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The flight was not until almost midnight, and Ingrid was happy to spend her last few hours with  Lui Shi. They had spent most of her holiday together, having met on her second day in the country.

She had been visiting the Zoo, and the world famous Giant Pandas, when she spotted him taking photographs of the visitors.

He asked if he could take hers, and she readily agreed.

He had an easy manner, talking fluently in English, which though was not Ingrid’s first language, was one she did understand, having spent time in England the year before.

Having discovered she was a tourist, he offered to show her the sights, and so began the friendship that would last throughout her stay.

He had spent almost every waking hour at her side, and though he had not pressed himself on her sexually, she felt at ease with him.

For four weeks he devoted his time to Ingrid, showing her the hidden side of the City, as well as the more tourist visible side. He had photographed her in many locations, some she had not been happy about being in, but with Lui Shi by her side, she had felt safe.

Ingrid was sure he would not let anything happen to her.

It was her final week, and her tickets were already booked to fly home.

He had found her in tears when he had come to her hotel room to take her out fr a meal.

She told him that she didn’t want to leave, but she had no choice. She had a course to finish, and her parents were expecting her back. But she didn’t want to leave. She had spent the time feeling so happy, and now, after her flight, she would never see him again.

It happened naturally. There was no pressure,  but as he held her, their eyes locked, and moments later they kissed for the first time. Even before she realised it, she was laying in his arms.

He was a gentle and considerate lover. He took her to levels she had never before experienced, and at the same time, left her wanting more. Each time he drew away, she found herself pulling him back.

And now, she was at the airport, and Lui Shi would become one more part of her past. Though a part she would regret leaving.


The shout came from behind her, and as she turned around, he was there.

?I cannot let you go without a last goodbye? he said. It almost looked as if he had been crying. ?I have a present for you to remember me by?

In his arms was a stuffed Giant Panda, at least three feet tall.

?To remind you where we met? he said, as he held her and kissed her cheek.

Ingrid was lost for words. Her face turned to his and  their lips touched., the kiss tasting all the sweeter, as she knew he should be somewhere else. He had given up the opportunity to earn some serious money, to come and say farewell before she caught the flight.

As her flight was called, and she turned to reluctantly join the queue, she heard him say.

?I will never forget you, Ingrid. One day, we will meet again.?

Tears flood3ed her eyes as she walked slowly away from him, cradling the Giant Panda in her arms.

She walked towards the customs desk, wishing she could hold Lui Shi one more time, but she turned around, and he had gone.

As she neared the customs desk she could see the dog sniffing at everyone’s ;luggage. There had been a bomb scare only a week before, and security had been increased. She moved closer and the dog seemed to become more excited about something.

It was only as she stopped at the desk, that the dog began barking crazily. It started to jump up at her, and she dropped the present Lui Shi had given her in fright.

Immediately, the dog began to rip at it with his teeth, growling.

Three custom officers came around the desk, two grabbing hold of Ingrid, the third pulling the dog away from the Giant Panda, now torn open.

As Ingrid looked down, she couldn’t believe her eyes. White powder was flowing freely from the neck of the Panda. This couldn’t be true. Lui Shi wouldn’t have done this to her, they were friends, lovers.

The customs men started shouting at her in Chinese, even though she could not understand what they were saying, it was clear they were annoyed and angry.

The two who had come to either side of her escorted her into a room on one side, whilst the third man picked up the Panda and the spewed contents.

Inside the room, Ingrid was pushed to a chair, as the two men began shouting at her. She had no idea what they were saying, no idea what was happening. Surely they could see this was some giant mistake. Surely the airport cameras had picked uo Lui Shi handing her the Panda as a gift.

Within minutes a woman customs officer entered the room. She was more like a wrestler than Ingrid had ever seen. She stood in front of Mora and started to shout at her.

Ingrid couldn’t help the tears. This couldn’t be happening. Not to her.

The two men left the room, as a second and third female customs officers arrived. Within minutes, they had forcible undressed her, her clothes lying torn on the floor, as they had ripped open the seams on every piece of her clothing.

Naked, and frightened, Ingrid asked for a Consul, but either the officers didn’t understand her, or they were simply ignoring her.

Two of the officers grabbed her arms and pulled her forwards, over the wooden desk, as the third moved behind her, pulling on a pair of thin rubber gloves.

Though she screamed her innocence, the woman still gave Ingrid a full body search. She had never felt so humiliated in her life, as she felt the woman’s fingers infiltrate her body, searching for more drugs.

