Mothers and Daughters
- 4 years ago
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Mother's New Daughter' (1)
TJ Ryder
"Did you hear what Phyllis is doing to her new hubby?" the
attractive housewife said to her neighbor over the fence.
Tammy Sue rolled her eyes as she put her clothes basket down
and turned to hear the latest gossip from the neighborhood's
biggest gossipmonger, Gladys.
"What's she doing now, then?"
Gladys looked around to see if anyone was hearing this which
Tammy thought absurd since she told everyone everything anyway!
"Mary saw her taking Tom into the adolescent girls section
at Schwabbs the other day!"
"Mmmmm, so what?"
"So what? Well listen to this then! Later that afternoon
she saw Phyllis walking across the street with someone,
but not with Tom, she was with some teenage girl!"
Tammy felt her heart thump a little when she heard that.
Did Phyllis actually get her hubby in girls' clothes? she
"Well, it could be anyone, maybe some friend you know!"
"Oh no, the girl had dark red hair, just like Tom's!"
Tammy frowned, Tom had very distinctive reddish brown hair.
"And," Gladys laughed, "he was having trouble walking in heels!"
Tammy smiled at that. "Well, good for Phyllis. Tom didn't
make much of a male in the first place!"
"Those are the best ones to feminise, honey! I am so jealous!
My husband Phil would be an absolutely ghastly woman. You know
dear, now that your'e divorced, you should look for a nice sweet
boy you can rule the roost with instead of another asshole!"
"Hear we go again," Tammy said.
"No, really, your'e so attractive you can get anyone you
want, and why should you have to put up with someone telling you
what to do? Someone who helps around the house, waits on you
hand and foot like Tom is no doubt doing right now, and you can do
anything you want to with him!"
Tammy sighed, "that part does sound kind of nice!"
A hundred miles away at Gardbrook School a young man also
sighed with a combination of desire and frustration. Timmy
was fairly typical of the boys sent to Gardbrook, a fetish-friendly
boys academy that specialized in the selection, cultivation and
education of 'special' boys.
Sitting on his bunk in the two person room, he wondered as
he looked at his closet what he should wear tonight for the Friday
night date and dance.
A knock on the door and one of his friends, Peter/Petra came in.
"Still here, Timmy?"
"Yeah, Mom's running a little late!"
"Well you know, summer's finally here. We should get together
Timmy smiled. "I'd like that. Are you going to the dance at
The Club tonight?"
"I don't know, you know I don't make the decisions!"
Timmy ruefully smiled, "any more than I do!"
"Come one, you got your mother to a Drive in! That's something
I could never get mine to do!"
"Oh," he laughed, "that was a little different though! And I'm
pretty sure that was my last date like that!"
"Like what?" The smallish thin feminine boy sat on the other bunk
and picked up a magazine. Timmy frowned, thinking of that himself.
So physically like Peter, and in many ways so emotionally similar,
but his relationwhip with his mom in many ways so different!
Maybe half the boys at Gardbrook still had close relationships
with their moms, and many of them probably would for a long time,
but when he first was accepted at the school here, there was a period
when he tried to be in both worlds, with his friends from the
old school and neighborhood.
Janet Spellman was a tall, voluptuous woman in her late thirties,
and while quite dominant was also very caring about her son who so
much reminded her more every year more of his father, now divorced.
She would only go out with a smaller and more submissive male; and while
the marriage didn't last, she could not have been more satisfied with
her resulting children.
A beautiful daughter so much like her, and a boy much like Harold.
But, she bit her lip as she drove to Gardbrook to pick her son up and
take him home for summer, was she doing the right thing?
Those questions were always in her mind, even when Harold and she
argued about it. Sooner or later, Timmy would grow up, and she wondered
if she helping him become the person he really wanted to be or the one
she wanted him to be? And she hadn't seen Timmy for a week, and
that itself was a very difficult weaning process in the beginning also.
"When did it really begin?" Timmy wondered at Garbrook in his room,
idly stroking his erect penis in his pink bikini panties, having no male
underwear at all.
"What are you thinking of?" smiled Peter.
"Oh, for one thing I don't know what to wear!"
"You mean what to go as, boy or girl?"
"Well yeah!"
"Go neutral then!"
Timmy snorted, "Your idea of neutral is a faggot! Mother hates
that look and I'd be spanked at least. Not the best start for summer
"Not faggot, just indeterminate. Listen, if you want to get on
her good side do what I do. I slip on a dog collar!"
"Well, you are her slave!"
"Youv'e worn a dog collar back from dates with your mother!"
"That was different!" But was it?
After his father left and he entered his teens, his mom and sis
were more dominant, but also he became a much bigger part of their
lives, an essential part.
For one thing his buxom mother still breastfed him, although he
couldn't sit in her lap any more. She enjoyed it and he did to,
although maybe he needed it was more accurate! Inducing lactation
in his younger sister, also well endowed and quite dominant, allowed
her to provide his nutritional needs to a point also. Every Friday
night he was spanked, by both if his sister didn't have a date.
Of course mom didn't have a date, and neither did he! She was his date!
