he said, still incredulous.


“Honestly Daniel. She really did say that” then suddenly with a very serious look “don’t you believe me Daniel?”


Daniel was shocked by the abrupt change in attitude.


“Oh yes Jennifer, of course I believe you. Its just, well, Chloe is 20 years old now.”


“I know that and she knows that.   But after every spanking she says how sorry she is and that she won’t be naughty again, but of course she is, so sooner or later she gets put back across my lap and is spanked again.”


“Wow” he repeated.


“You know Daniel, you were aroused by me spanking Chloe weren’t you?”


Daniel blushed, nodded his head and half smiled.


Jennifer smiled again, point made Daniel thought. He looked at her and thought how much he enjoyed going out with her.


Jennifer announced “I told Chloe you and I are going out. She was good with it.   I just thought you should know.”


Daniel looked shocked again and Jennifer continued “I’ve always fancied you really Daniel, I was just worried Chloe got to you first, but now she says she’s ok with it then we can keep going out can’t we.”


“Too right Jennifer.”   This was great he thought, 42 year old Jennifer just saying how she fancied him.


He wondered if Chloe had told her mother how he used to, well still did of course, fantasise about her mother. It was good to know she didn’t mind him dating her mother though.


“What do you want to do now?” Jennifer asked.


“Whatever you want” he answered.


“Why not come back to my place. We can watch a film, or play cards, whatever.”


“OK,” he said quickly.  


“You will behave though won’t you?”


“What do you mean Jennifer?”


“Well we are now properly boyfriend and girlfriend?”


“Sure Jennifer. That’s great.”


“Good, but if you misbehave I will have to be more like your mother and I will expect you to accept my discipline.”


“Oh” he said. “Meaning?”


“You know, a spanking.”


“Oh” he said, more quietly this time.


“Don’t worry Daniel. It’s my way of keeping control. I am a bit of a control freak you know.   Chloe accepted it although I guess that might be because most of her friends are still spanked.”


“What even at 20 years old?” Daniel asked now incredulous.


“Oh yes. Anyway, that’s what I want from you. Good adult behaviour knowing bad behaviour will lead to a punishment. I don’t go with long drawn out arguments. I like to sort things out there and then, so if you misbehave I give you a deserved spanking and then its over. No arguments. My decision. Simple really. What do you say?”


Jennifer chose just that moment to take hold of his hand as she lent across so her blouse fell forward and her gorgeous breasts were staring Daniel in the face.   He blushed.


“Like them do you Daniel?”


“Uh huh” he said unable to speak properly.


“So, Daniel, are you going to accept my discipline and come home with me?”


“OK” he said, beaming, deciding it was worth the risk after all.


  “Good.   Let’s have another glass of wine first then shall we?”


After two glasses each Daniel was getting more confident. Jennifer was enjoying his company, and laughed at all of his jokes. He was a bit childish but to be fair he is only 21 years old, and so not as mature as her own 42 years.  


At least she was enjoying his company until he tried to grab her breast, in the restaurant.


“Stop it” she snapped, but he didn’t heed the warning.   He was becoming over confident in fact not to mention a little drunk.   He tried to grab her breast with his other hand to be met again with an even sharper “don’t” from Jennifer.


“Oh go on, let me” Daniel said giggling as he lunged across again but this time disaster.   He knocked over her glass of wine and it spilt on the table and on to her skirt.


She glared at him.   He realised immediately his mistake and reckoned that was the last he was going to see of Jennifer.


He was relieved though when she said “ok, not clever and maybe you will calm down now, eh Daniel?”


“Oh yes, I’m so sorry Jennifer, really I am.”


“OK. So, are you still coming back to mine?”


“Oh yes please.”


Jennifer got the bill and they left.   The car journey home was pleasant enough until Daniel asked what film she wanted to watch.


“We will discuss that later, once I’ve taught you that lesson you need.”


“What lesson?” he asked pensively.


“Don’t be silly Daniel. You know very well. The wine.”


“Oh.”   He fell silent.


“Don’t tell me you had forgotten.”


“No, just that I thought you agreed it was an accident.”


“I don’t think I said anything of the sort did I?” She was snappy and very much in charge.


“Well, not in so many words, but..” he trailed off, not sure what to say.


“We agreed you would calm down, that’s all.”


Daniel knew she was right. He had read too much in to what she had said, more hopeful than anything else.


They got back to the house before they could discuss much more. Daniel considered not going in, but he just found Jennifer too attractive, so allowed her to lead him along the path and through the front door. Jennifer went in to the kitchen and Daniel followed.   He watched as she undid her skirt and took it off, standing at the sink in knickers, bare legs, no shoes, soaking the skirt to try to get the stain out.


He thought what great legs she had. Not skinny like the girls his own age. Curvy actually. He couldn’t wait to be able to caress them.


Then Jennifer said “why don’t you take off your trousers and underpants so we can get that over with and then we can enjoy the rest of the evening.”