Ingrid screamed that the Panda was a gift, not hers, but no-one seemed to take any notice.

After the search, she was given a paper smock with which to cover herself, and her hands were cuffed behind her back. One of the officers led her to a room with only a small window, barred, and left her alone.

Though there was a small cot along one side of the wall, the room held nothing else. It was painted pure white, and made Ingrid’s wet eyes hurt.

Her watch had been confiscated, so she had no idea what time it was. The window was too high for her to reach, especially with her hands still cuffed behind her.

She sat on the edge of the cot crying. Surely this couldn’t happen to her. She had done nothing wrong. Lui Shi had given her the Panda, as a gift. A farewell gift.

The door opened and a man wearing a white suit, white shirt and white tie entered, closing the door behind him.

?Well, young lady. It seems you are in a lot of trouble, doesn’t it?. His English was almost perfect, as he took a seat on the cot close to her.

?The Giant Panda toy you tried to smuggle out, was filled with Heroin. I am sure you are going to tell me that you didn’t know, but, if you will excuse me for saying so, we have heard that excuse so many times in the past.?

?Please? Ingrid started. ?I don’t know what you are talking about. It was a parting gift from the man I have been seeing since I arrived here?

?His name??

?Lui Shi? answered Ingrid, sobbing.


?I don’t know his address? she admitted. ?I met him at the zoo, and he picked me up at the hotel every day after that. He didn’t tell me where he lived?

?So. You spend four weeks with a man, you don’t know where he lives, and yet, he gives you an expensive present before you go home? ?

The man in white sat watching her as Ingrid tried to understand what he was implying.

?Please. I am telling you the truth. You have to believe me?

?Ingrid. May I call you Ingrid? You have been caught in possession of over a kilo of Heroin. Even by normal standards, that is a lot of drug to be trying to smuggle out. We know you cannot have done this alone, so unless you give us the name and address of your supplier, we have no choice but to charge you as a drugs dealer?

?Please? cried Ingrid. ?This is all wrong. I am not smuggling. The Panda was a gift?.

?I am sorry. We tried to be nice to you, but you refuse to co-operate. We have no choice. You are under arrest for smuggling heroin out of the country. You will be taken to court, where, unless you can provide us with the name and address of your supplier, you will be tried for drug dealing and trafficking.?

The man stood up and pressed a button Ingrid had not seen on the wall. Almost immediately, two armed guards entered the room, and grabbed Ingrid’s arms.

Roughly, they marched her out of the room and along a corridor towards a heavy wooden door. As they approached. Another man opened it, and Ingrid could see the large prison van waiting outside.

She tried to struggle, but the two men holding her were far too strong for her, and they held onto her easily as she was moved around the back of the van, and up two metal steps. Inside the van she was pushed unceremoniously into a small metal room, large enough for her to stand, but too small for her to sit. The door was banged shut with a loud metallic sound, and Ingrid felt the tears falling freely again.

The prison in which she had been held was, in Ingrid’s view, not fir for human habitation. She had tried to complain about the dirt and the smell, but it was as if no-one understood anything she was saying.

The guards had thrown her into a cell, the four walls simply bars, allowing her no privacy. She had been whistled at by other prisoners, and had spent much of her time curled up in one corner, as far away from everyone as she could get.

The bed on which she was expected to sleep had only a thin mattress, stained badly from previous users. The floor was almost a thoroughfare for cockroaches, and Ingrid was frightened to even go to sleep, spending much of her time awake, watching, and waiting for them to realise this was all a big mistake.

For three weeks she was held in the same cell. Brought only meals of rice and water. The rice tasted stale as if it was out of date, but she had no choice. Eat it or starve.

It was the third week when things started to change.

She was brought a paper smock, and handed it, told to put it on.

As she did so, the cell door opened and three guards entered. Two pulled her arms together behind her, as the third began to cuffs her hands. Without any more said, she was ushered out of the cell and along a corridor lined with small rooms. One door was open, and she was ushered inside it.

At a table in the centre of the room sat a grey haired man. Ingrid was forced to stand on the opposite side of the table as the man started speaking, in English.

?I am here to inform you that your trial will begin next week. I will not be allowed in court to speak on your behalf, the Chinese Government are taking this case very seriously, and, if you are found guilty, they intend to make an example of you?

?Please? began Ingrid. ?This is all a mistake. I didn’t know there was drugs in the panda. It was a farewell gift?

