Filthy Femdoms Forced Oral part 8
- 3 years ago
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I awoke in a bed, completely nude, tied spread eagled so that my arms and legs were immobile. I squirmed against the bonds but could not release myself and looked hopelessly around, wondering where I was, and how I got here. The last thing I remembered was leaving a bar with two pretty ladies, hoping for a night of pleasure. I had obviously been kidnapped.
The door opened and three pretty women walked in. They wore white jumpsuits, and had handcuffs and shock devices on their belts. They came over and sat on the bed beside me. One of them grabbed my balls and squeezed and pulled on them making me wince with pain.
I tried to speak but found that my voice failed me...and I looked desperately from one to the other wondering what was going to happen to me.
She grabbed my hair and balls at the same time...her face an inch from mine...Keep your fucking mouth closed unless asked to speak." She twisted my nuts a bit and pulled painfully on my hair. "You are here for one purpose," she breathed, "and one purpose only." "You are here to kiss, suck, and lick asshole and cunt. You are here for the purpose of complete ass and cunt worship...unequivocal and consummate asshole and cunthole worship.
You will crave to service the ass or fuckhole of any woman you see here with your will crawl and beg to suck and smell cunt and asshole at all times. You will gladly eat farts, and shit and cunt juice if so directed. You will orgasm while servicing holes with your tongue and will be in a constant state of extreme arousal thinking only of kissing ass, eating farts, cleaning out shit stains and eating cuntjuice.
I stared incredulously at her, my eyes wide open...not comprehending what I had just heard.
She continued, her nose touching mine..."There are twenty other male slaves here...each bound to the same service. If you do not obey any command given you...instantly and with complete fervor, you will be severely punished, by whipping, electricity, by our special brand of penis torture, or if resistance continues, our more extreme forms of torture."
She looked at me with her cold eyes...commanding complete attention and respect. "Do you understand me?", she whispered, pinching my nuts between her hand. My eyes were bulged out and I nodded involuntarily...terrified of my vulnerable position...and what they could do to me.
"If you are a good toliet slave, you will have no problem here. We bring in many female visitors each day to avail themselves of our male slaves oral skills...and they will express their satisfaction...or disapproval...according to your efforts."
If you don't satisfy all will be punished.
She attached a small electronic device at the base of my dick after smearing some kind of glue on the skin...and shoved it so that it attached with little barbs. I flinched from the sting and she grabbed my chin and squeezed it. "Don't fucking move toilet mouth...don't move unless I tell you to..."
I nodded in panic and the sting soon went away...but the device would be attached securely until forcefully removed from the skin.
She licked the tip of my nose..."We also have a group of cooperative females sucking asshole and cock who are used daily by visiting males. We wouldn't want to discriminate would we?" You are allowed to have them service you in our special gloryhole area at times, of course you will be servicing them also on a regular basis. you'll find it quite hot I promise you. You're just going to love what we call our 'glory asshole' area.'
"Oh, and we have countless video crews coming through and filming...get use to that. We sell our videos worldwide and they are quite popular."
"JUst for your information...," she said sarcastically, "all of our visitors are carefully screened medically before they are allowed to partake of the benefits of our many toilet disease will be the least of your worries."
"Now...", she whispered, "I'll show you what happens when we are displeased with you..." She picked up a remote control and pushed a button on it. I jumped and yelped from the sharp pain...which brought tears to my eyes.
She managed a slight sneer..."That's a good understand me completely don't you?" I nodded wildly conveying to her my complete and absolute obedience. She pulled away and released my balls. "Good, you turd sucking fuck, we understand each other now."
"We are going to begin a strict regimen of training and conditioning that will enable you to do your duty each day...and with great skill." She nodded to the two other women as she got up to leave. "Get him started on the tongue stretcher...he'll need two treatments a day for awhile. Give him aphrodisiac number three to start out...then increase the dosage each day for awhile."
"By the time he's on aphro 10 he'll be a suckhole fanatic."
"Tonight we'll introduce him to our special female 'gloryhole'...such a wonderful way to express his complete obedience to us."
