Suite #6 free porn video

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                               Suite 6

The ?hotel? had certainly seen better days.  A sign of constantly changing  times, the once stately private residence had long since been converted, to house travelers and vacationers.  Typically, those of lesser financial means. 

The two men walked casually through the entrance, unconcerned about security.  This probably due to the fact that there wasn’t any.  Dressed neither for business nor holiday, their attire was so nondescript as to render them almost invisible.  Each carried a small duffle, the effect helping to further blend them into the background. 

They climbed the secondary staircase used primarily by the residents.  Their pace was unhurried and seemingly without urgency.  It mattered little, for no one was present to witness this.  When they reached the targeted room, there was no stereotypical glance at a scrap of paper or matchbook, confirming they had the right place.  Each had memorized the hotel’s room number.  Room #6.  They were, after all, professionals.  That’s why they’d been called upon for this task.

Appearing as if they had every right to be there, one leaned against the wall, while the other made short work of the woefully inadequate lock.  Easing the door open slightly to peer in, confirmed that the room was silent and dark.  It should be, at 2:45 a.m.  They slipped inside the room like ghosts.  The lock was re-engaged, reinforced by a battered kitchenette chair wedged under the knob.

Management referred to this room as a ?Suite?.  This because, in addition to the tiny area that served as living room, dining room and kitchen, it boasted a closet sized bedroom.  The communal bathroom was down the hall.  Both late night visitors were mildly surprised, when they found the original, circa 1920’s bedroom door unlocked.  But why should it be?  The tenant surely wasn’t expecting guests.

Easing this door open, their eyes were greeted by a small room, bathed in a garish pink light, from the hotel’s marquee outside.  In the center, prone on a twin-sized bed that took up ?’s of the available space, lie their target. 

It took less than fifteen seconds to ready their equipment.  Normally, a job like this would be undertaken in a way that raised as little fuss as possible.  However, their instructions hade been made clear.  The ?mark? was to be made quite cognizant of what was happening.  Their compensation richly reflected the additional risk.

Mindful that a squeaky floorboard or jostled furniture would alert their prey, ?speed? was the watchword for this operation.  As one, they leapt on the bed.  Although unrehearsed, the attack was nonetheless quick, brutal and efficient.  They straddled their quarry with their legs, trapping her under the thin sheets that covered her.  Her eyes flew open in confused shock, just as the chloroform soaked cloth clamped down over her nose and mouth.

Her bleat of alarm whispered past the rag in a soft ?hhmmnnngh!?

Instinctively, she began thrashing.  But their weight, in addition to the bed linens, trapped her limbs most effectively.  She drew in a breath to scream for help, confused as to why this burned her throat and lungs so.  Her head began to pound, ears assailed by the roar of a thousand freight trains.  Her wild eyes looked up, catching a glimpse of the two dark silhouettes.  She saw no compassion in the glinting eyes that peered back at her from behind the black cloth masks.

She willed herself to writhe even harder, but her body now felt strangely detached.  She watched, as the room began to grow darker, the glare of the sign outside fading, something the moth-eaten blinds on window had been unable to achieve.  Disjointedly, her last thought was that she hoped this wouldn’t make her late for work.

The one with the rag, held it in place for a few seconds after her eyes had rolled up.  Though it was doubtful that the mark was playing ?possum?, caution had kept the two of them out of the penitentiary thus far.  Lifting a lid, he noted that her eye was responsive, yet unseeing.  The cloth was dropped in a baggie and tossed aside.  Now, the real work was to begin.

From their satchels, came an assortment of neatly bundled leather goods and 2 more sealed baggies.  The contents of one, a contribution from their employer.  Experience helped them to efficiently sort through an inventory plentiful enough to restrain 3 victims.

The bed covers were thrown back, her T-shirt and panties ripped off.  Each man would have to be dead, not to appreciate the full curves and narrow waist of their slumbering target.  Any temptation was quickly beaten back, their instructions implicit.  Deviation from the plan, would lead to incarceration at best.  Worst case scenario would be a long sleep with the fishes.

