Alexia at Charlie s
- 4 years ago
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Alexia : Jeux de vilaines
Chapitre 1
- Salut Pauline
- Salut Alexia
Les deux jolies brunes s?embrass?rent sur les deux joues. Alexia la plus petite des deux et aussi la plus p?tillante, jalousait quelque peu l??norme
poitrine de son amie. Pauline avait deux beaux melons ? la place de ses seins alors qu?Alexia avait une jolie petite poitrine ronde.
Cela faisait quelques temps qu?elle ourdissait un plan pour exploiter les seins de son amie. Lui faire payer ses avantages qu?elle jugeait injustifi?s
et profiter d?elle et de ses seins pour son propre plaisir par la m?me occasion.
- Ca te dit un tournoi de poker en ligne ce soir chez moi?? On est vendredi alors on a le temps?!
- Un tournoi Alexia??
- Oui?! Tu viens avec ton portable et moi avec le mien et on joue sur un tournoi toutes les deux. Celle qui va le plus loin gagne?!
- Ca peut ?tre amusant?!
- On peut m?me int?resser plus la partie?!
- Comment??
- Disons que celle qui perd devient l?esclave de l?autre pendant tout le week-end?!
- Esclave du genre totalement soumise ? l?autre??
- Oui impossible de rien refuser?!
- M?me du sexe?!
- Oui?!
- Tu sais, si je gagne, je t?emm?ne dans une ferme pour te faire baiser par un ?ne?!
- Salope?! dit Alexia en frissonnant, moins s?re d?avoir eu une bonne id?e. Si je gagne, je m?occupe de tes seins pendant tout le week-end?!
- Chiche?!
- Chiche?!
- A ce soir alors?!
- Je ne me d?gonflerai pas et je compte gagner pour prostituer ta poitrine de grosse truie?!
- Je ferai de toi mon ?nesse?!
Les deux jeunes filles se s?par?rent ? l?entr?e de la fac pour aller ? leurs cours de la journ?e.
Toutes deux ?taient tr?s excit?es ? l?id?e de ce qui se profilait pour leur week-end. Excit?es et angoiss?es tout ? la fois. L?id?e de gagner leur plaisait bien
mais le prix
? payer si elles perdaient leur semblait un peu lourd ? chacune.
Alexia laissa tomber sa journ?e de cours, n??coutant rien, se concentrant sur les trucs et astuces du poker, les strat?gies pour optimiser son jeu, connaitre toutes les
mauvaises mains. Elle voulait pouvoir jouer avec les seins de Pauline.
Cette derni?re profita du midi pour aller jouer en ligne quelques parties gratuites. Elle r?vait depuis toujours de faire passer son amie sous un ?ne. Voir son
joli corps nu
sous la b?te, avec son ?norme sexe qui allait p?n?trer brutalement en elle en la faisant crier puis remuer pour la saillir comme une simple ?nesse. Elle n?avait
pas du tout
la moindre envie de perdre.
Le soir, les deux jeunes filles s?install?rent dans la chambre de la r?sidence universitaire d?Alexia. En raison de l?enjeu, elles d?siraient ?viter tout
contact familial pendant
les prochains jours.
Il y avait justement un tournoi de s?lection pour le WPT ce soir l?. Les deux jeunes femmes s?inscrivirent en m?me temps, chacune guettant les r?sultats
de l?autre au fil
des tours qui commenc?rent ? s?enchainer. Au bout d?une heure, Pauline caracolait en t?te et Alexia dut jouer son tapis avec une main faible. Elle eut cependant
de la chance,
sortant un brelan de 3 qui la renfloua.
Deux bonnes heures plus tard, les deux jeunes femmes se retrouv?rent sur l?une des tables finales du jour, la m?me table.
La tension entre elles ?tait extr?me et chacune essayait de bien cacher son ?cran ? l?autre ainsi que leurs r?actions. Pauline fit tapis avec une paire d?as en main.
Elle eut la
bonne surprise de voir Alexia la suivre. Tout allait se jouer sur cette main. Le tirage des 3 cartes sortit un 5, un 8 et une dame. Rien de bien int?ressant.
Pauline sentait bien
les choses. Alexia qui esp?rait une couleur fut d??ue de voir que seules des cartes rouges ?taient sorties alors qu?elle poss?dait deux tr?fles. La suivante ne
les int?ressa
pas plus, un 2 de c?ur. Pauline sentait que ses d?sirs allaient enfin se r?aliser. La derni?re carte fit pousser un soupir ? Alexia. Un valet de tr?fle.
Il ?tait temps qu?un tr?fle
sorte enfin.
Pauline vit son jeu s?afficher ? l??cran, fi?re de sa paire d?as. Elle se figea d?semparer en voyant son compte tomber ? z?ro et un message lui signifiant son
s?afficher. Elle vit horrifi?e qu?Alexia poss?dait une suite, poss?dant un 9 et un 10.
Alexia plus du tout int?ress?e par la suite du tournoi enchaina tapis sur tapis, sans faire attention ? ce qu?elle avait et finit par perdre apr?s une dizaine
de tours suppl?mentaires.
Elle avait perdu le tournoi mais gagn? le pari.
Pauline la regarda inqui?te.
- Tu sais ce qui t?attend?!
- Tu es s?rieuse??
- Oui?!
- C??tait pour rire les gages non??
- Non?! A poil et vite?!
- S?il te plait?!
- On ne discute pas o? je me f?che?!
- J?aurai droit ? une revanche??
- Vendredi soir prochain oui?!
- Ok dans ce cas allons-y.
Pauline commen?a par sagement retirer ses chaussures puis ses collants avant de faire glisser sa jupe au sol. Elle recommen?a ? protester un peu mais Alexia lui colla
une gifle s?che sur chaque joue.
- Tu es mon esclave pour tout le week-end?! Tu ob?is sinon il t?en coutera?!
