Shy Wife s Humiliating Exam
- 3 years ago
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Chapter 1 –
High School Nurses Exam or
Welcome to Hell, Boys
15 Year old Jordan Haystack shifted anxiously in his seat as he awaited the mandatory nurse’s exam for freshman year of high school. The knot in his stomach grew tighter and tighter, and he felt sicker and sicker. The line of boys in front of him looked just as terrified. The boys filing out of the nurses office ahead of us kept their gaze fastened straight to the floor, their cheeks bright red.
It didn’t help that the nurse’s appointments were on the morning of the first day of high school. For some reason everyone seemed to know that the freshman boys had nurses appointments. Like it was some big deal or something. All the older girls seemed to notice them in the hallway as they walked to the nurse’s office. They’d grin at them and say things like, ?I hope you measure up, boys,? or ?welcome to high school babies, you’re going to have so much? fun.?
The nurses office always has some female students working as interns there, and Jordan thought it was just his luck that his older sisters smoking hot friend, Martha stern, was signing the boys in.
?Jordan Haystack,? he muttered, looking at the floor and blushing.
?Oh my God!? she exclaimed, ?Jordan! I totally forgot today was your big day. You’re like a little brother to me.? She leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially to me, ?all this is getting me pretty wet!?
He stared at her, mouth agape, unsure he heard that.
?Run along now baby.?
Let me explain about Martha Stern, and the female population in general at Cage Academy for Boys and Girls. There Is a standard uniform, one that makes for many blushing, hard-on hiding encounters for pubescent boys – all of the girls in high school where high heels, black miniskirts that descend just below the curves of their asses, and tight button down white shirts with blazers. There was no standard on buttons and many elected to flaunt a great deal of their ample cleavage.
To be honest, Martha looked a little incongruous in such an obviously sexy outfit. She was more girl next door hot – 18, curvy, with flowing red hair that cascaded around her shoulders, dimples and freckles and huge breasts that burst from her tight uniform, just begging to be squeezed.
There was another reason Jordan was even more nervous than usually to see Martha. A few weeks prior Jordan’s friend had shown him his first porno. It featured a muscular blond football player stripping naked to reveal a meaty cock, semi flaccid but obviously truly admirable in length and width when fully erect. Almost immediately, it being a porno and all, a skimpily dressed cheerleader emerged. She reminded Jordan vividly of Martha: Big ass. Big luscious tits. Flat, smooth stomach. And her hair was almost identical – Red and curly and flowing past her shoulders.
In the film she was on her knees in seconds, the lucky jock sitting naked on a locker room bench. She wrapped her tiny fist around his massive erection and, looking up at him, doe-eyes loving and submissive. The red head hunkered down lower on her knees, and began to lick his hairy, sweaty balls.
Jordan, his teen dick rapidly swelling in his pants, couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His father was so meek, and his mother and two sisters so bossy he couldn’t imagine that woman worshipped men this way, especially not? sexually. But here was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in a movie, licking a man's testicles. He couldn’t imagine how good it would feel to have his own scrotum licked.
Soon the porn star had her lips fastened around jock dick, slobbering and moaning all over his shaft. With one hand she stroked his dick, with the other hand lovingly massaged his balls. After ten minutes working his package like, Jordan thought, a slave, the well endowed football player blew his massive load into the teenager’s mouth. Jordan knew it’d been a lot of cum because the girl had swirled it around in her mouth before gulping it down with a smile.
After seeing that Jordan began masturbating at least 3 times a day. The majority of his fantasies focused on Martha worshipping his, admittedly less ample, privates in the same way he’d seen in the movie. He began to keep a journal of his increasingly elaborate fantasies – all of which involved Martha and a number of the other girls he knew at school in the role of his sex slaves – he spent much time assigning in his head the six girls devoted to the task of getting him off – one to suck his dick, one to stroke his dick, one to lick his balls, two to suck the toes of his feet, and one to massage his back.
He was thinking of these things when the nurse walked in.
He swallowed hard. She looked a great deal less like a nurse than she did a porn star dressed up as a nurse. She wore short, white miniskirt, with white fishnets, and a tight latex nurse’s shirt, carefully pressed. She had a short, severe, professional cut of black hair. Her lipstick was thin and dark, and she wore long, white gloves.
She looked over his chart. She slowly raised her eyes to stair at him. She smirked.
