Alexia : Jeux De Vilaines free porn video

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Alexia : Jeux de vilaines

Chapitre 1

-        Salut Pauline

-        Salut Alexia

Les deux jolies brunes s?embrass?rent sur les deux joues. Alexia la plus petite des deux et aussi la plus p?tillante, jalousait quelque peu l??norme

poitrine de son amie. Pauline avait deux beaux melons ? la place de ses seins alors qu?Alexia avait une jolie petite poitrine ronde.

Cela faisait quelques temps qu?elle ourdissait un plan pour exploiter les seins de son amie. Lui faire payer ses avantages qu?elle jugeait injustifi?s

et profiter d?elle et de ses seins pour son propre plaisir par la m?me occasion.

-        Ca te dit un tournoi de poker en ligne ce soir chez moi?? On est vendredi alors on a le temps?!

-        Un tournoi Alexia??

-        Oui?! Tu viens avec ton portable et moi avec le mien et on joue sur un tournoi toutes les deux. Celle qui va le plus loin gagne?!

-        Ca peut ?tre amusant?!

-        On peut m?me int?resser plus la partie?!

-        Comment??

-        Disons que celle qui perd devient l?esclave de l?autre pendant tout le week-end?!

-        Esclave du genre totalement soumise ? l?autre??

-        Oui impossible de rien refuser?!

-        M?me du sexe?!

-        Oui?!

-        Tu sais, si je gagne, je t?emm?ne dans une ferme pour te faire baiser par un ?ne?!

-        Salope?! dit Alexia en frissonnant, moins s?re d?avoir eu une bonne id?e. Si je gagne, je m?occupe de tes seins pendant tout le week-end?!

-        Chiche?!

-        Chiche?!

-        A ce soir alors?!

-        Je ne me d?gonflerai pas et je compte gagner pour prostituer ta poitrine de grosse truie?!

-        Je ferai de toi mon ?nesse?!

Les deux jeunes filles se s?par?rent ? l?entr?e de la fac pour aller ? leurs cours de la journ?e.

Toutes deux ?taient tr?s excit?es ? l?id?e de ce qui se profilait pour leur week-end. Excit?es et angoiss?es tout ? la fois. L?id?e de gagner leur plaisait bien

mais le prix

? payer si elles perdaient leur semblait un peu lourd ? chacune.

Alexia laissa tomber sa journ?e de cours, n??coutant rien, se concentrant sur les trucs et astuces du poker, les strat?gies pour optimiser son jeu, connaitre toutes les

mauvaises mains. Elle voulait pouvoir jouer avec les seins de Pauline.

Cette derni?re profita du midi pour aller jouer en ligne quelques parties gratuites. Elle r?vait depuis toujours de faire passer son amie sous un ?ne. Voir son

joli corps nu

sous la b?te, avec son ?norme sexe qui allait p?n?trer brutalement en elle en la faisant crier puis remuer pour la saillir comme une simple ?nesse. Elle n?avait

pas du tout

la moindre envie de perdre.

Le soir, les deux jeunes filles s?install?rent dans la chambre de la r?sidence universitaire d?Alexia. En raison de l?enjeu, elles d?siraient ?viter tout

contact familial pendant

les prochains jours.

Il y avait justement un tournoi de s?lection pour le WPT ce soir l?. Les deux jeunes femmes s?inscrivirent en m?me temps, chacune guettant les r?sultats

de l?autre au fil

des tours qui commenc?rent ? s?enchainer. Au bout d?une heure, Pauline caracolait en t?te et Alexia dut jouer son tapis avec une main faible. Elle eut cependant

de la chance,

sortant un brelan de 3 qui la renfloua.

Deux bonnes heures plus tard, les deux jeunes femmes se retrouv?rent sur l?une des tables finales du jour, la m?me table.

La tension entre elles ?tait extr?me et chacune essayait de bien cacher son ?cran ? l?autre ainsi que leurs r?actions. Pauline fit tapis avec une paire d?as en main.

Elle eut la

bonne surprise de voir Alexia la suivre. Tout allait se jouer sur cette main. Le tirage des 3 cartes sortit un 5, un 8 et une dame. Rien de bien int?ressant.

Pauline sentait bien

les choses. Alexia qui esp?rait une couleur fut d??ue de voir que seules des cartes rouges ?taient sorties alors qu?elle poss?dait deux tr?fles. La suivante ne

les int?ressa

pas plus, un 2 de c?ur. Pauline sentait que ses d?sirs allaient enfin se r?aliser. La derni?re carte fit pousser un soupir ? Alexia. Un valet de tr?fle.

Il ?tait temps qu?un tr?fle

sorte enfin.

Pauline vit son jeu s?afficher ? l??cran, fi?re de sa paire d?as. Elle se figea d?semparer en voyant son compte tomber ? z?ro et un message lui signifiant son


s?afficher. Elle vit horrifi?e qu?Alexia poss?dait une suite, poss?dant un 9 et un 10.

Alexia plus du tout int?ress?e par la suite du tournoi enchaina tapis sur tapis, sans faire attention ? ce qu?elle avait et finit par perdre apr?s une dizaine

de tours suppl?mentaires.

Elle avait perdu le tournoi mais gagn? le pari.

Pauline la regarda inqui?te.

-        Tu sais ce qui t?attend?!

-        Tu es s?rieuse??

-        Oui?!

-        C??tait pour rire les gages non??

-        Non?! A poil et vite?!

-        S?il te plait?!

-        On ne discute pas o? je me f?che?!

-        J?aurai droit ? une revanche??

-        Vendredi soir prochain oui?!

-        Ok dans ce cas allons-y.

Pauline commen?a par sagement retirer ses chaussures puis ses collants avant de faire glisser sa jupe au sol. Elle recommen?a ? protester un peu mais Alexia lui colla

une gifle s?che sur chaque joue.

-        Tu es mon esclave pour tout le week-end?! Tu ob?is sinon il t?en coutera?!

-        Salope?!

Pauline se prit une nouvelle paire de gifles.

