Alexia at Charlie s
- 4 years ago
- 39
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Alexia : Jeux de vilaines
Chapitre 1
- Salut Pauline
- Salut Alexia
Les deux jolies brunes s?embrass?rent sur les deux joues. Alexia la plus petite des deux et aussi la plus p?tillante, jalousait quelque peu l??norme
poitrine de son amie. Pauline avait deux beaux melons ? la place de ses seins alors qu?Alexia avait une jolie petite poitrine ronde.
Cela faisait quelques temps qu?elle ourdissait un plan pour exploiter les seins de son amie. Lui faire payer ses avantages qu?elle jugeait injustifi?s
et profiter d?elle et de ses seins pour son propre plaisir par la m?me occasion.
- Ca te dit un tournoi de poker en ligne ce soir chez moi?? On est vendredi alors on a le temps?!
- Un tournoi Alexia??
- Oui?! Tu viens avec ton portable et moi avec le mien et on joue sur un tournoi toutes les deux. Celle qui va le plus loin gagne?!
- Ca peut ?tre amusant?!
- On peut m?me int?resser plus la partie?!
- Comment??
- Disons que celle qui perd devient l?esclave de l?autre pendant tout le week-end?!
- Esclave du genre totalement soumise ? l?autre??
- Oui impossible de rien refuser?!
- M?me du sexe?!
- Oui?!
- Tu sais, si je gagne, je t?emm?ne dans une ferme pour te faire baiser par un ?ne?!
- Salope?! dit Alexia en frissonnant, moins s?re d?avoir eu une bonne id?e. Si je gagne, je m?occupe de tes seins pendant tout le week-end?!
- Chiche?!
- Chiche?!
- A ce soir alors?!
- Je ne me d?gonflerai pas et je compte gagner pour prostituer ta poitrine de grosse truie?!
- Je ferai de toi mon ?nesse?!
Les deux jeunes filles se s?par?rent ? l?entr?e de la fac pour aller ? leurs cours de la journ?e.
Toutes deux ?taient tr?s excit?es ? l?id?e de ce qui se profilait pour leur week-end. Excit?es et angoiss?es tout ? la fois. L?id?e de gagner leur plaisait bien
mais le prix
? payer si elles perdaient leur semblait un peu lourd ? chacune.
Alexia laissa tomber sa journ?e de cours, n??coutant rien, se concentrant sur les trucs et astuces du poker, les strat?gies pour optimiser son jeu, connaitre toutes les
mauvaises mains. Elle voulait pouvoir jouer avec les seins de Pauline.
Cette derni?re profita du midi pour aller jouer en ligne quelques parties gratuites. Elle r?vait depuis toujours de faire passer son amie sous un ?ne. Voir son
joli corps nu
sous la b?te, avec son ?norme sexe qui allait p?n?trer brutalement en elle en la faisant crier puis remuer pour la saillir comme une simple ?nesse. Elle n?avait
pas du tout
la moindre envie de perdre.
Le soir, les deux jeunes filles s?install?rent dans la chambre de la r?sidence universitaire d?Alexia. En raison de l?enjeu, elles d?siraient ?viter tout
contact familial pendant
les prochains jours.
Il y avait justement un tournoi de s?lection pour le WPT ce soir l?. Les deux jeunes femmes s?inscrivirent en m?me temps, chacune guettant les r?sultats
de l?autre au fil
des tours qui commenc?rent ? s?enchainer. Au bout d?une heure, Pauline caracolait en t?te et Alexia dut jouer son tapis avec une main faible. Elle eut cependant
de la chance,
sortant un brelan de 3 qui la renfloua.
Deux bonnes heures plus tard, les deux jeunes femmes se retrouv?rent sur l?une des tables finales du jour, la m?me table.
La tension entre elles ?tait extr?me et chacune essayait de bien cacher son ?cran ? l?autre ainsi que leurs r?actions. Pauline fit tapis avec une paire d?as en main.
Elle eut la
bonne surprise de voir Alexia la suivre. Tout allait se jouer sur cette main. Le tirage des 3 cartes sortit un 5, un 8 et une dame. Rien de bien int?ressant.
Pauline sentait bien
les choses. Alexia qui esp?rait une couleur fut d??ue de voir que seules des cartes rouges ?taient sorties alors qu?elle poss?dait deux tr?fles. La suivante ne
les int?ressa
pas plus, un 2 de c?ur. Pauline sentait que ses d?sirs allaient enfin se r?aliser. La derni?re carte fit pousser un soupir ? Alexia. Un valet de tr?fle.
Il ?tait temps qu?un tr?fle
sorte enfin.
Pauline vit son jeu s?afficher ? l??cran, fi?re de sa paire d?as. Elle se figea d?semparer en voyant son compte tomber ? z?ro et un message lui signifiant son
s?afficher. Elle vit horrifi?e qu?Alexia poss?dait une suite, poss?dant un 9 et un 10.
Alexia plus du tout int?ress?e par la suite du tournoi enchaina tapis sur tapis, sans faire attention ? ce qu?elle avait et finit par perdre apr?s une dizaine
de tours suppl?mentaires.
Elle avait perdu le tournoi mais gagn? le pari.
Pauline la regarda inqui?te.
- Tu sais ce qui t?attend?!
- Tu es s?rieuse??
- Oui?!
- C??tait pour rire les gages non??
- Non?! A poil et vite?!
- S?il te plait?!
- On ne discute pas o? je me f?che?!
- J?aurai droit ? une revanche??
- Vendredi soir prochain oui?!
- Ok dans ce cas allons-y.
Pauline commen?a par sagement retirer ses chaussures puis ses collants avant de faire glisser sa jupe au sol. Elle recommen?a ? protester un peu mais Alexia lui colla
une gifle s?che sur chaque joue.
- Tu es mon esclave pour tout le week-end?! Tu ob?is sinon il t?en coutera?!
