Clothesline Leather in Lawnville
- 2 years ago
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TheLaw of Private Ground
Ifour government has been outstanding for something through history, that is forsure it?s exceptional capability in finding whom to blame: ?On which group to focus the population?s ragefor their own misdeeds.
Thefact would be rather trivial if not cause they use to carry it out in such asuperb way that the citizen really believe that all their problems were defacto related to and caused by that designed group, acting in consequence.
It?s not important at allthat this focus has switched from Indians to the black population, fromCommunists to Muslims, from Russians to Arabs, always the group in the hurricane?seye suffered for it, with everybody abusing and nobody defending them.
It happens that once againthe citizens were unhappy, unruly, close to civil war. Too many taxes, too muchstress, everywhere they found restricting laws and problems. The lawmakerthemselves were lost in a quagmire of interests and interpretations. ?The hyper-regularization was only bringingchaos. The government realized, too late as always, thatit?s impossible to fulfill the conflicting wishes of too different groups. Nobodywas happy and if the situation worsens there would be riots, plunder, rapes andmurders.
The point was to find a newenemy, a group to which the main population would easily have access to dischargetheir rage.
President Morrison came upwith the main idea after a quarrel with his wife. He, the most powerful man inworld could not even have a smoke after lunch because of his wife?s endlesscomplaining. He, the President of the United States was afraid of turninghis head when in company of his wife. He, the culmination of the American Dream,made love once a month and in total darkness.?No, he wasn?t bad-tempered, nor was he overstressed it was his wife who heldhim in constant bad mood.
Suddenly, realization dawned.Women were the BIG PROBLEM. They were out of control and worse, trying tocontrol everything.
?We need new laws? he toldhis closest collaborators ?lets to prepare the ground for it?.
New TV programs emerged, newforums, a new way of telling the news, new laws and absolutely new regulations;it was the beginning of a New Era.
One of those regulations wasnicknamed ?My home my Castle? cause in the typical unintelligible legal jargon it sanctioned any measure a (male) groundowner would take on his ground;
Anotherone was nicknamed as ?peacemaker? and was a kind of zero tolerance regulation withany disturbing attitude, quarreling or rebellion.
The Mecklers
Holly was in her kitchenpreparing supper. Sitting at the desk, her husband, Henry, looked at her andrealized once again how pretty she really was.
She was nearly 6 feet tall and 37 y/o, but insuch a shape that often people mistook her for her step-sons? older sister.
In fact their daughterMolly (17) was taking after her mother and at first glance they looked confusinglysimilar, like sisters or even twins.
Both of them had got black hairand green eyes, were slim but well endowed in their upper department; theirlong legs and round asses were also a plus. All in all, both were reallypretty.
When Henry had married her14 years ago, both were young single parents. She causeof a divorce and him a widower with two little boys.
?Holly, today in the officewe?ve had great fun? he told his wife.
?Really?? She asked without stooping cooking.
?Oh, yes, you rememberMartina, the blonde one in HR? He asked and went on when he saw she nodded?today we?ve stripped her naked, collared her like a bitch and walked herthrough the office on a leash, on her fours.? He explained as if explaining afootball match. ?Ronnie, the concierge,even stuck a feather duster into her blonde cunt, and made her wiggle it like ahappy bitch?
Holly was horrified, butlately it was somehow politically correct to publicly humiliate grown up women.So she kept silent and just nodded again. She remembered that just a few daysago on TV the young news reporter misspelled twice an Arabic name and on thespot her male colleague administered a spanking on her naked ass. He made herstrip totally, fondled her to his heart content and than after parading heraround, he spanked her. All this happened in front of the running cameras andin prime time.? There was no ?kidwarning? and in the way the cameramen filmed her colleague?s spanking you couldeasily have taught a complete course of female anatomy.
Engrossed in her thoughtsshe missed some of Henry?s next sentences ?? has established funny rules atoffice? He finished saying. She didn?t dare to ask about them and went onpreparing her family?s supper.
Molly, Martin (16) andMichael (18) came in like a whirlwind. The latter drove his siblings home makingMolly wait for him and Martin to take their karate lessons.
The boys were in best mood,whilst Molly clearly showed she?d just stopped crying.?
?Mom, its horrible? Mollystarted in a low voice ?I don?t want to go to school or at least give me enoughmoney to come home on my own?
?Help me to put the tableand then explain us what?s so disturbing? her mother said moving around thekitchen.
Finally the whole familywas sitting at the big wooden desk in the dining room. Father and sons used thesofa and watched TV, mother and daughter in front of them, on chairs. Behindthem on the left was a big plasma screen and on the right the door to the restof the house.
?What?s it to you, Molly,my heart? Asked Holly really caring about her daughter.
?The boys at school, theteacher, and my grades??she started crying again?? and Martin and Michael??
Some hick-ups came up.
?Keep quiet Molly, keepquiet? Her mother embraced her warmly. She could understand that her daughterhad problems with boys, grades and teacher, but what happen with Martin andMichael?
She decided to ask her sonsright there.
?Michael, please tell uswhy Molly is crying?? What have youdone??
?Mom, come on, that?s notimportant now? came the lenient answer ?we are watching the news?
?MICHAEL? she shouted ?Idon?t care about the news, why is your sister crying?
?Well, ahm,it?s ?? He stuttered.
?She had problems acceptingthe new car rules? came Martin?s prompt answer.
?Martin, even being the youngest one has alwaysbeen the leader. He was stronger built than his brother and for sure he had gotthe higher IQ.
?Carrules?? ?What kind of bullshit isit?? Holly?s voice denoted real anger.
?Darling, calm down? Henryintervened ?putting a hand on hers ?let the boys explain it?.
?Today atschool, Mr. Washington, our socialsciences prof.? ?Martin started ?explained the new laws and hepointed out that the best way of showing ownership is imposing rules?
?Yes?Michael enthusiastically shouted ?In our classroom he even made a practicaldemonstration?
?A practical demonstration?? Henry?s interest was real.He perfectly knew how they (the men at his office) were bending these new rulesin their own benefit.
?Yes, Daddy, a practical demonstration.? Michael, normally more thequiet type, was ecstatic remembering it.?
Hollyhad no interest in knowing about that practical demonstration, her real concernwas about her daughter.
?Martin,what kind of horrible rules have you devised? she asked her younger son.
?Mom,is it Michaels car or not? Martin asked.
?Ofcourse, but??
?Thenhe is free to make new rules come into force, isn?t he??
?MARTIN?Holly was getting angry ?stop talking bullshit and explain what the hell hashappened?.
?Ienforced a no-panties-rule? Michael quietly said. ?In my car no female isallowed to wear panties, anymore?
?Youare nuts?? their mother started, but she was interrupted by Martin, somehowencouraged by his fathers smile.
?Mom,we didn?t make her throw them away, we kindly permitted her to bring themhome.?
