Davis House
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The Davis Farm
Chapter 1 Soldier Boy
by roccodadom44
It sure wasnt what I expected, not at all. Having volunteered for the Union, out of Massachusetts, where I had been a seaman on coalers, I wanted to see the organized majestry of war, mid eighteen hundreds. I also wanted to avoid being conscripted under the new law passed earlier this year,1863. There is a thing called being to eager, and I was. Stationed in DC guarding buildings, getting lots of pussy and booze, somehow bored me, if I only knew. That I managed to get a swap to the 16th regiment, Vermont, under Brid Gen George Stannard, started a chain of events that still leaves me pondering the fickle nature of life.
We were heading to Pennsylvania, to reinforce Meades army at a place called Gettysburg, then a nondescript village and farm land. It was late June, 63, I had seen no enemies, except prisoners in DC, all this endless marching was getting to me, like cattle aimlessly roaming. I needed adventure, I missed sailing a full coaler through a northeaster, I was not cut out to be a cow, led here and there. Life on a ship was not great, but it was familiar, this army life was all chaos. There was roughly six thousand men in the Vermont brigrade, maybe one hundred knew what was going on, in any degree. The rest of us just fed on rumors and wishes, as we blindly marched on, heading for God knows what.
Christ, it was all so spread out, that was my reaction as I looked down upon Gettsyburg, its sweeping farm lands, leading to the ridges and mountains to the west. It was something, my reg getting picket duty,loved being out in front, where there was danger, I thought I liked it, be a hero. The rumor was that johnny reb was just south of here and we needed to stop him here or all the north was subject to war. Stannard was at least a man of action, in no time he had the whole brigade strung out across a ridge, Cemetery ridge, not a good omen, bad name, had the men digging and building like maniacs, to be dug in was to be safe, to a degree,so much more confident behind a wall.
It was funny, the whole march everyone kind of went through the motions, but now that we knew there were rebs coming this way, the energy level soared, everyone wanting as much protection as possible. Much better to be behind shelter as the enemy came towards you, as I surveyed the field and rise the enemy would need to cross, I felt good about our chances. They would be coming up a treeless swath of rocky land, making their approach slow and in the open, fuck them, hard to figure if I could make that march.
Fuck yeah, I got a horse detail, sometimes timing is everything, an officer asking for volunteers who rode, headed off to find the enemy pickets, full of myself. There were five of us in the detail, we were all rookies, so it was bound to get fucked up, it did. I was studying the lay of the land, to figure a way back, while following the four riders in front. The suddeness of it all was stunning. Guns blasting from seemingly everywhere. Seeing the guy, riding to my left front, head explode from a rifle shot, was surreal, my instinct was to turn and bolt back to our lines, I did. So much for hero shit, I had the horse galloping, as I lay low on his back, I headed for a little growth of trees.
Wow, I really had wet myself, that sucked. It was so quick, violent, and quirky, it could easily have been me who got his head blown off. Looking back towards the engagement I took notice of the number of rebs, at least thirty, and saw that all my guys were dead, or captured, so I flew back to camp with the report. It wasnt until I gave my report that someone noticed the blood on the back of my neck, I had been grazed by a bullet and not even known. That really unnerved me, I was already done with this war shit. But the officers had other plans, thats the thing about war, if you do stuff, they want you to do more stuff, if you do nothing, they expect you to do nothing. Fuck, I was noticed, soon as I had a quick meal, I was back out probing for the enemy.
Well early on July first, the enemy showed itself, its whole self. Everyone saw them from the ridge, it was majestic, as they marched forward, thousands and thousands, flags flying, music pounding, dust for miles, they had what seemed like a thousand cannons moving forward. Jesus, we had maybe six thousand able bodies on this ridge, hoped the rebs wouldnt try to overpower us here. Getting a mounted message post was great, I spent the next three days riding behind our lines,out of direct fire, which didnt mean cannon balls were not crashing all around me. The sights and sound of a full scale battle were immense, at one point the whole arena seemed engulfed in smoke, could barely breath, with rebs appearing here and there as they approached our lines, like they were already ghosts. I wondered, again, if I could march across a field like they were, constantly under cannon and rifle fire, watching their comrades go down, at a sickening pace.