-        Je ne veux pas que tu filmes mon d?shabillage?!

-        Tu n?as rien ? vouloir?! Tu ob?is et c?est tout?! Tu te crois o? esclave??!

Pauline re?ut ? nouveau une paire de gifles, sans oser riposter.

Elle retira son T-shirt ? regret pour se retrouver en dessous de coton fleuri devant Alexia qui filmait toute la sc?ne depuis le d?but. Ses seins mena?aient

de sortir ? tout

moment du soutien-gorge tant ils ?taient gros.

-        Allez?! le soutif?!

Pauline ? regret le d?grafa et le jeta sur le tas de v?tements ? ses pieds. Les t?tons ?taient tendus, pas trop long ni trop ?pais, de belles ar?oles brunes

? leur base. Les seins

?taient vraiment aussi gros nus qu?ils lui avaient sembl?s l??tre quand Pauline ?tait habill?e. De beaux melons, bien fermes, fi?rement dress?s devant Alexia.

Pauline ?tait toute

rouge de honte de devoir les exhiber.

Alexia se d?lectait de cette vision et filmait la sc?ne, de loin puis en zoomant uniquement sur les deux superbes mamelles, de face, de cot?, de ? dos, puis de

face sur chacune

des mamelles.

Cela avait valu le temps d?attendre tout ce temps. Elle allait bien s?amuser avec cette poitrine offerte, rien qu?? elle et ? ses d?sirs.

Elle s?agenouilla pour aussi filmer ces promontoires de dessous, partant de la base et faisant glisser l?objectif jusque la pointe. Un r?gal que de voir Pauline


soumise ? sa volont? et de la voir tenter sans cesse de se maitriser, furieuse qu?Alexia la filme ainsi.

-        Allez salope?! J?ai dit ? poil?!

Pauline ? regret fit glisser sa culotte pour se mettre nue devant son amie. Alexia filma la sc?ne tout en tournant autour de la jolie strip-teaseuse. Elle prit

des d?tail en gros plan

de la chatte toute ras?e et des fesses rondes de son esclave puis la fit se pencher en avant et ?carter ses fesses des deux mains pour prendre des plans

rapproch?s de son anus,

des grandes et petites l?vres intimes puis de l?int?rieur m?me de sa chatte. L?entr?e de son vagin, son orifice urinaire puis son clitoris. Elle lui ordonna

de ne pas bouger

et passa ? cot? d?elle puis devant elle pour filmer aussi ses gros seins qui pendaient sous elle.

Alexia en salivait de plaisir et de d?sir. Quelle d?lice de voir sa salope d?amie dans cette position.

-        On dirait une vache qui a besoin d??tre traite comme cela?!

-        Tu es une enfoir?e?!

-        Pire que cela mais tu n?as pas le droit de me le dire petite vache. Tu dois au pire me remercier?!

Alexia prit une ceinture en cuir dans son armoire et la passa au cou de Pauline pour en faire une longe. Elle sera bien et la garda en main puis commen?a ?

claquer avec la main

la croupe tendue de son amie, l?emp?chant de bouger en l??tranglant avec la ceinture ? chaque amorce de mouvement de r?bellion. Elle ne cessa qu?apr?s avoir entendu

son amie pleurer un long moment puis la supplier d?arr?ter puis enfin toujours en larmes, lui promettre d??tre respectueuse et ob?issante.

-        Bien?! On se comprend enfin?!

Alexia sourit et prit de nouveau un film du corps de son amie, filmant bien les fesses toutes rouges apr?s la fess?e re?ue, insistant sur les traces de ses doigts

qui se d?coupaient

par endroit sur la peau tout en ne pouvant s?emp?cher de terminer sur sa poitrine.

Elle reprit la longe en main pour maitriser Pauline et gifla rapidement et fortement ? plusieurs reprises ses seins pendant sous elle, les faisant balloter sous

ses coups et faisant

hurler de douleur Pauline, bien plus fortement que pr?c?demment. Ses jambes se d?rob?rent sous elle et elle tomba ? genoux puis ? 4 pattes aux pieds d?Alexia.

-        Tu sais que tu me plais bien dans cette position?!

-        Je n?ai rien fait?pourquoi me frapper encore?!

-        Parce que j?adore ?a?! Tu n?as pas ? avoir des plus gros seins que moi?! Voil? ce que tu as fait?!

-        C?est injuste?!

-        Totalement injuste?! C?est moi qui devrais avoir tes seins?! Pas une esclave qui ne sait m?me pas quoi en faire?!

Alexia prit une chaise avec de gros pieds en bois torsad?s et la coucha sur le cot?, la coin?ant le dossier contre le mur sous les yeux de Pauline qui se demandait

ce qu?il lui prenait.

Elle revint prendre la longe et la fit reculer vers la chaise. Pauline comprit aussit?t ce qui l?attendait. Elle ?carquilla les yeux tout en protestant mollement,

ayant trop peur

d?une nouvelle correction.

Alexia lui guida les fesses de la main pour placer l?entr?e de son vagin sur le bout du pied de la chaise et tira ensuite durement sur la longe pour la forcer

? s?empaler durement

sur ce pied.

Pauline hurla de douleur et de panique, reculant trop vite ? son gout, son vagin meurtri par la torsade. La texture du bois lui irritait ?galement toute sa muqueuse


Alexia reprit son cam?scope en main pour filmer son amie ainsi prise sur le pied de chaise. Elle se mit ? son niveau et lui ordonna de se baiser sur la chaise

jusqu?? ce qu?elle

lui dise de s?arr?ter.

Elle voyait ainsi les grosses mamelles pendantes s?agiter sous ses yeux au rythme des mouvements de son amie sur le pied de chaise. Pauline souffrait ? chaque mouvement

et se sentait terriblement humili?e de devoir se prendre ainsi sur un objet devant sa copine. C??tait la premi?re fois qu?elle ?tait vue par quelqu?un en train

de se faire baiser.

