Alexia at Charlie s
- 4 years ago
- 39
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Alexia : Jeux de vilaines
Chapitre 1
- Salut Pauline
- Salut Alexia
Les deux jolies brunes s?embrass?rent sur les deux joues. Alexia la plus petite des deux et aussi la plus p?tillante, jalousait quelque peu l??norme
poitrine de son amie. Pauline avait deux beaux melons ? la place de ses seins alors qu?Alexia avait une jolie petite poitrine ronde.
Cela faisait quelques temps qu?elle ourdissait un plan pour exploiter les seins de son amie. Lui faire payer ses avantages qu?elle jugeait injustifi?s
et profiter d?elle et de ses seins pour son propre plaisir par la m?me occasion.
- Ca te dit un tournoi de poker en ligne ce soir chez moi?? On est vendredi alors on a le temps?!
- Un tournoi Alexia??
- Oui?! Tu viens avec ton portable et moi avec le mien et on joue sur un tournoi toutes les deux. Celle qui va le plus loin gagne?!
- Ca peut ?tre amusant?!
- On peut m?me int?resser plus la partie?!
- Comment??
- Disons que celle qui perd devient l?esclave de l?autre pendant tout le week-end?!
- Esclave du genre totalement soumise ? l?autre??
- Oui impossible de rien refuser?!
- M?me du sexe?!
- Oui?!
- Tu sais, si je gagne, je t?emm?ne dans une ferme pour te faire baiser par un ?ne?!
- Salope?! dit Alexia en frissonnant, moins s?re d?avoir eu une bonne id?e. Si je gagne, je m?occupe de tes seins pendant tout le week-end?!
- Chiche?!
- Chiche?!
- A ce soir alors?!
- Je ne me d?gonflerai pas et je compte gagner pour prostituer ta poitrine de grosse truie?!
- Je ferai de toi mon ?nesse?!
Les deux jeunes filles se s?par?rent ? l?entr?e de la fac pour aller ? leurs cours de la journ?e.
Toutes deux ?taient tr?s excit?es ? l?id?e de ce qui se profilait pour leur week-end. Excit?es et angoiss?es tout ? la fois. L?id?e de gagner leur plaisait bien
mais le prix
? payer si elles perdaient leur semblait un peu lourd ? chacune.
Alexia laissa tomber sa journ?e de cours, n??coutant rien, se concentrant sur les trucs et astuces du poker, les strat?gies pour optimiser son jeu, connaitre toutes les
mauvaises mains. Elle voulait pouvoir jouer avec les seins de Pauline.
Cette derni?re profita du midi pour aller jouer en ligne quelques parties gratuites. Elle r?vait depuis toujours de faire passer son amie sous un ?ne. Voir son
joli corps nu
sous la b?te, avec son ?norme sexe qui allait p?n?trer brutalement en elle en la faisant crier puis remuer pour la saillir comme une simple ?nesse. Elle n?avait
pas du tout
la moindre envie de perdre.
Le soir, les deux jeunes filles s?install?rent dans la chambre de la r?sidence universitaire d?Alexia. En raison de l?enjeu, elles d?siraient ?viter tout
contact familial pendant
les prochains jours.
Il y avait justement un tournoi de s?lection pour le WPT ce soir l?. Les deux jeunes femmes s?inscrivirent en m?me temps, chacune guettant les r?sultats
de l?autre au fil
des tours qui commenc?rent ? s?enchainer. Au bout d?une heure, Pauline caracolait en t?te et Alexia dut jouer son tapis avec une main faible. Elle eut cependant
de la chance,
sortant un brelan de 3 qui la renfloua.
Deux bonnes heures plus tard, les deux jeunes femmes se retrouv?rent sur l?une des tables finales du jour, la m?me table.
La tension entre elles ?tait extr?me et chacune essayait de bien cacher son ?cran ? l?autre ainsi que leurs r?actions. Pauline fit tapis avec une paire d?as en main.
Elle eut la
bonne surprise de voir Alexia la suivre. Tout allait se jouer sur cette main. Le tirage des 3 cartes sortit un 5, un 8 et une dame. Rien de bien int?ressant.
Pauline sentait bien
les choses. Alexia qui esp?rait une couleur fut d??ue de voir que seules des cartes rouges ?taient sorties alors qu?elle poss?dait deux tr?fles. La suivante ne
les int?ressa
pas plus, un 2 de c?ur. Pauline sentait que ses d?sirs allaient enfin se r?aliser. La derni?re carte fit pousser un soupir ? Alexia. Un valet de tr?fle.
Il ?tait temps qu?un tr?fle
sorte enfin.
Pauline vit son jeu s?afficher ? l??cran, fi?re de sa paire d?as. Elle se figea d?semparer en voyant son compte tomber ? z?ro et un message lui signifiant son
s?afficher. Elle vit horrifi?e qu?Alexia poss?dait une suite, poss?dant un 9 et un 10.
Alexia plus du tout int?ress?e par la suite du tournoi enchaina tapis sur tapis, sans faire attention ? ce qu?elle avait et finit par perdre apr?s une dizaine
de tours suppl?mentaires.
Elle avait perdu le tournoi mais gagn? le pari.
Pauline la regarda inqui?te.
- Tu sais ce qui t?attend?!
- Tu es s?rieuse??
- Oui?!
- C??tait pour rire les gages non??
- Non?! A poil et vite?!
- S?il te plait?!
- On ne discute pas o? je me f?che?!
- J?aurai droit ? une revanche??
- Vendredi soir prochain oui?!
- Ok dans ce cas allons-y.
Pauline commen?a par sagement retirer ses chaussures puis ses collants avant de faire glisser sa jupe au sol. Elle recommen?a ? protester un peu mais Alexia lui colla
une gifle s?che sur chaque joue.
- Tu es mon esclave pour tout le week-end?! Tu ob?is sinon il t?en coutera?!
- Salope?!
Pauline se prit une nouvelle paire de gifles.