Daniel’s mouth dropped open. It was said so matter of fact as though it was the most sensible of things to say. Jennifer just kept looking at the sink, rubbing her skirt gently. She stopped for a moment, looked round at Daniel, and said “well?”


Daniel blushed, and didn’t argue. Couldn’t argue. He had been silly. Very silly. It made sense.   He had agreed to let her have control. It’s just that it happened so quickly.


All he could think of saying was “but I haven’t been spanked before.”


Jennifer looked at him sharply and was clearly unsympathetic saying “well maybe you would be better behaved now if you had been. Anyway, I will be spanking you today” she said before looking back at her skirt.


Daniel waited a moment, realised Jennifer had said her piece, and resigned himself to the punishment.   He undid his trousers and took them off, folding them neatly and putting them on the back of a chair. He stood there, waiting, and all of a sudden Jennifer said without looking “and your underpants Daniel.   How many times do I need to ask?”


Shocked, he realised she had been paying close attention to the sounds he was making and knew he had not removed his underpants so he immediately yanked them down and put them on top of his trousers, very conscious of being naked below the waist.


“I won’t be long Daniel” Jennifer said, as though keeping him informed. “I’ll just let it soak” she added.


A few moments later she turned, looked at Daniel, and said “right, you know where to go.”


He did. He knew the room. The same room he had watched Chloe being spanked.   He turned and walked that way, knowing Jennifer was following him, but not seeing her smile as she looked at his bare bottom and was relishing the thought of spanking it.


Daniel walked slowly and Jennifer gave him a gentle push between his shoulder blades and smiled to herself when Daniel said “sorry” before speeding up.


Daniel entered the room. “Stop” Jennifer instructed. She walked past him and went to the chair, turning it in to the room before sitting down.


“Get across my knee” she instructed as though it was an every day instruction. Daniel walked over and bent across her lap. Jennifer put her hand on his bottom and said “well I hope this will teach you to be better behaved Daniel.”


Jennifer said suddenly “oh, sorry Daniel, I forgot.   Can you get the hairbrush please.” That was like a bolt.


“Quickly darling before you get me more annoyed” she said smartly.


Daniel levered himself up using Jennifer’s leg, walked over to the set of drawers, opened the top drawer, and took out one of the hairbrushes. He wanted to throw it against the wall as he knew it was really going to hurt, but he couldn’t. Instead he walked back to Jennifer and handed her the hairbrush.


“Thank you” Jennifer said. “Back across my knee now darling.”


Daniel screwed up his face because he could feel a tear starting and went back across Jennifer’s lap so she wouldn’t see it.


“So, this bottom has never been spanked eh?” Jennifer said lightly. “It’s in for a bit of a shock then” she added.


Daniel felt some movement as Jennifer raised her hand and brought it down firmly on his right bottom cheek. She knew he would let out a gasp and wasn’t disappointed. Nor was she disappointed when she gave him several more firm spanks on each bottom cheek alternately.


She rested.   Daniel decided it wasn’t actually as bad as he had expected, and asked “how many are you going to give me?”


“Don’t be silly darling” Jennifer said. If I tell you then it just becomes an endurance test for you. That’s not discipline. Not at all. Discipline is me spanking you, hard, and you not knowing how long I am going to spank you for.   I am in control, not you. It only stops when I say so.” She waited a few moments before adding “get the idea?” and before he could answer gave another round of spanks on alternate bottom cheeks.


They hurt a bit more thought Daniel, but were still OK. He remembered though how Chloe had cried when her mother spanked her. How long before she had cried he thought? He just couldn’t remember. Was it this quickly? Maybe she just wasn’t as tough as he was. Maybe he won’t cry after all.


Jennifer settled in to a rhythm, spanking one bottom cheek then the other, sometimes concentrating on one cheek before reverting to several spanks on the other, sometimes spanking the same spot a dozen or so times before spanking another spot a dozen or so times.


Daniel soon discovered why Chloe cried. It was now obvious. She cried because it hurt.   Still he was forcing himself not to cry and Jennifer knew it, so as much as he was trying not to cry so she spanked him harder, and on the same spot more often, even on the back of his legs which she knew really stung. When her hand hurt she took up the hairbrush and started spanking him with it, the wooden back thrashing down on Daniel’s already reddened bottom, harder and faster than she did with Chloe, but Daniel was a boy so needed a harder spanking after all. Daniel squirmed around on her bare legs, knowing his stiff penis was rubbing her thighs, but still no tears.


It took quite a while but eventually Jennifer had the satisfaction of hearing Daniel give out his first sob, quickly followed by more, his squirming slowed, his erection weakened as he took each spank of the hairbrush with tears now streaming down his face.