- Salope?!
Pauline se prit une nouvelle paire de gifles.
- Je ne veux pas que tu filmes mon d?shabillage?!
- Tu n?as rien ? vouloir?! Tu ob?is et c?est tout?! Tu te crois o? esclave??!
Pauline re?ut ? nouveau une paire de gifles, sans oser riposter.
Elle retira son T-shirt ? regret pour se retrouver en dessous de coton fleuri devant Alexia qui filmait toute la sc?ne depuis le d?but. Ses seins mena?aient
de sortir ? tout
moment du soutien-gorge tant ils ?taient gros.
- Allez?! le soutif?!
Pauline ? regret le d?grafa et le jeta sur le tas de v?tements ? ses pieds. Les t?tons ?taient tendus, pas trop long ni trop ?pais, de belles ar?oles brunes
? leur base. Les seins
?taient vraiment aussi gros nus qu?ils lui avaient sembl?s l??tre quand Pauline ?tait habill?e. De beaux melons, bien fermes, fi?rement dress?s devant Alexia.
Pauline ?tait toute
rouge de honte de devoir les exhiber.
Alexia se d?lectait de cette vision et filmait la sc?ne, de loin puis en zoomant uniquement sur les deux superbes mamelles, de face, de cot?, de ? dos, puis de
face sur chacune
des mamelles.
Cela avait valu le temps d?attendre tout ce temps. Elle allait bien s?amuser avec cette poitrine offerte, rien qu?? elle et ? ses d?sirs.
Elle s?agenouilla pour aussi filmer ces promontoires de dessous, partant de la base et faisant glisser l?objectif jusque la pointe. Un r?gal que de voir Pauline
soumise ? sa volont? et de la voir tenter sans cesse de se maitriser, furieuse qu?Alexia la filme ainsi.
- Allez salope?! J?ai dit ? poil?!
Pauline ? regret fit glisser sa culotte pour se mettre nue devant son amie. Alexia filma la sc?ne tout en tournant autour de la jolie strip-teaseuse. Elle prit
des d?tail en gros plan
de la chatte toute ras?e et des fesses rondes de son esclave puis la fit se pencher en avant et ?carter ses fesses des deux mains pour prendre des plans
rapproch?s de son anus,
des grandes et petites l?vres intimes puis de l?int?rieur m?me de sa chatte. L?entr?e de son vagin, son orifice urinaire puis son clitoris. Elle lui ordonna
de ne pas bouger
et passa ? cot? d?elle puis devant elle pour filmer aussi ses gros seins qui pendaient sous elle.
Alexia en salivait de plaisir et de d?sir. Quelle d?lice de voir sa salope d?amie dans cette position.
- On dirait une vache qui a besoin d??tre traite comme cela?!
- Tu es une enfoir?e?!
- Pire que cela mais tu n?as pas le droit de me le dire petite vache. Tu dois au pire me remercier?!
Alexia prit une ceinture en cuir dans son armoire et la passa au cou de Pauline pour en faire une longe. Elle sera bien et la garda en main puis commen?a ?
claquer avec la main
la croupe tendue de son amie, l?emp?chant de bouger en l??tranglant avec la ceinture ? chaque amorce de mouvement de r?bellion. Elle ne cessa qu?apr?s avoir entendu
son amie pleurer un long moment puis la supplier d?arr?ter puis enfin toujours en larmes, lui promettre d??tre respectueuse et ob?issante.
- Bien?! On se comprend enfin?!
Alexia sourit et prit de nouveau un film du corps de son amie, filmant bien les fesses toutes rouges apr?s la fess?e re?ue, insistant sur les traces de ses doigts
qui se d?coupaient
par endroit sur la peau tout en ne pouvant s?emp?cher de terminer sur sa poitrine.
Elle reprit la longe en main pour maitriser Pauline et gifla rapidement et fortement ? plusieurs reprises ses seins pendant sous elle, les faisant balloter sous
ses coups et faisant
hurler de douleur Pauline, bien plus fortement que pr?c?demment. Ses jambes se d?rob?rent sous elle et elle tomba ? genoux puis ? 4 pattes aux pieds d?Alexia.
- Tu sais que tu me plais bien dans cette position?!
- Je n?ai rien fait?pourquoi me frapper encore?!
- Parce que j?adore ?a?! Tu n?as pas ? avoir des plus gros seins que moi?! Voil? ce que tu as fait?!
- C?est injuste?!
- Totalement injuste?! C?est moi qui devrais avoir tes seins?! Pas une esclave qui ne sait m?me pas quoi en faire?!
Alexia prit une chaise avec de gros pieds en bois torsad?s et la coucha sur le cot?, la coin?ant le dossier contre le mur sous les yeux de Pauline qui se demandait
ce qu?il lui prenait.
Elle revint prendre la longe et la fit reculer vers la chaise. Pauline comprit aussit?t ce qui l?attendait. Elle ?carquilla les yeux tout en protestant mollement,
ayant trop peur
d?une nouvelle correction.
Alexia lui guida les fesses de la main pour placer l?entr?e de son vagin sur le bout du pied de la chaise et tira ensuite durement sur la longe pour la forcer
? s?empaler durement
sur ce pied.
Pauline hurla de douleur et de panique, reculant trop vite ? son gout, son vagin meurtri par la torsade. La texture du bois lui irritait ?galement toute sa muqueuse
Alexia reprit son cam?scope en main pour filmer son amie ainsi prise sur le pied de chaise. Elle se mit ? son niveau et lui ordonna de se baiser sur la chaise
jusqu?? ce qu?elle
lui dise de s?arr?ter.
Elle voyait ainsi les grosses mamelles pendantes s?agiter sous ses yeux au rythme des mouvements de son amie sur le pied de chaise. Pauline souffrait ? chaque mouvement
et se sentait terriblement humili?e de devoir se prendre ainsi sur un objet devant sa copine. C??tait la premi?re fois qu?elle ?tait vue par quelqu?un en train
de se faire baiser.
