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An adult novel of sexual slavery and service.

Written By
Miss Irene Clearmont.

Copyright © 1998/1999
Revisions © 2011


Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them.

As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no boundaries.


This was the first novel written by Miss Irene Clearmont. It set the scene for quite a few other short stories and novels. Miss Clearmont has now started writing again after a gap of several years. She has turned her hand to many different styles of writing but, one thing is constant. In her writing women are always the superior sex, they make their female and male victims grovel and serve, they are always in control.

Miss Clearmont decided to clean up the text, chapter headings and some of the grammatical errors since the first release of the text onto the Internet in late 2010. This text is the result. The story has not been rewritten, the characters undergo the same tribulations and Denise becomes the innocent victim of her betters as before! What has changed is that the whole is easier to read and has now reached a final rendering.


Miss Irene Clearmont hopes that you will enjoy her first excursion into writing as much as she enjoyed writing it, so read on...
Irene x

Chapters & Parts.

The Preface Now 2012 New York
Chapter 1 May 1989 Mid Year Harvard
Chapter 2 January 1998 New York
Chapter 3 March 1998 New York
Part I (Slaves and Training)
Part II (Fuck in Atlantic City)
Part III (Miss Clearmont and Kathy)
Part IV (Midnight Rape)
Part V (The Morning After)
Part VI (Miss Clearmont’s Care)
Part VII (A Pussy Lover)
Part VIII (Miss Greta’s Pet)
Part IX (Mandy. Slave to a Slave)
Part X (Indoctrination)
Part XI (Unseen Treachery)
Chapter 4 May 1998 New York
Part I (Gifts and Betrayals)
Part II (The White Room)
Part III (Conditioning)
Part IV (Preparations)
Part V (Escape)
Chapter 5 June 1998 New York
Part I (Kathy’s Fuck Slave)
Part II (Whore On The Run)
Part III (Police Slut)
Part IV (Whore)
Part V (Party Slut)
Part VI (Party Slave)
Chapter 6 July 1998 Long Island
Part I (The Service Academy)
Part II (Lessons In Behaviour)
Part III (Cleaning Stables)
Part IV (Further Training)
Chapter 7 September 1998 Long Island
Part I (Routine)
Part II (Night Of Roses)
Part III (Pleasing Janet)
Chapter 8 January 1999 Long Island
Part I (The Auction)
Part II (Horror Shopping)
Chapter 9 February 1999 New York
Part I (Miss Clearmont)
Part II (Miss Greta’s Fuck)
Part III (Casual Rape)
Part IV (Care and Ownership)
Part V (Plans for Alteration)
Part VI (Ready At Last)
Part VII (Fuck Slut)
Chapter 10 May 1999 New York
Part I (Writer)

End Notes & Addresses.

The Puppet Mistress

I was Denise Arden Lamont, but this is not only her story. It is the tale of a fool slut and her entrapment. By allowing myself to slip into a world of sexual slavery I was changed from a woman in command of herself, into a chattel sex plaything under the control of ruthless Mistress's. Their goal is simply to demand, and get sexual gratification from their ascendancy over me. How I was brought low is told here.

Chapter 1
May 1989 Mid Year Harvard

I had, I suppose, always lived a life of ease. This comes of being born into a wealthy ‘Old Money’ family that has always married into other wealthy families. The real problem of being rich is not how to live a full life, but rather how to do enough to make life interesting. I chose to work even though my trust fund would allow me live an easy life. My work absorbed me like my meagre family life never had. On my thirtieth birthday I would find myself very rich but until then I had to live on the returns and interest, actually not a small income. In my circle of friends there were a few women who spent all their time fucking the gardener and handyman and their money on designer clothes. My closest friends however, were made of rather stronger stuff.

In the late 80's it was vogue to go and get educated in university, and of course rebel against the system. I myself studied law. This was not rebellion but status. Getting into Harvard was not a problem, money talks. It turned out that I had proficiency for legalities and the course became on obsession. I enjoyed the power of holding a client or adversary in the palm of my hand.

It was there that I first met Katherine De Burg. She was certainly not a striking girl. Even at the age of twenty she was rather on the plump side with large breasts and short legs. Not that she wasn't attractive, it was as if she didn't care.

She was studying law as well, but was also taking a complimentary psychology course. As the courses continued she shied away from law and took a doctorate in psychology. The funny thing was that I really felt attracted to her, and even though her circle of friends was quite different to mine we often did things together, especially as we both came from Jersey. I remember that she seemingly had no boyfriends. Since it was trendy to be homosexual.

I wrongly assumed that she got her kicks elsewhere.

How wrong I was.

This story starts on the day that I paid her a visit at her apartment in those heady university days. I didn't go there often but it was not the first time. She was one of the few students whose parents were rich enough to make sure that their little girl lived comfortably. We had agreed to do an essay assignment on Tort Law together, as it was an area that I particularly had an interest in, but in which Kathy struggled. I knocked on her door without answer and tried the handle.

The large well-furnished apartment had three rooms. From her bedroom I could hear conversation. Rather naïvely I went in. To my amazement I saw a rather muscular guy naked on her bed. Kathy was standing by him with a bamboo cane in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

The man was firmly tied to the bed with arms and legs outstretched, and had the most enormous erection. Tied round the base of his cock was a rough piece of rope. When I entered the room Kathy turned to see and gasped with surprise. I could do nothing but stand amazed. It was of course Kathy who recovered first.

"Sorry. I forgot the assignment," she said.

Everyone has dabbled in bondage at one time or another. But to see it live as a spectator is bound to be a shock. The man on the bed looked at me with a neutral expression, his prick standing proudly its purple tip shiny and exposed. Even so I could not help to be curiously interested in the sight of the plump Kathy with a crop threatening the hunk on the bed.

"I'll come back later," I replied.

"No. Let me show you what I've achieved," said Kathy as though her sexual achievements were of interest to me.

Without waiting for an answer she turned to the man and said; "Whom do you serve?"

"You mistress," came the reply.

"This is Gerald. He loves and serves me. In fact he just can't wait to serve me. Tell Denise what you can do."

Whilst she spoke she moved the tip of the cane up and down his now straining cock. When it reached the top she flicked it a little to catch the purple top a smack.

"I can do anything for you mistress," came the reply.

A superior look came across Kathy's face. Taking a drag from her cigarette she bent over him and blew the smoke into his face. Gerald did not seem to notice the smoke but looked at Kathy with a gaze of pure devotion.

I felt a small flutter in my chest, I had never managed to get a man tied up like this, and I was beginning to become interested in finding out more. Not that I would have admitted it to anyone, even myself.

"Today is Gerald's atonement day. Yesterday he promised me the earth but failed to deliver. I offered him a chance to get back into my good books. Denise, sit down and I'll tell you a story."

Kathy patted the bed and I sat down with my back to Gerald. I could feel his hard naked muscular body behind me. Kathy did not sit down, but stood by the bed and talked as she ran the tip of the cane all over Gerald. Every now and then she whacked him with it lightly and I could feel a suppressed shiver as he moved.

"I have decided to train a man. I got the idea about six months ago. Basically I read a book about conditioning animals on my course, and what is a man if he is not an animal? Best of all I've decided to do it while telling the man what it is that I'm doing. That's the challenge and the pleasure. Gerald is the second, and I'm getting better. The trouble was that I went too quickly. Even with Gerald. It's not enough that he does as I tell him. I want him to want with heart and soul to do whatever I want."

As she was talking I could see that her nipples were hardening through the dress that she had on. Her breathing was faster and the hand with the cigarette was shaking.

"Do you mind me showing you?" she asked.

Kathy's excitement was infectious. I was dubious though and wondered whether the two of them were indulging in some sort of game to get three in a bed. I decided that I was not going to get involved in any threesomes but still my curiosity was piqued.

"Show me," I replied.

Stubbing out the cigarette, she waved me from the bed. Then she took a cloth and blindfolded Gerald. After the blindfold was on she kicked off a shoe. Her chubby toes were placed over Gerald's mouth.

"Lick me slave."

Gerald's tongue licked her foot as she played the cane over his cock. After a few licks she worked her toes into his mouth. She stopped hitting his hard-on but just played the end of the bamboo over to tip of his erection making his cock throb and jerk. When she had had enough she signalled me to watch closely.

"Gerald." She said, "I'm going to touch your cock with my foot. I know that you love my feet and always come for them. If you come this time though, I shall use the glove. I wish to show Denise how much you love me."

With that she turned on one foot and ran her foot, still wet from his mouth, down his body. Then her toes touched his straining cock. As soon as she did so his prick leaped and his come shot over Kathy's toes. Still dripping with come she put her toes back into his mouth as he tried to beg forgiveness for coming. She fastidiously made sure her foot was licked clean before she continued.