?Theystuffed my used panties into my mouth?? came a cryingintervention from Molly.
?Ahh?, Michael remembered? and in MY CAR no female isallowed to talk if not answering a direct question?.
Hollywas out of herself. ?You are both grounded? she shouted and?
?Darlingyou?ve no right to treat MY BOYS like this? It was the first time he made adistinction between their kids and Molly feared the worst.
?Youperfectly know their conduct is according to law and if they think that intheir car no female is to talk or wear panties I sanction it.? Henry?s voicewas stern and firm. Molly was softly crying, the boys widely smiling, but Hollywouldn?t accept her defeat so easily.
?Henry,darling, my god, Molly is like their sister you can?t be serious??
?I?mdead serious; in fact I herewith declare these same rules coming into force in30 seconds? He said banging his fist on the table. ?And? he added ?any malewhen in this house is allowed to check as he sees fit the correct performanceof these rules.
?HENRY?Holly shouted and wanted to add something else.
?15secs left, darling, or I give you both something toreally cry about?
Hollyhurriedly stripped of her panties. Molly didn?t move.
?Molly??Henry menacing asked.
Martinstood up and lifted his step-sisters skirt showing a nicely trimmed, youngcunt. He patted it with his left hand and stuck the hem of the skirt into thewaistband.
Martinhas been fancying his step-sister for years. When he occasionally had brushedher clothed ass or tits and got a boner from it. And now he was casuallypatting his sister?s nude cunt and in front of his parents; the smallestcontact with his trapped and pulsing cock would end in an uncontrollably cumming.
Mollywas so ashamed she didn?t react. Here she stood in front of her whole familyshowing her most private parts, and worst getting patted as a lap dog. Neitherthe fact that she should keep her skirt raised,showing all the time her young pussy to father and brothers did nothing tocomfort her.
Hollywas about telling her son to stop molesting his sister when Michael tried luckraising her skirt also.
?Michael?she cried ?stop that?
Wupp! Wupp!
Henryhad spanked her ass, twice, and with his slipper.
?Lethim make sure you are not cheating, darling. Visually and manually? He added.
?ButHenry you know I??
?WowMartin look at this? Michael shouted when a perfectly denuded cunt came intoview.
??shave?Holly finished her sentence in deep shame.
Michaelwasn?t bold enough to fondle his step-mom but Henry encouraged both his sons tomake sure she wore really nothing. Martin immediately placed his hand oncupping all her twat and inevitably came into his pants, thenMichael also felt his step-mom nether lips, more caressing than cupping
The Diaz
??but what the hell have youdone with all that money?? Maria angrily confronted her husband. ?We weresaving it for our daughters? college? Maria couldn?t just believe her eyes whenshe had opened the annual balance of their daughters? savings. There werenearly 25000 $ missing.
?I spent it? was Ramon?slaconic answer. Ramon Diaz, 35 y/o worked for a large shipyard. He had startedthere 17 years ago as longshoreman and he still looked like one: 6,5 feetand 220 poundswith not an ounce of fat.
His actual job was a lotbetter and better paid but his friends were still the same.
His petite, blond wife lookedangrily at her dark-haired husband and not satisfied with his answer she wenton inquiring: ?You spent it? You spent it? What for??How could he be so insensible?
?Well?Mike, Robby, Dan theFat, Shermanand I were often to ?The Club? since it opened some months ago?
?The Club? What rotten place is ?The Club?? Adive? A whorehouse? A?a ?. ascrew-track?.?
?Maria, please, there we meetwith Tatiana, Robby?s second wife and Mike?s twin daughters, Melanie andJennifer.?
?But, the money is gone, mygod, you egoist, you swine, you ??
?Maria, shut up? Hesuddenly cut of her verbal excesses ?Ido what I want with my money?
?Yourmoney??? She wanted to argue but again he told her to shut up.
?Yes,my money, you perfectly know it?s my money.?
?Andif you want to know about ?The Club? you?ll know, you?ll certainly know? hisvoice was low but the hidden menace chilled Maria to the bones ?? and Mandy andFanny will also know? He finished leaving the house through the same door hehad come in five minutes before.
?No,Darling, wait I was just??
Hewas gone.
??surprised?finished Maria near to tears.
Yesshe knew how things were now. She was suffering the changes each day at work(not to talk about wage cut), on public transport or wherever she met people.Every bloody evening she patiently listened to her daughters relating theinjustices they were going through. ?Damned Morrison? she thought.
?Dingdong? The doorbell rang.
?DarlingI?? her voice died in her throat.
Atthe door there were 4 enormous policemen.
?MsMaria Diaz??
?Yeees ?,Its me? She answered whimpering.
?Yourhusband has brought a lawsuit against you for picking a quarrel. Please turnaround. You are arrested.?
Evenbefore she could react she felt the handcuffs on her wrists.
?But,I,? please letme at least change into??
?Unrulyprisoner? Another policeman barked and without further ado he shoved a giganticball-gag into her still talking mouth.
Finallyshe got a bark-collar and then unceremoniously she was lead by a leash throughher front garden to the waiting police van.
Shefelt deeply humiliated. Some neighbors were looking as she was lead awayhandcuffed and on a leash, she felt like ?like a bitch. Mr. Meckler even wavedhis hand happily.? He called his wife toshow her the fate of rebellious women. She immediately started caressing hisgrowing cock whilst he enjoyed his neighbors fall from grace. She was rapidlylearning to adjust to his new draconian house rules.?
Thepolice van wasn?t empty.
?Inyou hop? One of the cops said and half slapped half showed her ass in.
Fixedby their collars to the van 3 women looked at her when the rear door opened.They were gagged, handcuffed and uncomfortably tiptoeing over a horizontal barcruelly cutting into their most private parts.
Soonshe too was tiptoeing over a bar. They had manhandled her with expertise butwith no respect, as if adjusting furniture or assembling a mockup. During herpositioning they fingered her slit, fondled her cunt and groped her ass, butthey did it as if part of their job.
Shewas sweating and whimpering when finally they arrivedthe City Court.
Somehours later she was brought into a hall marked as ?Court for Ultimate National Trials?. She was no expert inLaws, but the word ?Ultimate? meant there would be no possibility of retrial.
Heeyed her up and down as looking at a criminal. There she stood in whitesneakers, jeans and a red top, not to mention the bark-collar, ball-gag andcuffs.
?Youroffense is serious Ms. Diaz? he started sternly looking at her ?This countrycannot afford any more agitators and you should learn your place in society?With a movement of his head he indicated the guard to remove the prisoner?sgag.
?Isthere anything you would add in your deplorable defense?? He asked with ahidden mocking tone.
?Yourhighaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh?.? She was cramping on thefloor wetting herself. The bark-collar didn?t allowlouder tons then whispers.
?WellI see? unyielding? He said and made a gesture for her to be re-gagged.
