Hell in a cabin
- 2 years ago
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This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only. All others please ignore this work from my twisted mind. Send comments to [email protected]. I love hearing from you.
Hell in a Cabin
Written by 4play
My wife Mary and I had met in college and got married soon after graduating. We were both in the business world and doing quite well. We both worked long hard hours but made a nice living. After more than two years without a vacation we had purchased a townhouse and furnished it nicely. When we finally managed to arrange for a week off I had gone on the internet and reserved a nice cabin on a secluded lake. It was the only cabin on the lake and fifteen miles from the nearest town. It had indoor plumbing and included the use of a boat and outboard motor. We would have privacy and some fishing together.
The drive to the town closest to the cabin took us 5 hours. We stopped at the only gas station in town and filled up out tank. Mary went into the little store and bought some food to supplement what we had brought with us. I asked the attendant which road I needed to take to get to the Rollins cabin. He pointed to the road beside the station. I had been on the right track all right. As Mary came out of the store carrying a sack of groceries she was whistled at by 4 rough looking men. I asked the attendant who they were, and he told me they had drifted into town yesterday and he didn’t know them although he knew everyone in his small town. We quickly left and headed to our cabin. The rest of the day we got settled in and went fishing for a bit.
We caught a half dozen nice walleyes in about 4 hours and headed back to our cabin. I tied our boat to the dock and we walked up to our cabin. I was carrying my tackle box, fishing rod and a stringer with our fishwalleyed pike on it. As we walked into the cabin I was shocked to see four men waiting there for us. They were the same four bums that had whistled at Mary back in town. I asked, ?What the hell are you doing here? This cabin is rented to us.? The big man in the red flannel shirt slapped my hard across the face and said, ?Shut the hell up you sissy bitch.? I was stunned both by the blow and his statement. He told me, ?Put that stuff down and take off your clothes sissy boy.? He suddenly had a big hunting knife in his hand. I knew he could easily kill me here and nobody would ever know. I set down my rod, tackle box and the fish. He bellowed, ?I told you to strip for us and you better obey. If I have to cut those clothes off of you there will be blood.? I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off and dropped it on the floor. His stern gaze let me know that I had to keep going. I kicked off my sandals and dropped my pants around my ankles. I stepped out of them and stood there in only my briefs. He said, ?The panties too sissy.? Blushing I pulled my briefs down and stepped out of them and stood stark naked in front of these strange men.
These brutish men had us terrorized and they laughed at my naked body. One of the men said, ?I told you he had the body of a girl.? The Big man with the knife said, ?We can have some fun with both of these sluts. Tie his hands behind his back.? The smallest of the men got a rope and tied each of my wrists to the elbow of the other arm pinning my arms behind me and causing my chest to be forced out some. I was now naked and helpless and very afraid.
The man with the knife now ordered Mary, ?Now you sweetie, strip slow and sexy for us.? Mary answered, ?No, I won’t do that.? He just smiled and went to my tackle box and took out some big fish hooks I had in there. He grabbed my right nipple and shoved one of the snelled hooks clear through the nipple causing tears of pain to flow from my eyes. He repeated that with my left nipple so I had two snelled hooks hanging from my nipples. He told Mary, ?You can save him some pain if you strip for us.? She slowly unbuttoned her shirt. The men started clapping in rhythm and told her to dance while she stripped. She had stripped down to her bra and panties when she stopped and pleaded with them, ?Please, I have never been nude in front of anyone but my husband.? The big man took another fishhook and shoved it into the head of my penis causing me to scream in pain. He then took a big snap swivel and connected the loops on the leaders of the hooks which stretched my nipples down and my penis up causing me to stoop over to ease the pain. They had no mercy on me at all.
Mary was soon totally naked and they made her bend over in front of them. She was crying but obeying them. Each of the men shoved a finger in her pussy and finger fucked her for a few minutes before having her move to the next man. They made her moan like a wanton slut for them. I was powerless to help her tied up and hooked up as I was. Even the slightest move on my part sent waves of pain through my nipples and penis. These brutes had made me totally helpless and at their mercy.
The big man who was clearly their leader was named Jake. He stood behind Mary and demanded, ?Spread your legs and bend down and grab your ankles bitch.? She begged him, ?Please don’t do this to me. I beg of you leave us alone.? He laughed and said, ?We will leave you alone but first we are going to have some fun with you two. Now do as I say or do we have to hook you up too?? He nodded to Joe and that cruel bastard shoved a fish hook into my right testicle. It hurt like hell and caused me to scream in pain. Joe then quickly followed that up by doing the same to my left testicle. Mary spread her legs and bent over to grab her ankles.
They left her standing like that for a good five minutes before Jake said, ?Sissy get over here and lick her asshole to lubricate it for me.? I shuffled slowly towards him when John grabbed the leaders attached to the hooks in my testicles and pulled me roughly forward. The pain was horrible but I had to follow him. John said, ?We have him by the balls now.? and laughed at his own remark. Jake shoved my mouth down on Mary’s asshole and said, ?Get it good and wet sissy. Work your tongue inside of her hole and get it as wet as you can. You will save her some pain if you loosen it up for me. I knew she was a virgin there and tried hard to get it wet and loosened up some. I licked and worked my tongue inside of her all trying to spare her some pain. They laughed at the sight of me preparing her asshole for another man to violate. They clearly enjoyed degrading us.
Jake finally pulled me away and roughly shoved his big cock into Mary’s virginal hole. She squealed in pain which they seemed to enjoy. He raped her hard and fast before coming deep inside of her. When he withdrew from her he left her crying and quivering. Jake demanded, ?Tell me you loved it bitch.? She snapped back, ?It was horrible you animal.? Jake motioned to two of them and told them, ?Shave the bitch bald all hair gone should strip her of false pride.? They grabbed her and threw her to the floor. One man used his knife to cut off her long beautiful hair the other man got my shaving kit from the bathroom and used my razor to shave her head bald. He also shaved off her pubic hair. My beautiful wife looked strange with her hair all gone. They wanted to ruin both of us for their amusement. They let her kneel before Jake and he once more demanded, ?Tell me you loved me fucking your asshole bitch.? They had broken her spirit now and she lowered her eyes and quietly said, ?Thank you for fucking my asshole sir.? Jake smiled at her surrender to his will.
Jake then told the two men ?Shave the sissy to match the other bitch.? They then shaved my head, underarms and pubic area and even the few hairs on my chest and around my asshole. When they had me hairless he told Mary, ?Get over here and prepare sissy’s asshole for use.? She obeyed and started licking my asshole and even worked her tongue inside of me. I never dreamed my prudish wife would do such a thing. Jake told me, ?Sissy, tell the bitch you love her as an ass licker.? By now I knew that displeasing them would cause me a lot of pain and quickly said, ?Bitch I love having you lick my asshole.? They kept her at her disgusting chore for a long time before Jake told her, ?Now go kiss sissy so you two can exchange asshole tastes with each other.? She came around and gave me a big tongue kiss so we tasted each other’s assholes. He made us tell each other how good we tasted. Neither of us had a shred of pride left. These brutes had reduced us to mere slaves in a very short time.
John got behind me and rammed his cock up my ass. He told me, ?Moan like a slut for your owner sissy.? I moaned earnestly. ?Good girl.? he praised me. He then said, ?Move back and forth on my cock sissy. Fuck yourself with it.? I humped back and forth on his cock and embarrassingly spurted some semen. He had made me come by fucking me. John laughed loudly at this and said, ?I knew this sissy was a girl at heart. It comes from being fucked.? He made me fuck myself faster and faster until he shot his cum into me. He then pulled out and told me, ?Look at the mess you left on my cock, lick it clean sissy.? He was right; his cock was covered with shit and blood. It was disgusting but I was in no position to refuse. I had to lick his cock clean. I thought I would puke but managed to lick his cock clean. His semen was leaking out of my asshole and running down my legs.
The other two men were using Mary. One was fucking her pussy and the other fucking her mouth. As they shoved her back and forth between them her breasts were swinging to and fro. They were laughing as they ravished her. When both men had come in her they shoved her to the floor. One man demanded, ?Thank us for making you a cum dump bitch.? She was crying too hard to answer him immediately. He took off his belt and lashed her bare bottom a few times before she quickly said, ?Thank you for making me a worthless cum dump. That was the best fucking I ever had.? The poor lady had cum dripping from her mouth as she said that.
Jake told Tom to clean the fish so that bitch could fix them something to eat. He also said, ?Save the guts in a bowl for sissy to eat.? I knew I would have to eat raw fish guts while they enjoyed the walleyes we had caught. How much did they want to degrade me?
They were turning me into a mere animal. When Mary had cooked and served their fish dinner. Jake set the bowl of fish guts in front of me. He commanded. ?Kneel and eat it all sissy. You don’t have the use of your hands so you will eat like a dog. It better be all gone when I finish my meal.? I hurt all over and had no wish to feel even more pain so I knelt down and forced myself to eat the disgusting bowlful of garbage. They chuckled watching me eating that slop. Those bastards should all go to prison for a long time.
While the men ate their meal they made Mary squat on her haunches like a dog begging for food. They fed her scraps from the table. They even made her bark for them each time they gave her a scrap of food. She looked so pitiful crouching there bald and barking. I hoped they would not kill us, but knew they were capable of doing so. We had to try to survive. My nipples had been stretched grotesquely long and my penis was bleeding. The hooks in my testicles made me wonder if Mary and I would ever be able to have kids.
When the men finished eating, they had Mary wash the dishes. Jake came over to me and took another big fish hook which he forced through the cartilage of my nose by going through one nostril and out the other. It hurt a lot but I was powerless to stop him. He did the same thing with another hook through the other nostril. He then took some of my fish line and tied the leaders of those two hooks to the leaders of the hooks in my testicles by running the lines over my shoulders. He pulled the lines so tight that my head was forced as far back as it would go. My mouth now gaped open as I was unable to close it. Jake now commanded, ?Kneel sissy, you are going to get your first throat fucking.? I got down on my knees with difficulty as every movement sent waves of pain through my body. I knelt there forced to look up at him by the lines connecting my nose to my balls. Jake shoved his cock into my open mouth. As he got hard he started pumping his big cock in and out of my mouth going further in with each stroke. He had me in the position of a sword swallower with a straight path down my throat. He told Mary, ?Look how sissy’s throat bulges with my cock in it. See how your sissy husband gobbles cock.? I was choking and gagging and felt sure I would die from his brutal rape of my throat.