- Salope?!
Pauline se prit une nouvelle paire de gifles.
- Je ne veux pas que tu filmes mon d?shabillage?!
- Tu n?as rien ? vouloir?! Tu ob?is et c?est tout?! Tu te crois o? esclave??!
Pauline re?ut ? nouveau une paire de gifles, sans oser riposter.
Elle retira son T-shirt ? regret pour se retrouver en dessous de coton fleuri devant Alexia qui filmait toute la sc?ne depuis le d?but. Ses seins mena?aient
de sortir ? tout
moment du soutien-gorge tant ils ?taient gros.
- Allez?! le soutif?!
Pauline ? regret le d?grafa et le jeta sur le tas de v?tements ? ses pieds. Les t?tons ?taient tendus, pas trop long ni trop ?pais, de belles ar?oles brunes
? leur base. Les seins
?taient vraiment aussi gros nus qu?ils lui avaient sembl?s l??tre quand Pauline ?tait habill?e. De beaux melons, bien fermes, fi?rement dress?s devant Alexia.
Pauline ?tait toute
rouge de honte de devoir les exhiber.
Alexia se d?lectait de cette vision et filmait la sc?ne, de loin puis en zoomant uniquement sur les deux superbes mamelles, de face, de cot?, de ? dos, puis de
face sur chacune
des mamelles.
Cela avait valu le temps d?attendre tout ce temps. Elle allait bien s?amuser avec cette poitrine offerte, rien qu?? elle et ? ses d?sirs.
Elle s?agenouilla pour aussi filmer ces promontoires de dessous, partant de la base et faisant glisser l?objectif jusque la pointe. Un r?gal que de voir Pauline
soumise ? sa volont? et de la voir tenter sans cesse de se maitriser, furieuse qu?Alexia la filme ainsi.
- Allez salope?! J?ai dit ? poil?!
Pauline ? regret fit glisser sa culotte pour se mettre nue devant son amie. Alexia filma la sc?ne tout en tournant autour de la jolie strip-teaseuse. Elle prit
des d?tail en gros plan
de la chatte toute ras?e et des fesses rondes de son esclave puis la fit se pencher en avant et ?carter ses fesses des deux mains pour prendre des plans
rapproch?s de son anus,
des grandes et petites l?vres intimes puis de l?int?rieur m?me de sa chatte. L?entr?e de son vagin, son orifice urinaire puis son clitoris. Elle lui ordonna
de ne pas bouger
et passa ? cot? d?elle puis devant elle pour filmer aussi ses gros seins qui pendaient sous elle.
Alexia en salivait de plaisir et de d?sir. Quelle d?lice de voir sa salope d?amie dans cette position.
- On dirait une vache qui a besoin d??tre traite comme cela?!
- Tu es une enfoir?e?!
- Pire que cela mais tu n?as pas le droit de me le dire petite vache. Tu dois au pire me remercier?!
Alexia prit une ceinture en cuir dans son armoire et la passa au cou de Pauline pour en faire une longe. Elle sera bien et la garda en main puis commen?a ?
claquer avec la main
la croupe tendue de son amie, l?emp?chant de bouger en l??tranglant avec la ceinture ? chaque amorce de mouvement de r?bellion. Elle ne cessa qu?apr?s avoir entendu
son amie pleurer un long moment puis la supplier d?arr?ter puis enfin toujours en larmes, lui promettre d??tre respectueuse et ob?issante.
- Bien?! On se comprend enfin?!
Alexia sourit et prit de nouveau un film du corps de son amie, filmant bien les fesses toutes rouges apr?s la fess?e re?ue, insistant sur les traces de ses doigts
qui se d?coupaient
par endroit sur la peau tout en ne pouvant s?emp?cher de terminer sur sa poitrine.
Elle reprit la longe en main pour maitriser Pauline et gifla rapidement et fortement ? plusieurs reprises ses seins pendant sous elle, les faisant balloter sous
ses coups et faisant
hurler de douleur Pauline, bien plus fortement que pr?c?demment. Ses jambes se d?rob?rent sous elle et elle tomba ? genoux puis ? 4 pattes aux pieds d?Alexia.
- Tu sais que tu me plais bien dans cette position?!
- Je n?ai rien fait?pourquoi me frapper encore?!
- Parce que j?adore ?a?! Tu n?as pas ? avoir des plus gros seins que moi?! Voil? ce que tu as fait?!
- C?est injuste?!
- Totalement injuste?! C?est moi qui devrais avoir tes seins?! Pas une esclave qui ne sait m?me pas quoi en faire?!
Alexia prit une chaise avec de gros pieds en bois torsad?s et la coucha sur le cot?, la coin?ant le dossier contre le mur sous les yeux de Pauline qui se demandait
ce qu?il lui prenait.
Elle revint prendre la longe et la fit reculer vers la chaise. Pauline comprit aussit?t ce qui l?attendait. Elle ?carquilla les yeux tout en protestant mollement,
ayant trop peur
d?une nouvelle correction.
Alexia lui guida les fesses de la main pour placer l?entr?e de son vagin sur le bout du pied de la chaise et tira ensuite durement sur la longe pour la forcer
? s?empaler durement
sur ce pied.
Pauline hurla de douleur et de panique, reculant trop vite ? son gout, son vagin meurtri par la torsade. La texture du bois lui irritait ?galement toute sa muqueuse
Alexia reprit son cam?scope en main pour filmer son amie ainsi prise sur le pied de chaise. Elle se mit ? son niveau et lui ordonna de se baiser sur la chaise
jusqu?? ce qu?elle
lui dise de s?arr?ter.
Elle voyait ainsi les grosses mamelles pendantes s?agiter sous ses yeux au rythme des mouvements de son amie sur le pied de chaise. Pauline souffrait ? chaque mouvement
et se sentait terriblement humili?e de devoir se prendre ainsi sur un objet devant sa copine. C??tait la premi?re fois qu?elle ?tait vue par quelqu?un en train
de se faire baiser.