Having been back to HQ often, by Sunday, I knew we were on the verge of either victory or defeat, the rebs had only the will for one more charge. That they would waste such quantities of men and horse was staggering, Picketts Charge, was a slaughter. Twelve thousand charged, seventy five hundred died, died for nothing, the rebs were retreating at full speed. Johnny reb had made it to our lines several times, but the cost to him was hideous. To watch cannons, loaded with grapeshot, being fired point blank into the faces of oncoming men was obscene. Mens bodies seemed to rip apart, their limbs and heads, flew in the air, turning the smokey air a dull red, colored with the splattering blood, of the fallen. To look down on that carnage was beyond description, as the sound of the guns silenced, the cries of agony filled the air, I needed room. Fortunatley I was assigned to follow a bunch of fleeing rebs that went west towards Waynesboro, as the command wanted to make sure they went south soon, and not north.
Being relatively fresh, with full rations, ammo, and water, made my job easier, as we crossed Waynesboro, johnny reb swung south through Dogstown, Pa., we kept a safe distance between the reb rear guard and ourselves, no one wanting a fight. But war is messy, as stupid as it seems, we crossed another Union picket, everyone started shooting each other, just outside Hancock, Md. To survive Gettysburg in pretty good shape, just the neck scratch, then have some asshole from my side drill my right bicep was a kick. Thanking my early years on a farm outside Boston, I managed to stay mounted and headed for cover, rode till I reached what I knew to be the Potomac river, there I rested my horse and checked my wound.
The bullet went right through and this was good, but I needed to stave off infection, so I made a mud poultice and bound the arm in cloth. That was it, either it healed or it got infected and I died, such is life. The river water felt great, I risked a naked bath, figuring it would help restore my fatigued body and clean my filthy skin. My cock was hard, I realised it had been a month since I had gotten laid in DC. Wow, it is was good to see my cock was ready to move on, the rest of me wasnt. That night I slept under a cliff on the river, lulled by the gentle sounds of the flowing water. My fire was hidden by the overhang, I ate well, as I caught a fat fish I couldnt identify, but it tasted great, just the same. It would seem to be an ideal place to sleep, but the horrors of the last three days started to flash in my mind, I was a mess of emotions. Joy at surviving was tarnished by the horror of the bodies strewn across the field, the elation of winning was tempered by the sadness of riding by the field hospital and seeing the baskets of amputated arms and legs. War was not majestry, it was ugly and random.
Having gotten several hours of deep sleep, started the day with energy and a clear head, though my right arm was stiff and still throbbing. Cooking oatmeal and a biscuit, I pondered my next move. If I returned to camp, they would send me off on another mission. If I stayed in the field, drifted slowly south, I would be doing my duty, to follow the retreating rebs, all the while relaxing and trying to stay out of harms way. The thunder of the moving rebels was still audible, as well as the dust from the thousands of feet in motion, but I judged them to be at least ten miles ahead, I was sure my guys were right behind them, cattle after cattle, I was in no hurry to join them . My goal was to find a good hideout, so I could get twentyfour hours of rest, my arm was not right, my body needed real rest, a bed for fucks sake.
It was beautiful country I was riding through, green and lush near the river, begging to be cultivated, yet this land was deserted. All the farms were smoldering ruins, the fields stripped, not a soul in site, not even a stray farm animal. There were plenty of dead bodies, rebels, civilians, cows, all just rotting, like as if the devil had come through town, himself. Looking at the mutilated bodies of two young girls, they had been raped and tortured, I recalled this area was split between reb and Union sympathizers. Wow, they had cut off the old mans balls and rested them on his forehead, sick bastards. As I stood pissing on the naked cunt who lay with her legs spread, I figured I wanted to avenge these ladies, and hoped that such a chance I might get. Johnny reb was getting lazy, they left a perfectly good machette buried in the back of the old man.
