My Next Door Neighbor - Part Two free porn video

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My Next Door Neighbor Part Two

The following Saturday I was extremely nervous and highly excited. I had spent all week thinking about taking Christine to the beach party. I kept hoping against hope that nothing would happen to keep us from going. When Saturday finally came the hours dragged by. I shaved probably three times, even though I really only needed to shave about once a week at that time in my life. Finally it was time. I was wearing a sport shirt and slacks. I walked next door and rang the bell. Christine opened it and my heart melted. She looked stunning. She was wearing a white tee shirt sheared off just below her breasts which I could already tell were unencumbered by a bra. Acres of beautiful bare skin was showing between her top and the extremely short blue denim skirt that barely covered the skin from about three inches below her navel to what I judged to be just below her pubic region. And I wasn’t certain if that area was actually completely covered or not. I got an instant erection. Christine’s eyes moved down below my waist and saw me growing there. She said that she guessed that I liked her outfit. I told her I thought it was spectacular.

The party was being held on the beach close enough to our houses that it was easier to walk than to drive and try to park. As we walked I mentioned that there would be some swimming if she wanted to. Christine said that was nice and that she had brought a suit with her. Since her handbag was just a minuscule purse I asked her where it was. She held up her purse and said, “In here.”

Wow, I thought, it must really be a tiny suit. I couldn’t wait to see it on her. When we got to the party Christine took my hand in hers, “To let everyone know that I’m with you and that you’re a stud,” she said. I whispered thanks and basked in the envious looks the guys were giving me as we walked in and the frankly unbelieving looks on the faces of the girls. I felt like a million dollars. I introduced Christine to the very few kids I knew and was very pleased when lots of others, almost all boys but even some girls, came over to be introduced. Christine made a big thing of running her free hand down my arm or caressing my cheek. And even put her hand on my ass and squeezed it when there were lots of kids around to see. She was playing her part perfectly. When she mentioned that she could use something to drink I left her standing by a tree while I squeezed my way up to the bar. Although most of the kids were under age alcohol was being readily dispensed so I had no difficulties in obtaining a mai tai for her and a coke for me.

When I walked back toward Christine I saw that about half the guys at the party were standing and staring at her. I circled around so that I could see what they were staring at. When I did I gulped. Her very short top no longer completely covered her breasts. In fact, her left nipple was bared and her right nipple almost was. No wonder everyone was staring at her. She had certainly been right about dressing casually.

I looked at the faces of the kids around me. They were completely mesmerized, as was I. Christine smiled at the attention she was receiving, took a few steps and raised her hands to her breasts. I don’t think any of the gawkers could believe their eyes. She was actually touching her nipples as we watched. When I could finally tear my eyes away from her nipples I realized that her skirt had shifted its position a little bit and was no longer covering her pussy. Which I could see was totally naked as she hadn’t worn any panties. From the murmurs of the guys around me, “Holy shit, she’s playing with her tits, and she’s not wearing any panties. Holy shit,” I could tell that they had noticed as well. I made a big production of walking over and handing her drink to Christine. Before she took the drink, though, she put her arms around me and kissed me. I was so startled I almost pulled away from her but she held on tightly and I was soon responding, with our tongues exploring each other in full view of my amazed school mates. When she stepped back from me and took the drink from me she immediately took my hand and placed it on her right breast. I smiled at what she was doing for me as I took her nipple ring in my fingers and gently tugged on it before taking her nipple in my thumb and forefinger and playing with it.

After we sipped our drinks for a few minutes Christine said that she thought we ought to go swimming. I said that would be swell, or some such inane thing as that and we went to the changing rooms. I put on my baggy swim trunks – I had a Speedo but it was so tight that you could see every inch of my penis and I knew that I was going to get an erection as soon as I saw “my date” in her bathing suit. If I had been smarter I would have realized that at least some of the girls there would have liked to have seen my cock erecting itself within the confines of my Speedo but, of course, I wasn’t. I had barely come out of the changing room when Christine came out from the girls’ side. I almost gasped. She was wearing the tiniest orange bikini bottom I had ever seen. And nothing else at all. Her breasts looked so beautiful they were breathtaking. I could hear gasps from the kids all around. Christine walked over to me, took me by the hand and we strolled down to the beach. On the way I told her how much I liked her bathing suit. She said that she thought orange was a good color on her and I enthusiastically agreed. She also said that I looked ridiculous in my huge bathing suit and should have worn a European style one. I said I would certainly do so next time.