"Oh and begin the antibiotic treatments and intenstinal barrier so that be doesn't become ill from the disgusting little parasites found in crap and other nasty liquids." She left and the two women released me and as one of them held the remote they secured my hands behind me and led me through the large house to a room in the basement.
I could see no other slaves here, but I didn't doubt her for a moment...or her threats of reprisal. I was stuck here for awhile...and I suspected that if I obeyed them completely, and bided my time...I would come out of this whole and alive.
We arrived at the lower basement level and entered a room filled with strange equipment...not intended, it seemed, for torture...but rather for conditioning. They sat me in front of a strange device and strapped me in. I was sitting in a comfortable chair, and my head was placed in a restraint module, so it was completely fixed, and could not move. A spreader was placed in my mouth and they slowly opened it so that in a moment my mouth was stretched wide open. Then they hung a dentists saliva suction tube over my lips and turned it on.
The module in front of my face was moved toward me and a vacuum tube with a wide slot was slid onto my tongue. My tongue fit comfortably in the slot and as they turned on the vacuum was drawn forward and sucked into the tube.
Slowly the force was increased so that my tongue was drawn powerfully out of my mouth until it became quite uncomfortable. They left the setting there and as my tongue was stretched to it's absolute limit, the suction tube keep my mouth dry.
"This will make that tongue of yours nice and long slave...", said one of the women, "you'll need a long tongue to clean out those deep shit stains." They seemed pleased with themselves and left me that way closing the door behind me. I was quite uncomfortable now and shifted around a bit, but was unable to move and had to endure it.
As I squirmed in misery the device sucked my tongue for fifteen painful minutes until the two returned to release me.
They secured my hands again and took me to a small cell which had a bed and toilet, and tied me to the bed once more. "You'll be eating soon", said one of the women..."Dinner will be brought to you. You will sleep for a few hours after you finish your meal and then will be inducted into our system by the Madam."
I slept fitfully for awhile after dinner, but found it impossible to rest adequately under the circumstances and lay awake turning the whole thing over in my mind. I had no idea where I was or how to escape, and decided that to survive I must do what I was told without fail. They didn't seem bent on killing anyone or doing anything necessarily severe so that seemed the best course of action.
The door opened and the two wardresses came in and released me again. We went to another part of what must have been a huge mansion, and I was left sitting on a cold metal folding chair in a well furnished office waiting for the 'Madam', as they called her.
The rear door behind the large desk opened and the Madam entered wearing a tight skirt and white blouse. She had a cattle prod in her hand and walked over to me holding it with both hands behind her back. She had some kind of electronic device attached to her belt and looked at it as she spoke.
"This is a very sophisticated truth detector," she said quietly, "it is 99.9 percent accurate. I can tell in a moment if someone is lying or telling the truth, or at least what they believe to be the truth. My ladies also each have access to one of these during their duties.
"You must convince me that you will obey each of our commands immediately and without delay." She stood over me. Are you going to do absolutely anything that we ask of you without a moments hesitation?"
She stood behind my back looking down at me. I answered at once with the most intense realism I could muster..."Yes...yes...I will do absolutely anything that you want...please believe me...anything!"
There was a moments wait and I was terrified that I might not have been convincing enough.
She came around in front of me and put her face next to mine again. "Not good enough toilet slave...not quite good enough. I'm afraid you must learn to be more sincere."
I looked at her with dread and she lowered the cattle prod downward as I looked on in horror and touched the tip of my penis. The spark send an extremely powerful shock into my sensitive dickhead and I screamed and rolled on the floor, folding my knees upward in agony.
She stood over me again and asked the same question..."Are you going to do absolutely anything we ask immediately and without a moment's hesitation?" I was sobbing now terrified that nothing I could do would satisfy her.
"Oh yes...please...yes...anything...anything...I want to please you so much...oh please, I'll do anything!"
She stared at her device again for a moment and looked down at me with cold eyes. "You're almost there," she cooed, "but not quite." She lowered the horrific shock device down to electrocute me again and I sobbed and moved out of her way slithering all over the floor.