Le pire c?est que cela faisait en plus tr?s mal. Le trouble ?tait aussi tr?s d?rangeant. Etre vue ainsi d?chue lui semblait bon. Elle appr?ciait ce sentiment.
N?anmoins, elle se promit
qu?elle se vengerait d?s qu?elle gagnerait au poker ? son tour.
Alexia glissa une main dans sa culotte et se caressa doucement le clitoris en regardant et en filmant ce joli spectacle. Quel plaisir que de voir Pauline ainsi
en perdition. Tant pis
si jamais elle devait le payer en retour un jour. Cela n?avait pas de prix de pouvoir profiter d?elle ? loisir ainsi.
Elle finit par baisser sa culotte et trousser sa jupe puis s?agenouilla cuisses ouvertes devant son amie.
- L?che ta maitresse esclave?! Fais-moi jouir de ta langue?!
Pauline n?avait jamais fait cela auparavant, ?tant farouchement h?t?ro. Elle grima?a et se prit deux violentes gifles sur la figure puis deux autres encore
plus violentes sur les seins.
- Fais-moi jouir?!
Pauline compris qu?elle serait frapp?e jusqu?? ce qu?elle ob?isse et se d?cida ? mettre une fin ? ses tourments en se for?ant ? passer sa langue sur la chatte
lisse d?Alexia.
Elle grima?a en sentant le gout de son excitation sur sa langue et se for?a ? entrer entre les l?vres intimes. Elle se concentra sur le clitoris, tout en essayant
d?oublier ce qu?elle ?tait
en train de faire. Elle ?tait nue ? 4 pattes en train de se baiser sur un pied de chaise en bois torsad?, une longe au cou et elle l?chait son amie dont elle ?tait
pour les prochains jours.
Cela la fit jouir en m?me temps qu?Alexia de penser ? tout cela. Elle se prit aussit?t une ?norme claque sur le cul, Alexia lui reprochant son plaisir qu?elle ne
lui avait pas
permis de prendre.
Elle remonta sa culotte, se promettant de reprofiter pendant le week-end des talents de son amie. Quel pied elle avait pris?! Elle s?installa devant son micro et
se connecta sur
facebook sur le profil de son amie.
- Vient taper ton mot de passe esclave?!
- Ha non?! Pas question?! Tu ne touches pas mon profil?! dit Pauline apr?s s??tre d?faite du pied de chaise et s??tre approch?e de l??cran.
Aussit?t Alexia attrapa la ceinture pour ?trangler Pauline sans pr?caution. Cette derni?re suffoquant s?agenouilla, perdant ses forces. Alexia lib?ra un peu la
ceinture et
claqua les gros seins de son esclave ? toute vol?e.
Pauline s?effondra sur le sol, le souffle coup? par la douleur, incapable de parler et de bouger.
- Tu as compris cette fois?? Tu vas me taper ton mot de passe que je m?occupe de ton profil facebook?!
- Piti? oui?! Ne me tape plus?! Je vais le faire?
- Tu vois quand tu veux?! Je vais finir par croire que tu aimes que je te frappe?! Alors que moi je d?teste cela?! Je ne le fais pas pour mon plaisir mais
pour le tien tout cela?!
Pauline pr?f?ra ne rien dire devant la mauvaise foi ?vidente de son amie et maitresse du week-end. Elle parvint ? se redresser et la mort dans l??me, elle donna
tous les acc?s
de son profil ? son amie.
- Il est temps que tes amis puissent voir un peu ta vraie nature et qu?ils te d?couvrent un peu mieux physiquement?! Tu vas avoir du succ?s ? mon avis?!
- S?il te plait?Ne fais pas de b?tises?
- C?est pour ton bien ma ch?rie?!
Alexia commen?a ? uploader les petits films qu?elle avait r?alis?s de son amie. Elle mit en ligne plusieurs photos de son strip-tease, des photos de ses
seins nus, de sa chatte,
de son cul, d?elle ouverte ? 4 pattes tenue par la ceinture et aussi en train de se baiser sur le pied de chaise.
Elle donna ensuite le droit ? tout le monde de voir les films de tous ces d?licieux moments.
Rapidement, Alexia et Pauline virent le nombre de personne consultant tout cela augmenter. Alexia donna libre acc?s ? toutes les personnes connues et inconnues
qui en firent la demande.
- Tu vas devenir l?une des vedettes du moment je crois dit Alexia en pouffant de rire.
Alexia passa ensuite une annonce qu?elle cacha ? Pauline. Elle souhaitait trouver un m?decin qui puisse faire une piqure d?hormones provoquant
la lactation chez son amie.
En ?change, il aurait le droit de se payer en nature avec Pauline.
Les r?ponses ne tard?rent pas ? arriver. Plusieurs lui propos?rent le m?me produit et apr?s quelques recherches sur le net, Alexia parvint ? la conclusion que
les propositions
?taient bien s?rieuses. Elle se d?cida alors ? s?lectionner un m?decin pouvant faire l?injection miracle ? Pauline.
Elle d?couvrit ravie un m?decin nain. Elle lui demanda aussit?t ses exigences qui lui parurent raisonnables. Elle se mit d?accord avec lui et fut heureuse de
savoir qu?il pouvait
agir d?s le soir m?me.
Alexia rajusta sa tenue et tira sur la ceinture pour faire avancer Pauline ? 4 pattes. Arriv?es ? la porte de la chambre, Pauline se mit ? protester vivement.
- Ne fait pas ta mijaur?e ma ch?rie?! Il y a plusieurs milliers de personnes qui t?ont vu en train de baiser avec une chaise sur le net. Dont une bonne
cinquantaine de filles
de cette r?sidence?Alors ton cul et tes nichons, tout le monde les connait maintenant?!