"No excuses. Now I'm going to use the punishment glove. If you come again you will regret it." She said in a quiet voice.

Reaching under the bed she pulled out a slim black leather glove. As she pulled it on I saw that sandpaper had been attached to the insides of the fingers.

"Ten strokes, count them..."

Grasping his prick in the glove she pulled. Every time she finished a stroke he counted. With the other hand she ran the cane over his body and whacked him at every count. By the time the ten strokes were finished his prick was red raw, but he still had a massive erection. She struck every part of his bound body.

One blow caught the side of his face and left a welt.

"I have now worked out a conditioning that will make him mine. You see, every time that I allow him to come it is always with my feet. He can reach orgasm no other way. Two days ago I fucked him for two hours without him coming until I touched his cock with my toes," she said. "Of course there are refinements that I wished that I'd brought in sooner, but my dear Gerald is now the slave to my feet."

Slowly she untied him and removed the blindfold. He lay passively until she told him to kneel on the floor.

"As a reward for showing how much power I have over you I shall let you come again now," said Kathy.

Then she slid her foot back into her high-heeled shoe and slid it between his legs. His cock jumped and jerked and strained at the contact and then he came again.

He then proceeded licked her pumps clean.

"You are dismissed foot slave, I may need you tomorrow for the night," she said and watched passively as he pulled on his clothes and left.

What had amazed me was the fact that Kathy was fully dressed and so casual about the whole affair. "It's just a practical experiment to prove my thesis that a man can be sexually trained by stimulus and punishment."

We did not discuss the matter further. But I later found out that Gerald was the son of Gerald Parvenu II, one of the richest supermarket chain store owners on the West coast.


I was fascinated by the whole business. Kathy finished a year earlier than me and I did not see her for a while. On impulse though I went out with Gerald. I don't think that he recognised me as Kathy's friend. I found out that even a year later he could only come if I touched his straining cock with my feet.

Altogether a strange way to have sex, but most enjoyable considering that he could fuck for hours and used to literally beg for me to use my feet. The sense of power when I finally touched his throbbing cock with my high-heeled foot and then licked the come from the patent leather was thrilling. What his future wife would make of this was anybody's guess!

Chapter 2
January 1998 New York

I am not going to write about the things that I did after Harvard except to say that I remained in contact with Kathy on and off for the next few years. The contact was sporadic and by letter.

In fact by January 1998 when I met her again it was a Christmas and Birthday Card friendship. I had married but like many of these things it didn't last and we separated childless. I suppose I gave too much attention to my legal career and too little to my marriage. I always had the feeling that he was simply waiting until I was thirty and then he could divorce me for much more serious money.

He never fucked anyone behind my back; we were simply a couple who drifted apart. He went to Palm Springs to where his business interests lay, and in the end never wanted a dime of my money. In fact I let most of my earlier university friendships die and really lived through my work.

My University friends drifted to other cities in the USA and Canada and I never put in the effort of maintaining them. Even my family life suffered especially when my mother died. A junior partnership in the firm was not enough for me and I worked steadily towards full partnership and a nameplate in brass on the office door.

With only a brother in the navy and a father who's interest in life faded when she died I rarely went back to Jersey but spent all my time with colleagues and alone. My father died in ‘93 soon after my mother. He had already moved his fortune into trust funds for my brother and me.

It was about five years later that I met Kathy again. It seemed to be by accident rather than design. I was sitting in a coffee-house in Brooklyn when who should sit next to me but Kathy. Plumper than ever, wearing expensive clothes, and reeking of designer perfume she was her old self. We gossiped for a while before I admitted that I had screwed Gerald after she had left.

"Control is such fun," was her comment.

"Listen. I have a much better man to train now. It's taken me a year to find him, but I think that he's just perfect. I'm just in the opening phase of the conditioning. Would you like to see him? Here's my card, come anytime...." She said.

I was interested, especially after my experiences with Gerald. I missed the foot fucking I suppose. It was only a matter of days before I rang Kathy's house to arrange a visit. Her house was on the East Side. A rather fashionable new style bungalow, recently built, with a high fence and complete privacy. A single Jeep was parked on the white gravel path. I had of course telephoned earlier to tell her I was coming round.

I rang the bell and waited. It was Kathy that answered the door. In her hand was a videocassette.

"Come on in Denise. I'm just in the middle of something that will interest you," she said. "I'm starting where I should have started with Gerald. At the beginning. The problem with Gerald was that he was distracted with his study. Pete on the other hand is all mine."

"You mean that you've kidnapped someone? I asked almost ironically as I followed her down the hall.

"No. No. He's willing enough but he's left his wife to be with me, and now he's got no friends or family," she replied. "I've got him now, and the training is going to begin. I lured him on with my money and let him fuck me. Slowly though, I've cut him off from all outside contact.

Pete so liked being the gigolo that now that I'm getting all kinky he doesn't mind. About two months ago I started on the bondage. I tied him down and tormented him to come. It wasn't difficult to get the cock restrainer on soon after."

"You are the same patient Kathy,” I said. "You certainly take your time."

"Oh, I reckon that I could work much faster but I enjoy the slow gradual assumption of control rather than the rather flawed methods of some others that I know."

Kathy showed me to a door that led to the cellar. It was well lit and carpeted. Through another door we entered a small room with just an armchair and a video and computer set up.

"Sit here and enjoy the show." She said as she switched on the screen.

The screen showed what appeared to be a normal bedroom but for the lack of windows. Sitting on the edge of the bed was a naked man, well-muscled and about twenty-five years old. Kathy winked at me and left the room. A few moments later I watched Kathy enter the room with the video in her hand. She sat next to the young man and slipped her hand into his crotch. I could see her plump fingers massaging his cock as she spoke.

"Do you really love me more than any other woman?"

"Yes," he moaned. "Haven't I proved it already?"

"Can I test you then?" said Kathy as she grasped his cock firmly. "Am I the only fuck for you?"

"Yes." He replied.

Kathy let go of his cock and got up. Then I saw her place the video in the machine by the bed and switch it on. She seemed an age messing around with the machine while the man watched her with curiosity. Going back to him she switched on the video with the remote.

"It's a porno flick," she said. "If you really only love me then it won't get you excited."

His erection had gone down while Kathy fussed over the video. Then the film started. It was a standard film. Boy meets girl. Girl gets screwed. Boy fucks her every which way. It didn't take more than a few seconds before he got an erection that would have lifted a car. Kathy stared at it in mock surprise.

"You only love me, but the whore in the film excites you." She said accusingly.

"I can't help it my love," he replied.

"But you said that you loved me. How can I live with a man who tells me that I'm the only one but gets a hard on every time he sees a bit of wet cunt?"

"I love you," he said beseechingly.

"If you did, this wouldn't happen would it?" she said and smacked his erection. "I'm not sure that I trust you."

"You know that I would do anything for you my love." He begged.

"Then fuck me!" came the reply and she switched off the video.

Without undressing she slipped onto his lap and helped his cock into her cunt. After just a few moments he came and she withdrew. What astounded me was the look of pure rapture on his face. The whole fuck had lasted just a few seconds. Kathy had not even stirred. Placing her hand on his limp cock she held it gently.

"If you really love me then you can have a present that will help me to trust you," she said.

With that she slipped something out of her cleavage and held it in front of his face. It appeared to be a flexible tube with a ring attached. He nodded dumbly as Kathy slipped it over his flaccid prick and clipped the ring around his balls.

"This will remind me of your promise," she said. "Anyway it won't let you break it."

Then she got up and went to the chest of drawers at the end of the bed. From a drawer she pulled a couple of lengths of rope.

"Prove that you love me darling," she said as she tied him.

He was tied sitting to the corner of the four poster bed. When she was satisfied with the knots Kathy switched on the video again. Then she sat next to him to watch. The girl on the TV was using a dildo in her blonde pussy. The scene lasted for moments. All of a sudden Kathy's victim began to twist in the ropes.

"The studs in the restraint will help get rid of your lust for my competition," she said. "I love you, but you betray me. You will learn to control your cock and let me be the only one to excite you."

With this she got up and left the room. Moments later she was standing in front of me. Kathy's sex slave could not take his eyes off the TV that showed the dildo going in and out of both pussy and asshole. But his body pulled at the ropes as he struggled to ease the pressure of the studs in the sleeve over his throbbing cock.

"I can't leave him too long like this," she said. "But you've arrived at exactly the right time to see the next phase begin. His name is Pete and he worked as a gardener for me. It took months to get him to have an affair. In the end it was the silk sheets and thought of fucking a rich bitch that got him. I had to isolate him from his friends and family. I thought that this would be the most difficult part. It wasn't.”