We swam and played around in the water for a little while until Christine said that she wanted to catch the last few rays of the sun. I said okay expecting her to lie down in her suit. But as we began walking out of the water Christine undid the ties to her suit. I could hear whoops and hollering as guys were encouraging her to “take it off, take it all off.” Christine didn’t need their encouragement as that, she told me, had been her plan all along. Holding on to one set of the straps she let go of the other set and allowed her suit free rein to fall off. Because it was wet it didn’t do so immediately but rather continued to adhere to her skin. As she walked, however, her movements dislodged the adherence and the suit gradually began slipping down, uncovering more and more of her smooth tummy. I could almost hear everyone holding their collective breaths waiting to see if she was really going to let the suit fall completely off, baring her naked pussy to them. She did better than that. She handed me the straps she was holding in her hand and said, “Here, Scott, you pull it off for me, please.” I did so, to cheers from the crowd. Christine let herself fall gently face down onto the sand then rose to her knees and put her head back with her arms behind her, thrusting her bejeweled and sandy pussy forward towards the crowd. I am sure they were in as much of a state of shock as I was. It was such a wonderfully scintillatingly erotic sight. My bathing suit couldn’t begin to hide the erection which was now sticking out straight in front of me. Nor could the bathing suits of almost every boy there. When Christine eventually sat up and looked at me she said that maybe my bathing suit wasn’t such a bad idea after all as a Speedo would have held my erection down and this way the girls could easily see exactly how well endowed I was. In spite of her encouraging words I really was a nerd and was embarrassed to have an erection in public so I sank to my knees beside her, still holding on to Christine’s suit. We stayed like that for a while as guys would edge towards us but never quite get up the nerve to come and try to talk to Christine. When the sun sank behind the horizon Christine suggested that we should get our clothes back on. I tried to hand Christine her suit but she said that I should keep it as a souvenir. She took my hand, stood up and we walked hand in hand, with her completely naked, back to the changing room. Guys immediately piled in behind me asking me questions about my “date.” I gave vague responses most of which were half lies or outright untruths. I could hear guys telling other guys things like, “This Scott must be okay. Nobody gets a babe like that who doesn’t have a lot going for him.” Some of the comments were cruder, of course, but that’s the way guys are.

When I was dressed and came back out to wait for Christine several girls came up to me and asked similar questions, though much less crudely phrased of course. I told them that Christine was a free spirit, as they had seen, and that while we were lovers we both believed in open relationships. Christine had suggested this response because, she said, it would show that I was a stud but that I was also available, at least to the right girl. When Christine came out she was wearing the same white top she had come in but had changed to a white skirt which was about the same extremely short length as her denim skirt had been. We were both hungry so we got a table and I went off to get us some food from the buffet table. When I returned I saw that Christine had her usual crowd of admirers around her. When I had forced my way through them I could see why. With her legs spread apart, Christine’s stunning pussy was on full display with her clit rings and jewelry in place. After I put our plates down on the table Christine reached out and took my hand which she brought to her lips and kissed. It might have been overkill but I was loving it. The guys watching were clearly very jealous of me. And the girls were looking at me with an interest and respect that had never been on their faces before tonight.