She followed my movement mercilessly and found my dick again touching right on my pisshole. I screamed violently and shook as I jerked in pain and lay there sobbing and begging her to believe me. My body quivered with the horrendous pain and saliva dribbled from my mouth to the floor.
She stood over me once more and repeated the dreaded question..."Are you going to do absolutely anything we ask of you instantly and with complete obedience?"
I was crying now...unable to find words to relay to her my absolute, complete obedience...but I couldn't find them and looked at her through glazed eyes.
"If you don't answer I will shock you again?", she you'd better give me an answer."
"oh please, yes, yes...I...I will do anything...anything and love it and do it instantly because I want to please you..." My voice trailed off as I sobbed and she looked at her device once again...and studied it carefully.
She looked at me impassively..."I'll take your word for it this time shit mouth. Now lets do a little testing." She layed the device on her desk and pulled her panties off and layed them on the desk also. She stepped over me and squatted down with her well formed ass over my mouth. "I need to take a shit and you will capture it all in your mouth and swallow it."
Without a thought I opened my mouth widely and put it right under her hairy asshole. I was so terrified to please that I knew I could eat her shit and have no problem with it.
She slowly squeezed out a lump of feces and as it eased out I made sure it went directly into my mouth. It dropped in and I chewed it had little actual taste but smelled terribly. I forced myself beyond all comprehension to enjoy my meal and swallowed it deftly as another small turd dropped in my open gullet. I ate the shit voraciously swallowing all of it and then slid my tongue upward to eat out globs of crap around her asshole.
I kept my mind focused so I wouldn't retch and made my self enjoy it sexually. I cleaned all of the brown cream out of her raw butthole and swallowed it, and cleaned all of the residue around her obscene anal area also. She reached over and grabbed a roll of toilet paper and wiped her ass several times throwing the tissue in a nearby trashcan.
Then she stood up and put her panties back on looking down at me with contempt. "You eat shit like you were born for it!", she sneered. "As soon as you start jacking off while eating cunt and asshole you'll like it even more.!"
I was desperate to please her and grinned up at her licking my lips. "Oh thank you...thank you for using my mouth for a toilet!", I gushed, "thank you...thank you!"
She sneered at me sarcastcally. "Cut the shit you ignorant bastard, you didn't like it but you will, I promise."
She left the room and soon the other ladies came and escorted me back to my cell. They released my arms and left me and I quickly washed my face and mouth with soapy water trying to clean out the disgusting flavor. I had crap up my nose and tried futiley to clean it out. I smelled shit now and would for some time.
The next day I was allowed to take a full shower in a large bathroom designed for the slaves, while being watched by the wardresses and I cleaned myself thoroughly. There was no one else there and I wondered when I would see some of the other prisoners.
After the shower I was taken to the tongue stretcher again and endured another fifteen minute treatment. My tongue was sore from the pulling but I suspected that it would adjust and actually begin to get longer with each passing day.
From here they took me all the way across the courtyard to another area so that I could 'experience' their special gloryhole. I knew what a gloryhole was but remained uncertain as to why theirs was so unique.
We went into a small room and I soon understood what they had in mind. They had me kneel down on an ergometric chair right next to the wall but instead of a small hole there was a much larger one...and a bit lower to the floor. The hole was just large enough for an ass to stick through...and I could see that I would be doing oral service to whom ever shoved their butt through the hole. The kneeling chair was low enough to facilitate this and was actually quite comfortable.
There were assistants here...lesser wardresses whose job it was, I assumed, to oversee the raunchy activities. The humorless woman who came in to set me up was quite attractive, and was dressed in a brown work suit, such an appropriate color. She was very serious in her work and soon had me strapped into the chair, which was secured to the floor with bolts.
She pulled my left hand forward and put it through a smaller hole in the wall so that my face was pulled right up to the large hole so that whatever pushed through it would be forced upon me regardless of anything I might do. My right hand was left free apparently for jacking off while performing my filthy endeavors.