After what seemed like an eternity, Jake shot his cum down my throat. He held my head in place with my nose buried in his pubic hair while he softened after his orgasm. Then he started peeing in my mouth. I had to swallow it as fast as I could or drown. He said, ?Sissy makes a good urinal guys.? He grinned down at me and said, ?I knew you had to be thirsty sissy. Thank me for giving you a drink.? With my head held way back as it was all that came out when I tried to thank him was an unintelligible babble. He roared with laughter at my babbling. They had even deprived me of speech.
John also came over and urinated into my open mouth. He peed so much that some dribbled down my chin and some even came out through my nose. I swallowed as much as I could. By now my tummy was full of urine and semen and my bladder close to bursting. I tried to beg them to let me go potty but all that came out was babble. Finally I could hold it back no longer and released a stream of urine which flooded up over my chest and stomach. Some of the urine even came out of the hole the needle had made in my penis. John laughed at the sight of me soiling myself. He said, ?Sissy’s little peewee is leaking now. Sissy will have to sit to piss now like any girl.?
Jake had Mary busy licking his asshole. He asked her, ?Does bitch enjoy eating my asshole?? She pulled her tongue out of his hole and said, ?Yes Master.? He smiled at her submission to him. He had ruined her life and knew it. He then asked her, ?Would you rather I fist fuck your ass or you do your sissy husband?? She knew he had very big hands and quickly said, ?Master, I would rather fist fuck my sissy husband.? He grinned and said, ?A wise choice bitch.? He took her by the hand and got a can of Crisco from the pantry. He led her over behind me and pushed my head down to the floor leaving me with my ass up in the air.
Jake had her dip her hand into the Crisco and told her, ?Smear that ass pussy full, work as much as you can inside. Grease up your forearm too. Now shove two fingers in there.? She followed his directions carefully but was soon working those two fingers around inside of me. Then he had her work a third finger inside of me and work all three to loosen me up. When she had done that for a few minutes I felt her fourth finger in as well. She was going to have her fist in me soon I knew. When her whole hand was inside of me he told her to make a fist. She did as he said. He then told her, ?Now fuck sissy hard with that fist, ram it hard and deep. I want your forearm clear in that pussy.?
Jake now cut the fish lines connecting my balls with my nose and told me, ?Tell your wife how much you love her fucking you this way Sissy. I know she loves it and you must tell her how good it feels to be her bitch.? I was finally able to speak again and had to say, ?Fuck me Mary, it feels so wonderful. Fuck me harder please.? As humiliating as this was I did shoot some semen. I had come from being fist fucked. He kept her at her task until she had her hand and forearm inside of me, clear to the elbow. Jake helped me to my feet with her arm inside of me so I was bent over at the waist. Jake told Mary, ?Steer Sissy down into the lake deep enough to wash of the piss she sprayed on herself. Keep your arm in her until you get back.? Mary obeyed him and shoved me down into that cold water until only my head was above water. She softly told me, ?Dunk your head in the water and drink some to clear that piss smell from your breath dear.? I hesitated as the water was very cold. She exerted a downward pressure on the arm she had inside of me forcing my head under water. She held me there for a few seconds before bringing my head back up. She seemed to enjoy having me in her power. Our life had been turned upside down by these men. She steered me around and pushed me rapidly back to the cabin. We were both shivering from the cold water.
Back in the cabin Jake told Mary she could remove her arm from my pussy. She pulled it out with a flourish leaving my asshole wide open. Jake looked at my gaping hole and said, ?Wonderful! Bitch has rose budded sissy’s asshole.? I did not know what that meant at the time, but later found out that she had pulled part of my colon outside of my body where it was to remain. He told Mary, ?Bitch put some lipstick on sissy? pussy lips. Red if you have it.? She went to her purse in the bathroom and returned with a tube of red lipstick which she applied to my rosebud. Jake told me, ?Sissy that rosebud will always be very tender and easily chafed. You should always wear lipstick there.? He then told Mary, ?Go ahead and put makeup on sissy. Make that sissy look pretty for us.?
Mary got her makeup stuff and proceeded to make me look very feminine except of course for my bald head. She used eyeliner, mascara, lipstick and blush on my face. She showed me in the mirror what I now looked like. Jake said, ?Thank your wife for all the trouble she has gone through for you sissy. Kiss the hand she fucked you with and tell her you love her.? I obeyed him causing Jack to tell Mary, ?You should have married a real man not some gay sissy. I said, ?I am not gay sir, you raped me.? He laughed at my remark and said, ?No real man would let himself be put in the position you are sissy. You look like a girl and come when getting fucked in the ass. She needs a real man.? I could only blush and kneel there.
Jake now just to be mean and demonstrate his control of me ordered, ?Tip your head back sissy and open your mouth wide like before, If you assume that position on command, I won’t have to retie those hooks with new line.? I quickly obeyed remembering how the strain on those hooks had caused me much pain. He told Mary, ?Your husband is waiting for my cock or piss like a baby bird awaits a worm. How could a woman like you ever marry such a wimp?? She replied, ?He won my heart when we were very young. I did not know what a real man was then.? I was shocked; she was actually falling for the line he was feeding her. The bastard was turning her against me!
Jake once more urinated into my mouth and I had to swallow it all. He then took Mary by the hand and said, ?Let’s go to the bedroom where I can make love to you.? As they walked into the bedroom, he told Joe, ?Why don’t you use the sissy again?? Joe got off of the couch and came at me smiling evilly. He said, ?We are going to have a fun time sissy. You are going to tell me you love me before I’m through with you.? He dipped his hand into the Crisco can and got a big gob of grease which he proceeded to shove up my ass. ?Ask daddy nicely to fuck your ass with his big fist.? he demanded. I sobbed and begged, ?Please don’t do that to me sir.? He snarled, ?Do as I told you sissy.? He took his razor sharp knife and slit my scrotum open along the line of the two hooks embedded in my balls. My testicles fell from my body hanging by the tubes attached to them. ?Beg daddy sissy.? He was very demanding but he could easily castrate me and I was helpless to stop him. I said, ?Please daddy fuck me with your big fist. I beg of you please fuck me hard now.? He chuckled and said, ?I know you want it girly.?
John began forcing his hand into me and shoved it roughly deeper until his whole hand was inside of my asshole. Then I felt him clench it into a fist. He greased up his forearm and began pumping his fist back and forth inside of me. I felt like he was ruining my insides. The power of his pumping caused my whole body to rock back and forth and I could feel my dangling testicles swinging wildly. I was terrified that they would fall off entirely. He kept ramming that fist up me until his entire forearm was inside of me. He was actually pushing me across the rough floor. He made me tell him that I loved him fucking me like he was and made me moan like a slut for him.
Mary and Jake had returned from the bedroom and she was glowing from the pleasure he had given her. John ordered me, ?Tell your wife that you love being fucked by daddy and that you are now a gay slut.? He squeezed my testicles again harder. I said, ?Mary I love being fucked by daddy and am now a gay slut for him.? She looked at me with disgust. John then got some thin leader material from my tackle box and tied both of the tubes connected to my balls shut. He told me, ?A sissy like you has no need for balls. In an hour or two they will be dead and useless. He got a jar of honey from the pantry and used a spoon to coat my dangling testicles with honey. He then led me outside and tied a rope around my neck to fasten me to the base of a pine tree. He left me kneeling there naked with my ass in the air. It was not long before those deer flies found me and I soon had a cluster of them on my cut open scrotum. I felt them biting at my tender parts. Mosquitoes also found me and started feeding on my blood. The worst were those big black ants who were feeding on my testicles. I wiggled my ass to try shaking them off to no avail. I was miserable beyond belief, but all I could do was wait for someone to release me. I must have been kept there for a couple of hours.
John finally came back and asked me, ?Is my sissy slut ready to come back with daddy?? I said, ?Yes daddy pleases.? When he let me loose from the tree to lead me back into the cabin, he saw that dangling testicles had turned black being covered with ants and my scrotum was crawling with maggots. My skin was covered with mosquito bites. He grinned and said, ?Too bad sissy, no woman will want you now. If you want a partner it will have to be a gay man. Come with daddy girl I will take care of you.? I meekly said, ?Yes daddy.? When we got back in the cabin, Joe took his knife and cut off my testicles right below the knots tied sealing off the tubes. Just like that he had robbed me of my masculinity forever. He put each one into my mouth and made me chew and swallow it ants and all.. He said, ?You will always remember where they went sissy.? Joe unfastened the snap swivel connecting the leaders from my penis to my nipples. He untied my hands and told me to jack off for him. ?Show me you are still a man. Get that little thing hard and cum for me.? He said. I started stroking my penis gently as that fish hook was still embedded in the head of it. I must have stroked it for 15 minutes but it still remained limp and useless.
John told me, ?You are now a girl sissy. You will be begging men to use you as their slut or go without any sex at all.? I replied, ?Yes daddy.? Mary was sitting on the couch kissing Jake. John told me, ?Go beg your wife to clean out and sew up your empty sack. Then ask her if she still desires you.? I went and knelt before my wife and begged her, ?Will you please clean out my scrotum and sew it up for me darling?? She looked at me with pity and said, ?Are you kidding? I an not a surgeon.? Her reply startled me but I said, ?Yes mistress, please.? She told me, ?If I do that for you will you be my slave? I know you are now useless as a man and are meant to be used by me and real men. If I allow you to stay with me, you will be my maid and obey me and the men I choose as lovers.? I blushed with shame. These crude men had turned me into a girly thing to be used by men and serve my wife. I had no place to go and did not want to lose her so I agreed to her terms.
She took some whiskey and washed out my empty scrotum before getting her sewing kit. The whiskey burned my sensitive skin and I yelped in pain. She snidely said, ?You must be a big girl and bear the pain while mommy tends to you.? Once she had disinfected the area she took a needle and thread and began stitching up ,u scrotum. It hurt a lot but I had to thank her for each stitch. I knew that I could easily become infected and die from what had been done to me. As she sewed she told me, ?Jake gave me three orgasms in the time we played together. You never gave me one.? John casually mentioned, ?I knew you were a girl at heart the minute I saw you. You just never knew it.? He heated the end of a straightened out coat hanger in the flame of the stove. He used that glowing wire to brand the word ‘bitch? on my chest. The pain was intense but I was beyond shock now. I had eaten my balls and I was doomed to be used by my wife and men from now on.