Le pire c?est que cela faisait en plus tr?s mal. Le trouble ?tait aussi tr?s d?rangeant. Etre vue ainsi d?chue lui semblait bon. Elle appr?ciait ce sentiment.

N?anmoins, elle se promit

qu?elle se vengerait d?s qu?elle gagnerait au poker ? son tour.

Alexia glissa une main dans sa culotte et se caressa doucement le clitoris en regardant et en filmant ce joli spectacle. Quel plaisir que de voir Pauline ainsi

en perdition. Tant pis

si jamais elle devait le payer en retour un jour. Cela n?avait pas de prix de pouvoir profiter d?elle ? loisir ainsi.

Elle finit par baisser sa culotte et trousser sa jupe puis s?agenouilla cuisses ouvertes devant son amie.

-        L?che ta maitresse esclave?! Fais-moi jouir de ta langue?!

Pauline n?avait jamais fait cela auparavant, ?tant farouchement h?t?ro. Elle grima?a et se prit deux violentes gifles sur la figure puis deux autres encore

plus violentes sur les seins.

-        Fais-moi jouir?!

Pauline compris qu?elle serait frapp?e jusqu?? ce qu?elle ob?isse et se d?cida ? mettre une fin ? ses tourments en se for?ant ? passer sa langue sur la chatte

lisse d?Alexia.

Elle grima?a en sentant le gout de son excitation sur sa langue et se for?a ? entrer entre les l?vres intimes. Elle se concentra sur le clitoris, tout en essayant

d?oublier ce qu?elle ?tait

en train de faire. Elle ?tait nue ? 4 pattes en train de se baiser sur un pied de chaise en bois torsad?, une longe au cou et elle l?chait son amie dont elle ?tait


pour les prochains jours.

Cela la fit jouir en m?me temps qu?Alexia de penser ? tout cela. Elle se prit aussit?t une ?norme claque sur le cul, Alexia lui reprochant son plaisir qu?elle ne

lui avait pas

permis de prendre.

Elle remonta sa culotte, se promettant de reprofiter pendant le week-end des talents de son amie. Quel pied elle avait pris?! Elle s?installa devant son micro et

se connecta sur

facebook sur le profil de son amie.

-        Vient taper ton mot de passe esclave?!

-        Ha non?! Pas question?! Tu ne touches pas mon profil?! dit Pauline apr?s s??tre d?faite du pied de chaise et s??tre approch?e de l??cran.

Aussit?t Alexia attrapa la ceinture pour ?trangler Pauline sans pr?caution. Cette derni?re suffoquant s?agenouilla, perdant ses forces. Alexia lib?ra un peu la

ceinture et

claqua les gros seins de son esclave ? toute vol?e.

Pauline s?effondra sur le sol, le souffle coup? par la douleur, incapable de parler et de bouger.

-        Tu as compris cette fois?? Tu vas me taper ton mot de passe que je m?occupe de ton profil facebook?!

-        Piti? oui?! Ne me tape plus?! Je vais le faire?

-        Tu vois quand tu veux?! Je vais finir par croire que tu aimes que je te frappe?! Alors que moi je d?teste cela?! Je ne le fais pas pour mon plaisir mais

pour le tien tout cela?!

Pauline pr?f?ra ne rien dire devant la mauvaise foi ?vidente de son amie et maitresse du week-end. Elle parvint ? se redresser et la mort dans l??me, elle donna

tous les acc?s

de son profil ? son amie.

-        Il est temps que tes amis puissent voir un peu ta vraie nature et qu?ils te d?couvrent un peu mieux physiquement?! Tu vas avoir du succ?s ? mon avis?!

-        S?il te plait?Ne fais pas de b?tises?

-        C?est pour ton bien ma ch?rie?!

Alexia commen?a ? uploader les petits films qu?elle avait r?alis?s de son amie. Elle mit en ligne plusieurs photos de son strip-tease, des photos de ses

seins nus, de sa chatte,

de son cul, d?elle ouverte ? 4 pattes tenue par la  ceinture et aussi en train de se baiser sur le pied de chaise.

Elle donna ensuite le droit ? tout le monde de voir les films de tous ces d?licieux moments.

Rapidement, Alexia et Pauline virent le nombre de personne consultant tout cela augmenter. Alexia donna libre acc?s ? toutes les personnes connues et inconnues

qui en firent la demande.

-        Tu vas devenir l?une des vedettes du moment je crois dit Alexia en pouffant de rire.

Alexia passa ensuite une annonce qu?elle cacha ? Pauline. Elle souhaitait trouver un m?decin qui puisse faire une piqure d?hormones provoquant

la lactation chez son amie.

En ?change, il aurait le droit de se payer en nature avec Pauline.

Les r?ponses ne tard?rent pas ? arriver. Plusieurs lui propos?rent le m?me produit et apr?s quelques recherches sur le net, Alexia parvint ? la conclusion que

les propositions

?taient bien s?rieuses. Elle se d?cida alors ? s?lectionner un m?decin pouvant faire l?injection miracle ? Pauline.

Elle d?couvrit ravie un m?decin nain. Elle lui demanda aussit?t ses exigences qui lui parurent raisonnables. Elle se mit d?accord avec lui et fut heureuse de

savoir qu?il pouvait

agir d?s le soir m?me.

Alexia rajusta sa tenue et tira sur la ceinture pour faire avancer Pauline ? 4 pattes. Arriv?es ? la porte de la chambre, Pauline se mit ? protester vivement.

-        Ne fait pas ta mijaur?e ma ch?rie?! Il y a plusieurs milliers de personnes qui t?ont vu en train de baiser avec une chaise sur le net. Dont une bonne

cinquantaine de filles

de cette r?sidence?Alors ton cul et tes nichons, tout le monde les connait maintenant?!

-        S?il te plait non?! Je ne peux pas?!

Alexia pin?a le clitoris de son amie jusqu?? ce qu?elle fonde en larmes et capitule. Elle ouvrit alors sa porte et sans m?nagement, elle la fit sortir dans

le couloir en tirant sur la ceinture.