?Asfor your offense I sentence you to 3 years of social work at your home nearestfacility, but for your inexcusable behavior at court I sentence both yourdaughters to realize the same labors you?ll do, but at their college and home.?
?Guilty,she has been found guilty? it was hard to swallow. She meekly followed the tugof her leash ?but at least I?ve been sentenced to social work and not toprison?
Onceat home and after a shower and a coffee she read the terms of her sentence.?It?s not as bad as it seemed? she thought: ?Social work at her spare time forthree years.? Uniform and further instructions would be provided by thefacility. She wasn?t familiar with the facilities? address. It was not thebeggar?s hospice, nor the old people?s home.
?WellI see? she thought.? The only annoying thing was her bark-collar; she was notallowed to remove it for the next three years.
Nowshe understood the collars she saw each time often. They were not in fashion;they were imposed by law, but being humiliating nobody talked about.
Anotherblack point was her daughters? sentence. ?How could they carry out the samelabors at college? Perhaps helping in the dining room, cleaning, etc. ?Yeah?she thought ?It may even be convenient after all?
Theevening was uneventful. She informed her husband in a low voice and he justnodded. Jenny (16) and Mandy (17) came crying from school and they were moreinterested in relating their experiences than in listening to their mother.
Social Work
?MariaDiaz it is, isn?t it?? Mr. Steven Taylor asked and without awaiting an answerhe sentenced ?I hope you understand that here in my Club you do as told or youface again the Judge with your ass looking like a Zebra?
Mariajust nodded. He stood up and inspected her walking around and slightly touchinghere and there.
?There?syour uniform? he said pointing at a small chair in the corner with someclothing item on it.
Marialooked at her uniform and didn?t know if to laugh or to cry. How on earth wasshe supposed to serve drinks and other entertainments dressed like that? Herbark-collar, ultra-high heeled boots, fishnets, a leather corset, a cap andlong rubber gloves, everything in dark, shiny black. That was all, her titswould be on display same as her pussy and ass.
?You?llstart on Monday? the Club owner, told her now blatantly fondling her ass. ?Thefirst week you?ll be attending tables just to warm up, afterwards your dutieswill be extended?
Mr.Taylor lethimself fell into a rocking chair before ordering her to put her outfit on ?tojudge the effect? he said.
Whilstshe was battling with her costume and her own pride he read again the sentenceof his new employee.
?Itwould be nice to have a look at her daughters? he thought imagining them in theclub?s uniform.
?Standhere next to me,? he said when finally she appeared wearing her humiliatingclothes ?hands behind your back, open your legs, yeah, nice?. His hand slowlyfingered the humiliated housewife?s slit. ?Perhaps we shave it off. Would youlike it? He questioned looking at her.
Ashamedshe shook her head. That wasn?t what she expected when sentenced to socialwork. ?How many people were going to see her naked???Has she been sentence to become a community whore???
?Mygod, Amanda and Jenny are sentenced to THIS?? Nooo,not to this, my god?!
Herthoughts frightened and somehow excited her, this fact added to Mr. Steven?s knowing finger made her suddenly aware of anmounting orgasm.
Mr.Taylor had noticed she was slightly fucking herself on his fingers and slowlyincrease the rhythm.
?Mygod I?m cumming? she whispered and clenching both herlegs together she rocked on his hand.
Theinterview was over and with a hard slap on her as she went home.
OnMonday she was to find at the Club entrance exact that picture: She in heruniform cumming on Mr. Taylor?s hand.
Thepicture?s dimension was at least 2 x 2 meters. A lot of people were looking at andcommenting it. In fat bold letters the title advised :Ms. Diaz. Our latest acquisition. See by yourself ?cum in.
TheClub was in full swing when suddenly she recognized her husband?s co-workers.She prayed to be struck by a lightning but instead of she was called by Sherman.
Thefact that her thumbs were trapped by the tray made it impossible for her toshield her parts or to avoid any advance made on her by whomever and thebark-collar impeded her to tell them to stop.
Thereshe stood, in her uniform, facing Mike, Robby, Danny and Sherman. It lookedgorgeous on her. Her short blond hair contrasted well with the black cap, hergenerous but firm tits looked appealing, the cruelly tighten corset? reduced her waist and made her ass lookbigger. In the front, a thick plaited strap, cutting deeply into her womanhoodand rubbing constantly on her clit, connected to the rear of the corset.
Like this she got arousedand her moistening slit was clearly visible, even in that half-light. Her highheels protruded it further as if asking for attention. Attention she wasgetting.
?Hi,Maria, nice to meet you? he said and without standing up he boldly proceeded tofondle the naked ass of his co-workers wife.
?Ilike your outfit? Said Robby stretching out his left hand and totally cuppingher pussy with it.
Mike,who now stood behind her, cupped both her tits and said ?Yeah, Rob, a lotbetter than what she used to dress before?
?Please, please? shewhimpered not daring to raise her voice cause of the collar.
She knew these men, sheconsidered them friends, kind of, but now they seemingly considered her lower,to low indeed to show any respect. Danny or Dan the Fat as his friends used tocall him commented about her blonde bush whilst softly fingering her exposedlabia.
She felt totally humiliatedand when Dan the Fat commented she was moist down there raising laughter, shecould have died on the spot.
Finally they ordered theirdrinks and she was dismissed with a smack on her ass.
Ramon wasn?t lying when hesaid that at The Club they met Tatiana and the Monroe Twins. She recognizedTatiana when serving some beers at her husband buddy?s table. The impressiveRussian was on her four blowing Danny whilst Mike was mind absently fingerfucking her. Tatiana?s husband, far from being jealous, was getting his cockcared by Mike?s daughters. With both of them sitting astride facing him,Melanie on his left and Fanny on his right leg, he enjoyed both: their youngcunts and the spectacle of his former pride wife giving head to his friend.
Whilst she stood theregetting her ass fondled by Sherman,Tatiana finished Danny off and crawled?
?My god she is crawlinglike a bitch? thought Maria suddenly realizing that the bark-collar was morethan just a control device. It was a clear status indicator.
..andcrawled over to Sherman who then, with renewed vigor massaged, fondled ,pinched and probed Maria?s exposed sex and ass.
If her first day at TheClub had been humiliating a lot worse was her next day at work. Well, to telltruth it got worse as soon as she got home. If women in that new politicalclimate had fewer rights than before, collared women seemed to have none.
On the bus she reallydidn?t pay attention to the continuous, more or less evident, hands molestingher. After a whole afternoon suffering probing and evil finger on and in hermost private parts, an occasionally cupping of her ass or brushing of herbreasts was everything but alarming.
?Good evening Ms. Diaz?Greeted Mr. Meckler when she stepped out of her car, late that afternoon.
She politely nodded withher head not daring to speak, cause of the damned bark-collar.
?Could you please come overfor a moment?