“One night about a month ago,” she continued, “I scratched the fuck out of his back and cock as he came, his wife did the rest. The next day he moved in. I gave him more money than he'd ever seen before and he gave up his job. Since then I've been fucking him all the time. I became difficult. I doubted him and then believed him on alternate days. We played bondage games. All in all I've softened him now to the point that today I introduced the first sexual conditioning."

"You mean the tube." I said.

"Yes. I'll take it off later but gradually I'll keep ‘testing’ him with porno films until I am the only way he can get an erection. That's only the start. Soon I'm going to get a tattoo!"

"Where?" I asked.

"On my feet. He is going to be trained to respond only to my feet and the tattoo. That's the next stage. Once I've got him that far he's trapped. Until then he may still escape the trap by leaving. But he won't, he's too weak. Already he comes in seconds. When only my feet can make him come I'm going to get him to commit."

"What do you mean 'commit'? Surely he'll be yours to do with as you wish?" I asked.

"He's got a long way to go. I need him to do something that will bind him to me so that he can't leave even if he changed his mind. I haven't quite worked out what he's going to do yet but I was thinking of a couple of possibilities. Perhaps a video of him or maybe I'll get him to mark himself as my slave with a tattoo. Like I said I'm not sure yet but I have plenty of ideas."

I must admit that I felt some admiration for Kathy. She had a hobby that made me damp between the legs. My experience of Gerald and his slavery to my body gave me the idea that perhaps Kathy had it right. After all for several months Gerald had licked every crevice of my body from tits to ass hole just to have me touch his straining cock with my toes once a week.

Here was Kathy making sure that this sex slave was going to be not only a willing captive but useless to anyone else, and so bound to her for as long as she cared.

Chapter 3
March 1989 New York

Part I (Slaves and Training)

There are magazines and porno films that give the impression that a whip in the hand, some leather or latex gear and a pair of big breasts will force a man or woman to submit to any or all forms of female domination. This may correct in some cases but I know now that real domination is rather subtler.

Kathy was almost the opposite of a typical dominatrix. Dark but not quite black hair that was never in a tangle but always somehow unkempt. She stood a little over five feet tall but rather than a slim figure was a little more than voluptuous. She nearly always wore loose dresses of the type that have no waist.

Not a typical rich bitch, she always looked more like a housewife!

What Kathy had, was more control over the life and sex of her victims than any dominatrix, because they lived for her rather than just submitted or resisted for fun. Kathy's plan was, as she explained to me that day, to destroy her victim and then rebuild him in the image that she required.

The image that she chose to stamp on this slave was that of a man who in most respects was normal, but sexually defunct except when she was there. He was to give her pleasure at any moment and lived most in fear that she would reject him. Most of all he could not function with any other woman.

Gerald had been an early attempt, but already she had learned enough to castrate his sex life. He was able to gain satisfaction with any woman, but only in the way that she had trained him. Her next step was to prevent her slave being able to come with any other woman but her.

Her ultimate objective seemed to be, to simply order him to ejaculate at any time simply by her giving the order, but not until the order was given. This she planned to do in several stages. Slowly the victim would fall under her complete control. It seemed that she used the cane and whip sparingly, being rather interested in the symbolic ability to be able to hurt rather than the actual hurt itself.

In fact she had further plans which I was not aware of at the time. But it would be wrong for me to tell of them until the proper time.

Kathy's advantage was her money. At the time that I went to her house her father had died and as an only child she had inherited his fortune. She was not really interested in the business except as a means to pursue her interest, but I remember reading a well-informed article in the business pages of the Washington Post that estimated the value of her business interests at over ten million dollars a year.

More than enough for her purposes; the money simply stacked up for several years until she was bought out of the board by another firm that paid an undisclosed sum that must have been in the hundreds of millions. With this fortune she lured her victims. They thought of her as an fat, oversexed million-heiress who could be married and milked. She manipulated them and controlled their lives.

Her method followed the following stages.

The victim has an affair with Kathy. She builds his hopes that he is the centre of her world. Gradually his life centre's around the sexual affair and he is swallowed up. She then burns his other relationships by revealing the affair.

He moves in to live with her.

The sexual partner is isolated now.

He depends on her for money, house and home. She shows uncertainty and insists on proof that he is to be trusted. In this phase she shows more signs of sexual instability. The bondage and other games begin. At last he is softened up and dependent enough to submit to her need for him to wear the tube permanently.

She doesn't starve him of sex but insists that his sex is her property. She then begins to bring him off with other methods than straight intercourse. Fucking drops out of the scene and her feet and hands become his only relief.

This brings to fruition the methods of the second stage.

She associates sex with her feet and shoes. It becomes the only form of relief. She no longer lets him touch her but always brings him off until it is the only way. It is at this stage that she starts using the black box to prevent him getting exited any other way. She continues to show porno flicks with the tube and box on to make sure that only her feet can make him come. At the end of every session she takes it off to allow him to prove to her that she can make him ejaculate even if no other sex can. When he can come no other way she moves to the next stage.

She now risks all by setting him loose. She rejects him either by throwing him out or arranging another affair for him. This she does by using a hired whore to show him that only Kathy can make him come. Now he comes back as her slave. At last she can use him to please herself. He has no other option. He belongs to her.

There are following stages but at the time I had no idea. I also didn't realise how I fitted the plan but fit it I did, like a glove.

Kathy and I spoke on the phone a few times over the next few weeks. I scarcely mentioned her hobby but neither did she. About a month later we spoke on the phone. Kathy asked me if I fancied some ‘spend and run’ on clothes and so on, so I returned the next day at Kathy's invitation.

She planned a shopping trip and I was invited. I remembered that I had a holiday to take. As a junior partner in a law firm it was easy to get a break. Any way my thirtieth birthday was coming up so I made sure that the holiday stretched a few days beyond. I had no cases in the pipeline that needed court treatment and was acting as research assistant in a major case that was being settled out of court in the time honoured fashion.

I met Kathy in Times Square and we set out. We ambled from shop to shop buying clothes and other such. Kathy then took us to a small café where we at last got into a discussion about her hobby.

It was then that she explained to me the pattern of domination that she had invented. I asked her where her present victim was in the scheme.

"He's nearly at the end of stage three," she said. "But he's so easily led that it has only taken a day or two for him to lose his erection unless I'm there."

"Surely it will take time to turn him into a foot slave?"

"No. The best of it is that he has always been a little way that inclined anyway so I started early. I still fucked him now and again but that's going to stop as of yesterday! I have some other shopping to do now. We can split up for half an hour or so, or you can come with me to see what I am buying for my little foot-slave."

"Oh, I'll come along if you don't mind," I replied.

"If you do then you'll have to come back to my place to see the new toys in action!"

I agreed, and thus fell into Kathy's trap.

Kathy led me to a sex shop just out the back of the café. Rather lurid neon's decorated the outside, promising all manner of sex items and a cinema that promised the hottest porno's in New York. Inside the shop was a sort of supermarket. Fetish clothing, films, magazines and sex toys lined the shelves.

I browsed the shelves whilst Kathy bought a number of items that she had obviously decided on beforehand. Stiletto shoes, some sex toys and a few films and books. I had never seen such a variety of bondage gear. From the rear of the shop I could hear the soundtrack of the cinema where it seemed that at least one or two women were experiencing monumentally overacted orgasms.

Outside the shop we waved a taxi down and set off back to Kathy's house.

On the way Kathy managed, without effort, in getting Sam, the driver into a discussion about sex. He enthusiastically related his latest conquest whilst Kathy replied in eager monosyllables. By the time that we had arrived the taxi driver had given Kathy his card and promised a night of unremitting fucking if she should ever feel lonely enough to call.

Inside Kathy's house she led me straight down to her video room.

"I need a small commitment from Pete to confine him further," she said. "This will be the real start of his losing his freedom. Sit here and watch or you can come and see in person if you like."

I demurred and she switched on the video display. Taking the bag of things that she had bought at the sex shop she left the room. It took about ten minutes or so for her to appear with Pete in tow in the bedroom with the camera. She was wearing the same clothes but also her new stilettos. They must have put seven inches on her height as the soles were built up as well as the heels.

"Take your clothes off Pete, I've a little treat for you," she said.

Pete got undressed and laid his clothes to one side. His cock was not erect until he saw the shoes that Kathy was wearing. When he did, he became erect almost immediately. He winced as the studs in the tube that he was wearing bit into his erection. Kathy unclipped the tube using the small key that she kept tucked in her shoe.

"I love it when you're naked," she said, "but you're not naked enough for me, honey."