After several dozen more spanks she decided he had now been punished enough.   She put the hairbrush on the table and rubbed his bottom, making shushing noises to try to calm him down. She kept rubbing his bottom, whilst picking up a tube of ointment, and as the cool gel was rubbed in to his sore bottom Daniel groaned in delight.   He was calming down, enjoying the feel of Jennifer’s hand as it first rubbed his bottom, then the tops of his legs, then between his legs, and as he spread his legs apart he was rewarded by her hand brushing his balls. He groaned in delight. Jennifer kept adding cream to her hand knowing the smoothness and coolness would increase his desire.


“Learn your lesson did you young man?” asked Jennifer, knowing the impact her gentle rubbing was having on the 21 year old lying across her lap. Indeed, feeling it as his stiff penis rubbed against her bare thigh.


“Sorry” Daniel said, but Jennifer knew it was a mechanical answer, he was enjoying the sensation so much.


Jennifer rubbed his bottom again and he raised his bottom up inviting Jennifer to rub his inner thighs again. Instead she ran her hand between his bottom cheeks, pressing down as she passed over his anal hole, drawing a gasp of delight, and Daniel raised his bottom quickly hoping Jennifer would press down again. He gasped out loudly when she did. Jennifer enjoyed the control she exerted over her young boyfriend.  


“Ok soldier, now you have been disciplined lets enjoy the evening shall we?”


Daniel shot his head around and looked up at Jennifer, not sure what she meant, but hoping it meant going to bed.


“You have been with a woman haven’t you?” she asked him.


“No” he answered weakly, blushing.  


Jennifer was delighted with the answer. A virgin to be taught exactly how she liked him to do things. What a prize. Not a know-it-all man who thought about himself first but a virgin who will want to please her first.


“Wow, never been spanked before and never had sex. Well well. You’ve had the first so let’s do the second shall we? I’m all squishy in my knickers so need a good seeing to.”


Daniel lay there for a moment, open mouthed, and watched as Jennifer kept looking in to his eyes but raised her hand and gave him a sharp spank. That shook Daniel in to action and he jumped up and Jennifer stood up.


“Come on you” she said and led the way out of the room, up the stairs, and in to her bedroom.   Daniel kept staring at Jennifer’s bottom as she went up the stairs. He wanted to touch it but knew he had to let her control things.  


Jennifer stopped when she got to the bed and smiled. “Undo my blouse will you” she ordered, with a purposely false stern look. Daniel was all thumbs as he fumbled with Jennifer’s buttons.   It took a while but he undid them all, and pushed the blouse over her shoulders, down her arms, and over her fingers before it dropped to the floor. Jennifer turned and he knew to undo her bra. That was easier. A quick tug and the back flew open.   He gently took the straps and edged them down her arms and they soon followed her blouse to the floor.


Jennifer turned and Daniel stared at her beautiful naked breasts. It was mind blowing.   Jennifer stood there in her knickers. Just her knickers. She lent forward and undid the buttons of Daniels shirt, and far less gently pulled his shirt off his shoulders, leaving him fully naked.   She lent forward, put her arms around his neck, pulled him closer, and kissed him full on the lips.


Daniel had kissed many a girl before. He nudged his tongue into Jennifer’s welcoming mouth, both enjoying each other. Jennifer edged back to the bed and sat down leaving Daniel standing, looking down at the beautiful 42 year old.


“Take my knickers off please” she instructed.   Daniel pulled them down with Jennifer lifting herself up to help just at the right moment and then levered herself back on the bed, crooking her finger at Daniel, beckoning him to follow her. They lay next to each other, kissing each other on the lips, before Jennifer guided Daniel towards her breasts telling him to suck her nipples, her stomach, her thighs, breathing deeply to indicate to him the bits she liked.


Daniel was stiff, getting stiffer by the moment. The trouble was that as he had never been with a woman properly before he didn’t do anything to stop his erection.   Suddenly he pushed Jennifer on to her back, lay on top of her, forced her legs apart, and before she could do anything he tried to force himself inside her. She tried to stop him but felt the warm fluid hit just above her hair mound, heard Daniel groaning, and then a quiet “sorry.”


Jennifer looked at him and considered telling him off.   Instead she said kindly “don’t worry Daniel that happens a lot in the beginning.” Then she asked “and what happens now?”


Daniel looked deep in to her eyes, grimaced, and said “another spanking?”


Jennifer laughed.   “Good idea for later Daniel, but I was thinking more that I need an orgasm.”


Daniel laughed and put his hand on her hair mound and rubbed his finger along her vagina.”


“Not like that” she said sternly. Daniel froze. “Your tongue, use your tongue.”


Daniel hadn’t done that before, so Jennifer held his head gently and guided him down towards her private parts. He allowed himself to be led. His face was between Jennifer’s legs and she spread them as far apart as she could so her vagina was clearly visible through her hair mound.   He nuzzled forward pressing his tongue into her vaginal lips. Jennifer held the back of his head, gasping in delight as Daniel licked her, sucked her, kissed her, until her breathing became heavy and she started to gasp, each time Daniel licked her, until there was one long lasting gasp and a groan and Daniel knew Jennifer had come. She guided him back up her body until she could kiss him again, and they held each other for several minutes.