When we were back at Christine’s place I thanked her at length for all she had done for me. She said that she had been happy to do it and had even had a good time, mainly from watching people’s jaws hitting the floor. She said, though, that we still needed to do more. She didn’t want the kids to think that perhaps I had hired a professional escort to pretend to be my date, never to be seen again. We arranged to have lunch at a popular place half a block from school on the following Tuesday. She then kissed me good night and sent me on my way. In bed I went over the events of the evening while my hand was busy beneath the sheets. I tried to hold off as long as I could but I had only gotten up to the part where Christine was beginning to undo her swim suit when I couldn’t hold back any longer. This time I was prepared, though, and avoided the mess of the other day.

The following day I received several calls from kids asking me about Christine and inviting me to come to this function or that function, always with the implication that I would of course bring Christine with me. On Monday I was the object of attention in all of my classes. A few guys suggested, as Christine had thought they might, that I had hired someone to come as my date. The fact that they weren’t that far off the truth upset me but I told them that I was meeting Christine for lunch the following day. That statement was met with general disbelief but I assured them that it was true.

On Tuesday I went to the restaurant where I was pleased to see a large crowd of kids from my school were already there. Christine was, too, and she looked ravishing. She was wearing gorgeous red boots that came up almost to her knees, a very, very short black skirt and, for a top, nothing but a black shawl draped around her shoulders and barely covering her breasts. When I came up to her she pulled my face down to hers and kissed me full on the lips. After we broke apart I glanced around and saw that all the kids’ eyes were on us. I told Christine how happy I was to see her and filled her in on what had happened on Sunday and Monday. She was pleased that her efforts were bearing fruit. We ordered and as the waiter was bringing our food, red snapper and a salad for Christine, a burger and fries for me, Christine as if unconsciously adjusted her shawl, exposing both of her gorgeous breasts to my eyes and to those of everyone else in the restaurant, and most especially to my classmates.

Her nipples were erect and I was aching to take them into my mouth. I told Christine that and she only smiled and said I would strain my back trying to reach across the table but that I could caress them if I wished. I did wish and promptly took her up on her offer before she could change her mind. I heard the waiter mutter “lucky kid,” under his breath as he walked away from the table. When we had finished lunch, which I tried to prolong for as long as possible – I had a free period after my lunch break so didn’t have to get back to school too promptly – I walked Christine a couple of blocks away from the restaurant, holding hands the entire way, before saying good bye. She said that we needed to follow up a couple more times and then I should be okay on my own. I asked what she had in mind. She said she would meet me after school the next day and asked what was the most public place on the school grounds where the maximum number of kids would be likely to see us. I told her there were some brick benches with stone tops just outside the main doors to the school building. For security reasons, I added, the main doors were the only ones kids were allowed to enter and leave the school building except in the case of emergencies. She said she would be there a few minutes before school let out and would meet me there, though I could take my time coming out of the building. I looked questioningly at her but she just smiled.

At my classes that afternoon more girls came up to talk to me. I did my best not to sound like a nerd but not to brag, either. I guess I did okay as the girls actually seemed to enjoy talking with me. A couple of them commented on the Saturday night party and the rearrangements that had occurred in my swim suit after Christine had taken off her suit. I apologized and said I hoped I hadn’t offended but they said it was entirely understandable and undoubtedly beyond my control, but, and this was said with emphasis, very impressive. I’m sure I blushed but I was quite pleased.

School dragged on and on the next day. If it hadn’t been for the attention I was receiving from both guys and girls it would have been terrible. When the last bell rang I leaped from my desk and was about to race to put my books into my locker and go outside when I remembered that Christine had said not to hurry. I took her at her word but lingering was difficult for me to do. It became easier when one of the cutest girls in my classes, Veronica, came over to me and began to talk. She said that she thought I was really nice and knew that I was very smart and wondered if I could help her a bit in calculus, which she was having difficulties with. I said I would love to and she asked if I could walk her home from school the next day and help her get her homework done. I was very happy to say that I would be delighted to. She was staying after school for rehearsals for a play so I said goodbye to her and strolled on outside. I saw a throng of people milling about and knew that Christine must have worn something interesting. She had.