Elle parcourut tout l??tage ainsi avec Pauline ? 4 pattes nue derri?re elle et passa expr?s par la partie foyer de la r?sidence.

Les applaudissements furent nourris lors de leur arriv?e. Tout le monde en profita pour tapoter, masser, peloter, tripoter le cul et les seins de Pauline sous

pr?texte de la flatter

comme l?animal et l?esclave qu?elle ?tait.

Pauline malgr? elle se mit ? mouiller et se l?entendit reprocher par de nombreuses filles, pour sa plus grande honte. Alexia prolongea ce moment plus que

n?cessaire et se rendit

compte qu?elle allait ?tre en retard ? son rendez-vous. Elle tira alors sur la ceinture et se mit ? courir vers la porte pour sortir sur le campus, Pauline

essayant de suivre le rythme,

?trangl?e sans cesse par la ceinture qui se serrait sur son cou.

Alexia se retournait fr?quemment pour profiter du spectacle de ses seins ?normes qui bougeaient en tous sens. Cela l?excitait plus que tout. Elle h?sita puis ouvrit

le coffre

de sa voiture pour y faire entrer Pauline, tout en la tirant par les t?tons pour ?viter qu?elle ne proteste ou r?siste. Elle les sentit bien dur entre ses doigts

et les malaxa un peu

avant de bien les ?craser puis d?y planter ses ongles. Pauline n?esquissa aucun geste de refus, pleurant de douleur en raison de ce traitement et rentra le plus

vite possible

dans le coffre de la petite voiture.

Alexia lui claqua bien les fesses pour accompagner la fin du mouvement et entra aussi son index et son majeur droit d?un coup ? fond dans l?anus de Pauline.

Elle les fit tourner

pour s?amuser, excit?e par le fait de l?enculer comme cela le cul bien visible de tous les passants.

Un petit attroupement se provoqua rapidement, encourageant Alexia ? lui ouvrir encore plus le cul, ? ?carter ses doigts dedans. Elle le fit pour s?amuser puis

ensuite fit se retourner

Pauline et la fit mettre ? genoux dans le coffre mamelles offertes.

Toutes les filles pr?sentes eurent alors le droit de profiter de ses seins. L?une d?elle aspira ses t?tons tout ? tour pour y boire comme si Pauline avait du lait.

Comme rien ne venait,

elle imita le b?b? qui s?impatientait et mordit dans les t?tons comme affam?e.

Une autre des filles s?amusa ? tirer sur les t?tons en les allongeant comme pour traire une vache. Elle ?tait tr?s fi?re d??tre issue de la campagne et de pouvoir

montrer son savoir.

Elle massa de plus en plus fort les t?tons, les ?tirant de plus en plus avec ses doigts puis avec ses paumes de main pour finir par les traire tr?s durement

comme si c??tait des pis

d?animaux. Alexia s?empressa de l?inviter ? passer les voir le lendemain apr?s-midi, se disant que l? il y aurait vraiment du lait ? faire sortir.

Une autre fille tr?s d?lur?e, baissa son jean et sa culotte pour se mettre ? moiti? nue devant tout le monde. Elle n?en pouvait plus d?excitation et tirant

sur l?une des

mamelles de Pauline, elle la for?a ? se placer de fa?on ? ce qu?elle puisse se caresser la chatte avec le sein et son t?ton.

Rapidement, elle g?mit comme une folle de plaisir, se frottant le clitoris du t?ton de Pauline. Alexia faillit en jouir rien qu?en voyant cela et en ?coutant

la fille g?mir et finalement

jouir extr?mement fort. Elle se dit qu?il fallait aussi qu?elle essaye cela mais pas en public. Elle aurait le temps ce week-end de tester en t?te ? t?te

avec Pauline, ou plut?t

en t?ton ? clito?

Une derni?re fille se lan?a et exhiba ses seins, de beaux melons un peu plus gros que ceux de Pauline. Alexia avait bien envie d?en faire son esclave aussi

en les voyant mais

elle se dit qu?il lui fallait ?tre raisonnable. Pauline, c??tait bien assez suffisant?!

La fille se baissa et se mit t?tons contre t?tons avec Pauline. Elle commen?a un petit jeu de caresses l?g?res, les t?tons se fr?lant les uns les autres puis

elle frotta un peu plus fort

ses seins contre les t?tons de Pauline. Une fois bien excit?e, elle se pressa mamelles contre mamelles et embrassa Pauline, fouillant sa bouche de sa langue,

sans la laisser respirer.

Quand elle abandonna enfin sa proie, elle saisit durement les mamelles de Pauline, les pressant des mains pour les allonger et faire jaillir bien fort ses

t?tons et comme si c??tait

des objets, elle se servit ainsi des t?tons pour se faire un massage de la poitrine. Cela dura une bonne dizaine de minutes avant qu?elle ne jouisse.

Pauline ?tait fourbue, les mamelles meurtries, douloureuses m?me lors de simples petits coups de vent. Elle re?ut avec plaisir l?ordre d?Alexia de se coucher

dans le coffre pour

qu?elle puisse le refermer.

Les filles pr?sentes remerci?rent chaudement Alexia, lui demandant l?adresse facebook de Pauline et lui promettant d?envoyer les petits films que certaines

avaient tourn?s

avec Pauline ainsi dans son coffre servant ? certaines d?entre elles pour qu?ils puissent ?tre mis en ligne.

Elle s?installa enfin ? son volant pour prendre la route en direction de la piqure miracle du docteur contact? sur le net. Cela promettait?

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The secret sissy in question claimed to be a young, successful man,heading his own department at work and living the good life. But heyearned for his teen years, where he would passably dress up and meet menoff the internet. He wanted to be completely broken and feminized to thepoint of no return.Here is what I had to say, and after writing the little scenario at theend I thought it might be a good enough start for my first posting tothis site.Without further ado:Hey there- this is a long...