“Well?” Daniel eventually asked “Did you enjoy that?”


Jennifer smiled and said “I enjoyed that bit for sure.”


Daniel remembered his mistake. “Oh yes, and sorry about before.”


“Will you remember to take it slower next time?”


“Sure” Daniel said, closing his eyes.


“I want to make sure you will.”


“I will. Promise.” He wasn’t looking at Jennifer.


“I mean it Daniel. Get the hairbrush up here will you.”


“What?” he said, not sure he had heard properly.


“I told you. I want control. I use discipline to teach you and you need to be disciplined. Anyway it looks like you don’t mind” she added pointing to his penis.


Daniel hadn’t realised but he had an erection back and it was getting stiffer the firmer Jennifer spoke to him.


Jennifer said “I reckon once I spank you again we’ll be ready to try again.”


“What, today?” Daniel said sounding surprised.


“Yes, today” Jennifer said, mocking him.


Daniel only took a moment before jumping up and running down the stairs.   He was back in the bedroom in seconds, holding the hairbrush. Jennifer smiled as she took the hairbrush, knowing she was getting wet again between her legs. She had so enjoyed spanking Daniel.   It was like nothing she had felt before. It wasn’t just discipline. She was aroused by it.


Daniel knew from his now stiff erection he wanted Jennifer to discipline him again.   He even believed he needed to be spanked again so this time he would not come too soon.


Jennifer swung her legs over the side of the bed, tapped her thigh, and Daniel bent quickly across her lap.


“Right you naughty boy. Next time you will do it properly. Understood” she snapped.


Daniel turned and looked up at Jennifer. His girlfriend. He nodded. Jennifer decided that was good enough.   She raised her hand, Daniel looked up, saw the wooden backed hairbrush and turned away. He knew he needed the spanking but didn’t fancy watching it. The first spank hit home. He gasped, and raised his bottom, beckoning the second spank. Jennifer didn’t need to be encouraged. She quickly got back in to her rhythm again, spank after spank, as Daniel gasped and squirmed and cried out. Soon he was fully erect. He felt it and Jennifer felt it.  


She stopped and rubbed his bottom, lent towards his ear and said “you do want to go out with me again don’t you Daniel?”


Daniel shot a look at her, worried that she might not want to. “Yes please Jennifer. Please.”


“Ok young man, just checking, because spanking will be a regular part of what I do.”


“Good” Daniel said.  


“Yes, good. Now listen carefully. Some men like it Daniel. The pain. It helps them enjoy sex more. You are like that Daniel. I know you are. I knew when you held back your tears before. That’s why I will spank you every time I think you need it. Sometimes there won’t be any sex afterwards at least you won’t get any.   If you are naughty it will just be a hard spanking.   But you will know if you have been naughty because you will have broken one of my rules. I won’t mind because you will sort me out anyway, just like before. Easy, huh?


Daniel agreed.  


“Good boy Daniel. We understand each other. So now let’s get on with your spanking.”


Daniel turned away again and raised his bottom, beckoning the next spank. Jennifer raised the hairbrush again and brought it down hard on his sore bottom.   Good thought Jennifer. The 42 year old looked at her 21 year old boyfriend and had a very confident feeling this was going to be some relationship. He was a quick learner, and she was an excellent teacher.  


He held back the tears as long as he could before starting to cry. Jennifer spanked him harder, and both knew that in another few minutes they would be back in each others arms on the bed, and both would know if the lesson had been learnt. Both also knew that if Daniel learnt this lesson there would be many more he would need to learn, and both looked forward to each hard, sore, lesson.


Daniel thought what a catch. A 42 year old ex girlfriends Mum he fancied, sexy, and strict.   A very strict beautiful ex girlfriends Mum.


In the morning they were curled into each other like spoons, Daniel behind Jennifer, his hand cupping one of her so soft breasts, his half erect penis pressing in to the crack of her bottom.   His bottom sore but he didn’t mind that as he remembered the chat they had had just before going to sleep.   He would move in. Jennifer would set lots of rules for him and if he broke any then he would be spanked. They would be lovers, she in control of him. Daniel was looking forward to a future with Jennifer, the 42 year old ex girl friends mother he will now be disciplined by and have sex with.   A perfect combination the 21 year old thought, whilst Jennifer thought how delicious the future would be as she spanked her 21 year old boyfriend into a crying frenzy before making passionate love. On demand. On her command.


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From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Sheenas New Girlfriend

Sheena's New Girlfriend byWriter345 1. The Orphanage. I'd known Sheena for years: we'd been at school together, only she wasn't Sheena then. Yes, she's been my best friend since I left the Army and we've stood by each other through thick and thin. When Sheena walks into a room, she is the instant centre of attention: 5'10" tall, slim, fantastic face and figure and long wavy golden hair that hangs down her back, almost to her shapely and well padded arse. Sheena attracts attention...