Her off white transparent blouse did nothing to hide her lovely breasts and her nipple jewelry. She wore black stockings, the kind that stay up by themselves, but no panties. She had attached a dangling ornament on a long chain to her clit ring. She was sitting with her legs spread wide open so all of these splendors were in plain sight for all to see. When I came into her view her face lit up and she waved enthusiastically to me. I strode over to her and reached down to kiss her. She put her hands behind my head and held me to her while we kissed. And kissed. And kissed. Finally when the kids began clapping we broke off. Christine stood up, to universal groans from the guys who could no longer feast their eyes on her delightful pussy, took my hand and we strolled off.

We went back to her place where she gave me a coke and some cake she had bought. She said that she thought we needed only one more activity to cement my new found reputation at the school. I asked what she had in mind. When she told me I turned bright red and began to stammer. I asked her if she thought it was really necessary. She said that this would leave no doubt whatsoever in the minds of both the guys and the girls that I was not a nerd but a macho stud of the first order. “But it’s so public,” I said. “It has to be,” Christine calmly and quite logically replied. I gulped but agreed with her. I said that I might be so embarrassed in public that I wouldn’t be able to perform. She said that I shouldn’t worry, that she would take care of that. I asked if it really needed to be the very next day. She said it did because she was leaving on a long trip on the weekend and wouldn’t be back for a couple of months or more.

The next day at school was the opposite of the others. This time the hours went by all too rapidly. I grew more and more nervous as the time raced by. I had to take a leak in between each class and if I hadn’t been too embarrassed to do so I would have asked to be excused in the middle of most of those classes to go to the men’s room. When the final bell rang I put my books in my locker and headed to the soccer field where Christine had said we should meet. Soccer was the most popular sport at this school and there were a large number of students standing around watching the team practice. I spied Christine standing apart from the students, but within plain view of them, and of the team, some ways away. She was wearing a white top with straps and another very, very short blue skirt. She was standing with her foot on the upper rung of a low iron fence.

I went to her and we immediately kissed. She brought my hand to her ass and placed it on her. I began caressing the firm yet ever so soft flesh of her lovely rounded bottom. She was wearing a jeweled butt plug which I placed my fingers on and manipulated slightly, which Christine said felt very good to her. I could see some of the kids who had come for the practice turning their heads and watching us. I stiffened, but not the part of me that needed to be stiff. Christine understood what was happening. She told me to remove her butt plug and to replace it with my fingers, which I willingly did. This was the first time I had ever put my fingers into a woman’s ass. It felt incredibly exciting to me. My cock was twitching and beginning the process of erecting itself when Christine bent down and took it in her mouth to help it along.

I glanced over and saw that almost all of the kids had turned away from watching the soccer players and were staring intently at us. When I had, with Christine’s expert help, become fully erect she instructed me to replace my fingers with my erection. I couldn’t believe my ears. This was better than I would have dreamed to have hoped for. I almost asked if she was sure but checked myself in time. I said only that I could use her help to be certain that I didn’t put it in at the wrong angle. Christine told me that I should first stand a foot or so away from her so that the girls could see my erect cock. I had thought such a sight would embarrass girls but Christine assured me that girls were as interested in these matters as boys are. When she thought I had disported myself sufficiently she reached back to my cock and drew it to her anus. I pushed forward and felt it begin to slide in where it was enveloped with the warmth and closeness of the aperture. Christine kept her hand on my cock as I gradually pushed it in millimeter by slow, lovely millimeter. This time when I looked over I saw that the kids had edged closer to us. They weren’t right on top of us but they were definitely close enough that even the ones with glasses didn’t need them. Some of the kids were standing on their tip toes or even on the fence in order to get a better angle. When she was certain that I was correctly positioned, Christine removed her hand from my cock and I began slowly pushing myself into her and then back out. She pushed her ass back to meet my thrusts.