Kathy reached down, grasped the thick bush of hair round the base of his prick, and pulled sharply.

"Let's tidy you up and give me a thrill to see you fully naked."

With her hand on his cock he could only nod assent. He made as if to stand up to go to the bathroom, but Kathy held him down and reached into her bag of tricks. From it she pulled a tube of cream. With a gentle push she spread his legs and uncapping the tube she smeared the cream all over his balls and prick.

"If you're a good little boy my feet may slip out of my lovely stilettos and tickle your naked prick," she said as she finished.

At this his cock sprang to attention.

"Not yet darling!" she continued, and gripped it in her hand. When she worked her hand up and down his cock the erection faded rapidly. "It will take a few moments for the cream to work."

She continued rubbing in the cream without showing any surprise at his loss of erection when what she had done would normally excite. Kathy had already gained so much control that her promise of feet was more exciting than a hand job.

In fact the hand had become a turn off.

"Kathy, mistress, could we try something different if I'm good enough?" he said.

"What would you like my little boy?"

"Could we try it with your shoes on please?" a plaintive note had entered his voice as though he expected rejection and the loss of any favour at all.

Kathy's face took on a look of deliberation as though she pondered the pros and cons of the idea. I could see a secret smile for the camera. Poor Pete had been manipulated again and was requesting Kathy's wish.

"Might it not hurt you?" she replied.

He shook his head as if to answer would be too much risk. "OK then, but I may ask for a little excitement myself. If you feel up to it you can have it but I may have a little request for you. Is that fair?"

"Yes Kathy, Yes please."

"I like the sound of ‘Mistress’, it's sexier than using my name. I like it Pete and if you call me that you will be more likely to get what you want from me." As she spoke she started to wipe the cream from him with a damp cloth. His skin shone pink and naked, every hair had gone. For a few moments she fondled his cock clearly enjoying the lack of stiffness. "Should we do it now or would you like it later?"

"Now Kath... mistress, please now," he pleaded.

"If you come on my shoes I may not do this again," she said.

"No mistress," came the reply.

Lifting one shoe up to near his prick I could see that the built up sole at the front had a hole in it. One touch of the shoe on him and his cock was straining. With a flick she lined his cock up against the hole and it slipped into the shoe. All he could do was to groan as she moved her foot back and forth, his prick slipping in and out. He almost came. I could see it on his face and in the flush that spread over his chest.

"Don't come on my shoe," she whispered. "Otherwise you will regret it."

Slipping his erection out of the hole I could see the pre-cum like a pearl on the end of his prick. Kathy then allowed the pointed heal of her shoe press against his balls whilst the high arch of the shoe rubbed against his tip. At that he lost control and came. As he did so Kathy deftly slipped her foot to allow the sperm to splash all over the patent leather uppers. I had never seen so much come.

"Mistress, mistress!" was all he could say when he looked and saw her shoe. "I am so sorry, please allow me to clean your shoes and feet."

Kathy gave him a calculating look as if to probe as to whether or not he was ready for the next inevitable stage of sexual training.

Yes he was.

"You will clean my spikes you moron. How dare you mess up my new shoes?"

To anyone looking at the shoes, except Pete, it was obvious that the shoes were designed to be come onto. To Pete, he had messed up the shoes that Kathy intended to go out in! He hung his head and waited for her to take them off so that he could clean them in the sink. Kathy simply placed the foot on his thigh and said "Lick it up."

I held my breath involuntarily as I realised that this was a crucial moment. If he refused, Kathy had wasted months of patient work. She could of course remind him that he had promised something in return for making him come with her shoes on. He looked up at her face for one moment as if to say something but Kathy's face was set in a serious look and he bent down to the shoe. His tongue slipped out and began to lick it up. He started on the leather but when his tongue touched the flesh of her foot she pulled away.

"That's enough," she said. "I haven't decided what favour you owe me yet, but be sure that I shall punish you for your mistake."

For a moment she stood looking at his nakedness and the spunk that surrounded his lips. Then she picked up her bag and left the room. After a few moments she came into the video room with a broad grin on her face. "

This one is so easy that I almost regret having picked him as a slave," she said.

"Would you like to introduce him to you?" she continued with a sly grin on her face.

I hesitated but a moment. I was being caught up in this situation. "OK, but I'm not going to take my clothes off!" I replied.

"Just kick your shoes off. That's all Denise."

I slipped off my pumps, and then Kathy led me out of the video room and led me down a corridor lined with doors. Some had metal facings; one or two had thick glass doors looking into rooms that appeared to bare of all furniture but a hole in the floor. They even seemed to lack windows. She stopped at the end of the corridor. She opened a door onto the room that I had seen on the screen. The camera was nowhere to be seen. Pete was lying on the bed exploring his naked balls and flaccid prick with his fingertips. As soon as we came in his hands covered all.

"This is Denise. Say 'Hello' Pete," she said.

For a moment he looked confused before replying.

"Hello Denise."

Being at a loss for words but excited by Kathy's conquest I had nothing to say by way of introduction, Kathy did it for me.

"My friend Denise wanted to meet my faithful lover and devotee so I asked her round."

Pete looked down at my bare feet. I could see an erection starting and a confused look on his face. Kathy ignored it and turned to open a door in a small closet. From it she took a short cane. Suddenly she turned with an angry look on her face.

"Pete! Denise is not here to be embarrassed by your shameless lust."

She aimed a sharp strike at his erect cock.

Taking my hand she led me from the room.

As soon as she had closed the door she laughed a wicked little laugh.

"See how he fancies your feet and nothing else." she said. "He's not entirely mine yet, but that will come... If you fancy giving him a hard time be my guest. He needs a firmer hand than mine to keep him in line. Perhaps a strict legal mistress would help. Oh, that reminds me. I have some problems legally; can you do some private work on the side for me? What I need is a discrete lawyer to draw up some contracts and so forth. I don't really want to go to a stranger or my regular lawyer. Of course I'll pay you handsomely."

"I'll be happy to act for you as long as it does not conflict with my partnership. But I should warn you that I'm not a very good contract lawyer, it's not really my speciality," I replied as we entered the video room.

The screen was still on. There was Pete on the bed trying to wank. Kathy studied the screen intently. Pete was having problems; he just couldn't get a hard on. He thrashed his limp cock for a few moments before looking under the bed and trying to open the closet door. The closet was locked as were all but one drawer. Kathy pointed excitedly to the screen.

"Just watch the fun now," she said hoarsely. "I'm glad I prepared early, I wasn't expecting this development just yet."

Pete slid the drawer open. From the camera angle it appeared empty. However he lifted a folder from the drawer. Opening it he withdrew three photos. He laid them in plain sight on the floor. One was of a large breasted blonde slipping a vibrator into her pussy. She was wearing a latex corset and a necklace that had spikes on it. Her feet and shoes were off the picture.

The next was a picture of Kathy, naked. The picture was taken so that the feet were off the bottom of the picture. The last was a blow up of Kathy's feet. There was a tattoo of a chain between her toes. For a few moments he stared at the choice. He then realised that he was fully erect. He wanked over the picture of Kathy's feet. As he replaced the file he had second thoughts. He took out the picture of Kathy's feet and slipped it under the mattress.

"I make him clean his own room, so he figures that's a good hiding place. God what an idiot he is, but so well trained. That means the next hurdle, minor though it is, is past."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"I won't have to wank him so often! Now that he's got a picture of my tattooed feet he is going to build up a gestalt fantasy that will just lead him further up the garden path. I now need to bleed him of resistance once and for all. I had better wait a couple of weeks though before I make my next major move." She looked reflective as though weighing her next move and it's timing.

Kathy switched off the video and TV and turned to face me. "How about if you come in about a week? We could discuss my little legal problems and maybe go out. I sometimes feel so cooped up with my little hobby that I don't get out."

"OK then." I replied. "Give me a call in a week or so. I have to get out of New York for a few days, especially as I've taken three weeks off from the office."

Part II (The Fuck in Atlantic City)

I went for two days to Atlantic City. It's not that I gamble more than a few dollars on the Blackjack and Craps but I love the atmosphere. Pulling on the slots has always given me an aching arm rather than any pleasure. On the Craps when the roll is hot and I'm throwing the dice I can get carried away enough to get damp thighs and a trembling hand.

The hand is satisfied with the chips, the cunt needs a cock!

As usual I found a Motel behind the strip. It was discrete and comfortable and, best of all it was a place where I could take a man back to without having to answer any questions. I often went to Atlantic City just for the action on the tables and in bed.

There I was standing at an empty Craps table.

I was not playing but had got myself into a conversation with one of the Boxmen. He was a good-looking guy of about twenty-five with a ready smile rather than the rather greasy attitude that casinos tend to encourage. I had only been discussing where I came from and so on when the game started.