Then she pushed a button and the hole shrunk and gripped my arm tightly so that I couldn't pull it out. There was a small platform under the front of my chair that rose up eight or ten inches and this allowed whomever was kneeling with their butt against the large hole to have a place for their feet under my chair. It was all very elaborate and thought out and I could see that it must have taken great ingenuity to set up.
There were two video cameras mounted on the wall, one on each side of the hole to capture all of the action upclose.
The serious lady then gave me a plastic shot glass of a clear liquid and spoke to me. "This is spanish fly," she said in a monotone, "it will make you very, very aroused for your work here." "The women on the other side of the wall have a button to push if you are not pleasing them enough...and if I see the red light come on I will punish you with this needle in your rear."
She produced a large needle with a handle on it and layed it next to me so that I could see it clearly.
"Also if you displease the Madam you will visit her for severe punishment." She left the room and closed the door and I waited anxiously as the powerful aphrodisiac did it's work. I Began to feel an intense heat in my groin area and my cock rose to a rock hard erection.
I could hear voices in the next room and a shuffling of feet. Then someone came into the chamber next door and kneeled down on the special padded fixture and shuffled her ass up next to the hole and pushed outward filling my nostrils with her asscrack.
It looked like the woman could kneel comfortably and rest her arms on a padded cushion while she was being serviced...and at the same time her doggie position spread her asscheeks very widely opening her anus to the mouth on the other side.
The attendant opened the door briefly and spoke to me. "You'd better get your fucking tongue moving hon...this is a zero tolerance area. When the door closed again I shot my tongue out and licked the smelly anal area voraciously, savoring the funky smell of an unwashed butthole and then kissed both asscheeks as I moaned.
I grunted and slid my tongue up her raw asshole and tasted a light coating of fecal matter. I quickly lapped it out and ate it and moaned and slurped as I licked all around her flushed and exposed asscrack. I was lapping her butthole in pleasure and kissing her ass and she seemed to enjoy it greatly wiggling her well formed rear against my nose.
I made sure I gave her an intense tongue job and started sucking her obscene craphole with all the enthusiasum I could muster.
She farted loudly filling my mouth and nostrils with the funky smell...and I sucked even harder indicating that I wanted more. The attendant stuck her head in door again and spoke with anger in her voice. "You fucking toilet mouth bastard, you should be jacking off right now...start flogging that dick or I'll have to stick you, and you won't like that I promise!"
I grunted at her and nodded my mouth was covered with a thin layer of shit and she chuckled as she closed the door. I started beating off as I sucked asshole and the woman next door let off a series of loud farts into my mouth as I wanked off. Just as I shot my load she released just a little shit cream and I lapped it up and swallowed it, grunting obscenely as I ate the results of one of her farts.
I was like an animal now so horny I couldn't stand it and was in a frenzy eating the nasty poophole before me.
THe woman got up and left and was replaced my another, and then another, and then another. By the time I'd sucked the fourth asshole I was exhaused...My face completely covered in a thin layer of shitcream. The smell would be impossible to remove, and I knew I would have to get used to the constant smell of shit in my mouth and nose.
Finally the attendant came in to release me...and I slowly got up and could barely stand as a wardress took me back to my room.
I had a good meal and tried to wash the residue and taste down but it was all still there.
I had ejaculated two or three times during the helped me to do a good job while I was getting my own nuts off.
I slept all night and into the next morning, and after my twice daily tongue treatment ate a large breakfast and showered. I resigned myself to what I was forced to do...I believed that they would release me in time...possibly a few months...I had to maintain hope...and in the meantime I would try to enjoy the disgusting things I was being forced to do.
I knew there would be more to come, and I tried not to let it defeat me.
Level five is yellow...level four green...level three red...level two blue, and level one brown. I now wore the brown tag and was now looked on by the staff as the lowest form of oral slave possible, and would be treated like a dog from this point onward. It was outrageous that I would be used so unjustly and with such filthy lust, but until I was released, or escaped, I would have to exist in this world. -------------------------------------------- I wore a dog collar at all...
regardless of how vile or lascivious. I found that I was the only slave at the lowest level of existance here...none other even approached my abysmal servitude or ranking, and more and more I was made to feel humiliation even at the hands of my fellow prisoners. The wardens in the training area had become quite nasty by now...and showed me their complete disgust at every opportunity. Though I wasn't physically abused, the attractive women oozed contempt and sarcasm, and eating the shit...