It seemed like a good idea to head back near the river, as I might pick up a friendly patrol boat and head back up river to camp. Also, I was getting edgy being on the road and near towns, even burnt ones, who knows who is hiding in this confusion, rifle aimed at me, even now. What a way to live,realized these people, who forever made their lives here, were in the middle of a real civil war, neighbor against neighbor. For them this war would never end, they would spend decades avenging past atrocities. That was the thing, how could anyone trust anyone else, it was all so fucking pointless to destroy such naturally fertile lands with years of bloodshed, over niggers. Yeah, not many of us blues cared about that shit, just the jesus freaks. I thought slavery stupid, ultimately self defeating, as I had shipped with many colored mates, the maritime trades were very intregrated, at least north was. The coloreds, for the most part, were like any one else, so I knew that at some point even slaves, would revolt, slaves already outnumbered whites, by three to one, in the south.
The riverside was easy trotting for the horse, soft yet firm grass,made good time, to good time. From years of scanning the horizon for the tiniest hint of land, while at sea, my eyes were strong and true. I saw them first, six walking rebs with sacks of contraband, an obvious pillaging party, guns slung over their shoulders, completly halfassed. Not being a hero, I was not seized with any desire to attack them, but rather I dismounted and went deeper into the brush along the river, so as to spot a chance for some easy marks.Shit, they were heading right towards me, then I noticed the shed twentyfive feet ahead of me, they slanted that way as they approached the river. Mentally, I Knew I had my rifle, good for one shot, my pistols five each, and I longed to use the machette.
My body was doing, my mind was watching, thats what it felt like, as I silently crept upon the six rebs, who should of at least posted a watch, lazy bastards. They were awful interested in what was in the shed, decided to just use the pistols. I had fired three shots each, before they started to get what was happening. Not a one of them got off a shot, as I went a round looking at them I was excited at the violence, no doubt about it. It bothered me, but I was consumed by it, loved that four of the rebs were stone dead, two with head shots, thats good shooting. Two were breathing, the nearest,a fat bastard was spurting blood from a gut shot. He wasnt even trying to get to his gun, mere feet away, I felt loathing for his giving up, quickly ended his ride with a head shot.
The last survivor, was a fucking kid, I mean fifteen or so, skinny, dirty, with a bad thigh shot, he was bleeding out, slowly. Dragging the dead rebs behind the shed, I looked in and laughed at what drew them in, they had found a hidden cellar full of smoked hams, booze, and gold pieces. Hell yeah, this could be a real good thing, if I could conceal the money, but gold is heavy. Burrying most of it near a bend in the river, I kept enough to help me out, packed a few hams, and some booze onto my horse, and stripped the reb who was my size and put his uniform in my pack, just in case I needed to switch sides quick, wasnt afraid to adapt. Their guns were all shit, threw the bodies into the cellar and went and got the kid, who was crying and pleading to live, not likely. I stripped him roughly, he had a hairless feminine body, I was horny, we worked it out, I raped him. I took him over a nearby downed tree and he was tight and fiesty. I rutted him with anger and violence, savoring his cries. When I dug my fingers into his thigh wound, in and out roughly, his ass muscles massaged my cock to a thundering climax. I threw the used kid into the hole as well, alive, setting the shed on fire, I started south down the river quickly, to avoid any reb search parties, feeling like I did both my country, and myself, a great service.
Sometime you just know what to do, like today, as I was riding south. It came to me to climb a nearby oak that had to be one hundred feet high, my years climbing ships rigging paying off. The view was wide and far, was glad my hunch paid off. There was a town about a mile ahead and I could see that the whole reb army had stopped there. There were reb picket, scouting, and pillaging parties everywhere. Shit, I needed distance, as I looked across the Potomac, I saw no people, only a small, quiet farm up a long road from the river, a road that was not very visable as you walked past it, sensed a place to lay low while johnny reb makes up his mind. But how to cross, I could see no fordes nearby, the current was strong enough,there was no doubt that I could swim it, but I hated to lose the horse, or the hams and booze. Taking another look at the enemy, they were all on this side, and appeared to have no attention of crossing as that would put them back into Pa. One last look about from my lofty perch, rewarded me with the sight of a large Union army heading straight for the rebs, who were all moving in different directions, having seen the union armys approach.