She was also dressing him more and more, and wearing her used panties
was the first accessory. That was another difficulty in going to
Gardbrook, so many emotional obstacles to overcome. Wearing his own
hand washed panties instead of taking them off his mother. Having to
go days without any sexual relief even though he wasn't required to
wear a chastity belt any longer.
An event like the first day of summer after his first year
at Gardbrook made him think of other big days in his life, or
actually, he and his mother's life because she still dominated his
Seven months ago he came home from school, tossed his books
on the bed and went down to the kitchen to get something to eat.
His voluptuous mother in a low cut blouse turned from preparing
something on the counter and smiled. Standing in only two-inch
heels she was still taller than his 5'5" height, and his slim
but athletic 125 lbs was lighter than her own in shape 134.
"Just a second honey," she smiled. He stood there waiting
and his erection had to be arranged so it moved upward in his
sheer panties, the only clothes he was permitted to wear around
the house.
"How's my boy today?" she smiled, turning now, and pressing
her big breasts through her blouse at his bare chest, they
Groaning at the warmth and fragrance and feel of her body
against his, putting his hands on her hips to pull her closer,
he had to tilt his head up to press his lips on hers.
"Have you eaten anything you shouldn't have?" she smiled,
and probed his mouth with her tongue, enjoying the shivers and
shuddering and the throbbing pole against her belly. His tongue
danced with hers inside his mouth, but he wasn't permitted to
tongue her mouth without permission. Tonguing his mouth was
a little game she played when his only diet was from her big fruitful
breasts but now she knew he had a regular lunch at school like all
the kids. Breaking the embrace with a soft peck of affection,
leaving him red faced and panting. Her nipples were hard and
her pussy creamy but she didn't want him to know that, yet!
"So dear, any news I should know about from school?"
Sighing, licking his lips as she turned her beauteous backside
in a sheer short skirt to him as she continued preparing dinner.
"Um, well, I made the lacrosse team!"
"Very good!"
"Oh, and this coming Friday? Are we doing anything, you know,
"Like what? Would you like to do something?"
"Well, I was thinking that lots of times we go to a movie?"
"Is there something you want to see?" she said, stirring a pot.
"Well, actually, the gang is going to Regency's Drive-In this friday!
And then theyr'e getting together at Arnold's afterwards!" Arnold's
was a local malt shop popular with teenagers.
She rolled her eyes at the idea and sighed. "And I suppose you want
to go?"
"Well, there's going to be dancing at Arnold's, kind of a record hop!"
"Really," she teased, "do you have a girl you want to invite?"
"Please don't do that!"
She turned sideways still stirring her pot.
"I told you you can go with other girls, honey!"
His face fell and she patted his cheek. "All right fine, that's for
another time! Do I know any of these kids?"
"Well, lots of them I think. Billy from the old neighborhood, Lisa,
Frank, I know you remember him! He's the captain of the Lacrosse team now!"
"Really, I never would have thought he was athletic; so I guess this
is a kind of important social function then!"
"Well,....I mean if you had other plans it's okay...!"
"How many others are still going with their moms?"
"Oh, well,.." he thought, "well Frank is for sure, and Tommy, and I'm
pretty sure a couple others!"
"I just don't want to be the oldest woman there around a bunch of
cute teenage girls!"
"(Sigh) You'll always be the most beautiful woman there!"
She turned and smiled, "thank you honey. All right, but wait, Friday
night is our time for your review, spankings,.. and other things!"
He swallowed, a mixture of emotions running through his mind at the
"Yeah I know, but wev'e had to do that on other times before!"
"I suppose," she said, pursing her lips, "Sally will be disappointed
but I can tell her she can have her fun on Saturday night!"
"Great, so its a date?"
"Great! Um, and now, um...!" He was anxious to nurse on her fullsome
breasts for a while like he did every day when he came home from school,
usually followed by her sitting on his face and cumming, and sometimes
a long slow blowjob that she dragged out and swallowed, making them
feel like they were getting all their nourishment from each other's bodies!
His mother was used to at least two orgasms per day, usually on his tongue
but sometimes on his cock, his genitals oversized by all the pumping hormones
her breasts had put into his system. A quick worship session and feeding and
cum after school! But not just now!
"Dear, I have to spend about twenty minutes getting dinner ready so why
don't you freshen me up, and you can kiss and lick my shoes while your'e
waiting so impatiently!"
He breathed, "Thank you mother!" as he dropped to his knees behind
her shapely buttocks. He immediately buried his face in her firm butt
crack through the sheer material, feeling that she was wearing bikini
panties, making her sigh.
Reaching up with his hands to the waistband of her short skirt, he
asked "May I..."
"Yes, but just the back, I don't want to cum until later!"
"Yes mother!"
Slipping down her short skirt and panties, he first kissed each plump
perfect cheek, and she moved her legs a little apart, and bent forward
a bit as she still stirred her pot, presenting her beautiful backside!
"Mmmmfffff!" his tongue ran up her buttcrack, kissing and licking,
and paused at her rosette anus he knew so well.
"OOOOHHHH, my boy is so horney today" she laughed as she felt his
worshipping tongue enter. She allowed him to do that for several minutes
and then straightened up making him groan in frustration.