- Je ne veux pas que tu filmes mon d?shabillage?!
- Tu n?as rien ? vouloir?! Tu ob?is et c?est tout?! Tu te crois o? esclave??!
Pauline re?ut ? nouveau une paire de gifles, sans oser riposter.
Elle retira son T-shirt ? regret pour se retrouver en dessous de coton fleuri devant Alexia qui filmait toute la sc?ne depuis le d?but. Ses seins mena?aient
de sortir ? tout
moment du soutien-gorge tant ils ?taient gros.
- Allez?! le soutif?!
Pauline ? regret le d?grafa et le jeta sur le tas de v?tements ? ses pieds. Les t?tons ?taient tendus, pas trop long ni trop ?pais, de belles ar?oles brunes
? leur base. Les seins
?taient vraiment aussi gros nus qu?ils lui avaient sembl?s l??tre quand Pauline ?tait habill?e. De beaux melons, bien fermes, fi?rement dress?s devant Alexia.
Pauline ?tait toute
rouge de honte de devoir les exhiber.
Alexia se d?lectait de cette vision et filmait la sc?ne, de loin puis en zoomant uniquement sur les deux superbes mamelles, de face, de cot?, de ? dos, puis de
face sur chacune
des mamelles.
Cela avait valu le temps d?attendre tout ce temps. Elle allait bien s?amuser avec cette poitrine offerte, rien qu?? elle et ? ses d?sirs.
Elle s?agenouilla pour aussi filmer ces promontoires de dessous, partant de la base et faisant glisser l?objectif jusque la pointe. Un r?gal que de voir Pauline
soumise ? sa volont? et de la voir tenter sans cesse de se maitriser, furieuse qu?Alexia la filme ainsi.
- Allez salope?! J?ai dit ? poil?!
Pauline ? regret fit glisser sa culotte pour se mettre nue devant son amie. Alexia filma la sc?ne tout en tournant autour de la jolie strip-teaseuse. Elle prit
des d?tail en gros plan
de la chatte toute ras?e et des fesses rondes de son esclave puis la fit se pencher en avant et ?carter ses fesses des deux mains pour prendre des plans
rapproch?s de son anus,
des grandes et petites l?vres intimes puis de l?int?rieur m?me de sa chatte. L?entr?e de son vagin, son orifice urinaire puis son clitoris. Elle lui ordonna
de ne pas bouger
et passa ? cot? d?elle puis devant elle pour filmer aussi ses gros seins qui pendaient sous elle.
Alexia en salivait de plaisir et de d?sir. Quelle d?lice de voir sa salope d?amie dans cette position.
- On dirait une vache qui a besoin d??tre traite comme cela?!
- Tu es une enfoir?e?!
- Pire que cela mais tu n?as pas le droit de me le dire petite vache. Tu dois au pire me remercier?!
Alexia prit une ceinture en cuir dans son armoire et la passa au cou de Pauline pour en faire une longe. Elle sera bien et la garda en main puis commen?a ?
claquer avec la main
la croupe tendue de son amie, l?emp?chant de bouger en l??tranglant avec la ceinture ? chaque amorce de mouvement de r?bellion. Elle ne cessa qu?apr?s avoir entendu
son amie pleurer un long moment puis la supplier d?arr?ter puis enfin toujours en larmes, lui promettre d??tre respectueuse et ob?issante.
- Bien?! On se comprend enfin?!
Alexia sourit et prit de nouveau un film du corps de son amie, filmant bien les fesses toutes rouges apr?s la fess?e re?ue, insistant sur les traces de ses doigts
qui se d?coupaient
par endroit sur la peau tout en ne pouvant s?emp?cher de terminer sur sa poitrine.
Elle reprit la longe en main pour maitriser Pauline et gifla rapidement et fortement ? plusieurs reprises ses seins pendant sous elle, les faisant balloter sous
ses coups et faisant
hurler de douleur Pauline, bien plus fortement que pr?c?demment. Ses jambes se d?rob?rent sous elle et elle tomba ? genoux puis ? 4 pattes aux pieds d?Alexia.
- Tu sais que tu me plais bien dans cette position?!
- Je n?ai rien fait?pourquoi me frapper encore?!
- Parce que j?adore ?a?! Tu n?as pas ? avoir des plus gros seins que moi?! Voil? ce que tu as fait?!
- C?est injuste?!
- Totalement injuste?! C?est moi qui devrais avoir tes seins?! Pas une esclave qui ne sait m?me pas quoi en faire?!
Alexia prit une chaise avec de gros pieds en bois torsad?s et la coucha sur le cot?, la coin?ant le dossier contre le mur sous les yeux de Pauline qui se demandait
ce qu?il lui prenait.
Elle revint prendre la longe et la fit reculer vers la chaise. Pauline comprit aussit?t ce qui l?attendait. Elle ?carquilla les yeux tout en protestant mollement,
ayant trop peur
d?une nouvelle correction.
Alexia lui guida les fesses de la main pour placer l?entr?e de son vagin sur le bout du pied de la chaise et tira ensuite durement sur la longe pour la forcer
? s?empaler durement
sur ce pied.
Pauline hurla de douleur et de panique, reculant trop vite ? son gout, son vagin meurtri par la torsade. La texture du bois lui irritait ?galement toute sa muqueuse
Alexia reprit son cam?scope en main pour filmer son amie ainsi prise sur le pied de chaise. Elle se mit ? son niveau et lui ordonna de se baiser sur la chaise
jusqu?? ce qu?elle
lui dise de s?arr?ter.
Elle voyait ainsi les grosses mamelles pendantes s?agiter sous ses yeux au rythme des mouvements de son amie sur le pied de chaise. Pauline souffrait ? chaque mouvement
et se sentait terriblement humili?e de devoir se prendre ainsi sur un objet devant sa copine. C??tait la premi?re fois qu?elle ?tait vue par quelqu?un en train
de se faire baiser.