The Stickman started pushing the dice to me and I put my bet on the Come.

I have always liked the way that it's possible to come hundreds of times a night on the dice table!

The first half-hour found me a couple of hundred down but the game was starting to build up on both ends. The dice must have passed a good few times round before I got a real taste of a roll. With the point on four and the dice hot in my hands the roll went on and on. I quickly recovered my losses and tapped nearly a grand win from the roll before I Seven-outed and my luck was at an end.

I had picked up a visiting card from the motel as I booked in. When I had a moment after my roll I scribbled "3am in the lot." on it and gave it with my tip to the Boxman. He saw the card, winked and called the next point. I left the table and moved to the Blackjack. It was about one in the morning and so I had two hours, if of course he showed up.

He was waiting in the parking lot by a battered red T-Bird that had seen better days, but not this decade! He was dressed in 501's and a T-shirt and wore the same friendly smile that he had on the table. We exchanged names so I found out that his name was Ron. He gestured to the car but I suggested that we take mine.

"Any good bars?" I asked as we walked to my Mercedes.

"Oh, I know a few, it depends on whether you want to be seen or not," he replied.

"I don't care as long as the atmosphere is lively."

We drove about ten minutes before finding the bar. It was pretty empty but the bar area was full and the music was loud.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"Dangerous question." I said. "But if you want to put me in my slot then I'm thirty in a couple of weeks. I'm old enough to appreciate a straight approach!"

We chatted about this and that and avoided the trap of discussing Craps and money! After about an hour and three Margaritas we drove back to my motel. Ron was the best looking guy I had ever found in City. He was tall, casual and blonde. I had started to flirt in the bar and the drive to the Motel was an exercise in me trying to fend him off enough to drive but not enough to slow him down. We rushed long the balcony walkway to my room and entered.

As soon as we were in he started to undress me. He had large hands but they were slow and sure. I tried to get his jeans off but he blocked me and told me to wait. He took my clothes off slowly and gently. I began to get really turned on when he cupped my breasts as the bra came off.

Gently he stroked my nipples erect before he moved lower down. My cunt was wet with impatience before he finally had me naked. He slipped a finger in and stroked my clit for a few moments before offering himself to be undressed. In my state, speed was of the essence. It was only a few moments before his erection was standing free of restriction.

I cupped his balls with my hands and bent to take his cock between my lips. His prick jerked and his thighs clenched, so I slowed the action and led him to the bed. First he smoothed my breasts and belly with his hands. Then he raised his lips and kissed my breasts, finally sucking and nibbling on my nipples. His tongue felt rough on the sensitive skin of my nipples. His lips smooth as he tweaked them erect and then rubbed them with his thumbs as he cupped my breasts with my hands. He fucked me gently from the front and then turned me onto all fours to take my pussy from behind. As he steadily shafted me I suddenly had a sort of mental rearrangement.

It is difficult to explain the way that sex can take you over and then leave you in the lurch. For a few moments as he came I remembered Gerald. He used to fuck me from behind for hours before wanking over my feet. I so enjoyed him servicing me because I could control the pace and be sure that the pay-off was easy.

Then I realised that Ron was coming. I had completely lost my heat and had to fake coming. I sort of regretted it but I had to admit that even though I liked my sex strong and regular, the control was such a turn on.

I fucked Ron twice in the Motel but now that I had Kathy in my head Ron's efforts stimulated but did not overwhelm me. If you hear a song on the radio that you cannot forget all day then you'll know what I mean.


I changed Motels the next day and played another casino instead but I did not pick another stud, as was my want. I slept alone and dreamed of a man who would lick my clit and ass until I had come a thousand times and then pay off simply by touching a straining cock with the lightest tickle of my toes.

Have him attend my every wish and never worry that he may wander and seek another but have him wait with baited breath for my singular intervention. If I had a bad day I could give him hell without ever-wasting time making up; he would always be the one with contrition in his eyes. If I felt really bad I could thrash him or ignore him at my whim. I awoke hot wet and restless.

Part III (Miss Clearmont and Kathy)

When I got back to my apartment I still did not feel relaxed but awaited my next call from Kathy as I pottered around. I did not leave the apartment, as I did not want to miss the next call and give a "Yes" immediately. Instead I watched my videos of old films and read up a few law books. I sensed though, that calling her would betray too much interest in her exploits.

Even though I was attracted by her power I felt uneasy about pushing myself forward too fast. It was in fact two weeks after I had last met Kathy that she called. By that time I was almost at the point that I was going to ring her anyway.

"Hi there." she said. "How about tomorrow?"

"About what time?" I asked.

"Oh, in the afternoon some time I suppose. I'll send my driver for you."

"Since when have you had a driver?"

"Last week I hired him," she replied.

"See you then."

Click. Kathy put the phone down. I had long since put together the few legal books that I had figured that I'd need, but went over them again. I wondered what help she needed that could be so sensitive. Something to do with her hobby I supposed.

Next day a cab pulled up. I had never seen such a splendid yellow cab. It sparkled and shone. The windows were blacked out and the chequered pattern in red made it stand out from all the wrecks that posed as cabs here in New York.

I stepped in, briefcase under my arm and was amazed. The driver was Sam, the same man who had given us a lift a month or more ago. On the way I found out that Kathy had offered him a steady job working as her driver. She had paid for the cab to be repaired a week or so ago and only let him drive her and no one else. Another victim lined up on the starting blocks I thought.

Kathy's desire for domination was insatiable.

When we arrived I noticed that Kathy's Jeep was not there. Sam told me that she had popped out for a few moments on an urgent errand. He drove off and I let myself in. All was quiet. I wondered where to wait. I had not seen much of the house so I sought the living room. It was not difficult to find.

I sat in a comfortable chair and prepared to wait for Kathy. Facing me were two TVs. One showed a typical mid-afternoon soap with the sound muted, the other was a monitor of some sort and was switched off. By me was a remote. I idly switched on the monitor. There was a picture of Pete's room. It was empty and the bed was stripped. It had a look of disuse that was difficult to define. I pressed the channel button on the remote. I got a view of an empty triangular cell like those we had walked past a couple of weeks before.

Flicking through the channels I saw three more cells, all bare of furniture with no windows.

The next channel showed the outside of the house with four views on the one screen. My next flick of the switch showed an office with a huge desk with papers on it. Kathy's admin I thought. The next view was another bedroom. From the view through the window it faced the car parking spaces in front of the house. Stretched on the bed was Pete. He was chained down, face down, and his head was held in a harness that faced him forwards. Since the view was from the foot end of the bed I could see that his cock was strapped into a small black box with two wires leading out of sight. In front of his face was a small TV. Playing on it was a strange video.

The video was of feet.

Every few seconds the scene changed to a different pair. Either the feet were in spike heels or bare. Walking, crossed, rubbing together or stroking an erect cock.

Each time the picture changed Pete thrashed for a moment and then was still.

Then I noticed that sometimes the picture was Kathy's feet. The tattoo made it obvious. When this one showed, Pete did not thrash around but stared at the screen in rapture. I quickly realised what was going on. Kathy was indulging in more conditioning. I watched the screen avidly, fascinated in Pete and his problem, which was obviously to control his erection to avoid being punished, unless of course it was Kathy's tattooed feet that were being shown. I was so taken by the scene that I did not hear Kathy until she spoke.

"Tsk, tsk my dear. Fascinating isn't it? What you can see is the next phase. I'm avoiding what I call the Gerald syndrome where the fetish can be linked to any pair of feet, like yours, but must be directed to my feet only. It's what I call a personal fetish. In other words only I can relieve his need."

For a moment I felt embarrassed by the fact that I'd been caught watching. "What are you doing to him?"

"Simple really." She replied. "The box is set to sense any change in size of his cock. As soon as it swells he gets a little shock to his prick. Unless of course it's my feet that are being shown. Then the box momentarily pulls his foreskin back, not enough to come of course, but enough for him to enjoy a moment of sexual thrill."

"He's going in the right direction," said Kathy. "The next step is further commitment, but I haven't decided how to do it yet. Have you any ideas?"

I paused for a moment. I had been thinking and wondering what the next step would be but Kathy's method was difficult to predict. I was however, excited to be able to put in my input.

"Perhaps something in the same line as when you removed all his hair." I ventured.

"Hmm. Not a bad idea. How about a permanent depilation," she replied. "I know a clinic where he could go and get it done. Or maybe we'd better have it done here. I don't want him to leave the house over the next few weeks so that maybe a better solution."
"You're not suggesting that we do it ourselves are you?" I said without having realised that I had involved myself in the comment...