"Now, slip my panties and skirt back on and then just lick and kiss
my shoes!"
Still licking his lips at the taste of his beloved mother, his penis
leaking precum into her used panties, he groaned, and soon he
was bending over, trying to lick every inch of her high heeled
shoes. She smiled.
"Oh, by the way honey, what's playing at the Drive-In?"
"Mmmm, kiss, um! Um, I think it's Beach Blanket Bingo!"
Groaning, she winced. "Just great!" she sighed.
Pulling into the drive in movie on the warm evening,
the ticket taker smiled at them. He saw at first what
he thought was a couple and was pleased it looked like two
women. And when the youngest one rolled down the window
he looked across her and saw a voluptuous woman with
big breasts and cleavage that made his cock stir. The idea
they were lesbians was exploding in his teenage mind.
"Hello ladies!" he smiled
Timmy held out his hand with the money.
Fumbling with the change, the teen kept glancing
eyes at those big breasts while trying to make conversation.
"Hope you like the movie!" The younger one smiled
but the older one just rolled her eyes.
"That WOULD be something!" the other one said with
resignation. Looking at the car as it pulled
out, he licked his lips thinking if he knew where it was
parked maybe he could take a peek into the action after
it got dark; but then he heard them talk before the tinted
window rolled up.
"Not too close to the screen, honey!"
"Yes mother!"
The teen sighed with disappointment. "Aw fuck,
just another mother/daughter combo tonight!"
Parking close to the back, the lot almost filled already,
Timmy adjusted the speaker on his side, and looked over at
his mom, who had dropped the visor and looked at something
on her eyelash.
"You didn't tell me it was a double bill, Timmy!"
"Well, we can just watch one movie if you like!"
"That beach movie you wanted, when does that play?"
"Mmmm, comes on second I think!"
"Oh my...!"
While his mother didn't like drive ins, Timmy loved them and
Janet was pleased he was still acting like that. He had his
gorgeous mother all to himself in a small space, separated from
the world, feeling his boner push out his panties and raise his
short skirt, detecting her subtle and familiar fragrance in the
car with the windows mostly all the way up.
"Well," she smiled, "make sure the doors are locked!"
"Yes mother," pressing a switch, and began to strip
naked, folding his skirt and sleeveless blouse neatly on the back
seat!" But as he moved closer to her, she put a finger on his
"Wait, honey, since we have time before your movie we might
as well do your weekly review first!"
He groaned, anxious to nurse on her tongue, her breasts,
her sweet flowing pussy.
"Besides," she said sweetly as she took our her large
shoulder bag and removed a ping pong paddle and plastic ruler,
"we have plenty of time for that after your review and before
your beach movie!"
Laying gingerly over her thighs, presenting his white
buttocks, she reached under and grasped his big rigid
erection, making him sigh.
"Now remember my rules, no rubbing or getting off!"
(Groan) "Yes mother!"
"Now," she smiled as she put her soft hand over his white
bubble butt, thinking how nice and pink it would soon be,
as she picked up her little notebook she kept for his weekly
review. Occasionally slapping and pinching him, they discussed
the things she had noted. Late with the laundry, sloppy
once with the ironing. His snooty sister saying he was
disrespectful. He always responded with an admittance
and a nod, anxious for her to get started, wishing she would
just punish him for as long as she wanted because she always
did anyway.
Twenty minutes later, Janet breathed deeply and sighed,
and turned up the volume on the speaker to conceal the sweet
noises her son was making. She also reached under and felt
the swollen throbbing leaking organ having felt the precum
on her smooth thigh.
"There now," she smiled, patting his head and kissing
his tearful cheek, "that didn't take too long now did it?"
her own flushed face betrayed her enjoyment and satisfaction.
"Now we have plenty of time!"
"Yes mother, (gasp)" as he knelt between her thighs on the
floor as she pushed the seat all the way back, and following
their ritual, she smiled as he helped her undress, shoes, nylons
skirt, blouse, but not panties, not yet. Her damp panties would
stay on until she was finished feeding him.
Working his way up from her toes as he kissed her, he finally
began licking and kissing her big swaying milk-filled breasts.
Her soft hand on the back of his neck guided him to her left
breast, as he covered her nipple with his lips, and sucked,
she sighed, looking out the dark window at other cars.
She knew at least a dozen mother she knew of were out there
nursing their sissybois, wondering if that was Frank and
Lidia's car over there since she only saw one person in the
front seat, the other no doubt under her or kissing her toes.
Several rows away, Lydia was in the front seat with her teenage
son Frankie, her attention wandering from the less than interesting
movie to looking around, wondering how this evening's little
plot she cooked up with her friend Janet and her sissy will play out!
Frankie wearing a short skirt and sleeveless sweater blouse with
a training padded bra. His arm was around his lovely mother's waist
as he gave her neck and cheek kisses, and was making her sigh as
he undid her blouse buttons, revealing her big braless beauties
with already hard nipples. Tonigh she was letting him make the
move first being a kind of boy's night, and was enjoying
the role of being passive. But she did wish she had tinted windows
like Janet's expensive car because she could see shadowed shapes
in other cars around her, and was reluctant to remove her blouse.