Le pire c?est que cela faisait en plus tr?s mal. Le trouble ?tait aussi tr?s d?rangeant. Etre vue ainsi d?chue lui semblait bon. Elle appr?ciait ce sentiment.
N?anmoins, elle se promit
qu?elle se vengerait d?s qu?elle gagnerait au poker ? son tour.
Alexia glissa une main dans sa culotte et se caressa doucement le clitoris en regardant et en filmant ce joli spectacle. Quel plaisir que de voir Pauline ainsi
en perdition. Tant pis
si jamais elle devait le payer en retour un jour. Cela n?avait pas de prix de pouvoir profiter d?elle ? loisir ainsi.
Elle finit par baisser sa culotte et trousser sa jupe puis s?agenouilla cuisses ouvertes devant son amie.
- L?che ta maitresse esclave?! Fais-moi jouir de ta langue?!
Pauline n?avait jamais fait cela auparavant, ?tant farouchement h?t?ro. Elle grima?a et se prit deux violentes gifles sur la figure puis deux autres encore
plus violentes sur les seins.
- Fais-moi jouir?!
Pauline compris qu?elle serait frapp?e jusqu?? ce qu?elle ob?isse et se d?cida ? mettre une fin ? ses tourments en se for?ant ? passer sa langue sur la chatte
lisse d?Alexia.
Elle grima?a en sentant le gout de son excitation sur sa langue et se for?a ? entrer entre les l?vres intimes. Elle se concentra sur le clitoris, tout en essayant
d?oublier ce qu?elle ?tait
en train de faire. Elle ?tait nue ? 4 pattes en train de se baiser sur un pied de chaise en bois torsad?, une longe au cou et elle l?chait son amie dont elle ?tait
pour les prochains jours.
Cela la fit jouir en m?me temps qu?Alexia de penser ? tout cela. Elle se prit aussit?t une ?norme claque sur le cul, Alexia lui reprochant son plaisir qu?elle ne
lui avait pas
permis de prendre.
Elle remonta sa culotte, se promettant de reprofiter pendant le week-end des talents de son amie. Quel pied elle avait pris?! Elle s?installa devant son micro et
se connecta sur
facebook sur le profil de son amie.
- Vient taper ton mot de passe esclave?!
- Ha non?! Pas question?! Tu ne touches pas mon profil?! dit Pauline apr?s s??tre d?faite du pied de chaise et s??tre approch?e de l??cran.
Aussit?t Alexia attrapa la ceinture pour ?trangler Pauline sans pr?caution. Cette derni?re suffoquant s?agenouilla, perdant ses forces. Alexia lib?ra un peu la
ceinture et
claqua les gros seins de son esclave ? toute vol?e.
Pauline s?effondra sur le sol, le souffle coup? par la douleur, incapable de parler et de bouger.
- Tu as compris cette fois?? Tu vas me taper ton mot de passe que je m?occupe de ton profil facebook?!
- Piti? oui?! Ne me tape plus?! Je vais le faire?
- Tu vois quand tu veux?! Je vais finir par croire que tu aimes que je te frappe?! Alors que moi je d?teste cela?! Je ne le fais pas pour mon plaisir mais
pour le tien tout cela?!
Pauline pr?f?ra ne rien dire devant la mauvaise foi ?vidente de son amie et maitresse du week-end. Elle parvint ? se redresser et la mort dans l??me, elle donna
tous les acc?s
de son profil ? son amie.
- Il est temps que tes amis puissent voir un peu ta vraie nature et qu?ils te d?couvrent un peu mieux physiquement?! Tu vas avoir du succ?s ? mon avis?!
- S?il te plait?Ne fais pas de b?tises?
- C?est pour ton bien ma ch?rie?!
Alexia commen?a ? uploader les petits films qu?elle avait r?alis?s de son amie. Elle mit en ligne plusieurs photos de son strip-tease, des photos de ses
seins nus, de sa chatte,
de son cul, d?elle ouverte ? 4 pattes tenue par la ceinture et aussi en train de se baiser sur le pied de chaise.
Elle donna ensuite le droit ? tout le monde de voir les films de tous ces d?licieux moments.
Rapidement, Alexia et Pauline virent le nombre de personne consultant tout cela augmenter. Alexia donna libre acc?s ? toutes les personnes connues et inconnues
qui en firent la demande.
- Tu vas devenir l?une des vedettes du moment je crois dit Alexia en pouffant de rire.
Alexia passa ensuite une annonce qu?elle cacha ? Pauline. Elle souhaitait trouver un m?decin qui puisse faire une piqure d?hormones provoquant
la lactation chez son amie.
En ?change, il aurait le droit de se payer en nature avec Pauline.
Les r?ponses ne tard?rent pas ? arriver. Plusieurs lui propos?rent le m?me produit et apr?s quelques recherches sur le net, Alexia parvint ? la conclusion que
les propositions
?taient bien s?rieuses. Elle se d?cida alors ? s?lectionner un m?decin pouvant faire l?injection miracle ? Pauline.
Elle d?couvrit ravie un m?decin nain. Elle lui demanda aussit?t ses exigences qui lui parurent raisonnables. Elle se mit d?accord avec lui et fut heureuse de
savoir qu?il pouvait
agir d?s le soir m?me.
Alexia rajusta sa tenue et tira sur la ceinture pour faire avancer Pauline ? 4 pattes. Arriv?es ? la porte de la chambre, Pauline se mit ? protester vivement.
- Ne fait pas ta mijaur?e ma ch?rie?! Il y a plusieurs milliers de personnes qui t?ont vu en train de baiser avec une chaise sur le net. Dont une bonne
cinquantaine de filles
de cette r?sidence?Alors ton cul et tes nichons, tout le monde les connait maintenant?!
- S?il te plait non?! Je ne peux pas?!
Alexia pin?a le clitoris de son amie jusqu?? ce qu?elle fonde en larmes et capitule. Elle ouvrit alors sa porte et sans m?nagement, elle la fit sortir dans
le couloir en tirant sur la ceinture.