First, her lax fingers were balled up into fists.  Over each hand, slipped a tight leather pouch.  Once buckled around her wrists, the idea of picking at any of the restraints with her fingers became a fairytale.  They rolled her over on to her stomach.  Each was pleasantly surprised at how limber she was.  Her elbows met behind her back using very little encouragement.  1? straps below and above the joints, ensured that they stayed that way.  Additional straps of the same width clamped her arms together at the forearms and wrists.  A padlock went through the rings stitched to the tips of the leather mittens.

A plethora of 1? straps turned her into a mermaid.  Her legs were soon fused together at instep, ankles, calves, below and above the knees, mid and upper thighs.  The tight leather bands sunk into her firm muscles, making them bulge on either side.  A narrow strap was even used to cinch her big toes together.

Arranging her limp, but restraint-stiffened form to a sitting position, a web of leather straps was dropped over her shoulders.  The multitude of straps soon assumed the shape of a body harness.  Her arms were rapidly crushed against her spine by means of straps encircling her shoulders, above and below her breasts, mid-torso, waist and hips.

In front, the harness formed two hoops.  Although her B-Cups didn’t provide a lot to work with, they soon bulged regardless, once the buckles on the hoops were drawn tight.  Placed once more on her stomach, the firm mattress mashing her ballooned breasts, the final strap came into play.  Attached to the waist strap at the navel, was a belt longer than its cousins.  After some firm poking and prodding, its tongue snaked through the apex of her bound legs. 

Once the twists were worked out, it was brought up and fed through a ?D? ring on the outside of her wrist binding.  Then it was doubled back along the same path.  Care was taken to position the padlock on her mittens, between the full globes of her ass.  When the slack was drawn out, the strap’s tip was still four inches short of the buckle.  But the hired hands weren’t about to give up. 

While one held the deficient strap, the other placed his hands up the mark’s shoulders.  Then he placed a knee in the middle of her back and arched her spine backward.  The first was pleased to see that he could now buckle the strap through its third notch.  The mark’s leather encased fists dug two craters into the firm muscles of her derriere.

Holding her unconscious form upright, the one who’d done the honors with the crotch strap, proceeded to fashion her long, naturally curly ringlets of dark hair into a ponytail.  He did so at the crown of her head, rather than in the back.

?She must have dyed her hair black.?  He pondered absently.  They’d been told the mark was a brunette.

?Probably some lame attempt to disguise her appearance.?  He thought.  ?Fat lotta good it did her.?

Just as he was binding her tresses tightly at the roots with a couple of turns of electrical tape, the target moaned softly.  Certainly, the discomfort of her bonds, hastening her recovery.  They’d finished not a moment too soon.  One of the two remaining bags was opened.  The man in front removed the gauze pad and began rubbing it vigorously over their captive’s face. 

The acrid smell of alcohol worked almost as well as smelling salts.  The girl jerked (to the limits of her bonds) and weakly tried to turn her face away.  As she rapidly became more aware of her condition, her eyelids fluttered and she struggled to form a question.


That did it. Her eyes flew open with total clarity, as the contents of the last baggie were being shoved into her mouth.  For the hired hands, there was a brief, apprehensive time when she raised quite a ruckus, before enough material had been crammed between her teeth.  Fortunately, there was more than enough fabric to do a proper job.  The one doing the stuffing was glad they habitually wore rubber gloves for jobs like these, having been told the history of the gagging material.

When all but a few, petal-like tufts of cloth were wedged behind the woman’s teeth, the man nodded to his partner.  Right on cue, the man reached around, holding a 1/2? leather strap.  The strap passed between her pearly whites, the ends drawn around back.  With her hair conveniently out of the way, he was able to thread, then buckle the strap brutally tight.  No doubt a few short strands of her hair were yanked out by the roots. 

Her mouth was pulled into a pained grimace, her tightly stretched lips peeling back off her teeth, which clenched down involuntarily on the huge mass of packing.  The mark let out a wail, which quickly turned into a choking fit as her gag reflex was triggered.  Struggling successfully to get herself under control, she tried once more to call out.  The resulting hum sounded like a growling stomach.