His insistent lips found hers, and they were making out like
girl and boy or lesbian lovers until he was panting and his big
cock pushed up his skirt. But her soft hand restrained him from
exposing her breasts fully, so he was cupping and pinching them
and occasionally sucking her nipples.
"Shhh, Frankie! People will see me!"
"Awmmmmooommmmmm! I'm ready to pop!"
"No," she said firmly, "not here! It's not nice to expect to
fuck your mother with people walking by the car and looking in!"
"Nobody cares," he panted, squeezing her nipple and making her
groan! He knew she needed his big cock in every hole tonight as
badly as he did.
"No, I said! Wait till later!"
"(Groan) I just can't, well, how about a blowjob then?"
She opened her mouth in shock, looking around. "And nobody
will notice that?"
"Nope, really, just kneel on the floor and its just a dark shape!
Look at some of those cars, mom! See the ones with just one person!"
She did look around and did see quite a few single people shapes.
"Maybe their dates are at the refreshment center," she weakly protested
but her soft hand around the familiar throbbing hard cock she lusted
for was weakening her resistence.
"All right," she gave in, "because I'm your date I guess this is
what girls do at Drive Ins!" The boy groaned with relief and slipped
down his panties as she knelt between his legs, pleased he had
detailed the car before the date.
"Awwwww!" he moaned, as her soft lips played up and down the thick
fleshy column, and gently kissed his bloated balls.
"Mmmmm, (kiss, slurp) she said, tasting the precum on his thick
knob with lips and tongue, and hefting the heavy balls. 'Actually
this is probably for the best' she was thinking. In another hour and
a half when the double feature ended he would be bulging hard again
and ready for the special surprise she and Janet had planned at Arnold's!
Normally she would blow him first and then sit on his face or have him fuck
her, but tonight, she wanted to encourage him to be in charge.
Gripping the back of the seat, Frankie moaned as she expertly played
the flesh flute, and finally moved her full lips over the knob, and
he gasped, and then gently moved her head up and down. He gasped
and groaned because he knew his mother would make him cum on her terms,
when she was ready.
She had her nipples squeezing in both her hands now as she milked her
son, slowly, luxuriously. Bringing him soo close to the edge and then
backing off, as he bucked and pushed with his hips but not trying to
push her head back as most men would if he dated them. Frankie knew his
orgasms, their quality and quantity, was totally up to his mother, and
he also knew hers were up to him, because she had trained him to hold
on until she was ready to break before exploding inside her.
Playing up and down, occasionally stopping to lick the balls
again, tasting the copious precum seeping from the knob, she moved
her lips a little too fast, her tongue on his slit, and the unmistakable
tremors and bucking began and she cupped his testicles then and decided
it was too late to back off, so she adapted so she would catch every
drop if possible, moving her head back up, just over the knob and grasped
the throbbing cock and squeezed and pumped.
Gasping and sobbing, his veins popping, he exploded with a hot
gusher inside his mother's eager sucking expert mouth! She felt
a few drops escape her nose and the corner of her mouth but gulped
and swallowed the first warm gusher of his familiar mancream, and then
settled down to a long slow feast as he filled her worshipping mouth
over and over, running her lips up and down his fleshpole. It took
another five minutes before she finally milked him completely,
giving the knob a soft kiss, licking her full lips, and then up
to his sweaty serene red face as he laid back on the seat.
Then she moved back up to the seat as he kissed her, saying how
much he loved her, and smiled, spreading her thighs and checking
her panties. They were soaked! She had cum as usual.
"Do you want me to eat you, mother?"
"Not quite yet, thank you honey. I only like that when I make
you about to cream and your'e going to take at least an hour, and besides
I had a sympathy cum. No, just hand me that travel bag. I
have an extra pair of panties in it!"
Slipping the sopping wet panties off, she put a fresh pair on,
wondering if she should have brought a third pair since the evening
was just beginning, and held up the drenched pair.
"You know what to do with this, I think!" she said with a slight
tone of authority.
"Yes, mother," he smiled and picked up the bikini panties and
moaned as he balled them up and slipped it in his mouth as he sucked
them, and she looked down and his limp organ twitched already.
Half an hour later she removed them and wrung them out by hand
and hung them on the mirror, hoping they would dry before. Her
son was fully erect again, and she knew that pretty soon she would
be sitting on his face for the second feature and her shape would
be the only one visible.
Arnolds had several dozen cars in it when Lydia and Frankie
pulled in. The walked in as mother and daughter, but also holding
hands, and saw several couples dancing. The dance beat was slow
and loud, lights were kind of dim, several booths and tables were
filled and she knew many of them, as she made some greetings.
Arnolds' was a fetish-friendly hangout where they were comfortable
doing some sceneing in the back room.
Walking by her friend Janet, she smiled at the flushed face of
her boy Timmy. Despite wearing a dog collar and a leash
attached to his mother's wrist which was on his knee as they
sat together, his attention was so deeply on his mother that
he could barely remember what to say when introduced.