?From a man the police cannot locate? I know it saounds harsh to you, but they hear this story all the time, and unless you can give them an address, and they can find this Lui Shi, then I am afraid they will not listen to you?

?I don’t know his address. He always came to my hotel. Ask them?

?Apparently, they did ask, ad the receptionist has no recollection of him. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist, but that she cannot remember. This, unfortunately, does not help you. The Prosecutor is asking for the most severe penalty if you are found guilty. So it is in your interest to find a way to locate this Lui Shi. ?

?Most severe?? asked Ingrid, her voice trembling.

?The death penalty, I am afraid. He wants to use you to show that smuggling is not acceptable in this country. He wants to use you as a deterrent to others. And the judges are likely to agree with him. Smuggling has become big business, and the Government are doing everything they can to stop it.?

?No!? screamed Ingrid, her body shaking. ?They cant do that. I have rights. Surely the consul will do something to stop it?

?Unfortunately, there is no Swedish consulate here. And as for your rights? You are in China. I am sure you have read how few civil rights there are here. You forfeited your rights the moment you were arrested, I am afraid. As I see it, you have two choices. Give up your supplier, or face the consequences. You have until Monday?

He had started out speaking calmly and pleasantly, but had ended up sounding like a prosecutor. It was either Lui Shi, or her. 

Moments later she was led back to her cell, and the paper smock was taken from her again, leaving her as she had been since her arrival at the prison, naked.

She was not alone in that respect, though most of those who had arrived minus their clothes, had found a way to buy or beg some. But Ingrid did not understand Chinese, and had not been able to do so.

Ingrid sat in the dock dumbfounded and confused.

There were three judges sat behind a heavy desk, and a prosecutor who kept pointing at her, ad then at the drugs on the large table in front of the judges.

She had not understood a word that had been said, but the custom’s officers had appeared, as had the man in the white suit, and the man she had seen at the prison.

All had given evidence, and had been shown the Giant Panda and the drugs. Each had said something in return, pointed to the evidence on view, and then at Ingrid.

Ingrid was frightened, very frightened. No-one had been to see her about her defence, and she was still not able to give them Lui Shi’s address. She simply didn’t know it.

She had looked around the court room, expecting him to come to her rescue, but now, after three days, he had still not appeared.

She waited patiently, for her turn to give evidence, but at the end of the third day the judges left the room, and Ingrid was made to sit quietly and wait.

The clock on the wall above the judges bench seemed to move slowly. Much slower than she remembered time passing when she was with Lui Shi. The four weeks had passed as in a haze, and were over almost as soon as they had begun.

But now, the seconds seemed to last forever, as she sat and waited.

It was almost an hour later when the three judges returned and took their places. Now it would be her turn to give evidence.

She was pulled to her feet as the three judges took their place, and the prosecutor moved in front of them.

He started speaking, though Ingrid could still not understand what was being said.

She waited, as the man continued to speak, and then watched in horror as the first judge, the one nearest to her, put his hands beneath the bench and pulled out a black hood, pulling it over his head.

Ingrid didn’t need to know what was being said to understand the significance of that. The first judge had found her guilty.

She screamed out that she had not given evidence yet, but the prison guards either side of her forced her to her knees, and hit her shoulders with heavy wooden batons.

The prosecutor was addressing the second judge, and moments later, he, too pulled a black hood from under the bench and donned it.

Ingrid couldn’t believe this as happening. They were finding her guilty, and she had not yet given evidence. This wasn’t justice.

The prosecutor turned to the final judge whom even before the man started talking, already had his hands under the bench.

Within seconds, the black hood covered his head and face. All three judges had found her guilty.

Again and again Ingrid screamed her innocence.  The prison guards hit her time and time again with their batons, until she collapsed silent in the dock, too frightened to utter another word.

The prosecutor was still talking, though Ingrid only saw the court through a haze of tears by then.

She remembered what the man in the prison had said, that the prosecutor would be pressing for the most severe penalty. Death.

This couldn’t be right. Surely this was all wrong. They couldn’t do this in this day and age.

The prison guards dragged her to her feet, where the prosecutor addressed her.

?You have been found guilty by three judges. Each has confirmed that the Government’s stand on drug smuggling will be demonstrated in harsh form.  The sentence is death by hanging. You will be taken from here to prison, and from there you will be executed in two days time. Your life and belongings are forfeit to the great state of China.?