Elle parcourut tout l??tage ainsi avec Pauline ? 4 pattes nue derri?re elle et passa expr?s par la partie foyer de la r?sidence.
Les applaudissements furent nourris lors de leur arriv?e. Tout le monde en profita pour tapoter, masser, peloter, tripoter le cul et les seins de Pauline sous
pr?texte de la flatter
comme l?animal et l?esclave qu?elle ?tait.
Pauline malgr? elle se mit ? mouiller et se l?entendit reprocher par de nombreuses filles, pour sa plus grande honte. Alexia prolongea ce moment plus que
n?cessaire et se rendit
compte qu?elle allait ?tre en retard ? son rendez-vous. Elle tira alors sur la ceinture et se mit ? courir vers la porte pour sortir sur le campus, Pauline
essayant de suivre le rythme,
?trangl?e sans cesse par la ceinture qui se serrait sur son cou.
Alexia se retournait fr?quemment pour profiter du spectacle de ses seins ?normes qui bougeaient en tous sens. Cela l?excitait plus que tout. Elle h?sita puis ouvrit
le coffre
de sa voiture pour y faire entrer Pauline, tout en la tirant par les t?tons pour ?viter qu?elle ne proteste ou r?siste. Elle les sentit bien dur entre ses doigts
et les malaxa un peu
avant de bien les ?craser puis d?y planter ses ongles. Pauline n?esquissa aucun geste de refus, pleurant de douleur en raison de ce traitement et rentra le plus
vite possible
dans le coffre de la petite voiture.
Alexia lui claqua bien les fesses pour accompagner la fin du mouvement et entra aussi son index et son majeur droit d?un coup ? fond dans l?anus de Pauline.
Elle les fit tourner
pour s?amuser, excit?e par le fait de l?enculer comme cela le cul bien visible de tous les passants.
Un petit attroupement se provoqua rapidement, encourageant Alexia ? lui ouvrir encore plus le cul, ? ?carter ses doigts dedans. Elle le fit pour s?amuser puis
ensuite fit se retourner
Pauline et la fit mettre ? genoux dans le coffre mamelles offertes.
Toutes les filles pr?sentes eurent alors le droit de profiter de ses seins. L?une d?elle aspira ses t?tons tout ? tour pour y boire comme si Pauline avait du lait.
Comme rien ne venait,
elle imita le b?b? qui s?impatientait et mordit dans les t?tons comme affam?e.
Une autre des filles s?amusa ? tirer sur les t?tons en les allongeant comme pour traire une vache. Elle ?tait tr?s fi?re d??tre issue de la campagne et de pouvoir
montrer son savoir.
Elle massa de plus en plus fort les t?tons, les ?tirant de plus en plus avec ses doigts puis avec ses paumes de main pour finir par les traire tr?s durement
comme si c??tait des pis
d?animaux. Alexia s?empressa de l?inviter ? passer les voir le lendemain apr?s-midi, se disant que l? il y aurait vraiment du lait ? faire sortir.
Une autre fille tr?s d?lur?e, baissa son jean et sa culotte pour se mettre ? moiti? nue devant tout le monde. Elle n?en pouvait plus d?excitation et tirant
sur l?une des
mamelles de Pauline, elle la for?a ? se placer de fa?on ? ce qu?elle puisse se caresser la chatte avec le sein et son t?ton.
Rapidement, elle g?mit comme une folle de plaisir, se frottant le clitoris du t?ton de Pauline. Alexia faillit en jouir rien qu?en voyant cela et en ?coutant
la fille g?mir et finalement
jouir extr?mement fort. Elle se dit qu?il fallait aussi qu?elle essaye cela mais pas en public. Elle aurait le temps ce week-end de tester en t?te ? t?te
avec Pauline, ou plut?t
en t?ton ? clito?
Une derni?re fille se lan?a et exhiba ses seins, de beaux melons un peu plus gros que ceux de Pauline. Alexia avait bien envie d?en faire son esclave aussi
en les voyant mais
elle se dit qu?il lui fallait ?tre raisonnable. Pauline, c??tait bien assez suffisant?!
La fille se baissa et se mit t?tons contre t?tons avec Pauline. Elle commen?a un petit jeu de caresses l?g?res, les t?tons se fr?lant les uns les autres puis
elle frotta un peu plus fort
ses seins contre les t?tons de Pauline. Une fois bien excit?e, elle se pressa mamelles contre mamelles et embrassa Pauline, fouillant sa bouche de sa langue,
sans la laisser respirer.
Quand elle abandonna enfin sa proie, elle saisit durement les mamelles de Pauline, les pressant des mains pour les allonger et faire jaillir bien fort ses
t?tons et comme si c??tait
des objets, elle se servit ainsi des t?tons pour se faire un massage de la poitrine. Cela dura une bonne dizaine de minutes avant qu?elle ne jouisse.
Pauline ?tait fourbue, les mamelles meurtries, douloureuses m?me lors de simples petits coups de vent. Elle re?ut avec plaisir l?ordre d?Alexia de se coucher
dans le coffre pour
qu?elle puisse le refermer.
Les filles pr?sentes remerci?rent chaudement Alexia, lui demandant l?adresse facebook de Pauline et lui promettant d?envoyer les petits films que certaines
avaient tourn?s
avec Pauline ainsi dans son coffre servant ? certaines d?entre elles pour qu?ils puissent ?tre mis en ligne.
Elle s?installa enfin ? son volant pour prendre la route en direction de la piqure miracle du docteur contact? sur le net. Cela promettait?
“Hey you, new girl,” she heard Rebecca, the school “mean girl” say behind her back. “Who me?” Alexia asked, as if she could be referring to anyone else at the empty table Alexia sat at. “Yeah, you, I notice you eat alone most of the time” “I, know, I guess I haven’t made friends yet here.” Alexia sheepishly replied, her long brown hair swaying as she turned around. “Whatever, you wanna sit by yourself all year? “No” “Good, then you’re going to have to do something for me,...
Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...
Alexia couldn't remember much, she had no idea how she got here. She remembered going to bed last night and the next thing she knew when she woke up she was almost in the middle of nowhere with a large wizard's tower in the distance. She seemed to be the same as she remembered, a lithe brunette with C cups and about 5'4", also she could clearly remember she was 24. She wasn't the most beautiful but she was still sought after and had a fairly desirable appearance, it was more of the "girl next...
FetishAlexia is my trans friend real name, Billie is her nick name, I ask her if she wants to spend some with me at the cabin, I haven’t told her about the wolf yet, I don’t think she would understand the relationship I have with it, it’s different from our buddies on the farm, they know something different about me. We get to the cabin Billie’s already getting naked, we take our stuff to the cabin, I sense the wolf is close and his pack is too, Alexia goes to the truck and is...
The secret sissy in question claimed to be a young, successful man,heading his own department at work and living the good life. But heyearned for his teen years, where he would passably dress up and meet menoff the internet. He wanted to be completely broken and feminized to thepoint of no return.Here is what I had to say, and after writing the little scenario at theend I thought it might be a good enough start for my first posting tothis site.Without further ado:Hey there- this is a long...
Sunlight beamed through the curtains, warming up the room. Under the sheets, a mildly aroused Alexia laid half asleep, one finger halfway up her ass and her mouth gently sucking on her other hand’s fingers. Her cock was slightly bulging, as it tried to break free from its fabric cage, causing it to pull on the thong. Her hair was messy, but in a way that you’d love to see after a good night’s rest. Her eyes opened, and Alexia realised what she was doing."Oh!“ she squealed, as she pulled her...
CrossdressingLooks like it's never gonna stop," Alexia muttered, the warm vapor from the cocoa rising past her face like a discounted sauna. Her voice pitched higher, much to her liking, she continued, "twenty-four years old, with a job as a writer. Yet I'm bored."The maroon cardigan wrapped her exposed shoulders, but did little to envelop her breasts upon which she rested her hands that held the cocoa. Her legs, warmed by the stockings, lay crossed to one side, elegantly covering what the skirt wouldn't....
CrossdressingIntroduction: ever get turned on by the geeks? As he walked into the library, the first thing he noticed was the librarian. She was a quiet, timid woman, someone whose husband always took her in the missionary position, with it all over in forty five seconds. He admired her body from afar, she wasnt exactly a porn star, but she was tall and slim. Her breasts were small yet erect, and her face was soft, with full lips. If only a man who knew what he was doing would get in bed with her, she would...
Savitha, Rajitha, Madan, and I were the ‘Bitches And Bastards’. The lust story began when Madan left to go to the USA. The very next day, I got a notification in my WhatsApp. When I opened it, I found myself in a new group. There were only Rajitha, Savitha and I in that group. I asked why wasn’t Madan in this group, then Savitha replied, Savitha: Vadu us lo unnadu kada ra, so vadini disturb cheyyadam enduku ani mana 3 member’s ki ee group create chesaanu (As he is in the USA, let’s not disturb...
Doston mai Kanpur ka rahene wala mera nam Mahendra hai.Mai antarvasna.Com ka niyamit pathak hun. Mai noida me job karta hun. Mai apko ek apni kahani sunane ja raha hun. Meai 22 sal ka mere lund ka size 9 inces muthhh marte marte tedha ho gaya hai but ache achho ke pani chudha deta hai.Samay na barbad karte huye kahani me aata hun. Mera ek frnd hai kanpur ka Raj vo Bangalore me job karta hai usko ek girlfriend hai uska nam soni thi. Rajveer aya chuttii me to ham mile to usne soni ko bulaya...
Hii iss readers… Jivan again …. Mere bareme aap sap jante hai…. Aur janane ke liye meri pichali kahaniya padhiye.Pune se koi aunty,bhabhi,ladaki company chahati hai to contact kare- Ye 1 saal pahale ki baat hai.Maine pune me clg join kiya tha.Mere class me ek mast ladaki thi,ekdam maal.Height 5″ 3,black hairs,black eyes,ekdam gori,gulabi rasile hot,patali kamar aur boobs to ekdam ubhare hue.Ji karta abhi pakad kar pyas bujhau.Usaka naam manisha tha.Sabhi ladake usapr try karte the. Mai to...
Hi, this is Stephen 28 from Chennai. I am a regular Indian sex story reader. This is my third sex story, feedback and comments are welcome Last time I had a great sex with my next door lady. I got good responses via email. Ladies and girls in Chennai can contact me for chat, sex, date. Your privacy will be secured with me. Coming to the story. I was injured on my knee, so the doctor advised me to take bed rest for three whole months. Being a lazy fellow I liked that opportunity, but later I...
IncestMy wife and some of my friends tell me I'm a total asshole. I know I can be a little inflexible at times but an asshole? Never. I was always taught as I grew up to do the right thing, be honest and ethical. Sometimes I think I am maybe a little too inflexible when it comes to ethics and doing the right thing. I suppose, looking back at what I did I wasn't honest and ethical but I plead momentary (well maybe not so momentary) insanity. Hell, that plea gets hardened criminals off or a lesser...
So many things happened to me in 1958 that it is difficult to pick out just one happening and say that it defined the year for me. It would be very easy to say which thing was worst and which was best though. I'd like to tell you about the best thing that happened, the first time I ever fell in love. I was sixteen, and a junior in high school. My only romantic experiences with girls had been short term, spur of the moment, sexual opportunities. I'd never so much as had a real date before,...
Lying on my bed, with my phone pressed against my ear, I listen to you plea with me. “Baby, please, I need you,” I hear you insist on telling me. I hear the want in your voice, making me tremble with need. My fingers roam over my semi-naked body, caressing myself how I would like you to caress me. All I have on are your favourite pair of pink panties. The ones you love so much on me. They fit my perfect ass, as you always love to tell me. “I need you too, baby,” I whisper lightly. “Tell me...