?Hello Jordan Haystack.?
?H-Hi.? He stammered.?
?I’m Nurse Nancy. I graduated top of my class in high school, top 5% in Harvard Medical School. I specialize in Male reproduction,? she snickered, ?or lack thereof.
Now little boy, lets get these clothes off.?
Jordan hesitated, waiting for her to leave.
?Now! I’m not going anywhere baby, hurry up!?
Jordan couldn’t move. She wanted him to strip naked? In front of her? It was any fifteen year old boy’s nightmare, totally exposed in front of an unbelievably hot grad student.
?I? can’t??
?Oh yes you can you scrawny little boy! You are in high school now, and I am a high school staff member. That means if you disobey me I can let your homeroom teacher know, and she’ll discipline you. Do you know what that means??
?No, but? please??:
?It means a ball whipping.?
She gave Jordan a nasty mile as the color drained from his face, fear dropping a half ton of acid steel into his stomach.
?Do you know what that is??
He shook his head mutely.
?Well sweet pea, its pretty much like it sounds. Your horny little boy testicles get flogged, with your legs strapped wide on a gynecological chair, in front of your whole class. Want that??
He tried to speak, but couldn’t get any words out.
?What was that?? she taunted. ?You want the ball whipping? I aint seen a boy yet who doesn’t throw up from the pain.?
?Please,? he squeaked. ?No.?
?Then strip!? she snapped, ?or your tender testes will be an example for all the freshman!?
As Jordan stripped with trembling hands Nurse Nancy hastily completed some paperwork and talked about herself. She wanted to be a Head High School Nurse. In fact, she wanted to be the high school nurse at this very boarding academy, where she herself had apparently gone years ago. As Jordan Slowly unbutton his slacks, and lowered them around his knees, she talked arrogantly about how she was more qualified to be Head Nurse then her current boss.
?Look, Nurse Gretchen is extremely qualified, I’m not denying that. I’ve seen her work many a teenagers’ cock till they were sobbing for relief. She has a lot of experience. But the bottom line is if your introducing a boy to what is either going to be a life of sexual ecstasy or sexual agony, I think you should be drop dead gorgeous, don’t you agree??
With this Nurse Mindy turned to face him. She looked his body up and down. She grinned as her eyes rested on his package, still modestly covered in his tightey whiteys. She walked to him and ran her gloved hands from his feet up his calves, along his knees and then slowly and firmly up his inner thighs, looking straight at his covered cock as she let her thumbs rest right up against either side of his privates. His felt his dick begin to harden.
?Take those off. Or I’ll put you down for twenty lashes.?
Jordan pulled his briefs off awkwardly with one hand, grabbing his package in the other, all the blood going to his head, his heart pounding harder than is ever had before. He wriggled out of the little white briefs. Nancy rolled her eyes.
?Both of your hands on your head! Spread your legs! Enough messing around.?
Jordan did it, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. He was terrified of her, particularly after the terrible threat of a ?ball flogging?.
She smirked at his package; his frightened dick trembling almost at half mast, a mere 3 ? inches.
?Ooo. What a cute little dicklette.? She paused and smirked at him. ?it’s my job to touch it a little, that doesn’t really sound so bad does it?? She didn’t wait for an answer.
?I’m supposed to use these gloves,? she wrapped her small hands around his cheeks and raised his face to look into her grinning eyes, ?but I dunno. What do you think? Would you prefer to get your little wannabe cock stroked and your little youngling testicles massaged by these cold professional gloves, or by my nice warms hands??
He gaped at her. She slowly stripped the gloves off, staring straight into his eyes with an unreadable expression. Without warning she suddenly reached out and cupped his balls with her little naked left hand. Jordan gasped. A pulse of sexual ecstasy pulsed from the warmth of her hand, tightening pleasantly around both his testes, up through to his cock and belly.
Nurse Nancy’s eyes widen and she grins happily at him as his jaw drops. Then she does something totally unexpected. She leans forward and gives him a merry kiss on the nose.
?These are huge!? she gasps admiringly. ?You horny little boy. Well, you may have a disappointing dick, but at least you have big bulging balls. I love that. It means your hormones are churning together semen and sperm at a rapid rate. I bet you empty these cum sacks 2 or 3 times a day, don’t you??