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Alexias Tale Chapter 3 Sensual Outgoings

Sunlight beamed through the curtains, warming up the room. Under the sheets, a mildly aroused Alexia laid half asleep, one finger halfway up her ass and her mouth gently sucking on her other hand’s fingers. Her cock was slightly bulging, as it tried to break free from its fabric cage, causing it to pull on the thong. Her hair was messy, but in a way that you’d love to see after a good night’s rest. Her eyes opened, and Alexia realised what she was doing."Oh!“ she squealed, as she pulled her...

2 years ago
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Alexias Tale Chapter 2 Online Exploration

Looks like it's never gonna stop," Alexia muttered, the warm vapor from the cocoa rising past her face like a discounted sauna. Her voice pitched higher, much to her liking, she continued, "twenty-four years old, with a job as a writer. Yet I'm bored."The maroon cardigan wrapped her exposed shoulders, but did little to envelop her breasts upon which she rested her hands that held the cocoa. Her legs, warmed by the stockings, lay crossed to one side, elegantly covering what the skirt wouldn't....

2 years ago
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Cousin Sister Make Me Fuck Her By A Plan

Hi All readers of ISS i am a great fan of this site and i have read almost all the stories on this and decided to write my story after thinking a lot whether my secret would be revealed but after gathering lot of courage and enthusiasm i decided to write my story it may be straightaway and short as i don’t have great writing skills and just can express what had happened in my life. I am Sameer 22 years old i am doing my engineering from a college in Hyderabad and medium built 5’8” not athletic...

1 year ago
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The New Babysitter

It was a Friday night which means that the Jacksons would want to go out to eat by themselves, but their longtime babysitter had moved away. Desperately they called their friends daughter Sarah who was 18 years old had the night free so she agreed to come over and watch their eight year old daughter for the night. When she arrived at the Jacksons the two of them were had their coats on and about to leave. “Jenna is asleep and you shouldn’t have any problems with her.” Mrs. Jackson told Sarah....

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My first XHamster encounter

All stories and blog entries are based on true events. Names, dates and locations have been changed for privacy. This could potentially answer a couple of questions. How did I hear about and why have I taken so long to join XHamster?Until recently I was in a long term relationship, sadly my past caught up with me and it ended. I have been a fan of XHamster for a while. I have tried other sites but they tend to be a multitude of sites where men outnumber women 1,000 to one and profiles are links...

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Forever in the Underworld chapter VII

The sorrow in my heart has dried away. I feel famished, but food does nothing to dampen my hunger. There is only one kind of nourishment that can replenish me. Pain burns within, and my mind battles with my body for control. Sometimes I give in to my desires and leave my shelter, but the moment I see them, sickness wells up in me. I feel like throwing up. They do not know how close to destruction they have been as I crawl away, more devoid of life now than upon arrival. I blame my creator for...

1 year ago
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Janets Journey Continued

Chapter Four Janet's Grandfather had one of his now frequent attacks and her Mom said she'd be going to look after him for a week or so...That short statement at dinner had her almost in a frenzy...She'd have her Daddy all to herself for a whole week, maybe more...He'd told her that Mom was asking somewhat strange questions lately and he wanted to cool it before she really understood what they were doing...He hadn't come to her now in over a week and she was learning at her young age...

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The Theater

One of my ex-girlfriends was one crazy chick! She didn’t start super crazy, but she did get crazier the more our relationship developed. All of my friends think I let the best get away, but more on that in another story. This story is about the theater. And so you know, I am going to embellish the story a bit with detailed descriptions of things to make it more interesting, but it’s not too far off. The whole of the story is intact. So, a little background on us…We first had sex after about...

3 years ago
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When Mother and Son become lovers

Story by Don. its started somewhere in a metro city. me and my son Dipak. We call him Dipu, are sitting in a restaurant eating light food. I am eating pizza Dipu is eating it with cold drink. For the past years, we have been constantly chatting for two years. That's why the relationship between the two of us is no longer confined to the mother and son. That relationship has now transformed into a boyfriend. Even though we as mothers are children to outsiders. Dipu is drinking youthfulness...

4 years ago
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Diary of a Bloodsucker

November 2nd, 1813 Vienna, mierda! I’m still in Vienna. Diary, I had hoped to be back in Almeria by this time. Back home, for the holiday, for the Day of the Dead. (There is no Day of the Un-dead, so I settle for the closest thing.) During the chaos of those revels, that last well into the early morning, victims are easy to come by. A woman or two disappears and no one notices. No one suspects my hand… But, I am trapped here in Vienna in this wine cellar, hiding like vermin, and I have been...

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It happens with elder sister

Hi, Guys I am nick(name changed) 19 yrs male, average built. I am presently in Bangalore, working in a software firm. This story is about me with my cousin sister. This started when I was in 10th standard. I lived with my parents, my younger sister and my grandparents. My cousin sister came to our house for further studies. She is 4 years older than me. First I had no attraction towards her, she looked good but never occurred to me to have sex with her. As time passed, we became good friends...

1 year ago
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A Night at Work

In a sense, I'm a sex worker. Life as an adult star didn't appeal to me; I prefer to work in the shadows. I didn't want to be an escort, fucking desperate old women in hotel rooms every night. I had built up a clientele of the young and the wealthy who used me to mess with each other. Sometimes, like today, I would be asked to humiliate an ex partner, sometimes I would be served up as a treat by a guy who liked watching his girl fucked rough on video. The girls sometimes hired me as well,...

2 years ago
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The Fight

She walks through the door with attitude written all over her face. ‘Fuck,’ I think, letting out an unimpressed sigh and go back to drinking and watching the game. I’m tipsy, I had a bad day and don’t need her shit tonight. That seems to be all I ever get from her anymore.I look over and she stumbles, trying to kick off her heels. “I was working late,“ she says, rolling her eyes.I barely get out, “Yea sure,” before she snaps at me.“What's your problem?” If she's itching for a fight tonight she...

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Married SisterChapter 7

Gail lay naked on the floor, listening to the sound of the door slamming a doomsday note in her brain. It seemed as if the sound went on and on, growing louder. The whole building, the block, the city, the whole world would know of her incestuous behavior. When Lee had come into her room bearing drinks, she knew what was going to happen. He had undressed in front of her until he stood naked with his huge cock held in one hand, a drink in the other. Even before he spoke, she began taking off...