- S?il te plait non?! Je ne peux pas?!
Alexia pin?a le clitoris de son amie jusqu?? ce qu?elle fonde en larmes et capitule. Elle ouvrit alors sa porte et sans m?nagement, elle la fit sortir dans
le couloir en tirant sur la ceinture.
Elle parcourut tout l??tage ainsi avec Pauline ? 4 pattes nue derri?re elle et passa expr?s par la partie foyer de la r?sidence.
Les applaudissements furent nourris lors de leur arriv?e. Tout le monde en profita pour tapoter, masser, peloter, tripoter le cul et les seins de Pauline sous
pr?texte de la flatter
comme l?animal et l?esclave qu?elle ?tait.
Pauline malgr? elle se mit ? mouiller et se l?entendit reprocher par de nombreuses filles, pour sa plus grande honte. Alexia prolongea ce moment plus que
n?cessaire et se rendit
compte qu?elle allait ?tre en retard ? son rendez-vous. Elle tira alors sur la ceinture et se mit ? courir vers la porte pour sortir sur le campus, Pauline
essayant de suivre le rythme,
?trangl?e sans cesse par la ceinture qui se serrait sur son cou.
Alexia se retournait fr?quemment pour profiter du spectacle de ses seins ?normes qui bougeaient en tous sens. Cela l?excitait plus que tout. Elle h?sita puis ouvrit
le coffre
de sa voiture pour y faire entrer Pauline, tout en la tirant par les t?tons pour ?viter qu?elle ne proteste ou r?siste. Elle les sentit bien dur entre ses doigts
et les malaxa un peu
avant de bien les ?craser puis d?y planter ses ongles. Pauline n?esquissa aucun geste de refus, pleurant de douleur en raison de ce traitement et rentra le plus
vite possible
dans le coffre de la petite voiture.
Alexia lui claqua bien les fesses pour accompagner la fin du mouvement et entra aussi son index et son majeur droit d?un coup ? fond dans l?anus de Pauline.
Elle les fit tourner
pour s?amuser, excit?e par le fait de l?enculer comme cela le cul bien visible de tous les passants.
Un petit attroupement se provoqua rapidement, encourageant Alexia ? lui ouvrir encore plus le cul, ? ?carter ses doigts dedans. Elle le fit pour s?amuser puis
ensuite fit se retourner
Pauline et la fit mettre ? genoux dans le coffre mamelles offertes.
Toutes les filles pr?sentes eurent alors le droit de profiter de ses seins. L?une d?elle aspira ses t?tons tout ? tour pour y boire comme si Pauline avait du lait.
Comme rien ne venait,
elle imita le b?b? qui s?impatientait et mordit dans les t?tons comme affam?e.
Une autre des filles s?amusa ? tirer sur les t?tons en les allongeant comme pour traire une vache. Elle ?tait tr?s fi?re d??tre issue de la campagne et de pouvoir
montrer son savoir.
Elle massa de plus en plus fort les t?tons, les ?tirant de plus en plus avec ses doigts puis avec ses paumes de main pour finir par les traire tr?s durement
comme si c??tait des pis
d?animaux. Alexia s?empressa de l?inviter ? passer les voir le lendemain apr?s-midi, se disant que l? il y aurait vraiment du lait ? faire sortir.
Une autre fille tr?s d?lur?e, baissa son jean et sa culotte pour se mettre ? moiti? nue devant tout le monde. Elle n?en pouvait plus d?excitation et tirant
sur l?une des
mamelles de Pauline, elle la for?a ? se placer de fa?on ? ce qu?elle puisse se caresser la chatte avec le sein et son t?ton.
Rapidement, elle g?mit comme une folle de plaisir, se frottant le clitoris du t?ton de Pauline. Alexia faillit en jouir rien qu?en voyant cela et en ?coutant
la fille g?mir et finalement
jouir extr?mement fort. Elle se dit qu?il fallait aussi qu?elle essaye cela mais pas en public. Elle aurait le temps ce week-end de tester en t?te ? t?te
avec Pauline, ou plut?t
en t?ton ? clito?
Une derni?re fille se lan?a et exhiba ses seins, de beaux melons un peu plus gros que ceux de Pauline. Alexia avait bien envie d?en faire son esclave aussi
en les voyant mais
elle se dit qu?il lui fallait ?tre raisonnable. Pauline, c??tait bien assez suffisant?!
La fille se baissa et se mit t?tons contre t?tons avec Pauline. Elle commen?a un petit jeu de caresses l?g?res, les t?tons se fr?lant les uns les autres puis
elle frotta un peu plus fort
ses seins contre les t?tons de Pauline. Une fois bien excit?e, elle se pressa mamelles contre mamelles et embrassa Pauline, fouillant sa bouche de sa langue,
sans la laisser respirer.
Quand elle abandonna enfin sa proie, elle saisit durement les mamelles de Pauline, les pressant des mains pour les allonger et faire jaillir bien fort ses
t?tons et comme si c??tait
des objets, elle se servit ainsi des t?tons pour se faire un massage de la poitrine. Cela dura une bonne dizaine de minutes avant qu?elle ne jouisse.
Pauline ?tait fourbue, les mamelles meurtries, douloureuses m?me lors de simples petits coups de vent. Elle re?ut avec plaisir l?ordre d?Alexia de se coucher
dans le coffre pour
qu?elle puisse le refermer.
Les filles pr?sentes remerci?rent chaudement Alexia, lui demandant l?adresse facebook de Pauline et lui promettant d?envoyer les petits films que certaines
avaient tourn?s
avec Pauline ainsi dans son coffre servant ? certaines d?entre elles pour qu?ils puissent ?tre mis en ligne.
Elle s?installa enfin ? son volant pour prendre la route en direction de la piqure miracle du docteur contact? sur le net. Cela promettait?