The final touch was a wide band of thin neoprene.  One side of the bandage had been treated with an industrial-strength adhesive.  Starting within a whisker of her nose, he used his thumbs to smooth the matte finished rubber down across her mouth to her chin.  Although she bucked hard to prevent this, the ?gentleman? behind her, gripped her skull like a vice.

With initial contact made, he carefully smoothed the swathe out across both cheeks, making sure there was nary a wrinkle.  As he neared the ends, he had to slip his hands out of the latex gloves, they being stuck fast to the adhesive.  Donning a new pair, he used scissors to cut free the gloves and a small portion of the gag.  He pressed the remaining flaps down smoothly, near her ears. 

Sitting back, he could clearly see her jaw working frantically under the stretchy, sticky wrap.  He could see too, the lines of her full lips, her incisors and the small portion of packing that didn’t fit.  The outline of the gag strap shown noticeably, dimpling her cheeks on its trek behind her head.  It was clear that she was trying to bellow for all she was worth, yet what came out sounded like an exasperated sigh. 

Frustrated (and more than a little bit panicky), she began thrashing her head like mad, in a vain attempt to throw off the crushing gag.  A thickly padded leather collar was quite easily buckled around her throat, stilling her head by more than seventy-five percent.  The other twenty five would be taken care of shortly.  The one who’d done the gagging, decided it was time for a little ?insider’s information?.

?I hope you’re enjoying what your chewing on.?  He said, conversationally. 

?It’s the boss’s boxer/briefs.  He told us he’d jacked off on them twenty times this past week.  He said, ?That’s what happens to nosy reporters who ?dick? around where they don’t belong.?

He was a little surprised by her reaction.  Instead of a look of abject revulsion or horror, her brow seemed to furrow almost quizzically.  He shrugged it off, their work far from done.  As he’d been carrying out his monologue, his partner had been busy, laying long, 2? wide straps across the bed.

Although it would prove to be unnecessary, a padded leather blindfold was secured snuggly in place.  This would greatly emphasize the psychology of her helplessness.  Together, they easily lifted their writhing subject, placing her seated across the straps on the bed, her fused legs stretched out before her.  One knelt across her shins, while the other pressed against her shoulders, slowly folding her at the waist.  No matter how she fought them, she soon found her breasts mashed against her thighs.  From there, things got worse.

The three long straps were buckled tightly at her neck, elbows and forearms.  Because there were three, each one could be tightened individually, which created a modicum of slack in the other two.  Working back and forth, they soon had her folded so severely, that breathing was almost impossible.  And if breathing was difficult, crying out for help would be out of the question. 

With her nose was planted between her knees, one last strap around her legs and head made the arrangement permanent.  The final touch was a thin cord connecting her ponytail to her fused toes.  When it was drawn brutally tight, her feet were arched back, redundantly locking her legs straight.

All present in the room had not forgotten about the crotch strap, the ?mark? most notably so.  The stiff leather band had zero give to it, thus, something else had to.  It sank into her soft folds and burrowed into her ass crack until it pressed against bone.  It was instantly intolerable and she tried to tell them so.  Keyword, ?tried?.  So precious was every molecule of air, that she couldn’t waste them on frivolous things like begging for mercy or calling for help.  She had no choice but to suffer in total silence.

They left her there on the bed, robbed of even the ability to writhe over on to her side and began straightening up.  All of the unused restraints went back into their bags.  They cleaned up their trash, dumping it into a black trash bag.  Then, they set about gathering up the mark’s personal items.

Clothing, books, toiletries, everything went into the garbage bag.  When they’d finished, not a sign of her remained.  A typewritten note describing another job offer was left on the coffee table, along with an envelope containing the next three month’s rent in cash.

Returning to the bedroom, a deceptively strong nylon duffel bag was unfurled.  The mark was slipped into it, ass first.  A cable tie was threaded through the grommet’s at the opening and drawn closed.  With the other’s help, one of them was able to shoulder the burden with little effort.  From every angle, it looked as though he was carrying a week’s load of laundry.  The fact that there was a helpless female inside, would have been the last thing to enter an observer’s mind.