3 years ago
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It Started At High Noon

Mad Murdock eyes darted between the revealed cards on the table and his own in his hand. Four Aces. What luck that boy had. Or not. On Mad Murdock's hand was a fifth ace. "You filthy little cheater. Thought you were all smart and shit, didn't ya?" Slowly he put his own ace down. However the fear, he hoped that would appear on the boy's face, never showed. Instead, the boy grinned. One of those handsome smiles that could get a girl's knee weak. Mad Murdock hated that smile. Hated...

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Threesome in a storage unit that led to a foursome

My wife and I had to go back to a state we previously lived in to get our stuff out of a storage unit. We had quite a bit of stuff and she was able to recruit some of her friends to help and one really good mutual friend we had that we lived next to for many years there. After everything was loaded up all her friends split and we had to give our friend a ride home. Before we took her back home we had to run to Walmart to pick a few things up for our trip back home that night.Our friend was very...

2 years ago
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Different Worlds Ch 04

I usually wait until the previous chapter has gone from the new stories list before I submit the next one but this chapter is short, and also I wasn’t sure whether the build up wasn’t starting to drag a bit, so I thought I’d best get it out the way asap. Thanks again to my lovely, witty editor North200 ~ A second meeting was scheduled on Sunday afternoon a fortnight later so Ivy and Kevin could talk Terence and Richard through the final plans for the planting scheme. This time she’d been...

1 year ago
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Amys Algerian Anal Adventure Pt 04

CHAPTER 15 Lucy’s story I remember the horror of that moment when we parted on the deck of the ship. I feared what might become of you, carted off in chains to who knows where. I also feared for myself now alone and in the hands of what we had already seen were a cruel and ruthless bunch of pirates. Later that day I too was escorted in chains from the ship but rather than being taken to the slave market I was forced to follow Abu Qadir and some of his men to his house on the outskirts of...

2 years ago
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Doing it with my study partner

Even in college, you have projects to work on, it’s like high school all over again. Our teacher assigned us all to write a paper on something that we thought should be changed, I picked the game rating ages. You have to be 17 to rent an ‘M’ rated game, I think the age should be lowered to 16. I have a female friend in that class that picked the drinking age, she thought it should be lowered to 18. Personally I disagree with that, but that’s besides the point. We were both 23 and decided to do...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 45

Two months later... Time: May 4, year 204,883 2:27 PM Peruvian Local Time Isabelle sat in Dr. Ceres outer office, glancing at the clock occasionally. She had been tersely ordered to report for a two o'clock meeting, and it was unusual for Dr. Ceres to be late. Suddenly Dr. Ceres walked in from the hall and with a quick hand gesture waved at Isabelle to follow her into her inner office. "Sit down after you close the door 714," the doctor ordered as Isabelle walked into the room....

3 years ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 22

After the two women left, it turned out that I was indeed confused, as my ex had assured me that I would be. Did I forgive her, or him? Hell no. I still hated them, but it was a curious kind of hate. That was the only way to describe it. I remembered most of what happened that day in Pearl’s. That probably explained why Kari-Sarah had relegated her legal father to second class citizenship; if in fact she actually had, and, at least for the moment, I did believe her. I had gotten to know...

1 year ago
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Rileigh Unchained Ch 01

It had been four years since Grayson died. I wished the pain would have stopped by now. Although, I guess somewhere deep in the back of my mind I’m glad it didn’t, it was a reminder. Of what, I’m not really sure yet. I didn’t want to forget him completely. I’m just not sure if all the hurt is worth remembering him. I once dreaded the thought of having a child after all I had gone through in my life. I joined the army when I was 18, just out of high school, because I felt that I had something...

2 years ago
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A Bimbos True Love

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is not intentional. Ditto for the situations. You, the reader, should be of legal age of consent (usually about 18 years old) for the location from where you are connecting. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read the story below. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. A Bimbo's True Love By Jamcd In the...

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The Ms

(Cases of homosexua and bisexual sex (just in case a reader is homophobic) Ashford is your typical suburb. A really boring suburb where religion, conservative attitudes and family is one. This is your typical small Catholic town in the middle no where Britain. It was a few miles away from London. Sometimes I’d go there to visit my aunt who lived a life of sin in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, which was a far cry from Ashford. That all changed when my mom married Bill. At the time...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Vera King Goes POV

Vera King is an all natural beauty with an appetite for cock. She sensually touches, licks and fucks with her wet mouth and tight pussy. Her tan skin and perky breasts will have your cock standing at attention. Look into her eyes as she slides the cock to the back of her throat as she moans. She truly gets pleasure from giving pleasure and that is what she is here to do. Watch her drain a cock all over her tongue as she milks out every drop. Vera has the body of a goddess and the mind of a...

3 years ago
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Foreign Exchange Chapter 2

 Saturday was Kevin and Max’s racquetball match with lunch afterward.“So, I hear you and Shelia had a date last night. Did it go well?” Kevin’s inquisitive voice and eyes on his best friend.“Well, well, look who’s now an FBI detective. Yes, it went very well. Shelia is a very nice lady. Smart, attractive and sexy. I like her and she asked me to be her date next Saturday at their formal,” Max said with a smile. Then he said, "Thanks for letting Ari know it was okay to introduce us.”“That’s...

College Sex
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Spizoo Elena Vedem Slender Blonde Is A Slutty Nurse Hungry For Cock

Slender blonde, Elena Vedem, loves dressing up during Halloween. For this year’s celebration, the naughty babe wears a slutty black nurse outfit. She goes to the house of Xavier Muller to experience the best Halloween night ever. Without wasting any time, the horny couple quickly gets down to business. Elena strips out of her costume, revealing her sexy body in red lingerie and black fishnet stockings. She then squats in front of Xavier and gives his cock a sensual blowjob. The lucky stud...