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Cindys New Girlfriend

CINDY'S NEW GIRLFRIEND By Tammy Richards SYNOPSIS, This is a sequel to 'Jack and Jill.' Cindy helps Jack explore his feminine side. Cindy Carter sat in her living room enjoying a cup of coffee as she watched her neighbor Jack Williams clean her apartment. Jack looked very sexy in his black satin maid's uniform and high-heeled shoes. Cindy smiled as she thought about the past 24 hours. After accidentally discovering Jack wearing this same uniform...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Mikes new girlfriend

It started as a typical Monday really; I waved my wife off to work and then went upstairs for a long bubble bath and shave, as I stood drying myself and rubbing baby lotion into my body my cock started to grow as I got excited about the morning ahead. I quickly put on sweat pants and then raced to the outbuilding at the back of the garden to fulfil my cross-dressing desires. I opened the door to the outbuilding and pulled down the dressing up trunk from the roof rafters, my heart was beating...

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My New girlfriend

I awoke with a smile and looked beside me on the bed. She was still there. Her naked body was something to behold. She had the cutest baby face I had ever come across. She had full soft breasts and a flat, toned belly. Her crotch was completely bald and she had a thick nine-inch cock. My ass was still sore.-----It was a lovely day and I spent it in the park. My friends and I had played football and joked with one another. The topic under discussion was the new club that had opened in town. It...

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Please fuck my Girlfriend

One of the hottest cuckold stories I have ever read!from: cuckottPlease Fuck My Girlfriend (M/F, wife, voy, asian, cuck)by Anonymous Author (Address withheld by request)***This is the story of a young man who has fantasies abouthis girlfriend having sex with other men, and once hisboss declares his intentions to fuck his girlfriend,events lead to him watching her screwing his boss'smassive cock and stealing her from him.***This is a story about how I asked another man to fuck mybeautiful...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

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The prude and my girlfriend

Chapter 3For the first time I was living in this town I went to church that next Sunday. Not many people were visiting the service, but I stayed at the back of the church. I could see Marjory sitting somewhere in the front of the church. The service didn't take that long, maybe 45 minutes. Afterwards they always drink coffee and I attended this coffee meeting. I knew some people and just mingled somewhat, until Marjory came up to me. She wore a nice skirt with low heeled pumps. I Gave her a...

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Camping with my girlfriend

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm a bi-bottom guy, and I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years which led to her becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and led her to cuckolding me and also watching me being fucked.Now that the background info is out of the way we can start with the story.This story is about a cuckold experience I had with my girlfriend...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Introduction: Fantasy come true Ok so my girlfriend and I were watching porn. I will tell you about her now she is a little on the short side being 5ft5 but she has a smoking body. She has a b sized cub but she definitely makes up for it with that big black ass of hers. It makes heads turn when we walk down the street. I am your average white male with a 6 inch dick but she loves the way I can work it. My girlfriends name is Keeara and my name is Nick. Well lately weve been watching porn of...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Well lately we’ve been watching porn of threesomes. It can be either mff or mfm either way it seems like we fuck so much crazier afterwords. So I have always wanted to have a threesome with her but never really had the courage to ask her. So one night while we were watching this white get fucked in the ass while eating a black girl’s pussy out I was horny enough to ask her if she would ever consider a threesome, I said it kind of jokingly. But to my surprise she said yes. I was so excited but...

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Teenage Cuckold ndash Catching My Cheating Girlfriend

Let me start by saying I’m a white Jewish man in a cuckold marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and I’ve been sexless for the last six years, while my wife has had many sexual partners and boyfriends over the last 16 years, most of them hung black men. Even though this is not how I expected my life to turn out, I’m content being a sexless cuckold and get turned on by the humiliation of my wife fucking other men, but it’s definitely something I’m not proud to admit to people I know! As I analyze my past...

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Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Let me give y’all a bit of backstory in case you don’t already know me. My name is Brian, and I’m dating this girl named Ashley. We’ve been together for a few years now. Ashley is a very… outgoing person. She’s not shy at all, and in fact, she’s a bit of an open book, especially when it comes to her sex life. I realize that’s a lot to tell you right off the bat, but it’s relevant to this story. Ashley’s adventurousness has led to us having a number of incredible experiences with other...

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Anas new black girlfriend

Anita had joined a new gym and she made a good friend, Uma.My sweet wife started going regularly and I soon noticed a change. Her toned body lost the few pounds she had been wanting to. Anita had warned me about the good girlfriend Uma, but my jaw still dropped when that ebony goddess stepped into our house, during my wife’s celebration of her forty year’s birthday party... Uma was Barbadian, with skin as black as coal. A mini skirt showed her amazing legs, which were very, very long.Her very...

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Lose a Fiance and gain a New Girlfriend

It all started after my fiancé Wendy departed me after 4 yrs together and 6 months away from saying I Do. I thought Wendy was the love of my life but I guess I was wrong when she called it off. Wendy was a hot little 5’3 Blonde, green eyes, 32C and with a killer butt plus sweet calf muscles. She played soccer most of her life and that is the reason for the sweet legs. My name is Paul 30 yrs old 6’2 210lbs and on the slim muscular side. Before the split up we met both sides of the family’s and...