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“You filthy little cunt” You say and a small part of my mind considers whether I actually like being called a cunt or whether it’s just the tone you’re using to talk down to me. I say down because I’m actually on my knees below you, I’m following orders like a good little girl would. I’m tempted to defy you, it’s my rebellious streak but I like the image of the good little girl and so do you. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” you ask me in a voice that intimidates me and makes me ache...
When I split up with my wife and got divorced 6 years ago, I had to rent somewhere to live, a friend had a flat that was furnished and was a stones throw away from my old local pub, an area I grew up in, so it was nice to back in my old neighbor hood.I had my fun for a year or so, doing what I wanted when I wanted, and fucking whoever paid me attention.Then I walked into my local one day and there was a new barmaid that had just started, a 23 year old who had a body to die for and was single,...
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He took her panties off the door handle as he left. I would have too. They were sexy and reeked of my wife's pussy. I hadn't realized he had her bra also. I couldn't see it. She came out several minutes after he had split. She was taking small steps. Her clothes were on. Her hair was somewhat tussled, but not out of place. She sat in the minivan for a minute. She lit a cigarette. She usually only smokes when she drinks,but I don't think she had had a drink yet. She tossed the smoke and split....
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Fetish Porn SitesBoosting Morale By Tennis Guy Everyone's office always tries to do something to boost morale. These days with dwindling 401K's and layoffs, the attempt to boost morale becomes harder and harder. This Halloween, my office decided one way to boost morale was that it was going to have everyone come on Halloween dressed in costumes, and there was going to be a contest for the best costume, and if everyone came dressed in costume, the office was going to be closed on Friday! Talk...
I’d like to share some experience, ideas, and tips I’ve put together after about 4 years of dominating my BF. This is all my personal experience, so it won’t apply to everyone.Firstly, I need to share that we aren’t in a 24/7 Domme-sub relationship. That doesn’t interest me or my BF. My BF came to me about 4 ½ years ago and confessed some of his desires for femdom sex, and I decided to entertain it with him. It’s been a lot of fun, but I’m not making it a “lifestyle”, although we do have some...
*story note: this story is based on the world and concept of Coraline, provided but the characters are at least all 18. It's a wonderfully weird world, and there are so many fun options to explore. Authors, you are encouraged to add to the story, but please keep the ages above board!* "This house sucks!" the moody teen screamed so shrilly that there was a chance glass could be breaking. The spindly girl was long of leg and short on breasts and hips. If not for her long hair usually kept in a...
Jane put down her pen with a sigh of satisfaction. She was pleased with the progress she had been making on her new novel, and she looked forward to reading the chapter she had just completed to her sister after dinner. Cassandra would probably scold her for the incident in which Emma was intolerably rude to Miss Bates, but Jane was confident that in the context of her heroine’s story it was a crucial scene, and she hoped that her sister would come to see it that way too.But first there was her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSol Springs Eternal lazed in the early morning sunshine as Sheriff Blondy Beach rode slowly into town; he and his horse coated in the dust of a long hard trail. Wearily the sheriff climbed out of the saddle and tied his horse to the hitching rail next to a horse trough. "There you go Skippy you beaut, get your face into that. I'll be doing the same in a tick of a kookaburra's tit." He brushed dust off himself as he went through the bat wing door of the Sol Saloon. "Starve the crows!" he...
Reddit Gentle Femdom, aka r/GentleFemdom! It is exactly what you will expect it to be… is that a weird way to start this? Well, when you read ‘Gentle femdom’, what the fuck else do you expect other than real gentle femdom? Exactly. Welcome to r/gentlefemdom/ a subreddit dedicated to a lot of content surrounding the love of the soft kind of femdom… whatever that might be for you or others. You have a lot of random content.Take your time and browse through. Sooner or later, you will find the...