Jake said, ?Don’t feel too bad sissy. Don’t blame me for long. Your wife deserves a real man. She is a woman.? Mary said, ?My hair will grow back in time but I now know what sex with a man is supposed to be.? She snickered and added, ?So do you, you sissy slut.? She crafted her stitches so that the empty skin of my scrotum now resembled a pussy. She told me, ?The guys will love this sissy.? When she finished sewing me up, she made me go to each man and show them my new look. I was ashamed to be naked in front of them, but had to act like I was flirting with them.
When I stood in front of Jake who had started all of this, he made me bend over and spread my ass cheeks to display what they had used. He roared with laughter and told all, ?John you have given sissy another ring on her rosebud. She will have a regular flower there if you keep this up.? He turned me around and told me, ?You will assume the urinal position sissy.? The devil was going to pee in my mouth again. I got down on my knees, tilted my head way back and opened my mouth wide. He stood back a couple of feet and sent a stream of urine into my open mouth. I drank it down as fast as I could but some ran down my chin. He made me thank him for the honor of drinking his piss. They had reduced me to an ?it? without a shred of pride left. All I was good for as far as they were concerned was obedience and degradation. At least he took the trouble to rip those hooks out of my nose. They had left holes so there was a sort of whistle when I breathed in and out.
Jake told Mary, ?I think bitch owes you the pleasure of being fist fucked again by you. After all you did for that bitch she owes you that.? He told me, ?Go beg her to fist you bitch.? I knew there was no use in protesting and meekly went to Mary and said, ?Mistress Will you please fist fuck me again?? She smiled and said, ?Yes bitch I will do that for you. Assume the position.? I got down on my knees with my head to the floor. She got the Crisco can and applied a liberal coating to my asshole as well as her hand and arm. She shoved her hand into my loosened up asshole and made a fist. She rammed it in me deeply and withdrew it part way before ramming it in deeply again. I had never realized she had a mean streak in her before. She was actually enjoying doing me like this. She kept at it for a long time in front of everyone and made me moan and tell her how much I loved it. When she finally got tired of this sport, she told me, ?Lay on your side bitch.? She actually forced me to my side with her entire forearm inside of me. She got a pillow off of the couch and lay behind me with her head on the pillow and her fist and forearm inside of me. ?Go to sleep bitch, you have had a difficult day.? She had me go to sleep with me impaled on her arm. She let me sleep a few minutes before she started ramming her fist in and out which of course woke me up. She told me, ?Get back on your knees and hump back against me bitch.? She had me rocking back and forth on her fist and made me tell her I loved being fucked by her. She reached around and grabbed the leaders of the hooks still in my nipples. She pulled on them to control my tempo. My once sweet wife was now on a severe power trip.
Mary kept using me for quite some time before she pulled her fist and forearm out of me. She told me, ?Thank me sweetly for doing you bitch. Do it now and every time I please you this way.? I said, ?Thank you for fucking me Mary.? She yanked hard on those leaders causing much pain to my tortured nipples. She snarled, ?I am Mistress or Mistress Mary to you bitch.? I quickly told her, ?I understand Mistress Mary.? She was quite serious about owning me now. My poor nipples had been stretched out farther than I ever imagined possible. I was now a freak, no longer a man and only a sort of woman.? Mary now told me, ?Lick my hand clean now bitch. What is on there is there from pleasing you so you will have to clean it for me.? I knew I had to obey her so I took her hand and started licking. She made me lick her fingers one by one and even her arm clear up to her elbow. I realized that all I had to eat since the men showed up were some fish guts, my testicles, and some ants that I swear were crawling inside of me now. Even a dog would have been fed better. When she was satisfied that she was clean, she praised me saying, ?Good bitch, I think our new relationship will work well for both of us. I will be the breadwinner and you my maid and toy.?
Mary had me go and get a pair of her thong panties. She pulled my penis back into the folds of my scrotum and pulled up the panties. She grinned and announced, ?Look guys bitch now has a camel toe.? Even though they had all watched my being naked, degraded and mutilated all day, I felt ashamed of how I looked in those panties. She had me twirl around to showcase my appearance. She then painted my nails bright red on both my hands and my feet. She was very determined that I was to be as girly as possible.
She asked John, ?Do you still have those hooks you pulled out of bitch’s balls before you fed them to him?? He assured her he had. She asked him, ?Would you please put them through bitch’s earlobes for me?? He smiled and nodded yes.
John told me, ?Come here and suck daddy off bitch.? I knelt in front of him and took his cock into my mouth and started sucking. As I sucked him, he forced those hooks through my earlobes saying, ?This is as good a way as any to pierce those ears for earrings bitch.? Blood ran down from the holes he had made in my ears. He came in my mouth and made me show him the semen he had deposited there before having me swallow it. He then took the leaders from the hooks in my nipples and tied them to the leaders from the hooks in my ears. He told me, ?We want you to have perky nipples bitch. With the skin of my skin stretched out like it was it looked like I had the titties of a young girl. Now every time I moved my head it tugged on my nipples. John gave me a slap on the ass and told me, ?Fix us something to eat bitch.? As I walked away from him on my way to the kitchen, he told me, ?Put a nice wiggle in your ass when you walk bitch.? I started walking with an exaggerated swing of my ass. They were doing everything to make me feminine.
After they ate their meal, I cleaned up the kitchen and washed and dried the dishes. I had never washed dishes before thinking that to be woman’s work. As I moved my head my breasts also moved. Mary told me, ?They jiggle nicely bitch.? Jake took Mary by the hand and led her into the big bedroom. John told me, ?You get to sleep with me tonight bitch. Come with me.? I meekly trailed behind him into the other bedroom. He made me undress him and fold his clothes neatly on the chair. He pulled back the covers and got into bed. He told me, ?Join daddy in bed bitch.? I crawled in beside him in the regular double bed. He was a big man and we had to be close together. This big brute had totally changed my life today. I knew he held my life in his hands and that I had to be sweet to him in order to survive. He told me to suck on his nipples one then the other.
While I was sucking them on his hairy chest he talked softly to me. ?The minute I saw you, I knew you were meant to be a sissy girl. You may not have known it, but I did. I know this is a big change for you but you will be much happier once you accept that you were meant to serve men.? He pulled my face up close to his and softly said, ?Tell daddy you love him.? I hated this man, but sweetly said, ?I love you daddy.? H smiled and kissed me lightly on my forehead. He then allowed me to roll over on my side and he curled up behind me. ?Good night bitch.?, he said, I sweetly said, ?Good night daddy.? We fell asleep that way, nestled together with his strong arm around me and his hairy body pressed close to mine.
It was light when I awoke to John fingers running circles around my nipples. They were very sensitive stretched out as they were. He asked me, ?Did my bitch sleep well?? I replied, ?Yes daddy.? He said, ?Good girl. Now slide your pussy onto my cock bitch.? I took my hand and guided his cock to my asshole and moved my body back to force it into me. ?Now use that pussy to milk my cock bitch.? he ordered. I humped back and forth on his cock until he finally shot his load into my ass. He then slapped me on the ass and told me, ?Fix us some coffee and start breakfast now.? I felt so used but scurried to obey him.
As I was frying some eggs, Mary came up behind me and said, ?Show me your pussy bitch.? I bent over and spread my ass cheeks so she could see the semen leaking from me. She said, ?I see you pleased your man like a good girl. Let me put some lipstick on your rosebud.? She applied a thick coat of red lipstick to the new rings of flesh there. Then she used the same tube to apply a coat to my lips. She saw my look of disgust at having the lipstick that had been on my ass used on my lips and said, ?You have had your tongue in assholes bitch. Get used to that taste.?
When breakfast was ready I served everyone and stood beside the table. John said,? Fix some food for yourself bitch.? I was grateful and thanked him. I was very hungry by now. They even let me sit with them to eat. I knew then that if I accepted being a girl they would treat me decent.
After breakfast was finished and I was cleaning up the mess and washing the dishes, Jack and John were making a list on a piece of paper. They handed it to Tom and told him to go to town and get these things. He left. I suspected the list had something to do with me but could have no way of knowing for sure.
Mary took me to the bathroom and showed me how to put on my makeup. She also plucked my eyebrows to make them have a thin feminine arch. I asked her, ?Why do you want me to be a girl Mistress?? She laughed and said, ?You don’t think you are a man do you bitch?? She reached into the front of my panties and fondled my empty scrotum to emphasize her point. She ran her finger back and forth in the slit of what had been my scrotum. She said ?You have a pussy now bitch.? I knew she was right but still I blushed.
Hours later, Tom walked into the cabin with a big sack full of things. Jack had Mary and I kneel in front of him then told us, ?I know we altered your plans for the week drastically so John and I bought you some jewelry to make up for that.? He called me over to where he stood and said, ?I bet you will be glad to get those fish hooks our of your ears bitch.? I eagerly answered, ?Yes Master.? He worked the hooks around to enlarge the hole before he removed those damned fish hooks. He then inserted a silver ring in the holes and snapped it shut. He told me, ?It is made from nonalergenic material so you should have no problem with infection bitch. I now had a nose ring. It will be there forever and signify your submissive status to all who see it.? He repeated that procedure on each of my nipples and also on my ears. When he finished I stood there with a silver ring in my nose, a silver ring in each nipple and a silver ring in each earlobe. Jack then said, ?Don’t worry about that hook in the head of your little dickie, it will rust out in a few weeks.? He let me go to the mirror and see what I was to look like from now on. He had made me into a freak. Nobody would hire me looking like I do now. At least now I could move my head without pain in my nipples.