As she is speaking Nurse Nancy reaches for a big, white, medicinal looking tube. She turns it over and squeezes it above Jordan’s cock, a long stream of cool liquid coats it, dribbling down the side of his balls. Nancy releases Jordan’s balls for a moment to fill her right hand with a generous pool of lube. She smiles widely at Jordan. He watches her hand move, as though in slow motion, to take a hold of his dick at the very top of his shaft. Nancy rolls his left balls between her thumb and her forefinger.
Then, suddenly, she gives his dick two firm, full, pumps, from the top of the shaft down to the base of his balls.
?Oh my god!? the words just come out. Nancy grins.
She pumps his well lubed cock five times.
?Uhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh rrrmmmmmmmmmm?
?Yeah that feel gooood,? she coos, looking with amusement at his contorted face. She stops.
?rmmmm,? Jordan whines.
?Oooooh? That feels good on your little dicklette? You want me to stroke you more.?
?Y-yes. Please.? Jordan’s balls were so tight he felt like crying.
And Nancy began to pump away. 20 firm full strokes. Jordan was panting like a dog after three.
?UhhhhhhhhhhhHHH! UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHHHHHHH!! Uhhhh! Uhhhhh! Uhh! Uh!! UH!!!! UH!!!!!! UHHHHHH?.?
She released him right when he thought he was on the verge of squirting his load all over her naked hand. He was so horny wanted to. His dick twitched, pumping twice in the air, a dollop of precum suddenly appearing at the top of his fully swollen dick.
Nurse Nancy turned away and returned with a measuring tape. Quickly and professionally she measured from the base of his cock to the head.
?Mmm.? She muttered, writing a number down on his chart.
Then she turned back to him. He was gasping with desire. His glistening, semi hard cock swaying ridiculously in the air.
?Well?? she pondered. ?I bet you would like to have an experienced, older, sexy girl like me empty those balls for you huh? I am kind of in the mood to do something slutty this morning. Like get down on my knees and pump a 15 year old’s cock till they squirt a load in my open mouth. Think that lucky boy will be you??
She mockingly lowered her mouth and opened it right in front of his swollen cock head, than wrapped her hand around his dick and began pumping away. He gasped. It felt amazing. The lube heated up and enhanced the pleasure. He felt a much needed orgasm brewing deep within his guts.
And then entered Head Nurse Gretchen.
?Enjoying yourself Jordan? I see Nurse Nancy has you well taken care of.?
Nancy slowly releases Jordan’s cock. He whimpers, the cum sinking back into his balls, causing them to swell and ache.
Nancy hasn’t done Head Nurse Gretchen justice. She may be forty, but she is remarkably well preserved. Slightly more conservatively dressed than Nancy, she has a movie star professional elegance, looking strikingly like Jodie Foster. She beckons Jordan to stand in front of her.
?Here. Spread legs. Hands on head.? With the authority of her tone Jordan doesn’t consider refusal.
She reaches out and gently fondles the top of his cock between her thumb and forefinger, hitting the sweet spot underneath the shaft, right below the head.
She is less playful than Nancy, and as Jordan feels the brewing of an orgasm return, his balls beginning to pulse and churn again, the desperate need to pump jet after jet of cum, Head Nurse Gretchen merely eyes his dick critically.
?What is it?? she asks Nancy, sounding disappointed, ?a scrawny five inches??
?Five and a quarter.?
?Well, I’ll give it to you straight,? she said addressing Jordan, tone professional, ?with five and a quarter inches I don’t see you developing far past 6 1/2.?
?Uhhh. Rmmmmmm.?
She kept him on the edge effortlessly.
?It’s a new world, sweetheart. Woman don’t need to put up with subpar dicks any longer. Your member only has the right to be called a Cock once it is a meaty eight inches long, and only then do you have the right to be called a man. Sadly for all the wussy little boys out there, only Men have the right to cum as they please.?
As distracting as the fondling of his penis was, Jordan was listening. He heard the awful words she was saying. Eight Inches!? He would never be that long. Did that mean he’d never be allowed to?
?So you must be afraid you’ll never be allowed to orgasm. Nancy, check the chart. What’s Jordan here entitled to with his 5 ? inch dicklette??
?Well? lets see? it seems with 5 ? inches the law requires a minimum a 1 orgasm a year and allows up to 6 orgasms a year, dependent on good behavior and the discretion of high school authorities.?