This was the first time she had heard the prosecutor speak anything but Chinese, and she was taken aback by it. The shock of what he had said set in moments later.

Her knees failed, and she collapsed on the floor, unable to stand. Her head swam, as the realisation of what he had said hit home.

Ingrid was dragged back to her cell in a daze, unable to comprehend what was happening to her. Surely Lui Shi would come forward ad stop this happening. But even then, she knew he wouldn’t do so. He had used her, and would probably be already using someone else. He would not rescue her.

She lay in her cell unable to stop the tears and the heavy sobbing that racked her body.

She still could not believe what the prosecutor had said. There had to be a chance of leniency, surely?

Ingrid walked slowly into the room, helped by two strong hooded men.

The noose was impossible to ignore, it hung from the centre of the ceiling, and beneath it, clearly visible, was the trap door that would be her last step.

It had not meant to be this way, and even now she hoped that someone would come and say it was all a mistake.

But there was no mistake. The two men frogmarched her under the noose, and one of them pulled her arms behind her. She tried to fight it, but it was useless. Rope encircled her wrists several times, and then passed between her wrists and hands, circling the ropes already in place.

Immediately, more rope was tied around her waist, and her wrists brought to this rope and tied in place, bending her elbows, and preventing her having any movements of her hands.

Another rope was tied around her elbows, pulling them painfully together, and forcing her chest out.

The other man had knelt and had tied ropes around her ankles, her knees and her upper thighs. Other than falling over, Ingrid was now unable to move in any direction.

She felt weak, almost unable to stand, but the two men now held her upright..

One of them produced a large ball gag, and forced her mouth wide, inserting it behind her teeth, before fastening the strap at the back of her head.. Ingrid tried to force it out with her tongue, but the second man was already wrapping duct tape around her head, and over the gag, to stop it coming out.

More tape was wrapped around her eyes, taking her into darkness, she knew she would never leave.

Her whole body shook in fear. She could feel herself losing control of her bladder, but the two men seemed igIngridnt of the stream of urine that trickled down her thighs and legs, pooling at her feet.

Although she could not see it, she could feel the hood being pulled down and over her head. She tried to shake it free, but to no avail. She could feel it tightening at the back, as the lace was pulled tighter, and secured.

Ingrid began to pray for salvation. Someone had to stop this before it was too late. It couldn’t end this way.

Helplessly she stood as the noose was slowly lowered over her head, until it reached her shoulders. Someone was tightening it. She could feel it through the hood. She tried to scream, but the effectiveness of the gag stopped the sound before it left her mouth.

No-one would come to her rescue. No-one would stop what was happening and explain that it had all been a mistake.

The noose felt tight, now, and she could feel knots behind her left ear, as the rope was stretched upwards. She was already fighting for breath, every breath was precious, however foul it tasted. She knew she was about to take her last breath, and savoured each one as if it were just that.

Someone was speaking, but she couldn’t concentrate on the words. She heard the word sentence, and the word hang, but nothing made sense to her anymore.

She knew she was sweating, but the room wasn’t hot. Her own fear was doing this to her.

Her bare feet could feel each crack in the wooden trap door beneath them. She felt with her toes for somewhere she would gain purchase once the doors opened, but there was nothing there to grab hold of, even had she been able to do.

It happened so quickly, and without warning. One second she was standing on the trap doors, the next, her legs were swinging wildly, trying to find something to stand on. The noose was tight around her neck, stopping her breathing. Her wrists were pulling at the ropes, cutting into the flesh, as her body swung free in the air.

Her head pounded as the blood filled her head. Her eyes felt as if they were popping out, the gag pulling harder into her mouth.

Still she looked for purchase with her feet, unable to find anything that would relieve the pressure on her neck. But there was nothing, as her body slowed, hanging limp from the noose. The two men stood, watching unconcerned as Ingrid’s body hung motionless from the noose.

Her bowels had lost control, as her had bladder, once again. The dregs of her life lay on the straw, three feet below her feet.

It was a harsh price to pay, but smuggling drugs in China, had been a mistake. A mistake for which she had paid the dearest price of all.

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A black guy always cums twice

One of Anita’s old office mates invited us to her wedding.I was dressed already to leave home; but Ana was still delayed with her outfit. I sat on a couch to relax, waiting for her to come down.When she got down the stairs, I immediately got an aching hard on. She had on a sleeveless light blue dress above four inches above her knees. Her legs were covered in black pantyhose and she had chosen a pair of sexy black stilettos. I lifted the hem of her dress to see what she had on under it.The...