Even it was a question thetone was commanding and without talking it would have been difficult to deny,so she complied.
To be continued?
TheLaw of Private Ground
Ifour government has been outstanding for something through history, that is forsure it?s exceptional capability in finding whom to blame:
Thefact would be rather trivial if not cause they use to carry it out in such asuperb way that the citizen really believe that all their problems were defacto related to and caused by that designed group, acting in consequence.
It?s not important at allthat this focus has switched from Indians to the black population, fromCommunists to Muslims, from Russians to Arabs, always the group in the hurricane?seye suffered for it, with everybody abusing and nobody defending them.
It happens that once againthe citizens were unhappy, unruly, close to civil war. Too many taxes, too muchstress, everywhere they found restricting laws and problems. The lawmakerthemselves were lost in a quagmire of interests and interpretations.
The point was to find a newenemy, a group to which the main population would easily have access to dischargetheir rage.
President Morrison came upwith the main idea after a quarrel with his wife. He, the most powerful man inworld could not even have a smoke after lunch because of his wife?s endlesscomplaining. He, the President of the
Suddenly, realization dawned.Women were the BIG PROBLEM. They were out of control and worse, trying tocontrol everything.
?We need new laws? he toldhis closest collaborators ?lets to prepare the ground for it?.
New TV programs emerged, newforums, a new way of telling the news, new laws and absolutely new regulations;it was the beginning of a New Era.
One of those regulations wasnicknamed ?My home my Castle? cause in the typical unintelligible legal jargon it sanctioned any measure a (male) groundowner would take on his ground;
Anotherone was nicknamed as ?peacemaker? and was a kind of zero tolerance regulation withany disturbing attitude, quarreling or rebellion.
The Mecklers
Holly was in her kitchenpreparing supper. Sitting at the desk, her husband, Henry, looked at her andrealized once again how pretty she really was.
She was nearly
In fact their daughterMolly (17) was taking after her mother and at first glance they looked confusinglysimilar, like sisters or even twins.
Both of them had got black hairand green eyes, were slim but well endowed in their upper department; theirlong legs and round asses were also a plus. All in all, both were reallypretty.
When Henry had married her14 years ago, both were young single parents. She causeof a divorce and him a widower with two little boys.
?Holly, today in the officewe?ve had great fun? he told his wife.
?Oh, yes, you rememberMartina, the blonde one in HR? He asked and went on when he saw she nodded?today we?ve stripped her naked, collared her like a bitch and walked herthrough the office on a leash, on her fours.? He explained as if explaining afootball match. ?Ronnie, the concierge,even stuck a feather duster into her blonde cunt, and made her wiggle it like ahappy bitch?
Holly was horrified, butlately it was somehow politically correct to publicly humiliate grown up women.So she kept silent and just nodded again. She remembered that just a few daysago on TV the young news reporter misspelled twice an Arabic name and on thespot her male colleague administered a spanking on her naked ass. He made herstrip totally, fondled her to his heart content and than after parading heraround, he spanked her. All this happened in front of the running cameras andin prime time.? There was no ?kidwarning? and in the way the cameramen filmed her colleague?s spanking you couldeasily have taught a complete course of female anatomy.
Engrossed in her thoughtsshe missed some of Henry?s next sentences ?? has established funny rules atoffice? He finished saying. She didn?t dare to ask about them and went onpreparing her family?s supper.
Molly, Martin (16) andMichael (18) came in like a whirlwind. The latter drove his siblings home makingMolly wait for him and Martin to take their karate lessons.
The boys were in best mood,whilst Molly clearly showed she?d just stopped crying.
?Mom, its horrible? Mollystarted in a low voice ?I don?t want to go to school or at least give me enoughmoney to come home on my own?
?Help me to put the tableand then explain us what?s so disturbing? her mother said moving around thekitchen.
Finally the whole familywas sitting at the big wooden desk in the dining room. Father and sons used thesofa and watched TV, mother and daughter in front of them, on chairs. Behindthem on the left was a big plasma screen and on the right the door to the restof the house.
?What?s it to you, Molly,my heart? Asked Holly really caring about her daughter.
?The boys at school, theteacher, and my grades??she started crying again?? and Martin and Michael??
Some hick-ups came up.
?Keep quiet Molly, keepquiet? Her mother embraced her warmly. She could understand that her daughterhad problems with boys, grades and teacher, but what happen with Martin andMichael?
She decided to ask her sonsright there.
?Michael, please tell uswhy Molly is crying?? What have youdone??
?Mom, come on, that?s notimportant now? came the lenient answer ?we are watching the news?
?MICHAEL? she shouted ?Idon?t care about the news, why is your sister crying?
?Well, ahm,it?s ?? He stuttered.
?She had problems acceptingthe new car rules? came Martin?s prompt answer.
?Carrules?? ?What kind of bullshit isit?? Holly?s voice denoted real anger.
?Darling, calm down? Henryintervened ?putting a hand on hers ?let the boys explain it?.
?Today atschool, Mr. Washington, our socialsciences prof.?
?Yes?Michael enthusiastically shouted ?In our classroom he even made a practicaldemonstration?
?A practical demonstration??
?Yes, Daddy, a practical demonstration.?
Hollyhad no interest in knowing about that practical demonstration, her real concernwas about her daughter.
?Martin,what kind of horrible rules have you devised? she asked her younger son.
?Mom,is it Michaels car or not? Martin asked.
?Ofcourse, but??
?Thenhe is free to make new rules come into force, isn?t he??
?MARTIN?Holly was getting angry ?stop talking bullshit and explain what the hell hashappened?.
?Ienforced a no-panties-rule? Michael quietly said. ?In my car no female isallowed to wear panties, anymore?
?Youare nuts?? their mother started, but she was interrupted by Martin, somehowencouraged by his fathers smile.
?Mom,we didn?t make her throw them away, we kindly permitted her to bring themhome.?
?Theystuffed my used panties into my mouth?? came a cryingintervention from Molly.
Hollywas out of herself. ?You are both grounded? she shouted and?
?Darlingyou?ve no right to treat MY BOYS like this? It was the first time he made adistinction between their kids and Molly feared the worst.
?Youperfectly know their conduct is according to law and if they think that intheir car no female is to talk or wear panties I sanction it.? Henry?s voicewas stern and firm. Molly was softly crying, the boys widely smiling, but Hollywouldn?t accept her defeat so easily.
?Henry,darling, my god, Molly is like their sister you can?t be serious??
?I?mdead serious; in fact I herewith declare these same rules coming into force in30 seconds? He said banging his fist on the table. ?And? he added ?any malewhen in this house is allowed to check as he sees fit the correct performanceof these rules.
?HENRY?Holly shouted and wanted to add something else.
?15secs left, darling, or I give you both something toreally cry about?
Hollyhurriedly stripped of her panties. Molly didn?t move.
?Molly??Henry menacing asked.