A feeling of horror, a nightmare coming true, swept over Jordan’s body and made him sway as Head Nurse Greta once again removed her hand from his cock. She turned her attention to Nancy.
?So you think I’m an old hag, do you??
The color drained from Nancy’s face. ?No? I ??
?You know your future in this industry depends on following my every command, don’t you??
??yes.? Nancy stared at the floor.
Gretchen gave the biggest smile since she entered the room. Jordan suddenly realized she hated this hot little bitch.
?Well then,? Gretchen continued, ?kneel down behind this boy here and lick his butt.?
You could have heard a pin drop. This was a treatment, a sexual service, that Jordan had never even fantasized about. Yet for the next ten minutes this hot, stuck up grad student was forced, for the sake of her job, to put her tongue in his ass. At first she was tentative, but after some direction and threats from Head Nurse Gretchen she was soon slurping away at his butt enthusiastically, from his taint to deep in his crack. At the same time she used her hand to reach around, stroking his nuts and dick at the same time.
Jordan was in another world. His entire package, even burning through from his butt, was engulfed in warm, soft, firm, pleasure. He was gasping, his face scrunched up like an idiot. Head Nurse Gretchen looked him over with contempt.
?Nancy, talk to this boy like he has an eight incher. Let him know what his little dick is going to be missing for the rest of his frustrated little life.?
Nancy immediately started moaning into his crack. ?Oh yeah your butt tastes so good. I want to suck my big dicked masters ass forever.? She started pumping his dick faster. Jordan threw back his head, ready to pump an enormous load, but her rhythm faltered and the orgasm brewed there, ?oh yeah I can’t wait to lick up your cum from the floor. Please fuck me afterwards! Please save enough cum to rail me with your big cock. I want to guzzle down your cum with every meal.?
It was too much. Jordan’s nuts tightened.
Nancy stopped licking and released his package. Gretchen’s hand tightened around the base of his shaft. Jordan doubled over, agony gripping his balls.
?Nooooooo. Pleaaaaase.?
Nancy emerged from his bottom, face glistening. Her cheeks were red, and she stared at the floor, humiliated. Jordan was sobbing, but the two woman were far more interested in each other.
?Don’t try to cross me.? Gretchen warned.
Nancy just stared at the floor.
?Alright, I’ll see you two later.? She was talking to Nancy, but grinning at Jordan when she said it, ?Nancy, I’ll leave cage size and type up to you. I think you can handle it.?
Nancy thrust his throbbing dick and balls into a metal bowl of ice and left him there, gasping as the cold bit into his sensitive skin, to go wash her face and rinse her mouth. She returned to see him standing there, tears rolling down his face, as his testicles retreated into his shrinking scrotum and his dick shriveled up. With a furious look at him she dumped more ice on top of his genitals.
Jaw tight, she consulted a binder. Finally she angrily spat, ?you don’t know how to fucking wipe your ass, boy?! Your butt stinks!?
?I?sorry?? he whispered.
She finally looked at him, red faced. ?That was the most humiliating experience of my life. I can’t believe that just happened.?
Quivering with rage she showed him a smell, plastic tube, two inches by one inch, bent in the middle.
?This is the smallest tube I’m legally allowed to give a 5 ? incher. It will prevent any swelling of that dicklette at all, and bring your orgasms from three a day down to zero. Want it??
Jordan shook his head mutely.
?Good, cause you’re not going to get it.? She produced from her fist a small mess of thin, gleaming wires. She looped one of the thin wires around the base of his scrotum and tightened savagely. He gasped as the wire bit brutally into his shriveled nut sac.
She than looped the rest of the wires over his penis. It was nearly blue, and as small as it had ever been, having just been immersed in ice for ten minutes. Working grimly, Nancy laced 6 of the wires in a criss-cross above Jordan’s penis, and tightened fiercely.
Jordan gasped in agony. The wires bit cruelly into his young flesh. This was a thousand times worse than a normal chastity belt! It didn’t just stop him from getting erect, or stop him from jacking off, but it kept his cock crushed in this tiny, unnatural state at all times.
He began sobbing.
?We’ll see how that’s suiting you in a week.? Nancy cackled, finally looking cheerful again. ?If you get horny and want to jerk that thing,? she said, fondling his swollen nuts, ?feel free to try and get off the Wire Crusher. 29 Boys I’ve fitted have tried. 2 got free, and got to shoot their loads before they were apprehended. The other 27 cut off their own balls of by accident.?