Reddit NSFW ListSweetFemdom sounds like an oxymoron at first. What’s so sweet about a chick smothering a dude with her pantyhose, squeezing his balls, or fucking him up the ass with a strap-on dildo? Maybe it’s all in the presentation, because this site is far more than just the dungeon-dwelling, leather-clad dominatrixes that are often expected from femdom or BDSM. Their motto spells it out in clear terms; this paysite specializes in Cute Girls Doing Mean has been around for nearly a...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesFEMDOM FARM ? 1, THE TRIAL ???????????????????????????????? FEMDOM FARM ? 1, THE TRIAL I knew I was in the shit as soon as I saw the bitch of a judge. She was one of those haughty ?Are you man enough?? whores, with flashing brown eyes, black hair that fell to her shoulders in glistening shafts, with a big, red mouth and a stunning ?Tit fuck? type figure. Oh, and she was black. And I could tell she didn?t like the look of little old white boy me, with my unfashionably long blonde hair...
This is my real FEMDOM sex experience as a slave for a middle aged woman. This happened when I was chatting with a lady in the Yahoo chat. Once I happened to chat with a lady in the yahoo chat. Our chat got diverted to hot chat and we were almost doing a hot sexy chat. She got really pulled hot and asked whether I can meet her. I understood her needs and we spoke through the phone before we can meet. On the phone conversation, I came to know that she is Mrs. Sumitha, a high class lady alone at...
Hi Guys, I am sharing my femdom fantasy. I am 22 old young men from India. I am from Bangalore. I am working in a corporate company. As like many Indians, I have a secret wish of femdom. But in India it is really impossible. Now a days, as social media become stronger there are some secret groups and pages. So some sort of real femdom interested persons are available there. My experience also starts with the same social media. I have a profile in facebook which clearly mentions I am a Femdom...
Femdom’s Wedding By Goldfing [email protected]:Bill has a pornography addiction that causes him to masturbate incessantly. He seeks help from a sex therapist who refers him to Myra. Myra likes him and decides to marry him. This is chapter 12 of 21 ?The Wedding? from Femdom’s Ultimate Submission. Christina, Myra’s lover, helps with the ceremony.Home Page: 12Bill wakes up early on his wedding day. Somehow he has made it, and it won’t be...
Author’s Note: This story ‘Giving Carl Oral’ was posted but removed for editing, I now have corrected the grammar and spelling. I would like to thank Lisa my editor for proofing this story. Lisa’s editorial comments helped me to find the weak spots in the story line helping me to make the necessary. I have made some final changes to the story without Lisa’s review so if there are still grammar and spelling issue I take the full responsibility. CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I had my...
As a college student, it was very hard to believe that I was still a virgin and it didn't help that I looked pretty hot. I had waist-long, golden-brown hair, baby blue eyes, firm D cup breasts and a round ass which I got from my Latin grandmother. Nobody believed that, at 19 years of age, I had never masturbated, given head or been given head. I grew up with the strictest parents and the male anatomy was one area I feared to tread.After a lonely first week in college, I met a very handsome...
Oral Sextoday i was talking to a fellow sissy online and the memories of a special girl came to my mind and idecided to write them down and share them..i remember there was this girl i've "dated" for a couple of months that basically touched my dick just one time..she was stunning,you know those girls that manage to have the cutest faces ever and yet they're rocking the body of a goddess where evey single part of their body it's just unbelivably perfect and hot?..that's how she was..i can spend hours...
I have this friend, I have known for years, ever since college. Never got sexual with her, except this one time, I told her that I would love to fuck her tits (we were drunk!!!).The reason I never did anything with her is, that she married young, and that she is one of those mediocre girls. Not ugly, but certainly not beautifull, nor cute. She is short and thick, but not fat. Big ass, and big fucking tits.I have known her for more than 13 years, without a single petting. Until last night.Me and...
(MM, 1st-gay-expr, oral) It started out as a fucking lark, honest to god. I mean I wanna puke just thinking about a guy sticking his dick in to another guy's brown hole. I can't even thing about a hot chick sitting on the can taking a turd, much less sticking my dick in some guy's shit hole. But even with that said, when in my first year at Foothill Junior College, I met this guy named Brandon I struck up a friendship. We were in line together registering for classes. Brandon was a good looking...