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Brand New Girlfriend

SAY WHAT? "She said, "I need some time to find myself, I need a little space to think." Candy, my girlfriend of the last two years, had just put a twist in my world I neither wanted nor needed. I looked down at my glass of bourbon — looking for answers. Maybe it worked like tea leaves: I stirred the ice with my finger watching the swirls with rapt fascination, looking for answers. Hell, I thought, as I walked over to the bar wondering if more whiskey would give better swirls, even one...

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Acting as a Cleaning Lady Chapter 6 Sallys New Girlfriend

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim What will Sally make of the plump little Spanish cleaning lady who used to be her husband? Chapter 6 - Sally's New Girlfriend Sally came back into Ingrid's office and whooped with delight when she saw me. "It's fantastic!" she said. "You don't look like... him at all. You look just like a grown-up version of... the other Maria!" "But I'm so fat!" I moaned. "You're not fat. You're exactly the same size as...

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My Sons Girlfriend

Joel Patterson was sitting at home alone watching television one Friday night. His wife, Julie, was gone to visit her mother for the weekend. Joel’s eighteen-year-old son, Jay, was out on a date with his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Amy Holloway, when he got a call from his son. Jay had been arrested for DUI and would not be able to see the judge until Monday to set his bail. He asked his father if he would go to the police station and get Amy, because they had impounded his car until he made...

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Wine Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...

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Daniels New Girlfriend

What a turnaround. One day Mrs Thomson is the mother of his girlfriend then within days she’s Jennifer, his dominant girlfriend, and has him across her lap spanking the living daylights out of him . It was only a week ago that Daniel was at Chloe’s house, his then girlfriend, Mrs Thomson’s daughter. Daniel thought Mrs Thomson, or Jennifer as he now called her, looked gorgeous, 42 but still so attractive to 21 year old Daniel, with tight fitting slacks and a low cut light blue t shirt that...

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Hot Surprise From Beautiful Girlfriend

I am Anand, aged 23, and working in a reputed MNC in Bangalore. This is my first sex story here. As I am new to ISS, I would like to introduce myself. I am medium-built, dark-toned and a bit short. I am blessed with a medium-sized dick. This story is about my very first sex with my girlfriend. I have divided the complete happenings of the day into two parts. Part 1 is all about the initial build-up and making out before the ultimate incident. It could be a bit slow for some people. I want you...

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Drunk Surprises Are The Best 8211 Night With Petite Girlfriend

Hi, this is Sid again. This is my second story on the site. Both are real incidents. If you have not read the previous one, you can check it out. A little bit about me first. I am 5’10 tall and have an athletic body with an average sized penis. I am from Mumbai. Coming to the story. One night my girlfriend and I were invited to a nightclub for an event organized by one of our friends. We decided to get a few drinks before and then meet everyone at the nightclub. Once we got there, it was a very...

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Raiders of Painted Skin Girlfriend

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creator 渡鸦10492. This is just a translation. Raiders of Painted Skin Girlfriend # 1 "March 7th, cloudy, 18 degrees... Forget it, it's meaningless to remember, I'm not writing a diary." Sitting in front of the computer desk, Lu Sheng stared at the screen with a complex expression, tapping his fingers on the keyboard , but always press and hold the backspace key after typing a few lines. A special document in an encrypted format was opened...

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Saturday night with room mate and his girlfriend

After the first time my room mate fucked me like his sissy whore, I took to completely shaving my body and wearing sexy lingerie all the time under my clothes. We hooked up a few time afterwards, eventually moving into a place together, while still being somewhat friends. He had a girlfriend but still enjoyed out little secret games, I would walk out into the living room/kitchen in nothing but tight panties. Occasionally if i was in the mood I would go all out and wear cute or sexy outfits,...

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Outdoor Sex With My Wild Girlfriend

I guys I’m vivek just completed my graduation as well as my girlfriend. Me and my girlfriend are both of Ranchi. We both are in relationships for around more then five years. My girlfriend is 5″5′, dark complex, black hair with a hot figure of measure 34-28-36. This incident is about 2 years back summer times. My girlfriend parents where out of town to attain someone’s marriage ceremony in chattisgarh. So we planned to have some wild sex at my girlfriend’s house. But everything changes when her...

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Master for me and my girlfriend

This is a fantasy story.I live with my girlfriend and she doesn't know about my fetishes and my need to submit. I also have a secret male Master that I go to and do whatever he tells me.One day he tells me he wants to fuck my girlfriend in front of me. I protest and try to change his mind. Tell him that my girlfriend doesn't know about this and she won't agree. But he soon silence me with some ass and face slapping and tells me that it's what he wants and I have to do it because I belong to...