The other man picked up the remaining bags, took one last look around and joined his partner at the door.  They exited, just a couple of dudes heading for the all night Laundromat.  Their egress from the hotel was uneventful, not too many people prancing about at 4:00 a.m. in the morning.  They strolled around the corner.  The van, which could be misidentified as any number of General Motors vehicles, stood waiting for them.

Another casual look around and the back doors were opened.  The trio crawled inside.  (Well, two of them crawled, one just went along for the ride).  Instead of releasing the mark from the duffle, the cable tied open end of the bag was raised to an anchor in the ceiling.  Once clipped off, it hung there, not unlike a boxer’s heavy bag.  The van started up and eased slowly out of the alley.  Their trail was cold before the van’s tail-lights faded in the distance.


The Super walked down the hall, carrying a small tool box and whistling a tune-less jingle.  He’d been meaning to fix the door for a couple of weeks now.  Setting down his tools, he stood, hammer and brass nail in hand.  With his index finger, he twirled the metal numeral on the door upright.  When positioned properly, he tapped the nail through the proper pinhole.  He stepped back and admired his handiwork.  The ?9? sat on the door, straight and true.

He hoped he hadn’t waken the young lady up.  Probably not, her job had her working strange hours.  A strikingly beautiful girl, Acindina Bikakis had arrived from some small Greek isle just five weeks ago.  He’d given up on trying to pronounce her name, instead settling on ?Cindy? for short. 

He felt that stir of youth when her face came to mind.  Jet black hair and a body that just didn't quit.  Yup, that one was a real looker.  Possessing a decent command of English, she’d obtained a job waitressing at one of the casinos.  He thought of knocking on the door, then changed his mind.  Rent wasn’t due until next Friday.  He figured he’d see her before then.  Best to just let her sleep.


Down the hall in the REAL room #6, the hammering had woken its occupant.  Traci Vincent glanced at the clock and realized she was late.  The brunette hopped out of bed and rushed to get dressed in her skimpy uniform.  She figured three more days of masquerading as a coat check girl at the local mafia hangout and she’d have enough dirt for a real juicy story. 

A part-time reporter for the South Jersey Courier Post, this hotel was all she could afford on her meager pay.  And it wasn’t even a ?suite?.  It didn’t matter though.  She’d overheard enough conversations at the club to send more than half its members to the Big House.  As long as she wasn’t discovered over the next couple days, things would work out great.  No one knew she was here.  She wanted to walk into the editor’s office, slap the story on his desk and watch his reaction. 

?Yup?, she thought to herself, ?my life’s about to take a dramatic turn.?

To Be Continued???

Author's note:  This story was inspired by a trip to the Home Depot.  Seeking to replace the house numbers which had become pitted, my aggitation grew as I could not find any "6's", only "9's".  I was just about to confront an orange vested associate, when it dawned on me.  D'OH!  

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Fly Robin Fly

I thought of this tale while I was at work. I do make an apology to DC Comics. The characters of Joker, Batgirl, and Robin are theirs. I use them only in jest and for a tale. Fly Robin Fly Robin awoke in a deep pit. The Joker had got him with a knockout dart. He could stand up and look around. The Joker spoke, "Good Morning Robin. I will make you a deal. You climb out that pit on your own; you can go back to your nest. If you do not after three days, I will haul you out and fuck...

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Three Square MealsChapter 11 Are three eager young women better than two John finds out

“Come on” Alyssa said to Sparks, “Let’s go see John and tell him we’re headed to Olympus Shipyard”. The beautiful young blonde offered her hand to Sparks and she led her into the Commander’s ready room. “Course laid in and we’re on our way Commander!” Alyssa told John, with a mock salute thrown in cheekily. “Very good XO” John grinned at the playful teenager. “Why don’t we get you settled in to a room” John suggested to Sparks. “This must all seem pretty daunting at the moment”. “You got...

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My Teacher And Myself 8211 Part 1

Hi. This is Jessi. I’m 21 now. Its been 5 months since I changed into fully girl. Actually I was born as a boy named James. I had gender identity disorder. I feel like girls always. I watch porn with my frnds they say,”how it will be to fuck a pussy” but I will think ,”how it will be to get fucked by a cock in a pussy” I don’t like boys dress much. So I started to wear my mom’s bra secretly from my teen age itself. I feel very happy. I don’t like to have a single hair on my body. I kept it...