The freeway was mostly empty as Michael drove Nicole back to her home. The couple didn’t get to see each other alone that often, mostly hanging out at the mall or the gym. Michael’s mom didn’t like the couple being at their home alone and Nicole’s home was busy being totally cleaned and fixed up. Michael focused on the road ahead as Nicole undid her seat belt and slid across the bench seat to cuddle next to her boyfriend. “I hate that the trip home is the only time we are alone,” Nicole said to...
Oral SexWhen I finally got back online 6 months back I joined up on a few local dating sites to try my luck :) I only put down looking for guy and other Tgirls.Within a couple of days I noticed something unexpected. Married Couples kept checking my profile. Thought I might as well put down looking for Couples just to see what would happen. I had meet a few couples at the local sex club I go too and had fun but wasn’t really expecting that much more interest considering all the offers couples get.Talk...
A quick guide in establishing Femdom rule in relationships. We'll look at 5 key "pillars" of Femdom rule. Slave must become familiar with them and come to accept them. I discuss mindset last even though its the most important of them all. The reason for this is the fact that you begin to change the slaves mindset from the start, often without them even knowing it. With everything you do, every scene, training session or ritual you establish you're changing the mindset and only through a proper...
Married sissy sluts that completely sub to their wife are the fucking best. The dom wife can doll them up so good! One of my dirtiest threesomes was the second of the only 2 times I've had a FMCD 3 way. It was a femdom wife and her CD. I met her during a job I got called out to at her house (I work in the home service industry 24 hour on call some weeks) Sh was friendly and a little flirty while I was working on her emergency job at about 10 one night I definitely considered her cute too. She...
Preface 6 Introduction 12 One The Male Submissive Nature 28 Two The Superior Sex 39 Three The Latent Power of Eve: 54 The Spirituality of Female Domination Four The Seduction of the...
Intro to Femdom The Beginning It was normal day on the road. I was working out of the Los Angles office for couple weeks and I decided I needed to get away from the local staff. There was a local Mexican restaurant in the neighborhood which was nothing fancy but the food was good, it was one of those places you order at the counter and wait for your food. I headed there for lunch planning on getting a couple of enchiladas with all of the fixings and then taking it back to the office and eating...
I have several Doms and three Femdoms that I visit, but I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though...
So here is the story of how I entered the world of femdom. I got with my first seriously girlfriend at the age of 14, it started all innocently, we got on well in classes at school, had a laugh together and started to see each other after school. I think what started it all off was when I offered to carry her bag for her as it was the polite thing to do. It seemed to escalate from there.About a month later we were sitting in my bedroom talking, suddenly she said to me "You know you always carry...
My wife had passed away about a year and a half ago and my sex lifehad deteriorated to masturbation. Most of the time I utilized theever growing collection of magazines and material that I woulddownload from the internet. Occasionally I would be treated to a showby my next door neighbor's k**. Kim was a senior in high school and areal knockout. Her mother was japanese and had passed on acaptivatung look to her daughter.On this particular friday, Kim had gotten home from school and...
There are many genres that seem to be pervasive when it comes to the fetish topic of Femdom. For me, this particular area of sexual fantasy has always been a huge turn-on and I have spent many hours reading, and most recently, authoring stories related to the topic. The issue I have found while dabbling in this new found hobby is that many of the traditional permutations of Femdom seem unrealistic, as best, and laughably implausible in their most extreme form. In particular, I am referring...
The Spanking Couples: Femdom Spanking Poker PartyAfter their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy ? even when forced to ?Clean-Up? partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming...
I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested...
I have been dating my girlfriend Michelle for around six months now, and as luck would have it, my lease was up on my apartment the day after our six month anniversary. She suggested that I move in with her, and I agreed, Our relationship had been going pretty well, with nothing really out of the ordinary. Our sex life was getting a little sparse, but not terrible. She was my first sexual partner, but she had been with a couple of guys before me, that I know of. After moving in, however, things...