A sudden jolt like an electric shock jarred me back intoconsciousness, my hand still clamped around the old man’s palm; but now it was still and lifeless. Across the bed the heart monitor registered only a flat green line. Suddenly the warm comforting glow of the room’s night light was replaced by the harsh white light of a medical emergency. Medics seemed to be everywhere; I hear the instruction ‘CLEAR’, then the body on the bed jolted. My own body spasmed as if in sympathy with my old friend....
SupernaturalHer Husband came from out of station…… One day Chetan Gupta approached me saying that he is going for out of country for 3 months and I should take care of the house ……. I agreed to it and next day he went to the airport saying good bye to his wife and his baby…… and My planning to seduce her started here … Next day she came to me and handed over the house key saying that she is going to the market and i suppose to clean the house and she gone …… My mind worked here .. I made a duplicate key...
After we got our NZCAA grounding done but were still on probation, Grace said, "Ok, David. You've been brooding like a mother hen expecting chicks. What is the matter?" "Nothing," I replied. But she must have seen something in my eye, she thought it might be anger. "Who are you mad at?" "Nobody," I was very short with her, " ... I'm not mad at anyone." "You're sure? You don't look like it. Let me try again," she said. I stormed out of the house. The past month, I had...
The Trained Husband By Steve Birkett Thursday "Come here Stephanie" a voice from the hallway called. "Come along, we have to get you to the gates by 10 o'clock and it's 9.30 now" There was a click of heels on the stairs and a figure slowly descended to stand by the lady with the voice. "Good, so let's go, we don't want you late for your first day of service. Madame Crize does not tolerate lateness and you wouldn't want to...
She was silent for a second; I had caught her off guard. But, I could hear the smile in her voice when she answered. “Of course, lover. What did you have in mind?” she queried. “I want you to help me rape your sister.” I said matter of factly “What?” she said confused “Rachel will give you pretty much whatever you want. What do you mean ‘rape’? “When she was seducing my boss today and I was watching, I started to get pissed and jealous. She never came on to me like that. Granted I...
Hi readers, i am here after a long period of time. Just now i had leisure time to describe about one of pleasing sex exp in my life. I will never forget the four months that which i spent in cochin when i was doing my industrial exposure training in one of the leading 5 star hotel . I got screwed in hotel as they treated me like a machine so i was desperate to have sex, what i did is i just published a ad in one of the dating sites to my surprise i got a call from a girl called becky who was...
IncestThat night, Paul was dozing after lights-out in the ward when he had another visitor. This one was a nurse he'd never seen before. She was attractive and fairly young -- perhaps 35 or 40 -- and she spoke softly, so as not to awaken any of his ward mates. "You OK, Trooper?" she asked. "I'm fine." "Need to run a test," the nurse said, and gestured for Paul to work with her to leave his bed and move into a wheelchair beside it. This was unusual. What test would be scheduled for 11:30...
Shared by Two LoversOur car pulls up in his driveway. We have escaped from our place with nosy teenagers..] We had previously decided to watch DVD’s together me and two guys.Let me describe myself, I am a 5"2 brown haired, blue eyed and sexy I have large bouncing breasts that will fill a man’s hand, firm erect nipples, flattish tummy, big hips, big bum, big thighs, and a shaved pussy *meow*. My lovers are two wonderful men both about 5’4”, larger guys with warm and tender kisses, roaming...
MatureOnce my parents were out for a 2 days trip and they asked my neighbour to take care of me.She is un married and she is 28yrs old.That day she came to my house and we were watching TV.As usual she was watching TV serial and I was playing my PSP. At that time I saw her waist and I was tempted to touch it.But I was afraid.That evening she asked whether we can go out somewhere.I suggested a place at long distance. As we were going in her scooty in a straight free road I saw her waist I was...
Rennen! Das war momentan Noras einziger Gedanke. Möglichst schnell, möglichst weit weg. Die Rufe hinter ihr nahm sie genauso wenig wahr, wie die Leute, welche ihr auf dem Bürgersteig erschrocken auswichen. Die Ampel vor ihr war auf rot, doch sie achtete gar nicht darauf. Sie rannte über die Strasse, sprang über die Motorhaube eines Volvos, welcher erschrocken abbremste. Sie warf einen Blick über die Schulter. Entsetzt merkte sie, dass der Mann, von dem sie seit dem Einkaufszentrum verfolgt...
Harley Haze is practicing a speech in her room when her stepmom, Shay Sights, comes in and overhears. Shay is surprised to learn that Harley made valedictorian, but wasn’t told about it. Harley admits that she didn’t say anything since she’s nervous because being valedictorian means she’ll have to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. She has trouble with public speaking. Shay is comforting as she helps Harley practice enunciating with some verbal exercises, but they...
xmoviesforyouI decided to search for Mr. B's e-mail address. I looked on a few search engines and found it!! I sent him a note telling him the following. Hi BD = sweet young things sucking or fucking on big cock. You watch those cum in my mouth. But before we do anything, I want you to cum in my little pussy as you fuck me into orgasm after orgasm. Write me back and let me know when and where we'll meet. I can't wait. Love WTH! Well it was 3 days before I got a response from BD. He told me he wanted to meet...
VoyeurIntroduction: Alyce is found fucking another man I walked in and heard sounds of sex coming from my wife. At this point I figured she was just online and using one of her tools to get off, but that changed when I heard the grunt of a man. I stopped in my tracks. I had assumed the vehicle parked out front was for one of her female clients, my wife does makeup for women in a private setting, teaching them how to apply it as well as giving them facials (oh, I wish). So I entered the house with my...
July, 1982, Milford, Ohio I woke up early on Friday morning to make breakfast for Kara and her mom before she went to work. Mrs. Blanchard was surprised, but very pleased. After her mom left for work, Kara gave me a fierce kiss. “Thanks for staying in and cooking breakfast for us,” Kara said. “I hope that doesn’t cause you trouble with Stephanie, with you breaking your normal routine.” “Don’t worry about it,” I said, kissing her back. “We got in a bit later than I expected, and she’ll...