Jack then told Mary to come to him. She who had been so bold with me was in fear of Jack. He told her, ?We have some jewelry for you also bitch.? She said, ?You would not mark me up like that. You said you liked me!? He laughed at her and said, ?I also like my horse, but branded him too. You will never forget me bitch.? He grabbed her left nipple and shoved a big needle through it to make a hole for the ring which he quickly inserted in the nipple. She burst out in tears from the pain. Jack ignored her tears and did the same thing to her right nipple. She now had two silver rings in her nipples to match the ones in mine. She saw him get out another smaller ring and started begging, ?Please Jack, don not put that in my nose. I will have to work to support sissy and myself.? He said, ?You could always be a whore with a nose ring. But to make you happy I will put it through your clit instead. It will be more painful for you but will not show when you have clothes on.? She told him, ?Thank you sir.? He then told her, ?Play with yourself bitch. Get that clitty hard for me.? Mary began fingering herself, red faced with shame at masturbating in front of others. When she got it hard and jutting out, she told Jack she was ready. He grabbed it with a pair of needle nosed pliers to hold it while she shoved that big needle through it to make a hole for the ring. She screamed out in pain at this penetration of her most sensitive spot. As the ring snapped shut, Jack told her, ?This should keep you turned on and horny all of the time bitch. Enjoy it and think of me.? She knew it would be there for ever.
John then said, ?One more little thing Mary. I have to brand you too. Do you want it on your chest like your husband or on your ass cheek?? She said defiantly, ?Neither you bastard. I won’t hold still for that.? Jack grabbed both of her nipple rings with one hand and her clit ring with the other hand. He laughed and said, ?Yes you will bitch. Heat up that wire John. I’ll hold her still for you.? Mary was held motionless while John heated up the wire until it was glowing yellow. He walked over to her and branded the letter B on her right ass cheek. She screamed in pain. He then reheated the wire and managed to brand the letters I and T before having to reheat the iron. The last two letters took a little longer but she then had the word bitch branded on her ass. Mary like me was branded for life.
Jack then had Mary and I stand side be side while he took pictures of us. He had us pose for him in all sorts of positions. He took my driver’s license out of my wallet and put it in his pocket. He also took my checkbook. The bastard now knew where our house was. He also took my keys. He said, ?I or some of my friends may be dropping by from time to time for a visit. I like to keep tabs on my slaves.?
Jack stated, ?I have decided that you two need some shared experiences. I think some real togetherness will bring you closer.? He took out two small padlocks and locked our nipple rings together forcing us to be face to face and very close. He then ordered us, ?Lay down slaves.? We had to struggle to lie on the floor on our sides. He told us, ?I want you to kiss each other with tongues and all and keep it up until I tell you to stop.? We kissed each other for the first time in two days. Jack told Tom and the man whose name I never learned to fist fuck his two slaves. Mary had not been fisted yet and she broke the kiss to protest. Jack took his belt and slashed it hard against her ass. ?Obey me bitch!? he snarled at her. His blow left a welt across her fresh brand and had to hurt a lot. She resumed kissing me.
The two men dipped their hands in the Crisco can and lay down behind us. I relaxed to make it easier for what was about to happen, but Mary was scared and tense. As the men worked their hands into us we kept kissing each other but Mary was moaning in pain.
I put my arms around her to comfort her. Those men were soon ramming their fists in and out of us. The man using me did not go clear in to his elbow but Tom did that to Mary. They got into a rhythm and were both on the in stroke at the same time pushing Mary and I into each other and causing us to slide across the floor a bit. When they tired of their fun they finally stopped and withdrew their fists. Tom exclaimed, ?Now this bitch has a rosebud too.?
They left us lying on the floor hooked together for several hours. Jack finally undid the padlocks so we could get up off the floor. He asked Mary, ?Did you enjoy your shared experience bitch?? She was crying but managed to tell him what he wanted to hear when she replied, ?Yes sir.? He told her to bend over and spread her cheeks. She obeyed and he smiled and said, ?Tom was right, you do have a rosebud now. You two bitches can put lipstick on each other’s rosebuds.? He giggled at his own remark. Jack then told her, ?You may control you husband but you are still my slave bitch. I will use you whenever and however I wish. Do you understand bitch?? Mary answered, ?Yes Master.?
Jack now tossed me a bag and told me to get dressed. I took out a short skirt and put it on glad to finally be able to cover up part of my nude body. There was also a low cut white blouse in the bag and I put it on also. My nipples and the rings in them were visible through the sheer material. He also had a pair of pink sandals in the bag and I also put those on my feet. John told me I looked pretty enough to fuck. The bastard already had done that with his cock and his fist. Mary had brought along a wig and John put that on my head.
Mary was given a bag of clothes and when she put them on we were dressed alike. She felt her bald head and looked at Jack as if to ask what she was supposed to do. He said, ?When you get home you can buy another wig,? He handed Mary her purse and told her, ?Get going before I change my mind and take you two slave bitches with me.? He added, ?Mary you had better drive since the other bitch has no license now.? We hurried out the door and to our car, leaving all of our other things behind. Mary still had her keys and driver’s license so she drove the car.
As we drove along afraid to stop anywhere, Mary said, ?Give me my wig bitch. You can ride home bald.? I put it on her head while she was driving. In a couple of hours we reached a highway and got off of those dirt roads. The only real embarrassment on the trip home was when we had to stop for gas. I had to get out of the car and pump it and pay for it using Mary’s credit card. My short skirt barely covered my bare ass. The Attendant looked as me strangely, but said nothing as he rang up the sale. We arrived at our house long after dark. We both took a shower and crawled into bed too exhausted to talk. We slept soundly for the first time in days.
In the morning Mary told me, ?Fix me some breakfast bitch and wear the outfit Jack gave you until we can buy you some more feminine things to wear.? I did as she wanted. When breakfast was ready, Mary came out wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. As we ate she told me, ?You know that our relationship has been changed forever bitch, you are now to be the nice, feminine submissive one in this house. I can wear wigs to work and my regular clothes but nobody would hire you looking like you do.? I knew she was right and that if we were to survive she would have to be the breadwinner now. I was going to have to do all of the housework and cooking for her as my duty.
Mary next went into the sexual side of our new setup. She told me, ?I will need to have men here to make love to me at times since you are no longer capable of doing so. You will be out sweet little maid at those times.? I shuddered at the thought but said, ?Yes Mistress.? She continued saying, ?You will dress and act feminine at all times. This had better be the last time I see you without your makeup on. The least you can do is to make yourself look pretty for me.? I said, ?I understand Mistress.? She went on to tell me, ?You will do oral sex on me whenever I want it. I will fist you to give you some pleasure occasionally at my whim. You are now at my beck and call and must obey or leave this house. Do you agree to my terms bitch?? I had never imagined she would take matters so far. We had loved each other until a few days ago. She had me trapped and knew it. I hesitated but finally said, ?Yes Mistress. I agree to your terms.? She had just got me to agree to be her slave girl!
Mary told me to get my lipstick and apply it to her rosebud. I did as she said and she applied it to mine as well. She said, ?You realize that this will become a daily ritual for us now. That skin is very tender and needs to be lubricated to keep from being sore.? I said, ?Yes Mistress Mary, I know that.? When that was finished, Mary fixed herself up and left to go shopping. I put on my makeup, cleaned up the kitchen then decided to check my e-mail. I only had one message and it was from Master Jack. Mary must have given him my e-mail address. My hands were trembling when I opened the message. That cruel bastard was not going to let us go.
The message started out, ?Hello my slave bitch.? He then went on to display the pictures he had taken of Mary and I, including some taken while we were kissing while being fisted. That one made it look as if we were enjoying it. He let me know that he was prepared to post those pictures on some very kinky web sites along with our names and address unless I obeyed him. He told me to sign up for Skype and leave my computer with the camera on at all times. He would contact me with instructions there. Jack also included a list of links to sites where he would post our pictures and information. I checked out those sites and all were sites catering to perverts, sadists or gay men. I knew if he posted us on those sites we would be flooded with men looking for kinky sex. I saved that e-mail message to show Mistress when she got home. I signed on to Skype using the name ?Master Jack’s slave bitch? as I had been directed. I left the computer on with the camera running.
When Mistress returned from shopping she showed me her purchases. She had bought a couple of new wigs for her to wear, some feminine clothes for me to wear and a couple of bottles of estrogen. She explained the estrogen by telling me that I was to take it to replace the testosterone I would no longer be producing. I said, ?But Mistress that will make me more feminine.? She smiled and said, ?Yes bitch. You will never be a man again so you might as well be as feminine as you can.?
Just as I was telling her about the message I had gotten from Master Jack, the computer beeped and I ran to open the Skype file. The only one who would call that name would be Master Jack. He had his camera on also so I could see him as well as he could see me. He said, ?I see you can follow instructions bitch. Good, if you had not done so, I would have to dispose of you, permanently.? He was dead serious about that. He told me, ?Call my other slave bitch in front of the camera.? I called Mistress to come appear for Master Jack. When we stood side by side he commanded, ?Take off your clothes bitches. I want to see you naked now.? We both took off the clothes we had on and stood there naked in front of the camera.
Master Jack said, ?Master John is here with me. We will be coming to visit you soon.? Master John asked me, ?Did eating your nuts satisfy your hunger bitch?? I said, ?I was helpless and you made me do that sir.? He said, ?It was better than throwing them in the trash.? I guess he was right. Master Jack asked Mary how things were going with us. She told him, ?We have sorted things out ok. I will be the breadwinner and bitch will be the housewife. I am putting bitch on estrogen tonight.? Master Jack said, ?As it should be.? Mistress then added, ?The problem is now bitch is unemployable and we may lose this house.? Master Jack then sounded concerned when he said, ?I understand, perhaps, I can arrange a job for that worthless bitch. I will get back to you on that.? There was a long pause and he clicked off.
Mary took me to bed and had me do oral sex on her until she had two orgasms. She also made me tongue her asshole before she would let me sleep. The incision in my scrotum was itching and as I scratched it softly she said, ?Isn’t that cute? Bitch is playing with her pussy.? She then told me, ?Get me the can of Crisco bitch.? I got out of bed and went to the pantry and brought back the Crisco. I handed it to her with trembling hands. ?Assume the position bitch.? She commanded. I knelt on the floor with my head touching the floor and my ass up in the air. She greased up my ass and her hand and arm. She worked her hand into me and then made a fist. She asked me, ?Does my little bitch want me to fuck her pussy for her?? I said, ?Yes Mistress.? She rammed her fist forward and back going deeper inside of me with each stroke. She had me moaning like mad as she ravished me. When she wanted to she stopped and wiggled her fingers deep inside of me. She asked me, ?Who owns you bitch?? I was panting but said, ?You do Mistress Mary.? She asked me, ?Body and soul bitch?? I hesitated and she pinched the inside of my colon. I quickly said, ?Yes Mistress, body and soul.? She said, ?You are a good girl bitch.?