They had time, though, the blues were noisy as thousands tend to be, and the rebs were moving fast straight south and the Union army was veering southeast, so as to stay on johnny rebs tail, but allow room to change direction. So I climbed down the tree, with the expectation that there would be no battles, and I only had to find a way across the river,decided to rig a guidon to lead the horse over, something that required four trips across the water for me, so I was tired when I finally secured the horse, led him across the water, his bucking to a minimun. It was worth it, better to have a horse and lose it later, than never to have had one, what. Now I needed to go on foot though, so I hobbled the horse near water and good grazing, headed silently up towards the quiet farm. The barn was first and it was small, with a little hay loft and just two stalls, both empty. Climbing in a window, I scouted it out, it was empty, the stalls contained no fresh manure. Looking out the loft I spotted the kid running towards the house, about thirteen, carrying a rifle. The door was opened by a woman, saw at least one other person behind her, to do this would be dicey, to say the least.
Figuring night would be best, I decided to head back and bring the horse up to the barn, and I did with no trouble, though a Union patrol boat passed within feet of the horse, causing it to whinney, the morons never even heard it, damn glad Im not relying on them. Smiling, I never considered flagging down the boat, I realised I wanted to find out what goodies were in that cabin. I was horny, needed some baser fun, that reb cunts were made for. Of course if they were Union folks, I knew I would still have my way, war truly, was hell. The approach to the barn was concealed from the house, I put the horse in the stall with water and some oats, prepared to assault the house. It was sunset, I could see the smoke from the chimney, the light from the fire, through the rough hewed shutters, covering the windows. Feeling the pain in my arm, got me pumped that I needed to do this as quickly as possible. prayed the sun down
the end
The Chronicles of Abby: PART 4 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, Davis kept his lust in his pants until one day. Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, he hasn’t done anything risky with Abby. For the past few lessons, he had seen all sorts of panties color underneath her skirts and dresses whenever Abby sat with both her feet on the edge of the chair, hugging her legs. Sometimes, she’ll even sat with...
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Tommy walked to Kevin’s house. Trekked the six miles with a beanie over his messy black hair, a backpack on his shoulders. It was two hours to midnight, cold enough that his breath made a cloud on every exhale, but he didn’t care. Fuck if he was staying at his house. Not after he watched his dad ‘sneak’ a bottle into the back bedroom. Left before the bastard could come back out.After jogging up the steps of a modest home, Tommy rang the bell. Kevin’s mom answered the door.Ms. Davis was still in...
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The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 1(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis Getting More From Abby’. Since the day Madelyn spread for her teacher, Mr. Davis, she noticed that he would take occasional peeps at her panties whenever she sat at her desk with her legs slightly parted in her skirts and dresses. There was even once he dropped his pencil in front of her desk deliberately and then he squatted down, pretending to look for it and...
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The Chronicles of Abby: PART 3 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part reveals how Abby teased her teacher, Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties and what happened when she went home with her daddy after that. It was the day Abby would tease Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties. Abby was standing in front of her full size mirror, lifting up her extremely short denim skirt that was picked by her daddy, Matt to wear to Mr....
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I opened my locker to find that it had been ravaged and my diary had gone, but whoever took it would have to break the lock in order to look inside. I know, it’s weird to keep a diary in your school locker, but if I kept it at home my nosy step brother, Thomas, always looks at it. I mean, he should get a life, he already ruined mine and Dad’s life by barging in with his mom. His Mom is actually very nice and in really good shape. So let me tell you more about myself. Well, I am half Indian...
The July morning sun was warm and very muggy. It would prove to be hot by the end of the day and it would probably rain. Fourteen year old Catherine was walking up the road heading to her home away from home. She had stumbled across Sunnyridge goat farm six years ago while exploring her new neighborhood. Her engineer father and doctor mother had found a new home for them. They both had fulfilling jobs which was something that had not happened before. It was either her Dad was happy or her mom...