3 years ago
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Students with Big sister

Students with Big sisterA few days ago I and a classmate to a nearby woman play she called Xiaorong. Do not see her Girls like sports is because look at her body. Is simply superb. Thin. Height 170 cm each time to play cute and small movements are wearing shorts. And lovely small timber Quality is also extremely thin. Movement can be seen clearly Jitu finished her chest with E cover, this time because She just after school, so wear the school uniform, white shirt. And deep blue Bai Zhequn....

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 17 Consequences

JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Oh, THAT's what that question was asking?" "Wait, what do you MEAN there was a question 5b?" "Ah hell, my parents are gonna kill me when that report card comes out." "Fuck it. I don't care anymore. When are you heading over to Elaine's place?" School was out. The past was past, and anything short of hacking the database or sneaking into the records office wouldn't change your test scores. So by four in the afternoon, Elaine Fukuhara and 35 of her...

3 years ago
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Eyes on the Prize Chapter 7

EYES ON THE PRIZE - CHAPTER SEVEN "So, Stacey," said the interviewer, glancing down at his notes and then looking at me over the glasses perched on his nose. "That's quite an outfit you have on! It really suits you. Am I right?" This last was directed to the all-male audience that I could sense rather than see past the glare of the lights. That they were all men I'd been able to tell when I made my entrance, sweeping (as best as I could) down the catwalk that ran down the middle of...

3 years ago
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Maid and Horny Student

On a hill overlooking a beautiful shore, the wealthy Daren Stone looked out gasping at the beauty. Daren loved his beach view mainly, because it was magical. Sometimes mermaids floated on shore, sirens, nymphs ran from the forest, all attracted to him. He was a magical source, a very powerful sorcerer. It was only natural that other magical beings sensed him.Looking at the sunrise he sighed, his home was empty and in need of someone to clean it. Daren moved to this mansion on a cliff above the...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Mini Stallion Looking For Petite Babes That Love to Fuck

Mini Stallion and Isiah Maxwell are enjoying time together in a park, when they happen to come across a job ad! It’s for Cherry Pimps and they’re looking for people who love to fuck! Surprise, surprise. But is it legit? This couple makes the call, because they definitely love to fuck. When they find out they’re looking for Petite women, Mini lights up! She’s petite and she can lay it down! She knows that Isiah knows how to fuck, too. This couple is ready to go viral, and...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Alyx Star Shows Off Her All Natural Triple D8217s

Alyx Star and her mesmerizing mammaries star in this scene from Manuel Ferrara’s “Raw #42”. We open on said rack and in Manuel’s excellent POV style. Ferrara is squeezing the produce and Alyx says “My boobs are really sensitive”. Natural orbs that large probably are… Manuel continues his exploration, kissing and clutching Star’s preciouses. Next he plunges and tastes her twat. Alyx volleys and displays hardy cock suck skillz, easily handling all of Ferrara’s member. The couple move into cowgirl...

2 years ago
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Degrees of FreedomChapter 16

Zoe There was so much that needed talking about. My holidays, some questions that had popped up during the brunch, the trip to Boston, the flat I still rented but never went to. That needed to be talked about soon, not just because of the money, I'd pay at least the same amount to Ann as I paid Winters now. But ... well, when I had let myself in, stripped and went to join Mistress it had really felt like coming home. A feeling I never had in that other place. It was a place to sleep, eat,...

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MILF Young Teen Boy

Jerry had only met brads mum once before, so the thought of being alone in the house with her while he waited for brad to return from soccer practice made him a little worried.He knocked on the door awaiting her to open it and let him inside, he listened and heard and heard someone come running to the door, a women answered the door, long black hair, glasses, wearing only a towel clearly showing the shape of her huge size F boobs, and smooth long shaved legs, she smiled,"Im so sorry Jerry, i...

4 years ago
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Life Lessons part 2 before church

When we first started dating all those years ago when I was, what 16, 17 years old thinking back than I should have realized what kind of freak Doug was and what I truly enjoyed when I was with him those nights. When we would go out on Friday or Saturday heading over to make out point, I little area in our local woods where you could drive around and find these parking spots where trees would surround you, it almost felt like someone designed the area just for this type of activity. I later...