“Hey you, new girl,” she heard Rebecca, the school “mean girl” say behind her back. “Who me?” Alexia asked, as if she could be referring to anyone else at the empty table Alexia sat at. “Yeah, you, I notice you eat alone most of the time” “I, know, I guess I haven’t made friends yet here.” Alexia sheepishly replied, her long brown hair swaying as she turned around. “Whatever, you wanna sit by yourself all year? “No” “Good, then you’re going to have to do something for me,...
Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...
Alexia couldn't remember much, she had no idea how she got here. She remembered going to bed last night and the next thing she knew when she woke up she was almost in the middle of nowhere with a large wizard's tower in the distance. She seemed to be the same as she remembered, a lithe brunette with C cups and about 5'4", also she could clearly remember she was 24. She wasn't the most beautiful but she was still sought after and had a fairly desirable appearance, it was more of the "girl next...
FetishAlexia is my trans friend real name, Billie is her nick name, I ask her if she wants to spend some with me at the cabin, I haven’t told her about the wolf yet, I don’t think she would understand the relationship I have with it, it’s different from our buddies on the farm, they know something different about me. We get to the cabin Billie’s already getting naked, we take our stuff to the cabin, I sense the wolf is close and his pack is too, Alexia goes to the truck and is...
The secret sissy in question claimed to be a young, successful man,heading his own department at work and living the good life. But heyearned for his teen years, where he would passably dress up and meet menoff the internet. He wanted to be completely broken and feminized to thepoint of no return.Here is what I had to say, and after writing the little scenario at theend I thought it might be a good enough start for my first posting tothis site.Without further ado:Hey there- this is a long...
Sunlight beamed through the curtains, warming up the room. Under the sheets, a mildly aroused Alexia laid half asleep, one finger halfway up her ass and her mouth gently sucking on her other hand’s fingers. Her cock was slightly bulging, as it tried to break free from its fabric cage, causing it to pull on the thong. Her hair was messy, but in a way that you’d love to see after a good night’s rest. Her eyes opened, and Alexia realised what she was doing."Oh!“ she squealed, as she pulled her...
CrossdressingLooks like it's never gonna stop," Alexia muttered, the warm vapor from the cocoa rising past her face like a discounted sauna. Her voice pitched higher, much to her liking, she continued, "twenty-four years old, with a job as a writer. Yet I'm bored."The maroon cardigan wrapped her exposed shoulders, but did little to envelop her breasts upon which she rested her hands that held the cocoa. Her legs, warmed by the stockings, lay crossed to one side, elegantly covering what the skirt wouldn't....
CrossdressingYou wake up, in a lonely bed, at about midnight. Your father, King Elba, has stolen all the eligible women, yet again. Of course, it did seem like your mother, the beautiful Queen Laena , was interested in you, but Father made sure no woman would ever be in bed with you. The only woman you’ve ever been with was Rayne, the gorgeous elf who taught you the basics of sex, before being dragged away by orcs later in the night, a result of one of your father’s false promises. Of course, he punished...
FantasyJock Tales—The Beginning PT 5 GAME DAYIt was finally here. Game day. The school was going nuts. Cheers and chants filled the hallways. Blue and silver banners were everywhere. It was nearly out of control. I guess a hundred people patted me on the back walking down the halls during the day. All the players were in their game jerseys, so it was easy to spot us. Three o'clock. School is finally out. Only 4 hours till kickoff. I was a nervous wreck. I went straight to the locker room. No time to...
I can barely remember when it all started. I think it was two years after my mother died. My step dad got everything. she never made a proper will, there was no need, her death happened so suddenly. the main thing that stuck in my mind was thinking ' why am I the only one heart broken. my step brother, he never liked my mother. so he really didn't care. my step father, I figured he was trying to protect me from the greif. I was 14 when this all happened. a year later just after my 15th...
In taking control of Pop, Megan had shown how brutal slut she could be. But the next day things continued in a most unexpected way.Mom came home after staying at the college the night before, she was greeted by her perverted daughter... and, well, If you thought Bryan, the Pop had trouble controlling this young woman, wait to you read how she treats Tina, her Mom!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As Tina pulled into the drive her heart sank. Bryan’s car was gone,...
Last February, an external accounting team came to perform reviews within my company. A selected group of persons were chosen for the interview, I was one of the chosen ones to be interviewed. I began to suspect that the audits were just a cover-up. Working in the company's logistics I had nothing to do with corporate finances. I turned up for the audit, where I was welcomed by a team of four people. The interview went smoothly. They asked me innocent questions about life and work at the...
Mind ControlAs he’s putting up Christmas decorations, Joshua walks into his living room to find a Freaky Fembot Holiday Edition! Joshua is thrilled with his new present and immediately turns the Fembot on. Her name is Lucy and her purpose is to do anything and everything to make Joshua smile this holiday season. Joshua enjoys her nice mode as they finish putting up decorations, but soon he finds out about her naughty mode and the real jolly times begin! Lucy is excellent at sucking and riding Joshua’s cock...
xmoviesforyouCaden awoke to bright sunlight bleeding through his eyelids. He opened them, his muscles stiff and sore, his mind clouded. He was lying on his bedroll in the observatory, the Alfar model of the solar system slowly rotating above him, the opening at the peak of the pyramid revealing blue skies. His cape had been draped over him like a blanket, and he pulled it off as he sat up, looking around for Kadal. “Caden!” she exclaimed, rushing to his side. “You are awake!” “What happened?” he...
In Boston, I took up the mantle of the wealthy trader, partner in several thriving enterprises. It turned out I was my own leading competitor. Two of my investments were now worthless, the companies having suffered great reverses in a financial panic. But three of them more than made up for the reverses, having become the leading shipping companies in the United States. I had to now think of them that way having again beaten the British army in a small war, called by them the War of 1812....