4 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

Capturing a Wasps' pyramid undamaged was too good an opportunity to miss, so Ann put all of her resources into the task. She left a holding force to occupy the territory already occupied, but moved all of her other forces into place near the Georgia pyramid. This took two days of nail-biting tension, because they didn't know what would happen if the troops were spotted by the Wasps. Very tight air cover was flown by tubs to keep any Wasp well away from the troop concentrations. The Wasps...

3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 18

Merie wasn’t at school on Monday and Brock was noticeably worried. “Call her,” Jen suggested. “Or maybe I should call her. If she’s mad at you it’s because of me.” “I was there, too,” he told her. “If she’s mad at me it’s because of me. I could have stopped but I didn’t. Don’t blame yourself.” Easier said than done, Jen thought to herself. Her guilt was magnified tenfold when Brock sat down forlornly at lunch. “I called,” he said simply. “She doesn’t want to speak to me. I don’t know if...

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Barsaat ki raat

Namaste main jo aap beeta sach batane ja raha hoon ye ek raat ki baat hai jo maine kisi se nahi batae.dosto baat ek barsaat ki raat ki hain hamare shaher mein jor ki baarish ho rahi thi, main is sunahri barsaat ka maza lene ke liye sham ke 6 baje se baarish mein apni motorcycle par ghum raha tha, thand lag rahi thi socha kuch garam miljae toh jaan mein jaan aaye raste par ek wine shop tha maine ek rum ki bottle parcel li aur socha kisi dhabe par jaa kar pi loonga, lekin jab baarish bahut tej...

2 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 52

TUESDAY, June 14, 2016 Rachael got up and headed off to school. The Top Girl and Top Boy speeches were to be given at an assembly this morning, and she wanted to support Carly, especially with the surprise they had been working on over the weekend. They had decided not to do the normal routine of giving a speech. I mean, there were only two more weeks of school, so any promises of things a new Top Girl could do were pretty hollow. It wasn't like being elected class president at the...

3 years ago
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Young Bull Fucks My Wife

My wife Jen had just turned 53, and we had been married for almost twenty five years. We are your typical middle class family with k**s off to college. Over the last few years we had talked about sharing Jen with another man, or at least I wanted to see her with another man. Jen was a bit hesitant at first, but after talking it out, and careful consideration did she finally agreed to try it on a one time basis. She wasn't getting any younger, and I knew if we didn't do something soon our window...

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New neighbors

Naked on the bed, they surround me and begin pulling out their cocks. I’m on all fours. I begin sucking the first cock I come to. I can hear the belts and zippers. He moans. I moan. One man smacks my ass and they all start laughing. Moving to the next, I lick the tip and look up at the man who is feeding me. His girlfriend is kissing his neck while I suck his cock. I hear her whisper ‘He loves your cock too daddy’. I moan in agreement. ‘Alright my turn slut’ I hear as I’m quickly directed to a...

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The New Burning Legion pt 1

All the great demon masters that controlled the legion were gone. And without their maddening whisperings to drive most who took the Fel to evil and lust for power, most who drank or bathed within the Green lakes of Demon energy and blood just received the Fel markings, green eyes and a power boost. With so many having been converted in the war against the legion however, the numbers of Fel enhanced on the isles already reached 7 million. Being told those numbers just comfirmed his greatest...

2 years ago
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The Training of Jody Part 810am Time for Milki

As I led Jody to the living room by his leash I suddenly became concerned about his knees. Not the discomfort so much, but leaving persistant rug-burns might arouse Marlene's suspicions. I stopped his crawl with a tug on his leash, and beckoned Tony and Wendy to come. I related my concerns to them. Wendy suggested using feminine napkins. Although it amused me to think of "padding" him this way, I found it impractical. For good measure I gave her a flick of my riding crop on her ass and told her...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Natasha Nice Nadia Noja Secret Audio File

Nadia Noja is using the family laptop, trying to find a particular audio file. She is having trouble finding it because the files on the computer have been reorganized by her stepmother, Natasha Nice. Nadia looks through Natasha’s folders on the laptop, to see if the missing file is in there somewhere. Instead, she finds a sexy lesbian audiobook, which surprises her because she thought Natasha was straight. Curious and a bit turned on, Nadia decides to listen to the steamy audiobook. She...

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Seducing My Son3

It was getting late and my husband Don still wasnt home from work. I anxiously tried on a pink baby doll nightie. It was adorable, but not right for tonight. I changed into my emerald green corset. My boobs looked magnificent in that outfit, but it still wasnt right. This was supposed to be the night the next big part of my fantasy came true, and I wanted everything to be perfect. I thought about the look on my son Evans face when he watched me masturbate with him two nights ago, and I...

4 years ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 12

Veronica had escorted the three new boys to the cineplex and chose a movie for them, since they didn't seem to know what any of the shows was about. She wound up choosing a dog of a movie as the theater was literally empty except for them four. Veronica took a middle seat, with Hotdog/boy on one side. Goliath/boy on the other, and Damien/boy next to him. As soon the lights dimmed for the movie, she felt their hands groping all over her body. Hotdog/boy was busily sniffing at her neck like...

1 year ago
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Odd JobChapter 5

Friday morning Jennie's step-father was in a sour mood. "You were home late last night!" he said. "True," Jennie replied. "We had a lot to do - we hired a new Operations Manager yesterday, but Mr. Sanders - the company Director - drove me home personally." "That was kind of him," Jennie's mother chirped in. "I am always worried when you travel alone late at night." "Indeed," said Jennie. "And so was Mr. Sanders - that's why he drove me home." "You stayed long enough in...

3 years ago
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Mi VidaChapter 2

"Watch TV. I need to go shower myself." "Okay, Dave." She smiled. I like the smile. I did my shower and shave routine, making sure that this time I brought my clean clothes with me since I was not alone in the room any more. I let the stream of hot water soak the funk off me, all the while thinking about morality as taught me by my father. I voluntarily took on a responsibility with Carlita. In Dad's terms, "You brought it home. You fed it. You owe it something now." He applied it...