(...the day before) “So, Brook, I understand you and Will have been around the bush a few times?” Sierra said playfully. “Yeah you could say that” “Oh! I can’t believe my little Will is already growing up! OH! He’s so cute! You’re a lucky girl!” “Yeah, and surprisingly, Will’s really good at it, I mean, I have no one else to base it off of, but he always makes me cum when we do it” “How big is he?” “About this big”, Brook said, holding up her hands about six inches apart,...
“Take him home, gentlemen,” I told the mascot escorts standing next to me. “Roll him back to school, and this time watch your six!” I was referring to the last game when the mascot had almost been stolen by the rival fans when the guys had their attention on some local ladies. I’m Professor Davis. I work at a Junior College in Texas. We offer most sports at our school and we have several traditions that go back for years. One of them is the rolling statue of our Cougar mascot. One day the...
It would help to read my prior Prof Davis stories. Game over. Game lost. Not much happens in the cheer room after a defeat. The girls didn’t run cheering from the bus to go make a spirit line for the team tonight. Instead, they just exited the bus, their shoulders drooped and walked to the cheer room. I backed my truck and trailer to the back door of the school and waited while the guys unloaded the Cougar mascot. Losing sucks. It just takes everything out of you. The guys returned from...
“She’s exhausted.” Kyla said from the passenger seat of the rental car. “Yeah,” I responded. “She’s out already. Poor thing. She was up all night. Every time that she drifted off, someone came in and woke her up to check on her. She’ll probably sleep all of the way home.” “I feel so bad but it wasn’t really anyone’s fault, “Kyla explained. “It was just one of those things that happen.” I guess it’s time to let you into our conversation. I’m Professor Davis and I help with the cheer...
Introduction: intros in the name 3. (…the day before) So, Brook, I understand you and Will have been around the bush a few times? Sierra said playfully. Yeah you could say that Oh! I cant believe my little Will is already growing up! OH! Hes so cute! Youre a lucky girl! Yeah, and surprisingly, Wills really good at it, I mean, I have no one else to base it off of, but he always makes me cum when we do it How big is he? About this big, Brook said, holding up her hands about six inches...
Prof. Davis Toes the Line I’m on a bus. A freaking school bus. The fact that it’s a college school bus does not change anything. Just because it’s not painted yellow doesn’t mean that it’s still not the same old crappy bench seats from when you and I were in elementary school. Okay, so it is filled with college cheerleaders, but other than that…I’m on a bus. I’m on a bus on a two and a half hour ride to our away game tomorrow afternoon. We’ll probably stay in some crappy hotel too. I was a...
Anne slowly opened her eyes and was feeling a little drowsy.Glancing across to her left, she saw Andrew lay next to her half-asleep; she didn’t know how long she had been asleep for and slowly turned to her side, got up and walked out from the cupboard and into the laboratory.Suddenly, she felt the cool temperature on her naked skin.Still feeling half awake, she could make out a giggling childish sound in the background, coming from outside the laboratory and then, the sound of the laboratory...
MatureI teach English at the local high school. While that may not seem very exciting, the other teachers and I have made things very exciting here... Not to long ago, we were having serious problems with kids showing up for school. Attendance was at a record low, and there was talk of funding cuts at the town meetings. realizing we needed a course of action, our Assistant Principle devised a plan. One that has made life here at the school pretty interesting. After the Assistant Principle...
Warning – The following story contains sex between male-male, male-male-male, male-dog, male-horse, male-female, female-dog, female-horse If any of these things offend you, or if any of these things are illegal to read about, in your area, please close this file now. On The Farm. It was now time for me to leave for Uncle Zacs Farm. Mum, Dad & Becs took me to the airport, said their goodbyes, and told me Uncle Zac would be picking me up at the airport. Sure enough, when I came through...