Although I was incredibly excited I was just as incredibly nervous at doing what we were doing in public with all the kids, and now even the soccer players, who had ceased their practice, watching. The result was that I didn’t cum within a half a minute as I’m sure I would have done if we had been doing this in private. Instead I was able to continue thrusting in and out for long enough that Christine had, as she assured me later were totally real, several loud, shuddering orgasms. When I finally came I spurted for what seemed like an eternity although I’m sure it was only for a few seconds. When the last drops had gone out from me I rested on Christine who was supporting her arms on the iron fence. Sustained applause immediately broke out. It was only when my cock slid out of Christine’s ass that she turned around, put her arms around me and kissed me. We adjusted our clothing and, after Christine waved to the astonished kids, walked off hand in hand.

I didn’t see Christine again for almost three months as her trip had extended for longer than she had anticipated. By the time I did see her I was going steady with Veronica and turning down requests from other girls to go out with them – usually phrased as helping them with their homework. I had joined several clubs and had a lot of friends among the guys at the school. Because of Christine, what had begun as my worst year ever in school had become my best. The next year, when I went off to university, I had a confidence with both women and men that I had never had before. It is not too much to say that Christine truly changed my life.

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I fell in love with my next door neighbor

Fantasies with my new neighbor  A new woman has just moved next to us about three months ago. We live in a vicinity at the outer edge of this town.   We’ve lived here for almost two years now; it's a quiet and peaceful place: nothing ever happens, with a street too solitary,  houses that look unoccupied, deserted,  to any observer. Hardly ever a neighbor would show out of his / her home. It’s fantastic to live here, listening only the birds chirping. The only problem is to go down town for any...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Neighbors Daughter V A Mature Neighbor Comes to Call

It had been several months since Henry had been asked to introduce some of his neighbors’ teenaged daughters to the world of sex. The girls and their mothers had wanted, no they had almost insisted, Henry at over fifty years of age take the girl’s virginity and show them how wonderful sex could be. The mothers were afraid their sixteen-year-old daughters would end up getting screwed and knocked-up in the back seat of some boy’s car unless they knew what they were doing sexually. It had been a...

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Next Door Neighbor

Several years ago, I lived in a house that had been converted to apartments. My landlord lived next door and was in the process of converting that house to apartments as well. I had lived there for a couple of years when he finally got an upstairs apartment going, and a new tenant moved in. She was a college student, blonde hair, and blue eyes, about 5’2” and would pass as a Darryl Hanna stand in. My landlord’s wife told me all about her including that she had a boyfriend. I don’t know why she...

3 years ago
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Next Door Neighbor Part II

                    Next Door Neighbor -- continuedThe following weekend Carrie asked if I could help her clean out the garage at her boyfriends house. I had no plans so I was glad to help her. It took about an hour or so to move some furniture around and clean out the garage for the garbage department to pick later that week.Carrie looked at me and said, "now we have all day to continue where we left off last week," I smiled and we headed to the bedroom. We didn't waste anytime as we got...

3 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part fifteen

I woke at eight o’clock the following morning and I went to the kitchen; Kevin was already up and had the coffee brewing. He poured me a cup and we chatted for about fifteen minutes.“It was a marvelous Christmas day, wasn’t it?” Kevin said.“Sure was bud, thanks for letting me stay over.”“No problem, like Christy, said, we are family, Steve.”He went to Greg’s room and returned to me about three minutes later.“They want coffee,” Kevin said as he poured two more cups of joe.“Do you want to take...

3 years ago
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Rickey Part 1 A New Neighbor

Ricky eased up his driveway and pulled back on the parking brake of his Subaru. He stared curiously down the hill to the house next door with the moving van in the driveway. Finally, someone is moving into Mrs. Martin’s house. His elderly neighbor had died six or seven months ago and her son cleaned it up, painted and put it on the market within a month. Home sales sucked in this small town Ohio, and evidently after five months he now had a buyer. He swung open the door, and eased his pudgy...

2 years ago
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Meeting The Neighbor And Shoveling Snow Part Three

The next day, I got up with the kids and got them ready for school. The bus picked them and I went back into the house. My husband was in our room picking out lingerie that he wanted me to wear to my neighbor’s house. He had a weird look on his face, while he was picking stuff out. “I want you to wear this today. Get yourself all made up and looking good. You’re going to tell him to fuck that sweet ass of yours today.” “What?” “You heard me. You’re going to tell him that you want it up your...