Jordan left the office red faced, staring at the floor like the boys before him had done.
The rest of the day was a daze of Hell. All the girls knew what was going on and rubbed themselves all over the freshman boys ever chance they got. Jordan saw his class mates gritting their teeth in frustration as the cheerleading squad marched past, rubbing their half naked asses against the imprisoned boy’s crotches.
Jordan had it particularly bad though. The wires gave his dick no mercy. Talia, a bitch with glossy, curly white hair, plunged her hand into his pants and gave his balls a playful squeeze. His dick desperately tried to swell, and it was agonizing.
Jordan wanted nothing more than to get home from school and try not to think about sex. He thought maybe he’d take a cold shower, than a warm bath to ease the pain. Talia, that hot freshman cunt, was organizing an after school freshman boy torture party, but Jordan managed to dodge her as she prowled for victims.
Unfortunately Martha stern, of all people, caught up to him as he was leaving.
?Come on, sweaty,? She cooed. ?Let me give you a ride home.?
She pulled up outside Jordan’s house, parked her car, and unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to me.
?Can I, can I maybe come in??
Jordan wasn’t sure what was going on here.
?Umm? I guess so.?
?Aren’t your parents on vacation this weekend??
?Alright, good, cause?? Martha suddenly got serious, ?I have something really horrible to tell you.?
Another horrible thing? Jordan’s heart sank down to his aching balls.
?See,? she continued, ?Like I said, I feel like a big sister to you, so I have to warn you. Now that you’re a freshman their going to lock up your, uh,? she eyed his crotch meaningfully, ?your uh, Johnson.?
She looked away shyly. The sun cut her red hair beautifully. ?And like I said, I feel like a sister to you. But? the thing is? of course? I’m not. So I can do certain things for you that she can’t.?
Martha reached over and put her hands on Jordan’s thigh. ?So lets go inside baby. And I can give you a BJ. I can suck and suck all the little spermies out of your dick so you know how good a blowjob feels before you get locked away forever. And than maybe,? her hands trailed to between his legs, ?if your good I’ll let you fuck my young little pussy. Just so you feel all that good stuff the Men get.?
Oh my god. It was like all Jordan’s fantasies had come true, but just a little to late!
?I? they already locked me up.?
?Ohhhh! Poor baby! But I was so eager to give your cock a massage with my mouth!? But really she didn’t look surprised at all. ?Well, come on in anyway. I told my boyfriend he could come over in an hour. We need a place to fuck this afternoon. ? she led Jordan out of the car and affectionately ruffled his hair. ?I need my pussy eaten in the meantime. All those frustrated high school boys get me soaking!?
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THE PRACTICE BED ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2003The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...
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Hello readers, how are you? I know you all are desperate for my next submission. Here it is. This time it is especially for girls and women who like my stories and for those when don’t like it. They will surely get wet and excited while reading my story. On e of a better way to read this story is to copy it to your system, get nude before reading this story. While reading this story visualize all the scenes and most importantly don’t forget to masturbate while reading. Girls can finger fuck...
Minibusby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan December 2002 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************Why was I turned on by nurses' uniforms? I had been all my adult life and now my mild fetish had got me into real trouble.Mind, the uniform had to be real. The short...
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Oral SexHi Everyone! My name is Mary, and I am a junior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro! UNCG does not require students to get a physical exam for college, but my parents my senior year of high school forced me to get one anyway! lol They said it would be a good time to have my first OBGYN visit.... Boy was it scary!!!! ahhh THIS IS A TRUE STORY; THIS REALLY DID HAPPEN TO ME.... My mother had called her OBGYN and set me up an appointment to get a full OBGYN physical at the university...
VoyeurUnlike most men, I look forward to my annual prostate exam because living in a sexless marriage, it’s the closest thing I have to sex with another human being. My doctor of thirty-plus years apparently sees things differently because the last couple of years, he simply asked me if I was having any issues urinating or if I found myself getting up frequently at night to pee. In hindsight, I should have said, “yes,” because I’m sure he would have slipped on the glove and probed away but my...
Gay MaleThe boys had no morning activity for the day and were free to use it as they saw fit. Several of the boys were left to watch the toll bridge activity, with all the girls going riding they needed two on the girls' side as well as two in the basement and two to monitor their side. Dei-Shau and Josh were the ones on the girls' side (they were often tipped a pint of cunt juice or a quick blow job by every girl that used the bridge), Roberto and Aaron made sure all things went smoothly in the...