Funny Business FarmShortly after my parents were divorced, one of my fathers clients had passed away leaving everything to his now widowed wife. Dad received a call from the widow, requesting a meeting to discuss the widow's holdings. As their financial advisor for the last 8 years, he was familiar with their assets.They met in his office; folders spread across the desk, each representing all the real estate and business ventures she now owned exclusively. Dad explained that all of her holdings...
I have seen the farm, from the distance, on one of my mountain hikes. I could have gone there, walking down on one side of the valley, crossing the brook at its bottom, climbing up the slope on the other side — the border is not guarded, it is hardly marked, I could have gone there and been back and still reached my destination long before dark, but what would have been the use? I took the the water bottle and a piece of bread out of my back pack, sat down on the trunk of a conveniently fallen...
Chapter 1I use to think from time to time with fond memories of what brought me to this point in my life. I enjoy what I do; I’m a CPA for a medium sized accounting firm in Chicago. I’ve never married and I’m fine with that. I would have no problems finding a man if I wanted one. I’ve been told I’m attractive. I have brown hair that I keep neck length, good complexion, and my mother’s frame. She is pinup model quality. Large hips, thick thighs, narrow waist with a bit of belly. I thought that...
Terminal Farmby slavegirl xDaddyThis is the way I like them best. Mindless, oblivious, walking sex. Of course, part of the charm is that they won't last long. If I had to live with someone like this for any length of time it would be exasperating. A week in her case, that's all the time she has left. Then she'll be finished. There's something incredibly sexy about turning boys into girls and girls into meat.From this distance, you'd be hard-pressed to recognize that she wasn't a natural born...
I’m Trudy and married to Dave there isn’t many thinks we haven’t dabbled in one way or another, so were looking for something new and exciting to try. We were going through one of the swing sites when we found an ad from a man in his 70s, he was looking to train a slut. We sent him an email telling the guy l was interested, a few days later we got a reply, he would like to meet and discuss training me, so we made a date the guy invited us to his house which turned out to be a small farm. When...
The scream broke the tranquillity of the warm, hazy afternoon. That the scream was cut off by a horrid, choking, gurgling noise terrified all who heard it. The afternoon had been calm, unhurried, as the farm workers went about their usual daily routine. Birds sang. A light breeze eased the heat of the sun. There was little humidity in the air. Tall maize, and sunflower, swayed to that slight breeze. It was from the sunflowers that they had come, inappropriate as that seemed. One moment there...
My Grandma, Hazel La Forge was a farm girl who grew up in New Madrid County, a small farming community in the southeast Missouri bootheel. The family farm was just over 2000 acres of prime fertile land bordering the banks of the Mississippi River. The property was flat and easy to plow. Each harvest was better than the previous. Great Grandpa La Forge had been offered over $1500 per acre back in the 1800s, but he wouldn’t sell one acre. It had been in the La Forge family since before Missouri...
Business at the FarmDad was dumbfounded at his luck in acquiring the farm from his client. And at that moment, he decided it was time for a change in our lives. At the end of the school year, we moved from the big city to Prestige Farm. In the middle of nowhere, this 640 acre, Horse Hobby Farm became our new home.It was an immaculate place and completely furnished. A large A-frame main building was beautiful, consisted of three floors. The lower floor measured at least 30-feet wide and 60-feet...
When the front door open my legs turned to jelly the guy had piecing blue eyes his voice made my heart skip a beat, he was what l would call drop dead gorgeous even for a 70yr old, if he had asked me there and then for a fuck l would have been on my back knicker-less with my legs spread within seconds. He introduced himself as Tom then invited us inside, Tom showed us into the kitchen, l found myself listening intently to his every word, l couldn’t believe he was 70, but my jaw dropped...
Introduction: My life on the farm living with grandma. The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was...
BOSNIAN RAPE FARM By Shabbadew2002 and JoeTex Contact us: [email protected] or [email protected] In 1992, Bosnia erupted into a cauldron of ethnic hatred, violence, rape and civil war. Tens of thousands of women were raped in Bosnia and the other parts of the former Yugoslavia between 1992 and 1994 during the rule of Radovan Karadzic.? Two Serbian teenagers join the local militia and discover the opportunity of a lifetime to abuse a neighboring Muslim family. Velimir and Tatjana While in...