Martinstood up and lifted his step-sisters skirt showing a nicely trimmed, youngcunt. He patted it with his left hand and stuck the hem of the skirt into thewaistband.
Martinhas been fancying his step-sister for years. When he occasionally had brushedher clothed ass or tits and got a boner from it. And now he was casuallypatting his sister?s nude cunt and in front of his parents; the smallestcontact with his trapped and pulsing cock would end in an uncontrollably
Mollywas so ashamed she didn?t react. Here she stood in front of her whole familyshowing her most private parts, and worst getting patted as a lap dog. Neitherthe fact that she should keep her skirt raised,showing all the time her young pussy to father and brothers did nothing tocomfort her.
Hollywas about telling her son to stop molesting his sister when Michael tried luckraising her skirt also.
?Michael?she cried ?stop that?
Wupp! Wupp!
Henryhad spanked her ass, twice, and with his slipper.
?Lethim make sure you are not cheating, darling. Visually and manually? He added.
?ButHenry you know I??
?WowMartin look at this? Michael shouted when a perfectly denuded cunt came intoview.
??shave?Holly finished her sentence in deep shame.
Michaelwasn?t bold enough to fondle his step-mom but Henry encouraged both his sons tomake sure she wore really nothing. Martin immediately placed his hand oncupping all her twat and inevitably came into his pants, thenMichael also felt his step-mom nether lips, more caressing than cupping
The Diaz
??but what the hell have youdone with all that money?? Maria angrily confronted her husband. ?We weresaving it for our daughters? college? Maria couldn?t just believe her eyes whenshe had opened the annual balance of their daughters? savings. There werenearly 25000 $ missing.
?I spent it? was Ramon?slaconic answer. Ramon Diaz, 35 y/o worked for a large shipyard. He had startedthere 17 years ago as longshoreman and he still looked like one:
His actual job was a lotbetter and better paid but his friends were still the same.
His petite, blond wife lookedangrily at her dark-haired husband and not satisfied with his answer she wenton inquiring: ?You spent it? You spent it? What for??How could he be so insensible?
?Well?Mike, Robby, Dan theFat,
?The Club?
?Maria, please, there we meetwith Tatiana, Robby?s second wife and Mike?s twin daughters, Melanie andJennifer.?
?But, the money is gone, mygod, you egoist, you swine, you ??
?Maria, shut up? Hesuddenly cut of her verbal excesses ?Ido what I want with my money?
?Yourmoney??? She wanted to argue but again he told her to shut up.
?Yes,my money, you perfectly know it?s my money.?
?Andif you want to know about ?The Club? you?ll know, you?ll certainly know? hisvoice was low but the hidden menace chilled Maria to the bones ?? and Mandy andFanny will also know? He finished leaving the house through the same door hehad come in five minutes before.
?No,Darling, wait I was just??
Hewas gone.
??surprised?finished Maria near to tears.
Yesshe knew how things were now. She was suffering the changes each day at work(not to talk about wage cut), on public transport or wherever she met people.Every bloody evening she patiently listened to her daughters relating theinjustices they were going through. ?Damned Morrison? she thought.
?Dingdong? The doorbell rang.
?DarlingI?? her voice died in her throat.
Atthe door there were 4 enormous policemen.
?MsMaria Diaz??
?Yourhusband has brought a lawsuit against you for picking a quarrel. Please turnaround. You are arrested.?
Evenbefore she could react she felt the handcuffs on her wrists.
?But,I,? please letme at least change into??
?Unrulyprisoner? Another policeman barked and without further ado he shoved a giganticball-gag into her still talking mouth.
Finallyshe got a bark-collar and then unceremoniously she was lead by a leash throughher front garden to the waiting police van.
Shefelt deeply humiliated. Some neighbors were looking as she was lead awayhandcuffed and on a leash, she felt like ?like a bitch. Mr. Meckler even wavedhis hand happily.? He called his wife toshow her the fate of rebellious women. She immediately started caressing hisgrowing cock whilst he enjoyed his neighbors fall from grace. She was rapidlylearning to adjust to his new draconian house rules.
Thepolice van wasn?t empty.
?Inyou hop? One of the cops said and half slapped half showed her ass in.
Fixedby their collars to the van 3 women looked at her when the rear door opened.They were gagged, handcuffed and uncomfortably tiptoeing over a horizontal barcruelly cutting into their most private parts.
Soonshe too was tiptoeing over a bar. They had manhandled her with expertise butwith no respect, as if adjusting furniture or assembling a mockup. During herpositioning they fingered her slit, fondled her cunt and groped her ass, butthey did it as if part of their job.
Shewas sweating and whimpering when finally they arrivedthe City Court.
Somehours later she was brought into a hall marked as ?C
Heeyed her up and down as looking at a criminal. There she stood in whitesneakers, jeans and a red top, not to mention the bark-collar, ball-gag andcuffs.
?Youroffense is serious Ms. Diaz? he started sternly looking at her ?This countrycannot afford any more agitators and you should learn your place in society?With a movement of his head he indicated the guard to remove the prisoner?sgag.
?Isthere anything you would add in your deplorable defense?? He asked with ahidden mocking tone.
?Yourhighaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh?.? She was cramping on thefloor wetting herself. The bark-collar didn?t allowlouder tons then whispers.
?WellI see? unyielding? He said and made a gesture for her to be re-gagged.
?Asfor your offense I sentence you to 3 years of social work at your home nearestfacility, but for your inexcusable behavior at court I sentence both yourdaughters to realize the same labors you?ll do, but at their college and home.?
?Guilty,she has been found guilty? it was hard to swallow. She meekly followed the tugof her leash ?but at least I?ve been sentenced to social work and not toprison?
Onceat home and after a shower and a coffee she read the terms of her sentence.?It?s not as bad as it seemed? she thought: ?Social work at her spare time forthree years.? Uniform and further instructions would be provided by thefacility. She wasn?t familiar with the facilities? address. It was not thebeggar?s hospice, nor the old people?s home.
?WellI see? she thought.? The only annoying thing was her bark-collar; she was notallowed to remove it for the next three years.
Nowshe understood the collars she saw each time often. They were not in fashion;they were imposed by law, but being humiliating nobody talked about.
Anotherblack point was her daughters? sentence. ?How could they carry out the samelabors at college? Perhaps helping in the dining room, cleaning, etc. ?Yeah?she thought ?It may even be convenient after all?
Theevening was uneventful. She informed her husband in a low voice and he justnodded. Jenny (16) and Mandy (17) came crying from school and they were moreinterested in relating their experiences than in listening to their mother.
Social Work
?MariaDiaz it is, isn?t it?? Mr. Steven Taylor asked and without awaiting an answerhe sentenced ?I hope you understand that here in my Club you do as told or youface again the Judge with your ass looking like a Zebra?
Mariajust nodded. He stood up and inspected her walking around and slightly touchinghere and there.