1 year ago
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Going to WarChapter 4 Taking A City

July 27, 1994 Two days ago, they had flown from Misera to Gemort. Arriving late, they had set up tents, and had camped next to one of the refugee camps. The previous day had been a day of rest. With the refugee camp off limits to everyone, they had spent the time sitting around their camp double checking their gear. This morning, there had been an officers briefing over breakfast. Now that Colonel Naff had some time to kill before the company level meeting, Sword Miquel had given him leave...

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Cry HavocChapter 7

Qi sat in a chair with his healing leg in a peculiar machine that facilitated the regeneration of bone and muscle. The itch in his leg became pain. The pain grew from an un-scratchable itch to jabs of stabbing pain only to lapse and wane into a continuous painful throb at the end of the cycle. He wasn't a prisoner but he was an outsider. People were nice to him. Those who were assigned to escort him to physical therapy were polite and friendly enough. They had no issues holding him or...

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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 9 Sunday Sunday Cant Trust That Day

The good professor showed about 8AM, went to the artifacts tent and was figuratively speechless. Professors are seldom literally bereft of vocal cords. He donned Nitrile gloves and scrutinized each blank extensively. He held each to the sun and commented about the clarity of the obsidian. Gil was taking notes in Gregg as fast as she could. Impossible terms like no inclusions, perfectly matched percussion flaking, inability to decide on a reverse side fell like raindrops in a...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Flight Book 3Chapter 12

Damn, I guess I have to bite the bullet and talk to that asshole. Why can’t he just get a clue? After I had been waiting for ten minutes he rushed in from the elevator. The receptionist was told to get the CTO and CIO in his office right now for a meeting. The way he said it wasn’t one that could be ignored if they wanted to keep their jobs. I’ve heard that form of request enough times over the years. He turned to me and told me that I should go get myself a drink in the dance club. He...

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Matthews search for love part 1introductio

Matthew is 30 years old male, which doesn’t have any lady at the moment, all previous relationships failed miserably. Main reason was his cock size, which is 23cm long and 6cm in diameter. He contacted new date agency which has alternative way of doing dates and he has an interview today at 5pm. As he comes there, young lady greets him.“Welcome and have a seat here on this leather chair. I’m miss l****a and will guide through this. My agency is quite new one, about 1 month old, and we check...

3 years ago
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Mami Ke Pet Me Mera Baccha

Dear friends my name is Roky. I am 27 yeras old. Ye us time ki baat He jab me 10th class me tha. Us wakt me apne mama ke ghar padhta tha. Mere char mama hein. Teen to bahar rahte hein, magar ek mama ghar me rate the. Bo ek medichine company me badi post par the to isiliye unko hame sa bahar jana padta tha. Mahine me 2 ya 3 dino ke liye atethe aur mami ko jamke choda karte the. Magar unke jane ke bad mami roz rat ko ungli dal kar apne ap ko sant kar deti thi. Ek din ye nazara mene dekliya. Bo...

4 years ago
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Do You Fuck Your Mom and Her TwoTit BigChested Rack

Based on the show of almost the same name, this story really doesn’t deviate from the anime all that much. They still get Isekai’d into a video game, Mamako is still overpowered, and she still wants to bang her son. Only difference is that here, she does, as well as most of the others. As for how she acts about it, that all depends on the writer. Also all characters have been aged up to the legal age of 18 if they weren’t already (and although Porta will be aged up as well, she is not to be...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Scarlet De Sade Scarlet Loves Fucking That Black Cock

Scarlet de Sade loves a nice big cock and is so excited to get Isiahs large black cock in her grasp! She loves how hard it is and loves feeling it go down her throat as she deep throats it all! Isiah can not get enough of that mouth and really wants to feel how tight that pussy can get when he starts pummeling his dick hard into her! Scarlet begs for more and wishes one of you were here to give her another cock as well! Isiah spreads those legs wide fucking her as deep as that dick will go and...