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Second time with a guy and my girlfriend

Well, one day I was home alone, and my girlfriend was at the pool with her friends. I decided to kick back and relax. As I was flipping through the channels, I couldn't find a single thing on. I decided to go to my computer and look at porn, only to find that my internet was down. I then turned to the only video I had on my actual harddrive, the rest stop video. It had been some time since I had looked at that video, and it was incredible to watch again. As I was halfway through the...

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Fuck Fuck Fuck My Girlfriend

Hi friends this is Mallic. I am new here so please bear my mistakes; this is a real incident which happen in my friends life I am going to narrate this story on behalf of him. I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, who I’ve always wanted to see...

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Ians New Girlfriend

"Why would you even look in my purse?" she demanded angrily. "You said you couldn’t find your credit card," Ian shouted back. "I didn’t say you needed to look for it." "Well you were the one who wanted to drive. I would have been perfectly happy to drive. Then maybe I wouldn’t have seen your phone when your other boyfriend texted." "Don’t call him that. We aren’t even serious," Janet, Lacey's mom, tried to defend herself. She was not doing a good job of it. "Mom, are you...

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Beckys New GirlFriend

BECKY’S NEW GIRLFRIENDIt’s been a long time. New story.My wife Becky and I have been busy with life in general. We’ve moved to a new city. It’s in a new neighbor hood with a lot of younger people in it. This neighbor hood has a community pool in it and Becky love to go there in the afternoons when I’m at work. She has met some the neighbors. Most of them are the wife’s or girl friends of the people who live there. One day she met on of the neighbors that a very nice looking black woman....

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I was 22 and had been single for about 4 years straight. Then one day I went to visit my freind dave and his wife alice. After I got there alice started telling me she was going to hook me up with a girl from her work named crystal. Alice and her are both bar tenders at a local bar. Then alice continues to tell me that I need to get laid and put out and that crystal is a freak in the bedroom and will rock my world. I had been single and horny for way to long and i said ok sounds good. The next...

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My Brothers Girlfriend

My brother wasn’t anything special in the looks department, but he was tall and played volleyball so he had a bit of muscle on him. I on the other hand was still short even for my age and people always said I got my looks from mom. I wasn’t weak or anything, but I was shy and tended towards wrestling in middle school, because the jocks of the football team weren’t my crowd. I remember when I was really young, a friend of mine (Brent) was a typical horny boy and he would invite me over to his...

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How I Fucked Friend8217s Gold Digger Girlfriend

Hello all, this is Prem and I am back with another one of my adventures. I would like to thank all the readers who have provided me with valuable feedback and because of which I am still writing these stories. A little bit about me, I am 24 years old, 5’8″ and have an average body. Let’s get to the story now. This one is a bit long. During college, I was living in my hometown of Nagpur. I moved to Mumbai in order to chase my dreams. I have always been a good story teller and so I decided to...

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3 Dirty Laborers Enjoy My Girlfriend

Hey, people, we are back with another sex story. This sex story is partially real and some fantasy added to it. My ex-girlfriend was always interested in sex the kinkier the better. We had a few experiences with laborers, beggars and young boys. It was all harmless fun and we had a great time doing it too. She was fair and about 5’5, long legs, curvy and had a cute face. Her figure was 36-30-36 and she looked good in any situation. We always shared our fantasies with each other and then fucked...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 12 Futas MindControlled Cherry Girlfriend

Chapter Twelve: Futa's Mind-Controlled Cherry Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Chloe Quick I trembled as Stacey approached. My best friend had a nervous look on her face as she came up to me and Kendall, one of my mind-controlled lovers. I had my hand shoved into the pocket of my skirt gripping my wet panties. My nipples throbbed and ached against my babydoll t-shirt. My pussy clenched and my futa-dick throbbed in my panties. It was...

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Used Girlfriend

My girlfriend was hot, worked out a lot, and had a hard muscular body.She and I used to watch porn together.So I had figured out that she liked interracial porn.Once we were out at a club, and I went to the restroom.When I came back, this big very muscular black guy was chatting her up.I could tell that she was getting horny, just from the way she was breathing and her eyes were dilating.When she saw me she kind of turned away from that guy and I whispered that she seemed kind of horny. She...

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Wild Hot Sex With My College Senior 8211 Pt 2 Quickie With ExGirlfriend

Seeing me and her friend Sneha and all the mess we had created, my ex-girlfriend Swathi was fuming with anger. Swathi: Better tell me what is this all about? From when did this start? Sneha: Relax, Swathi. Swathi: How could you do this to me? Sneha: Come on, Swathi. You have not spoken to him in 3 years and you are married now. Don’t tell me you still want him and he can’t enjoy his life. Swathi: And you are engaged, Sneha. Does your fiance know this? And Rahul was my boyfriend for 3 years...

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Sex With My Girlfriend

Hi my dear Iss story readers Am a regular reader of Iss and am keep on reading the stories Here an incident of my true life where i experienced a heaven life with my girlfriend. Well coming into the story directly I had completed my graduation and my girlfriend had also completed the graduation at the same time and we both got a job in a same company also.Me and my girlfriend had got a nice relation ship between with as all lovers have.We used to have naughty chats too sometimes. One fine day...