Wife Lovers
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My wife and our new neighbor part seven

I woke at 7 o’clock the following morning and found that I had another erection, so I quickly worked myself off before getting up and making the coffee.I could hear talking coming from our bedroom and knew that they were all awake, I text my wife to ask if they were ready for coffee and she confirmed that they were.I knocked and was summoned in, Christy was sitting up in bed with Jason to her right and Chris on her left. It was very erotic, seeing her in bed with two black men and unlike the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Getting to Know the Neighbor Part II

Rhonda was my cute-as-heck, our thirtysomething next-door neighbor. As long as she and her husband Rick had lived next door to us, I had never known Rhonda to be on the mischievous side. She wasn’t flirty, although she could have easily been and I probably would not have even noticed.The only time I ever saw Rhonda or Rick was usually in passing. I must admit that I secretly admired Rhonda, with her model good looks, engaging smile and svelte body. But, I was not one to have a wandering eye,...

1 year ago
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The Video Store Part 2 of My Sex Slave Neighbor

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Part 2 - The Video StoreRecap of Part 1(Found my Married next door neighbor masturbating to a movie I left in her house. Then she spent the whole day sucking my cock around her house. Then I left her instructions to wash my clothes, not kiss her husband when he got home from work.)Part 2~~~I watched Brenda naked body jiggle as she walked out of my view. A few minutes later, I saw her husband Frank walk by his kitchen window. He reached into the fridge to get...

1 year ago
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Totally Submissive The Neighbor

I spent the next couple of days with Dor being embarrassed beyond belief and having the absolute best time of my life. I had to check on my apartment, pick up the mail and get a few things and I told Dor she was going to have to come with me. She said, “I’ll come baby but why do I have to” and I said, “In case I run into my neighbor”. Dor said, “That’s really a true story, I thought you told it to me to justify cheating on your ex”. I told her it was really true. We got to my apartment building...

3 years ago
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The Party Pt 2 Older neighbor helps clean up REPOST

Introduction: a young boy cleans up after his party and gets some help from his older neighbor Authors Note- the first time i tried to post this, there was an error, so here you go…. again. I awoke in the morning to an empty bed. Aisha must have left before I woke up. I turned over and looked at the clock. It was 1pm. I went down stairs and moaned as I surveyed the damage. Beer cans littered the ground, along with empty pizza boxes and incredibly, some weed that someone forgot. I ignored my...

4 years ago
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Spying on my Neighbor 04

I didn’t sleep more than an hour total last night. I couldn’t! I was way too excited, and I have no idea how many times I masturbated thinking of what happened. Not only did I get to fuck my beautiful neighbor, but I also told someone about my secret. I still don’t know if she will believe the note I left her, telling her that I can turn invisible, but I’ll find out soon enough. I thought about what I had written: ‘I hope you enjoyed yourself, I know I did. You are great. I think we can have a...

3 years ago
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Ricky Part 1 A New Neighbor

Walking up the steps to his bedroom he glanced in the mirror on the landing. Looking back at him was a 58 year old, short, balding and overweight divorcee. He’d been single for the last 18 years and unless he found a similar female loser, he would remain that way. Sure, he’d been out on dates, but they all seemed turned off by his less-than charming personality and, well, his rotundness. Unbuttoning his work shirt with “Ricky” embroidered above the pocket, he grabbed a t-shirt from the...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Become His Whore Part 2 Party time

Part 2…. Neighbor WhoreThat weekend he knew her husband was out of town again and so he called her and told her he was coming over Saturday. Actually he was going to surprise her and get her Friday night.He showed up with two bags of clothes and other items Friday night at 7 and she was surprised to see him. “Well you look good woman, I may not take you out tonight but just keep you to myself, but I have other plans already made so here put these on and oh there is the latest DVD in there too...