3 years ago
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Toby My Best Friend Part 1

Toby and I had been friends for as long as I can remember. My Mom has a photo of us, sat in a ball pit in the local nursery, grinning like morons. Are teeth are gaped and there are stains on our faces and clothes, but do you know what? We’re happy, and really don’t care. But unfortunately you can’t stay like that forever… We stayed best friends, right up through all our years at Primary school. We were friends, and no one got between us, not even the bullies that took the piss out of my...

2 years ago
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Pastor Love Part 3

Wiping the combined juices of our just completed fuck from her chin, Janie smirked, "Pleasant dreams Reverend." She bent over collecting her clothes. After wiping her still dripping crotch with her panties, she tossed them to me as she continued getting dressed. "See you Sunday at church."I stretched out on the bed. The lingering scent of sex mixed with her juvenile citrussy perfume made me hard again, in spite of the guilty feelings in my head. She's only seventeen, I thought. She should be...

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The aion of Susie Wells

The a*****ion of Susie Wells It all began with a show on TV. Jeff Hicks was watching a detective show about a young girl a*****ed and abused. She was later found naked on the side of the road in a dazed state but still very much alive. She could not remember much about what had happened and could not identify the person who a*****ed her. Jeff wished they would have given more details of what happened while she was captive.It was at this point Jeff began to consider the possibility of...

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Weekly Darts and More

   My buddy and I have one night a week, where we get together to hang out. We throw some darts or horseshoes, do a few shots, smoke some weed, and watch some porn.  He gets a night out away from the wife, and I get some company, as I live alone.    We’ve been friends since high school, but a few years back, we took our friendship to a different level, and started sucking each other’s cocks when we get together. We’re not in love, nor are we attracted to men, but we both feel that ‘helping the...

1 year ago
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The TGI Chronicles Part 2 Daves StoryChapter 8

I drove home that Wednesday evening, having dropped Lucy at her house, with mixed feelings. A wild sex evening with Lucy and TJ would be just like old times, and finding a woman who actually wanted dirty, kinky sex was a rarity. But, as I thought of how I had to protect Davinia from this episode, I felt dirty. I guess that's why it's called that sort of sex. I felt like a moth, I couldn't help the feeling of being attracted to the flame of all that Saturday night promised, but I also felt...

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New Life Journey With Mom

Hello ISS readers I am Rohan, a 20-year-old guy living in Delhi with my mom and dad. Here, I am sharing my first ever experience. So get ready with your hand on your dick and finger in pussy. The heroine of the story is my beautiful mom Amarita, who is 46 but looks like 26 because of daily yoga. She has an amazing figure of 34-32-36. I love that beautiful round ass and the look of her fair boobs when she bends. I always wanted a chance to take this beauty to my bed. I got it a few months ago...

2 years ago
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Sunny CornerChapter 9

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:9 We were stopped and checked twice more on the return trip. The third time, just outside Bathurst, I flashed my passport and we were waved through. We stopped anyway. “What’s so all-fired important that there’s armed roadblocks near the Gold Fields ... you guys are the third bunch,” I asked. The camo dressed stern-faced young man wore a sandy-colored beret with a metal, gold and silver badge, depicting the sword Excalibur, with...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 05

CHAPTER FIVE: A SECOND HIT Daniel looked around the Rio’s breakfast area and caught the eye of his waitress. As she walked over, he winked at Holly and turned his attention back to Norman Chad. ‘You guys are nicely positioned,’ the TV commentator was telling them. ‘Survive the first day, that’s all you had to do.’ Daniel wriggled in his chair. ‘I hear you, Norm. But for me it was a close thing.’ Chad laughed. ‘Now what have I been telling you this past year about the Ace of Spades? I guess...

3 years ago
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I Really Want to Kick Your Balls

“Chris,” Layla said, “I really want to kick your balls.”Layla was a dancer which meant she not only had long, tapered beautifully shaped legs, but that she knew how to move them gracefully. From talking with her, I knew she’d taken ballet lessons as a teenager and then gotten interested in Taekwando. Layla’s brown hair was tied back in a sophisticated bun. She was wearing a short black satin half slip, and a demi-cup black bra which just revealed the circles of her areolas. It was a...