I had had my bikini line done a couple of years ago and the work seemed a bit complex and was not comfortable. The TV still showed the tape running and the bound man was still not controlling his cock properly. I decided to change the subject.

"How long is the tape that he's watching?" I asked.

"About eight hours," she said. "But I don't do more than a couple of hours without a break. I don't want to render his prick totally useless. If I did that I would lose control of him."

We both watched the tape for several minutes, waiting for his responses. It seemed as though his responses to the wrong feet were muted unless they were massaging a cock.

His pleasure at the pictures of Kathy's feet though, was undisguised. It was difficult to tell if he found the training a pleasure or a pain. But there was some pain!

"I like the idea of depilating him," said Kathy after a few moments. "It's not too extreme and may help to mark him. At any rate he's been on the VCR foot treatment for a week now and it's time to make another move. Come along and let's have a talk with him."

We went up to the room where he was confined. There he was tied down. Now that I could see him from all angles I realised that he was gagged and had earplugs on as well as being tied. He had no idea that we were in the room with him. Kathy indicated with her hand that we should not show ourselves to him. The black box swallowed his cock and his balls completely. On it were two switches. Kathy pointed at one that was a knob that had five positions. It was set on the lowest.

"That controls the number of stimulations when the correct pictures come on. At the moment it's on the lowest setting, as otherwise he won't last the two hours. Later I'm going to work on his stamina as well until he finds it an effort to come unless the stimulation is 'just so', until then the lowest level is enough," she said.

"The other switch has only two settings. One administers a shock if he gets erect when the picture is wrong. The other setting allows the box to physically punish him by gripping him with whatever type of sleeve I fit it. Here look at this."

With a small key she opened a drawer in the dresser. There were six rubber sleeves that had different types of studs in the interior. The number six had needle-like spikes. The number one only rubber studs.

"I've never used five or six but I had them made anyway. Who knows I may need them one day," she said. "To be honest I like the electric shocks. They don't damage him and are really no worse than touching an electric farm fence."

At the rear of the drawer were a row of six wooden boxes each was about eight inches long and closed with a little clasp. I didn't ask what they were at the time but I guessed that Kathy was prepared to train women as well as men.

Kathy closed the drawer and locked it tight.

She then turned off the video with the remote and started to undo the bindings that held Pete down. She did not take off the box that confined him though. I could now see that the two wires were actually a single cable and a steel wire that was fixed to a ring on the bed. When she had done with the chains and gags she helped him sit up. He was a little stiff from lying there for two hours.

"You are a good little boy for me Pete," she said to him. "Would you like some relief now? Or maybe you'd prefer to save it up until you could come for me?"

Pete did not hesitate. "Now mistress if you would, please. I can prove my devotion."

Kathy clicked the knob on the box to four. "You have only been saving for four days my dear. That means only four strokes. But since you've been good I'll help you a little. With that she slipped a foot out of a shoe and put it on the bed between his legs. You may touch my foot when I say."

With that she clicked on the remote again and said "Now." The box murmured a moment and Pete stroked Kathy's foot with his hand. Then he arched and came as Kathy knocked his hand away.

"Very good. You're devotion is perfect. I love you with all my heart."

Pete grinned at the praise and said "I love you too my mistress. Please let me serve you."

"Not now my darling. I have work to do." You can go to your room now and I'll speak to you later." Kathy then released him from the box and waved him out of the room.

When he had left the room Kathy started to tidy away all the chains and gags. All of them were locked in a closet that was full of restraints and canes. When she had finished she stood for a moment looking out of the window.

"You noticed my driver?" She asked.

"You mean ‘Good Time Sam’?" I answered laughingly. "Your next slave?"

"No, I mean not yet. He's too useful. Over-sexed and over sure of himself as he is. I have a new project in mind, now that I'm well on the way with Pete. I'm going to change him, but not into a foot slave. That comes later though. Pete is taking up more of my time now and I also need to think of a correct training mode for Sam."

"Let's go to my office," she continued. She led me to the room with the desk. She rifled through some documents for a few minutes until at last she drew out a folder. On the front was written ‘REPORT Subject - PT’ in large type.

She tossed it over to me.

Inside were a mixture of grainy photos and type written pages as well as photocopies of other documents. It was a private investigator's report on Peter Temple. From the photos I could see that Kathy had had a PI investigate Pete from top to bottom. In fact the reports and the detail of his every move and breath showed that Kathy had investigated Pete with almost illegal thoroughness.

"This is where I need your help," she said after I had flicked through the papers. "I plan to give all the money in these and these bank accounts to his wife."

She indicated some statements from the Chemical Bank in New York. "I've already put some more money in the accounts from an untraceable source. I want you to draw up the documents that will, with Pete's signature, allow her access to the accounts. You see here and here," she pointed "He has been squirreling away money for the last five years and the account names are his only."

"His wife does not know about them then?" I asked.

"I think not. Anyway she has no access. That's your job," she replied.

"According to this he's got over $110,000 in the accounts," I added.

"Most of it though is mine," she laughed.

"OK then I'll draw up the documents. I may need to take him to the bank though. His signature may not be enough," I said.

"There's no need for that really I think. But if there is I'll take him and make him sign in the bank." She said.

"It'll take about two days to do."

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Chuck We were on the second leg of the flight going to Hawaii. We had refueled and picked up a passenger that I didn't know, and from the way John acted, he didn't know him either. Before going to the head, I started a fresh batch of coffee then headed to the rear of the plane. Wanda told me to stop by her when I got back. I passed John, the Marshal, and Sam Nightfox going to, and coming from, the bathroom. When I sat next to Wanda, she said, "You received a secure transmission that...

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Typical South Dakota early June weather as on the Saturday we launched the boat the day was sunny and hot a good day for fishing and though the fish were slow to cooperate we were fairly successful, but by late afternoon the weather was breaking up with wicked looking storm clouds building and one mighty storm on its way. We stayed overnight at a motel cum casino with lightning, thunder and torrential rain and a tornado doing some structural damage in nearby Chamberlain. Sunday morning was...

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She Started It

She Started It By Margaret Jeanette Sheila Morgan was playing outside. She was swinging on her swing set. She saw Jim Compton in his yard next door. She called for him to come over and play. He came to play. Being eleven years old both of them played together a lot. Sheila was a tom boy but enjoyed girl's games. She suggested they have a pretend tea party. He sat at the small table and took a cup and pretended to drink from it. "Here take this doll. It is our baby and you...

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Sara 6

On Sunday morning I woke up early. Stan was still sleeping soundly in the bed next to me. I knew I had a lot I had to do today, so I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After a proper cleansing and a hot shower I went back into the bedroom to get dressed. Stan was still sound a sleep on the bed so I quietly got dress and did my makeup before leaving the bedroom. I want to kiss Stan before leaving but I was afraid I would wake him. In the kitchen I started a pot of coffee...

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The Bet

The Bet This story is written by Vic and runnergirl Dave slowly walked to the back of the court to pick up the tennis ball. The hot sun beat down on him as he felt the sweat dripping from his forehead into his eyes. His shirt was soaked and he swore he could smell the booze from last night as it came out of his pores with the sweat. As he bent to pick up the ball he wondered why he had agreed to play at all today. Then with a smirk thought, damn bitch, she knew what she was doing when she...

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Wife Watches

I wrote this story because while there are plenty of stories where the husband watches the wife having sex with another man, there are not very many here on Lush that have the wife watching the husband have sex with another woman, which is something that I like. Please enjoy my story, it is based partly on this really vivid dream I had, based on real people. It went something like this… I have been married with my husband for 11 years now. I have always wanted to see him with another woman,...

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The Hotel Part 3

Amanda sensed that a secret something was going on. I don't know if she had seen me talking to Clarice in the bar. Whilst we had been out, our room had been done, and everything was tidy and neat and sparkling clean. There were fresh towels and little white slippers for our bare feet and bathrobes, and they had refilled the minibar. I got them to bring champagne and a very special bottle of Russian vodka, and they brought special glasses for the vodka and ... I was SO happy.I showered and got...

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Bus journey leads to a nice relation

Hello Friends this is Rahul, 24 from Kolhapur().I have been reading this site regularly and i feel i must share my first experience with u. Let me tell u about me. I am tall muscular and reasonably handsome and looks very sincere.I am working as a software engineer in a reputed MNC firm at Pune. And i regularly visit kolhapur, at least once in a month.I usually travel by State Transport busses because they are full of good ladies.Now without wasting time lets come strait to the story. It was...