Ok, so the encounters with my now Daddy = the guy that took my virginity started, I rode my bicycle to his house and we had hot times there, he drove his car to go and meet me but since I had no place to host we decided to meet by the Cemetery, those 6 miles that keep us apart were nothing since we both were feeling horny and our lust and desire for each other was growing with every time we met. I still not out of the closet neither he is but he is more experienced then me in all about sex,...
Cherie DeVille is back at JJV for another round of hardcore anal with Manuel Ferrara. Cherie teases us with her tight, toned body in sexy pink lingerie with black stockings, she knows she’s getting a big dick today and can barely contain her excitement. She pulls out a double-ended dildo and DP’s herself, getting her holes nice and wet, ready to get pounded. Manuel shows up and helps toy her holes before Cherie drops to her knees and starts sucking on his massive cock. This is some...
xmoviesforyouIt’d been after 10:00 p.m. the previous evening when Prince Rashid finally returned to his embassy, but it was after midnight before Jason, Genna, Thad, and Joel had gone to bed. Those discussions had been very productive, though, for it looked like things would run smoothly, even for such a thrown together group of mismatched people. One of the first things that had come out was both of the Battens were thoroughly familiar with guns, both long and short. Though they hadn’t had the kind of...
THE DISCIPLE By Jennifer Prowler This story may be distributed freely as long as it is in full and is not used for any monetary gain. This story is an original by me. Any similarity to anyone or any event is not intended This is set in a world of my own creation that is basically like ours but is filled with many Gods and Goddesses. This is my first attempt at writing so please be kind. Any comments would be welcomed at [email protected] I wrote this story as a counterpoint...
“That’s it, I think I’m finished!” Eunice squealed to herself as she held up the makeshift doll in her hands, admiring her work.It was a few weeks ago when Eunice came home to find the book wrapped in brown paper sitting on her doorstep. Thin hemp rope tied the package together with a little-folded note attached. ‘What lengths would you go for the one you want most?’She knew it had to be fate, some cosmic twist the universe gave her. A chance to finally be one with her obsession. Eunice never...
LesbianI had stopped by to drop off some papers to Walt when I found him sitting in the large lounge chair and Ruth over by the fireplace in her rocking chair. I climbed onto the arm rest of the chair next to Walt, put my arm around the back of his shoulders, gave him the papers which he briefly looked at, them and then tossed them onto the coffee table. It was a rather warm day and I had on a top with no bra underneath and a pair of shorts, no panties under them as well. I could see Walt was more...
Hello, kasi hai app, I to read incest stories in this site I am also..writing my real anubhav Which is unfrogetable This happen 1 sal before to me with my younger brother wife which was married just 8 monts back. About My Family We are 4 brothers & Sisters 1st sis name preety married 6 year back to a Bank Manager having 2 kids 2nd My self married to a sexy women name neha with 1 son name ramesh 3rd sis name roopa married to a Businessman Having a 1 kid 4th brother married abuitiful &...
Hi friends mera naam ashok hai mai 36 saal ka hu aur ajj jo kahani apke samne rakh raha hu usske sath usska proof bhi rakhna cahh raha hu. Isske koi khas reason bhi hai.Sabse pahle mujhe ummed hai ki meri sona bhi ye story padhegi aur mujse ek baar plz contact jarroor karegi.Friends mai appko apni sona ki kuch picture mail per share karunga per sirf unnko jo mere ya sona ke family se koi related na ho.Aur sona plz ye mai tumhe blackmail karne ko nai balki tumse ek baar contact karne ke liye...
I am now addicted to the sensation of self pleasure, always thinking of Bill's uncut cock and watching my brothers jerking off.It has been days since my first encounter but my new found hobby has kept me busy.I can't leave my boyish cock alone and now I have found even pulling and playing my balls makes it feel that much better, not mention scratching under my tight ball sack with my nails,Like Bill wanted more of in the shower, sent chills through my body. I wanted to cum,see my own load...
Kimmi hopped out of his SUV in cutoff denim shorts and a white t-shirt. Mr. B had rolled down the windows for the trip so they could smell the fresh air, but he also liked Kimmi with a windblown, wild look. Her nipples were showing through her thin white t-shirt. He smiled in satisfaction at her appearance."Come see my farm, Kimmi," he said eagerly."I love this," she replied smiling, looking around at the trees and wildflowers.Kimmi took a deep breath and smiled. Being outdoors always relaxed...
Outdoor100% fiction! I was twenty one at the time and had to go back home to collect some papers and my dad was going to be there to sort out a boiler problem for me he was in his late fifties and was built like a horse with a dick to match. His car was there but when I went in he was nowhere about. I went back outside and through my neighbors window I could hear his voice I visited my neighbors wife a few times so I knew her sex drive was high. I opened the back door and went in and could hear voices...
Cheating Wifes[email protected] I am assembling a collection of stories for publication. You will be paid, if it sells. It must be original and you are the author. The story should be real, or based on real experience. You can receive editing and writing help also. If you can't write a good story, I can help you write it. Thanks Editor Suggestions include your first time having sex, or the best time having sex. Perhaps you had an affair and would be willing to tell the entire...
On Monday Tommy went back to visit Sarah. He fucked her three times; each time in a different bedroom. But it was the most fun doing it in Samantha's bed. He was pretty confident that he would have both mother and daughter pregnant before he went back to school. Tuesday he picked Samantha up from school and took her back to the farmhouse. She was more than willing to have sex with him but she said, "I brought some condoms. I think that we should use them so I don't get pregnant." Tommy...
Tina and Christopher stayed sitting on the sofa for all of an hour. Neither spoke other than for him to remind her not to forget her tea. She managed an apologetic half smile. He appreciated her reluctance to talk and realised that all she wanted was sympathetic comfort. She had done well to control her fear and anxiety after her landlord's visit the previous evening. The shock and violence of the attempted rape this morning must have been overwhelming mentally and emotionally as well as...