When she finished and pulled her arm out of me she took me to bed and made me lick her arm and fingers clean. She kissed me lightly on the cheek and rolled over to go to sleep. I had experienced a sort of orgasm from her fisting of me but still felt very used. She as well as those men was determined to make me as feminine and obedient as possible. She even had me tasting my own shit now. I cried softly over the loss of my manhood. I was now useless as a male and only fit to serve other people. That last fish hook was still embedded in the head of my cock making it painful to even wear panties.
The next day was Saturday and we were due back to work on Monday. Our brief vacation was coming to an end. It was a much different ending than I had planned on for certain. I had taken Mary for a week of fishing and relaxation to a remote cabin in the woods and come home emasculated and enslaved. I fixed us a nice breakfast and while we were eating, we got a message on my computer from Jack. I ran to answer his Skype message. He started out by saying, ?Good morning my bitches.? I answered, ?Good Morning Master Jack.? Mary was standing beside me by now. Jack informed us, ?I have good news for you two. I have a friend that wants to interview sissy bitch for a job. Be at this address at 3:30pm today.? He gave Mary the address which she copied down. He told me, ?Wear the outfit I sent you home in bitch and full makeup. If he finds you satisfactory he will hire you. Do not shame me in front of him.? He signed off.
I washed my skirt and blouse and dried them. I even ironed both items. I took a shower and shaved carefully before putting on my makeup. While I was getting ready, Mary made a map showing us how to get to the address where a possible job for me awaited. We left in plenty of time to get there. I was nearly naked and felt very vulnerable in this outfit. We had never been to this part of the city and found it to be a very seedy neighborhood. Most of the people we saw were black. Mary wore slacks and a nice blouse. With her heels on she was taller than I was. We went to the door and knocked on it. A bit hairy man opened the door and let us enter the place. I told him. ?I am here to interview for a job sir. Jack sent me here.? He led us back to an office where the boss man was.
Once I told the boss that Jack had sent me here to interview for a job, the man told me, ?Jack told me all about how you came to be like you are now sissy. Did you enjoy eating your balls?? My eyes filled with tear as I told him, ?No sir, I was forced to do that.? He smiled and told me, Take off your clothes. I want to see your body.? I took off my blouse and dropped my skirt to stand naked in front of him. He looked at my still unhealed brand and my nipple rings and lightly pulled on my nose ring. Then he told me, ? Bend over and spread your ass cheeks bitch.? He examined my asshole and said, ?Jack was very accurate in his description of you. You do have a two ring rosebud and it is covered with red lipstick.? He said I will hire you to be a waitress here starting now. He took me to the dressing room and had me put on a short black leather skirt and a matching vest. ?This will be your work uniform, leave the vest open so people can see your brand and those cute nipple rings.? He gave me a pair of high heeled shoes to wear as part of my uniform. He told me, ?Your shift will be from 4PM to 2AM. This is a private club catering to the gay leather crowd. I will pay you minimum wage but if you hustle and are charming to the customers you will make a lot more in tips. Some men may want to take you to a private room in the back and you set your own rates for those services.? He was suggesting that I whore myself out to strange men for money. He said, ?You are allowed to dance with the patrons since this is a private club. If they buy you drinks we will serve you tea and charge them for real drinks. He told Mary, ?Come back at around 2:30 to pick up your sissy.? She walked out of the room and left me here. I was going to be a B girl in this seedy place.
As the place filled up I got very busy taking drink orders and carting them across the crowded room to the booths. Men would pinch my ass as I walked by and I had to smile sweetly at them. I was the new girl here and attracted a lot of attention. Most of the men here seemed to know each other and somehow the word about my condition had spread through the crowd. When I carried a tray of drinks to a booth full of black men the one closest to me told me, ?Open your vest and show us your brand and your nipple rings girl.? I blushed but obeyed him. He tugged lightly on my nipple rings and dropped a $20 bill into my apron pocket. I thanked him sweetly for the money. He had me set my tray down and took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor. He held me close to him and while we danced he worked his hand up under my skirt and fondled my bare ass. I felt trapped by this big strong black man but smiled sweetly at him. He told me, ?I have reserved a private room for 11:00 and I will give you $100 to join me there sissy.? I was being asked to whore myself out by him. I blushed and asked, ?What will I have to do there sir?? He smiled and said, ?Be my slave girl for an hour.? I told him that I would have to ask my boss if I could get away as this was my first night on the job. I was told not to worry about that, he had already cleared it with my boss. I then told him, ?I will be there master.? He led me back to his booth and had me lift up my skirt and show my rosebud to his friends. He gave me a $50 bill for the dance and showing as well as a slap on my ass as I went back to the bar to get more drinks. After only a short time of walking in those heels had made my legs and feet sore but I needed this job. I had to keep going.
By 11:00 I had some nice tips in my apron and I headed back to private room #1 to meet my date. I was very nervous as I knocked lightly on the door. He opened the door and said, ?Come in my little slave.? He put a $100 bill in my apron pocket and told me to get naked. I blushed as I took off my clothes and hung them on a hook on the wall. He tied a cord to my nipple rings and ran both of the ends through a steel ring mounted below waist level on the wall. He then tied both ends to my nose ring leaving me bent over and firmly fixed to the wall. He told me, ?I love having a white sissy as my slave and can afford to pay for my pleasures.? He slapped me on the ass hard bringing tears to my eyes. He gave me 20 swats on each ass cheek before stopping. My ass was fiery red and hurting. He fondled my empty scrotum and told me, ? I would have given you $10, ooo dollars for the fun of emasculating you sissy but someone has already beat me to that pleasure. I have already had my money’s worth from you, but I will give you a $500 tip if you let me fist your ass. I want to add a third ring on your rosebud,? What do you say sissy?? I said, ?Yes Master, please do that.? He greased up his big hand and began working it into my asshole. I figured that my poor ass had already been fisted for free by my tormentors in the cabin and $500 was a lot of money to me. The big man rammed his huge fist in and out of me for over 30 minutes causing me to dribble fluid on the floor. When he finally pulled his fist out of me, he put some bills into an empty beer bottle and shoved that up my gaping ass hole. He then untied the cord and had me kiss his asshole to thank him for his business. He let me get dressed and walked me back to the bar area.
I picked up a tray of drinks from the bar and delivered them to a booth full of men
I could not help but walk funny with my ass still on fire from the spanking, my nose and nipples aching and that beer bottle up inside me. I was now a professional whore. When I got a chance I went to the ladies room to relieve myself. I looked in the mirror and sure enough I now had a third ring on my rosebud. I refreshed my lipstick coating on the newly enlarged rosebud and thought to myself, ?I can’t do that every night.? I had to use muscle control to hold that beer bottle inside of me now. If I kept this up, I would soon loose all muscle control there and be wearing diapers.
By the end of the night I was exhausted and sore, but after sweeping out the place, I counted my money and had over $2,000 in my apron pocket and more in the beer bottle inside of me. This was more than I made at my former job in two weeks. While I waited for Mary to pick me up, I thought about what my black client had said and wondered if I would have sold my testicles for $10,000. I had lost them with no compensation anyway.
When Mary came to pick me up I gave her all of my money and she drove us home. Once in our house I put a towel on the bathroom floor and passed the beer bottle out of me. He had put it in me neck first so I had to force the blunt end out of me first. When I removed the cork from the beer bottle and shook out the money, I found that there were 8 $100 bills in there. My first client had been very generous with me. Even though I now had a third ring on my rosebud for life, it had been a profitable evening.
After 3 weeks of Mary having to pick me up in the middle of the night, she told me, ?This is ridiculous sissy. I can’t get a full night’s sleep having to pick you up at 2:30 or 3 in the morning. You need to rent a place near where you work so you can walk to and from the club.? I was shocked. Mary wanted me to move out of our house. So it came to be that she made some phone calls and then took me to see several places. She rented a cheap one bedroom apartment on the third floor above a store. The next day we moved my few things into the apartment. When all was in place she kissed me lightly on the cheek and left me alone in a dump in a bad neighborhood. I was afraid to leave my place. I knew she wanted me to live in fear as a whore for real men. I cried myself to sleep that night. My life was in shambles.
Every Sunday Mary would bring me some groceries and collect the money I had made that week. She would leave me a few dollars for incidentals but take the rest. She was like my pimp now. She was doing none of the degrading things but enjoying the money I brought in. The first month or so she would take me to her house on Sundays and I loved the former luxury I had taken for granted. Sunday evening she would drive me back to my meager apartment in her new Mercedes. She was living high style and I was poverty stricken.
After a few more months she told me she now had a live-in lover and could no longer bring me home with her. She took my money and left me some groceries and a new supply of female hormones. By now I had grown B cup titties. I had become a freak. She needed a real man for a lover.
It was only another month after that when she told me that she handed me divorce papers and told me she had sold our house and she and her new lover were moving to California. She kissed me lightly on the cheek and wished me well and walked out of my life forever. I was all alone in the world with a job as a whore and waitress. At least now I could keep whatever money I could earn.
That same night at work my first client returned to the club and when I delivered his drink he told me to open my vest again. I did and he smiled when he saw how my breasts were developing. He told me to sit down beside him for a bit and of course I did. He then told me, ?I really like you girl and have a proposition for you. I am ready to pay for you to get breast implants and am willing to give you a $10,000 bonus if you have the surgery done. Think it over and let me know. You would certainly get better tips with bigger boobs.? I knew he was right and that was a lot of money to me now. I said, ?I need to work here to survive sir. I would have to take some time off to recover from the surgery.? He told me, ?I will arrange for the time off with your boss. He works for me.? I was sorely tempted now. He then told me, ?One other thing girl, you will have my mark tattooed on your new boobs so everyone will know who paid for them.? I blushed at the thought of being marked for life but since I already had been one more mark seemed a small sacrifice for so much money. He told me to meet him in private room #1 at 12 midnight. I told him I would be there and got up to serve more drinks.