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Mrs Goodytwoshoes

“I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never said.” “Well, we were embarrassed, and we didn’t think that he would...

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Nicky By Jacobus Felix It had been a brutal couple of weeks. I was out on a contract to a firm in the north, wrestling with a complex take-over deal. The home team, an up and coming new enterprise, had got themselves enmeshed in a morass of international legal and financial issues, and worse, faults had been found in their flag-ship product, threatening not only delay, but also potentially disastrous litigation. I quite enjoyed the challenge, although it was a race against the clock...

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Christmas Lights

Marion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing displays, making a cheerful vista to walk arm in arm through. She and Jack would have to do that some night. Other streets, poorer and...

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This Story Is About Cindy 15

Introduction: Chapter five. This is a fun one. Enjoy. PART 1 CHAPTER 5 As we approached the tree line, Sunny broke away from Greg and I, I guess to make it less suspicious as to what they were doing. She pranced off to the right and circled around so it looked like she was coming from the bathroom. I was still in a little bit of a daze. Sunny had been totally into me watching her get banged… and I had no idea how I felt about that. I had a hard time getting the image of her cute B-cup tits...

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My dirty night out

Went into town with Charlotte and Kirsty, my two best friends, on the lash and on the pull!!! Put on my powder blue shorts that only just cover my arse, but with an arse like mine why not, and a little sparkly silver halter neck top that shows off my toned belly and perky boobs. Because we had already been drinking at Kirsty's house while we were getting ready we were already half pissed when we got into the taxi and Kirsty offered the taxi driver a blow job if he charged us half fare, the...

3 years ago
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Replying to what happened next

I posted a photo today, wearing one of my many netted underwear garments, bought for the sole purpose, of making men want to fuck me. Yes I wear things like that and I am sure as you look over the photo, you can see how easy it is to enter me. So the question everyone is asking, what happened after I took this photo, I went online to hunt for men looking for a fuck, is my answer. The trick was I went to an internet cafe and sat down between a respectable looking business man and a boy with...

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My S1sterrsquos Gangbang Chapter Six

My S1ster’s Gangbang - Chapter SixSince the day I took the first photo session with Kelly until today, my little s!ster had discovered a whole new world of pleasure. When I am not home, my s!sters spend a lot of time together sharing everything, from a simple bubble bath to an extensive use of sexual toys that they had bought in the past few weeks. Sometimes, when I arrive home, Tracy is so spent from their lesbian sessions that she doesn't want to know anything about sex for the rest of the...

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A Chyoo Christmas Carol

Morals were dead. Chyooge had no doubt whatsoever about that. The world was obsessed with sex, to the detriment of all else. He had no interest in it at all - or so he had convinced himself. He had long since repressed all his carnal craving and desires in order to give himself more time to devote to a thing he had a lot more passion for - making money. His old business partner Snarley had taught him these values, and although Snarley was now long dead, Chyooge upheld them firmly. On this...

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Black Man in the Grey Morning

I found this story on a site a few years ago, I do not think it was copyrighted by the original writer, and so I thought I'd share it with all the other BBC parTy freaks, sit back, fire up a joint, or your pipe, kick back and stroke your cock to some wild BBC and white slut boy action ;)If this is copy protected please message me and I will immediately delete...

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My First Shemale

Early May 2006 or 7, standing on the northeast corner of 46th and 3rd, a rather nice New York City day, except Belinda wasn’t answering her phone for our 3 pm “appointment”, and I was not keen to just hang around smoking cigarettes on the corner wondering if I had been stood up. I had no prior experience but it dawned on me shemales, especially shemales for hire, might not be the most dependable group of people, well, maybe if they were a shemale cop, that thought hit the erogenous spot of my...

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Wonders of American BackroadsChapter 9 Launching Pad

I had to laugh at myself. I was standing in the Hilo Airport staring at the Zen garden that was supposed to bring peace and tranquility. Instead, I was dancing from foot to foot in impatience. I should have stayed in the restaurant another hour, but my computer had run out of juice. I’d been sitting there since three in the afternoon and it was eight now. I went into the bar—the only ‘service’ available at the Hilo airport—and ordered a soda. Once she got here, I still had to drive us safely...

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