Le pire c?est que cela faisait en plus tr?s mal. Le trouble ?tait aussi tr?s d?rangeant. Etre vue ainsi d?chue lui semblait bon. Elle appr?ciait ce sentiment.
N?anmoins, elle se promit
qu?elle se vengerait d?s qu?elle gagnerait au poker ? son tour.
Alexia glissa une main dans sa culotte et se caressa doucement le clitoris en regardant et en filmant ce joli spectacle. Quel plaisir que de voir Pauline ainsi
en perdition. Tant pis
si jamais elle devait le payer en retour un jour. Cela n?avait pas de prix de pouvoir profiter d?elle ? loisir ainsi.
Elle finit par baisser sa culotte et trousser sa jupe puis s?agenouilla cuisses ouvertes devant son amie.
- L?che ta maitresse esclave?! Fais-moi jouir de ta langue?!
Pauline n?avait jamais fait cela auparavant, ?tant farouchement h?t?ro. Elle grima?a et se prit deux violentes gifles sur la figure puis deux autres encore
plus violentes sur les seins.
- Fais-moi jouir?!
Pauline compris qu?elle serait frapp?e jusqu?? ce qu?elle ob?isse et se d?cida ? mettre une fin ? ses tourments en se for?ant ? passer sa langue sur la chatte
lisse d?Alexia.
Elle grima?a en sentant le gout de son excitation sur sa langue et se for?a ? entrer entre les l?vres intimes. Elle se concentra sur le clitoris, tout en essayant
d?oublier ce qu?elle ?tait
en train de faire. Elle ?tait nue ? 4 pattes en train de se baiser sur un pied de chaise en bois torsad?, une longe au cou et elle l?chait son amie dont elle ?tait
pour les prochains jours.
Cela la fit jouir en m?me temps qu?Alexia de penser ? tout cela. Elle se prit aussit?t une ?norme claque sur le cul, Alexia lui reprochant son plaisir qu?elle ne
lui avait pas
permis de prendre.
Elle remonta sa culotte, se promettant de reprofiter pendant le week-end des talents de son amie. Quel pied elle avait pris?! Elle s?installa devant son micro et
se connecta sur
facebook sur le profil de son amie.
- Vient taper ton mot de passe esclave?!
- Ha non?! Pas question?! Tu ne touches pas mon profil?! dit Pauline apr?s s??tre d?faite du pied de chaise et s??tre approch?e de l??cran.
Aussit?t Alexia attrapa la ceinture pour ?trangler Pauline sans pr?caution. Cette derni?re suffoquant s?agenouilla, perdant ses forces. Alexia lib?ra un peu la
ceinture et
claqua les gros seins de son esclave ? toute vol?e.
Pauline s?effondra sur le sol, le souffle coup? par la douleur, incapable de parler et de bouger.
- Tu as compris cette fois?? Tu vas me taper ton mot de passe que je m?occupe de ton profil facebook?!
- Piti? oui?! Ne me tape plus?! Je vais le faire?
- Tu vois quand tu veux?! Je vais finir par croire que tu aimes que je te frappe?! Alors que moi je d?teste cela?! Je ne le fais pas pour mon plaisir mais
pour le tien tout cela?!
Pauline pr?f?ra ne rien dire devant la mauvaise foi ?vidente de son amie et maitresse du week-end. Elle parvint ? se redresser et la mort dans l??me, elle donna
tous les acc?s
de son profil ? son amie.
- Il est temps que tes amis puissent voir un peu ta vraie nature et qu?ils te d?couvrent un peu mieux physiquement?! Tu vas avoir du succ?s ? mon avis?!
- S?il te plait?Ne fais pas de b?tises?
- C?est pour ton bien ma ch?rie?!
Alexia commen?a ? uploader les petits films qu?elle avait r?alis?s de son amie. Elle mit en ligne plusieurs photos de son strip-tease, des photos de ses
seins nus, de sa chatte,
de son cul, d?elle ouverte ? 4 pattes tenue par la ceinture et aussi en train de se baiser sur le pied de chaise.
Elle donna ensuite le droit ? tout le monde de voir les films de tous ces d?licieux moments.
Rapidement, Alexia et Pauline virent le nombre de personne consultant tout cela augmenter. Alexia donna libre acc?s ? toutes les personnes connues et inconnues
qui en firent la demande.
- Tu vas devenir l?une des vedettes du moment je crois dit Alexia en pouffant de rire.
Alexia passa ensuite une annonce qu?elle cacha ? Pauline. Elle souhaitait trouver un m?decin qui puisse faire une piqure d?hormones provoquant
la lactation chez son amie.
En ?change, il aurait le droit de se payer en nature avec Pauline.
Les r?ponses ne tard?rent pas ? arriver. Plusieurs lui propos?rent le m?me produit et apr?s quelques recherches sur le net, Alexia parvint ? la conclusion que
les propositions
?taient bien s?rieuses. Elle se d?cida alors ? s?lectionner un m?decin pouvant faire l?injection miracle ? Pauline.
Elle d?couvrit ravie un m?decin nain. Elle lui demanda aussit?t ses exigences qui lui parurent raisonnables. Elle se mit d?accord avec lui et fut heureuse de
savoir qu?il pouvait
agir d?s le soir m?me.
Alexia rajusta sa tenue et tira sur la ceinture pour faire avancer Pauline ? 4 pattes. Arriv?es ? la porte de la chambre, Pauline se mit ? protester vivement.
- Ne fait pas ta mijaur?e ma ch?rie?! Il y a plusieurs milliers de personnes qui t?ont vu en train de baiser avec une chaise sur le net. Dont une bonne
cinquantaine de filles
de cette r?sidence?Alors ton cul et tes nichons, tout le monde les connait maintenant?!