1 year ago
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Dovetailing A Sexual Encounter

Karen Shipley had attended a sex toy party at her friend Anabel’s house about a month ago. Not only was she sold on several of the products that the consultant displayed that night, but she also decided to become an independent consultant. Karen’s husband, Mark, was a little surprised that she wanted to do this, but he knew that it was important to her to have her own spending money. Her husband was oblivious to the final persuasion that had tipped the scale. That night at Anabel’s house the...

3 years ago
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Perfect night

Perfect nightI take my wife out for dinner and after for drinks at a local bar. She's dressed casual showing off a little cleavage. Little does she know I have plans for her tonight. After a few drinks and shots I meet up with a guy at the bar that I set a meet up with. I give a quick intro to the wife that he's an old but I used to work with ages ago and we chat for a while. Before we leave he insists on doing a shot with us and goes and gets a round before we leave. He gets the shots but adds...

2 years ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 3

Friday afternoon rolled around again: one week to the day following the "incident" with his mother and Bobby was sitting home alone trying to figure out how to approach her. He was dying for another encounter, but fearful of pushing the issue because he didn't want to spoil the possibility that it could happen again. His girlfriend, Ariel, had just called and he had committed, at her insistence and against his wishes, to a double date for the evening. That would mean that they would...

1 year ago
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GSP Chapter 613 Serving as a Sex Slave

G.S.P. Chapter 6 Serving as a Sex Slave "Have you forgotten who I am!" the person on the computer screen shouted. The assembled G.S.P members around the table found it best to remain silent and try to leave the talking to their superiors. "Of course not Congressman Winthers," agent Anderson replied. "Then how come that you have not located my missing daughter Carol?" Winthers inquired. "I was just on the way to ask Eagle to give you an update," Anderson responded weakly. Eagle...

2 years ago
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The Second Time

The Second Time.......Me & Paul were both the same age & Stephen Pauls Brother 20 years old seven yrs our senior.Me and Paul had both got our bikes and we had decided to go to the brook to catch sticklebackswe had Jam Jars with strng handles and fishing nets, My mom had packed us up a picknick lunch,it wasn't far to the brook but it was still like a little adventure, it was about a mile and a half and then down the country lane to the bridge where we would then leave our bikes and jump...

4 years ago
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Why didnt I tell her

Why didn't I tell her? First, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Gary. I am 30 years old, 5'8" and 150 pounds. I have long, light brown hair, some call it blond, but it is light brown. I ride a Harley and am straight. I have a girlfriend named Kelly. She is a 5'6" brunette. She also rides a motorcycle, although she rides a sport bike. I live by myself in a nice, two bedroom town home. My one little quirk, I have been crossdressing for as long as I can remember....

1 year ago
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The Jaylynn Chronicles My BFFs daddy

My bestfriend and I have been friends our whole lives, we were in kindergarten together, cheerleading in school, we were like sisters. We always had sleep overs because we were like family. One saturday night I was having a sleep over at my bff's house. We did the norm, you know rented some movies, made popcorn gossiped, really just hung out. Well it started getting late and we both were dozing off so we decided to retire to the bed. Now don't think this is a lesbian story, no way, like I said...

1 year ago
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No HopeChapter 3

I woke with a start, partially blinded by sun light streaming through the window. My alarm must not have gone off this morning. I would be late for work, and Ms Whitfield would fire me for sure. No, wait a minute, this wasn't my bedroom. Where was I? Then I remembered this was a room at the Johnson Institute. Climbing out of bed I realized I needed to pee. Walking to the door I tried to open it only to discover it was locked. Oh yes, that was right I needed to buzz the nurse's desk for...

4 years ago
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The Grand Duellist

Fierre is an 18 year old French Duellist in the city of Demacia. Standing at 5'10 he is smaller than many other fighters his age. Clothed from neck to toe in a skin tight black bodysuit which hugs the plump cheeks of his bum enticingly. Two long silvery white boots, the edges lined with a gold tint. Some leg guards coloured the same with a matching pair on his shoulders running up the length of both his toned arms. A long thin white cape trailing from the left shoulder guard. Lastly a short...

2 years ago
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My girlfriends roommate Lauren

I had just gotten off work, and was happy to be able to leave finally and go see my girlfriend. I checked my phone, and I had 3 unread texts from my girlfriend, Sophie. “Hey Jason, turns out I’ve got work tonight too, but I should be home right after you.” “Sorry, works been slammed, won’t make it home until after midnight. Love you” “So my sister is in the hospital, she was in a minor car accident. I’ve now got to drive back to my parents for the night, would you go by my place and...