?There?syour uniform? he said pointing at a small chair in the corner with someclothing item on it.
Marialooked at her uniform and didn?t know if to laugh or to cry. How on earth wasshe supposed to serve drinks and other entertainments dressed like that? Herbark-collar, ultra-high heeled boots, fishnets, a leather corset, a cap andlong rubber gloves, everything in dark, shiny black. That was all, her titswould be on display same as her pussy and ass.
?You?llstart on Monday? the Club owner, told her now blatantly fondling her ass. ?Thefirst week you?ll be attending tables just to warm up, afterwards your dutieswill be extended?
Whilstshe was battling with her costume and her own pride he read again the sentenceof his new employee.
?Itwould be nice to have a look at her daughters? he thought imagining them in theclub?s uniform.
?Standhere next to me,? he said when finally she appeared wearing her humiliatingclothes ?hands behind your back, open your legs, yeah, nice?. His hand slowlyfingered the humiliated housewife?s slit. ?Perhaps we shave it off. Would youlike it? He questioned looking at her.
Ashamedshe shook her head. That wasn?t what she expected when sentenced to socialwork. ?How many people were going to see her naked???Has she been sentence to become a community whore??
?Mygod, Amanda and Jenny are sentenced to THIS?? Nooo,not to this, my god?!
Herthoughts frightened and somehow excited her, this fact added to Mr.
Mr.Taylor had noticed she was slightly fucking herself on his fingers and slowlyincrease the rhythm.
?Mygod I?m cumming? she whispered and clenching both herlegs together she rocked on his hand.
Theinterview was over and with a hard slap on her as she went home.
OnMonday she was to find at the Club entrance exact that picture: She in heruniform cumming on Mr. Taylor?s hand.
Thepicture?s dimension was at least 2 x
TheClub was in full swing when suddenly she recognized her husband?s co-workers.She prayed to be struck by a lightning but instead of she was called by
Thefact that her thumbs were trapped by the tray made it impossible for her toshield her parts or to avoid any advance made on her by whomever and thebark-collar impeded her to tell them to stop.
Thereshe stood, in her uniform,
Like this she got arousedand her moistening slit was clearly visible, even in that half-light. Her highheels protruded it further as if asking for attention. Attention she wasgetting.
?Hi,Maria, nice to meet you? he said and without standing up he boldly proceeded tofondle the naked ass of his co-workers wife.
?Ilike your outfit? Said Robby stretching out his left hand and totally cuppingher pussy with it.
Mike,who now stood behind her, cupped both her tits and said ?Yeah, Rob, a lotbetter than what she used to dress before?
?Please, please? shewhimpered not daring to raise her voice cause of the collar.
She knew these men, sheconsidered them friends, kind of, but now they seemingly considered her lower,to low indeed to show any respect. Danny or Dan the Fat as his friends used tocall him commented about her blonde bush whilst softly fingering her exposedlabia.
She felt totally humiliatedand when Dan the Fat commented she was moist down there raising laughter, shecould have died on the spot.
Finally they ordered theirdrinks and she was dismissed with a smack on her ass.
Ramon wasn?t lying when hesaid that at The Club they met Tatiana and the Monroe Twins. She recognizedTatiana when serving some beers at her husband buddy?s table. The impressiveRussian was on her four blowing Danny whilst Mike was mind absently fingerfucking her. Tatiana?s husband, far from being jealous, was getting his cockcared by Mike?s daughters. With both of them sitting astride facing him,Melanie on his left and Fanny on his right leg, he enjoyed both: their youngcunts and the spectacle of his former pride wife giving head to his friend.
Whilst she stood theregetting her ass fondled by
?My god she is crawlinglike a bitch? thought Maria suddenly realizing that the bark-collar was morethan just a control device. It was a clear status indicator.
..andcrawled over to Sherman who then, with renewed vigor massaged, fondled ,pinched and probed Maria?s exposed sex and ass.
If her first day at TheClub had been humiliating a lot worse was her next day at work. Well, to telltruth it got worse as soon as she got home. If women in that new politicalclimate had fewer rights than before, collared women seemed to have none.
On the bus she reallydidn?t pay attention to the continuous, more or less evident, hands molestingher. After a whole afternoon suffering probing and evil finger on and in hermost private parts, an occasionally cupping of her ass or brushing of herbreasts was everything but alarming.
?Good evening Ms. Diaz?Greeted Mr. Meckler when she stepped out of her car, late that afternoon.
She politely nodded withher head not daring to speak, cause of the damned bark-collar.
?Could you please come overfor a moment?
Even it was a question thetone was commanding and without talking it would have been difficult to deny,so she complied.
To be continued?
It was difficult for Elizabeth and her son-in-law Matthew because they both longed to get together again for more sexual action, concentrating on Elizabeth's large and shapely backside, but they did not want to raise the suspicions of Matthew's wife and Elizabeth's daughter, Kate.Although Kate and Matthew were not too happy with each other at the time, Kate noticed but did not understand a change in her husband, they visited Elizabeth and her husband Stanley together on a Saturday.Elizabeth...
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Incest"Man alive, I sure didn't think this was gonna be this messy of ajob! Bob, I'm gonna go take a shower and get these dirty cloths off. Youwanna do the same?" "Well yeah, I'll take a shower, but I didn't bring anything else toput on, so guess I'll just have to shake these out and put `em back on." "Hey, tell you what! Go take your shower and let me put those andmine in the wash. It won't take very long for `em to wash and dry and thenI know we'll both feel better, OK?" "Well yeah, I guess. ...
Following Sammy's instructions, Bob pulled off of his dick, lickingthe tip of it one final time, just as Chuck stepped over and had hishard-on cock ready for Bob to take control of. "Oh yeah man, oh yeah!" Chuck strongly uttered as he fed his dickinto his brother-in-law's warm and juicy mouth! "Oh man alive! Oh yeahBob suck, me suck me, tight! Oh yeah guys this is good! Bob, how's mydick man, how's my dick?" Fully unable to answer Chuck's question, since he had his mouthfull of Chuck's...
"OK, how we gonna do this?" Bob asked as the three menre-approached their prior area of sexual encounters, after spending a fewminutes in the water, rinsing off and rather refreshing after the fuckingin the ass, that neither Bob nor Chuck had obviously expected to havehappen this day. Well, any day in-fact! But, of course, especially notduring this casual day, just spent walking in the woods! Individually each man, Bob and Chuck had already silently thankedthe Lord that they had been bare...
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Mother-in-Law helps out.I got married way too young. I met my first wife in my first year at Uni and by the time we left, both 21, we had moved in together and decided to make things official. Wanting to avoid family pressure to put on a big do, we went from proposal to register office in just a couple of months. We were giddy with excitement about the long future we would have together.Sarah was short, slim, small-chested, with short dark hair and although conservative in what she would do in...