The more I thought about his offer the more I knew I would take him up on it. I could no longer be a man and having bigger boobs would let me earn more money. When midnight rolled around I knocked lightly on the door of private room #1. He smiled when he opened the door for me to enter. ?Come in girl, I want to own you as my slave.?
I meekly said, ?Yes Master.? He asked me, ?Do you accept my offer girl?? I actually fluttered my fake eyelids as I told him, ?Yes Master and will also be marked by you as your property.? He smiled broadly and told me, ?I am very pleased girl. Jake told me you were just what I was looking for.? He knew Jake? I asked, ?You know Jake Master?? He replied, ?Yes, he works for me. Tonight I will not tie you. Just spend our hour holding my black cock in your mouth girl.? I knelt between his legs and took his big cock into my mouth. He caressed my hair as I knelt there and softly talked to me about the wonderful woman he wanted me to become. My knees were killing me after kneeling there so long when suddenly he began peeing in my mouth. ?Drink it down as quickly as you can girl I want my fluids in you.? I gulped it down as fast as I could but some leaked out of my mouth some even came out through my nose. Once his bladder was empty he told me, ?Now you may suck me off girl.?
With the taste of his urine overwhelming me, I started sucking his big cock. As I worked on it it became huge and threatened to choke me, I fought back the gag instinct and took him as deeply as I could. Eventually he shot his load of semen down my throat. He then had me thank him, gave me some bills rolled up and said, I will see you here Monday morning at 9am. Pack a toothbrush and nothing else. I answered, ?Yes Master.? He gave me a shot of straight vodka to cleanse my breathe he said. I walked back to the bar area and resumed my duties.
Monday morning at a quarter to nine I was standing in front of the club holding my purse and nervously awaiting my Master. At 9 on the dot a black Cadillac pulled up and the chauffer got out and opened the back door for me. I slid into the back seat alongside of my Master. He had me put on a pair of dark glasses so that I was unable to see where he was taking me. We drove for some time before stopping. Master led me into a building and into a room where he had lie on an examining table. Someone injected me with something that put me to sleep very quickly.
When I awoke I was laying in a bed with my chest wrapped in bandages. I could feel a heavy weight on my chest and I was strapped to the bed. I had no idea of how long I had been out or what had been done to me. Eventually a nurse in a white uniform came in to see me. She said, ?Ah you are awake. You will love your new boob’s sweetie. The Doctor did a great job on you.? I told her, ?Ma’am I have to pee.? She told me, ?Go right ahead, you have a catheter in you honey.? I did. I noticed there was a tube going into my arm and knew there was a tube draining me now. I was helpless and merely processing what went through me. They kept me this way for 3 days before undoing the straps and having me sit up. The nurse removed my bandages, washed me and then applied fresh bandages. While my breasts were bare I could see that they were huge. When I mentioned that to the nurse and she said, ?Yes sweetie, they are now 42DD’s. You will need to wear a 5 hook bra to hold them up? She got me up and put my shoes back on my feel and led me down the hall for a walk. The new weight on my chest took some getting used to, but I knew that those boobs were now there for life.
A couple of more days later, Master drove me home and saw me to my apartment. He handed me a bank book with my name on the account. I opened it and saw it had a balance of $20,000 in my account. I told him, ?This is too much Master.? He smiled and said, ?It is worth it to me. In another couple of weeks we will get you tattooed.? He turned and left me to recover in my own place.
With a month to recover I watched TV and played with my new breasts. I did have to shop for new bras as the few I had were worthless now. I even bought myself some new clothes as the few feminine garments I had no longer fit over my new breasts. I drew a lot of attention from men as I walked the sidewalks. I now knew how women feel when men ogle them. I was also very careful where and when I went.
Then one day Master showed up at my apartment accompanied by Jake. I was still in my robe after taking a shower. I had not even done my makeup yet. Master told me to drop my robe and I obeyed instantly. Master looked carefully at my big breasts and felt them up. ?They are very nice indeed girl. The doctor did a beautiful job on you. Now jump up and down for me so I can watch them flop.? I began jumping up and down and sure enough my breasts were flopping as I did. Jake was laughing out loud at me. Master just smiled.
When I could stop jumping Jake asked me, ?Been fishing lately sissy?? I meekly replied, ?No sir, I have been busy working.? He said, ?I know, as a whore and waitress. I started you on a whole new career.? He was right but it was certainly not a career I would have chosen without being desperate for a job. He asked me, ?Has that little peewee of yours been hard lately?? I answered honestly, ?No sir.? He asked me, ?Would you like to see it sticking straight out again sissy?? I nodded my head yes. He looked at Master who nodded his assent. They had obviously discussed me before this and had some sort of plan. Jake came to me and grabbed my limp penis. He then shoved a thin metal tube down my urethra. It hurt like hell going in there especially at the end. The end was barbed so it could not be removed. When he finished, my penis stuck straight out in front of me. Master remarked, ?You look good that way girl. Your skirt will now be tented for all to see.? Now slip on some clothes it is time to get your tattoos.?
We spent the rest of the day at the tattoo parlor with me undergoing the stinging needles. When they were done with me I had a black cock and balls tattooed on my left breast, the word ?useless? on my penis and on my lower back was ?Fuck me please? with and arrow pointing towards my asshole. I was now a freak marked for life. No normal person would ever want me. They had even put a stud through my tongue. Master told me that stud would allow me to give better blow jobs. Jake urged Master to get ?Whore? tattooed on my forehead but fortunately Master declined. He decided I was marked enough at least for now.
They drove me home and gave me a sheet of instructions on how to care for my new tattoos. As I got undressed for bed I stared at my new tattoos in the mirror for a long time. Nobody who had known me before our trip to that cabin would ever recognize me now. I had a feminine hairdo; big boobs and my penis pointed straight out in front of me and would do so from now on. When my bra was off my boobs sagged. For the money I had made in a couple of months on my old job, Master had altered my body beyond imagination. What Jake had started, he had embellished considerably. With my penis jutting out like it was I would no longer be able to wear panties. I knew that the short skirt I wore at work would barely cover my ass now.
The afternoon I went back to work the doorman told me the boss wanted to see me. I went to his office immediately hoping I was not in trouble. I needed my job badly. He had me strip for him and handed me a short black silky skirt and a frilly petticoat heavily starched to wear under it. The petticoat had a wire hoop inside of it. For a top he had me wear a short red velvet vest that barely covered my breasts. I knew the tattoo on my lower back was showing clearly. He gave me a pair of red heels to complete my outfit. Once I was dressed in my new uniform he told me that I looked very pretty and reminded me that the petticoat would have to be washed, starched and ironed every time I wore it. The petticoat made my skirt stick out. I knew I was totally exposed below it. He then tied a red ribbon around my penis. I got up the courage to say, ?But sir, I can’t go out there like this. This is worse than being naked.? He looked sternly at me and told me, ?You can and will wear this outfit every night. Your Master picked it out for you.? I protested, ?But my tattoos will show wearing this outfit sir.? He said, ?Better them than the scars you will have if you don’t wear it.?
When the customers started filling up the room I was clearly the object of interest. I thought people were just ordering drinks to get a closer look at me. I tried to avoid standing still very long in one place. I got a lot of dances and tips that night and several trips to a private room.
Around midnight Master and Jake walked into the club and sat in his reserved booth. Master waved me over to him. He told me you look very pretty tonight girl. Shake those boobs for me. I shook from side to side and my breasts popped out of my top. He smiled and said, ?Leave them out girl, they need to breathe.? I clasped my hands over my nipples in shame. Master told me, ?Do not cover them. Be proud of them. They cost me a lot of money.? I dropped my hands to my sides. I felt like a slut walking around with my boobs hanging out there for all to see. I had to stay that way for the rest of the night. Master and Jake enjoyed watching me work barely dressed and doing a woman’s job at that. Jake knew he had changed my life forever and it pleased him a lot. Many a man was to grab my nipple ring and look at the black cock tattooed there this night and many other nights. All I could do when that happened was smile pretty at them. Some men even flicked their hand to make my stiff penis bob back and forth. I was now a toy for anyone. I held back my tears to avoid streaking my makeup, but, wanted badly to cry.
Two months after I was back to work and wearing my new uniform I saw in the paper that a major drug ring had been broken up. The leader of the gang was Master, along with him were pictures of Jake, and John both employees of him as well as several other men I had never seen. They were all being held without bond and facing long prison terms.
The Feds seized all of Master’s assets and quickly shut down the club I where I worked. As happy as I was to see Jack and Jake about to pay for their misdeeds, I was now out of work. After a couple of weeks I secured employment in an Adult book store. The money was a lot less, but at least I could wear regular dresses to work.
"Dude, I swear to you this cabin of mine is the tits! It's belonged to my family for as long as I can remember; besides the office is going to be closed down for the next couple weeks for the holidays," said Craig, talking to his coworker Alex. "I dunno, Craig. I'm not one for the wilderness and the whole outdoors," Alex replied as he put away some paperwork. Craig Lann and Alex Ross were coworkers at a local office firm. Craig was the head of their area while Alex had been working...
The breeze from the lake felt wonderful on her face. The sun was just at the point where one could begin to see the coming sunset. With the clouds in the western sky, it promised to be as amazing a display of color she had seen in a while. She wished he was here to share it with her, but he wasn't going to be here until after eight o'clock. He had sent her a text message with no detail other than traffic was at a stop on the interstate. She was glad she had arrived early; her morning walk on...
Cheating"I hope they're okay," she mumbled." Oh, they'll be fine," Wayne told her, hoping that he was right. Wayne's whole family was driving up to their cabin in the mountains for a mini-vacation. Tony, Wayne's father, Kim, Krista's sister, and Wayne's little sister Marie, were in the second car somewhere behind them. They had taken both cars because Kim had to return home on Tuesday. Wayne, Krista, Tony and Marie were planning to leave the following Friday. When they had started...
Mark pulled his car up into the driveway and found the minivan already packed and ready to go. It always surprised him how much stuff seemed to be required for his family's monthly vacation up the cabin. He wondered how much of all the stuff in those bags would ever get unpacked. He walked inside the front door and was greeted by a voice from the kitchen."I've already packed for the trip. Let's eat a quick dinner and get on the road. I can hardly wait to get up there." The excitement in his...