- S?il te plait non?! Je ne peux pas?!
Alexia pin?a le clitoris de son amie jusqu?? ce qu?elle fonde en larmes et capitule. Elle ouvrit alors sa porte et sans m?nagement, elle la fit sortir dans
le couloir en tirant sur la ceinture.
Elle parcourut tout l??tage ainsi avec Pauline ? 4 pattes nue derri?re elle et passa expr?s par la partie foyer de la r?sidence.
Les applaudissements furent nourris lors de leur arriv?e. Tout le monde en profita pour tapoter, masser, peloter, tripoter le cul et les seins de Pauline sous
pr?texte de la flatter
comme l?animal et l?esclave qu?elle ?tait.
Pauline malgr? elle se mit ? mouiller et se l?entendit reprocher par de nombreuses filles, pour sa plus grande honte. Alexia prolongea ce moment plus que
n?cessaire et se rendit
compte qu?elle allait ?tre en retard ? son rendez-vous. Elle tira alors sur la ceinture et se mit ? courir vers la porte pour sortir sur le campus, Pauline
essayant de suivre le rythme,
?trangl?e sans cesse par la ceinture qui se serrait sur son cou.
Alexia se retournait fr?quemment pour profiter du spectacle de ses seins ?normes qui bougeaient en tous sens. Cela l?excitait plus que tout. Elle h?sita puis ouvrit
le coffre
de sa voiture pour y faire entrer Pauline, tout en la tirant par les t?tons pour ?viter qu?elle ne proteste ou r?siste. Elle les sentit bien dur entre ses doigts
et les malaxa un peu
avant de bien les ?craser puis d?y planter ses ongles. Pauline n?esquissa aucun geste de refus, pleurant de douleur en raison de ce traitement et rentra le plus
vite possible
dans le coffre de la petite voiture.
Alexia lui claqua bien les fesses pour accompagner la fin du mouvement et entra aussi son index et son majeur droit d?un coup ? fond dans l?anus de Pauline.
Elle les fit tourner
pour s?amuser, excit?e par le fait de l?enculer comme cela le cul bien visible de tous les passants.
Un petit attroupement se provoqua rapidement, encourageant Alexia ? lui ouvrir encore plus le cul, ? ?carter ses doigts dedans. Elle le fit pour s?amuser puis
ensuite fit se retourner
Pauline et la fit mettre ? genoux dans le coffre mamelles offertes.
Toutes les filles pr?sentes eurent alors le droit de profiter de ses seins. L?une d?elle aspira ses t?tons tout ? tour pour y boire comme si Pauline avait du lait.
Comme rien ne venait,
elle imita le b?b? qui s?impatientait et mordit dans les t?tons comme affam?e.
Une autre des filles s?amusa ? tirer sur les t?tons en les allongeant comme pour traire une vache. Elle ?tait tr?s fi?re d??tre issue de la campagne et de pouvoir
montrer son savoir.
Elle massa de plus en plus fort les t?tons, les ?tirant de plus en plus avec ses doigts puis avec ses paumes de main pour finir par les traire tr?s durement
comme si c??tait des pis
d?animaux. Alexia s?empressa de l?inviter ? passer les voir le lendemain apr?s-midi, se disant que l? il y aurait vraiment du lait ? faire sortir.
Une autre fille tr?s d?lur?e, baissa son jean et sa culotte pour se mettre ? moiti? nue devant tout le monde. Elle n?en pouvait plus d?excitation et tirant
sur l?une des
mamelles de Pauline, elle la for?a ? se placer de fa?on ? ce qu?elle puisse se caresser la chatte avec le sein et son t?ton.
Rapidement, elle g?mit comme une folle de plaisir, se frottant le clitoris du t?ton de Pauline. Alexia faillit en jouir rien qu?en voyant cela et en ?coutant
la fille g?mir et finalement
jouir extr?mement fort. Elle se dit qu?il fallait aussi qu?elle essaye cela mais pas en public. Elle aurait le temps ce week-end de tester en t?te ? t?te
avec Pauline, ou plut?t
en t?ton ? clito?
Une derni?re fille se lan?a et exhiba ses seins, de beaux melons un peu plus gros que ceux de Pauline. Alexia avait bien envie d?en faire son esclave aussi
en les voyant mais
elle se dit qu?il lui fallait ?tre raisonnable. Pauline, c??tait bien assez suffisant?!
La fille se baissa et se mit t?tons contre t?tons avec Pauline. Elle commen?a un petit jeu de caresses l?g?res, les t?tons se fr?lant les uns les autres puis
elle frotta un peu plus fort
ses seins contre les t?tons de Pauline. Une fois bien excit?e, elle se pressa mamelles contre mamelles et embrassa Pauline, fouillant sa bouche de sa langue,
sans la laisser respirer.
Quand elle abandonna enfin sa proie, elle saisit durement les mamelles de Pauline, les pressant des mains pour les allonger et faire jaillir bien fort ses
t?tons et comme si c??tait
des objets, elle se servit ainsi des t?tons pour se faire un massage de la poitrine. Cela dura une bonne dizaine de minutes avant qu?elle ne jouisse.
Pauline ?tait fourbue, les mamelles meurtries, douloureuses m?me lors de simples petits coups de vent. Elle re?ut avec plaisir l?ordre d?Alexia de se coucher
dans le coffre pour
qu?elle puisse le refermer.
Les filles pr?sentes remerci?rent chaudement Alexia, lui demandant l?adresse facebook de Pauline et lui promettant d?envoyer les petits films que certaines
avaient tourn?s
avec Pauline ainsi dans son coffre servant ? certaines d?entre elles pour qu?ils puissent ?tre mis en ligne.
Elle s?installa enfin ? son volant pour prendre la route en direction de la piqure miracle du docteur contact? sur le net. Cela promettait?