After our last encounter, I spent the next few days trying to figure out if she remembered what happened that magical night. I am starting to realize that she A.) Does not rememberB.) She is trying to forget or pretending that nothing happenedC.) She really does not know what happenedRegardless, it was still an amazing night and could not believe it actually happened. The next weekend was just another weekend, we planned dinner with my in laws at this fancy little steakhouse downtown. We were...
This was monday night the mother in law rang to say she wanted me to do her a little job, ok I said i will be down in a hour knowing full well I would finish up fucking her, When I got to the mother in laws the sister in law was there, she ask me if I would like a drink of tea, yes I said, the mother in law says to me can u look at the tap in the kitchen so I follow the sister in law in the kitchen & close the door, I have fucked her a couple of times before, we was just chatting I got...
Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his...
Mother-in-Law in PantyhoseMy wife's mother is a beautiful lady. Ever since I met her, we would flirt lightly with each other, many times right in front of my wife. My Mother in-law also is in a position at her work that requires her to dress very classy. She wears pantyhose nearly everyday and I often wondered if she had some sort of fetish for pantyhose, since she often talked about them.My...
Unlike my other stories this one is not 100% true. its just one of my fantasies. though there are a lot true parts, you'll just have to guess what is and isn't true. Enjoy!When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, were first married we moved into a mother-in-law apartment attached to my father-in-law's, his name is Eric. Eric's wife, my mother in law, unfortunately passed away when Charles was young. So Eric had been single since.Eric had a very nice home and 5 acres of land to go with it. My...
Mother-in-law Panty Funbykebbyman©Evan lifted the hamper top and began rummaging through his mother-in-laws dirty clothes. Almost instantly he found what he was looking for. A pair of his sexy mother-in-law's dirty silky panties! They were full cut bright green with a wide lace waistband and cute lace trim around the leg openings. A nice pussy stain was embedded in the crotch and the sight of it made his bloated balls tingle. And, they were also one of the favorite pairs he liked to relieve...
Leaving them to catch up l went for a walk when l returned Jodie poured me a glass declaring since l didn’t have to drive it would be fine for me to have a drink, l thanked her and sat at the table. I have to say it did feel strange sitting with my mother-in-law Molly and her sister Jodie listening to them rattle on about boyfriends in their teenage years and what they got up to, it was quite entertaining and sometimes a bit raunchy well coming from 2 woman in their 60s. It turned into a...
Evan lifted the hamper top and began rummaging through his mother-in-laws dirty clothes. Almost instantly he found what he was looking for. A pair of his sexy mother-in-law's dirty silky panties! They were full cut bright green with a wide lace waistband and cute lace trim around the leg openings. A nice pussy stain was embedded in the crotch and the sight of it made his bloated balls tingle. And, they were also one of the favorite pairs he liked to relieve himself into. He and his wife Carol...
Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother - Par "Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly...
Hi friends i am vicky.i am avid reader of this group’s stories. I like experiences you narrate in desipapa about sex with mother, Bhabhi, aunty. I love incest sex. I have inclination towards sex With family members as i have seen accidently initially and then Chupke chupke women of the house changing clothes, bathing, Masturbating. When i married i got mother in law who was not careful About her activities. She did many things unknowingly that aroused Me sexually. As i had bent of mind for...
Incest“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
I got off work early for a weekend to myself, the wife was away with her dad to visit some distant family members, neither of them really wanted to go but for the sake of possible future falling out it was the easier option. I had nothing planned and that was the way I wanted it. 3 days, 2 nights of me time, wake up when I wanted, get ready if I wanted and do what I wanted. It was a red hot summers day, so the plan was simply sit in the garden, soak up some sun and have an afternoon of...
I got off work early for a weekend to myself, the wife was away with her dad to visit some distant family members, neither of them really wanted to go but for the sake of possible future falling out it was the easier option. I had nothing planned and that was the way I wanted it. 3 days, 2 nights of me time, wake up when I wanted, get ready if I wanted and do what I wanted. It was a red hot summers day, so the plan was simply sit in the garden, soak up some sun and have an afternoon of...
Brother in LawNancy knows her sister Dianne is out of town for a couple of days in a business trip, but she drives towards her sister’s house, it was around 9 pm, she was dressed slutty, short tight dress, light material with low cut top, push up bra showing her cleavage and most of upper parts of her big sized tits, intentionally leaving a couple of buttons unbuttoned.She knocks at the door, her brother in law was alone at home as she had expected, Once the door was opened, he appeared in a...
My name is Paul and I love my mother in law, we have always got on well together ever since I married her daughter 20 years earlier, we had even progressed to a little titillation and on more than one occasion she had caught me looking at her legs when she sat cross legged on the sofa and a couple of times when I tried to peer down her top to see what color bra she had or if she even wore one or as much of her breasts as possible, she would always give me one of those sexy knowing smiles. ...
My name is Paul and I love my mother in law, we have always got on well together ever since I married her daughter 20 years earlier, we had even progressed to a little titillation and on more than one occasion she had caught me looking at her legs when she sat cross legged on the sofa and a couple of times when I tried to peer down her top to see what color bra she had or if she even wore one or as much of her breasts as possible, she would always give me one of those sexy knowing smiles. Carol...
My name is Paul and I love my mother in law, we have always got on well together ever since I married her daughter 20 years earlier, we had even progressed to a little titillation and on more than one occasion she had caught me looking at her legs when she sat cross legged on the sofa and a couple of times when I tried to peer down her top to see what color bra she had or if she even wore one or as much of her breasts as possible, she would always give me one of those sexy knowing smiles. Carol...
Son Anil’s wife and she was young, modern, was always dressed like the new Bollywood heroines when she wore sari, it was always backless, sleeveless, deep cuts letting her cleavage visible always or she often got dressed in tight jeans, and sexy t-shirts. She wore shorts at home letting all her big, beautiful thighs for the pleasure of viewers as Anil was 38, his wife Aarti was only 26 and they had two children. She was a housewife. So all day she was at home. Anil moved back to gulf and his...
IncestHello guys, this is Armaan from this side of the story. This is a real incident, which happened about 6 months ago in Pune. This story is about how I fucked or rather got fucked by my brother’s mother-in-law. So, without wasting a lot of your time, I’ll come to the story. This is a long one as I’m going to explain how I seduced my brother’s mother-in-law and got seduced instead. Brace yourself for the ride! Are you guys ready to shag your wands and girls get ready to feel your pussies dripping...
I had been away at work for 3 weeks and was coming to the end of a 16 hour drive home. I had called my partner Cathy about 5 hours ago and told her I should be home around midnight. She replied “ I will be well asleep by then, don’t wake me when you get home. Drive safe I love you"I arrived home just after midnight and parked my ute in the back yard. Living on a corner block I had a side gate into the back yard and with the vehicle securely locked away I entered the house through the laundry...