Diversity 2 by Angela Collins Just to show willing, I asked her for the names of her contacts and she said she would e-mail them to me. Though, I had little thought of contacting them. I certainly had something to think about while leaving the office. I really wanted the job. I also needed the job. My redundancy money was not going to last indefinitely and my mortgage payments were eating into it fast. If I did not get a job soon I would have to start thinking about downsizing. ...
Chapter Six: Best Daddy's Mother-Daughter Consult A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “The doctor's running a little bit behind,” the nurse said as we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Sharma's office. She was my daughter's OB/GYN. Since they were all pregnant, they all had to go see her. But never at the same day, of course. Dr. Sharma was too busy to get them all in at the same day. I had been here two days ago...
APPOLOGY: I had a talk with someone about endangered tiger skin rugs and when I came to write my previous story; One Mad Weekend, I had a blonde moment and wrote 'tiger' when I meant 'leopard'. On second thoughts I'm unfair to blondes, they're not as stupid as that. Kriz A LETTER FROM AN AUNT TO HER NIECE Dear Lindsey I've got your letter and I'm sorry it's taken so long to answer it but I wanted you to know exactly what I did and the reason in my mind at the time. I...
I step out of the shower into the steam filled room. I wipe the fogged mirror so I can see my reflection. My blond hair wet and slightly curly clings to my face. My blue green eyes staring back at me. I look every inch of my body over in careful examination. Have a few pounds I could lose. Other than that I was happy with my appearance. Pale skin, light freckles dusting my nose and cheeks. Beautiful firm breasts, curvy seductive hips and a perfectly shaped butt. Not the sexiest girl out there...
Straight SexBilly was ready for tonight. He had been ready for as long as he’d been going out with Leslie. He was sure tonight was the night that she was finally going to let him fuck her. And was he ever ready. Sure, she had given him a hand job here and there, and she had let him feel her up on countless occasions. But she hadn’t ever let him go all the way with him yet. For the first couple of months, he figured this was to be expected. They had both been raised in a Mid-Western town all...
We are at a party on a Saturday evening, at someone’s home. It’s a very large, old mansion built in the early 1920s with lots of winding hallways that lead to countless rooms. There’s a band and people dancing but also wandering all over the house and grounds. It’s a fancy party, black tie. You’re looking very dashing in your tuxedo, and I gently tease you by joking about how you look like James Bond. My long, dark brunette hair is loosely pinned up, and I’m in a bright blue silk gown. The...
Fantasy storyI am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael...
It is early evening. I lay there on top of the bed, naked. My body glistening with sweat in the midsummer heat, my hand moving and down my engorged erection. I feel so horny. Being 18 and still a virgin doesn't help my hormones. I groan loudly as I gently rub my palm over the helmet. Christ! That feels so good! I move my hand back down the hard shaft and resume my stroking action. Images of naked women swim through my head. I can imagine them on the bed with him, riding up and down my...
IncestMera asli naam rehne do sedhe story pado. Me jammu ka rehne wala hu aur muje sex ka bhut shok hai…Me sex ke liye addicted ho gaya hu , isi wajah se muje apni dost ki maa ko chodne ka khyal aata rehta tha..Vo kafi frank thi mere sath bachpan se hi aur me b jab se muth marne laga tab se hi uski bare me soch soch ke muth mara karta tha..Mera dost bahr engg karta tha aur mere dost ke papa govt job karte the aur unki duty jammu ke bhr thi ,mere dost ki bhen b hai jiske b mere ekele me momme dbaye ha...
...ContinuedSo what exactly was teeny Sue up to? She had ordered a Taxi as she had arrived to baby sit? The very BIG ebony black taxi driver, who called himself King Impala had told my little dicked, white hubby that he had done some kinda deal with Sue. Now Sue although embarrased in that Mick had found her out, meaning had she waited half an hour for Mick to leave then Mick would not have answered to door to let him in. Why then had the negro driver gone into the lounge with Sue? So many...
Persephone Nine Chapter 1: Crash Story by All These Roadworks (2022). If you enjoy this story, please support its creation with the purchase of an e-book or membership from! (Click here to view the shop.) My kinks aren't my politics - I support respect, equity, and positive enthusiastic consent. (Check out more about my content policy here.) === The swathe of crushed alien vegetation was half a kilometre wide, and stretched all the way to the horizon. Here and there small...
Just Another Hole In The Wall - Part III The Finaleby DizzyDI suggest you read Parts I & II if you haven't recentlyLinda slowly awoke, and in her groggy state she was momentarily confused by the arm dr@ped over her side and the hand resting on her breast, but when she felt something as hard as a steel rod pressing into her naked left buttock she remembered it was her grandson lying behind her.As Linda’s head cleared she started to remember the feeling of Bobby’s teenage erection pulsing...
" On your knees" His tone was demanding, his voice was not raised. The dark look in his eye told me this was not our usual play...Slowly I sank to my knees in front of him, my bare ass resting on the soles of my feet. "open" he commandedI slowly began to open my mouth, he quickly and roughly shoved his cock inside, slamming into the back of my throat. His hands tangled themselves in my hair, pressing my head to his torso.I sputtered and gagged, but he only thrust harder and deeper. My eyes...
I woke up with an absolutely pounding headache, and it took me a few moments to remember that just yesterday my life had been completely turned upside down. I grabbed my phone to check the time – nearly midday – and saw another five texts and nine missed calls from the guy who had been my boyfriend until the previous evening. Glad I had managed to switch my phone to silent when I went to bed despite the amount of Jack Daniels I had drunk, I ignored them and dragged myself out from under my warm...
I would like to thanks Emily Thayer for editing this chapter. Damien William and DragonKnightleader for written the sex scenes. Saturday, January 7, 2012 C.E. Roof of Poison Ivy’s Lair, Amusement Mile, Arkham City Bruce left Harley and Poison Ivy asleep, fully satisfied, with bellies full of his cum. Batman went outside in the cold Gotham night, and across the rooftops sees a figure running toward him. Batman snaps into action, using his grapple gun, Bruce moves closer to the figure...