By Homealone_447 Leila and Carol were saying goodbye to their mother as her small carrier gained altitude and headed to the closest bazaar to bring provisions. The three women were part of a small group of ranchers that settled in the seventh planet of the Dogada system. The local species of the planet were perfect to commercialize in the meat market. The young sisters were excited because now that Leila had turned eighteen, their mother trusted the maintenance of the ranch to them for...
End of the Road FarmBy Nickd1104Note:This is a horror/fantasy work of fiction and should be read 'tongue-in-cheek'. Any similarity to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.*As the mini-van bumped along a very rough track, Alex wondered what else could go wrong with his life. Although he had completely lost track of time he knew that two winters had come and gone since he last tasted any kind of freedom or even experienced a pain and humiliation-free day. Gloria and Nancy had given him...
"There's a 'Help Wanted' sign outside the farm down the road Jenna! Why don't you apply there?" Jenna ran her hand through her platinum blonde hair while rolling her eyes at her Mother's lame idea. Like she really wanted to work on a farm. That just screamed dirty and smelly. But she did need a job to keep her busy. Jenna had just moved to a small town about two hours away from Dallas. She'd lived in the city all her life until her parents randomly decided they wanted to give the 'country life'...
LesbianRalph was eighteen years old and still a virgin. So because of that he spent lots of time looking at porn on the Internet and jerking off late at night. He could jerk off three times a day thinking about fucking a sexy woman. Ralph lived alone with his mom, Brittany. She was a sexy chubby forty year old and divorced. She raised Ralph as a single mother for the past sixteen years. It was July and Brittany and Ralph went to their family farm at her grandparents farm thirty miles away....
Sexy work at farm By: sam Hi Iss reader another long story for my readers read this and write to me.i m 24 yrs old we had a big farm n there was no one to take care of it so my dad hire a farmer to farm the land.it was my vacation so I was free.My My Dad asked me if I was interested in farming as I was free those day , I said that I was. He called that farmer, and the Farmer knowing my dad, hired me on the spot. That afternoon my Dad, Mom and I went to the farm. I was to buck hay bails on a...
Life was going a bit badly for me for in the current economic depression, despite having a good degree I couldn’t get any work other than some zero hours stuff at a local bar. What is more I didn’t have a boyfriend or even the prospect of one.Not much could be done about the job prospects but I was determined not to spend all my time moping about my bed-sit. I decided to try on-line dating since I wasn’t meeting anyone remotely interesting in the flesh. Now I am not a bad looking girl, if no...
THE ORPHAN OF SILVERWOOD FARM by dkb PROLOGUE Charles Wetherby was orphaned twice before reaching adulthood. The first time was a tragedy, the second a liberation. When he was six years old Charles' mother contracted a severe pneumonia and, having a weak constitution, succumbed rapidly. A letter telling of his wife's illness to Charles' father, who was fighting the Great War in France, was returned unread. Lieutenant Wetherby had died in a mortar attack. Charles was therefore...
I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was way out in the county. Come September of that year I would be starting at a new school where none of...
BootyFarm! Ever dream of fucking a bodacious blonde farmhand? Do you like simple, time passing games with a touch of porn in them? If you fit that bill, then you just might enjoy the game I have for you. Porn games come in all different varieties. You’ve got the more elite category of good shit like VR porn games, interactive adventures, and full-fledged fuck fests. Then there’s the middle of the road stuff in my opinion. Text-based games with tons of erotic storytelling, visual novels,...
Best Porn GamesSummers are so fun in my part of the world. Always with friends, watchingmovies or going swimming or even going to camp. But at the end of everysummer, my older brother and I always spend a month or more at unclesranch. It's massive and there is a heap of things to do. Swimming andriding horses are at the top of the list of things to do. This year mybrother and I headed to our uncles ranch earlier than usual. We decided notto go to a camp and we both thought spending time at our uncles ranch...