“Hey you, new girl,” she heard Rebecca, the school “mean girl” say behind her back. “Who me?” Alexia asked, as if she could be referring to anyone else at the empty table Alexia sat at. “Yeah, you, I notice you eat alone most of the time” “I, know, I guess I haven’t made friends yet here.” Alexia sheepishly replied, her long brown hair swaying as she turned around. “Whatever, you wanna sit by yourself all year? “No” “Good, then you’re going to have to do something for me,...
Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...
Alexia couldn't remember much, she had no idea how she got here. She remembered going to bed last night and the next thing she knew when she woke up she was almost in the middle of nowhere with a large wizard's tower in the distance. She seemed to be the same as she remembered, a lithe brunette with C cups and about 5'4", also she could clearly remember she was 24. She wasn't the most beautiful but she was still sought after and had a fairly desirable appearance, it was more of the "girl next...
FetishAlexia is my trans friend real name, Billie is her nick name, I ask her if she wants to spend some with me at the cabin, I haven’t told her about the wolf yet, I don’t think she would understand the relationship I have with it, it’s different from our buddies on the farm, they know something different about me. We get to the cabin Billie’s already getting naked, we take our stuff to the cabin, I sense the wolf is close and his pack is too, Alexia goes to the truck and is...
The secret sissy in question claimed to be a young, successful man,heading his own department at work and living the good life. But heyearned for his teen years, where he would passably dress up and meet menoff the internet. He wanted to be completely broken and feminized to thepoint of no return.Here is what I had to say, and after writing the little scenario at theend I thought it might be a good enough start for my first posting tothis site.Without further ado:Hey there- this is a long...
Sunlight beamed through the curtains, warming up the room. Under the sheets, a mildly aroused Alexia laid half asleep, one finger halfway up her ass and her mouth gently sucking on her other hand’s fingers. Her cock was slightly bulging, as it tried to break free from its fabric cage, causing it to pull on the thong. Her hair was messy, but in a way that you’d love to see after a good night’s rest. Her eyes opened, and Alexia realised what she was doing."Oh!“ she squealed, as she pulled her...
CrossdressingLooks like it's never gonna stop," Alexia muttered, the warm vapor from the cocoa rising past her face like a discounted sauna. Her voice pitched higher, much to her liking, she continued, "twenty-four years old, with a job as a writer. Yet I'm bored."The maroon cardigan wrapped her exposed shoulders, but did little to envelop her breasts upon which she rested her hands that held the cocoa. Her legs, warmed by the stockings, lay crossed to one side, elegantly covering what the skirt wouldn't....
CrossdressingAt the top of a hill, in the corner of the lot sat a blue Camry, still running. The driver, a woman, more nervous on this day than she ever had been, sat staring at the wheel. She was jolted out of her mindless gazing by the radio host yelling in that over the top voice that could only belong to a disc jockey. She turned the car off and sat very still. She still couldn't believe she was actually here. Actually going through with it.Her name was Sarah but everyone called her Sissy. Sissy saw...
OutdoorPferdeschnauben. Gelächter. Hufe, die auf den Boden schlagen. Das metallische Klappern von Rüstung. Vogelgezwitscher. In der Ferne rauscht ein Bach. Eine raue Männerstimme, darauf erneutes Gelächter. Irgendwann hören die Vögel auf zu singen. Die Männerstimmen lachen weiter. Pferdeschnauben. Dann ist es ruhig. Mächtige Fußstapfen, dann das Geräusch eines Gürtels, der geöffnet wird. Das Plätschern von Wasser. Ansonsten Totenstille. Plötzlich durchdringen Kampfschreie die Nacht, gefolgt von dem...
FantasyDeity Arms: Come Fly With Me By: The Professor Authors note: This is the first story of my promised new universe, and I'm pleased to announce that any and all of you are more than welcome to write stories in it. In fact, that's one of the major reasons I wrote this story. My story is designed as a stand-alone tale, although I may revisit Deity Arms from time to time. It makes an excellent setting for my stories which would be inappropriate for Ovid. For example, there's no place...
I was glad that I could be the first to take the entire length of his cock into my throat. There is nothing like being able to completely satisfy any guy and make them go weak on you when you do. I sat up and Jim sat down beside me and told me how great it was feeling his cock all the way inside of my throat. He said that he couldn’t believe how long I held my breath as he was cumming deep into my throat. I attempted to talk, but my voice was hoarse after getting pounded so hard. Get...
Louisa sat on her bed thinking over the events of the last two weeks. She was 18 and had just finished college, and was enjoying her last summer at home before moving away to University. In the last two weeks she had begun secretly dating one of her fathers friends and colleague. He was 35, not that much younger than her Dad, but he was good looking and in good shape. Her Dad knew she was seeing someone, but she had managed to keep Greg's identity from him, but she knew she would have to tell...
Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....My job at the video store was pretty boring. But it paid the bills. I got a big house from an inheritance a year ago. I sold it and moved across town to a better neighborhood. I found a bigger house. It has a nice view of the ocean. A big back yard. I only have one neighbor next to me. The house been vacant for about a month before I moved in. My kitchen looks right into there kitchen. I can also see there back yard from my side window. There a 8ft wooden...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Seven Chapter Thirty Four Friday morning dawned clear and bright, after a light breakfast, I met the girls out at Laura's car and took them to the hair salon for their appointment. We walked in to a deserted reception area, I was about to ring the bell, when a flamboyant guy came out and in a French accent, "Madame, Mademoiselle, welcome to Pierre's' trained in Paris, how can I be of ze assistance." "Knock it off...
I watched my wife Susan walk into the living room. She was in her latex cat-suit and boots. The zips over her breasts were undone revealing erect nipples and lots of flesh. She had again gone Gothic with her make-up. But that wasn’t what shocked me and left me speechless. It was the riding crop she was carrying and the 10” strap-on dildo jutting out from her hips. She saw my stunned look and laughed. “You know what to do” she said “get down and lick my boots”. In a sort of daze I did what I...