Emily barges in Tommy’s room without so much of applying a courtesy knock. Walking right in, she sees Tommy at his desk studying and doing his homework like her good little slave. “Good, I see you’re doing your homework. By the way, how are those grades coming?” She asks. Tommy was a little perturbed, ever since they made this agreement, Emily thought she had the right to walk into his room whenever she wanted to, which considering the agreement, he guessed she did. But it was still...
It was with surprisingly mixed feelings that I left that side ward, which had become my little world for the last three days. I thought I would make my way down towards the hospital café for a much-needed coffee before coming back to collect Dad’s effects and then walk down to the hotel. I planned to check out immediately and move into Dad’s house, to start sorting out what to keep and what to clear. I wanted to be kept busy until Mum, Bobby and probably his partner Jonathan showed up for the...
I served in the U.S. Navy. I never served on a ship. I never wore my uniform unless I traveled home on leave or back to duty. The best thing I remember about my time was spending 6 months in a Naval Hospital in Oakland CA. Unlike other patients I was not confined to bed and had free run of the whole facility. I could come and go as I pleased. The nurses who served on my ward were a friendly bunch. There were three in particular who were very friendly. For some reason they adopted me as their...
I served in the U.S. Navy. I never served on a ship. I never wore my uniform unless I traveled home on leave or back to duty. The best thing I remember about my time was spending 6 months in a Naval Hospital in Oakland CA. Unlike other patients I was not confined to bed and had free run of the whole facility. I could come and go as I pleased. The nurses who served on my ward were a friendly bunch. There were three in particular who were very friendly. For some reason they adopted me as their...
Group SexNicole knew the minute he walked into the office that this guy was going to be an asshole, and of course, he was here to see Dr. Jackson. She watched him sit down in the waiting room. His posture indicating that he thought he was someone important. She rolled her eyes. Dr. J was just gonna love him. She checked his chart, noting that he was here for a physical exam. “Let’s get this over,” she said, under her breath. After making sure the exam room was ready, she called his name, and then led...
BDSMAfter my first study session with Caitlyn for our first final exams of first year we manage to get through the next 3 study sessions without fucking each other. Although we didn't fuck each other again yet we did exchanged a few passionate kisses and felt each others bodies on a number of occasions. It was a Thursday morning and I made my way to Caitlyn's house rather early as our final exam was at 1pm that day. My girlfriend Jessica finished her last exam of the year the day before and her and...
Donna rolled over in bed, her alarm rudely awakening her from sleep. Having just turned 18, Donna's mother had advised her to schedule an appointment with her physician for a complete exam. Wanting to get the appointment over with as quickly as possible, Donna had accepted the first appointment the receptionist offered, at 7 a.m.Running her fingers up and down her toned stomach, Donna cursed herself for making such an early appointment. Donna's hands squeezed her sort of large but firm breasts,...
"Phillip that is a very shallow thought. That you are not a man because the size of your penis doesn't measure up to some preconceived, and very faulty I might add, notion." Emma Frost said sternly. "But have you been laughed at on two different occasions because of it? Did you hear the snickers at you in the lunch room? I have and it wasn't nice." Phillip retorted "Yes, Phillip, you are correct, that isn't right and it is something that you should not of had to experience, but you...
Another Reprise from the stories I posted as Handsomepeter47Annual Doctor ExamI live 50 miles from the city where my doctor has his office. Yesterday was to be my annual exam. I always like to be early in the office so arrived there at 8:00 a.m. When I was called by the nurse to follow her to the examination room, I had to silently curse the daily Cialis I had been taking because her ass was so nice. I thought about other things though and was only semi-erect when she asked me to be seated.She...
Your friends have told you about Doctor Dan, they usually laugh or blush as they say “he’s got unusual methods, but he’s a really good OB/GYN doctor.” So, it was time for your yearly woman’s exam, so you called and made an appointment. You were instructed to drink a 16 oz. glass of water 2 hours before you arrived, and try not to void in between. As you arrived at his office, I greeted you saying “Hello Alissa, I am Doctor Dan” and I take you to the exam room and told you to disrobe. A few...