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Daniel Wolf reedited Part 5

All participants are over 18 years old Chapter 8 Part V This had been a long day, It had been all we could do not to drop everything and just fall on the floor and screw like the town dogs. But we had refrained since we didn't really want the city elders to die of embarrassment. But now as the door closed between them and us clothes began to fly. At first it seemed that the clothes that were flying belonged to Marlu. Daniel was almost frozen in time as he watched Marlu disrobe. As each...

4 years ago
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Fucked On Terrace By BrotherInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hi This is Rahul back with the next story. However this is not a continuation of the last sex story () This is infact the story about how I lost my virginity. So getting back to the main story. After getting humiliated and fucked by my brother-law, my wife and myself left for our home. I was quiet the whole time. My wife inquired,”What happened? Why are you so silent?”. I just said,”Nothing, a bit tired. Need some sleep”. She smiled, held my hands, and said,”Ok,Dear”. I smiled back, and...

Gay Male
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Alans First Time And More

Let me give you some background information. My name is Alan. I am nineteen and in my first year of college. I work part-time at Big 5 Sporting Goods as a salesman. I have always been a good athlete, playing three sports in high school. I fished and cycled most of my life, so it was pretty easy to get a job at Big 5. It was there I met Eva. She was the clothing manager and took my breath away the moment I saw her. It was during my interview. I was in the office, the one above the sales floor....

First Time
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Neighbourly Love

Neighbourly Love Susanna says: - This is one of those T-girls, TV nightmares. You develop good friendships with your neighbours and keep your other personality hidden from their view until one day they see you and find out and everything changes, either for the worse and you never speak or for the better and you become even closer friends than before. This is one of those, and it shows how lucky I was with my neighbour, although it doesn't start out sounding like that! Jeff had...

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The lover that came at night Chapter 2

The lover that came at night. Chapter 2** She was awoken by loud popping sounds from the party downstairs and the nurse checking her to make sure she was okay. They smiled at each other. Brenda smiled and said one more hour please. I'm okay and I feel better. The nurse said okay but I don't want you tiring yourself out. The nurse smiled and left her again. She misses her Philip so badly. She begins to remember their last night together in the cemetery. They were coming back to her house to drop...

4 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 37 A Picnic in the Park

Saturday was a very nice day weather-wise. The temperature was eight-seven degrees rather than mid-nineties as had been predicted by the weatherman. The humidity was low, the sky was clear, and the wind was light. In short, it was a perfect day for a summer picnic. Jack had wanted to paint his boat that day, but put it off to the next because his wife and daughter really wanted to go to this picnic. Harry was concerned because things had been a little tense between him and Jack since the...

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Tim And Abbie 43 Abbie Beside Tim At Microga

At four in the afternoon, Tim picks Abbie up from work, and they head home to get ready for the reception starting at seven.  They have plenty of time as the festivities will be in the atrium at Microga Headquarters, where Tim works.  A short drive back to it.Abbie is still a bit hesitant about the reception and what kind of acceptance her entrance with Tim will make.  She tells herself to put aside her worries and support the man she loves fully.  She knows they will have to come out together...

2 years ago
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My School projest mom helps

Terry was going to be 19 in three months. He could not help watching is mom at every opportunity, as his friends said she was a MILF. Sharon or Sherry as her friends called her was 40 years old she had long brunette hair, a tight ass and 38DD breasts. Terry sat in his room talking to his friend Louis, “yeah man I’d love to fuck her but there’s no way it can happen”. Louis was the only black kid Terry hung out with and to say his was conniving was an understatement. Louis was telling Terry...

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We both ended up as lesbian

Hi all , how is your sex life going on ladies and gentlemen again its ur sheeba here with one of my early incidence which has led me to attract sexy gals and aunties, I will tell you that how my ragging was done when I joined to College & Girls Hostel in madras as I am from Bangalore. This is my true experience & you will love to enjoy it. This happened as a part of ragging in the ladies hostel. It was one Friday evening after three days from the start of college. As next two days are holiday,...

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The Reunion Part 1

My heart was pounding. I knew I shouldn’t have been nervous, why should I be nervous for Christ ’s sakes, I hadn’t seen any of these morons in three years time, they never gave a damn when I was around why would they now? I swept my fingers through my hair and fiddled at the neck line of my dress, which perfectly enhanced my D cup breasts. I looked like I was trying too hard, why was I even bothering? I pushed my long blonde side fringe back again and tried my hardest not to bite my freshly...