I can’t believe it. It’s Friday night and I’m at home. Instead of being a normal eighteen year old who goes out to parties, getting drunk and flirting with boys, I’m at home having dinner with my annoying mom and my stupid stepfather. Apparently my mom thought that it was a great idea to have family dinners every night so that I can get used to John, my stepfather, whom she married a month ago. “Dinner’s ready!” I hear my mom call. I groaned loudly and got out of bed to have another boring...
Incest“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?” The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any further....
Oral SexDuring our search ... just to give an idea of a base few of the multitude of difficulties April has consented to play a couple of verbatim contacts with reasonably situated and 'close enough' planets in the zone of acceptance. April translating on speaker: "Unknown and unidentified interstellar object. State your business." "Searching for a home," she replied ... not that we understood any of the 'ticks, clucks, tocks, glottal stops and spitting, ' of the before translation speech...
I met Carol at a senior citizen event. We became friends easily. Over the next two months we were talking on the phone and together at senior meetings. She is 75 years old but the only thing that looks 75 is her hair and the way she dresses. Her hair is pure white. Her body from what I could see looked to be in pretty good shape.Her tits were pretty big and she has a nice tight ass. She is about 5'-8".There was a senior bus trip that me and a woman friend of mine were going on. My friend is not...
My Memory… I am so not a morning person and today was not any different. I barely opened my eyes, trying to decide if I should get up or not. My hands feel around the bed and I realize that you are not by my side. I think to myself that maybe you have gone to work. I smile as the memories flood my mind of all the wicked things we did to each other last night. I daydream a little about your tongue and I realize how lucky I am to have found someone that shares my same wicked and perverted sexual...
My Chapter 16 The Taylor's were in the parking lot after leaving the movie theater. They were all still a little off from the intensity of the final part of the movie. Normal discipline was lacking as they all just quietly made their way to the truck. Bill knew he should do a little something to remind the girls that they were still in the game, and he had a idea that would make his life much more difficult in a few minutes. If he knew what was coming he would have just loaded everyone into...
Being a Summoner wasn't all it was cracked up to be. In fact, a choice is rarely given to the Summoner in question. Usually one of great potential and ability to access the Summoner Secrets sets their fate in stone. They are to exist within the boundaries of the League's walls, secluded from the rest of existence. It normally results in empty shells of people, roaming idle until a battle arises for them to take control of one of the League's combatants. The reason an individual gives their will...
We must have had a good nights sleep, after the night that had just gone down. I was glad that I had lived one of my wildest fantasy and fucked a set of twins. I woke the next morning to a delightful surprise, I was the meat in a twin sandwich.Whilst I laid there wide awake, between the two most beautiful women that I had ever met, one of them one was my girlfriend, the other was her identical twin, my mind began to wonder. I thought how the hell am I going to keep up with these girls for the...
Straight SexI had never even thought of having sex with another man…let alone get on my knees and suck his hard cock. But that’s what happened one afternoon last week. My name is Jason. I’m forty-one with an average build. My wife considers me good looking but I think I’m just average. We have a good and active sex life. She gives me head on occasion and I love going down on her. She also loves fondling my rather large genitals… especially my balls that hang quite low. My cock...
Fresh-faced, lovely brunette Lily Lou lasciviously plays for the camera in cute string lingerie. Her luscious body features natural tits. Director/fucker Mick Blue promises the young babe a hard anal fucking in the interview preamble to their intimate private encounter. He coats her boobs in glistening oil. Mick diddles her lubed asshole with a dildo, priming it for his thick prick. On her back, she takes a hard anal fucking. Lily sucks his big cock ass-to-mouth, tasting meat pulled freshly...
xmoviesforyouTuesday This morning I woke up with my cock in Jennifer’s mouth. True story. As the fog of sleepiness began to clear, I felt an amazing sensation going on down below. I barely moved my head enough to look down and take stock of the situation. There was Jennifer, moving her lips up and down on my cock, fucking me with her mouth. Her other hand was between my legs, cradling and caressing my balls. Her eyes were closed in concentration. I dared not move too much for fear that she would get...
When Scottie goes to check out the neighborhood his homey Solo is going to be getting a condo in, he is shocked to see one of the neighbors out doing yoga in her yard. Right out there visible from the street. Damn that does look enticing. Scottie figures if the chick is going to flaunt it might as well go check it out up close and personal. After all – they are neighbors now. Well of course a white woman is going to get all excited when a couple of black men just drop in and stare at you....
xmoviesforyouIn typical fashion Sandy has teased me into a frenzy, this time with my porn magazines by demonstrating her knowledge of their contents. While it's a bit weird having my sister show me her favorite photos from an oral sex party pictorial, it's also a major turn-on – brothers and sisters aren't supposed to be doing this. But, as is frequently the case, I am standing nude with my erection boldly pointing in my clothed sister's direction, while she fondles me and discusses the details in the...
I have two brothers, both younger than me. We were swimming and my wife had caught the youngest, Andy, staring at her tits sneaking peeks at her pink nipples. She was wearing a bikini and had started teasing him by loosening the top. She kept bending over letting him get some good long looks at her nips and it was driving him nuts! My wife was 32, long red hair, green eyes, big tits with half dollar sized pink nipples that really puff out from her tits when erect. She also had a shaved pussy...
Donna and Equality ‘If,’ said Donna, ‘all men are created equal, what about women?’ She had the ability to raise such matters at moments when I was not entirely able to reply, this time being engaged upon a mission to return a favour she had bestowed upon me earlier. Her thighs were clamped fairly tightly to my ears which made me unsure I had heard her correctly. I raised my head but she tapped it. ‘You concentrate on the task in tongue, College, and let me muse a while longer.’ Her fingers...