I felt a little nervous as I parked in the medical arts building parking lot. It was not because my new doctor was a woman; I was secure enough in my manhood that it didn’t bother me. I just felt a little uncomfortable, as was natural, whenever you establish yourself as patient with a new doctor. The fact that I was running late, and had the last appointment of the day, did not help.The company I had just joined insisted on a physical exam, and since I was new to the area, I needed to find...
I live 50 miles from the city where my doctor has his office. Yesterday was to be my annual exam. I always like to be early in the office so arrived there at 8:00 a.m. When I was called by the nurse to follow her to the examination room, I had to silently curse the daily Cialis I had been taking because her ass was so nice. I thought about other things though and was only semi-erect when she asked me to be seated. She asked me about my medications, asking if I still took each one and if I...
Im a slut, Carol Wilson concluded. I am discreet, to be sure, but I am a sexually promiscuous woman just the same. These thoughts were racing through Carols mind as she stood at her nursing station late one night. Carol was a senior nursing supervisor at a major hospital in Chapel Hill and was working the eleven to seven shift on the third floor east wing that particular night. At three in the morning the halls were silent and the other nurse on the shift was at lunch. At quiet times like these...
After I had been with my Mistresses for about a month, an event occurred which totally solved this problem. Maria then wandered downstairs and came back into the bedroom with the post. Slowly she sat down on the bed, reading. Once she had finished, she turned to my aunt, who by this time was showing an interest in the letter. “Sue, that is a very interesting letter”, she started. “Have I ever mentioned to you my Asian friend Sharji? Well, in case you don’t remember, she gave birth to...
I’m not a slut or whore, I’m the top student of my class, but I also have fantasies. My fantasy man was my thirty-seven year old physics teacher, Mr. Denning. He was tall, had short hair, most of the time dressed in white shirt and black pants with polished leather shoes. He was the hottest man in the world for me. I thought about getting fucked by him, but I never tried to seduce him, because I knew that not all the fantasies come true. But a day before my physics exams, I couldn’t...
I’m not a slut or whore, I’m the top student of my class, but I also have fantasies. My fantasy man was my thirty-seven year old physics teacher, Mr. Denning. He was tall, had short hair, most of the time dressed in white shirt and black pants with polished leather shoes. He was the hottest man in the world for me. I thought about getting fucked by him, but I never tried to seduce him, because I knew that not all the fantasies come true. But a day before my physics exams, I couldn’t...
Straight SexMICHELLE'S FIRST EXAMMichelle and Dr. Wellhung had been writing emails back and forth and chatting on instant messenger for nearly a month before she finally decided to follow through with her desire to undergo an examination. She was nervous, she was apprehensive, and she was also driven by a desire that was relentless. That was her dilemma. She was an intelligent and responsible woman, and she was about to do something that any intelligent and responsible woman would think was absolutely...
A Colon Exam and a ‘Quickie’ can be a good thing.A friend asked me if I’d ever had to go to the hospital after a meeting with one of my friends. I did, a few times, but not because of what he did. I did have to be treated, on occasion, for an irritated bowel; irritated colon is the better term. This usually happened when I lived with a guy for a while or was dating someone who wanted sex numerous times in a week. The condition actually began when I was in my teens, it was treated then but, no...
Airport Anal Exam By Humbleslave A few months had passed since the wild Christmas party, which had found me bound, beaten, ass-fucked, and humiliated in front of more people from my past. I was busy washing Mistress Chantz's convertible in a skimpy white string bikini and matching heels, with my hands bound behind my back, which was obviously quite a sight for the neighbors. By now I was used to this sort of thing, and went about my business, kneeling on the hood of the car to scrub...
It was a bright sunny day in October as Jessica stepped out from her car. The wind caught her skirt and sent it twirling around her thighs. As the cold wind swirled around her legs she started to feel worse about what she was at the building to do that morning. She looked up at the sky and took in a deep breath trying to brace herself for this day she hated and it appeared that every year seemed to get harder and harder to come here. What was so important about the gynecologist anyway? It...
Ultimate Doctors and NursesbyEvelyn Carroll It was the boy next door who taught me how to touch myself.He was called Sean. I'd loved him since I was a little girl. He used to let me play with his toy soldiers when we were both younger. His mother let me have a photograph of him once. I have it here. His hair is very black in it. He looks sulky, like a pop star, with his wavy, slightly long hair. I am looking at it now, remembering him, remembering this young him and his older self.Of...