1 year ago
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Helping the new neighbor Part II

Well, it is good to see you again my friend! I am glad you can take the time to read my latest true experience with my new neighbor! Remember last time I told you about helping her to hook up her washer and dryer. It was fantastic! I never had a woman suck my dick like that and fucking her was out of this world. But I had one regret, I did not get to fuck her in the ass! Remember she has a fantastic ass. Nice and round and firm! You could crack walnuts with that thing. Well this morning I was...

2 years ago
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Kolkata 8211 In Quarantine With MILF Neighbor 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is Nikhil, and this time I’ve come with the continuation of my last story as you guys have been demanding for a long time. Sorry for taking so long. I have been busy making new, sexy experiences to share with you through these stories. This quarantine has given me lots of experiences which I will soon write about. As my neighbor’s husband was stuck in Mumbai due to the lockdown, we fucked a lot and enjoyed the lockdown to the fullest. She liked fucking me so much that she wanted...

1 year ago
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My First Sex With My Neighbor Married Sexy Lady 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is Arvind 23 yrs old guy from Bangalore. This is my real story of first time sex with my neighbor flat married 27yrs old sexy and busty lady at her home when she is alone. I am staying in an apartment in Bangalore with my 2 friends, all of us are working in a pvt company. Mine is shifting type of work like one week day shift and next week night shift like that, and my 2 friends work in day times only. And in my neighbor flat couples are staying they are from Andhra and husband...

2 years ago
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Next door neighbor

This happened to me one year ago, in Bangalore. It was bright sunny day I was sitting on the roof of my house. The electricity went away and sitting inside the home was like baking oneself in the Owen. I decided to take umbrella along with reader digest to kill time. As my house on two units I could get a chance of looking at neighbor’s house. My next door neighbor had a daughter older to me. She had a perfect figure as I always blushed staring at her lower body part. There were times I leave...

4 years ago
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Black NeighborWife and MePlease Rate and Comment

My Black Neighbor and my WifeMy Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Storypart 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me...

1 year ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 26 Katie the Good Neighbor

Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman’s house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Every day after her family had left for work and school Phil had called or rolled up to her door. She never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. She regretted that moment in his hospital room as well as every moment of what happened...

4 years ago
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New Neighbor New Lover part 2

 Part Two – Fond Memories I awoke with a start. The incredible sex scene, seen through Carolyn’s window last night, was instantly replaying in my mind. I glanced toward my own window and saw the cum-splattered mess I had made last night as I lost control of myself watching my neighbor getting fucked so wildly.I knew who it was that my new neighbor reminded me of: it was none other than Mrs. K! Mrs. K was the sexy MILF next door, the object of many masturbatory fantasies, many years ago when I...

3 years ago
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My Black Neighbor and my Wife

My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show me...

3 years ago
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Neighbor kids part 11

This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like petite women for pretty much the same reasons minus the innocence! I generally am not into boys although they can be pretty cute too at...

2 years ago
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Neighbor kids part 10

It was a nice warm summer afternoon and I was outside working on one of my cars. I enjoy tinkering with them and it’s especially nice to enjoy the sunshine at the same time. I live in a middle class suburban neighborhood with lots of young families and plenty of pretty girls around. In this case, there is a neighbor with a pool and two very lovely daughters. One of them looks to be about 13 and the other one is probably about 10. Right in that age range I enjoy! The younger girl was...

4 years ago
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Neighbor kids part 1

Introduction: Repost – This is a fantasy about a 9 yo girl and boy. This is a repost to get all the chapters under the same userid. This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like...

3 years ago
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Neighbor kids part 1

Introduction: This is a fantasy about a 9 yo girl and boy. My first story so be kind! This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like petite women for pretty much the same reasons minus...