"Oh my, Janet, she's just so precious and pretty, don't
you think so, Frankie!"
Janet looked up at Frankie's also flushed face, noticed
the bulge in his short skirt and smiled wide.
"Y-yes mom!"
"And your boy makes a lovely girl too, Lydia!"
"Thank you!"
"Are you planning on cosmetics yet?"
"Next term probably, he has to finish growing the doctor says!"
"Mine too, but I think Timmy is finished growing. By mid semester he'll
have a nice pair of boobs!"
Frankie took his eyes off his mother reluctantly and nodded at Timmy,
a little jealous and uneasy now, because his mom and Janet were acting
too friendly and he knew they were probably going to fuck each other
tonight. The little smile both women gave was because they knew the
signs of a good ballbusting and ready to burst young males. After
sitting on their faces at the drive in, they were so pussy whipped now
the boys would do anything their mothers wanted just to get relief.
"I thought Claire and Lucas were coming!" Janet pointed her finger at
the dance floor where a luscious blonde in her late thirties was
grinding and french kissing her partner, a boy about her own height.
"That's a boy she's making out with?"
Janet nodded and smiled.
"Why is he dressed, well, like a boy?"
"Oh, Claire thinks the kids need to adapt, for variety. Plus
there are several other couples like her and Lucas tonight.
Our sweet gyrls need different experiences, don't you, Timmy?"
Timmy checked himself from rolling his eyes and just nodded.
Both he and Frankie began to figure out the big conspiracy by now.
"Now, gyrls, while Lydia and I talk and maybe dance, I want to see
some nice polite socialization. You have to learn how to dance and relate
with other sissyboys!"
"Yes mother," Frankie half moaned. Claire came over holding the hand
of her dance partner, a panting boy with a huge bulge in the crotch of his
Lucas weakly smiled to be polite, relucant to release his mother's
hand. He knew what he was supposed to do. Looking down at Timmy
who tried to avoid his eyes, he asked for a dance, and Timmy sighed,
knowing what was expected. Still he hesitated.
Janet unsnapped his leash. "Now go ahead and dance, while we girls
talk! Have a nice time!" As they moved of, the mothers beamed as
Claire slipped into the booth besides Janet. There was a little
hesitation before Timmy put his hand on Lucas shoulder and was
led around for a slow dance, as they began to talk. Another
mother/'daughter' couple came by, one they didn't know and introduced,
and Frankie, at his mother's silent urging, reluctantly asked
the shy teenage 'gyrl' to dance, and the three luscious mothers
looked with interest as Frankie led the crossdressing boy to the
dance floor. There was a little hesitation to begin with, both
boys dressed as feminine girls, until Frankie took the lead.
Claire smiled, "that's why I had Lucas be a boy tonight, he
was saying he didn't know what to do to begin with. Who decides
who does the leading?"
"They figure it out at that moment," Lydia said, her hand on
Janet's bare thigh, tracing it upward, her nipples hard.
Claire sighed as she watched her son put his lips against
Timmy's neck, knowing how horney her son was now, he knew the only
relief would be with another boy or at least shemale.
"I suppose they do have to grow up, but it's difficult you know!"
she said, her eyes tearing a little.
Janet kissed her cheek softly, cupping one big breast at the
same time. "Wev'e all been there, honey! Just remember, we girls
need some quality time for each other now and again!"
"I know," she sighed, her nipples getting hard! "But I'm jealous!"
she laughed.
"Of course you are, but it's not like him betraying you with
a real girl. When we take the party back to my place after the boys
all get acquainted, we'll make sure the boys get off to a good
start before having our own little party for a change!"
Claire looked doubtful at that, seeing Timmy finally accepting a tongue
in his lips from the boy and slowly responding.
"They have to be able to function without us every single moment,
honey!" Lydia said. "Besides it's rather sweet watching them. Later
we'll make sure they fuck and suck each other properly. Soon they'll
be going on dates with each other and that's another hurdle I'm trying
to prepare for!"
"OOOHHHHH," Claire sighed, licking her lips, the nipple squeeze from
Janet on one side and Lydia's bare thigh rub on the other was
making her anxious to leave now for the woman's house.
"But the reward at the end! After each boy is a nice sissy shemale maid
we can have little parties with them waiting on us and even swap maids
for a weekend for a variety; and then when we want to go out together
they can relieve each other!"
"So much more freedom, yes I know!" Claire murmured wistfully.
"And next semester when they have cosmetics, nice big breasts, they'll
be rubbing their boobs against each other along with their pricks!"
Lydia laughed.
Lucas was cupping Timmy's buttcheeks as they ground their hard
cocks against each other.
"I suppose your mom ballbusted you earlier, you feel ready to
Timmy could only nod, feeling a few tears on his cheeks, wishing
he was with his mom but his own body betraying him to this more assertive
The dance was over, and Lucas took his hand forcefully. "You want
to go to that corner booth and make out for a while?"
Timmy looked over at his mother, who he knew was groping the boy's
mother and who smiled encouragement at him. He knew he couldn't
go back there. He sighed, and nodded.