Katherine has a new outfit. You saw it in her car Every last ounce of you wants it, wants to wear it, wants You realize there is no way you can get it from her...but you can buy one exactly the same! Katherine, has such wonderful classy taste. you love how she dresses, her style, her wardrobe, everything about her. You've planned it out so well, you know she bought it at Nordstrom's, the size, everything. You have hatched this bizarre little plan, of you walking into the...
There I stood in front of my mother-in-law. She was wearing a pair of my wife’s black back seamed silk stockings, black bustier, thong panties, and a pair of super high heels shoes that my wife only wore once for my birthday. I was heading to get something out of my walk in closet when I discovered her hiding there. She stood in front of me all embarrassed and her face started to turn red.She wasn’t the only one embarrassed. I was standing there naked and as I looked at her beautiful plump...
The morning came and over breakfast l asked where was the nearest sex shop, Molly said there was one in town but she didn’t want to go there as someone could see her going in but found another in Kingslyn and would prefer we go there, so Kingslyn it was, l suggested we make a day of it and have lunch, Molly liked the idea. She finished her breakfast and went for a shower when l joined her she had her back to me, l reached around to her front to play with her tits then slid one of my hands...
my mother in law is a knock out – married at 15 and pregnant at 16 with my wife – she never looked like the mother of a 22 year old women. My mother in law is Eva half Asian half Latina. She is 5’8 and its all legs and ass, she has great tits firm 36 D’s and long black hair that reaches her ass. She owns her own business and go to my gym 3 times a week. Eva dresses sexy but not slutty – I told my wife I wanted her to wear stockings(prefer thigh highs) and heels on a regular basis- shortly...
my mother in law is a knock out - married at 15 and pregnant at 16 with my wife - she never looked like the mother of a 22 year old women. My mother in law is Eva half Asian half Latina. She is 5'8 and its all legs and ass, she has great tits firm 36 D's and long black hair that reaches her ass. She owns her own business and go to my gym 3 times a week. Eva dresses sexy but not slutty - I told my wife I wanted her to wear stockings(prefer thigh highs) and heels on a regular basis- shortly after...
Brother in LawNancy knows her sister Dianne is out of town for a couple of days in a business trip, but she drives towards her sister’s house, it was around 9 pm, she was dressed slutty, short tight dress, light material with low cut top, push up bra showing most of upper parts of her big sized tits, intentionally leaving a couple of buttons unbuttoned.She knocks at the door, her brother in law opens the door, he was alone at home as she expected, and wearing a pair of shorts only, as it was...
Mother-in-Law Panties Ch. 02bytrianglestitch©This is the brave next step into pushing through my mother-in-law better...but first a little background for those who missed the first story.So I'm just the average Joe. But I married into a wealthy family...both in money and in looks. My wife is the eldest of five k**s, two of whom are budding and beautiful women. Now I don't want to take away from the k**s (of whom I will have another series of stories about) but the most gorgeous and beautiful of...
I hadn’t planned it at all and I blame my wife for the problem initially. Jenny and I were part of a crowd that went around together. There were six guys and six girls all white teenagers except Darren who was a black guy, well half cast really and his very black wife Jean who were in there thirties. Darren had always been a sexual predator but Jean tried to keep him under control. This couple had two small c***dren and Darren had an identical twin brother who joined our nights out on the town...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Readers, if you have read my previous story with my Father-in-law, you must have known by now how he first got me in his bathroom with my husband standing just opposite the door without having any knowledge. After that, he came after me in many occasions but he ensured that every one of them were special. He stuck to his own style; he never fucked me when my hubby was not around. There were always people nearby, or over the phone and he always related...
IncestIt was New Years eve,my wife and I had went out to her mother's to see the new year in.My wife entered first exchanged the usual pleasantries, kissing her mum and dad and proceeding in,I entered after her dad having being second for my wife I shook his hand and he turned away, I went for the normal kiss on the lips but to my surprise I felt a tongue as both my father-in-law and my wife entered the living room. In response with the normal arm round for a New year's kiss, I dropped my arm and...
My Mother-in-Law By Erica Wright 7/2/07-9/26/07 This dirty, nasty story of complete submission is dedicated to Michelle. I would have never written this story without her. Prologue: At the age of twenty-five, I can admit two things, first, I am a cross dresser. Yes, I get off on wearing women?s clothes. The sexier the better. Tight and sexy is the best. I can trace dressing for pleasure back almost 20 years. The second thing I can admit is, I am also a panty-sniffer. In reality I...
I’ve always had a good friendly relationship and a strange sexual fascination with Yvonne, my mother in law, maybes helped because she lived a good hundred miles away. Yvonne never gave me the come-on and never hinted in any way that anything would ever happen so I just put it down to one of those sexual crushes for the mother in law.Yvonne is no stunner, now nearing her mid fifties; she carries off her fuller figure well with the clothes she wears. She dresses very conservatively, skirts to...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
On holiday abroad,Me & the mother in law are on the beech, talking to two lads about 30, there looking at her tits and ask if we would like to go to the happy hour with them, I said yes & asked the mother in law yes ok she says, I know we was going to get pissed so I told her to bring her stuff with her, We gets in the bar & I get the drinks whisky & orange for her & beers for us, Well we sit & we are talking, she says I will have to go for a wee ok I says, when she gone...
Hello readers, I am Sultanasinha, aged 36 male from Patna back with 50th story. The story has been sent by Latha to be published on ISS. If you like, the story, please send your comments via mail or The story, which I am going to narrate, took place after four years of my marriage. My first child was 2 years old at that time. Our small family consisting of yours truly, husband and a baby was staying at Bangalore. Husband’s parents visited us and decided to stay one month with us. I was still...
IncestAfter our first encounter, that very pleasant sex together in the bathroom, I guess both of us were unsure how to behave in the days after, especially when my wife and sister-in-law were there to again make us into a Family of 4. I decided to try and be as natural as possible, though perhaps my wife wondered why I didn’t attempt love-making as often as previously, her rebuffs so constant these days and nights that I truly did promise myself I would become celibate! Well, celibate with my...
(Inspired by the sexiness of my mother-in-law and larger-sized women: Be Happy Girls!) Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Mae, to whom I, and the whole family, turned to: she was an ex-nurse after all. We all lived in the one house (the one I had bought as part of my wedding payment): me, my wife, Mae and younger sister of my wife. Funny I guess, but I am older than my mother-in-law, though yes: I call her Mae (mother) – only 2 years mind! My wife and...
"Goodnight Christopher!" I watched my mother in law as she climbed the stairs to her bedroom and I heard the door close behind her as she went off to bed, carrying the mug of hot milk her considerate son in law had made her as a nightcap. She always said coffee kept her awake. I smiled to myself - this particular mug of milk was intended to have the opposite effect. If my contact with the chemistry degree was telling the truth my old bitch of a mother in law was soon to be in a very deep sleep...