2 years ago
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6 Organic Soap

‘Katie! Katie, over here!’ Oh god, how embarrassing. Katherine tried to smile benignly and maintain some sense of decorum as she waked towards her ridiculous mother who was waving her hands over her head, trying to draw as much attention to herself as possible. ‘Katie!’ She had the most enormous smile on her face, which was slightly flustered from all of the excitement. A small little bit of Katherine’s heart soared to see her familiar face, to hear her warm maternal voice, but a bigger...

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Racing the Moon

Running fast. Running hard. Her arms are around my shoulders. The wind whips our hair into a mass of knots. It is cool enough our jackets feel good but not so cold as to give us an ice cream headache. We lean into the curve. The bike starts to drift just a bit. I crack the throttle to power us through the curve and to correct the drift. We race the full, bright moon. The moon is winning, although we are running a close second. The vibration from the engine makes its way through the soles of...

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Cassie Far From Home Part One

Chapter 1 Stripped By Miss Piggy Written By: Mr. Mongo Despite a bad head cold Cassie took a shopping trip to the mall on her Fourth of July vacation. She hoped to take advantage of the fact everyone is at the beach or barbequing in his or her backyards it gave her a near empty shopping mall. For once she won’t have men gawking at Cassie as she shopped. As she walked through the nearly deserted mall, Cassie decided to try on clothes at the Fashion Hub a local thrift shop that actually...

1 year ago
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My wifes first BBC breeding

TURNING MY WIFE INTO A BLACK COCK CUMDUMPMy First Cuckolded ExperienceWendy has asked me to relive the first time she cuckolded me – fucking another man in front of me – be telling you the story. This is punishment for those times when, making love to her as husband and wife, I suggested she try other cocks. At first the idea did shock her but over time, as I introduced the concept, she opened her legs, and mind, to the concept of trying it out. I had spent some time finding the right man for...

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Jenny and JohnChapter 2 I Like to Call it Our First Date

A couple of days later, I picked Jenny up a little after eleven-thirty in the morning to go shopping. We headed downtown to Hartford’s shopping district. We hit Lord & Taylor, then Macy’s. Jenny tried on a few gowns, but she did not think they were right. She thought they were made to catch the eye of teenage girls and were not sophisticated enough for what she had in mind as the perfect prom dress. We left Macy’s and started to window shop until Jenny spotted a boutique that she thought...

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Samsher Ki Kahani Part 8

Neeche mama mami ko chod raha tha. Bahut dinon baad usko pyar karne layak akela pan mila tha. Mami nidhal si apni taange chouadaye padi thi aur mama uski khuli choot mein apna ‘jaisa bhi tha’ lund pele ja raha tha. Par wo chudayi mami ko formality bhar lag rahi thi. Jaise bus karwana hi hai. Usko mama ke 4 inchi lund se koi khas lagav nahi tha. Ab mama ki umar bhi to ho gayi thi na. Aisa nahi hai ki wo dushron ki aur dekhti thi apni sex ki purti ke liye. Bus wah ‘jo mila’ se hi santust...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Ki Pehli Chudai

Hi, my name is Anku and I am from Chandigarh. I am 23 years old . and my height is 5″11. Jyda waqt barbad na krte hue story ki tarf ata hu. Ye meri pehli story h. Baat 1month phle ki h jab m college complete kr k job dhund rha tha sara din bor hta tha ghr pe to main facebook jyda use krne lg gya tha ik din m apne clg frndz ke frndz chck kr rha tha ki tbi ik aunty lukng like bhabi age unki 35/36 hogi unka profile mila toh mne rqst bjh di karib raat 11pm rqst accspt hui mne phle puri id check ki...

4 years ago
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The new BBC in the neighborhood part 7

Barbara and I confessed our love for each other and after our party is over we will talk more about it. Denise is aching for my big black cock, so who am I to deny her it. She climbs out of the pool and I get a look at her naked body, not even close to My Barbara's but still nice and a shaved pussy with big lips. I told her to meet me inside, I'll meet her and decide were to go. I slip my shorts on and got out of the tub. Before I went in, I looked around for Barbara but didn't see her, but...

3 years ago
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She Goes Both Ways Ch 02

Stopping at both Raleigh and Charleston for a night, the four hundred or so miles trip passed quite pleasantly. Adam met her at the train. ‘God he’s handsome,’ she reminded herself, not having seen her brother for three years when he had visited her in London. Adam had inherited his mother’s artistic side and not the commercial nature of their father. Amanda had more commercial acumen, but was also an artist at heart. Both had taken on the warmth of their mother and not the hardness of...

2 years ago
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You want to go Again Gay

When I arrived at the athletic dorm, Dante came out and got me while wearing his robe and slippers. When we got into his room, I noticed he had already drank a few beers from the bottles sitting on the counter. "Did you bring the stuff," Dante asked referring to the anal balls and lubrication. When I held up the bag to nonverbally let him know that I did, he added, "Good, but before we get started, I want ya to use that tongue to get me ready." "Ok, but first let me see it," I requested with a...

1 year ago
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DP Fantasy

Taking It for the Teambydpingjessie©Straining her neck, Abby gasped for breath amid the thick hot air that surrounded us as she was wedged between two male bodies. Above her, her fiancé was planted in her ass, his balls pressed against her taint as he ground against her. Abby held herself up on her hands and knees while I lay beneath her, squeezing her boobs and sliding my body up, sinking my erection deep into her pussy as sweat leaked out all over me and mixed with the perspiration that was...

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AllGirlMassage Kennedy Kressler Kat Dior The Cheerleader

When Dr. Kat Dior diagnoses cheerleader Kennedy Kressler with a groin injury, she recommends professional massage as treatment. Kennedy is relieved that she won’t require surgery, but confused when Dr. Dior decides to perform the massage therapy herself. The doctor straps on a bottle of oil and climbs onto the massage table, feeling around her patient’s thigh muscles. She helps the teen out of her little cheer outfit, exposing her tiny tits and polkadot panties. The doctor takes off...


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