May Flowers and Andy Marks were wedded in a Baptist Church the following June. She was the most beautiful bride anyone could ever remember seeing. Her silk, satin, and lace dress fitted her shape perfectly. Her train was almost fourteen feet long. She didn't wear a veil. The sleeves were almost all lace, her bustier was all silk while the rest of the gown was satin. She wore satin ballet slippers so she wouldn't tower over Andy so much. He wore a tuxedo and bow tie with elevated patent...
My girlfriend and I are both in our mid-thirties and have been dating for a year. Kathleen is an attractive woman with long hair, nice tits and a cute ass. She is always ready for sex. Over time our lovemaking has progressed from straight fucking to anal sex and mild bondage. We also enjoy fantasizing about threesomes. A few months ago I began to realize that she liked to be sexually dominated. When I would tell her what to do in bed, her pussy would get wetter than usual and she would eagerly...
BDSMWe had a wonderful summer wedding and immediately after we honeymooned in Spain were both itching to get at each other. My wife Louise was a beautifully slim, pale skinned young woman. I was 22 she was 21. She was in her twenties but her body was still that of a teenagers. Since we first met at school Louise had always been one of the worst cock teasers I had ever known. In a way that’s probably why I liked her but she had a reputation like no other and since we went out together and ultimately...
I work at a shipping firm. Mainly I just take orders from my boss, then tell others what she wants. Normally the moment she comes in she heads straight to her office, closes the door then calls for me over the intercom. Then the barking begins. Today I looked up at the time. Four minutes from now the doors will open up and she will walk in. As usual I had her coffee ready, the sales reports ready, as well as a few other things that she had texted me earlier that she wanted when she came in....
InterracialHi i am Ankur,a 20 year old guy doing my graduation in Bangalore.i have a 6″ dick but it can give maximum satisfaction.i am looking forward to hear from any girl,ladies or aunties who wants discreet sex can mail me at will reply for sure and we will chat and arrange for a place to have sex.only girls and ladies looking for some real action,mail me. this story is how i i fulfilled my dream of fucking my aunt,Radha.Her husband.that is my uncle lives abroad and comes here only for two months in...
IncestIt all started a couple of years ago. Everyone hoped for a quick fix to the recession. It never came. First the gas prices shot through the roof until only the rich could travel. This triggered the rise in all market prices until only the rich could afford food. Electronics were forgotten about since the entire grid shut down. Human Kind is stuck between a rock and a hard place. You have lost track of time and don't know how long its been since you watched the news. All you remember is that...
This actually happened to an Englishman in France who was totally drunk. A French policeman stops the Englishman’s car and asks if he has been drinking. With great difficulty, the Englishman admits that he has been drinking all day, that his daughter got married that morning, and that he drank champagne and a few bottles of wine at the reception, and many single malts scotches thereafter. Quite upset, the policeman proceeds to alcohol-test (breath test) the Englishman and verifies that he...
Perhaps it was the intensity of the situation, perhaps it was a moment of doubt about whether this was entirely the right thing to be happening, but I actually realized my erection had dipped to half-mast. Once I was out of sight, around the corner of the door jamb, I gazed down at myself, disconcerted by this display of half-heartedness. I began stroking, gently, toying with my cock and enjoying the hotness of its semi-erect smooth shape. Quickly, I became absorbed in the sensations, as I...
She’s done it again! Sara showed up on my doorstep with two suitcases and a cardboard box. She was the most mobile person I’d ever met, bringing along her key possessions that way. “You need a place to stay, right?” I asked rhetorically. She nodded with a hopeful look on her face. I let her in and put her in the bedroom I used as an office. The bedcouch was old but reasonably comfortable. When I offered her a glass of wine she took it eagerly. My intention was to ignore why she had appeared...
Today was the best day ever. I was officially sixteen, and in the eyes of the court, free to choose my own life path. That was easy, I was leaving the Naval base in Hawaii. My mom had married a Navy Airman a couple years back, dragging me with her. At first it was Whidbey Island, than after a year, it was Hawaii. Both fun places, but not home. Home was in Ohio, where my friends and more of the family lived. The plan was made a couple months earlier, I would leave for Ohio on my birthday. Last...
Straight SexIt was a beautiful day out. I had just gotten off work and I was headed to my girlfriends house to spend a little time with her. I hadn't seen her in a few days because of our stupid work schedules so I was definitely looking forward to a little alone time with her. I called her on my way over and she said she was excited to see me but I could hear people talking in the background. I asked her about it and she said she had friends over. I said okay and hung up but I was pissed off. She invited...
Lesbian"Home!" I thought to myself the second night after my return there. Maybe that was the problem. Now that we were home, mother was indeed looking at everything that had happened at the hospital as part of my recovering necessities. Now that we were here, perhaps she...was struggling with what it was we had done, and even perhaps thinking I might be as well. I decided to come right out and ask her about it first thing in the morning.The fact was, I still couldn't feed myself, my arms not as yet...
It was a pleasant day as I drove into the quiet small town church yard car park dressed smartly in a suit; wedding invitation tucked away in the jacket pocket and vaguely hoping it was going to turn out to be a good day. That's when I spotted her. I recognised the battered old yellow Mazda she owned and she was leaning into the passenger well of the car fiddling with something however I only had eyes for her figure and the top of her legs as her skirt rode-up as she leant-in..She was wearing a...
My name's Justin. I'm a 28 year-old banker and a high school baseball coach. I was raised by two amazing cooks and ever since I was a high schooler I've had a love affair with beer. As a result, I'm not exactly what you would imagine as the stereotypical athlete. But my upper-80s fastball and filthy changeup, coupled with the fact that I'm a lefty landed me a partial scholarship to a fairly small Division 1 school near my small hometown. My 6 foot, 1 inch, 235 pound frame in my late teens...