From the booth the three mothers looked at the scenes around them,
their own pussies creamy and nipples hard, and Lydia looked at her
watch. "Are we going soon, honey?"
"Yes, but just wait, your 'gyrl' hasn't finished mine yet!"
Claire said wistfully.
Janet took her lips from Claire's distended nipple and looked
over at the corner booth, Lucas was holding a head down on his
lap, concealed partly by the table, and clearly was panting.
"I know dear," she gave the woman a kiss on her lips, "It's just
so hard watching them grow up!"
Continued in complete illustrated story at
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
“Sweetie,” I cooed, “come to the shopping centre with me.”“Oh Mum, I’m in the middle of something,” came the reply.“The porn film will wait until we get home, now come on, I need a man, and you’re the closest thing I have to one.”We got into the car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. “So why have I got to come with you? Jack asked.“Because I need someone to help me, Sonia is away, so that left you as the only person I could ask at short notice sweetie.”“Help you with what?”“I need some...
My eyes opened. Mom was standing at the dresser, pulling a pair of jeans up over her see-through thigh-highs. Her firm and voluptuous breasts, which filled their respective 36G brassieres, were unclothed as she zipped up her jeans. She had a nice, thick body. Not chubby, but definitely had some woman to her. Morning, I said, closing my eyes and rolling over to put my head on Moms pillow. It had her ever-so-recognizable scent engulfing it. Howd you sleep, sweetie? she said, riffling through...
I lay in bed many nights thinking about what had happened that morning always ending up wanking over this event. I somehow knew this wouldn’t be the last time something like that would happen, i wasn’t to wait much longer to find outIt was three weeks later when i made sure i was about when sue came for her daily routine looking after mum , sue seem very pleased to see me again, once again she went straight up stairs to mother, i could hear her chatting to mother even if mother couldn’t chat...
For many years my mother had a full time carer, she had suffered for years with a illness and living alone she needed help around the house, she couldn’t talk or move without help,she found it very difficult cooking, cleaning and even dressing and undressing herself, and as she aged it became a such help to her having someone to give her this help, her career was a middle aged lady who came every morning. I was home for a week and as always the mums helper Sue turned up on the Monday morning...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
I rose from the bed knowing we were alone, his Father had an early flight. As I soaked in the tub my thoughts were of Michael, my son and lover as well. The last few days have been rather idle but today has just begun. I began to wonder what my Son must be thinking. He's aware his father is already gone and his thoughts must be enticing. Over the last few days his Father was home our secret was again, well hidden. My suitable attire didn't alter his thoughts, his memory served him...
My Wife's New Daughter. by Gail Grant. It is not so easy looking back to know when it started, but I do know how it is now, at this time in my new life. Much of what I remembered from my childhood has also been confirmed later by an aunt of mine, my mother's sister. I do seem to remember being a girl as I grew up, which suddenly all stopped when I was about 8 years old. My Aunt Betty, mum's younger sister, told me shortly after my mother died, that my mother had for the first 8...
“About last night,” Sonia began. “We’d had too much to drink. But that’s no excuse.”“No its not, we’re all responsible for our actions, whether we’ve had a drink or two, or not, you understand that don’t you boys.” Chloe said.“Yes Mum. We’re sorry, we got carried away, and took advantage,” Jack said“I’m sorry to,” Harry told them. “This is our secret, you understand!” Sonia said. Both boys nodded.“No really, this is to be kept between ourselves.” Chloe said“We won’t tell,” Jack said.“Good,”...
MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: ABBY & BARBWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This first story is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is...
Quick note: this is one of my darker non-consent stories. If you need a happy overall ending, you might want to read my other story in progress instead (Anya and the Fighter). *** A pair of harsh, naked bulbs lit the basement of the secluded house - no ordinary house. The owner had converted it into a dungeon of sexual perversion and hell. Small, rectangular windows were barred, letting in the eldritch light of the moon. Outside, owls called as they tracked their prey. Inside the...
The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part One By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Chapter One: A New Home Mary Elizabeth Dayton was surprised to see her foster home placement worker on Monday afternoon. "You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow, Anna. What's up?" "Oh, Mrs. Dayton, this isn't a home inspection visit. We've completed that and...
“You cunt” the mother said “$100.00”, “no way $50.00”, I said “unless you want to go for broke and give up that ass of yours”. “$5 K” the mother said, “Fuck off” I said, “$500”, “no way” said the mother, “that monster cock is not going in my ass for less than $3 K”. “There are a 1000 dollars in the nightstand, take it or leave it” I said.“YOU Cunt” said the mother, turning to her daughter she stroked her hair kissed her forehead and turned and said “Show me”, standing and walking to the...
FAYE'S NEW DAUGHTER By Lily Florette I'VE DONE THINGS I'M NOT PROUD OF, terrible things that ruined other people's lives while all I had to deal with was a short prison sentence of five years. What did I do exactly? Well, after I dropped out from high school, I stole drugs from a doctor's surgery to sell on the street for profit. No I didn't sell any of the hard stuff, just uppers and downers, not that it made much of a difference in the end. It was an easy way to make money. Too...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an office-slut story.This is a story around a mother, Connie Mason, and her daughter, Dawn. Connie is 36 and Barb is 19. Both women are trim with blonde hair that is...