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Text from a friend

Last June hubs had to take off for a couple of weeks on business. After the first week I was completely frustrated sexually, my toys can only satisfy me so much. The weather report was absolutely perfect really warm and really sunny. After deciding that the bathing suits I had just were not sufficient enough I decided to go shopping. At the local mall I went to one of the swim wear shops that had a wonderful selection of suits, I had a really hard time deciding between three suits a full back a...

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Starting OverChapter 4

I didn't know what to expect from traffic, but the drive from Bywater to our headquarters near the UNO took less than half an hour. The drive gave me time to reflect on what had happened. Now I was away from the provocative influence of her nubile body and the aroma of sexual readiness that pervaded her apartment, I could think with my brain instead of letting my cock make the decisions. I had fucked - no that wasn't right - I had made love with my sister-in-law, scratch that...

3 years ago
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Me and my lady are filthy fucking cum whores part two

She was awake before me, but was well on her way to getting me up. There's nothing better than a blowjob to get me moving. I opened my eyes to see her staring back at me, while she bobbed up and down on my cock. This girl is never, ever satisfied. I knew what she wanted. She didn't get fucked earlier, so she wanted her pussy full of cock. Normally I'd be all over that, but it seemed like we were out to top each other with increasingly more extreme stunts. Once my cock was good and...

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Picking up a black endowed stranger

Ana and I had chosen to spend some vacation days at a resort.After a couple days, we heard about a very nice bar downtown.My sweet Ana agreed to go there for some drinks.She told me she would wear a sexy black dress matching with a pair of stiletto heels and a red tiny thong. Ana said that outfit might make her look a bit slutty; but then I told her that her black dress looked classy and sexy…We entered the bar and went back to one of the quieter areas. Anita suggested we sit up on some stools...

4 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 49 Discussions About Homes

I was stepping into the shower chamber when Constance caught up to me and threw her arms around me. The weight of her body caused me to stagger forward. “Constance?” I said in fright and surprise. She gasped and immediately backed away. “Oh god. I’m sorry. Please, I didn’t mean to ... I mean.” “Constance, you don’t have to apologize for that,” I said. “In fact, never apologize if something happens while you are being affectionate. I never dreamed you’d do much more than lie there.” “I...

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Lanjaalu 8211 Part II

Na peru rahul na amma peru latha na amma almost shakeela lage untundi. pedda pedda rommulu, watermelon laanti pirralu, achchu malayalam sex heroine laage untundi. Saree eppudu boddu kindake kattutundi. Ma amma oka baritheginchina lanja adi naaku recentgane thelisindi. nenu iss regular visitor, stories chusi chusi nenu ma ammani elagina dengaali ani decide chesanu, ma amma roadlo veltha vunte chaalu, andaru daane chusevaaru. regularga buslo vellede nenu daanthone Collegeki vellevadini always...

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The Price of Neglect Part 4

[ Another one for Megan! :-) ]For Cindy, sex with Willis (the black man that lived next door to her mothers house, where she was visiting) was totally unlike any sort of sex she'd ever had in her entire life---and that definitely, very definitely included the sex she had had with her husband. Compared to Willis, her husbands cock (or rather, 'penis', which was more indicative than the word 'cock')---well, there actually was no comparison between the two!But her husband had never been great in...

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WildOnCam Aria Carson Fiesty And Wild

Aria Carson is ready to get naughty and loves having Dan Ferrari join her for this hot show! She is eager to show him… and you how much she loves sucking cock and getting that pussy pounded! She first teases in her black and gold lingerie showing off her long legs in her thigh high stockings before spreading those legs wide so she can open up that pussy for you! Dan lets her sit right on his face so he can devour that pussy completely. Aria loves cumming and loves how you watch her fuck!...

1 year ago
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Psyche The Professor

Monica I sat at my desk watching my professor talk. The man loved to hear himself talk. I can't even imagine a person being more... well, boring. But still, if I was going to get the internship I desperately needed, I had to get an 'A' in his class. It wasn't my fault really...Ok, sure I could have studied more, but a girl has other things she needs to do, and reading paper after paper of boring psychological studies... well, it's enough to put you to sleep. I need my sleep. So... I guess I...

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The Three RsChapter 3

Had it not been for the look in Maxine's face, I might have passed off her possible inadvertent exposure to our son. It's not the first time that had happened. Growing up over the years, we'd all seen one another in the nude on many occasions, not to mention in various states of undress outside of that. But her look ... the way her mouth hung open in startled revelation told me in an instant everything I wanted to know. Stacy hadn't just dropped the other shoe. She'd thrown it ... at the...

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Leather Book 1Chapter 3

Sarah knew that she looked good. The leather jeans were so tight it barely showed any wrinkles except for the puckering around her protrusive pubic mound and a few creases behind her knees. Even her two hip bones protrude and shine out. She wondered what Kip was thinking. He hadn't taken his eyes off of her as she disappeared down the hallway. He waited a moment and then followed. She'd left the bedroom door open and he quietly looked in. He could see her in the bathroom, standing in front...

2 years ago
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Young White Daughter Deflowered by Black Man

It's strange to be writing this story. I've written a number of stories that focused on the African continent but this one happened to a woman I met in the states. I had just spent 16 months in Nigeria working with British Petroleum but was transferred to New Orleans to explore for oil and gas for platform rigs. It was a Saturday afternoon when a friend and me decided to have a few drinks at a lounge in the French Quarter. A woman, nice figure and attractive, sat down at the bar two seats...

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A Loving Wife Dies Bora Bora

First of all, special thanks to my helper Szilvi for-correcting my story to improve it. This is my 4th story, and is my version of H2Owader's story "A Loving Wife Dies". My version is an answer to Ohio's version "Loving Wife Dies: Painful Truths". These stories are on LIT in LW hub ... My special thanks to chilleywilley for making me write something. My story contains ANR sex. The reader can find information about ANR on the net. My story has not been edited, so I am sorry for my...

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She Caught Me

The real problem with being a teenage male is having two heads, and no matter what the big one is thinking, the little one has his own opinion and wants to grow up to be the big head. Making matters worse, the little head picks the absolute worst times to grow. Your math teacher is an old spinster and your classmates are immature girls that spend the hour passing notes to each other, but little head doesn’t care, he pops up and wants to turn you into a classroom freak show. But, sometimes he...

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NewSensations Kylie Rocket Teen Kylie Has Some After School Fun

Super cute teen schoolgirl Kylie has lured her older brothers best friend Chad into the house and just wants to have some fun with his fat cock. Chad tried his best to deny and say no but as her hands kept grabbing his cock it had no choice but to get hard and her hot mouth began to drool and all she wanted was to at least suck it real fast. Now in the zone, Chad fucks her hungry cock craving face balls deep before slipping off her soaked white panties to feast on her hot sweet teen pussy....

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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 23

The park was pretty easy to find ... although they were sure Central Park was in New York City. This one was one block of dead grass and weak, sickly trees, with a few splintery picnic tables and those old fashioned grills on a pipe. At one of the other tables were some rough looking kids. Wendy took her watch out of her pocket and set it on the table. "David? Would you please get the black zippered notebook from between the seats in my Ford?" Wendy was uneasy about the other...

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Full Leather Fear Love Loathing in the Magic KingdomChapter 2

"You're such a wuss! I don't know what my big sister saw in you ... experienced troubleshooter indeed!" My diminutive little Fairy was miffed with me, and no longer quite so little. She had now grown to the normal size of a healthy young woman ... with all the accompanying attributes. She might be Linda Lovegood's little sister, but if my intelligence report from last night was even half accurate, her big sister still had the better tits, but I decided not to hold that fact against her....

2 years ago
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Wife Comes Home Drunk

My wife was excited to see some old friends. They were headed out to dinner, and it had been quite some time since she had gone out without spouses or k**s. So I know she really needed this. It had also been some time since she had any alcohol. Just too busy with life, so her tolerance must have gone way down I guess. She headed out to dinner, and I got the k**s to bed and watched some tv. She wasn't going to be gone long. This wasn't a party night. Just some girlfriends, dinner, some wine,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 97 Transitions

August 3, 1997, Saint Petersburg, Russia On Sunday morning, after Natalie left and I did my morning run, Jesse and I went to Kazan Cathedral for Liturgy, grabbed a quick lunch, and met the team at the hockey rink. Jesse went to the locker room and I joined the parents in the stands. “How was church?” Mary asked. “The same as always,” I replied. “Which is exactly how it’s supposed to be! The only downside is the homilies are in Russian, but Jesse knows the hymns and prayers by heart in...

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Why Didnt I JustChapter 37

Things were going really well with my relationship with Diane. I had brought her over to the house for dinner, and to meet my parents. For once, my father behaved himself, and they told me later that they both liked Diane a lot. I had taken her out once earlier in the week, and then we spent Friday together at my parent's house. On Saturday, we drove down to San Diego and rented a nice hotel room, coming back late Sunday night. It was when we were driving back to Orange that the trouble...