"It makes no difference... If you're a boy or a girl... You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it, Come on, Vogue" -- Madonna/Madonna and S.Pettibone A Life Ever Changing #37: Strike a Pose By Angel We went into the jewelry room and my aunties were there waiting for me. Their eyes were huge and they both were smiling real big when they saw me... I could not believe the attention I was getting! Everyone there was staring and pointing at me. My aunties came...
I was 33 years old at the time. I had a friend who had a service for dating. One night she called and needed a favor. She only had women in her stable and had been contacted by a 62 year old widow for some company. I had never done anything like that, but it was a Friday night about 10:00PM and I was home with nothing to do but watch the tube. I told her I’d call the woman. I phoned the widow. She told me her husband had passed away over a year ago and she hadn’t had sex since. ‘I’m horny and...
I straightened my uniform before standing and taking the leash to the float. It was brand new and held my Kit, EQ and weapon’s bags. I walked off the shuttle and entered one of the riches starports in the empire. I ignored officers and enlisted as they snapped to attention. In the main concourse was a sharply dressed colonel. He stepped in front of me and saluted, “sergeant England.” I looked at him carefully, “Yes sir.” He smiled and turned to fall in beside me, “I decided to pick you up...
When Carter Cruise walks into her massage appointment, she finds her friend’s sister, Aali Kali, there to greet her. While they reminisce on old times, Carter asks her if she’s the one that’s going to massage her. When Aali checks the schedule, she confirms that it is indeed her. In the backroom, Aali asks her to take off her clothes. When Carter sees that she’s about to give her some privacy she tells her that she doesn’t have to leave. She takes off her clothes...
xmoviesforyouIt's for Charity Mr. Edgar Murray, one of the heads of the well-respected Lionheart Charitable Foundation, walked through his modest office with a proud and confident stride. He sat down at his desk, interlacing his fingers together as his shrewd eyes fixed themselves on the two youths sitting before him. One was pale skinned, had red hair and green eyes and seemed to have a constant sneer on his freckled face. The other one had much darker skin, brown eyes, black hair and a tattoo of a hawk on...
I have been recently started reading stories on ISS were fascinated to see the real hot stories put up by you all. Inspired by this I wanted to put a real story of my own which happened four years back but still the memory of it make me horny and turn me on. Actually this was my fantasy, which came true. This was not different from the fantasies of my other friends who love watching there wife fucked by a stranger. Since time ago this was my fantasy to see my wife have other cock in her pussy,...
It was April of 1993. One of the nice things that my boss would do for me was to invite my wife along to our annual convention and trade show, on the company’s dime. For the most part, they were boring events, but it was fun having Kelly along to keep me company. The convention was in San Diego. We had time to do a bunch of tourist stuff, USS Midway, the zoo, etc.Although Kelly was always dressed to catch the eye, and we fucked like bunnies every night, nothing special or unusual came our way....
Quickie SexWhen you go to college out of state and your first return home is Christmas break, well, that can be a bit distressing, at least it was for me, because I had changed in those few months. Not changed so much as was freed, that’s the word. I felt free. I didn’t have to worry about the other k**s at school and my parents always being over my shoulder. It was just me. When I slept, what I ate, where I went, and who I saw, they were all my choices. I could walk around campus in the middle of the...
Dressed in his boxers and a tee-shirt, Jack was sitting beside Erin at the kitchen table. He watched her take a bite of her sweet and sour chicken that he had ordered in after helping her with a shower. Along with her panties, she was wearing one of his old flannel shirts that had faded so much the blue color looked gray. The shirt came to the top of her knees. He had insisted that she stay the night with him and she hadn't argued with him. She had simply nodded and let him take care of her....
Rob knew his friend Jake often came down to the lake woods in the warmer weather for nude dip in the water, among other things. Once certain that he was alone, Jake said, he would strip down completely and enjoy a swim, then masturbate naked in the open air while he dried off on the rock. “No one’s ever there.” he told his buddy."And it keeps me from going crazy in this world", Jake smiled, "Especially when I don’t have a lover to help out with those fundamental release kinds of things. You...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, I am poker(name changed) and my size is satisfactory 6 inches. I am reading the stories since my 10th, which is about 8 years. Recently I had my share of experience with a woman of my dreams seemu.. If you like to share some experiences or have my service, ping me on I am residing in Chennai for a job since 2 years and I needed a medical certificate recently for some purpose. For that I found my seniors wife to be a doctor and approached him. He told to...
Where No Man Has Gone Before By Wholeman SUMMARY: This in an original work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. We all know aliens are ugly gray skinny dudes without any sexuality at all. Don't we? WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and virtually no plot. It has onlythe strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't! Permission is hereby given to archive...
A day of relaxation would be awesome and so enjoyable with you. Waking up with you in the morning- nothing could get any better. I turn to you, looking at you still wearing your peek-a-boo nightie from Victoria Secret in pink and smile. You're still asleep and I begin to caress your face slowly and softly with the back of my hand. Reaching your soft lips I lightly touch them and smile, leaning in to kiss you, my hands combing through your soft hair. You wake up from the feeling of me kissing...
Straight SexAugust, 1984, Chicago, Illinois “You up for a movie?” Stephanie asked. “Sure. What do you want to see?” I asked. “Purple Rain - the new Prince movie. The music has to be awesome and Kara’s OK with it.” I chuckled, “Sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll! Exactly the reason Kara’s dad never wanted her to go to the movies!” Kara laughed, “I like two of the three. I’ve never tried any drugs!” “Me either,” I said. “Oops!” Stephanie giggled. “Squirt?” I asked, surprised at the revelation. “Pot....