I had spent a couple hours in the mall by myself - brooding and thinking, hating myself, hating my life. After the mall closed I made my way by skateboard to the back of the house, parking myself between two large garbage bins and waited in that dark cold alley. It was like Jason had explained, it was dark and empty as promised. He had even given me a slip of paper with the fucking alarm code on it. Too easy. Gord had reminded me to wear gloves and all I had was my old baseball batting...
Recently while I was on a business trip for a few days I had what was a rather unexpected but delightful experience. I was staying in one of the new suite hotels and was traveling alone planning on spending my time at company meetings and watching tv in my room. I went down to the lobby to get a drink as the hotel offered free cocktails between 5:00 and 7:00 . As I had little to do and knew not a soul I began to wander around the lobby watching the people as they milled around and socialized....
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story around a mother, Michelle and her daughter, Natalie. Michelle is 40 and Natalie is 20. Both women have dark brunette hair that...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a story around a mother, Karen, and her daughter, Lily. Karen is 43 and Lily is 18. Both women have golden blonde hair that falls to the shoulders. Karen’s breasts are D-cup, Lily’s...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...
Tommy arrived at his mothers house early in the morning. It was mothers day and as well as a fresh bunch of flowers Steven handed his mother a card. Mary was delighted to open the card and find her son had bought 2 tickets to the concert she had been talking about. "Thanks son but I don't imagine your dad will have any interest in coming along." Stevens dad quickly made an excuse about being busy that night and headed out to the garden. "Well son it was a nice idea." Tommy put his arm around...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three children. Olivia has dark...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. Erin is 47 and Fran is 20. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial story. This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. Erin is 47 and Fran is 20. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders. Both...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a story around a mother, Gloria Daniels and her daughter, Hannah. Gloria is 45 and Hannah is 23. Both women are trim, with straight blonde hair. Gloria has her hair cut short while...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Quintessa (Tess) and her daughter, Rosa. Quintessa is 39 and Rosa is 18. Both women have dark hair. Quintessa’s hair is black and long while...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story around a mother, Irene, and her daughter, Jade. Irene is 47 and Jade is 22. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial story. This is a story around a mother, Irene, and her daughter, Jade. Irene is 47 and Jade is 22. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders. ...
Scene 1 - The problem surfaces Maggie’s daughter had called with an urgent request to visit her mom. As soon as the distressed daughter settled in she was introduced to Sharon and the three women adjourned to the back yard with a pitcher of Margueritas. When a grown daughter comes to her mom for help she is either desperate or realizes that mom just might know something after all. It was a little of both. The conversation started light but got heavier as the pitcher emptied. Finally, Maggie...
Mother and daughter were roughly dragged from the back of the white van. Both had their hands bound behind them with strap ties and duct tape was plastered over their mouths. Their eyes quickly took in the surroundings. It looked like a large abandoned warehouse, dark, dirty and cool. Jill, the seventeen-year-old daughter, was dragged over to an area where two men were busy untangling numerous ropes. Ruby, the forty-two-year-old mother was herded over to an area about ten feet in front of Jill....
I couldn't help but stare at her, lying there in my bed, her baby brother crying just a few feet away. I wanted to cry. My daughter wasn't talking to me at all, hadn't spoken to me at all in the two days since she her father's funeral, and I knew exactly why. I simply stood in the doorway and held her book bag out for her. "C'mon, Charlie, it's time for school," I said, my voice soft. I hoped she heard me. Lucky me, she did. "Go away, Mom. I don't feel good." I sighed. "Please,...
Chapter 1 - Arthur and Susan 46 Year old milf Susan stood 5ft 6 with short black hair she was naked except for her collar , leash , nose ring & nipple clamps.Arthur her 18 year old son motioned for her to get on her knees to begin her nightly ritual of being facefucked by his massive 10.5 inch prick. As the married slut slurped & spit all over the cock Arthur continued his no mercy facial abuse until he unloaded a massive load of jizz down Susans throat. She could go to sleep with his...
My mother recently turned 45, and to celebrate this we had a party at our house, we invited quite alot of people round to celebrate. Me, my mates, mothers mates and fathers mates. Party was going well when my mothers mate turned up and it suddenly took a massive turn, she wasnt the best looking but she had this thing about her, she looked right dirty. Anyway i took no notice and started to have a dance with my mates and a drink with a chat etc. I caught her looking over at me a few times and...
After our sex, Mother introduced me to her daughter and told that she is not happy with her husband. This was a green signal for me to take care of her daughter's needs. [email protected] Any woman who want to chat or meet feel free to ping on hangouts or email me.
IncestI met Helen at the park one day, we were both out walking our dogs and just bumped into each other, and the instant i saw that mature 30 something blonde woman in her summer dress and sandals, i knew i was going to be with her forever.As it turned out she was just a couple of years out of a divorce, and after some friendly chatting, she agreed to go on a date with me and the rest was history, we fell in love, moved in together a few months later, and now a year on we we're preparing to get...