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Foursome Anniversary Sex With Bisexual Girlfriend

It was three in the morning, and I was sweating profusely lying naked on my bed with two separate pairs of hands – one on my chest and the other caressing my cock with those soft fingers in an AC room. Yes, you read that right – AC room and sweating! I was trying to rewind the events that happened during the night and it was still something I couldn’t fathom and I’m quite sure I had lived every guy’s fantasy that night. It all started with me bragging to Madhu (yeah, she is the bike lady in my...

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Two Old Homeless Men Use My Girlfriend

Hi, I am back with another story which involves my ex-girlfriend, me and two old men who watch us from behind the bushes. This starts with me and my girlfriend trying something kinky. I and Neha were always open about sex and we loved to try new stuff. We had thought about outdoor sex where anyone could see us. We both liked the idea but had never tried it. One day we were both horny and couldn’t sleep at night. So we decided to go for a drive and see what we could find for kinky sex. We were...

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Nenu Naagirlfriend

hi readers na peru praveen age 26 chudadaniki avarejega vuntanu naku ammaielu ante chala ishtam enduko teleyadu kani adavallani chudagani na vollanta adola avutundi eestori nenu inter secound yearlo jarigindi memu appudu hyderabad vundevallam ma pakka flotlo oka famili vundevaru ANTI,UNCAL vallaku ieddaru kuturlu pedda ammai peru SANDYA enggnering 2nd year chadevede. rendo ammaie VINDYA ma collegelone 1st year inter chadevutundi pakka pakka flats kabatti chala closegane uvndevanne. vindyani...

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Brothers Girlfriend

Simply put, my brother John’s girlfriend was a knockout. Her name was Katie Doe, and she was one of the nicest and sexiest girls at our school. She was in 12th grade, like my brother, and she was going to turn eighteen in two months. She had dazzling green eyes, cute freckled skin, and the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen. Her hair was red, and she wore it short in what I call Egyptian style--cut even across the forehead with long sides. She was tall and slender, with a nice chest and a...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 6 Girlfriend

July 2000, Summer Break "You should call your girlfriend." "Huh?" With red eyes, I blearily turned my gaze to my big sister Brandi. "Call Megan," she said. "You just got home and she'll want to hear from you tonight. Girls like that." "Oh ... right, right," I nodded. "Just looking out for you little bro," Brandi smiled and hopped up the stairs to her bedroom. I was simultaneously thankful and annoyed at her. Thankful, because it never would have occurred to me to call my...

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still fucking my ex girlfriend

i had this girlfriend who was alittle bit asian and thaiwhich was awesome until she had brought over her friend one time to drink with us, so we were drinking for a few hours then it all hit me, that the friend who had her boyfriend over aswell wanted to hook up, so i moved to the endof the table next to her while we were close something had happened,in a split second we went outside and started to put our tongues together kissing and feeling each other up, later on my girlfriend was in the...

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Sharing Friends Cocks with my Girlfriend

Sharing Friends Cocks with my GirlfriendWhen I was about 11 years old an older boy from the neighborhood and I used to spend lots of time talking about girls, pussy, fucking and looking a Club or Hustler Magazine . He was about 15 and heavy so he took a lot of ribbing but we became close. We would pull out our cocks wghenever we were alone and look at the girls posing and talk about what we'd like to do to them. I loved hearing his fantasies and loved watching him stroke his cock.By the end of...

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Big Cock For My Girlfriend

Seeing as my girlfriend, Jennifer, was a virgin when we met. I drunkenly suggested one night that she should maybe experience what sex with someone else would be like.She surprised me when she told me that her favourite masturbation fantasy involved fucking a man with a massive dick, while I watched.It didn’t take me log to come round to the ideaShe has amazing tits and a spankable arse and sometimes when she is sucking me off, I find myself feeling selfish about keeping such a cock pleaser to...

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The Girlfriend

The third and last of the new stories. Maybe you could let me know which of the three you liked best, or disliked least would work too XXXThe GirlfriendBy Nikkie Silk“It looks like Sam has a girlfriend at last.”“Huh, what?” My attention was fixed on the rugby on the TV and I really wasn’t paying attention to my wife.“I said, numbnuts, that a huge sinkhole has opened up in the high street and it’s swallowed the pub and all the customers.”“Oh, OK.” Rolling her eyes she said, “What did I just...

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Foursome With My Conservative Girlfriend

Myself being a long time follower of Indian Sex stories had read lot of stories and had lot of fantasies about my sexual life as all of you reading this story right now. As I said I had lot of fantasies after reading iss, the biggest one I had was to swap my girlfriend and I implemented one in my real life which just took place last week at my friend’s house. Let me start the story with character description as its true incident I don’t want to mention our real names (names are been changed for...

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