2 years ago
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The NeighborhoodChapter 7 A neighbor watches the fun

JENNIFER’S STORY I think I’ve mentioned I’ve got a consulting business where I help other businesses develop their business and marketing plans. I was the CEO of successful startup software company, and that carries a lot of cachet, not to mention cash. My consulting business is a nice little concern. I make enough money to pay most of the mortgage, kids’ tuition, and other bills (income from investments made with all the money from selling the company pays the rest and leaves some to...

4 years ago
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I Seduce My New Neighbor Part I

I had lived in my apartment for a year, me and my sexy dog, when a new neighbor moved in. I went to “meet and greet” and when I saw her I thought how beautiful and sexy she was. She had these long legs, a lithe shape, full lips and a wonderful inviting smile. The way she tossed back her hair when she laughed made me want to get down on my knees and lick her off but I had another idea if she would only get down on her knees! We had our meet and our greet. She was busy moving in. “Nice...

4 years ago
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Cherrys Next Door Neighbor Becomes the Man of the House

Cherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass. She took a long drag out of the glass, as...

4 years ago
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To Much Neighbor For Me

Jerri was headed home from work. It was late and all she could think about was the hot shower she was going to take. Her feet ached as she walked up the sidewalk to enter her residence. She plopped down on the couch and reflected on the long day. Finally she decided to head upstairs to take her well deserved shower. Jerri turned on the shower, stripped her clothes off and stepped into steaming shower. She lathered up her body and shampooed her hair. Her mind began wondering about the man that...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Neighbor Part One

Zack was a 16-year-old boy who lived in an apartment across the street from Sarah’s new place. His mother had decided a couple of years before to it was time to move out of a large nearby city and into a quieter, somewhat smaller one to keep him out of trouble and open her own business – the small thrift shop beneath their apartment. He had spent a lazy Friday afternoon, lying bed all alone playing video games while his mom ran the store downstairs. No friends around to get in trouble with....

1 year ago
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My Nigerian friend who fucked so many women Part 1 My Brazilian neighbor

Years ago, I used to have this very athletic black friend who was the biggest player of all time. He loved women and sex more than anything, and had slept with more girls than any other guy I know with some the craziest sex stories that he shared with me. Here is first of his crazy sex stories I'll be sharing, where he had sex with my next door neighbor in my own shower while I was. My Nigerian friend who had sex with so many women Chapter 1: My Brazilian neighbor Years ago I used to have this...

2 years ago
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Spying on my Neighbor 05

The next week was a blur. It didn’t take long for me to convince my parents I was helping my neighbor with chores around her yard and house for some extra money. In their eyes, this explained why I had been spending so much time over at my neighbor’s house. They didn’t mind either. They figured it would teach me responsibility. So here I am my last summer before I go off to college and I am already getting the best education I could imagine. My sexy neighbor is teaching me about all kinds of...

2 years ago
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Ms Marca Fucking My Old Neighbor part 2

Ms Marca      Fucking My Old Neighbor    Part 2   This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways.   This is about me, just a part of my late teenage life!     Ms Marca     Fucking My Old Neighbor     The next morning I was up and at it by 10…ok so I had a good night sleep.   I had to check on my new lover to see if he had got in his 8 hours, the man should have after what I gave him last night. I went out my backdoor and across the Chucks drive and to his kitchen door and...

4 years ago
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Ms Marca Fucking My Old Neighbor part 2

Ms Marca      Fucking My Old Neighbor    Part 2   This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways.   This is about me; just a part of my late teenage life!     Ms Marca     Fucking My Old Neighbor     The next morning I was up and at it by 10...ok so I had a good night sleep.   I had to check on my new lover to see if he had got in his 8 hours; the man should have after what I gave him last night. I...

4 years ago
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the neighbor with friends

the neighbor with friendsAs I suspected, my neighbor has come with his best friend and his wife. Both certainly more than ten, maybe fifteen years younger than me. The day before he had phoned with the question if they could come together and whether it could be a bit naughty. I answered YES.At 14 o'clock they were at the door. His best friend, quite a distinguished man in costume. His wife, a blonde, a beautiful dress with a V collar that placed a strong accent on her beautiful volume of...

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