[ This is for Megan, who is at the very heart and center of this 'story' (though certain details are omitted for privacy sake), as well as her real-life mom...and the growing number of black men both have discovered to their very good fortune! In addition, there is a deliberate 'sub-text' to the boyfriends and husbands who neglect and take for granted the women in their lives. Guys? Pay attention! You have to earn those women, or any woman you may know. Earn it, or loose it! Nothing's really...
"Where's your father," Alicia Mead asked her daughter Nancy, "I'm getting awfully tired of trying to keep track of that man!?!" "The last time I saw him was up in the bathroom," Nancy replied while pouring herself a glass of orange juice, "he was scrubbing the floor around the toilet!!!" "He should have been done with that long ago," Alicia said irritably, "if I find out he's been screwing off, I'll make him wish he damned well hadn't!!!" "Aw, take it easy on him, mom," Nancy said between sips...
IncestLila was a vibrant, sexy 18 year old girl with big blue eyes and locks of gold; she was an only c***d, and since Lila's birthmother had died when she was an infant, Stacy, her stepmother, was the only mother she had ever known. They did everything together; from shopping trips to late night chats, Lila and her mom were inseparable.Lila always told her mom how much she loved and appreciated her, but this mother's day, she wanted to do something extra special for her. From the time she was a...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW … This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an office-slut story. This is a story around a mother, Connie Mason, and her daughter, Dawn. Connie is 36 and Barb is 19. Both women are trim with blonde...
“Hello,” Janice said into receiver recognizing the number immediately as she glanced at the display. “Hey honey,” Harold said on the other end his voice distant. “I got bad news.” “You’re not going to make it for dinner are you?” “I’m sorry but the meeting ran longer than anticipated and I’ve missed my flight and now with that storm passing through they’ve cancelled the flights for the rest of the day.” “Will you be back tomorrow,” Janice asked leaning against the wall staring at the...
ABBY & BARB This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This story is an interracial story. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW … This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is 20. Both women have trim...
We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial story. This is a story around a mother, Michelle and her daughter, Natalie. Michelle is 40 and Natalie is 20. Both women have dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders...
Mother wants a daughter By Maddy Maddison Synopsis: Mother wants a daughter after having four boys and is depressed. She manipulates situations where second oldest, Kelly must start wearing girl's clothes. She convinces her husband and Kelly's brothers thinking he wants to be a girl. Mother: Brenda Father: Peter Jason older brother 2 years born 1947 Kelly born in 1949 David younger brother born in 1951 Gene younger brother born in 1953 Dr Smythe Psychologist and Gender...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial sex story.This is a story around a mother, Sara and her daughter, Toni. Sara is 43 and Patricia is 23, the only c***d. Both women have long blonde hair...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial sex story. This is a story around a mother, Sara and her daughter, Toni. Sara is 43 and Patricia is 23, the only child. Both women have long blonde hair falling...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Quintessa (Tess) and her daughter, Rosa. Quintessa is 39 and Rosa is 18. Both women have dark hair. Quintessa’s hair is black and...
Chapter one - Thoughtful desireI'm not exactly sure when my desire started, all i know is, that it grew stronger. The first time i really knew it was there was when my mother was cleaning the skirting on the stairs and as she kneeled on each step while she cleaned. I couldn't stop watching her 40 something, still perky and firm ass shaking with each stroke of the cloth. Staring, fantasising about how much i lust for it. But, every time i tried to build up the courage to do something about my...
Mothers of the Bride By The Princess The morning of my 45th birthday. Things were pretty good. I was lucky to have a successful business, Jenny my wife of 19 years and three great kids, Tracy, 16, John, 14 and Katie, 10. We lived in a nice house in a nice suburb and I ran my own plumbing business, employing eight tradesmen and two office staff. I had long given up the tools and now concentrated on managing my growing business. True I was not as close to my wife as I once was, but...
As she turned and walked away my parents started laughing. I had not even heard them approach when the class ended. I grinned and looked at them, “getting used to the place?” My dad nodded looking around, “it takes getting used to but I think I like it. I am going to miss my practice though. I had a lot of people that worked with me that were friends.” I looked at them, “sorry you came?” My mother stepped close, “no Michael. This place is different and we will make new friends. You...
This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerMother and Daughter part oneNow that I’m getting on a bit and nearing retiring age things are not normally all that exciting on the sexual front but that changed not too long ago.I have been seeing a nice divorced lady in her late 40’s for a few years now, Linda has light hair a small frame and is fairly trim and ever since I showed her there was more to sex than the missionary position she has been a real handful in bed, certainly can’t complain about the frequency or variation.I usually visit...
My Five New Daughters By: Wondering SoulPrologue: Death Leads To A New Life ?We aren’t completely ready. We’re waiting on the slow poke.? ?Ok you call me when you are.? I hung up the phone and told my driver to divert the drive another five minutes. Seven months ago I met the woman of my life, Katelyn. She wasn’t submissive, but had the potential. She was strong. She owned her own company and it was doing great. She wasn’t having money problems, but she lived modestly. She saved and invested...