(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.) On the first floor of the school, seventeen year old Scott Olson was heading to Mr. Turner's classroom. In his hand, he had Malcolm Jackson's homework on the history of Samuel Duval, an important black man in the French royal court during the early 17th century. A paper Scott had stayed up late last night to finish. He didn't want to hand in a black student's homework without it being perfect.As he turned...
InterracialI have to tell about an experience that I recently had with an old school friend. His name is Avik. I had moved far when I turned 15. We accidentally met one day at a mall. He was not able to recognize me at all and of course he was surprised to see me as a female because he had last seen me when I was 13-14 yr old boy. He was here for some work issues. We exchanged numbers and I got to know that he still stayed at our old town. It was good to know that he was bi and really interested in me...
The cab driver took one look at me and leered, then propositioned me. I thought about slapping him but just ignored him. He simply figured that a young blonde leaving a hotel in the early morning dressed in an evening gown was a call girl. I let him drive me home and gave him the money Jerry had given me for the cab. I wasn’t sure whether I should be angry or pleased, to think that men would pay me money for my company. I was not about to undertake a career change! I got home and found the...
“Seems like you’ve got this down,” I said. I unclicked my pen and started putting away my things. “Your parents getting home soon?” “Umm, lemme check.” She took out her phone. “If not,” I said, “maybe we can talk about what we talked about before.” She smiled as she constructed her text. Like Margo, Julia had a sarcastic undertone to her demeanor. She was hilarious, but she rarely let you see it on her face. She had bright green eyes, but they were masked by heavy eyelids. A minute of...
175 Autumn island part 4[A quiet finish and a return to our sexual iddle if you want the next stage, just ask and comment]She slept till seven the next day, by then all the last items were aboard, after I woke her with tea, the mattress, bedding and kettle were loaded, she looked around then locked up We set off, dropping the keys in an envelope through the door of the agent before the streets were properly aired, and set off north, me driving the old van, and Autumn smiling now but no...
The street was still, silent, unnaturally silent for a night like this. Chloe’s perpetual gum-chewing worked in tandem with the sound of Samantha’s heels. “So where are we going?” Samantha asked.“Through here,” Chloe said.It was a narrow passageway, and at the end of it they came out onto a park, situated on the south side of the canal. On the other side of the water was the town centre, where the real nightlife took place.“What is this place?”“Don’t you know?” Chloe said. “I’d have thought a...
Fantasy & Sci-FiDevin and I presumed our previous awkward relationship. We didn’t speak or openly acknowledge each other's presences, though I was always painfully aware of his. I blamed myself entirely. If it hadn’t been for my stupid jealousy, I would still be in a haze of ignorant, lustful, bliss. But after nearly two weeks of avoiding each other I realized that I’d just expedited the inevitable. I had always expected things would end badly, I’d just hoped it wouldn’t end any time soon. During...
While this is not my personal story or experience (but how I wish it was). I had to share this wonderful first experience with the more mature lady was whilst I was sifting through charity shops in my local town,i was looking at the books and whilst engrossed in one particular book, I did not see who was stood behind me, as I stepped back I felt my foot crunch down on something soft and quite a loud yelp in my ear,as I turned around I discovered I had stepped on a ladies foot.......I...
April 24, 1987, Chicago, Illinois We had our usual business development meeting on Friday morning. The main points of discussion were Kaitlin’s new part-time role, and the new programming work we had for Belarus Tractors and Windy City Trucking. “I’ve been thinking about ways to find more business,” Cindi said. “I’d like permission to talk to Novell about being an official distributor. That would get us referrals from them, and it wouldn’t be limited to law offices. We’d have to get...
Jake realized that he could not leave his cum there and he got a washcloth and wet it with warm water and a dry towel. He gently wiped his mother's ass cleaning it as best he could then he dried her with the towel. He was amazed at how erotic just cleaning his cum from her ass was and what a rush the whole adventure had been. By the time he returned to his bed he was hard and needed to masturbate again. At least he already had the towel.When Jake got up the next morning he was still thinking...
“Starting today and continuing for the next month, this is your list of daily duties. You may ask for my advice at any time.” Thirty minutes of swimming twice a day, once before breakfast and once in the afternoon or evening. Attend breakfast at 8:00. Clean up after all meals. Complete assigned homework Prepare lunch and dinner. Lunch needs to be served between 12:05 pm and 12:30 pm and dinner between 18:00 pm and 18:30 pm. Write up a paper on each station in the workshop. You have...
Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XII“Interracial Scenes I”, with Darko (OC) and Diane (based on an Alazar pic)Diane: Diane was the typical middle-aged woman that many would land on the ‘MILF’ side of labeling. She had been married for 14 years with Floyd and it was a very happy marriage until she knew he cheated on her with multiple women, most of them closest friends of her.After the divorce, Diane left town and moved to the big city, where she could enjoy all the pleasures she was denied...
Blonde slut Jenna Fireworks is a breath of fresh air all men shouldn’t miss. The bubbly lady with all-natural tits shares some interesting stories about her experiences in the industry. It doesn’t take long before all the talking made the tattooed blonde wet and horny. She gives her man a sloppy blowjob before letting him bang her from behind. Jenna can’t help but moan as the lucky stud fucks her tight cunt doggy style. The horny duo continues to fuck each other, shifting to...
xmoviesforyouI arrived at work with nothing on my mind. I didn’t care what wasn’t done from the night before, because whatever I discovered once I was there easily could be taken care of. As it turns out, one of the young women who work the registers called out. ‘Can you call someone in?’ my boss inquired upon seeing me. Her name is Lynn. She’s petite to an extent. Compared to my tall stature, her eyes were level with my shoulders. Due to the outfits she wears and her immature yet judicious personality, I...