I always had a keen eye towards the nurse at my school,she was around 50 years of age with a sensuous shapely body and smooth skin for a woman of her age.It was a Friday and I was sitting in study hall feeling bored and horny like always, as most guys in high school do.I told the teacher that was assigned to study hall that I was feeling ill,could he give me a pass to the nurses office? He gave me a pass and I proceeded to walk to the nurses office at the other end of the school.the door was...
Doctors and NursesToday was filming day with Tom turning up early ready to start. As promised, the morning session was on oral sex. Katie prepared herself, dressed in a little black dress with see through bra and matching knickers, back suspenders and seamed stocking, she sat on the edge of the bed, flashing stocking tops at Tom who had already stripped ready for action, though his cock was yet to respond. Sammie voicing over that Tom is going to perform cunnilingus on Katie, or more popularly...
“Thank you and now get the hell into your room. I can't work with you beside me,” Claire scolded her roommate Christopher with just a hint of desperation in her voice.“Come on, you didn't even receive the e-mail with your exam questions yet. Besides, it was you who came to me almost crying because your internet connection wasn't working. How did you accidentally delete our Wi-Fi password from your computer?” Christopher replied with an undertone of growing frustration.“I said thank you for...
Quickie SexMelinda page nervously through a two tear old Newsweek, while waiting for the receptionist to call her name! She had just turned eighteen, and her mother had decided that it was about time she had her first ‘female doctor’s visit’! ‘Good grief,’ she thought to herself, ‘she was in great shape, why in the heck did she need to see a gynecologist anyway!?!’ It sounded just like a gun shot when a nurse poked her head out of the door leading to the examination rooms and said, ‘Melinda, we’re ready...
Upon this door it read "Women's Health" and I knew I was soon taking the next step in my exam. This room also had an examination table in the middle of the room, but this time it also had stirrups attached and the backrest was sitting at about 60 degrees. At this stage only a female nurse was in the room, her back to me I could see her assembling and placing instruments on a metal tray. The orderly ordered me to take a seat on the side of the table. He soon left the room and a male doctor...
Melinda page nervously through a two tear old Newsweek, while waiting for the receptionist to call her name! She had just turned eighteen, and her mother had decided that it was about time she had her first "female doctor's visit"! "Good grief," she thought to herself, "she was in great shape, why in the heck did she need to see a gynecologist anyway!?!" It sounded just like a gun shot when a nurse poked her head out of the door leading to the examination rooms and said, "Melinda, we're ready...
First TimeLet me give you a visual of my wife. 5’10’ 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. ‘I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...
My loving hubby woke up very early that morning. I heard the fucking alarm and I rolled onto my stomach. I slipped two fingers down to my shaven mound and inserted them deep into my cunt.It felt wet and very nice indeed.Victor noticed I was touching myself; so he lifted the covers and slapped my buttocks a bit hard. He then laughed, telling me I should not forget my appointment with the gynecologist... It would be just a routine general exam, including my asshole.As soon as Victor left for his...
Rex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctorsand felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. Theappointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel andunusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and Doctor Jenkins' nurse, Miss Boyd cameflying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkinsentered the examining room, sat down on...
"Come, Jane, it's your turn," the instructor commanded.This was it. The last exam at the Slut School. If Jane passes this exam she would get a Diploma as an a-class slut."This way," her female instructor led her into a long hallway.What Jane saw in the hallway was not an ordinary sight. About 20 restrained men of all ages where lined at the left wall, standing cloth-less on elevated platforms, so their crotch was on head level to whoever walked the hallway.The ground looked dirty, covered in...
Next in the examining room was a nervously boy named Ronny waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He had told me before that he hated doctorsand felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. Theappointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel andunusual punishment! I opened the door and being Doctor Jenkins' nurse, I cameflying through the door and told Ronny the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkinsentered...
One Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam Coming home after taking my exam all I want is a beer and a nice hot bubble bath to relax. When I reach the door there is a note that reads, “I am here for whatever you desire tonight.” I open the door; I hear Robert Plant’s voice coming from the stereo, which brings a smile to my face. TJ knows how much Robert Plant's voice turns me on and how the music of Led Zeppelin always puts me in a better mood. Walking in the door there is a nice chilled glass...
Straight SexLet me give you a visual of my wife. 5'10" 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. "I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...
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