One of the best feelings about buying new articles of clothing is trying them out. The gorgeous blonde hottie, Skye Blue, tries on her new black sheer stockings and garter belt. While Skye takes selfies of her naked body in the stockings, she suddenly feels like someone is watching her. The busty bombshell calls out whoever is by the door. As it turns out, Donte Inferno has been looking at her naked body and enjoying the show from the start. Instead of getting mad at her peeping roomie, Skye...
xmoviesforyouHi, this is Vatsal back again from Gujarat. Thank you for showing such love to my writing. I really appreciate it. Without any further delay, let’s get started with the next part. Do give a read to the previous part. As Neelam aunt was satisfied with the pleasure I gave to her, she was hugging me tightly in satisfaction. Her mind was constantly running on how to squeeze me in every possible manner. But as she was happy and it was her birthday, she thought to give me a return gift. She loosened...
IncestWednesday, June 19, 2019I've promised several people a story. We have had many experiences worth writting about this past year. Last night's is one that I hope our followers will enjoy.We have been trying to find a fourth person to video us. We utilized Lucy a while back, but she keeps making excuses to not do it again so we moved on. I found a gentleman that lives realitively close. After screening him I relayed the information on Randy to both my wife Agness and Brett her Bullfriend. The...
But...I went to her and put my arms around her thick and curvy thighs.There were two big and huge thighs in front of me and i felt suffocated when she opened her legs and allowed my face to get between her thighs.At this time i also felt the warmth of her fat pussy on my neck as my face was down.She bent down and picked me up pulling my hairs and stared in my eyes with anger and lust.I did'nt knew what is going to happen now.As my breath was stopped,by the time she yelled like a tigress and...
Monday At WorkI didn't return home until Sunday night. I was dreading Monday and work, having to face Robert there after the events of the past few days. I prayed I could conceal from everyone there our new relationship. A forlorn hope I was to come to learn, but I still had it. At least work wouldn't be the freezer my home was when I returned Sunday at midnight. Joe was asleep in our bed and I went in he woke up looked at me and then rolled over and didn't say a word. I knew then my marriage...
I'm not sure why, but when it was just Allison and I, I don't remember dreaming at all. Maybe it had something to do with the parents coming home, or being back in my bed. Whatever the reason, it seemed like as soon as I hit my pillow I found myself in the hallway outside, of all places, Shannon's room. I had been trying to think of how to talk to her but hadn't come to any real conclusions. I guess somewhere in my head a part of me thought I was ready.
Well I said I would tell you my story and here it is, factual and in full. If you are looking for a pornographic article, please look elsewhere; lovers of pornography are liable to be somewhat disappointed. Chapter 1 We have some good friends, Annette and Tony who have a son the same age as our daughter. It was through playschool and nursery school that the women became firm friends, and Tony and myself followed on with the odd game of golf, which became a regular...
What if you could just transform yourself? And everything that one would have to do for it would be quite simple? The biologist Rupert Sheldrake calls a hypothetical field a morphic field, which is supposed to be responsible as a "form-forming causation" for the development of structures both in biology, physics, chemistry, but also in the society and among other things influences the optical appearance of beings and things. In this story now someone finds out how, and that very simply. All...
FantasyJerry Holt slowed down as the lane he had been driving on ended and a large opening among the tall pine trees came into sight. “Hey, sleepyhead, wake up, we are here.” There was a stirring from the passenger seat and Hazel opened her eyes. She blinked a few times against the harsh sunlight coming over the treetops and then rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?” she said, her voice deep and husky. “Just after nine, we are in time for breakfast.” Jerry parked the car in front of a large sign...
TabooJuly – Year 1 Logistics. Not a word that anyone would normally use when describing the ins and outs of marriage, but I have suddenly found myself having a very robust internal discussion over logistics. When you are married, you go to bed with your wife; you play with your wife; you have sex with your wife; you sleep and wake up with your wife. Now I have two wives. Logistics. “Paul, you look like something just hit you between the eyes.” Lynn looked up during a break from making out with...
Hi everybody. I recently posted my First ever story on ISS and after it got published on the site I am excited to post my another real lifw story. You can get me in touch at This is an hot encounter between me and my cousin Aunty Chhaya. Now first let me say something about me. I stay in Surat now but my family was in Bangalore for quite many years. I had my schooling and college in Bangalore. I am a good looking, good physique, 5.10″ tall guy. Because of all these features i had quite many...
IncestHello friends aj may ap logo ko mery maa ka boyfiend orr usney kasey ekdin mery maa ko choda uski kahani bataunga Jasa ki app log sbhi jantey hay ki may aur meri maa bohot free hay hum ak dusrey sey har bat share kartey hay To ek din maney maa sey pucha -maa app ki koi boyfriend nahi thi? Maa thori si chouk gai fir kha -aj achanak kue puch raha hay? -bass aissey hi batao na -nahi re -honestly,mujhey biswas nahi hota app itni beautiful ho app ki koi bf nahi thi college key zamaney mey Maa jaldi...
I don’t think Margret and I slept four hour’s last night and were up and going at 6 am. I have to admire her devotion to her family and the strength she has to tackle the chores around the farm. You don’t have to stay , you can go home and I can see you later” she said on route to her home. Since it was Sunday I told her I would stay and help out,holding her hand on the way. “I am thankful you stayed in contact with me while we separated”she said “my parents never knew we weren’t a...
Channing hopped out of the car and made his way over to the other group of boys waiting for the bus. This was the first day of school and his first day at Hardin High. He had been eager all summer to go to high school. Planning and dreaming about it, he had almost driven me crazy with requests about what he could wear and how important it was that he fit in with the rest of the students. I had to shake my head, he was so different than his older sisters. They had not bothered at all...
"I need to stop, Lincoln." "We can't stop right now." "I'm going to throw up." "Try not to get it on your horse." "Lincoln, I killed a man! I'm going to throw up!" "That's why we need to keep moving. We left a man alive. I want us safe at the Inn in the next town before we stop." "That's mean!" "That's Chaos." I knew I was mean. Cadence had killed a man. The alternative was that she'd be dead. But I saw the look in the accomplice's eyes. I knew he would be on...