Incest100% fiction! Mark pulled his car up into the driveway and found the minivan already packed and ready to go. It always surprised him how much stuff seemed to be required for his family's monthly vacation up the cabin. He wondered how much of all the stuff in those bags would ever get unpacked. He walked inside the front door and was greeted by a voice from the kitchen. "I've already packed for the trip. Let's eat a quick dinner and get on the road. I can hardly wait to get up there." The...
IncestAfter a simple meal, Betty and I go sit out on the front step and watch the sunset through the trees with a glass of wine. As it is getting dark there is a small chill in the air so i retreat in to the cabin and light a fire in the fireplace. Betty then shows up with a bottle of tequila. Even after a couple shots, the conversation is very limited and very generic, more about work then anything. However, feeling the effects of the tequila you both decide to call it a night. The cabin has one...
ALICIA & SHELLY, 01, the Cabin An original work by HappyPappy aka simaddict. This story is fiction. Any resenblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or over. My name is Alicia. That's not my real name, I've changed the names in this story to protect the guilty. I'm eighteen, my girlfriend Shelly is five months older than me, and we are very close friends, we have been since the fourth grade. It seemed as though we shared the same interests through...
BisexualI was in deep thought as I glided down river toward a now certain, life or death confrontation. Ricky watched his two deputies trying to gauge how they would react if they came under fire. I glanced back to look into their faces from the prow of the small flat bottom boat wondering who wouldn't make it home tonight. I left it in the hands of fate. I turned my eyes into the darkness surrounding us from all sides, apprehensively searching the banks for any sign of trouble. There was a ominous...
It was a dark and stormy night. The generator was spluttering away outside the cabin as the rain lashed against the roof. Inside, the warm glow of a few table lamps and a small warm fire bathed the single large room. Near the far wall was an old warm looking four poster bed draped in soft old red covers. The other half of the small cabin was dedicated to a cozy living room. A few old sofas lay in the flickering light around a large shaggy carpet spread in front of the stone fireplace. With the...
Driving along the Tennessee state highway, I was trying to keep the Jeep on the road while looking for my turn. I looked at the map again while trying to figure out where I was. Seeing a gas station ahead, I pulled off and went in to ask the attendant if he knew how to get to the cabin I was searching for on the mountain. He basically told me I was a blind idiot, but he did it in a very polite way. But eventually he told me I had passed my turn about a mile back up the highway. Thanking him I...
(Many thanks to KittyKatBC, my editor on this one. I’m glad she was on board, it made the story easier to write.) * Lacey was my boss, I do emphasize the word was. The company I work for is a family owned and run architect business and since the only child the owner had was a daughter who had no interest in the company, we all knew that once he retired then the company would either close or be swallowed up by a bigger company, but we all liked it here. So we all stuck it out since the owner...
I've written previously about my 24-year-old wife Kim (see Curtains Removed for Painting and Wife Hosts BBQ for Coworkers). The barbecue that we hosted for her coworkers definitely got out of hand. I was a little worried about possible repercussions as four of her coworkers got to see her private parts. It had started innocently enough with an accidental exposure when Kim removed her sweater, but it evolved from there. Anyway, I was worried that they may talk about it at work and cause her to...
Normally, I wouldn't come down to the lower deck, but late spring was perfect. A few weeks from now it would be too hot, and any earlier too cold, but now the weather was perfect. Also the trees had leafed out enough so the deck was secluded and private. So I took my glass of wine and made my way to sip and relax there. I had to go slow, as the wooden steps were uneven and old. I was used to walking in heels, but even so, I was glad there was a handrail on the steps. Sitting by the...
"Look Dad, isn't that the cabin over there?" Mary said as she pointed straight ahead at the window of the Snow Cat that was carrying her and her 42 year -old father up the snow-covered trail at the edge of the woods. The Snow Cat's treads churned up a dusting of snow as the cabin came in sight."Yes, Mary, I think we have arrived," Mary's dad James replied.James rented the luxury cabin for the weekend as a treat for his 18 year- old daughter who was in the middle of her senior year of high...
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My mind was still buzzing after finding out my sister had orchestrated the break-in to our cabin so she could give me a blow job. The fact that it ended in sex was almost overwhelming! I slowly walked up the moonlit path back to our cabin with a plan to have her fulfill her blowjob fantasy again when I heard some talking coming from the road. As I rounded the back of the house I saw my parents walking up the road. To top it off, they didn’t seem very drunk. I guess my plans would have to...
We all plan the perfect weekend and hope that nothing goes wrong. I planned it all. We were celebrating Valentine, two weeks late, and also her birthday a week late. This was going to be our first time together, so it had to be perfect. We had been together a few times, but it was only a bit of kissing, and a bit of touching. This weekend was all about exploring each other. We were to go beyond what either one of us have ever done. She knew what she wanted to do to me. I knew what I wanted to...
First time writing here guys. But hope you enjoy my experience here as well.Well it started out when my old man asked me if I wanted to go deer hunting with him in november for a long weekend. I was like hell yes, I wanted to get a chance to get my first deer and also shoot the 30 odd 6 I had for the kill. He said that the cabin he was using was his friends, and he had told him we could use it for the weekend until he came up the following monday. Dad said it was very very rustic. I mean like a...
We all plan the perfect weekend and hope that nothing goes wrong. I planned it all. We were celebrating Valentine, two weeks late, and also her birthday a week late. This was going to be our first time together, so it had to be perfect. We had been together a few times, but it was only a bit of kissing, and a bit of touching. This weekend was all about exploring each other. We were to go beyond what either one of us have ever done. She knew what she wanted to do to me. I knew what I wanted to...
LesbianWeekend At The Cabin I could not get the thought out of my mind that she was theone to put this into motion. I always tried to keep the relationship a friendlyprofessional one between the two of us. Jodi, a 26 year old very nicely built blonde, has worked for me as my administrativeassistant for the past 5 years. She has been an asset to me at this large firm.She is very good keeping things in order for me. All I have to do is pass hera note and forget about that task, knowing that Jodi will...
Wren spent a lot of time with us after that, she and Syndy becoming the best of friends. We all lived in a small mountain community of about three thousand people. The thing about a small community is you usually know everyone and you know who they are friends with and who they don’t like. Gossip is very live and doing well in this area. We went on our camping trip in late August. Actually it wasn’t camping; it was going up to my Uncle’s ranch in the high country where I had a cabin. Truth...
Let me begin this by telling you a little bit about my girlfriend, Lyndah. We have been together for 5 years and will be married soon. Lyndah is in her mid thirties, a little on the heavy side and loves sex, any kind of sex. She loves to be tied up; she is a world class cocksucker and swallows every drop. She loves to fuck but she loves to clean all of the cum from any cock that had just fucked her, she will also scoop the cum out of her cunt with her fingers and eat it. She is kind of nasty,...
Adult HumorLeaving work early this Friday was an excellent idea, and the long leisurely drive up to your cabin is really relaxing me, not to mention it is gorgeous. A long winding two lane highway, high snow-covered peaks in the distance, and pine trees blanketing the mountainsides. In awe of the beauty of it all, I almost miss my turn off. Slamming on the brakes, I swear under my breath at myself for my lack of attention to the road. I turn off the main highway and checking the odometer, I remember you...
The Cabin I began to freak out as my car stalled out of gas on the bumpy backwoods road that seemed to go on forever. I was cursing myself for not just taking the day off Thursday and car pooling with the girls to the campsite up at Richard’s Lake, wait…was it Richmond’s? Hell, it was all pointless anyway because I wasn’t going anywhere at the moment. Gina told me it wasn’t that far and rattled off some directions while I was at work and told me to just meet them up there. She said it was...
The soft rumble of the engine of the minivan and the sound of tires on pavement were all but drowned out by the roar of hot wind rushing through the open windows as we progressed down the narrow road through the woods. Why did we have the windows open if the air was hot? The AC was broken in the van. That might not have been such a bad thing, but we were currently experiencing a near record-breaking heatwave. Sorry, perhaps I started a little too far in. I am Jack, Jack Corrigan. I'm a gamer....
IncestThe Cabin I began to freak out as my car stalled out of gas on the bumpy backwoods road that seemed to go on forever. I was cursing myself for not just taking the day off Thursday and car pooling with the girls to the campsite up at Richard’s Lake, wait…was it Richmond’s? Hell, it was all pointless anyway because I wasn’t going anywhere at the moment. Gina told me it wasn’t that far and rattled off some directions while I was at work and told me to just meet them up there. She said it was...
Oral SexMy name is Amanda. When I am all stressed out I love to go to my cabin hideaway. The cabin itself was a suitable rustic one bedroom model. It is the perfect place for me to unwind and commune with nature. Early Friday morning I packed a small bag so after work all I had to do was drive to the cabin. I almost fainted when I got off work promptly at five pm, because usually the boss kept my there until 7pm. I went by the grocery store to pick up a few staples, and drove toward the cabin.I’m five...
Straight SexAfter the surprise in the doctor's office and the impending hunting tripI wasn't sure what to think when we walked to the parking lot. It dawned on me that I couldn't leave my car there. They agreed and told me to drive home where they would pick me up. I thought of the fact that they would both know where I live. I wasn'ttoo uncomfortable with that knowledge but I'm sure being doctors' they would find my modest apartment a dump in comparison to the homes they probably live in. I shrugged my...
Group Sexhy friends’ mera naam bali hai aur meri ummar 29 ki hai , basically i m frm bombay but now i setted in lucknow . mai jab bhe net pay bettha 2 ISS ke story zaroor partha . mujha story read karna pasand hai . so maina socha jab mai aap dosto kie khani read karta hu tu kyu na mai ap ko apne khani sunaoo. . ya baat 2004 ke hai jab mai bombay say lucknow aa raha tha meri family phalay hie lucknow shift ho gaie thi lakin mai wahie bombay may tha ku k meri study chaal rahie thi aur exam bhe hona...
I leaned back in the metal tub when the widow returned to the barn. Chill bumps raced across my body at the sight of her. I had never seen Anne wearing less. A simple drawstring white shirt covered her. She had returned with a heavy wooden bucket, a bottle and a towel over her shoulder. At six-foot-tall, she had to be the tallest woman I had ever seen, whether Indian or white. My Comanche brothers would never take such a woman as their own, but strangely I liked tall women. I liked her red hair...