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Power Chapter 23 Summer

The day after finals everyone but me left for home. I had taken a job at the college running the extensive sprinkler system. Each sprinkler had to be turned on and off at designated times, and the whole operation took eight hours every day. My mother was angry. She had arranged for a seven day cruise for Bethany and Ben and me and Kathleen. She told me I didn’t need to work, because she had plenty of money. I reminded her that she wanted me to become a whole man, and one thing a man does is...

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New Life With Stormy

My wife and I had just finalized our divorce. We had been married for 25 years, which was really about 22 years too long. But you get comfortable with familiarity, and when she finally voiced the truth, that we had drifted apart and weren't really lovers anymore, I cried. Despite the divorce, I still love her, and I probably always will. Now it was time to pick up the pieces, take stock of my life, and get used to living alone again, for the first time in forever. I doubted I'd ever marry...

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MenagerieChapter 19

I stood up and led her inside the cabin. Once we were inside I closed the door and pointed to the mounting block across the room. Faith nodded and crossed the room, quickly laying herself across it. “Do I need to be bound Master?” she asked quietly. “Yes my pet, you do need to be bound for this. This punishment won’t be like your first one,” I told her as I ran my hand down her back. “It will be far more painful, and I don’t want you to get hurt if you try to pull away from the pain. I know...

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She got me going

I fucking hate coming home early. Girls just look so hott now a days that even a bend over to pick up something turns me on. Getting laid isnt hard for me, but getting laid by someone I want.. thats real hard.I try not to wack off between classes, but man, I think I am a current sexaholic. All I wanna do is fuck and fuck is all I want. I'm not so bad. Im pretty good looking with a medium muscular build and 8 inches long. So not to be conceited or anything, but im not so bad. The only thing I...

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Was It Rape If You Liked It

Introduction: Lise, a sophomore girl, got involved with Alex, whod already graduated high school. Lise broke up with Alex. But who knows what can happen at a party? Chapter I – Lise Lise! Lisa! Elisabeth!! Alex called after me as I passed. I continued to walk at a brisk pace, putting distance between myself and my ex-boyfriend. Please Lise… I just wanna talk… He sounded weary, so I slowed, reluctantly. He caught up and walked beside me. He brushed against my arm, sending tingles up to my...

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Leslies Revenge

The Linking Spell - Leslie's Revenge by Anon Allsop I was directed into the grand den, instructed to seat myself at a long white ornate couch. I drummed my fingers at the edge, marveling at the splendor of the room I was seated in. A slight noise to my right alerted me that someone was approaching, an elegant older woman in her late 50's walked in and sat down upon a high backed chair that matched the couch. I heard the doors shutting behind her, as I looked up a butler...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 45 And Justice for All

Any second thoughts I might have had before vanished as we made our way through the dreams of the two men. Jamie was really good at planting little bits and pieces to trigger the memories we wanted to see. I can't say it was good news because a part of me really hoped he wasn't, but Charles was involved, very involved. In fact, he was the one Andrews answered to, the one who had given the order for him to arrange for an inmate to kill his new cellmate. Amazing what you can buy with two...

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Lipstick Lesbian Part One

I was an escort of sorts, for women. A few of them just wanted me as a trophy, whilst the majority wanted me as their lover. Many of the times a client would present an offer and I can’t deny that I wasn’t tempted. Some of the women I would attend events with were actually beautiful, but most were just as sleazy as some of the men you meet. The reason why I never accepted an offer, or succumbed to the advances of one of the women I entertained was because I was straight, completely and utterly...

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The AltSchool Effect

The AltSchool Effect Synopsis: When Sky begins tutoring a student at the nearby Alternative School he doesn't realize that their time spent together will evolve into her developing a plan to feminize him - and that she'll receive assistance from some unexpected sources. Freshman Year - Back when I was in the sixth grade, one of my friends and I had been exploring an old warehouse building several blocks from my house. It had been abandoned for many years and just about anything...

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OHGirl Velvet Slut Queens

OHGirl:Both hands spread my butt cheeks and held my huge, gaping asshole open as one of my fans pulled his spent cock from my just fucked behind. I had just taken two loads and my third fan was moving up behind me so that he could slide right into my cum filled creampie. The two camera men shot the scene up close as my ass was stuffed again. I had been fucking between two to five fans almost three times a week for cam shows and my escort business was keeping me extremely busy, while I tried...

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Annual Meeting

"Darling, I'm just going to run to the ladies’ room." "But," Winston stammered, "but you'll miss my speech." "I've heard it, remember?" Andrea said with a smile, collecting her clutch purse and pushing back from the table. I can almost recite it myself, she thought, recalling the hours they’d spent together rehearsing, writing and making changes. Forty minutes, she thought as she recalled the memory of those evenings. It warmed her inside and she smiled as she stood, straightened her dress...

Group Sex
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GotMylf Quinn Waters Sweet Surrender

The gorgeous Quinn Waters doesn’t want to be single anymore, so she hired a service to see how they help. When Dr. Rich arrives, he asks the stunning MILF to try on a new wardrobe and gets her to enjoy the moment. Things start heating up and eventually exploding when the doctor tries kissing his patient. Shocked that this wasn’t part of the contract, the specialist asks Quinn how bad she wants to achieve her purpose, so she slowly gives in to his charm and horny intentions,...

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I Started VII Our Pregnancy

Chapter-7 Our Pregnancy. I Started Getting nervous as Dr. William Monte placed my feet in the stirrups. The tests showed that I was ovulating and I would be the first to be artificially inseminated. Cindy would need to wait a couple of weeks. Dr. Carol Hanson and Cindy were in the room with me, which made me feel better. I was going to be inseminated with one of the sperm deposits Carol had taken from me when I was a man. If this worked this would gain worldwide...

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Meri Pyari Maa Part 1

Hello everyone, Mera naam arun hai mein 18 saal ka hun , height hai 5,11. Mein engineering kar raha hun bijapur sheher mein. Mere ghar mein total 3 log rahte hain mein meri maa aur mere papa. Mere papa ka grossary ka dukan hai unki umar hai 46 saal. Meri maa shraddha house wife hai aur unki umar hai 37 saal. Mom ka height kaafi achcha hai aur figure bhi 38 28 42. Maa ghar mein usually saari pehen thi hai par occasions pe salwar bhi pehena karti hai. Ab story pe aatein hain. Papa roz subah...

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Revenge is Sweet

Altered Fates: Revenge is Sweet (Inspired by SwitchHitter's Caption) By Zapper Synopsis: Derek and Chrissy just can't seem to get along. Arguing and fighting with each other is as natural as breathing. Enter the Medallion of Zulo. Chrissy decides to play a trick on Derek but then the trick backfires. Motives and magic collide in this crisscrossed tale of a brother and sister. In the end both Derek and Chrissy...

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Song of ThanksChapter 3 Love Fulfilled Lost May1985

May 1985 Senior Prom The love between Courtney and Darryl had survived high school, as had their ultimate faith in their destiny together, but it had been a far greater challenge than either of them had anticipated. Darryl's parents had State Department careers that had at one time required frequent trips out of the country, causing him to stay at the lake house. More recently their promotions to administrative jobs had brought them home and eliminated the trips. Now Darryl was only able to...

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A Lesson in Lust

I knocked softly, waited a respectful fifteen seconds before entering. The name plate said baldly: R B James, Head Teacher. The letters MSc to which R B James was entitled were absent. The term Head Teacher rather than Principal - the correct form for the appointment - was a small token of defiance. Behind the desk R B James completed filling in a form and transferred it to a mounting pile in the out tray before looking up. She removed her glasses and gave me a weary smile. ...

Straight Sex
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After breakfast

I only cheated on my husband once, depending on how you count. It was at a wedding. I was the maid of honor. After the wedding breakfast the next day, the bride and groom invited a small group of us to their suite to say goodbye before their honeymoon and our return to homes far away. My husband and me, the best man and his wife and the bride's single brother joined them. We had cured our hangovers by popping Advils and drinking mimosas at breakfast. A couple bottles of bubbly had made it back...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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Arizona Secret Society Chapter 4

ARIZONA SECRET SOCIETY CHAPTER 4 Sorry for the delay, I had a very enjoyable trip through the US, and came back with some very good ideas, so enjoy chapter 4. As an artist, I made art, and had to show off my work at some point. After several months of work, I had enough to fill the walls of a gallery in Phoenix and had invited my well to do neighbours to view them and buy any that appealed to them. Wearing one of my best suits, I savored a fine wine as they wandered past my works,...

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