Foolish to be there at all, never mind all her knickers strategically placed ready for exact replacement back into her drawer. Normally a virtual plethora of beautiful undies hung about the place at various stages of the drying process, only everyone had gone rather tidy over the last couple of days. Gorgeous G string made in shimmering purple, satin fabric with a delicate wide soft stretch edging lace band. Held up to the light they looked and felt fabulous, if only I could have a pair like...
DominatrixWe walked into his apartment and he said we can be comfortable here in the living room. He started to remove his pants, so I did also. He was down to his bikini panties and after he took off his shirt, he pulled his panties down and off. He was now nude and I got my first look at his cock. He looked large, long that is, and he was cut. I finished removing my shirt and stood there in my garter belt, black stockings, and black bikini panties.He said, “Nice.” I had told him over the phone what I...
CrossdressingMy name is lisa and my sister is jane and we are identical twins age 22 and this happened a couple of months ago, we live together one of our relatives left their house to us when they passed away, its a little house but perfect for me and my sister as it has a big bathroom and what girl doesn't like that.Although we are identical in looks and build we do differ, I mean yes were both 5'8' in hight and slim athletic with are bodies but jane is a little more out going then me, I do enjoy a good...
Curvy blonde with stunning green eyes, Kay Carter, is more than ready to show Tyler D what she got. Wearing a beautiful set of blue and black lingerie, Kay flaunts her perky tits and big booty in front of the camera. Tyler can’t help but feel horny as he watches the bubbly blonde twerk her butt. He lets the naughty blonde give him a sloppy blowjob before sliding his cock into her pink pussy in reverse cowgirl. Kay’s cute boobies bounce nicely as she rides Tyler like a real cowgirl....
xmoviesforyouHi readers… I thank you all for your feed backs for my previous story.. Once again I am here to share my real experience which happened to me a month back.. After my first story I got many feedbacks from people both negative and positive comments..I got a mail special mail admiring my story and noting that she needed to be enjoyed in a same way… After few mails of conversation she gave her contact info..She was a 32 year old divorced women living with her parents…She has no kids..Her figure...
I went shopping one day I had just shaved my pussy nice and smooth and lotioned my body that day. I stopped in a boutique to look around. I was trying on some things and the sales girl kept hanging around the dressing room. So I decided to give her a little show. I was wearing a sheer white thong that clung to my now moist pussy. I stripped down to just the thong as I tried on different things. She kept staring at me. I opened the door so she could give me another top. She stood there and...
My aunt lived a few hours away with her husband and two sons. We would visit or they would come by every 3 or 4 months. During the summer I would sometimes stay for a week or her older son (a year younger than me) would do the same. From pretty early on I remember getting excited by her. When I would sleep over it would be common for her to be walking around the house in her very thin nighty, giving me just enough to make out the shape of her breasts and dark nipples, hips and ass in certain...
IncestPhilippaI was pleased that Millington decided to employ Carlton because he was right when he said that I had the hots for him. I admit I’m also excited that he may have the hots for me too.In fact, I was so excited that, as soon as I got home from work, I ran a hot bath and played with myself thinking of Carlton fucking me hard in the office lift. Of course, I came quickly and continued to do so, time after time, until I felt mildly, sexually sated.Probably I will never get to fuck him because...
Lesbian“So, what’s new in your life, Nick?” my ex-wife, Carmen, asked me as we sat in the food court together, having just run into each other at the Arizona Mills Mall. “Well, I’m living with my brother and his girlfriend now, per their request. Long story on that. I’m also fucking her,” I dropped that last little hot potato into her lap as a real shock to the system. “You’re shacked up with your brother, Scott, and his girlfriend, and you’re boning her? Wow, that’s admittedly rather delicious in...
“Annie and Selene” Chapter oneBy J. J. ScribeSelene reclined on her bed thinking about the she planned to wrap her tongue around later that night. She anticipated the excitement of sucking his thick penis and savored the thought of his foot-long plus two inch hot dog sliding down her extended throat. And then her mind flashed back to the first day she learned about her little abnormality. Her thoughts returned to August 10, 1998, the evening when she’d attended a birthday party in Santa...
June 7, 2155 Jena's screen made a soft birdsong just after six in the morning, alerting her to a call. She picked up her screen and silenced it with a tap, and at Raz's one-eyed inquiring look, she kissed his cheek and whispered; "It is only a call. Go back to sleep." She went out on the balcony and slid the door closed behind her. Tika was already there, working on her screen. Jena exchanged a smile with her, then looked to her own screen. "Greetings Jena, I am Binjo, most senior of...
I had thought that the interest in fucking was casual and spur of themoment, but Gil and Billy seemed to get into it and I wondered if it hadbeen planned ahead. Billy suggested that we lubricate each other's ass sothat we would be ready for whatever developed. The tube of lubricant wasnear by and Gill lubed my chute. He knew what he was doing. His fingertoyed with my hole and got me more excited that I had thought I would bebefore he popped it in. It was a bit uncomfortable so he pulled out and...
It had been a week since I had raped the young girl in a deserted building by the park. I had been very careful to stay away from that area and young girls in general. All day I would be casting gazes over my shoulder, sure that I would see a policeman hurrying to catch me. What I had done had been REALLY stupid, a classic example of the little head doing the thinking instead of the big head. Now that a week had gone by I was starting to feel a little safer, but still had the jitters....
Beautiful hottie with alluring eyes and plump lips, Gianna Grey, can’t help but feel horny after a long and tiring day at work. Luckily, she has her handsome man, Quinton James, to help her out when her lust overcomes her mind. Gianna comes home from her job and spots Quinton watching a game. The gorgeous girl in a sexy blouse and skirt sits beside the bearded lad and starts to tease him out of the blue. As much as Quinton wants to finish the game, he just can’t resist the...