Every year my father-in-law, two brother-in-laws and I take a week long hunting vacation to my in laws cabin. The cabin is a couple hours outside of town on a lake, a very secluded lake. There are only a half a dozen other cabins on the lake besides my in laws. The Wednesday before our trip I was sitting at my desk at work when the power went out. Apparently the construction company building the office across the street did something to overload the transformer and it blew. My boss got the...
Group SexI was panicking, I needed to be back in time for the start of term and here I was in Göteborg and the boat to Newcastle, was full, in that there was no cabins left.I was offered a share, but I was warned that it was not company policy, so there would be no formal agreement from the shipping company.I reluctantly accepted, only to find out later, that the booking clerk, was a friend of my fellow occupants on the trip across.At least I had a bed and would sleep like the proverbial log, and not...
I put my other holiday travel alternatives on hold. Flying to San Francisco to meet my doctor lover Mark seemed too depressing under the circumstances. How could I face him? I had just been sexually victimized and sodomized by a black football team. And I didn't want to fly to Orlando and give the players a return engagement. Not one of them had kissed me. Not on the lips under my nose anyway. I'm definitely a romantic at heart. Having sex without tenderness and caring didn't appeal to me....
Many people ask me if I get hot writing these stories. My answer: "Fuck Yeah I get hot writing these!!" That's one reason it takes me months to follow up previous tails...errr ummm, tales. I certainly DO love this site and am happy to be able to contribute to it's content, upkeep and maintenance. So should you......Please donate to this free and lovely website so we can keep the cum flowin'........Thank you. ********************** "Uncle Jays Cabin" ************************* ...
It had been a long day out on the lake. Actually, I had been on one of two piers most of the day, catching fish too small to keep and enjoying the sunshine. To be honest, it had been good just to have no one around asking anything from me or even knowing me, for that matter.It had not been until I walked back into my cabin, that I realized how drained I was. I was sun burnt (of course) and dirty and in need of a shower. But more than that, my legs and arms were sore from doing different...
It was over the Christmas break. Dad had suggested we all go to the cabin we used in Vermont for some family bonding, hunting and general outdoors activities. It was no surprise that my mother begged off. She would go to Indiana to visit her mother. The cabin was never her favorite place and frankily she and my father sort of "got along" those days. So it was going to be a bit of a guys weekend. Dad had always treated me as "one of the boys", even as I'd become less of a tom boy the past...
I nearly jump from the shock of being caught reading Darcy’s diary. I turned quickly to see Darcy standing a few steps into her bedroom. Her face was red and there were tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Her lower lip started to quiver and her hands were balled into fists so tight that her knuckles were turning white. I wanted to go to her but I was afraid Darcy would hit me. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I then realized I still had Darcy’s dirty panties in...
Excuse my bad EnglishI have thought to share this story for all the curious SSBBW admirers. Many have asked me about it and i thought i can just write it in some details for my fellow fat admirers.Few months ago i was in my hometown to attend my cousin´s wedding. All family and relatives/cousins went to cabins for parties and cermony itself. There was so many big hot plump BBW/SSBBW and mostly married SSBBW. During late parties they were subtly felt up by other husbands with big wives. It was...
It was morning and the first full day for the event. He would be needed later in his official capacity, but for now all was quiet in the world about him. He stood looking down between the evergreens and the now leaf barren maples, into the river valley. A train on the far bank wound its way to the north from the great city; and as if staged for his enjoyment, a large tug pulled a string of what appeared to be empty barges down river. There was no ice in the river yet, but soon enough this far...
The next morning I quietly got out of bed, dressed and left the van. I have been trying to work out a theory that the time warp hole only opened around about six in the morning, which is my usual rising time anyway. This time of the morning is one of the quietest times on the road that we had been travelling down, and if the warp had opened at any other time, there would have been a lot more vehicles in the clearing. When I got up I took the long pole, which I call my Calendar Stick, I cut a...
Last weekend Lisa and I had plans for a quiet weekend away from our home, at our cabin some miles out of town in the woods, but little did she know that I'd been talking to our friend Heather. Heather and Tom are two of our closest friends, and she and I had decided to surprise my wife Lisa and Heather's husband Tom with a fantasy weekend that they'd both love and enjoy.Lisa and I had planned a master-slave getaway as we sometimes role play and she loves it, and Heather knew that both Lisa...
Group SexWe had been driving for about 30 minutes. I take my eyes off the road for a moment, to look at you. You smile. You’ve never been to the cabin with me. You’re excited, you can’t wait to get there and see it. I’m excited too but not for the same reasons. You look hot in that short skirt and that top with your tits almost hanging out. Only another 30 minutes, and we will be there. I’ll have you to myself until tomorrow. There’s smoke coming out of the chimney, good. My husband told me...
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Feel free to show your support and find more stories and games "HERE" ENJOY! =) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Wake up Jake! It's almost 730! We have to pick up your family at 8! Better hurry up!" Dragging my heavy ass out of bed, I stumbled to the bathroom and started washing up. Looking at my sleepy face reflected in the mirror, I recalled the events of the previous night. Yesterday, I...
"Mom, I think that truck is following us." Said the young blonde with curly hair "What truck?" Replied the older blonde woman. "The one that has been behind us since our last gas stop." "Maybe it's a coincidence?" "The map says this road leads one way and that way is the cabin." Said the daughter checking the map on her phone. "It could be that they're lost." "Well we'll know shortly, we're here." "Finally, I need to pee!" Announced the petite brunette. "I told you to go when we stopped last...
John had been working extremely hard on an advertising campaign that the boss insisted be finished immediately. It was very hard work and the boss was quite demanding. Finally, after three long weeks, it was done! (Of course, not a word of thanks!) John wondered what to do to celebrate. At least it was a three-day weekend. Go out with friends to a bar? No, too noisy. Besides, John didn't feel like being around a lot of people. The cabin? Yeah, John thought. I haven't been there in months. I...
The snow secretly crept into the wooded valley like a silent thief stealing the mountain’s foliage. It was delivering a peaceful white blanket of a fresh new season. It was a cold, dark night. My destination was a mountain cabin so far into the forest that I had to walk the last three miles of the trip. Already I could feel the warmth of the fireplace. I was in excited anticipation of the hot rabbit stew I had planned to hearth cook in my cast iron. There were no utilities. The hearth was the...
SeductionJake and I had been secretly seeing each other for about a year. We took every chance we could get to go and fuck. Jake’s famly had a cabin on a private pond in northern Minnesota. He had asked me to go up there with him for spring break. He told the fam that it was a guy’s weekend to fish and drink. It would be just us two up there the whole week. We did do some drinking but we fucked instead of fished. We stopped at a small town just south of the cabin, probably about ten minutes away. He...
WARNING:This is very different from my other stories. Sometimes I can be a bit sadistic.I looked up at the quaint cabin in front of me. I had decided that the remote location was perfect for what I had in mind. This was my second day at the cabin and I had quite the week planned. The first day at the cabin had been spent getting everything ready, and that night finding the perfect subject. It hadn't taken to long. It was only a 45 minute drive to the nearest small town, and I had found a...
I only went to the cabin that weekend because Sylvia and George were good friends of Lisbeth. We had been dating for a few months. Sylvia and George had rented the cabin for the month of January and invited us for the second weekend. The drive up was treacherous even with four wheel drive. The snow was coming down heavily making it like a winter wonderland, although when trying to drive, a winter wonderland turns into a winter nightmare. Lisbeth was snuggled into me, sleeping since we left New...
Straight SexIt was a miserable rainy day. Sarah was on the train to the town to get the weekly shop. She took the same train she always did, alone. Dressed simply to avoid attention, she took a seat away from a group of other teens and didn’t notice the man sat on the chair behind her. Sarah practically lived alone. Her father died in a car accident when she was 11 and her mother’s grief drove her to work constantly, leaving Sarah to fend for herself. Since then she only saw her mum once maybe twice a...
We had been driving for about 30 minutes. I take my eyes off the road for a moment, to look at you. You smile. You've never been to the cabin with me. You're excited, you can't wait to get there and see it. I'm excited too but not for the same reasons. You look hot in that short skirt and that top with your tits almost hanging out. Only another 30 minutes, and we will be there. I'll have you to myself until tomorrow. There's smoke coming out of the chimney, good. My husband told me...
LesbianBetty frowned a little when I told her all in good time. I got the feeling that her motor was already running and warmed up. I smiled up at her and leaned forward to take in her aroma. She leaned in and let my face touch the top of her beautiful cunt. I breathed in deep and then licked her slit from her taint to her clit slowly and deliberately. She groaned and leaned hard against my face. I took her by the hips and turned her around and sat her down across my lap and then kissed her deeply...
Pre-Maid Cabin By Skirtninja --------- This is my first erotic fiction.. but I have been reading fictionamnia and cyoc for ever! I hope people like it.. I posted an outline for followup chapters on my deviantart page, but I consider this short story to be self contained and "complete". Thank you all for so many years of great content! --------- The three of us went up to Kevin's cabin for winter break, it was up in the Appalachians and pretty secluded in sparse woods. We...
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Some decisions almost guarantee your daughter will end up in porn. For example, if you name your daughter after anything related to geology, such as Diamond, Crystal, Amethyst, or Amber.Porn College GraduateOverly strict parenting is another direct cause of professional cock sucking. However, perhaps the most significant indicator is religion. The more religious the upbringing, the more likely a bitch is to gargle cock for a paycheck.The actual dagger, though, is Catholic school. Between the...
Twitter Porn AccountsWe finally got 5 days away from the k**s, so did my sister-in-law and her husband. We decided to go to Tennessee and rent a log cabin. It was a beautiful two bedroom log cabin. The bedrooms were right across from each other and in the middle was the bathroom. What I love about the place, it had a hot tub, can’t go wrong with a hot tub. We got there after a 5 hour drive, all of us was tired but excited. We grabbed our suite cases and went to our rooms. When I was grabbing something from the car...
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My name is Amanda. When I am all stressed out I love to go to my cabin hideaway. The cabin itself was a suitable rustic one bedroom model. It is the perfect place for me to unwind and commune with nature. Early Friday morning I packed a small bag so after work all I had to do was drive to the cabin. I almost fainted when I got off work promptly at five pm, because usually the boss kept my there until 7pm. I went by the grocery store to pick up a few staples, and drove toward the cabin.