4 years ago
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Hot Neighbor Ashima Sharma Lust Settled

Hi I am Abhay Mittal and after various response to my previous interaction I am here with new story. I am 22 and from Delhi. I am 6 feet tall and have a 6 inch dick. Body structure is average and I love sucking and eating girls pussy. I also like to fuck the sexy bubble butts. Any women interested to have a steamy sexual affair mail me or Kik Me at mittalabby …. This story is real and occurred just few days ago. Ashima Sharma is one of my neighbor and is a horny girl, I saw her many times...

4 years ago
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Stanly Bromly The Channel Island PiratesChapter 3

Elizabeth knew what the boredom of living in San Diego was doing to Stanly, so she was easily persuaded to agree to his plan to spend the summer chasing pirates. Stanly spent as much time as possible with Elizabeth while he waited for Capt. McFadden to pick him up. Elizabeth was actually glad to see him leave; she'd had about all the "mothering" she could take from Stanly. Stanly had them head for San Francisco; he wanted to order more of the special shotguns and shells made by his friend...

3 years ago
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Confidence Ch 03

‘Any fantasies you’d like to try, Allison?’ I asked as I stroked her unconscious friend’s head that currently rested on my lap. The big tittied blonde stared off into space for a moment as she went through a list. ‘There’s one thing I’ve always wanted to try, but I’ve been too scared. Plus, we’d have to leave to do it.’ ‘And what’s that?’ I asked. ‘Sex in public,’ she replied. ‘Not in front of an audience, but in a place where you might get caught. Even getting caught by one or two people...

4 years ago
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Farm HelpChapter 2

"Of course not," I said turning and doing a sorry excuse of a belly flop into the water as quickly as I could. When I surfaced Helen was laughing, in response I splashed her. She splashed back, and then the next half hour was spent horsing around in the stream. "We better get going, or your mother will wonder where we got to." "No she won't, besides we've still got a long way to go." "Well, despite how fun this has been we better get a move on. Remember a journey of a thousand...

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The Mistress

When someone wants you for your body, things are not always what they seem. THE MISTRESS by BobH (c) 2014 - 1 - "I don't understand," I said. "It's pretty straitforward. My divorce became final today and I've signed everything over to Marla, down to my last penny." "But why? Why would you do something like that, David?" "Because I love my wife. A love like ours doesn't just go away." "Are you serious? You weren't even married a...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Behan Ki Chudai

Hello friends…M shekhar age 22 height 5ft 8 inch…Atheletic body…Thoda sawla… Aap sab ne meri story bhabhi ki chudai padhi…Apne meri story ko kitna pasand kiya ye mujhe mile mails se pata lag gya tha…I hve got approx.200 hundreds of mails…Frm ladies girls and bhabhies…N male also…Aaj fir mai apni ek real story lekar aya hu hope rkhta hu k apko ye bhi pasand ayegi…To story par ate hai…Ye story meri aur us ladki ki hai jo mere sabse achhe frnd ki badi behan hai…Unka naam neha(changed) hai…Age 26...

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Sandys Birthday Treat

I had a special treat planned for my wife Sandy on her birthday. She'd been feeling just a little blue lately and I wanted to do something special for my lady. I knew what would cheer her up. She missed her family ever since we had moved to Tucson from Scottsbluff, Nebraska but lately her homesickness had been stronger than usual. I had called up her kid sister Robin and invited her to come stay with us for the summer. Robin agreed to keep the impending visit a surprise, and I had sent her a...

2 years ago
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Cum on Mom 1

Cum on My Step Mom Sharon (Tits)Billy Johnson woke up with what was commonly known as morning wood. The poster of "Sharon with Tits out" naked hanging on the ceiling above his bed only made matters worse. He was forming a rather large tent under his blankets. His dreams the previous night had been filled with visions of his beautiful stepmom just as he remembered seeing the stupid cunt on one of her websites and he even voted superb on his Moms pictures for the Best Tits in Canada contest...

1 year ago
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amals ass

my name's jamal and this is the storie:It all started on day while I was home alone in the evening. I received a call from a colleague at work. She asked what I was doing; I told her I was alone watching TV. She asked if she could come to visit with me. Now, amal was one foxy lady. She is petit, but full. She has smooth skin, short dark hair, a lovely pair of lips, full breasts, lovely legs and a great ass. my parents was away, and I was home with only my lovely Hispanic maid that I had been...

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